THE CROWJjKD STREET. Y VM. CCLI.EM BEVAST. f x Let me move slowly through the street, - Filled wiih an ever-shifting train, Amid the sound of steps ihot bea t ' The niurlnuring walks like outumn rain. Ilow fnsLolie lining figures come The thild the fierce, the tony fate , Some bright with thnightU fiiiiies, nnd some fhere secret tears have left their trace. They pass-iro toil, to strive, to rest ; To halls in which the feast is spread ; To chambers where the funeral guest - In silence sits beside the dead. And some to hnppy homes repair, Where children, pressing cheek to dire k. With mute caresses shall declare , The tenderness they cannot speak. - And some, who walk in calmness here . j Shall shudder as they reach the door r Where ope Who made their dwelling dear,; Its flower ilj light, is seen no more, ;! Youth, with pale check and slender frame, " And dreams of greatness in thine eye ! ; Goest thou to build an early name, f Or early in the task to die T Keen sons of trade, with anxious brow ! Who isnow fluttering in thy snare 1 Thy golden fortunes, tower they now 1 Or melt thtf flittering spires in air 1 have mot in companj a few times, lut T bare observed you closely. Yur habits, your indus. try, and the t:aand prudence with which you managfeour employer's business, has always interested mc." And yet, my dear young lady, what can you know of me, to warrant you in taking such an important step?" ' It is enough for me ihat I am satisfied with your character and habits your person and manners. I am a woman and have eyes. We are about the same age ; so if you know me, and like me well enough to take me, there's my band." " And, my dear Mary? there's mine, with all my heart in it. Now, when do you desire it to be settled ?" "Now, this minute; give me your arm, and we will go to Squire B-4 's, and finish the bargain at once. I don't want to enter our house of distress again until I have one on whom I can rely, to control and direct the af- Who of this crowd, to-night, shall tread The dance till daylight gleams again ? Who sorrow o'er the untimely dead I Who writhe in throes of mortal pain ? Borne, famine struck, shall think how long The cold, dark hours, how slow the light ! And some, who flaunt among the throng, Shall hide in dens of shame to-night. Each where hi task or pleasures call, They pas, and heed each other not ; There i;wh 'heeds, who holds them all In Ilia large love and boundless thought. Thes struggling tides of life, that win In wayward, aimless course to tend, Are eddies of ;he mighty stream That rolls to its appointed end. I OUR LITTLE HOY. When the evening shadows gather Round about our quiet hearth, Comes our eldest liorn onto o?, llt-nding humbly to tin.- earth. L And with; hands enclasped tightly, And with meek eyes raised above, -'To the source of liht and love. ; i i M ttless my pnrent, O, my Father Ulead my little sinter dear ; While I gently take my slumbers, lie thy guardian angels near. ; Should no morning's dawn-e'er greet me, UenmiHg brightly from the skies, Thine the eye of love to meet me In the paths of Paradise." Now a glnd " (!ood night " he gives us, j And he seals it with a kiss ; Naught of earthly sorrow grieves us In an hour so full of Miss. Now our arms about him wr-atliing, One fond kiss before he sleep; Soon we hear his gentle brenthing In a slumber calm and deep. Great Britain in 18i2. lnere is noimng incredible about it. however, and, us most of pur readers arc? too young to recollect thW anecdote we will venture to repeat it. "Two neighbors, both of the old Federal school of politics, who had lived in the ci ty 4f Providence, chanced to quarrel. And so it happened, one was the owner of a pigj who had an irresistible inclination to perambulate in' the garden of the next neighbor. The owner of the garden com plained of the pig sty being insufficient to restrain the pig, and the neighbor replied it Was all because he kept his fences in sucH an ill repair. The pig was taking his morning walk when he was surprised in tie act of rooting up some very valua ble bulbous roots ; this was the last fea ther! ;" the owner of the garden put a pitch fork; into his tender sides, and killed him outright. At the coming election, the ow ner Ibf the gardcnWas a candidate for a beat in the Legislature, and failed by one h . ii 1 ' LI :;volQ, the vote oj nts incensea neignoor. vhq voted against him. At the election fairs Dr my disconsolate home, and to support ot