' : .. :i : : 1 iM - ' - - ' ' ' V : j ': M':'-;. . r I' 1.' i. h HI !;.s ; r t n i I'll 5 i ' il-H -11 if 1 J ti. it I: a. fcCULY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE. ! : ' i i - ' ' .y.r-s Early to bed atule arty to riso ; j! Aye, noto Tt down in your brain, f : , P For it helpvth to make the foolish wise, i ! .And uprooU ihty seeds of pain. 1 i r" flfovwho are wulking'oa iborns of core, -: i; 1 AVbo sigh for a softer bower, Ty what can bp dne in iho nwrninjr sun, ! AndL raake uscof thftcoriy bour. Full many a t!6y U trrvrr kt t .1 tJy dtluyiiis work till, to-morrow j irnnutps ftb har often cost J I JUn year of booties sorrow. And )0 who would win the lasting wealth ' Of Content an J peaceful power, - J'e ;who WauU cvup!? Labor and Health, Must begin at the early hour. AV make bo!d promises to Tiny?, I Yetr alas! tot often brealytfieni ; AVa mock ftt.the wings of the King of Kings, f..jAud think vtfeaa overtake them. But why loiter away ibc'primc of the day, j Knowing that c!ouds may lower 1 Is it not safe to make life's hay : In the bcaiiMi of the early hour ? "Nature herself ever shows her host j Of getos to the gaze of the lark, .', When the spangles of light on Earth's green breast TFut out the stars of the dark. day the s er if 1 not row ove If Wo love the purest pearl of the dew, And the richest breath of the flower;' If, our spirits would greet the fresh and the sweet, i Go forth in the early hour ' i i I)-. s ' i Oh I pleasure and rest are more easily Tound Whcu wc start throogh Morning's gate, Td sum up our figures, or plough up our ground, j And Weave out the threads of Fate. The eye lookcth bright and the heart kcepeth light, And man holdrth the conqueror's power, When, ready and brave, he chains Time as his slave ' j fry the help if the early hour. u V: LOSING ONE'S TEMPER. IIY SIRS. MARY GRAHAM. .! ! A I was sittiri? in mv riom one mornins feel- Ing all out of sorts' abiipt something or other, when an orphan child, whom I had taken to raise, tame in with a broken Itjmbler in her band and said, while her young face was pale-, and her little lips quivered - .1 11"''- (;-,! ! CPt ma'arh I I went lo take (his tumbler I from the dresser to get Anna a drink of water, and I let it fall. " j I iras In a fretful humor before the child came In, and her appearance, with a broken tumbler in her hand, didn't tend to help me to a belter' state of mind. She was suffering a good deal of pain in consequence of the accident, and needed a kind Word to quiet the distressed beatings, of her heart. Uut she had come to . njotiii'jan. unfortunate moment. '(Vquuraa careless little girl Ksaid I se. verely, taking the fragments of glass from her trembling; hands. A very careless little girl, and I am displeased with you.' ! I said no more, but my countenance express eJ even! slronger'rebukc than my words. The child lingered near me for a few moments, and men pnrunk away Irom the roonv 1 was sor. in a mbmehCthat I had permitted myself to speak 'unkindly to the little girl, for there was no 'heed of my doing so, and, moreover, she bad taken rny Words, as 1 could see, deeply to hearl,! I had made her unhappy without a cause.' The breaking" the tumbler was- an accident, likely to happen to any one, and the Child jpvidfBtly felt bad enough about what had occurred without having my displeasure added thereto. It I was unhappy before Jane enter ed my room. I wnssiill more unhappy after he retired.. I blamed myself nnd pittied the CbilJ; but this did not in the least mend the matter. ! In 'about nn hour, Jane came up very quiet- whm n iiij, Hij,ucr hmio curiy-naireu an- grl.ftced boy in hcraims. He had fallen asleep, ! nd she hid with her utmost strength, carried c him up stairs. She did not lifi her eyes to mine ; ki she entered, but went, with her burden, to tho. low bed that was in the room, where she Jaid him tenderly, and then sat down with her I lac turned partly away from me, and with a fankept ofTthe flies, and cooled his moist skin. Enough of Jane's countenance was visible jto enable mo to perceive that its expression was pad.: ; And it wastn unkind word from my lips lhat had brought this cloud over the young face I . "So much fur permitting myself to fall into a i fretful 'mood, said I mentally, 'In future I . jjst jtye more watchful over my state of mind. I ha.ve ;no right to make others suffer from my .. u i. . . unhappy temper.' j; , Jano continued to sit bv Willy and fin him ; ahd evryQU-rand Ihen-I -cHd hear a very joiv sigh comolip;nrif inVolrwIy from her bosom. Faint a4he sound 7isjfsmote up. on myi car, and added to my -unaccountable (rarne of mind. ' isA friend called, and I went down into ihp parlor'i jind I sat coiwersing there for nn hoifr. 