4lf 11 L r . j --T-T--r-ttr! rr ,. M. '11 ' -; , US. Ill' Mw - ""i ll fr 5 ? Yr ' v ir it V i ... I- VOL. X; XKW SERIES. i tmmll fji iltttSitb i- :-. j2 L ' er C "rn... I 5,', ' iiiktkvitsvU I ra . A tnn W IW .pM. imni bf 1 dim (w "A adwrljnaat aukaf 14 t . ohrr Ml to rfutloa to I tqum t i St r& MW to 1 ar to pmfavtwa la um rhut,uf MMwt I!rtr2" 2 mm! - - . IW. anIUf. r uaohrluf r.mlxi.lr. Mr. CmIMm ckarfxl its prr cm hiftirr itiaalh ton 11. itnt hlmsl imdmmi 4 "f', f 10 .ark.. N , ' .- IT r.ima. MWnf ia awr.i.fai aw reaut-n a to . Uw -Mambrr of InarrtkHH wuf.a j ana if ' k la wwktt ttwjr toMU oerapy the lrat aw-i- kWant aaaa tit aack tiw atanl ti. Uihrnrw - ta7 aid to aal i m lb bkm! ) -? aa4 clurf-J aaaarin(ff. a I" Kaa I - - -M '." - Wtvcopy-tLa almet -for what- it i worth, and a affording mune indication of public feeling in the Town of Shelby. iuil no a 1)4. A pr )eal haa bwn aaid in regard to IUil and Plank 'ltorfsyty th fitizens of e.iera i-4uxiina, ana e.juai y aj many Jrl- i. .3 -S 5! i i m si c I s, - r tj :A Py f js J -Hair t s, 5 u szr g ? o i- il ? t -a pnaecta have been preaeute.i. e iyttt.eme tl.roiiirh Maryland, and tl that TartoB.pot.l.c meeting, neia w ' ieftttaHNUfflea.rea --Toajwtwwjnrthe- Jwrtrat3l.iad QoJiLJK.ig-at---awi fpw-alialturA'i eat, to the lennw4ti line. e (.boii.d twa more tlutu tmititlml if it ts erti ruiasililul for aueh an obi.s t In m e.miiilc'tel. Hut i we think -vaatfy dilTerent in regard to the m vniiimnv.i. . ent in regard to the If it it intended t uld lie located thro' location of Uie road be a State road, it tlmu ;3lMf?t!t . f.uWgateia''ajvair It should cuminence at the , the country South of the line, and the laM.a-naa.Artl.. trv .ill ....I K. I...... Cf tted br it. " " We mart wnfeaatbat wear martial to 1 South Carolina, and have more hopes ofl set ting a road to Yorkvillc. e, or to mime ' iint on the -Cheater rd, tlian we - frrnn m.rown State. - We nnrdit to net uosi uie oezi ixgiaiaiure mr a ;iiarier .O j extend a road fnnii Y4irkville or some otli er point, by or near t . f ear this place, lo Morgan- that petition will go up , fislature, to extend the, suit. . vt V nsra. i to the next Leg .. a . ii .i. .1. . opananutirg, a wen aa me vtreenviuv roaiL into this State at different point. That ia what tlnnildiio- graiUed, Aint-ity moat conreilient latiiit on the CJiarloUeJn the State to eop-v to !he amount ol tiv, vu m a ir. r.-puniu-, where ti.e trin niigi, .-"- ro 'e .-..air, anu rents u uiey were living. rU aad ran M near the South Carolina dollar." It was cntended by tl.e-.U-i..l- " .". Ivc ho., m.,,, and tlu, feller not M ?t h'Th UM UPOaaibbi: 'if U-WCuUtW hi Wtt'a.cout sel that.tl.U .upplcumntar i,.,-r"'hl for to .hang. Mr. Stanly gam- , h eeuce of ,. . htee tlajgajrii powtoio, u u. Hti(.uiiui i . . . , . , ,. - ,fi,.r .,,,r., is-inhml l"e- Urn done Un ira bndire. the dias-r4 TltK fiamtti Ilukenii aura vit the eaten the travel of rhn wear it must be rr eniiiawt"o iiaiier in us n n urn . - . . . . ' 1. waw'J prrv.-.! that av?: -rdicl. cddoa. a compliment; n--- han "a:"i : t Z IV. i, J i . i .. ,1 ,,iv..,, l.v il, d..ii.ii,l int m. re M -wr. Maiu- r. tlie amraint ot the line tn it Ins , " on, anu uie wom.iu taw n-i uown into the , iingiirar man. with undecMK.s eves and an aeud oiTpruce by ihan- liy th wfeh' tba 'wafer. It wfe cte-toau.WiegVrtr.lh South Ufluni If the rad rim , gard l? . r, ad ..msiI I lnm..d wi(ll .,;. f SnUdnm of; ' ' ta-te. and to ornament the back, of th ttel is steltliyah'd cat-like 'i. his move by Uia war of Morganton, it will entirely ; by j.lamtitts counsel that a- Mr. Jaime.. , , fomH)..,,,,, .,.,,.. .i',1 w,i .with drawmgs of devils laiinu I old of scolds. I J ,), ..l..,..;i.t ...l a.!....... Maat .flT frlaa. .wa.aL. afVl.a m.I. lai.Mn.n . if i WAA A SlI llari 1.IT t'l I he liM.M-C llll.I th.'-.'-. ., ..... a. . a.a atax M Via- aa, lire IClVflBavi ft.'a.aa, -, - a -l !-..l' III,' inaitll'V III aaa.llia .'.llinl ;l.al the Legislature ot our Stute treats us, aa tbey did in refuting the Danville, as well V a several other Mads, we ought to make an effort to be attached to South Caroli- eventa. And the prmeijdtiaoliliosewliO jaiitl, uml others ol lltitt eluss, llie tiuni-iwore .Uscovere.1 and retaken, and again represent ua in tho next Legislature, ! hers of a family dwell together most con-1 committed to duranoeville. IwHtld be well understood. It it not our! tentedly anil happily.' All,' from the 'A-Mhe tiiiie above-named, ns Sergeant object to interfere. In our Ciuinty Elec-'gratidfather-to the gramlcbild, sheltered ! MeCltisky, of the Sixth Ward, was i.ass uoru, but we need a roadv and our inrer-' tiy tlie tame r. Mf nr tinmboo yratt, sutis-T mg t.hmnglt Center t., he heard a om-se esta ihoukl be fairlr rcpreaente.1 in .tlie! lied if theirsiinileiiK.alol-'r'Hitsaudirraiii;iii tlie lobby, of the' Ciiy Prison, which SuorKi.NO Cask or 1)mtitcti.i. The Manchester (N.. II.) Mirror relates the -r following case of deatitution and want, . caused by iutemiieraiice. which was re cently discovered in llarisville, a wnalt vniaai 111 tLi anMimaruri iiuniA - rnii i . The name of the - ..v..vaw. . v a.. fainilyj4.Botgiycn..Te Jtf ir 1 V i-ir-a.;;;:... f.t.l.