I 4 if fl 41 X 0 I , 1m t ' -i... ..V nf tlin V: li. .,;, r ' r5jrif.!p.T yea c: Two Doi,Ls-t .'ivitj. lJ-t if not paid-in aJvancr.'T f.7 I a(p v - mm mmmmM, mm pnyablf in 1 wo dollars fifty el. vai chiirgfd;- ('. J . 4 2 v c 3 1 1' M s N r.4, i ri ii e J at .l for tlif first. and 25 cti. .it ..' sm " "'S nisc.ium. yuiiji ururu v much i Sj ott Ct. hli'ier tnin these rnlef- A liberal deduel tian to thsf wh. iid.ieriwe by the year. J,it;ip4.t lhc EJltira must.b'post pnidt lie Mecklenburg Declaration.. A few'days sinc; in the Senate, 3r. Shfpard submitted a Up pott from the CominiUccftq whom was'refcrred the cbm- rnujildation of ttte Governor, in relation to' the Colonial and Revolutionnrv History of Xorth Cnrolind, accomp.ni"d byj the fol- a grateful sense of the honor paid film.' lowiniihigliiy iiitcccstij rcifcr. rr'rri. Mr.fRh Register. j , 5 Bancroft, th -Amencan Jmister at lwi. Jon! ttttlFieiltori lyayid.X.. SwainJ of.thts Staltf. The ettf r is as loiiows : j . K .' ' 111 , " ' ' - ' . i i i, ! : Mth Juty, 1848. ' i ' i : My Dear Sir : I hold it in good ry; tbnt )our!Iettei of the 12th of Juno ; rcacutu me oy ine nerman,' just in time to )C answered this morning. You may be $ure that 7. have snared no ; pains to discover In the .British State Pa- j ptr Oflice a tbpy of the Resolves of the Coftimiuee oi-.uecuiennurg; and with ; iucuean. or Kobeson ; Mwnalcus Lank tniJre: success. J A glance at the ap wiir ford, of Franklin ; J. B. Benbury, Eden shovv you! tbitt, li those Jays, thd traflicton ; William S. Bryan, of Raleigh, R. of that part iolj! North Carolina took a K'. Bryan, of Fayette ville : Thos. Beck- oaLKcrly direction, anil people in Charles- ton,- anu s.omeijmes even in oavanrtah, 1 knew what jvM going on. in " Cnarlotte ' Town' before Governor 1art in. The , first account of u ihe cxlraordi nary Rc w l I . . WW"? w.muiHv. in: nurioiic iown. - tfiAlriilniru(Vuntii" .0n wnf v- i F-rIhrl. lv Kid TtrPi VVriirht ll.n.n- ! vrnor otVGrdrffU.I in a Ipltnr nf tin-' 20th i v.rnor orumorsn of June, 177,rf- The newspaper thqs trans atrd is Mill preserved, and is the number 193 of the South Carolina Gazette and nrifltrv TnniJlil INiPCflnv Tnno 1 fl TTf; Ircad the Rcto ves.you may be sure, with ! opy of thcin ;.i thinking, myself the sole iisepvercr. 1 do not send you the copy. .iiiiis identically the same with tha pa- pcr wiiicn you eincioseu 10 me ; out i lor Ard jto you k transcript of theentirc let jcr'oi Sir Jarnci Wrights The newspa per seems to'have reached him after he tad finisJird 6i despatch, for the para- riph rcJatitig o it lsadded in Ijis own baiul-uritingj tlije fqrrner part of the letter bcinf written by a Secretarv or Clerk. I (1 have read a great tfiany papers rela- ting'to thi Urgulators; and ami having copies made jofl a large number; Your owji Stiltd oifeht to have them all.jand the expense ivqujd e for the State ihsignifi canty if it dock not send an Agent on j?ur pos A fewj hundred dojlars would copy Mtyou neeu strom inornate l'aper Ultice oa ill North Caroliha topics. The Reg. slaters are, on many accounts, important. Their compMints wen; wed I founded, and isTto acknfowledged, though their op pressors were cflhly. nominally punished. ( Tfiey form the ponnecting link tjetween j a half-blown-peacb, and having figs? with tcsiaace to' the Sw amp Act, and the i in reach of his office window- all th nrn. movement of; 1775 ; and they also played ! duct of Florida in the month of Decem i glorious part in taking possession of the j ber. ... .Wistissinpi Vallev, towards which thev I werp carried; irresistibly by their love ot indepcndenc. It is a mistake, if any bre supposed, that thq Regulators were cow5cd down by their, defeat all the Alle mjanee. Like the mammoth, they shook the boU frj0rri their browand crossed the oidtintainsi alia wavs be clad to. hear from vou. , to be of use to you