I V t 4 It 10 - RICHMOND. BROWN AND iLOAl? SUGAR. AV;Lt hikuh 54 ; Reiil 03. -NWltylor i . Thedart Salisbury Watchman; us p tell LUh.X 71-l.oin. a Whi-fiai., of 154, ,t happens that lrpwn.igar ' 1 1 1 a La vi - n . i ULocofiKro gaiuofa votes-nuking a differ. lace of 151 In urorM Taylor. ; i- "I - 11RCNSWICK. i- f -Angust tfanlyoOI, K-id.lUl. Now, Tay. to -III , J I , nri 'nl Ca a J37 leiog a Whig gain of e m.ght an Aver th LrJUO, and , f a qilMijoh in it.rn.ihat i i3, and a Locofoco gam u. ! snaking a d.f. 1 gfaporl chic !ffc!i- n?ore general satisfaction in the i !lT"d d'Sn.heJ manner in which he whJdclr'a H i ..i -t . il i. ii . e. . . TO" 'M'tu; 1 DRxirii nn nl lh alrniiir J "f. , J -ri i. vu:,t.n.n of 154. I ow Happens thai .irovyn:sugar issuing in mongr fheron28t-Lw. .. 7r i li .'1 JL1 V" "V" .l:(r- i this market at 9 toll A and loaf at 15 to 17 would cast it for Judge S,! ct. per lb., when the Salisbury merchants tor n ola,- We, of Cabarms, hope' tiis appointment the last 18 months have been selling these ar- LJ.d b the Legislature, lie is an hoaor .i A ... th- .her nt Q i 10 onh Carolina ' ucies, me one ai o 10 .q ci. - GOING, GOING, 1 5 i. ki. i , - - . i- . ; j BLADKN. Taylor, 290; Cass, 315. Thrcre precinct? ,ot returned at all which gave Rekl70 majority. COLUMBUS. August, Manly 174 ; Ueid 4 10. Xo', Tay. ,r lOO.nd Cass 274 being. " " .g loss ot K and a Locofico Iom of 271 making a timer eaco of 2G0 rotes in f ivor of Taylor. RAYNKli'SlllSTUICT. ieaeZ LeZfn-Up wards of two thousand dollars have hp the Watchman, by asking ib, why are common leas chiefs, at 4 to 10 cts.. when lr rcteived at the Depart men I within a month. ious that they cosl from 18 to 20 ct. a j .n" average amount returned from this respon. gioie oranch o( the Government to places w here FRESH TEAS. lifl ' ST1 - r TO THE EEADIKG il is notor set in Liverpool ? U y a reference to prjees 18 months ago, it the owner are sunnojrui in rniH. i ftfifl nr will be seen that, ueiihdr brown nor loaf sugars 1 ?ay. 0 this an average srj.m of 56 per day could be purchased of good qualities in our sea- ports at tile prices theyjare said to have been sold at in Salisbury. It is notorious that the West India sugars soidjinthe Wilmington mar. ket are f the most irefior grades, and are sent there on that account, to be bartered off for lum ber, naval Mores, jSc'c.,! at any price they will brinu. Thej'e refuse si;ar9 may no doubt be is restored to the parties who transmitted it. A Max ox Fihe. Durinj the thander shower on banday. evening, the lightning performed a, very remar kable exploit in Rutland. The facts, as wexhave them from Mr. J. G. Kendall, of this citv, are that a French man in the serviced of a Mr. Fletcher, of Rutland, uavinj occasion to be out dtirinT the shown-' wns-Ktnrric We: have j-t learned t.y a gentleman trom Sajishurv at lhe nrices named, as manv dunned. After the lanse o 7 ,Te ttii District, that it gave nearly Harrison's ma- persons without' having jlietter articles to com- ' ered sense9. found his way to the house, where pri,y-1400! : y CUMBHKLANI). ' AUgu?l c,f' 102:1'; Manly 578. Now,;Cass jq! Taylor 812. Locofocogain 108 ; Whig Vtitt il31 difference in favor of Taylor '60. HALIFAX. ; .... l- nnrft liir a rn ailv imnspH unnn n tn ih nnil. .7 s u,scwa tnat las late was blistered and one lies of thne articles i j ot his pockets on fire. It was a most singular occur- II Its . ot tho. e articles. I rence and a mbst reinarkale escaj.-irrCe,er Tel- lhere has Ween no period withinMhe last 18 egraph. months at which fine sugars coukPhp purchas- - - . . , ed and sold in Salisbury at the prices named, and at a profit. If the; 'Watchman therefore, really wishes information, we have , no doubt THE MARKETS. Id Augyst, Manly, 001 ; Reid 507. Now, . but .i can be got ol the Salisbury merchants. Apples, (dried) . . . . rton h'l:i -t-tn. V . ' We Inresume thpir niuwpr vvonlH hp cnmoihin.r i Bacon fiylor 0.01, t ii ig loss oi w ,-lo. j a j . - , ! , . , T Tt Brandv tfdI)C0 fos J27 clear gam of 87 votes for , .,, . r." .1 ' r i 1 .L Butter,.. ,r o lllll lilt P nt It WP hprbli.ru hi nrr.minno U i ' L...... - i i.i'k" j -' ' ). 