a. J, i- iti t!i ir t-xttciiiu ?i ....Uivri..'--. tnJ in all but uneuinjuf ruble oli'crigih ol the drinking hhl.it ulieft foniiecl ; kiki their peculiar malignity is in Ibeir being tho pamuor ftw f every kind of crime. wickedness, Htid 'ituliering, ' ' 1 av boldly that no man living who use iotoxUatkjp 4f iikMjffee tfomHfiiboogtitsrior iaBer r otnefs. i ney uo danger of at least occasional, and if of 1 not fuar that their readers may know the dang occasional, ultimately of habitual excess. I have m self known such frightful instant ces f persons brought into captivity , to the habit, there seems to be no charac ter, posii ion, or circumstances that free men front llie danger. 1 have know n ma nV young men of4he finest promise led by -j the drinking habit into vice, ruin, and ear -J i'ie desire to please some wealthy patron. y death. I have known such become J See how soon they come6ut,on on side virtual parricides. I have known many j or j wh.n OCC(18ion deinanjs it. tradesmen whom it has made bankrupt. ' - lbaveknovfiSondsy scholars whom it b-s1,,e 5wn,r' Prp88 " h-d f led to prisol. I have known teachers, and the city press on all National subjects. even aupermtendents, whom it has drag- . The country papers being nearer the pro- ged down to profligacy. 1 have know n , minister of religion, in and out ol iheLs Ublishmcnt, of high academic honors, of ; splendid eloquence, nay, ol vast useful- : ness, whom it has fascinated and hurried j over the precipice of public inlmy. with i their eyes open, and gazing with horror on tBeir fate. I have known men oi the ruHg anu wcnir ,.i,CMrv., ...... . soroua resolution, whom it has mnde wi'H ker than children and fools. 1 have known gentlemen of refinement and taste whom it has debased intobruies. 1 have known statesmen, lawyer and judges whom it baa killed. 1 have known kind husbands and fathers whom it bas turned into mon sters. I have known honest men whom it bas made villains. 1 have known ele gant and Chrisiain Indies whom it has converted into bloated sots. "Is it not notorious that under the rav ages ol drunkenness the land mourns .? That it is this which I may almost say exclusively rills our prisons, our woik Bouses, our lunanc asy rums, our ueus oi . , I . .1 - T ! polluiion. dUtl our hospitals ; which cau- j aes most of the tthipwrecks,.rires. fatal ac- ! cidents, crimes, outrages, and suicides , bat-ia4 ihe coJumns f our newspapers; r which robs numberless wives ol a bus- band's atfectron. and numberless children ; of a parent s loudness ; which strips t nous- j ands ol boines ot every comfort, depf ves scores of thousnnd of children of educa - tionTSmt atmost oTWaiT. anTTlurns tTiem j nr. th. tnrretl! which l.nves so main; . T' , r": " v places of worship almost empty, And so; fnani Mukunik' Ink! i I 111 pfl iMiiirilivhinir ! whilst the ,ot-houses are crowded ;vvhicu j brings down (it is estimated) sixty 'thous- ' ani of ;:or:i HpuUt ion; jejff y tirunKaru s grave t - ;-. yiuu oi an uro .. un ' m.. ; anee, be it remembered, there is not one wno not ",ouc:nic u V." 8 . or who had the remotest lUea wneii ne began that he cess." should be led into ex- Herniating a Young Iiady. A friend of one of our contemporaries tells the fol lowing: In my young days was extravagantly fond of attending parties, and somewhat nP.mWPm nW iIB0Ce , t . .L.4! 1 ,.H. It was eeHeratiy-expectea 'tntft witen -an 1 ... invitation wns extended that my flute would accompany me. 1 visited a splendid party one evening, nd was called upon to fa vor trie company with a tune on th llotei- I, of course,- im mediately complied with the request. The .I..l:.-U.. 1... eo,n,,a , auiru urustucu. ui " rubis, a few selections ilv the "Cotton parUcuJarly- so was a )oung lady, who 1ant n cu rawed her hands and exctaimeAiLwju ! b gide whfiome nrlicles from city pa beau tful de .ghtltil &c. J, ol course T pr, which have oue ihe rounds." that wiHyydtlls formed ast. uuonlo serenade; ibe young Xbe most j,,, ,if,, is lhat of H lady on the following night. ; nnlrv ,,, Rlif. 11Bfll, l 1 St&rled Ihe next night,, in CoiniiailV ,I.h fei..uU re,.i -..