.r r i . i r V" -1, ri-' ' , lit is the opinion of several experienced ' officers that two small vessels of the size I of iono 'hundred and fifty or pne; hundred hnd'eteWi onJ $ highly tons respective ly, drawing not abovtf.ten feet or water. ( inibt knsiyer Jb purpose! of careful -search in these sens as Well a larger ves- Answer by pie Secretary of State of the U. tJlClll3 IU lilt: livi- utiii. 1 k Depabtment.oFvState, , r WAfiiiNGTOX, ArRlt 25, 1819. 'MadAm: Youf letter to the President of the! Umtifd! States, dated j:Airil 4, 18J9, i-ha been 'received by him, and he; has in- vtruoted me to mac to you the following reply,: SENfTlMENTS OF AGENUhV m - PAT. - - .9 I , i i TJtt Whig State Concenlwn'of the. State o lennessee.- i ms ;uouy assernuica in the city of Nashville a. few !ayf ago.- i nere was uui uue.senijmeni arnqngsi iuc delegates, and that was for the. re-norm nation of Neill S. Brown br:hetof$ce of Govfrnori j Hewas kccofdiniyl by the unanimous vote of the Cofivehtioii.elec. ted to bear the .Whig statfdarid to vittory in tHe ensuing canvass, -jt the" Instance of e Convention Gov. Bjrown appeared and responded to the nomination! in a speech of somejength. 1 f I He. congratulated the Whigs nponjtheir jsuccess in the PresidentiacathpaSgri; and remarked that some questions had recent ly arisen, to one of which he youjd allude (hie salarv question, arising from the He said he" need acquisition of pew territories, that on n question such las this dges he had in his birth and ledges. Carolina ItJafih man. Salisbury, IV. C. TDURSDAY EYEXLC, MAI J . 17, 1849. O We are authorised and . requested to' announce Joseph P. Caldwell, Esq., of Iredeh County, as a Candidate io represent the second District in the next Congress of the United States- r di'r?fRbfirPi f9 ,i1-rge,y. ,!n 1em"l,ons i ery thing5 else. He deprefc ; ; xvfiich, agitate the public rojnd yr i icy that eks to arrav . ow n country. tlicjiame r of Sir John Frank- thfs glorious Union against j' rhh ...bps been endeared by. hi -heroic vir- , oppfgf(1 to lhe proportion! y-; i luanuY hc suO:nn aiftl sacrifices Ltfarers,of non.ifttercours4 ;yjl.cft T .ftS " co u n t e rea ic, r iii oe n e iu j jn Q ofhe passage of the Wilnio pro : v ; manK?nur:: ine appeaip. n.sviianu vis6 . Suidjlf. wbuld not gjve onel fbot of ;1, ;l)aughtr in their d.siress has been borne on , Bunker Hill, or SaraWa. or .; ; liiross the 1 waters, hiking lhe assistance 1 YorU town for allihe landjwest of the Rio . or a kindred peppl to save the Drave men. Grande, though all its hills wereSs JJ'WUU iflHiuiljKfU III lila uiinu i.inmip rrui Tlie ippeal male, in lhe lettrrtvvith ''5 wnicli y'ou have hbnored hititi. is such as 1 V P" ,lr!?tr,3' e"Ust lhe y npalhy of the j iveno plr v . JlUicrs anu ine reopie oi any portion oi . ,.,:lt ttn.,Ji1rnT K.tfJr Kr, n ilDjl9M!,zett . onu , V He was in favor of the institutions & the ; 1Td the eitizeni of the I nited States. 1 . l it: j ..I deprefcated the fanat- loner portion of k r?a inur anni nip ii'fic . . . . . m ii W bfien endeared bv his heroic vir- . . T i , i dashing to one side oi theiroaa, threw Mr. lO naSDCen ClUieareU I ni :oeroiC ir- nnnrt.p( . nnmitirtn m;trlf in iknmp i . , ' 7 - ' . tutsanU iKe sufn:rin aiftl sacrifices Lrters .ofnoniintercoursl with trie North lL off h,s ba ance' . Wf$ c?ld re" t .1? !. .1 c - i . ,i j : cover ms seat, ine lngiueu ueasi running at a furious rate, passed very near fi large tree, and Mr. H. leaning to that side was struck against it with great violence. His head was dreadfully mangled, and his Fatal Accident. We were pained to hear that aj fatal accident befel John Hartman, jr;, the son of John .Hkrtman, who resides on the Stokes Ferry road, 18 miles from this place, on fTuesdajt pfy last week. The deceased was at Gold-Hill, and had mounted his horse, a youpg and scary animal, and was ctiirnin home. He started at high speed,! and after going some two or three hundred yards, sudden ly checked bis horse, and turnedfto go back. As hie turned the horse, his hat was blown off : The horse looli fright, and We take the fo - i VALUE pF- RAIL ROADS' Mowing remarks of the Bo. ton A'tras'as str.lly applicable ,lo our); own lown,-5 vvnai nwi noaas nave uone tor uos ton they may do farptber Cities. The increase of Boston in the jlast twd years has been al most incredible,' akd to be accounted for only by the irast determent of resourees made by her Rati Roads : j Pet. Lit. Tpe whole cost of Massachusetts roads, i thus far, is alwul !