14 i.Lli j-rT" T" ' -I. Ittti t.AW or ITEWSrAPEIlS. f ' t Tl! fcotweribersi' Whrtfr not give exre notice to . V AL :.A i,w.lJ.il M wiAinff to continue iWCOnir'YJ v -r - tf&SA .fi-Jlrntinnaiic of their pa- i-jSSmay continue, to sctr them until ar th office to which h,-y art h t Li-ibl till thir hill, arf ettieu a " , J, ted to t dicontiui'1; . ... rtfusin!r to take a 4; The Court, have. j- ufficef o reinovi Hcwpt V U prima' facie" evidence """P" Tcn'iK of 'tlio Wntclimaii. t Sublet if I f P"ir year, fT wo Dollars payable in V'a-fvonJ" Kut if.fnot pad in advance, Two dollars "f ill nfiflcts.'will le charted. . 'vr.BrtsKE"Ts inserted i for the first, and o cts. V : kuhmiriit insrrrioii. Court orders charged 23 Pr cti higher rjion thW rates. A liberal deduc Mn td tho-4 who -dverti' by the year. t rrtflS:"''111 r,ullV" iuua) ul .. 1 ran BUUNER & JliJlES, Editors 4- Proprietors. 1 " KEiP A CHECK CrOX ALL tOUR " S H THIS, A5D LlBEKTY IS SAFE' ) I ) f l f. Rulers. tSllC I ' Gen'l Harrison. NEW SERIES. VOLUME VI NUMBER 15. -r tics refused taTglve them any hromue of cuar ant as to .the prolcctioaxf the frihti ;f the people. T- j. Garibaldi has succeeded in making rood bi escape from the French division,' who 'wera put upon a false scent, and.be la now on tha mountains of Abruzzi. Prerious to his depart ure from Rome, be had secured the ammunition and the military stores. . r f The siege operations against! Venice bareT been discontinued, in consequence of the fata! prevalence of fever and sickness amongst the Austrian troops by the excessive heat ana hard work. HUNGARY, AUSTRIA, AND RUSSIA Although, numerically considered, the hos tile forces are of appalling superiority, the Hun garians are very far indeed from being in any desperate extremity. - 4 M" I . 1 . n . s lurKisn amoassador m fan received a despatch on the 19th instant, by courier, an nouncing that the Polisb General Bern bad again completely defeated the Russians Under SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGWST 16, 1849. BUY! mmmo. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! .Igbcrit'er w -jiow receivin; one ol ttie hand : IjJ'fftttiey anJ clicaet Stocks of !gPll Ntt AND SUMMER W . v o m From the Hamburger News. I 4(h of July in Germany. lUiis Rational Festi val of the people of the United Slates, was not suffered tp pass? uunoliccjd in the Free City or Harrriburg, in Gerrriany, but was celebrated inlt cre ditable manner by those Americans who were cakually there on that day By in -j vitation from the Consul of the Tf nited: States for Hamburg, (Ilerrn PjIILO WHITE, of Wisconsin)! extended io hh country jnenthey assembled at thejHotcl! de l'Euifdpe, (that being the Consular res-l idencc 4l present) and united wito him! 1 I it !!.- J . t ' r i Tie it' . I " " "Mil I -fO (' 1 1 1 k 1 M r n ii i . I " and bis family in Dartakins of a nlaln but! iwl" u. V" "a "lwu'--?uu l er' rru j ,7c-.. j i , Iml'a u uur ugency, more tnan an otuer land, the place of our birth, the home of our child hood." . After the Ladies had retired, the follovv. ing sentiment was proposed, and enthusi astically responded to : " The Fair" of America : The faiitest sample of the handiwork ;of natures;Mas ter Architect : God " created" max, as an experiment in that line, but He " made" V woman m the perfection of the art, after finishing all other 44 things," and becoming refreshed from his great week's toil ; she was consequently the last, as she is con fessedly the best and most ethereal, ot all jl CANADA. j The hasty efforts foianqex Canada by tije North expose tbjcrh to a gallant fire frpm the Canada side) ;l and on no one does its fall more heavily jthan on Gen. Scott, A WEEK LATERFROM EUROPE. By the steamer Casibri v we have advices from Europe a week later than those previous ly received, the present dates from Liverpool and London being of the 21st ultimo. 1 here continued to be much activity in the fdr his late letter nf that, snhipr.t. Thr Hamilton Journal add Express thus shows ! iTl ,7M!!Land.!h?. ar,icJ.e..had ain i !?e.c?mTand .f VVders' ln. .Transylvania, and . ' . .-..v ... ,Mi.-. in view oi me present mi- . mat tne latter nau Deen obliged to take relu'e gtni.iJineflfini y hn fornimVe Prints, hl'.k an lrra hMreiii.ir'loreiiee, plain straw, RoUi faJirtlWe!,-t,'itbrflns and TaraHols, bolii Uft of5creili hi.' thin ijn;uke't, jpuf-chased in l'luladelphia ' i'ijv'f wlVork. froiiv the" joj&r Foreign Arrivals, and iiWAHflit cash fipjures, cofeifsting in part of bl'k.bluie, '''jpn'rHitli adelades ardl njSple preen Cloths; black ',jjJiryhii(M'4and other fanfy Cnssimeres and" Veptings, I'iplish il'l French! Drap i!e lit a; handsome childrens X j 9nd 'r.ip'4ti ; a Urge Hlotk of cotton ades; and all ';1ir,f kinJf ol geniletnens yjuiijimcr wear. A splendid t. 