...V5i . (M il U "I "i '" l 1 ifl -"T" . . , i , ftnlti to Politics, Urns, grifl.ttnr., Dtcrnal mprcDrmfnts, Commcrff, tljf : Jlrts AM - Sr if or t5ttt.M tijf amito Orrlt VOL. X. NEW gElltES. SALISBURY, N. C., MARCH 30, 1854. NUMBER XLV. -. V-H-iV'-'"-."'' '.-,. -fi -WiM f:"V."'--- f ! .' ' T ;.- . 7 ; ,' - - "c-, V""' " A J. J. 15UUNER, I EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS; Two (tuHM year, pmd wttbla thro, tnoAlb. from 4.1. ut NbKrtplioB ; two AJlar aad fifty m.u if nut aid befcrt h .ipiratina nf Uw year, and three dol (ara Uw yw In iprr4. Mo Jpr diKualia . util .0 tmmfM kl. faU urH al th. ufiiu. vf IB. EdiUir. T Latter, to lb. Editor miMt W pit pud, la eBur. A ttmmtj jtttitsb imir , A Bram i. Uw fmat by 16 iix. A drntlnwil Makmf aqinnw, .h.rgr- W M pnifurtki I tqumn i lM.kin( 'J I w 2) Mr. charfH a o'pwtiria V 1 AS ftm-tn of r. ...d w 4 or J, clwr(4 ia pnfivuu u lb. irh.Je.uf ktdi HI. frmrtMMTpark OmmumI rrirttk, witb( uMiUnm1 ch.Te. graat lu Umm who MtrirrtiM rtfvUrljr thruugh the ! TWm Man i muanrinf undidatra JTK--r. CmA Unitra charxril Jti ,itr4 JiifVr lhaa llw km taw. 4Mm liar dinire of huabaiid aad wilr. IK.aHL ; tT Prraiu. mb4h( Wrrrtuaawat. ar rrnarM- 4 ! alria Um Marker of raarniiiaa reflatfed ; and if H i Md they akiNiU aceapjt the lew! apaee par. kw. arril iMi lai hack 111. vurd rfoar. .UthermaH lti)r wM W awt rff aa th. Beaai yla aad rbarfed : fTh diwnaal ma there nir. For riw - WaliAoiariT Br ' . Ti. Iik. annt aWft, quiet rirrr, 7 Tkat fluwalk aoniy S, " . Tb. awn of wkum cry mtmt wave. I. bk. tb anfet'. ie. ' ITjws wbiai. bwrder. rtouraJi . - TW ULy awt Uw Sk ........ w.... AadarMlUred by ihiaw rellf B.wen. ' Tb. andeM riutel bm .- L -- -WkMraWat ; Sfdr aad grufW Uomm. Tkat aaak.tb ftad Ik. baarir II kiee. an brthc aad beaatjful, Bejaind lb. narh of art. Aad kuf. and aacnfiry ehri henrb M, aiMf.tea; .. ."Aad H abed, a frafnnr. afl an mi ad, ' O! keantlf.l and b.J! Thi. OoWtft MMliraled rtaada Mrtbink. fiura Edea. bnwera JBsa-.-Tini burn, by anfek' bameS . Aad wraaiked armiad I be humas beart. - It. tend rue rMrb akv, ' "' Aad k iB aiake. paradae in earth, rorfWhraaarrfirbir.. ' Thi. U Were. DISSOLUTION OF THE UNION. The orators of the l-nited SfateM have learned to talk w ith great glibness and composure of dissolution of the Union. Tlie last sectional controversy gave the ifinrtrwrirmr permanency which was once general and I apparently immovable. Then, for tlie f firt tim, r0 Wgrtir Weur.pet.Hhat ihe sJUeVeTlrXleljdaj . litical structure which they hatl been uc- custouicd . to suppose ; tliat there vi ai no cabalistic influence in the combination f the letter of tlie. Constitution, normystt rioua power in tho parchment on which they were inscribed, which would war rant the prediction that it would last for ever. There is no standing army fo np- -M ttT norrrwar firm; br'hirtrimrM lialLlUe.Statc fu..fj.'leJtdQWtiLlhe throat of the other half; no other secu rity for its existence but that, which brongtit it into ln-iirg the linlituul con sent oiAgwdjriltsh"tri which comitorHj it. Hitherto it has been snpxiscd that the 8outh was the party in which there was most discontent with the Union, and she certainly nas inui more practical gnev-t ancea to complain of than any other sec tion. . Buf in this Nebniskaq()iiti'overv tho threat of dissolution came from the North, and they cine thick and fast. philosophical fosfy as Pfofmwr Siliiman talk about dissolution as rimllv s he wrmld talk about any otlrtir sort of disscdu- tioh or deconiH)sitinti to his atlnnrTng pu pils. Tli anti-Nelin5karTnovertieiit, it must be admitted, secuis-Xo iuchule those conservative classes of the North which have - hitherto refrained from alvolition fgjifltion, n4 tho dii.iioliitiou seems ttHrfrl - regnrded by thcin as a less evil than tlie permission of Sontlrern liven to gv if they choose, with their negroes to Nebraska. Wa cannot comprehend why admeasure, from which the Norjli will suffer no prac- 7 a e M c Ci fl'SSMIISirk. , . ... d , a w T T - tital'iahofilijj triil8$T1hi'lr uch genenil and extreme iiulicatinn. What injury wuuW tlie Jfortli suffer from the iiaaaago of the Nebraska bill, to be eoinpared with' the calamities, both to her maleriot'Ttireredrflirtd trjthp cause of hu- roan lilrcrty, which would f'Ilw a diwo - lutionof the Union t. If these menace of diolntia are in - tended to intimidate the South, they will rjjnlfy full. Thcjr Will pnKlrtee no other' effect than iticreasted alienatiu of feel in tr. Tli South loves and cherislir tlm rm'911 from a di-interr-sted pa-im for that lib- erty which it bound np in it, and which w&i i.nrcliaetd at m nmch cost of blood and treasure by the founders of tlie Re- public. But she ha no aeliish motive in hcr patriotism. Were