. ' 4T1 . . ' . .. L-- ' i -v i :'-,) v . . f - ' 1 I-. ; T 41 A f Sir 1 '1 t 4 ii'' . a- " "T Ii'iiV oi flic Watchman. 4'1,ii.twn. P'l year.Two Do u.aks payable in rtJ fiftyvCt.K b charged; ,!.' XlfeinVrirJ at. $t for the first, and 25 cts kfr?Jrh"wUl' inwrtion. . Court orders clnrged SypJr (i'Kirftf than these ot. A IUral dehic-. Ln lo'thfc-efwho idvrrti t rh Y'- ! ) FTTI R5 to ;flve; KditlHs mul bfpwM- j I M fci ROMXA WATCHMAN. ii ;: JJAIL ROAD i m - - i -r 1 m n r- I I : J Thursday, th p 14th instanf, : BRUNEK & JAMES, if vy 1 -S555!!! n , " ' " NEW SERIES. - r . j ? .? K$ep a checx rpox ill. toitr mm0kr', Da this, asd Liberty is safe." EMorJ f Proprietors. j )l j RuLs- -T I y GtrCl Harris ( VOLUME VI UMBER 7. ! j SALISBURY, C, ItHURSDAY, JUNE 21; 1849. ! ...... i " -v. - : -I 4.-JLli - . ' &-. ' 1 " i ; . : ' . ; bpingjhe Appointed for themrcting in uiia IrtJttfYriendVbf th North Carolina Rail Rorulrtric Delates scnt by the vari oukcoon'ics iimncdialely interested in this rrritnvork. asiemhlcd in the Lutheran pUirch at 110 o'clock. .. "... . .. , J ' The If on. pay id F. Caldsyell calleil the Cpntrptlon to OTUcr ana nominaieu 01. 1ohntD.!Httvkins, of I ranklin, as rresi- (Jpnt protempore, and J. J. Jiruncr and J. j CJirkc,'(is Secretaries. ' ' f -ll.i C Jones,' Esq., of Rowan, moved lb."t a Committee of Irve be appointed to tnojiriate permanent - ofilccrs of the Con- jventionii -Under thty resolution the Prcsi Jdcni 0ra tern, anpoitjited C. L. Ilinton of UaKn, 1. v Jones, ;j. v. ijus anu j, u. fy)rdfo Itoxvan, and Rufus llarringer of Cakrrus.; . ; J . ; ': On motion of II. (J. Jones, the delegates tfl tills Convention were requested to hand iniheir lhamcs to the Secretaries, when htlpllo.wing counties appeared to be re nrcserited :: ""' i ! -i j yemVM . Stanly, Calviti'B. Dib- t!e Joha N. AVaslitn'ton. Johnftlorl John McLeodv IVcAe William Boylan, Charles L. Ilinton, GeorrtVL MoriTecai ! f ItVyw--Janrpa Gjiswold. - Jre dett-r-ti. Jl McDowell, P. B. Chatjibers, Dtviil lUmfajr, J. Duenfjury. i Chatham Doct. McClanahan, Albert Tor- ren. !;' -; ;4(ajhanv -David L Ray, Samtiel Holt. Orange I) L'Swnin. Ei-Got., W A Gra- binKxioV., John N Kiikland. ' l&ntgtmery Samuel II Christian, Dr. J M Worth. : yeirlfanorcr Alexander McUae, F J Hill, k EliAV HalW C Worth. .j;yVMf L B Carmichacl, C A Parker, R FJ(ckett, J B 12 or don.' Guilford- i)hi Mj Morehead, II Menden hall, (' "(foflin, Jesse Shelly, N Mcndenhall, Jatrici Slo.in, 1) T paJdMiell, Samuel Dillon, liV. KiVld. LrndonlSwain, Edward Wl On- r Wo, i Shcltou, William Gott, R W Horton, Ab (lardiwr, John A Gilmer. l- lLndnlphJ M A lDrake, M W Leach, J ! H Hu,s juoathn Worth, Alexander S: Hor- neyi -I bwna. Hire, John M Brandon. CVorrMVIv P Harris, Wm C Means, R Piirrinfcer, L' S Bingham, Victor Barring'er, E K Ujtyon, Caleb Phifer, John M Long, Jacob Wlineripfl", Jj U Coleman, George S Houston, E R U arris, Jacob Siirwalt, W S Harris. Dan ifl Coleman' V V Taylor; Martin Bost.i C N WtJtci V M Orr, Hnry Blackwelder, deorge n' J. . , : - . ' i 't. lamina r. r i " ha'crNort Thalcsi McDonald, C L Payne, J:L'qieinmons,!lI Ad am, II R Iisenberry, W k Holt, John W Thomas, Charles Mock, P fv Itoutisavilje, R A King, Wilsorf McRary, M,I'joli$ton, J M Le$ch, V Hoover, II March, Who were duly elected by the Conven tion.: - . ' -i ' ;f !-;! On motion of II. C. Jones, it was! Re! solved, that a Committee of 25 bef ap pointed by the President to prepare busi ness for the action of this Convention, i In pursuance; of this resolution, the fol lowing persons were appointed : ; j i Gen. Alexander'McRae, W. Boylan, W. R. Holt, D. Coleman, John McLeod, J. Vy.Ellif, Go. Swain, Gov. Graham, James W Os- 1 borne, Geo. W Mordecai, David F. Caldwell, u. C. Jones, Rufus Barnnger, James Gns wold, John W. Thomas, John D. Hawkins, Mai. C. L. Hinlon, F. J. Hilt, Dr. Samuel Holt, J. B. Loidj E. R. Stanly, Dr. McCJana han, Jonathan Worth, R. J. McDowell, J. R. Gordon, John A. Gilmer, William C. Means, H. Whitney, L. R. Carmichael. On motion of D. L. Swain, the presi dent and Vice Presidents were added to the Committee, 1 John A. Gilmer offered the fplloSving Resolutions : f Hesohedi That the delegates in this; Con vention hind themselves to raise and pay the sum of five