r. i1 t r Tert 1 the, "Wntclininii, ki COLONIAL i' Jr - :i . or r X inWniiin' Hr ' Vear-Two tOM.ARS payable in Sane, '1 if ioot ptid ia advance. Two dollars !;vnJfifty-l,vwi,lc,,arg,dy' Vv AoiTwuT lnrrur d at 3 for th -Jrtf . nd 25 ct9' r ftr pach ubf luerit insertion. Coarf orders chirged $S P" rt. hij;'ir than these rates, j A liberal dedoc ,ioo t tbor.vto advertise by the yar. ; jfjtts lo'lht-KJi.ltM most be post-paid.'! ! HISTORY ; i I NORTH CAROLINA, f rni&fJ tf SMtlta- Campbell, Esq., for the Raleigh ', --.i-! U ' 1 Kegitter. " - ' ; HISTORICAL SKETCHES BY COL. iU GUILFORD DUDLEY. risque mot ions oflhe manual exercise it then hractised. in orderto puf them into ffc'a attitude! for firing ; several fggt charged idi ttimbu.tiblo matter,' W hted, were tfur&d, some deiterous hands, lothe lopnf the toJumri; whieh sooh kilndled into a blaze and W soon as 'lie. fire Aant black condensed wtiJliel orcafifned by lhe tur, began to ascend. 4hiVh secrnejd -almost to reach the cloud, the ro(ps with ip'jir j officers at their pinper posts irre'ojdeied to fin a volley with blank cart jM ieis, j fro de1 jole fashion, from tijjht to left and Ironi Ufi. t irifihl, uttering loud huzzas at tetji volley ; utid; th t fifing was kept up until jhe, pyramid j gradually burnt, down, dripping rjq tjtr in' profusion friwL barrel to barrel, uii- : . . I I f KEZT A CHECK tPOlf ItT. Tnrt . T.T" - - ! Tin -rm. . T.i .r. ?. . . -r f i SERIES, VOU'ME V, NUMBEK 40. SALISBURY, N. ClUHURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1849. 1 h dernier reaort of tbo oppressed eTPrywIerfii i ms hi mit auer a ioruarance or threefrtrlbur years, jirousht about that state of insurrection which in North Carolina wait so empnatial ly called the " Itegulatrrm." These i" Iteg. ukiors," as they styled themselves, everiwbere apprehended ithe obntnious Sheriff;. Clerk of Courts, and-lawyers; some of uhm tlfey s;i. verily chasiUed with stripes and Otherwise maltreated, in many places, such for instance as Loursburg and Hillsbnro', and other lowtis : I he splendid houses built by t"he lawyer! out' of ine proceeds . their uiilawlul gains, yere ei I her demolished, or partly turn down ancl'de. deed by these infuriated Regulators, arid their tenants forced t fly to a plaee of safeli out of their reach, to escape personal TengeajneeT Courts' were irken I... V, A Ln I l Hil descended to the rouml, where spread- ; proceedings at least fura time interrupted fcsir8elf m streain ovej a large surfac?, last was the commencement of tnat inurkc f ait; caijgni in a winze vi rn a-crnJeu as at viion in North Carolina, k.tnu., n tU ffJ..lo He ! (! 'f lwr jy,trobmn of fire ami blackf tion and the number of the insurgents ws dai 'nef-J;Pj 40 or 40 feet, diameter, to a ; irrising to an alarming amount; In tins sla ielf fiir wanf of more bie. Whilst these sports ind rej''icings vvere"ging forward on -the lawn tnfi nfr hauts and.jnthers of the more--wealthy TURNPIKE ROADS. To the Honorable the General Assembly of the Stute of North Carolina : t Your Petitioners, Citizens of- Cald well county, would respectfully tiring to your notice the propriety and necessity of aiding us in the construction of a! Road leading from the town of Lenoir to the State line, in the direction of Jonesboro' IV nnessee : a subject of deep and ahi dfng interest to us, and of still greater irh pprtance to a large section of cbuntry West and North west of us. embrarfeinar The estimate ol distance already made. will not be materially different when con sidered with regajrcl to Cumberland Gap. aS Will bft Seen Kv rfffrpnfP 1r n rrw,d map, and that part ol the road passing through the mountains, unlike most moun- CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. TflE NUMBERS OF CARLTON. No. III. tTrm Ati'iiD m tain , roads w,l he suppl.ed at all points j frm in the neighborhood' o! a populous auctions. j Passing too. in near - - ; , - -. : . - has been - removed rs the practical jpur- , poses of busin i ess T - A person may ncfwH travel by steamboat arid stage from Nor4 folk to Philadelphia in thirty six hoars though the distance between: thesft place x is three hundred and filly mileS; l3y such! methods of travelling as wcre'.once prac-? tisetl, at the rate;of forty miles a day, he must have1 required nine days to accom-1 plish it. When we say that by "the" im-f proved methods of travelling, the distance; has been annihilated, there is no longr- mm onjecitonnnie appearance 01 mysteryT or magic, which might :tt urst nave oc curred to our apprehension. Let it not be thnughtjlhat the expense of such travelling has been- studiously kept out of view. The exposition is, for the purpose of distinctly Showing what is meant, when by certain modes of con veyance, distance is said to bo annihila ted. The nassHfre from Xmv Hnn' ia I o - - " " ' v Iv i! i ! city, emovs more tnvorab e onnortnnitifs H .pw VnrL- miM t it. t - - II ...w ----- .