! I necessary foR every Whig tKVote, and we feel satisfied they will do,it. uMark this, ye wise prophets of the democratic school. rfsioh depends n other considerations ihn tahneU of surface, and characte r of soil. TAe ram Zt l ttlied! And the tiller of the earth df pends r .1 r... ik. ..M;n atroaml for II IS crOP8. Tbfl extent oi grounu, capaoie o - . . . . -L n..mw limit-!, easv of compulation. A knowl Lke of the water courses, their fal. volume and extent, tfnd 'he U.intity 6r lands on level of tnee water, are the data upon which thecom i iitation tiikist be bawd. ; , , Takfnff this as a guide, an inspection of the accompa- 1 . enernl idea of the extent of ara- f iviniE map. m s,,v - i 1 ti ro-nd) Mn'1 coircct for all practical purposes ; cept of our thanks for various important Ui; in canM it AoulJ be toA, jhai I many streams laid I , inteft,st jjU documents Sent US during :M it. iuiinrnr 111 iup R.inti. wn p ifip rnrttv rima 7 W II i ' t w -j v ...x H73 Messrji. Mancum and Badger of the Senate, and? jMessrs. . Boydex, BarriW.r, Clingman, Viable and Stewart of the : uAnlSlill They. f Come The Norfolk Herald says : In Wise's District' they are getting ready to vote for Taylor, the People's can didate, with a perfect will. We have un. douhted 'authority for the fact that at the THE MARKETS. Apples, (dried)... 00 (5) 00 Bacon, 6 (3 7 Brandy,. 40 (3) 50 organization of a Rough and Ready Club j K::::;;K Z it...... r nULntati ves. will n ease ac "J U1 u,c "esiern siwc L""es, cotto, 4 s 5 U1 'VT' ,v ! .1 democrats, (who voted lor Folk) handed in their names as true and trusty Taylor k.riiiimr thi banks of other?, render irrigation impracti cable. Tine caje upon which the map is projected is i) until t represent these accidents of the ground. Where irriealion can be had in this country, the pro cure of tfcej Mil is abundant .beyond description. All tlx- era ins and fruits of the tempi-rate zones, and many Lf iLoe f ihe tronlrnl. flocirih Iliixurinntly. t , lVneendihg from the hdpfiw cjf San Uarnardo to the IVihc, one meets every d-ree oi terrieraiure. ienr ihe coit;he wiuds prrvailutg from the aoulhwest in winter, and from th ,Northwest in summer, produce a 'steal uniformity of teniperaturei hnd the climate is per- V ith the exception of a and interesting the Session of Congress. ft A CLINCHER. The Enquirer of Wednesday has an article on the humhug Compromise bill, from which we extract thW following paragraph : "What a faithful, what a glorious trustee would the General Government be, to allow .1 w . . M !: li'.l I I C r . '.i . . . fir . i i r nnsA nirn. ;mi i.A'mi uuues hi;u lururit ui h.ips unsurphi--d in aitiori'y. im tne exception ot a i j- p . . hrrr frw eiies of ague and fever of a mild type, sickness ; Mexican lawo prevent the people ot Virginia, men. Salisbury, Atrg. &, 1848. , Linseed Oil,. G5 O 70 Molasses,. 35 G 40 Nails ll a fi - .i 16 3 17 Irish Potatoes,... 20 O 25 Do-, (aweet)...00 G 30 Sugnr, (brown).... 6 8 Do. Moaf) J) (S 10 Salr,(sack)... Tallow, Steam FEAR. Cotton Yarn,.. ..00 O 75 Coffee,. 7 G 8 Corn,. 00 (St 25 Feathers, 00 Q 25 Flour, (per bbl.)..,.3 & 3$ i Wheat,. Iron,. 4 (S) 4i Whiskey,.... making mm:; i ..2J 3 3 .10 (S 12J 0: (St 50 25 (a) 30 Another Screw Loose. ' The National Intelligencer of Saturday 5ajs-"ine Ucmocrats ot Vermont re- FayeUetdle, July 22, 1848. cenuy nominated Uharles K. fielu lor Brandy, (p'ch)... 50 60 Ditto, (dry) 6io Lieutenant Governor. But he the bribe," after this fashion u I i nacon,.... J Beeswax,. Iron, (Sw's).. m unknown I The wasw of the year at which we vieited the coun 'try was unfavorable' to obtaining a knowledge of its hot any. ' The leg-tation, mostly deciduous, had gone to de ray, and nol flowers iKr ireds were collected. The ntutry jrenerally, is entirely destitute of trees. Along Jtlie principal range of mountains are n few live oaks, wvcomore,i and pine ; now arid tben, hut very rarely, the .ycomorc at ( cotton wood occur in the champaign coun iry.immcJi: tely on the margins of ilie streams. Synd onfi' every where cover the kutface of the hills, and these, with the W ild mustard and carrots, furnish li-idd pasturage to the immense herds of cattle, which i Itorni the staple of California. r" f)f Ujs rnny frujn copable ttf being produced with wt,vu, by Vullu fa u ud irri.