.,.-, it I ' V " i' -n't V t.. .1 li. . ni"illlt tf.i -i Mini' t,rt i- mj mi,;, i -tooii it. J Jlul, fittlii'nnuri-, if llie eUitor inU'udiJ tot .1.- li... .. il.. ..i.l; .1... l OOYCV v 1 1 i-i' w Hiv puuiiv miiim vii. nr, an one wTjuttiswI'WI'Ol1 jWiiWlunitte, were to cru-d with "on it" in rufenince to tbe mode ot ttiieng Ui evil of Intemperance at to realtor our effarlt abortive and tHirtelvtt cnworiii of fnibll truttj if ww Intended iliit, ibea we will flgUt him with bit owe weapon, Lit it be remmilMiwd, ae fee all, thai the "editor' ttivlttn MrateiT i MeDiI to kmatK, Mtd therefore it read to adoit tomt mod to aUdnh .atemperano. tiiere arc bat two loudu know W-tli awld, by which .ntempet tne can be Uaithed fium Uie tiind, eiaMuritl luti'M. and proliiliiUoB or k-gal enactment. il tbinkt moral inatioo to U the matt rtS.-ctivi.ia-ttrumeataiitv. : So, la hit article hwiitaUim mod aal abowa bow much it la doae and might dol ' TV prohibition iU tliiuk the tfpit modi to be the aaoat affictait ia thia work. Now, there Wing t tt model raggetted to (he worU for tba abolition of inteuiperniice ttwte who adopt n ia prvfcrtvne to ike other, mnMigtd tobsftwu of w irfe. And what it ftinoy about tha edrW poaition it, that he, tunuelf, having ducar)4 M4 mod and wdvo- cad ttHwtltrr, hat beoouM a uutu at 'oat itltu." Duel Mot tfce fact, that tha editor tJojrW moral uaka a liw injwr mod aud liacar.lt the legal, fit at aucply tha atigtna of om ulmtm tjga him, at tlie (art that prvhibiturjr men altu--t'ttifmodrar mpral'iUSi'aijeijiiliie tejfal, filet upon them I Moat certainly. Ah, that rejuuaehful imiw of " oor idea thot out from tha liana, hat found a mark lit tie meant by the archer. If .it pierce prohibi- tiouatia, it elite rt at deeply into hit vital. Wind Kamptoe pull dowa the boute to kill hit me roiea, but hillt himtelf too. It teenit to ut, that tbe lianaer it in a fix. There are but two modea of edininUlering the ifovennneot ifewgnUrtl among ut. Tbete are the Whig and Democratic. The editor epout the Democratic, tlicrvfofe, he it t man bylonir- inif t " an orvtntied Itrtv with m vita" uf OoreromenL Tbit being to, bit mind being bent oaly in one direction" growt torpid in every other, jwt at a mutcle will acquire uiinalur al eiat and ttreagth by coattant exerriae, alnl. the other Bluet h; not being called Ittlo ac!l..il. will dwindle lad grow week. Thin " men be cviiw erased, aad injure the very caute llw-v ad toeate, aad which tliey boncttly desire to pro route. The Democrat! are an organ imj par- erametit . The editor tayt, We are n.pod tu trailing any tet of mr, alio have but oar tdra" iWw, tle editor it Pmm( ..strutting hi o a, .party. Such it the legitimate ntult of hit waa reatoaiag. Tbit. it theditor 't own argument and word, We have only rad it againtt binmelf. Now, the trot jotitioo It awnply ihu ; in acnmpjili- ing any got work, tool. oar fAtn mrwv eM- f.t-tiit than othert, and wite men alwayt adupt iaj tuode which ptaiitta aoreat tuccett. More anus. " ' - HKTA. IIaed to PiJuuK.Mr. llrajrjr at tl,U j.!ac. cotniilainetl that te tru tick mini - t r t t i i ii I ffnt Mr. IhKUtrj that tlO beard LlIU maktv wlitfii Jm firal mti liit iu 1mi Kaiw: Wa bt ltd iWM it began to arm ml iwi mOonnua tu tli rvfirMHl ear trf-Mt1: lra, alio hal, according the rej-ri of In. )eccliet funiislied by tmera oftxith pnr iifa, changed hit apeecti very material k in different local it ie, Theto locofoco K'twlert re ttrana men to yet tvloag willi. Twfi fe&ti igO", Ihcv tent certifft-Ated over the Stale, lo prove that Mr. Kerr AW -iUi. -ejici'eli, -Thta- Tenr, flieir etHttttjilort enplniriaTtr;iirIictt'ry nt grato ao hardlitv on hit refihfil aih'1 delicate ear. (Srrttmboro I',tt. jSweden Iiaa ojx-tily ilfclared again! Ilneaia, and her ilininter at St IV-tirn tmrg hat been recalled. 4tk af Jaly Celabratio at Davidton Collefw Tliere will be a Celuhratioh of the 4th "f July at Davidton College. An nd 'Ireta ia ex(ected from Mr. J. Rumplv. Tlie public are reapectfully invited to at tend. , la tftM Maity. IwlMb af Ja. inat.. by th kv. Joba) MrPliam, tba Krv STKI II t.N rKtN TIH.af the Preabvt.naa charch, to Mia A IIKI.i UKATTIE. - . I la lrad.1 eoaatT, o lh 6th T Jane, kr A M " alker, Kaa t Mr, VI I l.l.l A. K AKiSMAUUKX I Hi- MAIty M. LirPAKII. In Ihi aaantjr. aa the 90th Inat. hv the R.e. Mr. B-ll, Mr. D.H. K Kit) ICR lo Ma MA HI A V. COWAN. la Cabana eoealjr, a th Iflh idt , br Ihe Rrv ThorM.ai Kailer, Mr. JOHEPit KLCTTrt and M M RY f. BARXHARUT, roangl dnrter of 1. ' Harahanll, Kaa. laTabtrrat eountj,j0; ihJLdUWJARiiA.RKX "M-VIA.TnfaaV 4UfkU'r ia Oaval aad Joha A- 'artj tfrd J noaUM aad a d.ya -'-- U'lrrarri eonnlv. na lh. I4ik ..nl W, i:En RRIM)N, ahwil 7H year. . ajc '"AKIJ, owaahof O. . Koard, Eaa , in ihe JMd "rof bar aa. ' . I lb daalh of Ihi aaaiabla, nam and ralimahl. dy, aa an aaad toaaaara th kof aVpartrd worth md eaeellcno. - Bat w tonow oi .iilu.i h. c W'li. fell taleep in Jraaa, aud kfl t eletr and paMa evi- "ami; w aei waiiafnea, aat of her fnR area ".two todeaart and ha wiih t'hrwt. I. all the rrla- 'WIU ai lifa. ak IM. kllkA.1 1. A I u. . , '".,. Mm. aaa aiae. nil. 11. -. k-L I . ti r- " www m area, aaa now P"' a) diitd; har tweet and featle virlae ha v. laft f '.'k nrfuma on away heart. Hh ara a aiember of t hr .Urlhialial !hirk. t ul . . 