she governed . by considerations of dollars uik! eeiitji, she won hi seek ftu Imlnediate dissolution of the Union. She would be prosperous and flour'fehing if she were released froml licr eotiiiiiercirtl and niuimfut'tiiriiig depend anee upon ti North, and fio longer a hewef of wood aixl drawer of water for the general government ami the North ern people. (Vu'dly as she ove the Ke pubJJxy slie hjij suniu irile and some self respect left ; and if the boon of indepeii denee is forcetl u ;mii her, slip will not re Ciimj it. Wuhnutid IixjMitth. - I'iIlitjJtij tif the E'lxtrrn QuratUm. The struggle that has commenced be tween ltussia and Turkey lift been rej- re'swited- by-Ute-ji iwrimU f 'etrii K-l roje as the result of efforts on the part of the stronger Miwor to oppress the weak er, and to wrest from It a part, 11 not tlie whole, of its territories. If ' we divest our iniuds, however, of , the iuipres'-ioii lijt li such appeals to onrsyinpalhies are calculated to prvi luce, and eiaijjiiie.dis pnmiiinnrtety lihe-event!, --which,- the hrf two- cctrtirriry bare 'iirrrnght-ilTiiTO atid Turkey into such freqtu-nt Collision,1 we will find it is altrilmtalile rather to the op eration of mi orgal.ic law which governs empires, institutions, creeds, and even human nature itself, than to the ainhiti.,n of individual rulers. In fact, the present contest i; iMc.rm''a''cout.huatlVir,of'rIrl long war of pritH'iples which hgau with the - fiitltj n jrutji titrf the Jitinma i:iiipire b); Christianity, found ils'initldle term In the expulsion of the Greeks froin Constanti nople ly .Mahoiiimcdaii invultTs, and is now entering iijhiii its third, in the efforts i.f" lite former to regain the ghiiind which they had loL We miiot not suffer1 our selves to-hc. deluded into the notion that this is a mere struggle between jiersons and dynatiesr. Whatever may be its is sue, "there are great elenrtmtary-prfmjiles inrolved in it, whif-h will continue in full ritality a long as there -irifn-Tipposing influence to that uf Cliriatianit v. , :, r As well.. might the Western powers at tempt to urrcnt tlie oceaai 111 its hci as to prevent the reflux of ft reek civilization info Asia. It is now the turn of Muhom inedauiHin to recede before the banner of Christ, and the crescent will have to give placn to the cross on the mosque of St. Sophia. What the (ireek rulers of the South hist by.tlu'ir vices ami their effem- (heir hardihood and energy. Even in our own tiitiu, Constantiiioplo mav again he- uMHe"trlHetti ( UllWllmimrf'aT:k-imsS and the blessings of civilization through out the whole continent of Lesser Asia. Such it niineiira to 114 in the " nianifct ' ... , 1 .... r 11 .1 . 1 lest ill V of Kussia. as t he instrnmeiit in , . ! the hands of (toil for the accomplishment 01 iiiosc great tiesigns 01 which mo revo- e .1 e 1 1 .1 lution iu China is but the foreshadowing. Who can tl. nil it that this most remarka hie rjvent nf rmidcnf tlfiiPS'ls the licrffldofr it iiwlv of mighty changes, in which Cliriti,Ulify.iy,4"r f"'tsinksiiiloliH-jiowderyloain through n- - " v 1 - 1 .1 . I 1. .. . 11 ... I ...Ml u ........ I I ..1 . tl. . i.... ...... 1, 1 H ill. i..-' iinuni. 111 muni- iiiv; pun ill iiii in f civilization? The part flint Uiisia is ! .. . ... '. . .. '. . 1 lestinetl to play in this great work of liu-' .WMlrtV4Uwrt41j4it ,1 . 1 .1 c t- 1 murk. ui out liv tnr IltiLnT ot I roviilence. : " , 1 and the combined cfiorts mI ajl the Euro- j penn governments, cannot prevent the fill-1 lilment of thatdestiiiv. The intervention organized by the Western lowers itt this! ..-..-..'- i i - - contest between l linstianity and .Mulioin medaiiisiu is, therefore, a f.il-e and unna rural position, und will generatesomo ex traordinary and sudden outbreak or; rev-. trh-ww-wWifrr thr"nlm i n w m wf ' who commit themselves to'jl. make tho trip across the country t') 1110 HiciiaioiH) pass, 10 v ai norma, in me winter, to test its practicability for a rail : roatl rtute. rias - n fto with such terrible reverses.. For his en terprise in this matter, which is under taken at his individual expense, he de served the acknowledgments of tire com munity.- JJntil a few days ago, we had Ihntld. StreetChaIirrthatcity. O. is an Englishman, "'g in a juaco which ore tue iiibfks 01 . witti large iious, anth n mgii oihck iiat j t,,r this reason, tacy anvays M-ep ; PUiih or ItalianWarble. Tlie heart -t ' '.." " jw ho U strimgty snsjsctcd of having ri.ned hi having been recently tnmeil tip and on Jrnit on his head, with a white feather ill thnv years" pnvisiiis laid iqi. torfear of , f , I-;.),,,- -n(i Cut. Ffrmont nntt ht 'arty. It is itit wi(et and is known to have made diver at- digging, the body ot Lipmann.was. foiind j it, yThe young livery man's chief oecu- : faiiHne-. - Altiretheri tltev are muost ex ' rA-M-il -..UK . rail(.e U tai .iil no. known that this gentleman has attcniptcd tempts to s..cure the affection of ytung females, buried there, after having been murdered, pation seeinetf to, be to raise his young traordinarv people, far iu advance ofauy 'be tears ot grateful memory shed upon . . . . .1 i Mini ev-.in iif tiinrriiiil Iriilii. til aeiiltitllish their Till, ta not tllft- -fi rslt-f itlttvtiotf-ibilitrt. lid. : Hilate.