I I 1 r 1 1 cral Assembly Mr. Davis was! defence, and all We ihought tbcrtrial was ihcn; kcepourlmnd fTuniil the conlia- contloclpcl AvU'li great candor and fairness. gency arises which, in the contemplation r ,.t.t .i . . .. I. V- iiaai i in .u ; Mnwn i ,,,w,rrn councils anu a sense oi saie iitaiumicnsmi" l. . . .... . wuuiu onng active tnierierence witnin ihe plea of necessity and self protection. i ne response approving any movement of the Government, in counteraction of r wards ProfVssor Wilson defended him With an earnestness that rwas eloquent, doubtless creating much sympa- thv:for i hft ncciised. The Committee in i European schemes to transfer the island i "J r--m J.A.- S . - . . . . . .. . i . .- i A POT TM A W A TPTTM A TNJ I tW-ir ti,n Presbytery were then Sailed lom the hands-in which it properly repo- V , . i . sm, . i SPS InP tha co H..1 y- I ull nurtiiKi tr ft I hra i ' upon. juessre. inuicnison oi )Unarloite;i . J r.. -i i it r Q niac Jii i n i e wnere it would ,become tne instrument oi Rockwell oi btatesviUe. and Penick of j j, N ' , . - , . . , maritime power and ascendency, would Rocky River. These gentlemen defended , be immediate and universal in the Amer- ; the Presbytery very ably in our judgment. ; can people ; but we cannot imagine such t. i i? i ! j ii GOING, GOING, (Rome? tfIj FEESHJ K;3 TEAS., Salisbury, !T, C. URUSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9. 1848 IT W kM iltllinrilLriA .nnAiinK. SmrCL GaITHER. M.,of Davidson county, at a Candidate lor tne oince l Major General of the 4th Division of North Caroli- Militia.' vacated by the rraignation of Maj. General 2 GUNS FOR 1 ; ' ROWAN. , OLD ZACII VICTORIOUS ! HE anbmlr ha jit received and opened from! JL New York and Philadelphia, a large stock, of . , WBW GOODS ! consisting of GOODS, HARDWARE, j QueenBwsr Hat. Shoe. Root. Ronneta and Grocer-. During this unpleasant trial we were ! a decree of infatuation as would open ies of alt kind?, which, with hia former stock, will make Struck With' thedignity With Which the i fresh SUrceS of domestic discord. While s Moment complete all of which have beenboogU v ..tJ,fa"V uiu itiu .r i i .-.'. I ' . for cash at the lowest cash prices, and will he sold (as members met their responsible duties. ex,.s lng ,e.uds ,n rrSard o: territorial ac- ; tJl , WMl eIasfi 8 lW Jim?) forcasb VV ...mi u J it ii l- . I (luls,,,t. threaten th permanence Ot the tat about eo and ciare. nntil Momlay the 29th day of jm.uuucu tur m.uu.ug 10 , Uuionf more e.sp.ciaJy when such policy Jhe spirit of hospitality that pervaded our , involves the hazards of conBict with for town during this meeting. A stranger j eign nations, no point of national honor looking on would have concluded that ! or present interest being embraced in the "l A JJ T Hj l S s i TO TIIB READ! BOGER & MAXWELL m Itovvn has spoken in a voice not to be Mistaken. She has recorded her vote for all the citizens pf Salishury were of one denomination. Every door was open to deceive the coming guest, without re gard to sectional feeling, or denomination- kePcopte Candidate fur the Presidency, al peculiarity. So it should be, and so t the hanilsone majority of TWO HUN- j we hope it ever will be, on similar occa- hUED AND 'NINETY-NINE! an in- 1 sions. th ptffty-ivco over Mr. Clay's vote,! On Sabbath there seemed to be one withstanding !ho many vile falsehoods . general determination, and that was, that ircul.iied through the Country. The Lo- all should attend Church somewbere. We can only speak of the attendance at issue; ofotps worked hard, and omitted no op. oftunity to denounce Millars' mm, more s a rank abolitionist besides ml. inning at the old Hero, himself, was ajso taint- Jwith this detestable ism. But the charge as been pronounced false An every par cular, as it regards them both by the THE HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS, In