THE MAi.CY-LLt.IX TREATY, AN AW 1 1 I, TU.U.hl'Y. It has orvor Wore fallen to our lot w KnatA t than the uue i7c- Jii'i,K 7.'.;i'.i( r. Till: KLSULT. .1 - . "' .. ...i . . 4 i a more tutihtnhulv ocuurrcnci?. titan the .n mis ircaivrecciiuy nwiiaieu, aim . r . . v v j ----- - - - - ,r , v...:.,,. k f;.-. sheriei, and lurtuiges some other niat-;W(1 h tt. EqvRndr result of our late very inirited coutest.- tera, we are not going to mj anyt unj i jj,, rkxUti, thn son of Sin. MarviWe have however, we belicre, staled tUla-JiW...wfinuf..rthMi Taylor, ifgorcttnstan! and facta trWwtitot. aion which took place with reference to Camp Meeting, in UiksoIu Couuty, Uut"28 or ; ,liiirly ifom;d., We now State dwtinct- H, m me nouse oi iM-us, on me . i iu n ,30 111 uc ,. troro Liiar lotw, a aiigut ditucuity i . j garrowfull r . pewncj except 10 notice a uicu-;u,mntWer, turning fre.u the Bock Spring. a general defeat o the Whiff party could ie lainj lnicrreu. , e now bia-te uisunci- lar anil cjiFVw fn I r."l f yrt ar 1 1 1 tunrt JbimS.' :n-pUweatue W.jronog 1, aliout ! Mlr 5lL, Wtrrr The Earl of Clarendon, Minister for the loan of some money, the former asking the ; . - TV fl , -.,..,.. i-attert-J Foreiim Affairs, said "it was necessary latter for the lotfn of lo or three dufe wjj (Earolina lUatcIjmmu -sALTsn ntr v. -" ' w .r:.--. . ' . TKUBSDAT BYEHH'O. AUQ. 24, 1854. ' liT" By the last arrival from Califor nia, received here this tiiorning by the South Carolinian, we learn the Demo-' erarfe State Cmvietit1otrtrict1KnTtlftctuff al u. 4 i . 1 UiUb HIV UIHHUU ri'UlL'il. UgUlkUt - i - - - . ... , 1 ( .... . .iu.l i.-.-: ' iriiioi aiiii u'lii rt .aiiiiiiT u'ir:i cimtirv rtmrrtrf mmyrmmmit mm-tMW$ ..fllf "!?l..iia.7. a'd:v o,.a!iticatioi.Ii: Jft'Ufi- ouraelveaW "grJ qrrel, broke up and uominated 1 1 i. 1. 1 :.. 'i. .!.. .1 I'd. lint nut troddi-n diiorn ! roiitnt. Iiut two ticket. , , I'liMiv'u, niiicu rwuiivu in vinviauui m;ij'iii t 1 .1 ' 1 ,' "'" w.i...,.'. tk;. W'.ii.- nut ri'dncetl tn cautivitv : battered and A tlr hu.l tcmelu.Iea m-atv attectniff trauewitu VUlX iuaJ toll t sWt dilltance from ' bruisedJUut by no mean broken-; whiiv .r-ML-n ci.uutry. wiUi.wt the cuiiM-ifi ot . v;Un rfinwU.-.l to CUvlanJ that m-d ' in everv nrinciiml Part." like old firui Uie'jrovihioii of the treaty." The Earl of IVjrSv -ftid. "if thev c oconrred at Maryaville I which caused a oa of 25(1,000 tlip I .,li.llll. the i-tFi i t w on! A tie that nil I. . 1 1 ..... l.;. i.. . ,1... I.. .. .... I!.. t. j .....!( V..f c.,K.I.i.l . - II til,.. .l.,!ll p. , MIV , I t'V II. V II flllll Lll, mil lll'ljl.OUUUIIlU. - - ' auch rjucM:..:i. jh.'se ('. 1 nii'. wi re .r;ic- ,,,,,1,,, that h eouU ' be found aUut the IJeinjr now relieved by this solemn all- ak""d",1J ,,J'd llirg0 quai'iUtioa were ilically iiuli y. init-i.t. T!i.;i''i 1:0 agreed .trtx-u duriujr the wviiid. WiWn then loft 'hounveincnt of our great disaster; wo dia- being exporteil. that it w:b in 't imji.'rt;i!it with repirij ih.- , . iiinii . ainl arrii 1 in town ahout riiVi-n the. subject iu disgust, and never, - totheti.-h.-r:, - 'ii;i-: n.t'.K omisciit of the nmiui.