a' fcenator. ttie uemocrauc canoiaate wasj elected by one vote and when the question of war with England was be fore! the Senate, it was declared by the majority of one vote so that but for this pigjwe should have been probably saved frorp this war." If is related of Chantrey. the celebra ted 'sculptor, that when a boy, he was one piJejhed as that comes to . but I want a master. (layOt,servtm oya gentleman in tne j am win t(J be mi,lrefc but lo be masteris 1 ... ... J ... J i -r i more than I am equal to.; I will then take you gedi in cutting a stick with a penknife, i , . . . M J lie tasked the lad what he was doing ; home' and miroduce you fo my parents as my and with-great simplicity the boy replied, ; own dear husband signed, sealed and deliver- I am cutting old Fox's head." Fox was I etl" the school-masfer of the village. On this j " So be it permit me to say that I have al- the kentleman asking to see what he had ways admired you from the first minute I saw done, and pronouncing it to be an excel- you, for your beauty and energy, and industrious lent 'likeness, presented the youth with a 1 and amiable deportment. sixpence. This may be reckoned as the " Now, John, if that is sincere, this is the first? money Chantrey ever received for happiest momei of my life, and I trust our un- me prouucnon oi nis an ; anu irom sucn ... , , , , . .l i , f . . . . . ... ion will be long and happy. I am the only one a beginning it was that arose this great- . , ... . . i i J laiuui i j a umi it; , uui aiaf 1113 ica -iREEP IT BEFORE TOE PEOPLE! I That MILLARD FILLMORE has distinct ly DISAVOWED the slightest wish or desire to interfere with the question of Slavery in the United States. v KEEP IT ALSO BEFORE THE PEO PLE, That LEWIS CASS proclaimed it in his place in the Senate, that be WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR THE WILMOT PROVISO, had it been brought forward during the session of 184G. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, That MILLARD FILLMORE is denounced by the Abolitionists as a Traitor and a Dough-Face, because he recognizes the institution of Slave ry, and brought a bill into Congress to pay a master the value of a runaway slave. KEEP IT ALSO BEFORE THE PEO PLE, That Gen. CASS boasts that he never was a slaveholder, that he DETESTS SLAV. Saddle, Harness . and Trunk MANUFACTORY ! MAIN STREET, SALISBURY. THE subscriber having; established himself in the Town of Salisbury, for the purpose of cirrjring on the above business, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. He 'pledges himself, that his work shall .al-. ways be done in the very best style, and his prices to suit the times. He will keep constantly on hand Saddle, BridUs, Martingale, Harnett, Collar, Saddle Wallet, Trunk, Valitet, Jtc ., ife. Also, Harness Skirting, Sole and Up per Leather of the very best quality always on hand which can be bought low for cash, or on a short credit to prompt customers. In addition to the above, he respectfully informs the public, that he carries on the TANNING and BOOT and SHOE MAKING BUSINESS in the Town of me in my determination to turn over a new leaf in our domestic affairs." "But not in this old hat, and in my shirt sleeves, Mary f" Yes and I in my old1 sun-bonnet and dir ty apron. If you are content, let it be done at once. I hone you will not think I am so hard ERY. and would be delighted to see it abolish- i Siatesville where he will always be bappy to see his old iv uui uiiu oui j iiv iti wtc a tt j vs i u v. m i v v uuillt 1 nted articles. Thankful for past encouragement, he hopes by close attention, not only to merit a continuance of the same, ed, if it could be done safely and peaceably. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, That the Democratic papers dare not inform their readers that MILLARD FILLMORE VOTED IN FAVOR OF THE FIRST OF THE ATHERTON RESOLUTIONS, which de dares that Congress has no JURISDICTION over the question of slavery in the United States. KEEP ITLSO BEFORE THE PEO. PLE, That Gen. CASS has proclaimed the MONSTROUS OPINION that the question of but a considerable increase for the future ILrHis shop is one door above G. V. Brown's store and just opposite the " Brick Row." WM. H. MOWBRAY. Salisbury, January 27, 1848 ly est of modern artist. Akaiii we sav, despise not small beein- i oUn'ionn are like ropes of sand. I can manage ninp, nor look with supercilious contempt j him on a11 other streets .j you must tako charge