.1 .ws v. If ii -Pi Tin ii W -Js . I kR, I E , f f. VOL. BRIMES. iptfon asp psoruiEtoii. W4 fcl !!' itUIir M W the IU, -v . ? trtM tht tUyjr MUsik. f -if ' ..- r. ' 7 H I?. I MMUK '4 Sllltitil k th mf Mapi4y i 1. -ukiu U or H !", asrr- j- M.kiof SJ r 9i !. Z"l All frutaiHW uf a xi, Ml u. I -r "iM in pruforuo iu ib wh.-, - -lliaaMl. ! " . l..l, gnmU4 tw adveosw rr(-iany i.inwn 7' . '. : .l..l.f . i.rtirr. 7z!?i u iMcnH hiaai-r ih.a Oi aw ntoav Unknw mo f ' 1 - ,twd'fy'K.!Sw Ji known her M. ?T7r TTn - l Lv the ira.niif contradiction in Ilia lv- mev wen kucw wnai uecaineui iirr , aim imnn wi..j i" - , 1 '"."Ii;"!-- -i s 5 CL itiiitonv of the iriet a witnesses. 'ine counte pursneti uy uieir oremreii a. . anceo, vipru, wcp. j!?5f?Mli2JSL!l 2' -C.i-- wia wtillnnnthM-tmMeaome J5-U clear eiridenco that ; enabled thctii to endnre an amonntoff " l1ft-r5tf 1'ff" " R3 I u 1 rTKltl wrd it M o t.ime for . Fie-t toltiKU. wliich theaverageof their city-bred Jl!I!- ' III ,55 5 1 tT? licentionMiess, or to 'prevent Untitor could not rival. v Iil.I14i2If,tIJj H ? ' M'l,'J 1 r 'ft T-, u,c eSra, of tins aecreta of convents by The public weal, therefore, as well as ' kiliffiih-" '1 1 5fc Jeratiged, ' 1 "i, w'wa helpless female The! the happiness of the individual h. con- !mJ.rr- If I 12Z '7l tn TTi " Mc-wia, I have litt!e cen,edFi,. this qaeation of health Yet J &ISSW"- I' a i 0 f' , ! L mi ri S X a..bt, has 4n similar to that of many we Americans almost ignore it, and prac SSi n 5 S " ivrfe ! neglect it entirely. The old Greeks iH-ita J?? H3 ;W,".,ua'U .."fT.- .SfniS,, Xow, Mr. tditor, the Km.mh clergy had their gynmasin.ns for physical exer Nita;l ? J rr f ;Th 'l"1" wweHrnotl preaaed .1. u , J , . . . I w,,;ch were M mud, state institu- 'lUllttn:-""' 11 5H i'.W W,,!,r:'" r'fs.T'T: "u.keo.oftl..if. TWV know where j tloni eommo,, hoolaare n?w: Were SfTea -IS al aiOMta. ; U.;til4il." One iniisirtant advantage, how. r. iaiu.il . oiii-r ? WO''" r.qir.d : aae 11 k la iafct4 .asv shmiM wwapy wnai r wrH. " i AtaJ!i J t2:iid ?h!oW - M aa th ri' 1 1 O. A. JiUWnow. " ' . BICE! .. ' In noticing the tate affair at -M.-1. the Plt interest offere4 as an apology ! ft Brownson' refusal to meet Dr. Uice,j ft llrownson refusal to meet ur. jviw, , thai bcXCrOwnsOliYliad ntficient rx-ason ! T, ItiVahard been convicted of a ba-C: (Dr JUcehard been conv.ct-d of a ..a-e Having a -dis tinct recollection of the we alludinl I . -av VvuluntirilT to awaken tytoHtsix'i.ee libel in a court of jnstiee. "?v,l,K.-J'''ollt several hours returned into I'.Kirt to to it t the tiuie, aa ty- noTirwni-nw ana nas a ruoov V forward at first. tt.t.l.. n I)r Him. and eireael our silr-; On hearing that they Were, at once awarn--- . )-vel xvK,n nn ,w.t,eiiarian. tlie l,ef'T.TiTier tor . t. .1..". l.V.ia aluHihl ao far have 'erdiimiigjs to the amount ot .vfcf . . ,v iKsrlectiiig the laws of nature, not , ther, see that bea ynm, -l;,V,j a..,:M,t (Tl'is was a sig.i.tlca..t verdict, lor the , ;ieir..vs his manly bearing, but .l.-..k.rusl.in- U ,rs. lurkTOtU-n liseuccv """"l'""'" '..I.einr nil..- i.ncst. IU-v. Ihtvi.t mi- -tt .. r., u,.. U.....HV eon- !i the name of that -.-7i,t.tuL iluu Mtt .hirirc. Brthin.biit:iit b nf'n'tX- hi "brethreo iiihiiihiui. , u ..i".". - leading facta, ami they snau no welcome M all aavantagea iey-. may reap uso. iroiu. - ... . 1 .r. . r l I ' - " I O ' a the Wester,, lv osun. a paju-r w i,ts.T1.