I -..?. i t rrirmV of the tVatcliinaii. f . - ilut if h6t paUr in odvahceiTwo dollars ar,Two DorJwas payable in ; .:JTal I,- 51B he chamed. ;tUUTiJrirHdat81 forthe first. and 25 ct.. i ' L.Li. ub-raamt insertion. Int - f . : . .i I: o ct. higher inan inw raies. v n ,.- hn advertise bv the tear. .LA Iw ii " i ., id inc. tuMvii . i f beral deduc- I.MTM ; X0 wipnpcr". U?Lt-U - Weekly Py'mb.J " th- up the d WKTCha fke- th. FI-r'-Ar peru..g me reaaer Good Lord us tell over the prin. s Vj; iKii d rb!r piece of nclT.ce, lc i. mil U n t tVn9. andth 'Li'-lit. Ji- L.,,I.e sure to pay advance. '? iK vh.re (he priVifc.-p. f reding your on pa .t thU J ' , ..V-y tr voU chanjre your res Kf utad of the fuhliaT,ett . M " tj' Your IT' r.;m tViA tmbl she r immediately,, swmjr, Juur iVnce,tnfJtrn ine pwnnsnri inor Jrw Bu r owJu. if H W ol, for Off w 4 . . . . M i ( K K r bufJhers Altera i ' " l"'"laKc . ini w-t . f : - "I ' J.---" : I ":- I i! ' -:r- i' - riH-Tr ) ,, . , , .: . . . :j ' " -j ? -j ill : ; " ' v " ' ; jt . i i . t - - f '. . - : . . - " f ; i : ' " S Editors 4 Proprietor; . V , .) 1 Kect a check tnpow iLt yovr t I Do this, akd Libert t Gen' Harri-tom r is iul" ' V ... 1 7 r . NEW BERlESr- ; .VOLUME . VI NOxMBER 2A SALISBURY; N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, ,1849. ! u ibest, darkening Lis Vision, his room seVroed u THE SONG ANP THE SINGER. 1 h",k . ,T,U fail t do ti, do not complain if the pul- k ii'ftfef the tTine f''1 VVg'i. they first subscribed has - Ljljinltit olkf twits nrdered. We never atop ; ''r- Jji tl'rrearijea aro paid up, nulesa at our op- '; jjj u'tl"s therefore,1 to- order a paper stopped i,lot jji'! epnes notice to the contrary, are con tiAertd yri?iin(r to continue their subweriptiona. . 2 jf jtilnirribrs ot&er the discontinuance of theif pa- rt' ,l''',pr n'y continue' io aend them until all Jirtts re?paid. i ! .' 3 ' If iuttacribera nested or refuse to take ther papers V rti 'tfiffl to wmc tnpy ore directed, they are 1W rffp"nf'l'le ti" tfy have aettled the bill and order !dttal'JH'M0 beAliiiconlinued. ' -; ' -4. if HMcnhert-rejnmve to other places without in- Mjii'l'pwWialierlh nl the paper sent to (be for mrNiril ' dy ar respmwble. J.i't urmcu lliui niumiij w ,un 'Vr' 0,,ce or .rBOTiniT and leaving it uncall S V if prima farra " tvWonce of intentional fraud- V BYVPERCT D. ST. JOHN. J j ' It wasjin the year l892, during the Warty days of ihe great French Revolution, hcrj & young' ofcer in delicate heatb look uphjs quar-f ters in the cily of Marseilles for six mbnths of his leave ffC absence, jit seemed a strange j-e-ji itrement for a young man, for in the ovn be knew no hue, and in the depth of wintjrr Mar-! seille us no tempting residence, 'fbe olB-j cer lived in a garret looking out upon th street J yhich haJor its sole furniiure a harpsichotd, a liodf.a tulile, and a chair. Little hi paper ever entered that apartment, where food and fuel both ivere srarce ; and yet the young man generally remained in uoors ail day assiduous-: ly writing, or rather dotting something umiii paper, aiijoccupation he alternated withimusic.!: Thus passed many; months. Thefyoungfi man greV thinner and paler, and bis leave of absence wppearea likely to tiring no copvales- ente. worthy excellent man, who in his day had pub Itshcd more music, bad and good, than a musi clan could have played in '4 life time. i fj You have something new, then, citoyen ?' skid Dupont after the usual preliminaries, and after apologising to a. lady within his office for leaving her for a while. As my lime is pre. cjbus. pray play it at once, and sing it if you itlll. The young man sat himself at the harp sichord which adorned the shop, and uegan at oiice the Song of the Arniy of the Rhine' The rmisicpii!i!ihcr listened with the knowing and of one who is not to be deceived, mid shook his head as ihe composer ended, it Rough crude- but clever. Young man. i ydu will, I diuU hot, do something good one i t of these days, hut at nresent I am mrrv in sar y"ur efforts wants finish, pli$b' The sinr- ef. rose, and bowing, led the shop, despair at hts heart. He bad not a cent in the world : his rent was in arrear: he knew not how to dine that evening; unless, indeed, his mother r:, it ueVauo ! STTOPj THE RUNAWAYS. tW it from Mr. U. R. Beaeley. in the Slate Alabama, on the !ast,of August, my two Ne- i CHARLES and HENRY. CJiarlCtVa likely man, aged abouiSS years, six et oiie inch hijh.dsrk bruwrt complexion. Said e-. fro ipdtchawrd of Mr. Isaac' Jarratt, of Surry County. Ileurft agrd about 33 years, five feet ten incheshigh tladt coiiplxion, and a blacksmith by trade, I pur hd of -r, Nioevah Runh, Randolph County. I have (fiiiont i tunposeithar both of them will attempt to get back ihelr ati counties. I will pay the above re irif O.'Vi: III ,IIti;i DOLLifl for thivppreb,nsion and confinement in any jail, so that l (rl Ulr'H wi rui uwiuib lur riiurr uiic. SptUMtf, iV, C, Sept. 13,1819. 