-j srea-Ki-l'.-.l....is.-1 t ... i ... . " - ... 7. . ..mil. . , 1 1 K . r 11.1.1 . I ..'.a-III..,. r. iiearu mat ueam nai eniere.i ineir mis- . iirable dwdJing, ami onginrrg-itlr t hcy found an infant, born the' night .before, just alive ; And a child 3 years old had died the morning before ; and another, 7 Wiifa old, quite ieit and al- the liintb.f. Upou l.Hikiltg around 110 fisl was fouml i pou hsikiiig around no fissl was found but a few boiled potatoes not a stick of! perhups stained yellow ..r pink, is vvoutld i wood save a little aIMr "liiiiii Tiear . lieiir-ifoiiiij the lotiis. - Oil 'oeeasion of great ( i'ltff of their distress. I mil brouirht on the '. , night before from hia own acanty pile Hung across the shoulder,- to be, alVer Kr. ii n whnt thev ennl.t loam, the fionilv wants laid ciifel'rillv aside for future use. ""'." I... I .!.-.- J ....f- : - ' -1 I 'I'l... .I.,,... lai.l l.aii.r. I n.rilill ill til till liriamt Vlird. dislnrllrMl the. inen nf-timrvaa-alin-bllp nlat-a.nri wfl-h o r K" --have--CttllSed It U b-tated tliat . iito iiveu iii.wiiy on iiieni, siirreu up w'iiii oe vt'oiie..., o. i. ma.. .....(-.,,., u,a , , ,. i"-" . . water, cooked in a spider on the stove. 'er, wrapped about them in appaiviit t.eg l vvntch-dog. lhe animal harked lou.ll.v ! pin ? 1 hottgh scarce heard af one end, " acwHlito.1 organ m the OcrasiriBally the father wonld get a bone ' ligenctv and yet so gracefully a to setoinaiiiHirouseil Deputy keeper i inley, who,lt was beard at the other. Just so it is ,0' trance. At tins we are bv no 'ilxai llitiiiaIiad lsiwii eiatvff'lVuiit. whieb I tW Hsriire to thu "utiifcist 'ail vaiitageV -In on cmriirrg from the wain fmsmi to the t with any merit excellence. or.;g.od work. , surprised ; reiiiembermg Uie l.uig -. 7-....5I-J - .t.-.;. rr .1 71 . J.i.ij i.i:ib..i.,lf ,.,,W I... "hir-aril f nit.I aiiiiluiiil-'' attir' between the; irties ot r .-uoi.rw. wouiu ititc incnv lor ciinnirw k. .".a ; t,m.a. ,,,..a. -r - . .. . t-- -- -- rr. . . , i little 'Wotlt''-5'''' fn'' a! J iiti.lerlied Iwill i one! zivo iiivi.- ...r n tiin.iirw . wiees a coiton coveri ami two I-ieci s - . . : .. i . i - , . rt Mitllin .l.afla aa.al.,.,l t. I.aaaa" laaa. ta.a V"!. VI...ML IRI.SCH VlltWllH , Ul , 111. cotton betWeen them, cmstittitod the bed of the ftarenU and child that died: whilst 3 old braided mat laid ,05 tliejportlaiJlmj ," flruiidle "bed, amT'a iieeoof an old com-1 twenty-two millions sterling (i?110,(T(XT,- ' -forter for covering has made up tho Wd lor the oltiest child tlirongli our severely -.-a-V... Smith CSrien. A despatch by the Asia "state tliat this patriolt has been par doned by the Qtieeii. Every frieiid of lilierty trill be rfjoiced to hear this intel-ligehco.- Akcnf Cavw- Kant llie arctic tojf-'KESlSTAXCE OF UNITED STATES tLdir wcape, na aperture sufficiently Inrge to 1 In .iMrribhttf ihi tY his ! veutiiftM I ' TKOCESS. of Umlpmmk T a .piU ww fouinl ."' an accHuit jof the icKve uml their olIkx-s, which j in quite interesting : ! " Som of the lifrjM w m erf the i.t-r.wcrawoni iii !, a vailll-lK c..a...H, u.ru-.K.. aajr W8, pro.-xaime nr upuer cavenia wmi; el , , j with circular Mw. in clestroy m. In the crvtal aulitiuln ech.. were iug ul ,hc valllabie ,,ilie and otlier ti, wrtUij. .... 'huron the unblic lands of the U. State. - A whistle jronr n wWrtle-yoii !Th. 1istl.k.'t AttorM ey nuti , m)Jur mta imruy recognwe ..r ie k-..KIu aim clear ni'sti of Die rnii' : the cainirof a rain- n waa heard r.ii.um ; J(.iru the wMwrit re j,. tite Laudaf MaW -faHKib of an amij- in nriw, and wlan i iirj.atlt( L ifted St,ite ilawluil for the Jia- hrtMJgh f!.e .notion atn,OHpl,ew..,8y1; ablea alin.mt as I.Hig.myo.ir breath could hold out to make (hem. I tneuo Mxa'" - . , . . W mw..w.uMu. a, uu,..r)j-af... teranc-, word for word. There U a vet- -v , - . , tain couam of mine whom I remember flimoyiiijf In m.r a. h.M.1 .Jay., for the deS- i"'-ii wnu w..eii.e boui i aaj iiairaci. fMy m.w.,a e.it.re rat;.,, of wn.er fraer, i iimmiu..., o ... u.t. ; oeated to It it 1 1 l.y a enisle etful't ut tliese 1," , 1 Air J.ine UaUr.xiU. . I.UI R'vm- the riffli't of way to the New York and Norfolk Ai Line Uailrnarl lias pit-rd i both branekeaof the New Ji rst-y ixpU- J lature bv a iarire maii.rltv. The Xorfullc HtJald aayii "Maryland, Delaware, aid Virginia . -i il... aev. near t city ol .ew 1 orK, to tnei ..":..i.i i i ,y ii.r .., n..lu,. ur.. I w, f iM,Wv,ea of, we believe,' u.n mi( t!ie iK.ll4WHri, ide U;t.t of Ae-mac ami Northu ii. t.iuu- llltit'ill. III 1 11,, ,K. f"n7tiT"""" lltLT lcouiitr:ai.d tliunee to N..il..!lv." ' -.