'death, aad taatiad t character now and anhlam- rpaawi In ihi aMMle. mm Ik. 9tu Mr JOSEPH 5 'iw"iaaa-trWyear. , '?" Towa.oa th tight of lb . ttlb. inafaat. iSlTH, mfaat daughter of Theodore and Sarah Hale, bii. lTnd daughter of Hoa. Nalhanerl Boydea. F. o "Tnae -werary't-'ltaB. o friday 'Even. I' ' ..Oik Inwaat, .1 H oVIoek. All are reeeeeilally J ''71 ' tttend. ' 1 N,,"'ory, Jun lh( 1SJ4 j'FFIl'E OF -Ni C. RAIL ROAD CO. Juaa 84, 1134. IVIB tnnaal WMetiag nf lh lockhnMera ia Ihia I t"?" F ' -Itea at HiHabntn' oa th Sod L. 1 TV tlili ft M July nctt Pnnn-.tre auhnaOJ ... - wn . . .. - Tha . V" . reaaarer aeiura it. meeting r in. i. . ."f ureaanVico' a Monday 1 ' 7?mT.',my! fef'v tirie r. t?iTiriiAtxrr , ateeratary Trmav.t. .1. fpilK nr'kt i I lW lilh i a. mme an i n of tUtR irhiMtt tvil! eommriiew on of July. Itard ami Tuiim will be the earn aW irineriy. In th (Utttwica ant) Mal'e maiira li.M) err armn. Ia lh" bi(lxr bniH-heaof Kngliah f7 n, ami hi the primary enechet $5. Oft. BuaVa tl'MU per. tmwib. . hehulara wilt ha tK.rara fnan Uw ua at tairane le thevlvar of Ika aetnaa, ana aa daaaeiaMI wiR ba aatde tiihar ia knar af huV liua t abapace eteeat in turn- of eieti u'raa. A saviimnt will ke naeaea M M aaartt of Canch- art er I'm Mebiwla ia which wHI be tanfally tanffat aa I ha eftachae I way are ref,ain htteara. -Mt.-.-wM-rie:; IretlrB r, K. 0., Jan. th, tBit. , ' 3iR Farmlngton Female Scminan. ii ... , .... -' e T.O Ttwti at M. E. Ttvu. rrincipab- THE trH antioa cf thia achi.J, Uie-lrd i Davie dieaijr, 10 anile Nurth nf Muekavilla, aiH em awae rva th 94ih of July." tireal (Mint wilt be lakea b) the Priaeiaab (kutli r wh-ni am (raitaalra 4 aiatiacfaai anal have yaara tif eipraurc m trachiii tu Broaaay ihe aviral aa inlrHriuatruliurrir papila. naird buy be had with riia Tfachera or guml fdiiit' bet cloat br, ft ineladinrineMrotaleipenart. TEKX 8 Per 6ESSI0H. Fur Eiiftiah 98. fill; Frnirh, 1-jiiii ami nrerk La(iiart. ll9 j Muaie imi f a wilh aae of lulru mew 14, Kaira ; Itaaaiai; Kaira. For tunWr iniurmaiHn a'l'lri-aa llie Priiniiil al Karmiiijcintt, Dvia L'taimv N-1. Juna 39, 1SJ4. . , 3 8 Stdtf of itorti) UTarottna, ItiEPEtL t'OUNTT. tourt of l'Ua$ and QtMihr SMtoui, Vjy T "rem; tbs. Jmr Krrr, AdmV. f II. If Jfiikmr. n-r d.. ijf uum mm. J-vtiMT Jpnk-rt- Mud wit u Petition fifT f ImwI. IT p(rni to I lip Mttrnfuolftun ol ih- Curt. v Y.- Jatftt Jrlikili MHil W ft? ISfilty. tr trr .it ,fbV f H- II. JrllkUtB, llfCf a)ai(, at re M. n-fr.i'i.li' of itli 8it ; It M ih-r-f-rr rtirr hv ih- I ..uri ilixi pub lr.uioii br huttffc in ihe C tri Uii U ju Limn, n frr piibfihrd in lwi-brv, fur lh micp r it -., n- Trnn f lhr "Hrt Pkai unil (Jiurii r )Wi'Mi., be brM ftr i-rtVriCoMitiy. iijfir ( him t )'' ISuit- TiHr , ihi lb 3l MMftai iu Augfit lien, ihn anil b e li pkml, miawrr r di-niMr i filuHtiifl Priithiti, tarj Judgim-it. (m trtatif' will be ikri ajwiUaU l.wtjt ami ttrdrr ut Mir eiaulrd. Witirw, M f Krrr4nd, Clrfk i.f tif tied Grtjn t I fficr, I hr 3d M. J.dM in h IHM M- V. KKEKleAMMTk. Hi ban-at .gnva nj thf fuhtir ai fir, iHbi the esr: monira ,4 lia layoif i4 itir I'ororf finr of ' V r-i,rti Caruliua Vale Aeak-niy," will i-kr placr al Mi Pl'na anl.t'abafru. t'aiMly, on lh 4lh of Jul w-.t. 'I'he uMie aiay rtfiecl aa addrraa .aw Irflrran Milt jrn by ihr Hon l M R.aaisnia, Kt Mimairr to Hfiain. The rarrrwra of the dy lo crtliuiut. al 10 oiloek, A M i t i t; l MFUIIilR. I A II K I i n;. f- CtmMitlff . Arimngtmfntt, June 39, I S54. lib. YURK'S JIllSTRATI YE , AS U Constructive Grammar. f jlHIKaow .o4 r X M..iil..n ; W. vahiala. wmk i" now Vradv 4 !., 4w4-e)ialiiiifrc irar W-rVaw; M Paw. il, and Jame ll'iruer. tCanra, lior i Jateneer c,vee-4 hVi A. Iliimhy, Kmherlurdoai ; ( ot llarjiar, Ptllertr.n, Umij and (! lord, lalil. Riarr ; Kkv.ra 4t rtomh, K,a-kv S,iiif ; Itailhrr A Co.. tmfe Mdt. ; iirn. Jonv, W dlaiioa- hurf ; trrtham. H'ravr at to . Mnow C'lrk Janrn ; at Vtal, aad t alia, l umha to, and- (av al N w Inatitat. frer: 4Tnta;aeaTf.e nf ifc m n falWIJ Jain. II Knme. Kalibnrv. X I' dVdo-ii w ah.4-w.le aareh.ar r. The.aufU run. Wake of ibta wank aataatMa tia WiMf "pen Hr j ( IMt aW aa lt.ir wraaj -a; iqitnui inr pruininv i" ' ti- aj"at' bab leeftifttae ; alar.' m prra-nt nf an rii)TTTejiB C ; Mtftwr lh m t d flkaiT itnli.pje-a wTth at ,?ac i Lanwaft' Hnitntr n1 Wbtfwtll eony aud taaert until! drd t4i h dt-wit.iiiut.