tr W INalionai wiug uuuvtuiuuu Frh ihi B1ilnor Sun f Saturday; 10th inat. - i 4. That thero were delegate prent from .V t V. I . itTTU : fl f ibe.pUlrirt:f. Columblaam it wa. recornmen. dedfhttl t bey should be allowed seats in the Convention, as honorary members, but wish no numorny in Jioie. J An'excitirtg discussion'arose on the prrfposi- tii thitt theircptitt ho accent edy and that por tion giving ike delegates power to fill vacancies in their delegation, wag finally rejected by a tiers ol the press VulH of ayes 120, nays 150. Thlny out ot the crowded to excess forty absentee tvero from T) lor Slates. HliL.VDKLPHlA, Juno 7, 1848. , .Tbiff Kational Whig Convention assembled this riprnin, in the epaciou Saloou-pf the Chi Momn, the pnliro floor being reserved I I c'tl.U .l..1trtf ami member ol the htst tneH'Hlleri. s were : INTERESTING., FROM MEXICO. jib tjiertiiiir. ' Tl I Convention was called to order at 11 U previse ly when Henry White, of Penn- cvltaait, jiroed lhal John A. Collier, f Saw lo dulled to the Chair, and Wm. S. Arch. Virginia, proposed that James Harlan, of - kr. act hs Secretary, nntil a pernjanent znlin should be ellected, which proposi- weres tulited. , CoUKt.oii taking the Chair, returned 14 ihe convention for the honor confer. 1 YoikJ f r, oi Krrrt'i organ tiitiil Mr thanks red on Moi. The recommendation ol the committee tbal Louisiana le) ullowexl to vote for Texas was then adopted; as also that the delegates from the District of Columbia be admitted to seats. A question then aiose as to the mode of vo tingwhether it should be by delegates or by Stales, which was continued until 2 o clock, when adjournment was moved and carried. 1 he Convention adjourned until 4 o clock lor private session. s AFJiEllNOON SESSIONS The Contention met again,' agreeable to ad journment, at 2 clock, but the doors were clos ed, and neither the reporters or spectators ad- The ( t.nventinn was then opened with prayer mjUPj untj q o'clock. I have no means of as. WlM lie. Mr. Ilruiuard, invoking a blessing certainiug what was done in the interim. on iheif priK'eedinz. lMr.1 J hn Shermim, of Ohio, was appointed an adilitioibil Secreiary. Mr. J.hh W. Fowler, oT-New York, moved At 0 o'clock, when the doors were opened, a debate was brogressiug upon a resolution re qoiring Whig pledges from alt the candidates presented to'ilie Coiiwninoi. Mr. Haskell scooted the idea intimated by I ? .i iifi it that a conitniltee on credentials be appointed, the resolution, that Whigs would vote fur any afterward' withdrew it. Uny ,"t V1" pb-dges were necessa- I'l l ...M . .... it.... ....n..l ftn.1 itiA rt nfTfllAB ij""" uo-u . . -r-, "o ,,e ,a:d on it. .aUe.and lh Convention would atMWre( lo Mn ir names. i,m.H O. i.ii.n-...-.lM f Il-t- S...,ll. 'Pil.,r ,ranv 31 rj' King o Ua., moyeu mat ine aeiegnnon ol,Hr c,Mi whi!. 1 . i ' . ; 1 rom earn Oiaie h Pini : innuurr n int-i ir- prciive delegations to act as a committee of (lie fi'om each Slate to appoint permanent ofli cers of the Co'iventton. , -An amiendinenl was offered lo the efleel that iSerommijtee be apjminted by the Chair, and I negatived. s TV 'original motion Kvas then carried, and the commijtee appoioted by delegations. ; A moifiiii to adjourn lb 3 o'clock was then ' made i.i loM., 'J. TheMnnmittee just appointed then retired. A ntotinft ! clear thegjHlleries, on aecoont of tlie daiit Iroin th excessive crowd in them, t9 tho made Mod lost. 'rhe rols of ihe Jloose of Representatives i of,rhel United Stales, so fir as they air applica U to the business of l he Convention, were j adopted asjlhe rules of the Convention. , I 'Asvlio business could be brought before the I CoVhtlou jintil it should he, permanently organ- I iieil. a 'motion for adjournment was made until 4 uclock, and carried. j aWernoon sessiox. At 4 nVloek the President pro lern.. called 1 1 he Convention lo order.: lr." Kinilf. chairmaii of the eonrfmiitee on or. paiiuHtionJth'i rejMrted the folluwing as per inaiteul officers of the (n vent ion : i j j , President I JOHN M. M OR KNEAD, ! " j : of S'oith Carolina. r 1 Vice. Presidents. o opinion, themselves The President of the Convention pronounced the resolution to be out ol order, and a debate was cool inud at considerable length on an ap peal from this decision. ; Mr. Ev'efeit, of Vermont, spoke upon the question, but loaudibly. Mr. Cientfy followed. He said that the nri ginal inotioit was tti prescribe the mode ofelee lion, and the amendment was to prescribe a lest : He considered that the people liud determined that question, and the nomination of this Convention would surh ciently guarantee that the candidate was a v,iig. lie coiiciiiot'U oy moving wuu ine ap. peal be laid on the tables which was carried. The previous question was then called for and sustained. 