- ' I ' ' ' ! ' ' -'"''' " ' 'i; v --' ' , . , 1 ' I ' ' I " ": -" ".. " - - ' . ' ' ' , ' ''Xufiiit ol llio Watchman. 4qi,i.4ijrfjn, pr -yetrVTwo DutAtu-piyaUe in VjvW,iP- Wpa.J in alvance.Two dollar. mtUttr inrtr J M JSfl fr the firt nn.l 25 cts. Cf.ekch'4i'ifqiit fwrtid.tr- Couri pi iVr charged 23 per ct. K't?Vf thiT ifx-iM? ratf. A liberal deduc tion to tho4? whf.n.lvf rtiw -hy the yrar. trrUl to tle tl.litors niu?t be powpaid, . . THE QL VI II WY A N T TltANC IS. Wof pxHct the article which follows. frotft Alr:;CnTuv N ighr,,side ol Nmur.", Oihcr ! rtitaiifeW of u similar- character pave '.occuNimI wiihi.iv our know ledge, itit? seemittgly unnatural part of the tittcpieptj is it h4t which refers lo the fad f thr fiw'.'t cH ptfiti sjayingjhai lie saw ihe. i:?ir in London, while. physically, f tut At-mUc-wafc between them Ir is explain J la ,t lis way. The Seer, finding the frrson : feoiitfht rn'r hy spiritual vision. Impress ( the bud of his presence ""upon h mind. (Hd then quest lotted him mental- IV'Onu ootaiueii an answer. j neuapiatn ' r II" 1 1" ' W .11! n . J . : Kit . 1 I I . ' I. A 14 V t. if f . I I 1 M -J TT Tl T ' V k ' 'I. tl .I'M .1111 1 4 r I r., i ATI1 T 1 . ' i 1 i 1 X X I ft . -. - - ... ... II .11 -, W I J 1 k 1 I I A c , - IV X I - BRUER''WMESy"; .- -: ) NEW SERIES, . , h : EJj. Propria ::' J; "--7oe. fp DoIB,jilLJEr"- - VOLUME V. NUMBER 7. ' 1 ' " , , , , - ., . . : .. , : i: . . it SAETSBURY, N. C , llHf RSDAY, JJNE 15, 1848. r-, . cji r 1 aim in v i i i t ' ': OF EURO?!:. The Louisville Journal just indignation the folio- from the Cincinnati Enq'jj The course of the YYL subject of European rev cited. home surprise nrn portion nl the people; Lut ... i.. . . ! my one we couki expect t I he principles of the W'liij ly sHtwi'in their nature AtruIe of oppresMd n;tt j. i 1 sny. titi Viiririnny. retnender t wo j intend to .-prove to yu this nijrht i.ihat tat shoaiH limine lirst leii;r you nnn mat am trie nravesi man in ine nation. i n belongs-to tpe second Virginity family !' f.-isk will cost me ny life, hut I am mux St. Lvuitlileveille. ions that my nature shall he changed am '.' I I ' I shall he satisfied. I intend to enter thf ft '- I (Jrow -vilfasre hlone. Inn before denartinir. Til 6 j LONE BUFFALO. 1 have out favor to eomtnand. If; 1 Micf JivcuAS. lanmas. ceetl in (festioving that village and losij It ml litn 'I want ni when 1 Htn ileHfl. to Among t),e many legends whieh the ,lfrmv it KVux rnatfinetl iiMi saw I fje t .lesnouer. Derange j trHveller fieri. lentlv heMrv. while ernssiui? fcis lbrfh WHs impressnl on the mind, mid ,np pr;,j, ieslilf :he Far Wet. I remember iHii nifouii in.erioi j i.mmikm- u.mi , on. which iajcooutiTs in a mo t romantic l?foughirxterior sens. dtagiierreot) ehin lnfinnPr or!t he origin of thunder. A sum lie fet ilia. "-rUini'f rralnnt.' ( )iir of tbe iiMt rma KalIe cases ol mnr storm 1is sweeping over the hind. proti You must iheti kill one of the largest buf faloes in the country and cut off his head. You must ihen bring his body and my head MOTHERS AND CHILDREN SHOULD BE AT NOME IN THE EVENING. i III a Tract recently published by the Mary land Trart Society, the fallowing passage oe. curs, it contains truth mai win ue ai once repJnlec to by evpry one.: ' One of the giiisfsl iglel of youth, produc ing iiM-Hlnilal.le mischief and ruin, i in the improper spending of the evenings. Daikne was createil Inr quiel ; home is the place of quit. DuiUnes! is tt-mptution to niicoiidiiet ; together, and breath upon them, when 1 j "Uer.nir Ilie young to le oul. when tttr llgtil o ro?im in i-he Spirit land j da v dines noLrestraTu from . iniconduct. i train- ;hull li.. in -fiuiYi in I hw iiril 111 I i I . . I I. ,. I HI IWflUI III yv'v ' " -in... . ... . .. i aiio i nan songto a temporary snner in i .- , . ;i : : i .i . u:l i.:lJi . h,UK, iMHirStilli.... I , . , - t.- , . . . I flt all tunes, and over our greMt V.iiriH- ing them to it. ins iiiiui i 'iTi itA... .. --. ....... itip Of UTii hi h iMilllx I'lCinn it n iw lin;v ..... ... '. i U n mUii who about the er 17 Kb tei .... ..... v:..:.i... . .u ,;,nM v,,""r 1 l,,,',ts L wheuNour lHrviMt of tl,M ceding. w... ..-T-.-. - ---- . ill i iir ui. i rii-in. i it nit i I'll inr-ii . . it i - i wtk. . i : ' . i iiearis are .irouiueo -win wicKeuues rt?