-.v. j o "mv. as 1 supposed, at the1 lady's residence, but made a glorious ruitnke by gelling under the window of an old Quaker. . Now,' oald I. behold the sentimality ol tbia l nil no IhiIv the; ntotnont 1 strike tut tbe Laat Rose' of Summer.'" I siruck 1 im. but the window remained closed, and the boys begun to smile. Obrsaid-lr-'tbatVflolhiftgt it wtrald not be in ttood taste to raise, the window on the fit at air.' . , 1 nexistruck up Old Robjn Gray StiU ; t6i- bo. s . ..... . sniekered, and 1 felt somewhat flat 'Once more, bo) s,' said I, and she must Come.' I struck up again, My love ia like tbe red, red rose.' JSiill there was. uo de monstration. tiovs. MAta I. sue s a liutnDuir. l-l n dnar Homo Sweot Homo ' urn! il tln.t ! (lon't bring her I'll give up ' i W. -tmek u'p. and as we finished the ! last lin the Window Was raised. j Thai's the lickel, boVI,i knew be COltld , folehhor " ' ' i - . . . . .' . . ' -uo tnsiaatKoi ine oeauttiui -yoaff-r la- dy. it turned out to be tbe old Quaker, in Lis night cap and dressing gown. - ' Frirral sand ho, thee was singing of thy bouSe, and, if I recollect right, thee Mid fbere was noplace like home, Thee is not wanted here thee, nor none of :hy eotnpany. Farewell.' , We, and pur hats, went home. 5fVfJl.--Tn largest starch factory in iba i traxld ia situated "at Jwejto, iu N. Yik Stsie.Kpoke to hie a t ihe.grave.' It is as hnmeinu truii iiMLiure,c1iveriiiu one .d.a bjlf.S!l7 fei :.gouu4... It ea rwi4.1y- SAeal to 100 leen.and eomuniea nttiiuaUy trout most Uifl'ul, i'tai ic.-.s an I inlril iit j.ui lion of the, press of the country. Tin-re is a freshness of style a variety a bank ness, an honesty, boldnt'sss and liberality in w country- piper which you will look for in vaiu in I ha majority otthe city psess. How rarelv do vou nee them filching the existence of another pper, deemed by thein, clever enough Jo quote. No, thev come up handsomely to the mnik and give you "full credit." Notice how the country press lays on right and left upon abuses. There is no dodging no strik- ing no weak struggle between duty and pJp , rrtlecMbw National min.f. when lo ! lh, independent mammoth sheets from noslo lo flew Orleans come in to take the win(j oul 0f sails, jf you WMn, , klOVr now an election is Eoing ktep JOur eye on the country press, jf ym, want ,0 Rscertain ftriy thing of real inlere!jt in r,gftn- to ,he great interior of ,he continent. .Keen up with the interior Journals. There are a great many sup posed correspondents from the "interior Notice how eagerly those letters are read how rlfiborately displayed in the "front place." The correspondent is a humbug. It you want lo get at I he truth, write, to the town where the correspondence is da ted and take the paper. In the management of a city -paper there must be a system a method which gives to each man bis particular duty. This very system makes the paper stupid. In the country paper, perhaps, there will be editorials and communications during Ihe year, Irom every acre ol the district. Th,s .Vfa ,Hw vi,tl1v ntl,i ry.-K. ness ,s jt ,0 ...n.j -ati ,hell llml lh) COOHlry papers should- have such an inflUKIICts in a pUt,ICHn Government ? Mrrcllrtht8 milke a great minke when ,he). , hf,jr Hdvertisemenis in a city f ,0 tbe eX(fusion of tt C()Untry onP. iersons ln ,he counlrv read everv thine they have lime. It becomes an occupa- ,ucal.J.Jionwiik.jluun. VV4Mi-a-r4ll -iw,4Httrr.- ..Co,lllfl i..nt " HAvisi ;,, niimM.. . i i. . T'i - ous Teaaers among ine coinmercinl com munjtv ,nrtt )e h,.st wav to. reach the country trade, is through the coutiiry ' ' ers. we had to take our choice lor exchangre hclweeu a city and a coun- A certnin Virginia politician, who shall he natneleeSS, not long Since Sal ihnt he I ,hnI)kt.