J I... I" UhJ I il h t'riu'f S- liittl -C lHH full- us. n.i' itution t'.j the 1W Oi.r t.nin has 1 e. :i the scene of two or '!"w tt '"df mil' s from ll.o ln.-i.tl. of The 1. 1 t ea- when tin' -inU-t l.iis I'", J ; vi ton produce the speeches thatl let I have no doubt that those who were made when the excifcm.-nt, which ! "ae - Vl 'i about injr nueecli TaTTO-l .bU.ifoHlitffidifivd thehi VlUh;uuit!n.t.4 nw Mtiioy have stated and a temp.,n.ry iniorwf. has passed mr. I , rre u T I H,"r . , "ul is An article however, in the lust lUleigli J haVe e'tl,,or ,.he7 drew - Standard, publi-hed 1-v Mr. Thomas i:u'f-lfl"wncw.not granted by the argument, linJr. under i l.e .-a J of A. CA1M TO j or ,nJ ,ews tx anilourmmsly orob 1 1I K Pl.lil.IC,"-w herein he gratuitous- 'UI M.wwewL And when my Men Jv make. hnt he !h pleased to cull a J" -drawn to the subject subswpieiit miest .t. .r veraeif v Let wwin.huaeTf and W T1 nt; fiftf, impels itto from' motives cM-lf-re- Wt PTP pt! sfa.Vmcnt upon tl,o subject. . ' ontMhof June. On the 3rd of July. I iia li.,.r)..;i,.n ..I ctwt . in.w ii-li..thip T "V I ! e-v.-4 in ia ..- . , . . . .v..;.. .-..v, .......... , . i P. . . , .,,, ...correctness oi ins imiginisiit: .a prorosi- usttuiwud or mil, ui Uie uewpper, is, an , , it WWlprtrtl ' "",.IL . ii tio uwuuitly embraced bv tlie otlffr. who "'i i i -i. . .i. - i . i. .. .4 'fnv rruA ruiAiriitii Airikiniiiiwi on the i".t!i of".! ilia'. tlii't'tj hiirli htuiili'tl nibbciii'S rei'iitlv An individual vu accosted n! this De pot the otlier evening by a couple of men, who,, in the course ui' cunvcrstttiinTotrtr ei to bIiw the stninpera famous locality in tha vicinity, a buttle ground' or Botno thing oi the sort, LTpo repairing to the spot, they rilled Lis pocket of their con-ti-ntx, tubing away from hint vi'al lnm dred dollar. : A young innn from the country, in cus sing abwg a wharf, came np to two liK-n in conversation, who secme! to griw ex citetf.nbont tlie matter under considera- ibn nnrtt fm nnnlly TtflVn-rt bvl Hi) .1 1 . i 1 It . 1 1 r. . . ' t rlitivA i a ItiviMUil I lintel liiib Tin-re in no little b!ir in tlie North inn! tr,., i, it... Ti-...inr..r ..f tl... St-,t,. um on bnaril liin boat und doiiiir welt 11 was fortv-iluve hour in the cava,-" v This great cave has many out I eta or cliltuneys, & they are called, one of which is said to be tiro miles from the moutbr Si. Lout Democrat. Caroltna lUatcljman. SALISBCMY. jr. a dittknlties ;ctl,al,gpngyn,r 'tnton,,so .tit adopt mv judiftiK-iit oiri-ntive to the fit vartonn lyanotm. .lVrmum f . i : i i i when tbev i-xi in tki t. can ulwnvs be , ' ' "f':"""1 fV"' "-rwi nun u.ai ue .ljnsted ni..r-Nitintorilv in private. 1 ! "u nuuu.iuu me; tiui i aui not .......... . f .. ,1-; .. auvoeate any such chan-'e, and when I r ! am not rewoiteililc- for this intruiu up on the public, and truly n-jjret the neees- sitv which leave inc no other alteniative, Jn a certificate addreed to the cditr of the Standard, dated Went worth, .lulv IS'tli. lSoit, and t.incd by Mr. T Huflin, Jr. and otherr-. and published on the L'oth of that inoitthi it it stated in MiWtntu'O, TSUESDAY KVE5IH0. XARCH 9, 1851 produced a chuck f. r tour or rive hundrelll dollar,, vIik-I) he asked the countryman to change, 60 that be tnij;ht close the bet with his antagonist. The latter had not the amount, but had about one, hundred and thirty dollars, whidi he.after persua sion loaili'd to tilt- nu-lu-r .if tli.i t L - Ji'J ('. C. M im mmk.n is authorir.el to collect subscriptions and other claims due this OfBee. it r We in anihonii-d t aomiuiM Majiir Juai tl,.. t!.,- j. , .1.,, ... KH....1 IH, 111. , I'll.-ll" ( lllV ..'.Il.V.l. .."- , cufioli lietweeli my oiiponeiit and mv- . , ,. , . R lf at Wentworth in u'i kins-hain (.iui- ' Vf'" disc atmers too, it tv. on the -iiith June mwWing. and that I M fre 1,1 .tt l'a,f "f tluv nnderstuod me u declaring thatl!, i4i wlu' llw " n-.in favor of abolishing fcleral popu- Ukm' to ixpular and where it-might latiun M the lutsis of rq.resen.ation in W"U Sreat lavt!r '.v onr OwiBtitutlon, and of instituting white i "".'f W,1k"" iTT?- , population in its stead; and further that ! the l.th of July, when on the 1 Ufed I was a brtn-r friend to equal f e .v.ng MorganU, I reeem4 m- Mffr.. tl,..,. n- ,.,.,,.n,l , '"r.nanou, .or .ue urai nine, mat V-ircn- ",T vi-jr-.'"-. i ' - - 1 " n'in-r Mr. Kuftin's " Card to the Public" came to reply, I explained my jiosition inure fully. ! This allegatii h was repeated by my opponent hi our public discussions at various other places afterwards and al ways repudiated and disaffirmed by-me, ami on some occasions with surprise and .1 .1 .1.1 i . : t it 3 X iT rer!i"1 Tl V6 1 to Iionor the cheek ;" t,f the two ae- - " High to it (titer he had been soreiieatedly disa- ,. ... , , . '.: 1 . ,,L sheriff, t th. Coobiv of rwmi. bis return. " I " " " : An outrage of a worse character, tl CCte . i . I I . . .. .... k . .r. .... . n.-k i . r .i. i....... I.: i i .i i ... - ... . ....... v. ...