upoi everything which appears insigniti- j of business, and have the sole control ; there canjt.and trifling. Trifles are not so plen- i will be no difficulty I am confident of the re ty ip this world as many of us imagine. ; suit." tfASIIIOMS FOR IftlQt XTOllACE II. BEARD, "U?sxHRzp JLJL has jum received, (at his old stand,) from New York, the American and European Fathion, for the Spring and Summer of 1849, and will continue to re ceive them quarterly. He is prepared to execute all or- rlor in hia line of the trade in a faahinnahl n .1 un,L slavery in the newly acquired territory must be . manlike manner, at the shortest notice. From hislon experience in the art of cutting and making garments, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction to his customers. He respectfully returns his thanks to his friends and the public for their liberal support tendered him hereto fore, and will endeavor by increased efforts to please his customers, to merit a continuance of their favors. HORACE 11. BEARD. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken at the mar ket prices for work. Salisbury, March 23, 2848. tf 47 A philosopher has observed that wars, in volving mischief to great nations, have arisen from a ministerial despatch being written in a fit of indigestion ! When Alexander Pope received his present of Turkey figs, he little thought that a twig from the basket was to be the means of introducing the weeping willow into Eng land and America. So is this world made up of and governed by trifles, at first too srnall to attract notice ;'and the wise man will not only cultivate sharp eyes, but at tentive habits, making the most and the best of evervthint? small, hut small snnr s. - ... o . latwnal Library. Tli2 Girl who would be Married. I They were married and a more happy match there was never consummated. Everything prospered ; houses and barns were repaired, fences and gates were regulated, and the exten sive fields smiled and flourished like an Eden. The unfortunate father inia few years sunk in to a drunkard's grave. Mary and John raised a large family, and they still live respected and wealthy all from an energetic girl's resolu tion, forethought and courage. Mexican Art. There are many interest, ing specimens of Mexican art and taste now ex. hibited on St. Charles St. opposite the theatre. The saddle of Santa Anna, captured at Puebla which cost originally 83000, is a gorgeous and Mr. VV had by industry and economy ! magnificent piece of art, and displays in strong accumulated a large property. He was a man j "b"1 tne great skill and tiste of the Mexican of father superior mind and acquirements, but j mechanics. It would be in vain to attempt a unfortunately became addicted to habits of in- description of it, so rich, various and beautiful temperance. Naturally fond of company, pos- ; arc ,,s texture and ornaments. It glitters with sesjsing superior conversational powers, his so- j precious stones, and is heavy with gold and sil ciely was much sought, and he eventually be- ver. The pommell is a solid gold eagle's came a sot. His wife was a feeble woman, j head, and the green velvet of the seat is reliev without much decision of character ; but an on- i e y tbo most tasteful and elegant gold and ly child, a daughter, was the reverse, illustra- silver embroidery. The stirrups are of solid tirfg one of those singular laws p nature, that i silver washed with gold. The bridle is of goid th0 females oftenest take after the father in cha- cor"' ant' l"e ollt piece is of gold, studded with ratter and personal personalities, and the males ' brilliants, and jewels of different lines. throughout all the appurtenances prevails the same luxuriance of wealth; This saddle was SMALL BEGINNING. Despise not the day of small things. This sentence contains wisdom and phil osophy, as well as scripture. It is very easy and natural to sneer at small begin- I nings and humble means but it is not al ways wise to do so. It is better to com mence on an humble scale, and come out n good style at last, than suffer a severe collapse after an extensive and ridiculous flourish. Some men will d,o better with a capital of sixpense, than they would if Vialf fb fnrtnnn nf Actnp aA Kann :.n . ' ' .. ... . . .1 Sttasion in her nnVPr. In inrlitrn him In nllr Ins mem to commence witrj. We have heard ,U , it told of n triiitn worth his millions, that hl,f but whout avail; his resolutions and he commence! by