(i heaven, there whs not "one of f those mm, a count ry paper in his district." ; If ever be runs lor anything outside his j district, maik our words, he will literally he demolished. He has written his own ' death warrant. i. We have been often struck, with the extreme delicacy of expression, beauty of style, and often sublimity in a paper, not , larger than your hand, and which comes ! to us covered with the dust of a long journey. ,!onie of . the most, pleasant es .VW s feaV(. reHl,: hiire twn L, ctn comparison with which, Ine pompous ver- a a ; . ' ' 1 nose siyie 01 some city papers IS Simply idirrultlUS. We cannot recommend an We lor a -eiisier way lor a man to make his Hinte ; 1 1, , La,,tl l"r,tun' 'O 'Hake a CfiltrCllOJI ol essays Jroin country papers and pUtillSli : i them (IS such. We intend SOIne day to j , ,,, .- .u .1 . . ' i - . i "l's,hnt 'h"s lreasure. which hrooi- it nut m now hv tho mnnorM. ikIm of the press, giving profit and fame, where in so many cAses it is not deserved. CoMi Plant. To late.Somtt men are always foo an(l th-re(ore. accomplish, through lift- nothing worth naming, il they pro- misa to jntl you at uch an fiour ihoy arr nev.-r present tut tinny minutes auer. No matter how important the business, eilhrtto j oora tartly. If ho takes a pae n the steam J i i. .... ,1.. i I It Itoat, tie nrhves lust as Ihe boat Iraves lh; wharf, and tho. cats have Martod a few minutes heore be arliVos. His dill- ner has boen wail ine for him sdfong that , . . f . i i ii- i the COOk' IS OUt Of patience, and hall t he This course, ihe character we have de- scribed, nl Ways pursues. lie is never in , IH M eburrt, t n place of M t his meals, OT ItV blS lied. 1'ersons Oi j SOeh babi'S We .Cannot but dospise. Aluch rathor would We have a mail too eatjy lo ! ;ri. ..i.....i.t 1 irm7,T.en .... . . carry Hut his principle to the extent of the good deacon, who, in following to the tomb the romainsof a husband and father, ! hinted lo ibe bereaved widow that, at a : proper time, he should be happy to marry her. The deacon was in eeason ; for, ! scArcely hail the relatives and friends re tired from the house, before the parson made the same proposition lo the widow. ; Yint are too late, said she, the. deacon : Putnam's Semi Monthly Library. Well, Miys,' said a knight tT the bircb- 1, , i.i. .i I,. ..-..I I I t !, I i i ' ' -, und i-pure. Ik. imnm to ri'iiil.T cninr..ri;i!i!e ho may favor him with a call. ..The house Iib undergone some, repairs, which adds to the comfort of families. The servants shall be faithful and honest. Drovers may find good loti and plenty of grain at reasonable prices. . Call and Rive tno trial. Thankful fbrpust fulruri, dnd hope for i 'continuance of the same.' . , 'y:: W; B. G R ANT. ;r Slalesrille, Vy 13. 1852. cATAWBy Springs hotel; V. STIHE WALT, HAVING purchased this beauiifnt Slimmer retreat tultei )les8ure in . mfuiuting hia Crif nJ and ih public, in general, I hot he ia making every neceisary iir provrine nl Tor llie convenience and Comfort of I hose wlu may refHitf ta lha Valuable Spring tn aearvh of pleasure or health., Arrdngerrienta are In progress, and. If practicable the water will soon be brought into the house by hy dro til ic machinery ; convenient-bathing house's srs be ins erected ; lodeinz rooms arebeing renovated snd fur nished with sit that will contribute lo the enjoyment of the occupants ; and the spacious premises are being or miinenled in various wove. In short, the proprietor is delei mined to render the Catawba Springs a place of rrnf Enjoyment, to those who may patronage him : and be swore the public that every pos-iihls enVl shall be madn to secure the favor of those vrho cell upon him. Itr Travellers who atop at Catawba Springs, will find llie very bent of entertainment ; aad to all, the h.irnr will be as low as Ihe provision markets will al low. - . Catawba Springs, March 3, 1859. ifff LEATHER BANDS. rTllffi subseriber ha put up machinery for stretch I ing, cementing and riveting bands with coper lij-rls. The bunds are stretched with powerful m thincs, made expressly for thst purpose, snd (he diffi culty of u.imis stretching and ripping under tbe com- moil way of iiuiking ihrm, is rntirely removed; by IhM process, tjnda made in this way will holJ ihcir width evenly, run true, and have a uniform bearing on ihe, drum or pulley, and will give from 15 lo '() per cnt. mute pirnr r limn lhoe made iu ihe ordinaty way. .They are nude out of ihe beat selected, oak isnned Le.ilhrr, Slid no pains will lie spa led to in ike thein equal lo the best Northern bands, and will be sold us low ns tliey c m be brought in. New York. 11. mils will lie kept for sale by J. G. Cuirns, St the Salisliuiy r'uclory. CIIA3. M. LINES. Hu.ie's Store P. O., Guilfoid co S. C. Jiv 8, IHii. pdlytO Valuable Lands Tor Sale 4 or 5 Tracts. 