- .. v V ......... . "F -"'"""',, ' i (T- tt wtt - J 1 -A ! I A ' N. v pnfitoi iif Volitlri; MaM, - Jatrniat' avmhRribr Ciratmtfr Qf "Jlrtt aSrtwtf, Italic enH il)f anil? (Orrlf.. VOL..X.-NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, MARCH 1854. NUMBER XLII. i ii if i! fnil ii IS Jill : I il -v 2 1 ill r J ...... L4:: .....3 liSsjctfrv : J! i! s 5- I I Lx- -jlw- if-;, 5 f!'"'! -rl: E? 5Kt nil i .-.. -. Aa iswrtinni awktac ljf II muwm. tkn- rf1"' ) ' J Hill sb ! uamii ursj hi m sua All II Missis at sir. .J to m . chur-4 U propunh to iR wbol , wws.sw sfw. mnili, j wtthiml widitiimd thutr. fraaud to thnH wfco tinnai rr(iilwly ihnmnh TkfM SVSlM hi Hwimriaf eamlMati tat 4fic I m ntmm. (JiStn fuf dlrurc of haiku w IT fMVM rfnf ia inniwBrMi r rni-al-S ! Mala Um aaaxarr l MawrtkHX rrqiHrrd i nd if U a) friaWtd tlwjr sboiU uerupy III" kl ).'- pi M. Ofito aaaa Ik hark IK it '' Olhrnriv taajr wM a. aal p ia Ik amal M)l nd eb.rf.ij aaoutatagly. tr N. aamuaal ua ibaat rmtra. JONATHAN AHEAD' OH, LOVE AND STUATAtiKM. ; The eritter loves me ! I know .he.. Ioe me,' said Jonathan Uoubikii.s, a: he sat upon the cornfield fence, niclitut - . I . . ing the course ol ins true love, ii.ai was jnintiing just as jshakstn-Hrc mid it, did - tWr rongldy. 'If Sake Peabody has.: . . , ? ' , . . , i , tk,'"m' tl,at K1 h.g-s4,ak- rea, sianimcnn, sny criuer, uiisw i, je,t uscsius uu a e.iy lener, ..u aim ii.e gai I took her to be, tlmt's sartirr; Skr, rt' the old Wks: darn their ngly picture.! ,,. . r w i i i "U'.v7, ,irt - !"1 - H WgU falutm critter, 11 of b. n.v tluna.' And the old mui.Va regTar head, driven about by his wife, jest as our old one-eyed .rooster is driven aU.ut bv ' our cantiu.kerous five-tixkl IVilkin hen. Mil I l jo ispiie ins li.H, u.y naiiR' am t Jonathan. I m iroinir down to theeitv by rail road next week, and when I come hack, wake snakes! that's all. t ' .irt . . sue mw tivj may stTve to give the readier some slight idea of the land in the plea&aut rustic speaker resided. Tillage where tlie ,Mr, J.nthn tV.uhikins wasa young j .. imnuer, wc.no uo lit me worm, aim iok , r .. i .i ii i in out for a'wlfe, and had liecn paying! hi addresses to Miss Suaii IVabodv. tlie Only child of Deacon El.lerbnry, Pea-' iwwi-r .i.. in, . r.: . . v. uii n, nun o lair iirot-peci oi .."? c.iy acq.iaimaiKre oi l ea-; body', one Mr. Cornelius Gusset, who kept a retail dry goods shop in Hanover! Street, Hostou suddenly n.ai.'e his pearanoe among them and Wgan the cut I-J' v. i i ....... .i I rr; r :.; r r"" ""ei " fcv ............. n - .j. , . ..... . . 1 and nestereu Willi tlie in.iH'irtuiiit.o ot l.er MHrimr mother. U.e ...villain, heautv gan to waver, when her old lover deter-' mined on a last and bold stroke to foil his ri vaL . He weut to thu tit v. and returned:! of birhasineathiM W n a liiimi.iiiii imiii ..n u,...l .L, L,.i 7T..I, ui,... i ',',"i'""' house Cr him. He went not near Pea body', hut labored in hi own CorTiflefd ' ! awaiting the result of his macliiiiution. -The. next day, Mr. (lussct was healed, with the old folks and their daughter, in ! . tlie best room of. Peabody ' mansion, chat-' "WijflHrpteatOTmity-bci when th AmtL opened, and in rushed a very dirty Irish woman. . " Is it there ye are, Mr. Cornelius Gus et ! Come out rf that before I fetch ye, jre dirty splahpecn ! Is it that ye promis ed me afore the priest ye hatheu uagur! Bunninar awav from me and the children -Jorsakeiyor lawful welded wife, and : xnni.in after the Yankee gals, ye infidel Jt Woman, there innst be some mistdkc here;' stammered Gusset, taken aback by litis charge. 'Divil tho bit of a mistttko, ye saq.iut.' . 0, wlrraywirra ! was Jt for the likes Of ye I cked little Dennis McCarthy, .whaJascd.. eyery.. iucli of the .ground I trod on and all beeansd ye proiiiiBel to Wake ; lady of hie, ve dirty tlmfe of the wurriildt Will ve come alonir to the rail road Wation, where I left jiitle PatrickJler with s..ine half. loxen wives alrea.ly because he was too sick with the small!" 4 May a, well tell 1 on" now, Suke, for I jpo to' come any furder, or will ye waitj luiint any longer afeerd of you, that Gus until I drag ye I' - (set never saw them women -afore they "iflnLrvri t,b, inuiA ' 1 irl.. n.l a....I.i' i.it.i vmir l.i.llsA ami bliiu- I'll follow you.' O '""pi f?4' t iiiiiw-i, . . . ," ii.H..rwi.to-Bfc.yjii.j..iiny J V-?VJ' " . :. lie thought it best to temuoriw!. ' I (rive yoii i ten-minute,',aid tlwrvlra- go, if yon aint thcrit mccousinIr.J inaony amigruddy, will bo afther ye, yej expects to go ahead pt jonauian -ja.uui-thafe! , - - ifcjnsjm miiRt xn-t mUn ldotruey--sight air- id nwny went the nnbuldcn guest.