- - r : I lib rr M ' nil ti ite(.j. . A rase of. ....... - - - , was decided iu our curt lat Saturday. , Suit wa brought by .llms;..n .V kvi agalnat .1. C: .lanncy for recovery ..f pay-' lliler-t to udvcrtisers Ult.l t,a tilt I'f'iin was decided iu adwrtiseiiH-nt tif-Uu vt-i ti.eiiient .fore pmlmblv saw the advertisement ev-;Uir ..rv oi.bIi.nl ion. it was bis dutv to order a IIS a HO! HI ll V V CI V pllllCr MOIL Ill lll .THU, IU Oil' al lir ri.ll IIII.II& VlOll lie , .' ' v "... . 'a n'a aaaimiiijj. w1rt w: ;e41ie vw tidk Jor tli liill ai..unt of the-aeeMmt thus setttiug the principle tliat advertis- era must ajieriry on the advert ix.-tm-nt thtrl liavei utliuber pi 'JUiavrtiuui. or jro o ,ita beitlgjaiid dear appreciation of riglitaud wr-OTg whi peti-tonlervd out, else they' tt-it! be liable,' if .' chsract. rire the Antaricnn prtipf. ter to I'snliKu-irierar for ,tEk. a.iioutiT -phnrged for ! ?. VmirfoiV Jw rf-Tranwripr. ?i-j.Mv."K .nt-..a.H"w". i's" " , every insertion- until urdere.l out. Fort the plaiiititfs J. I). Trade-well,, t-wf., forj defendant, Messrs. Hlack and Seymour. I Varotinum. SOCIAL LIKE IN INDIA. Theuioduof life ol the Indian husband-1 man is one of extreme simplicity, too ten even miserable, from the continual and severe extortion practised upon them Ji the,, aiiiiiiaia'r. ,i ,ttat birda of UiuiJrGiua ainriKm ro "Trare ilea rice from the fields their hands cnltr-, vale for the tax farmers, and happy, i"j Thinking that some prisoners were try -deed, if at hurvesf time all that crop bejng to escape, the Sergeant went up to not wrung from them under pretuncu ..if'the- door and asked W ho' there?'' but taxation. Of household furniture he has i receiving no answer he said, " Come out no store. , A lutudMbf ruabea. carpeuluf Uiere . whoever ...y..u. are" when he his mud lloor; a few cartbeti vessels forj lieard steps retreating through the Conrt .ut,.r,,r -P ......lii,,, ,. mni 100 slooJ. a nan -in i-rallia.l n in a eaneniar imnnmr Jis ,aia,,ataai.aaa.. .... ... a.,. tit I. lit- .lla.j.... ... e.-1 , ., . ; m ;'-.. p."'""- " - i leaves supply him will, an unending Mic - Jm.L..iI laiilil I m ImWMHsat-IMK-. W . cession. ..f clean plai.v from which hisUvatcl. d the prison, and as soon as he rc-i r... ...i ..il I, . .!, 1... I,. i;..n..,;v,nl .... ,.i.-.-r four i, .-...n.-n wm nilgai nieivi ise.iiv.i. i,. a.nr-i, ..v ... tie to boast tut Que sU'itrot-tm-esHUu me Keepers n nocciry. lileaeliecl in lis umuerniis etea lings, or display, he add' another piece loosely ..... . . -- . . "of what niav truly be exiled the bone and r .1...-.1...1...1. i. .a. ..,,.,..- s.i.ew ... . .... ...... ...... -m ""'"vi. fraalll U-4li.a SHrilll!- . , "l r 1 i amounting to seventeen millions sterling l,Biinimllv, (alioiit ijtHl."Ki,tHt),) and ttwn f'HMl) yielded 111 tlie sintpo 01 ttixaiioii AlTiat'Tiire has prescribed must be, "good ; mid as death i natural to us, it is absurdity to. fear it. Pear loses its purpose when? we ar sure it cannot pre anrvn n. a"1' w. aboiild draw a resolu tion to meet it; from tho.inipossibility to escape it, , lUwnaa C. Koynold, Eq., District At- ,t"rnev of the L'. btHtt-n, wa,H few month jiiiiice, informed that a number of iHirsou i v .j i ' I I j: I ' fULlMlliaiu UUllll. illiatUUIK I ntUIII I IV II linililliiM Simmra 1 ' .a m :,,11,i " .. r.... A-t.,.., . UllJ j1(ta for tJie IU)t tweve month(( ,r,K ti..... authorized imtw iu iue Ut i-j.:. '. . .i . n- ,i . yuUllt ,(, t.XucIfo tlein. 'e learn from L K.Uer recuirej 1,,.. vterav br ii. F. ! Hii-k .. U f il.n N.;AI f-;,. i lAiiKiiiitii, ciuiK iiio uiu uuit Ooort; thattheTier. .h agaKOwllom j the wnu iKueJ bad colh leeted tomjtlier llluallf laliil ll llllft ratal aaml TllVar f9 li.al iiuiiiiii.il Kim Ulll vaa anvil r,.i(ln(i. .i ';.,,., M,i u'i f..! Llariaj u1( hi dei.ut'iea not only to leave tj.,. coutv. but the State al0. The mar- ha! wa, at lat aee.H.nt, at the otcl in JJoatohl, Arkauas. with eve..teen of the law-rcsiatiiig party aroutvd the hotel, (ivinauuin ol the landlord that the mar lial nliuiild be delivered ui to them The citizen and otlicera tiiere were de- .jj, Majlir lryimt bad sent to Kort (iil.wm to United Slater) officer for aw-i-tanee, and had alao written to Gov l' lor aid. f. LouU Hyublcan. Tliu ilhi'f ..lit, in a rjiusu Iwfiim on Iloimrfl- ible JiiJm f ShuImA' Um cmntv. & yvty AnlU-r- ...... . gaifwl