1 "l ,iTI iTmi of the Watchman. SubKrlftion, pr year. Two Doi.LAs-payable in advance. Jiai u "mi " - A6MtSMK.tT instrted J 01 rJh? firet.and2.jcts. far each subsequent iiwcFtiiin. Court orders charged 23 iwr et. higher than the rotes. ; A liberal deduc tion to those who advertise by the year. fjtrrtKS to the Editors njust be post paid. 1 itcWlcw of the Career, Character ' I ' j and Service of ZACHARY TAYLOR. Republished from the North American and V. States oaiette, Philadelphia. J CONTINUED FROM LAST ivEEK"t i TpE .CAROLINA IVkTCHtfiN, BRUNER & JAMES, jpditors dj Proprietors, Keep a check ctos all yocr Rulers. Do Tin?, akd Liberty is safe.' GeiCl.Harriion. NEW SERIES, VOLUME V, NUMBER is. SALISBURY," N. C , THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1848J THE POPULAR APPRECIATION OF r ; HIS CIIAKACTElt. !ln an eloquent sketch of the life of the Father of his Country, contained in a vo lume entitled 44 Washington and the Gen erals of the Revolution," may he found the following remark, which wilL strike the reader as one full of profund interest : "It is a truth, illustrated in daily expe dience, and yet rarely noticed or acted up on, that in all that concerns the apprecia tion of personal character or ability, the instinctive impressions of a community are quicker in their action, more profound ly apnrpeiant, and more reliable, than the 4-inlellcctuaI perceptions of the ablest men in the community. Upon all those sub jects that are of moral apprehension, so ciety Seems to possess an intelligence of f lis own iniinueiy sensitive in itsueucacy. and almost conclusive in the certainty of its determinations; indirect and uncon scious in its operation, yet unshunnable in "sagacity, and as strong and confident as nature' herself. The highest and the fin est qualities of human judgment seem to be in commission Among the nation, or the race. It is by such a process that, when ever a true hero appears among mankind, the recognition of his character, by the general sense of humanity, is instant and certain :' the. belief of the chief priests and Tulers of I mind follows later, or comes not at all. ' The perceptions of: a public are as subtle-sighted as its passions are blind. It sees, and feels, and knows the excel fence, which it can neither understand, nor explain, nor vindicate." ' This principle of the instinctive faculty of a people to detect greatness even in the germ, the writer applies with, force to the case of Washington, -to his immedi ate acceptance by the nation-builders of 70, and tlie uninterrupted command over their entire confidence!, which he enjoyed to the last j v"!"From the first moment of his appear ance as Vcllief," says the writer, the re cognition of him, from one end of the country to the other, as the man the lea der, the counsellor, the infallible, in sug gestion and lin conduct was immediate and universal. From that moment to the close jpf the scene the national confidence in bis! capacity was as spontaneous, as en thusiastic, as imtnovablens it was in his integrity. Particular persons, alFected by . the untoward course of events, sometimes qucstjoned his sufficiency ; but the nation never questioned it, nor would allow it to be questioned." 1 Td our. own feelings there is something repulsive, as if bordering at once on adu lation and Irreverence, in instituting a complimentary comparison between the Father of his Country and any living man between him who, in the world of de parted spirits, stands on that glorious pin nacle of immortal fame, above the Cae sars and ftfapoleons of the earth, apd the best and purest creature that can walk its surface, aspiring to similar excellence and equal acceptation hereafter. We dp not, therefore, mean to attempt any parallel between the character of Zachary Taylor and that of George Washington. , But we may! declare, and our readers wijl feel, J that he history of the former, during the last two. years, and his present position as the foremost man of this Republic;, bring him Within the rule which measures the greatness of Washington, and testify to those uncommon qualities of Taylor which humble siege of Fort Harrison. The In dian bloc!k-h!ouse where a few sick sol diers and. settlers defended their lives a gainst Indians, was an inconsiderable ob ject to a public mind just stunned by the overwhelming humiliation of Hull's de feat, only to be relieved by the glorious so manifestly and so pre-eminently pos sesses. It is between him and General Lewis Cass that the American people are now to choose their Chief Magistrate. We