I I J 4 ,!' r V- V - : .v j ji GEN, CASS'S ACCiil'J AINUti. ! l j'.ThVltichmonU Times of the Cth insf., i says The Union of jThursday morning, nnd the inquirer of yrsterday, publish a correspondence between the committee tho President and Vise Presidenls) ap pointed by the Democratic National Con- j vent ion, to make known to Gen, Cass the fact of hT nomination, and that gentle trnan himself. ! Wc publish Gen. Cass's letter in nil. The letter of the commit tee contains nothing very remarkable. jTliey Jay before the General the resolu tions adopted by the Convention, and kind ly inform him that they contain tho pri.n iciplfi "upon which they (the Convention) llfinlv the government ought to be admin istered." These (add the Committee) 'constitute a platforjn broad enough for all true (lemocrats to stand upon, and narrow enough to exclude all those who may be opposed to the great principles of the De mocratic party." Gen. Cass, therefore, like Mr. Polk, was required to pledge him jself explicitly to the creed prepared lor liim at Baltimore. Ho takes the nostrum vith1 admirable fortitude, saying of the . Resolutions, I adhere to them as firmly as opproxje of thorn cordially.' Neither ljrmnessor cordiality being n character istic of the General, we think his profes Kion of faith (and this,hc says, is his "last") leaves his political compass some room for Veering, j j We hcvc no space for farther comment on this.production, which takes a column 1 !o say what Mr; Clay said in two senten ces. But we cannot omit to take notice of the writer" arrogant and ridiculous as sumption that the Whig party questions the capacity of man for self-government, and that this forms the radical distinction between the two parties. It we seek for faithful adherence - to thfetr radical a pi pljcation, whenever Td xyherevrr I may bf required to act, anything further I mighi now say, would be mere delusion, unworthy of myself, and justly offensive td the; great paity in whose name you arc f 4 n0w Acting. ' UMVJBBSiTY OF r. CAROLINA. The exercises of the Annual Commencement- of our University, we learr, were Very interesting, and xycll calculated to sustain the high character of the institu tion, which deservedly ranks among the he fundnmcntal difference, it lies in this : The Whig party appeals to the intelli gence and sound judgment of the people ; .he Democratic party to their prejudices , vnd passions1. The Whig party not only jelieves'in, but trusts to, their capacity for self-government ; the Democratic party iractlcally denies it, by continually aba ting from the responsibility of the Execu tive, j There is one sort of government against which the Whigs do, and ever ,vill, protest : it is the uncontrolled supre macy; olj such time-servers and "equivo cating betrayers" of the people's rights as IjLe wis Cass; whose history proves him o have been a federalist or republican ; an apologist for Louis Philippe or his de nouncer!; an advocate of the Wilmot Pro- yiso or'lts .opponent ; just as he thought one opinion or tho opposite would be to his own advantage. Gcn .Cass's Letter of Acceptance. " Washington, May 30, 1818. Gentli prritn I have the honor to ac knoxvledgo the receipt of vour letter of 4he 28th instant, announcing to me that 1 have been"" nominated by the convention bf the Ijemocralic party its candidate for the office of President of the United States ;tit the approaching election. ) .While 1 accept, with deep gratitude, I this distinguished lionor--and distinguish ed indeed it is I do so with a fearful ap Ijnehension of the responsibility it may i. .. ii.. i,: i. : . - 1 -.i icxcmuaiiy oring wuti u, nmi xvnn a pro I found conviction that it is the kind conli fdenceof rny fellow citizens, far more than (any merit of my own, which has placed 'hie thus prominently before the American jieople. " And fortunate shall I be if this confidence should find, in the events of I the futurb a better justification than is i furnished by those of the p;tst. I) I have carefully read the resolutions of j thp Democratic National Convention, lay