'k TilTih . atttl !ro tie IlUitil Silks, ilain fijj'd chamcle- (!Pii ifri'V plain '.and I'lVJ silk 'l'i.sues, berages, oil Tfc foKiiJllUt linen thariitray3,ienibroHld riwiss Kobes, tiiv'n cinitne-.II.liKllii'rc'hieC', (a large stock) bl'k and HOtlSm I I ' 1 111 K foM K'A fj,"vV1' orjjritiy; umf ; cmgnani l,awns, piaiu nd col u Al lue and Al ine; Cloths, hwrilMrwriz 1. ' Ida nil quarter vule,tro. vV bleacu d drilU, (a--d,' U'd f nJ.bro. cotton shirtings and sheetings, Ut& rocrof reit'-ly rhHde (Jloilhing, floor matting, blasting fOjvderfwiniMf IkOpt.,' KiO Collet', bro. and loaf Sugar. trutfieJ tJ puilverntd do.; s.uierior Tca,'a!ni6iid!, rais lnle)fttier, lining and binding nkins, tanned sheep inJ.!M(tin t-kins, harnesi leather, clover and grass !, tnJJta, bridle and saddle? bags, leather trunks, maclH'i !hl ni'l half this, white lead, sp'ts turpen tine by Umgfil, or bottle, cnp'al varnish, tanners oil.y by ID, tflby l2.arid llhy 10 g;las, anvils, vices, "grain and gn4 i sciae, Utcel. weedina hoes, shovels 'and spades, pd ci-OHS put iaws, het tron. Also, a large STOCK- 01? FINE CUTLERY. -Mm--,-T .1 , , ' , rrrifeprinj", axies, eiatnea jjinss inmps, paieni anu -painid ennh, laces&c, , Miles' dress boots and la-i'ir;4K-fi far, eilk, Panadia Leghorn and palm leaf Una Bfi j cps, V " 'l Books and substantial dinner. Thei " Star snzinerled- Bannei'f floated from the centre flag-staff of that jrtasnjficent Hotql during the day ; National Flags were alsb arranged in the dining room, and a band of musicj gave! zest to the occasion by perfbrmilg the principal national airs of the Americans Mrs.iGllIDLEY from tfew York, (Onei da 0t)ubty) SCHElUt from Philadelphia and MASON and HlLL;from Bostoin, pat riotic young Americans! temporarily so journing in Hamburg, procured a Banner of their country made, and flung itlto the! breeze from their residence durilg thej' day. Gfiptains SHEUMAN, HAWKINS! and CLLVIvK. also demonstrated thrvlr nati py a suitable display of theycolors ' r . r . 7 is i oi ineirj country. influences, that man's rugged fortunes on earth are so closely linked with his fairer destinies in Heaven. ; Geo. Aug. Kronig, Esq. U. Stales Vice Consul, being called on, gave the followL irjg: "The welfare of the United Stated or North America, May their Union, In- tlie hand he holds :-4S. Carolinian. !;" We subjoin! a letter from Gen. Scott, osri the annexation of British North Amer ica to the States. The General must be poking fun at the American a;viev of catchi sidential election he can be so tering prospects of a good harvest, brcadstuffs were very dull, with a tendency to decline. ENGLAND. Parliament is to be prorogued oji the 9ih in Walluchta,wiih a small remnant of his armr. Advices from Vienna of the 13ih of July state that BuJa Pesth surrendered to the Aus-tro-Ruisian troops on the 11th instant without i resistance. Ivom a report of Gen. Ilavnau. I - j - w ng them at the next Pre- ' previously announced his intention to make. : ,u ,u ..... , JJ,,.u . It i& impossible that w?th reference to the Irench expedition to ! i ...r... n i. .u. L i- .i. . . ignorant a1o sunnose Great , Komc "as laid upon the Peers table on FruLj ,, M.,n., tu it.,.,:. Britain will part with any portion of her j . J e 'solutions emhraced a wide ran-e , wilh furioU3 irnpetuosity, but ho AustrUn. territory to enrich. alfbreign State. The ?J suhJec,3, ad implied a direct censure of the claim the victor boundary disturbances are sufficient to f to" f'"tof lh" government. Ano!her and proballv raorfl teyMc ttccdQtll sfciow her disposition in this matter. As 1 : ,e derte, wt'ch took place on the 20th of this battle slaJCS lhal 180 of canno disposition; in this matter. As 1 . ", . ne of this battle states that 160 nieces of for compulsory annexation, we cannot for i ' L; J " " f T, n ,L Ast,1f u were brooght into the field by the Hungarians a imoment believe such an idea could en- I fi 'Vu! . d the lo sustained by the latter in artillery. w. vv......M..a, .ui,!,,, u men mav be est mated from 1 ho circumstaee. that several of the guns hadLlo bo served lat. dependence and felicity, last forever, .and . t into the brain ol;any sane man. I he had reason to know that not on'chalf of the ue an example tor other nations of- the :nireai tory writers to tne iew 1 orK cases wero reported. Enough, however, i ," L i W , ,. 