rrrii.H of tlio .WAtclunan J? f not pala in autance "I5 wo dollars tor I A0 j.e. But -if not paitt ml fifir-ctJi, will.be charged, .-,, fo, ich subsequent inseVti.m. Goart orarr. r,.,rgr 35 Itr cl. hifchef ihao these rate. , A bberal deduc Inn IA tlinJ IIVH aw "" " - , . .n-rrt to - the Etlitbr. murt be post paid. MESSAGE BRUNER & JAMES, Editors 4- Proprietors Keep a check trox all Tora Rl'LERS. Do THIS, AND LlBCKTT-IS SITE.' Uen'l Jfurritmm. if SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1848. Of his Excellency i Goo. IT7. A. Graham, to lie Jjeuiaiure oj iorin Carolina; fo TKX Ho.NOEABLE f HE GcXEKAt. Assembly of North Caromva: . . . - - . r. . . m t , V. - C . I I . Thc recurrencc of the regular Session inu.e .ur ...c mcreasepi inc rexenue, i But with all the aid derivable from such be fullv detailed in the Renortof he Board - k . - f iv n rn cna 1 1 1 r n i l l f k r. m i . I . . , . - . - f the Legislature, after the lapse oi iwu ...... .., (. u. g auu- i measures, the Treasury will need addi- of Commissioners. The statement of its ore years, demands oi us mi."- 1 NO NEW SERIES, VOLl'ME V, NUMliER 31. inal to orrihtoV. lt. It ii!J . maiket of th WorlJ an rxfcnife i 'r Slate, larlan-Tr.o tie jCipito! j Nbe lidg, l rul fVrtilitjr ar.J indefinite improvement, by reason if cultural, Mineial un Manufacturing r containing in the Counties uitLin t w mile of the mol diietl route, more i! . 000 souls : and wiilin VAxj ir.j;-i, v, ; one lAlf nf our w!iih jpulalion, Y . rrntrd from ylicr ol lraJr atd Jr lirrlv n cinmui iafnn anJ co.t.::. fr all ihrir lr4nntfa!ioti. TLeicca: not rrmit me to dvirll on il trjin'jf r!r f fu in i hi reanl. wMrh ui.l rra.Iily : :. ii v I. .. i i . i . i . . r .1 . . . - - 'tie I've a,! n ftt..:cniii inJ nli!. hressions, tjt cratttude a.nu w dlbounteouH Providence,' for the numer mamanifpstationsof his beneficence, with Which we have been favored. WUhrare ixcrntwm, ljeai:n nas oeen enjoyed a- f - i ' a jontr our population in an unsual decree. the fruits of tko earth have been yielded n abundance, Inot merely for the supply " amount not exceeding $150,000 and no i lated. that 812 000 npr vparmnv hprlpriv- A all our wants, but to relieve the (lis- stipulation is made as to the lime of pay. : cd. from collections on ChpmUe honds rcsscsof our famishing brethren, in other lahdst an" our Common Country, has been restored to the blessing of Peace. The Regiment of-Volunteers, required for the 'War with Mexico, which was be. 5ng levied at, the last adjournment of the gisjature, was mustered into the service fair of ihe road, and to that end hall h.ivoei- l!y curtailing thenrincinal. while it keeps ! ,ionl m. . IS. Z i' v.. 1 v.Z ' TrTZZ.,:.!"": " " ' " " ""','-":..''"-.. ..,, lc.l,U..!.,.,he t.W,. a: i i uie mieresT J he principal ot the ; proposed above. The Revenue collected, in analogy to the Report of theComptroll f 11 xv''. a I conceive, preornt tbeme!rc. to debt ot SoOO.000 does not press with any the present year, from all sources, amounts er, on the public Finances, for the vear " lt. A icsule io the former Mkholdert immeu.aie lorce as vye nave already seen. : to SUG.604 09. Ry correcting the deficien- ending the 1st of November 1847. showed U' nMroniio ofibe suits nnw ending, if.uit. may be raised to Us earnings to have been 838902 57 and ing a deficit of about disbursements 865.457 93. For the fob nnlififl f pr-i t ri t r rrennr. hiwinrr vanr anlinn V 1... lOlU to the btate, at any time when called for, ! ces.Of this it may be reasonably calcu- the earnings were about 857,000 and dis- bur.sernents (exclusive of extraordinary re pairs, rendered! necessary bv a conflara- immeuiate lorce as ye nave already seen. ; to 89G.604 09. Ry corre and requires nothing at present but a pro- ! ces just now exposed, it vision lor its interest. The Rank of Cape j exceed 8100,000 leaving Fear is also bound by its Charter to lend 840.000. to be sunnlied'f f I Iv. te. .... aL KA.n. .. . ... unnmue uere.o re oi ibb.oOO, , transferred to the Treasury, from the fund lion, which destroyed the principal build- .a..H. .n) ,,u.u0n , me naoimy. Having i ot Internal Improvement, under an Act of ing of the Road at Raleigh.) 