'Hut all jlhio. whil there was a wjghl.-upon my ifeclin'g. I tried, but. in ai:, to be cheerful. (I wagfrbo idutinclly awaro of the fact, that an jndiyidual41atd that a motherless titile-girl was unhappy Ihrotigh my unkindness, and the conscious no is was like a heavy hand upon my bcom.: ' . -" : ; i 'ThU is nil a weakne??, I said to myself, af- fr my friend had left, miking an HTurl to throw lfT thej uucpmforlal.l feeling. Hut it was of nd layall. 1 Even if the new I rain of thought i awakrned by conversation with-mr fiiend. had ; uica rq atmye the state ol mind in which I Was when she came, the slghtof Jane's sober lace, as ). ped tne on the stairs, would ; hare dpresied my feelings agtin. U - Inordet lnth to relievo my own and the - flii!dYMrng, 1 th..iht I would refer to ihe 1 liffril n- f 1 1 rVtf tt.k a.. II L . - t- iclf abo.il t, as it was of n consequence what. r,.r A i. i ... . 7 . . Ua-lii i . . i "" made ... ,..M,v,lrUKn,in.M.i hit mat Iliad been in rc fyrl png l ana nn llislinclire rerltnL of nrirl finvhUralru nainl that. 1 I. . . . O I " A nyael Ah'.mcr 1 iirhed Whv .!'.,! I .r...;. ir.. ihM,i... Vi.. ' - - vFr prnn fUl r-i iilUIl f I I IIW lmill ffc r a I.. ,r"I"r,i,"l nieiimc aenroy oiir peace ! r--v uyicn ui gou or evil is there in a tin, r. '? Siirrifl ' ulin r.t ! !. 2 - . r . my titink mat 1 was very cak l let haiiy utiered centre a. cm a .cm it cniiu irouhlo me. E chini feeling? What are i !. iti navebern a rlulU: and. as rAA u. 1 .... : . i L 11 i 1 . . vuiiu. nave l" hUnted sererely lay those whom I desired lo pleaie, and felt (Hal unkind words (ell hear. 1 tnimbr0 Pall,fuI,y omwiinca than I.Iowa" Ilcduldj iherefgre underilaud the nature of her lo tt All through tho- Jay; Jane imoved; i1ou more tly jhan usual. iv nen poic uji fhitWtvhih I did in afktnder yoicel than 1 orthnanlf' tisesheTwouhllook. lace a pirbfV cool wafer. . Sh went lcklj and soii returned with a pitcher of water and a tumbler on a waiter. She w coming towards me, eride uily trsin more thai ordinary faution, whejn her foot - tripped agairi i coinpbiij, and she liimMed lljrward?. ' iLf?" van sPe tr'ed lo 4ve'ne pitcher. Its ballrtde wa$ lst, and it ftill over and was Jrokenjtb piece at my feetj (he water dashing upot the sUrtt ol my dres.- ' A If-' - 'Ihe rwor child became instant I jr as ale as asheU. aid the frightened lok8he! gafe me I shall not soon iurg'. one ineo ia spejin, auu ihat it wa a-i accident, hut her llongue was inaralvT.ffl for the niomel)!. and she found no iitterance. The lesson-1 had recejived in the jnornin;, served me for the purp6se?bf self, eontrol now and I said instanlly in a mild voice. Never mind, Jane, I );nov you cou!dlit help it. if must tack down the loose edge? of the Til P carpet. I came near tripping, there myself to- Go and iei ihe floor cloth and wipe up kv.Wr as quickly' as you can, whilst .1 gath- the brokeri pieces. , 1 . 3 i I;he color came back instantly to Mane s fieri. She gave me one'gratefel lok, arid then ran quickly away, lot uo as i 4au uirecieu urr. WrJert she came back she bjamed herself for - havinir been rndre carefulj expressed sor- for the accidenf, and promised over and a ".tin that she would bo: more guarded in to o luturc. i it : i 'hie contrast between both of our feelings nosy, and what they were inhe morning, was very great. I lelt happierj(br having acted jusjly and with due self conlfol ; arid nty little gir , though tr)iil!ed on aceount of accident, hnt not the extra burden oflmy displeasure to' btar. j, ; 1 Belter, far better,' I said Myself as I sat and i effected upon the incident? jjist. related-- bet teri far better, fs it in all' rjlations in jift, to maiiilest a calm exterior, aiKi on no account to sneak harshly to those who are below, us. knkry words make double Abounds.; Thfy hurt wise to whom thev are addrs?ed ; while they those to whom they leave a sting behind them. : Above; all, Ishould wij guard against a moody temper, i Wbenev- er?we permit any thing to frf t our j minds, we are anil hot in a state to exercise due sell Control if temptation