$47,000000, of which sum perhaps three. fourths, (a meresuess hbweTer,) or S35.550.000 may have been expended by Boston since 1832. Without these roads we hazard nothing in! saying lhat the increase of Boston for seventeen years past would have been - very moderate, and for the oast seven years, during which the principal lines have been in active operation, we see no reason why sh should not have been nearly stationary. The constantly increasing manufactures of N. Mr X new jbaugainV : - . . The Free Soilersj to called, of lha Western Reserve of" Ohio, have, at a- late" Convention held at Cleveland; madman assignment of all theirj&tock in trade in favor pf a new firm, which is to go by the .name of The Free Dt. mocracy. -r A The ConvenJion is styled, in the report of its proceedings, the ' Con vention of the Free De mocracy ; and vveire indebted to the Cleve. land Herald for lhe following insight into the process of cprtversion of lhe good-will of the Apostate Whigs of that part of Ohio to the ben efit of a Free Democracy : Yesterday May 2 was the day fired upon by those who have heretofore had ibe destinies of the some lime Free Soil party in their eep. ins for a review pf the progress of the great principles lying at the bottom of their organi zation, and for a re-examination of the plar.king England, of Massachuseets esDeciallv. would ot the lluHalo Tlatlorm. io mis evennut oay. j - . J9 r have less RAIL ROAD MEETING IN tiABAUBr. . .-COUNTY, r.i JTC' a i: ' ' .. " ' ' M.-: ttuiuing u preTious notice, tfctre meeting of tha citizens of Cabarrus1 C on Monday of, the lay terra of the ,U- Court, to take into consideration the sul Internal Improvement in North Carotjn0 On motion GenT W (j. Mean's to lhe Chair. prevenllanvlretrogradetnovement.doubt. with' much anxiety, had the two wings of this : hut for bv "far the lar.re.t nnrtion of nor I Sreat party been for a long time looking. In , ---- . TT - - p. , , - . .t.tr ' : I I gain of 73,000,000 Trom 1840 to 1848, we are. me morning me convention orgainu, BUu P On motion, Jno. A.'Bradshaw trs. i . 1 ed Secretary. ; " j , ; I: indebted to our railroads. That these roads have cost us an immense effort; that thede mand for money tl complete ihem has some. noinled a Committee on Resolutions, at the head of which was the Hon. Mr. Giddings. Upon the re--assemhling of the Convention in :i 4:, jtion ; ninl the People of the United States, ..'Sv ho have watched with the deepest in ttjrest that hazardous enterprise, will now - : ( responU to l imi nyyrni ij,nr rjurssiiMi ' f 'of thelr united wislifs. that every proper ' j ' ! Effort may be made by this Government (for the rescue of your husband and- his i;oiiipan.iun. i- t.Tc accomplish the object you have in vew the attention of American naviga J of art not rf'rxecially of our whalerswill be immeuiaieiy lyvonru. am rue unurwia tlonin fh possession of this Government itp enaoio mem io aid in oiscovering ine; : miksing fchips. relieving their crews, and ' , rpftoring them to their famiWes,;shaJI be , tjirfad farjand .wide among our people ; land' all 0t tho Executive Governmentof -. ((ie United Stittes, in the exercise of Its Constitutionnl powers, can effect to meet lhi3 reojuisition on American": enterprise, iHill, ami bravery, will be promptly un ;!;. dcrtaken. ; . i . '. ';' ;;j'Tlie hearts of the American People 1L--,fyill.bedefp1y touched by your eloquent cldrissl fo their Chief Magistrate, and "ihey I wjll jofn with you in jan earnest prayer to Uijii Ay hose spirit is ott the wa- ters timi vour hushand and his comnan- Jons rpay yet be restored to their country and iheirfriends. ! . ; i. I have the honor to be youif Laaysrup s ncntt anu; aoeuient servant, Ladv Jaxe Franklin. Bcdfoft Place Lbnuon. ! T il .. tudded with' gold, and its valleys tilled with slaves. He was- opposed to those! who would deny the Soulherti people their rights in the newly acquired territiries. and thought that, in the present threat, ening aspect of things la compromise should be niide ;' but he "tc fo dtlif Un ion at all hazards for tne South so long as he could be consistently with the pres ervation of Union, but for the Union at He body much bruised. end of fifteen hours. We regret to add that expired at the his young man V setts railroads is S47.000.00X). Now, if these roads Avere totally unproductive as dividend slocks, and therefore a ! dead investment, we should slill be the earners (we speak of Boston) . . i.i. i ':... t i . . - " . . . ' had been drinking, and was mioxicaiea bythe sum ot more than 40,000,000 in thai at the time bf the accident. 