852.179 72. "r and early day, for ,ts liquidation, i the last General Assembly. If two cents Add to this the amount of these repairs 1 o meet he interest on the three descrip- be added on the hundred dollars value viz. 828,791 93 and the sum total of dis torts o.t debt, and I the principal as it may of real estate, as was the law prior to bursements will be 881,271 G5. On the become due oi that last referred to, I re-, 1821, and six cents on the poll, they would night of the 25th of February last, the commend, that when the means in the ; vipltl ennnah with ihp lim nn tku w.'m.hin d.nn .,nn; .i fthe United states, and embarked for the I reasury are insuflictent for these ends, i-denartmpnt. ImfoPA mpntlnn ,t ,u nnt in 1.ju;i, .,n ,u; r Wat of War, as early as practicable, after h reasurer be authorized to issue State j debt secured by mortgage on the Weldon combustible nature having been destroy their arnvaUtbmilhy.lle. Re.ng assign- "inds redeemab e ,n ten years, lo an a- I Toll Bridge to the Board of Internal Im- ed by fire, and the four best locommotives provement, which is not yet collected, to of the road, as well asthe stationary steam ue 'A one ;i( Iei i.ttimii.lr tf I - v our Dreseiit IlaiSmitf ; o deji an interest, ai.J tnxVa them j-r J .Stocks. 3rd. 1 1 voiM unite the mid.!: eastern with the western section t,f t!.c in a dme!ic trade, and rxchango cf p lion i4.u cumbersome for ihe present t:. fonvev'ance, lK'il facilitating travel f)r ! :u social intercourise. 4th. Rr rmmir. me uini )racuca:.;e route irom iia:cM":i ilury, and thence turning fouthwr.-lu C'hatlotte, it would hiect tae State f r than a hundred intfe. Iirinzinz the m,t i on either ide within fifty mile if the x and w ould lie in a favorable location f. r esienJcd :i!l fatlher west." from ll. place, and o connect adrantaeouslv bv ' I . A iha rl ii it n ii tlmn pm . etm m n .1 ..,1 I Mil 1 1 n r Plllla tn trio i1alit.nl.n.. I I (U io vui'" .t biMiiuiaiiucu ...uu . v nn. uriiv,irui;y . 11 is HI SO Vy .Mfijor General Taylor, and reaching : worthy of your attentive inquiry, whether V l d.trliMnhnn u I r 11 I lln mirv,.,MMLL .1 i I I L' lkrtlfu i. i-k 11 a . 1 irjcir uraiuiaiiuii aivn inn uiuuiui iiuir ur- wwmao ouuuiu uui u ui oncfi issued in icilof the enemy at Bucna Vista, Avhich j Iieu f the debt of 890,000, due the Bank 'cverthrcw and dispersed his forces in that I Oape bear, lo the btate it is a mat jairter, they did not have the good for- one to participate in inose victories wtncn nally illustrated our arms. They bore tiowever their full share of the Iirivations and harlsbijjs incident to camp ife, and contributed more than their due 1 1 proportion of Victims to a climate more 1 1 dreadful than the foe. -Had onnortunitv . . . - - . -, r . j AP inIWruPnAn 1. U. HI n. i wi luuuH ii iiui , m iuci sue snail nave the loan from the Bank, or from other cap italists. But in a community where Bank ing capital is limited, and with the freest use of their means, the Banks can afford no greater accommodation, than is requir ed for the demands of business, it is a se rious privation to commercial men to be I make up the residue. It is however the engine being seriously endamaged, it be ! peculiar province of the Legislature, to came necessary to take immediate steps to i devise the ways and means to fulfil all repair the injury or to permit the Railroad our engagements, and .preserve the public w'ith its appendages to go to destruction. faith. And in suggesting those just narri- Finding no power adequate to the exigen- ; ed, which are simple, usual and certainly cy conferred on the commissioners of the j reliable, I desire to be understood as en- road, I convened the Council of State, and tertaining no preference for then, above any others, which the wisdom of the Gen eral Assembly shall approve. The duty of the Executive is. performed in presen ting with frankness the neccesities of the submitted to them the alternatives of ei ther convoking the Legislature, in special Session, to provide the needful means, or I T - of mortgaging the Railroad property for the sum of 825,000 (ihe amount of loss cen afforded them, to test their prowess ' without the facilities, which would-be fur- i Treasury, leaving the manner and time and damage occasioned by the fire, as es- battle, I doubt not, that under the dis- ! nished by the loan of this amount among j of relief to the proper constitutional de- tiVnated by its President) bv virtue of the partment of the Government. It is of mo- power conferred on the Governor and ment