si ft. If " ,I i ( I V O If J . ... . y V IT VOL. X.--NEW SERIES. T 1 . SALISBURY, N. C, MARCH 16, 1854. . NUMBER JLIIL- , . . ii i - si 9 - - nJ'V .It p. a r-- ' - ' '- ,'.,". -. . - - sm..,., ix -V --V - v - . ,; -r- 1 rLi'Ufif1 , . , . " i 9 r 5 mm?! ' twelve and n half year t- foreigner, and t wont v -live to KciiHturiuni : These terms inn Jlllll- irliti tlltt I III tkil (l.kitd ...... l ........ ...,. i i., r... ..u l'aier ia Nebraska. II II I PV H III I - U.IMI c f IV) Ml I ' NEIIUASKA. Tlie only snliject now discussed in tlic A BEAUTIFUL 8TORY. 1 i- T .. - Tlie most beautiful and aflectinz inci- !letit I know, -w)ciatod with a ahipwreck, is tli i'dlowin : Tlio Gpwvenor. an Eiwt TIIREATENIN'Q ASPECT OF AF FAIRS IN SI'AIX. . Hie Pari correspondent of the Tiine a pain draws attention to the increasing V . : It has become a .Wfq,!irmlJW il M.rS,atorfCoeve,ydUI 3 i"li'ntiM will take steps I.. tlx ajt. know soiiietliinar of a territory that h(W ! tliut the tMaur. i.nweriffor .and nrew. hi L . ..-c....:. a..l : . i i . . ... i . i . - .. 1 i r1 T . vvvu xiiid in uio (.iiiviiv tji kiuiii. invi For the ben- .nuinher one hundred and thirty-five hiu, Ui.eukinir of the audaeitv of the ll...ll 1...... ,...... f... ...... o .. ,, 10 criioii nn oj of tlie govern- iHu n..i 3; 3 :3U i i?a'Mttt ' lis, : .; . t; ' . 3 3 2-3 v't , o ' fit of our reach1 ! extract which ... - ... , H' - rja IkMI I .U VI .lit C II 1 ' I M BUII r, we give tlie following endeavor to penetrate on Uiot across I minister in attempting " to cruali all oj)- i to be fonnd in a hir-e ,ri,,il "sn, inieieu uy who. warns , unn to tluj misJeed of A wrr i the Ifwrc nCHiid lv lfi r'n' lin An uilvi'MMrmrni m&kinr 1) or H aqaans, cVr; pil in pniuurthta Ui I vqu.rc . .i1hrhii j tf Vt i- vuiunrioii corri' wiiii uie puces r;a,i ...., .;..,, (uijtniK'aieii on previiu iues, ihkiii care .to notify tlie executive power of what ,,.e, .....,.,,. - u.Mie ... .i.e rue. , , . V " 'aiidcruel srtvaiies to tlie Dutch settle- ,lt!nt mid all ctusure uf the SHimiBcv of Jj,,: No one grant ot land will U , volUHW of tJol. FrenuHit, J.mmg re-1 jlMmU at thtt Cef 0vK)d Ilo j witl,K, hts !- The X"d m. hiid ont us t.. i.s,es, a on the ,,0rts of hu exiH-l.tion to California .and i this forlorn object them, theyt nar- )y il.jg term I do not mean the lower banks ot any river exceeding three can- Oregon in 1M2, '43 and '44. ly separate in two purti.ts-never more Udmvt eX),iinirelv-, are beeouiiiig, nut dm- Nebraska ts so name!, from one ot ;'. ::"; . ,. ... , ., . gusieu, ior mat uiey nave long oeen, uui three lar-est riveri, the Nebraska or i "ere is n miliary i ine.iiMiwi among toe impatient ami irritated u-iiler tLe cleUs- fiu,c " w-i. iiip yoKe pi an eiiero mvtrnie, wno niw ior virtue of ffenerosity to ufred Willi which he is rc- tLv uvuiipnia oKLa tltu tin. . I 'j I 1 l . -i i - - - - i:...i..i:... ....... i,. i.i .. , . , , i Ait. : i wiio nw iiiiva.iync uiiii- i,.. ,,.., i,.,.,...,.r ...n,.!. tl..i Soot liern K"" IU ul,ut AUU V.T'.S" " em "K'" : 'iitliy uiimoii as tliey do Uie ministry ;iv rewletils oit near the Xap'pnd.-jth-jinw at'37 rte Mr. Dimirlas-i pronos. : li0 "Upfosed to be a little tiling U men in wm h(,l,n).,, jy the Ignoininioiis ten- er r.rtiarorian rn ei ni:ii m'svun hi iiil' ,. .,,,-:,.., . m II l. ""l 11 B" al c,l""ul.'i ""l 11 1 "l":"ls lire ot I i Those lmiils' deslined to the nf the En ' I deht. net the hiYlish 1 el t r hie , , Accnnling U the of the 1 J -vpie boy of even yar. ing yoU -uf an iliav have U-eii lor b; s I he Hr I, , it JMn4 13J.)l0 plare old, who hitsfio relation there : and when .,, even the j, cr,,, can.,.., be granted U, settlers , M New EngVl'ftrst party m moving away he cries diminish the tia under amleinty ..I tins deciee. , , v y , , .j;,, jt ,,,;, after ioii.e memWr of ,t who has bee.. gal..k.( . a. th . tlio tt'rrittirv s tlium th 1Mn U'M!juHtei i. t . . .. ..i a it r.i ..( m,tr .i muz." . Mtmi nil"! iiti ute im m iii"t i. i - i ..;.... !... (-rfiiHi hi w i, rrwrxu prvpuniun tu iiw w u tiK h it w fracihitiitl part. Cr(Hd to those irbo dvrrlit ffuliwly .through lit year. Thrrr doltara A anmwiH'iiif CBiididat' 1 "tfi'-f. ('urt Urdi-m rharged 125 p-r fiit higher l'in 'h raf. Ord?r ft divorce of hubiuid J T PertfW tfttdmir in fctivrrtif mei,! ar reniifft to Mtw the narnVrrrf mvfifttr rrwt .juLiL. it in wihd th.