- in advance of Clayland and the rent of ,,. to allude to it again. And wehoiK", Ifniinq of ttu Gnuul DivUum. Tlie lu-ionu I'Oiaiiien. ivi ne u.,-(-.... i,.,,... .. wu . . ..... i....,..,is. ii..)V w, i H.-vur-i' v n .. ,...i......i IUVIII lt.HI Ik ill tUii I'lOIICCi V HI T1JEAT1XU AT KLECTK'NS..' A CAftD. jrtstikS.' EuiToiti ! I" fejrjil tti) iu'ut'&aliy which La coni-U-d tue to niuka a public ev !aiiUou of any f'art of Hiy conduct durinj; th jautftwiipfliit-cfii'iny- It'iawU auua.that-l. ran lor a aeat in tlia IIoum of Commona a a Whig, against a larga Ik-nioeratic majority ; and that I waa defeated br4he Uemocratiq party. I ain entirely salisfli-d with .the result hare ru.nU no charges, nor have I any to uiaks agaiiwt .i ., l..l,-. sliull tiriilt !1U )v IHC ""' .lull irV th one hull' for the u o! the cunt) , vhuri) tlia XtLUA.KA ILUUlTi'UV. A weekly ater called the "Omul,, Arrow1 a tame-' MI be pnovered, to im paid t" liaB jut beeu aturlml at Outaha (,'ity, in i,ni -., the county trittrws .the o"er halt. to. tn w, U Territory. f hu iwa eit v ojj.!osit1!,i,,4n1,isss Uia periitt wfo Shall 8U f. the San; tobe-lrlnH- HHattiS".Ho.?, for ih priaetit, fa tl ', toM by action of d. U ia any court uf record in Ui ollhw of Ui Ihiik. at tha Ultet nl J. v hava coguiiaueu thereof with tout. mm editor iutirnia ua that hi luader U rittea Uah i-uWduty tba-l for-it, and rh U- and avery ooUnty, awiually to publish the two I u( w,il.hka ate atkka is th Uuuk if preowliux aectiona of Una m l, by auvertimng au m, .(utumuJ. l j.p, night, he Mjv hw aanctulii, aitli the ttar-deckeU liearet fij a ceiling and mother arjth fora flooring, pij iimikla that liia aaid aanetiiiu vaatly ninrscyw ItiMatifff thim' tftcwr tit Wr irfitli tjlora' iu where. V" coiy tlie tbllowiiig iterus (run tla Arrow t' " ' ' V"'"'!' "' readinir tha aame at the court houw door, ou the nret and aepond daj- of tlie county uMirt, which shall barn previoiuj to the nnnual elec two,H4aWh d.rfer,4lf thihU, under tlie penally of tOrty dollara lor eaeu aim or fraud. Uu the other hand, I am amured, that tl,A LuritimufA IkeiiimTHtin maioritv in the counl- Averv nmrtet'L ty was amply auftioieut to defeat uie, without re- i!7. Every person elected a member of the mirtinir to fraudulent votimr. That there were General halL Iwfore taking hi aeal illegal votm given in i probable, but I wan do- therein, take the- tll of alhgiano! appointed ,"M lJ feated without their aid and am not disappoint-! for the qualification of nieiiilwn of the tieneral j " mi7. Plan uf Omaha Cifif. The lota are 69 fct trout and MX w li iigin, aver feet wide, an rvjoi ruiiuing back u, luneatl W UviUl lite wl' "tl hre!iil had turned out 1 ed, for I could not exj.ei t the democraU to elect j Assembly and public otlieers, ami also the oath off the entire tract into amall Iota for uneculaii. our Iota have been laid off around the tuiiiw part ou a liberal acale, including au'aiupk uiim. the l-:rtv who were with tht-in. A (kmn a in4 are' that it wa. nvci-urv thev should arnvi-l in town, he ma.le niouiry of ,,., , ..t" tl'.. tr.."itr " Ins frieinU for a pistol, and tinallr siice'e.ed in i ...i , tuiding his owu, hi iiisi I'arjvt bait, in the hill- The Duke i! Neweatle. one d the I a- , , . , . , .. iuc o.ii - . ar(j nnlfdl:tt,.ly jierthe groi-erv of Hrv- bluet. sa.d.