ft 'i tu r hi ,..u' ;.!. r..IiV- VU i-iiouco tl V A". .' u-ivtioe: Clan window were first luted ia t uuniys in hotK-rs. 'J hey . )M;fy be (,(', A lu.ctilf (,f ( '" vaners i..r lv.-. , was ii.i.l oat ,u jjj ii, cili.i IIS of t'a:t,a ,.',.l. h, linn Lt'l cl'ilfe villi- uimn'mis, ;m.( a III 3il...Tlis iiiiinl dm- n.J...,. ... iivuKia uiurtr tin. Iy J,,,.,, t ;8 -or-mr liwwan-nmri Mere lad of 15 or t evcu 17, cannot, if Ji profit, thron.'h with th Kvero stiul.e Mad., nmtW 1'l.iU.i.by, not tmn. rsuiuf ; .! ii, fi,g ,, way. U i.o distinct Ki4f Bn m und d ufKW coiii.iiittiug soi.w tfuiigs to memory. Of coinse he ha, interest in hi. ,tudics ani nco--Itfts them. It is not in the now-or of ..o.i. .. i. ..' I I i-ii-i iii iiiuko l.ulan. out of mad. : ho cm.i,, create mind. "aa omo paints seem to, supiiose, 110 ox,wt thA4,. .J.cad pits- to- cuuveviiig water-. 7 Fallow candle fi. tight T : HpeciacU invented by tu Iudiau aprr oral mane IrnnirhiMm; - , liWulMKHorK to th Chair, ananjipoiminjf Wir "4 T. "W. Umdhuro. Kw &H.rtJ1nI C. Mf P""1'" in oil color . - "'' Biade in (lermany ' ' ' y Vanaitua of eon.pmw first noticed . FiM m Mtd i Knghnid Circulation of human bluod first dieoered by Turn ewppf iMttiwbnl J" wun engine invented JI" 'nTtiiied Km( cutlun planlrd in the Vnlv4 Klat.-a BtMia enenwimfwrdhy Wart ---ntoun euttna milt mctti Hftrutyp, pHni.nff Interned in Sn.Hand Ammal m.rn,t, dieP ,y Minnwr R.IAalh KcJ wlablid,rtl VorhAlw. ft,m. Electro Magiwiic Tclefraph iuutJ by ' Mint m t - . -tli.-lw .v.i..,.,. !., i4., f tl. imriAiM. of t..fc-i "I'"r' a lilfl.. lon.'. r. rn.fi.ro ii..tii... .1- ., I wMafw tI'xU.Nio,rof theCVii: i a,Un. to h,whi cwu Umt ma luui luwU Westttitnl In tl... T. 1 '"'('J vl'X-H llnf iiiii... ti. nininrW. .1 , - Willi lirr 7iu I 1,17 a.. ... 1 " It. urge M77 Mierril, oT rtwba, auj JaiiKu 1540 , CalJweU fiviu Linoiln. . Two of tin, iilkmifo j were ni?mUr of tlie Ilatmo at the hwt - ,,,,t ,ht t,a' tJtfl road would he iiU-iided to IfiKlitliu IinrHittMW line, 1 he jHo.h.0f the west w 17G0 i W,W , ao the hast teeing it wotlhl cou- la ritthr timirto te TPiirmforriK d ii '! S j-l. mil r-iitJct, j J'J t . f.i'.L- ull thti l.r..i!i, 5 'J'hurs'iiij the' I llf fi.lk.WlllB 1 rJl., 0f I,.,,,,! b,,!,,,,,,!,.,, I,, f, of Kdum Wuml.UrcniKd, : . Umi tract of J00 acre, ai.ririnj nicban! Barara and It. Berk, Km. Oiia uiher 'IWt .J alA mummm lj.i aa aboe, aud Malhiua Kl,arp, aubjacl to Mia wjdow'i Dafuerjolyp kroMMw ii.tHpd awiMop ralia, Jly IMS. 8. TEXNY ... tXeauite Java, MtHmiii- We puLlislicd few tlay finee 8 U-tter fnun ir.R. Htanto,,r!; i.f Ket.ttuk atating that if relectea t. Con, f,e i-vuiu uianc a gwrt tlcftl of iininevWe- i CUirman of dm BuiUing Oomniittt-if " mm'HS ngireM. J'er liaps the cumec . tion ol tlie lipnoraWe gcntlonian with thai committee maj accouat for tho tremcn- uous frauds of wlnVli acciirted dnniif; the last session? Will the Union explain? We are glad to see that the Whi.rg of xvennicKv nave balked his future gresskmal cin'eulafions. Fayetterille Observer. i iki inn ri'iun a i.jiiir- 1 7Hft ' ,vr "llJ t,lv "t,wnn,-n.i.rojriati..iiii. Tu. i,,iu 1 t9 ' .tiii, howi-vor, d. -rving the nttimtion of tin-, lij3 ' ' the Itioutu '-wh-h'h th rwtrt-holltft rP3S tottoto alfetmryorita vitimtv wwtwjird. In reffiird to this tjiutitioti al were of the uuiuioa thht the road chould exUnd through OatauU hy the way of Newton and Morgan tuu. 1V VvUiid; uj oii" wliK-li tWa.Eerii their I argiiHieiiU in fnror of this routs tt vre, Jittt, Umt re wan me moat direct. 1 his acwlod no ilhwtra- lion; a iIirjantoii hml Wn aiadi! -i .ariiinsf, taste, nnj jiKlgmcut without mueh lnl.r of thnr ow n. lit it will be mid through wmnrtti muMiUty of bwU d iar arttelea at M- f ' - 77 -n - euri ; a craaary lu ini iition , lirouj;!, s.M.iulinir lolll.Vi 11Iul fo 1m.u , T OiniTiniii ' our haiiJs till 25 nr 30 yoam of a." L,.t ALSO OB tiudajr jhe ieihdayof3rptiUor,I will aeHoa Ihe prrniiM-a. una Trad nf Inrf. fl'l 1 HLJnin. Junu-a L. H.i.kli, and olhera. it brinir laada aa wlurk tfia lata William U. Wooda Ruled. , Alao on 1 buna waenri, and cart ' t TcrmaraBdekawnontbday-ofil. . NOTICTE. All DbraodaiuftVbied to aaid aatat mna maka iinmediata Baytnantiauit tbtiaa haviiir elaimal Xai.ii inn aoma jnual preaenl Uwai IrsiUly aaibrutiea. ,ra- according lo Utw, or thia aotm will ba plead in bar ; im ir rccoTery. , . MKMUACK riHKSTUX, Admr. nil K.ii'i t'ntliiii, t'oiiou Vara, CifliV, : 'urn, Hi-rawan, liuMwr .. ... KliMir, . . f'ratlirra," . .-..,!.. J -., H (,i II , , f M !t 1...IK. Wl l lrill I'Slat.KiK, II M IJJ Mwet do., ti (e 7 -HI 75 (( id 41) M M W (ec.5 j kugia; (brown) 7 (t 8 83 j .'. (L.r.) lij It (HI Tallow. , JO "35 Wheal. " f.(l 4l r rork, CM 1W B..) 7 00 we want our mvua to cell Anjoat 9th 1851. - , 3H4 Con- ra!,iudJjii!f tlitn tu h.i!(.iiMaiHtlMn-l tllclli IWIV.1 III I I ..... .V.. .1. ... ..... ; K"'" 'O'L- UII'V ir() ; M uwin Irani most iniiortaiit l-ssoii of lit,., t0 lu,r the rul r 14 uy.fi- waw. W,. 