-V Ahonlil ur-rtipy the p b, writ up4i ide hark ti e vrd r(ww. Mi-t lh' v i l ht; put wp in the uul ftd ci.ira. ii ILi' N djic0Rt on thee rale. hm protection. Tlii i thinking age, nd tnotioe Rre weighed. A well M actions, and a man is appreciated,' becauM he honestly feel to know what i duty, and fearfully dltcharqe it, and fKrf because he pan defH 4f --iwrer aiceljrji'l0-tWlV-liw TOthf to catch the rarjlng b'rccjw of public favor. , Ilia be the praiM, who looking 3t with teoru. On (he Mm jodfinea wimld-b ra)ra, Consult his ows efer hrt,nd bnld'y dfti To Ri( out t b THu0trr, hoatat wu. THE GADSDEN TREATY. Our advices from 'Washington, of the let inst., assign as in part tin Teason of the delay of tho Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in reporting the Gads den Treaty to that Ixxly, the cull of the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Mason, from tho capital., during tho ' previous wei-K ; ami, in nan, 10 me siiDscqneni NAVKiATIO"N OF THE' A.ttAZoX. LV-r. t llOS OF 1 IIL I XI TEI S i ATI'S, i -OWWrlWl. -UnUrik A. degree liaving liwH-asoil by -n gress and ui'pro.'ed by tiie Executive of this Itopuhljc, by which the lid fixation und comiirjrce tf tlie Amwhs i.nd it tributaries within the territorial limits of Ecuailor are made free to all imtiims and lileral gratuities .'.'!, ui-1 and otln-i' valua ble consideration are utiered t.itlm-e in dividuals or families, to whatever liatiuu. the-y may Vdoiig, who -may be attr tttid to jiiis iiiaiiiticeiit .CuH'iti'J.-.ite.UiJij;..-t-ettlei-s; the umh-rigucd has thiiglit the ! earlv utwst'Ssitui ot'tiA intellieiu-i-, in an ' authentic shape, uf sufficient importance to the enterprising merchants and others of his country men, to warrant him in uiuiiicauiig ii lo iiiciii in a v-iiciiiai niriii ere- Kvrm.tnti.s of the is immediutely taken into that do; jreat dicyiiteut .uf thii "giuuiisli wAL!MilUl'rteXjtt.UJC jtiehata. iu tlie of and exemption i ceded to new settlers ,,,mv 1,7-en designated a Nebraska, i t"c:l"".-'"1- w,"cl' ,l,llu ""rt". apar each day in spite of the exertions j Semite- on tho .Nebraska JJill. It is now in precedmir articles ot tin, .l.cree,- -ami, ' i,.;, (1J a j arm iHirtiw 4 the Indian t'""" H """"'"V'J 'i''e icrea ciiarge ; -of the governmuut; and when we iind '"migiu prooaoie uuii. uie ceuaio win mon over.thcy shiiin.ave a pn-lereiice Ui Terntorv and most : of the Indian tribex VnM "" :l nirt "8 W!;t,t such documents as those, the trans-, disc ot the latter subject beloro they the -election of the land thev i'na.v wWr!.PX0,,T,t ,, C'hefnws the Creeks the irl lvrB ,(.v ,1,c '"''''"' sadnrs ; they car-; lati,n f v ,ic, 1 subjoin, are turrepti- 1 Aher to cultivate with a perfect right to retain ' (m-(.tJnw, ,ie Seminoles and atmrtion r-v h? ,l,r"f?l ' ,I1' uml tiouly but indiistrious'lv circulated hi ev-1 tiv matter. The Treaty, in all its esseu- th.we thev actuallv occupv. , ' , tin," Clii.n.kee ' and long grass (he patiently walking at t.rv corner of Spain, thJre can be no long-1 t,,si ' 1,0 piiroved by tho Senate; Let this be communicate.' to the Ex-: V..brn-ka, a proposed to be organized. "" ".'T 'me ' share with him such ! 'my (U,lllt of ,10 v,lUie tferation, the opinion gums ground that the centime l'ouer. f.r the .mUicatioii ami: will Ik-a vat reU. bavin" th-various I1,M,r"1 h"' ,'"-y. I""1 5 t"v and of the danger t which it is, 1 f.arnemimetiu to the mumr proV'smns of --t - - - - i tr- ' : -WTT- T-. nmrn-tltlrl tl'ltf Tr- MITTT tTTirm Trm " rt TM I i 1 .. l. 1 ; T r 'It . ril'iT I 1 1 T ri 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 Mill ll'limiki'II lV U'lIII. cbuintes tli.- are enjoye.l in .Mi-wiirt, " , oui me immeuiiHe preiaue. i.iei.rstisi - y- v . Town, and M:..ta, that be on its Fas- '"'H-cnter, w ho becomes his especial Iriend this effect SimnianU ! We have siif- out notice, as w holly unimporUint. t -ti border: only, the climate like the 1J 1-'"I- Wt by I s and tigers, fered enough already. -This abject eon-1 J he eiiuisciilutioti of tho Mh article of f. :.. I.,:...:,, T aaev iv iiursi aim iiuuuer, oy ilin nf llut lnvornuunt liu iwueliml ifs: ' iiruiv, B" twi-m o m ns Kin I . i ' '. 1 1 le l 1 1. :i I J . . I s i:.i i. i, . si... i . i ui. - . . - - . .. . . , - - - - . n . , . ... T HM-nl jw.rioh of it is chiefly prairie and l"'lit" M vr';'1 K'.'-?' -v r-apev tliey Utmost limit. The law. arc violat . . . ., . J ' i never (I I' ut .or ! all tiinukin.l I U Ti ... . i - . ..: .. rieli n linn . I he niiil. e is more caiinv . .. v . . . " i nu coiisnuinou im i tot obh. coiisuiniiiatioii ui tlie decree. liven in (Jiiito, the Capittl I" blii-, on the Jlit'.i dav of N ls.",H, and the Nintl; vearof Li!.e. i Mmtmrl Ilnstumnnt I'l.