-,,,,, v,,ct T uvuaiS 1UI UIC .... . ... D, ,or supporting a family and enlarging his distance of eighty five nii'les ; and that vicinity to the Blow- ,,,n..rrv tV,., ...i' m . a- . ii x- - . . J . ... . luafc , 1?' v ii . ' .,c ,nMiNrs .unuisinnce ; uciHPrn ionoiK ana rinlauelphia must ach Mountains, eas.M I far back in ib intrlr r i. k r.. ... ,. . " vwwini. ii omntr uv-iiiu IUUIH1 U LUG Irfl Vf.J It p. mm ing. Rock. Grancjfaih Hanging Rock and Be . .. . :n i I i . .i . i ; nrM W,M ,,e na. !ne mosl V,' n( : is because the productions of his farm nd j his garden have fair and prompt market, : with no drlav of nnvment. ThU ntG i r r iwj ic tnp liwar i - i ties: and a smll nortion nf ih rnnni v nf ! . " " . " i 11 l,,,lulous 10 nis exeriions. He is en- w - i --v j ' tuumirs wuo now spend itieir summers ' nr in other states, might resort for health picuresque mountain scenery in the State! not surpassed by any in the United States, ine nignianus ol Caldwell and Ashe couh- ! where our fellnv ritiypns nt Yancey. Here is an area liirere enoueh at least for one new County, distant from aby coiHlhouse, and almost uninhabited, (excepting the valley of Watauga,) inter spersed with large valleys, which, togeth er with the bieh but even surface bf the " -w s - iged to fertilize bis grounds, to prac the distance of three hundred and fifiy miles. But where men go such distances on business, it is really so great a nrivi lege to f fleet their objects on those terms. and in most cases they gain so much bvl ivd'Htpifaule fitliabitauts had provided some, iljiii' and barrels of rum and other spirits f hicli ven)depi.ited on he first'pantde ground :h Kne e iwl up warded the heading 'knocked lit ,lov uljii-h place ihe troops wrq then nlirihed, -fojlowed -by the numerous spectators all shout i rig unci huzzaing till they reached the )Ul liaibiifued meats and other viands were of things, Governor Tryon, who was ah Em lishrnau, and bred to arms, and who it isj be,, lieved was a Cnlonol in the British uajrds it nut lU IVItl'.lIo, ..PlU.. i.. ... riniii.ir iM !. im r..f V..I..M.... .la "-V luouiuain region on eann oi i inrrpn.H vn n- t Q i Wfif tb hst mnl rt" nlfit-ai;.... I i Jr. I .1... . V i i n. i i ii i vuiuiauwii, iu uc , m me cnu, iiifii ine expense is mnre and pleasure more orofitablv tn all nr. I v... e u: .. . . .i - . . . " ,s IIM,rc ! . r " j v-umui.i.uii ui ma nine, anu not to Oe man compensated ty the advantages. . Wilt i Ci f i at iL1 , Vr'mZ of h's toil. H.s trees are well se- ! When they travel lor pleasure, we shall win ine rate sutler mis important and , IcclecL his orchards flourish bi inieresitog portion ot her domain to re- are luxuriant. nd he is no less ra.rticul.r ! irrt ntlv enha.npoil. or nt Ipnct l i t If lB ; " j - , .... ,t ia o . , ... ,. , I - - --'"..-.'LI.IV.UKll, iw villi (411 II I Cl I II lUilliri n u I uri II t-?S. Jtr"ICIlH-' P I in Ihu nnu il nl I.... . 1 , . I I. . i mountains are covered with asoilasizood 7 u" -1:.: ! . t " ! .'" .'. rtl,,:.r"ols anu ve ,,mucr Nvn,cn ou8 lo Have- no influence as could be desired. An area unsurpass- j )V Ge ood thorouihfare ' it won d v u . "u ,s good spi- on ine sutyect. 1 .d i. .ito-.i, Ju p! ne ?oa jnoroughlare it would, by i s nts lrom knowing no necessity or debt. ! A merchant in Norfolk, for ve ,U whom of the lirt families joined his standard. Meantime, the Regulators 3vere emWodj'iig themselves under their leader, Herman Hus lands, who had 'long leen a conspicuous njera. her of the House of Burgesses and was a nan of strong rydural laleiHs. Their place bf jren dezvuus was on the upper side of ihe. Bili AI- !$.inreparpd in great abundance, and every j Uuuiice, the principal branch 'of HawfRjver, Eiudy who cWe feasted, and all upfcn free cot. , ahout twenty two miles above HilUborougb. jile'ting and alluring Exercise of feasting,'; Their numbers were estimated at 5000. At Uid,!nleri intent being liver, every body retired; I Governor Tryon, with 2 or 3000tmiliiia P, Vrr nouses--in iowii unu rouinr), a,uer a . anil volunteers, the latter aetinji as cavalry. with three nr four small field pieces, about the 5ih of May, 1771, approximated the insurgent A disposition tor battle was soon made i . . :i. j. A , ... . I l .1 : I .1 5. l. . j)yc;iip ejM-m as uihivb fjesrrrioeu, iiuoiu i 1 1 fi itiv livt or timiuli, Iuii all in irod humor titririetves 'nnd the world. 