toil . r I -;! u:.'".' or ck liu-n,u. bwi nl5-iitiur iii.n tm Hik .-. it s' -ti tlirtJur; uii.1 tiH's au-trai-j, oi.k-.a, r otliur auUiuriues, lor rttct-iviiig payment uf awy suh darni, or any part r ahara thereof, shall t b.luli ly unit and void, unless Ilia Hu hall be f reelr maiia alul rxn.uUil iu tlie presno uf at least tw atteatina; wltueaao, afur tin ailuaaiice ol ucU claim, theu artaiuauut of tlx amauut due, anil th issuing of a warraul (or ' b aajraaaut thereof. Sac. . And b U farther enacUJ, Thalanr officer of tha Uni tes) Statea, or proa Itoldiuf aur place trf truat or proOt, or dis margiaf an auVtal fuactiun uiufctr or in eunarjion with any SJC aHIra sVaBarlsaawl nf tna iiovaruaaanl al Uia Cnilml tSUlaa, or aataa Its iaaiew aa Uaaaa at Baprtanataiia'aa af tha trail aa) a salsa, WBM, alVar iht aaaeafe of this aet, ahail act aa aa a sent or atlar aejr fcr araaccaUiig an clalaj acalnat tha Uoias-1 oialaa, or ahafl al aajr aaaaocr, or by any bwum olharwLa than in tha discharge t hie aropar cActal duliea, aid or aaelat ia tha aroaeoatioa or - aaapart at any tach claim or etalatt, or ahaU raeatraaa fraud 7, raara'u'oaf orintarealia aay daiai (maa any alaiaaaat agaiaa the Cuiud StaUs, will) tateul to aid or aaaltt. or la com Jdaratiaa of Baring aioWi ar assisted, latua praaaeulloa of tact. .ahtaa. atiaa he liable tu lodiotinant aa tor a uladteMana la any Mart of tha L'ailadJMalea baring Juriadietkta thereof, and, on aaarictiua, ahail pay a flna not cxoaodiug are UwosanJ dollars, ar vaTar laaprtannmant In the aeaiwauary not exoaauing wo yaar, JSt a, aa aha awl W ami. . And bail further enacted. That any Senator a tUr rateaUUta hs Ouuoraaa Ka, afur ha naaaaga of this act, ahail, tor torn nenaallen paid, or lo ba paH,ertaln or cuntingaatt act aa Mt or attorney fur (iruaaculiv'v daiia orolaiaa againat laa Initad IUW, or ahaU ia ana 'UL'ner or by any mean, for tuck saaoeaaaUon, aid or aulit iu lYiroaecotioa or aupport of any oach claim ar olaima, or lhair re ' any gratuity, or any akata af ar InUroat in any da I in, tnm any clainunt agalnat the United fUlea, with Intent to aid or aaaitt, or in eonaideratlon of baring aided or aaalaled, lo the yoieecutlou of aaid claim, ahail be liable ta IwUetaaent aa for a nijpumaanor In any coart of the United Katee karlng jurtadictithereof, and, on conrictlon, ahaU pay foe mot exceeding flvKliuuaaad dollara, or anffer Irapriaooment la Um penitentiary not&oeeUlog one year, or both, aa ItMeoart la lie dieeretlun ahail aiM.lge. Mm . A A W Ka It i rfljr ajlof. TKal ID nerfOO WbO ahail fM"Wlfudif i fciwrtiuli away, aa oiilh lufaiii fajfitaty aeairttT afcafl take and carry aW"7 any trtoro, paper, or procceuina -awart of Jnitice, flled or dVpiailed with any rlerk or ofUcer of ruck eeart, or any papor or document or record Hied or drpoaited in aar ookae offioa. or with aiir ludicial or publie of&cer, ahaU with- raaot to tha ralue or the rocora, paper, oocumens f ea taken, be daetnrd guilty of felony, and, on our let ion la any ooarlef the United Water harlngjuriedietlon thereof, ahaU pay too net eareediug two thouaand dollara, or auffer luipria aamtnt In a penitantiary not exceett three yean, or both, aa mm coart in iu diacrelion ahail ailjudge. Ban. . AndtMit urtW tmu-txi. That any officer baring the oaatody of any record, document, paper, or proceeding aped ed la the mat preeediitg aectloo of Hue act, whfl nbnil fraudv batty take away, or withdraw, or deatroy any auch record, due aawat, paper, or proceellng filed in hia ofttee or drpoaited with ham, or la ail eaetody, ahail be deemed guilty of fcluny In any eaart of Ike United Butea luring Jurtadiction tkereof, and, on aaarrirtiea, akall pay a One not exceeding two thousand dollara, or mWSf ImprUoWBteat In I panTteBtlary not exeeedlag three yuara, or both, aa the court la Ita diacretion ahail adjudge, and ahaU for Mt ak ofllca, and be forerer afterwarda dLo,uelifkl froia nokl lag any omce ander Ike UoTernment of the United gtatea. Bac . Ami ee it arfAor mk, That if any prraon or per eene akall, directly or indirectly, proniiae, offer, or gire, or cauae ar areemra to be promteed, offered or gireo, any money, 1PMl, right la action, bribe, present, or reward, or any promlie, entitraet, aaderlating, obHgation or aerarity fur tlx payment or dell r cry of any amuy, fJoda, right in aetiar, brltje, present, or reward, ar any other raluable thing whatever, to any