comes then, we are sure to fal) Ladies' Wreath. j THE TOWER CHAPEL. ' -r r .1 i ,L. i l!U HT VfIie OI IHO IIJOSl eioipieiu passaj;cs : ill nia- cakilay's history is that in wiich h4 describes Sfi. Peters Chapel, in the Tower, where, so ma- r 1 ' .... - it. . tj illustrious victims of English tyranny jte bu- ried. j uK parugrapu occurs in iuc ; musing pirt of the account of the ejcution;of ihe un- hjippy Duke of Monmouth : If i .. j . j j The head and body werlp placed inj a cof.. fin covered with black velvet, and ' were laid privately; under the communion tabli of $t. Pe. tor's Chapel, in the Tower. Within four years le pavement of that channel was agaui dis turbed, and hard by the reinlins of !Morimouth lere laid the remains of JefltiriesJ Iri truth. ere is no sadder spot on tbe earth thdn that ljltle cemetry. Death is hero associated, not as in Westminster Abbey aiB St. Iaurf, with Renins and virtue, with pubpc venCraiipn and kith imperishable renown : pot, as in puK hum blest chutches and churchyards, with pve thing t)iat is most endearing in social anrj doineslic cjhariMes, but with whatever is daifiestiln hu man destiny, with the savage triumph of im placable enemies : with thrii-inconstancy, the ingratitude, the cowardice o .friendi ; yith all j he miseries of fallen greattlfss anj of blight. I fd'fame. Thither have beett Carried, through iuccessivo ages, by ihe rudd handslof jailers, jvithotpne mourner following, the bleeding (elics of men who had been 'the captains! of ar piies, the leader of parties, the oracles pf sen- ?itis, and; the ornaments ol? courts. Thither 'as Lome, before the virindovV where Jane Gray fvas praying, thernangled corpse of Gjuilford pudley. Edward Seymour Duke of Spine r set, and protector of the reailm, rcposesl there- y tnr brother whom lie tiiurdered. fl here ias motildered away the headless trunk df John Fisher, Dishop of Rochester and Oardjnal of St. Vitalis, a man worthy to have (ltvel in a fetler age, and to have diedSn a better jcause. jl'here are laid Jofin Dudley, Duke of North imberlandLord High Adniiral, and Thomas' Cromwell, Earlff Essex, Lrd Higli Trjeasur f'( There, too, 3 another .Essex,.o;n :jwhorn Mature and fortune had iavislfed all their; boun ies in vain, and whom valpr, grade, genius, oyal favr, popular applause!, conducted! lo an gnominious doom. Not far tlf sleep liwolchiefs pfthe great hotis of Ho wart!, Thornas., Ifourth Duke of Norfolk, and Philip eleventh Earl of Arundel.: Here and there,! among; the; thick graves of unquiet and appirlng statesman, lie hnore-delicate sufferers Malgaret of Slislu. ry, the! last of the proud natrie of Plantaenet, ' pud those two fair Queens wfio peris jealous raje of Jlenrv. Such wa,4 veu iy tne the dust Kv'nh which tl.eT dust of Monrbou which dtist of Monmouth m iSlid," 1 - - FALL AND WINTER FASU10NSF0Rl'49&'5()i HORACE II. BliiBO, j j H Adjust recivecl, (at his old stand,) fron New York, tie Ameritan and Eu ropean fashions, For the Fall r and WiiTER of l49-$0, and ' will continue to receive them quarterly. He isj prepared to executef all orders in jiia line of the t fade, in a fashionable and workmanlike mahner.at the shortest notice,: From his Ions exenence In the art of r,,,,,uS an making garments. h feels cojifidept that ,ihe an give, satisfaction, to his clstooiers. -; ! : Hc respectfully returns his thanks tofiis frieiids and the public for theiMiberal snpporisJtendered htmihereto- itoreiand will endeavor by increased eflbrtslto nlease his ! . i , icustomers, to merit a continuance: their favors. Jl . . HORACE H. IBEARD. I 1 WV ? j w 11 ... 11 !' N.b. All kinds ofcoantry produce takeri attfiemar llow small ar r l 1 i 1 f - vx a an r 1111 an sa 1 ,ei pnres lor worn. Salisbury, Sept. 21,2848. tf 47 of pl.4 $20 REWARD!! Tl ANANVAY from the subscribers residence j in Ire- dell Coanty. on Saturday the! 6th instant, a bright mulatta Nero Man, Jonas, aed bout 32 yars. This boy is quite intelligent, and iireads weir, lie has worked at tne wheelrtght btislnesa About 8 yeliraago he runaway: and was arrested nea'e Lexington, ip com pany with a white woman, nameil Catiblej That wo man it is understood, is now living near 'the tBrosby Mounuins. ! The subscriber think it probable iat the boy is in possession of free papersand may attempt eith er alone. or in company with ihislwoman, to mike bis escape to a free State. "t 8, J&40 tC23 The-BSef