do, not wish to indulge in any injurions de scription of the latter gentleman. He has retaliation of the capture of the Guerriere. been long before the public, which is well Palo Alto, on the contrary, was the stage acquainted with his life and character, of a new theatre of war, upon which the and all his qualificationsor want of whole community was gazing; with doubt qualifications for an office in which such and fear, lest the rising of the curtain j sentiments "as he has avowed, while a Sen should disclose a scene of calamity. It ' ator, would soon bring upon the country rose upon an exhibition of chivalry and the horrors of war, which the soldier of 1 . I . I 1 1 i . if I ti T r . . ... . . giory, mat seemeu inmost a pnaniasma oi cipally confined to the meridian of Liver poortlanchester, &c.i although of course they have the sympathy- active if neces sary of their brethren j in the South of j them ground? his letter is an unanswer- England. In the manufacturing districts there ap pears to be the great discontent in conse quence of the depressed state of trade. Most of the contents bf the Liverpool and London;papers treat of Irish affairs. FRANCE. SPEECH OF R. S. DONNELL, OI i - s c BillOfertd by Mr. Clayton i as a Compromise of the Q very -in the Territories :! the House of Representalh c July 29, 1848. Concluded.) Let ut notr se what it lie c. territory of the United States as the aWnceofall legislation bvC the subject. I shall direct my "re Mexico and California. Orr taot to the South as a part tf a promise. iobody bclieres that, cumManccs, slarery can ercr ry will cease to exist, when t'v I a able argument: What has become of , ' "rea ,10 h.unt.m? V clh ' Calhoun's unanswerable speeches ? Oh ! f "ir lemlw, acquisition. Lai t h tl-o m nil 4 I- I . . t I D - . w "1" .I r 1 , IUU,S "ot U deliberatin- how t n. mure uuugeruux uocirine man an otners on this subject? So thinks Calhoun, so thought the South, previous to lhn nomi nation. Perhaps there was some politi- cal cunning practiced in its conception. f - i . -i -ara iiss was a irienu to me rroviso wnen a The Chartist feeling appears to be prin- j or Webster Thunder whichever is right. But what does the South think of his nrr. sent doctrine ? Why, his Southern friends tell us, it is all right' it is the true sou- to be saved. New Mexico a:;J the apple of dUcord. Wo aro ing the bitter fruit of national c my Toice pretail, they should t. part of our country. We inigl.t the worthless acquisition. . . people of the United States. As between two such competitors and one or other of them must be President we do not think the people will have much difficul ty in making the proper selection. A WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE. We learn of the arrival at Boston on Sunday of the Steamer Acadia, which sailed from Liverpool on the 29th ultimo. She brings seven days' later intelligence. The news from Ireland will be read with peculiar interest. Although no ac- magic, it was so strange and splendid ; and there, most prominent upon the scene. the observed , of all observers, was the ! the good sense and the good feeling of the Drave oiu enpnanier wno naa created tne picture, ever as with a call of his voice, a flash of his eye, or a wave of his knight ly steel. Tlje battle of Palo Alto reveal ed enough bf the character of General Taylor to satisfy the whole American mind, thenceforward and forever, that he was a great man great in all those re publican characteristics, those virtues, at once homely and lofty, unpretending yet impressive, riatural yet heroic, which, ex perience teaches us, go to form the truest pattern of? ah American citizen, and the best model of a safe and patriotic public officer. Two years' acquaintance with him has Only proved the truth and relia bleness of the prepossession. Modest, unambitious ; moderate in all his views, thoughts, feelings ; of a pure life and exemplary habits; calm and courageous, jyet prudent, uniting the ut most caution with the greatest firmness and most daring resolution ; a soldier, yet in feelinjjj and reason opposed to of fensive warViartd declaring M AtVto.be the ony" who can bring it to a close; most humane, merciful, and magnani mous in his disposition : of such perfect integrity that he has never been suspected of a wroriglact, of such excellent judg ment and gQod sense that he has never been charged with a foolish one ; perfect ly frank, j unaffected, unassuming, dis posed to thijjik less highly of his own qual ifications for administrative life than of those of