or your State. Very triily yours, 'V j f. GEORGE BANCROFT. D. I,. SWai, Esq., j Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The above letter estabirshes the fact beyond all question, that Independence was frst proclaimed in Mecklenburg, North Ciuoliiid, in May, 1775. . lbc etter ot Sir Jamef VVright, reler- j red to by Mt. Bancroft, closes as follows: ; 4.T.....1' It 1 - 1 1 I 7.y iae enctoseu. paper, your liorusnip : : '.4. - ' ' ' . i - . . . i . ! W'U.see the fextraordinarv Resolves of the people of Charlotte Town, in Mecklen burg County ; and I should not be surpris ed if th sime should be dona every crc:cise:iY.; C. Standard. .. . jV 5 COL. I ROBERT T. PAINE. 1l(jwcvcr ardy, perhaps, they may have been hitherto, , manifestations, are now daily ''multiplying of the appreciation in hich the services and character of the Qlficer wh.o$o name heads this paragraph, tal foes at lomr. mrv Uv. iKa nfrVrt temriorarihi to ctard trlbm;; tni nVU I ' , i.. i i . i UlCh IS SO' eminently JUS ; but tho recol- mJ i ' r - -.Jiav 11.! I ..;,-. r .u lection atid. proppr estimate of the same m remain, iuiig .murr tunir uruieilcc ?y'HeTf0tten.: . . YC haUillie gratiricauon oi ueing pre- cn. ai ine presentation io kjoi. ramet on Thursday last, of a most rich and superb . . I . . ... . -I I 1. ... ' ptir ol silver Pitchers, by the patriotic I tituens of Wilm ngton, through the hands tl 'their Commit fright,, Ti D. ee, composed of Messrs. ' I ' W Wi Hh Sieares. and Kobert H. ovan. Tlie people of that whole-souled Jomraunity have thus added to the envia reputation which they have! always Ih !". i " i ' ' r ' c- ' . L . J ,Qgainedrof bcin,g forfcmost in every act Sch could redound to the credit of the n2J? !i ! 1 - ! 1 jThe Presentation AddressUvas deliver- nJ Robert H. Cowan; Esq., and we are l.ue itiro that wc reflect the sentiments vall who. heard it, when we pronounce f to havepbeen ecually beautiful and feel 2 in its conception, and handsome and 2e in its delivery Our sister1 of Wil Rlfigton vks as (brtunate in the selection ff heriRepreintativuii upon "tho occasion, he has shown her.6elf generous in be fjowing honor? upon the meritonous'and 7vingJ Tho reply of Col. Paine,' who : t ii i ill : liliilWtSMiiS BRUNEU & JAMES, Editors $' Proprietors. was much afTpctprl w k.-; Supreme CowrfcThis 'tribunal on vened in this City on Monday last, all the Judges present. The following gentle men have been admitted to County Court aWu-rPrRcl,ce : 1 ' i 1 haWebb, of Hijlsborough ;.L. D. renuor, oi lartmrnuh; VVilliam Cook, of Chatham,; John BrBynum.of North! ampton : John D. Hvman. of 6iWftomh Rufus W. Whartoa, of Guilford ; Joseph S. Cannon, bfi Perquimans : Alexander with, Plymouth ; CxN. Davis, Marion a. vv, tsurton, lincolton ; J. K. Stubbs, Beajifort ;H. DeK.,Cabiniss.Shelbv : H. B. Hardy, Windsor : Jasoer W. Davis. Stokes County ; De Witt C. Stone. Louis- m urg, i nomas -o. Manning, liidenton ; I f.pnrrr It. Wptmnn. niKhmnn.p... I JpSSP P. Smith nnrl l.nfnh rtiivfor. 'i T? etteville : J. Marshall Clemeni fnpL-s. ville; James G. Scott, Greensboro'; Jo- seph Branch Batchelor,- Halifar; and William C. Hunter, Neybern.- Jeiscr. a nXAftiV ift?'-.T-n oik t d ixtU Our readers were informedsome months since, that many of the friends of Colonel Paine in this place, had it in contempla tion, to show their appreciation of his gal lant services, by some suitable public de mpnstration. The presentation of a pair of silver pitchers, was finally resolved on, and we are happy to be able to state, that the pitchers aru now in this place. They are extremely beautiful, chaste and rich; and are the more appropriate, because of their great durability. They will soon be delivered to Colonel Paine in Raliegh, and our townsmen Messrs. Wm. A. Wright, Thos. D. Meares and Robt. W. Cowan have been selected to perform .the grateful task of presenting them. Wil. Com. ' The Climate of Florida. -The editor, of the St. Augustine Herald oxi the 14th ultimo mentions the receipt of some beau tiful "guava," two cotton blooms, and f specimens of sugar, besides having seen The Tallahassee Sent i n p 1 shit?"