19' FORTE" MANUFACTORY AMD i I- ;UEE ROOMS, .o 4, Entaw Street, linltiiuurc. I f!rrr1rPnK ondemgned j rroWairv MuxiCi and private f; calls the attention of ncipals of Academies, families of North Car i "Itna,,ri iKrprfior quality of his Pianos. For fifteen 'yr(t .iftrjtry bren in e iu rr nnpylvnnia, Maryland, lad VirfHilaj and have given entire paust.iciion. He kilKW wluiln thelant three months, in this State, iwen- tt Papo'HiiU have proved to be superior in quality of y purchased elsewhere. rather have no effect on most entirely of cast iron. Tie laa'Aqwfnurer figures the public that they will do as " 'ajtlty tijiii to tiiui as cowiirig themselves or sending UHgrnttfrjtect an instrument. Respectfully, 'i Ul Vi I ANTIinNY k'HIIN A. r.n ' ' t 'A ' ' - - I 1 1 "V-75, .Vwrls aetcnth Street, Baltimore. Jufy li 140. o wlOl y IfhiVi a good second hand Piano for sale at Mr. B-t .- U'- i-IU ...I. i)-": in. i (in . r y ly i iiiu,Tjnn unr uwcti iu ur I t4e nd w fkmnnxliip, to anj .TWriiiai) iriddianme of wea I Iftfi jnrajn 'nia,othey are aln Cape jFear A. K. Steamboat Co. Bin he was handsome and intelestinsr. 'came airain to his aid an nil h wnB t-orv nn ..... . j. . . J! C" i O --..--..... despite biS sallow bue. L,ong bair, full beam- wjlling to receive. His soul recoiled from it ing eyes tnat ppoke of intelligence, at even for he had paiteid from her in anger. Hi3 mo : r Keiuus, iranKness oi manner, all prepossessed Iber was a Royalist, he was a Republican, and in his favor, and .many a smile and jook of i jie.had said bitter things to him at parting. kjndlinessj came lo him from beautiful eyes Bot most of all the composers fell one thing ; that he npliccd not nor cared to notice. In the 'world wouid never bn i An;A if k fact he nirely went out at night, and jben to had not merit : and thia wa the bhterpat rri-f walk out Iby the booming sea, which made a of all. kind of music he seemed to love. 'Some. JThatdaV wa tnni ;n mnn.. times, it is true, he would hang about te the. evening came, and no sign again of his secret wio umira wucu uperas were auout lo itp play. iriena, wnetber mother, or unknown sympathi ed, and ljok vvith longing eye withip ; he, ser. Towards night the pangs of hunger be- never entyea : enner tits purse or inclination came intolerable and afier numerous parleys failed hirm But ha always examined with care 1 with himself, the voun man ascended to his the name pf the piece and its author, arid then' room with a heavy parcel. His eye was wild waiKea away to toe sea-shore to mue and his cheek pale, his whole mien unearthly. As meditate. I. !!l he napd the Hrnr f hla A bbortly after his arrival in Marseil es. he cave him a ticket for ihe Ooera. signed Du. visited on0 afier another, all the music fellers poni, who was comanager of the theatre, and publishers in ihe town, with a buijdLe'of : Go yourself," said ihe composer in a low, manuscripts in his hand; but his recjeptipn was husky voice and he went up stairs. not apparently very favorable, for he left them '.Baring cained the room the unhaonv and all with a frowuiHg air, and still with bis bun. misguided young man sat silent and motionless die of manuscripts. Some had detain, him for some hours, until at length hunger, despair, a long iiujc, hi ii estimating me vaiue 01 tne no nis creamy visions naa driven every calm goods he offered, for sale ; but these wre no and good thought from his head, and then he more templed than the others to try the alea- dared quietly proceed to carry out his dreadful ble character of the commodity. The'ihouse ; an;d desperate inlent. He closed carefully: ihe he lodged n bad attached to it a large garden: window, stuffed his matresi-up the chimney. By permission of the landlord, the young man i and with paper stopped every aperture where often selected it for his evening walks, apd de. air Could enter. Then he drew forth from his spite Ihe cold, would sometimes sit anq muse . parcel