member of the Hen to or Houoe of Bepreaentatirea of the United Statea after hit ataeUon aa auch member, and either before or after he ahull have eea tided and takea hia teat, or to any officer of I lie United State or peraoa holding any place of trust or profit, or discharging any afBctal function under, or In connexion with, any department of Um Government of the United gtatea, or under the senate or Ilnua af KapreaantaUrea of the United Stab-a, after the piuuage of thla act, with Intent to Influence hia vote or decision on any question, atattar, caaae, or proceeding, which may then be pending, or may by law, ar ander the ComUtutinn of the United Utatea, be brought . hater aim ia Ilia oAcial capacity, or in hia place oflruat or prof it, aad) akall b Utrcluvicted, auch peraou or peraous to of forina;, promidng, or gVug, or cauaing or procuring to be prom ad, oafcrod, ar given, ally auch money, goods, right la action, bribe, preaant or reward, or any promise, contract, undertaking, biigatloat, or aecurlly for the payment or delivery of any money, pa i ia, right la action, bribe, preaant, or reward, or other raluable , thing whatever, and the member, officer, or person, who ahail in anywio accept or receive the same, or any part thereof, ahaU be liable to Indictment, aa Tor a high crime and misdemeanor. In any coart of Um United states having jurtaOiction for the' trial of eriaaee and auadrinranors ; and ahail upon conviction thereof, be taed not exceeding three timer the amount, ao offered, promised, or grroet, and imprisoned in a penitentiary not exceeding three yeare; and Ipe person convicted of ao accepting or receiving the earn a, or any part thereof, if an officer or peraon holding any auch t aaoa of traat or profit aa aforaaa Id, ah all forfeit hit office or place ; aad any peraon ao convicted under thla aection ahail forever be dlaejnallrUil ta bold any office of tenor, traat, or profit, under tha United flu It I , , jfttv 1, And bAUfvrtir tnoctrd. Thai the prorlslfina of thU act, aad of the act of July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and arty-etx, entitled " An act in relation to the payment of rlnlms," akaJl apply aad extend to all dnims against the United tkatea, wbalbar ajlowed by special acts of Congress, or arising under gen eral laws or treaties, or in any other manner whatever. lac. . And b itfwrthtr uuuted. That nothing ia tha se ek) aast third aeetron of thla act contained shall be construed to ppfy tstae proaecutlnn or defence of any action, or suit In any tof the United ntatee. Approved February 40, 1863. Prauc Act Sri. ST. ' ACT la regulate the terms of the District Court of lb United for the dlatrtct of low. iilrettr ! 9$ U miMi by tlu SenoU and Bouse of ReprrtmtaUtm of jtalaa tor the district of Inwa, aa now preaeribed by law, there ! akall horeaftar be held annually six terms of aaid court, At Panajqao oa the first Mondaya of Jannary and July ituV; at Iowa Otty aa tha Srat Mondaya of Hay and October, and at Burlington a the third Mondaya of May and October. Sao. 1. And It it further exacted. That all proceaa, ball i recognisances returnable at the term of said court at , Iowa City and Burllngtoa, reauecUverr, ahail bo re am! re tu rated to the eourt aast to be held at the place afcaia aaid proroaa, bail bonds, and reoognlsanrea are made re ksraabsa, grirl alt oonUnuancei may ba'tnada to OBoiirm to Una Sac S. And be U further enaetrd, That an acta and porta of iota larnw i with the prorlaiona o Uu act. be and Um repealed. Approved February 4, 1858, ... CtiaTpon4ant of ihe Charlolterville JcrTeraonian. Wa ton Citv, March 12, 1853. . What J f4ll I write yea this week fr-. Bot oneJVjhject engrosses all minds at this tir ind that is office. The city is full f 'angers as yet, all eagerly look ing ouj f self. The President and Cab ioet art esieged from 9 in the morning until ltylt night, buj 1 think they will be M.loj :jth:fit$i4utituUho:. stem much jaded. The candidates from Virginia for Min ister Plenipotentiary, "are Messri Leak, Wise. Meade and Smith; and for Charge 4e$ Affaire, Messrs. Bedinger and Har ris; while Rob. G. Scott of Richmond de sire a. first class consulate. There are a host of worthy democrats here too from (inia for tbe more Kuhorqinate posi tions. All the Stales are well reprrsen leijndjef d especiaUy the, AaOfthero and Western Mates. A month or two must, however, elapse be fore