y ! i II : Hi y J x "1 " I ! - : ilr Ai rec-i:ifS" ( ihJiwr Con had de mllifrori nti'fUih la a quarter that day, U ltllal?s4,r '00 Flo.ur declined pit m ,1 (ru iiltill and droopihs. Kicc dawn ',jjftMJ-i lVrk dull at.Q to. Ill f'V 1 . ! . .. v . . . T. 1 it. 1J.h,inrrnn s Artnnintmcnl. 'It Das ''Mr this wotild le a grcatioss to mb, for 1 1 should love to be niar the J?alh of Zjitf ville, and gaze upon its wild andboaut5 ful scenery, and the basin of clear bright paters below. Besides, I am not sure that thy head will not' pne day ecojne uncomfortably cool while 1 resting upon I - . : ,,.;i,Tc Uf Nnrth Car- yaidin letters from Washington, that T n v .. rnt,ile,i fyecliric it sorrow- .llftWegan's'appointment as MTnisjier fuUy on the bosom of the Grandmother . i si.no t-i;.;t!' t iVio lfict mn. , v.:., a riTihn nrain neighbor Asthp 'Mt bi Bpmc leading Whigs of the Sen- complains ma - U4 fortahle on that side, and that he rh ay be ! afc,and H has-been intifnated in private" .j 'fc(f S ttinLt Mri Webstcf was one of those 1 hgiVWhat btherj Whigs may j have . 111 vlT a'J "f 1 ,v X V niin ii" ' i hot know, but as to Mr. .etsicr. ?c MdlO.Bivc bur rcadrrs llc fullowitlg let- bld tO- glVC OU icr frbrrtrffim : -iprialr Sir : I have received your Jet Ar'flm lOlh respretinij Mr. llannean's kp'pintmrfit as Minister to Prussia. The rl j'ppliatmcnt . can IlaVc surpised nobody l nioc than .it surprises me. The Senate ' jiivipg coin pie ted all its business, as I iVupriosed, lcl the oenatc cnamner te his heart towards the North ! But sirs, " the unkindest cut of all" ufas that which tririnmed from my side a pbr tion of my Territory and gave it to my good neighbor Caldwell, who did not ask for it, and had lio desire to do rrie sdeh violence. This latter injury however, does not distress me much, as it will be easily repaired by the next Legislature, because of its grossness ! 1 j j. Fearing you may think me too tedious in regard to my own aflairs, I will let this suflice for an introduction. I willjendea- vbr (if other engagements permit (to shpw been great, it ha ben het tlttnil gain 4 t hough fclie is absent from the body, she' is present vfth the UrJ. Let not her childreti, who wept ever' her grave, suffer the solemn admonitions of a dying mothf to fade froni their minds like thet early cload ond thef morning dew. But while we pay anihamble tribute of resgect Udeparted excellence, let all who knew her, follow ljer! exam pie, so far aa she was enablrd to follow Cbrist-tbat we may be prepared to die in the triumphs olf theiafine fat tb, and to meet onr Chrislian friends in the! mansions of glory. " Let me die the death of the righteous, and let bay last' end be like his." pox. j : f I THE 31 A R II 12 TS. ! i x i Salisbury, Apr (I 5, 1849. Apples, (dried) 1.23 (3) Linseed OilL.:65 (3 70 "Bacon, 1 6 , Molasses..; J.... .35 r3 40 mnpllpfl tn n!fth T.Pfrioltnri in mrirU I utter W-(3 00 ax, , Cotton Cotfn Yarn, Coffee, Corn, Feathers, Flour, (per bblj. Iron,.... Rvd'li six 'fiud sfjvonj o'clock on Sunday you in iriy future numbers, the extent a!rid Iropr ung, the 4th ol March. J, hau never r Uea d a syllable of, any intention of nom iriat ng Sir. Hanncgan as Minister to 1'ruVia, or fpr any other olTice ; and sup- !l'ioif!l it : certain that! no nomination, of 1 i S vaiue oi my resources; lor wnuq many are admired) and applauded for their Tiny Lnurcls. mine have clustered so ; thickly on my Brow that my best features afe scarcely discernable. J shall also speiajk kinv jiitid, woulffbe srrjt to the Senate af- of the importance of my locality and high " jtef matlhour. i ; wtiys to the State in regard to her tratje Al'mH 'liicard,; ithel ncxtMla-y.'that Miy ' with the Western States, her oyn Rait i ,lJflifi??nri -had been nominated to a For- Uoad, and other interests but as 1 am firj Mission, and that the nomination had just setting up for myself in the world you I bcci confirmed, I atOnce contradicted it, need only expect a very few short, rude ! M IK n I Vi rt I .'Kearl knan ! r mv Ticnf Pl'crv ' niirrKrB thr nrpspht ;ixaiiS,........i. (a) b ;Oais,.. 16 (a 17 .15 0 00 llrtsh Potatoes,.. .00 (u. 50 ...4i O 5j ; Do.,p(swet)...00 (S 30 .65 (3) 70 iSugar.CbroWn).... 6 8 ...7 8 j Do. 'loaf). ...10 11 ..00! 25 ;Salt,(sack)........2i 2 ..UU-5 'Tallow, L 10 12 .31 4 Wheat, !..... 00 50 SMS I OF NORTH' CAROLINA, i Suprc Court ut iriorsaiiton. 2 4 Whiskey,... 30 Brandy, (p'ch) Do. (apple) Bacon Beeswax, Coflee, Cotton,.. Corn, Fayetlevillc, MarchtZl, 1849. 35 40 j Ditto, (dry)...;...6 10 281 30 ilron, (Sw's). 6 7 I Do. (Eng.). . 18 . Molasses,.. .. 8; 10 j Nails, Jcut)f, 6 fS) Oats,... I .50 o-t , Oil,(Lins'dS. Candles, F..F... .00 15 Sugar,(br'n Flour", ..... ...4 44 I Salt, (bush... Feathers,.... 28 30 i Do.(sack)4. Flaxseed,...,.. 85 1 00 j Wheat, 1 Hides, (green) 3 4$ 1 Whiskey,.. .J. .-. 5 6 ;...3i 4 ...20 26 54 ... .00 30 . , . 65 70 .. 