in th,. suit It apH-ar that Mr. tStank v 1 was under the iinprvwioii that a inpinny cx- j istaaa aipiinat aie dhuit'a Jlila, -alio a at Hone other lliiiu the celi brutnl pioneer. Captain lira-1 ham, of Sun I lii ifn, whose p-siileiiee in the coun-1 ,lr.. jMt,i, rroiii 1;I2. Mr, Stanlv took joca-ion to ulluile l. ill.' tllif itrtusA liii-ii umi-l ti.rfiMr-i li-ti-nr.. tlio ar..i..i;i.,r. -' aat tl... 4il.w. tl.ai- lull iimtin- JM the Cottrt 'tlwniWa iS3aa 4W;:TT . ai.t-ra.... i ... I 1 ... ai.... I L;....1 ... a 11 , . ,..,.J ......i 1 ".,.,.i nn ma aivuuteiit, walltiM ai to t)ie clerk s .list ,,, ,U(! fiw tTfmarK tl ,,e ..e time . UiHi,iuv Wm m Armtrernum Bt all' ij,., u, r, hd, r cheerful ot- dienee to the consli- hia artfuiiwut. walked ai. to the-clerk's desk ' Urd auihorities of bis euuutrv, atul cimlinued to the Jury to thank Go.1 hM;""!''" "y.lpe t oiirt U, l- ducked l instiiiituan. 1 i.,.nl-or ,,w , i;,, it tlMK ,),, , i......l.- j a aa I.. r-Awyaf of mM ' flrlh' - Oration of ftna. j the law, and authonti ! This is a Vnntiftit ilhwt irvix aluav pa I to nudl af the anine th ..i J . .jt ;.....lurkiit.y in its way. 'Tlie cost was 23. 4d. ster- .,, ..-,i T.,- , j--".y hkJl Fruirhio TW t"Transrftfil. " Dsi'J.U VTE ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE ' ' . ,". .. ruuji lumiu. The New York Tribune of Satnrdav af- teriiiHin says, about 2-J clock, Saturday inorniiigy I wo iintiirioun eriiuinaU iiamoll John lMlinell v, convicted of the Ierby of-!r.flbery in ltrondway, and John Miller, : indicted for burglary, confined in the City prison, tinulen most desperate attempt to w- trie i -om-t or f Sessions. ' - 'H room .Tlie.ollieqr iniiiiedititely informed Capt. lrenil f tll 4atteT 1 W'lio HFOUSekl the ... - - - - , .. ,. I .,l,if..n.. uml .it l i. un .. I tho men i - i -- " V,. Iia.lllllr HH.4e-lf IHe- WHllHOift . d - airman was .patched to call the night! .v..... .. . ........... , ji ujh. mv i'. . i" i"" answer li-oiii the 1 rrs.niju'epcrs, a pistol ; shot wa- heard, shortly after wliich the - door was opened. It appear that Dortiielly and Miller, in retreating through the Sessions llouin and j fed IVmnelly nn tbe root of the lemalepn- ,; --- - - ....-.. - . t u.. n.i u i i,. net nt sen nicT flirt wan. . 1 t , , , .. . a a-." a , ivolver at I)oniiely,hOottugJiiin Uirougn ,tlio fleshy -portion ot tlie arm, and cm pletely disal.Ung linn, ionneiiy was tneif secured Md ftiiCwf WinW lhe four polieemeii, togelliet -wit 11 tne; Jeputy keeper, then inade searcii inroupi seereteil ill the Privy 111 th6 xiird. II was also secured and locked up in a sep arate cell ffom tlie : other prisoner. As Miller Wa found without weapons, it. is UVS.ll t 11 "tt !"' d.-a-A I' I Ut-1114 llltll lilP- Sl.lk. - t'jKjn cxannmng tlte wll rntlv oceuuil by IVmncIlv. and Miller, and from winch day mad4 SALISBURY, N. C.y MAHCH 23,-1854 Tbrog tbfc pwtW. tlw j-rUowr.' h.d . caped frum tlicir cell nd jumped upon the roof of the thed where the 8va day priaouers are kept, locatMt betweea the wall f Uie main pnaou autl the Eltn atruet wall. Hat ing gained the )"M, they incceeded in climbing to tha gallery leading from the priaou lo I lie Court of Seaaioaa. f ruiii tlicuee tltey nimlc tbier way. throuyli Uie Sion Hooin to the outer door, when they were discovered aa above stated. 1'r. 8iinnioii calkd in to dreaa 1 'onnel lyV wrnilid, but he waa unable to eitrect the Wl .-. - N'. itW M (h torw f5i snytliiuj; about the matter Uiis morning, rxeept Itogneijy, wh re marked, a if it had not been for the man at the Seasione door we ehould hare been in Chatham treet at una time. lie complained of hav- irifT us friend aat he wa determined to befriend himself. He aaid he had tlood it a year and Could stand it no longer. J In order to prevent Uie hole in their cell from being discovered, thev had lilted up a shelf, aa if lor book, and pasted a, newiapcr against the wall. I'fcdtr their hunks were found (lie atouea ami rubbish which 'they had taken from the wall. All that could be found in the shape o' tools was a bit of a crowbar and a sheath knifa. -.- Ilv waa convicted of Uie Derby robbery in Itroadwav some time ao, but was not yet sentenced, a stay of proceeding in his case bar- ling bn olitained. .Hillcr was awaiting, trial under indictment for burglary, corner of bowery and Doyer at. lie waa bailed out previous to indictment. ihut.forfcited. hit .bail jud . went ,U ,Ciucituiati,LtweutyrJive cents, each.. ... Jiudemliiy. .or where hr WaS ipf flSalV-d ti suspTcioti of forgei ry, a large amount "f bills on the tank of tlie l:.