selling fruit at a street promises could not withstand temptation and he Stall. , Wc have seen boys at school roll ' pursued his downward course, till the poor girl ft handful of siiow upon" the ground, tijl, ' despaired of reform, and grievously realized ny- its accumulated matter, it became so what the end must result'in. John D was a young man from the East, pqssessed of a good education, as all our New Epgland boys are, and the most indomitable in- settled by the people thereof thus giving to the INDIANS, MEZITOES, ZAMBOES, and other colored inhabitants of such territory the right and power to exclude citizens of the South from establishing themselves with their proper ty on the soil. I KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, That ! MILLARD FILLMORE has always been a J frank, open and consistent politician, that he has not two sets of opinions, one for the North and the other for the South ; that he does not, like VAN BUREN, boast of being " a northern man icith southern principles ," nor make pro. fessions at the eleventh hour to gull the South. KEEP IT ALSO BEFORE THE PEO. PLE, That Southern Democrats are endeavor ing to hold up LEWIS CASS as "a Northern man with Southern principles ," JUST AS THEV DID VAN BUREN, and that LEWIS CASS IS AIDING TO PROPAGATE THE FRAUD, by causing to be circulated two editions of his life, one intended to reconcile slaveholders to his support, and the other to ingratiate himself with Northern anti. slavery men. KEEP IT LSO BEFORE THE PEO. PLE, That LEWIS CASS never was regard ed in any other light than as a violent opponent of Slavery and a RECOGNISED CHAM PI ON OF THE WILMOT PROVISO, and that he only modified his opinions when he became a candidate for President ; that even now he HAS NEVER WRITTEN OR UTTERED ONE SYLLA BLE against the Proviso ; and that when in terrogated by his Northern iriends on the sub ject, he pretends that the noise and confusion PREVENT HIM FROM EXPLAINING HIS VIEWS. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, That Mr., YANCEY, a Southern Democrat, and Delegate from Alabama to the National Dem ocratic Convention, refuses to sustain LEWIS CASS, pronouncing him a political weath ercock. ALL THINGS UNTO ALL MEN, AN ABOLITIONIST AT HEART AND FALSE TO THE SOUTH." LEXINGTON I THE nnJfr?:nJ t to their frirr !, -first Session of I: Monday in July, unuVr i D. Sausbckt, latf or -Edgeworth High bary' reputation as a t em North Carolina, to r We consider the f c t c : the Lexington Aca Jr : both fMiblic confiJtnce i- Tbe school U intf n ! thoroagh snd chrittian mnul. In order f- . teachers will be em ) the school. The fuller several clae,wuh f.. ; expenses, viz: j The Musical Depnr:; ion of Mr. K. W. IV: three years as a ttacl r minary. j For Read inf Writ! nr. A raphy, per CeogTopby, Botmy, I Chemistry, IUveion I grbra, ix., i The Latin, or Fren. , oreilbrr of them, Drawing and f-a i at.: t i Masic tn tlie riano, -titalions. j Board, with all tec from $30 to 10 month. V j All proper attention v , moral training of the j - ; agance in expenditure?, r A U necessa ry i n !. r: : can be had from the on ' HENRY R. : ALFRED II ANDREW I JOHNir. Her. A- D. : May 23, 1649. Referee. RevJ A. I Statesville, George Jrf: Jesse Rankin, Lexin-tc-:, Elroy.Clemmonsvil e, C Tailoring. BF. FRALEY is ever ready to make CLOTHING in the latest style, well done, and warranted to fit. He also keeps for sale READY MADE CLOTHING very cheap. He will also teach the art of CUTTING to any wishing to learn, as he is agent for some of the most fashionable Tailors of New York and Philadelphia. All kinds of clothes cut at short notice. Produce taken in payment at market prices. Iy2 afer the mother. . 1 Mary was well aware of the consequences that would inevitably follow her father's course. ard had used every exertion of reason and per- r bulky, that a dozen could scarcely move it. Sands make the mountains, moments make the year, drops make the ocean ; and so, little endeavors, earnestly, unceas- . ingly, and honestly put forth, make the great men in the world's history. . We say then dotvt despise the day of small things. If you have an undertak ing tQ accomplish, or a good thing to bring about, begin according to your means. and never be discouraged because you 1 cannot make so "magnificent a commence- j ment as you could wish. Old King John ! the Frenchman, five hundred years ago , took it into his head to found a library ; nnd he began with what do you suppose? ! ttn volumes. Rut he knew what he was ' about ; for that-library the Royal Libra- j , Ty of Paris is now the most magnificent public jibrary in the world, and contains1 700.000 volumes. 