however that measures should be j council, to make sale of the same. They taken indue season to liquidate by de- advised the adoption of the latter, and a. 1 I I I .t a i I fipune anu leau oi uieir gallant and able ! i"3''- rommander, they would have won laurels ! he advantage of allowing the new for themselves and brought home honors j lan a considerable time to run, (say ten ior their Country. Under the Resolutions years,) is that it would ensure its being 1 the last Session making appropriations i taken immediately at par if not at a pre 9 that end, I drew from the Treasury, at ! rnium. It is however contrary to all true jundry times, from January, till May 1847, principles of Finance, to contract a loan he sum of eleven thousand two hundred without also providing not only for the ind thirty dollars, (811.230) for the use of! interest, but for the gradual redemption the Regiment, for thu disbursement ofjf the principal. If the foregoing sugges Vhich, vouchers have been deposited in j tions be adopted, they will consolidate the the office of the Comptroller of public ac ! Banlvdebt, and the residue of the smaller 1 l . - It. , . . - - grees the State's liabilities, and the pro- i an arrangement was made with the Bank cess herein recommended is not more spee- of the State of North Carolina, to advance dy than a wise policy demands. If addi- ; the sum required, at such times as they tional resources shall be realized from a might be called for by the progress of th debt on account of the Railroad in a loan ot 8256,500. redeemable in ten years. counts. An act having been pavv, ; :,t the re rrnt Session Of Congress, to i lund to the 1 And it the present Legislature shall pro- ptates any monies advanced for the com- j v,tu or the extinguishment of this amount fort and transportation of their Volunteers, the. public obligations within that pe priorto being.mustered into service, with rid. and the. punctual payment of inter interest on the same, I transmitted to the ' est OM the whole, they will have accom Secretary. of War an account of the ad- j plished as much, as may be at present jTances just stated, as weJI ns of the trans- needful, leaving to their successors, the porfation of a paft of the Regiment over adoption of measures for the repayment of jthe Ualeigh, and Gaston Railroad, on their the debt of 8500,000 at any time after Urayto the rendezvous, and desired its the 1st day of January, 1860," as origin !fary adjustment. A strict construction Hy stipulated. This arrangement will Shaving been placed on this act by the ' require a sinking fund of about 825.000 War department and proof being demand-j annually lor the redemption of the princi- Jfd which requires the vouchers of dis- Pa'. besides about 845,000, for interest. burseinctit to be exhibited before its ac- ! I he latter sum. however, will gradually counting officers, it was deemed best to ! fft to 830,000 as the debt is diminished, postpone the further prosecution of the 1 In other words, it will require 870.000 or claim until they shall have undergone the j thereabouts to be annaally applied to the examination of your Committee of Fi- public debt, over and above the ordinary sale of the Railrod or recoveries in the suits against the stockholders, they wilj come opportunely in furtherance of the measures for reduction now proposed, but the expectation of them does not justify its postponement at the present Session. You will doubtless observe in the Re- repairs, on bonds of the State, reciting on their face the consideration and a deed in trust on the Railroad and its appendant property, to secure their payment. Ac- auie terms be otlered. iiul. Io retain il as a permanent property of the State afier repairing it in the best manner. 3rd. To uuite it with another work, through the interior 61 the Si.ite which will be more particularly noticed i-i the sequel. The Wilmington and Raleigh Rail, road Company have regularly paid the interest on all their dehts, and effected considerable im. provement on their road with the income ofthe last two years. A minute statement of the com. dition of their affairs will accompany th Re. port of the Hoard of Internal Improvement. 