. ... ' ; - t . : .!.'.-. i; 1 IJ"P 4fetfl 1 itol i . 'I ioXtillCS11- ELECTION. DISTRICT NO. 1. tn'th DiMridt, therd - re! w n tu no opposition to the. Hon. V therefore deem it unne- 'i tabular statement of the, votea caL I)-! Davi , v ! Iredefl, Rofcan, -f DISTRICT NO. 2. Caldwell 1549 B36 463 1262 739 232 Stoke, (no ) 8 14 747, 10 16 00 47 f tor the Watchman. tTAWBA coumrt'J C0G2 842 this County, G. . Shuford recmed t votes. DISTRICT NO. 3. jenburg i Gastoh Anient, Stanly, Cabaifus, : MontJoinery JticQnioad, J. Ve-birry. i27 ICO ooo 1 000 69 J i .l 79 mj- . im 4T2 j,'5 Caldwell. 494 671 000 000 528 99 000 134 45 1 . I ! I JjHXJ DISTRICT NO. 4. ' Shepherd. 1326 t 93 pt idn, V Cra's! :: CwU rin'. Ckathaxdi it : "V i i ' Wakf , . ' T" 1. h Warn, Johnston, - 1 - i 1145 92. 4i65 DISTRICT NO. i Venable. 960 101G 319 maj. 5, 0000 Keen. 332 623 1316 333 528 313d Nash. 904 262 NEWTON, JULY 30,1840. Me8b. Editor: According to your reqttBi, i uu you a small 1 ketch of the County of Catawba, and the village of Nt wton. This County was made! ft the Ses sion of the Legislature of 1842 and43, froroj the nor thera portiorj of Lincoln County, and is bounded on the North and fcast by the Catawba Hirer, and on he South by - Lileoln County, and Wert by Burke County. Newton, the) county arte, was locked in the Spmmerof '43,andisi aatedpna beautiful gravel ride, fifteen miles from lincolnton, thirty from Lenoir, tjventy4ne from StatcariH and thirty fromIorgauton. j. j Four sots c mpofle a square, and main streets run ion two sides of c ach square, crossed by streets jranningj at right angles t them, through the village proper. 1e village contains about two hundred inhabitants, four. Store, three excellent Taverns, two Smithshops, tjtvo Saddler shopi i, one TJoot and Shoe shop, i splendid Court-I louse and safe Jail, one Church of theGerm.an Reformed pet suasion, and a Male Academy In which is now taught a flourishing School of the higher branch es of Science and Literature. I : ' The Court-House is situated in the Public Square, surrounded by -a beautiful irrove of Oak, and neatly en- jvho had fletl ihe ciiy are; fast rclurning. 'In iho country "and: surrdundinj? "villafs afso, the disease is( subsiding. The towns on the Missouri, with the exception of I Brunswick, are jhealtby, and very few cas es are reported cm tbej Upper Mississippi, j CiNcrxxATi.--The "deaths from cholera n the 4th inst. amounted to only 11. The disease has, snent its furva after num- fbering hecatombs of victims. fl' V From the West generally, the reports I are favorable. 1 i At Paris on the 29th and 30th tilt., 13 Fresh Medicines! Drags, Chemicals, Djc-siuffs, and lEREUMERYi it1! I fl u TMT r 1 'lull r int. subscribers hajve yx received at their Dbcg A; Store, corner of the Mansion Hotel, ih T.AKn. EST and BEST SELECTED ASSORTMENT OF POLYMATHEAN INSTITUTE in tember deaths occurred, andlsome 25 or 30 newl DMGS, GHEHICALS, fAIXlS, OILS & DYE-STUFFS, i cases. 1 he disease had not abated. r ; ! ev" brought to this market, a(Dd.which they now offer A T i... rr ik at wholesale or retail, f We narticularly invite the at ai i.cudl0n, lenneSSee, JO Or J Cases j tentjon of PbvBicians. DrUfrHiia nnd Merchant, to o.,r vyere under treatment on the 29ih ult. The disease was fast declining. j stock, which we pledge! to sel at lower rales than any establishment in this part of the State. With the assur- O nA A nrA n L. 4 ... I L j. . "II .11 A 1,. in m , rtA . I "" uurrjjrs onq terms win piease an, we "c r,llJ Kllt) eiegrapu, oi me 5SOu. return our sincere thanks to tie public for their very lib- .-. lr 1 .1 . . i . . i . :' v. I . i r i i ciiuiis ii ueatns in mat CllV. UUrtnSr ne i r'a' patronage nereioiore exipnaea to us. Kelow we Week, all nf wh w w a i - t I t $ ruiv. ipecac, there IS f Rhei. Jalap. At Lexington, Ky.t however, a renewed outbreak of the scource :1 44 jrdeaths from it having occurred from the closed by post andj railing. The architecture of the j28th to the 3 1st ul. In the Tamilvi of iur. L ; r ltman, the father, mother, and four children all died. A summary iof the various reports received since oUr lust, will be (bund below: present a list of a few of ithe art Hydj Chlo nover, 'Newiirt Hnmpaoh, llransick, urnbr)and, unbiis, I 2095 pISTRICT NO. 6. Daniel. 