'Jh will 11m, noti - V UlSBBEB iA IHTI ABKH, of U latitat iA tnio.l. " ""-.v aw llim II. -f, Vou would Utter lirV roar tis d.'taihod a htjle loiiifr, and to graduate a little later, and to IUaUuiOTII,itllill''of III, nm ly. ii., n ,, . r Mil. aubacriber ia now in tlarkat (or the parch . I J. of Bit UlSUtttiH IHTI ABKH, will pay. the trfy kigktt , ".i v. ..i.iiin-iivB uini , ai.o eoi out iiit!.l.hA.I :li . . . 1 1;"," ui inini oi uouor ana aavluliKtta . Boi ieiyv uuu i o iitemlir " gootl for noth ing : of no aoeouut to thiiiBl.lv.-8. or toanv-one els. And wo would W.nny man of dierenuni-nt . U IMIk' firitlltl.l til.. .,.i...a.. u. 1 .1 " ;M.' """n, hi;u w-o it i Here arc in. uli di wripliona, (ur prutM ia.- ade a noiid. it wtis evuleiit to (aTJ acuiiaink-d' wiUTtliv couiitVv Oiat Ihij nearest way ligii Salihlmry or ' Ita vicin ity wa by Teu ton or ita immediate riei nk v: 2d, that tlie gra.ling wouH be attended with hiwfx pens1 tlian any othfr n.uto iK.t only on account of its resources but it other natural advantage. U II a i "' a " .ornieoa n..ge from the man, j ,,romie of ever Miec.ling, for want of , g,J ! i Catawba to the minn-dinte vicinity of N. ntou i foundation laid in t'o!!. ge ; C-VeM tli.-v mav hoast f' uieuee njt tfte iNjiitli fork witbin a few mile ofi K lr sl"'(,' "km. Peran. jahing wJd-S, uf ihuLkifldnf property, ,r ii. .....aaff.i- ... . ... ....... m ,n.n oi uii; lroiemoiM. who L'lve ti e wiU find u to tH-ir Waujrii aiwlicaliaa to "", - aaa U1II .-' toioinnuicatious from i dtaaea pronijMlr at U-iidvd. , ... r r ' Balibary, July S8, 4853. Tol Slf 5 Beaawajt, f aacon. Cotton, Corn, C'titlee, fliair. Feathers. ftuaefd, tl 00'IHK Inio, Hwedea, J 6 du. Lnjrliah, 4 84(335 . Id, 9iW 10 Leather, ede, 10 OS 1 1 Midaaaca, 7$ a 85 Nail., eat, II II j' (lata, 5 00 lOrtrll 20 (a, 33 35 ( 36 6(6J 40 (it 45 (8 10 (,t II t!t?iriRU9Tya' ' 4 Ii.jiu4j'jUi. JIIK fcniil WK,.:,,!, ,,f on Thuivdtiy. Ihs ImI baa di-tmiiined- to eu ahead and iiuuriive il. f lliia tualilution will amuneiifta Htll daV uf Amriitf ....... .i. ! ZTJT """" ". of U.e udeBU ' MR, DAVIS, the Teacher b. cha,,e, to fill ,h. .lioft iB which placed. Ii 1, ,rnatly d,-aired that ihosa who iatoad catawua tip Mvmp. lh. ' firat day thereof. , ' 7TBaTucli ia pleaaaol, Weallhy and ictired. A boat eigtiteea uilea eai of Salem, oa the Danrill bUiad 1 aud fifteea m.1.. north weM of tireenaborouga. 1 1 'iiif uir a (uoa Hiigar, brawn, oik lief, Xalt.eark, I 501 60 Tauow, 7 ( H Wheal, 75(atU Bacon, p lb llutter. n. C7uraw,S. C.,Au(tt,tlg, 1853. ieeewax, Cotiuii", Corn, Flour, Feathera, In,n..; . WJ 10 Ird, 10 30 ( 3H leather, aule, 18 a S3 34 ( 35 Molaaaea, 35 t 40 r:frT;t:"rtririffl;-3?cr3t- 10(u lllJ Nail., cut, 6(o) 7 70 LRice, 4J(rt 5 12 (A 15 aUtifar, bnwa, -t X(I0 W 75 d.i. W, 12J a 15 30(,i35 Halt, Ijveruunl, ft 50 . ttt t. t e ujrr una orimilinea- ttt m Ind b.louda lu tha aaca with ilia Car of Geucral un. pnwemeut ia North Candina. Tu hia mind th M "" " joat enterinu apoa a field, which ia bound t"" '" Heat, and ibealcdlaUe la Ka iinportanc J and. K trie Mill, aud 1kj 'I'm ia deatined iu hennrn. on of ihe nwat ral-iai. Muiiulacturinf ehrawfebiu the buunda. The unileajrin-d intend lo act apoa thiaopia ion, and puh on hia iuipmvcmenla. Any peraon wish "t toimn him in hi enturoriara m '!. In h..n .i Eagle- .Milla, IradcR tuumiy, H. C-.Ua.ia jreparad lo ' ' -o I . -?--a.tY L Tnn ,Lf Flee Months. II J" I ,. to b. ready in li.ne, , .u,, ! E;lX.yuZmlT, Ari!h,n"ic- 00 Town Clock., T,.Wu Belli, acrv.nt bell, tc.. Ac', to ! iik . "i T'1 y.' 8 00 all wbo may m-ed lliem. A ji, j futk and higher MullK-inalic, 10 00 April 14, 1853. tf49 " - 1,0 ' ' 'nonediale neurhborhond. N. B. Tj.ee i. fair ,,f ,,,, r;., '" 1 f""1'; '. ' i per UK.nl h. All BOOKS !.. tfedl .1,3 tt!ntrTX ?r:n"".a '" f. 'iouuT au3 College , h . PHILOSOruitiL IPillTlH. whkh will probably be terai..J I., .k. a... V - - ' " - . af aa m ITiaMm her. It u alao the deairn .J .k. T... I llimnv ,. . a .....n.w u. wen aeMcteU JlUOas. OFFICE AT SALISBURY, Aeuvar, 8th 1653. UDERED bv the Board. that anUcnhera doe thr VMal F M VURY ; wbtre a fivoniUc situ-Uioi, for a rail roa.U w " e '". ' '-V M"'1,"t'i ' nkin, a member hcu" - . W .4- - wVl. oir U,.t iLe LVo Committee iu a " " fi,rtl,,r llortl' '" tl r. fore hool all tln ir lit,-,, atal tin v' nr.". ,,-a.lv and Finallv- t ututitu tins LIEUTENANT M W c notice tbat Mr. Rank of the LirertKKn Dock C discussion before that body on the sub- CV,M "lore e' levelled down ject ot .lutriMlticMig Mr, M. to UtftJiutr-I' ."!. Uia il wuuld bo vooM,Uu0ui..o,v,iersoi J.irerixiol, bring lt tlie Mate that the road should Lake agarnsi mm tno clmrre of having taken , the staple of bis wind and current charts irom a vnirk by a 41r. Torsin-i. of Enrrlmi and without the aliu-bw .w-i-.. ' i ' i ,or u wuum UM t" meat Tl.is is a gross charge, and will" i l'y ,Lo w"-v .f M"kl-"t'"W Vorktilh- and of course meet inrestigation ; but no one sl,Rrt!,I1,'urS- lllls !, when ihe vast mineral can believe in its truth on tin's side of the !"J "tlur r,,80l""t of 'his region an- taken into , water, wjuu it is feinenibered that Lieut. t,,e '"t w"ld be'Ly no 'mean in.-oin.id. ia iJiatiry lias been most public in all llisj1''1- Tlie njakem weld on o itliMrat.