1 am gratified to observe a very handsome addi- lion to iheir receipts, in the item of freight and f Turnpike roads with all the Nun!." way travel, showing that the local accommoda- part of our territory, tion from this work is hecomi : much extend- Whilst it would "confer these !in"f. ed. They will, I presume, be unable to pay interior country now depressed an! ; oil the prini-ipal of their bonds, guaranteed by excluded from all profitable conune rcr, the State, and amounting to 850.000. Avhicii jection has n.t been overlooked th'it ; will become due on the 1st of January nen. 'T point immediately to iho seaboard f But so long as they continue lo meet the accru. State, and to an increase of the k - ing interest with their accustomed punctuality, our market towns. I,ct themhnwevrr ihere can be no objection to extending toihem pair. Its advantages will he afHm! ! the State's credit, upon the same terms as here tofore or even for a longer p'ctiod. In surveying our territory, with an eye to the present interest and wants ofthe people, I am more than ever impressed with our destitution ot facilities ("or cheap and speedy transportation. In this regard, however unpleasant maybe the admission, I am forced to the conviction, that we labor under greater disadvantages than any State in the Union : And that we never can be equal competitors with their citizens in our Agiiculture ihe predominant pursuit among us, , until these. disadvantages are in a great degree overcome. The man who is obliged, to trans, port in waggons over no better roads than ours, a distance varying from sixty to two hundred and fifty miles, at the speed of twenty five miles per day, can no. more contend for profits with him who has the advantage of Raiboads or good navigation, than can the Spinning Wheel with the Cotton Mill. Had we ever been in a more favorable situation in thi respect, and had cordingly, bonds dated in April, May, and the impediment- which now be.-et us been im. July last, amounting in the whole to 825,- posed by human pou - !, no sacrifice would he 000 all payable the 1st January next, were esteemed too great to affect our deliverance and restore our prospeuiy. it is tnereiore a ineme for the ptofoundesl consideration ofthose enjoy ing ihe confidence of a constituency thus situat- nance. i 1 The. above sum lis prelusive nf nn py- iTuuuurc oi olm,im, u tui er a separate luesolution of the General Assembly to expanses of Government, now averaging abojt a like sum, making, the whole a-; mouylt wanted for each year 8140.000. ' Inline Message to the last Legislature ports ofthe Comptroller, that there is no ' negotiated and a deed in trust executed. statement of,any tax. received on the sue- i Some provision is therefore necessary to cession to estates, real and personal of de- to take up these bonds. Designing to ceased persons, by others than lineal des place the whole subject under the control cendants, which was imposed by an act ! f the Representatives of the people at the of last Session. Whether the unfruitful- earliest convenient day. I did not propose ness of this source of revenue thus far, has any longer term of credit. If this how-been-owing to the failure to prescribe ever be desirable, it doubtless can be eas any specific lime for its payment to the j ly affected, by issuing State Bonds at five clerks and for its being accounted for by years for an equal sum and requiring the them, or to other causes, is a question for Railroad, if retained by the State, to pay your investigation. : 'he interest as it may accrue and gradu- Agreeably to the instructions of the Act ally to extinguish the principal, ofthe last Session, I caused an Informa- ; What course shall be adopted by the tion in tbe nature ot a liill ot equity to re stute in relation to retaining or disposing instituted in the proper Court of Wake . 0f this Road yet remains a question of County, against the stockholders and oth- crreat interest. Such had been the demand er obligors of the Raliegh and Gaston ; for rppHjrs and improvements that it has Railroad Company, to recover the indem- yielded no dividends to the Treasury for? nity stipulated in the event of any loss to the t.ist Uvo yearSe Two new LOComo the State, by reason of her suretyships for ,ives however have been purchased at a I ti a t Pi,mnu nv THi i, crractt nil m Kor nf nnp. i- .1 y 1 1 1 in..,, v.mii.hj. im.giw.i.uu.u. , COS 0 more man o.uuu eacn, anu tue :ies defendant and the changes of parties purchase Flags for the Regiment, which j already referred to, our