the? eminent statesmen he has so often recommended as his choice, and ra ther inclined, generally, to doubt the fit ness of mijifary men for important civil employment ; a man who has never chan ged with circumstances, who has been the same, eVer, upon slight and upon great occasions, ajnd always equal to ever)7 emer gency: there is every thing in the char acter of such a man to warrant the con clusions ol the popular instinct" as to his greatness, as well to encourage the belief of his more than common fitness for that high office of the Presidency which Paris is represented as being in a tran Buena Vista has proclaimed himself al- I u sUvte antl the capital assuming some- Senator; but now, the candidate of a par- ! however, I must look at thin"? : wavs anxious to avert. We leave Ren. i """45 Ke "s woiueu appearance oi me, ty tor the L'residencv. that does not exact- : ' "i1. noi as l would hare t: " - . . - - . v. eral Cass, as we leave General Taylor, to SaTieiy ousue. Iv suit. So he attemnts to comnromise Hboul otn action Ly C In consequence of the deplorable ac- ! with his conscience. : he knows that if Ter7 ,n !boe territories ? counts of suffering in Several of the French left to the Territories. Now Mexico and ; lJori,y f any weight it canmt. Westlndialslands.it has been proposed j California will be closed against slave-! ,hus wr,les ulH,n lhc.$ubjecl : in the National Assembly for Government : holders slavery will be prohibited there j 44 It hath been held that if r to advance three millions of francs, to be I and thus his own, and the wishes of his j country bo discovered and jhr divided among those Islands. j Proviso friends, be accomplished ; while, i Sl,hjectt all the English laws j Government is sadly pnzzled how to at the same time, any nimarent chanzc in 1 vuich. are. 'h? birthright of even dispose of the immense number of prison- his views miht secure Southern votes immediately there in force. ers taken during the recent insurrection. But in conquered or ceiL From the Chcraw Gazette. Mr. Editor: Considered in compari- ' son with the question of slavery as it is now agitated, all the mere issues of party ACnol Q I tir it'll. ti f li a trtnn rmu mnw. o .t . i . i .i . u 1 "aTe already laws of their own, panied with seeming opposition to the Pro- ; doC8 &clual, change them, the t wo. So he falls upon that idea of the j the country remain, except $uch Icrrilorics settling the disputed point. the laws of God, as in infidel c Now leave it to the Territories, of whom' fT ,. tl,o. nc,i ? : '.u: 1 Chief Justice Marshall, in !.i , I distinction are but trifles: and so. vrcvi 1 t r i . ' v i " ease of the American Insurant i . . . uici i i iur il IK iiirpaiiv wriiipii i if is ninin tual outbreak hatl taken place, the spirit j ous to the nomination of General Cass the 1 1 he has shown so little eagerness to attain, t- of insurrection has reached such a head that a collision seemed inevitable. The North American states, however, that " while appearances, at least in the south, become more and more alarming, (so al arming that the public securities of Eng land have fallen as much as one-and-a-half per cent, in a single day,) there arc not wanting persons on the spot who be lieve that there will be no revolution, and no tumults even, except such as the Gov ernment has made ample preparations to put down. We have room only for a brief synop sis of the news, as follows : j IRELAND. The English Government are adopting the most energetic means to meet the im pending crisis. The Liverpool Times says that troopsare pouring into Ireland by thousands. Thirty thousand troops are concentrating in and about Cork, Lim erick, and Tipperary. This overwhelm ingorce has had the effect of exaspera ting instead intimidating the people to the extent anticipated. The habeas corpus act has been sus pended. The suspension appears in the form of a royal proclamation. The Queens special messenger arrived in Dublin on the 26th of July with a copy of the pro clamation. It was immediately dispached to all parts of Ireland, and appears to have excited a deep feeling of indigna- Three hundred and fifiy-six I whole South considered them, if we c judge of public sentiment by the tone the press. What matters it if we have 4 Free trade' 4 no Bank,' &c, &c, if we arc placfed in a position of degradation, and prohibited the enjoyment of our rights and our property ? But go back to the old issues, and what forcible reasons have but which so vast apportion of the Amer ican people are now most anxious that he should