-the ad- me lsrmsii l arliauint has 1mmi nttr.w tn.1 to the wouderi'iil results on narireation lisburr de-Talrevllki. rlank Koad Company r..r iurtuliiiriiia hi reUduM caJN for, pay tli. aauie with nileri-.l, ,,n or before lb. firat day of Krotemher nell. the river t Mrgant.m. that cannot be si.ni.-i-,l I . ' "" .i"d ai.iK.-nraiief. rem nked '" .!h"f. mr oihori-d by the ' a sln.rt I in... .,.. 1 1, i.:: i i : wnpany at nartv.wmi oe to enforce the colae- Bacon, Banting, Beef. Butter, Charlotte, 7T. C.Aiuj. 18, 185.1. I03 121 II 0 15 6(.i8 12j(' 13 Bee .wax, ,30(32 B ana, 405II "Apple Hrandr, 40 (o) 50 Peach Brandy, 871 All. I QUoll, C.rfree, Corn, (fhickena, Klff". Flour, Feathera, Lard. Mutton, 5 to 6 Mackerel, boL $IOrtl6 Mirfaear, " . 33 (ii 50 50 a C5 7 9530 64 M 7 75 50 i no 61 (f 9 2 35 75(. (II. C2J (ft 75 40 50 80 HfeaTT Naua, Oala, Pork, Peaa, M10 Pirfalura, Iriah. II (if 124 Hire, buah, 50 (it 65 Sugar, 10 (,1 12 ! Sail, Bark, 8 . Tea, V tb 31 fir 31 Wheat, 35 di 30 ; Whiakev. IU, t olti.n Yarn, .i . i . Uliy llllgin as Well go In taiii lli. in awhil.- k.i hariiliiKr bv hiln.r ; .'..-I lion of the Haute, Uyurilcrof llie Board, JOHN DAVII)SO PreuJ.nl Aujnrt 1 1th. 1H53. I j- rUia ... y.r. Iilorc It eer. I.. t tlwn inalliritv 1 Hut de a'.'iiire"j f lMli'1 : FALL STYLE BEEBE IIAT& aken route If it should X.'nl. ..f. '., .! . V ' 1 1 " ""-V aI-'I ,,,,r " ,'" l''1 T-'ir'd it I r Ill E Milwcriher i now at meipt of a lot of IKKBK akeil(route it it m.oiiUI go .North uf t atawba to New-. is 111 a good degree the , rei-of Jh!v 1,-tt FALL.ST1LE JllJaVt . tarts .ton the State wo' ild Wall the trade South of '''"' o over m.ih.- of the tu.li.-s of foil. -md I . ; RMYEBS, Red Flag. "Tld, niie road : for it would then go to S.mi, tS.roli-; 1'fej ared fo tale a g,. stand : Tr',-.,'.!,..- , J1 w,Tiirl:y ..t.urg Y,,rktii.e ZT iVfT:: ' FAUST & WHEBEENEB, PI ir MY STOGK AMOUNTIXG'iTO - 1 ftififliiii tt a vi r.-iii;r.- more tune than 1 fmlinarilv s It III Ihe jvgular e. iirx JH'Ilt IIJlOIl . ioi!im.o.ILk.1U-.. rll'H-''. !JCtfciiUie.llaia4C l uhlitLAi.uk and j 1 '"" '"' w n-l' -U tlM-re will T nToiciii. JIIU hll'Ulll (Ml- . ... ' "i : "f: . a. ill " - gine and telegrajih, besides litiinerous oth er inventions, were claimed for Engliah men after, their success had been as sured in tin's coTintry by American gen ius. The trick is sofuewhat stale. Daily South Cuiuuan. The correspondent ,f the 'Xew York Jouitial of Ciniiierce tells thl- following at.trv l U' 1 ... .1 . 1 m.. . .. v .i.--n.-. iiiii, i.-.uii m4 to Western N'orth' u and hailed the t.roieel as the dawn.of it l.ri .l.l. r AH Jireselil FAUST & WHEBEENEB, inpenrn ana nalatale Dealers iai FOB EiO It 4- DOMESTIC day ujK.n our Wettten hqriaou. to catch the flame iiiiiiro.enieni anu tlie only r. T.n.nniAM.. I'..I..I.U..I . o.. iiimc n irui iiiiuu. t ....lhtrWJkillJjajeMwm-e-- IVI.-bmrioii at ' Haek Crtt-k .I'liureh, Howau t 'ounl 'Tiu'Tiiw.- ihiy tltt'.Mrd. Augut,.iuu ih. -t JlHhfie We h- j auSt-jtc NO. fir-J, 'ORTH TOIRI) STREET, IVlWeen Arrt. fUef. Wert Ue, ed to Vthat we di.1 not have a charter "n.i,u,l ' lU' "?d """ttry. - .-af lWij-mc. , I,. . . , are tl'i-.inllv .aimcI.-.I tu attend. . 1. y,- , at the last hyislutiire with the necessary iiM.ro, ; Au'rt tt. iH-,t nH vni- Pn,TTi" " on teiii.. r.mce ni.-ii' Troiii Xtf-my(mia''irXX which 'lfi ua uon CMnplete Chan we hare erer hvretn- foru oif. ri d ; and w inch w will liiapuaa uf at a low l.r.e. a a. any Iioum. itu the hun. 1 x.tu''et 1 tit 11. .).I. . . . . ' ........ h time for our imi- y 1 he Sin'eii iiu ot the Sntr,,' incut. Tlie following resolutioiw w erf iiiliarfiiio'usly j xltn.txL : -)- . 1 r 1 .. . .i.mu.iii, nnu inuei-.! u is nign time tor our peo ple to awake on the suhjeet of i.nblie imiiroyt- Rrnlrrd, Tbat we cnncuV in Ihe proji hiii it 1 n uf 11C fniK.- I lie clll JK-r," Sovereign oi' the ht;is," of Jikm,; is ciiarteretl at lomlnu luf MHIwrmnr; Anslmli.'i. at., ,$i.,...in..r. ton , tu tho wharf 1 1 . .. - i.i.-... Onli-ra byinuil oroihervute, will rt-ceire oor Dertonal .ml pmiiipl atteuliun. . I'lnliidi lpbia, July 23, 153. 12:10 and it has' been agreed that if she du i: SELLJfiG OFF IT COS!. Vt. . .... . ... 1 -.1 .1 n . i rlu an uoaa "inlwuro nvin 111 .., ..1 n..iue .areas w 1111 me 1 iisriims- : smaimi-v ... ih t....,..,. 1. ' ter at 'Sandwich in.the siiinmcr of 1831. 1 1 ""'"rf. That we Bpiaut4wciifv.five d.-i, called John Trout's services into reuuiai- . '' R"d 'T""1' io-meet in AkIi.- thm ve4-y often.. 1 viiv-ity-v ami a greai. cancer, lint .-trotit . I in ,111-llU .... . 1 . .1 vicinity of, 'mv " , r,t"'lK1, 'I'llCMT Hum IIIIV ; .! steamer m the berth at London or Liver- Uea ' liool, .Ills. i,e- toll Khali 1 l.l lil-lllW-tl-ll --"enJ-Jhrt-aWw-wlf ncTTrtrrfrrrcT wit b eslt,, oilier;, so also were lio and Webster. John could do nothing but fish for trout ; so he could talk of nnthih' but Webster. Ml" TIIC WATl'IIM.tX. RAIL S01D CF.T(i' H .SCUTOX. so lie could ttilk ot nutriihg hut Webster. t .. . . v. .- . .- . ji.w. i r. . nn.l 1.5a .... ,1 ,1.,.:,, .. i "lr 1 ursuimt to a short notice a large meeting if, mm- ..f T.