--d. Ja- 14 ! IVO-TIODES, t A. 1 b Tcfiu ia f a 'iit'itihi Im prr hilt icrwi h Teiw ia lea iimaih. I'ee art h.lf Term , a 7 , !T '" " 1 Fuiv a tut tltawi V.lhruiaUrw. . I'J IMI i .Ht 4.fammar. Ambanrtic. 4ff . : , uritamrnini P'ancn- ai inc 'fMn 01 faren'a ami e r- 4 t daiia. fir m quirtff. Mumc, Itoitatiy, .Nfedl. wi-ek. "aainiif ami Frftrrh, rura. ' BMpi, rKrluMr tif ii,'lii, (6t0 prr tn-n ,H For funlrfr arircular "ppl) u tht rnucipl. New luatiiul. Irrdril Cm, CVJuiw Hi .V--6 W. P. EILIOTTt GENERAL COMMISSION AXD VILVIVOTOir, V. c. Vt'TICE ia hcrehv eivn ihat a,.iic.ii,n a ill he i 1 made l lh. nrii I(i.laiur of Morlh t'aroliim lo ! ineorporal. Sciach Ireland Uiviaton Sotia of tvinpar. j aac o li l Jan 2Sih, 151 5ln T . . era. aa WW i.' uufina vista, uottnn tarn. SAI.ISIU RV, Jl NEJUh, lAM Wihirriber inai in receipt f a lafyi lot nf jl tho auprrh-r 4iTTtN Y AKN. maitiifJirtiMHt i bv ihe Run t-'iarfa fVf'ira. wlmh he wiH ill Kaciur? pricea Atst. a Lt uf Uu u VirtP .Hhirtiug. A 4 OrtintU Rnttdiug. i 6LEM ANNA EXAM)MTI9N. j tMHE Annual Kiamumtioa at ttlra Annat. FniaU- J Jjural. I4.adil4rvw rnira, a- w. i J lie clerciae. will hecoiietndd ioillie afleiinvn aitll an Addreaabv llie Rev. II. T. tlrneoa. of ?fnliiij . . The. pttbtic are raapeClfatly hrvited h atiend. June W. Iri54. - ,1iG VI.I. Ti rMtia ind. htrd .. Ir II A MI J MKS or Ut ni lf - Afrnt f aaid Jiim-ta. tr reqin-wted 11 lanke trnTMiote pa vnteut, a fmthfrindulf eui!- e.i n -not be fiven than ttie 11 of July nli. Aft 4TeVnr havmf elwiin arrit-JM lr. Jam prtt-r to 'hr 9tih dav of April.rlH.'i.t, will pirate mke their amouaia known Iu ma-by the lal day of Au-ruat itrxt. SAMI KI-EKKVKiS fVf :. ,; ,, . : v-4t J AM Kfi: NOTICE. flMK 8uharnHrr offrra for aa.e. a Trart nf Land M- rmitaininf , Oae Handrr. and Fifty trrrs, Lytnt? one mile and three-fourth from OWuin-Kt C(rt-1 rerr, adHjii .( Land of Sidney llmwUin, J (. Ihn j aid-on, aad .rthera The 4-nid ia very nrvtdurUvi and wed waitrvd fuar never-faiMnf pnif wichin a rkhnri diatanra if the llmit-e. There ia a tal dwelhni biaae and allitat btii dinrlhat are a "eaiijrv ita a farm i Any paraon wiahinf to purrhaae antd land can burr a j ehanr V-f dr-tcf ao antil the firat if tMither, at whirh lima it will b aokt al pnWic aale, if not diaW f he- j ft -re. for further inorma!u, auajy to ihe wbat-tiber oa tba ammiaea. ....(. - - - . f May 2. IMfc if.T "j 'IWtiliatjjtif tnae raffll i(id-anil '4or vv kaleatUiUnnke.' iillwlIAKK li-, SalUhury, June 2'.t, 1854. AplJea, 'HrieJ) 00 13 i Mi.ed. NuL UM -J"-to.Hiir, II l l: Mutaawa, Caha, Ala 17) - N.Orleajw,40t5U Naila, CiT Wrought, 131 au. llvraaljhneVUttilt Oat., 41) Oil., " " - Linaaed, ftal.70i80 Tanara'lratSa;5 Va'-'-Oraeaj- ttt k aeu, . r'. e j llroawai, X'aaS Baiter, 124 00 Candle, Tallow, 17a9U , aVi. Ailanwat, 90 do. Hrra, 45 tM Cutf., Uu, 13) a 14 - aj'Jinv-'-Mi ICff JJ 4 T fiKafc; Iriab, W 1 J am MalaU 134 m 15 do. Hwaal, ' Wl Rag. V fc- - ' J3 Mall ')lack.)r3504 7i du. fbiiahH, ll.Ofl 8hrelinra, Drawn, 4-4 74 C.Klnn, , 7 8 t'ultiUl BaKKim, " liunuy, 1415 " Hundre, 13110 '-B.wUaa, ('otlim Vara, naKiiivit,Vii. ta-25 C.m-.i, 6070 'krr,pboah.4ta. an. Meal, C5 Flawrd, 75 19 a 194 Ilal34 Ha 10 124 riikkena !.., (ft If Bufar, Brow a, ElKa 'e diit,, UtOM j loaf, Feathera, 35 a 37 J' I'mxhrd, Flour, V h!J., $S. a 5.00 " Oarilif d, Iron, Swi-de, '' 6 '. Taldiw, do." Bar, . 4 a 44 Turpentine " Knff. Reftu'd 5 Wheal, p gal. 1 00 75 35 a 30 " M.Hea, 5 ..Wool " Oval, 6(3 7 W.n.li.w (ilaaa, 'ft b.,1. j "! 10 2 00 a ! 35 10X 13 3 25 a UM r.ard. ' laii. bar, Ii-im), llrv Whiti- HaH ' 74 a 10 a I CI Fvj. t1evUl X C, June 2. H-wax, t'titlon, Oof II, fnffee. 9lrt35 , IU . ,4 I 15 l,-lS 1 I ri 7 7 40 1 45 10 II 311 (d 33 3.'.( 36 5ii li CO (it 00 C(d 8 lift 13 leather, aula, Molaatea, Suila, cut, lljl., Snffur, bniwn, 91 Flour, ' F-athera, do. l,m(. Flaiared, (! 00 lii UllO Hall, aack. ai 7JwtaiHi .wi4-ef rareda - 44aWtTHf 11m li ai lo Kni.h. 4 , W heat. Ciermc, S. ?., yn 17, 154. Bntt. r pit. 9(211 211 (oe 35 I I (n 311 I .'.,( 15 fij HJ !( n $1 IK) I'J . IS tllfl III 45 Ird. Iathrr, aole, Malaiwaa, Ho. Cuba, Vaita, eiit, kicu , Sugar, kroarn, do. lAHlf, Salt, I,iveruil, 13) 13 30 0; 9H 3.1 lit 37 t4 Va) 4) iu 5 Kl 10 II 12 fi 00 llfcvwax c.m-i f'.'ill.in. Keit. Fl,r, Feathra, Cl.tilo't,; X. C.,M2, 1V,4. fliieon, BacjiiiJ, 74 r 15,4 I" , 4i,l5 liiii 15 3Unl33 ( ,il IHI 4il 511 62J 75 (S 7, 13 WI54 65 ( 7H 12 of 5 lilitf 134 12 m "4 ill. in. ; 5 lit 6 k.T. l.bU lfl, l(i ! Hrl, ' Itiillcr. J Itt'r.wax. Ili'an., I Ap,lf Brandy. Parh Brandy, ' t'ollon, U'offiie, ' ; Cm, Cfchiekrne, ! ftS'i ' FCnir, : Feallura, . Lard. Mi.lJU,-., 3 1 fn 45 l-al. Naila, (lata, "'k, Piaa, PotaiM., Iritli Rer fbaah,' Sn jar, Salt, .ark. 7U(S 75 6J frO 40 ri( 00 5 lit 5J 75 fn ihi - l 00 , 64 124 m 24 T-. V lb Whrat, l 75rtl. . of 125 3U (ft- 35 Whiakf v. 40 ; 50 10 Collou Yarn. BICHWINE & HARRISON, GENERAL DRY I lllitllilli.llJ WVU . I Cl'TLERY, UARDW.RE, CROCKERY j AMI --: i Grocery Merchants, j f HO, 76. M AIH ST.. SALISBURY, N. C. : VALLEV ACADEMY. ,i. : rniiK'Fin I mila ! 