-.... e v v i i : i . ?MJl w l wiv wng imuiiu in uih iutHMnmua. "!8 bf was brought to this city, and waa awaiting l,u lrial on the chiiige aboie named. -- - From the .V. V". Suwiiiy Timet. S( 'f 1LI PS In England there was formerly a punishment ! ;fr M olds and sbrvws, which consisted of duck used X""W l''"-b w.l then i.nmerged in some I , rr. "r ""'"j; 1 .ll.ui """"I'li'ent is r ."" -v,"if 1 0"t U A w,uW"' uuiia-ltke paragraph : .ii... " 7 1 1 1 j . . iih lauiiiiiiirila IS lli"IIIIOIieM IU 1715, in Uie " '- week, a woman that keeps the Queen's Varioue rcotds of wtini?ni!liudiHl to thi i inumhmeut are to he found iun the proceed-i m.'s of lhe e..uria ... H.,l...l Tkn ..l.l. ard..n'aceouiuaaKingi4Mipu.TbB a Ml for tb. ex of "' '!""' "T ..cucking-stool wtnch U .- ,. ;n. .,- . . aaaa j.uaiMia, aUl.l I lljij'raiJ' lO ..Se WXll Ol Ti-mtawrigTiv, ani wn Known unlet tlie nam. '5 ,"",1''r"'s tribri6h,..trubulieW and 4h. Iv lis- n..t seem to have U-.-H u!ijK-dto En.dand ' but was practised in Scotland at a very early day. j What ftf.-et it had upon " lie strong-minded wo-1 eu" of those timet, we ran baldly now deter mine, but it apears probabU that it was quite effectual. The following lin.s aij to have b?eii wnttenby lienjamin West of Northamptonshire. Knglsud, tuiitain ia nly .wti dwcri.tiin tlie cuckuii;-stail nunishuu nt We ever eiuviiarV tered, tliougli tiay refers toil in one of his paster rals: "There ttaWtflwjf niTBdrl',ytlBiryEii7 ' An engine cslled a dudC'igntiiol, s. . "Br-leirsl aivwar auotmsnard d.iaiinNiV.."-.w 'lii; iy ami larmrof the .own. If jarrinf frmslea kindle sinle, (ive Unguara faul, at Uie the ruif . If noisy dames should m:e brpn To drive lhe house with -lut-nd din, Arf y..uiy ; vb'1. ree hont "We'll leacll yoa how your (iiiigue to ruje ! The fair oftendnrnlle the saial. la-aajlaaauaiaptiiiaueii .a)aartaasie flow n ifi'tlw ut'.p the n.ml liesenids rlV. hereVal fireiwr miai our end; Kha mounts again, and mgn oiure Than ever vixen did bi'fi.re. ISo, ihniwii.f water un lhe fire Always makes it buru p higher, . . If so, my friend, pray lei her lake A second luru into the luke, And,, rather than your patience, lose, Thrice and again repeal the dnee. No braa'tuiK wives, no furious wenrhee, No lire tu hot, but water quenches" Ttesidc Uiis, thcrC; was another puuUliawut for ...-. . .. scolus. Known ov tuc name ot lranks w h ,.;.,.a.i f l,..a,t.,.!.a.... i; ,i,., i,..i r i ... rnvrnw, v ",,,",,"r- n'.f V that enter..d the j 7, 4" -W5." ..4lia aiW'Bt. A'w MeawS'aadthere-aoJd themij;.. fiu.1,K-fii'Jlr a, r..r.id U a 3.air or st,l Teiug pW al tKeTnoVijy; Tlrir tm about to resell tf.lri jtet,, em! of along lade. In this the offending fe- , , ,i,hm81at,.r. tu niake tailors of ihem, whea ' physical part which is fatign. d, ami this rest lllilt las l.l-l.aUl tn. I tli. n imiii,.,..,. "at I ..'a... . . , ii . II 1-11 'i'v '.i . . . I , . , , ", " ZZV,." I 1 7 ... ! v"i' .17. 7", . " ' ' ... ' " ' 7 , l,rull' on a tongue, llioiwoiilen li.leiii.ieil to Uu4iiiuiiJuaitiiUv;.i through the town, wearing the instrument, at-1 through the town, wearing tlie uist t,,ic, ,v an l)m,.,.r, ,nd-it wa not taken off un tj they exhibited signs -nf humiliation and amend iiu-ut. Did . . . - rr . ii a,i rewarded on die other side of the . .rf.aiaa, f ,o, lav v,ie ,i.,i nia ,i ,.,,(,,,, t . llitKAn. Tile prices of hreadstuffa w ill i prices lower ..rol,u))I.. bo nt Wer figure in a few have .livtlj ,heir ram t tho iwints for ex- ..ortation as soon as the spring shall open, i full. A few wtiriti davs to cleardie lakes. a ...it... .1 a i . -cr ai. 1.1. 1 rivers, and canals, and the ttbuiulance of the West will pour jipon usi Every Juige in the State of JTeunes seo ts a-Son tj Tcmperauco. . you ever scratch , tho end of a; Thc l'ritieesses of the llonrbon THE OLDEST HOTEL. The Galveston (Texas) XeAva say,: A friend, from Virginia, who not long since stopped at the "Swan Tavern" in V I . 11 I I I 1. I I 1. i ontiowii, uaa nanueu na a cam, w uicu .' . . . . ' a he' found posted up in that boue, and which,' ho says, is strictly true in every particular. We understand that Mr. An derson ' a dcweitdrtiit from the original proprietor, who flourished as ' mine host,' in the same old brick-buiklitig, 130 yearn ago, or near 50 year before it witnessed the capture of Cornwall!. '" The ' card' which iaiamiliar to many of our readers, is a model in ita way, it com uieace aa. lyllp wa : : 1 Ins ancient building was opened at a Ilouxe of Eofertalnment on tJie lSth f jinrtii, 1 1 22, aiiu IB uow 111 us iowu j viar, KiniTli ai.i..ratai.liahiiiri.nf if. kind March, 1722, and isnowinitg 130th ye. ir. in the United States, it now receives udTeTrTer 'infirmed the magffl rate of accomodates travellers on t)ie following terms : V isitors are to state their names and residences and be. prepared to pay tbcirfare in eecie change, without regard