charts'! Steainhoat n& company-r rr- : rryrOULD give noiicc lo their patrons jnd th public A XJ generally, thatjthe business of COATINGS on the I Cape Fear River jfeoes on as heretofore. - Shippers by this Line will enjoy every facility that can be a fiord r;- f " LINE OF BQATSipN THE RIVER i, ted to the various stages of water I i 4 V v 1-1 1 I ted to the various stages of water, i This Company, in connection wti the other Compa nies on the River, charge for carrjjg Freights faj per printed Catalogue of Rates, to which reference Is here made, but will say as heretofore, jin esse of any abate ment, that their terms may always! be understood lo be as low as the lowest. ; -i'l ! ! O Please" see advertisement of this datejof Detn ing, President of Henrietia steamboat Corripaiiy ; A. W. Steel, President Merchants s(ejmbont Company ; and Dibble and Drother, Proprietors of Cap Fear steamboat Company. '' '! i JNO. D. WILLIAMS, Agenr Merchants' ste'anibbat Coinjjrany. August 21, 1849. ! 4tl9 - a E 2 t rn t t - a - CB d: CB 3" CS ft 2. 3' C9 t 2? r ' Ssi 3 f9 c m a J5 RE WARP ! T stop the Runaways. R ANA WAY from Mr. R; R. Beagley, in the State of Alabama, on the last of August, my two Ne gro men, l": COARllES and IIEJfRY. ; diaries is a likely man, aged abot 28 years, six feet one inch high, dark brown completion. Said Ne gro I purchased of Mr. Isaac Jarratt, df Surry Couniy. Henry, aged about 33 years, five feet ten inches high black complexion, and a blacksmith by trader I pur chased of Mr. Ninevah Rush, Randolph County.! I have reasons to suppose that both of them vjll attempt to get back to their native ee-unties. I will pay the allove. re ward of OSE IIIJiDRED DOLLARS for their apprehension arid confinement in any jail,1 so that I get them again, or fifty dollars for either one. i . E. MYERS. Salisbury, N. C, Sept. 13, 1849. i i 19 f UNO FORTE MAMUFACT011Y ; . AND l WARE ROOMS, No 4, Eutaiw Street, . Riiltimore. &' tJ..' r iHE undersigned calls the attention of lll j JL the Ladies, Principals of Academies, Professors of Music, and private families of North Car olina, to the superior quality of his Pianos. Fo fifteen years hae they been in use in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, and have given entire satisfaction. He has sold within the last three months, in this State, twen ty Pianos, and have proved to be superior in quality of tone and workmanship, to any purchased elsew The climate and change of weather have no elfec here. ect on these instruments, as they are almost entirely of cast iron. The manufacturer assures the public that they will do as well by writing to him as coming themselves or sending an agent to select an instrument. Respectfully; ' . "ANTHONY, KHUN & Co., No. 75, North seventh Street, Baltimore. July 12, 1849. eowlUly v Crl have a good second hand Piano for sale at "Mr. Reynold's, Mocksville. Price $100: ' " A. K. Cape Fear Steamboat Go. THE UNDERSIGNED having purchased of J. & V. McGary their interest in the : CAPE FEAR STEAMBOAT ciz2crimja:xPBLrr isr 9 are now the sole Proprietors of the Line,. We are now prepared to forward goods with great dispatch either up or down the River, on as good terms as any other line. Goods consigned td us at Wilming ton, will be forwarded free of commission, and at Fay etteville at the usual charge. Address, . ; DIBBLE & r.ROTIIKRS, Wilmington or Fayetfezille. Wilmington, August 15, 1849. 16 State tit ilovtu eavoliua, ROWAN COUNTY. IN EQUITY. '- Henry W. Connor vs. Jnnies E. Kefrand wife ;: Martin Erwin and wife, Jane , bcotland Hnie, Paulini? Huie Richard W. Long, Wm C. Beaty and wife, Nancy ; Edward Long and Anne B. Long : -'Julius Love, Eliza beth Long and Harry Love. ' In this case, it appearing that the defendants. Rich ard W. Long, Anne B. and Edward Long, infants, Mar tin Erwin and wife, Jane ; William C. Beaty and wife, Nancy; Scotland Huie, and Pauline Huie, in fa ret daugh ter of Wairen Huie, dee'd, are inhabitants of another State ; they are notified and requested to appear at the next Court of Equity, to be held for Rowan County, on j the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday in September, ' next, and demur, plead to or answer complainants Bill, , or judgment pro confe'sso will be rertdered.and tihe cause "set for hearing ex parte as to theip. 