1HAV& several small but vn rouble- plsntalions on ihe waters of limning Creek, iri Iredell county, whu-h I Witt sell oil' good Irrms." There is waler pow er on one of these tracts sufficient for any purpose Any one wisliing either to purchiise it or lo invest cap ital as a partner in ihe erection uf a Factory ..or machi nery of any description upon tl, will give me a call soon. Tjiee lan.U are all wilhin one day's travel of the Gieat Central Rail Road, in Bhealiliyje.ciion of Tbe .boje n nmrj watr location is joining the Ea - " "tH?i vVrr . i it w ..... I . L I now called soutn Troy ; and there is a lair prospect ;f"ra ai1 R"ad OF RoaJ. lo ru" vi E8lr Mills and boiilti troy, or near Ibere, leading via Mucksville, Ilainpliuiville and Wilkesborough, on to wards Virginia and Ihe inou:ii.uua ; when done, the tiuk pruvwiuns uf those rich valleva will flow lo Su Its bury, and thus enrich the Ureal Ootr:.l Uml lined The!" beM Wilt b aham! 'lo ipeeiaTrkmtfs'of mso ufactured goods lo a ready Market. Come and help me batld Pap-r Mills. Bruixand Iron Foundries, IVmd Mil's, or any thing else you ple.se. We can eo,,- uience a nd butid a Bail Kad to Salisbury and then lo ihe nioiimains, we can make llie Irot, here, either the T or I', Iron, and we can also build'lhe Cars and Lo eomotives st Esgle Mills or South Troy. So let o look mie mis matter fur our own advancement, and the credit of the State. ANDREW.BAGG.VRLY. N. B. The ciriirrrs of fiorth Carolina, South Car olina and Virginia, are 'equeateuUo consider theabove. A. B. Ea?le Mills, Iredell co., N. C., .Sept. 23, iWa-ffflf N. B. licit known that the above water location is eiuirely eofe from ihe danger of hi jh water : And there I can be pat l k-everl-eTttra-aw-Trnt1i fof TSthfik road ftmUiog. whih is sppo.d would worth fim irn iii iiiirrii i it it it 1 1 ii iiiiuir. w en nil i niri'iuniiv in ac. - .i i in ...i. ii.. . t .. -.-1.. 1. .a -.n ..'. .1 ..And in addition to the shove, I wish half 10 put up for uia. istaia vnUrMl H UUHU 11 ' 1 IUC jas-,s priming Calico, and a Csrpemer's Manufacturing Es- W'7'm- tha Company of good cannier, .0 ",rm body at 5outb T roy. It ia likely that Eagle H,l. and Wh-Try wtlt improve-to jtteat estent; and a plank road must run not Ur from South Iroy; e can saw and make sash and house materials so I ,T ' " m iiiivo m 7 wsass sasa v sa Uin ywtii sua ssassi- house. Wecsnbtfild anywhere along the plank or rail road. And besides this, we can build and improve South Troy to any extent iri reason. Here then, is be . yonc! doubt, water sufficient 10 drive at least fburover- nrian Ihnt n I m rat as 11 w nn xnn t a as ra . . I n,mrlu U ! shot wajf r tvheels 25 feet in . length and 5 or (ret in f dmmtee,- whiefc-ff fa-nor Wlieetf thft'ra nd"tong ! wheel ia prelered for steady, work and safety of dam. A dam of rock here will do 3 feet of reek and a plate e foot and the rafters, and then all ia right h, (h,n is . .lWJ bo.toin'.nd hunkstob 7 And f'Hl rock bottom and banks to bulla to, and in a section which will be hardly surpassed Tor in ternal improvements. Those desirous to do well for Ihriiiw-lves snd children for ever, would do well lo give me a call soon, before such water Iocs lions rise out of ihe reach of a purchase. Several small Irscls of land still for sale. - A: B. i Eagle Mil's, Jan. 15, 1853. if 39 SOUTH CAROLINA TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE. THIS Paper having been removed to Camden, and placed under ihmunagemrnt and control of the ...1 :. ...III L- ..LI:.L-i ..-..I I.. - ... 