-ilont the capital, was intolerable. Forthwith a ' decree was issued stigmatising the ttutliora of the work as lad Jfeziodrts, depriving them of thoir grade and offices, declaring - ' them incapable of filling any public en jrtoymfMlYtinterhiff tftelook torHbf burnt ' ' in the public square, and commanding that all copies in tho hands of private per sons should be given np under the penal- -ty of a heavy fino. Several of the collab orators to the works bad ..enjoyed band- " . some emolumentsln the capacity of pub lic employers, which they have now for- . feited in favor of a set of iwditical harpies and sycophants, whose chief object was -to glut their, avarice upon any pretext whatever. - - Fiftt fruit of the Dttp River liiir jimvemsnt.lx u with pleasure that- we notice tlie arrival here, on the evening or the 28th nit., of the steamer Joha Jf. Hanyhtun, Capt. Lanions the pioneer steamer of the Deep River Improvement. The llaughton came down from. Averas- Itoro', some twenty -live miles above Fay? otteville, with two lighters in tow, and a cargo of 22xi bbls. rosin. She is a snug little lmatof the capacity of 275 bbU., and will plv regularly lor tlie iresont, between this port and Avurasboro'. There are some 20,(KK) bbls. naval stores t tlie Senate : ,''..'.' Kf nZ't. 'rei.!i"it of tlie IIo!ie f Ke re-ciit.ithis : .... .(. ,1. in i. -.. Secri ta a of i!.e Semite : V.,.- Lcu. rih-t:UHm 4lw higbe iinmntaiiK being cor ber of lo Cred Willi amosjt4ri.itual.inulK 1'alaee of the ( iov.ertilni it in (Juito OapiUl of the Republic, -Joii .. .niber, ar the lasfnauicd pTac aniTat other place now waiting shipment. Success to the Deep River-Improvement ! It has met with obstacles and dif- , ;cieucy III regard to the nilitilHters or j iicuiues, oin, as we ihmj aim oeneve, nas ti... luml-oirates from this coiintrv. is-said too i overcome them all. When shall wo see .fthei""' J'ave lieen well received liy the i('e iironiiciioiis oi mo ncn upitvr wran- ricaii Sotiaiu.. witiiluii cceptiw-4 uw4uriigur wharret r -rnicirmay--.UiJmi SewttiH-s, wWv-wHtrtaeyl-loMr-thu lirst in.taliiiefit-f-wtf fcsr- ip naturally', with tillibiinteri rvL'ret that Mr. 1'ierce has U'rt t iipiemc favor eicVj.t tho-e which ' limitless on this subject at p rice of lut' L'i'c htm. TnU new i ,"' exhibits the aspect of quaking l?j:J, and :!!." Vear of I.iln Nv : I t ibis be cxecu'ed,- .)(!: M.l:ii'( KI:l... '... Minister ( Interior mid F iv'j.'ii Kelatioiis. (niii't 'o...., , in place of the Oiik ial M iV-.r t'hief of the -i -tio;i, lim ing hi -oosiS.iii, a A-. afntl.ergxjw.ilion oftlje views of !l4c present. Adu.ini-trati .:., and indeed of the Viibgl.tei'l piirtioti o;he "Dem ocratic" party. .,iiovn a.s sii l. in contra- di.-ti;ic!..i to w'! tido ari-lo. ratii i lal .fiuUll'SUI H-Ht Wt RTtrt rS fWCrrt'l Sit ,,1,-nr.l ri ILi-.U-i ........: . l -'l. - . fti - . - - '. .oovs u uy. un ; arid n. liner oi ine iwo y- it lion I lii. ltatioli be . ' la-t ive, tliev the child Willi tliem. Hie ij, f" The inhabitants of Nebraska mav :tvHtv-fivo thonnnd, mostly linlians. -; The white are military men, Indian u " iit-, and inissioiiai ies. Within a week, p.-iracnitilis have nppeareil in thl papers. 1 anno'itioing that a newspaper i about to l.rS.fTl,li,lied at Id Fort Kearney, called the Nebraska Deniocrnt, nnd that ft po.t (.nice Ts t !m etahlishHl untnc forty miles fVor.l it Ti.r tlo. Bi.ivi.imuwl.lhtn .if .....- T."r.,',.Ti7rn"w"r feeiM-fiitn wnm nnTrfPH i ... , , , ..... tillibii.teri-,iii. , ilmi'ii.jtijn-Jhrald. th tnminl. a."p. nier dies ul ihmsoiioiis lierries eaten (, o i.reteiids t iii starvation, and the. sti-wjird. succucdinif i Heek "of t!ii heroic nation,' the.tTOtliar-' Sa's ' the ninTaudem, which met the to uie codiiii.iad ol tne j. arty, iii eeed b ta! mother of the victims of tho 2d of .coroial iiirolialion ot the country, it is the sacred oimrdiaiisliip ,,( the child. " May of the h.roe of Sara;.rt and tic-' ll"t croilitahle, I'spwially after ns-uining know s all be 1V ; how he cImm ENSLAVING THEMSELVES.. : ; A bill has racently passed the Senate of Virginia ( r the pnnxise of allowing in the county of Aot- .,. it... ,.r..ot "- o..-.,-.. in. o iiiiri-i ..os. iiuo. iMiiii-li v i. no mr t in ni.ii.-Irv ol the , 1 M nL..,.'. .l .1... ia ',.,...,- Tlie cai.tain stoi-5 and hi faith oiuvn :'it is tbe n.iuivrv of ax.'hiiherilu' Amy; l-ortf.-" -n-t- a " rrniTT o ;il. irh.rv iih. i perhaps naturall v, with be anv more behehl until the L'reat : ....i t ,.j u itl.-.m at.v ii. ! We n"'ret that Mr. Fierce has U'rt shown lar: but, a the rest g.f on f.r their ,.., rtn-nu. fav.,r eie.i.t tho.e which '"'ore hrnltiess on this subject at present caprice of lu,t' gin-, hi.u. TnU new : ' ox.yhit the aspect ol quaking under ..y pretend to plant his heel on the "r shrinking Irom Im own proclamation. ofthi heroic nauon, tho. Samt me mnrauters, winch met certain fi-ee neirroes taway t enclave themtwlvea. iUcm ne- 1 1 fflluK llUll S"ll lllswt I WT 1 vt 1 f llhul .k li A I rm- wfully carries him ttt hi- rrr.rriiT. illid I.iichana. Are we. indisl, tl"jM "m aul awt comtort to these heslel u , ,. Senator from the Votawsv district arms when he him, lf is weak anill ; to g,,, ?f.'ita-,-twAtii(f.