-teiiil it. 11)111 riroitil tho .trctr'tit1 ..ill.,.. .1 1. .,. .1111.4 wet . ,liart..,,ril ' iRt this -flu terrtirt Hro UlOr0 valuable. l& HIT CStl- irlhfinfbir1rT I party. It will be retncmlcrel tliat, at j the outset, Col. Fremont was token ick, ( and returned from the Mitteouri to thi , city, where he remuined some time. In j tlie meanwlula hijartiiireceded .him jto tlie Plaips. Lord Fbxwilham, who rotnmcd a few ! daya no from the Plains, informs us that he arrived at Bent' Houses, situated bot two mires below tlie lwvr do Io I Animog, a tributary of the Arkanttas, at the Point of Kocks S in the liiuT Tuulcr, on Pol Fmi.innt I..4V l.nf , vxu. rremom iii oui i the same day that i did not see or speak to him. At Bent ILmsea he learned that the Colonel had lost at Salt Creek, oti tbeJ Crow river, seven animals, and afterwards had five more stolen from him by the Cheycnnes. These Indians subsequently said they stole them, supposing they be longed to the Delawares in the Colonel's party. They offered to give them up, but the Colonel refused to receive thoin. His party, before he overtook them, had con sumed most of his provisions at least that portion most desiriible for the plains, and he was compelled to recruit it) horses and provisions at I tent's Houses. TM The was that his men, who had IIIIIIICPDI'Ml UO IIIHL IIIS INCH, .!!. H'I 1 . been encamped at Salt Creek some time before his arrival, had destroyed f his provifitms for the journey. The last snow which Lord Fitzwilliam met with was at Petty Encampment, about 140 miles from tlie 4 Fontaine qui Brniellc creek," down- the mountains This gentleman bus visited much of the Oregon and Washington Territory, Pu pet5 WrnrmK; and Vancouver's Island, and iu he is familiar with Western life, has lieeu able to make many useful observa tions, lie is on his return to England. St. Lou 141 Ii'jnibHt-iili. The rMrprie Cotrrtwf the State of Tex as, sitting at (talvcston, has just rendered a decision of great importance fo settlers and purchasers of hums in Texas, settling a principle which applies to hundreds of land titles. The question at issue was, wlrat under the colonization laws of Tex as constituted a residence which entitled liUnaiUotiJe of a family and transmit it to Ins heirs, -lie never hav ing carried Ittrj family to reside there. , ' The cr-defore he court was that of . iho"TifssiSIii"Tf oniLlM'':We of laiirls who went tn-Texas in the year and in August, l.VIa, otttained a grant ot larid :.. .1.,... ..1- r. .......... ...... 1 r,tcf.nriTir liimwiilf n liuv-ime eollie ti, ttt Ma l'0 All,. II VOIIIIl, l'l ll Mil If, riiiv , , I. I. V . 1 ie' 1 ". .1 i ., 0 . , ..1 , coiinfr-y with his family to rprde. hortly after, he went back to Maine, 6 the al- "se c!i-d miriMTse of brinfiiu' out his family but died so. in after. In 1811, his daugii. ter s husband took possession of the land ami made a crop. In 14!, one Randolph bleated a land warrant liiioti it its vacant land, alleging it to be pubtic domain, by reason of the invalidity or forfeiture' of tlie grant to Knsscll, hrst as a nou-resi-dentt and then for frandnlent description ofhiinself. The court sustained the grant on both grounds. It tlecided the Uiissell's resi dence, with the intent to make his home in Texas, departing only with the pur iMise of bringing back his family, entitled him to cuter the laml, and that construct ively and legally, the doniicil of his fam ily w as with nun, ami his declaration that his family was w ith him, was legally cor net, n-CTrdlog to the Inw-s of Toin. The departure, with a tniajil'. intent to re turn, did hot affect the doniicil he had acquired, ami the grant of land, therefore, laSfeaaaVII HOW TO IIK A 0 M1 FARMER. Here is a secret of good fanninif. You can- "ol take from the land more than you restore to ; - ,. it, in some sliaiie or other, without ruining it, 1 , , . ' ... .. " -, ailil Ml ileslrOVllllt VOUr railltal. 1 linertitlt Soils lrmv ri.,,ire ditferint mo-les of -treatment and! I ... ... : ... t .1. . 1. r.ippinu', but in ev. rv variety of soil these site 1 the gnr.len"ruli to be observed : Drain until yuu-nr 1 find that the water that falls from Heaven does Well, no, it's no matter," stammered Mehi- n'jLM;'f;'':'lil''tJ.!!tJ!;il't'iJUuSJht!,'Ugh it ailiLtalJe, coloring ObbJ BiMraiaa' - - r 1.. 