- id anocr-HMonal peal of b. in i in,.mh,.r thf. i lllf. linrt;.b," ! in ItiPl l-. (I latey. j i is n a i .us w ei e re. i h , otll, t. . . firmM m. n. Wt.il. ! .... . . ..i irelb-aAd be s oh little :, be Mas grave. , jLL.;.. ..i . . ' . i : V ' ' "Hm ,r" v,.oW v.llage was iH.neVib.i,f ,ir.d oio.is.. and unfiling was , :., :,.... . . ; snccesH,l f !..! aceonlllig to his prophecy inud my host anil. hi fam M il I III l II III" rll I' ll1 illll 111 IIIV f'limUII'l i I i. ... . .... i Umivn ikiii.f i-IdHmi-Ii T fVi-n! ttlMt l "'. II i I i . ttl" Lj'HM" I In tl H III l'ecl Vl-( 1 1 1 s 1 la 1 1 WOI U M J. nOV n hnmst ins t nail it r. xi.e i inar i,r i b-v wore a evu nut v s'ricL-..n th . . . I n bd thf rt'imtaiifiii nf m issi-si nr nm,. I . " i Mi i ..-... ; a lift his liroi tni s e ver reiiieuihereil his parf- bo nan ni rMiiHii(iu in xv .0111. t,.irnr I ..'mleavMired to nuell their MiiN. i . . . .. r. , . ; ' .. . .. . I i . . ing r iiue.sii. i oe iai-in uie n ro s iiioiij- or ItiMl purpose asKeil them a variety I : i. . .i ii -ii- -i .i u u I . ....... i . 1 1 1 1 L-tt i vi-1 1 lt.it llt iwliunu- I t.'l I. I'ii I - it... I. .11.1 ii. lltiu i.-i.r'rl ol ipiesiioiis 're-specsing their peopbr but 1 , - . , ,, , . ,, . ' i . Mi ii. - .: i ,r,H' ,! ,s xho aniiilalU Si-nds 1 1 (fill Up , ruiur ? IIM'I DIM IT Mill " I lO'HI iki i V (S 1'1 ' -, I I .1 . ,' - i , I '.i ... , n m i i Spirit laud the warm winds o .spring, i t.r. Ihu i.-Jiiln ..I iLu l..t.. II .H .1 . I I .. I ' T l ll.ll' III' I I 'I ill" 'l ill. Il.ll.- LT'lllir'., ' i'i K(re,fs lliat ; Were not .ahogether lau j'iil. txm. lany extraordinary s ones wete told ol hirn, mVii janpMig the res', the follow ing ; Fjha w ifejof n ship c plain, w hose bus- .1 i-.-i i 1.' J i b Itano wa.ou ;i vimi io ruropi' ami Aineaj. Aitd frorfi: wliom he hiil h-en long wiih'j out 'trill-tigs, ovei wh"(in-el- with anxiety We have already an abundant Riot, mobs, crimen giving f'aiful f.iri'h.ulings, are the riiiill ol VMiith litr. iuing fit agents fr ouiriige liy run niug;uneared f-r on evenings. What we si-e in ihe-e i-m's. diplrabb eimogli. lull wlit i ihis eninpjired with ixhal we do not : inuSliliiiles making lli'in",ve! inir.eiah!e and ind that in the n-xt lo TFIF.-HAIllVniTllJVP.PS- A Vh -ni U sin2! 4d freedom cannot j llTIVk'PPvzi ! p nennieit symphtny cr i miLia ui iuiu p;ari . The term Barnburners is known only u 18 dent, from the rt as significant of a faction inhhe D mo- a "J inw U"nnor Convci cratic party ; but hundreds ask what does of which-lhe President of f . it mean ; hovv did it originate f empowered to cnd a copy The origin of the term barnburner was ,u,, to ihe French Natl l 1.1. .IV . .. we believe, this: In the Slate of New ,n 1 "cilocos intend.; y. i. : ii i .i . .... I camnaiifti. to n-nn-sp t iti.. V iotk o is wen Known inai pontics were t ., - r - r , . ,. tile to the. prrat tnoveuu r " .... .a., ,, ar.angeu ami uirec- tMk.n nUht, m f. ..... ...a u.. i......... ii i j.. : . r r .rti i) n cmM oi men caueu iitie jionny Untie in favor of human 1! Regency. They held the State office iirihluhiug perverin of tr it it i. I L .. L- - ami parcelled ihem out as Uieir own do- oern nuempieu even main. Of course this in time hefrat ieal- wbos ""niph have all ...111 .1 -i - .1 . i ii I'll nviii'iiin lu u iriw it'i ii if rtihik. im niti curiosity was ot course . exciteil. ami i ' . .... , . . i . .iJ I may re leM'luv imagini! that I did not i .j fl- , . ... . .i j ? .i . , ... i L'aie LSurlalo. In- i nevei seen eVen b tlie resume mw tourney without obtaining an ' ...... i . . .- i i .?! .. ; , most running hunter, excepting when.! lie . ex obi uat toil joI the rns'i words m rid i . .... . . - I itW in this leiion llivinr liteiird to i i i A ' , , . , I noon is al: Its lull. A' such t lilies tie is jell u lips jeion. iam iiien. (. n,m him w 1 o fust utt red them in the; . . . , , i It ol vtnrvl be brooed br to exene l.iin w i i U i 1 lUVal la tl a loiie. ci uptinig hl loOU III soile lifrStorune i,u.u in r io xi ns iiim . s,,,,,,. ,n hrcil subeouen'lv iditainoil tti.. . . . : . tfof a wh le; w hen he. would bring her the j blowing- egeud : - ! ,MUu,e l,a!,, ' 1"" ' ; d win n. V- . i 1 1 it- ii'n r-n i eii 1 1 ii i 1 1 ii in. iiiimiiMi Parents -.hotiM n.k at ihe ti nth. that evening lof d Vajet v. , wa- imbiei d to address her- i intl!iget(Cei she required. - then pas? Pfil into nh Miner room, and she sat herself down 'to' wail ; -but his absence continu ing longer tha.ll she expected, she ln cam iimp'tijeni, tliinking he had.Jorgotien her; and f. ltly approacfimg ttie,hor. she pfppl thioiigli. some aperture, and. to jieit surprise, beheld him ling on a sofa. nsViTlitidn.les.s.as-if he 'was dead. Sid, of course, ijid hot think it advisable lo dis turb liinh tiit;waited his return when he ..1.1 t U..:.l7 -I i i ..... I. ,l(iu nrrj i mi i tier iiii uiiu iiiii him nc.