It- 5 i-.- 1 H k- ..'j' I ir -I" i ;-;.''!. vi.U1 is-- .4 v....j:. f "II " I 1 '1 . Anrcr if may whit a; usprp ixl jlh ie organ ofihnt Ailnjiniraltoa cut U'J kiJii! f.iiure consideration of tins subject Ye tbmincnd Ibe-uoctrincs 01 jr. xuon rob and Mr. Adams, ns- set forth In "the Union, to .the. special consideration of all ijho Democratic pnny wuou nve sop: ;bt to 'I.IIV M ' " " . . . Lti;cK iIir iKhrunttralive nojicy oi iMr. polkas the true exemplar and the proper Snodthl (or, succeccling Admitmtrations. If Wi iii fu v consistent win iney an ppcnr, should it herralier tie maue.ap arentthat President olk and Secretary I ! Let in? In Ull resneets like ail old stager, That sfonlotrin thus tjei rnde hijil at-j DilJCC as qocrjo nyu owmcin could desire. The gent leirjah who f fur nished h!s exceedingly si triple jmeansj(pf subduing a dangerous propensity, inlima- led that is practised iij; Mexico fan d booth America in the management oi he de- uchanan not only, repudiated in practice I hp. whole Monroe doctrine, hut treated With the most sovereign contempt all the HppeaU of Nicaragua for succor, as lpf 4( s..i';f:,tlfcv:.,'-4 TransmlUed for tie "Baliimofg 4mefican. ' ;C 1 St. Louis. Ort;,30 TWO MEN MuhDERED AKUE3T OF THiipRDEIlER. I Two young rpen, rf presenting themselves to be French Counts on a hunting excursion to (he West, arrivad n day or two ince, and put I THE AVIJIGS. Of N. CAROLINA. 1 . j . .-, The position of t!? Whigs of North Carolina is 0ne of Avhich thry may be justly, prouc). Without "reward or the hope of rewlard" from the Federal Ad- ministration! they have been lounu almost ! the only truo and faithful to that Admin- up at BarnumY hotfl. About 11 o'clock last istration and their principles ; while other evening, as young Mr. Barnum, a neiew of 'Stales on wliose eminent Whig citizens THE CAROLINA. AVATCIIMAN. Salisbttrr. C. THURSDAY EfEXnC, SOVEMBER 8, 1S49. Xortli Carolina Rail Road. OCT We were so well pleased wk ' visit to the town of Lincolnton Un l that we trusfa few words about it not prove entirely uninteresting, J.. first place, we were pleasedViththe K8 j and.kind people whom we found in it '-'X'M KuDrcme Director has asserted f ! Sthtc lye Dot'taUe the editors of the Un fit ion into council on this question. When n-iji Mr. Polk Wished io go to war with Mex- I C0, Williouj asKiii.uie tuiiBciid w.vwn- n flpf't into the Gulf Ll IV tfivn J - - . U'ii I i 1 ti' ' i1 it!! Carolina District Methodist Protestant hurch met, according toy appomimeni t Whiiaker's Chanel, Halifax CountV, on "rid ay Oct. 2Giiani adjoqrned.Tuesday i ight 33th. ' Rev. Wm. ILVills was; e bcted President anoj Re v. jfpo. Par is Sec retary, and Mr Cherry assistant Secretary. There was a pretty full attendance of ind ( Tayloi'sjumy from Corpus '! ministers; hnd lay delegates. Delegates Christ to the Rio Grande. y Not a word i elected td the General Conference!: Min- v Was Whispered by one oHiis partisans in ; ikterial W. H. Wills, Jnoaris.f Alter- CougKss or lUewbeie; not a syimniCj riates 3. A. 1 . VVhitaker, jsym. ugQurn. tas breathed bv one of the Cabinet Minis- Lay Dr. John Arrington, Dr. Folger. while She Ih-et and the army were in : Alternates Dr. Bachelor, Jlr. Nicholson. ftCtu$l motion against the territories oi a : 'l here was a nett increase olNja itiie I friendly power. War was intended, and over 500 members. The business was 1 fear Was made, not only without the-con- j conducted with great harmpny. jTheTol- pent of Congress, but without condescend- lowing is a listof the appwintmhuvfor lilagiO ask their advice; and, however a tie present year, of superin!tendahs.;i ttrejulLced; party press of this day may Wilmington Station G.iA. T.: Whita- .Kec.K io iuisny me lacis anu goucuoi iuc uer. Xjrxitjbi the! history of this nation, written Roanoke Circuit R. H. Jones. Ivild horses. Be that as it may, ierve the thanks of all owners xf such j the proprietor oi the Hotel, was proceeding to j tnfi highest appointments of the bxecnttvc lorses, and especially the thanks of those his room, one of the irenchmen hredat him j kave been Conferred, have faltered and ivhose business Tit may be to;hoe or groom unexpectedly, andlhe ball pssd entjrejiy inro fVailecl to ma ntain their strength at Tthe uis