appointments can be made, and those who are willing to - wrvVtbetr ctro bide their time. - - How scandalized we do feel at reading such details as those above I Our most disinterested patriots the men, who, the worldlhoughuwere bittUing .onljL forthfi. good of the people begging office tor themselves I Our vice Governer, to say ootbing of members of Congress, a sup pliant for some paltry place in the gift of the Federal Executive. That may be very honorable to the great State of Vir ginia. But in former times, the people of the State were in the habit of thinking that tbeir plain and cheap service was quite as honorable as the gilded livery of th Federal Government. They were - jealous, and mistrusted the patriotism of those who abandoned their poor pay for the fat pickings of Uncle Sam. But we live in an age of progress and we know bo better illustration of it, than is presen ted by the spectacle f a Governor or Lieutenant Governor of Virginia begging for a Consulship to the Fegee or Sand wich Island. " FiWtt whisper that-baye reached us. iai&&tbafc "not mbrace ae half or-;a?rrrf one twen - ttettof the rjairiotie Virginia ris, ho are rat?er lo serve the model Kepublio for "a fv ' lieao hae rforprised d--?hoogh'iMMWfig 4 hou h ht is s , t .. : . t s , . . . jvt.j i-r I ' & ti.i i ... f. '1 h Moin(iti jiower iiives-liucttr-s ihcir CiAiiri.i, nnJ thinking ' -it dangerous to gratify any one to thfs dia sitlisl'ttctioii of the rest adopts the expe dient of giving it to some unknown,' or before unnamed mart. This milk And water policy designed to please everybody. it said tnvajr the elfecV of -pleasing i-j body. Each protests tbat be would mueb rather his open and worthy rival bad got the place than the tertivm quid ihtignifi cant", who bears off the prixe. "Tb4s Was the case, report gofs. with respect 10 the office of Assistant Secretary of the Trea sury, A Mr. Waterson, M. C. from Ten nessee, and the elder M,rT Kitchle, were said tobe the tmpetitors-rboth fully backed ; the struggle threatened to shake the Brigadier's throne to its foun dations. The issue was dodged by set ting aside both, and giving the coveted post to ; Mr. Peter G. Washington, who Was no applicant, but who, we may well imagine, eyed with keen interest the pro- iheJiptcuf cine,, .war. , Tbf, Kich mond- 3twtom- H fnise and the M arshatsh i p for Lastern Virginia, are said to be in the same sort of fix now ; and it may be that most of the undisposed of jobs are in like manner suspended between hawk and buzzard. Richmond Whig. From the Raleigh Register. , OUR COMMON SCHOOLS. -a We interi below, at lb requeat of Mr. Wi. teyr ibor t TelXeiTtriBa, Cbirtnu oTi Vie BokrrJi of County Superintendent! of Cornmob Schools Mr, W. it at pregent upon hit firtl lour o( viailalion, having reached a fur Jackion, Nufihitmpion Co., and eipeding to continue Eastward!, on lo Currituck, bf lore turning bit immediate attention lo any other part of tha Stale. VV are highly gratified lo learn, that hit lahort hate lie en attended, at we confi dently eipecird they would be, whb great good. Succegt lo hi glorious and noble mi aiulil To the Chairmen of the Board f County Su. perintendenti of Common School, fo exam ining Committer, and other interttied ia the came of general Education in North Caro lina. The law authorizes me, at General Super iniendenl of Common Schools, for the State, to recommend 4ookt, to be'uted a ten book, in all our Common School ; sad it was hoped aad expected ibat Ini rerjmmwtdaiiori wouTd be generally obeyed. The reaeoa lor investing tlii authority, in tome one, arafev4otas lo all experienced teachers j and many of tbete, in iew of e titling diCculii,areven of trpinitm ibal some one should have the power of pre. tcribjng, abtulutely, what boaika homid be ummI. It ! rmpotible for one tear bet to do jutiice lo many scholars when there are as mauy clasa- a ibere are pupils ; and it is a well known fc' ,h j" nitjority ol our Common Scboolt ibe arieiy of leit books U nearly equal 10 number lo Iba number of pupils. It u, Iberelore, important that lay recom. rneadalion should be generally adopted ; and tbit notice it now given ibal all parliet may be prepared for the Circulars which will toon be ioaued to all tba CommiiUct of Eiamina. tioa. v-, -..,.,..........r I desired, before making my recommendiidn to atcerlain, if poible, what books worthy tl being adopted, are now motl generally in use iu Ibe State; the convenience of parent and the cboapnest of the woiks recommended ara object not to be overlooked. And I may as well dais bare, alto, that in regard ioGeogra phiet, I have btd gome difficulty, for h seems impossible for writers, out of (be State, lo do juniice to North Carolina. In a popular work ol this kiud recently published, and one other wie woitby of being uted, it is staled that ibe Pilot Mountain i one of the chief naiural fea tures of ibe State, and it is situated " near the Fir'rriiT ?rW;an ermrw ........ j r ' if . r " " 1 ' . p iutcu irwR cia oi emigrant woo wunea to mitigate the disgrace of being natives of ihe Slate, by qualifying it with ibe eiplanaiion that they were from " near ibe Virginia line."" Wiihoul disparaging the Old should be well understood ia North Carolina that her mountain borrow none of lhair dignity of char acter from their proximity lo the boundary line ol Virginia. I arneriat rj uted in our Academies, it is stated that ibe principal towns of ibe State are Wilmington, Ne BenifjrWlihrngTon? Oxford, Beaufort and Athborough ! - Al Beaufort we hope o tea a great Cityi but it is yet in embryo. Oxford is a village famed rof Its beauty and hbipitality, and Athborougb is a county seat, rrmarktble for ita morality and good order ; bul it is rather ft burlesque, which the -good eitixens ol those places will readily admit, to designate either of ibem as a chief town of North (Jsrolina. j - Tu lK public sckoula of North Carolina tin" der its patronage and rare, Ibe children should learn tomelhing of their natite or adopted Stale; and it it important ibat the information of tbis kind should be correct. That ibis end may be" accomplUhed, I ahail make application to the author ol one ol ihe books alluded to, for permission to correct bis woik ; and if he will consent, the, edition so revioed will be recommended lo the Schools of ibe State. " hae prepared a card or hand bill to be potted in a conspicuous place oa ibe wall ia every tree school bouse ia ihe State ; and I hope that ibe County Chairman will distribute copies lo ibe Committees of their respective Counties, whb inilruclions lo ibis etTav-t. Co pi 't for this puipote, will be seal from Raleigh lo all the Chairmen. Tbis band biil cpnlaint instructions lo teach ers and pupils ; it placed as desired, it will be read by all, thus letting the teachers and pupils know that Ibe eyes of the Stale are looking up pnjhcm. aud jts voice vf eoroursgenheni , and tdmhrtitiofi reaehitt them-4a- SrijrQoOaj iMii fMtniisT iavIiL Vat mA iuMr nni ni rm i i" dart ijhr1 .tsfa ot atMief will Wmoie careruT and euTuloo. to succeed i Q-A e t tl.ti i I 1 1 i , .' ', iiiterrhts cf rsicrn .North Ci.ii.o.t, ve again recur, in a censuring tone, to the conduct of the officers of the South Caro lina Rail Road. The same spirit of list lessness, or, we might almost say. crimi nal indifference to the interests of this sec Uotu.wbich bas. all along marltedLthe optir rations of that road, still continues without any visible signs of improvement. An in vestigation into the causes of the delay in the transportation of our produce from this place lo Charleston bas resulted in the entire exoneration from blame of the officers of Charlotte Road, and in filing it upon those of the Soutb Carnlina Itoad, or rather upon the President of that Road. So. intent is he upon securing the Western trade and travel to Charleston, that he turns a deaf ear to the demands ol justice and equity when made upon him even by those among whom be was born, and nur tured in his infancy and youth! Has he forsotten his birth place f Has he forgot ten that he was a North Carolinian at his btn rrIlaTTjeurne o iretlo hand wbich 8ustaTrie less, and tu all the endearing associations ol his early childhood? Have all the feel ings of State pride, and all the ties of consanguinity, been -so completely swal lowed up in ihe maelstrom of sell inter-' est that justice itself dare not approach bis bosom T We fear so ! We fear so 1 ! We (ear so 111 These strictures may seem harsh. But hints, and innendus, and supplications, and prnyers, have all been exhausted to no effect. Our people take their produce to Columbia, pay ihedrayage and have it taken to Ihe Charleston Depot, in order lo have it shipped to Charleston immediate ly, but they frequently hear no more of it for weeks. A merchant in this place more than a month