-the .l""1' "retully ali l luimpsou, one if hi friend hav in bro't fi.wderv..l. !k t' : t the tn atv re. ! in re. I to ,.ar,.., frum tiw Cainp. Meeting tor him. U'C'llftrUitdl V t!.eU-al!e.-.lattire. l.te luls ,,ihiI. he sleppeJdown into the grotvry, l-JiinioJi of the !oel e:ii.-. r, ua tiineti, Bj,,.ri. tound I'Uvl.'in.l, and walked up to and that oi.inirttt wa, that the awnt of !,.,, and told him that lie had dapped hbjaws the La'ialature i-f tlie 1'oloaio wa'lH- and lie intruded to kill" hint for it. Cla) land. t-essarv. I n.H tuiuking mat he ; senous, pusimi nun a called session of lint fr-iitit Mi.iui..fl 1, liolil in If 11 1 .-.! i-l k i I..I.I ..f ; 1.,.. r. .,,;,.. r" ' dividual comfort; and we regret to say ' commencing ou Monday night the 10th there is an air of spite and malice ahout ; of October. this disagreeable tulk, that we ..intend - hereal'ter to make a ersmiiil matter. We! NAT. I LAY LAND. ' .A ! We learn from the Cliarlotte Whig of ; simple trutb, I .l.ould not have noticed it; but llSrv; ho.e t'- 23d instant, tbtthia yonng man, who m?,. I,,,, i, exaggerated We cannot stand every : fhot by young W .Ison isst. 1 Iivmg, .j,, BnsW(.r to it;,ri, , will le wise. me. knowinir tliui I wtm a Whiir. and wuuld, if, (o Mimiurt ihu ctdwtitiiUifH ul Uit L iiiUhJ Mat. ; i .. i i . .... . m.: . I ' ...I CI..!... ' i :e .l....t..l u iiumL.r tli i lu- ton. As I have not made any charge .gainst ' eral A shall, by bimaelf. or any oth. r eo'.n.iandmgand bcaulllu pomu, U pri- .k. i. - i f k-r .i: .'i,. ... ;...lir.-..l,. I ate risndenw and gardena. ' All the streets am fore rmlilie. 'thenfom niv nairie is not ! .riven anv mf. iimtuilv. reward or i.n-selit What-1 10u ,,vt. "''-.' exCt'l'1 ".' vo "VeaUes which public property. 1 think the Editor-of the lMn- so,.v,-r, or give or cause to ! given by II 'J "l"1"' "luare. WhM.-li are UO Mide. ocrat stepued out of the way to nrnke a person-! or any other pcrii for him, of meal or drink, A" lllu "K" r lde- ,fr' Uu al attack on me in hi. paper of this 1.10.10.,.-.- ' at anv publh; iu.-liug or collection of the ped-j 'rr.MK . "'?H ? J1 I was not the nominee of the Whig party, and; pie. to any p..r or person, whatever, for hi aDl M uenommuuoua, and tor oaic or their voto or votes, or to inllu.nce iiunori- - . ... . ' them in hi. eU-um. every p-noa violating this 1 , 0,uka-t many of our fore I "d. will action .hall, on dui proof, ! ensiled from hi."1 ' o ,prol.oU.ioe tins word, thm seal in the Uein-ral 1 uur ld,an dictkHiary, t theln. The prop, I pronunciation is O-umw-liawr, acceublig th niiU " Idle syllable. , W have no 'h; now that the ronti-st i over. J-'rmts.-Tliere i. the greatest profusjou anu our auverwamn prnsiraieu, 10 nine reeoi- 0 h,i truitii in tnu territory tliat we liar ref they are therefore not accountable for my eon duct, nor have 1 an t thing to do with any edito rial in the Whig paiers. If llie Editor of tlie 1 Vmocrat had eoliteiili-d ImiMelf w ith staling the The Earl of Derby rciiUed. tliat "If that 'v. ad ri-niarked, in a j.ular manner, that tiling- and wo won t. nnu ins late ill suspense. He id better in whig of vctrdv, that - the Whigr. treat- i .'." w nnpi eaaaiii 10 ui. m- . eu ,11 any rounlyf. 