'I Beeswax, ijljiwi l I ,,,usl lll":""r Kiiius aiioisejnng u witnout pront, ; Cotton, 'KOCKIMiilAM. . I may deceive the credulous and unsuspecting Cotton Yam,.. nr.n TnvtAr swrt. In ii(iif. Reid 'nto the beliief that we sell cAean. and bv that Coffee U "rr : iMll . . .. , ,; r . Corn at i br-re CASWLLLi iilear gain of 3(i votes for Taylor. ORANdK. YTajIor 10G7 ; Ca$s 1585. Reid carried bring by 12 majority. Now, Taylor carries It br 62. I Clear gain of 74 vote?. .',, .. . . lVLAUlOKT. Tajlor'i majority 411. Whig gain 00. PITT. fix. ' .Tijlor'i najority 157. Clear "Whig gafii of 3D.'. I I . i j (JRI'KNK. ' y With one-Whijg precinct to bears from, 104 Salisbury, Nov. 1G, 1843. ..50 (3) G2J Linseed Oil, Co (S) 70 .... (a) G Molasses, 35 (3) 40 MO 50- Nails; 5J (3) 6 .10 (2) 00 Oats, 16 (a) 17 . 15 (Si 00 . Irish Potatoes,.. .20 (3 25 4 5 Do., (sweef)...00 30 ..00 (a) 75 rfuar, (brown) G (S 8 .. . 7 8 , Do. 'loaf) 9 10 Salt, (sack) 2 3 Tallow, ;...10 121 .in wkirlirfivriTav or ac ear nf242. . . . . T:. 'TI 1' tour, (per bbl.)...3 3 .Wheat. 00 a 50 VV .,, (, . b ; to be toe rcasnn nl thn irlitt.Tpnrps m Hip nnnha a .1 un . - ' ' f i',-,-i - ". i w 4j , nisKey, 20 JU of sugaii in Salisbury and Cheraw. If it is ; : 1 x J not, we knock nder, oiiless our merchants are j Fauetteritle Nor. 8 1848. ', folish enough io be at! the trouble of stealing i Brandy, (p'ch)...40 50 Ditto.(dry) ....6 10 their Minai?, while thft aalisliiirv merchants Uo- Qappie;...jo 4U iron, (SwV 5G . ... . 9 r 1 1 I v ..o$(a) uo,X.ng.) 4 4$ .. 1G 17 Molasses, 20 2G have theirs stolen '.o their hands. ! The above is from the Cheraw Gazette, land although it is a clear failure to account fir the I strange difference in the prices of sugar at CSveraw and Salisbury, yet it demands a no- uce irorn us. The question put to us as an answer to our inquiry is no answer at all ; or at least does not t theVase, for this reason : Those who buv Bacon,. ! Beeswax,.. Coffee r Cotton I Corn,.,.... , Candles, F. F. ; Flour, Feathers,...,.... Flaxseed, Hides, (green). 8 10 Nails, (cut)....: 5J r U ill e. subscriber has just received and opened from X. New York and Philadelphia, a large Mock of NEW GOODS ! i . consisting of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE. Queensware, Hats, Phocs, Boot?; Bonnets and Grocer ies of all kinds, which, with his former Mock, will mike his assortment complete all of which have been bought for cash at the lowest cash prices, and will be sold (a the present firm must be cloned in a short time) for cash at about cot and charges, until Monday the Sjthday of January nextrat which time the remaininar stock on hand will he offered at Public Auction, to the highest bidder. The sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Below is a list of some of the articles on hand, and thejprices attached at which they will be sold : Brown Domestics at 2;3, 4, 5 and G cis. per vard. Bleached do 3J. 4.G. S, and 10 Calicoes, 3,4, 5. G, 8, and 10 Flannel?, from 12$ cents a yard upwards. BrkrA'pacca from 12 J " Figd and fancy checked, 18, 25, and 30. Muslin de Lanes. 12 J, 15, and 18, " ; Elliptic Spring?, 10 to 11 cets. per pound. ! Axles, to 9 Brown Sugar 6 to 7 " Loaf 10 " Coffee, C to 8 Men's Boots, 1 25. $2 00, 2 50 per pair. 50 ounces Quinine, 3 per oz. 600 'bs spring steel G cts. 1000 lbs sheet " 8 And ajl other Goods crjually as low. Those extremely good friends of mine who have lxen reporting that I have no goods, and that I have broke up and shut up the store, will please look at the above advertisement, and if they are such extreme cood friends, they will please correct the false reports that they have spread, anJ if it should please them, they may say to the public at large, that in the months of Aprd a n May next, a laree and frefh stock of entirely new (jfSids will be opened in the .Brick Store House, now occupied by J. &, W. Murphy. i L J . S tf V READ THIS ! BOGElt & MAXWELL TEf5 LEAV K TH IVfnnM X3 their friends and the public generally, inai mey are now re- ceiving a handor:ic nock cf t Fall and Winter Goods, Consisting of almott erery Article usually called fo Dry-Goods, Hardware, Qneens and (ilaseware. Hats, Caps, lionnets, Boots and Shoes, sole and upper Leather, fiROrERlES. r i- , , r. a?li s,-'"wv. h cVha been in tl . "'"u 1 '"n7 "oi?, ua??.U3 and, i year. ,i,Hfl2 xwx ki.H.k way te f-Lnd : l wine, tor the inuitarv and siKrtsniam u hir fir iny wiik.t riK,r - i . . . . . .