'i j " A. H yCALDWELL.C.M.E. 1 ; Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 23, 149. i- 6tl6 TO FARMERS AND MECHANICS ! THE subscriber has a' Foundry in operation, near Mocksville, nnd would be pleased to furnish Cast ings to order. He is provided with a superior SLIDE LATHE, and can put up machinery, dress mil j spindles, and furnish mill-gearing. Carriage makers can be supplied with brass circles on easy-terms. Ploughs!, Mould-boards, Oven Lids, &c, Jfc, kept on hand. The jobs will be done in workman like style, aud every effort made to give satisfaction. b; clegg. Mocksville, Davie Co., N. C, i 'J ir Aujr. 17, Mansion House. , FTP HIS Establishment wilj be , opened JL on the 10th instant, in the lown of '$9 Wadesborongh, one hundred yards ; directly South of die Court House, for the accommo dation of those who may choose to call, v ! JAMES M. W ADD ELL. Sept. 1, 1849. & - S19 DR WHITEHEAD FFERS bfs professional services to : the public He can at prepentibe found at his residence, unless professionally engaged; i Salisbury, July 2I,!tS49itf. , s s I", tr 2. W g- g-i S s s " 69 ft ri- w" m cn .1 tfW 33 JDS-;;; - ;: , f s.i-as s ; x a S w V A. IS NOW ALL THE CRY. - . 't i . . ; i : "A i i sii ' WE respectfully jnvite our Customers, friends and the! public generally, to call and examine our stock tot - Smum rnnn which we arc! n6w recei vin'r from Philadelphia and New which we' axel now receiving from Philadelphia and New York, p he latest importations, consisting of . Dry Gooil-, Hals, Caps and Bonnets of Tarious descriptions; shoes, leather, &c., 4lc.; hard ware, cutlerj-, delf, granite, china and glass ware; fine Double and Single barrel Snot Cnns; .. . finished and unfinished rifie barrels; pistols, &c., &c.; chapeaus plumes, swords, belts, sashes, epeaulets, silver and gold lace of different widths, silver stars, eajle but tons, &C.J rfoccries of j all kinds and of good quality; I Blue Cotton Yarn, Weftvers Reeds, Brass Clocks, (warranted) 'and numerous other articles space not admitting to enu merate ; all of which as is customary of late days to boast of, having been purchased at the very lowest prices, and the cash paid and arp now offered for sale, and must be sold upon equally low land accommodating terms as at any other establishment in this burg. Please call, ex amine and judge for yourselves, as we shall take pleasure in exhibiting our goods, and no pains spared to please all who mav favor us with a call. ! BOGER & MAXWELL. Salisbury, April 19, 1849 50 Saddle; Harness and Trunk BZANUPiSLOTOHY ! M A I N STUIEET, SALISBURY, Ouc Door below t lie Post Office. THE subscriber having established himself in. the Town of Salisbury, for the purpose of carrying on the above business, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. .He pledges himself, that his work shall al ways be done in the very best style, and hjs prices to suit the times. ! He will keep constantly on hand Saddle, Bridle, Martingales, Harriets, Collars, Saddle Wallets, Trunks, Valises, tic, inc. Also, Harness Skirting, Sole and Up per Leather of the very best quality always on hand which can be bought low for cash, or on a short credi t to prompt customers, - J In addition to the' above, he respectfully informs the public, that he carries on the TANNING and BOOT and SHOE M A KING BUSINESS in the Town of Statesville, where he will always be happy to see hisold friends, and snpply them with any of the above enumer ated articles. Thankful for pastjencooragement, he hopes by close attention, not only to merit a continuance of the same but a considerable increase for the future. 0His shop is one door below the " Post Office." I WM. H. MOWBRAY. Sal isbury, January 11, 1849 ly New Cabinet Ware Rooms IN SALISBURY. RICHARD FOX BKpfcfc.iN i b nis respects to the citizens of Salisbury and surrounding country, with a ten der of his services as a GAiBXSfBT MAKER, prepared to execute all orders in his line with despatch in the most superior workmanlike manner and best style. He will kep constantly on hand the best mate rial for making SOFAS, BUREAUS, OTTOMANS, Wardrobes, Dining, Centre, Teer, and other Tables: Rocking, Office, a (id Parlor Chairs; Bedsteads of su perior hnish and latest fashion. Coffins furnished to order on the shortest notice and on accommodating terms. Specimens of his wort and skill can be found at the ware rooms in Cytus West's large brick building, next Watchman Utticei The cheapness, Sdurability, and superiority of all work turned out from hfp shop will be a guarantee of the pa tronage of the public. Repairing done at the shortest notice. Country produce and lumber of all kinds suitable for Carpenters and Cabinet Makers, taken in exchange for any thing in his lipe. A large quantity of ehingle's im mediately wantedj Salisbury, May; 10, 1849. 