thousand dollars to the Commission, ers of the North Carolina Rail Road Compa ny, to pay suitable salaries to a General Agent and Engineer, toi make the necessary surveys. Resolved, Tht the Commissioners aforesaid for raising the capital stock of said company; be requested to employ a suitable Engineer to make survey of the route, also a suitable per son as General Agent, to aid them iri getting subscriptions of stock and in the formation of the company under the provisions of the charter. Jiesohcd, That it shall be the duty of said Agent to travel, visit the citizens most interest, ed in the construction of the road, call fpubljc meetings and address the people; also o se cure subscriptions to be paid in cash, labor, or materials, in or out of the Slate. I h Resolved, That in addition lo their expenses the said Agent shall be paid for one year's ser vices the sum of and the Engineer tne sum of i . ' Ailjson Marchj Spruce" McRary, W S i Ellis, tJotge'M Smith, A j Wiseman' J Sowers, V Sof;a, John Ijedrick, C V Lowe, Franklin Smith, A Ilfdiick, Grandison Roberts, B L Eeajl. Je$se lUnkin.l ! ' MekjenhurJJ W Osborne A W : Steel, 9tHwL.!: i ;iirrr-Sohji A Lillington, Lemuel Bing. lamiiJlowlandiCrump, John Foard, B Bailey, u'KVUrch, lult)aru Iward, J U l oard, Jos. Hill A Hall, T-M Voting, Stephen Doythct. I'rtlnXUn-John I) Hawkins, Calvin II Wi- U Cnldtrcll C Williamson, W W- Lenoir, Ji.B'Bngle,- . , , f - f - . j! Accianderrl-.K M; "Bogle, Jno. Lurnsden. t lljoiranC S Brown, 1 R Hradshaw, J P jWUemaivW Bean; J IM oard, J P Burke, J J Sufilmereil, Dr. Whitehead P Owen, M L lirovrh, Jolin Barger, R Iocko, J II Parker, iMi Waltori.lW P Graham, J T Burru Resolved, That each persorwho shall con tribute to the raising of the? said sum pf five thousand dollars, upon the said company being organized, shall hold shares in the samg to the amount paid by him. On motion of John D. Hawkins, j. Resolved, That the citizens of North! Caro lina can carry out the great scheme of lnt?r nal Improvement so liberally sanctioned by the last Legislature, in granting the charlerto build the Central Rail Roach James V. Osborne offered the follow ing Resolutions : j Resolved, That it shall be the duty? of the General Committee to enquire intb ani report on the provisions of the charier granted by the Legislature for the construction of the Central Rail Rail. ? i Resolved, That if shall be the duty of the said committee to inquire into and report upon jxW matters which may be recommended fr the sperdy and effectual success of the work. J The above resolutions were severally refer red to the General Committee. j Convention took a recess subjeel to the call of the President. I M The Committee to prepare -btpsine's, held a public session during the recess Jof the Conventionr and organized by balling of dollars ty individualls beinff required before the com- paay can be organized for the construction of 'this Rail Road, it is the doty ot all patriotic citizens to use their besf; exertions to raise jthat amount of subscription J and the ineinbers'of this body do agree to urge thi subject upon their respective Constituencies , neighborhoods and counties. ? , . . esolte$ further, That an Executive Comniittee of thrfe persons be appointed by this Convention k whom all information respecting the progress of the subscrip tion may be communicated, and who shall suggest, if neej oe, irom time lo time by advertisement in; the newspapers or otherwise, such action oh the p4rt of the friepd9 of this enterprise, as may tend to its early accom plishment. ' Resolved further, That the President of this Conven tion appoint a County Committee in each County im mediately interested in the construction of the " orth Carolina Rail Road" Consisting of three members, whose duty it shall be to appoint sub-committees in the various sections of their respective counties, to procure subscrip tions to the capital sttkk in said Rail Road, and to take all other measures which they may deem necessary to the promotion of this entrprize. j Resolved further, That the Commissioners ap pointed to receive subscriptions be, and they are hereby respectfully solicited o open books of subscxibtion for the, stock. ot this KailUCoad in the shortest time from ;. this date, after due advertisement at the severa! places uesignaiea in me cnaner ior me space ot tnirty aays ; and at the expiration of that time they be in like man ner requested to report the several subscriptions made as well to the chairman of the executive committee afiiresaid, as to John M. Morehead, Esq., of Greensboro', for the information of the General Commissionfers'nam-ed-in the charter, of vhom he is one, and thaitljie'be-re-qufested as soon as one million of dollars shall "..ascer tained to have been subscribed, to make known the fact to leach one of the General Commissioners, an4 to de siate a tirnellfcd pljace for their meeting tof receive th official reports of j the sub-commissioners as directed in;said charter. , 1 ! f Mesolved further, fThat in the event of the stock not being taken under the first advertisement, the executive committee, if deemed expedient, be requested to employ a Suitably agent to travel, call meetings, address the peo ple, solicit and receive subscriptions in and out of the Jftate. . i ! 1 - i Resolved f urther, jThat a committee of two persons be now appointed by the President to enquire and re port to this conventiojn vfhethef there be any, and if any, w; lat number of individuals jn be associated to sub scribe the residue of the stocrequired to form the com pany, provided there should bh. deficiency in the amount returned on the books Of the commissioners aforesaid. Resolved further, That it is the opinion of this Cori vchition, that the payment of five hundred thousand dollars required to he inadeccording tq the 36th sec tion will be ias well cbmplied"with by the execution of. contracts for work and materials to that amount as by the payment of monjey. ' I I Resolved further, That it is desirable to pibcure as lajrge a number of stockholders as possible in laid Rail Rbad Company, no mattei; how small may be their sev ejil subscriptions; if Sequal to a single share. ; Resolred further, That in order to accommodate the term of payment for stock to the condition and conven ience of our fellow citizens generally, the Board of Di rectors of the Rail Road Company, ought and will be expected by this convention in letting contracts for the Work and'njaterials of the same, to give a preference to stockholders who may offer to become contractors, in all crises where they ppopose reasonable terms to be judg ed of by the said Board with the aid of the estimates of the Engineer. ; . " The President stated that the question vvould be uponj the adoption of the Re port. I Mr. Washington of Craven, moved that the Resolutions reported by the Commit tee be considered serUatim which was concurred in. ; I The first Eight Resolutions were unani mously adopted. ;. 1 i ; Mr. Clemmons of Davidson, offered the following substitute for the 9th Resolu tion, to wit : ! j On motion of J. A. Lillington, the fol lowing resolution was adopted : Resolved, That fhe Board of General Com missioners appointed to supervise the opening of Rooks for Subscription to the Capital Stock of the North Carolina Rail Road, be requested to appoint three or. more Commissioners at or near the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, in Va.,.and three Commissioners for the Town ot Petersburg, and also tiree for the county of Wayne, to receive Subscriptions for that pur pose. - i j In pursuance of the 4th resolution of the General Committee, John M. More head, George W. Mordecai and Wm. R. Holt, were appointed the Executive Com mittee. Mr. Graham offered the following res olution : ' Resolved, That three delegates be appoint ed "by the President of this Convention, to rep resent this body in the Rail Road Convention, to be held at Memphis, Tennessee, in the month of July next, with view to the construction of a Rail Road from the Mississippi valley-lo the Pacific Ocean. Which was unanimously adopted, and the Hon. D. L. Swaim, Hon. James Gra ham, and the Hon. J. P. King of Georgia, were accordingly appointed delegates. In pursuance of the 5th resolution re ported by the General Committee, the Pre sident appointed the following gentlemen : Mecklenburg William Johnson, D A the Convention to put forth every effort in their intercourse with the people to give success to this great enterprise, pronounc ed the Convention adjourned xinc die. JXO. M. MO R E H E A D.Tre jV. D. A. Davis, Jno. N. W .ashixgtox. Secretaries. Albert Tobrence, Conway Whiule J Esq.v' was adopted by1 iha meeting..' ;L .