( . .V linn-, n-iuuj iimk u-iouiu wau i lor itw v ouiuy or Kuwiu. rr . until Ins iiniiil trom the interior could step down to the Jtalik, have it cashed, ' cudidu f..r n-elcciiou fur th uffic of High ami return imu the Iralanee, It is need- i-oomy. less to sav tliut tn.e eouutrvnian found no , CT w, are nuilmrn.d io iiimauiM Mti Jor but tlie most important action to note, at present, is that ot lingress. Mr. JJoug Iss gaven6tlce on Friday last that he desired to bring, tlie debate to close on yesterday. He said : - Tlie friends of this bill, under the im pression that it seems to be the understand ing of its opponents that the debate may be concluded at an early day, bave con sulted tftgetheo as .toJhow'long a time its friends would. bo responsible, for per- J feeling it, and have' come to 1 the conclu- dioii that M-itayf to mnrrr, M.m.Uv, ftinl Tuesday woubl enable us to bring tlie de bate to tlie conclusion; so that on VN'eihies day, at oiie o'clock, I may sibiinp thede bate, and afterwards hike the yoto On that day. I make this announcement with the view that those who are anxious to "o awav mav rely unoii how we shall f s proceed to act. I would state, therefore, to the friends of the bill, that on that day I shall ask that the vote mav bo takentin nursu- 1T W aotlwritMl io .imMt Cts KifiTi ance of what I believe to bo the gen eral understanding. The Senator trom South Carolina (Mf. lbitler) will, I un derstand he able to go on to-day, aftur ttio bonnitor troiti irgima. lint Mr. Chase to'iied b hiiii on tho L'lh ultimo, ill the presence of tlw Governor, Socielary ami (Jomptrollw f State, and (J. W. Mordecai, President of the Ilunk of tlie State, ami awarded as follows : .1(v00t Carpentof, Vermyle & Co. Cain man "ifJo., A. M. Hurtoii, . J. V. Wilcon,' T. Kuffin, John Beard, Comptroller, W.A.Myatt,. . . Ale. (Cunningham, iTcdni C?s llHfiiYiardt, Jtdin H. Oliver, I. 0. Ijsh, A . R Kron, J. Thompson, 135,000 . 8,000 10,000 8,(M 43,000 , 1,000 V 5.000 ! 2,o0 10,000 25,000 l,f00 a;j5,wo j $500,000 was about .nfsrli Iii1i'ul- Me iudire from certain probably for the same cause, occurred on indications iu the democratic papers, is Saturday eveuinir last. i1IV ,..;..t :.. A young gentleman on repairing to bis . , , ,. , , , house' in tL k.wer part of the town, was (nfncral 19 a da"Slw attacked by a mati who sprang from be-MvlM,,, unskillful hands, and vcryof hind a tree, ami who aimed a murderous Hon enter Into the verf vital of those blowfkt Lis life with aknife. Tlie weapon, I who handle it. The last North Carolina however, only penetrated his coat, and;'t1ir.i -.wi-a,, J. nt 'n !.'.: the Eastern 4art of the Statewhere r.,w;k lT,u. uu r-l?' , acter referrwi to. which is the' conceit of Tlie whole amount bid ,500,000 the larger portion by citi zens of Xew York. Tlio succensful bids ranged from 103 52-100 to 104 5-100,' averaged about four dollars and tweiity tive cent premium on the filKI. This premium added to that obtained at the two sales v' it half million each, made said he wished topro-! ''f """N yields to the Treasury upward, tars ud Hand-bills had been sent into - i i ,i .1 ..ii..-, .....i ..i . . , oi. i wiiriisaiiii. utnum Mirr noil ku n e pose a number of amendments to the I , . , , , , . I,.,, i 4i . .i c . i 'he amount of bonds sold. lull, and ask the vote ot the Senate upon - , , , , , Vi i ..i .i it . . - 4, the ireaaarer lias addressed letters to them, but tliat he would not interpose anv I , ...... .. , ... . , ..." the success! ill bidders. , objection to the vote being taken at the t ; t , IHi-I Btsslttv .. . Vai II .oi( M, J,", l-il. Si sail. Messrs -SV-ward, JSu'inuer Kvcrett, Fish, Wadu, ''fhouipsoil, hii j ' Chase presented, petitions, ajpihwt th Nebraska LilL ... ,' Mr. Chase presented iKtition li-otn New York and Ohio, for the repeal of the fugitive slave act, the abolition of slavery in the district of Columbia, and the iveal of all laws for taking slave in payment of debts due m,- These petitions were alt laid on the table. 1 . - , ". T"lie Idll granting land to Iiuisiana, Wiseonsiii, Mississippi and Iowa, for railroad purposes, were taken up and passed. j r ( Th? bill granting land to Alalaui for a railroinl from the Georgia liu, on Chottab.sK-b. river, to the city of Mobile, was taken np and passed.. , ' The bill granting land to Alabama for a railroad from Sedma. on tlw Ala, bama river, to (Junter's Ijinding, on the ivunumvf) nver, ana ior a railroad irom Memphis, oft the Mlssisslntd connect with the Kasliriile and Charlea- too itaiiraau, were taken up and passed. The bill erantinir land In falif.imU for a railroad from 8a Francisco to San Jose, and from Uenecia to May.' ille. from Sacramento city via Auburn to Nevada city, and from Stockton t Sonora, were taken up and paiwedl , The bill granting land to Tloridaftir several railroads in that State passed. .The bill granting land to Arkansas for a railroad from (laities' landing, on the M ississi pji ri ver, to the Texas &un- .Lryjirl u Um ,waa. poised. , . Mr Dawson said ho lie ver saw such leasftnt, smiling faces as wro now to me. i. -,' Now 1 do not Undertake Jo sav that thcsi' fTfth-men have stated falseli.xl. ins tar e aiK-il. ( )ur isilice cannot be ' t mi wHuliful. nor our citizen- too caivful : i j -L. . ii .jj . .j L i , i i ) . , ma limey lur n titocriiiuioii ji uie recvl-, ov u-aumii mb' earliest po&giblc tnomeiii, coi.ststentlyi taritli .V.tXn.r Til'- .