1IIK Kiflh ecenon of ihi. inMilnlion. aiiuatrd aeven North of l-noir, Caldwell t'ounJy, a. II jHumence Xime 2ntn- , The ldv merec in ihe annihar of fMioi.. lma " , ' ' JT " 7 eennine , if-lie afiftnMchinjr ai.,n. Tuiimhi, (a adrnarc.Ciaeeic, - . - . eil UO- j E..flh, . -.' fromlA ielW -'4 Bjirdiucneludiof earcv nai-raaarv cin-a, JO 0(1 ' P.. W: FAi-XErr, PrionH PMft Hrfianna, S. C Sa .lH Stalesville Female ACAUE31Y. ...TII.E.i .aXaa.li,n aflhi taaiijiihiHt wiH eommenee fa. eo-'.i laereaar imiihI. diiniiLf llie new aluch "eh-r: .lot Ihmi il l iiunih-r .nil incrraae. . . .11... 1 , 1 11 L "i 4 '' I'rlRMS prr arfai..n ..f ffH.iuba. f-r all English IK Pro.il Prua II I I'.mli Muhc on Pi ni(. 8 Ei'ra, IS 15 "--i .- STinKTOM, Mi liiMtlE. Mi'iilKK, DELL. Trustee. 4w4 iunr IS. I "51 I w ill add Im ihe tjbiwtMhftt bnirjlm? in &tA f-im-tiea j fir ihrme. wtahiiif t- ff" t mhi-tl run h Imd in ih- vil 4 iff tif vfiitit) fur StilM) per month. a-n'nnf . fiiH vim! iTirTtmnf. 1 li.t'l !e pr'pirrrf al ltp r-tmni'-nf-ln take eevrril nMrr in addiiiitn twlint are l- JusKPH A MdafiAV. 0 ( ETAS REVAim. I ANA WAV fr.,rn the .nharribcr the 9ih iimt a n appraatier U' USmtll J wr UUnm Oavmpboll. J Th abiiivr reward aill h pivti (tr tht fhvir, i.f laid tity tit itiv rvaidviire iwu nitles fnan loid llill. I fitr- n'Jirti ativ piTftm from U trbatnn h mi iu anv mv. r p imj hi in for ntiv tatmr. or !Um inj t il Imv 1 miiam hi Hieir rei.ir. Anv pt-ra..n in lnljinj m ih piitlnbita aill be dealt ah ftr'tirdiiiciu w. b,,ve ( IIRXMY M. istiNfiorn. i'barnia CtMinti June Iff, 1-51. 3w4 AIMffl! R.tya JL . . , r- l ih fill i ajd't uciii ni. Jti t:p Ft, equirpe-d arrifilmg in law, f-r ni'UtiJed and lid iffpi-CliiMl. Ify unler nf 1 n r. I hornet. r uplain. Jri.H-a C, Jr., O. S. DENTALN0TICE. W. F. IIASOX. i j .1 A ir.ilaale Ike Philailelohi. C,,Uer o! Hr4k-in7) r ! Vlltr B-.lllmfre 1 lrt,J ni Peno.1 Harrrji, . oi,t.r j ; Member, af l Me,llmil!l;' Cullitr, 4c. I I. j Alt the aleamre. aiuMa.? b aav lh.1 heie - now j 1 40 SALIflHIHV. whrre'he h..p- brcehr fne4id and oibra ai ibeir earlicf coiivenicnce. j June (i, 1C5I. If 3 I N. II. May he f. mini' opr. ie P.i.1 Ollice ni rninc. - and evening, atol al le,,io Hirice, on fulun atrcet, lr,n A M until j J M -rkEXSB()R0' IIK.II SCHOOL. I THE Neil aerin will cninienee on the 1 0r h) nf , brr tot ire, ffttwtrtd ta nlrH C1ntel I't-piirtment -Mnihemaiiml . C'twnnioa KiwUah Frrneb, lrawntc it riiitinf. . S n AO -. s. . 1j ) . . 13 IW each cltra, III IM) .. ; . i ihi . C.-fltiiifcjit Ejtnvnw !yt UllMMfXlK, Pnnetpal. Way1, t",'4- i tuVrr-2 -'.- - -s.c-r -.. . ) , . ' 1 Aeatlff . exantea f ve fVr.. I ll mm llii v a -rM r " Men 1 laJa i).CV t li 1 Ia.i3 iVD COPPER BUSINESS, IS aarried aa ia aM K varlout brtaeha, at th old Maad, joat oapiaate th Watebaiaa Printinv OfRea, ad ararly .fpiaaaie Jd. Roharde' ll.H.H, be BAKER 4 OWEN, where.ll w.k la ihr line ia a.e in lh I kea vtyto ea ah4 awfcK- on hand a aoWly of j Prif eaeral Mfftrurnt of Tin-Ware, Sioft and PlM SHIN, ie. 1 Co,d nd s,," W'ulf hf , AUo, an tmnlnifM of 0M Knb and Gaard Chain, HmIi, Biaft(B. Ear I S OA i u'M,v "ff P tvtfiittt-tiirii rd ladia' Brvaat Pim, Coolang Stoves, f u.. ,;'' c. ... O I var Mid ,l NFWTM LKS, and vanny of Fancy alwayaen hand, whieh lhay will h-t out on trial, if; Allele and Perfuinerr. All of whirh, ha wilt aril nerraaary, hprriie wialiiuf tu buy. Call and tee rhraper, lliau they em. he bousl.l at aimilar nuahliah and inee our t.da. ' j ineniaiu ilia Stale, t all ,mrd...r IkIow K. Il A. Mur- a ' S 4 j I a 1 pliy'a llaa, and elamiiir l',ir vouiaelrra. Roofing $ Guttrnngdone O. A. i JT Cliicki wlch(!. ,.dWlrv.,r llknd.i r,. AI-SO , paired iu tlie hemi iitaunrr, and fh ithini reaitnabl Wanir-d fnr nftwn cprri.c d arutkinrn, (Tiinra) whtiai e-I libr?t;il WNffi and coiirtiint rmjtiyiMrtit, bv p(iyiiif awauti by icitrr, jhhm pud, ut rHll.Br ''H KAKKK A OWES. Knlialmrv. F-h. 33. ICS4. 40 DISSOLUTION. rPHE tlrm hprlofrr enainff andVf thenam- of II L II. Heard c Krii. ia tin dity tli-Wrlyn) by limn ( iwi yara, 1 h tHins-M will b aariird n by li. 11. UtffL al lh fdd itiHitd. A-H fnmnt aa-rf wr tirwr tr rrqii XrtJ m call tn nit and atitl by ihi ftrK" tif Otymbfr urstt tr tht-y uttiv exptct iu 4ul tvih an fhrr. I!. II. BKARD. 