charcoal and a burner, and lit itj Thus in a rude and faded bower under a wall at one hd this wretched man determined to end his of the galiles. Here he would occasionally! sufferings. He had made one last effort, and in a low tone, some of his own! com. nqw in that solitary, dismal garret, he laid him It happened once or twice that when down to die ; and poverty and miservj genius a female head oubtruded from a win. and death, were huddled close together. tenanted by myriards of infernal and deformed beings. .Then again he closed his' eyes, and Soft memory stealing in upon him, showed him happy visions of his youth, of his mother, of love, nd hope, aud joy ; of green fields, -and the murmuring brooks which bad first revealed melody lo bis soul jj and the young man thought that death must be come, and that he was on the threshold ojf a belter world. j But an awful houl a tremendous clamor, iurst on his ear ; a thousand voices roared be nealh his window. ; The young man starts om his dream ; what is this he hears ? 44 Aux arms ! citoyens, Formez vos battaillions," SiC. 44 What is this V he cries, 44 My song of Ihe Rhine 1" f He listens. A beautiful and clear voice is singing: it is still his song, and then the ter rible chorus is taken up by the people ; and the poor composer's first wish is gained : he feels that be is famous.! Bui he is dying, choked, stifled with char coal. He lies senseless, fainting on his bed ; but hope and joy give him strength. He rises falls rather than darts across the room, his sword in hand ; One blow shivers the panes of his window to atoms; jibe broken glass lets in the cool sea breeze and ihe splendid song. Both give life lo ihe young man ; and when Cau dine entered the room, Ihe composer was able to stand. In ten minutes he had supped in the porter's lodge, dressed and come out, to be borne in tnumpb back lo the theatre, where jbat night he heard, amid renewed applause. Lis glorious song sung between every act, and each time gaining renewed 4aurels. . Ten days later, Bortgel de L'hle was mar ried lo Glaudine, the prima donna of Marseil les ; and the young composer, in gratitude to her and her countrymen, changed the name of his song, and called it by the name ii is still jnown by "The Marseillaise !" trc.aiyrfhu jni-to a Tcnnal"rs fcrrttrcTmi ;i ; witH p5ctor BrbxrrvH citizcn'of your Re ' (iiblfe,'werhat! 'made iomcnili-ancesfS ! tfae 'Ahierieiin Government witb'a twv!6 thia ! happy consummation $ but our lioprs trercTscareely 'sustained by thr result. BujTnow see all ihe clem.Mits of a Ijappy future tirougbt- before hist tliere. is k6a& r&h iri thV GoVernment witb ixliich1 1 arrl connected f' the-fricndIiest,0fr5rIinS$!Tp' Wards c TCor!b Tmenc.-i,pcrradi'Stever Niearagaan:hettrf;-and we. bave tlifl aS snranccsoflhe sympat by 'and su pport HoT the American Government. We bare consrquenlly aH ;thihgs rr desire to make available the "advantages 'irittf hih , Heaven has surrounded 'us;1 Oiir SjatH considering its geographicnl iosltioK bnght to be the most prosperous in pnni ish America, but ourMnexperirncentrtbS time of our separation from' SnainT bur limited resources and the civil ncbrrim& lions that have interrened, have retarded the happy day which is now dawning up on us. - 1 am certain thai the; Government which you represent can apprircfat j'tbe difficullies which have surroundtd?'bur Republic. Your Excellency being jabo properly lo estimate these circumstances, s must already have formed a just idea of this part of Central America, rind of the position of its Government. Believing, therefore, that the best intentions exist upon your part towards u, as1 1 know -there is the happiest disposition on ours, I entertain no doubt that we shall succeed in establishing the most intimate relations between the two Republics, and in open ing the way to the most glorious enter prise which has been reserved for the suc cessors of the immortal Washington. U shall have the greatest pleasure in being; able to contribute my humble shiire to wards the happiness tr Nicaragua, and in congratulating you, in behalf of your Go vernment, for your co operation in so glo rious an enterprise. " S Let us begin, most excellent sir let ns begin this great work under these bright auspices, and we shall be sure ol obtain ing the best results. The people of the two American Continents are contempla ting us ; it is possible that future genera tions shall cherish our