-',:: 4 vvl-1-' ",: f X'nd on motion.of Wm. C. WLitehpad, Eiqv Thomas G. BrouShton, Eq., was added to the committee. . r WM, W. SHARP, President. Tnos. GIBaoucnTox, Secretary.. "''' 1 LOCO ANDw"FREE SOIl- : -' These two parties in Wisconsin, bar united; and among the resolutions they adopted as the basis of their union, yvc notice the following: - ; ! M Whereas it appears that the princi ples held by the irreat minr?tv nf ihm Democratic parly, and of the Free Soit-, party, upon the leading political topics of1 ifc uuy, me tne sumc ; ana wnereas thesr;, principles can be far more effectually pro4 pagated by the united action of all the J -friends of those principles; tbereforej ' ! "Resolved, That we recommend tbai-j the State Central Committee of tho Dera-, ocratic organization, and the State Ccn- ..' traL Comniittee of the Free Democratic i; organizat ion, unite in calling a State Con THE SALISBURY (N. C.) CONVENTION. i 1 At a pbublic meeting helvl in the City of Norfolk, on Wednesday evening, June Glh, i 1849, William W. Sharp, Esq., tteing called vention at the Capitol in Madison on tho to the Chair, and Thos. G. Croushton nnpoint. ! second Wednesday of September next, at 1 ed Secretarv, the follouins Preamble and Re. ' ciock. w.t ?o oe composeuoi tuoaei solutions were ofiered by William S. Maliory, Esq., severally read and submitted by the Chairman, and unanimously adopledby the meeting : Whereas, The General Assembly of the State of North Carolinadid at their lat session, grant a charter for the Central Rail Road, to be built from Raleigh, via Salisbury to Char lotte, and authorised a subscription of two mill- t i egates from each Assembly district, for the purpose .of making nominations for State officers. u Resolved, That we approve of i the principles of free and unrestrained tradk, I and will demand its adoption by our Gi- vernment as soon ns practicable, belief- I ing the most fair and equal mode of rais-j ingthe revenue, to defray the expenses cf I Resolved, That in the opinion of thf Con vention, the provisions of the 36th sec.; of the charter for the North fcfarolina Rail Road, will be complied with upon the execution of nego- ttable bonds with approved security, toUhe a- 1mU II C Jones, Jac6b, Correll, Sot. Hall, UllltobatdsJ John Voulcr, John C Miller, E :Vjiu,fM SMcKcnsie A M Ilendeitson,Dr Hon T W Pllli tn tho Hnnir The flftm mittee "was addressed by John A. Gilmer, j mounl f 0,900 by the individual stokhold Johri M. Morehead, Wm. A. Graham, D. ; 6rs' .and,.,hat r,n !f,ngi T ""f t L. Swain, and J. W. Osborne. f ; On motion of Gov. Morehead fa stjb committee of five was appointed, consist ing of Gov Graham, Gov. Swain, and construction of said road, the bids of stockhold ers should be preferred wben offered upon the same terms with other bidders. I I Which elicited discussion of considera ble interest, inj which, Messrs. Graham, Caldwell and J W Osborne. Cabarrus Daniel Coleman, George Barnhardt,W C Means. Rowan John I Shaver, Elkanah D Austin, A Henderson. Iredell R J McDowell, Theophilus Falls, John M Young. Caldwell Samuel F Patterson, Wm. Lenoir, General Clarke. Wilkes Anderson Mitchell, Dr. James Calloway, John F Finley. tre-r.James C Smith, Tod R Cald well, Isaac T Avery. Alexander Joseph M Bogle, A C Mc intosh. Surry R C Puryear, Tyre Glenn, Jo siah Cowles. Davie Lemuel Bingham, A G Carter, John McRorie. Montgomery John M Worth, James L Gaines, Samuel H Christian. pavidson John W Thomas, Junius L Clemmons, Benton C Douthett. Forsythe Israel G Lash, Thomas Wil son, Constantine L Banner. Stokes John Hill, John F Poindexter, A King. Rockingham Thomas B Wheeler, W M EIIington, John L Lesieure. Caswell Calvin Graves, John Kerr, George Williamson. Guilford John A Gilmer, L Swaim, D F. Caldwell. Randolph John. Worth, H B Elliott, Martin W Leach. ' Chatham N A Steadman, J J Jack son, Isaac Hall. jilemance Wm A Covington, Col. John Holt-General Trollniger. Otdtisre Cadwallader Jones, sr., J W i ... Norwood, C W Johnson. Wake Ruffin Tucker, W W Holder, B