Revenue System i h' transfers of interest, and by deaths, nave been returned to the- office of lb? was reviewed with reference to the de Adjutant General, and are subject to your ; mauds on the Treasury, and an argument disposition. I xvas surjmitted to demonstrate, that the flje. Fiscal affairs of the State still con- ' State annually lost seven or eight thou tinuc Jo claim the first place in the consi sand dollars, from failures to enlist lands firf.tn rxC t nM,i,.rn rPt.,. ,l,..:i finr lavMlinn wherehv fhv bufl ppnprl ed operations of the Treasury, since the their contingent entirely or from under hich had been previous y pending hst Session, will be found in the Reports valuation, by means of which, it had been My opinion of the legal responsibilities ftr-iKirP..l.i;-Tr..uU,.rr n,ir avoided in nart: and that nrohablv aniof these Parties, was presented at some v 1 uwiiy m v .7 v iii iiiivi viriuiMl Vlli l , 1 ' 1 j 1 . ii of public accounts. While its resources equal sum was lost in the Foil tax from a have been sulficient to satisfy all just de- like criminal negligence, in rendering lists mauds and to urdiold. the public credit, it of taxable persons. Accordingly, the Act have delayed the progress of the cause to final decision. And as it embraces the main subject of controversy between ihe State and any of the defendants, ihe coun sel for the Slate have not pressed for tri al the actions at law against some of them, length in the, message of 1846 and remains unchanged., In consideration however of the circumstances of their case, I am led . i i -i a - . . I . will be perceived that but little progress ofthe last Session directed a new assess- concms on it at .y. a pro, . uu V... i i : : - t - mont , ;,ril...Mf ,vis;n f lect for adjustment by compromise, and uccu nmuu iiicMiiisuiMimg uiu oiaie ..0..-.,- r-r - - ,.., frmo unA iw. -ilnvvprl hv i-jg result nas 1 cicii ivim. huuiu v. . . . . . . .. the otate. 1 he transaction wtncn occa sioned it has been truly unfortunate for While on the one hand it other Engines refitted (except one whol ly ruined by the fire before referred to) so that the motive power of the establish ment is in better condition than at any time heretofore. New and superior Iron has been also purchased, and laid down, for near ten miles from Gaston Southward, and the whole superstructure of the Road has been renewed for that distance. Ve ry extensive renewals have .also been made in the wood work of the line gener- ed. and intending to requite it by a faithful de votioii to their interests, what can be done, or ought to be undertaken, to remove .these griev. ances and place their industry and labor on an equal footing with tho?e of their fellow citizens in other States ? It must be admitted, thai from Geographical causes, ihe question was origin ally one rather difficult of solution. And our firmer enterprises in Internal Improvement, having failed from causes not necessary to be now commented on, ihe State has of late years taken no action in constructing works of this kind, and many good citizens appear lo hare concluded, that further effoits were vain, as our doom to privation in this particular was fixed fate. .Meanwhile other States have pushed for ward their improvements (some of them with a ra!i and extravagant hand, it is true, but in the main with the most beneficial result,) over coming obstacles far greater than any which impede us, and obtaining for themselves, still greater advantages over us in the competitions ofthe market. We are ihetefure impelled not only by all the more obvious considerations which appealed to us in foimcr limes, but by a reasonable self defence, to abandon further lies, itation and adopt at once a system of improve, ment, commensurate with the wants and inter est ofthe State. Too much should not be un dertaken at once, but what may be attempted, should be thoroughly completed. As the com mencement of such a system, and a basis, on which other woiks may be engrafted, to any in due season. After the com;!-ti main track, a branch to FaycMe i.! point on the navigable water ( the ' River, will h of easy accoinp'Whin u . tension from Raleigh to (joUUboro invited by the connexion thus' to be f twecn Wilmington and ihe upper c eventually it might realize that central Railroad consecratrd by t' labors of Caldwell in an ctensio.