1 The vote was then taken upon the main ques lion, and it Was decided dial the vote should be taken viral voce, individually, until a majoiity shall liave been obtained. The Convention was still in session last nighl when we were compelled to go to press with our Southern edition. i 'I Min LuiUer Sevrrnnce. New II.lmhirr Arnlmny Colby. Vrrihont -Ilonrrr Kv rii. M nchu'riiii AMiibfl Huotington. nii'ide Inlnrtil Chitlrs Jackson. ( ornrcticat Chm-tes W R ock well. irw York Sninufl Wood. Nrwr Jrrsrv Jt'Oph rutlrr. Tr ryrty tva nin Tow nsr nd U a inri. lVtawnr--John II. .1rFr.e. Mnylimil' TlMnnnn (J. Pratt. Virgmin Juliri Jimnry. North Carolmn KJniund Dfberry. Sotith Cnrohha hMward G;trnage. Cforgia (Irorite .Y Crawford. Alibniria.-JJin tialej Miissiipi Jnnifs Mrtcn'fe. Ioiiisi.iiiH Walie r .Brnshfars. j K"'ittirky---Jniiirs Campbell. Ohio, Jiftyh Vnnce. In !'nna-UJ')rph Warner. lllinoW-itzra linker. Missouri, ). DyMnchrll. Wisconsin K. D. Murray. Arknnn 'riif)iii;i!i W. Jfrwton. Mi hi aati-Joseph R. Williams. Flojii1.i-Ja?p-r jrona. Thm fcftmurt J iVtirs. SENATORIAL NOMINATION. I 1 : " ' It will je seen from the subjoined correspon dence, tht the delegates appointed to nominate a candidate for this Senatorial District, have 4 43ft- . . . pertorin'f the duty assigned them by present ing JOHN A. LILLINGTON, of Davie, as the candidate of the Whij oariv. Able, and . . j " ready in debate, we feel assured in saying to the Whigs of ihe District, that our principles will be wefl sustained. I ' ' Mocksville, June 13, 1848. John A. t-ilUnglon, Esq , Dear Sir: The delegations ap pointed by the Whigs of Rowan and Davie, having met in consultation this dnyit was unanimously resolved to present you as their candidate for this Senatorial Dis trict, k V ft The undersigned were appointed a Committee to ap prize you of Jyoifr nomination-and request your accep tance thereof. fi Respectfully, . J. M. HOUS'ER. O. G. FOARD. Committee. M.K:KSViLtE. June 13, 1848 Gentlemen- Your communicntion informing me of my nomination as the Vhig Candidate to represent this Senatorial District in the next Legislature, has been re ceived. I could wish that vour choice for so responsi ble a post had fallen upon some abler soldier in our ranks. But trustini! in the goodness of our cause re- Ratificalion of the Treaty by the Senate rV Vote: 33 to 4 We published fast 'eek thn news of the Rnt ification crth Treaty hy the Mex ican Chnmherof Deputies, hyj a. vote of 51 to 35. We nohave the gratification of statin0:, that it hail Keen ratitietl by the tenate, by a vote of 33 to 4!!l We con gratulate the country oh a speedy resto ration of reace. The IJ. S. steamer Hetzel, arrived at New Orleans late on Saturday night from Vera Cruz, hringingthc ratification of the adoption of the Treaty in the Senate, hy a vote ol 33 veas to 4 navs- being w I most unanimous. This vote wasiaken at,3 o' clock P. M. on the 25:h of May. MajorGrahnm was hourly expected at Vera Cruz with the ratitied treaty when I he steamer Httzel left, and one ot the na val steamers of trie squadron was order ed lo he held in readiness to convey him to N. O. or Mobile, on his arrival at Vera Cruz. The English Courier, it was stated, started direct from Queretaro for Vera Cruz immediatelv after the ratihcation. Gen. Kearnev (savsthe Free American of the 28th ult..) is ordered to; command in the city of Mexico, in place of Gen. Smith, who is lo superintend the emhar kation ol the troops, ben. ratlerson, it was said, would come down to Vera Cruz with Gen. Smith. Great uneasiness was felt in ihe city of Mexico with regard to ihe menacing atti tude lately assumed hy the Indians, whose cries of death to the whites long live the Indians P were heard at a recent bull fight in the Plaza. A train of wagons, escorted hy Lieut. Stead's company, left Vera Cruz on the 28th ult. for Jala pa. They were wagons sent up to transport to Vera CrUz the sick and disabled soldiers who arc now at J a lapa. City of Mexico, May 25. 