1 luuta, grapeajPiostl,. -file, rf . . J . J-m . . I... I, 1 ... .it.;.,. 1.; .,,.1 u I ' rl , : . .1. .....V . .t...., 1 1 . . , -., -. . H . . . . T rv iiutnl mm of them Ili.L lliouh 1 ictonv coul.l ; .(., I.m iistrwrrii'. ntrN.iu. TJ...iu. 1 1.:... U.--I .1. 1 . .... ..... 1 ........ 1 1..,.. 1 ,. 1 pu. . 1 .. 1 L n ....... k. . - ' rr- w aaaa mm. niwn ui-u an-w nre soluo particular results Whlcll muv as ! 1. 1 1 ...1 ! notli n.r rvrson to .1.1 : but he iroe. oh an.lsavs ...T. .v -, u iu.-.ik .-m ...i,, wvdtt mmor w aVeu.lht.-tt Ute CXdiiJ iLeii lat .1 ren ue. -i4tt'in i retwriiifYMnic'T.TTtiat of ttw Imjierial I'ar'iatiient, for t!ie consent of the rarliamcnt "was not necessary t.i a treaty entered into !y ti e t"r..wn." Tlie puke of Newc.-i-tie said, "tliat the legal opini'.-n w us taken mi the int. whether it was i.t ceary tliat the Colon ial Lcgis.:al;iri- should give etfect to liuait Jmu-W ot -the treaty in which they would W concerned. He did not say that they had any right that did not at tach t... the lmneria! Varhaiiiont. but that tha consent ofjthe C was n.i.-esMrv i.ig: ve tiun of rke treafy." Here ended the to ns to be a vt r ..thing tWft to do with hira. W'ihain th Iu pi-lol and pn-seiita-d It. , I. lav land oauylit wc ije uot0(J Ins hand and held it up. relating the same re- lst This ccc,ion proves, we fear, that . mark. 11? then let go. and attenipUd to step tWnj w uwn jul0cruts thall ! beutiid a screen atanaisf near by, when he re- . .1 . .- x- .1 1.1--1 nr.i -. 1 - .u a 1 1 . W lugs, at tins present writing, in ortli ceive.1 tlie ball of tlie s.itol in the left side, alout . , s ' , . 1 .... 1 . I 'ieiil.ii'1 f Ir, rtvu ciiliiiii.t li.ivL-ninr u-i. ug and H orse again at -night has not yot been arrested, 1 nothing is known of hi whereabouts. 1 . r THE NEXT STATE FAIR that he " thinks he saw my name n flu. deran ! '""iri,w.n. u. , u. .u magogue., me , variet.e, may 1 round n nnt erery local, t. ten. ih one house," making necessarily the im- calumniators. ll,e gelten-up 01 .aise issue, .nu ...a exl,ngly Bue and Urge predion that on that day 1 was IreaU.lg on a large i ' l-"t-''r. of faU hooils j J,l,valr. to ( Vyrf It Is ipeete4 that .1 ... i... :.. . ! 1... ' all kH.kihi; to the defeat of as pure a patnol ; M,,ii. II. 1 1. Johnson and Ma lor Uatewood will I 1 -i.J.e, 1111-ie u-iiii 11, e i. -. "one, 111 low u. . m I f I - , i ('lines off at KaleighonthelTth, ISth, ' slatemont, I think, mab-a-it ii.i'..ary that I,.l'vr l.-m the Mate and to the elevation of u, tlf two opj-jsmg ealididaUs for delegates to a marl to an' office for which he is not ntvd el (Juiign-sa. ther by education or l.v principl.-s sink back I ,-rrv.- Ilie steam f.irv boat Marioa runt U'ZX!? TtUZ hesitatingly; ad our worthy ! HHh ami t0th days of October. Wetrus, makesou, V niiiHrked to Wilson that he had killed him. compeers ot tlie lug press do not think our Lownn farmers and others, will make f tlvMi 0r'ia other 'words, luiiug vole, with 1 conh-mj.t and inM-nifi. to which lb.