?! h at i t. was not until the morning after Christmas that the atmosphere at that place put on a "spice of chilliness." The weather, which was rather unseasonable, had caus ed the sprouting of the mulberry trees and garden vegetables of all sorts, and even ripe strawberries had been found in the Woods, on the outskirts of the town. CAUGHT AT LAST! The three swindlers who have bee'n I prowling. about in the counties of Moore, Cumberlajid, Robeson, and Richmond, in North Carolina, and in Marlborough Dis trict in this Stated for several weeks past, i were arrested on b nday last and commit- : ... -i d:.i rr.rnrr...-. ti iru lii iiik jiiii in 1 1: u 1 1 ni in ci in 1 1 1 v . i iii'v had succeeded in passing off several hun- "red dollars in ten dollar counterfeit bills rr trio Han . nf (Ian Tw-!ir nnn l-t 11 n.t ! r , ' . . ' . I.il I r if which V n! t n All- PKarloc I !.... ' " r: - i 1 iNgesass'. t ',r j dollars of which was paid to Mr. Charles j ation of the bill in relation to foreign made Dry, of Union county N. C, in the District j vehicles the question being on the mo of Marlborough S. C, for a horse, and j tion of Mr. Wadsworth to refer the bill 8180, to Mr. Noah Gibson, of Richmond, j to Committee on Finance--which did not for a couple of bcrges. We have been j prevail. unable to learn any of the particulars, fur-I Mr. Wadsworth, moved to amend by ther than the above; andlhat they had re- 3 striking out 100 and insert $50. Car- fused to give their names or answer any questions whatever. The country is rife with such swindlers, and the people should be upon the lookout. Chcraic Gazette. The Legislature of the State of Ken- I u"" -i. "vAik'u .u.i u , ST' rrTr: I f I i . I 111 II mi.-i iiiru aiir. I mi V llltlll i ii v n v. --- -- -- -o . i t n Spnnin hv nnnn ntmpnt nf tbp t.1 J i " , Executive, (filling the seat lately occu- , pied by Mr. Crittenden.) has been elected by the Legislature to serve out the resi- due Sof xlAt Senatorial term Tt will ex- . pirei we are sorry to say, oas the 3rd of . March next.ATY. Int. ' 4 An anecdote which has been the rounds of the naners has iust started n train it r-- - - ".... j dy of fortune, whose attention was awa- i kened towards him W his conspicuous talents, wrote him a note, offering her t heni-f. fortune and hand. The Rev. Dr.. ; liowever, with more terseness than gal- lantry, replied to her, that she had better give her heart to the JLord, her fortune to Uie church, aihd reserve her hand for hifn who.should nsk it. relates to the Rev. Dr. Kirk, of Boston, -1 ine wnoie, air. rauerson in me yuair,:ine who officiated on Sunday in the Rev. Mr. I specif orders-being the bill to incorpo Bcecher's church, viz : Early in life, a la. I rate the North Carolina Railroad Com- CT Hon, Jame&C. Dpbbm and C.B.ecd fir .1 , . IT. .... 11 r- 1 .".... t .1 U... .-!' nasseu, csq., nave oeen eiecicu, . uv.mc Legislature, - Trustees of the University, KTw. yet;remain to bd chosen. , ;'WcK46xAU.Toca ""Hdothw. A Ltmn t, .. t NEW SERIES, it u .. . r . . -.. j' m ' v-f rr i ; i r - - m r r t "m w n i SAIilSBURY, K. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1849. STATE LEGISLATURE. Tuesday, Jan. 2. -p. , SENATE. . ; - j The hill to incorporate Statcsvilie Male ! Academv. in Iredell, nassprl its 1st: r?fK ing. : Mr. Wood fin modified his amendment, fx(m .iUi-u f ,l ,. n-,i;i k.,- -J c i i T f VV j i - cj i .'' j , ' - . i . , i":vrr:";" .r c...u wic oc.m proceeuea to ine special J. " ... - . 