'J'hus much for ihe ivpj. Act ind jts repeal. - l I h.te already -told the reader how the Dukej Giratbui i fljs prime minister, and Charley Tow:rishend,,)he,' new ehancelUir of the L,x4 'cbeqci'er, came into nower. now nnnedialely priKjiiied thi passage, id a bill for g raiding new dutjet ii b5 coloiiies, lo wit : on gl.ts, papef, liaintfrs colors and lea. The heat of opposi te n. ii'hich iad subsided upon the repeal oflhe a '! . - i ..i i i i furrtiff Hopov vMsniw"ievireu, won audition, tl s'lilour, by'' ihe sathie principle' exhihiii-d in 'rt$ uVV-fri4 As uvight ; have been expected, jhit'f54ij difes gave tise to a seend ase:i. tij'O i"fiir stipi'tidiiig i inroriaiions to JUitish ai;inU M'oi e s. Uuiluiinity in this uieasuie was fi)fiied .. pli y the MaacliiMrtts assriubly, wilted activity and pecseveiiug firmness exciil . ' 1 I i . I' ! I ' army, on both sides, and powder and bajl ver4 to de cide the hazardous and doubtful contest The regulators, although! a brave, anc hardy people, were nevertheless very deficient;in pol iticians to direct their course and skil ul offi cers to lead them iuro battle, and knew but lit Tie of Military discipline and tacticks. and Her. man Husbands, before mentioned, was nothing at hnie but a plain farmer, was thei Qotn-nlander-in-Qhief ; whilst Col. Butler a bave man and ihe most capable perhaps of the two, was iheir second in commad. The battle'com meuced and was conducted with spirit 4ri both fides, while ihe issue was for sime timedoubt ful. At last disorder which was to ha vie ieeh of the t an non ejijual extent, for health, beauty, and fer tility. and the only reason why it has ne ver been more improved is its being des titute of a market, and the ordinary facil ities of intercourse so essential to its pros perity, and the moral and intellectual ad vancement of any community ; conse quently it hasi heretofore been unapprecia ted and almost unknown. !! Withjn the limits of this Territory is an exhaustible supply of the Cranberry Iron by unembarrassed command nf bi nf. fn illncf mt r.t rn,tc : . t Ti.l 1 in -...-.v..-, KlUJ III me IICW , auu.cc oi revenue i v itn ciue (leierence, Hlrs, and by a regular growth of his pros, i per that three days afterwards tbor. ,V frt1 hinnn r. n r. n , n ( I . . .. i r- i .. : . c, ui, rS-r-.my r a.rm .i pecis ior hunseit and his children, that his be sold at auction ir. rniladelphia a la'reJ aid for a nortion of our. State which has j labours, instead of being oppressive, are quantity of goods or property Ml which never, wei believe, received an appropria- prosecuted with renewed interest, whiH , be feels interested. In the laM thirtv six tion from the Legislature, or is likely to j be looks forward to their speedy and cer, hours before the time of sale, he passes td be directly or .materially benefitted by any , tain reward. Jt is no wonder, 'then, that 1 the city, defrays ul the expon., s of his " u'" ui iiih i.ii iiu.vmi in, sue IlOrllOllS Ol Ollr rniinlrv . in llin nticcnnn u. Ik it. .111..... 1 f.-.' although an equal proportion of their cost j vicinity of a dense arid -active popui.uion. 1 purchases, and piblv proli's by them tot must necessarily he pa.d by us. should be remarkable for the prosperity j the amount of Lome hundreds or cW In rinnp licmn -iclr that an ooninoA . C .1 I ' mi ...' . ... ... ...u.i.i.,,, attumir Ul lueir llinaninan S. 1 he distant armpr ! ihnnciw T . f rr,.n: r ....... . J 3 I. KJ II Cl , r. 1 I I IJ ." IL survey oi said road be made hv live in- hmrc v,; ;.r tk;. i r u: . . . ore. much the finest in the State, perhaps t.tlinf C.mmnr t' ... I i'..1"."' rt" . tu ",s . 1 : Rresu.mea v'ouia no linger oe named. t.nd ; . i u wuiiiiiiiuiuiii i o, nuu Ill-ill, rill ill u i . .i .. .u n t : . . . ' I expected found its way into the ranks UeruUtors. Nor was this all. The r n.HeiUiktddilasure of ihe crown? Theyi.' (Jf ,h(. roya army played incessantly ujoi ijhe'm ifrejilerd to'tesetud their resolutions, and amj tyH great ejiecuiion, not one .'man ioong cn tl&M rpijijsul fveie dissobed. i ihem in ail probability ever having heard the Hi Di riiig the abni-uisk ration of Govejrnbr Try oh.'ii jS irth Carolina, a splendid plmce for his refill 4re Vas begun Jin ( NewlMrn, the seat .of. th! rstal gvveruuintt in that provnie. The f i0'J0:, "kjiirr'nt money, equal to (i,. hob i iihiF was voteil ; by the. House of Br ;0'rhiU for ihat 'esiabjili'meiii in ihe first in. iHtanci?. This' sum being .gradually expended, i'and iw hiiildjng unliaished.,; anothep call was ,;nad(5 jn the llouse of Ibirgessest tlieir next i,,fltl.eiice was not lost. He soon became a ti iir;'a; new appropriation which with member of the Legislature of his native State. dillWiilty was obtained, perhaps- to the r,ind so eonti iHHOti I I i- ! I.