- lar'ly wry day heiwvea tlu daeaiid.CiMtt- vi iiwuiiurail wiuis-aue l iglit remark, Mtrew , win i,. .io.:s snowing mere. Hie iion. Kksxkth i,.,lor . and nolhin-' hai-'ocrnrnd 'in the r)lm. , oa-e of the p-ople ha-, consigiiea uiein ; out icv im I Hulls. down ms ,,sioi, mounw his horse, am. maoe , u Wum ,,u,, 1 KaISEB will deliver the annual address, liaign which I regret so much, as the .1. ..ii,..t VI .,u'.i,..l 1 t.i h ... r.r.u..l )., llid IIOIV- )ll llll II til I'VI, !ltll U-lllt SSIf.'HrV mill . ' I . ' . , ' , .,' ,' ... ' - . 1 : ... . 1 . , ., , .- and everv thine looks as if the wasii.n ' whk-h was forced uib.u me ot sn.ritiunu oners urn ngni coming on very ucuct ail were usvit f.y tno-tocos, W se- " - , " " " j est.nt. When I commenced U.e campaign, al- Le-i-latures "oon. 1,., traci coma t nearu o. mm. an., uuce our U lugs Iroui tlldr allegiance, so as going 10 oe one Vi s... posing .meres.. ; t ) , w: u, w nd ,at lila-rty to.h. -.rr.-et t.-.c.'.'rmit. nor-! I'UI,K-? rrtttTnoi .''"e. rouln.ght, and fur as to gam this unexpected victory. I .' . --.r.T as I i.l-a.-.l. 1 d.teriiiiii.d to treat a. hill- as r, n, w, .1 I nilriiit ,.r Ihu ,i..y! ,n.,r r. . n- i .. ... 1 "i n MM VI III II V 111- lll . . ... . . i pwit.e. I luring th w h. le campaign I did not 1 1 is a good, safe and pleasant boat. i,H n...t inuul f... In.. n,.;iin nreiMll mii..ll.r in.l .nuluc tl.., lib', in IWlv nllioilna Inuh .1.... I necessity . i - , ... T " I loin.' so to any ! l" -T1" "' ' ' . "J"' '.') -"".'- More. , . I with yilie viclorioiH. I lin , y-'..o govern-, 'I his is th iiM,f. lloms-l .1,11. r, ,-. oi opmiouare low TjJK AXX1-XEHKASKA COXVEXTI0X. exiHs tcd, and th.' .hlfen min are alwavs of ser- ilEI.ANCllOI.Y DEATH. . i i',.,.;., . .1... i. ,. ............... i i: i ... . vice in a frii- State; hut faction never r.isives SriAroiiA, August Id. The Anti-Nebraska of hi. readily tiill in, and' tight over the battle- Oar eominuuitv was shocked early yes- buy .Inn. .rf'atiiriujq-aiuLiiL "r""t" r !'HkH. -'" ;" .' '" Coi.vmiH... iwembled at, John A. a-rain on some other vJav. We will con- terd.-iv inoriiirirr bv the rcnort that l)r ' ink's allhou.'h there was spirits at several of '"' 4i,K'' " ' . "mm n-.i it ...v r.., at ,u,,.,t nn,.- rhainiian. A ...... i.. i- .... ...ii.. - 1 I.,. ... .... .i.. i.... . .i. i . :. i "kllcs. luuttaru. ' ..... . . .dmWion maile l.v the Ministers, that. Mai. Kerrs I?ti. h. h, ?""nali our uvn. 10 UMS ."": Edward Brown, in a tit of insanity, had ! "'T ''""-",- .... , ... , "i"ee ,,, .r-imtmi. ana to noaimate permanent . .-. . .. -.-'-.' t ii., r ii.m .a mi .1 rr.10,1 .roi.ttiir ' .-si.-e i reeK uox. w lien. mere, wcres.-vcrai wair- poS,ewed, Oi attention from our be physicians his many ,,,., , ' r ,,,, ,P,' leaped from a second story window, at ons with spirits. I Uuirh'l one ouart onlv. and " clouds and darkness lower around our h' lathers residence in tins town, and that was alter every man on the ground had . .. ...,-., . , ,...( n,,.l ll...n ....I.. ..A... I 1... I I ...... .. 1 1 I. ,,.,.1,, ' I. a, I lr.ii'1 ii em I Ilia aL-o . mut aot n in.,. 1 " M 'but at tins writtnir n.ttliin.T is timvii ':i,'n..'n-.M !i Mi-m- .. i ...... ...v.w.- w u'.rcaiouu, - r eunoiis one. and the Clayland was taken 10 bin -mother's room at the Colonial Legislatures riirht, tle power' t.'