1 Some one ; short time. Could; Boston have adopted any times sharpened the ninch of lhe last eighteen "e afternoon the report of this committee "was months ; that some lines have been undertaken j read accepted, and adopted. By design, as it which; may prove a! loss to the stockholders, are i afterwards appeared from the statements of Mr. facts we readily concede ; but the result is Giddin?s, the terms 'Free Soilers ' and Free worth the effort, the pinch, and all the losses 1 Democracy' had both been used in the course which may accrue ; and, as a whole, after I of the resolutions. The first, however, gra makine all reasonable allowances, leaves us, I ,ed UP ,he Par of Dr- Finney, and he moved beyond and over alla'n immense profit. We to reconsider the vote on the adoption of the re have added to thelwealth of Boston, in seven solutions, for the purpose of having them ex years, $73,000,000. The cost of Massachu At the reonest of ibe If Esq. addressed it pn the Central TK:t!l? project, and reiterated bit-opiriiooi pre,CT made known to the public. : 1 f0' II. C. Jone,, Jos. II. Wilson, Dart i:. 1 man, and Jno. M. Long, E?qrs., were6' ively calld on and advocated at fomeut; with much warmth, the-objects of lhe The information given by Mr. WiWiJV Jhe Directors of lhe Charlotte and South S i " l.na Rail Road, in regard to the prosper lhat enterprise, was highly gratifyiugfo fe, ed the following Resolutions which werek imusiy aaopiea. tit i . must have sold or gave him the liquor. Whoever it vas4 bjt hini look upon the dime or half; dime, as the case' may; be, all eik nts. Herextie speaker passed on to an(l reflect that there is the price of a hu- the question 01 inierai improvemen s ana . being it is his the proceeds of a sale of liquor-r-ataue traffic ; and there are the consequences pf such traftic a legalized murder and there a licensed mur derer. "'!; other policy which; would have given her the commanding position she has now attained? Common Schools on both of which lie ex pressed views which must seckirdj the es teem and confidence of? all who love Tennessee, and desire tofseeiher attain the high destiny for whichNaturc intend ed her; and alter extending his th'atiks to the Coo vent ion,and soliciiingj the active exertjons of allold anuyoun. rineri and women, in his behalf, closed his remarks. For one (says the Nashville Banner) we admire and applaud Gov. Brown for the noble stand he has takn on the side of the XJnion, and sink or swim, we are with him o the tf lid. His triumph we look up on ascertain before he makes a blow. I. !' EDO E WORTH FEMALE EMlNA- . f RY. ! 1 I; Notwishstanding the report of the small pox haying appeared in 1 town, qdite a ;X,,vV, ' pV;IVTrkM Lnumberot strangers relatives:antUriends JOHl M. CLiA 1 I UN. j yfof lhe pUpis of Edgeworthr-vvere present at the anniversary examination, which took place the first four days of the week. '4r l XVofdL Say not a word you had better jeave uniain. a worci rs a utile fining, we "know, but it has stirred up a world of 6trife. Suppressing a word has, saved many a charac ter many a! life, A word hot: utfered, and Jllamilton would have lived, the; pride of his Country, '.;, " - j .j- ' i jWhor can tell the good and had efTects of a tnglej vofdt Be careful what; you say. - pTbink before; you speak, and you wilt never he mortified with yourself, or causie a thrill of flAlll f A flftth,' I h'riitrrh Ihnhoarl i.t a lnohrl 1 i i i ' . I Goodrich. hr 1 nere Is a case of severe illnes in town, about' the, name and nature ot which there is greatideveriity of opinion, among physicians aridojbe.r who have seen It.. Suoie with little hesilation, pronounce it Small Pojt ; others ex. preis a cpnlrary opinion. Whe'rei intelligent .medical; authorjiies difler, it does not become those 1e.it informed to decide ; but we deem it our duty to slate the fact rhat siich doubtful case bfiickiiessetbt, in oiderihat such precautions ,rniy Ije observed as prudence wojuld dictate. K it be small Pox,-ihe myitery is, how .it was communicated. ' . i ; In ether respects the people of the town are remarkably healthy.