i n " ' I ' I ii ---L - 'i ; ! -nr - - -;r ; : a 1 ' IP' j 14 itijj w r. vr.e tnril ift Mr- ( ii i-' I; 1 i . J ! ria- M ovriin of h; Watcliinati. But if Of t paid in advance. Two dollars I Alt ft- W charged. A IlK" inarriea t 81 for the Hrst. nd 25 cts ttftb I iuWiufn :inaertion.. Court ordert clnrgrd t $ Wt ct" higher than these- rat,-. A liberal Jeduc, . Y.U i 'those who advertise by the year. , la Wuhe Editor must be portjM'd. I- ' '"S2ST.j - : ill BRUNER & JAMES, I - iJJior $ Proprietors. j " Keep a check upox all tors ! RULERS. Do this, aud Liberty is safe." Gen'l Harriton. NEW SERIES. VOLUME VI NUMBER 8. V :.. Telegraphed-for the JtallsScnf'. jj JrritwZ 0 Ac Crescent Citylicturn of Cot. UughcM Sailing of the CaXijorl r niaInttrcstingrfrom Panama, ;$Ltr $ The Crescent City has arrived hcre.- ; She has one million of dollars in goldjana 1 I Col. Haghesand party came as passen 1 ETEXIXG, JUNE 26, 1849. r r For the .Watchman. : 1 Election of Major Ccwcral. i P i Lexingtox, June 11, 1849. noticed in a ;latc number of the Lin- Colh CuunVr, an Jtonai, iicnueu; luijor hei Uh Division wnicu lapn in noction'uith'lhc resolutions of the of. rs;6f the yJtn regimenr, as puousnea SALISBURY, JS. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1849. grs. He has explored a fine road.! dis. tance 4G miles. i . Tnc California would sail on the 35ri instant from Panama for San Francisco. l hasten to transmit to you, by the wires. ; cot itvtHpi satrie paper, is nvell calculated to product a false impression4o mislead the I pafclijiVirrgfVTcl; to the jilect to; which iLrll?it(js, and cause censure to re$t upon ' tbo$pAVno in my humble opinion, nave only jdojic what both law and jWi.ce re- ; quirccJ at their hands. ; . I rP(p Poar'cT, 1 trust will pardon me for nrfeinjnff lo notTce his article, lor for qcAMfotiing the correctness of any of the cimcnts tnerein scl iori:i : lor $nys ne is a.rmalterj that Jbhouki inrfricst the lV corhmunitv, that the ft, iavvk have it' disrespected, and tho rights of indi vijils! labused." And though lie only ilrif an expression of opinion from Hu Jh( rfyrd to - Davic, yet I cannot see why tfii iti?ens of Davidson should not have I ilit ime Hght to u speak out thcijr opin iolibn a subject in which they ;are as mlch interested as the people of Ruther- rfajiljiorJUavie or any intermediate ;point. lis'pW, this is a very serious charge? made . I . in - . I 1 l . I .1 byaii.c Courier, ngainsi soincnouy inougn agjnnst whom he does not tell,) and it 'truej those who '.bus "disrespect the law tbusc the rights of individuals' Should heffriado. known and heldup to pnblic in- ! tlination I wbuld therefore say, on Gou ' tie'rjou, iasli the rascals well, and never giyd-ovcr until you have brought thenrtra ,rs'jj of their duty but in the first place : qertain that lyouare correctly inform '.-..s to all the facts, lest while you think iitr.e pouringi! your gjrape into the ranks f nr. enemv vou mav unconscious v q some wnom you now think are lfciaivd experienced officers, if not infal li de. i ji ' ' AVhat then arc the facts? Gen. By n im resigned ithc Adjutant General is MiVjl his orders to Gen. Leach, G?n. Lo giirj, and Gen. cel, to order the;Colonels of. ti'i'r lirigaJqs to call together the ofii- pen bf their 'regiments to proceed to elect ft 4) fijor ueneraiueu. j-.eacu gives uue h i)iC(. and the Regiments of his Brigade h I ,-oTe, and in due time report the result, pi't Logan gives due notice to the regi inV'is of his Brigade, they all vote and rort according to law. Gen. Neelpub , liM ) bis notice; in the Charlotte paper, 'i!iloes not give a written notice to the iu rat Colonels as stated by the Courier ; H-port'ioti of- the regimcnts of his Brigade jvpvK hut a portion of the COth and Cist rcgfyients (Stanly and Montgomery) do hklvole. And why7 The Colonel of IMbfitgotnery informs Gen. Neel that he lonjy received notice one day before, 1he tirnie ordered. for .'holding the election, and consequently ho could not call4 together th'Ofhcers-in time for that purpose, and nirti .was no election. The Colonel 'ii iiX k'i iment of Stanly having died, the :l4!ut. Colonel returns to Gen. Neel, ,that border t6 holditho election had come to jhirjd, ahd that no vote had been taken in tljat county. Gen. 