8cpt.22, if 111 FALL & WINTER XaS fl9 OLD tiaWw 11. iFbeabd, FathionnlU Tailor and Clvihujc, f T A8 jaftt receirwl a RliW aufiarh atiW'k itf Fall 11 aad lfi.rr Rttllt HtDK I LOTHI G, t lalus, ar. to wit : A ncral uawortinpiil of I Ireaa ajuil Fnick foal, Piint and Veata. Am, a Wautiriil ua,rlineiit of Idiyi and I'h blr,-n a t'Mliinff. fint a llrraainf (n,wni, FANCY Paula and Vrat. ; fmr Mhirja, lol lra and t'ravMl; SnaoendHra, lra-ra, llala and ("o., &ir ; P,M:k--( II iiiHko-htrfa f a tiifwrior qitnl. it 1 . and hltn'Hit .Vfiv oth-T urti' l,- hoiiHnv to a Cloth ing "itortf : toother with a anirir lot of Cloth tin ll lie aflt tell rtieap a. eatl be biiajhl hi tay Southi-rn markr-l. and aiil br nmrfe ii, to ord,-r, in a enpirior flle, and with ihe btl Iriluininr the Nor. thern iliarktt. could titliird. He haa atao ntrivtd bit Fall tad Hitter aklt far la.M aid 1851, and ia ready to put ap work In Ihe htat f,thii,iia T'lilon' 6heara, Poiuta, Thimblt-a anJl Nredlea, kept jarJs. Tb uiideraiirued r,-apclfiilly iortiaabia frmnda and thp jiii'ttic tocall aud x,uniNf In. atlM'k. II M HEARD. S,.(ii .32. 1853 . 32tf vol rl i ft I r ti 1 ' if BB0WN &EATNE3, 011,1) CALLtmcAT: EXTIQY er THEIR tlnlonltftr. lli.ikurJ -aale lid Slock of tlareaJ Leather. IhMjta. rii4., ore, which h-y have 1 b?fii,atid ttll are iimniif.itiirri(. li taixit iieccaaary ! Sutr mUmm thfir c-1 ting Muunuwg,, Ia'tbr, &e., fn.m tUe Ntfrih, m rvi ry UkIv know thnt baa to be dotif in tfdt r t crn taH'tba1 buatnraa, but ail they would tk i a f ur trial. TVy thank the jteufile iur ile pltt ho ii them, and by a CtiiUumance vf the aaui thf)' j will trv to plraae. I J 1 BROWX A- TIAYNE. V HifiES, t6RS; FLOl'R, felTnktm iittkttngr fur flood. " 1 v ' i : b. & h. 1 . J.uaarv 5, 1 If33 ATUIL , 1854. K. mYers, 1 ni'if .iil. r, l(lof hi. full Slock of ldwe Dreaa 4,id, eon.ialinp of ihn larrat and ioohi niae-nifi. MBttngl,rf ieaJ,MtAB-fe6IULjL t wr itrfcit ' ' ! . - (.'HalllCA. ( ri ellat flies, Kj' M I' Hid. .... ; tiru tie I'ari. Tissues. Iicru're. Frcneiiilrgitnilit, JacoiK'tsand (tinjfltutii-i.tin great vnrietv. : tl.idia dMrMif puichMuri, are iiiijid to call at h Stli.Imry Em murium of F.ahiiHi., 41 . . 4 Crailtr lalldltc. I IT AI aersaa nailtUas tbe aaallaker Ike prlif f ISf full lax Beak, will km II ett k; wall I : tar tart f Ike ttllrd Stale., free f p.tate. Thf Lire and Sprrchcs of Flrnrj Clay. nil a P.rait. and a View nf the Birih-ilnce of Mr. t'l'.ir: in one handaiHn. larac flvo. volume of 1300 I paferf. hcanfifiilly U.und ineloth.eilb Price nuly . three dollar : or bound in two volunif. cluth. frill. At .S0J-, aV - J THR work hfrvin ltf(nont-d iaiaiendrd u irace clear ' Ly the career of Clav, fnin hia rnrraurr uW-o lh' age nf pulilic hfc, dtiwii lo the period f hii death , in mi!) v the Itffht of hm Urfiy a ltd prttuaivf and im j )i-i..i.fd fVeq.ie-nrf. Mr Cl 'a pariianlpoiiiry rl.rm, rlt-nr. direct and viiniiA, embody all ihe ilfiitmt.an ! tknl in iit-edfiil it iheir full umierftaiidiMf ihe grrai tmirtaiice, varieiy aod. indfatructahle intrreai ut' the i. U piA he diajmaard tlift ' oTarwter and ability f the ; ir.ior. ihe direci mid ftitct lnarinffif artruiiieiiia ih rtinimri reiea and int-reiuf ihe iiinr--ull in on hine ti render hia apfeehea artMin; the inimt valm.ble ri.titnhuu.iiiP if pairittiiwui and e-ni m that enlight eutiicnt and geniua of ih Ameriean pef4e. JAIKS l t;ilH, Foblt-Aer, N., !f2 t'hnt.i Stre-t. rhiladelohia. . I IT" whJ active men who wink (o eiif-itre in lb ante J of the a hove wok. will be allowed u diaciunt urficieni ' ly larf enable1! hem tttnui-ir a firat rate buunt'fta of 1 it. - K.it further part iciiUra acWir-Kii, JAMES L. fWHtiN. rubliahdi, .jae--ev.-'tf,F3T. ' JlJ Scholarship. mI pr.iri.pt 'ptymeiit nf all the aHcbtdariduij in. ad hv lly lloura ul t,ru.teea A longer indulgence Cnnnot he given .withniil a ae ; riona emhrrMimeiii lo the fin.ince.i the College and j all are urged lo p-iy without funher delav. t'-rtihenl, .f S,-hi,l,,fl,ipcnll le had of Or F. Illlli h- i" f Charlotte, I) A Uan, Eaq.. of Salinbu'y, f Pre." ViltiHiiia.n or J. P U"lltrrnnn, of llnvid. i an Colleec lieorge I.Neel. Ki.) , of I'iiyellrville or i Kev. B M' liitoah. of Floral Coll. je, to wh.im pay nieut can he mude. 4t2 l!(IHT' J. .Vi-IH)VVEI,I Treat. sAi.isiuritY I'EMALK it'ADEHV. H K Fait .aeaeioo tif ihlr4iaVlUutH1,wiU eWnranre M. on the 5th f July nf xi. We hare now a full frp if teaehera ; and are prepared to leach all the hruiirhe literary and ornamental uaunlly taarht in the heal fi'iuali arbotda We nunt her hrtwera l0 bimJ 70 pupil at 'he ri of nur firet araaton. W e are prfpnred i.. boon) IH or 'iU .oiiajf ladira in 1 our hounej. I'nre-i will eitrtiinue a hereiofrta, to wa : pnioisfi. j Itnard and Ijuiiioti pr seaaion of ttvp montha ! itre!udmi( waetuiifr, fut-l und liht. fit; 7 50 , Mumt ... ,.. r0 00; I'aeitf liiMrumeiii ... ... 