-.aa.i i,. e dav, after being seven hours in the I ytfm . Cr",U? m"t m th (" Slarsbj.ie stream, we reached its mouth, "T ,,,e I",rl' h.ptiug measure fi.rtl.e ey where John caught a very lan'o trout of die Central Kail Koad West to the "ii ih'tf'ciiuiay on 'nie tllb. uluby J. M. Bniwp, t.i Mr. Jlt. -.-l!WN,. to MM I-OUKTTA M. duulitt r .if Mr. J..lm llriiile, nil uf th,. County. in t tnirliiii.-, on th.. ill h ulj ,v tl,,. t,.v. cvrm Till: (OPARTM.RKHIP OF M. BROWS k S01. will expire by limitation un the let day of .September next, and in order lu clow llie concern a apeedily aa pomitile, aud make room for an entire N KW STOCK in tli.. Full, will well nor (imsli al l'.sl for fu or gyod Note. We have a large atuek oTVery deairabje -' Mi . - - OF EVERY DJXCXIPTIOX, DIES) which havebeen laid in at low price, and will be aild from 20 lu j0 per c ut lower than the tame, deactipuoh of (iutsl. have ever been Bold in thi market. Call, ei- amine Hie t.oodn, ami hear price, ia all we aak of you, j. .1; twt f" 'lf be c.iiiviiicVd ttial a gtuf iiiveaiuient uf MI1VK, (lute of Ctiliarri... bill Mie M Alt V l).,lu-ln.rofTlio .S'.l U,tt Clt V, JUNK 1 i, 1 53. 'IH E ubcriher havine determined to remove from hi. L pTeai-ut afalid, and beiiij drnrou. of rloaiug in. kick ou hand, will aell from thia day, wMe SttM-k, amounthuj to lii.iion Dollar, at jmW retjurillenn of coxt. Ilia stuck CHnprtM- an aftwirtment of Staple and Fancy Dry food, unuriuuaa-d by any ture in the Slale. und lo Country Merchant. etwnee Hyiere nered that rarely ocrnn. aa hie (iissla will be aold at lyrnly per cent U-a than tlU r tM-fofe -bee'S OfruretT m ITii. elT.ih. ' " E. 51 V El IS, 5tf RED FLAC. t reek, Booth aud North Vedkin Rirera. Four pen- lleuien and inj-eelft travelled akn( the rieh.ynlcy of iluniiiiir Creek and Ihe Yaukiue, to the Great Cen trul liiiilnmd, and we find that ahout i w.wlliir.l. ,.r .1.. wiioie route t ..now ready for ikm k.u u, ... .a ordinary ane ; and a i is.w believed, thai with a little eipenae, the Creek will be worth ttrie. io4b an dertakera. We left Soulh Troy in ..ur Boat, and made uur way lo the railroad over th. Nurih V.Hk... ...... When Ihi i dime, the rich pruviwoaa'and pnd wilt now .a ,..ii.UMy, ana armf abvui a hycly niwle. W uaTia;aiKMi ura nuiruasJ. June S3. - ...... , ii . me. innuule, m Northern rel.il uricea. J- II- SAUNDKRa, Sec. Hoard Tru.tee. 3ll3 July 4ib, 1853. A. II. DR. STRONG S COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS, rrMIESE Pill, are entirely Vegetable, and area , . "P""""' Medicine ia the care of all Bilioua t unci MIUlll iTfiiint . ma m ,1 AND Muf-4tea-4H4rrir linent of Peur oni lor Ludii'M aud (.en- Tliis," said John, "is aUuit as large fts 1 Tennessee line. Col. W, L. M.-lmH'i.tr w-.-o called In Iriifavetlr Cimntr. .MmsiBniiini. Mr- IVV V oneMr. Webster caught, with- wliiSl he ! to the Chair and T. W. Hradhurti and Ti-orge yl o, , " Tn"lb". 3B,I'( was so delighted he made me staud still, ' Setxer, Ks-jnt, were apiinted S .cr-t.-it i.. j Th.- mbjeri ,.f ihi ii..ti -.- w'a 1. ru Ir.d, n c,.., .,rAeomutit;wasM. Hons expressive ot tlie s lllllllelits ol (lie meeting year ol n r ae im mini,- u prof,n.on of n ii.oii, nn.l 1 -canatoiurja S tw-r, Hbt f-tl . . . "",hy,enn ! k. . . , , , , . , -,. , , . i ( "' " wl'icb rliurrh "tie ., (levolnllv ntt irh.il Met orkle, t. -vr; Kliein, who rejmTted nie j tm hef hnbnd tKinj n memle r ,.f tin-" M.tli.lmi foflowili" : - j Epmrnpal Chnrelr, and hi- b.tli-vliu thf he waa'lhe. 0 ' ' I head of the fiimrly; and thatit wn nut tv-ar fiir a lioufc Rewired, That the eitenvion .if Ihe Central road j t. be divided, cht-.-rfi.lly ti.-l.lrd lit-r pri-f.-n-nce ami fnn Salisbury to Ihe Teuuenee line would roleem j went with liian to the church of Ins dunce. Tbouli N.th Carolina, and would be troughl with uiculcula- ) her laul iIIiii-m wu. one of frreal puiu mid null nnjr he We advantage to the whole State. j Hire it with clirintiiui c.unjiSii.re. And when sic wn Remind, Tliat thnM.ghCatawWiuiily, would Is- lo!d th il ahc could not live, nhe replied that she knew the ii t direct a well aa the moat ellii'itil.- line fur I it. She then culled her frii-mli ui.il children unnind Bstu road. - I tour money run ue mane at our Store, much bettor : lliuu il.v.-.tiui il at Caroliua Citv in li.urn hum ..r i.i ..piit-r jliuea.- June 30, sj3. BROW.V soy. If 7 while .Jjte. ran and jumped over mv head - - He said hrr fel r as if he ifOll hi jitmii over the .highest jane tree on Cajie C'od. DECISION. Eya private letter dated, Jac kson, 30tli ultimo, we learn that the High Court of Errors and Appeals the supreme judi cial tribupal of that State have uiuini mmtfity decided that Mississippi legally Ixmtid to iytlie I'nion J Sank" bonds'; and that no action of the Legislature or voie of the people, can -effect the question. Eeach Judge delivered a very elaborate . concurring opinion, all of which are rep- resented w surpasshigfr able and con-! mcing, covering the whole ground, and rueeting and rejfuting vtMiat'.l:iiiiar: in opposition. We doubt it not. No State in the Fnion has abler Supreme Judge than Mississippi. National In tell itjeiHxr. .. . !'''l'yt?,it.in Ptfij',i- An iizviii- ous invention lias lately been exhibited in Paris, which promises to be the perenr sorof a new era in tlieiiiamitiieture of jii- : ainfortea.