'r ... 1 .;ti .1. . 1.... 1 :i ' turn up ami till the laud until men me air anu ueai win penetrate. t't n . . . . . ,.i i..i i...r.. ,..r..i i.tui.i ...ui. I lk,.,i, ,rr.J,V-,,ii,.t..v-rr ii-irti.-h. ,,f liminir.-! weed occut'V the iilace here 1 that ran l obtaimsl. whether li.pii.l or solid. I L t Jiulituiew .IrH-amf ini"t.T'wasti rut in ' : ..1 - "hi' 1 ' vour trois 111 itiai course which exix-nenee nas . 1 ' . ... 1 . : show n to lead to siiecis i itieir grow tli, aiuf to neighbor on hitt road home Ins tamily be- wurh.lueia ud not iniov.Mibient of tkeigan to beserionnly ahirmed. Two days land, l ove every plant room to spread its hsits elapsed, and although every search was '" ,,le oil' lind ,,'vcs the air. And, in all i m,e, no clue could be fouiid to him. A - v",,r "V. ""'"r to be htrle ahead of Lamimr.i.e at length conctHvetl the idea of lilalet A'wrjf Day Jloot. ' ... , , . , ,! KkvkkexiiRvscai.. The Richmond Dw'tfh i ciuitHins a long and interesting account of tpe olid net and character of nev. James Cow per. 'siTmfrmirs'Trr These- attempts which were made in the Nurthi were u,,- hut tot u,vessful, and he compUt.sI. lH can-et of infamy, by engaging , - -ai . m 'i a j uiiiiiM.1 MiienMiniii in m'tLinir eiiarm. nf mil 1..111V . ptrrv-Hi"'2J!l came to l!ichuuni1,on a call a lie saul, irom the ..... , ,, . - ' , , . ... i ni - i . f'trular ii; that the uog will not alb ( lay Stntrt t hapel. 1 heunlmpfiv parents of; . J .. , , " i . i . . ' . . ' ... -; . 1 . . v. i to -lie foiiiled hv avnv one but Ins the trirl,. learning c hi character. iielermineii to expose him and sate their daughter, and the un cle of the latter folbtwed lh rascal to Rruhmoiid -with, shnndiM otsT -4 his-nfamy. - Mis F. has grW iMrmeirb h-m!l..'"---..-.-.--:j., TEKRIBLE STEAMBOAT AC'CILEXT FORTY-FIVE LIVES LOST STEAMER CAROLINE DESTROYED BY FIRE. Loi-isviLLK, March W. Tbe ntHiuer Caro-1 lino, running-to Memolm, a burnt on Sun.t.v, I ,u"t ' '""'"""'f; ".'.uu p" th WDTfsiih uti,-rr-ttirm. P"t wl,'.ere 6re having cau-rltf between Jk, and ,,irellli I V'e lurid flames lit up the surroundm rapidly swung tbe fre'ifthL ' darkness; happily tlie alarm originated Tbe boat tn not only dortrov.-.!. but t.rtv-only in the burning of a pile of brnsh 6re of those on board r-itlx-r i rilatl in the i wood, about a mile from town, coiie- Ibtinea or were drowned. Th IhiniHa unread m rarndty that it wns wiib riiffiooUy mit wnprtl. A om m the fire divcrwi, tiie j.iiot ' 'ndeavored-to run her ahore. FiftM-n pron I Uerotei tar rradi tlae shore. (Ut tlle ,ullk ,nd ,, ired. Ca.Uiu jCrrigliU junivJ in the rivc-ranJ was droit uJ. .'"h" I tbe pilot, intkti ia ww. The itoatwas burned to the water's ede, and then sKpfwd off the bank and sunk. Only two unna anu anna. niiy two 1111 1 e 1 trrt. -Th? remainder of'? C01 xU. have bfn1 uf "lcn sboat. hwds j.leJ kpwr mL the hurry of the niouient, forgot to raUn bassengers we the victim w,tere tbe boat a liaiids lU utx'k -aenirem. A CASE -Mi FiUnancy, elderly maiden, charged Mr. Cleaver, the gay yonng man who. was accustom ed to carry' home her marketing, with having forcibly kissed her in the entry of her own house. Mr. Cleaver, although proud of his personal ap pearance, was hort, very short, considering his .i.: 1. . 1.:.. 1. .t.. u r .,1. wmsfcerni llw ueiuuu eeu 11 r o.-i.u uuuia, . . , , . , rcaclii'd only to lour toev-Mee wun, u ... , , . - riUnancv, on tbe contrarv, bong fond of ei- ! tKm ;&u up a anJ sUiJ tin0fInarKaMv deoartn.ent. She .wore O . 57 I tlie abbreviated, yet amorous bitcher kUseJ her by amaillt, and she hauled him up for it. Butt ber, with some exprewiol of disgust, more emphatic than necessary, deniet the charg! Butcher waa.a, lady wasn't; Ceaver bad- anti pathy to what be irreverently tem-d scrgiry' wo men, and vowed be hadn't (isaed her, and wouldn't Money couldn't hire him to. BMn. CTft)S-ciMnmed, lawyer enquires of the lady tbe circtmntances, when, where-, how, c Latly replies witb particularity : On Monday inoruing. ten o'clock, in tne entry, reited all she could, hut he persevered, and triumphed. Lawyer aks, ' did be not Uul on anything but the rt.Hr f No ; he stood on the (hot, no chair, stool or any iMffjfSberbelrj'g "W6iigHlnfo"rQTsh1jih7"'"'" ' Hut my dear madam, thii i itnKMsible i You are twelve inches taller than he. How could he reach your lips V I -tuly hadn't thought of t tat, but she was not to be tripped up by the glibbest lawyer of them all ; so Mie replies. 