1843. Ens. Delta : The 'officers and others who had been sentenced lo4e hanged on to day have been respited by (.Jen. Butler, by a special or der f the following substance : The sentence of death, which has been passed upon persons by Courts of the American Army, whether Americans or Mexicans, is hereby suspended until further orders." T am not aware what has influenced the com manding officer in suspending the sentence of death upon the oflirrers for the murder and bur glary at No. 5. Calle de la Pabna, liut really it does seem to many a very strange proceeding, and has surprised the community generally. 1 hey were undoubtedly guilty of one of the grossest outrages ever perpetrated upon society, and have to some extent, siigiiMsizd the corps and the Army to which they belonged, which could only have been wiped otit by blood, in a manner sanctioned by ihe laws of he couuliy under which lhy hold commissions. Their trial was fair and impartial, and I have no hesi tation in saying, that ihe Commission who tried and sentenced iheni, was the most able 1 have seen convened in the Army. The good citizens of Queretaro are going to give our Commissioners ti giand ball. The exchange of ratifications was to take place to-day. Gen. Arista is to be the Governor here when the Mexican Government takes op its quarters here. I expect lo see all the Mexican authori ties here this week coming in. The Commissioners, Messrs. Sevrer and Clifford arrived at Queretaro at 4 o'clock, yes-lerday. City of Mexico, May 26. 1849. 8 o'clock;, P. M. I have this moment received the final rat iri cation of ihe Treaty of Peace by the Mexican Congress, and hasten lo forward it 10 you. It was put to vole in the Senate on the 25:li, at 3 o'clock. The vote stood 33 fr. and. 4 against CONFECTIONARY: ! - - -f-Vr- : BENJAMIN! JULIAN OtJLD inform his friends here and elsewhere ns well as the public generally, that be has recently Opened a ..-!. ! Confectionary Establishment IN THIS TOWN, to which he invites their attention, and of whom , he so licits a share of patronage. His present stock consists a part of the following articles, to -wit : Raisins, Currents, "R Lemons, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Prunes, Citron, Sardines, Fi. Fancy Soap, Candies, Nutmegs, Spice, Scotch Snuff, Mustard, Essence oJJejnnn, StoofrhtorlJsTJittera, Silufl" Boxes, Salisbury, jHne 15, 1848. imis, ; Sky Rockets, Harps, Segars, lAle, ""Newark Cider, . 'Cream Nuts, Mate hesr Ilei rings, Ivmoii Syrup, MacatNty . SuufJ, Tor er, U'oys, Twine, of Cinnamon, Cloves, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes. 47 V To IiIUl Owners. rHE jubscribrr is agent, and can; fnro'ush at New Ttrk coat (the purchaser paying freight) any size French Barr Mill Stonrs, warranted to te as good aa imported from France. Alao.kll kinds of Mill Irons, HoisungjScrews, &ic. I bare now at my store to Statrsville. a good -stock of Bolttnj Cloths of the brst Anchor Bra fids, which will be sold at fa email advance on Ts'ew York cost. JOS. W. STOCKTON. June 12, 1849. . . ; Dt7 r NOTICE. friHE. snhscK ' ys having qualified at the LL l" Term of Po.ian Cunty Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, as Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Murphy, dee'd, requests all those owing accounts 'or small notes, to come forward and pay; also, those haying demands against ihe Estate to pre. sent ihem legally authenticated or this notice will be plead in bar of I heir recovery. WILLIAM MURPHY, . JAMES .MURPHY. V ' Salisbury. May 29, 1349. C:5 State otHovtU ROWAN COtl . 'MAY S ESS I OX : Joel Reed and Aaron Milr. -last Will nd Testament of Dm ; the Will r,. Arthur Kimbal and wife, Man-. ?: wife, Elizabeth. David Cox anJv son of Benjamin, Otho N. Cm, V, Ally. ' . . 