1 wruer, ueing me election oi 4 l rustees oi tT r l 1 fUSleeS 01 1 tne university. it. a ik i, . , . Mr., Albright, from the Committee ap- that Mr. Dohbin was ri n I v fnnf, inA -. m r. ----- . j vwy Jb44 tl V one else had a majority. Third reading and passage of bills; To incorporate the Camden Guards ; to re vive an act (o incorporate the town of Irent Bndg, in Jones ; to amend the laws in relation to the collection of taxes in the town of Newbem. t, J .I I I'll - p . . ; 10 incorporate the town ol balisburv : to i i ottiisuurv : 10 incorporate Davidson Mining and Smek- ng yompany; ..ri0110? wr.iimcr, tbebill in re rri .- I . - . ..... i 1 l? ?'0" an? namuau w as iiiiiue ine oruer 01 me uav p . t- . 1 J for Friday next. The bill to provide for the payment of the debts of tfcfe State to the Bank of Cape Fear and Bank of the State, and other li abilities for endorsement for the Raliegh and Gascon Railroad, &c.r was read the 2d time, amended, on motion of Mr. Shep ard and passejl. On motion of Mr. Gilmer, the bill was read the third time. Mr. Thompson, of Wake, moved to lay the bill upon the table, which motion was rejected by a! large majority. The bill then passed, j HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Smith moved to take up the bill to unite Roanoke Rail RoadT and the Sea board and Roanoke Railroad Companies. Carried. Mr. Smith offered ah amendment, which was adopted. i The bill as amended pass ed its second-reading. Mr. Mebane announced to the House the arrival of Hamilton C. Jones, member from, Rowan, elected in the place of Jno. W. Ellis. ! ... j Mr. Jones was then invited to the Clerk's desk and aftep being duly qualified, took his seat. I Mr. Smith moved to put the bill which had just passed its 2d reading, on its 3d reading. Carried ; and thc bill passed its third and last reading. I Mr. Blow moved to take up and con sider the bill to impose an additional tax on the venders of foreign made riding ve hicles. Carried. Mr. Wadsworth moved to refer the bill to the Committee on tinance. Upon this question there was a short discussion -t ar - . between Messrs Mebane, Courts, Blow, Stevenson and Stanly. TheSpeaker cut short the debate, by announcing the arri- val of the hour for taking up the joint or der the election of Trustees. And . the House.lhen proceeded to ballot. The Speaker announced the hour for ing up the specialpjerjfihedaVthe ...i.i:.,u t. r....i. r ....:n uiu in i .i . u i in iiik . 1 1 ii. iii rave pi p. j On motion of Mr. Dobbin the bill was I postponed until to morrow. The House then assumed the consider- ned. The bill then passed its third reading. Wednesday, January 3,1849. SENATE. Third reading and passage of Bills to the town ?f tor register- : ' S "'F"c and V.mP?n' a Di.lrt ..-. . w . j i . rciaiiuu iu a i.uau in tie vouuiv , io in- ' i - i- c ,. . 3 corporate me town oi oausoury. J,, 3 - 1 - supjn.ui.umiv iu mc .vci io j . a establish a County named rorsyme, was iaKen up anu reau ine se- cond time. ! Mr. Gilmer moved to strike out all af- ter the enacting clause, and insert a sub- ! stitute which he offered ; but before it was read, The Senate took up, in Committee of , , m- i. i -!.: .- Pany I A,er a number of slight amendments, i Mr. Bower moved to strike out; the 5th 1 Section of the bill. i Mr. Shepard, on behalf of the Commit ii I. UU. pllU Vt. - ww... .... - tee proceeded to address the Senate, in .' . . ' explanation of the general character of tK bill Tliie enoorli nharjrtpri7i.il the bill. This speech was characterized i by great plainness in its demonstration's J,Atu.. , . niiu nuilUV. l. . -. . : Hf . n . I i Qn mot on nf Mr H.lv tb Cnrnmit On motion of Afr.Hal - v.th.Cnmmit j iee rose and reported progress and then the Senate tadjourned. r . t.'r I HOUSE OF COMMONS. j Mr. Williams mqved to take up and Iconsider the bill to establish the Bank of Fayetteville. Carried, j Mr. Caldwell of Guilford moved toa mentl the bill by striking out $300,000 and jinsert 800,000.