ago shipped some fif ty odd barrels of flour, several firkins of butter, and several other articles, for Charleston, and received an answer a few days since from his agent in Charleston, stating that twenty seven barrels of flour, some with parts of their beads knocked out, and otherwise badly abused, bad ar rived, but that of the rest, and of the but ter and other things, he had heard noth ing. Tbis is only one instance out ol numberless others that might be mention ed... These things will be remembered when the Central Road is finished, and the tide of trade may take the other di rection. Charleston is not' omnipotent, especially when she-has to--contend against state pride. In her eagerness to compete with Georgia, she may lose some future advantages. We heard a merchant say to-day that if the Ce ntra I Road we re fi tjr ished, be would to-morrow send upon it to Wilmington, or the Virginia markets, five hundred bags of cotton. We under stand that Columbia is almost blockaded with produce from N. Carolina, intended for Charleston. In a short time North Carolina will have a market of her own, and then this will not be so. N.C. Whig. Excitement at Wathinglon. We learn that great excitement was produced in the beightbKdir the Census office, on Monday, last, by the removal of upwards of one' hundred Clerks from that Bureau, leaving only six or eight of the old Clerks in office i and by the removal, by Mr. Kennedy, the late head of that Bureau, by virtue of a legal process, of a large quantity ol the papers in that office. Mr, Kennedy contends that these papers are bis private property, being materials for a work on the Census, which he has been preparing to publish on bis own account, Congress having refused to print them. Mr. DeBow. the new Superintendent, has jaker JcgaXM CALIFORNIA. We sea it stated , that the division of California into three separate States is now contemplated and pressed there. A majority of the Legislature, it is said, will order a State Convention, and upon that Convention will depend the mode, The three States are to be named "Sier ra," the mountain division, which was about 123,000 inhabitant by the last oen bus ; CalifoTnia, which" bas 207,388 ; d wTulare," the Southern State, inclu ding Los Angelos and San. Diego, which has 34,150 inhabitants, and about seven and a half millions of taxable property. This Southern State of Tulare, in the di vision, it is comtemplated by many of the occupants to make a slave State of, and ener-frf bbjeets of pessigthe-di vision is to establish slavery there. Paint for Brick Houses. A correspon dent of the Ohio Farmer has used a cheap and very durable paint for the exterior of brick dwellings, which ha already stood several years, and is now quite as fresh as when first applied. :: It consists simply of limewash, with sulphate of zino as a fixing ingredient. Any requisite shade is given by adding the colors used by bouse painters. A clear and rich cream color may be obtained by applying yellow ochre to the common new brick ; a livelier and warmer shade will be added by a little Venetian red.- Burnt sienna may- like wise be used. The paint is far cheaper than oil paint, costs but little more than common whitewash, and nothing. will re move it but the severeat friction. 1 DCTTbe lotal debt of the- United States to January , istf. isoz. Amountea to, oo,- asteBsclrjit, " 'to In d. il county mat a.o.. u very ,.ct.y .. . .t . r. -. t. ..l. the subscription deemed necessary to finish the riauk Road from Stdiehury to Ihe County line. We feel safo in saying that the whole amount will be raised before the close of the present week, )aivilisA4lMrW in the presence of her daughter on the 4 th of April next Her late apparent indifference as to the success of this Road, was more the result of exhaustion by her liberal expenditure1 on the' Rail Road than of any want of confidence in the prom ised benefits ultimately to flow from its construc- .' Lave tlie .leisure of inuKnuinii tion, both to the asommuoity at Wge- and to theisensibleoLjhelr great nessijoMhe stockholder, Sho is fully aware of the important benefits dependent upon th sueewsful prosecu tion of this work. Of this, however, she offers the most satisfactory evidence in a compliance with her promises made at the commencement. It is probably known that the contract with Messrs. Barringer A Correll for sawing, has ter minated by the mutual