nooy, Aioemjoncs, woo .ru a., ,ate elf.c,ionfe Pennsylvania with a Se jolning room, ran ,oul on Hearing J the report of ; q( Treasury. Ohio with a Se- the the The did undoubtedly village, and whom we met at Mrs.,, Hotel a fine, pleasant, and quiet t mnfT nlaia r a if io Arwl llin.. he animals. ! .: . - - j i METHODIST PROTEST A NTf ! CONFERENCE. I M The Annual Conference! of the North Upon consultation with citizens in this important work, it is deemed advisable to postpone the contempla ted Convention heretofore advertised to take place at I pleased with the clean, and hanilvtrw-i Greensboro' on the 18th inst. Notice is therefore, here- A . A , , U3nTPl Dy given, tnat said Convention will be held at Ureens- j .t.v.o. u cuaue trees fv J. M. MOREHEAD, Ch'n Ex. Com. an Secre- Sccre- Tennessee that had theioftVr of places in the Cabi net all gone against or given a faint sup- We find the following more detailed account of ibis tragedy in the! Philadelphia papers, under port to the Whig Administration in their RAIL ROAD ITEMS. It is with great satisfaction that we give the following articles from the Pe tersburg. Intelligencer, and we commend -i.L: L i it. wuicii we nuuur, are sneuuirnr iV leaves now, and of course had net a ;aj showing. But they arc there when neej ed either as an ornament or refrt shade. But chief of all, we were inf ested by the industrial pursuits of the pie of the county, to examine which witV r i profit, our brief stay precluded the poj - ' Kilitv Wo tinii'oi'ar vicitavl ..."- dale of St. Louis, September 30 : An awAjl trapjedy took laee on Monday night' at Baruum'a Hotel. The particulars are as follows: Some fi?v days since, two young French gen tie men, calling themselves! Count Gonzales de Montsqui aiid Count Raingand de Montesqui, arrived1 in this city from Cshjcago, and took apartments at BarnumV Hotel, repre. senting that they ivere op a hunting excursion through the western country. Nothing particular was observed hi their manners until Monday night, when, about 11 o'clock, as Mr. Barnum, the nephew of the pro prietor of the hotel, and J. J. Maco'iifoer, the steward of the house, were retiring to- their recent elections. Vormont with her Post Master General has been found true. And North Carolina has been found true, not on account of any "spoil" which has fallen into h$r hands, but for her princi ples' sake, ad for the preservation of her consistency and her ancient integrity. What Whig ktaes not love her for this For the sake firmly in our! honest Administration, which maintains the best interests of the Union at home, and its honor abroad. The time will come in less than four years, we confidently them fo the earnest consideration of our " Diiii v. we nowever. visiieti twn n... . .. ., . ... - "y voirnn meni oi me rresiuent oi tne ureensvuie : VMnrl i-n irn . and Roanoke Company declarating a di- Forge, Mr. Mosteller's Paper Mill anl vidend of 2 per cent for the half year, Mr. Slade's Grist Mill. There are'w that such evidenceof the prosperity of the. Cotton Factories in all. in 't. i.: Company may be afforded as cannot be j and they are all doing well. WeVw: nr ilia inimfvi' luf nc; tt a rft ! UlSnUf P(l. I hi!! HlVlflpnil l mnrlP aflr n I i .1 r T c. H y, me wuiim m ivv . .....ww ... . , lIlose oi ijr. jasper oiove,:anu 3ir. XK. position. We support an the debt of the Company is paid off. How , ner Mottz ' -The last rmmr1 has much is taken for that purpose is not sta- j into operation. It is situated about ne ted in the newspaper, but it raises the pro- ; mjle from the Court House, on the Sot fit above 5 per cent per annum. This i fork of the Catawba river. The maM,;. if -1 i' ; 1 w i i Jaut, as it vill be, in some succeeding gen i lcration. Will record the truth that the facts vjednnected with ihistransaction werecare lully concealed, not only from the people 'itf tbo country while the troops and the fleet were' in motion, but from that Con- gress whose sole province and right it jWas. i oy Uie Americnn uiimiiuuuii iu I : Mdecjaro Iwar.' This studied conceal ; ! . ment or purpose while Congress was in i v jscsho we rijOW, commend to the consid - r cration of bur venerable contemporary of V: 1 the bos organ," when hemaking dc rnands through his abusive