823 624 450 412 792 450' 644 DIST 43 maj. 376 " 1585 I, 'i.' I Beaafprt, ; Washington, !I)de,t nu t- CarterVt, Car. 896 210 " 30 48 467 375 404 - 4395 2430 ! RldT NO 7. Akhe, Reid. t(29 46 539 721 185 13 - i86 493 39 521 105 241 568"' 182 486 602 $40 rep, maj. most uninte of the secojfjfi and water pu of the mount $50,000 wort 0.: Court -I louse is somewhat of the Tuscan style, built1 of brick, with eii pilasters rough cast, on eachf iide, ind four at the enjds capped with hewed stoneJwith Ian entablature ; 4nd is sixty by forty feet in length and width, with a vestibule at the South end, and four mas sive columns apd dressed stone steps, leading to the Court It ' J Room abover This buildink is said to be the handsomest and mo6t substantial in he Western part of this Stated 1 The health Df the village is good, and has been sal ted since its existence, with the fxceplion ear of its location. ' The streets cleaidy I MU VVMI MUK7UJ JM7C7VrU U J UU X ilJIO IHUV ns. There is annually sold here about of goods and merchandise. The lands around the village are riclr and fertile. Thi presfent prospect of crops is good. Newton is not now growing very rapid; yet from its geographical po6itTod must be come the, grea . thorough-fare from the Ashel and Cald well Turnpike South, is nearly in a direct line from S al isbury to Ashe ville, and consequently must ;be passed b J 1 J T P t illllllffli' t r Vni .1 If n iL.t TV f - me. Independently of all these, the fertility of the sod . . 1 , l . t Ka rrl n ere r l a f n mi m r T r T I :rn rrraco I of the country its vast quuantity of lime and 'marble f " ' V " v,..b, " mountains of ion ore and rich gojd mines, toother With t. m am",m'. a.'euuy appomiea thi.onAof hi mnt:flnnrihinr vinirA in i4th Prtr. IStates with his family in about a month Cofimbo, Scilla, Gamboge, Opium, Arrow Root,, Pearl Barley Cort Cinch, Mit Quioine, I; 1 4388 DISTRICT NO. y I Siu'nly. It :. 888 3fil , 336 46-i ; 702 210 - rrenf, G73 970 291 IVrqultnons, pBn(ptank, 'N'orthampton, (tm(en, , j Hfrtfyrd i ('iMtw'ari, : . Currituck j 4392 DISTRICT NO. 9. Outlaw. 13M maj 30!l " 2719 Ijane 618 89 188 328 606 1H2 110 19 maj. 686 437 1078 4341 Person. 169 56 21 50 1169 .62 maj. Fathei Mathcw's Success in Boston. fit is estimated that eighteen thousand persons have taken the pledge since the arrival of Father Mathew in Boston. Speaking of the success which has atten ded his labor, the Journal says ' Many persons residing out of the city have come in for the sole purpose, of ta- j king the pledge. The effect has been to shut up a large number of grog shops, j One officer states that within his .district where there were thirteen of these places open and full of people on Sunday week, there were but three open last Sunday. Suiph. Sulph. Morphine, Aciti do. Pipeline, Salaeine, Red LeadJ Venitian Red, Also, a large assortment of SHOP FURNITURE. Prescriptions furnished at al hours. Orders from a distance punctually attended to. BROWN & JAMES. Salisbury, August 16, 18491 lOvol 5 cles comprising our stock: Spanish Brown, White Lead, Black do., Linseed Oil, Train Oil, Logwood, Copperas, Indigo. &.c, Slc, v . . .. tor - . YOUNGLADIES. THE ITZISSES BUUfS, Formerly o Philadelphia, end reeentlg of Caltimore, i - Proprietor. rpiIIS Institution parposea commencing 0niioa 1 1849 r' Couu,yN- Carolina, Septemt The Pantographic Method of Teaching, which origi nated in this Institution, is eminently calculated to make learning a pleasam employment to young ladies. The great variety of interesting and amusing illustrations made use of, lends interest to many studies which are usually regarded by young persons as dry and insipid. "'Sounds which address the ear' are lost, and die In one short hour; but that which strikes the eye. Lives long upon the miud ; ihe faithful sight Engraves the knowledge with a beam of light. Young ladies are taught in small classes, and the whole attention of a teacher is given to one class, the gradual development of the vouthful mind is watfl.-.l with much care, and throughout the course, the studies i IS NOW ALL -THE CRY; WE respectfully invite our enstomerj, fnpnda and lis the public generally, to call and examine our atock L SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ;! which we are now receiving from Philadelphia and New ork, of the latest importations, consisting of , ' Dry Goods Oats, Caps and Bonnet, of various descriptions; shoes, leather) &c. tccj hard ware, cutlery, delf, granite, china and glass ware" fin t DonMc and Single barrel Shot Ccns; L finished and unfinished riSe barrels; pistols, T1"'; Plumes, swords, belts, sashes, epeauieta, kItct and gold lace of different widths, silver stars, eazle but- tons, &c; groceries of all kinds and of goud quality; Blue Cotton Yarn. V TTT w M t ho mini! spa .nr.. I.. I . J I I . II itl1i' , - if , . n vuiiiuiit uuapiru io oer menial capaci- " nucn jkcuj, urujl KslOCKS llCQTTOnUlTS I ty and progress; but the peculiarity of this method of 1 and numerous other artieUs no 1a u.