'Procedendo from tie Superior C'jrt via Iietd.rrpropounded Jor rrul:;. . IT appearing to the satisfaction c f Defendanuare not inhliiriD ; motion, ordered by the Court; tVi: ; for six weeks in the Carolina V.'a c ibury, for the Defendants lo br 'tr . Jos tiers of oor Court of Plras at: i the next Coartlo be held fur the C 'he Court How, in SaHslmry, on t Aogrjst next, then and there !r n I, z said Petition, otherwise, the eair.h n. . frsso and heard exparte at to ihrtji. Witness, John H. HarJie.Ork i f r - fice, the 6rst Monday in Mar, l;,. year of oar Independence. ' JOHN II. H A Gw4 Printers fee S3 CJ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA JlOiVAN COUNTY. James C. Roseman, ts. John F. Stirewolt. j Attachment. TOHN F. STIREWALT.Ihedeft-ndani in this case, is hereby notified, thatsnid Attachment was this dny returned before me, levied on one Rifle Gun and Shot- Pouch, one Chest of Carpenter's Tools, Bureau, Clock, a one horse Wagon, Gearing, Work Bench, two Axes, Plow, six head of Cattle, Table and contents, Grind stone, Shoemaker's Tools, Cook. Pot, Wash Pol, Tub, Book Case and Books, Froe, Saddle and Bridle, Stone Jar, Grass Seylhe, targe German Bible, 300 feet of Wal nut Plank, 2DU feet Pine Plank, and one Mattock. A garnishment was also returned against Daniel House, on which there i3 judgment entered for the sum of twenty-six dollars and Bix cents : all which is condemned to the use of the Plaintiff, and conditional judgment enter ed against the defendant for the sum of one hundred dollars, to be made absolute and final at the end of thir ty days from the date hereof, unless the defendant re plevy or appear and answer the plaintiff according to law P. A. SEAFORD, J. P. June 9, 1848. 4w7 SULPHUR SPRIMGST TT1HE attention of invalids and those in delicate JL health, is respectfully invited to the mineral Springs 3 miles west of Tiiylonville, Alexander County, N. C. The water possesses valuable medical qualities as a ton ic and restorative, and has been of great benefit in cas es where physicians had failed ; it has never failed len efiting those who have used iu The Springs are situa ted in a very high, healthy region of country, in the im mediate vicinity of the mountains, and in a pleasant neighborhood, where accommodation c;in be had on rea sonable terms. There are also, two houses at the springs ready to occupy. GARNER LOWDERMILK. Taylorsville,1 N. C, June 8; 1848. 3t7 State of Jlortti eavollua, DAVIDSON COUXTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions May Term, 1848. Jesse Goss, Alexander Goss, Obadiah Gos9, Andrew Goss, Noah Giss, y Petiition for the tale George Goss, Sally Goss, Lltz- oj Slaves. abeth Goss, and Daniel Huff and his wife, Crissy. FURTHER NOTICE. rB1HE undersigned having on this day, (May A 31st) closed the books of J. Sc. W. Mur. phy, requests all persons having long standing notes and accounts to come forward and pay ; and all those having demands against said Grmj to present them for payment. WILLIAM MURPHY, , Surviving Partner. .ilishorv. Miv m IRift 1 j j ' - - Oh YES ! Oh YES ! Oh YES ! - S rjlHE undersigned being oblfged to close up the present STOCK OF GOODS on hand,' which isvery large.and ihe most of them having been bought this Spring at exceeding low pri ces for cash, hereby gives notice lhal the "S f 2 S " " i O OT K " " - r. 1 'J. 25'. -2. Ri" - 2 2 U " GO a o "2 ! Iowa James W. tiriniej : y- Secretaries. i Jithn PWrmnn, of Ohio., erColfux, f Indiahn. 1. J'llinJJ. Fenr(ni, of Pennsylvania. . 1 uhuniel IJ iwditch Blunt, ol New York. jNetyn I,.: While; of 'Connecticut., f. iKdmund P. Hunter, of Virginia. Tuna's I'ti rton, of Vermont. E. W. Piik.of 'Mirhitfiirj. . C C. Lani-'don, of-AlurMiina. Rotiert Mallory, of Kentiicky. . ,C. J, IInn liMiwin. of Wjonsin. .John H. ,Ynk-fie!J, of New Jersey. The re.irt of the commitiee on organization, wa niianiini'u!)