1 'Oh! ha! well, I know, ye, to besure, but then vou know, I serooi hed a little T f'ferawty tThank y, martrrnT, tfcjjir-rflt do. Siotbing furtbar, voar honor.' Verdict for the short defendant. Popping Ike Qettvfron. Mchirihle Merit, a young lady of thirty-nine who hail never had a chance to chsnge tllo: alliterative cl aracter of her , .1-1 l'..l i name, was seated over tbe hre in her little sit. iting rmm, when a Knock was hen-J and ,h(furj lnakl. Ks ap,s,.aran butSolomm, Peri jj . rooMi, when a knock was hWU and who eri win kle. - . "Goodness graetou P thought ie, "I wonder what he's come for can it lie " But we wont divulge the thoagft that passed through the old maid's mind. B ltow do you do. Miss Merit f aid Solomon. " Pretty welt, thank you. Mr. .iY-riwinklc-r-.Vnt but I f.v) a iilltti lonely now aid then." " You See as 1 was coining by-, 1 thought I'd step in and ask you a question alinit about " " I suppise thought Mehitable, u means about the stale irf my hearL" ' " " TTie Tai-f is," saH Solomon wh was rather liashful, "I feel a littlo delicate at sit asking, but I hope you wont think it strange !" "O no," simpertl Mehitable, "I dont think it at nil strange, and in fact, Iv'e Iwn expecting "O," said Solomon, rather surp'rised, "I be- lieve; vou have iii your possession something of mine, IISTeSrtTTneai"sm - , , 1 " Well, sir," she continued, aloud, 'it may afford you pleasure to learn that you hae mine in re turn. It is fullv and entirely vn.r nwn. WtuUS" I out uuut umlmUit ' ' eujauncd. Solomon, insmaseHHent-.-! thmli VutttHust be iiiine for 11, for mine was given n'e." I beg your pardon, said the discomfited old maid, "but I made a mistake. I quite fonrot i-i,, t vonr umbre U which I liarrowed some time airo. ! -., ... , , , .' , " ; IIee It le. I wna lliiiiL-mrp ,.t a.-tintlii,irr ..1. "If," said Solomon. " there is any think of'"P,' .' yours that I.have ifut , I shall lie happy to return .1 . t . 1 n 1 - . . Jfiinlr Ih'MV)Yr Jb'a )(. A man named Liiuiianii, residing at 1'halsboiirg, (France,) savs (ialignani s Messenger, left his luse a tew day.s. mc4uisauMdis4-i ness, ami not relurnitig at the time ex 1 '.I .l.t 1.1.:. l..."t:rr'x.TT frir-a- iieeteti, 1111110:111 ne nttii oei-n seen o u 1 . . . . P . . . nuL-iitie .it a lanioiis dog belonging to j a person iii me iieigiiuoruouu, anu witii ... ..:... I. .. I .. i -..: I. i which he iiroceeded iiito a wood, anil had . . !. , .. not gone far before the animal, by, his barking, gave notice that he was oulthe !HHi-''ire4lrtg-liehe-gimtk .1. . l. ,t.A "'...I coiuriigioniesioHe saw tue uog setaieii-; r.. .. .. .. I . 1. : .1. 1 .1. t. . rendered similarserviee to the gendarmes. A short time since a priscmer had escaped froln tun,t aIllj tlia J0g was turned out oil the scent, and soon discovered the fn- whom he kept fast hold of, but al low itself m Alitor V , , are activtly emlea.venug to disco.Ve njurUewr oriMeMrs-otppmaivifc - ami the gendarmes, for whom it appears hoi lauK'eXl, can be altogether irr.vl.nma--to feel a strong partiality. - The police' bl? rvcd, ((ary. j Fire. Like other pities, we had the dull monotony of a moonlc night varied by the cry of fire, oil Tuesday ewening lant. Bells were ruiiir, stentorian lunirs :r. 1 .V: .1 - V. qucn.tlv no other buildiiiiji were damaged ; by the wmflngrttliitir Too much praise cannot be awarded to ' those of our rttizens wh zealously rushed 1 1 "tle resene, under the, impression that ,4, wa8 hoveringnear some unfortun- ate fellow townsman ; and no doubt, had a fire really been raging, that every one would have rendered as efficient service. laKeaioHg me hooks anu uiickcis, trrovi-ded-araioVirf xnrrguTsIiIng tires. We have no doubt, however, that if there had been a snre-euough fire, the company would, after running round it and Arller ing awhile, have sent back for the hooks and buckets. 1 - Would it nol be better to form a company whose especial business it should be to take charge of these honks and buckets f WurrlrUon AU. Mi rdkrs. A few days since a man named Moses Freeman was killed by bis wife. She stabbed him with a knife causing his death al iiioat instantly-! Freeman lived in Henderson County. Our informant carried the painful news to the Mother of the deceased ; and llie reply of the poor old woman was, "that she expected noth iig beUcr, for they were both always drunk." A young man nauieil hitaker was commit ted to jail in this place last week upon suspicion f haiing'sliot Evans Sullies of I lemlerson Coun ty. It was iboiigbt at tirRt that Suttles would not live, but be has recovered so far, w under stand, as tu be able to wlk wiUwtut any incon venience. Whitaker is stifl in jail. Last week jut over the Tennessee line on Walnut Creek "Stub Rod Shelton" was killed by a man named Norton. The murderer has been. apMbeUJed and -nt ti-trreent-ilte; Tetin. jaTt. The prisoner and the deceased were both Clluetis ol--il.ita4t eerrty. - - . - In all pjf tlie above: ca, as well as in that of (ieiitrv