1 taken at Puebla when Santa Anna was forced to make a precipitate retreat from that town. It was manufactured in that place. Among other interesting curiosities exhibited ( is the gold cloth dress in which the infant of j Gen. iita Anna, by his present wife, was christened. This was found in a tortoise-shell j box of diminutive dimension and ingeniously in terlined with silver and gold. The same box I contained a miniature silver trunk, intended no doubt, to amuse the young Santa Anna. Splendid Furniture for sale. WATSOX & ROWZEE TAKE this opportunity tod call the attention of theffl i " . j 1,1 i 31' " " ' img ainci auu liuiu uurucu las- ftnctrv nnrl nprspvpraiirf niwl wna wnrLmor rn f . thl firm of a neighbor by the month. 1 sH? f Sa",a An?a'! and man ; , J Miiauicni3 "uitu iUIUIt'U it IMirUOli OI IllS r.rj,.. ui. 8u,c er.auu to tne next household goods. There are specimens of house, met him on the road, with the usual sal- i : lflr; f , u.n r . ... . .. .iiiu onM.i,ui it'iiwiac-But;ii,ii glass work, of hair platting all, made by the Indians of Mexico, which exhibit no less taste than art. New Orleans Delta. ; How's your utation " Good morning, Mr. D j4 Good morning, Miss V- . IIUUII II I I Well, I thank you ; but, to tell the truth sick I at heart." v Pray what is the (rouble ?" said John. " What can affect a cheerful lively girl like : you, possessing everything to make you hap. pyT' i I' On the contrary, replied Mary, " every -thijig conspires to make me miserable. 1 atn A whale onv day came frolicking into ajrhost weary of life. But it is a subject I can- Public to the fine lot of FURNITURE which they now have on hand and .expect to keep constantly on hand for sale at the very lowest prices for cash, country produce or lumber ot every description, at the market price?. Among their assortment may be found : Wardrobe, Bureaus, Dressing, Dining, Tea, Centre, and Toilet and Toadies work Tables; Book Case; Ottoman; Sttfa ; Wash Stands; Office. Chairs ; Mahogany, Curled Maple, Black Walnut, Fan cy and Wood Seat Chair and Settee of ev ery description always on hond or made to order at the shortest notice. Having in ouf employ good workmen, we feel no hes itancy in saying that we are able to supply all demands for any kind of furniture, and would respectfully solicit a call from the citizens of the surrounding country. All orders from a distance promptly attended to. Call at the old stand, just opposite the Rowan Hotel. Salisbury, July 20, 1848. tf39alt'd v-5-12 WILLIAM J. PLUMMER SADDLER AND HARNESS SAIER, rri AKES pleasure in returning his JL thanks to all those who have heretofore favored him with their custom. He trusts and believes that lie has given very general, if not uni versal satisfaction ; and as he is for the past, so shall he continue to feel grate ful to all who may patronize his shop. He would inform the public that he has lately receiv ed some very fine northern materials, and is now better prepared to do Saddle and Harness work than ever. His prices are not extravagant, but his work is good. He occupies his usual stand, opposite to the store of Bo ger &. Maxwell, and is ever ready to obey orders in the line of business to which he belongs. He keeps on hand a good stock of saddles, bridles, martingales, harness, Slc. for sale, and can most generally, furnish instanter, such articles as are required of him. Salisbury, June 1, 1843 tf 5 High Shoals Iron Works! Gatou County, X. C. riHE subscriber having leased the a JL bove Establishment, for the purpose of manufacturing Iron, Nails, Castings, Mill Spindles, Cranks, and all Black smith Work, and having good Lathes and an excellent Machinist from the North, he will be prepared to make and fit up all kinds of Machi nery at short notice. Having spared neither paina nor expense in selecting a good set of workmen, connected with his own long experience in the above line of busi ness, will warrant all work made at this establishment to be as well executed as it can be done in this part of the country, and at prices to suit the times. WM. E. ROSE. February 8, 1848 ly41 hva: FAMILY ( SIX Lectures tn d Consumption A : ! all Female Diea s. ' . per SO cut. ; bound .75 c -9J cts. Shoulder Braces an J C any part. SO cu. pota' . by mail, letter poster. 