B Smith. s ions of dollars on the part of the Slate towards ; property building sa.ct Kail Koad : ! u JcsolVC(l That we are opposed totheu And whereas ; The said General Assembly i creation of a NationaHJank by Congress, did fu.lher prov.de for the -construction of the j be,jeVe hat h(S atfajrs of lhe: l.aleih and Gaston Railroad, and the exten- r u .u c?. . j -v- . i sion of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad to I GuOVClr1n",C" ' both. S ale and lonal.; some point on said Kaileigh and Gaston Road ! hou11d be ,kf P entirely separate from thof and authorised a subicription on the part of , Inks and Banking Associations, and its said State, equal to one-halt of the cost of build- i Revenues should be collected and disburs ing said extension!: ed by responsible agents of the Govern'; And Whereas, Numerous meetings of the mcnt, through the Independent Ircasury. citizens of North Carolina have been held for the purpose of adopting preliminary measures for the commencement of work on said Central Rail Road, and said citizens have voted to The 44 free soilersw in that section of the country claim that their party is afNa- tional one, and the National Era, printed j assemble in Conventional Salisbury on Thurs- at Washington, is the recognised organ off day the 1 4i h inst., to perfect such plans and organization as will ensure the speedy com pletion of said Rail Road Therefore, Resolved, 1st. That with a full appreciation of the great natural advantages of Norfolk as a commercial city and of the vast agricultural resources of those portions of North Carolina through which the Central Rail Road will pass satisfied of the mutual dependence existing between our city and the Old North State, and of the mutually beneficial results which must follow the establishment of Rail Road commu. nication between us, we have watched with solicitude the action of the Legislature of North Carolina in regard to Internal Improvements and we congratulate alike her citizens and our own, upon the liberal policy which has been pursued. Resolved, 2d. That as citizens of Norfolk, we the party. t j(-U That paper alluding to these resolutions declares that this union has been accom- " plished without any concession of princU pie, but that both parlies have agreed (o become one in action, for the purpose of se curing the ascendency of principles they": hold in common ! ! ! Ral. 'Register. ! The substance of the resolutions passed r. at the late South Carolina Convention, proposing a concerted action in the South- : ern States to arrest, in some way or other,' the apprehended application of the Wil mot Proviso to the territory acquired from Mexico, is published in the New Orleans have a deep interest in the proposed internal' " Beeof May 31, accompanied by the improvements of North Carolina, and wilh our i following remarks: j j best wishes for their early completion and sue Tjlis is a dRibrate and well organized cess, we confidently look to our connexion with c(rQrt to widen lhc breach areaily toiotne themassureoresut.nbrmgmgtoourc.tya!exfcnt exjsti betxveen ,he North! and large and valuable trade which can only be , fa w f , confi(jentf nevertheless icatucu uv mc tuiui;iiij.jaicu nnpi u t mi 111?. Resolved, 3d. That we regard the Central Rail Road of North Carolina, as an all-important link in the great chain of intercommuni cation now in progress of completion, which when finished, willi connect our' city on the Seaboard with Memphis on the Mississippi river, and which will afford invaluable facilities of communication and intercourse between our that it will be defeated by the calm com mon sense and steadfast patriotism of tho people of both sections. 