ing down the platlorrn of our political faith, and I adhere to them as firmly, as I hpproyo of rthem cordially. And while tlivv adhering 'to them, 1 shall do so with jiv sacred- regard to "the principles and compromises of the constitution' and with hit earnest desire for their maintenance !Mi immediate predecessor in the nom ination by the'Democratic part', who has since established so many claims to the regard and confidence of his country, xvhen Announcing, four years ago, his accept ance )f a similar honor, announced also his determination not to be a candidate fo re election. Coinciding with him in hil views, so well expressed, and so faith fully Carried out, I beg leave lo say, that nolcircumstances can possibly arise, which would induce me again to permit my namejto be brought lorward in connexion xvilh tje Chief Magistracy of our country. My inclination and my sense of duty e qu&lly dictate this course. No party, gentlemen, hadever higher motives for exertion, than has the great Democratic partyof the United States. With an abiding confidence in the recti tude of our principles, with an unshaken ! reliance upon the energy and wisdom of I . I 1 ? - a puqnc opinion, and with the success winch has-crowned the administration of the go vernment, when committed to its keeping, (nnd it has been so committed during more thaji three-iourths of its existence.) what has been done, is at once the reward of past exertion and the motive for future, and. ajhhe same time, a guarantee for the accomplishment of what We have to do. We cannot conceal from .ourselves that thece js a powerful party in the country differing from us in regard to many of the futu)amental principles of our government, andjopposed to us in their practical appli cation, which will strive as zealously as wc shall to secure the ascendajicy of their prinbjples by securing the election of their candidate; in the coming contest. That party; is composed of our fellow citizer"; as deeply interested in the prosperity of our common country as we can be and sseeking as earnestly as we are to promote and perpetuate it. We shall soon present to the world the sublime spectacle of the election of a Chief Magistrate by twenty millions of people, without a single serious resistance to the laws, or the sacrifice of the Jile of one human beingand this, too, n the absence of all force, but the moral force of our institutions ; and if we should add to all this an example of mu- tual; respect for the motives of the con tending parties, so that the contest mirht . C be carried on with that firmness and en ergyjwhich accompany (feep conviction, and ;With as little personal asperity as po litical divisions permit, we should do more for jhe great cause of human freedom throughout the world, than by any other tribute we could render to its value. We. have a government founded by the will ;6fnll. responsible to the power of all, and administered for the good of all. The very first article in the Democratic creed teaches that the people are compe tent Jto govern themselves: it is, indeed, rather an axiom than an article of politi cal faith. From the days of Gen. Hamil lon to our days, the par ty opposed to us of whose principles he was the great ex ponent, if not the founder while it has changed.its name, has preserved essen tially its identity of character; and. the doubt he entertained and taught of the capacity of man for self government, has exerted a marked influence upon its ac tion and opinions. Here is the very start ing point of4he dilference between tlfe two great parties which divide our coun trv. RAM other differences are but subor dinate and auxiliary to this, and may, in factbe resolved into it. Looking with doubt upon the issue of self-government, one party is prone to think the public au thority should be strengthened, and to fear any change, lest that change might wealten the necessary force of the gov ernrnent ; while the other, strong-in its convictions of the intelligence and virtue of the people, believes that original pow er isisaler than delegated, and that the solution of the great problem of good gov ernment consists in governing with the! leas! force, and leaving individual action as free -from restraint as is compatible with the preservation of the social system, thereby securing to each all the freedom which is not essential to the well being ol the whole. As a party, we ought not to mistake the There names first of the kind in the Union. were twenty-nine graduates, whose! will be found in the following SCHEME OF THE1EXERCI3ES AT THE COMMENCEMENT , OF THE UNIVERSITY OF N. CAROLINA. June 1st, llB48. j FORENOON. j 1. Sacred Music. 