consent of the parties. arbitrated on Fnday last,- and all satisfactorily arruured. The saw mill is now in the hands of the Company, and was put into operation again on yesterday. A Shooting affair. We learn that Wm. B. Ma ecu, Esq., of Mocksville, was shot on Mondny. morning last, by John Hall, also ol that place. "ATTast accounts Mr. March was sTitt living, with a prospect of recovery. The gun was charged with buck-shot, three of which look effect two in the breast, and one in the shoulder This affair originated out of an old dif ficulty of a most serious nature, and some such result it bas been feared, would en sue. Distresin.k negro woman and her child, aged about 3 years, the property of A. Hendf.sson, Esq., were consumed on Monday night last, by fire. This woman with her child occupied a house by them selves. She was an invalid for some time previous, and had no other charge but her child. No, one knows bow the fire origi nated ; but from appearances when first discovered, (then far advanced,) and the location of ihe remains of the woman af ter the bouse was burnt down, it is sup posed the fire commenced near the bed on which. she was sleeping. The child was entirely consumed, Republican r9annex.Tbis is the name ofa paper, which Fkank. I. Wilson, Esq., proposes to publish in Salisbury. He is now purchasing new materials for his of fice, and bas commenced his scheme like a man who expects to'succeed. The Bax neb is to be a democratic paper. The gentlemen of that party here, seem to lake a lively interest iri Mr. Wilson's project, and we doubt hot will secure its perma nent establishment. j New Goods. The Merchants of this place, are now receiving their Spring and Summer Goods. From appearances we judge that a very heavy stock is coming in. These goods ifi; 11 have to go off before the expiration of the season, and we doubt not good bargains may be had. Our merchants generally, are fast men, and will sell whether thej make a profit or APPOINTMENTS BY THE PR ESI- - . DENT. ' - By and with the advice and consent of the Senate. John A. Campbell, of Alabama, to be an Associate Justice oi the Supreme GwuV tu9 -Urvited States, in- place vf Jobn Mclvinley, deceased. Edwaed Landei. of Indiana, to be Chief Justice forihe'TetTitory"of Washington John K. Miller, of Ohio, to be an As sociate Justice for the Territory of Wash' "ing't 6hT """"" "'. , ViCToa Monroe, of Kentucky; to be an Associate Justice for the-Territory of Washington. I Green W. Caldwell, to be Superinten- dent of the Brart43h Mtnt-t Charlotter, irr tbe place of James W. Osborne, removed. CuRisTOPriER Carsoo, to be Indian Agent in New Mexico. Joseph M. Garrison, to be Indian Agent in Oregan'. IlC7Ex President Fillmore, in reply to certain complimentary resolutions of the City Council of Buffalo relative to his re ception on bis return home, says: "It will be most gratifying to my feelings to be received privately, without any public display, and be welcomed again to your hospitable firesides as your neighbor and friend. I ask no more. Decline in the Value of Gold JThos. de Quincy has written an article for Hogg's instruetbr,-; wbtch.'ji 'eDpte4.TnNfi'i&"eF Utteirs Living Age, arguing that the ot tef depeciation of golJls itou tuvtvy uau ie,; umess I p e solitary 'J 'l . - 1 a. i soon' be exbatiBted r- ' ' Al.-.:."-rr':d J ! ! the-Iiu!'perid,eiit Ctni.Mty,.ol . w.hich . he T'Vt as a member, ana ft lt'K concourse oi f h- - f ..,,1 hia famiv. We understand, thitt notwithstanding the long period since his death, the hotly was but little defaced, and that in bis pocket were found hi money.. notes, and " a-'". Voune wife just before starting from Wil mington, which something prevented bis sending.) all in a good state of preserVa lion. FayeltevilleObtfrixr. v -T ; Beautiful ScntitneaCWtrivtt in the midst of blessings till we are utterly in Source from whence they flow. We speak of our civilization, our arts, our freedom, our laws and forget entirely how targe a share is due to Christianity. Blot Chris tianity out of man's history, and what would his laws have been what his ci vilization T Christianity is mixed up with our very being and our very life : there is not a familiar object around us which J &f )igto.Ph upon itnol . . . . . a lit w ! law vwusvitf which cannot be traced in nil its holy. beautiful parts, to the gospel Sir A. Farlu THE ROMANCE OF REAL, LIFE. John Aspen, recently