the State of Arkansas there are some sin. gttlar springs to which are ascribed stnne medi. cat virtues and are a subject of no little wonder. They are in Hot Springs County, about 60 miles west of Little Rock, on a creek that empties into the Washita river, six miles distant in lati tude 31$. The creek, which rises in the mountains some. 4 miles alxve, winds its way between two hills, running north and south. U' If K a t'flllakV t kAf A r t rwft nhik a a a ludrierii tnurcnai wmcn we at-! places fifty, and in some one hundred tended ; we haye seldom seen more atten tive and solemn congregations. At inter- minister. cmcn of Rowan, in tones of thunder, ! pel whispered peace," through the living 1 hich thc parly ought not to forget soon. Before the election, the Locofoco lead- ' ! irs Were calculating on carrying uic ounty by a large majority. According o their hotiphs the people would not sup iort Cueh. Taylor because he had no par j platform because he had no princi ples, as they could discover, at least in heir sense of the term. But we rejoice o te ahlof to say that the people of our 'ounty thought differently, and that her ons have affirmed by their votes what re have always said and believed, to wit, pat the pnly true platform was the Con t'xtution of the United States. Upon that tlorious platform, Old Z a ch stands, and ai alone. Well done for Kowan. If the !iher Counties have done as well. Gen. aylor's majority will be thousands in the laic. Below we give the official vote. m some one hundred yards wide. On the side of one of the hills, which is very precipitous, and rises to the height of one hundred feet, the Hot Springs break out in various positions, from the margin of the creek to the summit of the hill. The number of springs is said to be about seventy. five or eighty, within a space of five hundred yards, but the number is not uniform, new springs breaking out ntid old ones filling up. There are numerous I fold Water springs within a few yards of the Too good to be lost. On Tuesday last 1 hot ones. The heat of the water is sufficient vals, the house though crowded to over flowing, was still as death, while the 4 law spoke out its thunders, and the Gos- the Locofocos, feeling a strong desire that every man should vote, procured a con- veyance and sent to the country for aj voter, who they thought might not be able j otherwise to get here. After he had been j brought to town at their expense, and the ' polls opened, their man voted for Old Zack. As all rjiay readily suppose, they were verv much chagrined. eggs or wash ROWAN COUNTY. Salisbury. Ncelyfs Mill, Morgan's, Mount Ulla. Li ia Iter's, Fraley's aylor. 173 0-2 75 09 58 18 71 Cass. 351 11 4G 12 52 45 40 THE ISLAND OF CUBA. The Charleston " Evening News" whol ly discredits the rumor of an overture hav ing been made by the Executive of the United States for the purchase from Spain of the Island of Cuba, and thus wisely counsels against such a purchase, vere it within the power of this Government : 'Such a step as the purchase of the Island of Cuba j would not comport with sound policy oiji the. part of the United States, even if liere existed a correspon dent inclination to cede by old Spain. A cession of the JsUnd of Cuba would en- to scald a hog or fowl, to boil clothes, without the aid of fire. The creek is so much heated by the springs, that horses and cattle will not drink of it for a mile below. The United States claim the Hot Springs as a reservation, individuals claim them under preemption. The consequence is, that only temporary improvements are made, or will be made, until the title is confirmed.' These springs are destined to attract great -attention for their invaluable healing properties, as well as natuial curiosity. In the same vicinity is the Magnetic Cove, a large bed of magnetic rock, and the Crystal Mouutain, where beauti. ful crystals of various forms are found. In se veral of the mountains are found the best quar ries of whetstone known iu the United Slates. January next, at which time the remaining stock ort hand will heiorTereJ at Public Auction, io ihe highest bidder. The sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Below is a list of some of the articles on hand, and the prices attached at which they will be sold : ( Brown Domestics at 2$, 3, 4. 