- . - - & Mr. OunHct wa then engaged in stam mering out dental of all knowledge of the virago, when the parlor door again open ed and a lircle block eyed Iiatchet faeed woman in a flashy silk gown, and a cap I with many ribltons perched on the top of her head, invaded the sanctity of the par lor. ' In he here V she cried, in a decided i .1. -2 n .. 'IJ.JV!.I. - scream, 4 Ah, niondlcii! le viola! Zerc helsl Traitre! Monster! Vat for you ran away irom met jis two, ireeyears, I uevuir ace )'ou nevair,and my heart broke very bad entirely. ' Who art! you V cried Gusset, his eyes staring out of hi) head, and shivering from head to foot. . I I I JIT """ ",v -'' : resectiiblo old eeutlelionimc, you hear ivotfceiuks. Who am Ahllatory to jfreat wonders and marvel- 0f , I din your wifer i , i Avt,rlu.a ar..r,.. ..... It.l. vi .-r v- eried Gmwet energetically. I itit you swear,' said tild Dead IVabodv. 'if von do, I'll kick J'"u ,fane or vulgar -ffrfs won't have any pr limguage in my Iioum?. '), bh-s you, bless you, respectuhl old man ; tell him he in tint come will '"c; . M I.:... I I ...... ......I- . I.. ....... (,.1.1.. "; ' - - -"V tell I.lni. Is iiierriipie.i her utterance. ' ' It's a K-sky had business,' Ka!d the I)eUeoii, el.atlii.g with unwonted ire. 4 ( iuvset. von are a rascal ',' lake cure, IX-aeon I eabody, take -enrc.1 said thc mtfimmare shopkiR-f. ra-zhx,iba:n;F 1 ' ' remarked you wa. a rascal ! Uuct. , hv gone ami n.arrie.1. .wures. - ami innts .giary, ti i "w miytre for a wind v .far, vva an Inward CX-1 !. ..l -..i.. w.-.. .. ...... : I ...i . ir.v . i i ' ihiok oi.m ii-iwi 4 Two wives t .hrieked the French wo- j man. 1, .Hi,, i i.ii J , ... ; t Hall a d-.en, U-aught. I Ui. UiU 1 eomrary, sa.u me ieae.o. y, rtcar ui o. u. y iiuum-, io me ma- n. eoora enpei.os, opening llleir nai nea.ls - tiftt, Vd cleaT ouf into I'mmIoii ; I want " show them soiiinl in fang and venom nothing miv to do with vu.' bags, and made the... perlbrm a variety . i. V i. . . d poses. It. e snakes dunced in a circle, 1 f,"' .1,t-t,,"' lK:ar . ,i keft admirable time with music, and ex-' j M .h.n t wautto hear you, ye serpiiit, hijiu.J the utmost willingness linagina - "o'fi-uT"ned fieTfcacoK7qf'rt,, ears wltAhStyto-ainimadAte Europeans. A.bund - : li.is hand.'; 4 marry in' two wives, and , 1 cmin' a curt in' a third, (io along. Clear ' out.' ftven Air J eatxoy wno was hiciiiu-o Io put in a word for the culprit, was a ui-. ilencod. Susan turned "from him in - 'pair he fled to the railway station, hotly pursued by the clamorous and indignant : i.Hisiii.nl hi tli.. f-tiiiiiiiriitirf find inilitrniiii , - e-- t rt nciiwoman. I Tlie afternoon, as Mis Susan I eabody j jwas walking to the village, she was over-! :'ken ly .Mr. Jomui.an JMuQiK . . . . . . . . ... dri'ss-i"111" el il. Ins liei-t. ana drivilii? ins I;i-nl l'oiiil' . , . i . .. . ' ' . . " f,or,E w-ywwawy; mcetingrgreafat oTffroateTggWirrl ndia 4-',,t,"4C- . He. reim-d up and accostwl her. 4 Hello, fnike tret in and take a ride ?' lll'l LaS-r if I iitl .Iiltl'ltKiltl hlillll tils. 7 . " " 7 ' young la.lv, taking rne protrcrejl seat; entire pnK-eedmgs-orTiictirati.r noliHfl ' ""-v .v""' Hid Jonathan, grinning, , t!ie p.IK.rai effvt.t ,, tlc assemblage! 'that ere city feller's turned out poorly,.! At the conclurioii of an aiinounccmeiit, " ' j pro.rtionate with his dignity and cleva- ' It, drcilfnl if il'k tn... ' n nlied .!t.oll, lie SteplH.ll into the ellcl.wd space ,u, - - r - .... ' .... u i..rr..u- l.i l ... ill. I, i v. , " "' " ' v "I ; Le-'imraued the old lover. Cut he warnT'pite her tears ami entreaties, he signed l,v'r "' tt".v ow. v hat do , u'' l',lk """" 11 ' -rnrp-TOnnninr linn iou I "i"ot' ih.n myrf l roiio ,r,'ui singing sei...i( said jotiauiuii.sud-, "euly liraucituig un. - j .v.i i . 1...... o, i .iHl.lt, rc.uri.eu . i.e y .ii.ii .ai. , ; ! Iilu.hni! iiinUniiliiiL' ut the M.ine time ' j lieiiiember them aples I gin you V t, yes.' w m ,. . Welljth v was gixwl, warn't they f First irate JimartratT Got atnill orehnrd full of them kind - f .,vi i . ,i ... offruit, JMike, said Jomilliau, sugges - ' ' 're tivelv Susan was silent. '(ilaiig!: exelaiineil Jonathan, putting the braid on the black horse. Have von an.T idea whem we n. grwngjSukV f ' I'm iroini; to tin II 4 No yon hatait with me.' ivtn aru iKiimr nl.inir . " v- r r ""r Whereto!' 