columns for a i .ltlisclosure of every thing done and to be in relation to the question of the iMi caraguan passage. Time will show which ?pf ihp two Administrations this or its fpiedejCesgoJr has been most true to the (interests and honor of the country; and ,ve will stake what is more dear to us (than any pecuniary consideration on the result. Wb are net yet done with this subject ; but Ave fear to fatieuc our readers. The theme Is fruitful, and one upon which it U not unwelcome to dwclj. We at least shall not be drivjen from it by the compli mentary ascription of our labors toT the lion. Secretary of State, or any other func- ttlonay. We should be happy if, in the language of our venerable neighbor, they I IL l-f .!.. '1 "jflttVUrcu Ul nil uuur au uisimguiaucu. : Ve lieg, however, to decline being con '.Hijcrcd thq organ or the mouthpiece even fjoX that eminent citizen. We seek only maintain our Independent position in oWown homelj way. If wc might trench unon the classic province of our neighbor lr an expression, we would say, nullius ikidictus jurarc in verba magislru But, tjowejver the ".Union" may compliment or disparage our efforts ; whetherjts cry be ; confined to the subject of removals and hnpointments and, offices about which ' toe great mass of the people who are not oUicc hunters care ns little as they do a Diout the! rllusions ot the "Union or vhelher it continue to oppose the Admin istration no matter what face it may i' vjeaiv" wc shall look to the public inter- ! ests anu honor, anu continue to vindicate !, jjin hpnest Administration, no matter who u.may:r oppose u io uie oiuer enu. in re- vjevv; ng the conduct of that Administra tion, vvc shall not hesitate to hold up to the reprobation of honorable men of all parties the attempt of factious editors to .' break down tho Aministration before it v lipmrhe'nceuVand Who, we are now well asqrcti. mean to continue that unjust sys tem jiyhich has in view nothing but the spoils of office tilt they are driven back to i the secret hiding places from which they never should have emerged. Albemarle do;-kJ. L. Michaux. Orange do. A. W. Lineberry. j Guilford do. J. Henshaw. Yadkin do. C. F. Harrii i T Mocksville do. Quintoii Holton.. Davidson do.- W. McCoin. j Cleaveland do J. W. Leckie, Granville do. J. Paris. j McDowell Mission J. Parkeri The next conference will be held in Granville County Friday before the sec ond Sunday in November, 1850. chamber, one of the Frenchmen came to the ' predict, when the plain, honest-hearted, window on ihe gallery at the head of the stairs ! firm-handed old man at the head of the and tapped lightly. Government ! will command the zealous Mr. Barnum pushed the curtain asidei for the ;Sunnort of everv recreant who has been purpose ofseeing who wis on the outside, when : seduced from! his " propriety" by locofoco the Frenchman fired a un, a bail from which clamor, or been lulled (as Whigs are too passed through Mr. Barnum, and two blickshol i tQ b v byiover confidence in the jus- lodgedxm the arm ot Mr. Macomoer. fice of hi caue ftnd the popularily Gf his uau uoaci is a continuation ot the Raleigh ery is all new, and of the latesUnmroT, 5 r n i acrnn i an I . nil ii r mh ta.m .tn.. n't? '.iii '! ' I 'Il H. Execution of Edmund.-4The boy Ed mund, convicted of the murderof his mas ter at the last Term of our Superior Court, expiated his offence at the gallows, on Fjriday last. We were not present at the execution ; but an accountiof what took place on the occasion has been furnished by a correspondent, and will be found in another column. It will bef seen that the criminal j entirely repudiated tile itory Wjhich he told in Court, when asked by the Judge what he had to say why sen t nee ot death should not Be pronounced against him. To that story we never gwe the slightest credence! On the con trary, we were astonished that any person could be found to believe ft. The con fession which he made before the-com mitting magistrates, was top well corrob orated by circumstances deposed to by numerous witnesses, to admjtof any dpubt as to its authenticity. xV. C. Argus S t ii T,he Washington Union in a "jiix" 'disavow al of 3L Poussiti's coiduct. The American people will be gratified to Irtarn that the French