--6Veenj. Pat. jr i- ;; r ,, -j- J - 1 ,; f-' f "I ,!l l- L ' - . . 1 ! ., "i 0C7 Wo are happy to state that the I case ot sickness noticed in our last, which j occasioned apprehension, at home and ex I nggerated rumors abroad, turns out not to small poxj The patient who was af- llictcdAvith the doubtful illness has near- ly rpcpvere.l and no case any thing like It has! since occurred. All agree now, ' that it ws not smkll nox. 1 .Apprehension bas entirely subsided. litUd pur people pursue th 44 eiven tenor of their wftvf as usual too little, mindful of the numberless noaitive blessinsrs with vhtchthey are surrounded.-i-GreenJooro' jrainot. : A nortion of the lime the? -weather! was exceedingly wet and disagreeable, no doubt preventing the comfortable attend ance jof many ; but the chifpelj was never theless crowded during the continuance of the examination with ak large a dum ber of spectators as could- be aticommo dated some being occasionally bomjfell ed to! find room -outsitle. I 1 Other engagements preVehted our at tendance during the whole of the exer cises; indeed we are incompetent to form Ian intelligent judgment fs to the pro ficiency of the pupils in vaHou studies with (which it is our misfortune o be un acquainted. We could only judge of their "Pauper Brats." The orphan! schol ars at the ' Girard College," it is said are compelled to peel their own potatoes, Wash their own clothes, and are elegantly call ed by their " teachers" ' pauper brats." The Times calls the institution potatoe peeling Hall" Rogues Ranch jwould sound more appropriate. The Federal Vhig managements of Girard's estate and be quests, offers a fair illustration of the con sequences which would follow their un checked rule in this Union, those who i have robbed the charity box of the dead, would have little scruple n beggaring the living. And hot only beggaring, but grind ing down to the last state of degradation and oppression, the entire mass of taping humanity, j ' f ' , We clip the above paragraph from the Lincola Republican, of the 11th instant. It bears no credit mark, and mayj .there fore be considered, as original in thjat pa per, having received, at least the adoption of lhe editor. Whether! the , imputation it contains against tho " Federal Whig managers" of Girard's estate be just or unjust; or whether theyare Whigs, are enquiries with which we have nothing tccdo. But taking the allegation against their characters to be true, it. is noti fair to deduce therefrom the slanderous impu tation made against the Whigs as a Ipar- The Next Congress. 16G members have been chosen to the next Congress 89 Whigs to 77 Locos giving the Locos the doubtful District in Virginia. G5 re main to be elected, of which 30 were Whigs and 35 Locos in the last Congress. Should there be no further change, the Whigs will have a majority of 7 in the House of Representatives. The following ;are the elections yet to be held : North Carolina, Aug. Tennessee, I " Alabama, j " Indiana, " Kentucky, Maryland, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Vacancies Oct. Nov. 2 2 6 C G 3 5 5 Whig. 6 5 2 4 G 4 1 1 0 1 30 Loco. 3 G 5 6 4 2 3 3 1 1 purgated, and the term 'Free Democracy' sub stituted for that of 4 Free Soilers," wherever the same occurred. This motion, by a pretty close vote, failed. The Doctor, however, was not to be baffled thus : he immediately moved that the Secretary be instructed to report the resolutions for publication with the substitutions made as above Indicated, and as the proceedings of the Free Democracy.' This ijave rise to j some sparring between the brethren of the ; 4 Free ' household. Giddings was for harmony and conciliation; Hitchcock for the latter ; clause of the motion ; Atkins for the whole ; I and BriggSj desired the Doctor to remember I lhat they could not consent to yield every thing. ; The Doctor was tart, and very much disposed I to push the Whig Free Soilers to the wall. ! The vote was at length taken and the Doctors j wer triumphant. Froirj-that moment thence. forth the ' Free SoiV party was no more, its ex. islence being merged in the Free Democracy.' " The Convention then solemnly resolved, a. mongst other things, as follows : "That the Free Democrats of the Western Reserve will firmly adhere to the principles proclaimed at Buffalo, August 10, 1843, and at Columbus, December 29, 1848. That, discarding all alliance .with' any oth er parly, we will court an union with all men upon these principles for the sake of freedom.!! It must be a source of sincere satisfaction to all true friends of the Constitution that these persons, who abandoned the Whig party and Resolved, That the consequences ofil,. . 