- . ' ' r.p,, rr early .,. .nJ t!2 "1 Course of Instruction will L far mp- ikfA,ml, l L . . . ua musi oe ,nmU. ,hn .,. . ' "T: "Trrr " "r ' uaiIyh.w ana acWru,nodatm. term, u at ....v ...u.i uiai j oiiiwi tunuuc ru ill ine or- nnv nihor mkiki,cI,...i : I Prof, of Anatomy and this one of thei most flourishing villages in North Ctjrp- j States with his family in about a, month nna. it I I for his destination. Mr. Perry, who was All we need here now to make us a happy tnd associaieu witn uen. onieius in tne war wealthy peoplai is better roads better means of trahs- portationwhereby our vast mineral and agricultural 're sources might pe developed. f I j Yours, I t Ii I against Mexico goes put as Secretary of Legation. Gen. Saunders continues to act in Madrid, until Mr. Barringer's arn- ival. FROM THE WESTERN PLAINS. Later advices from the Plains haVe been received. ; Capt. Hdghes left Fort Kearneys on his return to the settements, on the 7th jof June. When about thirty miles this side of the Fort his parity were met and surrounded by a band of Chey ennes and Sioux, numbering about five hundred, who robbed them of almost elv er y thing, dlery, &c. iaking teams, provisions, sKd Thev were down in the Paw- 219 maj. 377 " C53 ot .Kriri from. In 1845, BiKjrs' majority was 395 1847,8349. -In ChrU of the Courts. The followins cen- tlemti tavo been elected Clerks of the Court jo its Counties neard from, ' I . Superior. Roiean, O. Woodson, baw ; L. R. IhUe, aoarrusi j. u. WAiKer, tt I ' . W r. 4.' s. u. lie I, nee country for the purpose of 'makihg war ' upon! that tribe ; and ihe evening be fore they met JVI r. Hughes they had en tereda Piwnee village near thq: Platte and destroyed it; Luckily for the PaW nees, they were all out upon a hrjnt, and 'thereby slaved. their scalps for th?t time. They thejn started ofT in the direction of the Blue Fork of the Caw riverf where they supposed the Pawnees had one pn a hunt. On tht- sccdnd day after the Cap tain felt in with the Pawnees, vho hid organized to meet their enemy, Thjsy numbered about seven hundred warriors, partly composed of Omahas and Ottos. In Iredell Count', on the 25th ultimo, by the Rev. John D. Scheck, Mr. JOHN M. COLEMAN, of Ca- Jbarrus, to Miss JANE NEALL, of Iredell County. j- ' WitXf " ' J At Lenoir, Caldweft County, N. C, on the 4th of Ju jly last, at 2 o'clock, P. M., Mrs. MARTHA M. f JONES, wife of Dr. L. G. Jones, and daughter of the late Gen. Edmund Jones. To .all who had the pleasure of a personal acquaint ance with Mrs. Jones, this intelligence, will be afflict 1 ing ; for few, very few, ever possessed in so high a de gree atl those qualities of the heart, mind and disposi tion, which endear one generous and noble soul to an other. To the rarest combination of personal comeliness, grace, and chaiteness of address, was added that of beauty and vigor of intellect, of decision and firmness of character, rarely found in those, who, in so high a degree possess all the gentle, affectionate, and captiva ting graces, peculiar to the highest order of her sex. Most truly was she an ornament to her sex, a star of ! purest ray. i ; To s;ry that her numerous friends have lost much, is most true that society is robbed of one of its pur MEDICAL DEPARTMENT of HAMPDEN SYDNEY COLLEGE, ItlCIHIOD, VIRGINIA. riirlfc. twelhh annual course of Lectures in this In- j JL; stitution, will commence bn Monday. October 22d. 1 1849, and continue untij the middle of March. RL L. Bohanxajj, M.jD.,Prpf. of Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women and Children.; L. W. Chambert.atnx, M. I)., Prof, of Materia Medi ca and Therapeutics. I Si Macpix, M. D. Prof, of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Chas. pell Gibson, M. D., Prof, of Surgery and Sur gicaj Anatomy. j : Carter P. Johnson, M. D Physiology. i David. H. Tucker, 1. D., Prof, of Theory and Prac tice of Medicine. ! A. E. Peticolas, M. iD., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The Museum, Apparatus and illustrations for the de monjstrator departments have recently received many ad ditions, and are now very complete. The facilities for Practical Anatomy, are; unsurpassed. The Clinical ad vantages are fully commensurate with the wants of the etuden, and especially valuable to those preparing for practice at the South. C.Iinica( Lectures are given twice a week in the College Infirmary, (which is in immediate contiguity with the College.) and once a week in the Richmond Alms House) In thpse institutions the dis eases occurring in Southern practice are meLwith, and the student has the mos eligible; opportunities of becom ing acquainted with their types and treatment. The fre quency of Surgical operations btfore the class, together dinary way can be Terms and Scsiom. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions of five months eaqh, commencing 1st September and 1st February. Th only vacation is in the months of July and August.. THE CHARGES ARE For Tuition in the Primary Department, 7 50 Senior " 10 00 Classical " 12 50 Stationary, Fuel, and Use of Books, Charts, Primary Department, 3 00 Senior " 4 00 Classical " 5 00 Plain and Ornamental Needlework extra. Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, and Music, at Professors' Prices. There nre no other charges parents are not required to purchase any books for their children. Pupils will not be received for a less period thn one session. 3m 12 TO COITRACTORS. bur?. Plea rati. t. amine and judge for yourselves, & we shall take pleasnr in exhibiting our goods, and no pains spared lo pWie aD who mayfavor us with a call. HOGER &, MAXWELL. Salisbun-April 19, 1849. 50 NEW TIN SHOP ANDREW J. BROWN HAVING opened a new .Tin Shop in Salisbury, takes occasion to solicit a portion of nubltc m. j tronage. His shop is in Mr. Hoyden's brick building, opposite the Rowan House. lie is wrll supplied with the jest loo! and Ma tenuis for the manufjctuse of - TIN WARE iseol THE building committee for the Corolina Female College, in Anson Coanty, willl receive proposal for laying about 40,000 BRICKS, in a building 40 by 90 feet, with a wing at one end 40 feet square, all two stories high, with many partitions through the house ; the work to be commenced about the 13th of September, next. Bids must be made at so much per thousand the lime furnished, and so much per thousand the contractor furnishing the lime. . Plank for seailbldint will be furnished. In both cases, the con- withahe taciiities lor witnessing the treatment of Surgi- j tractor will board himself, and supply his own attend cal cases, renders this orie of the best Schools of Practical I ance. Houses to live in can be had. The first favor- Surgery. Charges Matriculation j$5 Tickets of the Profes sors, $105, Practical Anatomy 10, Graduation Fee $25 ; Board, including fuel, lights, and servants' attend ance, may be obtained at $2$ 10 4 J per week. I S.I MAUPIN, M. D., Aug. 16. 1849 7tl5 ! Dean of the Faculty. Administrator's Sale! 1 I VrJ1? -o- o 5 FTnilE j undersigned, Ad- JL minfetrator of William F. Kelly deceasdd, will of- ifer forsal.at the Plantation of said deceased, about four miles from Mocksville, on Wednesday the hth day oi September next, a large amount of property, consisting, in part, of a large STOCK iS6F HOGS, of the choicest breeds, hnostly .Berkshire, with valuable crosses. The stock of j ' Horses and Mules ; Cattle, among which is a V. A. McBe, J. (3, Lf wis, no elecuon, , J. U. Kerr, redeJL ittmtfi j; laming 'fafton. ,,' tCatattbai. l thon. i 1 tkrnd C. C Durham, iHk iilJ, D. Kerree, PfVorrC M. -DickVrMn; Vutitombt Mr; Coleman, W. 11 D.ULowry, .tf0q(, J C Srml 1, ?5?0r A Ktirgin CfMte Calvin Jotiei, iilrTf !N Votinjc, Ick, or,d, D Caldwflli, cllae ers. am?, Hroivi i'W-i, ' Woolen, ftVH.! Brown, Ctf7an4. Duncan M . F r " Ww, ; II Sulliva WJk iO V Sand Wotson. McMillan VtaieiL T R Wil Wir; ! C W Yen en. ,; A nsmiiH, ir. Moore". Morrison! Sampson, . tiichmond, W B Co, Rdgec-ombtll II Petider, ttaftlfm. Y Pallfffion, yiamtnce. Mr O ration, t f r t !t rohpsition tb tho furnish the Ma viz : County. " James E. Kerr. C. Ilarhin, R. VV. Foard, J. F. Alexander, Rich'd. Harris, R. Williamson, J. II. Roberts, Geo. Setzer, Braly Oales, Silas Williams, Mr. Sutfderlb, Mr! Cilkey, Mr. Vance, J K Cray, S W Garten, ' SJNeal, Sidney Dula, E II. lloneycut, W II Allen, A Slade. McRae, Langdon, - Smith, J McLaurin, J II Jerman, J Etheridge, Howell, .. ; N C Lofiin, ' N D Boggan, W P Taylor. A W Curry, Beaman, M LDoulat, John Norfleet, Mr Lawrence, J T Marriott, Maj. Foust, When thev were informed as to the num her and direction bf the enemy, ttyey stgjr: ted off in high spirits, and the Captain thinks tpat they -will flog the Chye lines and their allies. These latter Indians are from the vicinity of Bent's ortj on tie Arkansas. A letter says : ' 1 " I ht ar of no epidemic among the em- Jfor Earth, and more fit to a igrantsjbeyond Fort Kearny. Ai near as ,ha" ,l,e hall a haa so oAet 1 can learn, about; two handred have dipd on the road from cholera. Tlje grdat trouble to the emigration has bieen tbo much Ijiaggage. jAt Fort