4 Providence ; and you don't come hack till you're Mrs, Doubikins, no how you can-fix it.' 4Hhs the iihl folks,' said Jonathan, putting wr- the "tring again ; but if 1 to h've y.m Qvwuuoiiger they . J- l wo..,., uk oHoiug j.... .... . .... ... j e.1 him IIP. L had.' though. Cost me fen dollars, thunder! I touched them what tri any, and-1 expected they- done it well! (JhJ, Gusset may be iJiopketerr but if he -..; .. her n-mornings r Eat India Jailers. jluT East India eorreponlent of the Post gives tlie following account of a re cent exhibition of the Jugglers in the East, who neeiii to have lout nonu of that skitl for Aich they long sinte became fumous' " In Madras are found in perfection the . I, .1.-. L .. .s..u.. I. ' , t-wcuinieu rmem tfiiien. troujw 01 : fully wtiile the sword passea aronnU .them nre daily in thelioteis npon the arri- there was no rcfMgo in the basket, there val of a hteainer, to exhibit their wonder- was no confederate, no mautle, no trap tul feats and receive rupees. Snake dune-,ir. The noise of straw wa-i distinctly ing, sword-wallowing, fire-eating, tuinb-j heard at each thrust ; the blood was there, ling, fcc, are shown, to the crowds who and at the end the child came from the search for amusement. AVith some oth- crowd quite alive. I was within six feet ens I hired a patty to exhibit on the ver- a J could not unders.'and it ; perhaps you nundah of the hotel, and am quite assured j who were farther away will be moresuc of their superiority over all other niflgi- cessful. But isn't it a point or two in ad cians. prolessed or auiiiteur. in the world.v-ane of Alexander. BlUz, and those uieitl (-. i ii , . .,... luimiH I imt n rn thn i ma arrainrinir their. iini.linuit niimr. 1. ...... ( Mleeeptiini. lnle tlius preparing, I tok i cnir.H.1 irom na case, me more rcauuy t... fi,i ....,.-. ,1.;,... ..i i ...i i v. ...... v i , .in hi- mii.iit nimi nan going on, ami searched among the circle ,!jf lilissenifers torall'Mlt. Terceivltlir the i desire omooI ihe Jugglers mine to me, , went t .mug . a uitmiWnu, requestt., ..i. ... ,,.,.,-,, ,...UL.....,..vi.eU,an(1 ,arm.HS leatlier from want of proper Mow.ng ,ke n pa.r of bellows. I cart.. Their fLoe ,,m,u cn& nd j Much to in surprise a tream of smoke i, A,,t f,..,,, ,:.; i,,;.! u,r...f. ! irntuod from his lips, and fiuallv a iMiiiited'i.. ,.. ..,i ti. 1,.,:.... ..,'..i i'i,m ;a twimuiv iITuiIkI vi.n ti. i...tl,;.i,r : . r II . I I .-"ll ' i. .'.. oe, .. .e..u,Kracei..iiv asagas;dry without any application, save some ",r"i anu exieuuiii'' two niei.es in mv ui'irt r.f 1,1,1,-Hn.r intiL no ',.f vitriol mil rection, wiucli he kiwlly plae.nl at my cui.veuiei.ee. availed luylt ol t ny . , ti.-n . and also u desire to examine intn..-i",. fc a "V' vb, v-j-icarv.. no "u.iKajiiujea ua...iooU.raPir ami burst obU- Really o polite a salamander. 1 oined . "'fsfilo"ufh,'''Iiwk;dTii,'Toked aroiuid, 'aiid rt.t4 - fil.iiirh' - - 't.S - .t.MrT.;"T. - .t - rwt r...'.'.V ...... ... . ' . , .7; ,v"" vt:';:;,:;; ,TZZ flll;rr!lthllI . . Wat an agreeable fellow yooi euiiii.iuon, mm w.iui a ine you may lean ...uuu uw ieuu.tr ji:ecm hub un iiig without danger of future .warmth ! But and cracking of the leather as follows : wa. -about emeft,. a.l Take i j. of palm vil, f o,. of tallow f"rgot lay friend with the portable, Jilr-; simmer together and add ivory-b!aek,or , m IesiTnUiv.airitorHniivW ve the desired liap, but quite as mvsterioiis. They danc-1 ful of sand taken from the road "was jnuiTe ' tl mark every color, and finally, to pro- uuvi. a diiviuiiui yn every liir.eiy OV a .'.a slioyeltul of every variety by a ile manual op'eraliou. " lauts grifw perceptibly, balls danced i jffa i hi ine air, uworus, ikmiks, jaggeil j.leCes oi des-'inm were used like solmdiiigTeads to "ien- :.. .i i i i. i .' 'Ctrate abdomens, eggs made birds and! l,irJ '"'f'-e'rabbits, and rabbits in their furw tt(krwit tnmsfon.iatlon. : common cotton bulls moved at cominand. going away an immense distance, but re- turning on tne ground very obediently, we wt're completely tied up, ami . -i ment ana rredulitv. Then came the iy - tlut niost. notorious and wonderful of :all 1 ' v- lescriiitioiiH, and " for this nii'ht on-' iui ira iiisHii' mil xmrwi t u-m. m.vnTC. n ncca Tint tm nrmripa m ununiir lhu M'rfiH-nter, the leader of the'"ver the tops ot their boots or 6boes. ,..,-,. I... 1 I .1- rested oiiietlv with hw wife ,and child outsi.le the circle, watchm-th r,,,es A.i loriuaiicc. uiKing me cnim. a nine liov,,,.,,. .. . . . O.K.. n i.r sm v.