memory; at least we shall have the conscious satisfaction of having neglected no means, omitted., no sacrifice, in securing the grand object ardently desired by two sister Ue publics, determined mutually to sustain their in terests, their honor and their integrity. The official documents concerning JVfr! Squiers mission are published in the", pa pers, but are merely formal and only fur oish evidence of the extreme interest felt in his mission. It is easy to perceive that" the position taken by Great Britain in re gard lo the Mosquito question, and' the anticipated action of our government lipr on if, have excited the deepest interest among the people of Nicaragua. The papers discuss the question at lengih,fand protest in most earnest tones against the , course pursued by the English govern ment. ". The occupation of the port of San Jnan by the English under the pretext of pro tecting the Mosquito nation, is denounced as an outrage upon the rights of the State of Nicaragua, and the English are lery freely branded as pirates, bandits knd corsairs. " ' The papers contain a correspondence between the authorities of Nicaragua rind ihe British Consul General,' Frederick , Chatficld, in which the former states tfiif, having read in the Corrco del kthmo h copy of the contract between the Govern-, ment and Dr. Brown of New York,for making a canal through the river Sark Juan, he deems it prudent to inform the Government that bis own Governmen will object to any arrangement which doek not provide for the discharge of the debts"" which the State of Nicaragua, in common with the other States of Central Amerca7 have assumed. Xhe Nicaraguan Minister in reply to this as well as other notes,, charges the British Government with!the most wanton anu unprovoked assault op on the sovereignty and independence, of . ihe State, and enumerates various acti bf f which this hostility has been manifested. Foremost among them of course is iho declaration, that the Queen of Great Brit ain has decided to sustain the pretentions of the Mosquito King, and that she would consequently visit with severe punish ment any act of the Sate of Nicaragua in violation of them. The threat to chat tise any nation for maintaining its over eignty, is denounced as an unexampled violation of justice and international rights. The correspondence, is long and spiriled -but the purport of the whole of it mayf bd gathered from this summary. ! " 1 A decree has been issued by the PresU dent, stating that inasmuch as DavidrIi White has presented to ihe Supreme Go vernment ample powers on behalf of ra rious persons in the United States, to con iraci lor me opening oj ti gran a ouir va sal. Commissioners were appointed with full power to conclude an arrangement vvith Mr. White to shorten maritime com munication across the Isthmus on the ba even sing, positions, he did so, dow above young him, seeming to listen. The man at length noticed this. 4 PardonL lady,' said he one evening ; per liaIS I UIMUID MJU 1 4 Not at all,' she replied ; I am fond cjf mu. Meanwhile, amid a blaze of light, the even ing's amusements had begun at the theatre. A new opera from Paris was to be played, and the prima donna was the young,' lovely and worshipped Claudine, the Jenny Lind of thai a question of sovereignty which it does not belong to a consular functions to dis cuss. It is said, however, that the sub ject has brought on some correspondence between the State Department at Wash ington'and the British Government. IO give Color to Ihe nretrnsinne nf Great Britnin in this affair it seems that a few years ago, probably in 1841. ihe ceremony of crowning aKing of Mos quito was performed at ihe Brilish.setlle ment at Balize. A poor farce it was but it is likely to become a serious busi ness enough if the claims advanced by the British Consul are to be seriously pressed by bis government. The obi'ect is sutnciently plain. It is to exclude Ame ricans from the possession of the Nicara gua route and to hold it in British bands. Since the above article was. written, late and interesting accounts have been received from Nicaragua, which are thus noted in the N. Y. Courier : W have files of the Correo del Isthmo, published at Leon in Nicaragua, down to the,16th of August. The arrival of Mr. Squier, as Minister from the United Stales, seems to have been regarded as an event of remarkable importance. It is herald ed in all thr journals as a new era for