- i fit, I uiscaiirge oi a piece or artillery ueiore.j 1 ins cieated a panick, which terribly increased their eoulunion ami a retreat-or '"rather "a flihtj en sued. Many were killed and wounded, a!nd' ma ny more were mtde prisoners; ainonrj tihern was Col. Boiler and several other leading char acters; -but Herman Husbands made bis! es cape, and, fled to ihe back part of iVnnsyl vnuia f fiom whence he had emigrated XyC .Nortlj (jjaro li'na. and was never more seen ihere. B4 his continued for many years anil afier- tHebest in the w;orld. Three Forges are already in successful operation! and much of the Iron manufactured is transporied to the Counties of Ashe and Caldvvejl, by dragging it part of the way on j pathways across the mountains, and largej quantities of Irish Potatoes, Corn, Salt and Plaster of Paris are carried on roads almost im passible, and bartered or sold at a sacri fice of half their value. Looking at our central position in the Western end of the State, possessing na turally much the nearest and hest cpnnex iqti with Tennessee and the West, we should be astonished that the stibject has been so long overlooked but for the fact that between Wilkesboro' and Morgatiton, a distance of filfy miles along the Blue Ridge thnre was no Courthouse Town un til this county was established, j ; 1 This road will be remarkably straight fdr a mountainous country, with the great4 advantage over any other route of avoid ing: the great stone mountain on the North - t and the great Linville Range on the South; bplh presenting for many miles effectual barriers to a first rate road. " From our courthouse to Robert Iopdy's oh the waters of the Yadkin, "H distance oj alrfjut 9 miles, there is already a tolera be road, which may be easily reduced al most to a level, (passing through the Var ri.or-Gap and the valley of the Yadkip, fa disud vantaces. while in cutting d propnation of Ten Thousand Dollars to ; timber that encumbers his lands, and Im nu-n rnn,, U wjil ,JnM..,J - ....... w . . . . , .w ...I.UII.'Vl.blU .lOJ , which is to be burned in heaps, as being ' has been reduced to little t nothing, bv only in his way, he remarks that vere the facilities of the pasa' . ' I these masses of wood in certain situations, ' Travelling recently on the New York" instead of causing him so much usele-s 1 Canal, from Albany to Lake i.Eiie. a dis-1 labour, they would speedily augment his' tance of three hundred -'an J sixty three" fortune. What is here said of the farmer miles, 1 fell into convi rsalionuitu a man or planter, is no less applicable to all sorts bv the name of Hnor,r-;. r..rr westward of business. Mines of iron. coaH or lead, j in the same packet boat. He was one. ..1.1 .Ill be expended between the Yadkin Valley and the State line in such manner as the Legislature may provide. If this is not granted, we ask secondly, an appropria tion equal to the amount expended in cash, and labor by County Courts, and individ uals in the construction of said road, not less than five Thousand Dollars. If this be deemed inexpedient we. ask thirdly a Charter with liberal provisions kj could they all be situated and worked ; of your plain, substantial, sensible men, a: ? i near to seaoort towns or larr itis n r ; a cap,tHl of! en Thousand Dollars and a, even very populous parts of the country, ! ter. on the soundness of whose opinions; Pledfre that the State lalep nnp half nr nnf I . ..i..ki .i ...i . i . . - . I . mc,,,u,c rt,Uil,"c wnen remote irom ; and the correctness of whose statements; the prompt opportunities of: sale. The J it was easy to see thai reliance was to advantages ot all sorts of manufactories j be placed. Said he, I live seme distance are estimable by the same considerations. ! up the country, along this Canal, nud have Let us then suppose a farm, a workshop, been down to Schenectady to market. I or a mine, with all its means of being , took down five hundred and twenty six. wrought, situated two hundred miles from j barrels of flour in a boat, which cost a. the sea, to be taken up, and put down bout two hundred and fifty dollars. It was! again a lew miles frorri a commercial city. ' done by two men and two horses, and the' The land which, before such a change, ! whole trip will be completed in eight days, sold for three dollars, would now sell for Had I done this by our old method with: fifteen, perhaps thirty or fifty dollars per ; waggons and horses along our turnpike acre, The reason obviously is, that in its ' roads, the same thing would have requir-'" new situation, it has all the opportunities rd fifty men. fifty waggons, and a hundred nf a nuick. run vrnitnt . nml rmtv mmo- f. ... c ; . i .. n .1,. ... 