5 and 6 cts. per vard. Bleached I do 3$, 4. 6, 8, and 10 Calicoes, : 3, 4, 5. 6, 8, and 1 0 Flannels, from 12) cents a yard upwards. Bt'k Alpacca from 12$ Fig"d and fancy checked. 18, 25, and 30. Muslin deLanes. 12J. 15, and 18, t " Eliptic Springs, 10 to 11 cets. per ptound. Axlen,P$to9 " Brown Sugar 6 to 7 " Loaf " 10 " Coffee, 6 to 8 Men's Boots, $1 25. S3 00, 2 50 per pair. 50 ounces Quinine, 3 per oz. 600 Hjs spring steel R cts. 1000 lbs sheet " 8 And all other Goods equally as low. Those extremely good friends of mine who have been reporting that I have no goods, and that I have broke up and shut up the store, will please look at the above advertisement, and if they are such extreme good friends, they will please correct the false reports that ihey have spread, and if it should please them, they may say to the public at large, that in the months of April and May next, a large and fresh stock of entirely new Goods will be opened in the Brick Store House, now occupied by J. &. W. Murphy. TTJEO LEAVE TO INFORM -mineir irienas and puyie generally, that they are now rp ceiving a bandson,e stuck v( Fall and Winter Goods, CaUtine of almost every Article usual!? c t'.UJ for Dry-Goods, Hardware, Queens and Glassware. Hats, Caps, Bonnets. Coots and Shoes, sole and apprr Leather, GROCERIES, of fvery kind and of best q iality. Rope, Caging and Twine. For the military and sportsman, we have Gne CHAP- VA PEA US, Plumes, Swords, Epaulet, Suites, Si,vcr ik(fx Lncc, EAGLE BUT-rJ TOXs, &c.,&c. Double and single barrel Shot Guns and Apparatus, Pistols, finished and unfinished Rifle barrels. Sec, ice. All of which we intend lo sell cheap for rash or on time to punctual dealers, or exchange fur ihe fullowinj produce as we nre in the market lo parchnse 5) basSels clean ed Oats, 300 bushel FbxseeJ, 500 bushel pealed dried Teaches, and 15.000 lbs. cotton and linen rags, and as much Beeswax and Tallow as we can get. Salisbury, Oct. 26, 164S. ly25 CHEAP for CASH. 1 US TD (ID rE are now rrnivin ihe L;:r IT nj .SuiiionuiT.wli.i his I ten years. A:n. ng their Mvk v.n v ! ing works, toother with a la.- z '. School Books, x'n: Toets and Poetry cf AmHn ' t:nS'and, Prose Writers of A. :crira, Byron, Illuininaled ; Vafr!y Cowper's Pueius, Ileuiaai', B jr. ; 5" works, Crablie's and Rovlge r Heroes of American Revo' s: . -i. Wanagton and his General.. 4 J I Napoleon and his Mardials, t y i; c W. For the Carolina Watchman. A MINISTERIAL FAMILY. James Ham, came to what is now Iredell County, and settled on Fifth Creek, near where H. R. Watt, Esq., lives, 1752. Two of his sons became Ministers, James, well known in this region, as Dr. Hall, and Robert. Rev. Richard Hugg King who died some yearsago in Tennesse, was his grandson ; the son of his daughter Sarah, who married James King. Rev. Thomas J. Hall, of Tenn., is another grandson, the son of Thomas Hall. Robert J. Halt, of Ohio, is HARRIS & CRUMP ARB now receiving from New York and Philadel phia, a large and splendid stock of F-&LL HISJD WINTER r.nnns FURTHER NOTICE. which they are determined to sell n lnw nn LL those indebted to the late firm of J. &. W. Mur- in this part of North Carolina, consisting of all kindu of phy by account or Ions standing notes, are again ladies and cenilemen's dress fr.w,.I nfih,. .-.. ..! notified to come forward and pay up by the first day of newest styles, which have been sel.