fill. But the office of the President of a free people demands, necessarily, political, as well as intellectual and moral, qualifica tions ;' and! here General Taylor's party foes lhirkthcy discover incompetency in that very Moderation of views which has commended and deserved to commend him the jmore strongly to the confidence of the country. "1 am a Whig but not an ultra Whig," has ever been his fixed and honest declaration a declaration per fectly well understood by all persons, of whateverparty, to define a man of con servative leelings, approving, personally, of the great princioles of public policy ,weredctected,asby instinct, in a moment, , known to all as the Whig svstem : but I; without any suggestion of instruction, by j and here Ibis second declaration on the t the "whole American "neonle. From the S hourj' when the news of Palo Alto flew j over the lard, General Taylor was aceep- ted ny tne popular teeung as a greai man, The Castle has the appearance of a fortress. The Attorney General and So licitor General are constantly in attend ance ; and messages are momentarily lea ving, apparently on business of the high est importance, judging from the celerity of their movements. Rewards of 5000 each have been of fered for the arrest of Smith O'Brien, Meagher. Dillon, and Dohney. A report has reached Dublin that the former gen tleman had fled. The London papers of the 29th ultimo state that the accounts received from the south of Ireland are of a most sanguinary character, were no longer to be regarded as events of the most improbable character. Such was the state of feeling in the south of Ireland that Government had is- subject of the Veto power explain all j sued orders for a constabulary force of that might be supposed mysterious in re? five thousand men to be added to the coun gard to the meaning of the word " ultra" tries of Waterford, Limerick, and Tippe- nor. uisposeu, nor wining, unuer any cir- ; rary. ; it is against us, and we have contended in peler,. Reports, 542.) adopts tl " vain. A poor tribute to the gallantry of ,ue rule of our courts : OI ) t 1 i l : . . U . :. I : i evating one, who is to say the least doubt-1 nflt At r i u n i j i , . i not entirely subdued, to consider ful, to the Presidency, and thus doing as conquered territory as a mere , much as we can to deprive them of the ,;on. .,ntil it. fet hH 1 j right to enjoy territory acquired by their , lreaiv of peace. If it be cede V j sufferings and blood. A poor eulogy upon i acquisition is confirmed, and the c t rwl Aa'.A lliuf f.mrrU t l,n ,1.. ! I - . T .L . T . ... r ' """'" jj uii iuuliu iu m. ucvoiucs a pari ui tuc nmioil it ... - o,,r;. v,, ... i graded. How is it with General Taylor! Can it be proven that he is entitled to the ; i confesSf Mr Editor , wou,d vasl,pre. support of sterling Democrats, by any ; fer a good Southern Democrat. Still, I other process of reasoning than a resort believc Taylor safer than Cass. His in to the fact Ae is the nominee of the Balti- terests are with us and his encmieg ac. ! more Convention, and the further fixed knowedge lhat he is honcsL am one of fact that the Democracy are compelled by lhose who be,ieve that if an Ao norA a law of party, quietly to submit, yielding erner e ven comcs amo u and becomes whatever convictions of right, of duly, nnd acqainted with our people and institu- of patriotism they may have, and fall mto liuISf , a he discard his for. the fraces 7-in a '!. that Ihfr ne (the n5er yiewg an(J fae one of us Tay- , acknowledged leader, i the delegates to the ,or js a honest southernert and as he hs f .nnnrnlmn anil flio rettritiht nhl o I nmmin . i . . . . . uui uiimcu an iijuiiiuii uii me iiacij ; general conauci oi inuiviuuais rc : question, it is reasonable to consider him until altered by the ncwly-crcat: J sound. He does not seek the Presidential Slate." chair, and therefore it is that he does not 44 It has already been stated i give us more information as to his opin- j which were in force in Florida, w! ions. It has been acknow ledged by Sen- j f Spain, those excepted which ators, stump speakers, and public prints, , in their character, which concct on the part of our foes, that the agitation , 'ons between the people and t! struggle for power. Taylor is no politi cian, and cannot be d razeed into this a- bominablc game. We must judge men, lrine io he found in the case tf 1 as it respects their opinions, by their past Commonwealth of Pennsvlvarti lives and all the 4 LambV or goats in ! ",u 1 creation should not be able to convince us j pa?,en A. . , r thnt Tvlnr Ae nnt lib. intitntions. I . th5 6Cnefal lUr .J Z . . v .. ' 1 bound to recognise the stale ct nexed, either on tne terms e:; treaty, or on such as its new r., pose. On such transfer of pre ver been held that the relation. tants undergo any change, 'i with their former sovereign are new relations are created bct, the Government which has arq . ritory. The same act which i: country transfers the allegiance remain in it; and the law 'whirl, nominated political is necct-.iri' though that which regulated the i: lit find WOfthV tO OCCUOV the hillheSt DlaCe 1 AiimctumfiC tnnnmnr.ltUti.Tctom orralnct ! 