7 v Tu krth. wbrt L nt .,w;n DdDcrs mav lead sorrin of the A mprimn ! nfT.ninik. tnJ t... .t I i ily t!ic Dutchmerstir infantry. Nothing - T " " v vs v iiivj Il,Q' JV-ij 'U1 I , I mf H vwiv, iwm i nuvtitl IV I VWUtl II ItiUl li. ' ' f 'j 1 Mii)Xw'a Sc Stationary iand Q,ueenswkre, lard Lainps, (vcryliand- J, I iM)Na Scotia (rind Sjtotiestc, together with ail rnle Vnery l oilier goons nnr memioneu. i ergons rijrhg tiis inarkej; wouhJ jlo well to call at the CltH Hior.C, cc(riv r t;afr of the. Court-House, before7 I lwjfini, tin t m delienniiict to otli r to ttish buyers at Kholepaltj 'OT; retail, extrijolniary indueeinents in ttie jy ot hUrnlsonie ami iresn goods and low jrices. call Afterj the dinner had jbeen pretty thoi roughly; discussed, Consul ,WHITE rei maiked, that this was a proud day fo Americans,' It was the anniversry of the MKjni of their Nation; Millions of Freemen, in that Mighty Empire 'of the; West, yere at this moment mingling their voices ijii grateful aspirations to Heaven! for the full enjoyment of those blessings of civi, religious and jpolitical liberty! which pught, arid do, constitute thm the! freest, the happiest, and the most pnconl querable people on earth : And although; we vver'e now temporarily separated from that favored land of our nativity, y thej broad expanse of an ocean, yet distance, but served to strengthen an eveliving appreciation of our birthlrightas freemen, r iiEtjMEN, in the noblpst and mst; ex pansive sense of the term. , !. j The jConsul then readj the Declaration opvjNuijrEN dence, that irn!mbrtalize'rl.fnstru mcnt, by which our Fathers confituted striving to attain, a similar state of hap piness. A sentiment from Mr. Gridley, compli mentarv to the Consul, havinir been drank. that functionary made acknowledgments i tidns, are perfectly satisfied with the con in appropriate terrris. And at about 8 o'- j nqxion which at present exists. Their clock, (long before the Sun goes down in ! pHt:"olsm is fluite elual to maintain the tp believe that annexation is seriously en- j epidemic is raging in many parts of the coun tertained hy a considerable portion of the try to a dreadful extent. Dunn" the last week community, feuch, however, is not the J 33 deaths by cholera were reported in Lon The people, with but few excep- this latitude) the company separated, pleased with the entertainment, andrat ified at the occurrence of the occasion that gave rise to it. PLAYING THE DEVIL. We were a good deal amused at an an ecdote wheard the other day, of a cer tain preacher, whose calling confined him within the limits of old Kentucky; he had preached in his parish many years, arid of course run short of the eloquence so much needed to keep bis hearers a connexion were it attempted to be sever ed. No other country in the world pos sesses more genuine) liberty. The increas ed facilities for trade, which will be in full force next yearjj will bring that pros perity, which will no longer induce the grumbler to weigh (lis loyalty and honor against dollars and cents. Canadais des tined to be the most prosperous portion of North America. Her great capabilities arnj boundless resources will shortly be brbught out, and the St. Lawrence will bej the great thoroughfare of the world. It twill be seen that! the General has not v,v..v. v. - - ....... ... w iu united Itusso-Austrian armies under Ilaynau. He was obliged to fall back on Raab, where his headquarters arc at present, and which the city is. filled witli the wounded. He has been obliged to send. 3,000 wounded to Preaburg. But for the timely arrival of the Russians to cover his retreat, Ilaynau and his staff would have been taken. Hem has collected all his troops nearSzege- dm to make head rwauiit t lie Russians. The don, which is more than double the number of the preceding week. At Bristol, Plymouth, Portsmouth, and all along the whole of the south coast, it is raging in a very malignant form, and the rnortality is very reat. At Liv. erpool the disease is rapidly increasing ; the number of cases reported furfour'days previous . - HH. I . . 