Government, itaking a different view of M. Poussin's conduct to our Government than that entertained by the VVash. injgton Union and other Democratic Journals, hive disavowed, and therefor1 rebuked?; Mr. Poussin's insolent behaviour. .If Louis Bona parte and his Cabinet could only have had the counsel of the Union & Co., a " very fjretty parrel" might have been kicked up between thje two nations I .' SVVhat says the Union to Mr. Clayton's bung' g diplomacy" now ? If he hs blundered, so (ve the French Government! beciusefthey sahr our Minister Was right, and their own, wrong. The Diplomats who conduct the Un ion had better go to pan's, and Agive Monsieur De Tocqueville, and the other French Minis, ters, a few lessons in diplomatic tact, finesse anu enqueue, i ne circles oi me " ewe could exist without them for a short ) period, we ex pect. " ' 1 - - i ' , ; Phe report of firearms alarmed the lodgers of (he house, and IMr. Albert Jones, a coach maker in Third St., who roomed arljoininoj, rushed to the door, where he received a shot through the head and fell dead. Two gentlemen, who had by this time reach ed the gallery, were struck with buckshot; Mr. H. M. Henderson was wounded bin the forehead, and Mr.W. II . Hubble, of tiy. in the arm. The? assassin was immediately pursued to his room, Where, after a severe struggle, he was arrested. He is thejyoung- er of the two brothers. No cause his been assigned for the commission of ithe torTible deed. Both the gentlemen were arrested, and affected to be insane. I V Mr. Barnum is still living, but is doubtful whether he will recover. It is said that few days since these two men made a similar at tack upon a landlord at Alton, Illinois. ; Mr. T. K. Bariium was still alive onThurs- day, hut wounds are of such a serious nature that it will be impossible for him to recover. The trunks of the brothers Montesqui (the assassins) were opened this evening, and let ters found in them proving them to bq Paris ians, of wealth and; family. Splendid equip, ments, and $1,500 in German gold coin were also found in their trunks. The brothers are evidently insane. ' They both fired fatal shots. They have refused the services of counsel and say that they will plead their own cause, and leader. Greensboro Patriot. 0W TO SUBDUE A VICIOUS JIORSE. ! jTho followsng fact, says the Commer- 'Mi cUrrcd j A i beautiful and high spirited horse wpuld never allow a shoe to be put on his feef, or any person to hajndle his feetj without a resort to every species of power Ivrfd means to control him. JAt one time ;j he ya3 nearly crippled by 4eing put in : the stocks ; ho was afterwards thrown Wtt'n and fettered ; at another time one of f joqr most experienced horse shoer was un- ,'i abled to manaire him bv the aid of as 5 TOjny handj.ns could approach. In an latjtompt la shoe this horse he resisted all rljbrts, kicked aside every thing but an ;anvil, and came near killing himself a- mar, anu unally was brought back h Sulphur Springs. Buncombe- Countu. During thelate season, the number of hoarders at this fashionable place of re sort has been, 647; Children ; Servants 153, Horses 375. Of the adults 541 Were fr6m South Carolina, 57 from tforth Car ol na, 32 from Georgia 10 frbm Alabama, hVhen we get the Plank Road and! the Cdntral Railroad to Salisbury, and the Turnpike thence to Asheyijje, there (will be need of a few more Hotels in that ; far off region. We know many whb would ,i WHERE THE SHOE PINCHES. When a plain, honest, upright and enquiring man, reads the; malignant and vituperative de- I nunciiitions oftfie present Administration, which are thundered; out from day to day, by its vindictive opponents, if he will think for a mo. ment, he will at once, perceive tchere ihe shoe pinclies. He will see that the hopes of the op position leaders who are the prime instigators and movers of j all this noise, must be forever blasted, unless the Administration and its poli cy be destro;'e(. This is a circumstance that ought never toj be forgotten by a man, who wishes to vadelrstand the present prospect of our affairs in their true light. If he be can vassing the merits of the Administration with a well. meaning, unaspiring neighbor, he may differ from or ajpree with that neighbor, as the