-, T tt h Schoil Books, vu: 1 JjAU 5, L'p-ulft.v Sulirt, Larc, nc ccd cud hcl r r aT" ri"w rrceivin ".Irrf t Strrl T arid Str.ij C H A P- I'lumrs, Swords, Silver EiULE BIT- ( TO T0XS.if..&r. Double and single harrtd Sliot Guns and Apparatus, Pistols, fiuihed and unfinished R.fle barrels. A; e., &c. All of which we inrend to sell cheap for cash or on time to punctual dealer., or exchange for ih following prrxhiee as we ore in the market to purchase 5l0 busWU clean ed Oat, 300 bushels Flaxseed, 5LKJ bu-heL p-aled dried Peaches, and 15,000 lbs. cotton and linen rags, and as much Beeswax and Tallow as we can cel. Salisbury , Oct. 2G, 1818. iv2; CHEAP for CASH. fSprrt.r-KA: 1 iH'3- HARRIS & CRUMP ARC now receiving from New York and Philadel phia, a large, and pp!-nJid s:ock -f . 5 54, Oats, 25 30 -3:7$ 40 ; Oil.(Lins'd) 65 75 ...00 15 , Sugar, (br'n).... G 9 .... . 4 4 J Salt, (bush.) 50 CO ..28 30 j 'Do. (sack) .2 a 2$ 85 1 00 : Wheat .....80 85 3 4J Whiskey, 00 25 rnee A LARGE SALE .. i r .1 ! I L tionty lor layior ; oeing a cicar gain jtci since tho August election. C'UAVEN. Fite precincts to hear from, a Whig gain of 0 rotes.' J ALEXANDER; trior, 007; Cass, 151. Taylor's maj. 210. r t r t m jlor, 1102'; Cass, 8."r Taylor's maj. 280. STANLY. j ay lor, 71 ; Cass, U Taylor's maj. " 710. 0foQo ! common teas in our seaport are required to buy a large quantity of other merchandise before they can get them at from 4 to 10 cts. They cannot go into one of Vbose houses and purchase one at these prices. OF t r a crate of this ware a Now it is not so here, bs it regards sugar : For f STANLY COUNTY. Ve were wrong in our statement last reek of the whole vote of this gallant lit- Valuable Property. , ALL the property of John Murphy, deceased, con sisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Utensijs, Tools, SccTl, 1 Silver Lever Watch, 1 Sulky, I (J-ig, 1 Carryall, 2 to 300 lbs. Lard, 1 to 2000 we assure the Gazette that any one mav come i lbs- Bacon, 2,000 bushels Corn, 2 to 3,000 bundles Oats, ! J J ! K( 1 lolo IT., z.fl K.,aUl wti . i An i i r J I r C ! J l I - kjuvjo no;, w uusuris f lieu l, 1 4J iiciiu OI ucie, uuu uuv irom iiueeii pounus to a tiiousunu i pounds of brown sugar; at from 7 to 9 ctaiid will not be required to, take a siugrtfyard of dry goods or any thing elseiufgss il is desirable so to do. It is manifest then that the Gazette's qnestion is not a satisfactory answer to our in quiry, j As to the " inferior West India grades" which Hogs, 30head of Cattle, two 2 Horse Wagons, three 4 Horse Wagons, 14 head of Horses, and a quantity of Fodder, will be offered for sale, to the highest bidder, on a; credit of twelve months, with interest after six months. Bonds with approved security will be re quired. Sale to commence on Monday, the Gth of Decem ber, at the plantation called the Kelly Tract, four miles West of Salisbury, and on Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, the 7th, 8th and 9th, at the. Dwelling House, in Salisbury, and on Monday, the 11th, atThe plantation AND WINTER GOODS, which they nre determined m &? as j(nv n, Briy nons in this part of North Carolina, conMMinj; of a!! kind of ladies and gentlemen's dress good", of the ltet nnd newest stle., which have been selected w it h great care, and bought at ihe very lowest cash pricey. For Jjadirs Wrur. 4 Beautiful silk Lustres, Mode Cashmeres, colored do., satin striped do , Mouaeline de Lanes, silk and worsted Lustres, Cheni Alpaccas, bl'k and col'd Merinos, plaid (furli-iivta Pr.nM. ,1,, CV, .. 