88 to $10. for all Uup Womb, and Weak Back, everywhere. For Braces porters, give height fr.-:n ! of person next the surfa , tore, mention which h'--. of the above goods. A ' ' Broadway, New York, ; February 24, 1845. 1 8 1 PltlCE i: . Fashion;;' com:: April 27. 184?l . JUST II! AVERY large a-orrr all kinds, such as l'r deira, Sherry, Pott, F,. tVinea. j . July 6, 1848 j FALL, AM) VI v FOR l- ; JnstEct fired at the Nr. I WOULD rrspecifu I v Salisbury and its vu i. : place for the purpose t f i DlUiUCM in all its va:. strict attention to tusinr i i. puDiic paironajre. th latest FASHIONS, a -expense in giving MtLL , with their work ; always !. any work that I may do. I have now in my em; My Shop can he found 1.1 s Salisbury, Sept. 23, 1- REFERENCE.-f-Mr. my instructions for ihe !: confidence recommend l.i: , as capable of giving snn- thomas : : House Washington Runkles Esq., (says the Baltimore American) Publishes a card in the Westminster Carrolltonian stating that he had "heretoforeacted with the self-styled Democratic parly of the pres ent day, but after mature reflection and close investigation of the principles of the to support the man that never1 surrenders, and use all honorable means in his pow er to elect to the Presidency General Zachary Taylor." the harbor of antllfkof. n st.nrt. tim. nf. nU exnlain to vn.i r and vet I hav! ...mPilmo. 1 WO ParllCS hC has Come to the Conclusion tcr the first settlement of that island, and , thought I might." as for many hours it continued there, the i Anything that Ioandofor von, Miss W- -. enterprtsing inhabitants were induced to ; !oU may freely comtnand." " cotttnvQ-ani! jm'pare a large barbed iron ' j That u promiii fnore than ' be , with a strong Cord attached, with which - I. . 'P . ,1, . they finally succeeded in securing this ! f?,,ng lo perform' Bul to ,,rfa,sjthe ,ce at j aquatic monster. A small mattrr.lruly ; ff e'dd u want a wifr ! but it was the 'commencement of a busi-1 J4 A wile ! well, I don't know. Do you want lirs" which las added millions to the a nusljar.d ?" wealth of the jvople the incipient intro ; ' Indeed I do, the worst way. I .don't know ductton td an; enterprise which nearly bill you will think me bold, and defiicient in three quarters of a century ago extorted lhVmaideiily modesty which becomes a vounz a nonie iriDUie oi aamiration trom lid- . . .r , .. , . J mundTHurke, on the floor of the British A Keen Retort. A writer in the Georse- BOGER & WILSON KEEP constantly on hand an exten sive assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Silverware, Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Revolving Pistols, Perfumery, Soaps, and Fancy Articles of every descrip tion. Persons wishing to purchase articles in the above line, will do well to call and examine their fine selection, one door above J. &. W. Murphy's store. Watches, Clocks, and Jewrlry repaired in the beet manner, and warranted for twelve months. Lepine and plain Watches altered to Patent Levers, and warranted to perform well. Salisbury, July 20, 1848 tf 12 NewFirm. THE subKribers having thi9 day formed a copart nership under the style of WOOD & BROWN, respectfully inform the public that they have on hand a large assortment of BOOTS 5- SHOES, (opposite the Post Office) of every kind. They are now receiving the latest fashions of ladies and gentlemen's lasts ; also, materials of every description from the north ern cities, and flatter themselves that all thoe giving them a call, will receive entire satisfaction. Repairing done on the shortest notice. Country produce taken in exchange for work, such aa flour, meal, corn, bacon, and lard. Call and examine our stock. J. N. WOOD. MOSES L. BROWN. Salisbury. June 1, 1848 tf8 Medicines, Medicines. WF, ore receiving at Dr. C. B. Wheeler's old stand the largest and best stock of MEDICINES, 1XSTUMENTS, 'uinl, 4- Dye.Sluffs.Syicc, 4. Perfumery. : T." If. 4 . I L r 1 .... . - THE subscriber Wi to the public, that he ! readiness to undertake hest stylr, in all its t; u size in bit line of Lu-' 4 no usi: v. He flatters himself t!. .: siness well; and wl.c, mitted bj his cm!ou r according to the be it -bly given entire! mi show for thennelre. most moderate kind, nr ecutea ms fpeeutiy ns ; dressed to him at this ; diate attention. I Salisbury, June 2 Z, 1 25 DOLL AIL RAN A WAY from t!,' from Ms-ranton to r a Negro Man slave,' nai:. ! aged about 21 yetrs, c 5 feet 9 or 10 inches in I was purchased