case may be, knowing that their objects are equally meriterjious, and that they have a sin gle eye to the 'public welfare. But when ho meets with these leaders, and hears them anathematize the Administration and its policy let himbeware! The real grief of such men is- not that lh6 Administration and its policy are of a certain character but thai they exist at all ! They will tell him, without doubt, of a more excellent jway to National prosperity and ! renown ; out loere will ne one little circum- that their crimes were justified by thelorder of ' stance, with which they may not trouble him sucn as now inis xcay cannot oe so wen shown to the world, is by themselres and their co-adjutors ! Tbey will, with solemn phiz and dripping eye?, grieve and groan over the Hill ings of those vho occupy the posts to which they aspire, when, in truth, it is the want of their posts, and j not their frailties, that so ex .ceedingly troubles them. Let, therefore, the honest and welj meaning man, who desires to ascertain the trje state of affairs, remember to whom he may be listening, when the Admin istration and its policy are the topics. What sort ofj fairness is there, for instance or, rather, wliat utler shamelessness and ef frontery are thdre not in the course of the "Union," and rnany of its sattelites, with re spect to the recent Diplomatic difficulty with France ? That! reckless print took M. Pous sin's side through thick and thin a side, it seems, that his wn Government now disclaims and repudiates ;j so that the result is this : The organ of the ex-government took part with the rreucu juvt:i iniieui ag.tiuai us own vjovern ment ; but the jFrench Government not only took paii against the ex-organ, but against its own agent, and with the American Govern ment. The Unon is thus in the condition of a spy or a traitor, whom the enemy would not have, but snd Home. Such opposition does by far more execution at the breech lHan the muzzle. It will have the ultimate tendency as it ought to have of consigning its originators and abetters to that measure of political infamy, commensurate with such political turpitude and parly servility. God. The funeral of Mr. Albert Jones, onp of the victims, look place last evening. His head was perforated by an ounce ball and sixty. six large shots. i So intense is the excitement that tne May or has ordered out a large police forcef to pro- tect the jail. The wounded are in a fair way of recovery. j The following, from le Baltimore jSun, is the latest despaclh concerning this, bloody and mysterious affair : ; ' . St. Louis, Oct. 31 P. M. A'very high degree of excitement is .existing in our community, in consequence of the as sassination, by the French counts, of Mr. AU hert Jones, and the wounding of Mr. Ijarnum. Seven thousand persons were congregated a round the prison last night, remaining; until a late hour. No serious jderaon9tration,;howev. er, has been made, though the feeling is very strong against the offenders. The disposition to Lynch them was rapidly gaining ground, and there are apprehensions that it may be put into execution. Young Barnum, nephew ofihe propritor of the hotel, who was shot through the body, is still living, though the hopes of his re covery are very slim. and lies between the River and the Pe tersburg Rail Road. It sounds somewhat strange to us who have heard the thou sand jeremiads over the fate of the North Carolina work, to hear of the Virginia portion of the same work yielding a profit of more than six per cent, for such we take to be the substance of the informa tion contained below, and such we have learned from other sources is the fact. The fact is that this part of the work was once as much depressed as our own part of it. But by a vigorous effort on the part of the Company to put the road in repair and to pay off its debt they have succeed ed in retrieving its fortunes. We do not despair of seeing the Raleigh and Gas ton Road paying a profit of more than six percent on the original cost; indeed, if the Central Road is made, of which we cannot doubt, there is no doubt of all this stock appreciating greatly. Petersburg will come in'for her share of the advan tages, and well does she merit them. She is a gallant city in peace or