--Adoptetl. Mr. Dobbin offered several amendments '...l.:u ... j ' . . i liiuu were auopicu. The bill as at "u uul 3 a i enucu passeu us rea- l.J 1 f. 1 f"" j a uic ui oi in me auinimuvc 10 y a vote of si . i rii q7 n lhe ne u mi me .negative. 1 n motion of Mr. Jones of Rowan the tii ... . .i j i- piH was put upon Us third reading. Mr. xLhZ mnv tn ,irik nnt .K- r Thursday, Jan. 4. SENATE. V Mr. Patterson reported, that C. B. Has- el was elected a Trustee of the Univer sity. f- t vmi : ... 1 J Utli I Ulll IU IIIV.UI UUIIIIV lUt IV II 0r A shboroj in Randolph. -im. cA. i .r . c? .1 .. " r.. hr,k ,.,t,t tvt- ,u. u..: w nuuib, mi. j aurisuil 111 IUC (JUilM, 1 l. 1. . .1 l:n . . .1 niiu luuiv u iiih uiii io ncorDoraie me North Carina Railroad Comnanv. and tor other purposes. Several amendments .u JL j ij j !.Ave re then nronosed and adonted. i I I Mr. Gilmer proposed to strike out "two millions" and insert " three'- in the 65th line of the 15th section, and to alter oth-. r provisions of the bill so as to accord ivith making the capital Stock of the 0ompany three millions. The amend ment was rejected. I Mr. Gilmer then moved another amend nent, to the effect, that, in certain cir cumstances, the Treasurer should be au thorized to subscribe one and a half 3il lions, givingpthe State, two thirds of the papital Stock. The amendment was re jected. I The Committee Then rose, and reported the bill to the" House, With the amend ments, which were agreed to. f . . HOUSE OF COMMONS.1 Mr. Keily presented a memorial from iome Religious society, and moved its re ference to the Committee on Propositions and Grievannes. Mr. Miller moved to lay on the table. The Chair stated that the memorial would e pver until to-morrow. I Mr. Campbell presented a memorial in Relation to. the Militia. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. White introduced a bill to repeal an act to establish a Poor work house in the counties of Jones and Randolph. Re ferred to. the Committee on, Judiciary. Mr. Hayman introduced a bill to auth orize 3ajor Jno. Clark, of Beaufort, to make a road. Referred to the Committee n Propositions and Grievances. j Mr. Regan introduced a bill to prevent the sale of spirituous liquors in the vicini tv of i Floral College. Referred to the ! Committee on Private bills. l t i j Mr. Ferebee introduced a bill to pro yide for the establishment of a Medical enacting clause, providing that those who $oard in North Carolina ; which, on mo- i may subscribe, shall give adequate secu tion of Mr. F., was ordered to be printed, rty to lhe State for payrnent. &c, and dnd made the order of the day for Monday those who thus subscribe shall be released tjiext. I ! EVENING SESSION ! Mr. McDowell, of Iredell, moved to make the bill to establish the new countv of! Graham the orderf the day for Satur- day next Carried I Mr. Cherry, from the Committee on Ed- tication, reported favorably to the bill to authorize the Superintendents of Common Schools for the County of Rowan to in. vest a part of their funds. Passed second reading. ! I Friday, Jan. 5. ! ; '- SENATE. ! -Mr-Ah-flnroved thalrthe Senate take I up and consider the bill to locate the Judg- ! es of the Superior Courts. I Th bill was rpfirl the spcond time and passed. It provides that in all elections of.Jub.es hereafter, the choice shall be made from some, one circuit in which no . Jucfee resides,-&c. The bill to provide for making a Turn- pike road from Salisbury West to the line pf the State of Georgia, passed its third reading. Ayres 26, Noes 20. Mr. Gilmer moved to take up and con- sider the bill supplementary to the act of : the present session dividing the county of g on the sub - iarv Commit- v j Stokes. The question being ' stitute proposed by the Judiciary tee. j A discussion of some length commenc - d here between Messrs. Gilmer, and Ex- um, in favor, and Messrs. Reich and