-t...T. .luttr ri. t. . tr I nun wviuji inn init uuit s-v . i. . ,. -r i i .i . Tf 'tm, Pickery -pw-lairoB0--iit5.l- ro what length the gimtlemai. s sense thuU if elected to'Congress, and if South duty may carry him, is quite uncertain ; (Wli,.,. should secede. 'he would vote it may be his intention to postpone tinnl tire and sword ajfaiiwt her to compel Iwr jf " Mttn """? 'e teiiatort from tlie action as long. a possible, bv movinjr ! back into the l iiioii new State. They had got all tliey !nlkf these auieiidmoMts, - j j if the tU;iM.tral luado any such prtnda- Tho Senate is floiKkd with reuiotl-' matb.ii. he was only folUwing in the foot steps ot Andrew Jackson. ray. Uo. it. im- nipt itiiimiini nry iniitiisiitti mn- ... , . nun rt-1,! vio rfiif-n srtiioimiy i.iou's i m n drrotJtorcertiticnK., of g,,,t!,W dated, Tf "L :r tro.a the party attacked ihtU he" chlM who k di.po to ridicule mum tU Aleutian w8 wr, Vim- were ! """W' biaufe Pai 1 Uuidit rtMie in tliht. (General Ducket r becaiiiie- U is a plain j.neiit on that wusmii. and :w,.o affirm 4 . . i4 h I T)l lriKitrators-Mf thee ontmige have old eituen, ai'will he seen in tlo .uh- n ultaiiee that tliev al ho umkrtiKKl .; t 111 M 'm.... , init , 1 tiiiu Dfuu 110 iie ?oui'" , 1111 . 11111, UOI kKtvV. '1 10 I'UI llVilllitl Ii.. 11UI V . 1 i . . id llioir l.rolin.j ii-liikii .I...V.I j IIlij A.n . .lt.I,......f 1 . 11 """V'.i miiiuaa, umii im mh i-n -i , " .... . ! it r ir t m ...... -mn cprewcu ... ra,,,-- i.i,..lr,..ltPt..,T:n rll,:., ; tion ot the news ot Heneral loekerv s was one signefi i.y jirs. i ncie 10m .-iowe ,a.n. r.iirf;,i S C W i.i.rl,u These rubbers are doubtless the parties nomination, at"wy 7e." Ah! yes, f anil some twenty-two hundred persons, plllrtim, a hHWt lltrM UM)t fright at who entered a jewelry store in Goldslio-' (ieneral Dockery, we suppose it is meant, precisely half of them males, belonging to jj t'- ' ,j j mj gw rvwj , ,.. ... ,....c. aim i.u 11 01 Ha nniH.rtautc uiracteramonL' t he rM. -nasacnuseus. ineso ieoie, wue are , .....j ....... .... . . 1 n t J ,-ivi . iuiiiiiil: hi v. r isi. ' TH 'ai(iv nin : i crnaPH uu- is a A stage eoaeh waa dcrtnVed hv fire itor that they have corruptly and imili ctonsly rei'iresented me. I'y no means. miff tuy jnmitlintit irt-re tiitntifrtiH"l. Wlietiier this aro-e from- any obscurity in the manner in which they were stated by jiic. tbat Wig niy tirst i-ft.-t-b in tbr campjiiifn, or whether the impressions of those eentlemeii were derived from un- r .... 1 Pi r c , ... anil was . ' lUM4ttl uut:ri:niaai.arojii. uia- .uruuituiuu -.-r -instead of legitimate conclusions, 1 know not.. But bv some means in v position me, nut ine general idea merely was conveyed to my mind by the intelli-: gence. that it was, set forth and circula ted iu tl(c Fast on the eve of the Flec tion, when but little time was allowed for cxjiliitiHiiiiU. there,. tlutt, L uis tou. ; ducting the campaign oil this issue ; that in other words 1 had come out for it,; jisked. No moment, he was sure, wait I more pportnne to ''ask'ioinW'iurxs little liuttmnity with their land distribu tion, lie therefore liojd the new States would make no objection to taking Bp and passing the bill granting land to the old ami tww States ft the'support of the indigent insane, deaf; dumb, and blind. (Cries of agreed, agreed.) the bill was then taken, up. aiH. Johnson hoiNil that tlm bill would A nllKsT OF lioBBERS. .... v,.i mi:.. !... . . i. ...i 1 " now name hv U'liwh . pentn iiv wiiimi inui njj;ri?JM himmiki ... ,i , m. , t 1.. 1 i . - j , . . 4 . niwi tin niii-'r. 1 fit in I rf m vrv lilt HIIU , 1 . , , , rhe members of the V Ing t'arty are her slHvery out - ' m..,. ..ill iv lu iiiiii after to be known. . Frjt are a pretty urtrni-' it beforu the I eoi.le impulse arising from this gross injii-tice. ( li,e of them, on Monday, enticed a pas-', They fully answer ti e phrjioee of their deem beneflciUl to "their juteieel: ierT-rt.rtw,1rm thetwnW-wleelJiSS , t . ht h m on ik i .'ri 111 iiii r iiiti ir in tmi -i.ti ir..r tc .ni t in o ta ami ctn uniTiituwi r.t n... ... i s..A..n..j r n.. iiurur m nuriii'tii-iri v unmi v i n 111 trii - . . . . . . aBdopimonswereiuisinten-retedlivtiieui ,. . , " : r. " , v....-,-..,. .... v. ( vKa.,,,,,, u uc uac uw -asIsUll pr-.eel to show! Kester and other big 1 upers in the-, ,uakw a bet on a game calle.1 " the pat-, ishment of a wicked iepni cnenn Aiaerman, on . iiiesoay nnnlurnn prnatnro , n ,i, .rI.i ., ,K-rmit the iirliabitants of said Territories to .. nrrst...l Hou-iinl mill 1'arLr.r " ... -..v. , Hil-s sil travel iii'r throii"li tlie West orl. ntr HiJler ttie -charffervi iiiiliiuiiica'ted ' i .. . .1 ii. .1 ii.. leny mat me same i.-siv lias tnc n-'tii to tr ,., ,ir;.., r.o..,.l .-. . , , . - -i . ....... ....... ......I., mm mi ir n reifunieu mi nisiiA. iiAtMi.irMi in a state ot iitscnsibilitv. I.nf time to otfer mi aioeiiilniMif IIm s-onl.l devise and execute stich lawsas they may . kini.., r..(v.,Pi i.lra ..... 1 move to take it up to-morrow. The bill will ptftipotlCO,. CTiSSc worn carried otP bv tlus horses. Cars, and on pretence of creation, and were once used, for the mm- "'in" is particularly Worthy of notn-e: . ..ll..T .1.1..... . . .... 