to age, at the folia wing rates, . f The ' rates' are then given, Which we have not space to insert. The ard con cludes with the following bryacl hint too plain to be mistaken : 1 As the House ia not intended to be a dace of lazy, unprotitable resort, mere ouugers are reiioested to kjeep away; and ill' who come only to idle their time at the fire in winter, or to gulph down ice water in summer, will be charged, daily intoxicated persons will not be tolerated on any terms. A Romantic Affair. A Spanish boy, named Joseph Kdwaril line I'obulo, has arrived at Washington, in charge of Adams At Co.'s ex press. It is said that about ten years ago, while bulbing on the coast near the city of Cam ieachy, Mexico, be, with five other boys, was &taaltl lav ivriiv ilf lr.in.ll fain,.., Iklaja k.'lit ...lu four rca .,.,1 .!,.. , '. ' ... . m,.r. chantmaii, who kept them two years, took them , the boy Polailo made his ai. and worked i bis way to I.afnyelle, Indiaua, where he attracted the notice of a gentleman who corresponded with the Mexican minister at Washington re gatding him. The Mjuister beciime inU'resteil Wthe stiSrr of -t!l'l.aWrdta .TBTSaW Mni forwardeal, that ho might restore hiiu to his pa- i... i.-..- i .,. . v. , . "'ailbinaii iu l.ur. qic u w won over evervj rat in . ,J ..J 1,11 t,u I" Ul8Ku- Crreek cause, only that he might add ini tio huve abandoned it Tr' bunt., w th mutrb trjf i Ltimrk ; , Te great truth which politicians will learn some of these days is, that no man who makes a trade pf seeking tor the Pre'si- dency ever finds it.' A IIeBOIC Tl'RK.- -Ainong minor oc- i'iTO" fi'??! Turkwhwariatejrajr. raieil is an instance of determination on the part of a Turkish sailor, which has in flicted, great inortificati.HtfOiuLe liiifiiis at Sebaatopol.. Some time before the hat tie of Si nope they captured a Turkish TsteSmeFtn ite two ago, while this prize was fyingut Se vastopol, one of thu seamen who had been takenjn her contrived to 'get into the hold and to create a leak, w hich caused her to founder with every thing she bad on board. Mrs. A. West has recovered $35 dani' ages of ,a liquor seller named Heurv Mar tinunder tho .Indiana Law ut llrook- ville, for selling her husband liquor so to intoxicate him. as i .browneilon theimmediate contact of light A Fowl Comparison. Young gentle-1 ou'.v where the light acts, whilst the men who dress in tight pants and bob-1 part covered by the object to be copied re - tail .coata Iiave received tho apjiollatiouJiuains unUUchil, and uiav alwav be re - ;,fn -Shnnirluiia " " ' l l . r v i . of i Iiangliats, lllloVfd hy WHtcr. M. Niepce has aimed Hon. .A. Dt.-lhe Senate of U. u uie r.gius oi a ciiiz.cu oi urai c-iaic xo . ;T,iinis W. Dorr. The bill missed of njiie-yote , , I THE' BO't'RCOXS AND THE PIMN - i .,,, 1 r. lv. . .h'"'! means press - . , . a - pnntera .'k. Moreviicr. wlieii CharlesT. j.ajui,K.. it v;,,. - ,..1,e a,tr....fs f rU .h... did that uie iciiiii lnniir me oriincr iv iv ...in :ivpe oegei wmsinng nuiieis.: , ! - 1 e . . ....... . cm. 1 ork 1 ick. "I bless lod," said Dr. Watts, can lie down with comfort at ni , ' " ' " ' V. ' ,' r I vyo,!.,. ------ - Since tho new divorce bUl has gonej,.,,! ,arri.Hl- a widow "was divorced from her,! into oporatHm iu Ohio, marriages areJ placed under the head utf limited part- livisjlipn. A Baderop Ojxraion.& few wecka ice, a youth, VJ year of njre entered a rber'a aliou, iu Na.isait street, for the purporie of getting hi buir. which wa jof hery hue, colored black, j The barber I '. .1.111 .1. ..nM,,,U.l ei ieu ma um va iuo iuuui mnu a.., ll I' j.J Art . and for hi service demanded S3. This amount waa more than the youth Lad. with him, and he requested that an ap prentice of the barber might bo allowed to accompany him to his residence, and there receive the money.- Tit arrange ment waa nronoiinrert gat ihbic tor v. and -both started, but before reaching the home of the youth, gave Ins companion ,tlie,siipt and was not again, seen until yesterday, when the barber's man seized him, and took him to the shop. A police was im mediately called to arrest the young mau, and he was conveyed to the Tombs, close- -- -- -- ------ -v , , . Mr followed by the barber and his man. the nature of the offence committed, and requested that the ruing man might be Ipeked up. lhe latter on being- asked what he had to eay, replied "tlint he had been the victim of mi itntiohition. at the tsame time frtTTmliert iS bis cap, aliri to .1. . . . I . ' II . . !. . . .1 ui asionisiimeni oi an present, u was dis covered that his head had been died pca green, instead of black. Tlit magistrate forthwith refused t" ruenive a complaint against him, and amid shouts of laughter, the two victims left the court. A". York Cuurinr. NEVER RE IDLE. We often hear mecliaiiiei, working . nieJl .and even inercFaiita oiinipTiUii tllat iliey have no tiiiie to read. They think tkat, after laboring hard all day, they require rest in the evening; and on this ground justify idleness at that .time, if not card-playing, convivial meetings, or other pre-, tend, J r."ta.lilinns. lint if they would emulate the example of Dr. Adam Clark, and eschew idleness and dissipation, they would find that their health would lie none the worse for tin change, but rather better. The man who spend bis evenings over a book calls into pl.iy entirely eliectuairr whibr he n-aJ: Even the stud.