deceased at hil ndelphia, was one of i the English claim ants!" the immense 'estate left by Mat- T lFiiH Asnen ttr-fure The eWKB Ttrvft." ded by the Supreme Court, in favor of the i American heirs, the latter proposed to ibe deceased to compromise ! ihe matter, and offered to pay him the sum of 9250.000 to relinquish his cUim ; this he refused to do, and the decision of the Court cut him off without a farthing. On Monday morn ing last the estate was divided between the heirs at law, and almost in the same moment, John Aspen fell dead, at a tav ern in Carter's alley, of a disease of the heart." At the time of his death his pock ets contained a solitary cent, bis entire fortune. The Rappers. The story about the Rev. Dr. Tjng having preached a sermon against spiritual manifestation is denied in the New York Express by a member of the Doctor's congregation. The state ment originated with the Spiritual Tele graph, rapping paper in New York city, and bas not been denied by Dr. Tyng over his owii signature, because, hs is said, be is fearful of entangling himself in a con iroversy with the rappers ; an event which like a sensible man, he would justly de plore. . ,,... ,:,.,:- ,.. On the Track. On Monday last, be tween Elkion and Wilmington, a man sat down on the railroad track, and, as a train of cars approached, placed bis- thump on his nose, and gyrated his fingers at the lo comotive. The whistle was blown, the breaks put down, and the driving wheels reversed, but there he defiantly sat. The conductor and a brakesman jumped off and ran ahead, and sat him quietly in the mud ia the side ditch, and the train mov ed oiu He was drunk, of course. French Movements. It is stated that Louis Napolean is about to send a naval force to San Juan de N icaragua to demand from the municipal authorities their satis faction for fines levied by them Upon French subjects for their refusal lo com ply with some of the demands of the au thorities of that place. The French gov ernment, before deciding upon this course, made a demand upon the British govern ment, but that Government replied that it had no responsibility in the case, for by treaty with Ihe United States it had relin ffebW Receipts of Australian Gold. The New York Commercial publishes aa extract from a letter dated London, March 4, in which it is estimated that there will be received Iroin Australia, in all the year. twenty millions of pounds Sterling, and the writer's belief is that monev will be :tte.pee.wjiAjia.durutjJJE . . . ... a "" 1 Mr every prospeci oi a gooa i irBue 88 ,ne er avancei. A-dy'WIWo1 since a man. apparentfv blind, visited a number of houses al East Cambrfdge; Mass.; begging the purpose, as he alleged, of raising a sufficient sum to pay the expenses of ha v. ing an operation performed upon his eyes. After obtaining quite a sum from benev olent individuals, he at last entered an officer-where be was asked lo what town be belonged. Tci Becket. be replied. A person chanced to be present belonging to Becket, who recognized in the beggar a man named Ward, who is blessed with a pair of very curious looking eyes, and who, taking advantage of bis infirmity, has been imposing on the public for sev eral j years, and has amassed some $5,000 by the means. LOST MONEY. In common with the other Raleigh Ed itors and citizens, we have suffered no lit tle, from recent rohberies ol letters con tainlng money. There is some thief on every small route that comes to Raleigh, and traps have been set that will catch them. Tho sooner the better. Suspi cions strongly rest in certain localities. which we believe will prove Well found- 1-.J c . .-. , -- A traveller say. there is a raceUf men -L. .1 ..... - .--. ' - nt tueiexiremny ol &putn America; of sucb WTOUtronOfOft tbW ralTXa,;Wikh-lnhrfi MtiUC.. i " ThU one peck i( fine aru) . , thoroughly with half -a- bustt ,.r v n Scolia plaster or Gypsum, (the pa,uJ . the best) and immediately after hoe' " the potatoes the second time.or just atl? young potato begins to set. sprinkle ' the main 'vines, next to the ground a each bill, and be sure to get U on ih main vines, as ft is found that the rot or ceeds from a sting of an insect in the .ih and, the mixture coming in contact i,K the vine, kills the effect of it belora I reaches the potato." 