6 9 ....50 60 ....1 75 2 ....70 75 ...00 25 hurnbrnrrtUh rough the whole of the session iffridrajky-iind'StUiinlay night, and un- , ivhrli tlit; Senate- was almut breaking up, ndu had4ieard.nothing of any such nom- aatlon. i if 1 I look' lino n this nomination, under the jcirGtimstahceH, an one of the most. dUre- iinrtblo proceedings recorded in the his ijtoVylof, the Government. I im,! vvithmueli respect. yoqr oucuieni servant. DAN1HL WEBSTER. Very respectfully yours, I WATAUGA; An allusion to the extensive rich bottoms, almost impenetrable because of the Laurel. - 785 PACKAGES! New Spring & Summer Goods fdr 1819 ! THE subscribers have! received and opened decided ly the largest, cheapest, and most desirable stock o r rencn, rngnsn ana American of it' Uf Wc have bceji favored by the Pub- I'lisiiars; H.vithr the two first Nos. of a month ly pupli cat Lon entitled " Popular Cyclo- v pedihiof Domestic Medicine." It is an AJM ..; '.. .... csung wotk, anui seems io ue got up care.' . ! hinic i-hi k'lh-th I; fJrcen W. Caldell has declared him. pr an independent candidate for Congress 3d district. lihrrmzer s District. In addition to We, tames of .Gen. Dockery and Mr. Lit Ive sec those of Walter L. Steele, of jHichJmohdr andSandcrs L.lngram,of An- Krn, htinouiliccd as candidates for Confrrefcs tfi.tals district. i i POPULATION OF THE U. STATES, The following statistics are oltairled from the Ueport Hr 18 18, recently submilted to Con gross by the Cominisioner-of the Patent Office. The present population of ihe United States I is esiJrejated at 21,G3G,000. The nmnber al 1 lotted to each State is as follows : JUaine 615,. j 000 ; New Hampshire 308,000 ; Massachu. ! setts 875.000 ; Rhode Island 135,000 ; Con. I necticut 310,0001 VVrmifeu 0,000; xVewYo'tk 2,880,000; New Jersey 45,000; Pennsylva nia 2.220,000; Delaware 85,000; Maryland 510,000 : Virginia 1,295,000; Norih Caroli- na 780.000 ; South Carolina 620,000 ; Geor gia 825.000'; Alahama 716,000 ;xaiississ-rppi G70.000 ; Louisiana 490.000 ; Tennessee 980,--000; Kentucky 890,000; Ohio l,980,0u0 ; Indiana 1,000,000 ; Illinois 800,000 ; ! iMiss;ou- ri 589.000 ; Arkansas 200,000; Michigan 420,000; Florida, 800,000 ; Wisconsin 250, 000; Iowa 150.000: Texas 150,000 ;! District Columbia, 48,000 ; Oregon 50,000 ! I The total population in 1840 was 17,063,-1 353 ; increase since that time (according to the above estimaies) 4,622,647. . : I. (lK Tor cf Tin: Yu.ro w Ji.i ntain, ) 3I;rcli.2()ih, fd4'J. S ( No. ). ' ;" ir5-V. I Editors : Ileing the youngest of counties in the Old North J)cath of a Member of Congress. The lion Hudolphus Dickinson, of Ohio, died in Washington on Tuesday last, after an pll ness of five weeks. He had been re-elfec-ted to the next Consress. j h( the 'pati fcel some embarrassment in ask ing qu to; publish v througl your columns,, jukteh oT iity history. ii'I tm compelled U) take this course, how yer from seize nil considerations. I have oiig bectj treated rather unkindly by my Wig dtorsl which waS borne in silence. I . JiAVi also' been badly used by the Slate, lQt suppose that wis through the influ- pcrJof my neighbors, excepting my neigh O"" Mr. Saumlers, the Minister at Spain, has placed his resignation in the possession of Mr. Mangum, to, be presented as his discretion may consider expedient or' proper. So says a Waslungton letter to the, Philadel phia American. A NEW PAPER. The " Gladiator" is the title of a new Whior Xewsnnner just started in Windsor, Beflieli County under the Editorial auspices of Wm. Eporji, Esq. Its tvpograplitcal appearance is quite neat llal. Register. j i ivnr 7. ' rt r- d, at 'cr Hi Iff W iQ fKir Caldwell, who h;tsbcen a dear friend, ftl lishall ilierealler show ; 'atiu 1 also have i ' I I IT... n-iriontM anu supporters in irginia i .1 ' '1 : ' i? i i i 1 1 V .. i i eunrsser, oi wimm i snan aiso speaK. h.ijN)vv,AIt'Ssrs, Editors, I might still bear 5 tese irfjurieH in silence, but for one over- ; ;;rulifig c()nsideration. The State how pos- issr important inteiiests in me ud my rtitoryiji and belie vng that those! inter- i rstsllive been neglected and may sustain 'pjiO'y by iHmt neglect, duty alone should, i-jprotnpt .me. lay aside the diffidence na-, UtiHl td yuth, and speak with the bold-1 j.cs of; riper: years. vi IfiitrVie, that I have had a sort of dis- i orginized existence, as long as any of my ; dr jicjgiibors, but ufithout authority and Avltfcobt a name. Miv Terrifories have hprtx in 41 1 1 TJ -f WJot.o.iiv;u, Uliti pj livi 4 1 Will I jhomclthafc thrv iiehicted them cntirelv. iuuiujUL. toy j;iirest possessions ricn anu fx) nMVej, valleys Avhich would almost jcon pare With any in the State, have not eve i ihc Advantage of a wagon road, that f; ; nvitit be settled: and improved. uo v alter" such nalnrililn jit(uhkind iu my neighbors to laugh at Ithfe sparseness. ot my population, and mis ' rrp centimy numbers. ;. .il utsirs, niy misfortunes are not half to!' Vet. ' The Letrislature at the last ses- .liit beinp apprised of my grievances by ' lie of '.rny people, resolved that they qo jhj be redressed ; that I should be dis fl i railed ; set at liberty, and placed for the future on equal terms with my neigh ' Y And further, that I should have the , : line of mv figure i distinctlv marknd : Ij should lj ave aheart oi my own, ..r- .vu anouiti oc ttm " beat oj justice ana bet!eorriug 6f things. -. ' t sirs, unfortunately, there were a nS triojie whose duty it was to arrange PMiminrirics for the execution'of this T t.ini t.rust. (to say the least.) one or t Tcfy Unskillful agents. One fixed my j Vv n one ol my limbs, instead of plac- .." ! uju centre oi my Dody, in conse- lL!,rlCei0f Nvl)ich th circulation will be weak jh my opposite limbs, that I have W i l) ,hcil' nncominS so chilled 'lllS i0 olTfro"n m'y body, and attach I elvts to neighbor Yancy. 