2. Prayer. 3. Salutary Oration, in Latin. Geo. T. Baskerville, Mecklenburg, Va. 4. Oration. Inducements to Intellec tual Exertion in our Country." John W. Cameron. Foyetteville. j 5. Oration. international Law. J N. Montgomcryv Caswell Co. G. Oration. " The Glories of our Thomas H. Holmes, Clinton. 7. Oration. Poetry of the Bible." Victor C. Barringer, Concord. 8. Oration. "Character of Sir Walter Raleigh." Willie P. Mahgum, iv.y Hills borough, j Ot. Oration. 44 Fundamental Constitu tions of Carolina." J. B; Bynum, North ampton Co. AFTERNOON. Oration. Decitur's Sentiment" Age." 1. "Our Country ; May she be always right ; but right or wrong, 'our Country." j Sea ton Gales, Raleigh. 2. Oration. " Representative Democ racy." Thomas J. Person, Northampton County. DORRISM IN FULL BLOSSOM. V are indebted to our contemporary at Baltimore for 'the subjoined pregnr.nt article. If any one of our friends has thought thnj, irrour allusion, some days ago.lo the Wild and disorganizing views and principles avowed of late years by the Democratio Nomlne for the Presidency, wc dealt rather harshly with him. or that we overrated the danger of his principles obtaining ascendency in the Government, let him read this article, and then sit down nnd calculate bow far. under the Presi dency of such a Fatalist as he, this Gov ernment will be from the Despotism of the Mob; and how long how many years, months, or days we mny expect it to survive its fell dominion 1 FROM THE BALTIMORE AMERICAN OF JUNE 6. In the concluding paragraph of his let ter of acceptance addressed to the Presi dent of the Baltimore Convention, Gen. Cass uses the following language : As a partv, wie oujiht not to mistake the signs of the times, but should bear in mind that this is an age of progress of advancement in all the elements of inteb lectual power, and in the opinions of the world. The General Government should assume no powers. It should exercise none which have not been clearly grant ed hy the parties to the federal compact. We ought to construe the constitution strictly, according to the received and sound principles of the Jefferson school. But, while rash experiments should be de precated, if the Government is stationary in its principles oj 'action, and refuses to accommodate its measures, within its con stitutional sphen -auiiously indei d. but wisely and cheerfully to the advancing disclaim the lantern, and the Colonal made no snch classical allusion at nil." A num ber of leiter-writers. however. talk might ily the sameway " of the account quoted alove ; and it is to be regretted. (ays the Richmond Times.) that the lantern s disclaimed, and th.il "the Colonel made no classical allusion at all. The concur rent accounts, in different letters, present a strange example of fallacious circum stantial evidence ; land, in truth, the story is too good, not lo jbe true. CAROLINA WATCHMAN. . i i - 1 - 1 1 - .i . i i . -i i Salisbury, N. C. i THURSDAY EVRNING. JUNE 15. 1848. FOR PRESIDENT, GENERAL ZACIIARY TAYLOR, OF LOUISIANA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK. FOR GOVERNOR. CHARLES MANLY. OF WAKE COCKTT. FOR SENATOR, JOHN A. LILLINGTON, OF DAVIE. FOR THE COMMONS. Col. JOHN F. McCORKLE, WILLIE BEAN, Esq. 3. Oration. 