-i boro' to Beaufort. Whether then : gard it as a single work, or as ih of an extensive plan, the rond fr r 1 Charlotte appears lo be the iinp-r:. ment which ''uld first engVTi and our cnei i-i. And I accord, mend it lo the patronage of the L the amount of one half, or at lea t the capital, necessary for its conM r distance is nbout one hunched a:, by the mail route, and ihe com ; equipments over such route a r would probably not exceed -Si,' an inducement to aid this scl.e:. an opportunity for disposing (ft! Gaston road, as has been inti : . ceding remarks, on that lej ".-. might be organised lo embrace 1' Irom Gaston 10 Chailotte, an ! owned by the State transfer i ' fair valuation in payment of L'-r -stock. Of the particulars of m 'nt if favored by ihe Leg lion is herf req-iired. I have ; of this subject with more min ! ; be appropriate, in an address of 1 ! I it has as yet attracted hut I lie attention, and from a deep i : utility in alleviating ihe en !.' : try and reviving the waning ! count rymen--while it gives an ' the capital invested. I have re ma iked with much some enterprising persons ai citizens, have commenced 1!, Neuse and Tar river with light class, and that a spirit ii '. Ihe people oflhe Upper secti 1 to open that river for naviga:;. , confluence of its main hianri ( cessfjl efloit at objects of t!.i- lie benefit, and deserves the f Legislature. ! It has nul,been thought rs; the power con,fet red on tle I' Improvement Ihe last ( ; sell the Club-foot and Hat!. and it expired by limitation v. your Session. I beg again lo impress - i indiMMisahle necefity d i roads. Il is little, credital and intelligence, that altli erably taxed, in the fiequci.t for this object, our meth, 1 public highways Las ma !. that existing in England i;. : and .Mary. If CotnmisM two in each County, were ! iy Courts with atitbority public roads, and lay them vorable gn-und, and were c' ity to supervise and dirett t; how to woik them, it much to their tmprovem . should also he intestetl wi !, propriations from ihe C ::.' improve the moit t!ifilru!t ; plank roads where nece,-,-with the means at their is urged upon your inq dry. improvement of the p'aa'. , tr.xluced into extensive 11-' simplicity of their cnn'ir, : or t: expense f r engine-': 1 and cheapnes of timber, ; to the sand and swair.p f clay soiUf the.upper c( u. to us with nu'-h f 'roe. A Geologic! '-rvcy ,f :'. ever demauufd, in cotiif.; eiies .f useful and talu i' i-i it debt, and in making payments, bv means the enlistment of lands obtained on loan, we have only exchanged been, that the land Revenue of 1847, col- Antra APAf 1 1 r -w V-w4 t Tn frit fi rvtac leeted under the new Law. has exceeded VIIV VHUIIUI IUI IlllUlllt I . Il lllj IIIOl I1ILJ- - - - - isiro f il. r.nnofHl AvmtiU- I tn. that of 1816. under the old. hv the sum of "om Partes Ih in extenso, the various liabilities of the 85,911,02. A table attached to tie Re Treasurv. and traced the history of those port of the public Treasurer will show 1 Arising from endorsements for the Raleigh that the total number of acres taxed in land Gaston Railroad .Company. For a 1840 'was. 22,468.558. and that in 1847 it j clear coihprehcnsion of the subject at pre- rose to 24 359,075, and that the aggregate Jseat, It may be necessary to-repeat that valuation ot tana ana town property in on account of her first suretyship for this 1816 was 55.254,191. and that in 1847 it Company, the State is responsible for the grew to 66,430.821. With these material lum of 8500,000, of, which, the interest is additions in quantity and valuation, the to be paidicmi annualfy, and the princi- amount of taxes received from real estate, pal ".at such time after the 1st day of is yet lower by two or three thousand dol January I860, as the Legislature shall lars, than ought to be obtained at the pre- hercaftcr appoiut;" that she undertook a sent rate. There has been, also, an in- ally. But the process of repairing is now desirable extent, as our means may from time carried on under great disadvantage, for to time permit. a Railroad fiom Raleigh to Char- wantjaf Iron to relay a considerable part of the tfack, and the present earnings of the TCjad. are insufficient to procure it. The Northern half of the line, over which the heaviest trains pass, whs originally laid with thin Iron, w hich is much broken. and occasions a great waste of labor, in has imposed