-T;-- --7 . I bad learned on rename autnoniy. a vomiir woman by the name of M.lly .Mo' i-iinrson. entereu u.c uuiuiei , mm -I . I ..A S....I months, eWeJ tin. hojiaof Pro "Dr. Biee'a,-...a we have no doubt the ;a"lf vin. ,!,, he l wJ 'Xii aJ r'S-iment, and. anbeersiye of the Constitntion Jerf .h tn m-iimdahkt ' . : true-i.m of the affair, which we com- J; fceduec a n..n wlm.was ,,- ,g ' J"J, MHUe 11." .an who ' T "Ut f",P fT .i" oh" .hev'! 8ci,,U8,u;s8 f' while-duriiig which time f timmtry done, and. in the threat implied to the " " ' Olrer . - that, to prevent her from cxposm him. , . ' , professor's laboratory, lllcrtf. "oh : ,,:,,,, cin you n.,t s, Uyond the j - t:SLd en w reat before the i 9 deelarat.ry of existing i.arlia-, t lielifce it wouW VwlMXjXS..tfUAm Wr-- Pfn: ihe bad resorted to violence. Now, .nju-. ehantVgai lightst-, i detyJi..gtvef, Wl i!J ihe Jc of tUt land." j " J'1 7mi!Vwo fa. cn mch it exirftei .ftvm tmsuislHstl. Russia must at least be . r f ' - rV the 'imouhf of oliewnt would be re-" -aa tMlTi ,ucr or later, pav ther The .-.rents ehged Klan, and replied I t. al that It was mjaa ie i e tmt En hsU counties an.l bor- brought to book, and punishe.1, if uol Eu- . lTM IIm JitaVMTKI.iW.StlT. 'M hy K,,lnish casuists as a tj rv-' - jf bi. avocation renders "such t,w ther, the land vou ace is Heaven ; is it not, save her, and s ic .lied in uirce q.mr crs , set of t,e shire and ro is good for very litle, and the civil- . , LMrrltf iter : Tl.e Bsmiaii clergy and nitl ,;. ! Ufinemcnt necessary during a ,ation my child P " ulfheah" and hid auffered mnch from i hnrgeasea to represent them in the Par- feed, quarter of the world must resign its Ttheir coadjutors, 1 perceiv, are dsp.o.l j ,M worM! ,ian I have stated. i(f the YW. he can avoid a premature -Ob, yea, that .to name; I thoatrht i lio of mind it occa i but ! lia,nt OU8C- ,It.18 .oM 1'l',l'l'',-l'y pretensions to the, next comment 1 to relieve their champion, O. A. Brown-1 l n ' . , tl,eir t.MlU ,.H-tined. and ; lri.akin;, down of the constitution only be Heaven.-Lh let rue go. Hat how shall the de, re-aion of mm. it ottas o eu um am, u M by t,,at showg ,t nd of lim, from the injariou, c.nae,,nneea iffitd afthe verdiet-rendered as it , bv ukimr due exercise during the long that deep, .h.rk nver i ra.l.er,e.mr me no " ha,,,7"T.hh0ro and all the writer on that law. aclf-reapocf - ' 'f 'iRm. K.iiiwMiiypii,sii i; - : , ... ...... ! . or in tire lact. tookUmveil. Some short time alter she i his power to do so. Ami '"'" ,.f ditfeni.ee, which niri tlie nunnery cai.eonarv, ... me moi , ,,,-.., l... ..erv vear. as m . II I ' 1 . s ti... I .loa nil l 111 -it Mil II 111 I "I WiV .nniriiif iit family. u) returned home, iiislruciions oi ji ir .i..,. " ' . ltlw-tlie ..no e-iiawsutUtstalwartarrtak-nwX - IP" i;,:,11R.;i,:,1f n siililectOI legislation aepenumg oe.ore u. . h ,-ou, ..v ...u. ....... . "tffimFq Wfin,i " Tent,"r tlproa ll-. klff n. ross. 1n,'uf Vfr cm only report and that in writing. f c - - : Z ,y -aS : me mmnery, aba ehargod tha nn. A&Afi -SmmaTT tiXWBftt- "77t'l''rr' i intcnind r;l Mt& furV .clear, but v'ry deliherate: ... aged and excdlent JlapUst ',tyshA tlmttlw rerdictoHglrf to. met5ca are espial to these. .Tl.e Unions iio,,, viag. The ! ,mt where to begin to set them right.