-uliotl, tlic rape is perhaps . li,3t wUcli'il brought iiror-Ht to perfection. .v M"n ejifrieiic'd in growing it, and Kuropenns, pro ' mce the koii fniii climuU' of tliis portion of California, ; ,)iiifnwllfi for the cjijality of tlit grajv and the wine ox i rf.s'dfroiri it." and other slaVe Slates, from stocking their plan- tations in ?sdw Mexico and California with ne. " s groes Now, the jpemocratic candidate, Cass, has spoken to this very point, and contends that the mulatto, or' in his dainty language, colored race, would riot permit slavery beyond the Rio Grande, lleidr him ! We copy from his Nich olson letter : I Should we acquire territory beyond the Rio Grande apd east of the Rocky Mountains, fa t.;n mAriimnnef;i.ia iKm o m;r;t .r.k i assembled at lialt II to y 1 1 1 1 lituivj iiiiugtiiiiu u iiiujmi iij ui tills people would! consent to re. establish slavery. They are themselves a colored population, and among them (he negro dues not belong to the ' I have this morning addressed a letter Cotto.v.... to the State Committee, declininir the no- Com T mination of Lieutenant Governor, and di recting them to strike my name from the ticket. I believe such a course due to the Democracy. My views were not known to the convention at the time of the nomination, and it is possible the no mination was adopted from the belief that, in common with many others, I was an ardent supporter of General Cass. In no event whatever can I be induced to vote for him he is cowardly an unprincipled political hack and a marvellous worthy nominee of the worthless tricksters who imore." "It is rather painful parting with old friends, some of whom 1 have acted with ...6 7 Do. (Eng.). 16 17 ; Molasses,.., .. 8 (S) 10 ; Nails, fcut)... ... 52t5; Oats, ..50 (2) 55 ! Oil. iLins'd).. Candles, F. F... .00 firl5 I Siigar, (br'n).. Flour, 4$ 5 , Salt, (bush.).. Feathers, 30 32 j Do. (sack)... Flaxseed 90 1 00 I Wheat, Hides, (green) 3 4 J j Whiskey ..5 2 6 ....4 ffl,4i ... 20 O 26 H ...30 (S 35 ..Go (S) 70 6 9 ...50 (3) CO ..1 a 2 00 .... (a) 85 25 J. XV. MAURY & Co., Managers, Richmond, Virginia. THE MAMMOTH LOTTERY! THE Proprietors ot the CAPE FEAT? STF A f UOATCnUPAXVhtv ... . : . iu unrr lur new steamer GOV. GRAHAM, to run regularly between Wilmington and FayrttevilW at the late reduced freight. She draws but 20 incV water, having two engines and locomotive boiler, with superior accommodations for Pararngers. AH Goods consigned to J. W. L. McG ARY, Wil mington, w ill be forwarded up the river, free of commis sions. All Produce from the country will be forwarded down the river and to its declination free of commissions. ; We are now building two Tow Boats which will be comoleted before the fall freights begin. ; Communications addreeed loJ. Sc W. L. McGnry, Wilmington, and W. L.McGarv. Fayettrville, will have al,en,'on- W. L. McG ARY, Astent. April 15, 1843 iy52 The undersigned is now building a targ- warehouse at the river entirely isolated from other txuldings where he will receive and forward all goods sent to his address , at the usual charge, saving half the up town haulinz. W. L. McG ARY. 1 i FREE SCFKHAGK. V jThc subjoined extract is the concluding irvrutofan article in the North Carolina j Argus, and seems to strike us with consid- j crablo force. Vc have, from the mo- 1 nicnt tjurstion of free suffrage was asitated as one of the means by which ..-ft' the Democratic parly hoped to succeed, retarded It as a comnlelo humbug; nnd jwhy ? bccaujlc it d.id not i strike at the rool oi uic AUUx ' i was one. u mo noi go far enough. JWhy go to the trouble just ft' - to alter the Constitution to give every man the right "I to vote for Senators? Why not abolish the property qualification vliich entitles men to hold a seat in the ' LVgislature ? If there had been any sin- cerily in the pretensions: of Reid, on this ijucstjotij he would have embraced the. whole. h Wc are firmly of the opinion that if an alteration is made, the West should rtcnianti, Delorc iney consent to any amend' mcnt, that it be thorough : and if demand ed in a tone not to be misunderstood, we predict Ltaofocoism will shrink from the puMiiuu ii im unveil as j ueiiiu lite auvo- cate of popular rights on this subject : ' j ' . i . There is also one other' thing equally cer tain : If thkiConstitution is to he amended i it Ino principles upon which the Loj;islatuie is now oreaniird ho hroken in upon then we no for a thorough change. ;; VVe have no idea of yicn 111 n nine ncvo uii 11 utuii gruunu ir ut'iu. gogues af every subcQuent eleclion for a quar- MiinXn .nl.irit I .,1 1 I. a ! U..., I II.... fit COfiuiioii bo composed of members elected oj nun UUIlllll iu WllllO J)U)UiailOII. j rutjr. ,! ntimhers have no morc'business in the House 1 than land hu,s( in the Senate. That the present aJrocatCi of law antl order will lose no noliti- cal power by .such an arrangement is perfectly obvious to ih? most casual ohserver. Their . hllfltf ria I cf l-n li rtl l Waa in iirnnl VUacI nnl the Changs Will give them a clear majority of ihtrly.eight or forty memliers upon joint ballot injhe ' .Legislature. And as the Democrats havo put the lall in molioti, wo arc not quite sure but that ihoy may waint, it stopped before its progress, shall he arrested. It is much ea icr to raise lo devil than' to lay him. And hcu it chat! ho too lalei tliey may weep and nowi o'er .me uaru spots 01 locoiocoism : tor neither tar, fitch, turpentine nor terrapins will bayo any iulluenco in our councils then." degraded race. " Beyond , he. Del Norte slavery will not a-1 "a ! a a pass ; not only because it is toroidden by law, $40,000, $25000, $20000. 100 Prizes of 1,0&0 Dollars! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, for more than twenty years; bujt I cannot For endowing Lccsburg Academy aud for other WHOLESALE & RETAIL' consent to violate one of the earliest po litical maxims that was taught me, which was to be always consistent. Again: I Purposes. CLASS A, FOR 18 19. To be (1 raven at but because; the colored race there preponde- am influenced by a cardinal maxim of the rates in thejraiio of ten to one; and holding as j Democracy of this country, 4 Every thing titey uo tne government ana most 01 tne omces : ior principles, nothing for men, TriiJis.0'' s"turday' cl0' i Chemicals, Dje-StutTs and Perfumery. in their possession, they will not permit the enslavement pf any portion of the colored race, which toake$ and executes the laws of the country." f . 1 If this is hot a clincher, we do not understand the import bt, language ! Richmond Whig. The Charlotte and Danville Rail-Road. fOR THE WATCHMAN. 78 Number Lottery 11 Drawn Eallols ! GRAND SCHEME. 1 Cnpital Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 2 Prizes of 5 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 100,000 Dollars. 40,000 Dollars. i5,000 Dollars. 20,000 Dollars. 1 5,000 Dollars. 10.0UO Dollars. C.01G Dollars. 2,853 Dollars. 1,000 Dollars. The conteWiplated connection of the great enterprises jiow in progress in our sister Slates of South Carolina and Virginia, is so favorably regarded by hc soveral companies to the North and South of? us. and is so evidently necessary to the prospei it v of a large portion of our State ! tl,e 8th of September last by Michael t ..... that we cannot entertain a doubt of its evcnlu al success, i 1 New Cation. On Monday last, a bale of new cotton, the first of the season, was sold in our market. It was from the plan tation of Col. George Leitner, of Fairfield, and weighed 475 lbs. It will be recol lected that Col. Leitner sent the first bale of new cotton to our market last year. This was on the 7th of Sept. the bale was packed upon one of Provost's Patent trices ok tickets: Cotton Presses, which Col. Leitnerhad just ! Wholes $20; Halves $10; Quarters"); Eighths $2.50 purchased Weighed 420 lbs., and was j Certificates of Packages in this splendid Lo.tery, can nought by Jesse IJralts, Lsq., ior 11 cts. . ie uad as toiiows Another bale of new cotton was sold on 173 Prizes of (lowest 3 No. Prizes) 500 Dollars. And other Prizes amounting to 1,198,197. But we must not forget the old French adage, " c 'est le premier pas qui coute." And while other communities are actually engaged in ihe'1 preliminary steps to ensure the construction of j the lines of improvement which they deem ne? ccssary to their prosperity, we should not rest supinely upoi our oars. The object of these remarks, is to suggest to the friends of the work, the