a burthen on the Treasury, temporarily refitting with fragments, that which is heavily felt; on tne otner, me are soon to be broken again, as well as whole capital stock of (8700,000) subscri- constant damage to the Engines and Cars bed and paid in has been lost to the indi- from iic severe wear and tear to which dividual contributors and the property in n subjects them. A prudent economy the Road which it went to construct has 0fteI1 consists in a liberal expenditure. been purchased in by the State, and at- ny proprietor of this work, would find it former of these through An lotte by way of Salisbury, -appears to me ofthe firt moment. This scheme has not been much considered heretofore, and deiives much of its importance from a kindred work, now in pro. trress from Chailotte to Columbia, South Cam lina. Already fiom Raleigh Northward conliii uous lines of Railroad and Steamboat transpor tation stretch through the towns of Virginia and the great cities of the North, to Portland in Maine, and Buffi lo on Lake Liie. Similar works also exist, or are in progress, with a cer tainty of completion in the course of a year or t wo, extending fromCharlotte Southward through Columbia to Charleston : and anain from the r. nJ rt. THIS' 3. taP ,1' 707 fords the accommodation to the public which was the chief inducement with the Legislature in authorizing its construction. If in addition to the Joss of the stock al ready sustained, they shall be subjected to an equal recovery on the responsibili- iri-a'n. ft nil second responsibility for the Company to crease in the year the amount ol 82S0.500, with interest tax. It appears i Pavable In like manner, and the nrine.inn 1 173.119 Dersons. asrainst 165.310 in the in annual instalments of 830,000 each previous year, I am yet satisfied however, from 18 15, till 185 1, and that four of these from the statistics, embodied in my former jnHaTme'ntshave been already discharged, message, that even this number falls short, o that there remain of this class of bonds, by at least 20,000, of the w hole taxable outstanding the sum of 8166.500. Butto population of the State. It therefore will td the Treasury, In paying thescVinstal- call for your Rents of principal, while, sustaining the tion on land ordinary expenses of government, and the on the one hundred heavy drafts for interest on the aggregate only 837,921 21, and why, out of at least tfrboth'' these classes, of debt there has 105,000 taxable polls in the State, more been borrowed from the Bank of Cape than 20.000 yet escape taxaUcm ailogeth- Fear. within tb luvt f., tho enm er. The imnnrtHi.t .addition to the reve- i - .... , r . IUUC l(,IIO IR Ulli -",1 ....j-w. -.. - - of 81561 78 in the poll ties subsequently contracted - r if .ill ho a Monti on account H appears now ,o be collected on ," e uoa , , a oiuii iiiiij 11 to bear. A portion of them have no doubt sufficient means to meet it w ithout mate- his true interest to put it in complete re pair, even if it wen? necessary to give lien on the property to raise the means. It therefore the road shall not be transferred) to other hands during your sitting, it is ob viously expedient and proper to purchase immediately Iron Railing sufficient to re fit it for at least thirty miles. Fifty thou-' sand dollars expended for this purpose might enable the State to receive as pro fits some fifteen, twenty, or twenty-five rial injury. But the larger number, among thousand of the fifty-five to seventy thou whom are widows, orphans, clergymen. nlanters with large families lueomie. ii uiereiore mii , , , , i rlt investigation. hj- a valua- nd moderate estates, have bentolorc felt of 8G0.430.82L at six cents. 1 the d-privafon o! the means ,nxeted n undred dollars ,lu.v vields ihi Rd, cUmih and cannot jut- 90-00-besides the loan from the Lit erary fund, hereinafter mentioned. Such are our responsibilities. The scrupulous .regard for tbe public honor vv b i n i i v i 1 1 v f 1 e -the pride of the State requires them to be nue on real property and polls of near feran exaction Ot a like amount now witn- out ruin. 1 submit these observations (be coming, asil think, the candor and impar tiality of a Chief Magistrate) with the less reserve from an absence of all inter- and ot con- sand, the present income of the road, a large part of which is now spent on ihe ineffectual reparation above described. Its operation may go on, as at present without such aid, but they alford no pros pect of profit. If a loan be contracted lor this object on liberal time, there can be little doubt of the ability of the road to pay it with interest. And in the event of :i sale, it would enhance the nrice of the the inte- r 1 X .. - V. . 