1. aft he mb of j,.nrtw rTJiep'tt It'desTghe" Cause of Temperance, embracing every Orderand organization. will I a Miscellaneous ramily Journal and Agri cultural Paper, and the aim of Ihe present proprietor will ue to mane it in every respect worinjrinecon!u deuce and support,. hot only of Temperance Men, but of the reading public generally. It is earnestly hoped that all who feel an interest in ;.-.. .IILunno. use iheirioflusnM lo-acEOin, Terms Two Dollabs, m Advice Subscriptions for ifx montha received at the same rate. J 'TPUtt' jj. Those who. have paid the former proprietor in advance for the yea 1832. will he furaished wiih the paper unt.il the. ttmetfu.r,which they have paid expires: The accounu for 1852 having been transferred to tls ,u(MICSrri (hoie who ,r, m mM biie hu r remitting ihe amount immediately. Address THO. J. WARREN, Camden, S. C. December 94, 1852. 37 TOIDSON COLLEGE. riIIE numher of Scholarships required by s resolu JL lion of the Bord of Trustees of Davidson Col lege, adopted on the S7lh March, 1851, have been sold. The scholarship scheme being now adopted, will ma into onerat ion an the first of Jsnuarv. !Ho3. which makes it highly important that the suhscribera sboaid liquidate theirBbiiganonf prnmpuy.(tae j rea- aurer hereoy nqtines inej!i',,cr,Br! 'name tf now pte pared to issue aeriificatea of scholarship, and to ei pe rt i le the business of nay tjientj' w Ut deposi to. Ce rtifica tea, in th- hands of ffif-RerSV itlTaniortr.T;.''Ravl A. Hnker. Rev. J JVf. AnJarson. of South Carolina. IVI; I3ROWN "& SON. ArtL now rtcei'vhigJheir Tall and, 'Winter GOODS, -Jclrttiitg-m large assortment of ' Stapia and Fancy-Dry Good, t Hardware and Cuileryi Hats, Bonnets, Caps, and Shoes, Sugars, CoffeeTca. Cheeae, Mehwaes, &f ., , TireJron,lg in, H in., IJ in. and 2 inch, Band, round, squsre and horse shoe Iron Steel, Delpb, China, and Glaas Ware, u Window. Class, assorted rlaea. Blasting and Rifl Powder, and Safety Fuae, together wilh a great variety of other Goods, which in addition tojheir former siock,, wit , coniparewiih any in this market i and will be anld oh terms tor cash or on lime at equally ar low prices. W invite oar ctMloweif.an4the4uiblu: to give ua a call. Salisbury. Nov. J. 1851 2W Embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs. October 14, 1852. -"aTl WER3. have iust received a lot of Embrojd- Mid. ered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, which he is selling off rapidly at 62 cents 24 E. MYERS. Bed Fag. STIT. TtilU), WlLMINOTON. 1. V. DE.ILEB H MABBLE MOSIHEXTS ; IIE1D AXU Foot Stones ; Paint Stones ; Imposing do., and in hort, any articlecalled for of either V Italian, Egyptian or American marble : ltd work warranted to please or no sale; and if dam. aged beforedelivery.lt la at hisenpense. Orders for any of the above enumerated articles left with the Editors of 4 he Watchman, will bo attended 10 with dispatch. Nov: 9, 1849 S9tf GRGGVSBOROUGII MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. rnilBcmt of Insurance on the mutual plan is but a I small sum, compared with o joint stock company!' This coiniisnv Iwinir located in tbe Western pert a the State, consequently much (he larger portion of the risks sre in the West, vrty many of which are in the country The Company is entirely free from debt ; hove made no assessments, and have a very large amount in cash and good bonds, and is therefore confidently recom mended to the public. At Ihe last Annual Meeting ihe following Officers were elected for the ensuing year : James Si-oa. President. S. G. Corn, Vice President. C P. MESDEaiiiii- A.nnrney. Peter Adams. Secretary and Tresurer. William II. Cimmixo, General Agent. DIRECTORS. . James Stoan; J ArMebane, CrVMendenhntl, W S. Rankin. Rer C. F. Deems, J, M. Garrett, Dr. D. P. Weir, W. J. McConllel.of(;rrell4loro : Dr. S. O. Coffin, J. W. Field, Jamestown F Elliott. Guilford , W. A. Wrijrht. Wtlmingion ; Dr C. Watkins, Caro lina Kemole Collese ; John I tliuver, SalUbory ; Jno. If. Cook, FnyeileriUe.; .K.