-Tmr J"' ' l .ir.X ' " Su . " " . : jrUittleW ftfrmeand against the priest, ; J Uiana of iVic.ers, wWauumdhe d'oand the U.ata.hukeuawav,bl Meanti...e nature U. not slow to eiuip us - s;,,,, e-neil her err and ears in : tngapprehcnsioiia, of violence. At her; w hole testimony ami loveliness nnt.l she was we ed be,"le IulI1K.of UwLord." jiutheprison-i.i.ifor.i. of the party towh.ch' . , ' , iceni. I twinkliuk, as did all other dreamers iu wTVrT'lr iTafl ad tlm C,.nrt, ainieJ In- thc'tbisextr.ir.hnary W.nherowom hre-adW, VV e,..eto war one cutot.A? Imoo whether asleep or awake. . magistrate, before wIhhu .ho des.re. to I ; , t tu ij,,,,, ,., her daily bath, early r.s.g.a.d fieu-0 and figure, and acquire by . egrees ,f 11: "Snsai, I dinna main- Von for vour Wateo.. oaththe fact. In the J J; hamITw.,tvWuit Court! 'her exercise ... the saddle tng h la- - And 8he wa. a Widow. j U,e gentlest asinine exprcdti. 1 is ; r ' X nhf mm on the tl.K.r ; wealth, sin' ve liae' none T 'And I tfinna " - heard her statement but did not ', f' ilied cpv.and put.: die of rank arece ebraM the oh I tr, ha, jus, paed-sl.e , a ..liirtifying experience in particular. ' ' , mni-s He wsw a marrv Ve for vour beauty? that the hail . !' lWm "V1 k-"",a ,be1:!SiuSt r'i'f"r rtrr. jrrZUX iscJliaU.eLu..pleatwoerdoaU..which does not fail to wreak i.c al-om . r aml.l,sides that, author congregation u sec. And if ye h.e no laciaw --- -r ' ----- i . .i. . at,., lat ot ties iK-,eHue'u, -. , , . . :.. ' i i.na.r ne her tie trenerai nisior.v , i ...c-.. ...c l. ...,,..,. nn.i r-:inti- .n-Hi-e. 1 have made a sair barsrain I" a...- in I lanii irlllwirllno.l aiV I.IOllV II. "I" l7Hnj. ; ; . . :...,. mratllll rill I ML'. 1.1IU . I.SW sue a win."... fhWrt tt Volitirs, ttu, Hsrilirf,"it(rMl japrwntats, ftaatm, tit MaWjKiwrot Mli iiiiiUfii TiiMMait-rT--rH--ri-iW jCTtiaeriH' -i -irj.jCTrjrrgJF:--r r r--...-..Ti - ,- fa. 1 . I . .... . . Wde to disprove them. The pica set Bp w.i-! .v , -. Mmi ira. HMriiu lint iina aio i Kimni. i J " I ed. First, by a large iititnWrf.witiiCKM; rierper diw ; and the friend of Mr. qnently the stamina, bo to siuk, oi a city i pnlverflrf- ylfm jh clow t the ricaV- xilt. ; secured hy a hinge, j bnttered on both side) by ouraaiiy pru ..r i..n...;. l,.. ; Itmrnanu l.nv. Iim-n miiltv i if extreme noiuihitioti. i inferior to that of a rural j ,. ... .i.,,i.v j,i ,., Hod irrant tliMt t .i t.... fii.mn. Bii1.ianr inland who require the democratic mem ii.iivii.". " ' ' " and after her be - liuiiid, and that they had never heard of 1 Ikt derailment till after her disaptn - ar - 1 Mice. And several iktmw cnnecle! ..... r ,i .;, ft.'i; . u:M.;i.r , mill I I IU il'MIIIIII l.llll..a ' V .m. 1 .. ...... I J tCMltllonv.. IVcoihIIV, lV tlie aiimitiea tietv thai duru.tr tl.el-iH.alof heralksrod ittManitv l.e wa a pupil in the nunnery. I ....i .!...:(,.l .:. i..tuil,.;i Tl.!r.'l I. .. . .. .. ... ... . jTi iiiptillg to prove't'fiaTshe went to It? iiH.rt Iii'L, and taught a clid ft sonic A fi-v months. Jhis was strange a w.v u uiai. w ho hud U-ei. fur several rears de , ?. ''ra'nvred crosses the Ohio and suddenly re- .mis ncr rcasii hum inr,:eiii . . But where U Mil Ik Ml riicrs.m wa 1 .11 ..1 still usked ; t-r Hie woman .. cam-. lurW-rf hr 111. it inline at iMifKlton, C"'Hio fi,,,,,, though extensive search. .in.olmVy - were n.ade. To this .,..es- - r! .. ....... u-.. .nvmi ..P lllllHIilHHll j 1 miii nuaiwnr' o 'Tlie clergy Ial. ired" faith fiitly by their m,iii,st. t cxcli.ile the te-tiiimv in the , ease by IcsP.I teehnicalitie. In this they . ; tiiihil. Hie ti.rt rejttirel ever. 111 ,lu. t., i,n me to 1. rove not mat ai.uv ai 1 .lemon 7 .. , ffiii charged !tbe Hiet wkh l.ctutiouiieas, but thai he was aetiiairrgTiiny-; to prove which she was ihe only competent wit ...... I uus reoiiirtil'also to orove not . . . 