5 'ti; . i i .u- . . . i .1 . " : : . oi puoiic irusi ; aim iroin umi iiouriuiue . tneir wishes, upon a majority ot the peo- ! the cutlas, pistol, and musket, as it was present the popular feeling has never al tered.' pie of the United States, as expressed by anticipated that the coming insurrection a majority oi ineir uepreseniauves in i .would partake ot tue cnaracrer ot a guer- rcrhaps tup vvriter we have quoted iincts congress. I Uen. layior avows and that j rilla war. something too wonderful or supernatural is one of the oldest and most conservative j Smith O'Brien, Meagher, Dillon, and in the popular instinct alluded to ; and he of Whig (doctrines that a President of is still more mistaken in supposing that the United States ought not to employ the the faculty is one not shared in by 44 the. veto povvr to prevent or nullify the acts er, are to think, speak, and act for them ? This is certainly the strongest reason yet given ; and to those accustomed to the government of Baltimore leaders it is suf ficient ; but to South Carolinians, who have ever opposed conventions and cau cusses as corrupt systems of unwarranted dictation, it should have no weight, but should rather lead to an exercise of the strictest vigilance. Is General Cass a tho rough Democrat ? Is he such a Democrat as to give importance at this time to party questions? Some time ago he was an open Federalist, and seems to have taken pride in making his opinions known thro' a black cockade. In 1844 he was opposed to the -annexation of Texas, the question which carried the Democratic party into power, or rather had more influence in bringing about that result than any other; but in the same year I acknowledge he is to be found in its favor. He has said that i our manufactures ought to be protected by reasonable duties, making him in fa vor of a Tariff for protection ; and he has voted, and would now vote, in favor of a system of internal improvement by the gen eral government. Mr. Polk, 'tis true, re ceived the well merited applause of the7 party for interposing his veto in the last instance, but Mr. Cass received from the same party, what he values more highly, and what is certainly more durable, the nomination, when Mr. Cass's vote is in di rect opposition to Mr. Polk's veto. Now, therefore, Mr. Cass is put up as the great embodiment of Democratic principles; and it is to be presumed that these principles .... . i i i - . : : 1 These men are to be drilled to the use ot ave uerguu a cuauge ; iu i-ik.c have deserted the party, or tne party nave deserted its principles for availability, and we are in the same fix in which the whigs have found themselves. But is the Balti more nominee safe onjthe great question of slavery ? Mr. Calhoun and all our lea ding statesmen have 'contended always that Congress has no right to legislate on ment of the United States." Slavery is a municipal rcgulail ...1 .1 r . i r l . i i " -""n wuct. tue lact stares lis in oe Lace tuai f 0 slave, found wilhio it$ j he has lived under them all his life, from is iu 0ppo,i,;on t0 its own polirv. choice, not from compulsion and when i jr doegf jt g a, a manor he assists, by his occupation as an exten- not a matter of international ri;' sive planter, in upliolding them. Cass of slavery is deemed to bo a t; says, for himself not another for him j regulation founded upon and lin.. 4 I deprecate the existence of slavery,' and ; of the Territorial laws." pray for its abolition. If any one can The Constitution, it is true, f : prove Gen. Taylor to be against us, he territory which the Government; will prove him to be dishonest and a mad- it carry slavery there ? I hava : man he will prove him to be a bad citi- , alleged that the Constitution estc: zen, utterly destitute of principle ; and, in , the argument is that it rcm-t fact, a villain of the deepest dye. But 1 not sttictly true; it recognUcs do not fear the test. He is known by his laws and regulations of the ' :0 ik v,M nn t n it. as far as thev have anv orcr iiUiiiuaiiiuiis. la iiic uiriAi.ii 111.111 mi .v. v.