Nicaragua, and he entered the city amid discharges of cannon, martial music aud the most tumultuous and enthusiastic re joicings. On being presented to the Pre sident. Mr. Squier made a long address, tendering his thanks for the warmlh of his reception, and assuring him that these sentiments are fully reciprocated, and that ii is tne earnest desire ol Ihe Government sic, very fiind ; and the airs: you hum ar new lime antr place. The house was crowded, and to me. PraVt if not a rude question whole are the. first act succeeding beyond all expectation, the audience were in ecstacy. She is a jewel!" said M. Dunont, who from a private box, admired the great support er pf his theatre. A roar of applause from the riiti delighted a, this instant the good man's MIE UNDERSIGNED having purchased of J. $c W. McGary their interest in the iiCAPE FEAR STEAMBOAT ire lijvr tlie sole Proprietors of the Line. We art tW 'prepared to 6rward goods with great ,'ip'ch.eii(iei? up down the River, on as go4d terms ff iriy othrt Ii Coodi consiuned to us at Wilming fca, avili ,le '( narJfd free of commission7, and at Fay !rtill t th Wual f lnre. Address; ; :iM ! ? I ;;l diuble &. brothers. : "i Wilininsrtftn nr FuVftttrillt. :'mm.A- 13. IS-I9. 16 St.iltf of iiovt ft CslVOUU.l, nowAX COUNTY. h I V , l' EQUITY. I J- Cs 'or is. James E. Kerr and wife ; Martin Efirt iml wit. Jflhe 1 Scotland Iluie. Pauline II me. tbrj UMiijg, Win C. Beaty and wire, Nancy ; .. , T T-Wp1..v. I11IIK I'. UVI(, , ' - ' Harry Love. anpeorinorihat the defendants, Rich- nne ft. and Edward Long, infants, Mar- 4if Jane : William C. Beaty and wife. they V Citoyebne,' he answered difBdenlly, they air iiij . i 4Indeed cried the lady with animation ; and you have never published tbem ?' . ' j 4 1 shall piever Iry again, he murmured, ut- lering the (last words in a low and despairing tone, which however reached the ears of the youftg worfian. J ,5ood riight, citoven, said she, and shetclos eT her window. The compbser sighed rose pobt rubs his hands, and repeats twice bet wee u a walk by the sea his teeth "She is a jewel !" Bui wjih ease a aim 'a . ears. viauuiue, caucu ueiore me cunaui, was Tf..,. . i bowing to the audience. But what is this?- . lu7 ir " unuer ia? WOS(lul From the Bak American. j THE KINGDOM OF MOSQUITO. Theclaim of the British Government to a right of control over the country known as the. Mosqujto Coast is dated as far back as the reigrj of Charles the Se cpnd. It is alleged ihat some time after the conquest of Jamaica, the Mosquito King and his chiefs paeed themselves un dier the protection off England, and that the Governor of Jamaica in the name of his sovereign accepted this proffer and promised them the royal protection. It is further stated that in 1740 a fort was erected by a British force from Ja maica and the royal! flag hoisted, '4 thus making a formal publication to the world and to the crown of Spain that the inde pendent country of the coast was under the direct sovereignty and protection of Great Britain. I his assumption is plac et! upon the ground ihat the Mosquito na tion was never subjugated by Spain ; that it had always retained its independent character ; that since the downfall of I I i a. . m.- a -M . - - s Instead ofgoing off, she has just signed to the " c"18 u lc,I,lurJ orchestra to play. She is aboul to show her pemng to inemseiyes, ana governed raiitndfi lo ihfl audieneft in verso. M. fi.i. by laws administered by their own here- and went Out to take his usual walk by beach ; ihf re, before the grandeur and sublimi. ty of the oc!ean, and amid the murmur of iij beb lowing wajres, to. forget the cares of the world, his noveity, and his crushed visions of glory and" renown the day dream of all superior ditary rulers. ; Now this Mosquito country is included and rapidity the band has commenced playinu Within the limits of the State of Nicara an unknown air, and the next instant M. Du pont is standing up with a strange and wild look. Hashed and still was every breath ; the aurlience looked at each other; nol a word of minds a Urcam far oftener a punishment than communication lakes place ; men shudder, or . ' - - . . .... - - : I .1 . i i t. l. ; r . .C a ratner iremote wun emotion, uui iqe iirsi stanza is ended : and then a frantic shout, a in i 'It tiiiara; : Erwirf and 'VyidtlJ !"0.irenl : Ihty if Court of !dj7Mnd Und'dpnii rJWhea.rm'! bid X ?l Uitie, and 1 uunne iiuie, iniani oaugn luieJ .dee'd. are inhabitants of another el notified and requested to appear at the lijuiyio be held for Rowan County, on alter 'the 4in Moncay in reptemoer, , plead to or answer complainants Bill, rva1fd will be rendered and the cause ilx forfe as to them. A: II.'i;ALUWLLli,t.M.rj. C. Aug. 23, 1849. 