in war, and we would as soon choose her as an associate in prosperty or in adversity, for weal or for woe, as any in our land. From the Petersburg Intelligencer. GREENSVILLE AND ROANOKE RAIL ROAD COMPANY. We call attention to the avertisement of the semi-annual dividend just declared by this Com- pany, which will be found in another column. j We have just seen the annual report of ihe Dil rectors of the Board of Public Works, and from that, besides this dividend, they have surplus profits sufficient to pay off the balance of their debt, which they have directed to be done. When it is recollected that this road, like all the rest in the Commonwealth, was finished and put in operation considerably in debt, and that it has paid it all off out of the profits alone, and commenced making dividends which we ments, and works with a precision and smoothness but seldom attained. This Factory is driven by two submerged hori zontal wheels, estimated at 75 horse pow. er. They occupy but small space, and are capable of driving the Mill with very great speed. These wheels are attract ing much attention in Lincoln, and are taking the place of other patents. Mr. Stowe's Factory is on the same stream, four miles south of the village, and a few yards above Mr. Mosteller's paper mill. Both this, and the paper mill are in brisk operation. It may afford the patrons of Mr. Mosteller's establishment some pleasure to know that he is now en gaged in making some very important improvements in his mill, by which, when completed, he hopes to be able to makea fairer article of printing and writing pa per. The improvement is to consist of separate engines and machine for making wrapping paper. Heretofore he has bcea subject to the necessity of using the same machine for all kinds of paper, which it is found does not work well. At the Iron Foundry of Mr. Cbare5 Graham, 10 or 11 miles this side of lin colnton, we found some beauiitu stoves of various patterns and sizes. The cast ing smooth and as perfect is as need be. At the Foundry of the Messrs. Edwards, in the town of Lincolnton, (whose adver tisement may be seen in another column,) we had the pleasure of seeing a slove moulded. These gentlemen occupy a high position in their line of business, the most difficult jobs being executed by them, Their work is in very great demand; and to meet their increasing business they in tend to enlarge their scale of operations. We saw, at this establishment a sOperb Cooking Stove. The casting is beaulifal like to fro tn our own mountains i ;r.ct,i 1 " v ; -j ,j IUVJIV.UU of khe irginia Springs, Saratoga &., if s i it were not for the difficulty bf the ronte ' ; . j ; Pennsylvania Elcction.AThe official vote. in Pennsylvania for Canal Cnmmi. sioberisas follows: Gamble (Dem.) 146, 771; Fuller, (Whig) 134,265; pleaver. (tVative) 3,603. Majority fr J. A. Gam ble (D.) over Fuller, (W.) l,506j There wtjere 95,000 less votes polled than there were at the Presidential election ; the falling off in the Democratic vote was a to: his stable unshod. This was his only j 2595, and in the Whig vote 41,848. r defect; in all other respects he is gentle f Tbie Democrats will have a majority of aijd perfectly docile, especially in harness, ?0on joint hallo! in the legislature 1 in j Bb't jhis defect was just on the eve of con-1 lM Seriate and 19 in the Hpuse. ! i takmnz him to the plough. vhr I,.;' , it ; , ; might work barefoot, when by mere -ac-1 TtQW t lidy can Mart u and vet remain iciueni an omcer in our service, lately re- we. ry tne lieveille, ive find that ' tttTnvd f rom Mexico was passing and be-j! "l,ss Jane Boswell, of St. Lopis, Was rhar- r ljjg made acquainted with the difficulty, j Tlef on the 23d of August, at Bdll Falls, ! ! 