4. 1 r . 1 -ml ....... ..,., UUi,r., mi ouirrii ai5 . pntirp r ssitic nilnrr anI .xnll r r. runuicud : 1 . . . r. .'I v 1 w. j, ..... .ili . .i market, it would ne a matter ot small with as much layor as tlw original pro- consideration, that the land at Pledge that the State take one half or one third of the stock if necessary. All which respectfully submitted by your petition ers. tCr3 This petition was unanimously signed by the Grand Jurors of Caldwell, and by many of the most respectable cit izens of that Coupty. The Washington correspondent of the 1 Philadelphia North American says The new arrangement of the Cabinet is ! ,4 ,6 ri I wards it is helieveu was a delegare to ln- if gress. Governor Tryon, afier his A-iclory,held a conrFniartial for ihe trial of his prisoners! and by martial law hanged on a githel sixjof innsl otinoxious characters among them Butler issued his proclamation requiring those who fled as well as those who remained 01 the ground and were captured, to repair to the roy al Stajidard, and lake the oath of alleginire to the ci. arfiourit of 8G006 nure, and the work progress- jf't i T)dl iif ire u his additional sutn 'was found .'iniifi!(jrfeii ;for -so speuded a tiuildin'g. ith afl Wnlllfsniiil (lovertior Tryon,' withthe as !lilirijj if I he iuflueMce of Ids', council, always ttlifldrf.ut to the! wUhi&s of (he Governor, and the 4ndafes ofjthe cjiown. who jointly consti. tlited tl)B Upper, branch f ihe Provincial (Joy. TOVnuowaiiii-uiro... V'-'V .. ' ! al &,a(,arf a"d ,Hku Ine wa,tl OI. distance of about twenty-one or. t ty ! ft Ll ' 7 1 V' ' i '''r gutter, tie penalty o uea.nr rea- w mies, crossing the valley df Watau- l nU-imf iiiiinmiiii mini l.ir rVurlli I in riilmtl .. ...... I L . ,U..: i iJ ...Is fl'U:. I T J i ,IM, v. ...... .... ........ sou animate iiieir rsiu-rs r.niiisumni. i : L 1 ,l,rt, nin tb tint aim ;issiiip 1 11 1 un i, 11, 11 in i, 'in large valley, commoujy called the "Big wit 1 - ,. T 1 1 .1 1. 1'; T , I.' ' aeemai'th:nooiest Province, except (Jcornia : r..P ,1,.., ,mrI.. VJ. in(.H,,l ih . i4d il. I ROttoms Ol Uik, me oniy o.uicuiiy pre intHrlish; America. This enermous sum lip- j py,. f Orange, or Chatham, and of It might be left for any one to estimate the comparative cost of transportation up on a barrel of flour, by :be two methods.! But let us stop to consider intelligently; the particulars of this example ; for ns a fact, it is of no small importance in de b raife at tlat.early . period, which though ex- requisition was pretty generally complied jwith tnTvj taslto Its territory, was nevertheless and amonif those who made ihefr aptferatlce n.. 1 t . 1 ..- - . 5. ... ied Col. proper UteU tor ihe accornrioiiaiion oi one man t jmll have occasion to speak hereafter! And (i cVtlhttire, of Ihe crown,) and his family, ex. ,u,se people generally remained faithful after- loitfrtM wards to the royal cause, and were ajseyere ueahU' tnid virtuous sul jects lived in tone- ! annoyance of the good people of North Uajroli. meafiinyVlosling $1000) created many mur- ; na during the period of our Revolutionary stjrug- murmj and ,nmeh iitsconteut, ttirougtwui ine jrotice7 especially among her hafyi sons ilfrfnljliltsiiiirhujih, as far as her settlements tHfDCed o the West ; whilst ihe people below, I '. I ; 1 1 - .' ' 1.1 -. 1 . : 1 -fto pot u oil mere weaun anu .i cousuier. lUft ll.Vtk ivoinilatiou were belter able to pay fttfthiUnt les (luietly acquiesced under these WP'tploH. ( Tn add to these discontents, the 1 . . m 1 . 1 i Pl'14pn lhe! upier dist ricls loudly complained t Trpp v iiiiini iiu 'anth'r form, aiiHg from the cprrdf in and. juxit of the Royaf (iovernmeut HriejmedHn ihis Province. As all appoint - tntlj4 jo dfice emanated from! t hie ltoverur, Vtl o Kuiij's subsiiturl,1)o waj in the habit ofapnfjvnlijig SUeriff iti ihe diflcrent counties, t . j . ji . . 