1 know f. J 'Cflnrnake some allowance for the 'CleS Ormv vnnlt, ...t.-. I t.Al ITr I once .knew a man whose father. was his grands father, and wliose brother was his father; and whosej mother was his grandmother, and whose sister was1 his mother ; his brother, father and grandfather, were broth-; ers ; his sister and mother were sisters; his brothrLfa-j tliersister and mother, were all brothersand sisters, j iUn nddle this for me. I ! Q. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods that has ever been exhibited in the State- Also, Pana ma, Leghorn, Tampico, California, and fine, fashionable silk and beaver Hats, French Lace, Pamelp, Leghorn and English rock chip Bonnets, Boots, Kid Slippers arid Goat shoes, carriage and saddlers Triinmingsjfmith and Car penters Tools, hardware and cutlery, whlje'lead, linseed, sperm and tanners oil, coach and copel iprmsh,8 by 10 and 10 by 12 glass, rifle and blasting pojvder, Quicksilver and Itliniiigj Rope, sole, harness, and upper Leather, fine French and .Phil adelphia calf skins, hog and lining do., travelling trunks and carpet bags, if 1 Two Kegs Priat3rs Ink, all wool and wool and cotton carpeting $0 hour and 8 day clocks, (warranted good) and cheap Screen wire and Bolting- ClolJh, all Nos., double and single shot guns.com and grafs scythes, cast steel hoes, tin plate, mackerel no. 1, 2 arj 3., brown, re fined and loaf sugar, Rio and Java Cohee, gunpowder, and hyson teas, syrup, New Orleans and Cuba molasses. ij (new crop) orchard! grass and clover seed horse 6hoe and' j and sweed iron nails, a very large 6tock : of rolled and j hammered iron and castings, cast steel, hoop and sheet ! iron, and thousands of other articles. Their stock is full and complete, and styles most beautiful and neat, j -The above goods were bought for cashfin New York j and Philadelphia, previous to the advancf of prices, and I are now offered at wholesale and retail for cash, lower i rtran they have ever been sold in Salisbury.' All cash j dealers, country merchants, peddlere, economist, fashion able young gentlemen, and the ladies particularly, are i reepecjfully invited to call and examine! their larce and j splendid stock, as they feel confident the foods and pri ces will give satisfaction to alL i : r JKNK;.'S & ROBERTS. Salisbury, April 5, lS4li f 1348 N. II. All f ersons indebted to the late'' firms of Jen kins &. Biles, and J. II. Jenkins vt Co. by note or book account, are requested to pay the same, on or before next Conrt, as longer indulgence cannot he given. AlrUb, 1R49. J. II. JENKINS. EDGE WORTH FEMALE" Scmiuatn, Founded by Gov. Morehead, and conducted by Rev. Prof, Morgan Ars the confidence oj the most, competent judges, as imparting the highest order of Education, j i A LIMITED number of young ladiesj living hapily ' ns daughters in the EJgeworth Family, instructed in smaft.classes, by teachers who devote) tqlents, scienee and skill to accomplish the most for th.-npil, has ad- i vantages, scarcely attainable in private schools, or in 1 j large institutions. ; This saving of time Hhis infallible j success, is the true economy. The whole expense, be- ! sides Music and Painling, is J50 a year, 50 in ad- vance. The examination on the 8th, ih and 10th of May will close with the graduation of the senior Class, and the next year will begin on the 9th of July. Pa rents are referred to the Rev. President- Williamson, Hon. Judge Caldwell, Rev. A. Baker, PJev. W. A. Hall, Wm. Holt, M. D., Mr. G. W. Brown, Mr. Rufus Reid, Rev. E. F. Rockwell. Greensboro!, April 1849. uartnoiomew Jr31oore,? Attorney uenerai Thomas C. BaRwf, and others. WHEREAS, BARTHOLOMEW F. MOORE. ' Attorney General of Korrh Carolina, hath Ly leave of the Court filed in the ClerksQffice of the So ( preme Court of North Carolina, at Morgton, his BiM of Complaint against Tliomas C. Ballow.Bker Ballow, Napoleon Bi. Ballow, Blake M. Ballow, JohnBallow, : Esther, intermarried with Daniel Smith, Hugh Bajlow,-1 1 amsay, intermarried with t-dwarU Weaver, rleirsxat Law of Meredith Ballow, late of Ashe County, N. C deceased, and Elijah Herbert. Robert Thompson, and Catharine Ids wife, Richard Gentry and Mary his wife, rranci3 ocoti, and Elizabeth bis wife, W illiam Herbert, of Missouri, D. S. Herbert, of Texas, Johnson Hunter, and Martha his wife, of Texa,;Heirs at law of William Herbert, late of Ashe County, deceased, and"Hiram Ba ker, Adam Barenegar, James -Davis, Elias Draughan, John Greer Edward Barker, George Howell, William Baker, and James Blevins, purchasers under Meredeth Ballow, in which said Bill, he complains that a certain Grant of Land issued by W. Hawkins, Governor of North