-cted wiih'great care, January next, or they will find their notes and accounts , and bought at the very lowest cash prices, in the hands pf an officer, as the business of the firm r r iw must be closed up. j Fr Ladies " rar' WILLIAM MURPHY. J Beautiful silk Lustres, Mode Ca.hinwP, colored do.,' Surviving partner of J. W. Murphy. ",m striped do , Mouseli i- de Lanes, sflk Jnd worsted L.usires,neni Aipaccas. k and col d Merinos, plant Ginghams, French do., Shawls. Gloves, Ribbons, fine Collars, Linen Cambric Hand trs, Bonnet silk. Velvets, Bonnets ad Hosiery. For Gentlemen's Wear. Black French and English Cloihs. French Cfimeres, fig'd do., fjney do., wool Tweed, Kentucky Janes. Ker seys, fig'd satin Vesting, cut velvet do, plain s.nin do. and worsted do. Also, brown and bleach'd Drills, Do meiics, Whitney Blankets, Huts & Cap, Doof A 'Shoes besides a general stock of Hardware and Cctlrry, Crorrrirm Crorkrry, If. Those wishing to buy C'mjJ. we resjert fully invite their attention to the nUove stock, as we are determine J nol to be outsold by any. VohJ Grove, Rowan co.. Oct 26, 1841s ly'2. Alisnn's ILstcry of Horrpe, Hume's LncI.nnJ, Fnrgerson's History of Korue Ht5tiry of the MidJle Ag-.. Sears Signers of the Dec'amti .r. mercial Dictionary, Uo'le's Ph n 2 vols , Mia Ie!ies Cookery, A griculiure. Stock Raisers Ma'nu-1, dering Jew, (i'.lutninated.) A' Novels just published. Guilt r !; Lace Envelopes: Ink. red. Viae ' fers. Sic. We have inndearrangrmen: ! j now on hand in this line, can he c thern Citiesat short notice on ra. rr r than any House in this part vf iNr ' ' Al. mu) Salibury, Octohcr 12. 1 1 newTgoqz J Salisbury. N. C... Nov. 9. 1848. 4w27 N. B. I wish to purchase Two Thousand Bales of good Cotton. W. MURPHY. "100 nDOLLARS REWARD ! ! Stop the Runaways ! ANAWAY from the subscriber on the morning of the4ih instant, near Lancaster, S. C, two Negro Men, viz : 859 Taylor's majorily 299. pavidson Taylor's majority, 5G7 Cabarrus M - 379 rf t x 44 44 935 Davie 44 44 197 UStanlij At Albemarle (1 precinct) Tay jaf 229 ChssJ nothing. II uzza for IStanly . P. S. Stanly County complete. Taylorv 800 Cass 20 ! Two precincts in Catawjba county have tttn heqrd from, viz : j, ' Taylor. Cass. Newton, 100 ;140 Yonts, 31 114 Tbe Postmaster at Lincolnton writes on fie, way bill that Taylor has gained at Uat nlar.n nnd at spveml nrerinrts in Lin toln and Gaston Counties. counter the opposition probably of tVVO of : another grandson, the son of Alexander Hall. the European powers, England & France, certainly of the former. It will be recol- is not simply an American blended wilh considera- iected that this question. It is tionsof maritinjie policy, in which the Eu Then of his great grandchildren, there are Rev. Wm. A. Hall, of Mocksvile, Rev. Jas. D. Hall, Rev. Thomas P. Johnston, of Asia Minor, Rev. Robert Johnston, of Kentucky, and Rev. Absalom Knox, of Indiana, all grandchildren of Thomas Hall. Rev. Junius B. King, of Alabama, and Rev. Thomas Stanhope King, of Mississippi, a Baptist Clergyman, grandsons of James King, above mentioned. Rev. Wm. Johnston, of Georgia, Hugh Wilson, of Texas, and Rev. Lewis Feuilleteau Wilson, of Virgin- ' in frrflnlanna nf IInrl II:. 1 1 Rov J M IT A.lama nf ! iC0 in her integrity an element in the po- j Third Creek, grandson "of Rev. James McEwen, who 1 lllicai equinonum OI me World, aiinougn married Jane, daughter of the first mentioned James ropean Powers aged 24 years, about 6 feet 1 inch high, tlark brown com plexion, very likely. He w is purchased of Mr. Isnac Jarratt, of Surry County: aged 32 years, about 5 feet 11 inches hiah. black com plexion and likely, anl was purchased of Mr. Nehe miah Rush of Randolph county. Boih of these. Ne groes will no doubt endeavor to grt back to the neigh borhood where ihey were purchased. I will pay the above reward of 100 dollars for their apprehension and confinement in any jail so that I can get them again, or 50 dollars tor either one. E. MYERS. Salisbury, Nov. 9, 1848.