-.rTatil element brbemh : "VT 'w """ wnrn. n,llrw" griM..i , IU,V , .re there- no longer swords m . T" "-i'.- the t II of a gentleman in his district. th.. work ..f.rviliainir the territory. u"" "H" " i Ms fits ragt,l jack-. ,l,e , ry tJ.oCid I -V weapon. ..f:'.'e " . siuyeci oi Rm tlllt .their desire was to lie sold to Nebraska is ami thust ever he mainlv """" lays in, nine worn iact -.:.. .t . Ti e k .i with a woiiLaii k t4itulefes nnon tiTTTtrrrt- .. -T i : uti 'rr i'i . rn n.'.ti... ir is ii.'r . rs..i. .ill - . ... ... -- . is hfrP ;... -d ' el par- " , . ; , . T. Ilte : Ux"M breast, soothe him in his suffer-' 111 re. .tin n to the live . ., , e .i ' imrs.'siu.nt to him . J liitiiM aloi)- mi- A:,. ........ .-.......,.:.... 'TJ I.. ' rnwii rrmntrr. nnd ndd'4 the' vStBrlnSttie wVTf sefrtedprincipTes 1B jj, f ft gent)ell,M j law of nation on the subject ot ! ,i.ll( iiw.;, ,t.:,-. ... v kiiid'4.-L"p, up. Spaniard f To arms I,rivit,' and lawless acts of piracy by ieir .lteMwslw-8 kin hirgtnnjm rt rall! lK;.th toTTi'e favori-te! Hurrah for ' ; c-tizetis against a nation at ie:ice, , ber of rot-IectHble citizens of Notaway, 'thc cofistttntioiiiand liberty'!", Another ' holding friendly re.atioiis with their f,.eiin.r aIl interest in the negroes for navigation of the Aimumi, -1 have also : tj..l . . I.. . 1 ...1. ... . li:.UL..alLt4-L suMiU. l-UkKJ..c iU.ilu.. .l,!lfcfcM.,4.Afc. ALiw. n . J".- . . . . ' ...... i '...... . t-.l ...ii i loriy at.d a col.v' hereto. It ",r,;" aiueie iii a V' peiiMiiea.,caiieo - has been pet feet ed in all its form, and " li Deniocra-ia, W..1. I1 1. iiie.l trmii .. . ........ . . . .1... 11 .".. ; ...11.. menon-irand f,iith..t.toenitli.are pled: .v ,,.,.c... 1-.-. . . .... . . f Iiiit) ,,ui t , t!iu iir ed to a strict fullilment of its siipuia- the organ ..t the high Inuctionanes ot tlu- T, , , ' ,,, .,. t ii'ilts Ami. in tl.i L-'.iut(..t. it tusjd.uii... I. as44l.,i:iihub..,..4K. iind New Gnfua.liay decree-, of a i.n illl.liC Th. motto of nicnl'of IwAtrrwr? i4JiUli ,ift. ii'!i."l..liaUi.;i sjiiti,.. , ,. . 1 leeiinir nil i.nercBi in me negroes IOr ' otninrntmnt.i...:, 1 v.i.X..f, .I.uj t..3. it only navj;aU mcudUfiofis'mr4rie The bill ! hi fie. Kl'1- loM.iing i..r lew days troin the ,v mean of a revolution. (. hiinc of dv- j rau.lers. lliis oldigatiou .nr. t lercepro- jia i.assed the Senate, and will pass tho in the sand au.l bn- 1H,tv. The house of Mra-Mtiza be-rins to I"""' ; to strike 01ft -ot the treaty, 111 tlie , ,.-., The Rirliniond Dispatch snys tliat this stmr.1.. faet tt mi atiau... it. .1. ,eriimei.t should not iu practice as we , tka)1wm, tjii,,,,. ,rto.ef.th4iwiiiw j From what even the Indians have he. mplislH'd in aricillturi', the country nasty. The cooler -these rei'n. I i.i 'rnh eonipaiiiorl al .ho rn'the wil.fcrnes JV Iro V." - and then the tune com.. hen both are ill, and beir their wretched Partners in re st. t.iey diif u grate ry t-ueir . friend the rn:ir " ireliifioii is - i .. in . .. iii v relliu. lie. in. , . -J .--w-i --rtrtlHK twrfa as Aw lwi lwiwa titire 4iaaJM4 as . Ieiii'cratic,un. it yet coiic.irred in. the" '.Exccutiye. act,. nor i..; - in die latter ha the ExoeUoVo approveilj, ;Tr.n.!.tuiu fam ' t t.i.s legislative action. ! Tl... .,i. it of ....t.., .,riy,. foster. .M.v r , ,rkt,( 1 rt ,yiti l t-i .uil t.. mmtim; S Kr lbe nimtiart ' " itffltiimwr.iFiw, thp great . .... .... i.. t I... l... I ... Tl '. . 1 .1? I.i, oils .in tin V..rt .urn on. I S. ...I ir., "' " ..IV. .11 i.I.e J 1 1. ift -of the ii of Spum ami 1'urtugul.T . V"D l1'm "is late proclamation. Th.- Times orres.udriit !" I' lameiitable indeed that our gov is.sitivclv asserts that the imion t th 'atii acre. Fnm these they raised, in a late venr, ho.oiiu biihel of corn, i.ti'.lo biiJiel of wheat. .and 12,000 of oats, i. Moreover, the personal. asiirances .f:ti)4. giiii.d'4iWrty, is mak-itiggreat-and (hhi hog. 2(H.nO0 iiiel no, oupreine .tui iiorities or ims ivepui.iic,, ,.ra,,,U. pivgiV , ,;d t.iMlm ;:al.d .. tif khK,Thev .kei do me to doubt the M.itreriT.v rjUl.rmu. TUt nf Their profession of abign adrntratnui oi i.tifribnte so large! r tn- th.r firospertv of .value ..f their p our political institution, nor..t their ah- ,i1(. ..eoi.le. have called forth the l.c-t la!- Tlie n ......... ....I.:....... i I .'. - . . . . . - to wait bv rH'lMII'WIV:'.'im!.SIt dars. On the muniim of the thinl tl.ev ve v. ry s..ltiy about, in' making their preparations for the resumption 4 their 6f different J;",T"('.V ' '"r ''n1''1 ' sb'epn.g In iiiestion of the dav in .Madrid siaiid again-r rue lawless enierpnses . ,; ne ;,.:,. wtwl. Tl ... ... '. I .. .i? . ' ... ,:. . . 