'Neel refuses to re-or-dec an election in those two regiments, ;btl( makes his return to the Adjutant. rtijE olliccrs of the GOth and Gist regi j Wnt$ considering that the " rights of in- nw4luah had been abused and the laics !'f'Scctcd" make their complaint to the Uivcrnor and Adiutant. that thev had not l4n permitted to exercise the privilcgeM w IVpting, ana inat a lajor Lienerai was aiiout to bo nlaccd over thru: in! whose fec,tiori' thcy'lia'd had no voir. Where- ! mw:i!tiie Aoiutant general .(aimi l con But hark ! There is a sound llrom the West. Hear ye not the neighingsjof hors es, the prancing of steeds and thet rattling of kettle drums, in the direction of Ray's old field ? Again all is silent. The war horse that so lately thundered over Ray's battle field, now stands hitched toHh'e cor .ncr of a fence, silently ruminating upon i i. t' 1 p . 1 't .ti... -.Li:? me glories or conquest, anu mwaruiy pi tying an old mare that he seesjgrazing near-by, because she knows nothing about wzjr while the warriors of nofe, with leathers on their heads, brass on 1 their shoulders and iron on their feet, beneath the shade of an aged apple tree, have re solved themselves into a military court, to try some poor fellow for not bejng arm ed! and equipped according to flaw, he haying nothing but six feet of corn stalk. Having disposed of this weighty matter,; they solemnly resolve that John H Wheel er was lawfully elected Major General arid that theyregard as unjust arid unmij itary any order directing any particular counties to vote again, iind that they want consideration of this sulject to all our minis ters and people, and ;ihe friends of education generally. 2d. Resolved, That we recommend to the ministers composing ibe Etangelical Lutheran Synod of Norih Carolina, that they meet in Convention, on Friday preceding the 4th Sah balh in July next, in St. James' Church, Con. Cord, N. CM ai 10 o'clock, A. M., to take some more active measures on this subject, I 3d. Resolved, That each minister present this suljecl to his congregations, apd let them I : t . . 1 i . t f aaopi tne necessary measures to obtain a lay representative to attend with himself in said Convention. 4th. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published lin the Lutheran Observer, and the Carolina Watchman, and that the Se WEALTH OF THE ENGLISH ARISTOC RACY. We find in a digest of Mr. Colman's recent I book on Europe, prepared for the Boston Tran script, some interesting particulars of the wealth of several of the ntblemeu of Great Britain : " AUhorpe, the Residence of Earl Spencer, consists of lO.OOOi acres, all lying together in wood, meadow, pasture, gardens, parks, and everything in a style of superior beauty and or der." His house contains sleeping rooms for seventy guests ttbe entries and rooms are fill ed with pictured and statutes. A gallery of pictures, one hundred feet long, contains many CURIOUS PREDICTIONS. In the Washington correspondence of the Baltimore Sun, we find the following ; curious predictions given : " Every public writer is now full of the ' spirit of prophecy as to the course of c- vents in Europe. One letter from Paris, deprecating the violence which is threat- j encd, says we are riding on the waves! of commotion, which will soon overwhelm j us in distress." This is from a conserva- j tive source.' But one of the progressives writes: the "overthrow of a tvrannieal I is at hand thus fulfilinjr ' a letter received from Pi w . - o r m a It w ill 1 1 - waa x c Willi! 4 . i ' f A ft A iL . 1 . . r vue goiu excitement throughout th . land : 4 i Panama, Iy 22-1 o'clock, P. M. ! 1 he steamship Californiarhas just arrived from San Francisco, having left there oa t ujo isi ot "lay. of the works of the first masters. His library 1 .." , .11 -nhAft I J ci mucins said to be the finelt library in the world. wh God lore old by Daniel two thou r .. . - - . . . . . 1 nii iiiiwp nt c b-nmnnn nnmp larm m .nnrt. i J - o , cretary turnisn the absent ministers belonging I ' " , 7 'r "L . v , , r WaUh in K; l..c iott- CI1,.D ,Lof q a ' r,u wood) consists of 23,000 acres. . His whole . 'iUJ a sh, in his last letter, sajs that Domma ai uooawoou 19 iu,uuu urres. ne nas The meeting now closed with prayer by ihe Rev. J. D. Scheck. : WM. C. MEANS, Chin. P. A. Seaford, Sec'y. 1819 is to be more eventful and extraor- FAYETTE COUNTY, TENNESSEE. dinary in Europe than the preceding year ; that the destiny of France was nev er more uncertain, and that American all tO have a lair Chance. 