1 I l M .1 . I!. ...1 .1... .1 , ,iii. .. we r14 ,ni.,ir nf o w I'tort nnm.b " Ttioro n.aw T wmre rne srencraiu v oi me people, inroin'n i ti i : : . . . . . . . " . :. ------- borrowed one hundred dollars.u :r . "T.'; - ! M .A,' ... f V . s.ip. was ornerea n l.e pnnfed, prVMl.,for , . . 1 . . - w rMillt' llt'lliiAlll'lIKr tlii i-fliini'( UA TAijiiP. iint oflti. lifirr, t.w I tsna hiitiilnw! il.Jl.irv s - : , . , - tiutheUdayot June last t men ny m ' i .w,lic'h ft ; .t clnk "as BOme fi,Mess ln ion, after ; " ae.pueseence w , oj, u, wy mprtrtant, .th. yl rf tverno JudgJMna SiP , hts '1 witb .imple- tei-t.ritvtl.e wwice seized the tan-but however tbat may t.e, it u,- " " v,'"(5' , oX 1 ciLnleieJ "the discussion and ' U"J Wetid, who had heard ey and ran oft', and the other, under pre- t change the motire of tlnwe who made vainly endeavoringto ca-ate an excite-. : (f. tJm f OppVflVIlt t3tmaign w ai In-led brid'i to M.veral topics. amendment to the Nebraska 'bill, which was ordered n be printed, providing for the lelefriritr of i itWtffiK ?ui1i;e'ajn7" I Sw-retary, as well as meitibers of tlie 1 Terriforiiil ! .cpim taint.. me at WilkeslxW, Lenoir, and Morgan- tence that he had swindled him. followed it. nor should thev be held leas liable to - went, and otherwise doing their utmost n ... .. ' . .... .: .... L. Ul? 'Nebraska bill was then taken up. Mr im kiuiL n Till ti ai I i.ai at ihaaa nt. . . r i in ii . u r in tnr io Knirirur qip ovt. uiu r hi ..v ... f i. , , I .. . t . i i i . . a . l I... ...... ,i. .. - - - - . . . . , . -. amw uv- uuiiaijn.AJKia aie uiiiuyjituc .; : - - n wl4o i.m e 8nnje tlie Mieiiipil-- Iwfore, that, tt by alroicinz the inalrtwd A i. ...... . 1 . , . " i '. i I .J- ' . -ri.li-nhi - all tlie oiHuwition comes from quarters.. , , ...... n-t v .V u. I Mi- (Wrmul hu vtntM . .i ii -;--'-: -TT-.T:.r."-trw-'lteciMef, mid fully-gustamg wliat 1 " ev werg'fakeB'aT Sfrtelilantrs aneTon i MWMW' . t , V . """"" . , T-pmu wf thii tHnw Ttir iwth t'amlitra ' . TWMi !. i lCl,io ui. ,v ,.,c o! vommous .o , , . a . , J,UlM.n. t.,...'... ,.i..i ...,...,! ;.. i.v We are told bv the writer in the Stan- " "ave ,ur u' rllk ....:.i...i : i ,i. bu " ttoya, and alM in Uie .Si-natt-. it was contended 't ; , i.. nll(1 ,ir.111(11,I1(.( ci-flr' ti?o. ..! -v. dnl that on !." nwntiim , if H, ,,wa 'abolitionism of their inhabitants vide the .... . ' ' 'le-l to 'avail himself of this this made them eoual or -rave tlicm eoual ., " , , ...v ............. . . , ... . . ry rajmny . : to express bis views This was a ... . -1 is 1 tl,,, ..harm. 11 1... l varv .ut.o.'t a. .... . At.1.f l,.,.,.1Mu.l .t..:lnM. ... .....i,.. ... 1 Ti. l .- !..; 1 in..tinfr in A ll tin rn. Mr Sliw-lll-d M liollle . i..iei-s nib lit... JI1M9 WIM a .. - lilt- l-llltr Willi ..VII -r! Tlie Igishif tire, of Wisconsin have pas- was a mistake : tbt it would not aecJm-. blt ,M",n.wf !JO,tl J'ar,it'? mngthe thou- and various-articles of trickery. Tlie Slier-1 Frna fv,on the a bilf . ,W in Rton, in Hartford last evening, Ac. I ,-, ... r ,ii ,. samiB no nearu me iu iue ii ei iroui in savs iney are creai auepi in meiri , u i. i r . e o ; T!u f "'?l."'J' '".'- Salem to Cherokee, knows it to be false.,; tr-nW and would do credit in their wav. i V --wpu; UI itrL'ucti mat tl.e l oiimy ot i msioiv i..rin- .,, , , . . .... . , -... ...... ...... ' ...... tlie fnuu. ami n. cukbratiiin cu ..-... . u-m J i -ii i.-i au. uuw ...uiav.4.-uui.UMUks uu .AKdki ns iniii.r.ifcn4W(.eMi".-ra..i -whhth oir? - .r-,vF..- t ' '1 i ' ""n V". n-.- f Will-.- -flvocatc'the doctrine, hut -that on all , belong. - " led, f..r which, the following prugratmne (dwell, llmke and MilWll l- rmcl k ... not , reverai oiner omrages nae ueen per-m ,vas aunptea. wnjen wners were ;cngageo, l, , . , ,,,Jlyor,. .. ....1 . . ... . ,. .. I... liriesie.i persons. o e oe- nilfTl.flM. rll w HTCwmimij" waacotn- late hoar menu- Its iassage would Caldwell, l.tiike and IMl-iu-ll f-.rmed 'I"" - -."7 "' S.-,,fl?.,nal ri;tri-t and .-rv allou ed . 1 "lS rqUate,i. aijd d.rayowel it. ; petmted in. wlij . .... ,, ii .i , f In mv . comumcation to the 1 resses, besnles trie ai one Senator. I hat allowing all the tree , , , - . .1 .-c . r'i- .i L-l ; ., . ,, 1,- . .. . .,.;. . 1 had no reference to the Certificate of lieve tlie Sheri white men in tbewe- 1 list nets to vote for ,r ... ,,. . , , , . Uie.T-Ke-nators rcsi.i'ctiveh . would not lie . ' ' ... i . .ore e. to tin Sfunnnnl. Mv eii.minll- SherifF is on their track. Wll. diessed to tlie Mandard. Mv conitna nication was written and dated 17th Jil-i tv, a! Morgafiton. Mr. Kufflirs. certifier Granting to Uiem an iijiniiiy or jrmrr. tor as l l'ri.m had a'lot.t iHh voter- and I .I...- r' i ...i iiiixi .",', iii , ....,..,..1 cate is dated ltjth July, at Wentworth ; vtei. R w.iulii !. iiiakuig -'Ml iioii eijual , ' ! . , ... . i - i , iue old.. n ov-uii: i.io iijne-i .iimii, ..nil' , . . . . to 4m"!. or u;.i;i:ig ue man e.iual to tnc. i , . . . . t .. i kind of intoxicating drinks ui -less ouan- . ai purs ior me arol uiiie in iue c.an-; .... , ,, . ,., . . lam on tne zoiii i href ! And I argiM-t that ft 1 iHii--sarv - A new If ijiroT law has passed the Sen-t ate of New Jersey which provides that; ! no person shall be permitted to -.ell any j tor. ..I . ..,.11 ... .. '.!...!. ..I' If. . 