-La Jr'nmce ilasical annminces that one Muiis. Saxi hastransTonied the piano by a process vqry sttnple indeed, hut "WineUf 4ike all einipio tilings, rein HEALTH FOR THE STATES!! 1 10 LLO WAY'S PILLS. JiS.rH AOKJJIXABY -t:4fE Of'lWS-Or II E.VI.TII. DISORDERED STOMACH, IM.oK.sTIo AM) DETER MI. NA TION (IF BLOOD TO TH E HEAD. Cwiy o f a Utter from Mr. John Abtyd, of ra?-ren near Harlech, MerioueLktiire. T JEWELRY, J l'fT teccived at W; IL Wiuo'. VValeh and Jewelry E.inlitiiijinieiil, on door ahoye Murphy, MfcRijife i Cu' llrich Store : '' liol.l I vvT atchea. I S I 'arnt caM-. full jewel. il, l35.00; Cold do. $40,00; t;ld.lo., old balance, t0,00 : ;uld lluiitiui; caie ljever.ft7a.IMMt CiAil Walchea, rilra fine, gHO.OO ; li.,1,1 do., ftS5,tl0 ; duly, llOO ; Uuld Levera, Adamadk CsT IS esmt o ea,fcll0; Uuld Huntine- caaa- Ijeeer. Is cami' 19 jfWtli a.ca'materlillee maaer. frlii t lioM Sn. eaaev er henry, KabT" jeaylr, m. oopor, inns, IW nilyee lrer. ISjewcN, ftl6 ; Silver do., MIS ; Silver du.. Iluiilmr caae. ll : ditto, 25; Silver Hutiimg caae, 15 hole jewelnd, e tra fine, 30, 35 and 0: Uinroer Walchei.. ailrer 3 jewel., extra quality, I2; Ouartiem. reulnted and warranted, . f0; yuartier do., T8. With ihe large i aloe of atchea now un baud, can be founJ a large and .plendid eorlnieiil of Faahiunable W2X2SI,..: comaatinjf in pari of Ladiea and i.i'. Ilrm.t Finn, Finger Itiuit, Xut Ring, rlai. M ey,t l'v(t Phm, Chatlaina, liuurd Chain, tiuard and Fiib- Keys, to.. Ilracelrla, fin Cuarda, fob and veat Chains, fob aud Vest Seala, die, Ac. Alau, Silver Sleet aud 1'la ted Siieriacl. a, Clock'., Silver, and Plated Ware. Cut lery, Musical In.tnune.nt, Pii.il, TerfiHiirrr' Fiucv 7 ' PUE CWt of ttwuralife W. "iKcaia'tttaf !.Uu'i. but a t vniiiei or every geawnprif.irT-.'tn of winch will bj Hold I niiajr-rs,ncouipjiu4ijuuU.ai New Arrival, New Arrival. .MAY Hi, yl FUEXC1I WORKED EMBROIDERIES Lt. RED nit, Mi.ln!UY. ril II E ulierrils-r has just to IibihI on llm day, a Isil JI of N EEDI.E WORK ED Ml SI.I.N i LACE Ittl.NTI'D SLEEVES ; Ladiea' ChemlM lte and Pointed Collars, Infant's Needle Worked Drean-a and lt..lie. Illaek Ijiice Maiililiu. iiud SliusU, Swisa and Jaconet Etltringtt ntid Inm-rlinin.,-Ribhonf. Black and While I .ace Veil., ole, & p. and a malt lot .( Pari. Enibrtndered S.lk It talll,'tlt, luti m l.le ; Annwlllai, u it ia now fate in The isvajir; AfilTls- anu at low price. 9 ' E. MYERS. jilTT,.EKIVEB At J. H. ENNISS' BOOK STORE , JAriH Shrtt, Salialurif. - Halt FcBJ iadPealls A mtptrmr artiete with or wiiihto, cjaci... jau,.juum.ivjjjlee A J4irn. oernen. I. . .. I . . . . in ami H-Mutitiil aMurli lorloiri, ,S,. handle Pell Knive (, lie llie n. , Steel Pens of every van. ry and patiern.for aale by the dozen or -rose . Prlt Kooks ud Porte Mnlr I .arire lo.fl uti.l AulLablc lul Ladiea and XjUmiVioj.tk Caleirlilf In large or mi mil l.Hie'ii, a mperior aniole. "Taytlr tnTvMHNr-'A Hwrratw Arrive'' - skivlas and Teller SBpA ntrr (mme'iil, ii'id at prki. tliul eanmH fsil lo .leawr. . fcltrarts f llusrn A ! and delicate perfume till the lraiiulier.-hief or Toilet. Rrar'ii Oil and Oi Marrow ir the Hair. Ilairr I'rrfoiurii lleU ball or Prarl d Orrl'n Tenth Puwdrr. Arnold's (hmlral. Writing I bid Without douls lliu In in Ink (inw III life. Plrtarr. aid Plrlurf I ramrt-fm mUt- by liie itr-. fte one or dozen. Augtwt 4. 53. 12 moat ii.i. ji .. pluinU, Clull. ,,d I'cier. Dv.ll. naia I n v ConipUint, Jaund.ce, Kick lleadacha. lieruata. 8att KIk-uiii, Fever, of II kiaS.. I.. . ' . . ,TT 1 P"'fl Menrua.rB and all .ingr'g A. a Female Medicine they ae4 IBtt-w ehaa. and when taken according t lh. direeuoue, they never f.U UI , ll,.g atler , ulMf rln full. They purify the blood, rilulie the cireulatim, ra pture the IJver, kiduejs, aud other Secretory Orraa lo a beulihy lone, and action ; and aa an Auii-BiLuw. family .Mwlieme they have no equal. Price 25 cent ier hot. ua, 1)1. STROMA'S rECToRAL STOM ACH PILIjIs. A r. ineily for Cough., C(d,, Catarrir, llruuchiiav roup. Whiuuing CukIi, Arihuia, Coiu-iunpiiun, Ner D,s.'ae, D) ..''psia, C.tivrnea, Erysipelas, Di. .sa vf the llaitrt 1 nrlauuiion and Pain in Ihe Cheat, lUck and Srde. and iittdiHeaiM ariting froua deranged lull' of the Stuiiiuch. anil to relives lh. jt.ur. ...a bad I. elmg from ruling too hearty food, in Week and ilyitlieptic habit, , ..W 'orrmitf,j to he purely Vegetable. '-' Tlu-w Pill, act aa an Extwcraut, Tunic, and Aprri enl. One 25 cent box piweeaaee three time a much more power lorure ibm-aMa ihun a one dollar bottle uf uny of ihe Syrup., Ha'tnin., or Sarniparilia that wae ever inaile, and a simple trial of only one box will prove ihi iuortam truth. They promote. Kxp tnratiun, tawara 'lb Phleghm, and tear the Lung, and other Secretory Organ of all morbid mailer, and there i not another remedy ia lh whole .UaiMw Medtca eupable of imparting melt heal I'r"l" r;" to the Lungi. and Vital Orgaue a the. ii4la.