Carolina, in the Tiame of the St8te,on the 1st day of Oc tober, A. D. 1812, to William Herbert, and his heirs, bounded as follows : beginning on a red Oak in Daniel Dougherty's bounty land on a branch of Silas Creek, running East 400 poles to a Spanish Oak, then North 140 poles to a stake, then East 94 poles to a white Oak, then South 26 poles to a white Oak, then East 50 poles to a white oak, then North 80 poles to a "white Oak, then then North 44 poles to a stone in a branch, then North 40 E. twenty poles to a Hickory, then North 760 poles to a white Oak on a ridge, then East 360 poles to a stake, then South 1400 poles to a white Oak. then West 1240 poles to a Hickory, then North 15 Enst 240 poles to a dogwood, then West 240 poles to a Chesnut, then North 60 poles to a Chesnut, then West 300 poles to a stake, then North' 4Q poles to a stake, then to the first station, containing, according to the grant, 3000 Acres of Land, (which grant was made under the Act of 1788, to en courage the building of Iron Works,) contained in fact 4 or 5 thousand Acres of Land, and that said Herbert had fraudulently, and by art and management in various ways, recited in said Bill, procured the condemnation of said 4 or 5 thousand Acres of Land charged to be good tillable : 5 7v - i 1 . SNOWLEDBE IS POWERS ij l .1 1 I r t 1 i SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS.-'' BROWN & ELLIOTT TOL'LD call public attention to 4 New Stvk of Goods, ct. which they have just received, consisting in part of the following articles, viz : For Ladies' IV ear, j C-ol'd Prismatique, Bile du Nordi Chambray Barege, Ta- , ris embroiJered Lace Barege, llr Grenardinesi, Harege j Mousseline, Andalusians, Spider fi'd Miin3, PrinteI : Alberines, printed Jjareces, Paris Jnronet. French and ' Scotch Lawnj, French Organdies, bi'k and col'd Alpnc- ca.bl'k and col'd B!eans,p!aiJ eiriped do.Carbary PlaiJ..-; fig'd Brazilliennes. printed Mu-te!i:ie de Lane, solid col'd silk and worsted Barf ge, printed Paris Muslins,; embroidered do., Hair cord Jaconet do., embroidered j Linen Glace Dresses, Linen Giniain?, Plaid do. 1 SILKS Surwine Glace, Drap do Soic, tiros de Pe- . kin.emb'd Poult de Norses, bl'k a;id cVd ( I ros de Rhines, . fig'd Gros de-Naples, W'k and col'd Gros de Swiss, em- j broidered Gros Napoleon, plaid Sarsnetts, col'd Groa de j Chine, Cameleon Glace Silk, bi'k tiros de Rhine, striped j Foulard, Silk Tissue, Coutel de Soie,fii'd Barege Shawls, j striped do., fancy Print of every variety from coarse to fine, and from grave to gay. : , I Ladies fine Shoes and Slippers, and Bon- ; nets oj the latest Jashwn. 1 Gloves, Ribbons, Artificials, Sec, Jtc, all of the latest ; style. - . j For Gentlemen s Wear, Black French Cloths, Olive do, Blue do, black De skin j Cassimeres, French and American do, plain and fancy ! f.itlon Ilrilla t!"L- llrnn il Pru Summer Tu'oodj ftni L.nna insieaa 01 ouuu Acres 01 uami unnt lor cultivation, t br;iVt Satin, Velvet, Silk, Unen, Marseilles, Plain, Fig fr the purpose of his Iron Works. It further charges that ; urrj and Mrrned ' ... 1 Endish and Classical School. y I ! I Died, of Cholera, at Nashville, Tennessee, on the llth of February, Col. THOMAS, V. CANNON. j Col. Cannon, was born in Cabarrus County, N.j C, Aug4th, 1800. The years of hi boyhood were' spent in Williamson Co., Tenn., whence hereturned to North Carolina, and sefrled, having married the daughter of Mr. Jedediah Wallace. He there became a professor of religion and an Elder of the Presbyterian I Church of Concord. After some years he emigrated to the iSbuth esr. nnu men to m. tjouis, wtiere ne wa3 an L.luer in the Westminster Church ; and he lirtder whose jnWste rial labors that Church was founded, remembefs, in those dark lays, the labors, of brother Cannon. He finally settled at Nashville, as keeper of the Broadvyay House, a vocation he'had followed for many years, ji Death by cholera is of course sudden, and with great prostration of mind, he only had time to show in deathjas in life, in whom he trusted. We can say of him n tjie lan guage of the Nashville Record, " his decease has'awnk ened a feeling of deep regret in the bosom of rrfany. lie has lett many behind hjtn to deplore lis departure To his widowed help-Bieet, and her four fathtrless "chil dren God alone can supply his place. May! ne be the bii!ibaTid of the widow, and the Father of her fatherless children." . r I 1 ; . j 1 Died, in Cabarrus County, on the 9th of March, after lingering for some months under the wasting influence of Consumption.-Mrs. CATHARINE D. McR EE, consort of A. C. McUee, had. been for miny years, not only an exemplary member, but f!so a bright ornament of; the Pr.-st.yierian Church. With a mind naturally vigorous and highly cultivated, she was eminently quafified to! act well her part m all the relations, andamidk; all ithe chequered scenes pf hu-.nnn life. Mrs. McRee .secured in a high degree the confidence and esteem of all who knew her. But few of the human family, after living in this world of sin and death for more than half a cen tury, are permitted to leave it having so many friends uikj u icw riirmies, as iiaa tne suoject ot this hotice;.