1 1 . r ior ol lieorgia. anu i enncssee io .visiniiic, u well as to the Mississippi, at Memphis, and to New Orleans, by way of Montgomery ami Mo bile. Through a part of North Carolina alone, a link is wanting, to complete the grand chain of communication, from one extremity of our country to the other, and to furnish to the whole nation those facilities of intercourse which the inhabitants North and South ofus, enjoy in their several sections. The connexion proposed therefore, being as it were a bridge over a space now impassible by steam cars, having at either end the great highways of the N"fih and South, with their numerous branches f.r a thousand riV iUlU IJWlia vi utui - . . I. ?s-r wfr. 1... n .1 I A PT Jit ailV IIIIIC i" f y i a i ir i ii v rHM vnn r t rip rn MMMiir iiiuiiM j i red at the last Session, has been the pro-, with ny o f the pe"-- concernea eqoal to th. monev ,h,, .-id out duct of no new imposition on our constu- wn.cu '"J -mmn vv r I ! I I 1 1 . V lir 1 1 t L I 1 1 , i - J ' . ------ situations, and the iinnot'.. miles in both directions, promises a reasonable pjoral;on, n ttl,er Slates, remuneration fr the outlay of its construction, iye JjaTC teen a Ut v from "through traipoi ta-i..n : and in a mill- fr the melioration uf the c tary an ! other points f view, wotj'.d be of great LunaliCf Tlioie e. tl .e ; national advantage. II td nature supplied us with natigahle riv- , i.ktl.e M i-i-ippi, flow ing fiotn Raleigh a. id Charlotte, respectively, to New York and New Orleans, oreteri to Charley, ton, all would at once p.-rceiie ijie benefit of the i'l-i. tion of the two, ib"Ugh the int-rior ol whole property by an amount certainly the .alPf as tit.;,riy Hs di I the genius .f Clin uents, but the mere consequence of a fair people, is existing. . By a still closer scrutiny ot tne uence oi n inn i .l i prompt! met. To provide (or ti.is in the ! an.l equal contribution to ,hos lotmerly 4t can only Oe aet ermmeo w.e . 1 . . a r I rw 1 I 1 I II M III I si i. I III. IlltJI . . m -r V - M v IQKSl ui u - - - - y for wi itnai Lfuruciiuiiic; tu in rri n Avictmrr kv n rm p nspr srruimv cii r o r- ... . - .1 Wropriato duty of lb iUp I wbX especially. In th. Apartment of tia.ed byJ;: 1. Unless and until someihi.. 1 .1... i..n ... I ...hn.l ih.t nlan mav with a committee ol your bodj, tlian in 1 ,. . Ill.VV llIC J. VIII KIA, 1 Cl I'l'i v.. ...... r -j , , ,,. be realized from a rc sale of the Railroad be devised to obtain a still further indre- , an) oth modc- " , , . f 11 recovery against its stockholders and ment of five or six thousand dollars, from 1 p he operations ol ttie tiaieign anu wndsmcn, our only reliance is upou some . the sources at existing rates. ' ton Railroad for the past two years win It would no doubt be preferable tn convert this property into funds, for the relief of the Treasury, rather than to make any other dispo sition of it. To expose it a: auction however, would be to sacrifice it from the magnitude of the interest and the facility with which bidders could combine their capital and put down porn petition. After a committee of your body shall have made a thorough investigalion of the af- ton that ariing fiom the union of the Hudson with the great Lakes. The parallel may not be vet pei feet in the present late of Riilroad conveyances, but is destined to be so at no dis taut flay. But the foregoing are merely incidental in dncements to undertake this work. It IS Com. hare been visited, with t! been abandoned tu thrir of furious madness, in committed lo the com r, i the jeace. Il is now u diseases ofthe mind. (i:. Heaven on our race) at' the Udy : and must ei.'. established hospitals, u 1. ed ate watched oer, ! s understanding and m, ;-. dies. A dlstinguiti.'-d who has de Voted nrnl. duly of pleading the c i frre States and eui:n mended to th- as a great North Carolina im- provement, appealing to our interest and State tercdac-n?iJfpblej.t!! pride, bv arguments which it were almost critn . - ' "'''

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