1 1 1 '.. . 1.. j'. . but that she i.al iM-e JrwHf jlfl l"-'V.;d the second charge, of course ,t W....I.I I""""" . " " ' imt the jury would be -nmr-4led -t fi)1 fr jirK.8t. testimony was submitted and the jixv testimony was sni.ininea anu 1 argued by", .lls llyn lSern llanli - . .a,:, i.aniiu. and I. J. n," rr .ftM. lH.iftlf whether they were obliged, by -- -- --j .g,, , 1 . ... imt w ,ht., ,n a public statement, frnm whirh j lttka the foUow.ug cxtraci ..... I I ..-y- ,,n.i .,11 , g m y ; - - flrtl,er i T' .: .1... Ji.rv s.aie. tmu ee., ,.,.v ... j was for miding a ven .ci or ...r t" ,n'i "i . mony in the case, .... " ." 7 . ... y 'fWS '.im 7u :.it-vowed.y : mini re i .. l..j .inn i,.i4 it it were in i . t 1 a I. I . ' r. ... Wwwf " . V Xii rU of men retendin?tobe Chris- , - , ... i un minintira. prf hit coverou m - - - " ' - r . , folly in caliinif otit such a statement of phyician, alt 1 Ikcts aa I marie to a Terr large atmluttce- was of noiindiii thisry lat winter, "and as I now rc- H-af. U l me stale ihe tlark fuct that al- 1 though tight year have jttaMHl since ; thii T uit which produced great excite- ! nt wa tonnuiBtMl. ixit a rav of litftit i " , j r , I . I .1 .1 . . . ..rl.n .... nan oeen inntwn umii me hub i - , ftetunete MiUy Mcl'her-oo. The cmrsc , :pnrHe4 by the Ko.uU. clergy of hen- tn. Lv Lki m,t uniiit ns to doubt that I I.. . lit. ...,t..l. I - . . ....ln.1 .UllC Ti,' niif e n et. r 1 ii-1 , 1 :.l TWh. tlmtr miw lklll.lii.il icai - luciitrv. ii ill Dare thrift X. L. K1CE. Fraai jkfvtilr Mmif Sett: HOW TO BE HEALTHY. . j IWll WMI....... n.i.,.... fi ll was well said, bv one who had tlio-; eli:tut-l sweetest mctuJies to (heir Creator iod ; rtlgh! v sludlcil tlie subjeet, that the high-' and ia their must meliwliuus straiasvoed with all est ambition -f an ancient Greek was the ' created Nature in rendering praise to the Foun i,citi.y; Tk oltilful "and hcTl WeTcinnoTftala of aipeasTafThe goToca orb of day 1 1 .1 I.- .1... i,.;i..,i..i..Ki i-ti-ii. : lcti'w that the id'd Athe .ians, in thi re- "r ' " ; 1 ,! . nr.lcoa Tnch I . , . ! r" 1 ...11: .... 1 as we uaioi ourwoim....... ....e.....v., we have not vet practically attained to a j met bed of life so comprehensive as that pursued, not only by the philosophers, hut by the men of Cushion about town in AtHci n.f rVttmO.ies.is. TheV placed 1 health first, an.l moncv niaking last, wniie , we invert tins order. . 1 el uiey were 1 a- . , , . . 1 - Pill Hlld we Miristiaps. "lireiv, we hanicTiyouf-etV'esr -,,. ,,. 1.r;11,.;lu.l l,iw ts , alK.iu,t trwk, health and w7.tr. b..t one and the same. For beauty, were but one and the same lieautv cannot exist without health. The ...an "who is constantly e'onlined at the counting desk, sin acquires an habitual Str-iM J tltH i.MS-IW.aW iaking becomes rinkled soul to uimtev-m. U-fore his time. On the contrary, he who, indulges .in troier exercise and recrea-'! llou, a, .or exa..ipie,-a wen i--o" mmn :.. I . .. 1. I. .IT . ... , V... ... r.t rraii... lll lieauuv uimi h us ii n mo 1 1 1 " Tlie last ptrrpe-; :'. ... 