10W, VVhV PaSS Mmum. F.Hitnra rVerhnn it mrfv not nmvft a Resolution that it is unjust to order any uninteresting to some of your readers, to pe. j particular county to vote again? Has ruse a few brief and plain reinarksbonccrning any person ever made orthoughtoi mak- the Wetstern District, " I he land of Crockett,'' ing such an order ? Or don't they under- so long the destination of so many hundred emi stand the English language, arid know ' grants from the good old .North Slate. But, that a man must first vote, before! he can, ,Vom lhe brief space of our sojourn here, and inSthe language of the resolution, " vote ' consequent limited extent of our afquaitVtance, r Or. arn the officers of the 99th uur re",arKS lusl ue conuneu 10 a sma.i por a summer retreat in Scotland of between two ! and 300,000 acres 41 Of the beauty and mag. ! nificence of this Establishment," says Mr. Cob 1 man, " I cannot give you any adequate idea," 1 commercial relations with the world will extensive parksi through which you ride for j be much disturbed. These are only a few of the predictions again regiment laboring under the impression that the regiments of Stanly and Mont gomery had voted before the Adjutant General ordered Gen. Neel to relissue his notice ? If so it would be well for them to inform themselves of the facts before they pronounce the acts of otheri as un just and unmilitary. Give all a fair chance say they, And yet they insist that Mr. Wheeler is properly elected, when tivo counties, about one sixth of the divi sion, has had no opportunity to Vote even once, much less to "vote again." A strange idea thisot giving every one a fair chanc I That the officers of Montgomery an Stanly have not voted, is not their faul they wish to exercise this privilege, an is it not unkind, " unjust and ifnmilitafy, in the officers of another portion pf the di-j Vision to wish or endeavor to cut them pfP Trom this rii;ht. There must be some-mis take in thir matter ; for I know that there is too much nobleness of soul, tpo much generosity, too much of the true soldier (for the bravo are always gene robs) in the officers of the! 99th regiment tpf wish to deprive their brethren of Montgomery and Stanly, of the same privilege11 which they themselves have enjoyed, and that when they come to understand the matter more iuny, mey win, soiaier-UKejao wiiat is right. 1 j ; ',1 his, Messrs. Editors, is a matter! in which I have no personal feelin'g ; wThat I have written has not been dictated out miles and miles -hero's of deer, sheep and cat. tie twenty five race horses in the stable, and a groom for each-nan aviary, filled with a va. nety of splendid (birds fish ponds grottos, The annual inebme of the Duke of Devon- or of Chatsworth, is to be million of dollars. This 'is 1 rr 1 ' uon 01 a single county. 1 ne climate is very changeable ; owing, probably, to its close prox imity to the great Mississippi, " King of rivers," and the pride of America. In the, winter sea son, sudden changes from head to cold, and vice versa, are very frequent ; one morning the ground is severely frozen, and. the atmos phere piercingly gold ; and perhaps the very next morning there will not even! be a frost, the weather so very mild and pleasant, as m 3 to make one for a moment imagine1, that winter is over and gone, and that spring, Kyith her ge nial warmth, her bright and invigorating sea. sons, is again returning. But ere you have long indulged in this train of thought, the North Easterly winds and rain, dispelling the fond il lusion, bid you again behold the wj Id freaks of rough winter's stormy reign. This country is said to be more subject to drought; in summer than Western Carolina, but for reasons which we shall notice, when we come to speak of the soil, the drought is not so injurious to the crops. The general appearance of tho country is by no means prepossessing. 