1- t:l.l f . I wish to purchase Two Thousand Bales of pn i nm, , .. ' ... '. r. 1 , unnnnvr Uollars, Linen Cambric Iland ffs, Bonnet silk, civets. Bonnets ad Hosiery. For Gentlemen's Wear. Black French and English Cloths. French Cassimeres, fig"d do , fancy do., wool Tweed, Kentucky Janes. Ker seys, fig'd satin Vesting, cut velvet do., plain satin do , ai d worsted do. Also, brown and bleach'd Drills, Do mestics, Whiiney Blankets, Hats & Caps Hoo Shoes besides a general stock of Hardware and Cotlrry, Grocerlrs, Crockery, kt. Those wishing to buy goods, we respectfully invite their attention to the above stock, as we are determined not to be outsold by anw. Poets a :id Pi try if America. he Aacieuu, Lnsland, Prose Writers of Amerc, Byron. Il.unirate.l ; Waverty Nove's..', '. Cow;itV Poems, Hcinans', Bunu'i. Pi.j- -,' woiks, Crli!f'j and UtKlrn ' ; -He re ,( Ametn au Revolution, Wahi;i5'on a:iJ hia llenera!, lx lira Yr v CareVIb!, I.-pparJ. " r.nfi. Na;.!con and his Marsha'., ty HraJVv, Cerry and i: A!inn' Hitcry of Knrope, Hum. s HhplaoJ, Fur-rsorT Hitory of Rome, Hij-toty ol the MHd'e Agr, S.-i:o' Signer of the Declaration; McCu'Iik '.V i.iercial 1. (loiiaiy. Uolle' Phonoiaph'.c d.. .J. 2 vulsi . Mi- Le.'.:i- rHikery, Alien' Airft.t s jnenhnre.StrK-k Raier Marrael, Masonic Ct. i t-ri:.4 Jew, nl'uinioulcj.) Alm, a trrcat i Now ! j-ist pubii!ird. flwlj eivi T;r. N Lac- Lnte!o;-; tr:k, rej, blue anJ t!ack; t.jt. lers, A r. We have ini.lr nrranements ry hi h, any r. now ( it hand in thm line, can he ordered f;o- i litem Cities ai hort notice on nmre ifcuiimn.!. i ha n any House in tl.i part cjV tle State. M. IlllOWN . Salisbury, Orlnhrr 12. 11 NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the late firm of J. it W. Mur phy by account or lone standing notes, are again notified to come forward and pay up by the first day of January next, or they will find their notes and accounts in the hands of an officer, as the business of the firm must be closed up. WILLIAM MURPHY, Surviving partner of J. if Ilr. Murphy. Salisbury, N. C... Nov. 9. 1848. 4w27 . N good Cotton. W. MURPHY. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD ! ! Stop the Runaway ! NEW GOODS! ipMmm.r i are sold at Wilmington, thev are not lironoht ! four miles below Salisbury. J e i urn nui iinnntiT' , . . - Ijjljl.lill lUplXIHI , in men siucks ot t .11 c- 11 lie Countyi Although not quite so large, here ; our merchant all lay M State U, VCt tt has gtvetl a noplc vote lor n-roceriesL salt', and nerhans molasses PtrentPrl. i o r 7 , , in New York and . Philadelphia. Indeed, the sugars sold here are of jjt first-rate quality: Wool sey & Woolsey's best brands of loaf, and the iira who never surrenders.'V tNot a sin gle Cass vote was given in the County txeept at; Centre precinct. As much as vre regret that our first statement was not Philadelphia clarified, as fair almost as snow, is sold here sit ID cts. pelr lb. This being so, the inferior grades of which the Gazette speaks would not lind sale at 7 d and 9 cts ; tor most generally purchasers would prefer to pay a cent or two mote and get tlje best quality. No, the Gazette is mistaken in correct, still the result is highly creditable ! to Stanly. She is indeed i1, banner County of flic State. i'L.bKAL TAYm)R MAI' PR ESI DENT HIS ADMIN 1STRATKJN. Tb New York Herald of the 9ih instant says : 'The revolution is complete ; Zachary Taylor is elect- i President of the United States for four years, from 'W fourth of March next, by a larger popular vote than tiy candidate lias ever received, since the organization November 16, 1848- JAMES MURPHY. Executors. 3t27 NOTICE. THE Members of the Board of Superintendents of Common Schools for Rowan County, are hereby notified to attend at the Clerk's Office, on Saturday, the 2oth of this month. This is the third time 1 have noti fied the Board to attend, and I do hope that all the mem bers will attend. The school fund should be apportion ed amongst the districts. The people want to know what amount is coming to each of the districts, i The Chairman takes this chance to inform the Board;, that he has settled and closed his account, anil will resiom his one very material pointy j office as the Chairman of this Board, and request the RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the morning of the 4th instant, near Lancaster, S. C, one Negro Man,, named aged 24 years, about 6 feet 1 inch high, dark brown com plexion, very likely. He was purchased of Mr. Isaac Jarratt, of Surry County, and will no doubt endeavor to get back to the neighborhood where he were purchas ed. I will pay the above reward of fifiy dollars for his apprehension and confinement; in any jail so that I can get him again. : E. MYERS. Salisbury, Nov. 9, 1848.