- :eptcd. I he Ptoiilciit f ihe Convention, on taking Lis H'a!,jr-ttrrnM (hanks fir ihe high lmnr cn (cried on him, in a neat and nppmpi iale speech. We are obliged to omit it fr want of room. A committee was then 'appointed on disputed "'Ms and the Convention adjourned lo 0 o'clock to morrow inriiiug. thr only hue tion on rrednntinla will l,n iKo . v- ir,S't ol the Louisiuna delegates to act fur Tex- Alihoirah Ihe Convention has adjourned until Mae VcliM-k jin the morning its public session, Hi uu)lerlood lhal ihey are to meet again al r 'ijbt oVIockrthis evening in general caucus. itti Closed It is'lhooivhl that the noni. QAUon will be made t- morrow lying confidently upon the united, nut rintir efforts of, ir ! " x ls n-p"""" . -iiairurin ol Ihe Whig frienJsf-su3t.ined hy the assurance ihil whatev- Cotnmillee on Foreign Relations on ihe 22d, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that An drew Goss, Noah Gos3, and George Go9s, defend ants in this case, are not inhabitants of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, printed in Sai isSury. that they be and appear before the Justices of our next C'urt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held at I the Cou House in Iexington, on the second Monday of A"2ust next, and then und there plead, answer or demur to the plaintiffs petition, or the same will be taken confesso and heard exparte as to them. Witness. C. F. Lowe, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the second Monday of May, A. D. 184". C. F. LOWE, Cl'k. 6wfiprinters Fee 85 "5 on hand will he reduced as follows, and first ol all, for the ladies. LADIES READ THIS ! Summer Lawns worth 20 to 25. reduced to 12J to 15. Barage " 25 to 30, - 15 to 18. Fine Barage " 50 to 75,. " 25 to 37$ Fine Poplins and silk Tissues, worth 75 to 87$, re duced to 5U and 60 ; Ginghams worth 20, 25 and 30. re duced to 12$, 15, and 20 ; Muslin de Lanes worth 25, 30 and 37$. reduced to-12$. 15 and 20 ; fine summer scarfs worth 125, 150 and 00, reduce to 75 and 1 00; summer shawls all kinds and qualities, reduced one third from the original price ; fashionable figured silks will be sold at New York cost and charges. 500 YARDS PLAIN SILK, worth $1, and warranted to wear well, will be sold at 25 cents a yard ; fancy col'd Alpaca, jrth 50, CO and 75. reduced to 25 and 30 ; a large stock of fine iilk par- sols, which will be sold at New York cost and charges. All kinds of Calico at exceedingly low prices, 4 ns. and upwards ; a large stock of Carpeting which will be sold at cost and charges, and many other articles dis posed of at equally low prices. Merchants, Pedlars and all other persons, buying to sell again, can now buy as cheap as they can get them in New York. A general reduction will be made on most all kinds of goods. Brown Sugar, 4, 5. G f7r?ri 7 cents. t Best Loaf Sugar, 10 cents. Coffee, i and 8L Give me a call, and bring ymir money with you and I will give you more for it than it is worth, so that you can go home and tell all your neighbors. Respectfully, - WM. MURl'HY, Surviving Partner of J. $ IV. MurpJiy. Salisbury, June 1, 1846. o u 3 . 3 ry - 2 - t - . m o- si us? n Eras; 2 9 3 o a 3 3 n ex. 'e on . a 3 f - i. 1 I ' STATE OF NORTH llIU ' Cabarrus. Coiuir. i James Young, tnT c.hers, w. i . N. Gillon, Trustee of Freeze" & S !, liam Wir.fcrd. this case, it is ordered, laat ru'i'rsi': i or three weeks, notifying the creditor ; Still, to prove their claim before the Ci-i'-v ;. at Concord, on or before the 17th daj? cf Ji . Witness, R. W. Allison, Cler anJ lairr r ts r i- r. f' I . a oi equity, ior aoarrus ionnty. at u: i, -. day of May. R. Wl ALLISON, I , ?t2 Printers fee 3 00 I Wrn. II Medicines. . Medicine: 9 TTE are receiving at D Y T r.C ol'l ittanft tSe larffti . MEDICINES, LWUME:, Paints cy Dye-Stuffs, Sniccs J Perji:; fancy ana uutejul ArltclcS, vr nron'hI info !r.i ermnfr fS.m vtir ! ! . k r - bills aad Catalogue. We w('. sell ery low'i LOCIiC & CIIAi l IN. Salisbury, May 11, l4l9 LEXINGTON FEMALE ACADEMY LEXI.GTO., X. C. OAPB Steam IXTJGRESTOG TO PUUCHASEKS SPRING GOODS! er may be ih isnue of the approaching pnitic;il cam paigT elsewhere the Whigs of Rowan and Davie will be true lo their principles and their country, I accept the nomination. With sentiments of great regard, I Your oh" I servant, j ! JNO A. LILLINGTON. J. M. IIocser, and O. G. Foard, Committee. moining. SECOND DAY. , Piiilauelpiiia, June 