1 . . . , loiuursuary were, respeicueiy u-if-i,&a,iur-'. ; Ban holds the encan- in check, making sue- oLuuauu uumuiues io ue geuerany exempt Cessful sortie?. Comorn will scon be invested. Tfie Hun garian General, Gorgey, is still alivo and In the field, in spite of tho Vienna pres, which has lately not only wounded and killed him, but also deprived him of his command. PRUSSIA AND DENMARK. The armistice between Pruia and Den ' from the scourge. IRELAND. ; On the 12 h July, the anniversary of the bat tlo of Aghri n, a very serious collision took place between a party of armed Orangemen and Catholics, near Castle YVi!iian, in county of Down, 't'he Orange party having celebra- .J .U- J.. ' . I-ll..- " 1 1 " ... ..M.a..v.w . lcu lT r Ul ,:d.1Ji:iore,.ana "C4ng on uie.r ; mark ha3 been ratified. suspension of hoi. tilitics, both by sea and land, for six months agreed to. At the closo of this period tb ar inistice, if not to bo renewed, is to continue for six months lunger. The block ad n to bo raised as soon as the Germau troop have been moved to the south of Flinsburg. Tho cap 1 aiui ja'dje for youM-Ives. : j SL'RIN F. CIIAMIJEIIS. march home, whilst" passing a defile called n n.i- n r t.i ... ... wake and astonished. Let him preachever " ZC,f ' r yt- u 1 ,Y y i T"?11 wa,ilJ- AH r wpII now it made no dilTprpneP fhr-v Pld mUch attenl1011 of our politics, or he the pass and surrounding hill were occupied by so well now it made no dit erence, tney ,d kn y h thc f fa p an ifnmcnse nt,mber of Roman CalholiJ ' had got used to him and used to sleeping; fUment q Great Britain has iven dis. ! vided with pikes and fire-arms, and plainly and sleep they would do to his great an- theHtories-a mere frac ' contemplating a general massacre. Tho Pro- novanee : at last ne nit unon an exnerii- ..! ...' . ... . 1 i .. n . r . . "'" en ,o br nff 'em uo' standi'-, as the sav- tl0n 11,0 Pe0Ple ' lWhllSt t0 t ,e i ""LL..? -urcd vosscU. -Loir cargoes ar. to be ,e. . . ri 1 , ii i - 7i i crs, tne government party, and consisting Vv " ,"'wu "CM ul,-.u suctceu. , 6lored on both s des. l??-ISu uHf P,rC "JfdJ? Sm-H 1 l Whf ' of full three-fourths of Ihe electors, the ed in rcinS their way through the pass, after Duri lhe Conlinuanco of lhe armislicef lho VuVuu0 . u.. .tu iuop.Mi, news has iven thelnost unqualified sat- , rt 7 or nny persons : I)uchv of Schleswi is to be governed by a and after taking his text, and blazing :sf- tIon b' 1 ?re. V ,0 ha!e cc klI,ed cr vvounded on comm'i8sio:). of w!lich one member is to' bo -f 1 bota sides, much the greater portion being of ( norninatcd hy xhe King of Prusfi. Tb Queen 'Louis Phillippe, tlie Ducccs of Orleans, and h Romn -atho!rc party. 1 h.rty.eight Rib- of Engialld is to be requested to ivomitiate a re Count de Paris. correspondent of the i b"rV , ,"e" t?ken ),r,sns- , fthird member, who is to decide io all cases 1 .1 : 1110 examiner, in auuuing to tne poia- . v..iipn ,1,,, n,iuip t,vn rnnnn, awray" until his lungs were sore and his Hearers all comfortably dozing and nod ding approval to each other, be suddenly drew, it forth and gave a shrill toot-a-toot. Ayril 12J 1810. 40 r..jli-i.. it 1.1 1 of 'Louis Phillippe arid his Consort Amelie, ...MX. .1.- t .i r r. j l wuii L'ucuess ui via-aus uuu uuug sous, r r 4 T T m ySTTfc (ST " !;WASIII0NS, FOR 1819. ' i. minim it 111:11111 lltiu H lJ II. UC.IIlili j 1 dtmacBPijpd - "flU" AS just rei eived.at his themselves and their successors, " a freeL indcpeiidentand self-governing people.T ! and; laid the foundations of an Empire oif l.1 w e . 1 t,l I linn n Ininn .1 ti . . . . H .IfQ NS r , 1 t ofnltrV 4 U n m n A' i ti uu u, wiiiii urta nucauv aijaiJUCU .ill! vcii.o uuu uouu ltti, oiauu ai, uiu ' uuu- i wnii 1111; iucucss ui uucaus auu ouii" anus, ..n.. .1. . . .1 1 f ; 1 1 ..-j . ' 0 . . . . - J . ' OUallV DOSlt VC lhat as VPf thf frpiipm rrnn i mil ira I iinlinaht nml 10 rvnnninJ 'ri , K I i. i i:trr" r t onnh nlhor nni M'nnlopihn' nrlmt "ml 'I.pivn: nn 1 h PVPninfT nr I hnrarlfiv llifl . ..J . v.wt.. f "? t tr- " V , ! 7- . j , ' . u ' J saved, and in almost all places unusually ab'un- In an instant the whole congregation was of 'Louis Phillippe arid his Consort Amelie, lC naI ;ca9e c:s appearea n a old stand,) from ..New ;yik, the American and Eu liitetin Fiwhiunafor the Spring ,ai il tfuimner of 18-1U, and' Will continue to receive them .iriarteily- II i - MM moment-by more than tVventy millions of FREE IlljARTS and RE'ADY BANDS. j The jfollowing, amongj other sentjfnenti were then proposed, ajjp' enthusiastically' rtsponded to by the company : ' If j Our National Festival : Its annital rel currenqe serves to reditu mi ne thQfaltarfe j of liberty, and to re-assure all truefpatrir I ots. in both Hemispheres, in their nhilan'- Ie is prepared to i , . . j v , , . f-; . ii.ecutc all orders in tits line -"ri'"" w.w.w the trade, in a fashionable ; massesi me oeiier toquainv tiiem lor meir iii the name of pickles and human nature, as Sam Slick says, was to come next. . j .. . . 