'i-i . ir .M.v...,v...,..!Voiiiiii, .. inn wau ot illid IU utht isrimr 4swna m , ,r iiiuliililtlo. ,yr uwuain, iluu cry uaiur.t4iv "m i - fit .i . . f .-. .-.. - m - .-.-....1 i. :...s. 1 -, j;'n-i uiiiii iniR fifl. Hill, iilUt llljllli.' "HI j - I national character. We cannot tvi mum ; ruu th wrd Weekly Giit. U theHlfn' mrt --iv-ittke, hut nten t" ifrVCi T. "irarrtft. ot tins town, left witli . er j ' i " "irv 'mr m im . . . . , iriit-f-M Mini niniiMi if 11 r:ii.:ii nii-t Niiirn 111 .,!.. i j . 1 A 1 , lin. iitift it l" -u-irh .'" ! tirst Mute in.,thc Nmth to proclaim ' ..... rV:.TV2Z2 Zi'l ",nMHH'.u." wif. ,.:. mtL 'lmJMiJl ,H.-W,Uirtnrt4--t before it Mmr.rimeoT,trc.T!! the Trim. lhi trtnl uf Ai. Mi" t,t -vk Mrpretrrt .She first State in,, the South to V1M2- lety to cultivate lutiiiuite and aiuicaM. ither inter.. sts, and ! cmula- energy "and jtftrjccMtn spirit I tirodncts is put down nt number. of those Indians'. nt tho I''t' If. tlw. .It wllsii.l. tit 1 nt M .l'l - rebltions with Us, b.V making C Ulce-'-ioIis ,,,,,, Whut .uhleeti, I... s' Th.. ...'rriti.rv i ..if" m-tl n.t.l !..'.'.. ot the most liberal kind to our conimer-' ,, ,.,, i.inr,,,;,,,, .,t il,,.' i,r.....,t i... I..r ..In. .Liwl. . 4lw- nii.u .t.;t.. 1 tcrestifig era ? ; maple and other tree, are found there in It i to develop the rare and varied , moderate number. 1 lie cotton st-ood tree fountain ( wealth that are locked nt. bv much abound on the river. il.t am- tbe exclusion of tin world from the Ai- mals, such a biifl'aloe. deer, wild h i,,v : - t.. invite men of in.hi-trv and of i mountain sheep, prairie dor, woltc 1 . . . ..: ..ft . ... . . . r. . T i. ...'. Ti'.t,.. nf.i..i.i.r o ft, ... j,,,....,.,. :. ' ' ,. .. . i Tl... t.,rr;t,... oi. I.. ..f .,:, .done it unto me. rion, as wen as i:ie ascenniiiuieni oi its .... .s VI. ... ,.,.,.. .i,, , '!T,i..rfUDWi. capacity f.r commercial purposes; M a large population. The people are in,- . re; , tt .... ... i.-liotv the neecssitv ..t an intimate concur-1 l,;i'icnt to have an organized Icrritory. ,.vr.ry of ,i..S,,vr Jfi, Jn T "J W'-. rcnee. and of nnited actio,,. the part ,th they may make State after State ot i A letter.t.i thV &AiiMMimid"Z WHEREAS, IX cosiii katIo.v, 1st, ;derthe more eiT. ctiinll v to r.p("se and j That it is requi.,ite the navigation ot tl.el'htvart the exclusive nnd retro-jrade pol j .. LIREL ON THE FAIR SEW .... ...... ... e ... . . . :..i.i i ;tMAflis. anil oin.-r rivers iriiiin-irv to ir. I'.v oi i e se r s . c:ii,in...r .j a. jiiAiiiiioi i ..........-.. -r--.--T..s-cr: wic. ui.vii i m s...o .w oe- . ui.iJ . I tl,,., ;,, " ,i. ! i... ,.u .1 i.: r. tured Wahinsrton correspon.Ient of the 1,1. Waters, of tbiscounlv. The ! s '''. 1 p'V'hc h-i) bm) ..n, ui oi.i. iiiumii iiiiMd' , im" nonooiiui iiiiihim miih nil" ia I'le-i 1 ' . J ' 1 - , "III 1 1 tion and trade, there is 'ueeiM-itv loi- rc.rh.ii ffers. of vivil bberfv at.,1 -o,h.l ' Richmond Wl.'iij, is trniltv in his last let- discovered by a gentleman who said . ' "HI u: compel! making concession, and granting priti leges 10 mose navigator ami emiirrant cia.1 and linir that i . i . . i ... oy which our jieopte liave ac.ueved a succession of fritii'nj.hs in cmh'zation and the peaceful arts', that not old v ciiaileiige The respect, but excite the marvel' ( an enlightened world. Prohibitory Law has paed..b.oth bran- tum and ascendancy. Will not all admit : rr'M,,1 ln the I luted States, t rom, its ,. che of the Mississii.pi Ia-gislatna. :it ' a iiioiiKtroiis ouiragc that a hue- "antiquated appearance weliavo no doubt ias to return tq the . llohse f. r coll- "--er-naiiu oi men ironi me i nueu , oi ine HiCl. II ueara Uate litis-te.nyeat ciiirence in a bill bv the ill be reunited in his immortal snirit dily and iirouit can doubt it? -witli the child, where next, and then Norlh-f-'rri'olin:. 1 I'.Alr-. Illlt Hit1 tile lllll.ltsl.r.i..f ..ttM-ilition of fore th . U-st liioiuelit couuw, the tire is and the child is 'h ad. , i lli-fai'hful -iVh-iid the stewartl lingers ! but a little while behind him. His grief. ; ts invar, 'ho Sta'.i'er irti for i. fi.u ihii'd : lie down iu the desert and dies. Hilt he ; luo few anuMidments niade i,.' fcJ",uIi m,'X,l, with impunity, pvi.,,,, to the declaration of Indepen- u Senate which' will rca Til T K'T: ! T""." Vcc. It was published at Boston, Mass., u ...oju.viio.ii tun -a tnemllv nation, and mtemipt and mar ne-1. ., . ' , ' ptly be done. Maryland g,,uati l;tw-eeir the two countries ?