irteutioned a short time ago. the cause is found to consist in the dialsjlical influences of intoxicating drihk. Athi vilie 'Sptrtator. e: IMTORTAXT IK TRUE. The Pertuhire Adeertitrr reports a recently discojetfid .,.wadi. (niug-wu;h. thusiijC-Uwif Capi.' Valkai'. tlicU il with partial dealhess, vii: by taking the individual by the hand, at the same time ptac-' ing the two thnmts -tog.ttier. lfy this simple process, the'fEotina is cofiveyeir ill a more direct ..II hear dislinctly m t.,e o voice; several m.tes ; could be formed unon the same i.rincinle. bv a ' Mtnv.. 1. is bito mi viuim to ami, mav a .h,iii when tire il.vHlual alfe, Usl w.ll hear in a mod- !S 111 I crate kev at either end of the. chain. . PRIESTLY CL'RSINU IN LONDON.- A corresponihTit of "the London Daily Xeirt savs: 'Ou.Suudav the .5 ib uli after tbe ei,rl,t . .-. , , - .. . : . .. o clock mass at the Itoman Cathotic chapel Duncan Terrace, Llington, the Reverend F, Hakelev, a Roman Catholic uriis.1 (an t .xford pervert,, iirot-eeded to the Irish courtKift ion, near the Angel, and after going the Irib peoplo a long hs ture lor sending their children 1 to the rroU-staut schools, pronoumxd the fob , lu ina curse : ' e hereby irive notice, that if 1 any persons, after this our solemn warning, do " ... - l: send their children to the 1 rotestant schools; (six schools were here named.) or, if they have been already tempted to send them, do not instantly ei.lllill., tlu.111 tliV filiul) Iu. ,.1 tit... I .millc .if murtj, sin . .lM Mus,.j hU 1(, it(ala m'mHi'r- ttw -Chttrch J "at Tte'slutrOrre'x? tieine unction shall lw denied to ibein, and their bodies, either bis or hers, refused burial ill any cemetery -belonging to the Church. " The curse of God shall rest upon them, body and soul, living or-&d7 n - - NEWSPAPERS. A man eats up a pound of sugar, and the rn-iwMiti iin ii.v-. ninn 'il enii.-u , nui I lie ill- c . ; " 1 . , formation be gets trom a newspaWr is treasured . . . . 1 11 pleasure lie has enjoyed is ended ; hut the in ie mind, to lie ued w henever ticcasion or hi - ihiiiii nation calls for it, -A ncwspaiier is not the wislom of man, or two men ; it is the a is. loin of the age of past aijes too. A familv witliout iiewstiaper is always half an age .behind jhe: nmes general imomiTtTimi oesiue, rney ne-; ver think -much, riot find much to thiuk about.' And there are the UllK-ones growing uji iu lg - tioranee without a taste for reading. j timtsj in general infomiTttimi x beside, they ne- j i-suiw an tnese ei ns. mere sine wue, ". ; wJuoilie7w4s-,-bntos bands iu her lap, and notlnnir to amuse her I mad Wtho toils and-t-- th circle. Who would be without a newspaper ( Dr. franklin. A Xrw Tiling Two ladies appeared , oh the streets of Baltimore, tlressed in the . ore, tlressed height of fashion, one of them tong train tut tier iiiagiiiiicetii siik tirt s. ..... ........ I. . .... : i; . 1 1. i .. . . . ' . which swept the ground for several feet , ., . . , ,t n -r .i behind. Following them was a stout Irish bov, apimrently about 14 years old. .1 t .! .l'. I. . I! ..t .. . ..1 uttrHis,. . aiitt iigiii-iMHiieti cw.i . I .1 ...... . I I I I l . I. I . I and mnddv places. The youngsters on the streets torniented lum some. ' . tSrlicoax with a' ohimnov .weep, -dvrrcrrcs tihrclr lookii rfem Tis- ingfriJmls. If No man. who has once heartily nrt lhe4-?:XtrA""s lirvlsarhiroft-a.ffertlses hams A Strange Eaoe ' IN THE 11 Mart of ca z ifornia. An UiTBaaOTiJMt Maa Through the very centre of the Great I!ain runs the Kio Colorado Chiquitto or Little lied River. It takes its rise hr the mountains that skirt the right bank of the Kio (irande, ilows almost due I .!'' " ... .1.. ' I i I . . . l r .1 . .I 1 e1 a,UJ, euiptica ai a "nuv on iiic raioiv I'iriaiiei VI miuuuv nun Walker's Pass. About 1J miles north of this, and running almost parallel with :. : . .t 1 t- .-i. .1 il i tlie invrui Oltll u unit. .CI1 01 UlCWi .-. 1 ... e . . stream is about 250 niile. long. fvTtT "t,fcu ,f J " "J? -,, .1 . , . ,11 ; I tlnnk if tliere was a chance of measuring lh nvy-i. ..le... at.eicMCB u,. .......euJ u.o.c laud' broken occasionally by Sierras of no great length wlucli shoot up above the general elevation. About half way be "fweeiTlTieTwo riveWand midway in the wilderness between the Colorado and the Kio Grande, is the country of the Mosi quis. From the midst of" the plain rises abruptly ott all sides a Buttc(ftcoiisideC'. able elevation, tlie top of which is as flat as if some great power had sliced tiff the summit. Away up here the Mosquis ha.vtfciwrilt-ilieii'darge villages, where they .rest at night perfectly secure from the at tacks of tlie fierce tribes who live to the imrtk-eUid- east -of -4ltm. The side-t' this table mountain are ulmost perpen diciilar cliffs, and the top can only be reached by a step flight of steps cut in the solid rock. Around its base is a plain of arable land which the Mosquis culti vate with great assiduity. Here they raise all kinds of grain, melons und veg etables. They have also a number of 1 orchards-filled wrth rmtnr' kinds -of fruit- trees. The peaches they raise, says Capt. Walker, are particularly tine. They have large flocks of shecps and goats, but very , few lieasts of burden or cattle. They are a harmless inoffensive jieople kind and hospitable to strangers, and make verv little resistance when attacked. The warlike Navajose, who dwell in the moiin- ...... ... ..... , uiciii, mc in uir 1. . 