1.1..WVI, . ... milium ui. u.m-i-a unusually auuu- 0th inst., describes it as a very touching scene. , i.,i , I,-- r , . J . rr.S; ' -j- ir i ? i I dant and thriving. lhe general imnression is -r.JJ. sJJi.l.r- -I 1 c . i uauiai. liieie wis n cunsiuprnuic uumuL-r 01 jbo no . ,. nt r m , - , . You're a set ot smart specimens of hu- Ksiemb cd at the station, anfl on the Queen f , blight to set in, the tuber will have ! been out inanity, an't you V said the divine .whis- j inTu.eiSaina il u .lue ' ; of the ground before such time as the disease "tier, as he slowly gazed around on his as tonished assemblage. " When I- preach lofig experience in the art of i'cu'tiiit'g a.td rnakinp Raniiejits', he feels confident" that', 'W ran, tlvr . cati.-fiiction ii his .customers. 1 llr'ii;rl!fiilly returns tiw thanks to his friends and forthrir liU-rnl miiiniorl teiuh red him lieretp- t',i.i .Will endeavor lv ilicreawd efforts to uleasehis ewotriM.tiS liii ilt a comtijiuniee of their favors. .Hit1 1 i! . ilfoRACi: II. UMARI) MX. 5. iri.lM of count iv produce taken at the mar- Vt the Gospel to you, you all go to sleep ; but the moment I go playing the devil you're all wide awake, up and a eoming, like a rush of hornets with a pole in their riest 1" The north of Germany is again quto, but in the south the insurgents still hold out within tho fortress cf Radsiadt. Thc whole of tho Grand Ducby of Radeu, with (hat exception, is occupied by the PrufUn troops. Tho lives of the captive Republicans aro to be spared, and Gen. Radowitz has been ordered to trans pert them to the United States. A correspondent of the New York Commer cial Advertiser wilting from Hkkx.in under riii'r rirw nf H im.'rn ri.tn nfTi.ir. o""o e shontstnot Tom wi 'f Freemfjn' and to!xten ! POWER OF THE SOIL TO ABSORB ' .siioitcbtno i.ee. r'1''l sf the area ot .human happiness cb equal i ;: nnnr i happiness cb equal w ith the circumference !of the earth. j Our j' Futcrland" : Though geographi cally far from rt, yet nothing but iv disso lution ol our material existence, c.in le$- ODORS. It is well known that onions, if buried in thc earth for a few days previous to being cooked, will have lost much of their rank flavor. Wild ducks, which are of- al.ght.ng from their carriage, it was with no coulJ .( Wife auncuiiy mat way was maae ior too roy al Jadies to the room which had been given up ' FRANCE. ': " 1 1 t 1 l 1 mi .. r. . a 4 ! toouis rniiitppe, ana wno, auvancing eager- me committee oi ino legislative Assembly . Jmc of the 17th ultimo, gives quite a discour. L ly irom it, exciaiuieu ip uiusu auoui uuu, wu, io wnicn ino quesnon oi me prorogation was ' , on -.' (" ivnere, vuie ) as luuugu searcu- ; reierreu, nas come io me unanimous decision i iig for the new comes. Those now advanced of recommending that the Assembly should be I the Duchess first, with the Compte de Paris prorogued from the 15th October. I mjher hand, who, dij-ectly he saw the aged The National announces that Princo Cani- litieen, ran up to tier, and placing his nana no, the son ol L.ucien lionaparte and ex-l'rcsi- afTbclionately on hcrj arm, exclaimed looking dent of the Roman Constituent Assembly, has up! at her, "Ma bonhe Maman ! Ma bonne been arrested at Orleans by order of the Go- Maman !" Louis Phillippe took the Duchess vernment, on his road from Marseilles to Par- ! in his arms with every sign of joy and affection ; is. It is said lhat, having a clii'.i against his ' it kvas the first time he had seen her and the cousin Louis Napoleon for money lent in aid ; j'oung Count since tic fatal day when they of his election, the Prince came to France to j Were separated at lhi Tuilerics the King to demand it, the-cousin's conduct against Rome ! escape to England, the Duchess and her son having stirred up his i:c. It is said that the m i ft 5ien our 'affection for that- reallv and e'rri .Vi....:-Jii.. i i i - i i e i tii Ac '.ten too fishv in flavor to be xrood. mav be j. i ;,(' - ll,"",uu " iiuuiicauy wuu ui niunicu aim uuuic ui . . - ? X .re. ;UkiridM of country produce taken atthemar- ; i . .fJ.,ejn ! i I rendered much palatable .by being wran- i Hi!:;kii ii . lf47 ofvoM . The president of the United Stales: A ! Pcd in absorbaut paper and buried in the j f0 bmaiii, and try th(j chance of a