-28ft P Cfailds & Cos. Oriental or Sovereign Balm Pills NEW GO luc Iarget .ind urt h U c: Cheaper than c . BROWN "&ELL RLLCTKTLLY infrm tl , rrcririn from New York f i 1 Fall "upply if -m MiL.llI,LMiUNl iV . of hr lalrM anj Xrwffi S:j!t(v; ttilh rrt( r mr.t t t t iV h XV fllfHHC I Price.. Am.n5iWflocktn,v! jl t VJI US i l tnCAP FOR CASH! m. BRovT & son InM TEAS. now receivirtj! from X A New York and Piuia-t1 delphia , a A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK O," FaU & Winter Goods possessing colonies on this continent are largely interested. It may involve vjews ip relation to, the balance ol power in ihijs hemisphere. It will be remembered thit M. Guizot deemed Mex- A RE entirely vegetable in their composition are -t. compounded upon scientific principles, and with a there was, in hs notion of balancing the Spanish and American races on this con tinent, too much refinement for a pracli cal purpose, jit, however, indicates the disposition for Interference if circumstan ces had been propitious. If the entente cordiale bet ween the C;tbinetsof St. James and St. Cloud had not been dissolved near ly about the same time, there would pro bably have been co operation and inter vention in the: quarrel between Mexico and the Unitecjl States. But no shadow of doubt rests, in this respect, on the ques- Hall, and sister of Dr. Hall. V. D. M. Richard King had a class-mate at Princeton, where he was graduated in 1786, by the name of Hugg, and they mutually took each others names into their own as a token of friendship. Their names stand in the cata logue, William King Hugg, and Richard Hugg King. The former was a native of New Jersey. In the same way strong attachments are now formed in College be tween members from different parts of the Union, that last during life. Hon ol the cession ot Luba. As an at- ! Surry County. All the precincts heard from j tempt to convejy this island to Great Brit- j so a conveyance oi it to the American Union would tjneet with resistance as de- j j cided by Greht Britain. Some of her statesmen, it is! well known, have urged i :. Jiought that thohreo to hear from, ill nol vary rity more than 20 votes, it thui. HE-SYNOD OF NOIITH CAUOLINA Met in the Presbyterian Church in Sal- ury, oh Wednesday, the 1st. instant, at .rtf clock. The opening Sermon was de )iverrd1)y the Uev. Evander McNair, the fWt Moderator,! to a crowded and, atten ue audience. It is not our purpose to j'peak minutely of this deeply interesting lrnnoa. but to nnj .mirid it wore the ns jlct of a carefully prepared and finished course. ; In this County, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Samuel Rothroek, Mr. fiEWARD MOSS, of Cabarrus County, to Miss CHRISTINA L., daughter of Mr. Charles Baninger, of Rowan County. which they are determined to sell ns low as nny iiou in this part of North Carolina, consisting of ail kinds of Ladies and (Jenileman's dres goods, from liie must coui- i careful regard to chemical affinities. Their ingredients j n to the hnest kinds w r:i,iz: are so prepared and blended, that they cleanse the sto- Drillings, bleached and brown Domestics, Negro C'.otli i mach, purify the blood and regulate the action of the j ng, Blankets of every description. bowels, lichich they never leave costive,) tiius speedily and efficiently removing the causes of a large class of difeaws. Their entire success even, when the most popular remedies have failed, has obtained for them re commendations of the hishest character from those who j have used them sufficiently to test their virtues as a fa mily medicine. Each box contains 31 pills; price 25 cents, and is ac companied wilh certificates and full directions. For sale by Boger Sc Maxwell, Salisbury; Falls &, Morrison, Statesvillc ; David Fraley, Rockville ; J. P. Mabry, Lexington ; D. Honneycutt, Gold Hill ; and wholesale