--The tears that were shed on the-day that her lifeless body was carried to the narrow home appointed jar all Ithe living while they were the least evidences ofl tjhe strbnw hold which she had upon the affections of all; classes of , thef community in which she had resided. They also showed tint in the family in which she had lived asS an -allectronate wife, a kind parent, and an esteemed- mis tress., a breach had been made which could jnjot be re paired. .i, But, it was uniform, humbler devoted piety; that gave . the brightest lustre to the character of Mrs. iMcRee;. She was emphatically a Bible Christian, th4pjblevas the maprot her counsel the intalnble rule of .her ffith and pfractice. And she was permitted duriniher pro tracted illness to enjoy richly the consolations of (hat Gospel which she ihad long prpfessed. To iher. death was stripped of hia sting, and the gTave w a aj robbed of Its viclnri; (nt n el-inrt time hffi-ir her flnBFtnr. fih could say I know that when my enrthly house of his ROBERT G. ALLISON, - ' RESPECTFULLY informs Parents; and Guardians, that he will open in Salisbury, on Monday the 23d. instant, an English and f.lassical School, in which their sons or wardls can obtain a thorough English Edu cation, or be prepared for admission intd College. The scholastic year will be divided into two: sessions of five months each. . I ! ; Rates of Tlttio.v : Spelling, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic, and Primary Geography, 7 50 per session. Mitchell's large Geography, Smith's Arith metic, English Grammar, English Composition, Elocu tion and History, 12 50 per session. Natural Philoso phy, Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric, Logic, Algebra, Ge ometry; Chemistry, Astronomy, Greek,! Latin, French, and Hebrew languages, S15 00 per session. Students will be admitted at any time during the-session, and only charged from the time when they eater, but no de duction'will be made for absence, except in pases of pro tracted sickness. Payment of Tuition will be required at the end of each Session. . 5 April 5th, 1849. 48:4t ; . I EBEX EZER ACADEMY. fin HIS school is Hill continued under the control of JL the subscriber, aided by a board of trustees. The prices are as follows, per session of five months : For tuition in the introductory branches of English 5 00 ; in the advanced branches of English and in; Mathemat ics i$7 50 ; in the Latin and Greek Languages, 10. I Board 6 per month. Stude'nts are charged from thei I times they enter until the close of the session, and no de- dction is made either in board or tuition for absence except in case of protracted illness. II. R. HALL. Bethany Church, Iredell Co., March 30 1849:3t48 NEW BOOT SHOESHOP. Herbert sold his interest to one Jonathan Baker, who was I fully apprised of the said fraudulent faets, and that Mere- ; deth Ballow purchased J. Baker's interest, also well knowing the above fraudulent facts, and that he obtaineJ -the above grant from the State in the name of William 1 Herbert. The Bill further prays that for the reasons there- j in set forth that the said grant from the State to William j Herbert and deed from Herbert to Meredeth Ballow and ; from M. Ballow to the other persons named in the Bill, be void and of no effect, rescinded and annulled; and whereas, it appears by affidavit filed, that James Ballow, j Leonard Ballow, William Herbert, Daniel S. Herbert, j and Johnson Hunter, and .Martha Hunter, his wife, j whom it- is prayed tn the Bill may be made parties de fendant thereto are not inhabitants of North Carolina : Now, notice is hereby given to the said James Ballow, Leonard Ballow, William Herbert, Daniel S. Herbert, and Johnson Hunter, and Martha Hunter, his wife, that they be and appear before the Judges of our Supreme Court of North Carolina, at Morganton, at the next Term, to be held on the first Monday of August, A. D. 1849, and plead, answer or demur to said bill, else judgment pro confesso will be taken pro confesso, will be taken, and the same heard exparte as to them. Witness, James R. Dodge, Clerk of our said Court, at Morganton, this 15th March, 1849. JAS. R. DODGE, CVk S. C, M. 6?c33 Printers Gee 813 75 LIST OF LETTERS " REMAINING in the Post Office, at Salis bury, April 1st, 1849. John Arey, Michaol Anderson, A. Bost, Ma ria Brown, Hamilton Byers, Miss Nancy Bex, William Barbe Oston Bradshaw, David But ner, Joseph A. Bettings, VV.' Boles, Clementine Blue, M. A. Bentley, S. A, Cashdollar, Sam uel Caeson, Daniel J. Ceeles, Eq., Miss Eli za Cochenour, Daniel Correll, Jun., Michael Coyle, Salah P. Donel, Miss Margaret A. Da vis, Anderson Ellis, Esq,, "Richard Eaton, A. S. Elliot, Charles Fraley, Thomas D. Fraley, George H. Fesperman, Miss Veny Gaitie, Mrs. Mary Gales, William Gray, Miss Ann Gardner, Joshua S. Glass, Moses A. Goodman, M. Griffinv Rufus Hill, Miss Catharine Hill. Jacob Holdsowser, Stephen Harris 2, William son Harris, Susan Holdsowser, Thomas How. el, John Hivey, E. P. Jones, George W. John son, Miss Mary Johnson, Henry S. Jones, Johnson & Brothers 2, Henry