14 Character of Hneh S. Lrsrare" Oliver H. Dockerv. Richmond, tub public authobitv ils If should readily fytft-; - rfo, when the indications of popular senti- We throw to the hreeze, lo day. our Ticket in full. Gdi. Ztuhary 'Fax lor for sentiments and necessities of the age, it President, Millard Fillmore, of N. Yoik. Ir, ,'mora' 'orCft impaired, and for Vice President, and Chatle Manlv. in& run uo will determine to do what 1 signs! of the times, but should bear in mind f in .spirit of moderation nd brotherly j that 4 this is an age of progress of ad love, so vitally essential ta the perpetuity vanepment in al! the elements ol intellec id. Ihe Union, and the prosperity and hap- i tua (power, and in the opinions of the jtiucss (jf our common country;" a ftel- J worlji. The general government should j ing which, has made us what we are.aiid assufne no powers it should exercise which, in humble reliance upon Provi-j noncj' which are not clearly granted by llrttHUi V'f m.'IV hnn( 1 Ktlf lliu limrinniim ! llin liarliuu t r tn f.wLiPal r r m r .j n t W .-. U What we aro to be. If called upon ought to construe the. constitution strictly, Un.verns den.qne Hi.man.tatH Cultor.bus ; tareal-er to render an account of my stew- i according to the received and sound prin- ExercUaliones ha see Juvenes hodie pnmi gr . . . I . : ' . - . J 1 I L . . Chu 4. Oration. " Cednnl arma tog&? William A. Jenkins, Warrcnton. 5. Annual Report. 0. Degrees Conferred. 7. Valedictory. John Wilson, Milton. 8. Sacred Music. I. My soul, inspired wiih sacred love, God's! holy name for ever bless ; Of all his favors mindful prove, And still thy grateful thanks express. The Lord abounds with tender love, And unexampled acts of grace ; His waken'd wiaih doth slowly move, His willing mercy flies apace. God will not always harshly rhide, Hut w'uh his anger quickly part ; And loves his punishment to ruid3 More by love than our desert. As high as heaven its arch extends Above this little spot of clay. So much his boundless love transcends The small respects that we can pay. Let spvery creature jointly bless The mighty Lord; and thou, my heart With grateful joy thy thanks express, And in this concert bear thy part. II. We give immortal praiso To Gyd the FatherVlove, For all our comforts here, And all our hopes above : He sent his own Eternal Son, To die for sins That man had done. 1 To God the Son belongs Immortal glory too, j Who saved us by his blood From everlasting wo : And now he lives, And he revign, And sees the fruit Of all his pains. To God the Spirit, praise -And endless worship give, Whose new creating power Makes the dad sinner live : 11 is work completes The great design, And fills ! ho sou With joy divine. Almighty God ! lo theo He endless honors done ; The sacred Persons three, The Godhead only! one : Where reason fiils ; ' With all her powers, There- fiiih prevails, And love adores. 9. Benediction.. Illustrissimo Gulielmo A. Graham, Armigerd Carolina; Se pientiionlis Ueipublicx gcberxatom : Honorando David L. Swax, Armigero, LL. D. FACULTATIS PttSIDI J Omnibusque Sanatus Afadetuiei Sociss ; ment are clear and clearly expressed.' Whenever the Public determines ' to do what the. public : authority itselt should readily do, a criM.s arrives not much dif ferent from a revolution. It is not unusu al wilh some who claim to be statesmen to magnify the power ot the people to the depreciation of the Government which the people themselves have framed, which they sustain, and in the body of which they have a political existence. Such ap peals to the turbulent propensities of civ ilized men imply a most derogatory esti mate of those to whom they are address ed. To discriminate between the people as a mass andhthe people as a body politic, formed info an organization of nationalitv. WON DERI- The Locofocc ency tO .1 VG:;:!e: Baltimore cone! nv vengeance. every : ',, alixm of the ol.! ii I i ing this profess tl tred, every proi:." fore this modem Convention was a Hartford Convrh: haw belicved'th-i' : COllId havo been "i: pretensions of on- puhlicanism for a r. nominate one of I i, I hem as the di i;v -candidate for the States. But so i: i rejiiiceil over the t in time. gom by, !, ; denly, to the lon - ; honor in the i-oV.;!! Let the Whig-i, I.Li, ing demagogues i f ; federalists, point to I