6tV6 a reward ;j for of those who sigh foi fame, few indeed are successful. . , - Si'arceli had he left the house, than a lady, . . , a at a habited in cloak and nood, entered it, and alter a" somewhat lengthened conference with his concierge, lascended I to his room, and remained jhere abouH an hour. At ihe end of that time she vanished. It was midnight when ihKjcorh poseneturlned. He entered with difliculty, the Cerberus lf the lodge being asleep, and a cended to his wretched room. He bad left It l!) 'FARMERS AND MECHANICS'. HK subscriber baa a Foundry in operation, near MocksviBeL aud would be pleased to turnisb Cast ile is provided wijh a superior SLIDE cin put up machinery, dress mill spindles, "piaorjc,! Nt RE. and liBihfn Triate hi searing krra cin be supplied with brass circles on ughsj Mould-boards, Oven Lids, Scc, ,kfrt!oo jjadd. Tlie jobs will be done in workman- wytf'.tadleterf rflbrt made toi give satislaction. .v?--i ' r '- . - :. I B. CLEGG. ocMvill'e. Dbie Co..'N. C. starling of all to their feet, a wild shriek of de light, a cry of a thousand voices thundering the chorus, shows how the song had electrified them. M. Dupont frowned, for the air and the song were nol new to him ; it was tne " pong oi the army of the Rhine" he bad refused that morning ! But Claudine proceeds : again the audience is hushed in death-like silence ; while liltered antl dir:y, without light, fire, bi d.l the musicians, roused lo an unusual degree of He opened it, not without alarm.and found bis enthusiasm, played aomiraoiy ; ana lauaine. nnartmeni! neatlv ordered, a fire burnihsr. a still singing with all the purity, feeling and en- lamn. and n the table a supper. The -founff ergy of her admirable voiceplunged her eyes . .: w . r .L - I 1 4 . mnn rv,.,.i'AH onH IrLoH ctornlv nl lh ttronn. I into PVPTV Comer Ol ine nOUSe in VUIII. .11 iiiail iniTi ik Ui nuu s mv ii j w- i ------ j . y : 1 . is a . I it 4 Who dares thus insull my poverty 7' if Is it each couplet the enthusiasm ! ine people oe k a r a r i 1 I . 1 n n I a a m a a a m 0 a iai nminh that i am KtArvino' with ro d una t came rreater. tne unnei 01 mc jihci mucusc awa a-a - - - - ----- - j 1 ; 13 - ; "- - m hiinfTr. that I nm reiected bv the world as a Al length she concluded, and never did ap ipIp. nd wretched thin?, incaoable of wield- plause more hearty, more tremendous, the up ,. r - Se . . I . " n , I- sword or pen, but I must beiniuHed roarious, greet ihe voice 01 a puouc songsiress. ? Fire, light, and wood, all sent by I Tle excilable population 01 Marseilles seeroeu knows inv necessity 7 And vet 1 mad. who knows ? Perhaps m? mother maylhave - When silence was restored, ciauaine spone discovered! my retreat. Who else could have -t-4 Citoyens and citoyennes: sne exciaimea m ib... ? Mv mother. 1 bless thee both for "this song is both wriiten ana composea oy a iiiw 1 J ' ' .-s I i a a " I- your action and for respecting my cojceal- yoUng unknown man, who has in vain sougni menl 1 Ana lne ,l,va,lu u"-rr 8411 jo o j ,.v,. 6rst hearth meal he had eaten for weeksil He erjrbody has refused them. ; For myself, I Karl lfi hAm l.o.n,.n bin friends who v d is- thought this the greatest musical enon 01 moa. -- . - .1 i " , " xt --J :. il . J approved of his making music a iprofessioii, and ern times ; ana assueni pracuceu u lu-u-j , uu wished him to employ his leave ot ahsence in unanown io manager r au.uui.i Unrnmir nnollior fwrnnal nn II mnlhor eft nreoared IhlS Surprise. DUl Qe II liut uric. BV ' m" mm w" wvvwwivai w a w II I S - nrpaaed hirn. ihat he saw no resource but sol. Poof "and despiring, he is at home lamenting .i- 1 . ii - c . aTT.nntiiTri V. . 3ml6 BUSINESS ! IIR tlNDERSKtKED having remov-v f ll til J cilinn a t la mnm in the. BRlCK -KOWi fbraierlvWruhied bv (Jould &. Haw- T T. W.drekDrclfullv inform ihe nublic. that be i toHt ind make all kinds of Garments in the darauf inf fashionable style. ; He ia also, in the Z V rfttjpj df Uve ; Utohjfroiii the Norlhcrii Citic.. i.t0eM)haTe; favored him with their patron ' 1 " rriarnV 1;. iUnV. .nJ l.nn ik.i aiil L ,i"n-:' V" b'utiines, and a desiie io please, both Viv cr style and price, to merit a continuance LiT wHoihfcveriever tried Mm. he would say cal n.,7 ni e'ia m determined to spare n 1.1. -il r TV-"! no painaio the worki 6. 