. consent to the treaty iri. -rids, and his heart-broken mother, hut n or to reject it as tar as their interest are hojie is indulged for bis recovery. The range im-i-.!r.I is flt ..nre a singular and a n.v of the ball could not be traced with a rrul. llie uvii easting out evil apima wmiu t,iwrs WRS j p.,;,,,,. A n,oljUB to .j, x be fully as well in keeping as this attempt mlll;lk,, u, ,,r, ., rutl( tt,,j tusinuai Mawd . .' .1 i '.. i' l: ..........! .. . . . . . . and then only after 1 had been a-ked to do al ixonisui m tne inner ieenugs oi pan,, .,ry disk-UNUun, aud the rules of the Assent by a iK-inocrat, who ha.1 voted and election by the political charlatan of the .St,inltirJ. . bly were adopted, A business coiiimitle of m- vel J.-tnne. I he linke ot Newcastle , -i'i"-" p-uuia. ukuv-s nn ' ' J V " "o": -jeered tor fnv, during the day. WhcuiUttaaiM Witlrthe aUe before tw. as asnecimcTt.-teen was i..iutoJ amid Lt'eat aoB&aW ui no nisi muuil Ul UIO i',u SMUl , . k I n ln a tfn n t ie.i 1.. ill pi o n..e l.i. : ' r.k..l I 1:1- l-i " ... .vo .iu,,i . . v ..'.ilia . ...v i in inr 111. . I lllll" Ol lllU I'l.VIIOIl. 1 U1U SO. IJIIO'r . .11 ., .1 I la ll' ... . . f i i i .1 .'. ! an.l in 1 1... hour or t luinii Keix in cr tilt' lli I VI l 'Ci u v sin i''.'iiii-ci, , , , r , . ... i . i i .. Ti 'i , i .i lr an eildanfiti'TO. which thonh accept- 1 mcncar event pas tnrc.wn a pal. ol . ne. cam noo 1.1 vaiiroaas . u otner , , , . , , . ; ae ful M t ncjtlM.r the vauSdM ' 5 t..,! A. J, ; t!, ' i; "poa the Icelltigs ot our whole cdwmu- uupioveuieuis. - Ilts. nas icamca tne mw- . ' , . , . ,.' : " .- f the ! 'ommons would treat rm tfcrtd; an sirrfc-. about .tlie wime III dvetL7dificuity: " nity," and pubhcrapadiy divided between er and capabilities ,of the Great est. ;' 'J 1' "g more serfc, tnan at Dr l( . - ,, ' v . - v..M -i.-j auo. una uvc-u wcu nisirucieu in uie uiu- t"'"- "v; ......i mC i oi.miv- o. s'...i mvsi' and onn ol mv nutmnents on the day . i . fleet, lioth nuint fail ; opposition, eiplaiu.d the olict of tlie Kansas' the estimation of dis-! Ktu' H I he business cuiumittee reported A. T. Me- tare prest- 11,11 JHUUeU l.v Uie . w..,c....ov.i..-,, - S.ll.-.n.A l..,.rl ut l..ri. ..1 ..' .1.... 1. . - I .. ' , ,11 1 1 . 1 I ...... -I : " .... f. . ... . , - CWIII.M'- llllll.l.s. ,rti to it, w.uld be binding on every , u" ' " a.Z" uT:, the X r;.."; . lTVV 7 u ''. ana internal nemornge.' ii, previous. . to,,. ntnen,,u.,e ,,ar-k.-e,,rs ; .. . - . ! K.,m, ot tju. en'., for preside, wv,. ;n,l..., r.- tl. llririJ. empire .. i . ,. . ,.. . t, ... . : """"""e r,u"" deceased had been tendinL'to insanity tor . "nolM ' i,.,i,...ui,-. . . .. ... , , , ! nu an-iaie sn'rHams. . . .1 r .1 . . , - , r,unu' "7 wlU Iliakeu,,'loletulP pooches against , ,, , i- "i je-l, not to treat for me, unl.. the .uh.-r eand, KT 1 us i nuts. e Kan, troin ll.e 1 1. aWmio.,, Mr. Urc l..y from -,. 7 ; ii , i ;. 1 ' ia ' TV - T' i , ; iCiillfoaU. IlO Will no more char-re lll- , , , , , . , , , ' 'ii daUi oicm.h1 a treat. Wn In-lurntvJ in th.- ulumUa 1, tliat an ap-nt Uj vbUuh gointiiilUn-, r-MMjiU--. a wrunt ra 1 ) a nw T lillf ir ll' Tllil. IMIltl LiitT U t ..ura ol 11 rrvi nn.l I lni-l'jn,l I llnr,v- ..... . i I.. ,....1 ... .1 l.r. ... 1,1. 1 s . 