Tho- mas, of Davidson, against the substitute, to whom Mr. Gilmer made a short rejoin- derj andwas followed by Mr. Thomas, of Davidson. After which Mr. Patterson gave notice of an amendment, he desired t -q - ! come up. Mr. P. explained and advoca ... - t ' io oner io ine.orirtnai oui wnen u uu ted his amendment. i i . The Question Wa i The question was then taken on stnk ing out the original bill, find determined ! in nii... VpnclQ .avsOfi -t ......a.v, - J HPl-A nna.tinn war' M rWff rtn tho r.CC!inr j of the supplemental bill, when T i . ' .... - Ii .Mr. Woodfin offered an additional sec - 1 t .Mr. Woodhn onered an additional sec tion to the bill, which produced some ( cussion, and after being modified by amendment was rejec cd. Z,l qT.iVnaS ?Sn. en .n uC pa sage of the b.U .and de.erm.ned the . affirmative, Yeas 30, Nays 8. Mr. Drake reported that LevvisThomp- son was elected Trustee of the University, I no other person having a majority. ..1.0 ui'i'u:l w 11 mil touiiiii. i iiu 1 TIOTTP ni? nxTArrkvo HOUbE OF COMMON b. The following passed their 2d and 3d reading: a bill to open and improve a j road from Ashe county to Yancy ; a bill ! authorising certain persons to collect ar- 1 Tears of TaVPS ? a hill fo nmpnr! n phnnfnr 1 , - . v. . - ' uiitiai u. of Revised Statutes concerning Religious ' Mr. Gilmer introduced a bill to incor Societies ; a bill to incorporate Davidson porate Greensboro and Mt. Airy Turn Mining Company. ! pikn Company. Passed its first reading. Mr. 1 aimer presented a memorial from j Mr. Graham moved the reconsideration citizens of Stanly county, praying for the ! of the vote bv which the bill to incorpor- removaioi a justice ot the 1'eace. Ke- . ferrcd to Committee on Judiciary. Saturday. Jan. C. SRN ATE. Mr. Halsey. a bill to make it the duty ! ui jiivg ins, wiiu iimc smics, ui iauu, r VU:il-. . ...L 1. 1 r 1 1 I &c. under execution, to make deeds for the same. Same reference. Mr. Lane, a bill to ! impose taxes on transient merchants in any of the incor porated Towns of this State. The Senate then proceeded to unfinish !.. - I . " 1 pone saiu mil lnuennueiy naving Deen ; withdrawn, the question recurred on Mr. Bower'sl motion to strike out the fifth sec tion of the bill. Mr. Rogers moved an amendment to said section, providing that the stockhold- j ers and abligors of the R. & G. Railroad i themselves shall subscribe 8500,000, &c. and when the Board of Internal Improve ments and the Attorney General shall re port their Solvency, they shall be releas ed, 6zc. The object of the amendment was to secure from these stockholders and obli- i. i i ... : j grfLaf much -subscription as the amount ui iucii uuiun iu iue oiaie. nir. jo utrr r . u : i .1-, .. .i... .. t ... . . - i was of opinion that to impose such a bur- ; eu oustness, ncingtne consideration ot ttic : Senate Chamber was granted on to-mor-bill to incorporate .the North Carolina row afternoon to a committee from Wil Railrqad. Mr. Bethel's motion to post- ; mington, for the purpose of presenting a j den upon them, was more than they could , authorize a free colored mat) of Wavne, to" e ; bear and if the success of this measure mancipate his wife and children. Mr. Shufenl ctependeu upon this amendment, it would operate fatally. Those gentlemen who took part in the debate on this amendment, were Messrs. Invnpp. Shpnnr'd. Thnmnnn . of Vnrtn j : i : r I dilmer, Worth and bmith. ine question was men tauen on lr. Rogers's amendment, its modified, Ayes 13, Noes' 31. So the amendment was re- jecled. I Mr. Joyncr moved an amendment, to.' come in at the end of the 5th Section, that ' uonD.