1 Fall and Winter Fashions Received ! THOMAS DICKSON, j TAILOR, WOULD respectfully inform his old customers, that he stilt carries on the i TAILORING i AND CUTTING BUSINESS . . - - i at hisold stand opposite J. &, W. Murphy's brick store, wnere ne noius hipiselt ready at all times to serve his cus tomers. I His prices will be found by those who mav Datroni7e him to be lower than at any other shop in the Town, his work duranlepsndj warranted to fit well. If not, call and get your money tor your cloth again. T. Dickson re Id rlis his sincere thanks to his former Da trons, and hopes by industry and application to business, that they will continue their attention to his shop ; also, invites tlfose who: have not yet come to him, to call and try his fit. He is in regular receipt of the most approved fashions trom tne iNorth, published by Mahan : also, by Wards' mommy. ; All kinds of country produce received in navment fnr work. THOS nir.k'snv March 29, 1849 ly37vol5 " NEW BOOT AND SIIOE SHOP ! milANKFUL for the liberal pa- ! JL tronage heretofore received, the I subscriber would respectfully inform j the citizens of Salisbury and the sur j rounding country, that he still contin- i ues to manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES im a oiyir uiui win compare wan any m this part of the country. Our materials are of ihe best quality, and our work shall be done in good taste, and at prices to Suit the times. He has now, jjnd intends to keep on hand, Boots and Shoes made in the latest fashion and finest style, and asks all who may wish to buy, to call and see-for them selves, j - Country produce taken in exchange for work. . Boots and Shoes neatly repaired. Persons from the country wiil find our shop one door below M. Browu; &. Son's store, and opposite the Man sion Hotel. j JEREMIAH BARRINGER. By JACOB LEFLER Salisbury, Feb: 15,1849 40 Medicines, Medicines. - 7tE are receiving at Dr. C. B. Wheeler's v T fold stand the largest and best stock of !: 1 i ' MEDICINES, INSTRUMENTS, Paints J Bye-Stuffs. Spices Perfumery. Fanpfy and Useful Articles, ever brought into this country. (See onr large hand bills, and Cataloue.J- We wUl sell very low for cash. ; j LOCKE 6c CIIAFFIN. Salisbury, play 11, 1818 2 1 Co ach . and Carriage Haking THE copartnership of Witherspoon.Pritchard &Co: having been dissolved bj mutual consent, the bu siness will hereafter be conducted undf r.the same of PRITCnARD, ROSEBOROUGII & Co. In losin? Mr. I. A. Witherspoon, we have'lost a gentle, man and an agreeable copartner, but we : truet have not lost that principle that sboold actuate honest men in the transaction of business, and in oflering ourselves to the public in the CARRIAGE MAKING BUSINESS, pledge ourselves for the faithful performance of our en gagements.. : We have no disposition to puff our estab lishment in the public prints, being assured that time and the character of our work will secure to us a share of public favor. We are thankful for that already received, and would advise our friends and the public to take care of No. 1, and go where they have the most confidence best treated, ana get tne Dest joo tor tneir money, uur work shall not be inferior to any in this part of the world. PRITCHARD, ROSEBOROUGII & Co. Mocksville, N. C, Jan. 11, 1849. tf36 The undersigned having bcenonnected with the a- bove establishment from its commencement in Mocks- ville until very recently, and having knowledge of the qualifications of the gentlemen in charge, can assure the public that they are prepared wiih good workmen and materials, can execute in as good and fine a style as heretofore, and cheerfully recommend them as worthy of public patronage. I. A; WITHERSPOON, II. REYNOLDS. COME AND BUY BARGAINS CARRIAGE ITIASrUFACTORY. THE undersigned having formed a co-partnership in theabove business, respectfully invite public atten tion to their Establishment, and to their supply of superb Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways, Buggies, &c, &c, which for lightness, beauty of design' manner ofexecu tion.and excellence of material, cannot be