-o !nhle to w rite lo her fiw such an such rea- isons ; hi t lhat he wa then in a coll. e jlitiU"1 in Loudon, nnd (would very shortly he homij again. AciHudinglv. he arrived, and fiS tlie lady Icaint from him that the Causes' 111 I lis unusual .silence1 had been prrciscU iIiom--alrgel by the 'man. she i . ' i . . There V'a a chief of 'the Sioux na'uui w hn.e iiamei was the -master Hear. ' II pleasure and recreaii.ui aie oln-n dearlv pur. -haed ihe price, tin ir own impaired euinfuri. and ll;e idighieil pmnpecisi of dodr oH'spiiiig. It niM-l be ob iuii!. lhat in this mailer there can he no iiitei'dU-l of all evening rei'p'ali.'ii alio einpl'inienis. yet here ii an evil not only de. ti'ieti.e lo voiithi but planting thorns in nian of tin- thunder, ihe led-mau banishes frojn pa,,s. ad cveiinj; niany live w iih desonti. n 1 1. 1 1 1 1 . p . in- -wi iiin )fiir. I I i i . 1 i i r j i 11 L - " i . . ,i In nreast every leeliug id jealodsv. lor lie i ru .r... ,t..,.,,,f,.d i,,,ii itr.u eerl I'mm.. w as f minus 5is H proptiet and hunter, and . - . . ' , - .. -V 1 u leioiunii.ai i ui.inui u, iimim pmi eeu n.o f. t . ' ' . ... Iielieves it lo he I he ai iiui voice ot l lie ' . . . . ' I Was it pariJular fa vori'e wiih the master lieves it to he the warning voice of Hp Lone Bullalo. Grahuriis M'gazine. Irrascihility of Temper. The greatest a j judini"iit and roiwienre, and fur this purp.ise I indgnn-nt and i-onsi-ieuce' mut be enlightened. ' Hads of families must learn, thai ihe place .n 1 earth best adapted to a hlesj-ing is honie ; and ' by example and wholesome reBiaint tliey must of life. sin -evil hour he partiokof the wiiite man's j fire-w ater, and in a fighting broil urtfoiluii tti ly took the lite of h bin. A : -, 11 I.. tl.i p .It!..!' 1 A.nf.r.i;..iA.i..I..i plague in Ilie is a nu temper. If is i.l..,wl i,.ul.li.i.n..iL,i r..- i i : .... i ...i..... gre-r was?e of lime to coniplata of oih " ..-'.' ...'.. .. nil "I""". auiUMini, . , . ... ' . I. .11. U II . V. :..ll. next the Maker Hear wept forth to hunt. J''P" ; ",e tcsr Hung is to amend our; " - - - , he was w; laid, shot through ihe he-rf i OWn : HW 'h' ,l,?r ,,"S' M,,;-,i, is to learn ; should 1 e during bahhu.l, l,.,u, be, .e.r. to lear W illi w hat we meet in :ot tiers. A t"l. ftali'mlti mornings atiu evenings are hies bad temper willalwasi ire itself out. iflit j.d indeeil, when ihey gather the family into the find no one to r.-Vein it; and this very ! ,.ir,... o(-.lverM. . and parents and children knowledge is wi.rth a tiifie. Irrascibiliy lr all( tYunttt m is ver loiurions to health ; anil so. in lac, . . , r , , , . i t i- i .... j iiresenee and hv the grace ol (jimI who has I w di'i.ri Mini li.il Mull ihriiliM it out lnL.ri.kP ! ' - ur 'i i'mi mpi'u' in t i iiup i uir i if ri with an ar-ntw. and his bod was depfisit ed in frontojf his widow's bulge. Bitterly did the wjnhan bewail her misfortune, now muiilatjug her body in tlie most he roie mmnfr and anon nar'raring to her only son. a ipere infant, the promirp-nt vent, of her ihusband's lire. Night came. and wiih jjej- child lashed on her hack. made them and pla'-ed ihem in their respeetj , otisy and opposition. The young and new members of the party could i see neither justice nor propriety in this sort of polili eal aristocracy ; and many of ihe old ones who had (ought long unrewarded, took ides wiih them. This manifested itself in ihe Legislature. A radical faction was formed, and the great point ol dispute was, as it has always been, the offices. " Ah, (aid the radical.) wha right have these old fellows these huithfrx to be forever sucking at the public! crib, while not a leat remain for Us ? If w as a sore grievance and trying timr. ;Vhat could lie done ? Nothing seenied possible. The Hunkers held on with a grip like a vice. They acted most emphatically on the doe. trine that "a bird in the hand was worth two in 'he hush." Af i lentghjseeing there wasnochanep without force, a leader of the faction rose and said : Mr. Speaker : I see that the gentle itpmi who ho'd the Regency power have taken their course, and ate not to be mov ed by persuasion or ejectment : I hey are ' ft m no sooner driven out at one corner than they come in at -another. Sir, see no way to get them out hut to serve them as some fellow did the rats. He was troubled excessively hy rats in his barn: l ....'i.. 1 : i ..i . ...... ... . .1 v t lep cx.me.v ncsnouo. hsc M-m.ug me ; tlu. womarj erected a sea Hold on the mar truth htjhe rest o the in I. .niia I ion ; and ; (, H neiibhoiing ream and dr. s.d m.nifne wasy.anuiu io. no soot., r , c, pM4 her more valuable robev. ie trieil mII virtw if it'ui v to nul ihi.m ...it . ' t:it!niis r:iie I iiem e I vs In ihe evalted level ' i . '.i i . .tie sei ira ps ior t nem ; ne got a terrier dog. ..I" die truth, lhat they are invesied wiih eapaei. I he sent in a weasel, and he nut noion in set hi.i eyes ot) ihe majjeiai', than he said that, ho had seen him jhefore. on a certain and tasreted if pn the sen (Told.-- She completed hr task just as the day w as j breaking, w n n she returned to her lodge ii .''- i . i . . ... clav. In fa' coflii e l ouse in London ; and j i . i . . i i,- i . i i i i '. . mar if;iimi ui.i mjui I ,at hi wile was ex- i ;illd shut-ini herseir ihi rein, snc.r the r.d. . 1 1 i ual in c btvy spti it,ui Iancliol .difliiletie. d!isiu-liiia! ion t"j- ordinary dti'ies. discop lent. If. -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ss. fViii down to iiuMit a Mas situde, ind I'Mice or despair are all veiy , t and obligation in i beir respective conditions. I their way : but all in vain no sooner did - ! i 1 inimical to the ciijo -tP-nt ,,' life; and ev- j assigned them .by an all-wise Providence, lo j they go out one side than th'" came in er possible i tloi ; should be made to east j .,, Ai t other onward to hoimr, glor and im- the o'her. The traps they vyould not en then, all to the wind-, and look unhhedi- j ln.rtaily : H,pr,lH if... ! Sji.uls perish in ever- j U r- be poison they would not eat. He ing in the truth of the tact. It is a si mi 1 , .. , ,t . . . , , . . resolvetl what he would do ; he set fi'C to ... , .. . ... , . lasting death diey peiish .hrough M-g!eci ; who , - , , , , ; J , ' ' ..I.... I. til ll. ....... .. .11 .1.. 1 1... ! -'l ..i .i t...... ,.. l. ...i.. I ..It i tfemeU! uneasy about him ; and thai he. the Captain, bad tberj on mentioned how lie had preVeiiied writing ; add-d that be Was tmjlhe ev e of embai Uing for Atiu ri Ca. 11 had lin n Inst sight ol I In s; rang er ami)gst'the t hi cmJ, and knew nothing sbiug what a little r.-fb ciion w ill do th lowing dayslwithout tas-im' footL ,,'Hr Hr'' ,nS' ' !Klliar . and w V h one During Mr retirement the widow had ash;ol iduu..n may all be ovc. collie. a dream, iji Nvhiidhslie; was vlsiied by the Life. Hp. endeavored fYicon- the h'irii. and burnt ham. rats, and all .' This is what w e will do. sir. j In the mas- more iihoitt him.' 0 T (1 Viiin:. ,vs Si:ckndc:ii. Masier of sob lier in that he ha ,i ii Art il.l.miid Si i ... ! . . n ....' -4.1. 4II.O..I- - o i Dikv to i (Vippish youifc iViiginian. who.a lu. i.,.rK.i!. ia- u." i..i:. ' 1 . "1 f I - I i'v . Mini h - inns hi ii ini iiii liri LiruuilM ieri.t'j'ok a great dis- i j her sorrow, and for the reason I ;lov d her husband, promised to make lntrlson a mure fatuous warrior and mrdiine man than his father had been. Andjw-hat was more remarkable. Hiis iropJiec- was to tie realized within a Incidenf.nl Adcanlnges of liailroads Among the incidental advantages whfph may result from tin- opening ol iraiboads iido the inieiiur is ihe discovery of valwa l;e kinds of stone and minerals. Thus, Would -tiH.d at the Judgment nf he (iie.it . V under the iainnl at inn of hal nei!eet. !). vou ay, " not I then ihink f lhee things!" i"y language ol me immortal Jellerson. sir, 'tew men oie and none resign. We we I must try a more summary method 1 will burn the b im. rats, and all." i i c 1. 1 trugj' 'hrough the h ill of Catdeburv, N. II., lorShe Concord and) Montreal Rvil- ew weeks. She fold jher .story in the vil- icv xviujis since, w with him, o:i ii. i ... s lellow passenger ! On the o lowing day. when the Villa-e one of dilitftamboalS. The i bovs w. ni biiowioir i"l... llltll 1 1 ni in it... . r ------ ... --.. .a.'... .... If "" ' vMi'iyutuit imi 1 1. 1 n; ill" ir, brushing his cat. or luting hp rgpjianwas h:,ti .uilly combing his i plain, a-tidble youth .Uldei.lv made bis V..i l..i. I.. .... i.: . .. I . .1 1 ' I ikiii. iinniiiiii: in.N in- iiiiiiitir ii w ' l)00T(o ill which movements the Suck ! ,-d them aliNn tin tt tOoK I'XeetM ions, tis In I .!