propriety of obtain, ing subscriptions for having, a survey made. We oughutp; be prepared with an estimate of the cost to Hay before our next Legislature: then, as soobas the charter s passed, measures could be taken to raise the stock. We have strong assurances from the most re liable sources that the whole stock can be raised : but jt is equally our duty and our inte rest to make the first outlay and to subscribe a respectablof portion of the stock in order that wo may aid in securing to our country the ben efit of such a work, and have due influence in conducting the affairs of the company to be established. I Two-thirds of the area of our State is directly interested in this important work, and every citizen of the State is interest ed, as it must increase the value of our lands, their productive capacity, and consequently the revenue of the State. v . The political and commercial value of this Barr. of Lexington, to Bradley Sc Good wyn, at $12.00 per cwt. the cotton sold by Col. Leitner on Mon day last, was ' middling ;" it was bought by Mickle &. Ulm, for C cents.- So. Car. Tern. Adv. HESSIAN FDY. Jonah Oijleshy, of Pennsylvania, says that the only remedy he ever found for the hessian fly, was to burn the stubble of all small grain. A certificate of a package of 2G Whole Tickets $2J0 Do. Do. 26 Half Do. li0 Do. Do. 26 Quarter Do. CO Do. Do. 26 Eighth Do. 3U The holder of a certificate of a package of wholes is The QUalitV of i entitleJ to all over 221 net, that may be drawn by the u ncrwria nuiiieu iiirrriii. vcruncuiea oi nuives, quar ters, and eighths in proportion. This Scheme is one of the most splendid ever drawn in the United States, and is well worthy of the at tention of adventurers. 00rrfer for Tickets and Shares and certificates of Packages in the above Splendid Lottery will receive the most prompt attention, and an account of the drawing will be send immediately after it is over to all who order from us. Address, J. W. MAURY & CO. 7tl8 Richmond, Va. THE subscribers are now receiving at their Drug Store, corner of the Mansion Hotel, the largest and st selected assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, and Dye-Shift's, ever brought to this market. We particularly invite the attention of Physicians, Druggists, and Merchants to our stock, which we pledge to --ll nt lower rates than any" other establishment in Western North Carolina. With llie assurance again that our prices and term thall please all, we return our sincere thanks to the puhiie for their very liberal pTtrmage heretofore extended to us. Iielow we present a !it of a few of the articles compris ing our stock : Pulverised Ipecac, Rhei, Jalap, Colom bo, Scilla, Gamboge, Opium. Arrow Root, Pearl IJailev, Cort Cinch, Hyd. Chlo. Mil.. Suoh. Quinine. S.iloh. ! Morphine, Acit do., Pipcrine, Salacine, Red Iad, Ve netian lied, hpnnish P.rown, White la.l. Black do., Linseed and Train Oil,. Ijogwood, Copperas, Indigo, Also, a large assortment of Shop Furniture. Prescriptions furnished at all hours. Orders from a distance punctually attended to HKOWN & JAMI-S. Salisbury, July 0, 10 Valuable Lands and Water SMITH & c i VXTOVLD rrtum thrir mo: hra r: y . lie fuf lh rry librl fair-n. rrcetved; nJ would rrtir-xtful y i' irr Mill carrying on in S-m.ury, at - -oPdoii th- old jail on Min nrrx i, t' - COACH MAKING IU': and rr preparrJ to make on .rt t. superb tyl any vrhiclca in thai 1 . Coaches, Barouches, Iiitzic s w hich will ldip sej of on l!.j i. . Every decriptioti of vrhir'es ranted to lw of the best iwlecie.J rn -it. r, fhip. AnJ as we have een.l il-t r -employ can warrant oar woik IjIt: in our country. , j Repairing done n;it,clrnp ml r:; S.ili.lary, AugaM 17, 1S-11. t P. S. All kind of proJuce talcn in e This is to make known to all Ln wi;ii inr u;isrrKKr uereunto, n wr ,s s. I Win. M. P.arkrr, one r.f the j inn'-r i i ; j P.arker ft Jacob : that le was U .: i coach nmkinj Lusineiw, from a ii .i ! i j had the advantage not only of niV n r smess, but also ihat of the moM fki: ! Northern workmen a well as S-i i:'s. juently in my employment ; art I 1 t ' recommending him to the ccr.f.Jn.f the public generally. 