A. King, Wil. liam Kester, Drs. Krrr fc ; Luckcy, R. W. Long, S. Luckey, Levi Lawrence 2, Noah Lewis, Julius M. Love, William McLanahan, Mrs. Murnford McKenzie, Molley, John Miller, Sam!. A. Motley, P. LMinor, L. Macna mara, John Mcorsburn, C. Mcduniel 2, Cicero A. .Moore, T. C. Mchenry Esq., Dr. A. E. Norman 2, Samuel Newland, E. Nunnely, P. Owens, Noah PeeU-r, Jacob-Phillips 2, Solo man Peeler, John Parsons, Miss S. E. Pear son, Wiley Rufia, James Rowtan, Maj. A. R. Ruflin, Marcus D. Royster, Asa Rtbliu, Noah Roberts, V. C. Randolph, James Randolph, P. Robison, Miss Sarah Sarsoman, James D. Smith, Rebecca S. Smith, Miss Ann Shaver, Kentucky Jeans, Beebe k Co's fine Hats, Panama, Ieg-hc-11 and Pearl do., Boots and Sh'u-s, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine the above stock of Goods. . They have Wen selected with great care and bought at the lowest cash prices, and will be sold low. Salisbury, March 22, 1849 4G North Carolina Rail Road! NOTICE is hereby given that Books will be opened for subscription to tlte CAPITAL STOCK OF THE " NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD COM PANY," in Salisbury, on Thursday, the 15th day of March next, at the Hotels of Col. II. L. Robnrds, and of John I. Shaver, Esq., and will remain open for sixty days thereafter. THOS. L. COWAN, MAX. CHAMBERS, II. j. ROBARDS, A. II. CALDWELL, I CI1AS. F. FISHER. Feb. 22, I84D lt42 - Commissioners. SPUING AND SUMMER BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Forsale at the Saliibnry BeoU Store, Ofirhich the following arc apart: , LA RG Z family Bibhmail Pocket d-.TestaroenU . Scott's Bible, Hume's History of England, j j- Aiison history of Europe, Gibbon' Rom, ' M j -Ferguwn's Rnme, Bancrofts United Slate, !!! j;' DAubigne Reformation,' i "( Washington and General's, (Headley) "M l Najoleon and Mar-lial?,; (HraJlcy) i r; (Carey aiul Hart)- j Bancroft's Life of Waningion; j Weems' " i I Marion, ! " Signer's f the Derlarajjon, Americah Minoal, Prose Wriiers of America, Toets anJ Poetry do m " ' England. du. of ihf Ancientt, Poetical works of Cnvbbe, Heber, Pollock, Cowper, Thnmpj:K Hemans, Yoong and Rodger Haliam'a Middle Aces, ; " Constitutipnal History Crabb's Synonymes, Waverly ?oveIs, ' History of the Bastiie, Wonders of the World, ' P.urke's works, Byron's do., Moore's, do.. ' ', Ruberison' lo , Scott s do, and Miscellanies, Modern British E.-5etnyi, f Ma'pan!ey) (.Mncit;os4i!') (JrfTre'y's) ' . (Carlrlr' " - (Wilson's) ! (Allisap'). Talfoard and Stephen's do., Sydney Smith, Shakspnre, Man and his Motive, Modern Infidelity, LoekN E-wjys, Sacred Harp,; Taylor and Si a tf. Southern Harmony Scott do., American Chesterfield, Book of Po!nen-s, Book of Martyra, 1 Nettleton's Reninins, j Chiliinjwortli's Religion of Protestanjs, I Proverbial Pliilostphy, Virginia, its History and Antitjuitiei, McCulloch's Commercial Dictionary McMahan's American (iarJner, , i American Agriculture Slock Raiser's Manual, ! Caroenter's tluide, Miiiwright's do., Gunn's Domestic MeJirine, ' Arnoti's Elements of Physic. Dewees-on Childrrn, Newton's Principia, The Wtsr, Lsjie's Cookery, Preston's Book Keeping. Iii's House Book, Psalms and Hymns, Lutheran Hymns, -"' Life of C!iri?t and Aposi!-.-, M-m'rs of HiitrfieId, Village Sermon?. TodJ's Siudent's Manual, j Masonic Ch:trt. Mason's Farrier, Hinds do , ; Lovell's Young Speaker ; Wcbsw'a large Dictionary;: Bolles' do. ; Walker's do. ; Gentlemen and Indies Lex icon ; Confession of Faith and Questions ; Geogra4ii-j cal Gazeteer ; First Book of History ; Second andTliiM; Annuals, (fine for presents) Jones' Philosophy, do Chem istry ; Bird's Philosophy ; M,rs. Phelp'a do. ; Family : Prayer; Heroes of the American Revolution ; Bullion'' English Grammar; Smith's do; .Murray's do; fCifk ham's do ; Smith's and Djvies Arithmetics ; Smiley'a and Pike's do; Mitchell's and Smiih's tleoraphiej ; Morse'sdo; National Readers; Worcester's dd;,San-, ders' do ; Gring and Elliott's do ; Elementary Spellers Towns do ; Novels! Novels!! N'ovejs!!! lesides a ?a- riety of Religiou?, Latin, Miscellaneous and Juvenile works too tedious to mention. The alnsve books will be sold very low for cash. Cn and examine fr your-i selves. ?I. BROHW V SOX. ; Salisbury, February I. 1S49. 39." :'X a &22:2 H has just received, (nt his old stand.) from New York, the American and Knropran lahnm,or the Spring and Summer of 1841), and will continue to re ceive them quarterly. He is prepared to execute all or ders in his line of the trade, in a fashionable and work manlike manner, at the shortest notice. From his long experience in the art of cutting and making garments, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction to his customers. He respectfully returns his thanks to his friends and the public for their liberal support tendered him hereto fore, and will endeavor by increased efforts to please his customers.to merit a continuance of 1 1 1 -i r favors. HORACE II. BEARD. N. B. All kinds of country produce taken at the mar ket prices for work. Salisbury, Sejt. 21 , 2843. tf 47 of vol.4 " CAPITAL W A NT ED AND IF NOT OBTAINED, THEN VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. THE Subscriber, who owns one of the most valua ble Water Powers in the Southern country, and I U . '. rr l.,..m c- i rr r 1 i rw f.f t? a 1 ... 