1 "The question of the Wilmot Proviso if an abstraction, that can have no practU' cal result, other than would be attainetl without it. We do not believe-in the constitutional power of Congress to estab own Stale and her sister States in the South 5 ih or interdict slavery anv wherel and and Southwest, and which must tend to strength-; therefore regard the officious intermed- en and perpetuate the relations existing be. tween them. Resolved, 4th. That while other cities, pos Granville John S Eaton, Robert Gi - ; b their energetic excriidns drawing towards i l. b1,l,j .ii' C emmons, G mer, Osborne, Thomas, to prepare Resolutions lo be subtmltedito ! , Tr- , i i . j ' .i'1 rk r. U Clarke and Kirkland participated, j On motion of Mr. Davis of Salisbury, 4t $ntKerr, J C Mconnaughcy, J G Cairns, N rt llall, J U todJ, John McColloh, Wm P purjte, J G Fleming, A Baker, 6 G Foard, J V lta,ms'yt S D Rankin, Wm Locke, Jesse P JViictnan, T L Cowan, R E Love, N Boyden, Alt t Long, Richard Harris, Wm Heatbman, oifppen I'rontis, J B McNeelv, Sam'l Luckey, IUihrock, T A Krider, T E Brown, J 1) rown, J $ Myers, A J Fleming, V N Luckey, 1 M HcHdorfon, J II Coffman, J W Ellis, J Lbrd. S STrotL Wrii II Smith. C A Reard. J FjValfy, A II Caldwell, J K Graham, A T fOvtc, A Jlcmlerson, John I Shaver, Joel II Jenkins, .William Cranford, J L Read, Sam'l Hrei, Samuel ' Barr,-Solomon Peeler, J S JoWton M C Pendleton, W R Wilson, D F taWwell C L, Torrencc, James Roseman, J UfntSlcraan, J Clarke,. J J Uruner. ; AorfoA-, Va. Hammond Whitne, E. C. ooerioo. i ; fiax C L Hinton, Hon J W Ellis. j Oa motion jt was Resovled,4liat E. C. Wtrison and Hammond Whitney, dele- CJeit from' Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va.t Attested to take scats in this Conven- tion.;.;; t ; ' - HThe Committee appointed lo nominate OUlcerS; after rrtirinrr n fw mnmpnte m. lrncd, a.nd recommended ;i ' : 1 ' 1 ; i ; For President, 30I1N Nf. MOREUKAD, of Guilford, i ! : ' Hcc Presidents, ' :l Gen. AtEx. McUak. fNw I Vf;!VLUAt Boylan of Wakp, ! j! Dr; W.iR. Holt. of. David Jn. i- PJ- Daniel Colem ax, of Cabarrus, 1 Ci Joiitf McLeod, of Johnston, -IS Uobixson, oi 'Norfolk,.! Va. ; ll. i IV Secretaries. ! i ' '.J - - " -. : B.j A. Davis, of Salisbury, 7 'i K John N. Washington, of Craven, :AtBEBT TojtUE.NCE, of Chatham, the consideration of the Convention. At 4 o'clock, the President resurhed the Chair, and called the Convention tp order, when the CommtUee reported progress, asked, and obtained ifeAye to sit again j j The following gentlennjbeing several ly called upon, addressed the Convention; to wit :. : ' lhM j; j - Gov. Swain, Hon. N. Boyden, General McRae, Col. McLeod, John W. Thomas; Hammond Whitney and C. B. DibbleJ We shall not attempt to give even a ;sy the Convention took a recess untilj three o'clock. I I ' I Afternoon Session. r i J; .At the hour appointed the Convention e-assembled and resumed the considera tion of Mr. Common's substitute Ti when Iessrs. Mordebai, Hill and Boylan,- ad dressed the Convention. H' U Mil. 11 aOlilllglUll Ul VI 11 I t A J J (11 1 I i iu lithe reuson which would govern him in nopsis of these speeches, suffice it to say, 'the vote beshpuld give upon the resolu- tliAt thpv wprfi ablp. plonuent. and were iition under consideration. well calculated to awaken a deep and abiding interest in this great entrprizje. On motion. Convention adjourned till to-morrow morning 10 o'clock. J , I Mr. ClemmbnsHhen withdrew;his sub-' stitute, thereupon the resolution as re- ported ny the tUommittee"was unanimous ly, adopted, i Mr. Clemmons then offered ihs substi ftuje as an additional resolution to 4hos ireported oy the Committee, iur. uum:r liam, Thomas Miller. Franklin- John D Hawkins, Edward W Towlkes, Allen Perry. ' Warren Alexander Hawkins, Weldon N Edwards, Peter Davis. Northampton T J Person, David A Barnes, Samuel Calvert. Halifax A Joyner, L H B Whitaker, Redding Pittman. Nash Dr. Drake, Samuel Arrington. General Crenshaw. Edgecombe James J Battle, Duncan Ferguson, Dr. Lawrence. j f Cumberland James C Dobbin, Robert Strange, E J Hale. Wayne James Griswold, Willis Hall, adopted : John Averett. Duplin Owen Kenan, J Pearsall, J M Middleton. New Hanover AV A Wright, Edward P Hall, H L Holmes. Sampson Wk Faison, Patrick Mur phy,Thomas Bunting. Onslow E B Dudly, Owen Huggins, J A Averitt . Carteret -James Rumley, M B Robert son, Benjamin Leacraft sen. themselves trade and travel which is within our own reach, we shall be unworthy of the i age in which they live, and undeserving our advantage?, if we do not show a proper dispo- ; silion and determination to bring to our city a large' portion of profitable trade and travel, which may otherwise be diverted to less fa vored cities. i Ucsolved, 5th. That i the chairman of this ! meeting be