1 -THOMAS Thompson ville, Rockingham j County, Jone 30, 1S4. ifA i .i'ntA xsl'iai vv tucirE FEin r.ur COMPANY'S I rriHE Steamers Henrietta an.l V.w JL thoroughly rrpaireJ, are roW r . up and down th river with let -w.. former, we slicit a conti:iuJii. v f line will carry freight and forward 1. 1 the river. DANIEL JOHN. Una irlti Kayctteville, August 1, tl-i POWER, ffi In Randolph County, on the 17th inst,, by the Rev. Mr. Helsabeck, Mr. JACOB N. FILE, of Rowan, to Miss ELIZA A. LEACH, daughter of James Leach, of Randolph' County. On the ICth ult., in Cabarrus County, ELIZABETH EARNHARDT, wife of John C. Barnhardt.aged about 51 years. The deceased heard the invitation of the Sa viour, " follow me," at an early age in life, and gave ev idence of her willingness to follow the Lord in the use of the means he had instituted, and the public ordinances he had established, by a dedication of herself to God's service, and by a public recognition of her Saviour in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of which she was an humble and consistent member until her ideath. The best tribute of her worth, is in the silent, yet sincere grief of her husband, children and friend. ! Corn. The best Mechanical Paper in the World. NEW VOLUME OF THE 1WISH to sell that valuable place on the South Yad kin River, known as the SHOAL., containing 400 ACRES OF LAND, with its splendid WATER-POWER. The land is ex cellent, and as to water-power, it is one of the bept sites in all the Southern country for Mills and Factories of all NOTICE TO SHI. By Henrietta Slenraloat I JOHN H IfALL having h Company, ban nothing to da w Wilmington or FayetteviIU, ruber r surviving partner of Hall &. John - i. ing their (!ods to the care of tur (' fill up their Bills Lading and m uk :!. " A sent Henrietta Steamboat Com; ( and Fayeiirville." All letters aJir have prompt attention. DANIEL JOIP VALUABLE i L FOR SALE rr r t- t r . o . i ietit to inexhaustible supplies of superior iron ore , The Publishers of the Scientific American respectful- power is sufficient to propel any number of Mills ij ui itr mui me iuui in ycuriy volume oi iiieir jour Q1CTT? AJrTTT?Tr1 A AT TT'DTr1 A AT descriptions. Its location is iu the centre of the best X 11 XV iXlVlUlllVi.l . ! prain-irrowinir region in all ' The s or oth er Factories. When the contemplated Il.iil rpi . r - ' 11)13 through ihi nnrf of lhr StatP ahnll nmr,L.l O"- I " - - - - vvuiMi i u, place must become a large manufacturing town, as it unites all the essentials for such a place. J As it is probable any person wishing to pnrchav will first inspect the place, it is unnecessary here to give any turther description of it. In my absence, call on Chas. F. Fisher, in Salisbury, or Col. Wm. F. Kelly, in Mcn-ks-ville, who will show the premises, and give nny further information required. CHARLES FISHER. Sf lisbury, August 17, 184 14wl6 nal will he commenced on Saturday, Sept. 22d publication differs entirely from the many magazines and papers which flood the country. It is a Weekly Journal of Art, Science and Mechanics, having for its object the advancement of the interests of Mechanics, Manufactur ers and inventors. Each number is illustrated with from Negroes ! Negroes ! Cash for Negroes ! THE Subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally that he is again in Market for the purchase of i Likely Young Negroc$, - 03 The Locofocos say Cass never was in favorl)f the Wilmot proviso, or slave ry restriction clause, lie (Cass) says in his Nicholson letter, "lam strongly im pressed with the opinion that a change work fully: and ably set forth in the memorial , sujtab!e fof (he gouthern Markpt p hnvin?pro. to he submitted to our ueneral Assembly would attract general attention to the subject, and a a t 1 " 1 would awaken, we are assured, a general en thusiasm in its behalf. A lively co-operation would follwlas certainly and as irresistably as the waves! We are (ar from wishing to dictate to the perty of the above (description for sale woild find it to their interest to make early application to him, as he is paying the highest Cash Prices. 1 U He can be found at Mr. John I. Shaver's Hotel. E. iMYERS. Salisbury, Sept. 1st. 1848. 