-2Sft P Ckilds & Cos. Oriental or Sovereign Balm Pills Wood (rove, Rowan co., Oct. 26, 14. ly2. NEW GOODS! CHEAP FOR CASH ! A RE entirely vegetable in their composition- XJl compounded upon scientific principles, and with M. BROWN & SON ARC now receiving from New York and Phila delphia , a A URGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF ;Kg filesh teas. MgSl s J Fall & Winter Goods "flat Government, with the exception of Gen. Wash- and that is as to the quantity of sugar sold in this market : It is greatly in error when it sup poses that our merchants " sell but little of it." They sell a vast deal of it, and although they do not make as large a profit, as do the Cheraw mecliants, yet it is a profit with which they are Board to appoint a Chairman. A. W. BRANDON, Chairman. Salisbury, Nov. 14, 1843 2i27 if1oo liiil Jimra Monroe. We continue iubli.-diinr the Wtfihe uruggle.ns fast as they nre received by s'Sd, and are enabled to keep up their busi ''graph or wail ; but the general result is beyond ques- 'iK'SS. ' Small profits many times multiplied are t,. i 1 ' . i - 'i i i.. .i i i. .. I . f ' L.Lci. . i :. i " j'i.iiii cnnuoi oe cnuiigcu oy mem. u is uimosi eijuni io njctv i;iige jirpuis ; iinu il is, me large pw'Iy certain thai'-a 'House of RejiresetHatives, posses- quantity that tliey sell 100 DOLLARS REWARD ! TV ANAWAY from the subscriber in the month of XV -Ma -nre ! a , careful regard to chemical afHniiies. Tlirir ingredients Wlf XilUOJ. UUUUU are so prepared and blended, that they cleanse the. io- which they are determined to sell as low as any house mach, purify the blood and regulate the action of the 1 in this part of North Carolina, consisting of all kinds of bowels, (which they nerer leave costirc,) thus speedily ' Ladies and Centlemarfs dress goods, from the most com and efficiently removing the causes of a large clns of mon to the finest, kinds, worn, viz : diseases. Their entire success evenwhen the most Drillings, bleached and brown Domestics, Negro Cloth popular remedies have failed, has obtained for!.them re- ng, Blankets of every description, commendations of the highest character from those who ' l"PC JP ft BL. D0 have used them sufficiently to test their virtues as a fa- ' JLjLJEj X 9 04 vXljrw mily medicine. ( large assortment.) Each box contains 31 pihs; pr.ee 2. cents, and is ac- Boots and Shots, (fine and common) Vm- av last a negro man slave named The said slave is acred about 22 vears. black com- at a small profit and not plexion, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches in height, stout and likely. the smallnoss of the o mntitv thev are reonired lle wa9 purchased by me ot Mr. Wm. t . McKesson in . .. i - j j -- - - - n 'I CO lot It is true! that sugar is a " leadins Itiewt on our foreign and domestic )o!icy similar iTlrd b B lar7 nmioritv of ihe nonular vole The i ( - o - j i - i r - leapnt House bf Ueprest-ntatives is nearly balanced be- 'mn th two parties, but the next one will have, a it below cost, the vast rjfe potntnal majority of whig members, who have would at the years end -show an awful loss, and bury to John I. Shaver Esq , or to the subscriber. Morcanton, who purchased him of the estate of A. Co- pening of Burke county. I understand he has been seen article" here, and if otbr merchants were to sell, S1,ice ne lelt 1U ,hat county, l he above reward ot c . . , ! une itunarea uouars, amount ot their sales . . , c . , . , 0 r wm oe pmu lor ins uppreneiisioii tiuu ueuvcry in ouus- fnmnanied with rertitieates and toll directions. I ...r - For sale by Boger &. .Maxwell, Salisbury; tails At Morrison, Statesville ; David Fraley, Rockville ; J. P. Mabry, Lexington ; D. Honneycutt, (Jold Hill ; and wholesale and retail by P. M. Cohen, 19, Havne atreet, Charleston, S. C. 4w27 PARLOR FURNITURE FOR SALE. jn elected on the same ticket whhtien. Taylor. The j Mte, however, will continue to be an opposite political .complexion for a year or two longer. 