regency. Prince will not be imprisoned, but that he will iriHft- "i '' ' t - - 1 i hrn-vfi dnd skilful warrior an ardMit nai- ground for a lew hours. Dried codhsh riie Duchess has a ifirmV almost martial car- be forced to embarkjor liogland or America. riot, and an honest matiJ 41 I loses much of its austerity of flavor (if ; jrialge :. her step is ihkt of a heroine ; but the , 1 he election to fill thirty. five vacancies in -i ni:hnp r tir cni:vr"rrv . ii muL i wr mnv rnin a fp.rm hv similar treat- Hhin msrb nrnunrl ht?r eves show that her wo- ' the Legislative Assemlilv turned out to bo much UN SALISBURY. J RICmiil) FOX Vri:si:nth his 5L the ciutKei der of his services as a iUKeiis of'Salibhury and fv trvmen ronmlingiHun.ry.-.wiih a ten-i j The United States :V Akappviasvlurh ! iH produce no .1 ,X " La i. ft V'1J MaunHn.iiun.it x w- . . . , ....... k ,. y ... . .A i u. r -. n r tt..- uL ! rrmnt. Nnrino- the 'nlasruc. in liiUrone. man's TDiiit has Ueetflv mourned ner own ca- more lavoraiiie to the Government than w LTCiuesi iiuu uesi oi lueu , ioi, ioy me r" " . 1 . ' :. 1 ' , l : . 4 , .. .. 'A . i . .- i i . c f t . i suffnn-e of an enlightened world lie wds Clothing was olten buried tor a time to ' lamities ana moso! ; oq ner nusuanu s uouse. , anticipates iui me exception oi oa. juics 1 irtZ.Ln tnm firi in wir' ffirt in I disinfect it. This absorbent property of : The Jving, he never) looked better, led her to Favre, who was returned for Lyons, every one : Jeace Knd fks t iiTthe Xarts of hli waf 1 soil is due to the presence ofjbarbo. HcarrnaSe the a1d Quef nr ("ho, however, of the newly elected members are of .he ma peact, anu lirst ill uie nturis Ol uig coun- . t . . . j 5 no in and nrort ne ever fu owed with the loritv. and vi sunnort he (iovernment as onrr i - ' r r r- ir a r s n : i n fnuiinipii w i ii f l i n o v SVw - - . - - - , t 1 i ri cu .ntni wkiio- nnl. ! voiing Count de Parisi-a fine boy, whose height as the majority hold together SUUil I tOUl LO Uiil liui- ;r ; " tl? II LtJ .1 rpi i . I . UUU Uctl I ii il " IHAUU U1LIJ lJJl IIIUUll vlUW 1 A. piUILOJ l U1U I II v Ci I q t I IO lillV tUU u I i!OABZN73 MAKER, Ij'pircilLxVcii'ie all olrdjis in his line with despatch 'f t'f.'fqij'H' saj'.erior worKinanltke manner and best Hf vrijlkeep coilHtUnt'y" on hand the best mate rs- . : . - . ,i j clinies ! waged over.th he' reallv is 10 years. The Queen of the fairs of the 13'h June has become more active Belgians followed with the young Duke de owing to some arrests recently made, and to Wk hu in: hVAITCv fYTTAAT AMS 'ifjrf.,. Dining, Cetrr, Peer, and other Tables ; .Kwklojri flVice, and Parlor Chairs IJedsteads of su ptrior fujiph and latest fjshlon. -i !ninijfuTiiihed' to ('rclc-on the hhortest notice and ' aLtomiiiolatin4 terms, i Chart res, a beautifull boy the second son of the Duchess d'Orlearis, and after her thc other. members of the Orleans family in England ; v, . """i rj .- , . . . 1-11 . n . for the oppVcssed and Ipersccutedl of all ' venzeu charcoal wm aci wun muca greai- Tiiere,.4iii eternal hostility ' s P- energy than common sou. un tnts igainst eA-ery species of tyranrjy ! principle, animal matter coated with un : mind of man,-Mhere, noi f'ATENfr 1 feached ashes, and then buried in pulve- nfrocniMflhilitVplTBt onn nbni nnA. 1 rUlCllt PCaiOr mUCK, Will IIOL OIII UCCOllI- j a iicwyviioiui t wav ui.yo on v v w w - v : . . - ------ . -- - ther, ill being leltlreetp become the arcn- Po:se Hluuul b,I4Jo' wt..o..w aiw inu3 iney euiereujine iaie camage xvo.u itects of their own fitme and fortune to but'.the muck will also, by absorbing the h aH been prepared fur them to proceed to St. control or mar their own destinyjor life Resulting gases arising from xlecpmposi. Lepnard's. As the ifl King entered the car and for eternity 1 U i lion, be rendered highly valuable as a fer- riage with his young grandson, the people round V The Free City of liamburg" :!Dv trie tilizer. Dr. Dana says thai a dead horse about raised a IIip,bip hurrah - which seem entcrnrfze and intelligence ot heV Mek cut in pieces and treated as above will eti to sound not implying in the eai of Lou- 7. . ." ...... . . . , .1 ... .1. .1 lit. lf .J.1 rr. nr! or f wontV lnf1S Ot till Civ l UU 111 I, ,v "w r ' I wotwaha tkiiian be lound -at te cnanis, i ue enngniencu noeraiy aqu -""J , , , . -.i(i 5rimphin 'hut wh-it our correnond- 1 RttiSrST' l'1"80 bric" "ilJi''""1 Practical iviadomof W Government, arfd nity to the best stable nuture. : d not hr AW,n.ho 7"LlTo( '! ti . ji.lI. .i.