1 1 1 1 au i( uury wero not atreaoy mis servue crea Tryon, after this victory, .having foredl the submission of these .impatient and deluded; men and having re-established the civil authority in Hillsborough" and "Clher places, wherehhad been resisted, marched back lo ihe low coun try Hnddis:harged ihern. Such was the eclat ihe Governor derived from the succees of ;lhis short campaign, both in the Province and in Kngland, that in tho course of th? year 1771, or the. beginning ol Mhe next, le was translated by ihe Mtnistr' from the Gov. eminent of North Carolina to that of (he rich commercial Province of New York, a much present gramme. The transfer of Mr. Preston to ! was in an inferior state of cultivation, the Navy Department, was in accordance ' There is no danger that it would not soon with his own wishes, and the appoint-1 !,ecomrich in lll,'se new circumstances. ; tl a i m uuiu 1 y i m kiuw iwuir iciiur uip vorably known to many as the " Happy i "-. " iwrV.. ? .....u.. u. . .. der the increased alacrity, ingenuity and terming the merits of canals or rail ways. Valley. ) I hence to the top ot the KHie general, is a coinpi.iuciii 10 ms eumiein j management of the owner. If it were : and common roads. Let us admit for legal abihties, the propriety and lorce ol : not subject, by some peculiar properties, ihe sake of comparison, that one boat is which the country will acknowledge with- j to invincible, sterility, he would think but as expensive in the building hud main out a dissenting opinion. S ,in,e f i,s former unproductive condition. ; tenance as three waggons, and this will The same letter, referring to the closing AU lhis dtnl' not ltss trUe ot' lhe i a liberal allowance to the disadvan; ,. c n ' 1 mine or the workshop. ; tage of the boats, and in favour of land proceedings of Congress, says- j. Sucb a case can only be imagined, and carriage. It will then be true; from the' Towards the close ot the session of the 1 jt js jor -he 'sake of illustration alone that preceding statement, that one borsn by Senate, an incident occurred which de- ; jt has been supposed. But to prepare the means of the canal performs the work of serves particular! notice. Mr. Polk was way definitely for the use ot this example, ! fifty horses upon a road, one man the notified through the ordinary committee, Pt me repeat, what is it that causes the work of twenty five, and one waggon ve about six o'clock; that the chamber, hav- djflVrence between the value of the farm ry nearly as much, as seventeen waggons! ing discharged its-duties, was prepared j an(i a i,s productions, in the one situa- 1 Nor is this the full account of the matter; to adjourn. Instead of Communicating j tion nnj jn the other? It is in their dis- for the man. horse, and vae:on do that one of the j an appropriate answer, several messages i'tHnce froni market. All that we have in one dav. which the twentv five men! the State j were transmitted and the Senate retired supposed is the annihilation of distance, fifty horses, and seventeen waggons do iri of about j intoj.Executive Session. Two nomina- j f t)e necessity of so long a transportation two days. Now if we suppose the day's thirty or thirty-one miles, and to other ; tions of Justices bf the Peace were sub- j did not exist, the farm that is two hundred work of the rnan to be one dollar, that of pbints in Tennessee, there are already tol- ; mitted, and upon objection Deing made, j miles from the seaport town, would be at ihe horse half a dollar, and the waggon Ridire in the "Green Settlement," a dis tance not exceeding nine mile ; the as cent between the waters of Yadkin and Catawba Rivers is very gradual arid easy. From this point on the Blue. Ridge to the State line at or pear Cranberry Forge, a sented is a narrow range of mountains, dividing the waters of Elk and Which will be easily passed by Idw gaps in the same. From line to Jonesboro', a distance Watauga, erable roads, which will no doubt be great ly improved by the citizens of that State. By the above estimate the vyhojei dis were. laid aside. Then a noininationin favor of Mr. Han- i negan, as Minister Plenipotentiary to Ber- once as valuable) in every respect as if it . to be worth fifty cents a day, the yalueof were within one. mile ol it. With us in the work done by the three united, is two North Carolina, the one would be more dollars a day, and the value of the work .... . . a . . . 1 more handsome sinecure than the formef, as i i ).. i . i ,i ...i.i.wi :r n.t lyrtfsvere most likely to become so in order J !riaiy n M.-r, u.,ucu, .