1 hough it may be called a level country, because hills and moun tains are not seen, yet the' monotony of a per fect level is frequently relieved bygenile undu lations and small hollows through vhich winds a channel of a branch creek, or riv"er .: the two former dry in summer, in winter coursed by a dirty slugglish stream. j The soil is of a dark greyish cast, of a sandy mature, though entirely destitute of gravel, small or large. Rocks, to use a vulgar saying are " scarce as hen's teeth." And wjien found in an occasional quarry are. of "little! use ; being of a soft, sandy, yellow, brovyn Uind of rock, too easily crushed for building purposes, and ry tree that can garden covers tw nage-way. 1 his 7600 square feet shire, the proprie 200,000, or ond said lo be the mos't splendid nobleman's seat in the Kingdom. I His arboretum, covering many acres, contains One or more specimens of eve- be acclimated the kitchen jelve acres a conservatory, which have come under my notice within a day or two, and Jlhey are quite thrown into the shade by another prediction which appears in a letter from Rome, dated April ; 25th. The letter says i 44 There was late- ; ly found in the library of the Augustine , Convent a very curious prediction. It is in a work entitled 4 De Fluttibius Mystc ris Nacis, authore Ridolpho Getthier ; Au gusta;, 1775." j 1 he prophecy, given in English, is " be- 387 feet long, HTj wide, 67 high, with a car- 'fore the middle of the 19th century, sedi tions will be excited every where in Eu rope ; Republics will rise ; Kings will be put to death, together with the nobility and ecclesiastics ; and the religicies will desert the convent. Famine, pest ilencc and earthquakes will spread desolation over many cities. Rome will lose her sceptre by the invasion of false philosophy. The Pope will be made a captive by bis own people, and the Church of God will be placed under tribute divested of its tem poral possessions. In a short time there will be no pope. A prince from the North will overrun Europe with a great army, destroy the Republics, and exterminate all rebels. His sword wielded by God Sho Hrinrrc tVi. mnc - : . . . ' ' - i"- "tiuoi vuccnng news iront : the gold region, besides one million dot- ' lars of California gold ; six hundred thou- sand dollars of this amount arc on; con signment ; the balance belonging to Some fifty miners who returned in her from th ' scene of their labors. The California markets appears to be overstocked wit h everything but provisions. There were sixty vessels in the harbor of San Francisco from different ports of the United Slates, South America; and the Pacific Islands principally passenger vessels. : , Meteoric Iron in South Carolina. The last number of Silliman'a Journal contains an account of a mass of meteoric iron' which has been discovered in Soulfi Caro lina. It was found several years since by a laborer on the plantation of Mr. S. M. McKeown, situated in the Chesterfield district. On being accidentally" shown to t a blacksmith a few weeks ago, he, proved it to be malleable, for out of it he made a pair of hinges, a few nails, and a horso r shoe. The original weight of the mass is said to have been thirty-six pounds.: Jts ? original shape was oblong, with one side ' and end thicker ancLrounder than j their j . opposites, and its surface was much in- : dented and coated by rust. ' I i On being analyzed this iron was. (band to contain nickel, traces of chromium, co , bait, and nodular masses of magnetic U pyrites. Its most remarkable peculiarity, i according to Professor Silfiman, consists in the appearance of its polished strffaco ! when treated with dilute nitric acid, which ' is then covered with a great variety of beautiful figures. It is very dense, and takes a brilliant polish; but its etched surface immediately distinguishes it flora every other iron hitherto described. AN INCIDENT. of any spirit Of unkindness. As -the elec- Lwill not stand fire. Hence, although they aro Uon now stands with the vote of Stanly, Mr. Gaither has a majority should Mont gomery vote I know not what would Ibe the result. I think she should have ihe same privilege with the other counties and if Mr. Gaither and Mr. Wheeler fire possessed of that high sense of honor which men who aspire to be (Generals ought to have, they would, eithejr of them scorn toXccept a commission, to Command 'men, vvho had thus been unjustly depriv ed of that privilege which every soldier :ho!ds so dear the privilege of choosing his own commander. y I ' j .. DAVIDSON. ! oifi very properly) informed Gen. Neel, CHURCH CONVENTION. Messrs. Editors: Please give the follow. ing an insertion in your paper and oblige ma: not annoyed with rocks in ploughing, they are destitute of building rocks, and cannot procure them to heat water to scald hogs vjth. In the placeof rocks to build on, they usfc wooden pil lows. For hearth rocks; they is"e brick, to ; brick chimneys, and dirt Jo slick ones. The soil is, more or less impregnated with ' lime, may be argured from the adhesive and corrosive nature of the mud, the light ashy ap-; pearance, and stifling qualities of the dust. Also, from the well known fact, that hogs do not root up the ground, and their noses have been known, to feel from rooting among the leaves in wet weather in quest : of mast. The land does not have; the appearance of being rich, neither from the limber or 'soil. But if conservatory is covered with of glass, and warmed with hot water, passing through an extent of seven miles. The fouutain at Chalsworth throws the water to the height of 276 feet. Here the Duke owns 3,500 (acres, and 96,000 in Derby, shire. For a mintpto description of these sump, tuous residences, dnd a full account of their in terior arrangements, style of living, &c, the reader is referred o the letters of Mr. Colman, On page 108, Vol. 1. Mr Colman gives an account of several noblemen whose annual in come varied from l100,000 to 150,000, that is from $500,000; to $750,000. Speaking of Lord Yarborough he says, that his Lordship "has an indefinite number of Hunters, &c, dec," and adds- , It was the custom at this place tor his Lordlhip, and his guests were al ways invited to accompany him, at nine o'clock precicely, in the evening to visit the stables, where the hunting ahd riding horses were kept which reached by la Covered passage way from the house. The stables presented all the neat ness of a house parlor, and the grooms were more than a dozen in number, all drawn up in a line to receive the company." Lord Yarbo rough has more than 60,000 acres in his plant ation he has 606 tenants, and you can ride thirty miles, in a direct line, upon his estate. " Many of the tenants of Lord Yarborough pay 1000 and 1400 "guineas a year, and several of them live like noblemen, keeping their dogs, horses, carriages, land servants in livery." Of the Duke of Richmond's style of living, &c, Mr. Colman I says 44 The service at din- '1 i ! 11 .1 1 ner, was always silver or goiu tnrougnoui, nr:tA:n ,uv nnnnnPI a rnnm tptUr ' , plates and dishes, except for the jellies and pud- y v r P?sseo " neroo lost beautiful china." V ' . J ; ; " , - omer was iranuc wun gnei 1 Wl' fuuT , 1 ?. l bune rnishes the following incident, 6T "I'liuiu me ui iiiuuuA iaiiii anu suuuuc iur. Mahomedan power. A new portion, the final one, will come by a heavenly sign from the shore, in simplicity of heart and in the doctrine of Christ, and peace will be restored to the world." Some of these events arc going on in the world that is certain. This psinco of the North, who is to destroy Republics, we must look out for : and we see already that meetings sympathizing with the Hun garians are proposed in this country. the wreck of the steamer Empire: "After the Empire was struck and while sinking, two mothers snatched what they supposed to be their own infants, and rushed upon deck, and in their fright threw themselves in the water. One of the de voted parents held her child to her bosom and both were saved ; while the other sustained hers until it breathed itSrlast, yet still holding on to the body until she was rescued. The surprise of the moth- dings, and those tho mo a 11 luiii vim ci 11 o 1 voouniws iuv 1.1 1 1 1 rl l grotto of AntiPar6s, the glitter of whose illu- i marKca me come y iooks 01 meir cnam minated stalactites does not surpass the I Mermaid, and had once or twice joked splendor of the gold, and silver, and diamonds, j Wlth Mr. Adams about her. One morn and pearls, which were displayed before him. ing he arose some time after Mr. Adams, In a certain sense, apart from the valuable and , and on his. way to the breakfast table, he curious information which it conveys, this j met the pretty maid referred to. Saluting woik may fitly enough be called the ladies' her in his blandest style, and in his usual own