-'. JrtJ "a leetle tijo darned ing wtiat be terip. apearandejamoug the) players. nd eclips : .. .1 i ! i i in ine nounus tie mniie. aiw in the wrldness of his shouts. He was K'eiie too iiarniMi liice, hy hall. , vt r:. tiir.. in nil l.nt i.. , tl... Hk finally drew ut) his! chair beside Ihe ! dr, om ws! romi.ml.Jl i... .... ' Yircinijn, and hl-at , zed as hi4 son. and tfVafed w ith respect. liar tniglP ou l.e i liorn. stranger f Uat the vottth was y. f w phout a name Binning of Forty seven, Wnmrn at the fune ral of an Indian Pi ince The infernal liie i the death of an Indian P ince, are ilia-ih scrih. The Hunkers understood the game. d in an exna- t of a h-iter from Tanquebar in ,lMd resolved to anticipate a little ; so at the Ca-i Indies, written by a Danish missiiiiiarv. ! .. . ! . . . r . . . , . ... . . ; the next election, when the great chief of I h'v dug without Ilie walls ol the city, w lieie ! ? tint Prince, who did at ihe age of eighfv, made he B irnburners (Silas NVrigh') was no. . I t. .'. i I. ... i ;ft-. .4v .iii t.fc t t tt I loan, me worMin n ua ve oocov rei soap us residence, a ar?e nit. w lucti iner lieu vv pfi mmafeo.tne Hunkers muddy trave Inm n i i.:.. ...:n .:.. i . :. - . ' i - i , 1 ins MII VJIUIIIll rXlllllllH) stone of t he very b. st pnj.li? . 4il appa- ; wood, ranged and piled up as lor a limine. , smh und,.r the fith rib, and laid him low ' he said tor earnest. l he tenily ot consul, .able extent, which IS ol The corpse ol Ihedeceas-d, richly habited and . t. x n.. I" I hi ,(N it w.. .nr.li , .. 1 i I I.I . V. . I o I'nili iv'li " rii"r.iiiv r . iiiril in-' ' .-mi - ii rea sale ai & K) a ion. I v Jperal ions in ao.M.i-u. was orouni eiiu in i-:i iiim qua.Vii.g the sone liav,i already been lid on the pile ; ;.f:er which ihe Uramins said all the Barnburners. Justice to Si comm;.ticril,aiM the first freight car which (""atiien . pi lesu; kiniied ttie nre, wiin aimn. , as Wright now requires that we should the most unscrupulous ss;t ; mendacity. By no person, i of persons, were the" g. r European regeneration I. i enthusiasm than liy the? W: the Whig conductors ol th out the length and bread !, The editors of the Nation .! I Jit is true, having before tin cesses ot the old ReVolu!; and not having been able 1 before ihem losee w hatiii; movement was about to t.t! desire to wait for farther i liefore yielding it iheir Hi t, bat ion. Seyeral o her pn - very natural expressed a lor our own - party, we (. doubis. because up believt : liad become prepared for form of Ciovernmeiit by sixt. ... . nation. Had u enierta apprehension that the sc i lie renewed. We tooshoulJ time; hut our disposition, vast majority of the V,hig ; hojveful. Yet the hesitation to yive unqualified appl iti as yet. was hut an experitr : not be construed into any ! great principles of freed, the regenerated masses ul V. it could not, is evident fror.i : with which all of ihem 1, . of moderation and intell g : ihe affairs of Fiance hav -i ducted ; the National n!c:i the very first occasion to ' was mo"t agieeably ati point. That print had li:', its doubts and hesitation. T read, as they supposed, rn ; licalion a brochure by oi.r vihose name just about tit; ihe mouths of all iiiod I ' platuling in most unqn:n! ! Governiuenl ol the hue Kit ippe and condemning in a ., decided, the aims ami pnn . : ry men who stand at the i, movement. With such a Democrat etui blame thi ;r j wait ? The editors were :. J the General was prepared ; nor were they hound to h!! all the mazes of his inien:. , passed over the Toad last week was fieitrht, I iUn' f -p-i'itioiii rereiiu.iiies. Th wives immnUH heraio.nh of rats. a a ! . ' - Aftt.a4 4 . n.iit.i.i4i m .1 I Ku r u r (ineniiilinri .U wilt, this stone. A corresmdent in " " '""mf 1: ' . ' " . ' . barn must be bunrt " And it was. ; ii. lll l'l w in V.II.IUIII ,fl liir toi.llllf, oillll io the Concord Congregation! Journal, fnuii ! which we derive the above the-ipiarry at a.(JQ.).OO') '-u iHl tons ; w hich at $9 facts, est i mat, es IC feet, or I GO.- t . i foii would a- die w ith him. appeared there at the same lime, and walked several tim" round ihe"Tuneral ile. Pliey weie in numhri Ibrty-seven, all finely , decked with jewels and adorned with flowers. ! rint fihmtirg'ijnial sir,' politely an- lor bis molljer had told him he should win mo,,,,f to fhe sum of $3.3331320 suilicieiit ' -pn,. aVl,., or coac-ut.ine carried ihe ,.,i. . . . 