-M-f-y 4li&n W'oOVe., the gift of ihe Royal Subs.U " he was found when the Afiericau aid that wi.hourtaking sutbeient sei:o,ity w hroke.out. and m which he continued un- ?byJfor the faithful discharge of ihe duties of ' 1,3 r",SP- n ,oe commei-e.,rn, u. k f ilnc. and Ut hi. puncinality in account- mer f 1779. he was despatched from the My loathe Treasury OHice for the public taxes, ! f fi;w. Vr ' y ,he mm'inj h,jf f j A rh ..t.... Ur,;i hv him. nt'i.l ,(" B"sh forces, upon an expedition to Con-; "llli ;T-c ii n ii I v--v. 1 ". .. ' -11 i if I 'm : . ' ' ii i i ner Jicut. accomoaiiic d hv Ihe numerous lorce.' fiueij making oilier aiieugeii exactions noi , . ."i,?,.: ,v ji , :i ' I . . - 4 " '.. ' and Denrtad bu Art m irol I .. baw K I i.'nrlH off U J ikUIIIIIIU V'IIIVI j IIU lUIIUlI U l ,L,o from Ienoir to Jonesboro?. will be 1 lm uas introduced tins oeing me real .highly prized than the other, because it done by the twenty five men, fifty horses. about seventy miles, and about fifty miles , object, while the otherswere only the pre- j would unite the same opportunities of rtnd seventeen waggons in-one day, will lss than by any other route or jroad.ithat ll'xt for the Executive Session. The same l market, and the same profits on every he fifty eight dollars and a half, or one Will be of any importance to tbj Stale at Pnt was raisedjin opposition, and it was thm sojjf with the circumstance of living hundred and sirventcori dollars in two ltirge The Road crossing Linville mbun-j urged that the Congress had expired, and irl a healthy country. Is there no way of days. tain and running up Toe River id the cpun- -with it the power of the President to ap- ! annihilating distance, not in reality, but Xo di , tK;s more cIearh.f we sliau ty of Yancey, (the only exception foMhis ; Point. Urgent appeals were.employed ; in allthat the farmer would ask, 1 mean two eomparalhcstaterncnta statement in regard to distance.) owing to )' me menus oi pr. roiK, anu nannegan lts Elects upon his opportunities I Are . -,imh,r. lb, I.; ...fir' ri'. lrralit.lil'bv him. of hi own accord. It so B"t r . ... F - - , tyK fied, ;as might have--been expected, that fcttty !of these Sheriff puffed up by the pride f'j Wioe, and- the temptation of exiravaganlly yyndsriom whal was not their own, oficn uJleI.!tnd alsCindd with what of the public tllOtftili.il I in iKoir buiild. Thist i ! 4 lllJJrtlll.M ill mi ti ....--.. - ' p?:c,n Collected already, because lhe Pro- rID"af fiovftiincfit could not do without its lnni liev nun. were ni(in levied and CX- n?Vr'n 'hp'ppl and that jhlrough tne neg. 'ffefce br misriiiie of lhe (5overnor. Another f,he lo these- hardy people Ijiudly com jvf V.iwas ithe cxhorbitanOand illegal fees ir '? -thojCourl and ibe lawyers exact- i J'thpie whose niislorlune it was o be in v'V" aw-J,UiJ which is not paid without, j ' . yre lo be levied and collected by execu win. ill.,v.;. .uiL' i r - -1 .... IrfJ ! ' T amiiiirsi enmity n csuctptr, on. It i lVy Prevented" it by force of arms ; and j?whdriVf h to despair y the acts these g jd Itiiaves andj oppressors, at last had re ji rir8r. Jo acts of re'sistance and violence, the .L.ut d;mnnltip in crossing Linville I was confirmed, seven hours after the re- there no means of reducing the, great mountain and Blue Ridge, has failed to cent incumbent had ceased to be Presi- , distances to almost nothing, with reject ahsAver any valuable purpose except to dent ! , to the disadvantage to which they subj-ct the counties of Burke and Ytjmcey; for 1 do not desire to disparage or censure him ? The answer plainly is, that it can whose benefit it waschiefly designed. . ! the recipient of this Executive bounty, be done by a canal or a rail road. It may Vjewin" this subject in a more impor- I hut the act is one which, under the cir- at first seem strange and extravagant to tant liht'we hope the Legislature vill j cumstances, should .invoke the indigna- j speaU of annihilating distance between consider this road as part of a great, tho roughfare between Fayette ville Hnd Cum- with numbers. 1 man 1 horse 1 waggon 81 00 50 50 tion of the whole country ;the more so be- lxvo places. It is important, however, that j .i, ir T ii. ...:.u U ,.;mU ' '.. ... r :it -.u .1 i lafS, Willie me For one day 62 00 ;s Tlris shows the expense of conveyance iinon a canal for i. .e day to bt. two dol . -. anu escorted oy East Haven, then (visited New Haven, ifairfield and Norwalk ; injeach of which places hej ex-j hibited lhe most barbarous-scenes jof iilunderi and conflagiatioui insult and devastatfon-p-no! object i being too valuable, none too contempti ble, to save it from his destructive grasp, j No building was sufficiently sacred to prjolect itj from the torch. Whiit was spared blr oiie of! his parlies in the stroyed in lhe evenin venge and plunder, lhe expedhition returned lo New York, crowned with ihe laurels oi a ma rauder and ail incendiary. (tp be Continued.) K'orlun.t Han nd nrnvid that the. ffreat i hypocr stPrn Turnnike. Hf constructed! I make ! Part of the night, that he had no power 7 " t x 1 . as near approach to Lenoir as practicable vfith a view to a proper connexion ol the two roads. 