didate.andtelhbrrri ! hirn clean. Lm the Buchanan, atiothrr candidate lefore tij; the same post of for Governor of the State. For the Le gislature as our Senatorial candidate, we present J. A. Lillinglon, Esq.. of Da vie, and for the Commons, Messrs. Mc- Coikle antl Bean. Of these last we need say nothing at present ; but of , GEN. ZACIIARY TAYLOR AND MILLARD FILLMORE as our candidates for the highest offices in the gift of their countrymen, we take oc casion to express our entire satisfaction, and with heart and hand, shall most cor dially contribute our humble influence to secure their election. Gen. T-iylor is all that we could wish : a sound Whig, a gootl man, and noble spirit. Whenever and wherever his country has called him These are the- m u Locofoco party", and uiocracy. and lrnnd t lending for the Inur:;; principles ihose nj of the Republic nctt this not be forgotten, sion expose them. with institutions and laws, and rights and j duties, is to make a listiuction between j 1 her service, he has promptly obeed chaos and order ; which the mind mav readilv do in an abstract way ; but to make that distinction real, would be to dissolve all elements and leave civiliza tion to begin her wotk anew. General Cass probably wrote the para graph we have quoted without having any particular meaning other than 'to say something in eulojrv ol democracv, which he understands about as well as a cour tier comprehends a King, where the one is a parasite and the other a despot. lie has played desperately for the nomination y virtue of which he is now a candidate for the Presidency : and, should he be un- fortunately elected to that office, he would ga;inro it. committed to all those uhraisms hy"hich he has courted popularity, and which are so dangerous to the peace and prosperity of the country. COL. BENTON'S SPEECH. The "Standard" " invites the attention of the Raliegh Register, and others who have been endeavoring to produce the impression that Col. Benton would not support Gen. Cass," to a significant' ar ticle trom the " Washington Union," from which it appeals that a procession wait ed upon Senators Dix and Benton, who addressed the crowd in a handsome and satisfactory manner." The official pro ceedings of this " Mass Meeting." as it is termed by the Union" and 'Standard," say that "Col. Benton mnde a few re marks in regard to the nominations of the Convention, and pledged the vote of Mis souri in their support." Now.it is a pity the Elitors of the "Standard" and 4 Union" did not furnish their readers with a copy of this "hand some" and " 'satisfactory" addrpss of Col. Benton. It is so short, that no excuse for want of room" can be given for this de linquency ; ml the " pledge of Missouri" lor Mr. Cass", is so cmphetic and hearty, that their Democratic readers would have ami faitbfully performed the duties as signed. As a General, his skill anil brave ry in the tield has secured him the victors tu every contest, some of which were as astounding to the world as grateful to the heaits of bis devoted soldiers and coun trvmen. We love the wan. honor the sol dier, and admire the citizen ; and as we believe Gen. Taylor's greatest ambition is to serve hisiCounlry for the good of the Country, no name could have been brought lorward to secure our support with great er cheerlulness. Nor, do we think, we are speaking our individual sentim-nts alone: The wisdom, good taste, and es pecially the gratitude ol a grateful people, will ensure lor Gen. Tax lor such a vote, as but one man alone, the Father of his Country, ever received at the hands of the American people. So may it be ; and from this gootl day, may the glory of our count ry commence ret urning, and its groxv ing prosperity be secured. OCT3 The Dernocr.i (or rather a small t i t met in llip Court llo::- jouriimeiit, on SatunJ i out iheir candidates ,. We were not present, friend, that the attend; and nearly as many Y The nominees are J David Barringpr,' for t! mom, nnd Httnan nan. Davie, for thu Senate. liotn parties:are now j and xxe Would sky to r : all, lhat now i the