8, 1848. The CnnventioirassHmbled at 0 o'clock this Ti'rniiijj, pursuant lo adjournment, shortly after j :vl,Mh the President cnlefed and called the Con- trnoi.n m order. Tha Uev. Mr.' A t wood, of ihe Methodist . n'ch. opened ihe Convention with an appro- , . " lnl HiKjnent prayer. minute of yesterday's proceedings were h,,n read anil ndnoted. Mf. T. IL Kin. if (ieor'ia. chairman of ihe """'ee on eieilentials. ihen presented their t lM"1,f4V"ti was, in substHiice, as Pillows: li lhal dvteentit WPr nresenl from all the I C tpf and that their credentials tri t ""rn uppoinieu oy in fite ofTnas, but Ihnl tWey hd not yet reach ""r r) i W '!rnnr(.r,niiv with the JJI" riWtrn of lhi Vil.T ..f - p iiu-ir i-iu-, ine oef (rates urn I .J:,;' " i I i . . "nsitin oe empowereu o represent that in Ihe Uonrention. t e t 1 Ml S" IB I DC?3 Vt would call the attention of the public. to t(iti advertisement of the Rev. Jesse Ilnnkin, respecting his School near Lexingtonl N, C. From the high charac ter of w hie) i we have heard this School spoken, and Irom our personal knowledge of the qua ifications of this gentleman as a teacher, we feel confident there is no School in tliis section of country more do serving public Tmtroniisre. and ihe dfhiij'e continued ly several inmWrs up to ill lijU put (in its passaej. : You will seelhrit it Hid not mee with SO intn-h onnosition i I I' " iu the Senate as it did in the Chamber of Depu ti's. General Smith left f,r Vera Cruz ori ihe 24th, to make preparations f ir emttarkiu ihe troops. All the outposts haWTbcen ordered in to this city. lien. Patterson's Division being the first to move, will march for ihe const. We will be hampered some with our sirk, but this cannot be helped, as it would not do lo leave those hehiud who are unaUe lo" travel. Messrs Sevier and-Clifford left here for Que. relaro with an American escort on ihe 231, at 7 o'clock. The esrhange of ratification will lake place in Queretaro. The Commissioners have foil power lo exchange there or here. It is expected the ratification will be ex changed to day. the 26ih instanf. iWtlMMtmi?jl pro i r HE undersigned take great pleasure in nnnouncing J to their friends, and the public genera!!)-, that the ; nrst session ot this Institution will commence the first Monday in July, under the superintendence cf Miss L. . D. Samsbcry. late one of the principsl teachers in the j Edyeworth High School, Greennborouah. Mips Saiis '. bury 's reputation as a teacher is too well known in West ern North Carolina, to require any detailed account here. Y e consider the tact of her name being associated with ' the Lexingtorn Academy, a sufficient guarantee to secure both public confidence and pntrocagr. The school is intended in its 'establishment to give a thorough and christian education, both literal indornv fed r mm tim I i siBoat i QZZ2 CLE yjLU. JlLiyil rfl HE Proprietors of ihe CAru JL BOAT COM PAXY hive pu new Steamer - j GOV. GRAI to ran reff jlarl v bet ween Vi!ininnnti i p. j r3--r- r- - 1 at the hte redaced freight. She drawfbut w.-.ter, hnving twaengines ami locoj'.ioiire I ' on! iLd t and F superior accommodations for Paeenen. j UJ.i: Iciii r,' Foundlitig. A little fatherless respon sibility was found this morning in the shop-yard of Mr. Wrn. Overman, scream ing and kicking in a most childish man ner. Sorrte person, as yet unknown, plac ed it in alVebicle standing in tho yard, evidently iyith a design of abandoning it. From its appearance it is thought to he several wjks old. It has, for the pre sent, heerifproperly cared for hy those who found it, .b.ut must of course, become a County charge, unless its parents are dis f 'Hut lW delegates from the States that MaI r..U..!j . ii1 . .ii i 'uhi, represented De allowed to Dll tucb i r Near Mount I Harmony, Rowan County, on the 9th instant, WILLIAM RODGERS, aged about 30 years. In 184 1 , he-connected himselfTwith the M. E.Ghurch, and continued a consistent member to the day of his death. He hid been afflicted for 12 months with an en largement of hf Spleen, which so deranged his whole system that a ri anack,of Pneumonia which ensued eight days previousao his death, baffled all medical