-nrs ot in'c Iron, itj ni.it n.T ' tlie attendant t to pr.K-ure the reqnire.1 , j iiiiplements for Ji is feat, directing their ! ' arrangement and isisition according to j his iiii.iid. A htfire basket six or seven tefedgeisjiteAeiffl3!tlew-4)ettire iwatnMti-tlMM , ........ ... " t, nim Pii'in u r uil"i .in.ii.i i.t ruir ....i r...i.... Trnri.;T7iTTrTrryrr-T7?TT7jrYlT.. tiat they ; might asijuro themselves of its being a basket without any addition orbelore nuxii.g. w itli a sponge apply; a ' i. ... ir.ii... iiiin.it iim.li. ii 1inL-..t .." U.I..MI. iK.rl.t n...i . . . . . l .. ... i . . . l . . . T " " " ' ....... ...n. , c.( .. , very comtiio)! in all parts of the world, i,iiT.iiiij( ii, il.:i nit ' i 'jiv ' I" . . i i . . ,1., l'i- tuui oi tne entire party, lie stooii ins nine ; bov in the centre of the circle, and cov - ercd him with tlie basket, like nn cxtin-' glJlshcr on a candle. The room allowed ! i!1'" llttTeTeno jly comloruble iHi-iii..n. ' w e" were "Jier-i 1 J. ., ,.' . . . , ' . nutted to see him under the basket, and , j to satisfy ourselves of his being there! i without doubt. A naked Sword having I received .an ciiimlly close examination. I I was placed in UR mail's hand; and the fenti eommeiieetl; AssHretU the clnll s eoii. jcealnlent under the basket, of the keen ness ami validity ot the sword, we. await . i:. Ji ... i ...... .. i . fit ... Hiienr ror.or ... npr jirwwt- ling. There was no table in the apartment, j no trap in the basket, nothing lint the i i , i I . luirtl stonv floor, and no contederate near , . rp i ., 4 - , it linn, faking the weapon in his hand he .... .F ' . wavedit in the air, muttered u i argon; and commenced a series of rapid thrusts thro' the basket, -making the p.m.t iH-net rate everv. the ;0.Uie iide, .own into , ,- , 1. . . . A .. . r." ..t t UrtVOaSket- HI!., nil W C. -ll, ul-. o .v.um l....tl.. .i..ii.1rt itd- .i..i ur.iiirlit Iriuii tin., ,,. .., ,, if was ncrtorattHl like a seivo. A cry came Irom the interior and n stream of blood bi'gan to trickle from un der it,-along the stone floor on to the feet of the spectators, fries of horror pierced the air, the mother ran shrieking to the basket to seize her horribly gashed and bleeding bov! She 'overturned it no j child was there, nothing but a pool of bl.MH.I! - Fveryb(dy lotiked frightened anil relieved, while tile juggler coolly wiped the. blood from the swortThlade. Siiddenlv. Iinrstitig from the tiiiddle of !.., .i.'i, r,f W,.rvr. tin. liltln fellow I 4canie running to Ins motuer, untiunv un-j harmed, and'-a pretty smile on his brown, childish face. Taking hold of her hand, ha seemed to sk the cmUSiTCf "her tear, and fondled her in atTectionttc sympathy. It "was a trick. a deceptrm a hniubug. But how to explain it I saw a child un der the basket a moment before the thrust; I saw the sword, its plain iron handle, n.t shelter for the ken' sharp blade : I stood iirwin tn Eumn flimr ulifin u-litolr TAiitrHl the basket, I watched tlC .whole care-. .. ... . ' . " ' i I'UESEKVIXO . LEATHER, SHOES, HARNESS, ic. As the season has come for severe use i of all kind of leather, we offer some! fi. u- rniiiiirta ntmii its 'ihih.iis.i-vuli. m , few .til. .,.l ,..,. I. .!.... .!.. ... c.. .., ! ,,f attetion. It is safe to say, that peo-! .e-rn,e lo8e I10 half the wear of their .1,. j iramiire, uu 'tn miii iiiucmi ,,ar, ingredients tl.enisehvs injuring tic leather. With tsage, no wonder that aro hlnit oll( b" ""want of proper ra ro' J tl lliLxLJL ,.,... o,.ii,,,. J ti,i . 'T . :.'v .1 ., "'nnr m n"1 wy anything ot tlie ,Ur wl' l" "h " """ MUX. rmw a -teaHier jireservattve can bc.tacru, Jj plant it exclusively with the ...... 1 . . .1... - t:i.. . .1.:. .1-..: blackness. U-t the preservative etwl ami I " ll" uruwi wj u.u oooc, or noe, next to the sole, on a space an inch wide .from the toe -to the quarter. Do this ev- cry tune your boot or shoe is wet, when you take them off, and once a week if : tl'.v are uot wet. Practice this and you Sw'" save unelialf of your shoe bill. An u'd' tootlr briishj'ratie4f -.jwt'Crt afford it isjl.est kind of a brush forthi una aiuu ui iiiyotniii.v.K purpose. This kind of preservative is the Tient unicli? "lift ' tf injeT'treft ttmr "WO kttow "f, with the addition of ati .ov.nce of bces- "aim ii, ami uppiv uie oooi or I'sTuhj with a brush, ou every, pirt' liable ....... nr l .... i.. ...... i - . to come iu contact .wit New Ikk.Is should be fi lth 6iKiw or water. filled will, it before i wearing, "not only tlie uppers, but the soles, fhon after being wet ;y exposure to