15 I I rPro'ut'onected ,u people of the United ( 'tea if as great, as astounding, as remarkable, as char iSfriatic as any political revolution in any part of the .otfJ. It hag been, however, a peaceable, quiet revolu- Uo" cconiplislied by the ballot-box, and presents a mo- X 3T in the course of time, enormous profits on dry goods, (and they can not,) they would be pen slipping out at the tAte Ot SLOVtU CttVOUUft.- " small end of the horn." But this " leading a .tiprctacle to the people of Europe that will excite j j'ir atonishmenfand provoke their rivalry. i i i article." like all their Other articles of trade, are Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Sept. Term, 1848 made to bring a smal but manifold profits, airnount to more than the Harbin. sales, made by merchants ' Petition for partition of Land. s on a lew j Of Gen. Taylor's honesty, sagacity, integrity and , jlity to conduct the affairs of this great republic, we entertained a doubt. From our personal knowl jeof the man, acquired several years ago by daily in lftotrteivith him for itiany weeks, we have long been a' ft 'i .'.....! . ..." ... i?.'w?a that hr will disappoint the wiliest politicians 'dTbe greatest statesmen of the agek by an exhibition ai high, atatemanlike qualifications, which are abun- iltli,utTifcint to. carry him through the Presidency ith auccefM and honor. The whig leaders and iourn- tfiatihave more to dread, from their own want of wis- ta ahd prudence, than Cen. Taylor, or the councils' mav rovern him. have. His name and character 0 m ill command respeoj in Europe and throughout the Sillied, world ; and we have no hesitation of ezpress- I conviction, even at this early day, that his admin- at other places. Thre is no deceiving the i appearing to uie saus.acuo , o, ine r , u,ai u.e t VItiI a nta nrt non-rfsiil(nts ot the tate : it is " credulous and unsu It is one which-may Editor of the GazeUe may test. There are many o and we have reason retailed at Cheraw, or rates than in Salisbury. unless they could make Salisbury, Nov. 13th 1818. E. 28 tf. MYERS. ALEXANDER COUNTY. A Splendid Dlahoany Spring-Scat, with fine Hair-Cloth covering very cheap for cash. ALSO brtllas and Parasoh ; a la rgc. slock of HARDWARE & CUTLERY. COACH TRIM Ml Stiff, (nil kind ('ROCKER Y, a yj) qvr. i:.s i va r S5 2H T S 13 2 tZ S of every description, Porto Rko, Muscovado and Nrw Orleans Sugar, clarified, pulverized, lump and loaf do., Rio and old (lovernment Coffre, green, black and young hyson Teas, New Orleans Molasses, Turpentine, Mack erel, Nos. 1 and 2, besides all articles usually krpi in stores. Country Produce taken in exchange tr good, and the highest market prie nhvay paid. (ive us a call and examine for yourive, and we will convince you thil we Ioait tlnn any house in this place. Our stock of (Joods have been im !1 M-iecied and bought at the lowest cash pr;i v Small profits and quirk lies it tmr thr voi d. M. 1SKOWN vV: SON". Salisbury. Orfohrr '. li-. J3 NEW GOG ; The largest and best select. c: Cheaper than ever. BROWN "&ELLK RESPECTFULLY inform the ,....' receivin; from New Yoik and l'i. , Fall supply of . ".. , FRENCH, ENGLISH & .V.'. , of the latest and Newest Style, which 1 ted with great rare, and bought at tV . prices. Auiopg their Hock may he i . For I.atlioH W. a , . Beautiful 8ilk Lustres, Mode Csh:t. -u Satin striped do., satin striped Mous. I and black do , Silk and worsted Li. Cheni Alpaca. Mode Thibet Cahm . Mack Paramatta, black Merinos nn I .'