1 r. f .. 1 ... .1 iiuuu ui sweeping uown tqon iiiem every twrnr-thretryTW stock. At suchjtiiiies tiny gather Hp all that is moveable from their farms, and fly for refuge to their mou itain strong hoUL -Ilere -tfteir enemies tlare not fVl low them. rWhen a stranger approaches, ffiey apjiear on the tops of die rocks and houses, watching his movements'. One s'.ayed for several days, is Ave or six hnn- , 8 T? .'tnt" W HUrtoft- lliev nrar vcrv snmr nnil eom. t,, gtoric8 The inlmuit ltj ar) . n. ra..,.,.. .. ... nyl. i.., .. j . e' n and uiaiinfiieture vscillcut woolen ckth-; 1.I....1..... i- i i '"g-Wankets, bakct-work ai.d potten'. Unlike most of the Indian tribes of this country the women work within doors, the men performing nil the farm and out door lalior. As a race tliev are lighter in color than the Digger Indians, iu Cal norma, indeed the women are tolerable! '..: :.. . ,n . i. " '-J """1 mg 11 otMiii ucu. ugvr hrt his fibs, and we beat thn !. tlrt sn. '..Among tHem.Capt. laMlaVoM , efcwHW j alker saw three pcrfectlv white, with;. .....t 00 j . Wing-jwhite hair and yellow eves. He saw two others of the same kind at the Zuhi vil- lages, nearer the llio Grande: Thcv are no doubt Albidos, and probabl v gave rise 1 tl... -,.,- ,i., 1..,- ,.V,.-..;"i..?i .. .1... V" HIV. I Ullll.l 1IJUI IIIA3 I'l 17 . ItlltTIl III LUU pre existence of white Indians in the Basin. The Mosiquis have probably assisted nature in levelling the top of the moun tain as, a site for their villages. They have cut down the rocks in inanv places,' ami have evacuated irt of the sttrnr rock a'uiiiter of large rooms for uiaiiufactiir- ing woolen, cloth. Jiietr only arms are bows and arrow, although , thev never war with any other tnbs'. lho Navawse carry ?A their stock wtthout qtnaiUuu. Tf.,r ,.t;rA xriw.-. -e- i,..nw--l. . :t. . !be left exposed, and thev a ill not touch tllClll. kw -, , . , .Many of the women are beautiful, with , .. ,, , , ti forms ot taintless symetry. lhey are.. very neat and clean and dress in quite ai pistnrwone jpltaiue of thuir owu uianus-t- mctnre. - I ney wear a tlarK nts' wmh a red border, gracefully tlrapjCil so as to eave the right arm and "shoulder bare." Thov jlftve beautiful hair, which thenar- factnrx?. They wear a dark ndn" with a xiu-i,a.jMMi.i;MWJHtiiWMaaMEawi ttl .Mliac.JLLlmiapett-. Indians on the continent, they are scrup-: how horror-stricken we were, and how soon we lilously Jionest. Capt. Walker says the ; madajiur exit, through tlie Isasement windows, most attractive and valuable articles mav ' hke thieves, surprised in their midnight depre- xgixtfith. - Tdn -tadmrefrsMi?"ut "-eTrrrrg-Tne v. no was a real i fmv ,if kinvn ,,v ,10 ,ttnner friend',, ic, and privately warned me ' - r i, . .i ' i, ti . ".;.; i r.i i c.i .. , sv....,.. ure kw tueir nair iu tue nimuie ociumo, nun each parcel around h.p f irs4t'44aMur---ThJe.U..'uly. stiii'yth- ' ed and oiled, and lasferti'd to each skIc ot tl,c head, ,jwitlitig ke a rosette. Tlie (flect is verv strikintr. The married .wo- , uul . 1 he .Mosquis ta .ehind. The Mosquis farm in the plain by it,iV txnt ivtireto meir t last's by night. J'hev irrisrate their lands by tueaus of the . treTiiRS l-Vinninir out of-the nionntain. it"ram t. mw on the mv . . ' t- . .. .1. .j: . 1....1 nnum:ai!is in liner. iur.vnn.aniti.;llliM.tiranIUi Bcuiiitureu monument of . w . . .1 1 . . 11 t' - - . I 1 continent. They have never had inter- course' with the whites, and oi course their ever reared. civilization organized with themselves. . - "j, '' fohe idventuroiisT Vesee'it stated that Dr. Speer.of Mel- 1 rwrrrTT .y.. thing more interesting 'I'n Cm.t . alk- erap.t. ..... s.... --. " " ' '" in the Great Basin.