snow tir water during the day, they should be blac are thoroughly filled with the preserva- . . ... than once a week, People with boots and thus prareTiywWsuTfeTrTTittTe from colds, as snow or water cannot get to their feet, if the leather be whole, save 1 "en as to your HARNESS. Tlie cold' weather makes thiTeatherstrtTT and it cracks it freezes again and the cracks enlarge and grow deeper soon I the harness parts then comes a knot or a botch and soon a good harness be- ind then a worthless Now a little care and attention will 1 .. I i . .... Tl. li.J, X. .,1 .1... matter and manner of prcsv i v ing harness j leather thus: TiiL-o Vpit Take Nents Foot Oil. and Ivory .or Pa- tentlUacktheJ u. i.. i ; r: i it "irrrr v w .r rriyirrfyrw-M"...inr.i .(llll I ...l.llll L- llli; Uli.l. IV. 1 11 e " U V er thu oil should be warmed somewhat i.-iu . -i un ihiaiuil -in u.u i m .leather will readilv absorb, unless the o.. oena ue uTr iirr- m ivim'it npc a l... -U : l.:..i. Heavier coat may be necesarv. Alter the lianicRsis dry which willbe in from two hours to a half or wlnilo Jav, depend ing upon the weather ami previous con whh Jftan-nntte-. Iw mafcrngihe-wfitiTlWt? . , ' ., , ,,r . iw L a.stu and cohl rain wit,r. (Warm water should never be .used on harness leather.) Apply the suds with a, sponge. liub off with buckskin. Thi will giv-ryonr harnpa"? n nice gtWsy snr- , , 1,1 i ,1 -ii , - 1 ' .Ileal ion I lie 1 1 1'vi K.'ii v u iuuu iirnp- JacttKanu tbe-teather- ll retain -a kimmh . i rr tr . . 1 1 , 'r-t r j .1 papers of all nations at ILJmctv-PTlt9-color and continue pliable tor mouths. ' . " .. .... ... ? 1 . i ... ... ,(... , . . uixt Onifnunt. 244. Sfi'inif. which lre- . ,. -rrr-. ... . , v. ... . . I 11 it i.cconies soucu wun mini or sweat, 1 un hhivi.uiih m up am. wii.er, ubove dinected, (without nil.ing will be I sutticient to give it a bright appearance ... r .- i 'i . i i lorei.;.. in.ei!5 receive, ut ..its r.s- I wo applications of this oil and black . . 1 .1 r . - . - .. v 1 tiihlishtnent in the course of each week, mixture a vear (or once every six months) . . , . . , , . u i A . l" . Ibis immense collection of loumals at- i witi be snmcrentto keep a harness, as or-t,; .... A ... , Idinnrily nscdin goml order. It'may be UU 1,,.,!,u ,.n,ftSl t0 (necessary for live?v men, and others,d.o!el,,l7F,sinii capitalists,. and commercial use harness constantlv, to apply, the ojltwol ll P'ralh- a sonrcef intelhgeuce '.v i . . : " t.V. ; . . :v.. ! most invaluable and never before attain1: Hilliiee. i u..ericl - - wv - .:lAUk,vv - .iw . vonr. nnd u-nshimr wifn Ainlia u-lipti soii.'il. will 'keep a harness in good trim for sight and service. : J1jipfWtswiUpa;y aJarge dividend in extra service ivu durability. suv nothing of improved appearance. ' Alderman 15. assures us that the same, or a very similar application, is just the thing for carriage tops which are made to .Uw-lit hi:- Tho only difference in treatment is, that less nil should no wash ed off htre rfryitujinx top-lenthet being mm and much inorepeiielrable than liar- answer for enameled leather, of which i aa - I If AAiiiu.1 I iu mi.tiipd u-i.ili. lint -. . . - . soiiu. carrimnv tons are Ci'mstructed t init' Fanner' COTTON SEED. -It cwrtro no longer questioned", "in iiibJ ny parts of onr cbnntry, is fast degenera ting, and we hear frequent complaints ou this subject Hie plants in many places are not so vigorous in growth, nor in quantity and quality, produced as formerly. We are assured' that the staple of the cotton fs being seriously affected by this degener ation ot the cotton seed. Various reasons are assigned. One thinks it is owing to the condition of the soifor weather an other thinks it is owing to the defective manner of the culture. ' I must change my seed, says a third, and thus a variety of conjectures are started. The reason of this degeneration is made to appear when we consider that, year after year our planters pitch their crops with seud taken promiscuwwusly from the field. In the very nature of things it must dwindle, and ill course of time" be come, dwarfish ; and notwithstanding it ilenreei!itM under their ve thpv pursue the insane policy. lnthesame ,rilici.,lu your stock of ho.ctU71i ; iij . i v hogs, would degenerate and run out, e do not, therefore, woudur that your cot- J 6 to improve it to irive vi-or of mprove it; to give growtli and constitution. liter is no tied to cliange your seed all that you have to do is to pass through vour fields and select your seed from .A . . . . . , .wth. and i,r,luce the iratet number jof bolls. Pku.t those by themselve, W ?U,eu cull again as before-or, select a few best seed, selected as above, and in one or two years you will have superior seed, if njrf better than can be obtained any where else.' If yon are too laxy or ne-Hi- ,nt to make the necessary improvement no complaint should fall from your lips. The famous seeds, about which so much is said, and for which such l.igi prices are paid, have been brought up to this high state of cultivation by the means stated above, and by jqdicioua crossing kept up for a series of years. Try the plan indicated, and you will find a vastimprorenietit in the quality And onun'titv of vour cotton. Stiuthern - w Our Southern cotton planters, we be lievc, would find it to their advantage to use seed grown in distant locality. pUeh.! . ,. , ... i an vi it' i i . kxu c.oiwii ."-'i ... i ....... j pi seed, and Vice versa. In the cultiva tion of many other plants this has been tound -work advooiagerttisly, :inereasig. both the yield and the quality of tliecrog 1TINERANT PEDDLEES. Our country friends cannot be too much on their guard against a set of itin erant law-brcakTng pack-peddlers, who are frequently to be found in retired neighborhoods, trading with slaves and placing in their hands obscene prints, cal dilated to excite and arouse the worst creature passions, and leading to themost revolting crimes. The gids offered by lU.i.csft.Uuc.U.tradcrs M' tJ. .in.sjouie in.-! '...w f...,.l t.. U. ti... r.' -...1 infected furniture if a hospital, the wear er ot which renders hiuisell liable, to manv loathsou:e disorders. fcSuchthings 1 ..... .. . . ... n . it tJisttediu4iifctgrw of buppressjng this kind ot trade is bv handiiig-OTer every travelling pedler to , i , . " ...:..:........ i... :' 1 mu in-.u coi iinioiiuti, in. io .noun, ieu to commit them on a refusal or inabil- .iv vo 6. low .ico..e.---. oir jiH-r,0 ... .... ai... . , . it-:: . The following Paragraph respecting IIol- loway's Newspaj-er Museum, appeared I ii. the Morning Herald, of this City, on tl"7TOT.tr-Ta;mMUi--i ..i: me ov. .i.iiiii.ii , t AMONGSl'THI W'ON'DFl'S OF TUT DAY. I We have visited with considerable grat-1 ..: .. ....... .r .i,. I sent an immense amount ot information . . ', J on all snbjecrs, polilie.il, mercantile, sta- tistical, and philosohical,! from at least : " l- Tlui-eslabJisliincnt is Visited bv the . bilitv, members of parlTaTnhTTTcTmTTtT'T;'' 1'! bntors ot the i.ress. mercantile men. ami : arsty by -an .inuiLense number of dis-1 fS we utiUertuna came over the in-; tri.,n.;....l f..,i..,v..rs.,f,.ll ..T.m trtjfttrli.mo! the track in hand cars. , managed bv several clerks, who classify and hie the ..pers in portfo.i.., whicl. they " exhibit gratmtously to res,-xtable visiters applying tor iiitormat.on.-- V,,-; v..j -vz , of respec.- wording to S.i. Tlier." arc. thousands ...I.I., ft.. ,it... I., NT,. nm. .1.111 - i.-u.ni.-s in j v. .v v Tribune, whose wage do.Uot average 1 1 cenistper iay. iin iu Tin indieates nn un -il1' and sud state of tlimgs, FROM LOWER CALIFORNIA. By the arrifat of the Northern TJgbt at Sew York, wlilch vessel has made about the shortest trip on record, dates from San Francisco to the 1st inst. have been recieved. 1 Tliere is liotliing very important in the intelligence, except from Lower Cal ifornia. The forces sen.' by Saita .Anna to crush out the expeditionists and re aunex the country to Mexico had not made their appearance iu the vicinity of Fort McKibhen, the sfiat of goveni ment and headquarters of President Wal ker. Sonora had been foniMilly anuex ed to LoWer California by proclamation of the President, and the name of the confederated States is hereafter to le the Republic of Sonora. Although tlie latter country was thus declared absolv ed fmni Mexico, the troops of the new republic had not as -yet proceeded to ecupy it. At last accounts they were jisily engaged in making surveys, lay ing out roads, Ac. Hie fillibustering feeling seems to have nearly died out in most jwrtsof California. A meeting liad, however, been held in Sonora, but the room ju which it was called not being lujfge enough to accommodate lliose pre seiit, it was resolved to adjourn to meet irThrttfotrsTrats future -Any. Hie United States sloo-of-war Ports mouth, accompanied by a mail steamer, had been sent out to intercept any filli bustering parties that might be found on the coast, but it is hardly probable that these vessels would succeed in accotn plishing anything. Coikt