-i ''.v K- V DrajHir. Tberice wa,i be- tTftoob place, half a dol- re. '"' ,l'c p'or carjs nter shall be raised a P(. (f;in ( V,,rk and prav ; tlie dav i Captain Walker, Jemnr4 -adden, we ; lar K-r dozen, or six cenU per copy, af selk.'Zri' 'ltri'lT77U'MyV l!1,V : of promise shines brighter and : "- '",V" "'"f ,cr V" "lore than tfoato dme It Ullto f lie lt-.1sl iji Ihirw-- t-i hnrn I. . to . nf Wm-T sm, iiii,t1.i. - wmf. .)4ini', date, I tMvmitett connfr, ( ieoegia. February 14, savs : . ' 1 take leave to enclose a- tti of isilvrr tre, takttn from s (rfiaft "nmv"t.rK" iter A letter writer from Ma in (IiYiriiit ' r,""i Ala., says "I lie cause ol temper- ; .arger pnrrmn or rnnnra, ana pntrirpsTTie-... .,.; We .,.,, ... tt'Ul.te l.lllllllll:t ol I a iu-kp i .. if. .rti o. for! 1 r .the consideration now lie present frentv.'i to be paid under; ' '..,c .1111111101 uu mo As matters now I minp Act an extract from the Act, which ' anco is al vanchig iu.Alabaiiyi. Duriugilii xv l.wU either; l.kse.these ex (wetoill created so uoh excitomcnr in tlHS wnn .ttiesjinWiit session of our legihittfre, j altogether, or hatJe hereafter 'fry nt that time : ' liiKire than i- hun$tirj thbHuifZl iiiiHus ! 'tain them at a heavy ieenniary cost, j . .. . .. . . , r. -.i, . m r . 1 .11 , . - ......... 1 ....... 1 . . ; .. ....... I . . .... - fci ... ... . I. a. ..-.I 1 . , Ll.r 1V.M... M....SL uiw-wawtiryirtiiiw . .- . .--r.T.Tt-1-nTTannn.r iiui s;.m...r.i HniHg7.T(riiTTejSiaiure, in , stioiii.t ii.ey he nblo to make g..l their V " r ; .. I the honorable member.! fo-t hohl and retail, their eoiMiuestso lwl. ami Commons in this present el, bv the voice of the 'hat in either event we shall bo losers bv I ."T r KSfflmu'"1'' J I ..ui . 1 tlliritv at tilt, mihin I liat h ill ill ami A Ii tlw. lots' t ....... .1- I rilllllllk.ritl'tlti . "" -"'"'-' - ss'-'ju mixi l ist w 1 117 v II' m UV- . ..,,iti,'i 1 1 in,. 1 ,. , . . - , , . it 111 t ('.III. who may come to carry on their coiii merchd "tnin-'aiJIion, ..r ti'e.fab!ish tii. i, ielyes at Uie Forts or ia tlie tenilo.y ad joining; Jt is therefore Liij::n, Art. 1. That the navigation of the Rivers t-hinchipe, Santiago, Aloro na, i'astasa, 'iigie, l uraray, .s'aucamj, Najo, i'uluiaayu, and rfher J-iialoriaii waters that flow into the Amazon, a, weii thai I .art of theAinaon it-elf which "pertains to Ecuador, is declared free to ail' the world. Art. '1: That vessels which mav come to navigilt r'tliese river-, to whatever na. Te.n thev may beloiil'. shall treat the nnestion as if'.'!: ". !,il,u r ,rac W oi 4X0vemuer,. cents. We plant our-i1 m any person or persons, ground. It concern ; Wl',,ln f M?1 0u,o," ' f. irt to enlarge the area ot civilization , and to improve ami aggrandize th.'cr,,iTt fry. "Thi i the task which i at prc-i.M' eliciting tin. talent; nnd calling forth th. effort of our men of liberal mind, in pre pann? the wav tir the " pnnnitpet .ii thev may l.eloii",'. sh luring twenty year., tn.m -irV. ; the Cargoes they it not ctitrlihanil. shall tn impost or cn-toiniioii,e duties fianio period. Art. 3: The muireipul iiuthoriti tablished in the -cantoi, ,,f Najio,. ThiTWtieT caliloif" in 'v orgai iize'd "ITr jnav hereafier ill be em e exi inpl II port l. ir' ::iay import, irom an luring the or in ""that 1 ... . t.i .1 .. . . ; .-.a.i 1.. -.i..t. .. . ..rvi.i I. j oil..r...,.f . ... 1....... ... ,..... lwooie, to urn ..-f..'- .e 1' ., , . . i . ... . . Ikhi.I.hI .!.. fi.r ...,..isv....r. maud. Many of the ablest men in the but we scorn to treat " " " . ' " ' u'" "lir "ave 'W?'.; A..r. W ,,, lcgis.ttrv, tt oi 41,.1 Wf dollars amlcei JtCir .Vil! awt piwiiisr. f (i .;naTr- ca Teriei w lb tie r - . " . ' - " ' . . . " ...1..... ..t l... .... f ,..-.. .... I,;l.. ..... uaiianisjciie, mere was ail old aiaidon- J N-. , v...--- r . ....v....-, .a.LM, 1,.,11 .il ,- Mrrritui.rt uttar ft.. 1 ...ta I , inncl irsa.1.- t.. I . t. . , . . ... ) 1 ...I ,s, ., I M n... i f . .. rfi .. i . tJ ... . OUT ft a 1 1. .11 n I ell 1H-.1 ol ..r l..v.., ....I .-....1 miHlflS, Sll.ll. Sni,iaWIC, CurTT aDottl, UllCr. ... ....... silver rutin', and upon .1 close and care- '1,. J r . ,...,...,,..,,,,.,.. ...., .... j..""' w j- 1 . Ab,,,......,,.!- p 1 -wing pang-..!,;-.- W.ut.m Sm: (ful examination, a pil. jrlr,tbj Z,,,,, ym-.oe lors with ulmo.,t tho enure he (faith -our bta.iding tor oiteg..tX 11. tl,e(,r , , Vl W or lLt ', r c. er ,1 veeks ,.nt the cileries uuLJUuul Mr. ''W, and great numbers of great faintly o t.ations-that we shall go " Lr tmmneLr L.Ktra t r(. r.i u(M.t ''r ' i Water immeili-itelv ulaced a iinmberol "tir plivsicmns and lawyers, and most ! to the utmost vere ol our constitutional , ' , U' r 1 ' 1.' ,llt,",CU or c,,ru ot the Senate have been thronged by.tlic , " ' at Jj", c,m t r.l ihL i S ' : intelligent planters, are decided friends I power, nsa nation, to tile terri.... " hior "-"ing the purpose of an gentler soy, attracted doubtles by a " ' ' J'l" V'"m'.:Lj--w .lauii. W, - Trnlt-.'