requested lo appoint 13 delegates to attend the convention to be held at S llisbu- ! ry, on the 14th iust., and that the authority be given to such delegates to till any vacancy which may occur in that number. ! Wm. C. Whitehead, Lsq., then ottered the dling of the Notih in this matter as im proper and offensive. This, too, we hold to be the public sentiment of the majori ty of the people of the South. At the same time it is our fixed conviction that, whether the Wilmot Proviso passes Con gress or not, lhe South will not connive at any reckless agitation that menaces, direct-' ly or remotely the harmony and stability of the Union. Souih Carolina will find few" sympathizers in her movements." .1 hi f t. FRIDAY MORNING, f J During the intermission of Convention occasioned bv the session of the General offered an amendment, which was accep Committee, the delegates were called to fted. Mr. Washington moved that Mr. f . Craven Richard N Taylor, Alonzo T, order by Mr. Rounsaville of Davidson, jClemmon s resolution with tnsamendment Dr. Payne of Lexington, in the Charr. De laid on the table which was-carrieo. Mr. Rounsaville being called for, address- j The remaining resolutions reported by ed the meeting until the hour for the ire- Ithe Committee were then unanimously assembling of the Convention. Convention mef according to adjourn ment, thWPresident in the Chair i t John A. Lillington of Davie, responded to a tall made on him in a very happy and effective manner. j-t ' The Committee to whom were referred the -various Resolutions of yesterday sub mitted through their Chairman, the fol lowing Report, to wit : Resolved, That this Convention heartily commends the epirit in regard 'to works of internal improvement, which characterized onr last "General Assembly,-, and thatfits members are especially gratified by the liberal provisiojs made bv that body for the construct ion. of ,the "'North Carolina Rail Road" a work Of Ithe utniosti importance tothe trade and character of the Stateand j of almost vita interest to that extensive ana productive ; regonying contiguous 10, or wumn couveiueni uiiance 'of thepronostd road. I Mi Keiolved f urther, That m the opuuon of this on adopted. l he President announced to th Con vention that he had received the.prpceed ings of Public'; Meetings held at Pforfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia, which qn mo tion, were read. n The following resolution, on motion of H. C. Jones, was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That we reciprocate witrmuch satisfaction the! good will manifested iby ! the people of Norfolk and Portsmouth, in sending delegations to this Convention, and we hea.rtily concur in the sentiment avoAved by that dele gation, that the great scheme of Improvement now under consideration, is calculated to unite Jenkins, E R Stanly i?eawbf Edward Stanly, Wm B Rod man, David Freeman. Lenoir John C Washington, LC Des mond, Francis Dihble. Jones Calvin Koonce, J H Delahunt, J C Bryan. . PittJ Blow, G Hoyt, Jas. Streeter. Johnston -Dr. John B Beckwiih, David Holland, Wm. H McCullers. Mr. Osborne then addressed the conven tion in a very earnest and feeling manner. On motion of Gov. Swain, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of ibis Convention be ten dered to the Lutheran Concrre?ation for the p?e of their f Church, in which the Convention has held it sessions. Resolved That the thanks of this Convention be ten dered to the President and the other Officers of thitVm. S. Mallorv, Santa Anna has recently fulminated from his retreat at Kingston, Jamaica, an elaborate reply, in a volume of three hundred pages, lo the accusations of treason brought againft himt in the Mexican Congress. The ex -President makes out, as usual, a good rase, and shqwi. apparently that hi. erturt durins tLe fecent1 j following preamble and resolutions, which were war were fruitless owing lo the want of co-op- ipieu : t craiun on uic pari oi inc uoernniPiii, uir.iCK. Whereas, a communication has been rcceiv. oi'fund--, circiuntances over which he had no ed by his Honor the Mayor, inviting theciti- control, ccc. lie euteis iti'o an autobiograpb zens of Norfolk to attend an internal improve- ical account of all his exploits, hardships, fend