2 SO . I enril Lraniiiir-r Water Colup ..; 10 IM) ' Oil Painting , . .....20 0 K renr 'l Liiifui-re. ; .. . '. .10. IM) Ktr L iliH.or tiret-k. with other Mudie 5 Wl"' F.r driv pupif, price of Tuition iilt vary fr-wi fi tKV Frtet and theirK.fi, . P CopEt il'liecharrel f. Hoinl ot Tuitkia ffn the ttnieorentraiuv, ; huj imleitiHVi.n made aAer entrance rtceoineaeaef rmnractefl rciinea. - ce . JESSE RAVKIN. .jbi; 1854, . ; ' it J-: J: iiilf - ' --ia--, i i ' i i afniaMWiwWffe a mi . a r a i IV WATCHES JEWELRY JAMKS H0HAH, HAS juai reoaired. from Mew Tnrk tad Philtdef phia, lh lareral and beat teleeled atanrtmrai WATCHES AHD JXWEIKT. j !J ' aaaw'il faBkT - jr : 5 - a K "O F Fjlf c 4 r o o Sheet Iron, Copper and Ti ar EStABLISHMENTr . : WILLIAMS BR OWN, CI O XT I X I ' K3. to ca rry on thg ahui-. bnain.au ta all ' Il vjrieiieiT lt. kreji. cioiaUiillv 1.11 hand, an ... aorlnianl ofTta Ware., htitla, rJniTra, Mtifffpipea and Jtherl Iron-Ware. fsh.,B onp,i(e 'Mlirtjiv'a irnitc row. Burroim. lor e.h. did B.orrt pewter, hreaj w. iiiiuiw., .vte., taken m urh.i ge, at eaah urieea. ali.hnry, Jan. 19, 1S54. 35 SOTICB THIS ! Qiirk Jle aad' lltrf prtftu ia arf lattt. Gire me a call brfute you buy. I AM .till manufacturing fimd, mnne; and aervicea ble DCGUIES, at the well known atund of Fred rnck Mo li) - Shoii, where I .hall com nine to do all kinda of repairing and country work-in ihe trongal, iicnteat and beat manner, tfi un very. nKalerat. rnt All ordera lhaiiRfully received u punctnallv ailended to, Ctittntry prodnei' w nann y -rnkeirin fuT Wiiyk. I return my .ineere lh:ink. for the iwlronag., I have received heretofore. 1 warrant my work 13 month.. JOHN L WKIl.llr. Saliebury, Jon. 13v lljt. 1-H LIVERY STABLE ANI Carriage Shop. rIIIE il ndeini fined hqrini L Makinf Shop in ronnr C raiahlirHied a Carriage o in iMnnertiitn wit-h hia Livcrv Si. . We, ia pre purr d lo arroin iitN.t- 'ntlenien in almnat i every way they may deaire. in hi lint- nf hiiMitrM. He j ia pnpsrd nt only to hir out Hraea and Carrinrr.. I a heretikftrre hut will hold himiwff m read inrM to aim- ply. al .aale, all whom HMr rw rnterert may require pa'ahall am i.i li i ml ll Il1l . )l ffTTiTTrFT!TriJZ? qioilme., .ml none bin g..l and eafe animal will be ' aiMeeenew.'' awtewlTairiWaalrwiraSa in hi Mailt. IVrania having er. Imrae. 1.', e.chane, -i tr buggi 1 or carriage, will hud the Mihecribcr readv I r a Irrio JAMI-.S IIUKAII. I Saliabury. Aprd C, le.'il. 34 j I ? y.ri S ' is s. atw i- iNi?. a S-s t4i 1. s . s.2 51 f 'l C e? V- 1 a (e gM eajf d : - t 5 Ltilbf 2 i J 5- a . r I - 5 1 i -a a K ! rn-5 rri3. 'r ! . 15 , r:? i r.tr 2. 7 - y - - - jaaliyd II jiuti?3tTiT. fciju.oid.llhrtrr, ' All kind of rep.iirinif to Carriage. Wnpnii or Rug giea, done at nhort ilotire. TUOMAS E BROWN. Salisbury, M-reb 2, 154. t'- lAl . MOORE, HENSZEY & CO., Sl'i'fKSSt UJS To WM. T. iivi:m4 CO., IMPIIRTKBS 4 Ml II IIOI.KVH K nrtLI KS M AO. II MARK $T ST., PHJ(,APELf'HlAf -K'p.ixirinwaiiy ;on bajd a laVe;e aMH-rtnteat of ; f Hardtrare , f uilt ryV ttins Ac Which they will diapoae of oh aa &mhI term , ntiy hoiiae in the I'mtt-d Siritr. j Order hy mnil, or other wine; put up wtih can and forwarded wilh dfapalrh. .4 div-tvmnt allowed fur rath in par fund. January 26, lr..4. ( mi per ceri rinp36 - through Tickets ON BLAND & DTJN1TS li I I I V If i I 1 I IVn If ill Ul .1 til; lililiv1 IAN BE inr1FI At THE MN8lON j HiilH, H.-ilifbiMyA.N ."liiLBtiiik .ia V'ettivaJ. 'fand rortairuih..ai tbatiiowiiif tuiiW.e-r'--'' 1 .-. tr to ': ' to Pit.nioiMh to Rjchmoiid.,' u un j ta Balllimore -K so ;4!li;' AKu h, K,, r am iSali; or la:d. IS Purananea of a decree nf Fqoky obtainn1 at the Leal 'IVri of lh Court for Kowao eoonlv, 1 will offer for aublie aale at the Cin bnaaa to galubary, on Taeaoay of Auroat Cnanty Conrl, the ni0wi( land ed property, to ait i Th Bealiererpautataai uatia htf aaum ICO ACRES Of Land, ail na tad one aril' fmaa Salirbary, kdjianinf th laada of Samuel tteevaa, tieorjf Moiithdwl, aad ether. Trioe 12" awaiha credit, hundlni leearit. ALSO TwW fcrtt in the pH Wrt aquar of lb tnwa nf gababury, No. 333 and 31 ; add apoa lb peiitioa of tri tad Ettrd Fntina and tilhen. Term twelve and eibueem monih credit, hood and tecttriiy, with in la real frum dale. ALSO 75 ACRES OF LAND ; ilrtonjpni to thr hcirt at tar t4 Ditrid Dcrarcr, ait a aTrd tftut iwo iwl- from Haliabury n tbe Chari-tl road, adttaiiiiof iba landa of JiMept. Fiabrr. A blander 1 1 a rim aa aad othrra -attbjrct to) widwa dua-er. Terma 6 uiuaths credit, b-od aud arcumy. ALSO The PrHW.md M iilEft I willoflfrr ft aale n the premiava ihi ibe S7lb dav of July neat i tbeee Umla adj'itn t'aspfr IfiJbmiarr, Leonard Klaus and otliera. S luouiha credit, bud and aernnty. L. liLAt KM KR. C M E. finUabiir)', June 19, IH4. Pr. adv. $H CwA SPECTACLES AJ jutted to Defective SiyhU vjnm Caer-- SiiTitiJi 2rineijfr. milE SUBSCRIBERS will ;aini SALlMBCRY I altl I tie 1' ( Jy,wbfa pnfat.iaai.af. nog frt-w X defective viaun pniceedint: 1tHn toy cau ahat- evrr, ran nave oiuaaea applied ofaju auund phikaMiph ical (inuciplea, arhtrh will out iily imfirove vtaiua, bui will a!t- prrarne tbe tight from injury- by euHatatil read iufnranitof " '"'V.ZZ 1 be cititeuir Saltnlniry and tbe aurroundiuf ooan try idi welt tu call mi ib aubw:ribTB at an early day, ibeir '' muvt be limit rd aiui auob anooportu Hily m. Idtiii tiflVr. MYERSjr .JANICE. Kii-binond, Va. Can be found when in Saliabory at the - atorc of E. M V4ra ' N R. aim barn a Une and Imndanme ajtaort- me ut 4.f J E VV K I Jt Y , A TV I1KS,MLVKR WARE, Ac t Ac. M. &. J. Jun )5. 