1 ... . - 1.;...... .lifiarir- ... iulilar ,eans. hvery man wl.o nas leu :: Ule recti-ral. ve eHccts oi a momii or i", of relaxation, Kn.iws .rriin ins wwn . . 1 M..n'MHfa ;,.tr.ii.rTTr-i how rrv-iri-w . , Jt .. . , it sen.U Inn. back t hnsuies, w;w. a new How oi spirits; now- u smrti . . I :. .. I ... . . M.nHlllllifi I . to aIH;i peaK.. uetwecn .ne iau o.w i , ..hvsical exercises in the invip.ra . i . II- - tini tuien air, ana one setn com. iub.i.v i rv, u.e liere uanabyssi becomes more per - anhooU ap - ,. B.t..lUioll to walkin.'4fT Jaily" 1 owin. J. TI,.. aiow.:chrrrng ,.wiii-haltb which I.,, eln .Ii-ell -- i . . . - - . . .. - .....1. ... . UM I . . . HUlUIUif ii nil luy-XMiu-x I . I I. KATJSimi.Y: N. C MAY - 'll.nHA in A rflibtl tT TIIOT 11 riV t tween city and country, tlie population j of the former suffers most from want of j . i - i j ,l., I exttrcise una ireau mr. uu mm u ii .ii ' . . , ... one. It m even Saul that in some cme, ; Tans rr instairce, few etrrcny rown-or - families last over a century, and that, if j the population waa not continnally re- crnited from the country, it would die ont. It is an eoually striking fact and one that lipa within the observation of all of ns, . .1 ... . nnn-.Mttl WWUMViaTTfl fTPIier- inw m.. ...(... j V, f. j , Ir. in Kew York, Boston and Wnladol- in Kew- York, Boston and Fhiladol ph.a, hare been originally Miim rura. imnal v lads from rura, towtw-or--eount.es, whose wcll-balanceil I 1.1. I. n.. 1 are, at least iu this particular! The Land Beyond the Kiver. It was a lovely day. The balmy breath of June wafted the rich "fragrance of the sunimer ' fWcrs, bil. the warlilin sori'HtVr of tbe grove M iust si 11 ti hit rjt'iiiim uie mwntrni -sr. 't h-t Ua.ag rav m tUoagh loath to lea "Th sevtw, still" shed their hate of ateHow hght moo it, liL'litini; up the arch of heaven. 1 of heaven, and . .. ..l..i. i,l. il,. ii,.ta of 1', j .. ' (.'ilJinx the fleecy clou.is with tlie .nits of I'ara- 1 lie whole aceue Is one ul surpassing ioe Itni Lin, I r,..l..r abilu vuur heart is fjn. j .ith .,rill ,,i uVe to the bountiful Giver )f , wjtl ma aI1 iern ,joro ,U tj.,; r - 7. -. his j itllc. wa ,ymiI I'a,.. no longer nu-kool her wearv lim b. Under .be touch of the icy hand of Jjvth, tlfever that for gays had . been ; round her dying couch, for they knew that she as d. t;irtiiig. 1 lie lather and the mother ana 1 bemling over tlie torni 4,(f th-0Vl.lv ctiildwatchin- nWfcC j - , w fl ibwred birealh- . . I .1,1. 1 , u. 1 ..r.&..iiM liuie , ; .. 1 . . ' ,t.MU,i1t that it miuht be ,i.,w .1.., .,i.i out KuadelHV ner ,,Vl opened. and a smile 01 neaveniy sweei- ' . 1 . L ... Cl... l..t f ........r- inw, n-su'U llisiu ner leatunr1. riiciuiwitn,'! then turning ner eyes ufion utiful countrv. Is.yond those . I ho .Hiit fu ! tt ut countrv, I csir see nothing, tny nnotli , crtain'was ats.ut to be withdrawn that conceal tlie ullknown Korw of the eternal world. . . . .u tWtathV -sironM i.nrm wJ ra W ac tllu rivv. mine will mkmi oear you across .ue "v.. ll, vour mother a little loiu.'-r; see Low . . ,,,. weei- at the thought of losi.ij.vou. , l,.ar mother, do not crv. but rome with me I iI.a ln,.m .,m ftlier. come i are whtsperiiiir in niv ears, and I see a ; i..:..,, oandinsr upon tbe other shore who is 1 ,nliij Uion me. and .stretching out .his arms.; "ynmtorr. iH-'.r " .... ... . . a - 11 ' .1 . .I,A SU...IM1C filial W. M H'tl IHT. .tv.f!tir.l urull-lklftl. ..; .... .1... a,..i. ... f.r.f.. hr IniiUeek. V arresteu i.y ine c.u.orei. o " , pect ol reward, or ureuu o. ...u,.....e... , j - , iw 4 humanity, Tle.lvii.