. Plaids, (inghama, French do.. Finn K. ( Oollara, Lineo Cambric Hand lis. Ilex Bonnet silks, Velvets, Bonnets and 21 ' For Cciil!ci!icii Y. I French Black, brown and olive C! : meres, fid) Duetkirt do., Far:ey ' . . ' I Kentucky Jeans, Kersey, bro. arnl,' ; Whitney blankets, fig'd satin V - rlg'd silk do., plain satin do., wou? .1 HATS & CAPS. IK I BESIDES A GENERAL I . Hardware k Cutlery, (irt-ci : cry, ic., Lc. i Those wishing to Luy 6o.l-, w as we feel ratiMVd we tan rff r i sers. by w iling rheap for Ct-Ii. Salisbury. October 5, l4a. Fill c? r, VALUABLE ron 173 neg: JSFIVE TIIOl ACRES ( ) m . . v w awe-1 t- II - T , 1-V 1 I profit, and their small, "amel Mclntos and ,te N enor ano jaS vict onam One doz fine, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COl'XTV. Cane-bottomed n Equity-Spring Term. A. I).. IS 18. Joseph Owen', fleor peeling 111 this matter, therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be inade ie proved one which the in the Carolina Watchman tor six wee-Ks, notilying t lie or any judge of sugars, Justices of said County at the term thereof to be held at i the Court House in Tay.locsville, on the first Monday in ... ... December next, then and there to plead, answer or demur ier articles which we see to gaid petition, otherwise the same, will be held exparte, are sold higher at CheraW than here. Iron, and the prayer of the Petition will be granted. Witness, A. Carson, Clerk ol said vourt, at Uilice, in Tavlorsville, the first Monday in Sept., A. D. 1818. A. CARSON, Clerk. Printers Fee $5 50 . Gi22 Neat style, well finished, and strong ; and very cheap. ALSO A Graceful and Luxurious Spring-Seat Rocking-Chair. ALSO O. Tarrh aril wife, Maria M , William A., and Jame ()w-n. mtn :i;s bv ihnr liuird- ian, Joseph Owens, against E'.i..i!.rili Kei.r.edy, John .M. Kennedy, Beli :.nJ w.ir, M.iry C..ner of John a:ul E'i.:i!eth Kennedy. Nan.y M Km.-u-Jy and l.er husband, and Robert Kentr-cly, an infint. E T annearin 'o :he ;i t i-f. ; ;on f tV Cor', that iVe a. D' nails, bar lead and soljn leather, are among them; o believe that there is not an article in the whdle- catalogue of dry goods -fendantare inhabitant of anoth r Staf Il is or dered that publication be maiie for "ix succ ive weeks in the Carolina aiciun.iti, tha t .i.d i.e.eiiJ.ui: app-r at the next Court of Equity, to I !M lor !. County of A Beautiful, Octagonal. Mahogany, Ray Rowan, n h -th Monday after the ,-h m :. uy .p. i f. ... . leniher. 181-,and answer the i.et.tion ot p .ai.-.tisl. or elsewhere South, at lower Ill- : -4 Another grcatViciory. XV e make public ac- knuwled?ement of the reoeint nf scrpn nound ftion will be ae successful, as popular, as American, n . . r r L , T . n taj ... ... fV .. Potato, from oar I ovinsman, Mr. D. A.Davis. republican, as was that of General Washington j . j - Uitkatke mllbe calUJagianin 1852 to be a U was a uiiful pecimen of tbe genuine uUlt for re tleclion, and that hardly a fragment of Rough and Ready. Oil the evening of the 15th Ppoanion will be offered to his running for. a second instant, at precisely eight o'clock, an impetuous Vra of office. Th recently agitated question of free charge was made upjon it by four able-bodied n.aod ectioii;i matters generally have received their an(J ,', drilled nriniers. who flanked and .sur. wtiia aod are demolished ferever : and as to Mr. Van , , , r, ' i . ., J . .. nil me Whol of hi. i.arlu iltov mnv lu rnnan1rr. F J O ' V FALL & AVINTER FASHIONS ; i Jut Received. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in i 1 payment for work done by I I GEO. L. GOULD, TAILOR. Salisbury, Otcober 5, 1843. r M e0t l ttUer i'ion for all future time. i our local ulkctioxs. Col , no. A. Utmland,)he Whig Candidate, iMIedrd in the Richmond ScnMn.;ni Tt:,..c.. Ji Urge majority- ,i'VP-."ny it elected Senator from Orange 7 majority of 7 voles but' we understand J Mr. Waddell will contest hi seat. non 2 'rwnde of palpably illegal votes having been iv rmm himA r .: i l. iiuiio ui vv particulars I re result. Incase that Cunt. H,.rrv i,u. ii teat ik. i -i .,T i ViljyTv . ,?.ure. w,u be tied on joint rounded jt. only experienced what was before proven, that Rough and Ready " can't be heat 1 P. S. i We understand that two of the assail. ! -. ants, more sanguine than the rest, renewed the attack ,aiout eleveri o'clock, on the same night ; and were repulsed with great loss -of sleep. Sicily Wine and Tallow Candles. JUST received a large supply of fine Tallow CAN DLES. Also, an excellent article of Sicily Ma deira or White Cooking WINE, manufactured for cook in purposes expressly. BROWN it JAMES. Salisbury, Oct. 12. 