-nt Jean find relaxation by changing to different themes, for then otlier faculties of his mind are exercised ; thus when the mathematician turns to poetry he- given easaality repose-ind ideafc y at work ; and this affords as complete, rest as w hen one, tired of walking, enters a curriitge to continue the jourhi-y. . ' - Life is too hoit to allow any pi.auenU lieing wastciLj.liu-11 iau.bgiiim-dlaguaxeituatjrT i lie ariirciiiicc n nnstientis nis eveninLn1 in stuuv p-sbreio- faf nprS-sr(.kr(re!i wbU find at me time or other, will prove lo him so ! much positive capital, 11 ij fi Uoa 1- e ii . ,.r..VUMVS lounging 'about engine housm, gains no such seed if future wertlth fmtj em 'tli onttnwimpmrs hi healllrliy bjsyj-arly Mceatea, Ixwidea losing the confidence of nil who might forward him in life. Even lie, who avoids the follies to com nio w yiig ie A a of sww-ping away the eveuiiig.or oiliiai wasting Ins tune, commiU a serious blunder. If more a rsous would rc-solve on emerging from ei.ii,ii,.a.i n, i i. .,,..1,1 1-.. ...... . - . ty fortunes made where one is made iiow and twentr men rise to eminence where one attains distinction at present Every year, more hours I are" watTetlrof four peoplniiirsnrve, faaawouhX" if improved, have made tbem riclt in tlteir old '"v f , age. EVKB BE IllLK. EUaTjOGIiAPHS 0XSTEEL.ELA.T1L Tlie follow! ng nre some statements which were made at a meeting of tha Academy of Sciences, in Paris; i)u the processes of Mr. Tafliot, and M. Niepce do St. Victor, . respecting the invention of photographic ;RreEplStet es of these chemists are different Mr. j Talbot uses, for the substance impressible to ''t?"'' a mixture of gelatine and bich- romate of potash, which is mollified' and f ;.to pcrtett the prcH-is w inch lits iiiicle, 'ltllt.,iI1Vet.tor;of hcliography, described in the vear 1827. The sensitive- substance by a is a solution ... oit.ii.icn in es.ei.ee oi ih- W right-forlm coniptn.Iler of New York by ,4atrvvijWr, applied. iaa layer ; this, .yai-uiskvcraluiiiieiitlawjicrs py here troin (he States 'icllanges its proiiertics while under the and by the nu'rclmnta jiwrally. We regret 11 1, al. a..n.u 1 ... 1 ....... al.. L.ua ' . . l .. l :. :. r a - I . iacU,m ul lle?ut- llK' Vn- vxiosea to tne , ibtttn lieitnie insolubie iii a mixture of e.- i . i i i . .3, ..a, ..I l.ii-eii, la,r Alltl 1,1 lit lU'tr,).fallll. so that4hi-v may be easily separated from the soluble part not impressed.- whu'Ii n-priisents tlie image to bv repHluce.!.- iuitipU'rhe liquid emjdoyed by. Mr. Talbot .for ratice; mlM;;i r.ri Ui in. tsut ill. .-r his Hii im: is birh--r a mixture made ot one partol nitric acid, . . .... . i I eight part of' distilled water, and two of 'alcohol.'' . ! r. r . ' i 1 ' t "Vl,.,, !1 ""n exchange, with ref- fen.-e to the '" labile of the divorce law, -notices the- case tif a ;ht, not j sruuiau in Indiana, who h.is diven-eil from it ..1. ...1 ...... 1 ;..".-,.... 1 t inir oUiiaed he bill while her husband b.v l, ! I.i. al.i-.ith IsVL In the same xi ine a man who."" uu -oiui . am! afietaards .narricd the woman's dauirhterrTT Both luolUer and daughter rejode tt die xilage,l A not care a halt penny al.out it this the latter-of whom the man still hvet with. ItJmo.1 : r -NUMBER XLIY, .,: . - A CHEAP IIOT-CED. , i Dig a hole in the. ground twelaa ineliet deep, of the size' of any old task you may nave with a glass. Fill it half full of fresh horse litter,' or a little lvae, tread it down so that it will beat quick. Fill the hole with One loam, even with the tnrrounding surface. Take four pieces of tut work, or boards, just (taking then so that they will stand upon the edge and raise glass foaror Sve iucbea above the surface of the ground, and forma tew peary hoijatt the size of rourglata cover. Ion will then nave a jtotteI witn a -triffling expense. Plant cucumber of tneloa aeeda, three or foar in a hill, and the bills about four inchei ajntrt. In one week or litlle more, they, will be up tliriftily and ready to transplant, Prepare your groaad for placing oal tha