- -Lire irtfxtjfe. "1 - tf 1 Th woman who aeglect, her hbaadii LOVE SCRAPE. BT HAKRT HILL. Attending a singing school some years ago, j became acquainted with very flue girl, (I beg -rnrrrfot,-tliey call tbem-y-oung ladies bow.) From our first acqiwintance, I thought I loved her, and w e became in a very short time ' very warm friends ;' and 'then occasionally I visited the house, under the pretence of ' coming to see her brother, a wild, mitchievoua chap, who loved fun better than he did his dinner. And from that I got so fast that I became an every even ing visitor' to tee my fair charmer. . Now, my bir one 'a father was a very pious. sedate, offl gentleman, and was down on fun or ; niiscmei 01 any Kinu. nui wiw an that lie naa j through him be woutj measure at least three R-et IB diameter. Hut never having an opportunity to enllipper him, I can't say for ertain,-r)ow-4aTgw-hwaX--1tTn ever, all I know is he was a fine old man, Now, the old gent, or the ' Governor,! as we used to call him, had taken a great fancy to Die. I used to sit and talk politics to him, and he of- ' t:n said I Was a tine, quiet, considerate, ' perfect imslel young man.' And he would not suffer 1 ' Lielia, his" pretty daughter, to go out; of hi 1 sight with any but me 'th nice youni tnsO.' And he always wished m to be, intimate with' hi wild son Charley, thinking b would reform, if he was in my company part of his time, and I'll assure you I did not undeceive him, as to my reiircharncter, for the fair Lielia's sake. One night, I remember, (bow can I forget it!) Charley, a jolly friend named Frank , and myself, returned from a day's fishing. There was the fair Lielia preparing our cupper tor as. Charley had slqlped from the kitchen, and Frank was apparently amusing himself by poking hia cane in a cae at a favorite canary. And I felt as if I was alone with the girtTwtlored. xrescuuy wt aal uowu ui aupper While I was wrestliiir. with a ioint of beef. bang came a cold potato in the door and struck uic in the eye; then we could iK--footstcpaand a hearty laugh retreat through the entry; : ' tve nan by tins time nnisheil nearly all thers was on the table. , : ' Lielia,' said I, apologizing for our swinish piensitiea, ytru at we're very hungry. ' KxeusH iIim i:.-l. -.1 -I.:... 1 .. ianv -taycr. em ting me si 1 1 e .7 ' I will bring you something more to eat. " vuiile'wo were waiting for theTrodder,rFrank sat thinking of I don't know what, and I about Lielia, the possessor of my heart. Or; at ' leat I thought she posscssetijiU ' And from hearts I got tliinkiiig of nice little cottages, and from cottages to cmTjlesy and front cradles 1 kept on thinking and thinking ' Hist P said Frnnk,..'iWt you liear Charley ?L-J5Htlaip,,A P"VtlTh -er of potatoes. - - l ell, we hatened and I heard'abma one com-'- ing stealthily down rr chuekflne. "Now-J u ..1 : .1 1 ... .. r . rT"- 1 a. - - , us give nun a trouncing, saiU frank with a-chuekle, that UJ phnnly he wished to " .... .t. ...I t - 9 4.--..--. turn the tables. He crawled arouud the room in the dark, and Frmli had found a broom, aftd l' had'" got h(A& of the plunger of a churn. . We sneaked to the door just as the object of Ottr ;rrrepgB; had ar rived. ' '' : - " ; -, , - ' Rush on,' said Frank, and with that he made an assault on the 'fellow creature.' I felt the Throw potatoes, will von r aaid LWsTIr show you. you rgue jou J Tliea up from the cellar emerged "TJelia, and as soon as she reached the top of the stairs with the light, she gave a scream. Well, she had cause to scream, for there against the wall, with ribs all punched in, broken for all we knew, and the. wind entirely punched out of biro, (not because be bail a good bottom though, stood the "venerable paternal relative' ' ifejR!ilJtti- timwi iM-friwI, and ihs tHButreF younjrmai, had punched his body for him. And Charley stood at the bend of the stairs. With arm fuU of potatoes and corS-cobs, and laughed till the salt water appeared iu hi eyes, r" .W hai.au.aiirhL...lo. tr:i7t nnin. llie Kresttilii. . e T . ... ... -.r. . - ihons and after leaping over the area railing. inane a straiirilt coax tail ot it, unui we coutu no longer see the bouse that contained her the , 5, , , r . , t g'ri I hrst loved. .V. J . Dutchman. " A tW J(V W"A.-I wttwhl fn r confess to von ,' j-i j(H , . ,. , ,,,ne 1,1 ",a" !' r confess to von that I wonltl rather wheU" m the grave-, have tme- toixl staml over Hie and lt. ,llt ,c anted me in tlie time ot need ; , wl.at t tth. to him or would rati- " r have some widow; with choking -utter- ance, telling her .children, " there is your.: friend and iinne. He visited me in atHit- , .b,,rbtor. a batmr l,o.n I , ' . I- ' I I V 14 v'mus WUH,3- oulu -rather that such persons slmuld. stand ot virtuous tamily."" I say. 1 would grave, than have erected over it the - . ... . . . Munition , than the most beautiful denptaph. !) rhrrtda, ha raiwid 20,0b) lemon fW;iu 50 trees -He j3 t0 le the Uf - Best lei afgest lemon g?ower in-the country. .Wareteetk Ha) verr-1 Becauss ths4 'J A I -7

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