1843. JOnN A. WEIRMAN. 185 LAND DEEDS i y printed and for sale here ing either by charity one who dier's last ehance a retreat. For two months no traco of Ihe fugitive had been vseen--two months spent in vain efforts lo make his chosen career support him, and now, doubt lesi, his mother bad found hirn out, and bad taken this delicate way of detecting his secrecy an j pun ishing his bride. t , " - his unapp: eciated efforts Let us awake him ; let him learn that the generous people of Mar- seillies can understand and teel great; music. Come, lei all who have hearts follow me, and chaunt ihe mighty song as we go." AnrJ Clau dine, stepping across ihe orchestra, landed in the pi V and, bareheaded, ngni ciresseuia. le ywing man iwue wq. n. "m'--..' ... .LL m.,iis... wbn. how. appetite unknown to him of la.e. The gene r- VW? i ew a cloak .ous night bad restored bis I-4 " :""-Jll:.:l Za .rn xoun system, and brought him lo a natural stfe,-i ana cap on we.uW o Luckily' lifficient wine and bread remaitied tq toagstress. K'-' I V satisfy Bisfcraving, and then he sat dovn to Meanwhile ihe compose rsidreadful, resolve think. All his. efforts to get bis musicisungi was being carrtea out. . " M ; ! "17 " or played, lor published; had been in: vajn: i fthekharcoal filled the room ; -soon inej ujjjju Singers kriew him not, publishers dedB him; tdjconsume and exhaust the pure air, and the . ! i .t. :ut: j AL.d . - ......iu iti all the nans of eoming Unknown, and me puoilt bccihcu uwuicg; iict; wiirnuru, jujuu ivi. - 'i'P, - . er lo hear nim; a ygit sacHUCH4- cn u?,u VM , r. Injurious lc young begioners,in literaujre poe.l died a kind or madness in bis brain; wua sv. music! and all the! liberal arts.' But "be shaper danced around him ; bis many songs gua, which has neverrecognised any such Kingdom as that of Mosquito. If the wild savages inhabiting the Mosquito Coast -have been allowed to roam at will through that region it has ben somewhat after the fashion of the Serhinoles in Florida the country not being attractive enough tO draw to it any other occupants. The Government of Nicaragua regards the British intervention jand claim in some such light as we would regard a treaty between Victoria and Billy Bowlegs, by which Billy should undertake to put him self and his people under the royal pro tection of England. ; j The occasion which has brought this matter to the notice of our Government isf simply this : The State of Nicaragua hjas granted to an American Company ihe privilege of opening a communication be tween the Atlantic and the Pacific by the route of the San Juan river and the Lake Icaragua. This- fact having become known, the British Consul at New York gave notice to the Nicaragua Company that Great Britain ha!d certain rights of sovereignty over the territory through which their projected route lay; that the Mosquito country was under the British protection ; and that he was instructed to inform the Company that 4 the boundary line ofjhe Mosquito Kingdom touches Ibe Sk John's river at the Mechua rapid, a bout thirty miles below the Lake Nicara gua, and that from thence to the mouth of the St. John's the navigation of that riv er belongs to Mosquilp." IThe British Consul goes on further to iri form the Company that the port of St. John's, now called Grey Town, at which thy have agreed With the Nicaragua Government to build a. store, also belongs tb Mosquito ; that hep Majesty s govern ment is bound to protect the King of Mos quito in the exercise of the territorial rights which he possesses over trrey lown and over the lower part of the St. John's rivef ; and that the government of Nica ragua has entered into an agreement in regard to places where it has no compe tence. . j -We have never learned how it happen ed that the official announcement of thes part oflthe British Govern was determined td havel oftroore trial.5- tfllav I reel ng eaten, he dressed and went out in the di ces, that mada.,lheir,aouad a punishment .fiww eciion oflthe shop of the Citoyen Dupont, jft then the blasted atroospherej oppress! ngbis of the United States to cultivate in every way the most cordial relations with the Republic of Nicaragua. He. assures him, further, that it shall be his aim to confirm the present harmony between the two Republics, and 44 to