1 - .i mi nun a iriiiiiiii. -n iinofit n ik-i-tti- irom ' trw ( iitwlttiilvm im I in tpimmi. . . , J t .., . , ; municipal authonties of anv corporate i j.ili i uever jaw mini aiu:r uie ciose i . , . . curt. I Fuiir Whrl Wagipn'. ILirae PtrWhrB. " .Sfnrtij nsn" with ' pnwrful intiflhfci," Bramtf Prjrirrh. " 1 iMj'riiilSfll v.Jjtp'r 'of piijT.jwS Wuggio anil Whip. I'ni phkok. liinO.., with l.ir nil lh rndf Pop Whip. V J" twW . ( ofvlitutuiu im I in irnuti'i. . e : , J .if. .t i i municipal nutl . . i r ' i . ii , -of the Campaign on mv return from, . , . mhitr )ilti'ii lTttn-ti.i:'. so that one , ' " .--,.. , . i aptdieation aha , . ' ' J , .. ... si,, . henkeC. Of course, X could lmve known , ,. white iiutb iu ie stcIkiU hi the SIM. .... ;rtiMraf' -r ( -rtl -'W'tks'l-i-reeeltHi' ,,, . , -i, -nrrthtngatmitt tt wiien l wrote, and ciluld , ,,1 ' i .: woel-il le of "tiral weis-ht to a w luTe man " n ' : shall be submif .i , ; ,i . , . . . .- not have referred to it. henee, then, i f . . in anoilK-r M-etion -Huit tne , . ' ltv, together Wl Ji t , , i : .. . an-es this a mm ton ot . rmu-itii, and. -', f Mr ff fs lire fraught with evil. W,mhinyt,n 1rtip. The following is 'revive all the agitation and cucitemcnt io. ' cifriiet from ih. Vnsliiiirti.n i.lurr... ' wfuro exiH-rieneed ob the ulaverv ones- 'rauime ! t,lu House, by a vote of 47 to 2, j . 1 ' , t 'he North bv violent outbreak tr.e- ) Tlie Democratic State Cimvention, " ' ' , . ; wstaic to the laws, but It would iaeVee- 1 . . . . . ... 1," . I.. ' . '. I o .1. ..1.. . . 1.. . l . . . 1 ? which assembled at llartfort, ( Win. on -v l llnul" seem- i.nm juiue in me oeu-. iiii-it-ss pruuuee a uee.per ana more iu "tlte"22I'of Febriiary, i.assed a Kesolii-' 74vf Ntw4tbstandiig-tlitf ijwma roprohati'w tiiait any ? other act tion, nearly unauimou'slv, iis follows : v, r'" "tcriation of Senators Sewanl and culd p.ibry do. - . ' Suuiuer bv Mr. looiiihii, on the wneliit . is j-; - - I?,)tFe4, that the Iemocracy of C'n- sion f thai genttetiwnV speeeh: tfiey bothl -i Ji;'!? .JiBggABXWriaar.,, uecticut do recognise the. doctrines ll' went orer nr his scat ai..I sh.k lai7UT1,k m.oved "T" ,h rtlle" Ualtiinore Cpnvention that nominated w ith him, and (iovernor Sewanl under- i VK ,,k,,'rT np the Sonato Franklin Pierce as candidate for th I're-.: t.M.li to explain his coriducf when Hover: I '', "n.g b 4 si.lencv, and also the principles annoum- ,,..r f . orL i,, ,K. irginia rvp,isitior, ,fi.rt f1' ,,n ed in the Iriausrural Address of I'resident ease, and assured Mr. Toomlis that l.e !n cm,"lt 'ii0 U. .f ltou Fierce i and we iw ,liide ..hr..-tlii.Ia4ie-iHkfl latter retort: i '" J M "PP1 TT!.e: ' i 'i . .i. i ......i .1... .' .i . . " i ii. . .; is nmnnetT in the immediata nassacre of ami, reiynig upm iue nisnom inui mc marked mat no person noiiiiug ine semi- u , .j, j , . . Y fi 1L -i S'tttteirtan. ftnffl'r-" ----- --- j 111! la-In w. to.be consistent men, must ijftfor tin-ihiiMif . Such ', I think, my jirgnwetit. utd was jCi-rtjiinlv iy uuian ing. Vet in a rapid'' -debate, heard only once, gentleno n might have adopted the opinion that I oe- advoea'itig the etab lishmeiitot the White il.if-i-. While on tltosanie siibjei-1, I stated that the recent democratic ti invention has- pr j-d to chan9 the on-tdutjoii hv extending th Vral Assiiiiblv and of electing the Judges shall lie advertised for three: ilifactt?K'f''s",'hiehf'-r- i . .1 . i ; . .... ... . ..... i . . , - t. , , ii-i . snui. ne sn o i le.r to trie i i ensi .iiunoi - t have referred to it. W henee, then, ; . , ,, ,.,,, 1: ( ' iiiitmum ot . vrrtu itij, and - , . , , , , , , , i . i . I if Ii ,1' ' l w el i e J t si fev-Lloie iiireiioiuei s, ii'i a n. whence the necessity ol Mr. Kiithn s . . '. ,, .... ,. , , . ., t i i- n . i- j. ! scription ot tlie kind of liiiilor to he sold , "Card to the Public, to vindicate his . ... . . . 1 ,. I ... . - 1 i i i j , , t and the toca-tron setectcd; iiersotrs licent-t l eruncaie wiucn liau no puone e.visienee ; , . -..ill 1 I t i i i . i ed are to iav into the local school fund at the time i wrote 5 . . "c . i i i i .11 . T 'i 1 .1 I from twenty-tue to one hundred dollars, lhat Mers. I.ufnn and others mav ; ., fT L i- . 1 1 .1 1 . , , . . i- .r ' as the ("oiirt mav direct, besides the usual have understood me as to taking the ,. ,, - ,,. ,. ., , . , (,ourt f..-es. I t rsoiis selling lpiiior with- gPMind set forth in their ( ertiticate, 1; ,. . , ,. .". ' r , , ... , T . ... out n license to be subject to imprison- have a readv admitted, lint I sav thev ; ... , J 1 . ,- . ' .1 Hieut or hue or both. u itc inisiaKeii. 11 new.er tnui was luei. Map of till; puMic IbjhU. fcy ilir " tfpaiuAU Wktri -V new P.ij hip wuh die crackrr off. Born.- im tb .hnuldrn uf 1 frtiirlrW harrri Mi.- Muue. Tltru the fMiuf uf a broken tea-pot ' W.jjjjiti Whip. litis, it will be observed, was to be the order of the procession. The wagoners ' g( of Kow an, and the laboring cotrimunity I , , , -.i 7 " - I !.. oKsit-.. ..tnelililea U'irh bitnm-lf, if nobody wis bed intearitV of r fwind .t . .. .. -i. i . ....j :.i.r.. I ... ..vi . 