1854. 4(4 REMOVAL. NEW GOODS ... . , AND J. D. BROWN & LEMLY, X'OIJLD Reapaetfully tna4inra lo lh public, V V that lhiv have removed to 17 JD il in mi muni aiiL.ui.il,, whi-re ihfv nave a very larcre and haiulnimclv Hlled np Store Room, and are now receiving from .New I'i.rk and Phibilrtiihia, their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF GOODS. lirhicVwthe moM varied and covnplctr Mock of Staple and Kkney llrv Co.al., thai ae have ever ofTered lo Ihe public. We nav. the greateat variety of ldiea' Dreaa C.id. and Gentlemen' am of the beat and moat faahion.hle Mile 4 Inr Stock i. loo numrnaiiu rive ia deuil ; we invite the attentHia of Ihe lyarhea in onr at.ick of tiyt rTi -W " r -j Crapede Pari., Wiallya. ETibnndeel. Mantilt.a, Rib hunp. Burnt ta, Shiav, Embriaderrd P,ickel llandker chiefa Wa a'ai invite the. U en Mem -n't tllenliun lo, 'inrrlisk irf f'Uilii, Caauaiua. . V.ahnf.. Ktocaa. rraiala. eibiri atut (i4ari line Pomp ic Boufa and Shoe., flail, and ihe fineet lot of - Ready Made Clothing; in the market. e h-tpe all who a-n( Ottmln, arrtl :re ua a cull, ai are' will apart no pain ti ahuw goird, and neVer ri offV-ndrd if ihry dii not auil. We WtUlhi hr Irmrifr i.iir ikanka rfi ik tnttJira ft,. I tht ver litkerat patnmase thnt we have received aiure j re Hare been in huftineaa, and we Ikii tu cimtinue t mrrn uir ninirarnce ior ruaTfMIiera An We Want (atrial o (fire a a cad, and vnu will be pfeaaed. j. a uauvvv ,afc lemlv,,; Sa.iabory. Aprif G, tJi. 46 P. S. We have a rerrmant of Hardware, anrb an jr'-i and lF-f and ai.. 'VKtckefY; "wfirei.we. wjII -wif iuwf man Utercan be waif IU fawiMtv aa wr want to (jt-t out of the trade, and Jrive nur attention entirely to the lr l.tnads. J O B I.E.MLV. NOTICE. I TIIO?E havin claim. urainet Tilman Foler, de I ceai.'d, are requested lo prearnl Ihcro for uulmeat within the lime preacribed hr law, and ihote iiidehled n, tne atme, ara herehy notihed of the neceaait y of ma king pnyjnont without delay, aa tbe bnaines of the ea tate mu.t be eloe,-d. FANNY FOSTER. Eiecniri. May m, 3mSa NOTICE IS hereby given, that Bonk are now opened for re eeivtirg anbKrioB o tlf (r'tpilal Stock. u Tkr balloktry. Meekttllle tad Wllketkereack riaak Bttd fwpaiy. and the nmr mav be found at the .tore, of Mesar. Murphy, MeRorie & Co. and Chambera A rhmWrfv , tfmer, who ia wilhnjr to Ur and Irt liire,abaUhaTe ret WILLI AIM M t'RPH Y, 1 "n tA 'r-inplain aa to prirea. Sell, I will, aad a, arw- JOH. K. Til MBERS. t'HARLES F. HSdKR, May: IL. 1SU. IT The C'.rmniifiiiner will alan, by rrn,nat. rreire at the aame place, vubcriptiim a more Nonhriy route, priatimi. the 'SiMith Vadkirt hltkW the m-uth .if I aaaa..na4 e.k lk.na. ... W.L M..1i. f .U . ..( ni.. a hu.k - MrM. ' Canton Matting. 8ALISBI BV, MAV lith. 1854 TIIF, SI' BSCfilKF.B i. in reccipil.of a lol uf four and j lM''Mtw7 - R.'MVr KS. ' w Ira.iiTt' Hminre, . j . . .-i Til a 1 I" nlUAf 1 ; li li It I II I lilt .1 111 OIT V7.I I F VTIIll llmn. Newton haa one of ihe beat .Ml Sch,,h in GLASSWARE. SALISet KY. APRIL S0i 1?54. E SUBSCRIBER IS IN RECEIPT Or nval ma)rmticeiii lol of French China, coo- aistin. in part id Flower "'17'ea.aaoa. Toilet Bottles, Oearari. xc4 jTewel X3aaalaeta. CA.XJX3XjX1 STICKS, . t oiiEi: 4 1 ra tXD ibi it m.Bt, . . uH.Aijio..o; :.. . . CVT A.VD FRESSEtt GJ.ASS .T FTC ITERS. DEC ASTERS. CELERY . T.I .'., HOWLS. SIViR HRES-ERl E, DISHES. (iOKI.ETS. Tl . fil.ER. Hi A i JELLY 4 I'kamtaiemr 41lmt. ' Etr. Etc. Don! force I lo call at I h. SALISBURY l".MPt- RIl'M, Ao. 4, URAX1TE Rl lLtflSO. l E..MVERS. J. H. Ilownnl, 1 I AVINt; ripened a New i-t and Sbo Sbnp4. op poaii- Murthy (Jranite iuw, ia aow prep. to manufartare BOOTS AXft SllOES, r in thelalrel ana beat M)te, . , alon . s.,., anTwal analiiw 4ekWaailie-'wrW-aab ! tleat a a Bua H-aMa and Shoe, HrofMta, dtc. ' ttanatuina dtwa Lt.abo. aMaraV. l 4'biraaaaitderat. - rat liEMOVAL. ' mvi STORE AXD rurn aomdih aar aTTaAcTio I J SAUHBl'RV, MXhCH JO, 18S4. " rpltE 8irhcritM!r Itkea lhb rneftir of tnnooacini L ta hi frlanda aad tbe aarMie fewaraMy, that a baa removed In the tew tad anae.ioa atnra, (th Ant f rtnlt. More below hit (dd auad.l where be I bow ftnimg bit Sri, wbien, wha eoniptew, will eomprrav the . ' Fiafst aod niost ElfRant AvsejHmrnl, aver before oflcred la th cilitent of Nortb Carolina ..