-Xhe.Curc.CoaUveno regular . .VpiaM.ir, ami Streiijjtlieu file ayateut. Puce 2.) ceuia jkt box, coiiluiiiiug 25 doe of Medi else. - Cnltrm the Agefil 'wtroV-n llie miir'and gel lb I lanlet Auuanao grati, giving full particular and ct-riihcnie of cure. Holt. kind, of the ulsive named Pill are" fur aajein Saln-lury by Dr.. Sill Sill; in Concord, by, J. fi. ll.slger. 4 Co , who alio keep a eupply of Ur. Saea rrr, trrrlablr Pills, and Itr. Hall'. r.l......j Pills, which !.ip the Chill and Fever llie firll day, ainl On Uui ickeirll. Uhhuca or .H-nrle un the buwetr. T Ang. 4.-lsS3. leuwpdlyl2 m MWAIt-D. inatant. a Martin, of BROKE JAIL on the nighlofihe 15th man who ray. h; nuuie i William neniucav, raid Alarlin in of ni.v m.. ... n..i dr, heijfht about & feet fi .rr H niehe. .rf fair and rather pale cou iilejionce. mux bliufc, bait duk..,J wi . prexaioaaf ciu.nee' lHwlaiMl- wettk; - - rf-' I will air. Ihe above reward of ka.1 t.. - ion and delivery of aaid Murtin to me, isf Troy. C- f.t OCHRA, Sheriff. tniy, .ti. ., June 23, is.13. tfti 17 T,"E, Wadesburough Argua wig )ib)M xiopy. Oreensborough MUTUAL IHSUHANCE CO.MPANY. Profissor llol.l.ow.tv, Sia, I avail n.ywlf of the first opportunity of in forioitn? uu. that for a verV louir ts-nod 1 wa. aOliett-jl i.bex.bt-d.juid uave lhrm ixidividuallv her lust jumI dv! .. - o. .i ..;.i.i... ...a r. . : : :.. D I i nr-i , - I ,: ..j- .1 D:i .. . :i . . . .. ..... ....... . . 7. . . ... w-.h -jf,..w ... w t "a wo. o-. - sntmirtier is.t womB wercMTy nopr , tnc nran, atienucoTiy loasfir ajipelile, aiaordered Mo- i. in jou. i cuiiii.n rs- deceived. " t Isi can much, and generally unpaired health. Every mean cpprcciuie me Hire ol t.isl. And III, n graiiilnllv hut Calmly without the Iw itch of a ii.um.-Io fell usu rp in di-utli. - HI Riwd Csnvcntiou to be held in Aalievileon the 2jth int., and that we appoint 25 delegate, tu attend aaul meeting. Rewired, That we rcoue.t the Salisbury Watch man. Republican Banner, and Rowan Wing to pub lieh Ihe proceeding ot ,0u meetiitg . The Chairman then appointed the following delegates : 15. C. Allen, Henderson Mi.JTfll, I. WrilrstirlK'W; Kfia AiitlyiloinliliT. T. Aliernathv, Calvin Wilfoiig, W. 1 lleinliardt M. M. WHso'n, M. 1 MctV.rkle, lr. W. J. Otiti ter, John Wilfong, F. 1. Keinhnrdt, K. V. Colt er, Ilenrv W. liohinson, (i. J. Walkie, Ir. A. M. l'owi-l, I-inefcney Shuford. John W. liobin iw.ii, Ja,-ob Shuford, Ilenry Wilson, lr. Jaines Ward, netdlTif Tumef,'5rarius ITovd arid t. P. tiaither. W. L SIEH'OKKEK, Chiii n. T. . r.KAUIlL HX, I lilo things, resiiurou a man of geniTta. The fact that the violin is an instrument of a small volume, yet iVlxTnix't Iii"..! U.lg, - 1 . i t usion tnai xue r f tl Sujretariisi... fob . iUKWAjt;iiM A.v. Stat is 'tin d are the deud ihut die in llie Lord, for tliev rest from their labor, and tlu-ir win!.. UVi 1.JI..W ll.u.:' CoMMI-MCATKn. On the 2(.th of July, in Cabarni county, -MARY EIJZAUE I'll, m thr,Mll yr of ber age. danfiar ler WIT Phirr, -Ewf. tZZTZ Dr. WM. I). HENDERSON, formerly nf Mock. yille, .V: C., died nt Iii. rasiili nfT rK Smith'a ' If Ko.idii. It he a county, luiin., on the lith Aiigu.1, l-j.'l. concl l.ri,l of t ie iiistruinenr. Tins Arte moub. k7T. availed l.in.self of, ami constr, " ted a piano m this principle a . , t,, .riinent which has been inade 1 1 the oresence of artists and protcsst.rs o. E the Court of France, has been sue eessful in the highest degree. , .; 1 - r a. 1 1 . l.-.rt o;n.f (nut J i: A'""'" 10 NOT KEf YOUK SON'S TO COLLEGE correct trmnrtrg. j.i- e . l. ....... i,.l tliinif iu a e.ieation .the youth." The intended to carry them ...rougi, -. ,; f stu-U, as to goe 7 rUiiMti-i-w h Trollghr to beat there, nn.i , . decide tlio moral, t ,-, win tug"- , t ,, stu- '.... i tl.n ltterarv cna.'. of mark - . : ,,,i, ,l,i M .. 111 I-. f..r life. to attain tlie end w '""7-;nL t ' , . .,u.r.ilii(it anu '"o. - l-nitu. m.v. , f,.,,nil:inoii i". ' - . . limp, Oti . . ,..r. A(aii:itKi.oTYi-i:s ' $1 50 TO' $6 00, fFlAKKN and put in n nrat iriie with a prewrver JL and nil tlie lt improvrnMntf, and warranted not l(fa4rv1iiMtiVM rtwmt vhli'tfi tVjiraW. ; ItU.burd'ii lliit!. and will atay here only a short time, t'omc auon aa yon may tttit havt? atttHlier opportunity to get a fund picture. T. . fiOUNSBt'RY." rttwhnry, Avzi.it 1, iiH-53. tfi4 ' . r . iyE1 Aug- . " ittM" Xt av.a' .1 S.I nnd Rail TV ha 14 F1" . Term acc..mm.j liu.l fmled lo give me any pennanent relief, and at length it became ao alarming that 1 wa really afraid uf gisng iiboiii witiuHil an atleudanu In thia melancholy condition I wailed personally asm Mr. Hughes, Chera ml, I Urhsh, f. llie purpuea'af eooeottnig him ar 4o what I had belter do; be kindly recommended your i'llla, I tried theiii willmut delay, and after taking them (or .a. abort time I am happy tu bear teaiimony lo their wotwteif.il -iffiesef-. l-m liolt!tlopeerielut, and enabled to reanme my usual dutie. Yuu are. l liberty tu publn-b thi teller in any way yon may think proper. I am, air, voorbedient servant, . June ffth, 1852. " (Signed) JOIINLIIYD. MIRACULOUS CL UE OF DROPSY, Extract of a letter from Edward Roley, Eta., of lJ,m Wm4k, Tlxlt, ittd ApeM ti, lJ2.