4 . I S I I-' Z ' . I'll ! I . ) tVeredljJil4P''J- i -i ure for bipelf by his individiial provv-ss iP:I Jl v..:.,i l. i .i ,x i. f . " ... .' . i voui "if i oiiiniv, i spue saiu ine yiuiy a unv ias nad elapsed when it Th No thing but its ruins remain, whilst hun dreds of Hunker rats, all nicely fatted, ex pired in the flower of political martyr dom. Cincinnati Chronicle, - Uiar. icniaik T .4 smoolU'i down his 'i.iir, 1 hcloug; to one pfi. d by tidinting to lb- eagle's jea'h oy i n e jirsi j am t a s j Uli I in course, a ' Vell, strange r bein -. . , i 5, I j was rumdred that a paVtynf Pawnees hail , Yl'sj Str old Virgi ilia. was t,e reply. , overta'ketf. and detroyei a S;oux hunt. r. ' V...O .i'.....f. I..... .... i.. il.. ...... '..i. :. .1.:. .: i i ...-i'i, mi. im., ii hi" ii nil in i in- ine. ui . v en ll wars 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO 1 .1 T e I V l i'Ihi itimci in f .. . .1 ... - pose COIi!1UU I Ihe fiisl. council tlial a party of one btlitdied War t't know what ou nnmn by that riors shoiih start upon ihe war path and i Sir. sas the iiif.nian. ; ievene Iheiniurv. A 'r.d? her e.n nnt i-.. Oh.lnutiiinV sa s Ihe Sucker. but that h Id for thd purpose of appointing H b-d youtin desp'i atijlchtand hev t.en brought er. When in onng man suddenly entered tip rigf I nivc.'i. i. ! the ringjand claimed ihe privilege of Jl t te iiiformntin will gratify yoti in leading lip! way. His authority was an- apy .wy. i says ttie jgeuf, p.tiroui.ingly. gnly pn s; toned, but ihe stranger only re- ers on liw head, .and by shaking fronf his belt answered the S icker; a large nuhiber of fresh Pawnee scalos. ...jt i as im belong to ihe.. They renpunbered ihe stranger boy. and fu(-ST,Jj jest give ojl t vyo of tin- fitesl acknow leidged i he supreni ac ol thestran thonts in all Illinois. f you'll only find me f,.r man. o one ol the stcund - Night jsottled upon ihe prairi wotld. r i and the Sioux warriors started upon the vYin want to .quarrel with me, sir,";, war-path. Morning da wned. and a Phw -ys fhp ,iriuiau. i. pee villagje was in aslh-s. ajid the bodies Nod st ranger, not kn atom, answered n many fin nd red men. women and chil- tP Suqker, hut I nver seed one of the dren. werp left upon the ground as food gin sal Inn to git a lop the vvplf and vulture. The Sioux war I'j know you air one riors returned to their own emcampment. of thi Jurst, 'cause ydu; look just like John , when it vas ascertained that the name.. iid ndor nh 1 i ; less leathjr had taken twice tismany seals :Thisniollified the Virginian the hint as hishnMiier warriors. Then it was that f a Tefctmblnnce to the statesman was a feeling pf jealousy arose, which was VtterihV to hi4 feelii; gs. and h acknow- soon pjiif Hi. however, by the news that IfdeJ Irelatiousiiip td the orator, j the Crow) Indians had stolen a number of Hei you know, cininued I lie S icker. horses aiul nianv valuable furs from a to ouii.i ami equip smne len or iw eive rail- j;,d (1j ,iM. de.in. t p.inc.N which he d. live,ed roads like the road to SmilbornUtn. j i,., p. his siie.-fsor. and ihide a sh.ui speech. exhi.tiing him tu ue it with moderation, so as li.ot on the Hudson liiyrr lia.lrnad never to let it light mi any but il.eguihv. Then ITEMS TOR SOUTHERNERS. ersalions. I If the editor of iheCinci: is anxious to fiud'out; a ;.; and lona fide, has Hof s id; late revolution, let him nominee of Ihe Baltimore lie has recorded his qpin'o white and they wall stand long as his name is rj'pn -c. cribe a want of feeling fur ; In times long past Alexander Hamilton said: j '"ethren '"be. Whig p tl'.il .tlil.. , . , I . , . , , .... .. . . I lit . - . . . C .1 I llllll Ik IIHIUI IIIIVI U (III . . I tie worUuieti on the Ivoad above Antho- h .ld! turned hei lace Inwards the pile, and A ' bumpe will ti t lake houi us tic proilacls , ns Nose, have le-p in a state of disorder al.er invoking hei gnd leaped into tie midf of nf mir soil on terms consistent wiih onr inter- ' lor some days, on a turnou lor higher vya- ''' roi.es. 1 lie ecntul was ine -i-ter m a )rri, if she refuses s.me ..f ihe m - t V A. I . til i ft m . ....... a.. I I I ........ . ftk-ta.. II... o i....to..iit " I ges. li , aiuruay evening, at ten o clocK. I ...... i. ......... ... alto.reihei ) the nalural remedv is l. llic-e tiornd rils. 5tie gave min the towels : 1 , he vvo.e. and the ..riu. e. lec ivirur ll,e',, - . ' ,rH 1 U;i fa' ll" r'-d.Ie our wants of her. Placed her u. i.i tenderb. and poured mil a flood ' In limes long pal 'I hmas Jefler-ou said: of tear-; hul ihe princess, without betraying Where a nation imposes high! duties on our the least concern, looked alternately, with . the powdci -.magazine at Rockwell's, about a llllle above ihe No-e. ' Was blow n up with terrdde .h-sf rnciioit. ! The tnagaziue Contained afiout (!0Jd lbs. of po.vder. It stood -near a barn, and was suirouuifed h seven or eight shanties. The explo it. FROM THE NEW MC! TLEMEN I . Late accounts receive : from the Salt Lake settb that the Indians hav; nrotl art ions. r niotiibits therii altoyether. it ' i .:t:.:.. . :.. ... .i. ......... .... il... ..i'.. ,...,1 .... tl... . ' ... - ..' . . . . . uosiiii.ies itgatusi up .' . ' i murht ie nroner l r os to u.i t ne Kame iiv Uieirs : ' . r y l ajVillcrithat belongs Virginrtv families.' ircond tight a Ian.,,. :,d crying wiih a loud v..i-e. Chira ! nr,, M(r,!,.Mini r ..x, ludu.g llnUe pr.-l .ciios attacked them in their fo ¬ ments, and have most ct llllll I - 1 . i t a'sv.' ftiltur f (i (!- irifkiil)! .I m i i i c i I il i. ' , T ' n: ',..1, na oneoiinen g...-. hi f h b - her(, in comiifion ,ri;h our Ll mi'Tmiv A niurii.ii liiniipr mikI m lii.ii . i . .. . , .1 y & i J I... ....I- ii ... . ...I.-.. sue niuiiien :is i-i-eei in i tiiio 1 lie n;inies as 1 ne 1 r .1 1 1 1 . - L 1 . t . - . - e - , nirmoT me. same hinu : seiecniiiT nrii suen man. rnn miiri-rei m ri'p ! I" -- j- --- - j v. - - I . . . ...... ... .m . V .... , . t . Ill llll'lll. .1 1 III - ..'I ll 1 1 liv irr( oinr-irsj Iii ill. I. . r . 1 .. . . . . , , ... 1 i , ulaetiires as we laKe o litem 11 greai quat.ti. ( -i.;!,!-..,. rsevcral horses and iratl e Weie killed i l l.e ..itw.r fl.lt. " - - - - - . - ' - -. ma - . . - . . . . s I . . ... . it n ll O tl I I f 1 U ; llff, illiu uill" ll ni iu rnnir mnv nr naiiu I ur An express has hern f mons to St. Louis as':ir.:' m 7 I I k a ... a ' VV Pillows vvere fuokeii py me explosion appeared reolnte enough, hut others lonk. il ,,,,,,,.,1 ftnnih to ourj.ebes' C two miles fiOITI the magazine. It is aljto- wild and dejected. There was one in parficii. j er(. w (.V. M(,t, y) Rn( I)nrn.icrat. g. iher a inosl abominable allali. iX. j 1 . hr who. hemg ,ore .l,,n.aye, tl.an her co,. ; j(. ,,,, ilVt frm high source.! that, if f..reini ; and for armed forces to I Com. Ado. i panions, ran P. cmbrao one ol ihe specialo.s. ,.MI,trie- tax .tr nr.Kh.rts. ii is our duty and i .1 r r- . .. .1 ! wl... w :. fM..Uli:.n i.iiiiH. t.i.n in :i .. her ... . e ' .1 . ' iv ' . : Ulf iraflUI ravages ipn i ' -i--..." pnpey to retaliate, ourejv ine ueuiorratic ttuilv. add I t one on em. A young man narked Harper, left Nash ville recently, hnvingj in chaige a inarrp-d sis:er. w hose husband resided' in Clinton county. Mo. O.i the way bothcbro: her and sister became deranged. Mr. Harper dis appeared, and the sister, a raving maniac. is at Madison. La. A hut tl.is it was not in his power to do. and the pn..i vvrep-h was immediately tumbled headlong into li e tire; However intrepid most of those uuhappv vie. tiu." appealed before jumping into the pit. the mile was vastly allerer when in th mid.t of iinliei- tn retaliate. p.ny will ...1 call into q..eap.m the opinion of muruenms ami savage p rh una JefTersnn. , ! assigeil by ihe Indians lo, Albe'u M r. Secrelarv Walker, in his rerun-fa I They threaten elnqueiiily di.mursed upo'i free trade, il is true that England has returned lo hr corn-lawn ! cution. "the sliding scale" and grain is falling, and. Vengeat ' their full dcterminatio.i ti ,.er. a raving natuac. fl Th,.re ihcy shrieked hideously. , rti iul. a; - mall Who. about the . pnhig n,,e over another, striv ing lo reach ihe ,5,.,.,,. El,ailf;- whV, IhIh,. of her an. ! aid a s.eitmer above. Jge f ,,e pitand gel nut of it ; hut ihey were ,xima,iuM , ,ri,,.. nuu WIMlW L ; l.J 1 1 1 . f 1:1 ... . .....1 f. .. . v 1 - I supposed to have been Harper. of all ' Was.ll i!t seeiiilnnt nit the litiritl i5al. Po- SiiniY bifofer us he was retnrtiino- friiiri CabohlLs'i ! i lhe o.oontnius. Another warlike HVoediJ SifRulo. VhmoSl precious Yoi are right, sir answered the other. tion wa4 !idanue(. and as before the Is-s.oiis, is power over ourselves ; pow- er to wdsrait i trial, to near spuermgs, to the lead. 4 J Yo'4 are right, sir,' inswered the other. tion w;a 'jdanued, at I ' ' Mri,T It im D'lvm ii .... 