surpassed by any worn in ineouttiern country. They have in their empJoy a large nurtiber of excellent workmen. I heir blacksmiths, wood-workmen, trim mere, and painters, are all men of experience, and have tew equals as lo skill in their several departments. Kepainng done on very short notice. Work done cheap for cash or approved notes ; or country produce ta ken in exchange. OVERMAN, BROWN &. CO. Salisbury, Feb. 8, 1849. Iy40 BROWN & BAKER HAVE 00 hand a supply of STILLS AND TIN WARE which they will sell cheaper for cash or any kind of Produce which the merchants buy. Also old copper and pewter. GUTTERING AND ROOFING or all times attended to. They willsell stills at fifty cents per pound put up guttering at fifteen cents per foot, and sell tinware cheap in proportion. Salisbury, April 12, 1849. 49 Soger & Wilson KEEP constantly on hand an exten sive assortment of 44 WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Silverware, Cutler)', Musical Instruments, Revolving- Pistols, Perfumery, Soaps, and Fancy Articles of every descrip tion. Persons wishing to purchase articles in theabove line. will do well to call and examine their fine selection, one door above J. W. Murnhv's store. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve months. Lepine and plain Watches altered to Patent Levers, and warranted to perform well. Salisbury, July 20, 1848 tf 12 NEW TIN SHOP ANDREW J. BROWN HAVING opened a new Tin Shop in Salisbury, takes occasion to solicit a portion of public pa tronage. His shop is in Mr. Boyden's brick building, opposite the Rowan House. He is well supplied with the jest Tools and Matericls for the manufacture of TIN WARE J and flatters himself that the superior style and excel lenceof his work will commend itself to the interest of alj who want articles in his line. It is needless to enu merate Coffee Pots, Candle Moulds, Gallon Pots, Buck ets, Tin Cups, Basons, Pans, jc, 4sc, as articles of his production. These and every other article made of tin will be found in his shop, ready made, or supplied to or der at the shortest notice. But he would call especial attention to his house gut tering ; and to a new article of improved milk buckets and strainer handsomely combined, only manufactured by himself. jAll orders thankfully received and punctu ally amended to. Old pewter taken in exchange for tin ware. July 4, 1849. 9 STANDARD WEIGHTS, SlO. The undersigned having been appointed Keeper of the Public Weights and Measures for Rowan County, es tablished by Act of the Legislature, holds himself ready to stamp and correct measures and weights of every de scription. There being a heavy fine imposed upon all using weights and measures unsealed, it will be to the advantage of all concerned to pay strict attention to this notice. A.J.BROWN. JAMES HORAH, WATCH AND OLO OK - MAHEIL Opposite Cowan's Bricfc Row, Salisbnry, X. C. a"card. DRS.BROWN&JAMEShavingnssociatedthem selves in the practice of Medicine, can always be found atlheirdmgstore when not professionally engaged Salisbury, December 16,1847 tf33 BOOTS AND SHOES. A LARGE assortment of the finest Boots aod Shoes xJl for sale by J. II. ENNISS. 14 August 9, 1849. Important to Mill Owners. HOTCHKISS'S Vertical Water Wheels forsaleip Fayetteville.bv . rrcHKisSsv, Fayetteville.by i). McNeill & Co. And in Lincoln County by : E. A. BREVARD. March 12,1847 tf45 Marriapre Certificates for sale licre. STILLS K TU-WARE. ,We have pn band and for tale at ihii fv ' lowing BLANKS, to U: f 4 f ;c tU4 Administrators lnus. Guardian : r-o.h s. c. v. f.- j Appeal " Constable FjinUm Ca Sa . w Bail (State cases) - BaiUCivil " )" Delivery f t Deeds. ' - H Prosecution M C.C Vendirinr,: " s.c. Juror-f Tkke,r U? For binding free negroes. Bastardy Bonds. 