18:tf Communications from a distance promptly attended to. E. M. has been going on in the public mind up- ( uistingtiisljeo gentleman to whom this matter AT PUBLIC AUCTION. on this subject -in mi own as well as oth- i was entrusted by the Convention that lately met j frs lf tilt's Northern candidate for Sou- . in Salisbury,! but wc suggest that, as the Supe- them votes never was a Wilmot Proviso- ' rior Court .Circuits are about to commence their ! mind ? tint tliU rvid.nrn nf the (not ? brincrinr it before the country. J. . . I 1 ... 1 : I And is it reasonable to suppose that 1! i SAIiB OF DRY GOODS AND OTHER five to ten original engravings of new Mechanical Inven 1 tions, nearly all of the best inventions which are patented ; at Washington being illustrated in the Scientific Ameri , can. It a'so contains a Weekly List of American Pat i ents ; notices of the progress of all Mechenical and Sci ' entific Improvements ; practical directions on the con struction, management and use of all kinds of Machine- ry, Tools, &.c ; Essays bpon Mechanics, Chemistry and j Architecture ; accounts of Foreign Inventions; advice I to Inventors ; Rail Road Intelligence, together with a ! vast amount of other interesting, valuable and useful in formation. The Scientific American is the most popu lar journal of the kind ever published, and of more im ' portance to the interest of Mechanics u.. inventors than i any thing they could possibly obtain ! It is printed with ' clear type on beautiful paper, and being atkipted to bind ing, the subscriber is possessed ,'a.t the end of the year, of a large volume of four hundred and sixteen pages, il lustrated w ith upwards office hundred Engravings, and an Index. Terms : Two dollars a year, in advance, or if desir ed, one dollar in advance, the remainder in six m6nths. To Clubs Five copies, 8 ; ten copies, -315. Those ' who wish to subscribe have only to enclose the amount in a letter, directed to ML'NN &. CO. ! Publishers of the Scientific American, New York. Ar.r. letters must be postpaid. Volume third bound, 2 75, or in sheets, ! 2, are for : sale. They may be sent safely to any part of the coun try. Tatents secured and Mechanical Drawing? execu ted at the cheapest rates, at the office of the Scientific American MrTCass had not been fishing after the IVcsidency he would never have written this Nicholson letter? No. lie would still be a stern opposer of Southern inter tvi. H ej 'would still present his peti tions for tjiC Abolition of Shivery, and op 1 pose to ti0 last any participation by the South' in tho territory .acquired by the war. Wc repeat that Cass, is a Wilmot Provi- soistr and should he be elected will ap prove it jtist as did J as. K. Polk ! when he ; signed the; Oregon Bill. Ilcmrmber, Sou . lhern democrats, that Jamf.s jK. Polk, a Southern President, has deprived you by signing tjtis bill, from carrying your Ne groes to tiis Territory if you desiredto Irove there! Will you trust Lewis Caw, .r. . . . 1 I i ' J . ? u'icrinisucscrtionof vour rights bv 1'o k I t , y m lNeS TO FILE ETA for the watchman. Hail, glbrius Muse ! descend and bring Thy inspiration from on high ; Assist riie, 'iwhile I try to sing, A lay fof her for whom I sigh. 1 ' Oh ! what i thiill her charms have sent With rapture through my panting breast ; Its forc cajn but with death le spent 'Tis pie lotJe can make me blest. When beauty speaks who can refuse To lend o her a list'ning ear 1 She asks a jpong then come, my Muse, j. And 'breathe thy fragrance sweetly here. I I ?! The tak too great my feeble pen Must ce-ase awhile to take its ease ; Oh ! maiden, should you ask again Perlinps iny Muse may " strike a breeze .'" fold Water, babarrus, N. C. J..-.. :l I SIGNS. pip. tjCr"Thcj Locoloco papers are predict ing with their usual degree of confidence that tbo.Wbigs of North Carolina have! The Milton. (N. C.) Chronicle has the succeeded in elcclinn their Governorithe last time. Such was the The Hon. Bcdf or d Brown for Taylor! pinion of some wc know of two. vears We have! the verv best authority for ago, bu't proved to be only the prediction saying thaLjhe Hon. Bedford Brown, for- V heated imaginations, and so it will merl' a Ueinocratic U. a. oennior irom nnd make pavmem by eash as ion5er indulgence will Valuable Property! M i THE Copartnership of M. it T. C. (Jraham being dissolV- ea ov me ucain oi one oi tne i ;in- ners concerned, the surviving part ner