1543. 23 Of most exquisite workman-ship. Price 27. THESE ARTICLES, all of which ore almost indispensable comforts, conven iences and ornaments, in titling up a Parlor, are of on excellent quality, and will be solJ together or separately. (T Call at this Office. 20:2 NOTICE IS hereby given that application will be made to the next Legislature of the State of North Carolina, for aid in the erection of a Cotton and Woolen Manufac turing establishment, and also a Calico Print establish ment, at Eagle Mills, on the waters of South Hunting Creek, fit the County of Iredell, and State of North Car olina. ANDREW BAGGARLY. October 18, 1848. . 25 NEGROES ! NEf&OES ! Cash for Negroes! TUB Subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally that he is again in Market for the judgment pro nmlfsm, will be remlerej n;iinit them ana the petition be set for hearing e.x parte. a to them. A. H CALDWELL, C. M. K. Ci20 Printers fee 5 C-'J. pnHlJ entire property 1 - : L tate of thr late Joe !i I the Counties of DaiJcu :.: : ing of 0.E HUNDRED AND s!:i NEG It C rum.-: fiss&:CATT I. Horses, Mules, Sh. ; er with the crops of t ltyc, Wlr.at a: l ". AL-o Thr well known an 1 V LA N I), the-i'OA T PL 1 . confluence of tlt rrtih CHERRY HILL. STo::;: I ; and Clorer :: leing directly upon the n. i ; 5:tatC Of llOVtll CitVOUUel, Suli.tHiry lo Mk., DAVIi: COUNTY. Court of Plcai and Quarter Sessions, August Term, ll-. grrgatr nbot 5000 A( will l divided to- foil p sff GROKS will I. sold rj I ! i Petition fur sale of Barbara Hunter and o:her.. r Braxton D. Hunter and others. 1 T appearing to the witisfacion of -the Court that flv I, 11 . E.1 .. t .. . . I I 1 r. . JJraitoil U Hunter, ienj.iiain unn iw " o V I . nah. David Jones and w.fe Etna, and Nathnn done, and -g-'- wife Sarah, Defendants in this ca-, r.re inhabitants of out reserve, and tio di; . . . a m m another State. It i therefore ordereJ iy ' o-irt. that any porlmn d them lel 1 at their coutiecli.n may sal. The ownen of the ab residents of the Stat, ui. invefmeiit. " Prrn ui- t : Likely Young Negroes, Persons having pro- ! JUDGE MOORE. A gentleman writing to us'on business from Cabarrus County, holds the following concerning His Hon. Judge Moore : V I j ' By the wav. I will av to vou.that His Hon. Jndge Modre, prjt sided at our sluperior Court, held in Concord, Cabarrus County at the last Term, and I neverheard ' PGR S ATR SPLEKDID grand action rosewood Piano, nearly purchase of new and entirely uninjured. The original price was $600. but a very large deduction from that sum will , Southern Market be made, as an early sale is desirable Apply at this - , . descriotion for sale w6ti?d find it to . oa ms oi fi. Prefer. Salisbury, Oct 12,164-23, e v make early applicatioo to him, aa he J ':: paying the highest Cas Pkice. TT He caa be found at Mr. John I. Shaver'e Hotel. E. MYERS. Salisbury. Sent. 1st. 1949. Ifttf A Office. pobhtation t made for isixrtk- in lie- Carolina Watch man, printed in Salisbury, "at thy r- ni appear.ie fore the Justices ( f ou Court ol Pica and Quar ter Sessions to be held fr the County "f Davie at tle Court House in Mockviile :i the 4th Monday in No vember next, and then an ! ihere plead, inwrr, r de mar to the PiaintirhV petition, or the same wiil be taken pro con fesso and heardjex par tee ft to ihem. , Witncu. Cc swell Harbin. Clerk, of our said Court at office, the 4ih Monday in Auguu,A. I)., 11. j . tin u i' i fee, 85 50 SURYEYOR'S COMPASS FOR SALE. 4 NEWr and elegant Surveyor's Compass for IS O T I C E. Mr. John Foard, !. -A. lh Property, will gire a-s ed rrrfctir.g it. . S.le to'cotnrnenr ut i' alfout sit mileg frtm S ! ' -' 22d DAY OF JAN I a:d continue from !-tv . c. i. mall: Fartteville;Serl. '. 1 :avaiuia: sale. Anplv at this Office. August 10, 1815 k V nm.tiri.tinn will be made to the net General A- sembJy of ihe State of North Carolina, for a char- j Jn nrinletl CI1 NIjW if 15 l to Communications from distance promptly attended . ter for . Rail Road from CUarlot.e.inState tome . pppj (V,r v E. 3L J point oa the irg:iua line. L M. 1 J, 1 tlur lu

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