and retail by P. M. Cohen, 19, Hayne street, Charleston, S. C. -Iw27 PARLOR FURNITURE FOIl SALE. ?tftrte- In this County, on Thursday the 26th ultimo, of Pneu monia, Mrs. MARY J. McCORKLE, in the 71st year i of her age. The deceased very early in life gave her- , the practical assertion Of her claim to in- berof the Presbyterian Church at Back Creek, ever tlemntty tor indebtedness by bnain to Brit- since its organization. She has spent a long hie of use A Splendid Mahogany Spring-Seat, with fine Hair-Cloth covering very cheap for cash. ALSO ish subjects, bV forcible seizure. The ex istence of a mcjrtgage is even alleged, and although a liet of this kind would be a novelty in the jhistory of national transac tions, yet we hjave no hesitation in believ ing that, althoijjgh this pretension would not be set up sjo long as Spajn did not at tempt to cede pu'ba to any third Power, it would most unquestionably be urged in any such event. One doz fine, fulness in the neighborhood in which she was born, and j the Church of which she was a member, and lived to j see all her children settled in life and members of the s.irae Church. She has left a numerous circle of rela tions to mourn her loss. She was gathered home as a j dim.'. rf fnm rin fnr i K a fmrcpai nnrl liil os nhe lived. - trusting in the arm of an Almighty Saviour. Well may i CT t--Q AA EjL jSJsSf it be said of her, " Blessed are the dead who die in the ; Neat style, well finished, and strong ; and very cheap. Lord, yea saith the spirit, tor tney restirom tneir laoours, and their works do follow them." In Stanly County, on the 4th instant, Mrs. HAN- i NAH M. KENEDY, wife of Mr. William G. Kene- I dy, aged 23 years and 9 months. HATS & CAPS, . ( large oi.:ui tment ) Boots and Shoes, fine and common) Um ' brellas and Parrfols ; a Itire slin k nf HARDWARE & CUTLERY, 1 COACH 'TniMMtWs. (all k.mli) CHOCK Eli Y, I AM) 'QUELS SWA HE; j B & 12 2 2 2 3 of every description, Porto Rico, Muscovado and New Orleans Suirnr, clarified, tu! verizi-d . Iinnit n r-. . 1 loaf do.. Rio and old (lovernmeni ('otfee, ureen.lil-ick and vnui hyson 1 ea. New Orleans Mol-isses, Tiirj-nrine. Mack erel, Nos. 1 an I '2, bsid.-s all a.-f.c'.t-s usualiy k-pt in stores. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market price always paid. (Jive us a call an I examine for yo'irselves, and we will convince you that we sll lower ilian any lion- in this place. Our stock of ('nods have been well selected and iKitight at the lowest cas!i prices. Small profits and quick sales is unir the word. .M. BROWN SON. Salisbury, October l . 1 23 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j ROW AX COUXTY. In Equity Spring Terra, A. D., 1848. ; Joseph Owens, (Jeorire (). Tarrli and:wife, Maria M , : William A . and James Owens, infant by their ('unrd-CanC-boltOmeU ian, J. ;.!i Owens, ainiwi Elizabeth Kennedy. John M. j Kennedy, !;! and wife, Mary C ,s,!.ier of John and Elizabeth Kennedy, Nancy M. Kennedy and her husband, anJ Roliert Kennedy, an infmt.. r TnE MARKETS. If there were no earthlv obstacle to Vhen the roll of members then present the cession, the policy would be more U maie out. Synod proceeded to elect th questionable which would afford co- ew Moderator, which resulted in the "f APPles,(dried)...50 JcntoL 'Ht 70 eleclnn f TW.l W- TnKncnn e had so uncontrolled a destre lor territory J 6 ! Molasses ,...3540 rx- - ' i' rj . " as to override the dictates of moderation, Brandy,,. 40 50 INails 5 iuurr ueniK trLumnv uiuucif u miu r (1f nniffpnlia rnn i Prt nn R.mer 1U (a) UU 5ce, Synod adjourned till to morrow j a manifestation so soon after the trans- esw"' 1545 horning, 0 o'clock, to meet in the Metho-1 ference to the j. Union of large possessions CoaYarnT.-.OO o IS lE. Church. over which w have not yet established Coffee,. ' 7 8 W , i , , ... - any form or species of government, would Com, vu a bodtf n nW-ot,, l.l nn,n. .,Pi. i . . 