Kearny where tbc emigratiotr passed, flour was; selling among! them at one dollar per lOOj pounds, flannel shirts one dime, wdgons from fii'e Uh and most brilliant lights, is equally sol but her fine Devon and Durham Bull, Farming Tools, Wagons and Gears ; tiro patent otraw Cut ters ; Thrashing Machine ; the crop of Wheat, Rye and Oais ; besides many other articles of value, ichich it is un necessary to mention. He will also, sell at Mocksville, a SET of BLACK SMITH TOOLS, and! some! valuable HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNlTUftE ; likewise, several LIKELY NEGROES. The sale will continue from day to day, until all is sold. A credit of six months Will be given ; bond with approv ed security, required. S. L. HOWELL, Aug. 16, 1849 615 Adm'r. immediate family her husband and interesting children, Job! language fails to speak their loss their deep grief I; their utterly irreparable loss. For she was truly the bright sun of her household, the fond, the clevoted, the 5 sbeautiful, the accomplished mother ancf wife the ad- 1 : mired, tle cherished, the reverenced idol of; a fond hus- 1 band, who feels, in all its bitterness, that desolation of Ithe heart which admits not of cure. Alas'! how soon lis brightest sunshine succeeded by deepest shade ; how tsuddenly, how unexpectedly have fair and happy skies ; been o'er cast with darkest gloom. Ever shall dwell in the hearts of thy loved ones, in images of living light, j thy captivating loveliness, and transcendent virtues ! I Peace, peace to thy lovely, thy sacred ashes, and blisa unspeakable to that angel spirit which was ever too pure dorn the courts of heaven, en graced below.? The subject of this notice was, for the lat ten years I of hei life a most cheerful and zealous member of the f Episcopal Church. She has now gone to realize the l reward due to worth the most exalted, and to a life the inmost pure. .May thy sweet spirit, as the guardian an il gel of thy lovely flock, hover about their path-way, and f teach them, and lead them in the way to thine everlast ing abode ; and may they inherit the graces and virtues j of a noble mother of her who was born to be admired 1 miA yj liw w. atnm 4 n. Vn nalita..- nrA axil v f v 4 X t to twenty dollars, and every thin else in jl proportion. Capt. Hughes's company hlld j This will appear a high wrought encomium to many, bought a perfect cord of clothing and oth er things at such fates. " We yesterday! met a Mr. Williams, who left Salt Lake pn the 6th: of May.i Thero ws no particular news at the lalke settlement. He met the main California emigration welj bn towards Forlt Lara mie. From the; $auve qui peut 'manner they were pushing" on there was not mu:h comfprt among them, and, to usej my in formant's word, many of them were get ting pn 4 badly. ibut 'tis no higher than lis true none, save those who knew her lonir. and knew her well, can fully appreciate Iher uncom i.iu'i share of personal attractions, or her un 'surpassed nifiit. Com. ' In Cabarrus County, on the 3d instant, JOHN D. SCHECK, son of M. Blackwelder aged two years. THE MARKETS. PROGRESS OF THE CHOLERA. New YoRK.--The whole nurhber of of hd A. .Block far theilMonument. The coun ty of Lincoln, some weeks ago, made a Jrohos to furr ?VV j-t . a ill ' ...... ... 5" 5Qirigtonlvlpnument,H tne latter would Town of Wilmington ble for a block for the '4 I'oshton, wo are jilad to learn, has been ami in a tl'lll Kn 'fWenied in this great National Work; 1 Serious Accident W- nA Avith pain, that frbmian accidental explo- t" Jiv i i ' Mlu an cciaental exn Prtin.blastang. Coh V. Franklin Ph JThursday the 2d nst. So great was tK. Client nf 'ink int 11.11 T1 B Ii J mis place, amputated his arm just a b. lhe elbow, i We are vUA tZ Wthe Colonel is doing as well as could ' pxpecteaj UormCs JScsL Wl I deaths in the cityi of New York dnri jig the week endipg the 4th mst., was; 1273 whith 678 were by cholera, and?:125 cholera infantum and cholera morbus; a the whole number of deaths from the 26th May to the 4th August, amount tp 83o2, showing a difference in the mortality of the city compared with the same .period laslj year of 5172. I Philadelphia The deaths from iill causes in Philadelphia, during the we ?k ending on the 4th instant, amoijntedto 366; of these only 95 are reported to hk ve. been produced by cholera, The total of Jeaths from all diseases since :the hd- m m : ii i" pearance ol cholera in that city,? on the 2d of June, is reported to be 305.6, Washingtox,; D. C. This city is still blisssed with fine health, only 123 deaths ha ving occurred there during th4 month of