1, icy which North Carolina has hitherto tTi too deeply deplored a policy "hirM her far behind her sister States in'attiW ?" ments of public greatness a policy hica ( driven thousands of her inhabitants relucj4MV from her borders, and offered no induce, to- immigration a policy which, worselifcj all,? has kept buried from herself andikeLnJj the fruits ot her vast and varied resurcei uiai, mereiore,. we oigniy approve and-cota.' mend the liberal and enlightened course iftfct last Legislature, in taking the initiative 6tpp Ul rescue the State from present reproach aid fo. lure depopulation, to awake into life andictitj ny ner unaevetopeo energies, and to makeN.' Carolina as eminentjy the seat of future;pros! perily and contentment, as she is uowthejborm of law and Order. I Resolved, That the project of a RailjRojJ from Charlotte, via Salisbury and Raleigh, i UoJdsuoro . sweeping as it does the whulf cesr tral breadth of the Stale, and promising jioei. tend its arms and its benefits on either skJf to the sea-board. and to the mountains- pnitu more nearly the interests of every section, any plan of State Improvement which ;could have been devised, and on that account tWld receive the cordial support of all her p4nooc citizens; that we believe this Droieet. loSrtiirl- the Stuie has liberally contributed, her 'aid, to be entirely practicable, if mei by a torreponl ing liberality on the part of the peoplej; wti that we have no hesitation in saying Io our friends else where, lhat, w hen the lime tr ie, t ion arises, the people of Cabarrus will dd their duty towards completing this great enterprise. Resolved, That we approve of frequent befU ings of the people And free public discuUiou on this subject ; and, to this end, that furry deU egafes be appointed to attend the Internal law provement Conventionpto be held io SaJifLurj in June next. I ' Under the thirtk Resolution, iht fJllow. progress, in many instances, by the prompt ! ty. We would suggest to the Republi- . -5 .IV v . ..J t ;i'?Anj Honeil '.lan.The N. York Com mercial las ja subscriber who has taken the: semi-weekly .issue of . that excellent h IP !"Ce February, 1807, ! He lives in ; me country, and has always paid bis sub tscription punctually at the desk of the Publication office. He is upwards of eigh- : ty yi?ars of age, reads without spectacles, and Yin hale and hearty. Those Who pay the jirinter generally live to an advanced . 'ogeJ'j'-v .if : 1- .' -";"'.,: - Apt Comparison. The Hon. Hor . nce iMann, in alluding to ill ventilated .pclibol houses, remarks as follows,: To and qnembarrassed manner; of their an swers, and by the expressions of jsatisfac- uon praise trom parents a,nq others pre sent, iwho were most interested. I 11 Oti Wednesday night a fine musical en tertajument was given, under the direc tion f Mr. Kern, who enjoys the reputa tion of an accomplished instructor in this department. Greensboro' U'atridt. Speaking out in Church. Uiider this head the New York Tribune gives the following very good incident: ii " A young lady of this city, who :is en gaged and will shortly be United to a gal- Llant son of Neptune, visited the Mariner's Church on Sunday last, paring tho ser monJthe pastor discourse4eloquenty and with much earnestness of Jmanner on the triali dangers and temptations of the pro fession of a sailor; he conctuded fciv Isking .1 e 11 . .. I ... ii7. t- me iptiovving question ; y is inerd afly one who thinks any thing of hin wh wears a tar paulin hat, a blue jak"pt, or a pair of trowsers ipade of duck-fit! short, is there anyone who cares aught fr the poor sail or ?Mj A little girl, sistef ojf this yodng la day, vvho was sitting bjl hH, immediately jumped up, and Jookiii archly at her sis ter, said in a tone loud enough forfevery one io hear : Yes, sir,fci doejs if The audienpe was convulsed vith laughter ; the rjiinister bit his lipsi anil concluded the servpeSj by requesting tho congregation to urtite with him in pfayefr." 