&U, Wfabmrf -r: t Biggs, Ruleigh; Iroy Springs, Charlotte ; J.J. Jack son, Pittsboro' ; H. B. Elliot. Cedor Falls. PE'l'Ett ADA MS, Secretary! IVe 3, " if 30 " Paper, Paper. Paper. r HE subscriber haying been appointed agent for JL ihe sale of the Eagle Paper Manufacturing Com panv, Lincoln county, is prepared lo furnish all kinda oti'yf ai Hie ractury prices. k,.,4l 1 r.K, Salisbury, Nov. HB, 1852 30. . Rel Flog StAtr of Ilortn CsiroUUsi, DAVIE COUNTY, Courl of Pitas anil Quarter Setsiont, Novem ber Term. 1852. Anson Uodgesou, John McRonr, George M, Bingham and Bailey and Howell, vs. Wilitant Tacket. Original Attachments lecied on 123 Acres of liana. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Wiljiont Tacket, the defendant in the above cases, is not an inhabitant of this Slate : It is therefore ordered by ihe Court, thst publication be made "in the Carolina Wairbniannotifyjng. Uie.di:feudal...to-4en -appear at our nel Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions lo be held nn thr CHumy tiT IHvier Mockiyille, on the 4lh Monday in ('eUfua,ry .Dtt,aDd show cause, if any he have, why Judgment final sha'l not be rendered against him, and the land levied ua condemned for ihepsyoient uf Plaintiffs deht and costs. Wiinrss, Caswell Hat bi-n, Clerk of our sfiid Couit, at office, the 4th Monday in November, A. I) 1P52. - - C. HARBIN. Clk. Price adv. $5 50. 6w36 THE STAGES LEAVE Raleigh and Salisbury, every Sunday and Wednesday, at 7 A. M., after the arrival of the Cars front Ihe Nprth, 'at the former place, and arrive t ,eacb ndi 7 ilf. AL oett day, na Aabbor', Pitta born, Ifaywrnxti Ac: i;:..r.; v.i::;--;.'.- :.- .- The Road ia stocked with good Three " Iforse Team, and Troy built Coaches. Fare through 88 i only. JAB. M. WADDILL, Contractor. Dec. 23, 1859. " - if 31 Efffi. (B33 TOIrlISEjE0 flHE subscriber has just received a splendid assort JL mem of Cloth, Cutvinicre, A Vest I tig, of every, hue and color, which cannot be equal ed this market. J. A. WEIRMANY Tailor. No. 68, Cowan's Brick Rowe, Saliabury, N. C. Dec. 2, 1852. , 2a30. R. M. ORRTTTiTi, Farwardittg aad CaatailMtU llerekaat, r JrayetUeiUe, JV. C. ....,,.ri...T3r. -Janmiry 185 K Jnst roce ired a fresh snpply of TOMB STONES. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citl xens of Salisbury and the surrounding country, that he has opened a iTIarblc FXttbliilimellt in Salisbury, which may be found at his residence, on I Market stre, where ho is prejatred to furnish GrSve Btones ot Murine oiatis tancy uprigUl atone pn pedes tals, tombs, monuments. Sec, ot a very small profit. Engraving done neatly at Northern prices. Having made the necessary arrangement, the subscriber can, at a abort notice-, fill any order from five dollar to $300." No pains will be spared to give entire aatisfaction. Old TomS &onea restore.! to their primitive whiteness. GEORGE VOGLEIL Salisbury. Nov. 23. 1852. ' - HENRIEOTAIiimj OP K Steam and Freight Boots, VRF.slI in escellenl order for business. Our Tow Busts have been recently repaired and made good aa new. ,vne have also added a new F it for ow wa- ter.and well adapted to jhe service. She will carry 700 bbls. merchandize, and draw only 20 inch.s water. Those favoring as with their patronage, may expect as prompt and cheap smlcela very patlfcular aa any other Line can offer. . O. DEMING, Pres't. R. M. ORRKLLAa'm. A. D. CAZATTX,'A?ent kt Wilmlngron. rayettevtiie, uec. vt , lB5tl.: Dr. Bason. Dentist, infill iii r 'Uailnirtd, iiiUrs lliia nietliod ol. inforniidg hia fronds and the publtc Keuen...)-........ r IS NOW RECK1V1KG A largo and beautiful Stock on me oouin vj" . " BUI i rtUL. PALL A: SUITABLE FOK TIIK - ( 1 1' which, when opened, will compriae tha mas , r 4 Attractive Assortment hshss yet ofTered, among which are , Ptals ssd gsres Dress Silks, f tke scscst st jlet Extra rich d Lslss, tad Cashswres JUulla de Laias at li cts. sr jard Eaglbk, Treats, sad Geratas Mertaoea Baatbailaes, llMu id Caatsi nts $ :' Frtarh, EagUsh aad laeritas PriaU ) Uaea Caatbrlf t liwa Haadk'rS, 1fm It, rtt. ta til Eabrtldtred Sleeyen, CHar, CaBfe and faaesj Muarnlag Collar, CsITk and Sleetes j Swiss aad Cartric Triailags, Baadj aad Flaaaelagf j Thread aad Bakla Laces, Edgings aad Usertlag 5 Rich Boa net aad rk Rlbkaas. silk and coiton Hose, Kid Gloves, long and short, Mohair Mule. Cloths, Csssimerea. Veslinga, Table Damssk, Napkins, Towells, Damask Table Cloths, Sheetings, Long Cloths, Ate. &.. Also, A Splendid Lot nf READY, MADE CLOTHING, sll of which will be sold at unusually low prices, at the sign of ihe RED FLAO. Sept. 30, 18o2. 