till,- - : digging a bole in the centre bfeach hill of tuO cient depth to let the plant down to a suitable depth. Remove th frame to your hot-bed, asd wet the ground to that it w ill not crumble With your spade remove the aanh oa one tide aa low at to thrminure. - Divide the earth with your spade between each hill, then forcing yosar spade down Upon the Imha tide, of one biu ana placing one band under it, yon may. with the -spade raise the hill, with a quantity of earth, four inches square, and tic inches deep, and thus M- Ttiove it lo iu new location. If if place is prw pared for it receptipu, place it aq that the tpada , blade w ill aapport Uie column of earth until yoa have gathered the BCW earth around it to tup port it If you thus place it without stirring the column of dirt around the roots, encumbers 4-or neUM- will grow out-witliout ay- hindninea -. by removal. The hot-bed may bo prepared ia -the centre of the ground you desire for the vines, and t,he removal be a trifling labor. By this (ueaus your vines will have an earlier start by two or threo weeks. They will . thu get the start of the insects and be out of their reach, j We have known watermelons tliu started and matured, of forty pounds' weight, near the ' Green Mountains, in Vermont . . k. -' " J'r"Unl II (iftiV.-; Accordi .y a,,ainst the Apuche Inflians, i . . . . . - ' . J'rliLiU li'jtv. According to ihe-- iIonQrtV erhiar-' who hare hitherto murdered aud robbed the wbitee - with perfect imunity. By this move tneiit be will doubtless enlist the sympa- thies of the majority of tlie people, who w iiy oia.,L - all attei'tipts of tho mother country, Mex-' ico, to regain possession of the territory ' slip having ucrer beeh ableto defend them against the Indians, or provide tlieia Z with (irHcere 'disKtel to administer af- MraJiir. fJ lfttfit than'nieirwel vea? ' 'A-' rtireateHctl - nmtiny ' twnsamp ot Col W alkorrwaa siimma- " X eemeu uy an oruer lor uie aisanect-, cii io uiniurttw iiiiiueuiaieiy. .7 xorij-uvw p.l to u-ifh.lraw iiiitiipdiatplr. eiy. orty cd to Calii ,1.,,-a,,,;,,,, ...A -- - Alan GMye fur Slttttn, Muilert.-i . -Ilopkiuaoit- Smith, of- the city of Bul tifiwte tma taken--ixieasttrtM'' 1''''Megra ft . ipntent for an improved alarm water gnage ; or nieiiui uoiiei-g. ine nature oi uie in- a, jTnptal tnbe, whirii w-orks directly through a Sltunilg UOX OU lue lop 01 .tlie. DOller,. nIMl " 0)Clling Oil one side, which ia ncli a height that while the water ia at a safe level, it is either within or above. . the stiifHng box, but when tlie water falla -to a dangerous level, it enters tlie steam space in the boiler, and allows the steam " to pusslTirougTi it iiito'the tube and qp to tlie whistle at ite tojn tlms alarming the- engineer, and informing him of the low state of water in the boiler. To tlie bot tom of the float there Is attached a hori- awnrat Wwdpf "whichr "tends' te keep4t fjthey- H'at) greaay in tlie water, and prevent' it from being much affected with the foam ing and boiling of the water. BLACK WAlUiluR CASE. ticated statement of Uie Black. Warrior affair, (tirKliril ... die a-nto of the vetacL Weirive ovr ,lts concluding paragraph, from wlieh it ' will l mo 'that the cai.tain did not abandon ; hit steamer without the suprt of the Ainerican " ..Consul and other legal authorities; ...'j.., 1 " The consul has written a statement of the 1 ! "hole alf.iir lo the government at Wathingtoa, - and deratclirat)iet?orwin,acoiiM-ww . ktpnided for tl; slack Warrior, this afleriioun, for Charkwloa. We are sPportl id the c,.8rse we wave Jake., as also Ls the captain, by tlie opinion and advice of the .trneric-.m consul bv that of Judge in m h tli.e circumstances, but have done the beat in nor rtowr, and have taken the bert dvic '- with regard to every step we have taken in the matter. AVhcn we recollect the thirty-sit differ-3'" ent tiinca .thi vessel has entered tb harbor, and j! alwavsau, tlu; ia.iiui. Bay. and that the steamers of the George Law and other lin have rob)- blv ,. iiti ra-,1 at least three huudred tirafltin tha Wot? - was morc thu Uii that tUnuert ia the : j w l4n wantierrea lau um lronT 'W steam.r w snothCT, under the ere of th jj lured and clearl in ballast-we are tr that - - .-r. our gm-criinient ill proloi-t your interest at they : j. mgbt, and tlie Spanish government bemadeto' ioiv dcarlv for the work of mtervtay and to-day. ' r - W. stmli slmaU uaa wit atatMa andtewt f " our (n(,(1(U to this maUer to m ytnekon' . settleiiH-aU" , - , O, mv friend." said a doctor to an: l"sh patient, be composed; we must ' all du "An it s that what vexes me, replied . H I coulu die a.uaij uoieu tunes, V r"5' J: :':i'

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