ment Convention, composed of citizens of all reverses, and evidently aims more at making the Southern and Southwestern State, to be j an impression for the future than at vindicating held at Memphis, Tenti., on the 4th day of Ju- ! the past. : , y next Therefore.' j We obtain litis information of lhc contents. Resolved, That we deem the object of the of Santa Anna'-s Manifesto from the New pi Memphis convention as oneuf vital importance leans Delta. No copy of the publication itself to the Southern and Southwestern States ; and has yet come within our reach. Whenever, It that looking to the advancement of those States does, we shall look, through it with curiosity, in' in wealth and influence.1 we must rely in a great the anticipation of its probably shedding light measure upon the completion of a liberal and on some things which are yet veiled in dark- sound system of internal improvements, as af fording the facilities of intercourse and commu nication which will enable us to develop and re alise our resources, and thereby add strength to our union t Resolved, That the chair appoint a committee to attend the Memphis convention to be held on the 4th day of July-next. Resolved. That the proceedings ofthis meet ing be signed by the Chairman and Secretary and that a copy be sent to the Presidents of the Conventions at Salisbury and Memphis. Alamance. The County Court of the conn- Resolved, lhat copies of the proceedings ot ; j3rnancc commenced its session at Prov. this meeting be furnished to the newspapers of; jjence 'Meeiin-Houe, according lo law,J on ness pertaining to the history of our War with Mexico, and especially the particulars of tbs negotiation at Havana between "the late Admin istration and Santa Anna, and the .character of the understanding alleged to have 'existed' between that Administration and the same Gen eral up lo the battle of Buena Vita, lhe erentj of which battle was at the time openly allegfd to have disappointed the calculations of the1 Ad ministration. Nat. Int. - ' Li!s ! body, for their able an113i!igent discharge of the duties ; jJyer Myers, Fred. W. Soutbgate, Norfolk for publication. The chair then appointed the following gen tlemen to be a committee lo attend the conven. lions to be held at Salisbury and Memphis : C. W. Newton, thnsa rnmmnnliipt wilh the nponla of this State i reciuired of them. in the strons ties of mutual interest, and social ; Resetted, That the proceedings of this Convention r i j , ' . . r,i.'A tn be published in the Vjaro una onu,wiiuiriju feeling, and without g.ving any preference to , P - " iQ thig Statf caMed opor4 to topy the claims of those towns over others, both t vention, while there are some defects in th charter en- i within our Stat and without, who are refftrd- jcted.for the; construction of this great wrk, it isBuf- e(j.as competitors in these interests, we hail hcient, upon a fair, just, and reasonable iflterpretapoit, h . . ,l , Kattd to effect, and to secure to the people of the State the f Wlth he greatest pleasure the advance so hand benets lesnltinj from it. j i 1 f somely matle on this occasion towards the. es- Rooked further, That a subscription of orie miihonfj tabiishraenl of this union. ;! that the other papers in this State be called upon, to topy them. Gov. Swain moved that the Convention do now adjourn. ( ; The President then rose, tendered his thanks, and after earnestly appealing to John E. Doyle, W. C. Whitehead, S, T. Sawyer, i James Gordon, Walter II. Taylor, Conway Whittle, Jas. II. Johnston, Josiah Wills, Hammond j Whitney. P. B. Mayo, Esq.. thjen moved that E. C. Robinson and S. S. Stubbs, be adJcd to the committee, which uiotoir being seconded by Monday last, and proceeded to elect the; fQ. cers Gr ihe county. The following persons, we understand, were elected: , j, Pa) ton P. Moore, Esq., Cleik of the County Court. y . '. ;.; . Stephen White, Clerk of lhe Superior Court. Thomas Webb. Eq., County Solicitor,! , ; V. Gen. Joseph Holt, Sheriff. . George Freeland. Lq., lteguter. (J; George Albright, County Trustee. 1 John S. Turreotine and Oliver Newland, Surveyors. y. . Fiitirille. Coroner. ItiJuborouph He- o corder, '- ' t -f : :. x- i - V

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