- . by his enemies. And who, pray, are Casss companions? Allen. Benton, Atherton, is, wniiin tba-jerruoriai limits ; goes no further, except in on? ; provided fir expressly in ihe a the fourth article: If a slave the free States, he must, under t " delivered up on claim ;" his o him back to States where the i: lie cannot hold him in slavery i in which he is taken, any lur ; the circumstances, is necessary the other leaders of the League, although under the ban of the Government, are far from being idle. They are still organizing ablest men in the community," the 44 chiefi of Congress, except in clear cases of un- j and drilling the clubs, the orders from the s 'he subject ; neither have the l err Hones priests and rulers of mind," as well by the constitutional or inconsiderate legislation. 1 Castle to the contrary notwithstanding. ! r,Sht to settle the question nut mat masses of the community. The Henrys In his brief and simple declaration ot ; ln spite of the vigilance of the Govern- , ine peopie oi uic ou uiu uv t.c cm,.u- .i. . .t. c. i i :.l r i rry i i i i 1 . '., i i i ii .i i itnntto clecide it. Mr. Calhoun and his 1 1 1 1 j l niininpv wrrti iTiiiiiiiv iiih iii m iii iih. nni iipn I m I m i tMiiitm i i :i vmr 1 1 ; i I fi im i : mnir ni rac nuifi .'me ii i i m Tin i ii I vv 1 1 f I - . - - - - - ----- . - J .1 ' ' . . P AT j . I. . ' 1 i ir IITI 1 II? . I . I .. i ' ' . a 1 icci we gigantic capacities oi vasuing- eu nimseii a vnig anu repunucan ton;. and there were Claytons and Cril- true Democrat, who expects should tendens and others among the chief men 1 people elect him their Chief Magistrate ; a and other munitions of war, are transpor- coadjutors have been lauded to the skies , the ; ted in all directions. for the masterly ability they have exhib- e ; From! the tone of some of the Dublin itcd m support of this A-A constitutional Fitzgerald, Dodge, Walker, Scc. &c. I have said, Mr. Editor, as much as 1 intended upon this subject, for the present. I am no politician, and as long as I con tinue compos mentis, I shall i.ever seek to be one ; but this matter is of interest to all, r nd should be considered by all who are entitled, either directly or inutreciiy, back, it tne onstuution rcc to a vote. There are, other objections to property, wherever they may ! General Cass, such as his ultra war ideas, limits, where was the neces.;-; and so forth ;ibut the question which agi- ion ? Again, the clauo of t tates our country now. and threatens se- "Web tolerated the slave ttau. t riously to disturb the harmony of the Un- ; Congress, by Pl ion. is the only one which has determined fj6 : ' t . , i .unpi) fers the existence r the iniutu's the mind ot JAML.it. lhemseTef By it Congrrj, iM for bidding lh importation ot f u such States, then in existence, z proper to admit it. The re la'.: aa In Ih.ir miininnnl In THE END OF THE SESSION. The two Houses of Congress yesterday erminated their very long and tedious. the case of hills of excha nnd rathi-r nnnrofitable session, at noon, citizen f one feiate upon a a: 7Z , according ,o .he joint reso.u.ion fi,ioB Zut, vf tt..i c.. :.. i:i, .o i . . ti t- i:i; Li . i l . u .1 crrnnnn ; a.nd whenever tne vroor i mc uimcu oimw, iu rise u i, imc bccis, iiui to rute iue lienuuuc, uui 10 exeuuie papers, ine greai struggle caiiuui ue ue- . . ... ,J . A ii,. :m- fnr thp mlinnrnmpnt , . .!. .. i . . . . r v . , . 00 nfif,ittnnnhtii nf this nosition has been UDon that time lor me aujoiirnmeiu asked for, the South as one man has point ed to their printed; speeches as unanswer ed declare the true character of the its laws ; (riot to domineer over Congress, ; laved many days longer. new-found hero of the Hio Grande, and the law-making power but to carry its The Lord Lieutenant has at length ta exnr tn him tbft first Kaltitntinnq nf thr 1 f tit th fnittiful wrrnnt nnt tVm ! Irnn KJ.Irl onrt rto.-iiv tanH : Hp hnsis , vw , ,,v ... " iniiaHW.u.mv,u.. , rrL "o" ...1 ...u: Arqerican people; Why, indeed, should master, of the great nation; the friend, 1 sued a i proclamation, in which orders are aie argument, x ue emmc. ,.; P,cSS, u. this was the ground taken never to be vielded. bv all true Southerners. But, Mr. j not! all n&tUrcs act: alike, in such cases? not the betrayer, of liberty; to be no ! given for the suppression of the clubs I TV. ' At. . 