'pffjrcl a complete remedy by the jfol low. j Vsconsin, to Mr. Benjamin Single. ; ing Bimple process: He took a cord about 1 Thus, though tbe young ladi has married. : Ji Ihe sue pi n common bed cord put it inj ! sh5 sUl enjoys Single blessedness." . up ooum ui iub uvnc hkb a bit, and tied - ; . , Abuse of Power. They have strange ways in politics, and law in the city of Ne w York, The former depends all upon "the spoils the latter upon political or personal favor upon anything rather than justice. We allude to the criminal law. In a late paper of that city, the names arc published of one hundred and sixty six persons discharged from custody by order of Aldermen, (whose names were also given,) from the 1st of July to the 15th inst.: in every ease without ihe form or show of an examination! The offences for which they were arrested were prin cipally assault and battery, disorderly conduct, drunkeness, fightingin the streets keeping disorderly! houses, and selling liquor therein Wilhptrr licence, ozc.f&c- Fifty two of the 166 were discharged by Rah "h Register. WHIG OPINION OF NEW JERSEY. The late Whig Convention of Mon mouth county Hdopted the following reso lutions concerning the National Adminis tration : Resolved. That the Whigs and friends of General the count)' of Mon mouth hail hiss election as a conclusive proof of the intelligence and republican- believe but one of our other roads has done j and the joints fit as close, as any. northtra it must not only be a good road, but the President j work ever brought to the South, and Directors certainly deserve some credit for j their management. But our friends in Lincoln labor andff We think the 6uccess; of this road ought to 1 the same disadvantages as to market fa cilities and a speedy out-let from home, that we do in Rowan. If Lincoln, under this embarrassment, atU"2tts the attention of her neighbors bv hetrfrbprise and in dustry, what woul d she dcftffehc had tbe advantage of a Rail Road connecting her at once with the markets of the world, whence she could easily and cheaply ob tain a full supply of all her wants; and in which her productions, whether of her numerous and various factories or of her beautiful farms, could be quickly turned into money ? That county, as would also many others West of the Yadkin, (as 1 are rich in resources would soon attract the attention of the whole country, would in a few years become the sceDe ! of busiest life. There is scarcely s"ca encourage the friends of the Central rail-road in"1 North Carolina to"push that work. Tbe Greensville road is but a small and humble link in the great chain of rail-roads of which the Central road isTdestined to be the most im portant part, and that issurely evidence enough that the latterwill be a profitable investment. N. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. The Directors 6T Greensville and Roanoke rail road Company have appointed .Messrs. E. Wiikins, A. G. Mcliwaine and II. D. Bird, delegates to attend the Convention of the North Carolina Central rail-road to be held in Greensboro' on the 29th of this month. As this is a road in which our Town is largely in terested, wp hope more of our citizens wilf at tend that Convention, and do something to wards promoting the woik. Office Greensrille and Roanoke R. R. Company. November 1, 184'J. THE Board of Directors have this day de clared a dividend of 2 per cent, out of the pro at the office ofihe Company in Petersburg. H. D. BIRD, President. These disclosures, with the fact lately ism nf tbn npntulp that ihpv hnvp a sfrnnw i 1 .1 -vt i- rir, ..... punusneu in tne iationai intelligencer, and abiding confidence in his honestv. a- , .. - . one locofoco Alderman. Patrick Kellv. of ! biliiv RrwLntrintUm nrt h.i; .k u: ana mny 01 u,e newspapers ot the bouth, the Sixth Ward, 'the bloody Sixth," as ; conduct in his high office will continue to thal ,hR Rail Road from AuSusta to At it is called, front its having theFivejPoints 1 be as it has been hitherto, marked by a lanta, had declared a dividend of more than within it, and being composed, consequent- ! singleness of heart and purity of aim un- j seven per Cent upon its whole capital stock ij.u iu iuuM,rouy population ;ot tne , equalled since the Administration of the i of four millions, for the current year, are "l"u,ie ,UK iiuf uis- immortal Washington. ..ui -iu.-.i 1 11 . - 1 . . . . . : ... 1 uaiuuiuicu iui sn 1: iMiiiii ifiir-f pvpn Resolved. , 1 hat we yield our most cor- ' - ,u . 1 1:1 : 1 1 j . .- 1 1 in the most timid amongst us. dial approval to his administrative policy, 5 whole charged by Kelly were some charged with attempting to rescue a prisoner; assault-, ing police officers, (several instance;) keeping houses of prostitution ; fighting in the street and keeping the neighbor- j bood in continual Uproar; grand larceny, j (stealing a watcH? worth 845;) add res cuing a prisoner. V !