book. The! Duke has more than fortv easv and errace manner, while a smile ers may be imagined when they disco V- 1 ered that in the confusion attending their Anecdote of Adams and Clay. When eScape they had each taken the other's these distinguished Statesmen were at chijd. And while the poor woman!who Ghent, negotiating 9ur treaty with Great had SUDnosed lhat her little one was lost 1 r - babe, tho to find too admirer of female beauty, had often re- ,ale lhal she had nreScrved another's child ... and lost her own. race horses and sixty grooms and ostlers. His salmon fishery at the Gordon Castle used to he let for 10,000, and now lets for 7000 per annum, or 835,000 If the reader is desirous of knowing some- i it he- had the. power to give those regi ieiit, which had not had the privilege f Mill u innrt In vnfi ? t lii CJ nri TM1 rn. Jfujs to do, andjnforms the Adjutant that bejj.vj.'l let the matter rest as it was un 7lf4 otherwise ordered. The Adjutant f; Ctjutrul orders Gen. Neel to issue a notice tajth.ose regiments yhich had not voted i the i notice issues and the election takes I' Vl$ce in Stanly but in Montgomery the iio'tic4 "Again came 4o hand some ten days qfl laWv and whether any election has r .sj.yct taken idacein that county I have 1 v t bcrn informed. This I believe is the v. X lole sum and substance'of thclmatter, ij He whole head and fr,ont of the offence, "t if therebv " individual rights have p$en abused and the laws disrespected," ! the Rev. J . fbe'nublie must iudffc who is the trans- UJr- viit. 20 SJfessor, av ho has caused this great delay, 1 the Courier, so feelingly laments, so hazarded the safety of the old State in thus nermittinu the fourth til r Vision of lier militia lo be so lon? with. a Major General, especially when we ,v?rq had s6 much rain, and the crops are grassy. . i , i - 1 tiy friends : In obedience to some resolutions vpassed by the several Evangelical Lutheran Synods, held in North Carolina and the adjacent States jjdui : ring the past year, a number of brethren assemsi bled in St. James' Church, Concord, N. C., otjl I Friday preceding the 1st Sabbathf in Jutiej i 1849, and inasmuch as there were n delegates I in Attendance from the South Carolina nor Vir a 1, . 1 j . : ii .iiiiit nuu3, 111c jiiujru.Mru vuii v c ui iu 11 naa nut organized as was expected. X? f l llf ill atjflVA tl-A c it a si ftla r r mv rt v A Anltnn storks, as well as the quantity of ieach produc 1 lhln f f fpassmg splendor -in . ..: 1 ' . i . ' . ' iwhirh it Kntich httroupt m n v- liva with hi a fln edyyou will be constrained to acknowledge lhat the land, if not rich, is certainly yery produc tive. The land that is level (and ihe most of it is) will last a long time ; that which is roll ing will wash away. This country abounds in small glades which will not produce any thing only at chance any seasons. Bottom lands which a British baronet may live, with his 500 tenants around him, he will be abundantly gratified by turning to Mr. Colman's account of Sir Charles Morgan's establishment at Tre degar, vol. 1. p. 293. Then let him turn to the account of Woburn Abbey, p. 310, the resi- deuce of the Dukd of Bedford, which, says Mr. C, " in its magnificence distances anything I eyes. when drained, produce very good; corn, but dh- in;Baiid fa , ii 11 cj . . . may be considered the acme of elegance and but he subsequenlv met Mr. Adams, who wi ffrow verv well. Csweet Dotatoes are su- t 3 , i . . . ... . . ' bweet potatoes are su- t . 3 , , r ; grandeur. perior. I have already stated that this; country was subject to drought, and promised to state the reasons for its supporting it with so little inju- ry to crops. 1 he sou, as above stated, being 1 t 2 o clock, r. M.t the Kev. J. D. Scheck y ... , 1 r , . r- j ...-n addressed the congregation assemhled on the ., , b, ' ' . .