DuEss. John M. Daniel, Uni ted State Charge- at Turin, in- a feeettt lett :er, speaking of court dresses, nys : ' j , - . . , . "ireput myf to . great deal of Xible about this very thing, bocause I Trouble about this very thing, it .1 W 1.1 i .1. ' ter a delay of several months, I was the other dav presented to the King of this country, in a suit of plaiu hhick. which I have often worn in Richmond. I attend ed j3ie'firstourt ball of this season in the. same dress, and these are the only times I have appeared at court ut all. Since then I have received an intimation that it would be esteemed the civil thing if I would hereufter adopt a uniform ; and as I do not wish either to do so or appear un civil, the probability is that I shall keep away from the palace hereafter as much as etiquette will allow me." """ ; " " Wuv i Tklth Dw-AT'I-rAll'the tlie ories.tliat time and itgain have, lieen otl vanced in answer to this inquiry havetong since vanished1 before the true do' trine of the action of external corrosive agents. The great nnd all-powerful destroyer of i the human teetl. is acid, vc, eral ; mid it matters not In uie unman icei-ii is uc.u, ee.ao.e o. inn.-: eral ; and it matters not how that acid is j formed in tlie mouth by the decomposi tion t)f particles of food left between and around tho teeth, or whether it is ap fdW-Jelyr-4Wiyn t le4m the result is the same, the enamel is djs; -I lsTytawrWra'ITrrt ii i .i . .. Much, very much ..of the decay in teeth mav oe aimnuieu io ine corrosive enecis of acetic acid, which is not .only in com- j tnon use as a condiment in the form of) vinegar but it is generated by the decav and decomposition of any and evcrv yaii I I . - . . IT 1 11 ety of vegetable matter. When we con sider how very few persons, comparati ve ly take especial pains to remove every particle of food from between and around their teeth, immediately after eating, can we wonder that diseased teeth are so com mon, and that their carl v toss is so tre- rT'rtT der,7e,i;- THE FKESIIFT. T. ... . oi-iT aii'J' a'aTrnTT. Mav freshet of lS4o. Tlie water has been I trpuilmillv r.s.ilit.r :tw vtirftrsl a-.' tti. i-r i in.r. W' nnorelieml that tb.. Ren ville i railnwd has sustained considerable dam-' age, but wu have learned no particulars. . ... . .1 i i i Since writing the above we learn bv .i . , . , , , ... .. rumor that about seven hundred feet ot wa.letl tr.-st e-work on t he ir....in il u ..I.mi,1 l.u away, carrying with it four ,,. Mr4 iul(ui itl. lo.l..-r wl,i,-K k.rf ... ii .our- Uen cars hwded w.l fluu.idiej,jjn the trestle to keep it from . . 'ooving. We have nf details of mfsrmrw. above, as the Cvunniutticatioti is interrupt ed.: .S. Cart'l tnitin. "FttFriCTiyTiir west: Mox ruoMfvnY, Fob. is." icrehas been a great freshet in our river. 1 ho t.eorgia Mate failniad is ve- ry niiieh washed, uiiiLthe bridge has been Tho (i carr.e.1 awav, causing an in.er. tq....... m ra.ln.adcouiiimmcat.on. " - . CIIARL'LstoN TRAIN. , rHi.rf-v..., r. i .. ...t. i. , ihe liariCMoii ears did not reach here . - .. . .i j ; I - i: v; last evening, until s o clock. I'lie cause t of tho detentirm wa, tlit- washing awav embankment on this ul4-' ot ,"1' tongaixvswiim the pass- l'.rcsume the diiuiage wIlV be Kaired j- a lew days.-cV,X, tVWi,.ti. ; , - - jsKNATK 1k,stkk.-H is said that an ef-; oei.tg miii.u ou uie pan oi uie w iri.e(. io esiao.is i n.e ireeoon. mci . . , i ' i ii c . -i i e we would receive from the acquisition of dress here tor all future charges, and at-,...... .. . - tr i WhTgs in Crmgmw amlieJ'riHUofiheM Sentinel to elect Hcverly Tucker printer wavt precipitating two of them -froiiv a -f for the House, in place of llobt- Arm- Ikjight of J4ti feet. TheV frere of course trone,-deceasef, with the understamling' 'that he. is to share the profit with tlie - Tate publishers of the llepnblic THE PUBLIC LANDS AND THE " ". GADSDEN TBEATV. An estimate has been prepared la Washington for the nse of those Senators opposed to the Gadsden Treaty, showing that the territory to be acquired includes only abont sixteen millions of acres of land, instead of thirty-nine millions, as was represented. Of these sixteen mill ions, the Mesilla Valley Include two and a half millions, which it is contended be longed to us before, nnder tlie provision of a previous treaty. So that m fact we get only aliont thirteen and a half mill- -ions of land, and the poorest kind of land at that, for twenty millions of money. This exceeds the Government price ot one dollar and a quarter