July. ; y y Boston. Cholera prevails to considcr atle ertent in Boston, though the! mort al ity is said to be; confined, for the rpost part the foreign population. if St. Louis. -The pestilential I simoon hich has been sweeping over this ill-a- ted city for the; last four monthshavihg nearly ceased its ravages, businesses ag-iin reviving, ana mercnanis anu iracsmcn I .f Li Valuable Land and Mills For Sale. BY virtue of a Decree of the County Court for Row an County, Aiigusk Term, 1649, I will sell at pub lic sa"le on Thursday the 13ih September next, on the premises, a valuable Tract of Land, belonging to the es tate of Philip Freeze, dec, lying on the waters of Grant's Creek, adjoining the lands of C L. Partee, Catharine Partee, and others, containing about 518 acies. There is on the premises agood Dwelling House and all other necessary out-buiklings. Also, a good Grist and Saw Mill, all in good repair. ; For further particulars, call on the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the I premises to any who may wish to purchase. Terms. Twelve mouthy credit with interest after six i months. Bond and approved securities will be required on the day of sale. VM. N. GILLON, Admr. I Aug. 13, 1849 3tl5pd! RANAWAY-i$10 REWARD. ! RANAWAY from the Subscriber on the night of the 9th May, a negro man named ISAAC, aged between 35 and 40 years, about r ' . I--. 1 - C u : ,six teet nign, wnn a wrme specK. on one oi ma eye balls, and keeps orje eye mostly shut when looking at amy person. He hab lost nearly all his front teeth, and Speaks rather slow when talking. I bought said negro at the sale of Franklin Hargrave ; and as he has a wife at Doct. Holt's quarter, 1 think it is likely he is harboring in that vicinity. I will pay a reward of 10 lo any one who will cohimit him to jail, or deliver him to me, at my residence near Chamber's Ferry, David son county." , j PETER MILLER. June 14th, 1849 6:if. able bid will be taken op, and the bidder notified im mediately. Address, William Smith, Cor. Secretary, Cedar Hill, Anson County. CHRIST. WATKIN3. BENJ. J. DUN LAP, JERRY INGRAM, WM. G. SMITH, WILLIAM LITTLE, JOSEPH MEDLEY. August 4, 1849. Ctl4 State of ilovtli earoUun, IREDELL COUyTY. IN EQUITY. Sarah Carlton and otlwrs vs.' Charles Carlton and Al fred Dobbins arid wife Ann. Petition to Sell Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Clerk and Master for the county of Iredell, that Alfred Dobbins and wife Ann, parties defendants in the above named suit, are not inhabitants of this State : It is therefore de creed that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, for said Alfred Dobbins and wife Ann, to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be j held for the county of Iredell, at the Court House in I Statesvill, on the first Monday after the fourth Monday j in September next, then apd there to plead, answer or j demur to this petition, or judgment pro confesso will be j taken as to them. Witness, L. Q. Sharpe, Clerk and Masier for the County of Iredell, at office, in Statesville, th first Monday after the fourth Monday in March, A. D. 1849. Issued 8th Aug. 1849. j L. Q. SIIARPE; CME. : 6t 15 Printers Fee $3 6:2 1 A& D. W. HONNEYCUTT having made a sup- j plemental Deed of Trust for the benefit of all their creditors, and all such creditors being required by ; the conditions of said Trust to present their claims to j the TruPtree on or before the first day of January, 1850 ; now, therefore, notice is given that the claim" of all such I creditors as fail to comply with this provision of the Trust will not be received. h. BLACKMER, ! Gold Ilili, July 7, 1849 3tl4;piud) Trustee. Dissolution Notice. ; ril HE copartnership heretofore existing bet ween Dr. JL J. J. Summerell and M. Whitehead, was dissolved on the 21st July, instant, by mutual consent. Those persons having claims against the firm will present them for payment, to J. J. Summerell. And those indebted ' to the firm are requested to make immediate settlement. J. J. SUMMT7RELL, 3tl2 M. WHITEHEAD. and flatter hinrwlf that the nuperior style anJ "excel lence of his work wil! commend itself to the interest of all who want articles in his line. It is needless to enu merate Coflei Pot, Candle Moulds, Gallon Pols, Buck ets, Tin Cups, Basons, Pans, ifc., He, as articles of hit production. These and every other article made of tin will be found in his shop, ready made, or supplied to or der at the shortest notice. But he would call especial attention to his house gut tering ; and to a new article of improved milk buckets and strainer handsomely combined, o.ly manufactured by himself. All orders thankfully received and punctu ally attended to. Old pewter taten in exchange for tin ware. July 4, 1849. 