-.J-r--.. j quenuy ausoru a greaiijr quauiuj ui wmcr,nu from its closeness will retain moisture a long time. ; In addition, it is alow country, partaking the nature and qualities of second bottoms. The water is not able to flow-oflT so easily and ra pidly, hence a greater quantity is imbibed by the soil where it falls. The roads here in winter are very muddy, and badly cut to pieces by cotton, wagons. Hence, travelling in buggies or pleasure car- subject of Religion and Temperance, and ill the evening, al early early candle lighting, hei delivered another discourse. ! On Saturday morning half past 10 o'clock! thsconrrregatiohbeins assembled in the churclvi A. Linn preached to Ahem jTron "The harvest is past, the som mer is ended, and we are not saved." And whereas, it Thc suljject of Education beinj: under conl sideration, and Jn order to lake some prelimi . . j ? r f J, riqfTpa rlnrinir a rrait h-art nf tho intp r sp.n snn nary measures to raise the standard? of tetari ; b , . .. Vi fi ' ' ,r training of the youth within the Giooranhica hounds of our Synod, the congregation rC-ast sembled in the Church at 2 o'clock! P. Mi an! i; regularly organized themselves by clling Wrnj j-t, ill particular (says the Courier,) did;; C. Means to the Chair, and P. A.ISeaford 16 .fel.".vho is an able and experienced act as Secretary ; when the object f the rjrjeet! give due notifc In nddition he rmbUhrd his ordersln the newspapers in ins Brigade for the election." Meaning thereby 4 hat Gen. Neel not only publish ed hw orders. in the newspapers, but that he alsb gave them due notice in some oth- ;'"m ij vourier is verv!l pm: ' Xr... :. ;t ... J .! Tr V 1 . l:u" 11 u llfppens mat jMr.iJai Jncr, has in his possession a letter from jeel, in which he informs Mr. Gaither l1!!!6 on,y nlcc he gave was; through itie Charlotte paper. Nowvho should iHjow best.how the notice was given.Gcn. : ?cl or the Editor of the Courier? roads are very good ; butdust is jsuperabund ant. But my remarks are already sufficiently lengthy. If they shall find their way into your columns, you shall from us again, ; OMEGA. Fayelteville Presbytery met in Wilmington lhe 2d inst. Rev. A. Gilchrist was chosen Moderator, and Rey. A. McKay, .Clerk. Del , egates were appointed to the General Asssem bly at Pittsburg the 17th. James McNeil vyas ing was explained, and the , necessity of a Cot legiate Institution ably discussed by tho Rey. J. D. Scheck, Rev. J. A. Linn a4 Rev. G. Harter. Whereupon the following Prcarnt hie and Resolutions were introduced and al dopted : . ' . . j ! In view of the limited means oil Education Within the bounds of our Synod, and With ordained as an Evangelist, view of elevating the standard.of litirary train- ; H ing of the yputhi we believe a College Insti tute, located within the Geographical! bound of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Horth Carolina, to be essential to the attainment x?f thu desirable object. Therefore, Resolved, That we recommend the After alluding tjo a court ball, at which one ; Funic. lady wore 60,000, or 8300,000 worth of dia- mond, Mr. C. remarks " The Duchess of Rox-1 OZONE, burgh hom I do nol know appeared most : w &re indebtr(, to Caleh S. HHowell splendidly; and well she might, as the annual , . , r r ,, , income of the Duke is stated to be 300,000." of lh,s place, for the following remarks on Upon this poiiii these statements may suf- ozone : Alcx. uaz. fice. There are very, very few of our wealth- j " Ozone, to which Dr. Bird accredits iest men, whose entire estate is equal to the the cholera, was discovered by Prof. income)l this nolileman, for a single year. Schonbein, the inventor of gun cotton. It In the eyes of those noblemen our 44 mer- is generated by the passage of electricity chant princes" mbst appear to be a set of beg- through air. and is the cause of lhe pecu garly fellows. The comparative estimate of jiar oter perceived during the working wealth is well exhibited in the remark of John of an electric machine, or alter a stroke of Jacob Astor, ot New York, who is reported to ii,hlinfT. t bleaches powerjullv, and is have said, that riches were not essential to . B respects analogous to chlorine, happiness, and that he who had only So00,000 m.QJnCt j is said mn roadiiv be gen, , was as well off as if he was a rich man. , , i i! v-.,o i Mr. Colman's accounts of the poverty and "aled b'. P'!. common phosphorus misery of Ireland are not surprising. Too moist air and it is probable lhe pecu- many years we -have heard his story from every liar smell of phosphorus arises partially or ! traveller who has visitedthat unhappy country. , wholly from the presence of this substance. ; His statements of the squalid poverty and in- ' " The question has been asked, what is tolerable filth of Edinburgh and Dundee ban- ozone ? In answer, we give the words of t"ne Dundee are; rather startling. Berzelius : 44 We have thus arrived at the i In connection with the poverty of Ireland. : highly important result, that ozone is no j! Mr. Colman presents an 44 extract from lhe ' peculiar element, nor any combination of probates of fortunes, left by Irish bishops, and kn0wn elements, but is oxygen gas pecu- before the House of Commons, 1832" mean- 1 ljariv: modified.' : i .