1 r. Flour, (per bbl.)...3i (St S ' , j - " - o ; iu. inuu HS IIUL CUIllllll U IU nillUUIUUS fiedtosay that a centlemanlv. brotherly, monarchies, bbt exist in the model renub- lUnd christian spirit pervaded all its acts, l'c n most prurient excess. nC ln so great. was the harmonv. that anv mere is rmt one opinion among that 1 ... ... ' - "it f v i iaiwity..." w class oi American smiesmen wno disdain Racon 51 6A to feed the popular appetite on this score. Beeswax.......... lo O 7 Tli.x' ViolI tn ihf rfiiinsi. iVimt nur rklirv Coffee 8 10 . , Iron, (3) G Oats, 16 (S 17 Irish Potatoes,... 20 (3) 25 Do., (sweet). ..00 (S 30 Sugar, (brown).... 6 8 Do. 'loaf) 3 0 10 Salt, (sack).... Tallow,. ; Wheat,. 4 (3) 4i i Whiskey ....... ...2 O 3 .10 12i .00 (3 50 .25 (S 30 rn r 'fur ii lb ooe, on beholding their bland and courte- demeanor, might be constrained! to y, behold, how these christians love anbther." An appeal from a decision of the Pres- of Concord, by. Rev. J. L. Davis rM regularly tried and Jost. "It being 4le known fo him that his appeal was ustained,jhe gate notice in a calm dignified manner, that lie should ap- Irom their decision to the next Gen- Favetteville, Nor. 1, 1848. Brandy, (pch)...40 3 50 ! Ditto, (dry) ,6 O 10 Do. (apple). ..35 0 4U Iron, (ftw s; :.o (S o uo. (fcng.) fa) i Molasse 20 26 Nails, (cut) & 5J Oats ...25! 30 Oil,(Linsd) 65 1 75 Sugar.(br'o) 6 (St 9 Salt, (bush.) .50 (S 60 Do. (sack) J22J Wheats. .....80 85 Whiskey .00 25 ALSO A Graceful and Luxurious Spring-Seat Rocking-Chair. ALSO A Beautiful, Octagonal, Mahogany, Ray CENTRE TABLE, Of most exquisite workman-ship. Price f$'27. THESE ARTICLES, all of which are almost indispensable comforts, conven iences and ornaments, in fitting up a Parlor, are of an excellent qualiiy.and will be soIJ together or separately. (&- Call at this OJJice. 26:2 NOTICE IS hereby given that application will be made to the next Legislature of the State of North Carolina, for aid in the erection of a Cotton and Woolen Manufac turing establishment, and also a Calico Print establish ment, at Eagle Mills, on i!.e waters of South Hunting Creek, in the County of Iredell, and State of North Car olina. ANDREWLBAUGARLY. October 13, 1843. 25 IT npparin to the cnti.-firtion of t':j- Co-irt. that the Defj-nd ants are inhabitant of anmhf.r State . It i or dered that publication be ma If for fix sint-re.ive weeks in the Carolina Watchman, that mkI df-n. Lints opfx-ar at the next Court of Equity, to be lu ld tjir ihe County of P.owan.on the 8th Monday -after tin- 4tii Monday in Sep tember, l4,and answer the j :.tit of plaint ill's, or judgment pro confsso, v. ;' f-e rendered hgainst them and the petition be set for h" . ic xp trie, ns to them A :l: CALDWIfLL.C. M E. GliO Printers fee 8 3- j tatc of ilottii dnroiiua, DAVIK COUNTY. Court of Pleas an?l Quarter, Sessions, August Term, lc4i. Darbara Hunter and others, Braxton D. Hunter and others 4u... ..r ...J.Lui-..l.t.o I Cotton,. o ra is uiiti 01 wiiiiuuiuiiirjs ciiu iirvcmiuu .Corn, ..3"i40 ,to be passive()ut vigilant, employing no Candies, f! F....0O & 15 arts of negotiation for our own twhoof, but ; Flour... ........... 4 a H 0 J. .. . r . i V..tKra Oft a 111 to prevent, - whether by tmud or torce. oy r,iMted;:V85 01 00 niplomocy or the sword, the disturbance , Hides.(green) 3 o 4 on he present possession. The prize youid - be of incalculable value to any maritime W A "D "D A "XTTXl Power ; it is nW where the mutual jeal- . A ' ousy of the paries should leave it in the Jnst printed on NEW Tl PE and on cx hands of an fenfeebled nation. Let us, cellent PAPER, for Sale at this OlUCC. Sicily Wine and Tallow Candles. JUST received a large supply of fine Tallow CAN DLES. Also, an excellent article of Sicily Ma "deira or: White Cooking WIN E, manufactured fir cook ing purposes expressly. BROWN dc JAMES. Salisbory.Oct. 12, 1848. 