-ihi.Kv ts a 4r.-nf onr ndilAlin "ahJ .f.T.mds: nmlf A.k?..n" I'" tho "ennnn" of tlMta-irr 'to exhibit thr eorg of oTir wicker sister -rtmiiime !c . 0,1 J Meaning of this Act, not vast territory -not bv ,,,.,,1, of that n frv astodenve n ruct ot, Irom a close " "ftf" etlcW, . n w ; tl re tlf depraved apatite. ; ,.P sister nati..,,, from marauding expedi- !,C"!K 5 a "PM l "X ' Act ,.,,. re-.rleil U, ,n barWo,, age, but att.-ntton to the debute. f.vcry ,lav. ha. r " f I - i' In this place, all "doggeries- have been ' .ions, titled out within our Idlers or J'-teil : every such 1'erson shall for 10 reclaim a be-mtifiil .nnlrv from the witnes-ed the same glittering display of , ' """I1"1.' " ,h u, J"Vl J ! l.J , ,.;f'i l i, , ... ; lor,.,..,l l.v'nnr -iii,.... ,,vo,'-v 'teH Offence forfeit the Sum of , . . . .1 . ' ' ll I .- 1 .1 1 I 1 H ' U llsl t-IIMIlKTIMI ID II Cltl' mint I " "j ... m nv j ni -.--...v.... tmnd ..t nature. Ihrninti the an, elioratmg siiks ami .aims, ami me same paimiue,; ., ., . , i ibe wish.. of the eiriens I (i m i j.le tif huuiatiity hilution of plain face, pallid complex- ii'-s. which serve ion, nnd premature wrinkle. A fresh influence of those pr and of a . ;.-, ' pr star . dc a- tlie gut lav. " ; " The sdvaittnge flowing from r'n-iiUit li..t..-f..n tlm i tit i. n 1.1 i st i. i n ttr..sts of itl i .. . . . . .. .,.;.i,. 0I,....1.1 1.- 1.... ..C..-.1.,.. !.,.' L'eneml L'ood and "extdttM"etim'ile:re'. '"I"" ."' . . ..... ...... ...... .... ii vx ivt iiicii wa siiiiected to a chemical analy sis, pure silver to the value ot a halt dime, wa obtained. From tarious relic, such I,.'.....!" of 'as"'i.frf-H!l iinpl.-iil. I,!s CdliillldliiV liseYl nl t.i irrttrffHrft-l m:ntwA thi!i&x , .... . 1 f lu.l ....... I. r.l. ...... -rV o 'lW--iUA;Jillgg.''st itself to ev .......a ,..,., ... iM.ris.; .rt....l.S, Vtll.'.lier- . '. U .1 v , .. . , ' , ejiligbtened with regard to tltt r.cuatoriaiis or foreigners, utioinav tle,ire , i . ' 4t - i ,nt,.i: , ,, i - . l and influence of the principles to establish thellHM'l v it. tho' A hs.itoiii- 1 t r would have done well to have endorsed instead of amending (T) hiiii'in this par ticular, and we look to t lit- nation and to i' majority j mo tj-iiate,'as the. representatives and oiv the r .1... i i i . ... .. . .. e "... .1. ...IT SOO.T ...111 11 1 I lrl. I I III. till. I- ji.s.iti: io(icici ine I eni j.ei .nice pel ll ions 1 an districts of cohntry,- an obligation rest irnrr at thi- arid prertv face in these busy liaiitif, f " p - on.,,,.,,,,, ..,e.. saVH ..,. J.egislature,. ut first rehell - " me), i a respectable a rrfrii n a painted "' . r,";"a,r' lv,'r ormKing-cup, tVc.. allJ U1.alv Olstiliut0, h(W, H, ,,ngih. hag in Uie Eocial circ.h-s of Virginia. It , tt l".t " "a,e. ac-hientiuiy...Iuinui..iu , ,wu ,de t toe! that a King wn in ' is reallv surprising that thee respectable ' !""'' -co.iuiv, '"" n- i,r,ls ,! ,nved bv the 1,1 1.,..,,.. .1.... i,i..,.l il...'r" 'iiKcni persons are m oiunioii iiianne ..,. i.:, ,.;,. ,iu,,. i, h, .i,.. , . : .r.i ;. ....... ....... I. ... :., ....I... ... ... .i.iini'h adt eiiturer, io.oto. a regard tlie nMviiratK.ri (.1 tin; Aimuoii ," '" ..... . i ... ,i ..i,.,.,, i.r,. ;., id seiir.-hv -or. rather, between a liberal policy and I'.'-" ''Melves to the ill-natured cr,t,-; "- '" I ' .' '"' ,a " 'v U,4. aiwhrnl v-iertVof nrmr;- hat e " leient- in fast- ns- t" already been 'made manifest to .,ur .eo- Prefer ripe I, w and rounded limb to their ... -.. 1 r.o ....... a.,,1 f,..U. A inrm. I. ...... . : ii e. - vv inch shall pr-vadf I Im answer; .-"--"r" n..- v.. v 1.. I .1 " '! T-t ylj -..... tt'. . f .1...... cry-tnind i ..... j iu. i.i iow. 1. e jierceite inai uie 7rrrsL- .A writer in the Philadelphia Inquirer "Women i res, winch generally nllects a of cKK;r,,.,Zfr. hr the hard work- t'riiMidM oft hut viMi,iinuiryt'aKilh'4nWnff'- . .J . Is'l ...- . ... (;ad.den deerve hkd, honor for ' '""J V.u.,... ..T1... 1 ;..,..!... . - '-.V" o-iifo-'oi.i "t iMilioiinl ev utcheoti I liming esauveii m v qn i ins sutui trom mir ne iiirunmsi ration ,,. i... Vccom pnnring the Ahiinnac is a pieco Jritish flag, taken from the Hes sians at the Hattlif of Trenton. RAFLKY 1101E. .twenty years. Sic, 1. Thoe whoinav de-ir. of land,' I'-KAllI"-., '' If.,....r1. in, t I r, nut ..' t ... n nii.t n illu-trions American has said :.mVvnmt adverb of time. It would he iu sense of a correlative to "heretofore." is not a little remarkable (he says) that heretofore"' is the only compound of .. dispensation of thrift, prosperity and , " here," which has not' a corresponding oi; i .. .. " I- . .. .. among nations as weir as imn- one of "there." We have "herein." mg upon them, however, to cultivate and , x., .""'