1 I can if he and his party were to be tried by the same rule it might not be well for him. I , i ' Spirit of the Age. -This js the title of a new papet4, proposed tq be established fit Raleigh, by, A. M. Gorman. It is (o be devoted to the cause of Temperance, and is also designed to promote Freemasonry, Odd-Fellowship, arid-every jother Insti tution which tends to relievp the unfortu nate fallen, knd to bind the virtuous and good in bonds of fraternal sympathy and affection." Terms two dollars in advance. 35 nopes arc entertained ot vvtng gains in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and Louisiana, founded on the Presidential vote. But these ;are not sufficiently cer tain to justify thej Whigs in throwing a way the Anson District in this State, as they seem determined on doing, by run ning three Whigs against one Locofoco. May we not hope that a more patriotic feeling will animate the voters and the candidates in that strong Whig District? They may rest assured that they will run the day that shall witness the triumph of Locofocoism in their midst. Fay. Ob. its principles at (and for some time before) lhe i ,n ge'i,'n were appointed deletes, tn 1, r-j .'l pi 1 .1 .1 I Cieo. Barnhardt, Dan'l Miller, Jno. ishiopocL' late Tiesidential Llection, have at length L. r, ... w, . i' Common School Advocate. The first No. of this monthly periodical, by Dr. Nereus Mendenhall, has come to hand. -7-From the high character the editor of this journal enjoys, we think it must succeed ; and we heartily pommend it to the sup port of those engaged in the promotion of the cause of education. OCJ The Convention of the Episcopal Church meets in this place on the 23rd instant. j OCT3 That casej of small jyqx at Greens boro' has turnccTput just as we expected a great ghost. ! Cotton Cro?. The present-year's: crop of Cotton it is probable will be greatly diminished in consequence, of the late un- a . mi . . ft ) seasonable weal ner. ine ravasres oi the frost of the 16th April seem to have ex tended throughout nearly the entire! cot ton raising district of the South ; and the impossibilityjof obtaining seed for replant ing is almost universal. Scythe-Snaths and Hay-Rakes, made by David Beard, junj., of this county, are de posited at neighbor Mclver's store for sale, at northern prices. In elegance of workmanship and adaptation to the pur poses intended, tiese articles rival, and we believe surpass, northern work of the same description The rakes are made of white poplar, (extremely light and slen der, and at the thrown off all disguise, openly renounced the name of Whig, ''discarded " all alliance with any other party than the "Democracy," and, with a destitution of. principle without prece dent in the history of parties in our day, caM iiot their net to catch all men of any principles whatever who will join them upon theirs. We will court an union," says their resolution, "icith all men upon these principles." The. following Resolution shows that the re. al ohjpct of this new Coalition i to unite with the Coalition of ah opposite complextion in lhe common purpose of embarrassing, and finally overthrowing, lhe present Whig Administra tion : ' Resolved, That, as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, we will trust no man who is not openly and avoieedly, in act and in word, for freedom, and that we cannot under these circumstances support any party, or the Presi. dent of any party, who is not thus open and de cided:' The Italics of the above Resolution are co pied from lhe official account of the Proceed ings. From this brazen proclamation of fac tious motives for the re.haptism of these parii zans calling themselves "Free Soilers" in Ohio, it is plain lhat, if President Taylor desires j the support of those men for his administration, he must. become not only in his hpart, hot "out wardly and "in act and word," an Abolition ist. President Taylor will, we have no doubt, to this proposition to him to abandon his colors and surrender the principles of the Constitution, (which he has sworn before the whole People to preserve,- protect, and defend.) reply in lhe same spirit as he did to the