-' To Profeaaor lloLtaaii, I)ka Sia I deem it a duty I owe to you and the public at large to inform you of I must miraclooa recov ery from that dreadful dhwaae, Daorar, and which, un der tnsl. waa affected by Tour invaluable Pi Ita I waa tapped ; lw;tinr. willa H?hl muaUia -aad akilfully treuted by two medical practitiuaer, but could not col cured, muH I had reeounw lo yew remedy, and not withstanding all l had BBdergooc, tni miracuksia med icine cured mc in tti contae of six weeke. H - fSiimed) EllWtRBROWLKY. INFALLIBLE Ct'RB OF A STOMACH COM- - Y4fW WB'JfWW Jfg1"" "BTno- iuat Binveo iron, o --r "- "cuainc y.Mi Kde cheap. Cut. - OY & f AFFIN- " ;r.e...b.o-t, -"py. Ihut f..r a I' fered from con rhroalWfcealuVl nd family auf- oai' aiBmuVi ... . tj:..jL- . . . ,.f ihe Liver ana i-no...... j-. u, nppeiite, v- I liua IB UlaWI. aaLn V ""m ana i . . i ... afhlah MC'tlM Ihj Mua inl men w Idincr at the Sandhill toll-jjate, fwy Jloloiray AtTected n . l.rnlse on T,.l..i..ii. restdi t jrr.,. Van Dietnen s ,juu. tl.ei.roi.netorsoi , - , a lettera.i t. . Ht " . . .. ., ,n tvll.-tn rv.niu-r.il t iromcn-, , . . 1 1. houia nt : " . I M, ine w""'.' . ' e.tt 1w,n- lain t i. (luii a iriTtr ivT ! . . , I . ,t. advantage one - .-- Uainanyreasonswhyaniere ire. yi'an of agtthat I a linni""j . , .. . n ,,r ij . I tsL lie un " ' AI.Et)K LAN" AN1) S IVEtiUOKS. . . .;d.nee of tbe late f WILt. offer for ale ' N,rlh.wi of Slale I E,e,d,ed .U. (T-e-r.) !,., on lb 2'th day of P mMher Tr.cl ciitaining .,. E 5HT VALUABLE MZOBOES, 4wll Aiim.il 18, 1853. i.J.-..l Head ache., P"" e. ,.nrT debihly. lo' wrncn na wwea Ihe ami emi- ' . i i he colony, out wiwany beneficial r.. liuU.- l iMt. ! nad f luwluable Pilto, :!SZh. in a very Bhort trrna'atftc. great k crla for the belter, Utat he conUnoana, .d the whuU r....iiv were reatorea to nearo. -uwngtn. rurlher " . i K.I aha BVjimmJ .1.-:. . ,tored to health atarngth, .he deairea me to 1 ...rtf yinue. - . -i7a7ie-n. uarticulariy in caeeaof ila and Sc.riati . I -It Ina mirtat axaaaa A.;. . na, having ettecieu i w.w other remedy. fftGOWEV. a low a can be bough! in the Southern country. AH I c,snpany bi-uig l.-ated in ihe Western part of th tiowls warranted Iii be. what llwy areauld for. 1 lal!'. .co.nsi-n.ui -ul) much the larger porlionuf tbarisk. Ordej from a distanc;. punctually ...mtunded .Juw-J ,W IH lk$Mlnjmrf.XwmttM.auumUy. Walchea aud Jenfelry can be aent by mail with perfect I Tlie Company is enur. ly free from debt ; have mn.le afely. j lloasM-si-iiieuts. 'and is iierel't.re coiitideiillv recommen- t lika, V, atchea, Chromaneter, Mukc Roxea, Jew- ''" '" the P""" elrv, A-e.. repaired in ihe bet manner and warrannd. IT Cash paid foT Old Silver. V. R. WIIXON. Salisbury, June 16, I S53. tf5 111 IIF in s STORE. aam T bbbbT bbbW bbbb aaa iia aaVTaa Hta. AND NEW GOODS. f IHE aobwihber haviug etrtercd.iiilo Citvartrienbip j -ft- uuder the name of K- dc A. .Ml KI'll V, for Ihe purpose of tranucting a Wholeiale and Reluil .Meican iil Buvineei., in the town of Salisbury, would very re spectfully inform the citizen of Ihi town and the sur rounding country, lhal we have fitted up, and now or- upy, th More house, which is situated just below the 1 " ur I. R wire Formerly occupieu ny ine lair jonn .iiurpny. We are now receiving direct from .New Y ork and Philadelphia, a large and desirable stuck uf new SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which have been selected with greet care, and bought (if eah t and are very respectfully rrmta all persona. whetber Ihey wish to buy or not, tu give us a Call, and see what we-bave, and hearth price, for we arc determine ed to aell a low as any olber House, and ws lake great pleasure in ahowing any thing we have. O All order promptly attended to. 'anl'llgrlof CmksTs. ' R- A A. MURPHY. lf4S FOR THE FALL OF 1853. At the bsl Anmnl Meeting ihe following Officer ' were elected lor Ihe ensuing year: JAMES SLOAN. President. . S. t;. COKH. Vice President. ; . C. P: M KN DKN II A LL, .ttnrncv. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y aud Treasurer. I MI.KCTi i:s. Jame. Sloan, Dr. J. A. Mi-bane. C. P. M.-ndeiihall, Win. S.' Ilnukln, Rev. C. F. Dt-eeis. Jnines M. linrrell. Jed. II. Lindsay, W. J. Mi-4'..nnnell. lireeii.h.m.imh E. F. Lilly, Wa.Vsborough ; v. P. M,.re, Newbern 11.11. Ilu'rwell, Henderson; J L. Uriilges, Tarbor..' ; Dr. S. (j. Coffin, Jamestown : William A. Wright, Wi. iningtiui : Dr. C, Wutkin. Citrubua F. Colleire i John Dr. IJCRCU ASERS of Clothing are informed thai wa - are immofsctnririr (he hirmMMMmartmMiiliifCjh. AiMJSkMl&mkMdsl Uhl ? Iha Cyajaifl ' Tfaala, : 1 1" be found in the Stale. II We do business on the 0SK PRICE SYSTEM. . JiBWijilJjr.fille.tlj ...Ant'xamioatruautottrMuck i Solicited. . , HAN FORD & BROTHERS, 29 Park Row, (opposite the Ator llm.se) N. Y. N. K. We are the Inrgest manufacturer of OILED ChOTIUNU in tho country. Klkber CUthlagat Ibe lowest market rates. 3ro7 Bonnets! Bonnets!! 4 BEAUTIFUL Lot oraawnafe RwneU md 1. tu order. Call on ininguui ; t.r. t , atkiu. t urolma t . College ; Johi J-VSrutyo;. iSaBtrtrJ't Joha -jl.'iCo j?4ye4Uvite.t J. Il-ggs, Raleigh ; l!oh.