23 500 AGENTS WANTED. f IOOO A 1EAII. WANTED in every County of the United Stales, si-live snd entertirisinii men, lo engage in ihe WiTEK sale of anme pf the best Books published in the conn- , try. To men of ood address, possessing a small cap ital ol from 8"J5 to $IU0, such inducements Will be j oRered aa to enaole tnem to maae iroin j 10 910 a day profit. O" The Books published by us are alt useful in their character, extremely popular and command large sales wheiever ihey are offored. For further particulars, address, (postage paid.) DANIELS &. GETZ. Successors to W. A. Leary Si Co., No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia. December 2. 1932. 21t30 "COWAN'S VEGETABLE LITJIQXTRIPTIC, FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY. I si urr&atsu fbom DIEA EASED KIDNEYS, Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weakness This invaluahlei medicine is forssle at ihe Davie Ho tel, In Mocksvtlle ; ai Dr. R Camrroeifs. in Iredell ; al ihe Drug Store, in Charlotte ; and at Ihe Carotin Watchman OHice, in KaheWy. The sobsenlr" is fieneral Agent for the sale of the above Medicine, in this State, of whom any quantity may be obtained by sil.lrrM.ing him at Salisbury, N. C. or calling at his house, 10 miles West of this place., E. D. AUSTIN July IS. 1853. ' lltf FHKSII AND CHOICE M IK. K OF NEW GOODS, Maxwell & Horah, Are receiving and opening their stock of Fall and Winter Good. Just purchased in New York and Philadelphia at re duced prices, which will enable them to sell remarka bly low, consisting ol the usual variety of Foreign. Do mestic, and Ladies' Fancy v . C00KISG STOVF.S, HIBDWIRE 1XD CITLEBT, iiXts. noyxETs: boots n SHOES. ClIIX, GLASS AXD CROCKERY W AREATA TIOXER Y and FAXC Y A R. TWt.ES: CROCERIESf Cheap! to all of which they, solicit the attention and patronaee of the public, and pledge themselves to use every effort to merit it. Small Profit and Quick Re- (arm will be their motto. Salisbury, October 7, 1852. 2if DOCTT. S. S. PARKER, HA V I NUb oerma nvrvtly loca ted jn Mo k Ivitle-, flf nts pn&ssionaf"w to the puhfic.v fan be found at the Davie Hotel. Office jusi opposite the Hotel in Brick-house, ' June 10,1832. tf6. More Fine Buggies, ROCK A WA YSA ND IRON AXLE CA RRYA LL$of the best quality. Just finished, and for sale cheap very cheap. Call and see J. S. JOllKSTON. Salisbury, August 26, 1852. 17if MARTIN & BR7AN, !T3 And General Commio No. 3, Boyee 6f Co.'s Wharf, CHARLESTON, SC. T.-C. WORTH, ooasxaisszoir & forwarding- MERCHANT, WILBIXCTOX, SORTn CAROLINA. JtrtT 23, !852r- - ","'' lypd!3 ALt. person Indebted to tke late firm of Joseph F. ' Chambers Jt Co.. ar -herVhw nm if.,,,1 mum fnr. ward anT make payment between thisdate and the 1st January next. 1 he business must be closed, and fur ther delay cannot be allowed. ; JAM ES C. CALDWELL. Agent. November .35, 1358. - - l - ifSO t ; . LADIES MOURXiNG DRESS GOODS. Salisbury. Oct. 14. 1852. THE subscriber is now opening a"splendrid Lot of Ladica Hon nil us D iti in tt of CAXTnV. rrTnTTIs nnrn Jrvpo ALP ACAS,ad DE. LANES, which he ia offering at low. prices . .. . .. . Persona in want; bf.irood of iK .!.... .)....- would do well to caJ! soon at . . TU Sigm. of the Red Fag. 241 ..,u 11 v '-t,. 1 II.U A. M.. ... oudomi. w. M..'"yKr. April 15, mi. - ; DAVIE Hum MOCKS Daile County, Aorih Cir.li. HE andertigned having purcksaJ.L . mi ed Hold rlai.li, il.. .- extend a welcome 10 tin- trvrlli. -i " " uuia, ill, j,. ie is now accommodate his guests in a manner ins lord in tins section of North Csr..i.l ?l ...I ' '"nanna Will hi, Bf..r.rt in rn.trTTT .L ' ' -r . ,, ... , u m fj their patronage happy and .an.fi. ,1 . ..L: kit their.! aas in hie Inn.' ' u t 1 ? May 4, l2.-lyl "-"-Al'STi: NEW FALL & WlNTrf fWMlE aubsenbers are now recemn. .j one ot the lorim.1 nml m.,. j. Fall 1 F.ll mnA VVini.. !,.,.,!