skill, and terminated hi existence on earth. Whilst in tfie;Sgonies of death, he was. asked if he felt that his sins were forgiven, he replied in the affirm ative, arid lhajjl lie was willing lo die and attempted lo repeat the following beautiful verse : J3ut Canaan's land is just in view, - Sweet spring is coming on ; A few more beating winds and rains, AndJ winter will be 'gone. w an Ucellent neighbor, a kind and affectionate husband and father, and has left a wife and ihree chil dren ta mnnrn- iheir irreDtraWe loss. But their loss is hw O We are authorized and requested to announce Major HENRY DAVIS, as a candidate for a seat in House of Commons, of the next Legislature of North Carolina, from Stanly County. O" We are authorized to announce the name of CALEB KLUTTS. as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Rowan County, at the ensuing August election. -:& Operations upon the TEETH ! W. F. BA SO N, D. D. S., Thankful for the liberality repeatedly exten ded by the citizens of Salisbury and Western N. Carolina, agfiinofferhis professional services. Orders through friends, or Post Office, direct ed to this place, (in due time) will be attended to the first ODDortunitv. Charges reasonable, and the same as other regular members. Advice gratis. y N. B. Artificiajg Teeth, from one to en- j tire sets, equal in "appearance to the natural V and no charge, unless entire satisfaction after sufficient trial. P rrrrrrt TT-,n TV V faltla-!! T T RKavp W E?q.,the Medical Profession, and citizens gene- Wa rally. r Salisbury, June iS, 1848. TIlHr subscribers have just received, direct from Fhil JL adelphia &, N. York, a large and splendid stock of 53cj (Kootts, Suited to the Spring and Snmmer Seasons, embracing all the New Styles of Dress Goods, with almost every other article in the Dry Toods line. Also, a well select ed Stock of Boots and Shoe. Hardware, Queensware, GLASSWARE. LEGHORN and PALMLEAF HATS, BONNETS, CMBREMJIS, PARASOLS AND SCN SHADES, GROCERIES, &0. O" The public are invited to call before making their purchases, and examine the Stock of M. BROWN 6c SON. Salisbury. April 6th. 1848 49if , NEW AltlUVAl, OF Books and Stationary. WEBSTER'S large Dictionary, Boles' pronouncing do. Webster's do. do. Baldwin's Gazetter, Walker's Dictionary, f'new edition), Smith's, Kirkham's and Murry's Grammar, Emerson's 1st. and 2d. part Arithmetic, Smith's, Pike's and Smiley's do. Washington and his Generals, by Headly, Napoleon and his Marshalls, General Taylor and Staff, General Scott and Staff, Alamance, (the North Carolina Novel), Quarter Races in Kentucky, Sol Smith, Tom Burk. Charles O'Maley, Squatter Life, Best French and English Letter Paper, superior ar ticle ; Ink, Ink Sand, Quills, Slates, etc., etc. U" Call at the Cheap Cash Store. M. BUOWN 6z SON. Salisbury, April 6th, 1843-49tf All Goods conijjned to J. V. April 15. ltS mn f n I In nrLr t n 1 1 ir in n niom nKch ihi i r i teachers will be employed in the d.fferen. department of i min5'onf will be forwarded CD the rii-rr.fce if c. . .. w . 1 v iii " "in ir uic iuiiu'ii u iii iwt Attn i r ' several classes, with fifty cents from each pupil for estra , A" Pro',u,ce from th CJ fy?f expense", viz lilc nrranu 10 iuu-ninwiv! n, t;'ml n-,.. .;n -a ; ! Co.nniuniciMionsiiddriw iv . .v ' v w ) iin ' iii i' u.;ii nit ruuii U" , it i it ,4 . . 1 V Lfr t r- rrt ry or V m I. I I atrernion. free i( tftj nry, F4yettev L. Valuable co!nml V. L;. cGAUY'r FOR- : X V.'l.H to sll my plantation lyiri f j. in unvje cotinty, U.,tir mi.ei wi M ; contninin? HUlf AlTPS, of .Which j cun'jreu acres are nrsi caie Douom ,-0-1 sion of Mr. R. W. Peteri ie. we'.l known for the Inst three years as a teacher of Music in the Cdseworih Sc- ! minary. For Reading, Writing. Arithmetic and Geog raphy, per session, 3 00 Geogrophy, Botany, English Grammar, &c. 10 00 Chemistry. Rhetoric, Logic, Astronomy, Al gebra, &c, 12 00 The Latin, or French or Italian Languages, or either of them, 10 CO Drawing and painting in Wafer Colors, 8 00 In Oil Colors. 