-'""i American- nas said:.r improve thei'r land, within the m-riod ' '".'riumj.hs of cmimerce are.jaec-,. live years finihe dale of, Ingram, ,,- nclnevement are ee il. the ler the penalty of f..rh.j,j,,g tl.Jir grants :.. "f"Vh'"" '' Such families to repair, exempt l?..m all'?.''1 ""'. rehgioiM frectlom, and in the " taxation contribution f.r the space of . l'sfei.s.-ition of thrift, pnmj.erity and," twenty v. 'wenltb, ntnong nations as well as iiidi-.'nr b iidiiiil-. 4r I a gn-aier riuaiirirv ol and .111 . mi pt tition, be nci-mittcd to i.urcbasi.. at .. " exci.'ca seventy cuudias, on 0 credit ol j Niul,iilirtiiry i lVlinigit. A " ru,!rn" w iim u,in .w .J M i.k"l --'-. " - - r- 'lieriMnto" and " fliereinto" " liereaf'' to a "select l.oiiiinittoc. lin i what L ...i..... i - . 1 1 t .. i i . . ' .' ... '-"......, .... ., , siioiiiii nave, oeeu tioue ui ui-t, w iiuoiii j any uj-muti-uuj, iKH.'aust. itirwas the eo- ple s will, tiiKl they had the fujht to le- , iiiutul it,. ',Why this Jong delay, and Mkv'i. .vx Dixii.tism. An nnbedafe vi- t.irdy ( ij.liatice with tho epi'essed y idly ij.listr(itiu'g the,lcs xauity and U'i-sh of: the . jMjoplu. oi' . tliis Otimuioii-! ruthiess.hsspv4istti if NIexican rulers tnar wealth j Is - it hecanse, our representa-1 he here relatctl. Fivo or six of "the ti.arc.ust now, for the fust time,; ablest writers in the capital undertook, mudo sensible oi. ine 7!iTVTat-iieiim.ciHoine tune ago, to prepare a history for prerogative of the people,' to' nmtmiiul, llxi'-y-mimilc.. and"' tlie on. gentlemen, ton tried that gamp in i ami tiieirs ine annj to t.ney t- .re leiirs l luted .Mates. , .Mussrs. t aiuo, Ii;ret4, ltjsjii towards lien. Harrison; you tried j Kindled in their nosoius, at tuis-iiite hour, ;sfiuu!iiia ;ind 1 anclio iSegiira, contrihut- tiiut a tliiy of reckoning, will coiucj when j ed tlio greater iart ot the materials to- i :i i i: a-' .... ... .. n,. iiiej niiii b-b, iiii'i ii.ii e i tirir jM;iuum tvarus mis iilicresilllg pillMlcatlotl. iney timreganictt T - n c iioiipt iinr, ruac in quite freely in the venturesome business of rifii:ue towards lieu. Dockery. Go When i)larued with iilmullrl Will and sentiment, t . maiutiiiii the ,. strinir arouiid tho ioint nW il... l.f lis point, in its original and;...,,! walk boforn I.i... ....Hi., uiorablT' iiifgrity.-CA-(,-.VoH (VhV.v. .gently nt first, and increasing the Btrairt until the animal moves, which, it is said, I'illLO WHITE. ami ."thereat"" hereon' and " there- those traits of character and habits wind ! oti" "hereunfo" and " thereunto' ike up.the simply honest and in it iu ls.11 towards (ten. Dockets, himst!lf, and the I'mici.k were with tfielil both! Ami thev always will bowtth snch men . . . ... . ., . i . "iiit'st . i in ise w.uu-tmn: n 1 1 tlitui. nt i "is ouu-n reason ot this .show- wishes of an. outniged ' " herewith and " tl,erewtTT?q Hout "., ".4, '" 1 HI'Tik H arnillts fiH twlo lhrfi. ' not fj" theretofore." I bout" anil " thereabout" -" hereafter" . ' t ...v . rV.. u l.i.....-A ... tf..M... ticial aids to " set hiinoff,' which. too fre- tpienuy diimmsji rather than increase tuts wb-i..4o,TO, gentiemen, r pray yoa, '"-' . Riit: Jfitjintrr. . respect, to the constituency. comes fi)o17ite to an s w er the Vii(Ty on designed. The dread Tckel has heoti re- iiilcred.itgainst yuHauAmiMcfcXhtiiigJaj or art or- yours, can change vmir flnsm, javcr a tolerably faithful narrative of (viiits,,,H?rkTng'Tiitiurafly t?notfgtf''Trhi di late theshaiinjiind humiliation which had iidlen on their country. Prodigious was tne was phicetl in lus hands. The audacity of a Alexican writer ventufim? to assert iliatSimiaAjuia wi Wo, rimpritepec,n1 that Scott had taken he will not fitil soon to do. j "":;)RNCONTTRR:S A despatch to tho Standard says that tin Monday night, in Washington, there was a rewontre between Senator Clemens, of Alalmtua, and Mr Harris, of Missis ppr. Mr. 4ua4npCJejil Mr. Harris down. The parties were Beparateiflritt ' it is expected a duel will result A". 6W. ' Stiminr Tfiirfufr. The WsiditnPfffiristar no-" lices Jhal this ffintletnsn b longer in favor the Nebraska .bill, but designs AljnsinL' lh ienste sgaitwt it, not long hence. If no, Oen. wnith of Sjinto Ann hSf-" i! ineiiilxm of Congrutu froui slavcliolding states wlio optxtm tiWmrmtrrr-. - ThSfarfhiiiki. ho-" " uwrf t hat liHtirTrtrttiB frhftld of thCWHiT ' - iSofA.( uroiiua. .' s1. " . ' - .-. .... - .. ' . t ' J i- : '. ",' . - -.Jftw:'PCSiiI? Si--fii:slr v- . s-.-W - t '-.- ' -'"'--' 'f- "-- f .s- . V.s-- I