in order to close the business forthwith, will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION at their old stand, i(Cowansville, Rowan County,) on the loth September, the remaining STOCK OF GOODS on hand, consisting of a j Variety of all kinds of Store Goods. ALSO At the same time will be sold that VALUABLE LOT AND 1 31 1 R O V n 11 E X TS, which they now occupy, containing 2 Ajcres of Land, with a good j Sore House, Duelling House, and all the necessary Out Buildings, situated in a densely settled and wealthy neighborhood on the waters of Third Creek. Also, one LIKELY NEGRO $IRL, about eleven years old, a good stock of Hogs and Cattle, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, of every description, and various other articles too nu merous to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale.; THOS. C. GRAHAM, Surviving partner of M. if T. C. Graham. Cowansville, Aug. 7, 1843. 5tIG iisfiv 4 I.. j lurn out at i Baylor will the Presidential eh carry Aortb Carol ma FURTHER NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the late Firm of M. ii T. C. Graham, bv note or olherwite, will come forward aieoue win against said Wild Cherry and Sarsaparilla Pills, Are a strengthening Purgative and a Pu rifying Tonic. AS a whole nation has spoken enthusiastically of the unrivalled excellence of Dr. Le Unyx Vesetaxe Universal Tills, it may seem useless to publish individu al certificates ; still we feel induced to yield to custom, by admitting the following : the more willingly, as they ema- nat frnm nprcAHQ whrk nrp nnt tr h fiiilfil Kv ill. E ll-l' has occtsioned. . From the Medical Times, Sept. 18, 1S4.". Opposed as we are jto molern patent medicines, we cannot be silent to the virtues of Dr. Le Roy's much laud ed discovery. His Pills are indeed a purgative which may be taken without risk, or the advice of a physician ; for they produce evacuation without weakness, and cause energy in the digestive function?, without straining them, and thus paving the way for re-action and apathy. I From the Joined, August 23, 1815. i Dr. Le Roy has most happily succeeded in combining t Wild Cherry and Sarsaparilla with other vegetable ingre i dients, so as to produce a medicine at once tonic, and purgative, the only pertect discovery ot the kind ever i made, though a desideratum which the ablest physicians ii i i... ! in ail ages u;ivc eageny touziu ior. ....i . r, From the Journal of Pharmacy, July 1, 1346. V l.oll-11 ill, Aug. J, i As far as we have had time to judge, both hy hearsay i and experience, Dr. Charles Le Roy has made a most i valuable discovery, and added a purgative to the list of medicines which must take the precedence of all others, I as beina the safest and most effective. Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry are the principal ingredients of his Pills. We shall recur to them more particularly in our next number. For sale by Messrs. Brown &. James, Salisbury ; J. P. Mabry, Lexington ; Phifer Sc York, Concord. Price, 25 cents per box. Aug 31, 1848...3ml8 A PETITION will be laid before the next Legisla- -ti ture of N. Carolina, by the fiee people of the Coun- j ties of Cleveland, Burke, Catawba, and Lincoln, praying for a new County to be composed of parts of said coun ties, called Lafayette, bounded as follow : Beginning at the Post Road leading from Lincolnton to Rutherford ton, at the Rutherford line, thence with the Cleveland and Rutherford line to the Burke line at the Cleveland and Rutherford corner, thence a direct line lo a rw k in the ford, where the Laurel road crosses Henry's fork of ! the river, thence down the iver as it meanders lo the ford at Christian Gross's at the mouth of Aaron Link's Mile Creek, thence a direct line to the twelve mile poi on the road leading from Newton to Mr. Hull's on the point of Hog-Hill, thence a direct line to the eight mile post on the laurel road, leading from Lincolnton to Morganton, near Daniel Fulbright's, ihence a direct line i to the nine mile post on the stage road, leading from Lincolnton to Rutherfordton, near David Baily'o, nnd on the same course to the Eastern line, thence with the Gaston line to the Cleveland line, thence due west lo , the stage rond to the beginning. Ju:.v'4!h, IM?. STRAYED OR STOLEN iROM the subscriber on ibe r'lht of - the l'Jih inst., a dark rh'si:fct fTrcl 1. ...I.:., .1. r i i v j iiiJire, xmie. wuu- on me mi.h "lefore, the ri-iht eve wuli a stmll deficien cy in it, nlout six years old, !iuliv nuine and tail. She formerly belonged to Mr. Walker. 