summons of Santa Anna on the field of Buana Vista, He-will " beg leave to decline acceding to their request" to surrender either his post or his principles "at discretion." Nat. Intelligencer. E. R. Hart is. W. S. Harris. W. W. Rankin. Jno. Gilison, Moses Pills, Cyrus, Alexander, W. C. Means, W. F. Pbarr, J.s. O. Pharr.R. S. Young, Ibsen Cannon, Rufus Barringer, 3. M. Long, E. R. Gibson, K. P. Harris, R. A?, Fard, T. S. Henderson Caleb -Phifer. lou Misenhammer, Jno. H. Black, Ale'; McKrnlr, Cieo. S. Houston, Dhu'I Coleman, Sam! son, C Melchor, David While, W. S. AlisonJ Jno. M. Cannon, W. B. Cochran,"Alejs.F, Harris, Jcoh Stirewall, Jr., A. Alewndrr, Jos. B.tmhardt, Danl Boger, Simon Bus!, Ma thias Barrier, and Jacob B. Coleman. L On motion of Rufus Bartinger, Esq., tp Al lowing Resolution was-also adopted withjentire unanimity. ' ... ... j Resolved, That we' commend to the further favorable consideration of the people of Cahar. rus and of Western Carolina, general), ti success of lhe Charlwtte and South "Citolic Rail Road; and, in order to insure it f mora speedy completion, we respecifully sujrgestf necessity of additional subscriptions to the stock of said Road. ' t j On motion the proceedings of this meeting were ordered lo be published in theRiuViga. Register and North Carolina Standard, w"a the request that the other Papers in liejSurt publish the same. W. C. MEANS, Chatn'n. , Jxo. A. Bbadsiiaw, Sec'y. i Unsuccessful attempt at AbductionOn Tuesday morning two boxes marked with -this side up, to be liandfed with fcare were carried to the Richrfiond and Fred ericksburg Kail Road Depot, in iticllmond. The 'suspicions of ibnkft wbn fmnrtiL k l t . - - w u,.au,vu IIIC 11'i.rn it n ...... j i. 4 ' , . ana tne don tain -W. G. Brown low,, the editor of the Jonesboro' Whig, who it was reported, tremble in heavy grass and grain. had been assassinated, has recovered from , ingenuity and skill at home be encour the injury done him, by his cowardly as- ; aged. Greensboro' Patriot. sailant. In bis account of the occurrence, Brownlow says, I owe my'existence, un- j Murder. Last night, just about dark, GREAT FIRE AT CHARLESTON. We learn from the Charleston Courier that an extensive fire occurred in that city on the 7th inst., which destroyed about 150 houses. The region of lhe fire is bounded by Meeting same time sufficiently ' street on the west, Charleston street on the The scythe snaths are north, Elizcbeth street east, and Boundary on stouter than most of those of northern ! ho south. All the buildings, with lhe excep. make, and not so liable to spring and j t,on f a &w on be southeast corner of Eliza- Lej 1 beth, Boundary and Meeting street, were con- Search for Sir John Franklin. ?The .TViiV ington correspendent ot the New Yoik Hfri says : "That our government intends detai'icj. forthwith, two of the national ships in searci of the lo9t exploring expedition of-Sir Jofca Franklin, in lhe Arctic seas ; one to go around Cape Labrador, and through 'Para Straits the other West, to Behring's Strain. We are glad to see our government taking' interest in this subject, and trust that exertwW to discover the lost expedition, will not b fined lo national vessels, but that our wUlfM will lend their aid. I tough andstronga sumed. The houses destroyed were mostly all small, and occupied by persons of small means. Loss estimated at 25,000 or 30.000 dollars. THE INTERVENTION IN FAVOR OF THE POPE. The London Times of the lOib, in an artie" on the intervention of France to restcjc Pope, says : ! " The French Republic cannot be ieisfl( bly or rightfully suspected of any intrsiit.41; , restoring llie abusegfof lhe old ecclfs government of the Pope, and we hav Df f that the Frpnrh MnTilriB f Pin IX i cerely desirious of giving his subjects tw f Canadian Affairs. Th M.mirool r.ir.on . 1 efil of lhat rontroriion wKirK ihev have!'4':, ir - - m m i ! T- , . U . I'-I'v- m v.- - , . . , der L.od, to a strong beavr hat Ijhad on as May uucnanan, n,sq., was on nis way pregent things as quiet in that city. An ad- I ishly and wickedly abused. Nor is 0 .""i i . ... - ! ' I ' H. J I l 1 . . - .. at the time this brave and generous attack was made.! putchtldren low tt short allowance of fresh l8 w-re some way xcited, ai nirjs as ioolish as it would have been for ox1s be,n opened vyere found to c Npahdurin- tlid deluge, to have put his Xwo)Z. who wpre w thii lenth that a citizen of Hichraond was f.ray ,m Plated inth transact ion. He Fid gone to Fredirfr.L-h nrrt An ilia A.... : -f la mi ly on a'short allowance of water.