- hule 01 was dear to raanv hearts ; tlier, in. j-a u.e .., auu .v " ill.ls is parliamentary mw, ""'." the debt must 1.0 laid. TI.M tbein, nas the ,'ri. f too deep for mteriince, and tempt to seize them, but was ttiwarteu ; risll Paraments, constantly .iniiintainci , f u havinir already begnn, :.. ,;i k u.. i.. il, iinrnl tlir i nwra woman, w io threw them over i.v ... I'niisli House of LOmmons, and i u.i.... ,i. wBTea, awscnitirJin irirlhood,, ,Tlier a a tragranl noo w nere I river tles, wh h l jhfli jut , Snw. jamM, nt tr- wUj (Citrtr. -- - -. r-" ' - " 11, 1854. llllllWim T - n II IIIIIIK. ll7 in . . .. . . n i i ;m k. i..i .urimr hi iiuM. iivn iu"" -j r- i'uv u vi ' ' " - w . . .irooninir lillv of earth my betvme tue-, )wit Hinl,rmitb m Ueveii. Oenarosity BewardatL A lm.v beloncrinir in . OrLnns wastrav, n-ot-ntlv on tlie New York and Erie lUil .iik kr rvant ami one ur two i liiklrru. """'"ZJZ J the 1.! . 1 1 i . i. .i... ..... ...n,. m i.i , 1. 1 if ,,et to Lomc. she .. ! itl.,t -onintnce. aud br ditr : wim extreme, when the wcunH-Wji.vs beconiiiig known to an eniriiwer on the train, fjt liDir m- sum! it o no ease of iwpotar, he advanced to her, from his own hard earnings, the required amonnt. A few days nines he received a -ack-aite bv express, fruni the South, u)on opening win, I. he ound a letter ol liianns irom me mur I.l.nj.laiaintr the money he bad loaned, and ac-ompanied by a beautiful and valuable jmld watch. The circu.nstaiu.-e retlecU honor gold waicn. .lie vin.-ui.wi. -- u,Hn all tba partae conceruea.-,. HORRIBLE TRAGEDY One of Thrmort tragtend awful scenes savsthe Lynchburg Yiryini of yester-1 disiMil n.l better cmintry Mm Ho h gone vet, ann prvaeiiu one m mo cirao, , . .. fftvfc boar i. nt1,8S.oklidy r.onseholdrlmapnable. Bnt a.nev were it .not ft th, ram Oration of -.. . . i.fi i. i. i ;,u ir(.i. ,. r.f it i.d.nr.wh eh onr bounty. I apeak of the public pna-, , day, that ever shocked a community t- '(lf ,i,e Privileges of this House to do so. " .,:.-. "TT;iri . erred iu Lynchburg, Saturday morningTliePri.(ii,iu,'r1Sopinionscanonly he.nadei Mr. Cha.r.nan that II.M.se lh about ten o'clock, resulting in the su.F- kuiW11 t0 . ,,v i a inessage- i'!f f Vif vrTa den ai J violent death of a husband a"J ! writing. In that way it is hi right, and ' it anffer. itself l wile by the lmudof the former-under ,,lftcn j. aut. t0 oouiinunicate with n. j 'l"nty, or dragooned by itaown hireling.. 1 the frenzy of a momentary mama. Mr. , AllJ in ,mt wav- there is no room Ibf ini- - ; " " t",tiZ ,Xk ' . - '1.. . -e 1 ... 1 : lv veith anv man tlmt acts for the OUblie John W: ijowbet 1. loru.eriv a cmwn ui tms towtrrbot of law a f ,o,n, vwhere he had married a 1 daughter of Win. Howertou -himself and wife both belonging to families of high respectability being on a visit to bis mo-jt,e thor in Lrnchburir while sitting with his wife, 111 company of members of tlie , family, without warning or sign 01 any nhnrart-r. seined and inflicted a frightful ..... I , l,r fl.rnut u-itll A lKK'kt't kllitt'. 1 vi. ........, ,,ii.A fa ..ifiine lint he rushed "" "1'"" . 