1-' . 1 rC I A Iillt it I f linfl William L. Smith, John Shuman, Thomas II. j and f;ilin? iccsto the extent of his wishes, takes Smiley, Westy Swaitn, Miss Nancy Sears, i this method of soliciting aid.. He wants Cavitai.. Mrs- Sophia 'I homas, Jesse Thotnason, Zach THE EAGLE MILLS, as this place is called, is situated on Hunting Creek, in U H I ' r.,!! v" .t 1 In r(Td onnnlv . " IVcl f .f1lflflll 1 Jk-JL Seol, and as ihey were selected by a friend of thi-irs who has for a lorw time dealt in thai tinie of busi ness, tjiey therefore iec miiiniJ tiiem to vheir friends and ' the public generally, as the best article of Garden Seed that have ever been brought to this market. Anong them may be found Snap, Refugee, French, China, Dwarf, Butter, and Lima ll.-dtis ; Lontr Green and Ear ly Cluster CucuiiiIrt ; )kra, assorted ; Parsnips, a ort.; ' Dwaif Marrow fat and,Enrly fr!:;e Peas ; Red and Yel- ' low Toinntoe ; 1it'y Yi-lIov sngar. red urr.rvJng ) b!r.id, and wlntc i ir eaiiy York, mgar; loaf, . winter diumhea I. fiat Dutc'.i, red Darrh, an J tnotmrntn r snow head Cabbage ; lonz Orange Carrot ; Ice, and , snow head L iuit ; long sca'rlel Radish, purple Turnip, 1 early buh S.pjnsh. March 1 , It? ID 1.1 ; Sztztc of fiovtti CaroKua, iuEDKLL couyry. Rolwrt Grant v. E A. Sharje, William Haye, TliOtn- ; as Hjys-, II. I'elts. In Equity, IT appearing to the sntis fact ion of t5e Court, that die Defendant. , E. A. Sha'rpe, William I Tys and .Tho mas Hays, in the above named case, rewde beyond the i limits of tins State ; a is order- ! by ihe Court tbat pub lication be made in the Caroima Watchman, fr faid E. A. Sharpe, Widiam II iye tn 1 Thomas, ll.r. , to , , appear at the next term ot ibis Court, to be held for the , ! county of Iredell, at the C'ouri H..n-e in Siatesville, rn the tirrt Monday after the f urth Monday in Man hneit then and there to an-'.or the bill of complaint Robert. Gratnt filed in said Coutt of E.j iity a:r.iint theni, or Judgment pro confesso v. ill b taken ncninitt tlerri. L. (I. SIIARVE. C. M..E. , Printers fc e fs't w 1 1 COME AND BUY BARGAINS itriah j Thomason, C. Wagoner, Mrsl Eliza beth Williamson, James Vatson, Major R. Wyatt, Frederick Warner, James Young 3, Soloman Young. 3w4S B. JULIAN, P.'M: ! nrtrr' :i L r..il : r m iiid suustTiuera respet 1 1 u 1 1 y in- JL Supreme Court Reports REDUCTION IX PJilCE ! THE Subscriber having purchased from the E-tate of W. R. Gales, Esq., deceased, the entire Edition of Vols. 6, 7, and 8 Law, and Vols. 4 and 5, Equity, of Iredell's Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, (from December Term, 1 845, to Au gust Term, 1843, inclusive, and including also the Equi ty Cases of the present Term of the Court,) has reduced the price from six dollars to five dollars per volume ; and is prepared to furnish them to Gentlemen of the Bar and t to Booksellers, except Vol. 5 of Equity, to be published in a few weeks, of which notice will be given. Orders for the whole, or for any one or more Volumes, prompt ly attended to. And the Bar supplied . on reasonable terms with the previous Volumes of North Carolina Re ports, and Law Books generally. E. J. HALE. Fa'yetteviile, March 19, 1849. 2t47 PLANK ROMM THE subscribers to the Stock in the Fnyetteville and Western Plank Road, are requested to attend in form the citizens of Salisbury, : general meeting on and the surrounding country, that j Wednesday, the 11 111 of tabernacle shaU be dissolved, I shall haveft building of God a hotfse not made with hands ternal in jhe heav- ens. I hej, bereaved family and surviving friends have scriptural eyidenceto believe that while thefrj los3 jhas they have purchased the - Boot and Shoe Sliop formerly owned by Henry JVliller, Esq :, Opposite the Messp. Murphy's store, where they intend '4 manufac ture aWge and fashionable stock of Bootsrarid Shoes, all of Vihich they will warrant to be of he lest materi als and workmanship. All persons who may favor us with their custom may rest assured thati thefe work will be mmptly and weil done, as we have good workmen, and-a Boot-maker not to be surpassed itj) thh part of the country. i I From our experience in the businessj, we feel confi dent that we will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who patronize ns, and ask the public to giyefHS a trial. All orders in the above line thankfully revived and faithfully executed!. Repairing done at! shorf "notice in the neatest manner. - Country produce taken in payment for work. JESSE H. HOWARD & CO. Salisbury, April 5, 1849 lp47 JUS RECEIVED AND for sale by the subscribers, a large supply of Spir its Turpentine, which they will sell cheaply the gal lon or barrel. BRO W$ JAMES. March 8, 1649 ! 