23 Sretjtton for sale .STare. 4 IT appearing to the rwiM.ictiori of tlie Court that Braxton I. Hunter, Benjnnnn B iker anj w ife Han nah, David Jonr's and wif Kuzi.and rfa'h.in Jones and wife Sarah, Defendant in this case, are inbahitants of another State. It i therrfore ordered by Court, that publication he made fornix wekf in thjCarolina Wa'.-h-man, printed in Salisbury, that they he and appear le fore the Justices of our next Court of Pirn and Qir ter Session? to he held for tlie County of Dav;e a; V Court Hou.se ir Vock-vil!e on the lt! Monday in No vember next, and then ai l there plead. nnwer. or de mur to the Plaintiff jietitiorj.or t!e Mtne will be taken pro con fesso and heard ex pir tee aa to them. W.tne. Caswell Hatbin. Clerk of our said Oart at office, the 4th Monday in AugA.Il Sept. 29, '43. 21 Ct rrinters fee,&3 W For r.:ulic V.-:u Beaut.ful ilk Liitrtii, MoJe Ct - Natin stnp-J do , Mtm ttriJ .; and black do , Silk an4 wrtrd I. Cheni Alpaca. Mo,le Thd-et C-. . black rrami:ta. Mack .Mrrir.' f ' Iinil. (:niln:n. French drt . 'hr. ' t'ol'ars. Linen Cru!.ric Hand i", IN . Bonnet fcdk. Velvet, Il-m u ' 1 i! rthw r:inttoi:i.. t'. . Fr-jnch B'.ick, brown and o'ue Ci turrr. ' f.;:'d; DM--kiri do, lvr . Kentucky Jen, Kerwrr. I-to fs'. .1 ! Whitney hn!.eti, fi'J Mtin Vr-:( tla'd n!k d , plain atin do., 'n;Hf ! . HATS Sc CAPS. J' SHOSS, ni:siir:s a genlii al - i Ilartlwarc k Cullcry, (Iroc; cry, &c5 L Tlie i.-hin? lo Li'V (Imm!. as ( A-el ratified we "i .'Tr jerp,by Frl!ii rlieap f..r Cn-!i. Stlislmry, Ort0lrT 5, lb I. FEMALE ACADEMY Caltlivcll Coti:il; , : nniin with m-:-. , -" 'MM I V I II COmtnenrej.tl: courar tbe teacher lo lW:k i'. i" nnn-u!.y e-t jb'.i!wd ; and its -datteti '. Ad ihe Lntn'.H-s are t . tomary in the fir.t Fema!e S tn, t The IJinrJi-vj Moi; 'u.i lr ! e f : large and comcnient.anJ ery v.r- w well fm!?VJ olT auJ Ix-j-jm'- r teailir p'ede tliet.vtel ves to u t . inoie the h3;p'nrw, and ihe MKr. , l2toos improvemeni &l ineir p;-. heahhinew of the place rendrr ;t .-. for a M-hotd. l'upila can eittrr ! pal, or in to jrn : vrcnl h-'i'y r take bvsrdrrs. Tle Iter. Mr. .V take charjr- id a cla in Latin r i ' Chip'ey, will teach Prawin tin I ! S. I'.aker a!ts In ihe Kii?!;-h P ; Board is at th low rate of f-r ; i Tuition, per FeMicn, Music, laoo sr.J Guitar, rvJj i French, ' Drawing and rarlrV'. Latin and (Iri r nil r."; r Worsted or Wax Wtr':, cjt'.j ; Scho!ars are i'air'J t'.'r'i t' t deduction mad? a fiery. ard fr . of long firknerj. EM"! I-noir. N. C.Oct. lrl J2:i ALEXANDER cm Court of Tien a.jl Quarter Danie! Mcintosh anj Wif-. E,' V; rs Alexander McDonal J, W'i z Harbin. ' retition fsr ptrl.tl ,n t. ST appearing to the aiif-. t- '" Defendants are ron-refdrr.- therefore ordered by the Cocrt, .: ; in the Carolina Watchman ftr fix v mid de(Vndanl9 personally to f . Justices of Mid County at ihe fr:.. tbe Court Hoase io Taylorv: IVcemljer next, then and tere to j to .i id petition, otherw ise ihe n- an J the prayer of the I'etiticn . Wiiiif-w, A. Caraoni Clerk cf k-...' ' TaylorSTiUe.tbefinft M&nd.y ; A- I . Printer. Fee 5 SO FOR SALEi A SPLENDID crtand ction rosewood Piano, nearly XjL new and entirely nainjured. The original price was 8G0O. but a very large deduction Irom tnai auin win , frwfllcUrloue,in ihi.iate.toaome l. -a- ...u nl i .u.iraM. Ann W at this ter lur m Rail Koaa iryfii ur.w .ffice. (Satisimry, Oct 12,1843-23 point on the irg.ma hue. AN"P j(Jk. aem 2s OTIC E. I As- pn cation wui oe niaue . r -- blr of ine wtaie oi - - rod. 19, 1343. NEGROES! IT Canli for r :: THE Su!crir-er wo0!d -r public -generally that he is purciuc of . suitable fo the jWh-rn VvV-'. Kny.of the abore de r : ::i : r tleir interest to pike rr ; ; Myin-theWf CafU Ifi-i XT Hf can vanJ il -"f- J- S-lisl'flry. JVpt. 1st. 1P --1-Cofnmonicotioaa froui a to.

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