this end, and to se cure the permaneut welfare of both, it is essential that they should pursue a sys tern of policy exclusively American." He proceeded as follows: A cardinal principle in this policy is a total exclusion of foreign influence, from the domestic and international affairs of the American Republics. And while we would cultivate friendly intercourse, and promote trade and commerce with all the world, and invite to our shores and to the enjoyment of our institutions the people of all nations, we should proclaim in lan guage firm and distinct, that the Ameri can Continent belongs to Americans, and is sacred to Republican Freedom. We should also let it be understood, that if foreign powers encroach upon the territo ries, or invade the rights of any of the American States, they inflict an injury upon an, wntcn it is tne duty and deter mination of all to see redressed. Senor Director ! Providence has pecu liarly favored the country of which you are the worthy Chief Executive. I have passed through your territories, from the j Atlantic ocean, along your rivers and magnificent lakes, along the basis of your lofty mountains, and over your broad and beautiful plains, until the wide expanse of the Pacific opens before me, and I can almost hear the sound of its waves as they break upon your western shores. At every step I have been deeply impressed with the capabilities of the country, and the vastness of its internal resources. I have seen also, with pleasure, the many evidences of industry and civilization which exist within your borders, andl have been led to indulge the belief that the time is not far distant, when the com-! merce of two hemispheres shall find with in your territories an easy passage from sea to sea. It is one of the ofjects of my mission lo assist in an enterprise so im portant to the whole world ; an enter prise, the successful prosecution of which must enable this country to attain a de gree of prosperity second to that of no other on the globe. By your cordial co operation, (of which 1 am well assured) and of that of the citizens of this Repub lic, I hope soon to have it in my power to announce to my Government that the ini tiatives to this grand, glorious enterprise have already been taken. i ar He Closed by expressing his regret to find the country afflicted by civil commo tions, and expressed the hopethat all her people would unite in an earnest endeav or to restore peace to the State. The President's reply to this Address was as follows : Sir : The satisfaction which I experi ence in having the honor of receiving for the first time a representative of the Re public of North America, is only equal led by the good desires ana nign nopes with which I am animated. The grati. tude with which your words, have inspired me, the extraordinary intervention of your Government under the circumstances with which Nicaragua is surrounded, impose on me the agreeable duty of returning j . sis of the previous agreement with Doct Brown. I'- The New York Tribune has the follow ing letter, dated M Leos de Nicaragua, Sept. 14, 1849. tJ A large number of contracts have berei . toforebeen made for the great inter-ocean ic Canal, among which is one .withAa ron. F. Palmer of New York, another with the late KingCpf Holland, and ano ther, still later, with Louis Napoleon, now O ; . . f -i v t t nr. t ,hankS to Divine Providence for its kind Vn''" favAra none senncu iu lime srtuicu n..j vw...m- iavors. , . r i i- , lything done under them. r'jJ?' erable was aw A contract has now been made, under ment came from a Cihsul and , not from had designated for .such high happiness the diplomatic vernment: traordinary Nicaragua has long.! felt the necessity of sheltering itself under the. bright ban- m ia, . I a ! afl A. .1 ...a ner ot the iNonn American vomeutrm , . r -...lj but ihe lime .which ibe Arbiter of nations : a lortuna e conj. L.i ai'-a r- c;k bih hanniness which is likely to be carried ,intd eca- arrived. tion. V-At Jiny rateye may iniero iron . , - ' .r in a mn inm nrti n rr I nm i .rim Ultra yi,if fir VU'"'VJ",6 Z - the ueaa oi wnicn sionu wiw ..n.knt.t;i. nf that firi. n rift Irituro rrrnrril V had. nQl . I. .. . - - t - f - - i. ' - .c:j iftn-tntn incna -Tn riirn themft vps.sir. t tiriore. Ave titsnaicncu .jut- in their bwn nature, involve . Minister ol uautemaia unu.uu i i 'S : . I- K!l I. m Ml- X r 4 U "I rL:v: ;:'! y X:ll - t-c.: : .'-;') :, , "" -- ... 4'