-.iiii:l.. ... i . .. . tbn ifVd nctrv Mrvrl bniipst thrift nf Upt npfi- ; ' ,.. .1 r :t.. ...l.:.t,l i j i ue ciiraiHir!., uurawony, ami snperiorny ol an work "w j - - ?-.r- r r i : : lllu wricaiis laiuiiy vn; umtu aa. . I i t.i! , .. i I -ii . ' . l I II l ; 1 . t a.'.., -1 t j i t- . -r- nr. I TV -i ! : j f iineu aui irom nts piiori hui ue a cuaramee.ot the pa- pie, silo nas aciJtcveu luose iriuniuus asja tnnge rUbeiuWic. i! 1 comme cial"and-business comnuinitv n Z: K.7i3..M .1 n h l...rty.ot is i i ! . f -' J "yawing. uone i iaciti ' 1 Ctinir 'produce and; hijn Mrpenw find Cabinet; ta tiy. thin-J in lua Hrfe. A la the discovery of important correspondence There is a talk also of certain revelations which wrll increase the number of tho accused who are to figure before the high courts of justice. ITLY. Wo make several extracts fiotn Lis letter : ROME AND HER LIBERATORS. One of the first acts of the soldiers of tho French republic, -on entering Rome, was to tear down thc republican flag, and this was speedily followed by an order from General Oudinot for the restoration of lhat of the Papa cy. The advance of the liberators through the streets was in most cases met wilh sullen si. lince, but in tho Corso the indignation became irrepressible, and the avalanch of taunts "was such lhat the troops found it necessary to charge -the place, to plant five pieces of artillery, in or-, der to repress any further manifestation ol this ' tiiible welcome from a population whom they 1 came to relieve from 44 the oppresion of an an. . 'as . t i r..: .U I. : A UlCUlCUl lULllOll. .lIliU3l IUU auva groans the cry of " Death the Cardinal- Oudt not was heard on all side, and on the firEt of the new order of things no lees than seventeen French soldiers were assassinated. "Thus," it was observed in the Roman Monitor, (a. pa per which, together wilh all others, was sup pressed by Oudinot on the following day,) M un der the eyes of lhe troops sent in, as it is said to destroy anarchy and protect the liberty of ' thc Roman people, more crime. has been com milted in two hours than had occurred in se ven previous months." Thc mortification produced by the unanimi- The Pope has addressed an autograph letter ty cf scorn with which they were received to General Oudinot, on the occasion of receiv iug the keys of the city of Rome. His Ilo'.i tiess congraulates tho General on the triumph of order in Rome, and expresses his hope that Divine Providence will remove the diliicultics that mav evist. He adds that he docs not cease . r . t - speedily led to a series oi measures, on me pan cf the French almost precisely similar to tho regulations which in the other Italian ci.iei have been a I ..ptcd by the Austrian?. Appre hcr.:ion, er, as well as spite, doubtless had some i;.H i.-nce, since it became apparent GRAFTING. tv.;-.uL - . . j- Jft..:u:Ju t u mere is m ujc iiciKuwiuwu nber of all kind suitable for :. """"X" vermany.ui uis uav, wuioii :knpfr nn nnnlp trpp uhieh excites the as- ! fi r a ' l.'aiU'Ii'!i "i t - rt .lit. iiir in I' . i .ill 1'... I w iiiiii il i'.iix ,1 - - . w ri. - w-w i'hwiiw, ui 1 V. .1 V , 111 vyu ...W I ikers. taken in exchanse for ojr. ihirW in hU litie'. A Urge quantity of ehingle's itu atfdfauTjf Wanted. ; ,)- rY -May; IP, lp4'J. 1 ft II 1 P m lit.. ' ; .u tern is your Time tor ARGAINS T 111 undtlrsli gned beg leave topre- 3 :m. R iu IU TIHi1' lusiuiliris uuu publics that ihe have a UTILITY OF NETTLES. i " j A3 ' i . If .1 t.,o It K7,rc; t-o . . l auiut "' ... Hurone. could alime . boast ifo nfit ,r VS,"" i r "... u. itteiuice of the lieltle becomes flexible. ? centur y:-. i : ! I 1, ' t. 4Doelor Thornton, Mho has made the me- h r n. tvnifnn i f . H ! vWlll Utar mice nuuuicu, mv, fe....; mis. ueingi called on espon- I defl inhcarly-the folldving wordll'HoA' I ever essentially the Republican i institu tions o America may tend to deviate the character and give a high tone to the Drib- nl. the nrmv. and the French nation. The let ter was dated Gaeta, July 5. Cardinal Picoli and the Marquis Sacchctlc ar rived in Rome from Gaeta on the 'Jih. The latter is Grand Chanibeilain of the Apostolic will bear three hundred, and the grafts T.1, ' "V , VV la!liCC- have not yet all taken. The proprietor of j dlcl properties af our wild plants his ; Prc aralions are making at Rome which hs tree, which is perhaps the most sin- peculiar study, states that lint dipped in ; lead l0 tll0 impTession that Pius 9.h is cipect. "uUr