1 . am, ,,,1 Jn rnlicTTn jrtwTrTrth- I er cuts. She staggered out ol ine nonse . the yarxl. His attention waslf the paling. He then made at his uncle, Mr. Bingham ; but he escaping, ine uiur- derous but niiconscious tiiainac retnrneu to the spot where hrswrte lay? the bhanly knife across his own throat falling and dying almoot instantly, it w j fj,rug 0f the bed chamber, that the King believed that while ehgnged in the Strug- H ag 0, posed to the bill ; that he wished it gte with his wife, he inflicted one or two j defeated, and had said that he would con cuts upon his throat. His imsther having ! 8der 8nv member his enemy who should . ...... .r . i " VA , I imorliniP viVini-' re"i siictvsi""'" V'v- - . joined mm aw u a eea a .er ... u. . . . .... i bringing with her two of her children- t--- "i:f?.r-rn:i--..:Ate.'Hi- sii.i'nrhnw fh ,"1"-- n ; - , . , ioodv om Wlncl lias lieiaiien ner. lite fu,i1i.W tb two victims have' ""i-ij ' - --- , the. heart felt 8Cll.patl.le8 of oiir-people. Petertthurg Er-jri. CONFORMITY. Tw. dinil. tt-llioh WO . .... M...iauir where we do not teel .vv ......v, - yv ;-.-i .faatrul l.iel.j , moih.Tr i'v oi ine scene oi me. wp..,, 1 lint to report anv opinion, or preiemi-; w el.ild"-.atdi-thi'ttue. cnes.-rei.aiieu wiui a. ..peu . '" : eJ tpinMu. .f Jus mniestr, tiiwin any urn .j sioif auu succeuueu. u. jjiih rdpnendiiiL' in either itonse ot rariinme-nrvT,,. " '(d the ehilditt arreting' the liemorrhage Ir.". ii..e j . rjmo and niUMkmeanor,4eC0-. 7 .S-4.1 r T. ..iUluiuVU ull the ClUeJ : I . " v"""j 'i k. -w- ndu -t n with ur bo. aiutiMi nij nikiiicA Ti'i- er uiam . - ar . ......4.. , u iu mi a ii.tm v"- - ii 1 1 lit. u Ul lilt; namv "u " f ,ta house, and upon winch i if gwlnir with freedem. Thru w oe- cupied by a dienlitile tarantula, which aeem to au Mit on yellow aecrw aou-1 teetnra! knowled-re. It t. the intention : iimirs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil l i i. . i ...p....... . w - - - of the tinder to forward thi enrinsity to t he Km thsoniau Jnst.tuteai alimirun. Bottoa I'm.' ; i COL. BENTON'S SPEECH. From "Old Bullion's" speech on the Nebraska Bill we extract the following , ., , paragrapns, we., woru.y o. per,. . I Jiave said that tins bill comes into , Congress under the adniinistret.on of a , iongress miner lue ........,....-.. ( rrut! btate rres.Ue.. bill 1 ua not u ea. , IO SUV Or HIMIIUHiiJ III inn "''" " the President favor's tlio bill.f I know nothing of his disposition towards it ; and it-1 iU&r .Lliunldjnot. diwclrte it hero. 1 1 iiuli'-h; i, iv.. wonlJ unpa.liame..Tar:v,TuJ ahTt riik citinsr l.is ouiniong : no room .or -. . ., "". . i - , j .. , -, , , , mi. i oi.ifAa it hwmei-! term wimi irei mcir uiit vicau ... . - ..r rlimiire it mav nnuenro aitnonirn more I'll i ti cr , siaiicc inni Hiipeum nwin - ,-- i-- - n , . """;. r r. rr ' . r.l. llian tin inwin. ror tliat road front apartment, ine arrngein-m ...,,v... ... . tiu'ldoor 'ft the protection of the little in- cla. of interineddlera I have no parha- ,r ,ie iI111)llttion of contradictory opin-l"" j jons t0 j,i,Mi Hli that way hebecoinee j rt.sionsihle to the American people for opinions lie may deliver.' All other i ...... i,. f communication are forbid to I.;,., .a hinilim, lit an muliin nnd uncon-! ' . ; ftjrMtu,Ml interfiiraneo with tlie freedom of. legislation. It is not bribery alone at-, tempted upon a member ' "W" The.watJa begun, and has g.me on a long tutes a breach of the privilege. TJ?Uiu .wiUut nythlnltTo: eU actual in - HotisuT It TCnyTJttctrrrt-trrper on a member's vote by any consideration h.