5 miles feouthweM of Concord. Said mare wa taken fioni my wngmi at the poor House, 3 mils from Sj!ilury. I will ?ive a hand some reward to any person taking br up and informing me at Dowel Town, Surrv county. N. C. C1IARLKS IIRAVK8. Aug. 21, 1848. 3;l7pJIi III BY virtue of a decree of tha (': will expose to sale, at the Couit II is bury, on the 1 1th day of Srj!e-;. VAT.tr i nr. r. Tinfrr nr belonging to the heir- of Ilrnry adjoining the lands of John lit :. Misenhamer and other, contair ! hundied acrri. A Uo, on I he 12th day of Ser I will expose to talc on the pn i TRACT OF LA.XJf a a ja i- belonging lo tne bein oi jj1im , . joining the lands of James Wut lard'a hcin and other, contain! acre. Both tracts will be sold on I credit, purchasers giving Lutnl security A. II. CALDWi:U.. uz- 10, 1848 Printers. 0-f Administioi 1. Tiik underisned having takn, Adininistralion, de bonis non, nexed, on the cstalo of Joseph ! notifies all persons indebted to - ! come forward and make imu.f ! ! otherwise, they will find their; ' hands of an officer; and all ili'-s ' against said estate, will present t! lime pre.cri!ed by law, or lhi i plead in bar of their recovery. SAMUKi, T13UM .U. JOSEPH OWIINS, August 10, 1848 I -JL. Speed the Plo A CARD. lot h i, I t!i' time or irir!itr;rion l end our man thronu'h the State t lruni up pi iron in the forwarding hunie.-s. Wc'w-ill. however, m.'orm o.ir friends in the country, th.'.t our BIG WARKHOl SK on the wlnrf is in order, and our excellent forwarding Clerk at his post ; and we expect to forward til G.-mU ; entrusted to our c;irf, with our usual correctness ami de- i p:iatch J. T. W ADD ILL. Fayetteville, Augut 1, 18t8. 4wl5 Tiir; subscriber wou!d infurm ' ihe cinmtrv in general, thai !. i the nianuf icture of the celchrntf .' a .it i man, ami lvans Vhen'vei: t.u . I .-la I. ill IH.tir.t Mllhl ! fur fate of draught or beauty .f uishing ploughs can be ;.!; :! r ii : ..t - . t. ; IUIIDM 111 iaV . mm ,il?ll. Concord and Chailoote, or tit ar : where a load can bo sold, j J. 1!. Tin Tyro, Davidson coM N. Ci, f Aug. 10, 1818. I r Dissolution of Co-part iuTliip. Till Co-patltierhip hot (t.r.'rc xitin !' lupcti Win. C. Randolph and Juliu-. W. Iloti. ton is this d.iy dissolved by mutual consent. t m m m rvt i JL. 'V-- Ja- JaV --V- . - WM. C. J I LIPS RANDOLPH. V. HOUSTON. is is :(!." NOTICE. APPLICATION wi'.i be made r,t th- next General Asisembiy of the Stare of North Carolina, lor a Charter of a Rail Road lo lie constructed ironi trie Town of Charlotte to li.e Town of D.inville, in Vir:.i.i.i. or to Eome point on the Raleigh and oaston Rail Road. August 10, 148. c .. this Statd, ard now a citizen of Albemarle, not be given, and all those Shaving claims! ag CIIOn. j ya spurnsj,ne i(Jea 0f supporting Gen. 6nn will present the some far paynv-nt. ; a by a ; Ca?s for ihe Presidency, ami is a warm c ,J!i.C:fft Vv I . . ' J inuJi iCMiiKiiuy, ihi is "nun Survirin" part in wccpmg majority. To do this, it is only j and zealous advocate of Gen. Taylor. i Cowansrille, Aujnat 7, k Surviring partner of M. T, C Graham. WARRANTS Just printed on NEW TYPE and on ex cellent PAPER, for sale at this Office. i NEW and elegant Surveyor's Compass sale. AIv at this Oilire. August 10, 1818 in"' f. LAM) DEEDS Beautifully printed and for sale bcre. rf III! suWriVr having q ta'.f - 1 JL law Will and Testament .4 V. at the la Term of ll Court ti sion, will ei to public s..!e on T of SeptetiiVr. the following V3lut! V j FIVE LIKIiLY NK Three young II 'omen and tiro ( 7 to 9 years of a jr. .1 ral noble Slock of 1 Ior xr Rmd Wagon, four lr, and many other articles too n t ri'".' Teruis made known on the dav f f f ' I 1).C. 1 Rowan County, Au. 7, 15 1t N P.. All tho-n: l'nJ-btrd to th. r. l.aui.dec'd, will -ri.je trward -i 1 v. out delay, hnd M ihosr Jiavinj o' r; tale will present ihrui lrgr.J!y a j Kr; time prrcribed Ly law, or this t - , har of tlieir recovery, i Aug. 7,1 tl. ,( T

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