-and eoneiet it part of Plata, ( laareal, PlaU mm Crweade Silk, from nae lo foe. duaara per yard. - '' - 1 LltCE aMMTSKIT f Tiaawea, taerwaaa. (inttdhMt, f-bwlltea. Faalara) Kilka. Jaeawel Make, urtaa aiea. rarl Law a, J we a wet Jpjaa Itata, rRKIM'H PBWt H4 Cil.abHAttH. " k 8PLF..DID tT er Pari, Plain aud Emhroitltred Silk und Lart Irom4 to ad OoUatrw. Plat and Embroidered Canton Crapt Shawl; at all price, omioh, Alattite, Lace mi Mifltn Collar; CHEMIZKTTKS, mnd feleevt, iu great frtHjpty ! Xetdlt f'ort ed1 LineBvObilibrtt lfamH-ertkiff; from 62 1-9 eenti to tixteen Dollart. I. ACE A M 1 1 1 .1 N Vtl N I M I W t' l' R I A I N S, M A Rei El IXGK QUILTS, I.INE.N rillEETlNli, PII.I.UW AmE LINEN. IMwAKK TABLE t Ullll.t. NAP KINS. te., dtc. H will not pretend to eanmeral fully, hui flntiera hhnaelf Ihat ear mrtirUt which tra f ootid in -Nor Vara F.ry iry OeW A'forf, bat what can be obtained in bit. Vlt addition to which be haa a.plendid aMortment of BOKkETS, Beelt, bkera, Httn, Mea aid Byt tlalkltt And all he aaka ia an rtaiainathm of hi. ct,-k. lTA TK op north dA to USA, CATAWBA COfNTY, Court of Equity, Spring Term, IMI. Noah Coliiinjrer va. John Summill and nthera, IT apiearinfj to the vathifaction of the Couri. that J,diii Siinimit and hiaam Iindford, ihe defrndania ill Ihia cane, remile U-yond the liniila of ihi Stale, or at aaariit or conceal iheniwtve., thai ihe ordinary pro eeaa of law cnnnul be had Bffalitet Ihem : llillierer.,rt ordered by the t'uiirt, that public. lion be mad in lh t'aroin WaiehiiMia (am week aneeeaaivelv, roti f)in the (aid Joh'ji and Lamlforrl Soionolt lo be anj afioear at th. neir Term i llii Coarl , to he held tic... Ihe cowuy iCalawba, al ihe Court Ilouaein Nrwlnn, on the wnid,MH!rigLjneptnibr o.alr fretr arrd 'ihrelo fdead, a lower or demur (o a bill of complaint tiled in Ihe office of Clerk1 tnd Maaler lib .aid manly. i i Imt Noah Cotnitieef etainat John and Landlord Sum. ' t ... .i :,. l. . i r I I 1 niiii, ut i iir i:mr .in iir mru pro djoivr ik.i. esparte aa toaaid defendant!. Witneaa, A. W. Willkie, Clerk and Ma'Wr ia Equi ty for .aid county of Caiawb at office, th eevnd Monday- after ihe tumh Monday in March, lr5L Iwued the Blh day of May, A. P. IBM. AV W. WILLKIE, C. H.t " - Pric adv. & SO. - - wS9 nCHE iihaeriber bat on hand fhnr taaorrmenl-ofi- JL lniea Moarninf Dreaa Good, entti; of Bombazines, Canton Cloths AJWeea, Silk IkragWv-";? TISSUES. URENADINES, JACONETH, til.NUII AMS A Nfr Mrxt.INl Alao, vorRsrNfj " .ImiiAwK,-aHi4MiaV ttAlf KPttlHIKhi. which h would lake pie' l)E ,TOHMG (iOODS,:: up ia howf at Ihe Baliahnry Kiiipufima of fata'f ' ' " to-aj--No.-14rBlt Baitaiaj " - ' fc. Alli-JUS. April 90,- 1M4. 4H DISSOLUTION. THE ipartoerahip hef.tolVira'eiiliu( tttidrr tba . . Firm of Tamer and Toniiin im now diaidvi7d-- and all tbe notea and aeeonnia diw aaid fii"nvilll .'L--fHnd in ihf pnaaeanrmof W. Turner, who ia aatbtrii- Wl hi Mm Hl WIW iriwr.-R MlrTt.'T(nvli ' " indebted wiH pteaavcatf and ietlti- ftTihowt dt-tay a4 ... -i U.' TI'Dl't'D Uncky Creek, April ft. 1PS4.- 6ap49 M ;IIEI). THE SIBSCRIBER nAVINft hnngM the entire tk of Ciod. of the late Firm nf Turner at Tianlin. iat nde carry in. anhaVUCiiVLC INIkK, hrair atom', at the ame pl J wheat he it m rteeimig a new lock of Spring and Summer whirh; together with Iba atoek on band, will be od on acofTiinadatinf lerma, at tba ehortrat livitif jmrfit. telnirk aalea and abort pmfita brut it tha moiu, no eu tfrmtte comhtnatiom hall aaa me aaafer. I here be leare to lender mv tincere lhank to u r old, cindomer and frienda ttr paat faTtiv, and lope hr a.kfpeet priuciraVa and awdihina atteniam tu buaiue( lo mern a roaitinnanra ofthrir patnaavv. N. B. AH kinda of Country Pmdo?c takn in ehanpe fir Gooda. Y. TI RNEB, R.-rkr Creek. April wp49 FOB SALE. Oi A.'SHrFtTiRI) omrra k iale hi ec-iven- mal iaMallf III WW rlrfr-"- jtlooae, connected wilh which are food oat home of I eet?,lH!id, wH. ea ,w,.; .eartiatM JtA iCRV uu "l- ' theverv neat mroln. Jj.uVmi on. au Jt Xw Wratern .rth CaroJina, aad mvay wUt-cf tuiitkMer9 far I tiaj tvdHiia t- mention. 'i. , :- 1 A I aur dftermined to anJI.'now ia iba time 1 I Mrtka, e-MM? ani fei a barfain -? . j Newttta. Catawba. Co , M Sf5, I?54 5tpl ! im MILLINERY MRS. LOl ISA BROWN 1 I AVtXU ralura.afeoaaJwk'H 1 1 Mimmidoi. awal rcMioened her EhMement iu r,hhtiry, ainciia th,1 palronap. of her oM fnc-nda and aeqnaintanee., nn'iT inform.. thena . -that ahe ha rie'i'laeil from-Ne Yik and Plulaieliitjiail a eopplr of faatutrnasta " -- : Boanrtt, f aps, Hrad-Drrssr s, it., if. ; SKe i atjvpirfd u dvi ;worW al ihe flh-rttl atnt in . the ueattrtM-aod la; fat attle- ttnitra from attrnatd will , reere pr,imp aitentmn. an I g-wnia packed and 'Vardtrd.- Aprd" 20, H4. tt-lS . DISSOLUTION. i THE Cop.irtnerehip of H. B. Carprr ic tiv. m thl. i dav li.lved hv-.matualennrvnt : all peraon latlehte mine concern war all fttca- cH anil make payiaaat with out Jolav: HENRY B tWeiPMI. MICH V El. blttrwi.." Jannr- 2d. I75t. tfJJ ' i I'RrDiitr a rri ihe CrHlat Slnok f (ha S.Ii-"" iT burr anal Tavlre.i!le Ptatk Road -.nnanv fay np the aarae, aaj OJcr mdaliif no ftJtuat aa fiv. a. fTr Wdr'f 'tit the Board ottlhiaaiaaa -- aia-iaawjtwa'lii'i ffiv-eV;

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