11 i - j t. 111 1 n'l i""n ii' n 'in. i . i . YAii'ddn.t.!.i .1 .1 1 ! ti i !i ar i .. 1 trout danger: power over pleasure and )0U Kninv dhar is iinuthcr utieeiv thing al- I he sfcn vvas neaf his setting, and as "I"- I - . . 1 . I . 1. - ' 1 1 i .. ........ ...... .... ... I..ll.iit' mir -fiiiit'ii'tmiK vrayf mizzjen ine, and Si's ihis fci'fd a VavmtVin thai didn't c . ' . - ' 1 . . f . .. .v.. . . . ...... ur ti. ImIIiiM' HUT I'MIIVIIMIIIIK 1 never the SiouK panv looked down upon a Crow I""" l'""1 f - -r 1. .. 1 .1 ...1... r -I WPV.r f MX rii i 11 rntar. aim a'b" -i ruMi iirif. imui' inu mini rn ii u - ... I ' V r)',"-"l lli;il 1 1 l ll 1 LIIIUI IW " ' IIIO' 1 wtwiii. up . dVr drstvndeddrom an litifin. Johti Ran- i charmiuL' valley. 1 bt ii nigger ' : mauded the att'ent same lime got on boa S .Euuis displa ing most singular conduct, kept in hy throw ing heaps of hilleis and faggot and afterwards jumped overboard, is now . ujMm them, as well lo kno k litem 011 the head as lo increase the hre. Wlien Ihey were eon- ( sumed ihe Bramius d.ew, near the ei smoking I pile, and pert'iiimed abundance of ridiculous ceremonies oyer the ashes of ihe poor wrelch es. The nl day ihey -gathered up the bones, and having wrapped ihem up in fine linen, car. i tied tbeiu to a place near the Iie oi Ranieu. : ran, where they east llieni into I be. sea. Afier J lolph, 1 i... ... 1... ..ill.. ,-. ..I. .......... I... L . . . ....... . . I ci.i 1 1 11 ill I 1 1 in . .ii in 11 .,i.inri. uir ... . i. ; . . 11 .. v . e . .. ;ibe iinvver ol calm reliance in scenes; niiri ui.iii- ' daikuess Anil stotms Curious Relation h iir. I Great Harwood, Englan !. 1 . . .. , leuifHiry, ow ing to the famine in Ireland.) did j Young, larmer, was niarri' not make aty muvement whatever to reduep : lia Kmp. sister to .Mr. '! her duces on mir i..t.riprii. which stand at three , wheelright ; and Mr. I :. shillings per pound, which i about one 1 lion. iner. son of Mr. Tho:ri i 1 sand per cent., or about eight! hundred dollars Sophia King sister to ,t:,' : per h. gdiead. j SH, yr. Benjamin King 5 But we will not continue tjie subject, liecause , H,0 m:trrie thft ilaughtcr facts and dictiiion vvill he unavailing (ill we . fhotnas Young. MiS .t get M Whig IVenidenl and jVVhia Congies. ! bv 1HrHjri. becomes 1 e win close. Hiereh.re, ny giving ine renll die Sioux i...iii ..r 1.... i.m.. ....... .ii ' - iriaillieil -I lit -Ulirii'iwn mr uia.rn, in ,W M'ti not add that the Sucker ndled 1 addtvsseil them in ihejollowinglanguag A drunken youth who got out of jtis PliratlJ ami Uept diiail until Op Sucker mast smlak my mind. To be fortunate in (calculation was dozing in the Street, when if steHpeti ashore. In; icauj w hieh, the' pil was filled up and a temple r-ince j w.iu.rjl: M .h.mat.e nule W.r erec.-d on ,he spot, where sacirhr-es are offered ju j,,, (f slPadjn.44 an,i $.niri,V. i, 6. up in honor of .he prince and his wives, w hot f;or whf. forp;2n nmy and Hyj h . fro,,. Ihencef.nh are numbered among ihe- ,be domeMic maikel may be increased saints ur goddesses. double, treble, quadruple, or quit. tuple its pre sent eilenl, ant! enhance prices as l projjre. OUblS chair suddenly! Thev were se-I 1 arrt about to die. mv biothers. and tfjand u at a lai l"i nsiiuir. 1; Ajau.iii -ii.ih u kll'i li:tV' lieeo i Jl:l:r o . ifi ai i ' 1 . - ------ . - , IVircinian'on the unner deck, and hailed l, rilull ITove Von acted like men ! j fourteen" cried I.K Well, ill this is 21 1 Ja- , said" Meekness gtvei smooth answers to Jvetn tnepnce.oj your stop . w . . v-.--. - II. .....'I . , . . .. I I . , I lib- : I 1 .1 .1 . r.v nni muannoca til'leen. grand mother at ther-in law- to her own own sister. " f l ofiliit a landing tifar his home. As ! war is your chief ambirion. and because I ! the bells roused him by. their; ringing for j A Good Definition. A: hoy was asked what 1 ; a.d, finally, that Ur every dollar you save ght sight of th b .ve !) 4n successful voti are utihappy. ! tire. - iMne. ten. eleven. I wef v.. inineen, meeK.,es.s was. tie inougr.i a momem auu 1 t v.y. ... U.A.....M...., pim at oncer with 1 1 despbtf yiju fur yodr meanness, And J tej ;han evcrl kne w it. rough questions May 17, .1819. v.x 4, A SOUTHERNER Gen. Kearney left Ver 1 1th ult.. for the city of the following clay 1.2 )0 command f Col. Uarr. came destination. ! v.. .'', ' 'I A t. ' 'i - j ' I r I- he- . j t

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