by me cf Mr. ganton, who purchased 1. HOTCIIKISS, FENNER k CO, tWIiolesalc Grocers Fancy and Uuseful Articles, j ever brought into this country. (See our large hand bills and Catalogue. We will sell very low for cash. LUUKti CHAFFIN. TTI":, 8a:t: ",A not COMMISSION MERCHANT iiuuuiru nines irom mis piace, wntie con tending, as he thought, for the 'ancient order of things,' ridiculing the doctrine of a call to the ministry, as proof that there is no such call, ob. Salisbury, May 11, 1848 Xo. 81, Water Street, .EW YORK, Parliament. Tbo fishermen in. Holland oiicr bad a !isputc in a tavern, on the question whe ther the fish takt-s the hook, or thr hook, takes the fish. Fiotn th trivial circum stance arose tWo epposinp parties the " Hooks" and: the " CobhUs Joinst," who lor two ci-nturirfi divided the nation, nd maintained a' .contest not unlike that be tween thr red aniKvhite roses in England. woman; but if you knew my situation, and the , . . , i ...v,; t B'iV..r I .t, L, .....j preach. 'And no person else ever believed it,' W some excuse for my course.' Have you thought of il.e consequences?" said John. ' My situation I am poor you aie rich I am a stranger, and " Indeed I have, till I am almost crazy. Let mp explain you and every one else know the urifortunate situation of my poor father. His liabits arc fixed beyond amendment, and his said an acquaintance standing by. A Dutchman once wanted to wed a widow, and his manner of making known his inten tions was as follows : " If you is content to get no better for a worse, to be happy for a miser able, and if you smoke and drinks ale, I shall Sake you for no better and mikh worse." The lady said, "Yaw !" j ' . ' 1 M- - -1 . ... I . P . t IVre is traditionary counterpart to this Pfr'V 's wasimg hhc u,- m-.ore tne sun . ' i'.. nr ti I .1,' V cLk rC nea i ri nl: i n rr Ilia vcrv hfnil' in otir own Jiisrorv. n e aiiuue .trine sto- '""i"1-3 " --c. --j - ry of llie pi. wlmsf stupid obstinacy, we HAVE constantly on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES, consisting in part as follows : SUGARS of all kinds. COFFEE, Rio and other styles. TEAS Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, and Black Teas, in whole, half and quarter chests. TOBACCO, from the best Virginia factories of various brands. SEGARS. Regalia, Principe, and other choice brands. Imported WINES & LIQUORS of every description in casks of al) sizes. Also, domestic Liquors of alt kinds. In calling your attention to the above advertisement, we can confidently offer the assurance that any orders in trusted to us will be filled to your entire sn refaction at the lowest prices the market will afford. When you our city, we most respectfully solicit you to call and ex amine our stock. New York, June 16, 1849. 27 w$ i; are. giavt ly told, involved us in a war with . f ood, ami ruin and misery staring us in the ce. Wc ard almost strangers, it is true ; we Veuy Polite. The editor of the Arkansas Journal says Where our office was two weeks ago, now runs the Mississippi river. Out of respect to the father ojf rivers wc left. WARRANTS Just printed on NEW TYPE and on ex cellent PAPER, for sale at this Office. Important to Mill Owners. HOTCH KISS'S Vertical Wrater Wheels for sale in d. McNeill & Co. And in Lincoln County by E. A. BREVARD. March 12, 1S47 tf43 TAKEN UP AND COMMITTED x To the jail of Rowan county, on the night oi me. 4tn inst, a negro boy about twenty five years of age, dark complection, five feet six inches hish. a hurnt scar on the back of the ri:ht hand. Said boy says his name is WILLIAM, and that he belongs lo John Brown, of Lancaster District, S. C. The owner is requested lo come forward and prove property, pay charges and take him away, oth. erwise said boy will he dealt with as, the law directs. CALEB KLUTTiS, Sh'tT. August 10, 11. Dollar will be paid for 1 ment in any jail ro that I application to John I. Fha , -Salisbury, May l; Ibl- DAVIDcON Superior Court of Lc Nancy" Carrallj i ts. i Benjamin Carral). ) TT appearing to the sai; I this State : It is tliertfure : lication he maJ.: in the (Jp olina Watchman, for thr-e i be and appear at the next " of Law, to be held for t! t Court House in Lrxinjioti, fourth Monday in Ser tcnr -wer the petition of the sai ! or jadgment pro conS-s-j v. and this case set for hear : Witness, Andrew Hunt.C lbi 13th day of June, A. I DRS. DROWN iv J A selves in the pracii. found at theirdrog:ore w ) Salisbmy, Decemlir 1C,