lime I If we only prrfce'rvi? ban: ours. Let fvrv Wit!'' liole Mnnoiir Htid u-om combat manljijly kept the country lluence ol Locofocoistn. nn xvho hax:q rtin ihelcr .; M U the tunc of one hundred c;, o those jx . under ti. iif dollars unnc-jf'ssaiily by 1 War ! Turn -out! I he men u : islilv rteprivei its best citizens. say xve. and put and capable.? In General pose the. utn 1 I i ' le as unflinchini in njEt count rv ! EPil lit. i: in those !, i lor. the Co: con ments of L' resiv: in t i TT 1 r - - coiicoisni uon an up xas; in resis 'iii .ur. roiKs iXiexicn inetu: at Buena Yista. Iip;!i ! ing t "THE UPPER CRUST." What is patriotism ? Does it consist in turning up your nose at every mn and thing that does not belong to your own State ? Does it consist in ministering lo such prejudices in narrow minds? Does it consist in standing out against all im provements, unless it begin and end wilh in our own borders? We only wish our modern croakers could have been here at our last week's Convention ; the feeling that ihen prevailed xvould have shamed and rebuked them. Surely there never was a day in which men might feel more like citizens of a great Republic and less like partizans. There was one passage O3 The LdcU here! arc 1 ry much tho norrjtnatum bv : Wliig Convention of i!r- " of the hardest! ((Might halt! They preferred Mr. Clay ; most proper jtiatiSin iheir I the Whigs have (lone him ; i, .U. !.. i oy ooi preseniing' nis nan. ' a 1 trv, instead o M.I I achary 'i tlu-se Democratis. surely h I en, how I hey only a few abused Ibis samel Mr. Ci thought he xyOuld be tb ; he xvhs any hiug but : rioik man, put since t!. Gen. Tavlorj Mr. CI ax- in the world We ha xvas a head and should Vn - r and pure patriotism, tha party, but cou d never 1 acknoxvledge lit. Porr sorry iby are bo bad!; Why dfd i hex! not m I i i I soouecand repentlof tl I i : ! j 5 ! ' Absquatulated.-!- u. wheel horse oft the I r I ii iird-hip in the great trust you desire to i ciples of the Jefferson school. While rash commit to mc, should I he able to show experttnents should be deprecated, if the llial I Ijrtd truly redeemed the pledge thus. , government is stationary in its principles .p'tvbliclvj given, and hail, adhered to the j of action, and refuses to accommodate its principles of the Democratic party xvith j me'asures, within its constitutional sphere nt much fidelity nnd success as have gen- ; cHu'tiously, indeed, but xvisely and cheer orally marked the administration of the j full)' -to the advancing sentiments and rhline'ijt men to xvhom that party hashiih- ; necessities of the age, it will find its mor efto confided the chief executive aut hority i al force impaired, and the public will de J pf. lhe Igox'ernment, 1 could prefer no high- I teririined to do what the public authority Srj- cluitn to the favorable consideration of' itself should readily do, when, the indica- ihe country, nor to the impartial commen Idaiion of history. 4 'JMiis! letter, gentlemen, closes my pro ffSbionof political faith. Receiving my jirst appointment from that pure patriot iicy, .yr. Jelfrrson, more than forty years , ipo. lite Intervening period of my life has if cui almost xvholly parsed in the service of. my e.ounlrx-. and lrs been rrtarked by many icissuuues, auu auenueu win. ma- iy trying circumstances, both in peace nd xvar. If my conduct in these situa- r ions. nd the opinions I have been called pon to form and express, from lime to ime, in relation lu all the great party top U of ihe day, do nol furnish a clear expo sition of my viexvs respecting them, and at th fcdtpc ttino a sufficient pledge of my -. 1 gra- tions of popular sentiment are clear and clearly expressed. . Vih great respect, gentlemen, 1 1 have the honor to be. vour! ob'f s'vt., . LEWIS CASS. Hoil A. Stepijenson, President of the De rriocratic Convention, and the Vice Pre siPexts of thtl same. - "' 1 1 " 11 1 . 