-ri E. Troy. I.uiiiberton ; Di Roberl II. Se .li s ; Lelluv Cuslle. PETER ADAMS W. H. CI'MMINt;, Cen l Agent. .Vlay 111, I?...!. tf30v9 ec ry. April 7, 1853. YODER'S German IaJniment TIIIIS mou i..... .... . . A Rn-K-TT1 re of used il in h. ..-.ilj r "" "J win, have . It ha been the part 30 vs.. TJ u Ua"n 6. SOUTHERN' CHAIR FACTORY. 'IT""" uliscriber bejs leave lo call the attention of JL wholesale Purchasers lo his Slock of Cane Seal, Wiudsor, Office, and Dining Kooui Chair, Cane eat tisjls. &c, all of which are made at his Factory, near .Columbia. Having bblaihedUie Ticsf iriaclilhefy now used for the purpose, and compel, ut workmen, he is prepared to fill Orders for any style of Chuira. He doe nut invite the attention iif Purchasers in his tabluhuu!ut solely uu Lhejgpyjjt t-i- a ...I, J "'T'.'rr' t'is" hi ColumUa. " Cn,1T c, ' Auction Store of Ageniafor the above ll, ... . - i -- - . oiuoiisa. Me Anen rZhe?" lhf A"c" Star, of factory. 1 "Columbia S. C. and I. .:. -" -"-eaB te.timony.rf hundred, trhn 7. . . . v ' benefit and adv.niaire. " ,u ""r Thru eelhra1 Alfoe. ltilina ComplslriW Ike ullaiein ---TW- er Eltr( IHotrlies on Ihe. -Ilia KjU Vevrs '"it all ItiaA-trsroato " .1 i i, r.T 1..4 noOK aim i-- . . .. . . .ivnnuio;' , " HZ i. bited one mass of friUtttt. ;,y appreemto -r . , iruises. of Home m""- , . . .mount ol 1111 dies were 1 tried. without using llolloway s a brie and . varnras i'i win w t . fi,,isi Lonetit. but by I ..i . .mater sinount of u,..".v e- , ...A!..:..,.t m cum Ointment ana I in ti.nn would ue .- - - Vi ; b he wast rfectly curea moat profitel.le way. . Gaoled to rcumc b,s wo.h. . JX J0 fT fciS tic VU- in But NEW STORE. e in idleness;, TjTTrriaOn & CO. him through . RE offt ri.g ""'1 v." Tn ' lirc Hiiwel Coroplsiu" Cure i ConsUvatM of lh B-iweU ConMUuplI00 Uebiiuy l.nni.r Dyw-nwry Krysiliei. aa.1 lirsrel aatr syiup. Malreax S hew (lout llesd-rh a lndirsli . Inflaainuitloa JuilIHlIM . , ' . U,er Oowplalnt at airseMnns Umbage f all kinds niel j . a-isn Hlieraaun yasaaus KeleaUon of Cria a, 4 great dvanlage. ii".rciiig.t,i. ACr..el." r.!",KmKb,:m'. No application ba WwaW -Tl I ..'mbom; Mi .ch immeT.o: ay ,., b.' R Candles, Candles ! ' ellchear,C a"''W' ST !""' April 14, R & MURPHY. II 4i Iaies, Sold at the Estabrmhment Pr'toUowAy. Vendor, of Medicine, thmafrhe. i r" :" iV..... at 374b-. '- Brr . r. v "e aim oenencial etc,.,. ;.. l-v .. . . high feedi.... Mr.li j "" DfoITl" u by ? Thi" L'"i"ient j, highly iJl'j,. i. j . .. . invaluable re.edy.,iri: 1 Fashionable Collars. JlVESli I...- a emmMlltm is,l...l aa - . ed COLLARS, of ih . . . """ J '"r KEI) FLAG. (III! Sable. 'lepared only by tna for aale bv Sill .t sm Salisbury. . J-C. BAKER & CO. Philudflphia. D WOOD April 2S, lr53 RICIIWINE, HARRISON A CO. 47 NOTICE. TtTE-TEBU OF Ott (O-PltTSFJUHIf BiriXC ' expired by hrniiaoon, we are desirous of slowng the pre. aent business of thr firm this Fall. AV'e have on hand a great many desirable GOODS, which will be add at a siiuill advance, and a great many Uood lhal will be sold at cjet, or even below cart. Than wis. big to buy will du well-togiv u sM,ihe Chioihi rrmn be mild. , - BROWN, FRALEY A CO. Salisbury, July 21 at, lt53. ifio P. 8. All ihosa indebted lo ua by note or account, are requested lu come forward and mak payment, es pecially those over 12 months in arrears, ft 11UOWN, FRALEY & CO. . Executor's Sale. ell at the lata r-rai g f Men. Women and Children. July 14, 18J3. , KVI B80N. ExV : 7w9 num. T",rd&i "ui,'' fomroitu. a-wu Male Academy. ZZJZZ?. W0. cindin. tractor. ,nrt .::"" .7 '""l. :"ntio rfc.; .w. .... w, ne hhMj:h. ., . . ;:T"'"'rcc,i hy a.d B...rd r :; rnML""p- l . l "T? The bnild.r. '7.. i,, be found in . " eou. lenns, con- Bo"? ZVhaa M :.Z.. honalil on the nnnw ";-, iMU,c.mmi pr;'IT ' Y,k. t . . hey.touuer.1 yr Jr "Hh i;li sum s. .,i,v nrurli.ee taaei. - jj-All ainu -"""-." ' lV'Jrt. -st, Xij& larger aixca T-T-D.rHrt.oM for lh. iji..iifrh -" i n,.'..w. i a,iv BIIKS! BlIKS! JWl.V S. JOIIXSTO.V I r AS c..:.l. . Salnburv. Jnlv h i u m v ""'n f. goud. well L, " ' fift cent, p., cord Ash, cut full fllr ft.,,, u,ng MaP' ii z and ner, Esii., nice. A'bVfne'i:!; H. not paid I r I A K E V J"' VO- ' baiid.Oftmm. roffieV.. c . .' bo P'ed i ihe 1 ina-1 . .'.7 .. ' .1"". m? b,k acrv-J. --- uv jerMnti .1...LI i .. . - . o. . .7',, "il. 1-leaaanl. 1 length and adr.'"s .. ""ding will b 70 tl high-brick. m.,..ij " " .'n U. cle.,. th. he 35.h of AiujusT neCT,: T. H.edui dosed. For fcst,..."" oimract will k. dens are re.iue.il . ' '. .?m "Pecifie,ii,.. hid. Km, .7,h of An. .ri f,. Mt. IWt.'- far TaT!ar! ka "? ne of the ('ummitice, .he ."bTy. Jf. Barrier, Matt he, h Petrea, f f Smith. ln'l Harrier, Jl.l33-p,o J -1 . 1 tommiUu ;ip.--5ife oipnmi r olhcen for collee,,. woo,, di in br is, June 30. 1853 by R- Harris. t7 triT 1 s.'iv au, .lOOJ... , nve mil -i- s iile. rf7.7ri, 7 7 rkhe.d.'Hvi , of ... followiturdewrior: " . ' "I"' . .Iray ute .pat i a,, fun-nesrl i,d '. 1 W"h "'I shoulder . eM..aad.Wo ... . . 4M, W. ,,Pr O'R NTj( Danger,. . !!ir1l(l!-imn?f .J .-,--., .ft-essj.. villus. .r-'W if A' if "6- 1 K -vt iyiwtirri'atoaa ,"iiC ir t. v-'j. r . " t - --. . . . r: r ...... - fUl'.' i , -rzr- ', T