1 A True. Republican. Judge Ri; late Chie win, Carolina, has accepted the appointment of Justice ol the Peaoe in Alamance COun! ty, in that State, and is now enKg,.rj j' the discharge of the duties of Cbairm&n of the County Court there. Kat. Int. A pragmatical young fellow, sitting table over against the learned John Srm asluibiiiibaijLi tween acot and tot f Just the breadth of Have not to do with any man in a pas sion, for men are not like iron, to tx wrought upon when tb?y are hot. A man must know many things hforj he is able truly and judiciously to judge of another, or of his own actions. Self esteem is commonly punished l umvaMSA4'cotuip41abia priiseat; self, remains a debtor to all others. It is easy to get an ill name, because evil is sooner beljieved, and bad imprej. sions are difficult to be effaced. A man may easily utter what by ii. lence be has concealed, but he cannot re call what he has once spoken. He that talks what he knows, will also talk what be knows not. Order yoor affairs so as not to pass for a crafty man. TWO IN HEAVEN. You have two children ?" said I. I have four, was the reply ; " two oa earth and two in heaven." Thus spoke the mother Still her onry 4 gone "before !' Still remembered, loved and cherished, by the hearth .ad the board; tbeir places not yet filled; even though tbeir successors draw lil from the same faithful breast where tbeir dying heads were pillowed. "Two in Heaven J" Safely boused from storm and tempest; no sickness there, nor droopinR bends nor fading eye, nor weary feet, by the green pastures, tended by the Good Shepherd, linger the little lambs of the heavenly fold. -Two in Heaven 1"- Earth less attractive I. Eternity nearer! Invisible cords, drawing the maternal soul upwards. Still small voices, ever whi pering ' come," to the world weary spirit "Two in Heaven T Mother of angels! Walk softly ! holy eyes watch thy footsteps ! cherub formi bend to listen ! Keep ihy spirit free from earrn taint ; sp snail innu go 10 mem, iuu they may not return to xhee .....; Fansv Few. In favor of Temperance. It is some limes amusing, lo say the least of it, to hear some people talk about temperance. Corner them about the matter, and they will profess to be " as much in farorof temperance as any body." Ask them to give a reason or proof of their devotion lo its cause and they just cannot do it. Som one bas very pithily defined a - Curiosity" to be the man who is not as much inf "ii:61bX.Iempefi.D A. U. Tern. Advocate. . A FAVOR OF JUSTICE." Ma. BtDsca : Will you l)ow me lo iddreaa, thiwtrk yoor coltunna, a few linei to yoor worthy oiitrrpondrnl. " Juatiee." I MT worth, not from any perauoal knoaH- edge I har of the author of the article which bat ! appeared in your paper over Ibal iieriat ure, but fromlka . " . .... JU.,a iBpe.ptcaiucjfwsw ?ur hia entmomen. Uken in connection with ihe aubjeett which he IreaU, indicate the inlerert he feeli in b"1 joatice and truth hfieeted out to ihoae whom hedefeixis. 1 wrnh io addrt tWllwoeaumi,fio! ii juat ; aeoondly, biau he i well "Il,i,mi.? rail ruad oprratioaw, and the ratoaof frerifhtoa ltt and Soath Carolina road ; and r mipit -T third reaaon, that whereat, hia aifrht nc by aealea but now removed, hia eympathy M w "" it ia but reaaonaWe to expect, ia more earneH!' of othera who have not eiperienced auch a cb"V Will "Juatiee" pardon meif without furihar "f liminariea I enter tit once upon the aubject 'oj' have to avJicil hia attention t It ia thu : 1 him lo rill up Ihe blanka in the following bill. pie, but I wish him to apt down Ihe neu,e wc7c. . . l,:.J the publiahed raleaof freight on the Charlotte rail road. Thee ratet aho'uld be to tpecificy " . aa lo enure entire umformiiy in billt : I "upP1 it the eaae : I auppoae the ratet are to iu7 expreawHi that it ia hardly powible that jto Aftw W mZ m.kin Mt the me bill riK.uldd,flS .n eulationa. If thia be true, then JutUce. "J1?,,. of freiehU before him, can ely fill oul W0 bill, to wit: " Charlotte Depot. l 7 CAariolfr and South-Carolini fitodC'l Dr. for Freight, vii : Dec. 18, 10 bdla. Paila, u 1 Batketa, 20, 1 Hhd. 4i ii 7 Baga Coffee, (1458) 000 . 9 W 000 oo .L a. Doe. lattice "' demur to thi- l" on I" arrouna ot an imi w-...-- - . t i i unit to him tne t r ; or ma aeciBwa wm - - - s 1 Kr filled out at it ia in my hamlt r -l- - w ln0 rnfidettcaLia" Juatiee," and only ir - whether . the well tPU utLi ? ii imsiiu..- - - -. -L. it fcaVer we-"-. ; mt Matty of ' the wjii.-iSoW 1 fl&Vnm'iliiiM' rVaTairri;aH!K; ft'" -"" f ysii:MiJtrarS!SSiXS.