-or swnnnn t.ll K.. .,;,i Ur- -.,, I .v V.1 t-j 1 v. mijj ii i j I . lirinj ij .iiui. r 500,000 shall bo paid by said lers and obligors, and on payment incurred, they shall be discharg- ' J n stockholdi of costs cd, &c. Mr. Smith offered an amendment as a Sh.titl.tp. for thn fifth spp.tinn. after tbp I to the amount of their subscriptions, and S when 8500,000 shall be paid in, all the stockholders and obligors shall be dis- crged upon payment of costs, &e. 1 ne question was tai.en on iMr. Joyn- er samendment, which was rejected, Ayes 19 Noes 24' ' i Ir- Sm. ,Q,f amendment being then in I OTjJT' a division of the question wn&call- ' I forr an was fir.st ta,ken on sinking out : i a .r the enacting clause, and, by Ayes ,ts!. prevaneu. Phe question recurred on inserting, which was rejected Ayes 21, Noes 24. Mr. Bower's motion to strike out the fifth section was then carried. Mr. Gilmer moved to strike out " two' and insert "three," making the capital Stock three e millions; agreed to. j The question was then taken on the nassare of the bill on its second reading. ' by yeas and nays, as follows ; L Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. "Albright, Ashe, Bell. Daniel, .Davidson, Gilmer, Halsey. Hargrove, Hawkins, Joyner, Lane, Miller, Patter- son, Shepard, Smaw, Thomas, of David- son, Thomas, of Haywood, ;Thompson. of Wake?, Washington, Woodfin, and Worth 21. I Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Barnard, Berry, Bethel, Bower,' ! Collins, Conner, Drake. Exum, Faison, Graham, Hester, Kendall, Moye.'Murchi- . son, Keicn, tiogers, amun, dpeigtu, cspicer, : Thompson. pi Bertie. Walker, Ward, Watson, Willcy. and Wooten. 25. ; The engrossed resolutions approving of tbe project of A. Whitney, for a Railroad to the Pacific Ocean, being read, Mr. Shepard moved to lay them on the table alongside of the North Carolina Railroad bill. Decided in the affirmative, by Yeas - - 1 The Chair presented a message . from r m..i.. i : c ty, us u. finrprnnr M'anlv. pnolosinrr a Ipltpr from a - ; Miss Dix, in reply to the resolutions ot the General Assembly. And the Senate, adiournpd. , Messrs. Albrigbt and Hawkins -oted - in the negative at first, but alterwarns - in iltriifclLlvc ni mat, u-ifc -.in ...... dis - changed their vote tothe affii the. did Mr. Thompson, of IV a.kc. changed their vote to the affirmative. v? llIOUSEiOF, jqOMMQNS. J j.; A message uas recei ved from Governor Manly,5 transmitting rli comrirujiication-i fromMiss Dir. in reply ton Resolution of ' thanks, pissed by thn two Houses, ivhicli-jj on motion of Alr.Martin, Was sent to lh'b'j Senate. ": ' ( '"!''- I ; A message tas received from the Sen-i ate. transmitting a report from thV Joint Select Committee on Swamp Lamki which" ' was concurred in. Also, a bill to provide for making a Turnpike' road from Salis--hurv to the Georgia line: which nassed' its first reading. ; ' v'-; T r r-knti . f K a Vf.1..t Cm iif. too f -v . -r J u:n i :.. corporate the Urunlille SavinBS Batik, ,t. Prted (he snme back to House and recommended its passage l'asscd its 2d-; reading j Mr. McMnllen moved to take up and consider the bill to incorporate the' Sav-i in-s Bank of Milton. Carried. ' -v Thc Passa of the bill was advocated" by Mr. McMullen. and opposed by .lessrs.! 3ebane, Sattertliwaite, Stevenson andu . Stanly. Thc bill did not pass. Monday, Jan. 8. cr'V TI? ate the North Carolina Railroad Comnanv was rejected on Saturday last. The mo-' lion prevailed, and the bill was made the special order for Thursday next. Mr. Ashe moved that the bill to locate lhe.f u.ca. of lMn?Lior-CoUrtS b,C PUl 1 lo itouiuj:. After some discussion between Messrs. Gilmer, Ashe, Smith, and Thomas,ofHay wood, the bill passed. Ayes 32. Noes 14. . The engrossed bill to lay off the State into eight Judicial Circuits,.passed its first reading. On motion of Mr. Ashe, the use of the - pair or pitchers to Col. Paine. Jr. Lillington, the Senator from Row an and Davie, who had been unexpected ly called away on business of importance. ! and had been absent during thc past week, appeared in the Senate to day and resum ed his