per acre. So that even if all the lands could be sold at once, and at the Government price, it would prove a very unprofitable speculation. More than that, the line established br the Treaty doe it touch the Guff of California at all. We would have no ae eess ou the West to the territory. We see it stated that an amendment will be offered to extend tlie line to the Gulf. This would give us one degree of latitude ou the east side of the Gulfr and the whole of the Lower California, lint fr these advantages a are to pay ten nn'lliofm d- ditional making thirty million in all, which we will have to pay the Mexican Government. "-- Now what sort of an equivalent do we get for this thirty million of money f In the first place, what do we want with this territory r Dr. Franklin,' among Jiia oth er maxims, has lett one that an article i dear at any price, if we do not want it. f M- what use would thirterirltory Te f b Tu'' We na?e read everything we have met with in tho newspapers concerning tins 0 , Treaty, and have not yet met ... B . f.' ,,. n uu inn ij nv iti puiifi iij; kij iviivu this territory. If we are to gain anything by it, beyond the mere ownership of land. why not those who lavor this treaty tell ns what it is? - rv---'--" - ".-;-- ' ' - In the second place, supposing It to be desirable to gel it, wfiritj prove To be aP good bargain ? Can we sell this land at all, barren and unproductive as it is, when we have millions of acres of the finest land in the world remaining unsold 'and waiting for purchasers at a dollar and a quarter per acre I Above all what ad' vantage would it be to us to pay more than Goyernmetit plcC'fl;H-r6jri&tf''w' expenses of surveying and protecting it pay agents and receivers, and then get less than prime cosft "" " Rut the truth is, nobody expects this disposition to be made of it. It will be disposed of, as Congress is now in fair way of-disposing of a great deal of other puum. imiun uuuicij, .v.i. .mwT to moonshine Railroad Companies and greedy simulators. Look at tlie laud- grabler3 now in Washington, and their modest requests, lliey have already ask- Dicks'harjtJby-iU t-j-y for morfc-- ney seemed to consider tlie public iamb .... ..i I i.... .1.. !.: : as school-boys do chinquapins in a gener al 44 scraniblance' each one getting all lie can. They forget that the Eastern States are as much interested in these lands as the Western, if notmore. They a.l r..B. I. nnnau.. 1. . a. are strblimely ignorant of the fact that we helped to tight tor and to pay for them. They do not ask for our money to bnild their railroads with. Oh, no. Cut they ask for it to buy, land with and then ask for the. laud. A convenient method truly, but it very forcibly reminds us of what is culled "whipping the devil around thctmrp'r,-as it mreh?gattfy-cT'J, dered, ''flagelating his Satanic Majesty around the remains of a decapitated tree. Now, if San fa Anna can't get along ........ .1... 1......... .!.... !.: i.. : '!t"tl"' '"'1 ? I"-? V J'"'" " I'ons, together with a new cork leg. lJotli wouiu minister to ins support the one ,0 support of his government, the oth- rr "f,'''1 lfP"m' W,,"1J notn- llUifc'a ' ' c give mnuey to Kossuth, or rather tuiy for i . i i- i i - i J.i a vessel to bring linn here, which is the ., " ., ' . ; - . ' t ' ' . ty ait our Iii.perial neighlir for he i . . s,i,".,,s IKHU or 0UV ViantT:... Jt m Jiir I'ti.in. invini ... mi.t ...ujioiis .,r a saud-bank; we see no reason, in it and woutoTI'gfaTfrTf tlterers atWv-ta.h4ye.iJL. demonstrated. Iticknynifl Rt sstAN AVn.b HoRst.Iii the stepjie ot Russia it is mt rare to see two year ulil eult nwli siiii.lv t.. ult...l- ,i l..wl ..f Cur or five wolves, kill one or two of tlLmi. : .,. ,he rwt, ami jrea1 the terror of hig lmme througfiout the cohnfrv. The wild l1k, strike with his fore feet like the stag, and not with his hind legs, as is popularly believed. He draws' himself "I1 1,4 f"11 height against his enemy, IHHinds him beneath his uiurtlerous ih.h S . . . , i , ties, then seixes-him het ween the shout? ...... -fr.r' ; i 1 1 I . " , " .'"H'Ma .wc.soISr ana . .. .... I.:... ..i.;.... . .. . , ' ' 'r- .i" -aK Wt ---JiaaAvamill,,-lr ousprmg. I iol BKHOI.D W oETj. v;mi V. 1U-;) eideut tH.-eurred at Niagara Fair to-day. Sesvyal persons, it appears, were at work at the suspension bridge, when tho scaf- instantly killed Ti...,,.tbc c..,.a.l .1. ...... selves bv catcl'iin? Wd.l of fjro Cablet to; - which they .clung, mrtil rvcued.

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