9 STANDARD WEIGHTS, The undersigned having been appointed Kreper'of the Public Weights and Measures for Rowan County, es tablished by Act of the Legislature ;1ialds himle'f ready to stamp and correct measures and weights of every de scription. There being a heavy fine imposed, upon all using weights and measures unsealed, ft"--ill fre to the advantage of all concerned to pny strict attention to this i notice. A. J. BROWN. ; VALUABLE LAND AT PUBLIC fssilk? BY virtue of a decree of the CfTS Court of Kn.iitv. fwi'l e- Ci&Z&2' poe to sale on Monday theSOth of August next, at the Court- House, in Salisbury, three valuable TRACTS OF LAND, belonging to theileirs of Littleton Brown .deceased It- i ing near the Yadkin River. SaiJ. tracts will be sold j separately. ; This land lies in one of the most fertile sections of Rowan County, and the tracts are of very convenient : size fur farms, containing about 1 ..Ninety Acres each, j Possession will be givtm immediately. Nine months ; credit wi'l be given and bond and approved sureties re ; quired. Salisbury, Aug. 16. Bacon 6 ; Brandy 40 (3) 50 : :. Butter 10; Beeswax 15 ; .Cotton 7 rfi 8 ;;Cotton Yam 70 (S) 75 ; Coffee 8 (a) 9 ; Corn 2o (a) 30 ;; Jr eathers Ho ; Flour per bbl. 4 (S 4J ; Iron 2 (Si 4 ; Linseed Oil G5 (a) 70;' Nails 5 (a) 6 ; Oats 16 (3 17 ; Irish Potatoes 30 ; Sweet do. 30 ; Sugar, (brown) 6 (3) 8 ; Loa'" 10 rS 11 ; Salt, (sack) 2 (5 2J, ; Tallow 10 (ai 12$ : Wheat 75 ; Whiskey 25 (2) 30. -j Fayetteville, Aug. Jl. Brandy, peach, 35 40: Ditto, apple, 28 30 : Beeswax 18 : Bacon 6 (S 7 : Cotton 81 81 : Corn 55 i 60; Coffee 8 (S)l 10: Flour4 fMrr7 MikWmS Ii I PIANO FORTE MANUFACTORY Leather, sole, 20 : Molasses 2U f5 26 : rails,; cut, 5 : ; Oats, 30: Sugar, brown, S (S 9 : do. loaf, 1 1 (at 12$: ; Salt. sack. 1 50 (S) 1 75 : Tallow. 8 O S: Wheat 70 (3 75: Whiskey 25. I Cheraw, Aug. 7. Bacon per lb. 6 a Butter 15 (St 20: Beeswax 18 (a) 2 : Coffee 8 (S) 10 : Cotton 7 (S 91 : Corn 50 (3) 56 ; Fgs 10 (3) 124 : Flour 5 (3) I SH ; Feathers 25 (3 32tf1jron 5 (S 6 :;; Lard 7 (3 9 AND WARE ROOMS, So 4, Entaw Street, Baltimore. HE undersigned calls the attention of ' Leather (sole) IS (B 20ifolasses 35 ,;40 :; do. Cu ba 33 (S) 37$ : Nails, cutTb (S 6J : Ri?e 41 (S 51 Sugar, brown, 7 (3 10 : do. Loaf, 12 (3)1 15 : Salt, Li ' verpool, hfl5. - 1 to Dr. J. J. Summerell, Offers his Professional eorvicsea to the citizens oN Salisbury and the surrounding country, j He will always be found at l?ts Office, in Shaver's Hotel, between the Drug Store of .Drs. Brown &- James andBuis' Confectionary tor at his residence. True ob jects of charity punctually attended to as such. August 1849. DR WjBLITEHEAD ; OFFERS his professional services to the public He can at present be found at his residence, unless , professionally engaged. T j Salisbury, July 21, 18-19, if. - Tl;X. the Ladies, Principals of Academies, Professors of Mu?ic, arid private families of North Car- olina, to the superior qaahty of his Pianos. For fifteen I years have they been in u?e in Pennsylvania, Maryland, j and Virginia, and have given entire satisfaction. He j lias sold within the la s,t three months, in this State, twen- ty Pianos, and have prrived to be superior in quality of j tone nnd workmanship, to any-purchased elsewhere. l he climate and change ot weather have no enect on these instruments, as ijify nre almost entirely of cast iron. The manufacturer assures the public that they will do as well by writing to him is coming themselves or sending an agent to select an instrument. Respectfully, ANTHONY KHUN & Co , No. 75, North seventh Street, Baltimore. Jaly 12, 1S49 eovflOly O"! have a good second hind Piano for sale at Mr. Reynold's, Mocksville. - Price 100. a. tatc of ILovtfi Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1849. ' William B. March i ' vs. Justicfs Execution levied on land. Gi!e3 E. MutnforJ. ? Ix this, case, it is ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made for four weeks in the Carolina Watchman, printed in Salisbury, notifying GiUrs E. Mumford, the ( defendant in this case td'be and appear before the next ; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the ! County of Davie, at the Court House, in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in August next, then and there to show cause, iT any he have, why the Juslices Judgment should J ; not be confirmed, and a sale of th? Innd levied on, or- : tiered for the satisfaction of the debt aforesaid. 