1 .. . : ir a i- rr- w . -ri . i i. ucinsiinciJsnoi,properiy,iiiuero inexpi;- mere great man 01 omce, no naugniy mon- j borne ot the ttnglisn journals, commen- cable intuition or inspiration: it is an act arch, vaip, proud, egotistic, and tyranni- ting on this proclamation, are quite con- an inconceivably rapid and energetic one cal, but the frank, unaffected, worthy, 1 fident that not only will the clubs be sup- bm still an act, and nothing more than honest, plain citizen, who can perform his pressed, but that the anticipated insurrec- an act,jof the mindan operation of the duties inithe chair of President calmly, tion will be quelled without much difficul- rcason.a verdict of the Judgment, in which conscientiously, rightfullj', in the same ty or effusion of blood. fZJ . " ,,,K,"rw ui i ui in 1. in- kiiiii at.cr emu wty in which uc jjci iui uicu . On the 28th ol J ulv the omce oi me uu- lhere is no mys- . vot:nn .Vikt SP;7.Pd hv a larire nolice . . 1 WIH I llitliuil '-v. . j - o I proceeding of the courts tf c A great deal ot business more cen 1 WOuld be regarded by the c .1 1 Uc l.onn loTt in nn iinfinish- State as the records and i'i. lllclll U S u it l--iJ "vvu i . Yet all the Annual Bill, and 01 a,ore,gn coun. we? u - proviiiin on ino iuujr,v in n.- 'VY.l t 'oniiiinl'iAti iVina rrn"ni:." - ed state the Oregon Government Bill, have, with other important bills, become laws, and "Editor, this was before the nomination the machine of Government w ill continue before the behests ot the convention were known and before their nominee had lerpnces from simple facts, dwells over them at Buena Vista. UlDBaillC I lUUi: 1IX nm rtnrta ill I in comn ,,it , r 'p.cii out . I...nr.I kl.n .... 1 . II IHVJ u 7 .1. ct ivo it. mv ciiuiu ici v in nivi. a 1 . oiutuuai uuues ucuuu iuc r a thn nmnnitors eievren in llUlIl- , , 1 ..... 1 ii 'Concusons. The nonlBvni;ft !.; V kn tAAx'f force' Alltnc compos it ors.c en nnMiu feanng to make the tremendous leap all : - - a.,-. .w. .,,. ... ...V4. j rjpr were nrresreu. itnu, nun a utauu mi 1 1 1 I ... 1 spoivcii. ihe cnange nas neen grammi yet it has been sudden. General Cass, finding his previous Wilmot Proviso' doc trines a little too ultra for the bouth, and - a to work on as usual, until the benate and tl f llnnrpsmtatives come together . a as well as tue one. in rcuu 1 have escaped nito fiee Estate?, t lation of iho Sralet 4' au ' municipal laws, iy proiuui- in nrliru1ar cases. It li d 1 again on the first Monday in December ,i,e reUtion of the States to 1 next Xational Intelligencer 15th inst. more intimate than thai cf t: ' iu. -1 . . . . 1 . . . : ""Jj" . : . J . ner. iIL.il. f: CCaUSC U iS SCI" Practical (honest man in the .Republic beibre a magistrate, committed to prison. -v, v,. , Liemagogues may retine, and aostraction- pvrr WD The people of the United States formed ists split hairs about it ; but every iutelli-j LajL.AiU. their immediate estimateof Gen. Taylor's gent citizen can understand every.line in At Liverpool serious apprehensions greatness by. those- rjualrties, already so the Constitution of the United States, as were entertained of an outbreak on the often alluded to by us in these pages, well as cyery law of Congress requiring , part of the Chartists, hich burst upoti the American w orld at to be executed by the President. The ; Twenty thousand special constables had Palo Alto, just as they actually glared out great qualifications required for President j been sworn in, with a view of meeting any yeforc'r-though then unnoticed -in the arc precisely those which General Taylor ' emergency. at once, carefully measures the distance, and leaps, Ae thinks hatf way leaving the other half for another political neces sity.' His doctrine (as understood from the 'Nicholson Letter') now is, that the Territories have the! right to decide the question. Not long before he was regnl ting that he had lost the opportunity of recording Aw vole for the 4 Wilmot Proviso' The HlKxle Lland farmers are clipping otT their otuio -vines to arrest the rot. a nt her. Ity the laws of Mexico, a t' territories of Nw Mexico ; th time the arrmUition. A! It is onlv through woe that we are taught lo prohibited. Peon slavery m (led, and we gather the honey of worldly thing. As far as I can usiJ. red wisdom not from lowers hut thorn. The Mmloruine w a;7.rrnr.t i Melana R . CO!. snJ ia laany The hope of happlnea is a bridge woven out -n f f c of-sunb.-nms and ihe colors of tt.e rainbow, M RmuVia LyJia,2 Msr.i I w hi.h death. carries us over n ninnui iuojiu rrpunoi uiiiwuu. .11 v- ! iIk: last of KfUtockv. - , - I'l-.

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