n the world has aked a ticket to ; "ettle juice, and put up he nostril has d soon to return to the Qmnnab Al the i l. . l..,.... n ,,.., I I, n h oni inrr rt Ilia i II I 1 I r.,.. . U r, I r..l.r.r ciple.. of her " frec-MfeN , yet stifi mote " m ,5 the Minorauins who id adds, that fourteen or hlteen ol the genial is their -influent m exalting the " A ,n tb.!r ri.,'ImrB.. The i seeds ground into; powder, and taken dai- )1 Rood supply of Fine -Goods I on hand Jsui table for"" 1 - .1 -il' .Wytf Md CcnUcken's Summer ITVcrr, r.: 'iiSr to pel very fowl for ca6h. They : jTJ d 10 Ms Notice-for the reason that they 'for tt JV ,ed,' 1f 'Ue to cl r.ia vat) Jof mmm . n..s;.A 1 M T ear the shelves in time F I Rummer npvnVVl. would do well to caVt.l j 'I- : ItimWN &r. F.LI.Ift'lT. If ' Wy, June T, i8t0 ' 5 V TO PRINTERS. n hand n n.t foV llirnn miler InU. M. DROWN eac fruit. moral bably of wherajis woman treated with more tender regarnl or respectful consideration'than in the United States." 1 !1 IVTrs D. O. MACOBER having been Ik " . 1 it . t "! rcauestcd to lavor tnq companv iwitn a f . . ;n,i;nof tKn-n,vilitv nf iti! "Gen known to stay the bleeding of the wounded have been removed from that palace. if. This ingenious mode of grafting- nose when all other inorquins. who riculture. This in .I'iipi'i nravers to Heaven for the Gener- that if the slightest freedom of action was left . .... . . . . I. - to the cri.-ns gT.cjany, u wouia ue impossi ble for tbi ir masters to feci a moment's secu rity. In cue case a Roman was killed by his own companion, fur having answered a com n.on qucaiifi-pi:l to him by a French soldier; and wherever the French appeared, whether in shop, coffee liouscs, or public place, tho Romans immediately went away. Proclama tions were therefore issued for the dissolution of the civic guard ; a general disarmament, ca pain .f being tried by couit maitial for con. ccaled arms ; the forcible dispersion of all extinction of the liberty ol iDe press. remedies have failed; The French are doing all they can, ditiibuting money, &c.,'to get up a cry in his favor, but in vain. swelling of the neck, nairie of goitre, without in ic general habit. ought to grow.' iWEAIUNG Iv!NGS. WH Out-door Etiquette. 'kWhen passing a dwell- i second if raahied on j ing. as a general rule it is not polite to look in- ; uh. unmarried she v;4 en a lady is nut engaged, s!jf ; i . f l i. f wears me r.nir on ner nrsi wnjiT n eii-nvr-u, 0:1 ner hor l!i';rd if she iiitei.ds to re- ifars the rr.ifj up)!! the fourth fii!- jr uiq coiiipau wiui a.i rQ lhh XViiidov; but when a pretty woman is sentirripnt, gave tne ion owing : rinc ju--j sitting livit, for the ostensiU! purpose ot being Si'p.iicaiAuvici:.- Dr. the cel. Lratt jtiGs or' ?kT.es of?ort t merica 1 Bs W ,ookcd you nny pn5W"ed umf. uiifviintiu-ry N & SON "nds us in a far-off country, btt -with-; -ungenerous if .you do not -..cast an adiiurvrj-. isuil h,:u , . i slvj 15 " hearts true to our owii free ' anq iiAsry glance. '" - ; i-N :vf iosHhv" suicHhi Mcdical Times. clubs : the The Roman troops who had agreed in the and, finally, a prohihmon agaui.i any - . , -i.i . i... .......1 Ii-. ( nil nine in the fust instance to do duty coi.juintiy wun me appearing in mo . - --- French, arc all leaving, and the whole force evening. These meters bemg seu.ed. ha remaining now amounis to less than one thou- French General Uo.laii. 0liuol deputy, i . ri .i.,i. u,.r. an,;na in nmiU f.dlows: I iihit ttanU of Lome. I SllIILi llieil. Jl uu ...i.i, j v " leave, but Gen. Oudinot would not give con- sent. T! 1 upe s enin eers being asked to Doctor " sui'l an r Id -rly lad y b-jiie roller, ehice I've had III . .1 . .. rmmmtVK Vou de-irc order, anu i ueicrmiueu io ;, ror von. Tho.-c who attempt still to oppress demxi.tiatiun it, his lavo,, p.eh rred 3ou ... uu. . .... - , 111 IIJIS IMiSlllUO V.. Ull'.iu nancrs now aisu.e ... lhat ihe Roman people 1 ... . r. l.on nii I 111 I ' t :.rr ran d v re- ei in:.' cimu . t length reliev c(. I. nvblich. ! can nehher lay nr s.'' rtcununeml i.hea tue propric !,!i'.--rr.:-.-r. rnaUe a quitting his service. Thiity-nine out ol forty three resigned, and all lhe rank and file were disband' d.. The same occurred in lhe aitille ry all lhe ofTrcrs having reigned. w::h me. exception of three captains and .a sttgeai.t. Ike reason vyn.j - - - - pir tf.,.(;f-r ly d il.-hi 1 r .-..i.ny m-''hs, they are i - ji'. f-. - -'J" il t ' ! 1 f ,- : t -I ' i 1":' ... vt f 1 rl 1 1 Ir j! t -f - ' i v. ' - V ! ; ,