seat. Reporter.) IIOl'SE OF COMMONS. Mr. Mcintosh presented a memorial and bill, to attach a part of Wilkes County to Alexander. Referred to committee on Pronositiont and i urva"ces' . ' . !. . r. Courts, from the Committeo on Proposi- nuns niiu km i ic uiji. tr irporiru unmvuruuiv 10 (h jS to emanci (e JnGood. . G motion f - r . . iu i.:n : ist. wi i i . iiuiit ri ui ksi iinj-v, uic uiii was iuuc nunc iv nnsInmiPH. AInimfiirnrl.Jv m ih i.iii 'iA j moved to postpone iho bill indefinitely. On this ! question iheio was a short discussion, partici- ; Pa,ed in hy Messis. Brogden, Miller, Court 1 and San'y- ' Mr. Brogden onpospJ indefinite posiponemenf. ; , - ; aim cajjus-u ai siinic icnui, iiju peculiar ami ! reat hardships of the case before ihe-House. ; fr. n .va, ftliinivp! l.v 1c ir. Millar nnr! Courts, in support of indefinite postpooement ; when ; Mr. Stanly said that this va3 a case of great hardship, and he hd heard the remarks ofihe, gentleman from Wayne, not without being moT- .-- rt i. i-ii cu tv uic re presentation .nr. o. saiu ine inu lu "J ,1C rrl,L,n,,rt;' -,r; - sa,u ,HC ; ,aU,, . vry uiif.,ri.inae class of our pnpu. i 8nf,h0,lfh ho d,d ,not h lhMf : number should be increased, yet il was not lhe yet policy of our laws, nor in accordance with the leelings of our people, to keep them'inia degrad ed state amoti u?. I propose an amendment,' giving the petitioners iu this case, the privilegi. of leaving the State within a certain nxed pe riod say ten year?, or less after lhe passage of this act. Il they are not emancipated, at this bill contemplate!, ihey will remain as free. except in name. The amendment I propose, ! wiM hold oul 10 ,hem inducements for struggling ZXll .1, " ,V -r-- . citizens. 1 hope the motion for.indefinite postponement will be withdrawn, tlAt 1 may vfthr the amend, ment I desire. I belteve, sir, it i better (oaf. f.rd facilities for emancipation, than to refuse them absolutely. The laws, as they now stand, are too severe, and iuierpose dtHicultics to e mancipation which. 1 wi.h to 8ec""lessrmed . : . The following is the amendment offered by Mr. Stanly. Provided, That the slaves hereby emanc.pU. ed, shall not have the benefit of this act, unless they shaH leave the State of North Carolina wi,hin fire riirs afit,r ,ho pasa?e ofthiiact. The motion for indefinite postponernent was not wnnarawn. i ne uiu was osiponeu- to 53. : -Mr. Courts also reported unfavorably fo-lhe bill authorising Danl. Skei.- to emancipate hi wife. Onmoiiorr, it was indefinitely postponed. . The Speaker announced the lime for taking up the special order, viz : a bill providing for the estaiilithment of u Medical Board. , t EVENING SESSION. 1 The House resumed the consideration of lhe bill to establish a Medical Board in and for the Stale. The question was taken on the passage of lhe bill, and decided ioihe affirmative 591m 45.' Mr. Barringer moved to take vp the bill lp ' a T ' L '.J riH.l!i Tt - 4 incorporate the Charlotte and Danville Road, and nuke it the order of the day lor 11 o clock to-morr.v. I-osl'. Mr: Caldwell, of Hurfce, moved to make lhe bill to provide for a Turnpike Road from, Salii., bury to the Georgia line, the order of the day for Friday at 12 o'clock. Carried. - - . On moiion of Mr. McDowell, the bill lo es tablis'.i a new County by the name tf Grabni, was taken up. - . Mr. Wlffiamson moved tor tbe icdeUnit posi. pnnerheni of ihe bill. - On this question .Messrs. n -...l VV.ti;-.-.. ..I,lrf d the House : Mi-Dowrl! and Williams addressed tbe House,; . . . - . .. -i j i... rf-. o aaer wuicn ine iw.v.uu P,r -j -v -T . ' y n-r. tt tbt -. The Washington Union states that A ived lv the War letter nasjusi. wen i- Department from M r Gen. Tayloe re- .0.....n - , . . signing nis com.,..-: y - So United States, to tawc eucw on i January. r . ! !f..;

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