-L- -i .i ii . . i : i f ' l. i 4 : ing uisuups ii me rroiesiani rJ.pic'p.ti vuurcu, ; whose sees were in Ireland. The aggregate ' I wealth of eleven deceased bisops amounted lo ; one million eiglil hundred and five thousand . pounds sterling or nine millions three hun- The 44 Never Read a Neusjtapcr" '. A Gentleman in London, in conversa tion with a christian minister, found him ignorant of the great events that werin transpiring on the Continent, and upoh expressing his surprise, the minister mj swered, "I never read a newspripcri" seeming to think this a thing "quite bc- H: neath his profession. He was one of those who, because he must preach the Gospel, ; thought he must have nothing to do with ; the revolutions, reforms, and stirringscenes ! of this world. And so he sunk into an ignorance that unfitted him lo preach the : gospel. Such a living above the world is a poor qualification for any duty. I Bet- I ter come down and dwell amid thereali-! We need not say that Mr. Clay ties and activities of life, and gather mo- '. lives ana materials inereirom ior uoing the lord's work. - H Jj All ministers and people in tbiscaun-, try read a newspaper, but should! some! Christians be questioned by their minister! about the moral changes of our own' Hndj other countries, they might be driver) to: the confession, "I do not read a religious-, paper." It is a shame to any Christian toi be ignorant or the progress and triumphs; of Christianity in this age of the world. And yet he will be ignorant if hcdoes not. read a religious newspaper. Bos. 'Transcript. played upon his countenance, he solicited the pleasure of a kiss. It may here be necessary to state that Mr. Adams' eyes always presented a watery appearance which at times made him look as if in tears. The chambermaid, not knowing the cause, we presume, replied to Mr. Clay, with the greatest simplicity imagin able, 4 Mr. Clay, I do not like to disoblige i you, but you will excuse me, .when I as sure you that I have just refused Mr. Ad , ams the same liberty, with tears in his joined him in a hearty laugh. Newark Mr. Senator Rusk, on his return from this city to Texas, presented, on the part of ex-Pre- dred and seveniy-five thousand dollars. sident Polkfthe sword voted by Congress to wealthiest of these descendants of poor St. Gen. J. P. Henderson, for his conduct at, Moh- . Peter was Agar,5 bishop of Cashel, whose es- lerey. Oen. Henderson declined receiving the j uue is set down at 100,000, or two millions w j 44 Lench has asserted that galvcivzcd an- owing to the ozone it contains, C3n !; used to advantage for blear!iing,and is, in fact, one of the most effective bleach ing agents known." serious honor in Public. r s of dollars. ! The Queen of England has not determined ' of what course tu pursue in reference to the ' Irish State p-' SANTA ANNA KICKING. The N. O. Delta says: Santa An'na'has recently fulminated from his retreat at Kingston, Jamaica, an elaborate repjy.in a volume of 300 octavo pages, to the "ac cusations of treason brought against him, in Congress by one of the representatives,! - Senor Gamboa. The wily cx-Prcsident! makes out, as usual, a good case; and shows, apparently, that his efforts during the recent war fruitless, owing to the want of co operation on the part of the government, the lack of fund, circum-' stances over which he had no control, etc. He enters into an autobiographical ac count of all his exploit, hardships and re verses, and evidently aims more at making an impression for the future than at vin dicating the past. i - -i The CluAcra. This disease contiirue about the aame at New York, averting from twelve . to twenty deaths per diy. Two new cases iu ' Philadelphia on Siturd iv. , , :'i V .re A - 11 -L-lr ; v i S

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