1 " - r A LARGE supply of Swayjie's Compound Syrup of iWild Cherry, nnd also a very superior quality of Lamp Oil and spirits of Turpentine. j i. UliUlYJf H JAMES. Salisbury, Ju fie 1, 194a if p ATTFTlON !. GREYS ! Y0U .re hereby coraraancted to 'meet at the Court Oiouse on next Saturdac evening, at 4 o'clock. P By order of Lieutenofl eotaiaantiing, SajUburyune 15, 1648 H. JAMES, du3 in arbilius hrmofem petentes. Victor Clay Barringer, Georgius Thomas Baskerville, Johannes Boen Bynum. Hichardus Alexander Caldwell, Johannes Wilder Cameron, Johannes Xnvier Campbell, Beltield Gulielmus Gave, Oliver Hart I)ockery,i Seat on Gales, Bryan Grimes, Jun., Benjamin Simmons Guion, Thomas Hall Holmes, Erasmus Koscoe Hobker, Jacobus Johnston Iredell, Gulielmus Alexander Jenkins, IVtrns Hector M'Eachin, Willie Person Mangum, Jun. Oliver Iend!eton Meares, Jacobus Newton Montgomery, . Hardy Murlree, Hast ll Norwood. Lorenzo Dow Pender, Thomas Jefferson Person, Nathan Alexander Ramse-, Johannes Kirkland Strange, Hufus Sylvester Tucker, Georgius Washington) Johannes Wilson, Robertus Willis. been electrified with its perusal.--For , OI ine peccn oi ixir. 1 unslall. which we their edification, and all xvhom it may shou' 1'ke to see recorded and rc-pplicd concern," xx-e here insert Col. B.'s speech. whenever like occasions occur. It was with an explanation o how it carne. to be ; ,he axvfu! baslinndoing which he admin made, taken from the "Alexandria Ga.!:ef,i r..; n u iu I'rn v pin 1 1 1 u i mi.') . i i in in i zette, : " Senator Benton xvas not anxious lo come down. He looked out of the xvin doxv and thanked his friends for the. honor conferred by the call. But the venerable editor of the Union, with a lantern in his hand, and gay and blvthe as a lark, call ed out, " corn dbxvn Senator, and let us hear hoxv Missouri is going" Ah," said the. Senator. is lhat you. fa ther Ritchie ; you remind me of Diogenes with his lantern in hishand, looking a bout the streets of Syracuse, ?for an hon est man. Missouri isiijjht will be right has always been right. Good night, gentlemen." We leavet to every one, then, if it is xvho raise out cries against improvements of all kinds: men xvho had rather enjoy tnpip lilt Id ihit' in nstttt- . , i Lounty, has left fur n . nrnmn! inn 1 h m n t rv uio ihrni Komi or A ! . , 1 ! . 1 ing some olihis breth; landscapes ol neaufy ami xvealth over the face of the country. Shame to these gen try, and xve saw more than one in attend ance at the Convention, who must have felt ashamed for themselves. Virginia politics! South Carolina politics! These are the points pf honor for our modern statesmen. But !b t us tell these gentle men that on the occasion lo xvhich xve are adverting, there, xvas very little room for the peculiar views of these abstractionists not. shadowed forth as clear as mud. that ! to boast themselves the - Standard is correct in its prediction ! but the quaceries and nostrums of all sorts iii.il vcn. ucmoii wilt give nm cordial support to Cass anl Butler." Our neigh, bor, if he can ; .take 'courage ' from this speech, is, indeed, thankful for small fa- handsome ptlr. i W! he will no doubt add r , t . i i parl as he' is an an! largest liberty. His 1 reparable. ' . n "Lr Th Democracy cf C on the 6th, condemned v Rocker fmveniion. . In t! garded with ditrut.l H i the WILMOT PROVISO, xor. P. S.- Since the above xvas in tvpe, xx-e observe lhat Mrl Ritchie denies that Colo nel Benton compared him to Diogenes in the streets of Syracuse" hetays : " Wc and sizes of politicians felt the unmerciful lash ot the orator's scorn and ridicule. They the upper crus indeed ! Th-y xvould have felt very smi: inch ed, come they from where they migiht. The great con sideration lhat addresses itself to the pub. lie, and that xvhich gives life and vigor to all the works concerned is, that we call for no forced loans. ! - t 1 1 Un U V. ..... : v- or not on v these . , , . .. . . . j iwi iKcn piNce in ni? ni hil mind has changed a t of Louis Phillippe nnd rr Plenipotentiary at the l'r the knowing ones inform i Coxgmss. Dut I'.ttle I transacted in either IIo-u--part. On the 5th ins:nr., the Bth, en account of t! rrnliosit PbuadelfKla. f ! u r

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