1 Witness, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 4th Monday in May, A. D. 1849, ah4in I the 73d year of our Independence I 4wl3 C. TtARBlN, Cl'k. Printers Fee 5 r2j ; Ready made Clothing For sale at reduced Price ! FROM the 1st of AuguM to the 1st of September, 1 will sell my stock of Summer Clothing at cot. All who wish Bargains should call oi J. II. ENNISS' Clothing Store. Salisbury, July 30, 1843 13 MESSRS. EDITORS: We find that our Business has been improving, from the time we commenced ad vertising in your paper to the present. And we would still use your shert as a medium through which to re turn our thanks, to our friends and customers, for the lib- "1 A LSO. At the same time and place, I will sell the TRACT OF LAND near Salisbury, formerly belonging to Joseph Pool, deceased, containing about 493 ACRES. This tract lies on Cane Creek, and has on it a very sub stantial dwelling hoose, with the necessary oat-bi'.d-ings, and is a very desirable place of residence. Twelve months credit will be given. Bond and se curity required from the purchasers. A. II. CALDWELL. C.M.E. July 19. 19 49311 Printers Fee 80 00 Diseases of the TEETH! W. F. BASON, D. D. S. WOULD respectfully make known to the Citizens of We48-rn Carolina, that he continues to perform all operations connected with his prVin upon prin ciples so improved, as he thinks, will seldom fail to prove highly satisfactory . and promises the perntanent preservation of the Te: th in ail ordinary cases, where efficient means are employed during ihe most important periods of life, viz : Cuti.iujr and Yocth. - Refer xf cs The Faculty of the Baltimore College, and the letters and names of many distinguished gen tlemen of his native County anJ State. In Salisbury Hon. D. F. Caldwell, Maj. John Br Ivrd. John I. Shaver, anJ others. Salisbury. June 14, 1919 tf6 mm p IE TflHE BOOKS for subscription to the North Caroli JL tia Rail Uoad Company, are open at the Hotels of ' John I. Shaver and Horace L. Kohards in tnis place. j iin" MAXWELL CHAMBERS, THOMAS L. COWAN, A. Ii CALDWELL, I II MILLS F FISHER, HORACE L. R.OBARD3. ,110.- , 8 o o a I 3 .PROSPECTUS TOT. T.".Z. .T.cr.", A NT) OTlTrRWIPF IMrr.OVf !f5 THE. U A LEIGH REGISTER. This lon rs'n!.iiVd WIht Journal, hating psased permanently into the hands of the prrsrnt Editor.be has determined I'prov I suffi-.-ie.-it encouragement le" gien) upon eo enlsrin its iitiier.ior;, as to mUe i' 1 contain near'y Eight Columns inore than it now does, and upon improng its appearnnee in such manner to make it one of the largest and lands.mesi tiieett in the Sou:h ! To effect this o'rt, iwill require a con- 1 siderable expenditure in the purrlne of a new Pre, new Type, and other neee.aiy materials; and ss we do not intend to make any advance upon the preent ! rates of subscription, e ha!l h'c to rely solely krre- mnn.nlinn uivin n - i .1 i Si ! " Olif ltt. Il3 Te " t " .( . 1 a View to ine n"irm-i vi eral encoura;eient received from them ; and toreniina . U . . . U..H r. nil I . . r I h ; t ur MTW Mtlll mSSed 1X1 i ' t- j .1 ..u . .-.t r..n' I .u;- . . -.i .. ,,r-.! ib.it our friends wi.I eirrt e oiisiiicss, anu ai iur s.iiuc- uiu ni.o -'"j- , - lltemse ves in iroc;iiinj u su:.t.ri'..v.i. ... m n e . sued this Prospcc us with K. Brown & James HAVE just received among a variety of other arti cles, a large qisinti'y of suerfine salad OIL. ' Salisbury, April 1849 49 the earn Brick Row,; where we may be found at any moment, j We are striving by industry and strict attention to bu siness, to make a few of the dimes as they ore passing, 1 and we appeal-to a liberal community to encourage us ) in this laudable undertaking We mi?ht give many re ' ferences. but we deem it useless. We refer, all to our Garments as they are seen upon the hacks of our custo- F or TKRMS. the Sfmi -WerlJy, or ft 4 'A, in advance. Weeklv, H3. or 2 hi). i iners. BOOTS AND SHOES. A LARGE assortment of the finest Boots and Shoes i jCTL for sale hw August 9, 1849. J. U ENNISS. 14 i HATS I We are in the, receipt of the latest fashions. GOULD & HAWKINS. Toiler. July 1214U 22vol5 SalisWy, V C f, ARPJJT BAGS forale by t V August 9. 1349. WILL sell my stock of HATS at greatly reduced n; ENNiss. 14 . rices. Call bejtvfe; Aug. 9, 1619 1.1 vou'purt 'n e elsewhere. J. H ENNISS. JAMES HORAH. WAT OH AND OLOOK-XVIAimR Opposite Cowid'i Brifk Row, SalilnrT, "V. Important to Mill Owners. "TJOTCHKISS 3 Vertical Water Wheelsforsllein JlJ. Fayettevi!V,,y J). McXniLL 6c Co. And in Lincoln County ly K. - A. J5UEVAUD. March 12,1 PTtfi.. S nnd loiter r u en:ss. lit ' - - 4! u I- j