-itkfchily on the top ofihe animal's head. ':' '. -: iPing his left under the stfing not pain-ivi-j;: j-tight, butiight enough to keep the J; ;Ij-:v;t;Jtn.rdwn;an4 the cord in its place. This ' :Js :!;S lWnr he patted the horse" centlv on th Flqe pi tue ncau, and commanded him tq C low, and instantly the horse obeyed, perfect lyj iubdued and ns gentle and obe di nt as a, .'well trnined dog, suffering his fc :t to be lifted with entire impunitv, and 1 .' f u-1 i1 j HUMBUG EXPODED ! !l A stwy haeen circulated and print ed i for a few days past, thatlthe JSmperor of Russia hadnticed M. HoDiseo to re turn home, and had banished him to Si beHa,jfortbo crime of holding property n the United States. A Card from Mad ani 1 Bodisco contradicts the! whole story, acetates that ihe had left Iiussla on his return to America. t so ably exhibited in his noble stand in vindication of Our neutral duties a poli cy which re-esiablishes the teaching and practice of the Father of his Country, and gives assurance to the world that while he will uphold peace and concord at home, I ! - n . . . j- it rils of the last six months, which will be naid , another country on the face Of the OloDe , and with the advantages which the t tral and Columbia Rail Roads will live it, it is destined to become an Eden. The people of Lincoln are notinsecs; ble either of their present embarrassments. or of the benefits they will derive froO the completion of the works of intern improvement alluded to above; and t!tf they have, thus far, done nothing to advancing the interest of the eD' Road, yet, we were assured, that tbP intpllifrpnt nnrlinn nf the Deople W aws m w g 5S Luuiu v ci u aiuiuuo IV I DZr" The Lincoln Courier is mistaken, we understand, in s!atingthat Judge Cald well entertained the opinion, that be had the right to issue a mandamus against This Alderman Kelly is now on trial ; he will not forget to maintain friendahin Gov. Manly upon the application made u: iff k:.i .1: 1. . . 1 1 , . 1 i . . 1 . . " 1 iiuidcii lur uruig uruiiK anq oisoroeriy in tbn Stalinn IfniKP t Fit the Station House 1 Fit representative of such a" Ward ! ; .; ' The secret of these numerous discharges is doubtless, tht the Election is doming party only, his! course in making remo- and neutrality abroad. Resolved. That, inasmuch as President Taylor found ijieafly all the offices of the Government filled - with members of one on.and Aldermn Kelly's party wants the votes of these prisoners, which would be locked up in the Tombs. FayettevUle Ob vals and appointing members of the other by Col. Wheeler in relation to the Com mission of Major General. The Judge said, in giving his opinion, that Colonel Wheeler was not even entitled to a rule to show cause why a mandamus should 1 . I-. ..nil ... - ' .1 - . .Ill U" and would cheerfully pay tne - taxes which the State's subscript" impose upon them. Snow in Buncombe. the Ashevillje Mes senger of the 18th inst. mentions that the tops of the mountains in that vicinity were covered with snow. party is not pr escription, but justice, and not issue as against Gov. Manly, that his is in accordance with his declaration that j remedy, if any, was against theindividual he would be President of the whole peo-, hoIding lhe commission. pie and not of a party. . - 1 . ! The Courier, we learn, is also mistaken in saying that Col. Wheeler appealed. Il is believed that no appeal was taken, though such a thing was spoken of. DC7Whois the strongest man? The man who can lift his notes every day without borrowling. THE MEMPHIS CONV1 emenl t-v . 1 frnrfl f Uelegates were in atlcnuancc ai. i M;;tvinni. Geotf bouth Carolina, Louisana, m"-1.. . ; ns, miisuuu, Illinois, U I : t nc-olmrtli an , 1 I IJI1S Iwllllil, nJOMan""-'- - . York. Prof. M. F. Maury, ol . 1 was chosen president and one vice dent from each state represcn ted. Through the Nnshvilk pF . tlon (ng f f i - i ', 1 titer. lie Jcnl Tborf Ilest diem tori, o.O Cbr Ram flersc John F-C Iln -D; T .Mo 1 to Dr. fro: day bar Col plo: con the cor ' 1 i fcac net the wa: ow: to Soc brir tab Mi. h

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