44 April next, 111 the Town of Fayettf villr, j for the purpose of organizing the Company by appoint- j ing Officers, and taking such other action as they may J deem necessary to carry into effect the Charter and I build the road. j The books for receiving subscriptions will remain open j at the several places appointed until " Saturday, 7th of ; April, when it is requested that they be returned to the ! Commissioners in this place, that they may be had at j the general meeting. By order of the Commissioners. GEO. McNElLL. Ch'n. ' Subscribers who canftot attend personally, will please appoint proxies to represent their stock. FayetteriUe March 17, 1949. 2t46 Iredell county, 23 miles west of Salisbury. . It is, with out doubt, one of the finest natural sites for Factoiies to be found. There is power sufficient to drive any num ber of mills, or any amount of machinery. All who have seen it have pronounced it one of th first class, n never-failing stream, and remarkable for its purity, it is adapted to the manufacture of paper, to calico print ing, bleaching, dec. Situated in the neighborhood of several operating Cotton Factories, in a healthy, pro ductive, thriving region of country; within easy nrcetg to Salisbury, through which the L'real Central Rail Road is to pass.xrith much of the necessary labor towards t!, improvement of the place already done, it possesses ad- ; vantages rarely to be met with. J The subscriber's etforts to improve this valuable sire, . have resulted in the completion of a never yielding d-im, . a Saw Mill, in active operation, a Grit Mi. I, soon to be put in motion, and the commencement 01 a building 28 by 75 feet, designed for a Factory, about half finished, j He wishes to push forward his improvement. To do this a handsome capita! will be rcq-nred, u c'ta'.:. which he ofi'ers permanent surities. If h sl.or.'d not g-t it before the clos? of Spring, his valuable property, with the improvements, will then be fora!e. IVnsons wish- : ing to supply him with capital, cr io purchase, will ad dress him at Eagle Mills, Iredell coun'y, N. C. ANDREW BAGGARLY. Feb. 22, 1849 I2:tf Eagle Mills for Sale. The above pro perry" now offered for sale. Those desirous to engages in (he monufacturing bu-ir.r?' would do well to apply 9. ion as no other place can offer crat er inducements. A- I' 1 P CJiilds k Cos. Oriental or Sovereign Balm Pill Tliey pealt for theimelve. Martha's Vinevar 1, Chitham Co., N. C , ) "lC;h August, 1-57. S P. Childs Sc Co., Gents : Sometime 1 i-t winter your travelling aTnt left with m- four dozen boxes of your Oripntn! or .SoCereitrn B iltii Piil for saie. I have sold .1 :,m CARRIAGE 71 A.MTACTORV. THE undersigned having formed a co-partnership in the above buu;nes, respvctfuHy invite pnl.ic atten tion to their Establishment ; and to their fupply of superb Carriages, Dnrouckrs Rockaways, Buggies, fcc., &c, which for lightness, beauty ot design, mr.nner of execu tion, and excellence of maieriil, cannot be strpacsfj by any work in ihe souil'4'rn oum ry . , They h".ve in llie.r employ i :r"e number ( .-xci-llent workmen. Their blacksmiths v.. od-vo:ki.;en, trici mrs,and minter. nre all n en of exprpf n?e, c.d have lew eqlls as to ..1 111 1 r etr se: erri 1 de lUttu.r nls Repairing done on hpap tor rash or appro . ( lien in evtluu: rv H;ort ..oMcir. u oik ne J note- ; or country produce ta- O YER MAN, BROWN & CO. l-s-t'J. ' - ly l'J Sal:bc.ry, Feb TOSHH'PERS-BVTHE Cape iar River. to their .a Kioun- c jrenfraiiy. The TlcrrlianlO Mcainhonl Company J EG '.' -ve to rSf 3 I';i'r. . is lb. bi I . 1 Boats of (heir Line,- Are all in order for the Spring Business, so that pai.-jns of this ime ran and !nll U a weH verted. loth as to rrjfdition and pru r, as I y bt.- oti.er lne ct n the River. I'olU of Ladu .-tH.u.d I fud up. d IVfTUtt.f at the Merel.Lrn-' Menu b. at CoMpar.y Wharf, Wilmington," v h te rs. JN Fayr-llrc'dlr , FiU uau b a : '' ve- v rfn tre o sh I) WILLIAMS. A '-nt M'-rcr rits' .iran.b'.iit Cos.iany. HEAD Q CARTERS,. Siilhnnrr, .N. t . V SPRING AND SUMMER S3 LSI U. CS if S3 JCST KECEirn) Country Produce taken in payment for ttcrk GOULD & HAVKIXS. TAILORS. ( Srtiiburv. March 22, 1840. 22 not a sinzle box has been returned ;.aii. a a the itk!y season is now coming on, and as your pilis have iven so general sati-sfac'ion, and there t sweii a denvind for them, I have thought best to send for fre-h supply. I am respectfully, vours &. . WILLIAM CROSS, P. M- Each box contains 31 pills; price 25 ceni.-.and u ac companied with certiljcates and lull dtretiori For sale by Boger &, Maxwell. Monison, Statesville ; David FraVy Mabrv. Lexington : D. Honneyentt wholesale and retail by P. M- C Charlestons. C. Officer, of tin? St!i fl":imeiit, XortU i iirol'ntt 75 'litta ! 1 j t-omriianJ-.l t pnraJe in t!:e Town f.iThursdav:h-2:ih Ar-ril iK-xi,af 1 7 1 r I ff.-aii Imr V, nrio v. ' . v. : :r ilri 1. V'"1, l"' " i ur rrv;wcive Com- jli-Su'V : r ai JIo, k.ille ; J. P. Col i Hi.i ; mid hen, 13, llayne Mieet, 427 r-'.x-i.. A M . W.ttl Si d iv tbe 27th t the nest d -y paoier for u; :.i an.! rev.e . M.ei! 1.1. 1M0. N. N. 'I'r.r dsv f i ar,P,'-'";'"' review. i i.r.iir.'fri.an. r. .V - I i T day, or as above. j day. lUD SHOES tar Mle by J M. IIKUW.S',' C-l'nel Coirm.andant. :i L will review 1 1-e troops ort that J. M. B. Col Court. F hoot Dec' 21, A. t : i- i . -1