31 a rnsge License Apprentice IBdtn;irei;r Letters of Administration ioiea.01 iiaad. Bank NoifcJj !T. Land Deeds. Special Letters Testamentary. C. & S. Court Writs. Deeds of Trust.. SherifTs Deed. Ca Saa aod BoQ(U, Ejectment " Attachment " C. and S. C. Subpcenas. I Scire Facias vs. Defaulting Witne-,. do do to revive judgment -do do to heirs at l.w t0 ho2 ' do do do etal. do do vs. Special Bail. Presentments of Roads. . ' do for Asau It and Battery ' do for Affrays. . do for Fornication and Aiar9 ' 1 1 do for retailing witboot licea7' And many others of not so common' Officers of Courts, aod 'others hrt . are solicited to give os a call, or forward uW jh and thy shall be speedily attended to. Tn AllhA fXrmA a r n AH 4 J .L J. W. STOCKTON, at State!!' WM. M. HENDERSON, at Concwd WM. F. WATjTS, at Mocksville ' J. FAW, at Jefitrson, Ashe Co. Any forms of Blanks1 which we may riot br. hand will be printed to order without delay, if, ' be forwarded. ' ' May 1849. " WATCHMAN OFFICE JOB PRINTING. All who wish printing of any description d ce,tn requested to gne BRUNER &, JAMES a call rail. They are prepared to do almost every tinrj first-rate style, from a book down 10 the a'pfobrt in ADVERTISING has been aptly compared to greasing wheels. ; will often turn witboot grease, and so mav a Vf4. or Mechanic get on'without advertising; but it vkj work, and all who have properly tried the ripeno' know well the advantage both of oil to niathioey, v4 I aaverusing 10 ousiness. CHEAP fori GASH. HARRIS & CRUMP A RE now receiving from New." York and FbilideJ. xl. phia, a large and splendid stock f SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ( which they are determined lo sell -as'lwj)sany bte in this part of North Carolina, conisiin of ! kinds ni ladies and gentlemen's dress goods, (4 the iairrf jn4 newest styles, which have been selected iih great tare and bought at the very lowest cah prierg. - For Ladies Wear. " Beautiful silk Lustres, Mode Casbniefes, colored do, satin striped do., Mouseline de Laaes,ilk and viomtl Lustres, Cheni Alpaccas, bl'k and coi'd Merinos, pit id Ginghams, French do., Shawls, Gloves, Uibbonsi, iat Collars, Linen Cambric Hand'ft, Eonnet silk, Velveta, Bonnets ad Hosiery. ' For Gentlemen's Wear. Black French and English Cloths, French Cassimrrrii fig'd do., fancy do., wool Tweed, Kentucky Jane, it seys, fig'd satin Vesting, cut velvet do., plain s-atindo; ard worsted do. Also, brown and bleach'd Drii!,Do mestics, Whitney Blankets, Hats & Caps Kools & Shoes, besides a general stock of Hardware ind Cntlery, GrecprirR, Grorkfrj, it. Those wishing to buy goods, we respectfully invitt their attention to the above Btock, as we are dtitruiifiH not to be outsold by any. ' Wood Grove, Rowan co.,Oct. 2C, 14 ly2. " BARGAINS! BARGAINS! rilHE subscriber is now receiving one of the Ued- JL somest and cheapest ftocks of SPRING AND SUMMER ever offered in this market, pu rchased in PhiW1 and New Yorlt, from the latest Foreign Armatf, at the lowest cash figures, consit-tinc in partofbl's golden, French adelades and apple green Cloths; military striped and other fancy CasHii.eres una fL Fnalish nn.l Frnrh Dran .le Fj. liSIldsorr.f ch i nlail nnl ctrirwa - n omer Kinus 01 geniiemeua suniuiri bl'k Taffeta and Gro de Rhine Siikv, plain fig'd cbaa; on Pou de Sole, plain and fig'd gilk'TwaM.P silk for lining, linen chamhrays, embroid'd J: !rt,f lj linen canibric Handkerchiefs, (a larpe stwk . . . . . 1 . f .n lit col d Kid Gloves, organdy and -gmgnaiii l-- , granadines, fancy and furniture rrints, bl'k sue co. pacca Lustres, Florence, plain straw, Rctk Rf trr V ladin iJonets, l inoreuas anu 1 arasoi?, w . drills, (ass'd) bl'd and bro. cotton fehirtings iid '' large stock of ready made clothing, floor mnttinf' " powurr, milling ivope, uio vonee, uro. - , crushed and pulverised do., superior Tea, 'm j .i-- ius,Duir ictiuci, lining ihu uiuuiiiij cm', , frjg and Morocco skins, harness leather, clover D . ... .... ..... 1 . . k r IT" seed, saddles, bridles and saddle lags, !.. mackerel in bbls and half bbls, white lead.sp'" wj tine by the gal. or bottle, copol varnish, tanner 1U, 1U by Vi and J 1 by lb glass, anvus, vuci r v. grass scythes, steel weeding hoes, snotns mill and cross cut saws, sheet Ironl Also, a rE STnrir civ vkv niTI ERV carriage springs, axles, stained glass lamps P,I!j painted cloth, laces, Ate, c, Miles' dres bo: . dies shoes, fur, silk, Panama, Leghorn au r hats and caps, BnnVs and StatinnarVi China, Glass and Queensware, Lard Lamp, some) Nova Scotia Grind Stones, ic, togeih r.i 1 .vna. r - enaiess variety m oiner proof npi mrni'"'" visiting this market would do- well f o call ' l Casll Store, corner east of the CortIIJ'Of0V boviniz. as I am determined to offer to cash . wholesale or retail, extraordinary inducement! way of handsome and fresh goods and low p and judge for yourselves. ..nrpi JOS. F. CHAMBER SalUbvry, April 12, 1849.' Jt NOW on hand and for sale tliroc Printer Ink. M. BROAV-N i jS Salisbury, April 26, 1 colli: AM) HIT! - - '-1 ben j ft H J1 I 1! i 1 I!' K i r