1.. .i . i . ; ...... .i i.tey win oc itiib mm luiiuiui w " eone. iienuv mat lie was unwonuy oi . . , . ' .r , mnroinisea. specialty tiiUns ordinance fatd Wrtiee! tlii. scene wa, wit4ss-i ,0 aicui? ,,1C b,I, to- mov ' Preri of 177, the Csmiproinistf of 1820, and )V rletiators Ouotier and Wade, ami t ""JT"' that of 1S50. Measures heretofore adopt- the latter who is a decided Free Soiler ed in our national councils for the settle- whs ho indignant at Mr. Seward's want incut of the slavery question we have 0f .,,irit that he refused to attend a din-: 11,0 "." w,aH ,.rca- i econ;' ',on lfuU c.i.ndene4, that suU inftMre will nrr Lrtr ar thelatrV h Tt. I . -j.- I I I . latter who is a decided Free Soiler !, wt "1' J 7" The hill wart read. Tlie second nectton . i . .,..,) ,4r. ua .: t. .i ; v w. .. ior mm pnnwiw. anu mr a i ten n if;, com ire mi uiCTici in Mii nii'i-c'i "i""' lilts, nil iiivioiii'ii w wmcu uo nun imi- , ii l 1 l i Ju. 4 may best maintain and pcr,etuate theiviously accepted.- Other well known , n l U fngat tnto glorious I'liioii of these United States. : Free Soiler are eqUtillv indignant withi"1 .h,",c,7' i i'r ,orlt- .lir. ISH-.fl li IIOW IllOVeU B SUHJUfllHHIl fault. iwnunvJ.wUl -.nut ,..av. ......... .L.. One word in cnnclni'm. Their Cer-'. , (. I Mr. Wwlo, at the ! . lion. " n.. e..:r .1 . 1 1 r- iIMlHTUU . CilllllUl lUIJt IO I IHt'llVtT IU Hii : . . . . - ., . t l. . . . 1 i-.i 1 ' ahout the l tnon r tne L niteJ stares,, ti - thin the contenmt which the writer andi . .. - . ... . . 1 rs li,ls uriJtt! tal.Mi filially imiipiam wiui j c upied liv tV(MrHieireIiieritanilard hear- 1 ... . , I . r . . lulu to ! fttiMN.lrt(I 111 niftimitratrriT .1 .vfVJ'''i'.--.r'.'l',tuo.if''i-J "-tL,.,', - Art t -t.rr.i.M ,1.,. fv..rr.sio.i.,! ,,' - ' inewnoie. i nsagrceii to u airttiDM w - ' - i p".bUlMr. felt .to wards these, classes ofAMti, hny r ijg. ,,rnviuions elf tkU "'.- "-'" "-;-,; -, '- t twthirxls, v ., ,r v.t.---.- erilmi Alrnturr in a f W. On' community. Jf thev do not like General I htitution' in order to "settle the-slavery . A ",,"wt uneiiphMH.n name is Ikicke-f - Mr. Ifoemrle said the Senate lull waa ..I.... .1... '1.1 ..1, ...l.;i. .1.. ........... . . " . '.. . . . . r,' nr.. I rl..-i..,.u Ii. ii.i bhi.imi uiillu,lln liL'.i tl.ul l...r..l. .fi.M. mxu.i'Iu 1.. it... V the tiaval committee of this erbatim copy of it, which tlie ased mmnimonsly. lie moved TWo-WPf'tot .1... .1 .1... 1.-. i: T..H. f.. T..... i .. .t... ....,.. i ,t i ... vi tin. i i .ii .en- - -... - . ioi-Keii. inev inuv. ui teitsi. no e. press , oucsi-ioit. i ue i .oust ntn ion set ucu initi - . . . . . ' ,' , , i i , i(;fintHr o me (locirines mere impui- r lag us agroiinu near .-ie. i renei ieie. . ,, , .. ... . . . , . . ,, . I T..nra.n. I.nl i.., t emus. u.lr wish ' ""1 ' 1 ' A ' rl 1 ' '.' " " i iiurv i. ,vm,Hi.t ...,,v pr..J-.ri tl.i - chang. bnt .A ,.l.i.;,i.,a im. I f'y,u;Qw up to the 10th, If at Kngfi-hinan, undertook to explore the ' ridicule, all who happen to drive af - ; , '. , k ,." 'IV, ,hr.,.y ,.,mWlr.-,r n. ir.-r.t lk-ry., ; Senate t i-i-- . i . i . e ..... '..t i. -'...i' 1.... i... iii1?.....;, i1... ....''to-mnrwwr Mir-i i r t.ut' 1). mocrat,. and. I re- ""V "c ' -1'r'T, . - ,,roiessing to oeine ioyPr .i jK;ace a no . . , j w, ... 1 , , . t. ... ,i ... .i .. ... I ... ..... aim explanation, i .e;ne n w men vu.a.v.. in-. ....... sire ...'.- 01lr estimation ot tne nature o. tne mimic i order, while under the influence o? 111? iiimg. n in .imtrntf. - l-.lfl 1.. ... ) 1 Li ... . lll.ll no lie'l. 1 i,.ii . - . . . . .... , 1 1 nr 1 1111 . , '111- -fi ri4. I. eld. I it regai j.iron- in ituiober, w. le o the 11. -w La-.- - I, man than mv oj.po. h. fn-m! ba.4 ot" repre 111 su!.!a!nx, tiiat many Slate, myself, among the t' tiic oj.iui'ii. tjiat, wlieii .1" lepre-entiiti'in as ei t 'oiiiUitntion, nuixoii and . . .... ,11 -T 1 1111 sense of nistice and tatmcss to decuie, . o ciock on luesnay evening, ami nai an 'tin ir jmrjw in Ki-tttitrf Yoiik tlie mli- vancjed a di-tanre of nearly two niiles1 fi'-'ifri bi-ittfi. a Ati'. ' f?l(n hj in hi' when their lamp w as nhf.irt hnat-ly hro-1 Card hi tht fnUui: tf "vtrct and-irrvt-- ken., and. extinguished. After groping mind. Compromises they have done all in their orenife apfcaled to g4ntlemen ....n tl..i u.l..,..l n . .a Mtfi.lilnrflttnilJ ar?, nl Ki ,e" tr C!rin'' al,,110l,r : for the namtft ttmt irrat event tire lout th, iitUnjiirn ni'ttioii of a Ki-titm if tin about for n length of time, they found an SiiL ndid SK-rimnm. Mr. Nathan d. I the slave States. ' .... , ii - , 1 1. .. .I...... ....;.... .....i .... . . -' , - ... v . 1. power 10 oreim tin amrtm-rn or.,:..-.., juti'trv like tne Journal s, "not lillicll IO . 1. 1 .11- ....... f , ' ...i t:.n :,:.. r M ' .. . """rxai , noi iinnii l j f0 occur in KniMIH'. m which this COtW .. .T ... """'V ll":,r "- ",),r(ijj.,,r; but A.ig.itnextwillI.M.t.t e. involved. ..piajja:uu.jihii,i.Lii.icntui. luuutiOa$. yin. .he t-oiiip-itifl.. .That 'slavis. lorioe.l h ni.t impi'irtaiit it. 111 of c.-ih-nlatioii t'vr ;.i'7"f.'i. o i!,. A-sein!.! i ; 11, tin.