-oe or fear, favor- or eioetion, pro. Itatol v declared in a most signal manner. it WIW ,ing ti,e reign ot our old master, George the lliird, and in the famous case feast, India btll. A Pft was .,1 ;n Parliament by one ot the Tlie House of Commons txk report, and" immediately re1 l . wnvu. 1.UI1 AI.MI1 ll4 fill llllllll.llld CAIXI'I iu ' , Rn j n(j one t.an report m (,.,. c ... j. a . A.- : i .. .......- - iM,n a 1)111. WllllO.ll OeCOIIIlllK uumi- the eeSUre :Uicli the British ... .... 1 ,. """r .w l'V'""T"'" "KX !fle ior,i of the lie. ciiamuer, n. me " ''J ... "v;, L ....1 ,1... K. vL, In.lhi bill.' ' iiieiison as the martyr to a drunken hmv Nor cm the President's Secretaries j band. Tlie head of a family would be ,. -Mr. Rjindolnh nsed to sjber at home, but he forms associations - rail thmr - f.tvl nr th"'r opinhirm WanyfTrrHnfarTn-lheh M acClng. H ; til thoii'di I 1 not consider the partie - e . . - . ,.. - " ' " , , , , L ..i UllW llgure WWcn.l imyo u. rejwas ... NUMBER LI . , . . . -. ... . ..d . .. . . ber or una House, nnaer ine inusni pe- Tay t poiuieai aamnannu,, hi,. in . j their adhesion to icvery bill which the, "-""v : ' ration from Burke to applynottung hut , . . . . a little ftble to reaa ; t.ie va me -a-. the value of which Ir x in French, and entitled, "X'aw ea ! ttuiUr ." which, beintr done into Eiurlisli. j signifiea, " Th " ki vwkr f : and - runs thus: - " An ass took it Into his head to scare his master, and put on s lion's skin and went and stood .11 the path. And when. lie saw 111s master coming ne com menccu i..ctn.ollr. arplil. i IlieiimrT mw IU nuunnmiri uvt mitj -j" ri te ,1 ,millt . bllt he m yW . r 1 . f. , T.cw wag hfj i , e mMtef knew wag n,,j M , so he went op to l.im w.ti. a cu , , , wit , lieat lmn nearly to deatlu J Tlint is iheend of the fable, and the moral 01 it is "a cannon 10 an aes o , . , . , . v : .7 . ., . .: f,f P.,c7r .rr,e."-st"lA . W ' Tr member of tliis body that will stand .to-y-. rether to vindicate its privileges, protect . its resjiectability, and.inaiutaJu it in the hiffh idaces for which it was intended - the master branch of the American Goy , t. Tfc Timet the' Ciar . .;. . -j tliomutnda of lives have been scored, iiie lzaf owe - and ; 1 circumstance .and -z ,P.np .Wt now nmkes B considerable difference : - . x.Q.ewAni: natural to the prOsertt cn- . n VH,.wniA.ut. country hat been rfnrarlctl in a twief ttiMrpeaie;w.l: j tlousaj. 0f ;t8 subiects slaiiffhtered on their own soil, and the .friends -of that country, or rather of her indejendeiice, heartily pray for justice on the head of " the aggressor and the cotiimotreHeiny of -. Ettroj,; gur aa. Messrs. BrisHit and Cobden put it. They choose to think it a question simply of ace or war. It is a good deal more, it : more even lluui aqugtjoii ojngtice or luressio... liberty or dependence. IJiis-" owes-amends to Europe. She has Kri-i---.-.,.:;iJ-'"l::;-",i-.r;n.W;--, cases social feeling is perverted to form- ii n.. Tlie young ! .. ...... .1.1 i.;.r .irii.t--l.nt-liar urina -fhar - Ilia., wk'111,1 i.v. v...., w... ........ 1 Klee-cl..b, and they cannot resists The ;.n.i.r l.i.Tv in TUarr davXosh5w1iOl.l)r'T ,7 : r.X " "T,..";.:.. I. , ia.ii v, mvues u.e v oui.g u.mu w ui.ua,, 1 whoso hard fist n.av vet bruise her own ! Suan sln.i.lK'rs were etwctnallv bro- 1, . ... .r . j ... r... . : r'cv.. .-. to 7,;tu uu wr uuu uuy. -ec. J.. 1 ioime..- - - i- '7 I

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