- Since God has potued obt an atmosphere J njy luuoa ucrjMi ismougn wo maKe nmiser yeep tosec our children stinted in breath." ! f A f ; i 5 1 7CTraflcr. The " Charleston Total ) H ; Abstinence poclety was .foped in 1842, &- X hA hcldi public meeting regularly eyery ! - . Aveclc since he perjocj of its organisation, "i 1 1 v anr hag n'ovV ahout Three Thousand rneiii. ber. Macreadv known as an English stage actor of some distinction, vvas lately hiss ed and pelted off the staged at the Astor home from Wadesborough. and within ; rJress has been no!,!Ur,A,l ;n tnm ronl sitTnort soooosed thai-the iniprorrire of about a quarter of a mile from his own by a very large number of the most prominent der her present rulers, is intended t' f0 : house, he was attacked, and Deal to death !and respected citizens, urging the maintenance i the exploded lumber of Piince MeterBiw-i with a stake ; the road having previously I of-peace and order, and the resort only to legal i lice. The real desire both of; Aor J en Weiregret to Pid gone to Fredericksburg on the dav previous to be ready attend tothe dark colored goods, and bv meajos of th Tele graph was arrested In that lownj Pet int. of May io. 'J:"--;r-i:-i----iu-i " ' ; ' . ' . ' . - -; .... i t -.n -,irJ Stir About. Nine. tenths oi ice of mankind (sayOIagoon) prbcdbd from indolence and Idleness ' - lhe miseries and been stopped with a pile of brush, for the , and constitutional means for the redress of I France can on ly be to render the . "', vf nnrnnp fit" imnedin? bis hnrsp. what ma v be considered "rievanres. Vt Tvintr. of constitutional libertv, noss ible in l?' 8A l' " ' ' i j j ra .--....j,- ------- - - j i - (nftt " His familv heard a crv. and immediate i '"n. Canada West, a public meeting was held ! supplying the Trovernments with that . Opera House, in New York. Sucli an ly after his horse!ran home, with a part of ou ,nt' lal instant, at which resolution?, very j reeisi the absurdity-and extravasanc excitement 'was got up on the occasion as j his sulky, the remainder having been lodg. i Uir and moHerate in tone, were ad.ted. ad- j pfpulace and its demagogues, which in i iim i h iif i i inn iricno iiii i n n r a n-vn uiiiiirs nun i iirr r-iiiirw 11 nr iiiiuuiv to compel him to make bis escape jn a close carriage. H f " The Houjl."Te see ijj stated in all the Whig papers, that the locofoco jress has raised a horrid howl.T Eniptyi bel lies, it is said cause wolves; to hou:lr and we suppose the locos have been !outw just about long enough to get pretty pclf ish. .. 1 , ! ; V, : '! ' ' , J i er noratnst vl trfp. His familv find ovnr. seer ran to theispot'and found him just ! ,l?e orjrnment thereon, regretting the ex. alive ; but it is thWht he never breathed, j P,"Von-al M(tnlrea!' and pledging ibe meel.,ng Beside him, and partly covered with blood, they found a stae, about eight feet long, such as are usedlin running fences. No traces could be found of the villain or vil lains who perpetrated the awful deed. The deceased Was an old and excellent citizen, and his qeatb.is involved in mys tery, as it was-noi thought he had an ene my living. Wabesloro Argus, May 8. happyily have not hilherto afforded." to the preservation of order, &c. ; also, avow ing a wish for lhe recall of Lord Elgin, but j this in a decorous and even kindly manner, with out insult or vituperation. " Governor of Arkansas. The BatcsvilJe (Ark.) Eagle states lhat the majority of Johh Selden Roane. for Governor is about seventy-five. Death of George W. istler Col. George W. Whistler. Chief Eng . of the St., Petersburg and Moscow..' . r; i i i . l :i i:f Tie W'5.;. ivuiiu. nas ueparieu uis inc- fa -.c wr . i: nA tifid beep rnanv vears a resident in St. Veiej to which place he had gone lor . pose of taking charge of the Ra n sucl of L cral 'and tiai had i ere r, atte cxti nutn ed v The DOS5 plat of! irbar yes.t tren mig ther 9 wer( mori ed.l cap wer ;g 9 port: tvtl hoj ti and 6 atd cd Stve i beer corn havi tine; tale tor. Can to 2 i i FOI 1 F, Pdl; Pope kt c r.t, lerpr' ;i . i r Vr r- 4 "i f

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