- .a . . " 0f consisting of . ....... v-. Urrea , jj. DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery, Bmts, Slm Ready Made Clutlnug. Bnnstt, (Jj'r(( j ana mruia armings. H10 and JI sojjee, Jjooj ana mown .Vijjai-jjjfld Cheese, Molasses, tiugsu Tire Horse Shoe Iron. Nulls, Spring j J Carnage 1 nmuuhus, ta Umt stivi MJT"lil , r,.mc jjf-rru. aucrm (Mil (A n . II- f- If f ' 'V onnoioiirp. i.i.ij.r.11 ,i "I., fiats and nr. i.trn . in-. ,,1, I, m 1 Jir riif ucn, niiinKrl. xii K,H CLOVER ASD GRASS SEED, . Window u Sad.Hery, Blacksniitn Tools, ic , ic. We invite all wlio,viit ilu t:acr ,0 tVkolfate or firlml.'la g vr uo a r! hefw bjns We have adopted the ca?h sysiein, and, will aDrrgr er inducements to cash buyers than has tti br,n lereo: in western inrin Carolina. Uurmwiii itJ protits and quick r.nes ('H AMIIKIts ft CALDWEUJ Salisbury. Oct 7, -1853 tf a FALL AND WINTER H. II. DEAR!) k SOS, Fashionable Tailors and Clolhien HAVE just received a most nupurb nook of i and Winter It cad V 1df (lefkil Cllll 1., IS. wit A gcjjcialJUBuuoieiiMid coala. Dress and r r.H k v . n i , 1 iin:s mid rtu. a beautilul assorlnieiil of f!ns an. I Children'. Cltthi Oenis Dressing tinUffS: 'Heavy 'BnaWe Owrtsl Fancif Pants and V'este ; fine J-hun, toMtnssd vats ; tiuspendets, Dtitwer, Ac rand Putin. Hi kerclnrls ol a superior qnu my, ami al((iol fjrry oi article belonging to a Clothing More' tognhcr a superior Int of Cloths, Cassinieres, Vrslingx, Orerccd which (fwf will. -sell. a ;lieap a can 'fie biwiiSi it Southern market, ami will be tna.le op 10 oiM. ssperiw stvfe, ond with the best trlinniiflp uV K4 era markrh could all'.ird Tiiey have use. theit Tall and Wiultr Fahioai ISSJi autl '53, bud are .ready to put uf sotkl the latest fashions. Taylors' Shears, Points, Thunbirs inJ.Ntfdkkl for sale. J The underpinned respecifullv invite their frieadsal the public to call and examine ilmrsrotk. il. II. BKARP., JA.Mfcs B. l!ti!D Sept. 16. 1R.V2. KiUd . PLAXK ROAD. '-A- TVnrrenrnr-nfThe- XX Taylorsville Plank Rond.'Coiiipaoy,bfUiJbj ham's StoKjkaitm2&iKM..mM.ikai-to I Treasurer charge inter.-!-! on all iiistalirmenimovl arrenrs. artless paid wiThi it thirty-days lntli and that llie Treasurer cli;iri- iniresl w. o."1 inrnls wlilrtl m.iv inlled fur llerraltef, ll 10,1 Trrerrra remain uniiitld m.ue titan fliirty days Il wasf.irther ordered, lhat the Treasurer stir W ed to make coi lections of ba. k in.isln.enu rfiMi" umili.l in s.i.iirdaru- k il li the ururVjHUMof Ci iksuu'at liiariar - L. BLACKMER. Salisbury. Sept. 24. ISbi. '2i J WHOLESALE CL0THLN Hopkins &. Fairchild, Km. le Rsltlware Street. BtLTWlX KEEP CONSTANTLY OS .') W'l ASSORTMENT Of RI'..D M.m nf all mi1ifiai In lavhicll thev invite the slOT'H ' 'dealers. May 20. 1852. DE LAINS. DE November 25, 1852. .. i E De L MYERS, has just received r E' . Wew oih,aenraH-M.-aMII-CT t,- ----- jj De Lains : also.,another lot of Velvet Kiuo. - forget the sign of the Red Flag. t the lieu nag. ' n0 LAND FOR SALE, w. . , , :...J flV f, uiles valMTrl r nir, u.iurre.)euru .nr.. - - I o i. f tislisbanr. attaw -M lying lour nines ooun. - - iTnclM Charlotte and new mad to Concord; -fe.-J J 1 tain. 259 ACRE, all wood nd IDa bl r-.i. I. ia well umbered, 1 several clieible locations for huildine Wl.lt.ll .IC ' Another Tract situated on the. waterol re . i J 4 m i lea A ort IJ- west oj oa i m..u j , v - - -m i . : ii J ot,, I mtiro.'o,""s IQI. Iran li wen , ,; j -ii Mjire oal-"""" a MXI dwelling nouse an ... wlf6i The land -i generally good.. r M purchase either bf these tracts rsn " , gain and accommodaling term ine kffl, viewed by cslling on thesuscn ber, w ' sure in showing them. y VID WATSO.'' August 3, 152. If 14 , ""'"Mantillaff, Mantilla THE suhcriher have jit, '"-v- VTtLlAS,"" A ND iVA TEREP A m r ed spd wadded."Awhiuh he is offering st " ot 5 SO Call soon at the , . . S'MV ; MVK -r . i inti uni? ATI ViLLE, hi LAIM H II . 1 . HI 1 1 w II u I y in lUVV flaa (hepleasure loaay that Tie is now ia I ; ; --. 1(009 pound, of atch Ja,!,. . J;J ;-;C5 J;ai4.4.Kiffci :1lMdft; ilLWfflfJ