-Coin-' luijUsii.liLj'.'J1- ertiutat-i '- j'-i'l""" T, r-..i 1 1 , i7n g hfeet7ffo,rftl'l111 iw-Swots TiTitj a- pl'ojieri v hv con tit ing -tbti-afnomd of laes istiij "ii ItM'iii inlo thif Iublic Treaurv. In this connecti--;. I stati-d f ur- "ther, n nf .Mi' tuf.it H.,fm,uuu. tluUiii I liad t' insike a j.n..ilntioii l"i a .e .jde ri in'. Oti 1 thev having had 110 ( ..ii-titu lion before) that white population f..r,u (he bai of repn-.-iitation 111 oin brawtii rtl n-at -"t t:i'' hiw'-iiitihing.ol.-pMrf. ineiit.. J .-it making Tlrrff' nt' ti"Oi ?.. t.ill f U H lit V4 v .I'O I lbmg in tin in l.tni'i .rn . tttf !i;i ad . i'Vi it ..m j. iiiii-l, ot '..n.i .i'ni.tln.-llt of allt'agon sitow- that tne following mi. 11 mcy ,, it nt i,;.,i,M tmnnrhuiM lonii'i im ,r..-. .1 1, yr ...i i. . .. 1 -J .!.. ,v. 1. ......,. 1. 1. ...1 ........ ,1. T YI,ii 1'rrMf) whether I ought -not p. upward passage or chimney, .so iiearlv.; V ' .,"7"'" .' ' - V" " Jhat our commerce and nag snail lie pro have r, ,ied at their band-, while vol- perpendicular that ,rav found if "imposs- specimens ot ;; rock irom a, the editor ol the Uiarleston t 1 inner is " ti-ctwl. Ilie loa or revenue alone Of Tmteeriii" to -set thiin's to ri "lit.. ' the llde to ascend it, TbeKn"lisbuiHn, how- newly discovereil gold Mine in Yadkin" ' reviewing the old files of his paper, and Th. Whip Vrmt 1.. IUH! m xsnimir. iwki.ry. ' the dcNtruetion of w.M of our comnur W-neiit t?f my dWlaitm-r and" exnlana- ever, clntig to it as bis last hope of deliy-' Comity, N. C, which fiy every bringing to view, the changes wiiiel c,n1 mnl1'n0 ?m ? .IP" tl"(n th" tioii. -CttAKi.FS MANLY; prance, prnmising-his Knpan rmintry-withifrtbc last - 1 .Jr iJ ..... ... , '.. . . ""i;"1"' '''''V'" y1'!'': reaehed t be ton in safety to mark the . , . ' . 1 1, -i . , 1 . , . . ff air. HW a motion waft.iisagreei u rm,t " I,,.t 1 II I " ' K( Rr. ' . l ",urK u"- ,s sticking ou,t oh all sides, in particles , ,a f century. A inong others brought to - , ' , -.!n-. .u ,r iwo-tbinliT siM.t bv tvmg Ins handkerchief to a tree. " . . , ' . . , , ' . 0 Court On Amrro-an tt'prtmiUi-: "i gmn . - ot two-nnrti. und then .r.. for assistance. Fortunately. mM" yT l" "M "wmimi iwci. 1 nonce, is uie louowing: lialeigli, Aiigmit -lit, I J'fuhit. --A letter from t ...ug::. J ..b iiifiru vif'rrRaavyl ftiwr fs tifjsher thj ii v vear. JtSis fea I nioii will be rr Ashl g.'.tlji says, "The rain I ho made his egress in safety. ,lt wa nut.. This rn iue ison the plantation of Alfred IiuiViWjifJjUfiiiirv 8, Hot,.i4MMaito- A n.ifi rtUM lji.'eu V-eryiltaTViwti4.iiit4A..pliWM i.fi',p. n.in 1 iiiiiu ..im. ....... y " rial, fin IIM3 grfiMOl Him jir.ilfrfw. .fi ihi- .snuiiri, 'If biiver fs 'hfier'than it has-been for tuaTVaf discovered by, a small no- iihntCK flw"iwHviirwtwT4iiw ftmvmft.!l'it!l'i. . .. .. rlK:!, fn..... l....t il,.. f!,;.l.'. be i.roceeiled to the village for assistance. 1 :' . ..i 1 .. .r .1 . ' a 1 anal boat 'mrfaiir Websfcr. 56 f.t in length. I It appears that r ill i.,.X,.rri...l ..tf' and returned early on- Wednesday mom-. " ,- ' . .", .. ' n " , , ., bv. 7 hr.B.ItlirwTiE linn nliriMiil -A ktrdlo6iir PJ-i- - Mandeiul 3'bat the Secretary mi tlie Navy be reipiestcl to comuiunicato to tliu Jlouse. wheUieo" iu .hw.opiiihm ,.tl.o. We regret to hXar the r.ndge at Tv- r's Mills in (.'hatham, at Odar Falls in utd' - (iaitdolph, have been Vshed away. alK (1'iw ii 10 me liMining on 1 ue.v thn nobilitv f?V of Ku-' otemnships employed in the bcean mail , ... .. j . t . . ILrd-fegaed jA ,y.ur....!ati..nal si.npli-1 service of fhe I lilted States are of proper 1 .. .1. 'IlllllllU th. 1115 .1.11.;. ll.i:iC 1. lllfUlfilCOftl U 1 lj:.. 1. 1, i r... U...I.. C. I n . .1 . .1 .1 if -- .---.'., .m..,..i,h. i. I ,,. I, ...I mmmmitf iii w ttii twi-i or three otreis. . ... ,. i.nwi mm wnu 1,,, imi ciry ano oennnce 01 onr government iu-. pfuwnniwiwiw '"awMMSZ. He vainlv attempted to find the place, a vel" u"'re' it " nas in yet been uis-,ty, N.i,. II.-! boat n.rvil from punt st , (.trm-tinn, refuse to admit an American j "f war in the event of an euiergency rust 1 2., ii.iKis i)b s.iuuit.m, ana aimoiigii ; ,Mt.iaL unless aniK-arinif iu uniform. Our , reinurinir their One tor such nuriMMtta, and tv ,i ..fib I ,.u!ltl,t'.;.U .(' :i he W ( ...ll-tltll :i erv . Oitb-J el.t I mm. I'nt uifrni ig , t 1, I up. illJlUlflK'ffl, -l,i ertr.sui fgave tisa v o I-. ir 111 ad its jfower. it hiMlNnf-.-n ncar- .".oteet -nice Sunday evehihgNlt back ,vi'r had stojipiii toe (r Weill, IJlount (toL, an! Km tt nlht t.i nes. 1 the la-t situated withiu ,M' r vanl- ot the 'lown House. I M.cNi V -if Jiis egrer-s. They , then, pruceeded to,covereI. tbe mouth and under the guidunco of the ; l.nghsluuaiiv found the. place .where, he.;. Jjf" Wo. learn - thai notwitlistanding left Ins Irieni), hut he was not to be found. 1 be (.ipt.im, 111 his uncertainty of tin the water were low, mill Ifroaii Kiver oVtruc- twl ill fumie filacru, it .lUfl tht thi trii the extwirdinary rains, and the consc ipient general interference witn tne run nings on thftfmthiSrri iWJ4ads;by daittr " ','h.. fi'o:t"""''i''''' ud it v a- 11 hi j.li hell lo Opl .1 iiyfe, oi' - ,-'.,(.. v " "' .. ,i-)-tffi j I : r-M l f f .IJiKABVlJi i!. and i-vieai I . ill I '. 1 1 '-' -liike-rmd ii..-ap 11,"! ,i'i aigu'ie it ami .piiiiuli i that l. iil Went w orth. -.r . W el a h ih-.iI i-,l -4 !ie ' i i ll', li' lit ,11 ,...,,.'' 