13 00 Music on the Piano, &.c, the usual price of similar institutions. linaril with nil neresarien Inrniuinl th YinrtrAor at . i i , r ri r . : """' a;'J rooa oraer tor cu.tiratjna. it.erci- irom to per session, or from SG to St3 per : It month. ; DWELLING HOlTSi:, All proper attention will be paid to the religious and j parn nJ npcesMry U-bilJr - moral training ot the pupils, guarding against all extrav- 1 j 1 1 - " .. v " ; fe , 96iuiaucuoi spring arr I a good orchard of self etiru t. ogance in expenditures, in dress, 3cc. 1 . u . j. l n AU K . r ' . ' v' . , . , 1 siring to buv, are requested lo call ami n.. Al! necessary information concerning the Academy, .., ;. 1 .-Ja ...t i 1 AC 11- ' ivcp u iiu 3 a 1 1. id 1 ii v w c 4. tan Lrc iiau irum uir uiiuciMiiiifd. IIKNIIY l. 1HTSBNBITRY, Esq., ALFRED II A KG RAVE, Esq., ANDREW HUNT, JOHN P. MABRY. Hev. A. D. MONTGOMERY. May 25, 1819. 1 It4 Referees. Rev. A. Baker, Salisbury, Dr. Dusenbury, Statesville. George Greenfield, Washington Mines, Rev. Jese Rankin, Lexington, Dr. Wharton and W. J. Mc Elroy.Clemmonsvilie, Col. J. M. Leach, Lexington. gain and make the terms accoiamoJf.: April 24, 1843. j j an SPRING 1848. -: tf7 m 5 mzstrnm eternal gain.. - M. Weston Classical School. Keaf Lexington, Davidson Co. N. C. THE Summer session of ihis School will commence on Monday the 3d of July, next. Young men can be prepared for the Sophornore Class in either of the Colleges of the State. The subscriber can board 12 or 14 young men in his own family. Board 6 per month ; Tuition from 86 to g!5 per session of five months. JESSE KANKIN. Jane 101848. 3t7 WILLIAM C. JAMES & CO. ARE now receiving, by the most recent arrivals from Boston and New York, tKeir entire Stock of Spring and Summer Goods.consistingof a splendid assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Shoes, Bonnets, Trunk. Single and double barrel GUS, die. The stock is hy far the largest and most commanding ever offered by.thein in this market; and having been purchased since the late decline at very reduced prices, and many styles of goods at enormous sacrifices, at auc tion and otherwise, will be sold for Cash, and on the usual time to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. A call from "their old friends, and the public general ly, respectfully solicited. Wm. C. JAMES & Co. FayetteviHerMareh25, 1848. 49tf WILLIAM J. PLUMMER SADDLES 1D HARNESS .HIRER, r"f AKES pleasure in returning his thank to all those JL w ALSO for kali: iZ5 . Hunting Creek, adjoining t!:e &V from 175 to SOOacres are fiit ra' : drained and in cood order forcullivn!; there are good firm building two 2 meadow and the plantation in excel t r t d?termined to 6eil,will give a Izrz terms eny. KDLLV . 1 PRICE & .KESi Fashionable T;iil; coxwrdJs. c. April 27, 1843. F3 ' ft . Land for Sal ON Monday the I2:h June nrxr. I tationai niblie sale, lri;c ,r ' Creek, one mile below Nee'v's HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACU 1 er property, two Stills and Vesir !. II Wseon, Ifooehold and Ii:then i made known on the dsy of ta. May 25. 1?43. r ho have heretofore favored him with their cus torn. He trusts and believes that Ue has given very gen- ' eral, if not universal satisfaction ; and nshe it for the pan, , so shall he continue to feel grateful to all who may pa- 1 Ironize his shop. ' He would inform the public that he has lately reeeiv- ' ed some very fine northern material, and is now better ; prepared to do Saddle and HameM work than ever. j His prices are not extravagant, but his work is pod j He occupies his usjal stand, opposite to the store of Bo- 1 ger St Maxwell, and it ever ready to obey orders in the line of business to which he belongs. He keeps on hand j crooci HlrMk of adI.SIm KriI'a m, rt n err, ! harnru. i Ate. fir sale, and oan most generally, furnith instanter. j which ime ihe contract wi.l be let r, it , cer. I ne eonrrci win on.j rm r wall, which ia 10 be of brick ie i'. 1 5 TO CONTR.Cr. PROPOS A 1?, under real. r f ' ran Church in ihe T " cf Sa 1 . received by tl sabscrilwr nntii th- such artiolea aa are required of him. Salisbury. Jane 1, 1843 tf5 LAND DEEDS Beautifully printed and for sale here. t j a .... r ir r,rrn,afi April 19, 1843. u:t. J. v.. srrfA IUvtT 1 1 ; 1 ! .

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