1 " The citizens of the Northern counties ascending the Yadkin River to the valley cause Mr, Polk, with his characteristic j we should become familiar with those hvpoency, had maintained, in thei early j modes which facilities in travelling and convevance propose for doing this, iou to sign bills or make nominations after i are m New-Haven, and you have busi- 12 oclock. ! . i np.M which calls you to the city of New York, which is eighty five miles distant coot upon it-New York turnpike road is as folio 25 men f 625 GO. 50 horses 25 00 17 wagg.ni S 50 It must be ohvjous to every one, who ; You go to the steamboat in the evening j Th-s b . doublt.d fur Uvo 1 T IIC II 853 50 will tbinlf f th- mattPr fnr a moment, at SI X O ClOCK, and Step into U K.r o MH Mik- rendered almost level that it has been impossible, since the ap- bedtime comes, you Ite uow n ana steep o , hv fnUowin? thebanks of the river, Will i pointment of the new Cabinet, ftr the I as good a bed as you want, and the next morning, was by anther de.j d thjs ,he shortest andiest road to the President to hold such consultation as is , morning you awaUe at lour ociock, vniui ninir'? I ill. satiated With re-: , ? . i -i .u : l.llonrl Knni krn rnn n . ! npcparv tn t hi nrpnsi ml ion n i anv busi-.! the intelligence that all you have to do is n . - , ... gsi Willie IOC IlllUUir. riin uuui ii-i , ... v.. - ........ ...... - j , H ties would be'equally benefitted, lOf situ- ness to lay oeiore the benate, as yet ; es ii ated as our courthouse is, at the South-j pecially whilst the doors, not of the Presi- western extremity of the Brushy Rapge, j dential Mansion only, but those ol the days makes 8117. . At a meeting of the Board of Regents on Wednesday last. Vice Presfderft Fill-! more (ex officio a Regent) was unanimous ly elected Chancellor of the Smithsohiart: Institution, in the place of Vice President Dallas, whose term had expired. It is hoped ibe reader vri.il excuse the ejo tisei someiimes resoried lo. "ill is thought im. oortanl lo build our opinion and tieus poU to Step out o( the boat into the city, at- fuundAii.n'of facts : and the writer wbhe t . ... . l .I,.. t.. . i . . .1 , KiKinPM nnci men rpinrn i ul.i nprmni :v resnoaiiuie -r ". inim iriu ij uui uuiiii , - - - -- - - - - - in wc u v ... j-. . - j i home again by the, same means. What . j:(T..xn.A it m o i- h wsL-pfl ic f hre. the road from this place to b ayetteviue, Heads oixiepartments, are mrongea oy vm. uuicina., . ... j y Could be made almost a direct line: by a congratulating triends and gentlemen who j so far as yourself alone are concerned v ... w .... - ' f . r .1 L. ......... .. tulinrr nn vnur linliv in xeV i . . : tu vitatd nncPc. nrp rniiiriMffs inr nitirM. 1 1 noL ior mem nnrni l"""'n v I' J ' -- urnuBequai iu nio in mo i v. f? " ' . . - - ,v ni nig also the great advantage! of being selves, for their friends. In consequence j Haven, and set ing it dou n at the ciy o ,u ...i......i k.. i.m..ii Bf.ame inrl Wvni- 1 of this state of things, lhe Senate having. New Wk, and then returning it ngnin io n i 1 1 iii iru ii C3iiii.il ir i -..-,. - - - , - --' o - - ; . i j I .1 r... ihinir Vir . .l .L i i mui;. ..ih..- nn Kiicinocs rmii. its nroner nlnce. I Is there anv ioi"$, aing ine necessity oi expensive unogcai " iruiig sir.ufij, r--, - - ,. a..... which is also one of the great aavantqges! ring its consideration, adjourned over to . tually incorrect in saying lhny u5";? "TJ; in that part of the road west ofjus.1 ! Monday next.-iWf. Int. ! between your own house and Nev 1 ork . road.. ..f k. mi- um4ta.nce here nreteurto. I bo ' III twv , case cannot be mis-stated, for ii noted down on paper at the time, with repetition, r f The waggons here srw.ken of, were tws. horse waggon, uch as are commonly used u thai and other part oflhe northern country; but one of them carrie at least ten barrel f flour. T.i -bey can do ,ou iheir Improved i -. mi's !'1 ft i t 1 -f 1 w 1 1 . ? . ( i ' i ' t . i - r v - I-- X-U-r-A-t -p' 1)4 -i :'''' '!' ' ; i i - I N .," t'! i .-s .'' I ; r! ' 1 kJV !-.'t ' ' iL ' . i ; . ; i. '- 1

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