1. l,U:ti,, . - a. I ,thtif,its rli'ti ,.' i,i.t ' .-IiIjhi. t.iat I e. to stand Up I" ru4ty-'-Tt'i4 ttiutUii. I ' if insielw Hii-'il t f us.ljJ4. ol Jlls UllupUlllon, Ut lllljft lU'l til n t bis eff irts to extrnate limi-clt, ami grf.eiIoii till cxtaiftted nature compcl- I him to give nit in ilesimir. the par- .ut an'd firist mill was al. stopped: tyNniwarcfi retnrtied tor further, assistance tio'n, and the trams running with their luclili:i h Saw .Mill at the ami wre eageriv jonieu uy tne n.-i.-i .f 'reek u .. learn that 1 1 1. ?. TTTtTTt-rTra-'i" -ot 'tir st n H II .H-rVl--i- far under water that' it could not ' lock on 5Wi-dui slay they e'ntored,, and i' 1 ....I 1... .. ii.t. f...t rod. -', III, lirffcfcediiifg to the place where Captain . ' ' , n x "i 1 . - . 1 r . ii'. 1 if 1. i. i :. . itrav was la-tven, tlo-y niviniKi, aun pro- 01 Jiurimv, jieiwino in. vi., k oosuric, nflicial unless appcuring in uniform. Our reipiiring tlieir ttse for such purtose,ai coiisnls are excluded--rnr Ministers cut. 1 if fi how -innny and which of them and our secretaries insnltcall diie"ly j Mr. Uicharilson asked leave to offer S that Jose Mannel t.allego,tne from New Mexico, have pf- introdnce within the doora ot hH'iitli was mi be pflK : usual punctuality. iz 1 . ... .1 1. . nllil .mi iivt:iuiiiiiw. iiihu ire.i Tin .i.ii.t try i ... b w prfcr.l l I m thai, the ftlltlloritv" ( the governmcl.ts to whicli ' resolution - : pnxiucB could have rem tK-il Charl.ton by tmsi. " ' ... 7 ., . Ji.i.., 1 ,- We nes not Uf to the e.-UtioJ tli. n 'Y accredited. Very well It is a delega t , t , . .... u .1M1111I rub. wlneh will nut Work fioth wavs. ; mission to 'I. .- , , . . . ..f lJrl.,.n.vif.ii.utJlJ.n.rii.liiirn , . -. t-i i , from our uaiiai syiU'fra 01 hiuuihi naviganon.! f s .... ..... -,t .... 7-- r - 7 age, to mrtri(mntN;-'tridger nlfVsiint to th.- fart that fifty vt-an, a.tto TCgulate-the" drt .1 r i . i ... T:i ti 1 ..",i: i ..' 't. ' . . ' . . ... . 1 . ' r .1 " 1 .1... I .1 I.J:... f il.:. I,1 ine 1 namme, luiu iioiki in in g'sri eouui- W!M tlr ..mcic.-sl inle of Uannport Is-tsrwn : lives, in open violation oi iue, expreS4ii oersnuio niu iiriti-vciiiig o 1 mm i"i- air thr f itiv and the firtilp-rpginti of Western North-i wisliotjoiir Secretary; ' we certainly haver Tlie House refused to suspend tho . run JCarolini, with which now in ,urhcWtho ame right to reg.ih.tc the costume of ! Mf Forence ve (lico of hla Jnten- Mr. William Murphy, of the firm ' connertion, aocially anil commercially. I'en'nionn in JTnrth fiinJinn. -Tlie lio- ,.... r.j A W.FU1IN PAIM'Y 1'OlMiNKIi. A "wedding party bs-k place at liata ia. N V" lately, and iliktiiig the even ing ad hands Were taken sick. Snl'ii . ; lent i.v tin- bndegii stin. Mr. l'hilHttt, the IjiiiJe and, a wiling man- iiauied I'eard, otl Si v. laF uf1ii)-i ar' -'ill m"s Utin gf'V.i't i-'J.4itioi lt I-. siiio.Ti'd lual l.n.li.nfttn.y it'JIlr!'"Titi44 IH-d' pi ti Mill.' foreign ministers at v asmngtoii. as an . j,,,,,,,!,, ' . i.r.i fir Publish. abroad imiat, aiiiWHr III -flirt . .. ,: i ...:...:.. Iress to please the crowned heads of F !!-; i! i 1" a I!. .. t . .1 1 : . 11 litTfT" k.-.l , A .... I Hill IflUtlUIHU l.tl Mil, 11... 'IMIW.I.,'1. .. ... i1'1'! .ropean reirwei,taHvw in I ti f,t . .,iA COI..iercitt osseis. T . . .. . . . . . . . I ....a. ' .IT .1... I ....................... ., . I e. -.inn. ill iltltereut llm-ctiolis eolitllllleil . ,.r,.nr.i, I,, r,.,.l con- ..rli.n.ii,'o litift i l1"1' i5 Vl niissionei. . in j elisions, , ... .1 -,. ...,,i stnllu li noiinnul .i nl.i...nrl .1 ... l .:tl .!..' ..!..! ...I. Tl..'.. ...... , 1 . 1 h . . J . . . 1 .!.. .Ii. . ; V....1. t ll.... i ... i- ' i . I '" .1 1 . i If ' V no; i-eiiren mi h n-e o i i-ji .mi niui-wi ware-houses on his store lot and also """'" "" -'" "'" ; in Miiiw-cfiaw, vo pieaae repuoucan.yi- Miornifig, when to the gWat joy of all he m fttr o(fi(m hifl V. S. Pensioners, and that oly one, ! inerica. Give us reeiprtmity. 1'ntwnalv wa.s found. - '-n : ; i,i;j:,.,h w:i erected on one of iKinsiwer . under 'the act died ly Neiiraskf-yiile to; tliew officials II. 1 A ..... itTtsrlt fliiun In rf r f r 1 htv IHW lHlllg, Will He 1 H ttCd Oil Ont OI 1 . , , f M.,... ,. , . A mail pained Evan Suttla was shot in .1... . tti OTll. nil mid ... .. . iiit.i.ii. th.. dr .'.in. ... . . . . . . -. .. - ..... .... in, im., m. ll I'm. ll. v ti. . w m . ... .". w , I ..' I 1 I .if.. rn' 11. IU. llfllllll If. IMK Ml I... I J. .Ill I 1 1 IT-1 niu:tv . f-u ii , I .... ... ... .1... ... .... .. a .. I . ... .... I .'11 ........ - - - fiad not o HV w "1 ,1 in- gifni s eot i pii'ieiy ,7 . . . . . , 1 nun u in 11m iiinimr koioh-i. i iirnv luruiirii 1 I .; u: ,: ...lr,r ....1 l.i b fiifjil A VOUI1IT ot butl.Wh,i,,.A..:.o,ubUlen,ik.d and su.,h Is the demand f,f bnsmes T'.e wlmle nu.nbcr.of pensioners ... the JtttMaV(., W((lla expire ,witln,ut their j injuries " Pfv , Ayoung I, i , h, t-r-"Tn-irfr-sjr.il.;u.N fbat -f b4.m bwelmidrt tft rtsff- h'phmB ailthesaUll0on come to I l ' l'"7 " - self. I he flesh ay;b worn from hrKjn-. sj,ok'h f:.r - " -I ' -' 'since the last annual .report.-' jtomis. Cotton ItlU, . -TOtttatL jrt-w4iaakiuikfc

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