1 . . . .. .. .... L. . ' . . ............. ... ,.., .. . , ...... ou th(J xv h ty aii(, , rII,v ,., U11J ms .neuuanau to seep a . evening, 1 learned that all file candidal-, ha.1 suU-ripti..,,, f, tlii. able journal, U now on a Heel thai inasmuch as the prvsenl C (4tlunuii ititeri'sted in it Without tne con-, were raised iu the same town, attended the same . i8 . . 1 ... - i ... . .i . ...... i .i , .. ... . i. 1 ' , . . -.i.7Trl...;--t ,i.,iJr..a Ir ' h.,!. ..l hA !. lk- r-..,kI.U fri-nd. . tuv ucw ll,ut u,eJ V tlie nrst to vigiiuni wuicn over turn, pari OI me lime, -. nu uia.o, course, mi inen.m n!;, to S,uth-is no al Columbia. The wantonly r-opencU the coulroiwiy .Xtiar n of rh;v-tl,ia,e; Iv intrmate whh eV-h other : and. ahhsmrf, f"Lark lM)tiV-llft S privato to prevent Im injuring others ami save- .TT "'' TlVnm is Pl.n,h.d Tn X-w Mild,-. . : ; cans., OlaUaiul WWW. dmau,! lor ai-ier'al ;'""- ,nt,w K'ons cause. It is iio him from.seU-b'struction. They had de- rT ' . 1 71 ...T 1 :.. " r .. ."1 : j -Ii .1... b .h ,.s.n. v,.U....l K..U1 .ru """T ? i" V t,w. " ', ,,....-,'.:.:. 7 ,,,...,,1,. i. Ul..lie,e.l .I.,, .v.v. i.l,.i.n.n. oUcnee now; and Air. Kragjr has candid- ... ...... " ....o.r. ' T'r.Z 'ZSZZ:- " 'f '! ' I'n. 11U nu jaajg. CXJ,:aa JtOOinviinnm fmrrTtil Bdramrrot thr nirhts Missouri 'amt the ILxlv Moti 111 uie i i.ier w.iuris oi uiuv -re ,i souicn Ol O'J- nd fling thejsal'ject bac where it wa sigL&i, and U here it Las U-eil f.,r years, tlie nullify. -a''"" may he for ri.uisolis whollv extraneous to the question of the 'fiahenes, and indeed for no reasons at all. If this i so. and tiiis case is to be a (ire rwleiit. then it follows, that the JJi'itish two only ; if it apiw-ar.-.l ,n any oth.-r 'l."!-. I have ri..t yet heard of it, and it a not d me by I jhinTrnf thr T-l 11, .1 . , i ins melancholy event lias cast a gloom l i, Vrat had lsi n in the habit ,sf takiutr over onr crrnm unity, both on account rif, drap too. iiu-li," that eir-umslan. -e, iii . ..nnec ' ,u knosl d. the ilei-i'iiserf and l,i limllr noil frb.M.l. 'i'"1 "'th the fact, that he must liaie U-.n in' tne shonnunsi'H, to e, fcjaJVUUft4tcjai. WTIVM TiMJT I.Vh a rlion:ir''iv-.".r . -..if Ito-'" hiitthnnd anrt n nil i.i.vbv Vr.'.,i... '-,. .- . , . . t:. . .. e ' A .' 'rr w.ImI. iiI of tlie V. the business ,f r. solutions to lbs otigress has ' respecliwc 'As 1I1 sijndtj couipromix oirtKlWetu' ntaiirs. north of 86 of the lav- hold. i, g Stall's iikd-r the Const, Iu th- Mate of New .Yolk nfliinuaud luauibuiai ti..n. gu.n ihe I'ltieti a claim .1 tha South; 1 '."-'. right and-the dull of tlie general 1,-on ra- which .1 , bond w,:i U- promptly aud pr.i...r im) eau-awiM, - h i A I K- t rf Yuik .I'ouii.-r man eiime an 1 iniserv, niteiiip. rani ", stimula- nana in uie uumes, ana promisea null ' l i -r---ni ted th- bad passipns of young to com- more ot them will help the cause hereal- at me woman ne macic tne lata l leap. ' niit the uatortuiWiAIeed that we have just r ter. eordclc . j iid. We shall liuve now a Gubcruato- We were wvll ai-fluamtiil with both of the rial exposition of the meaning of " a jn loun- men, aim can u.uiv 10 many nooic inii,. ilICloUS system 01 llltenial lUlprOVeinento in Im.iIi ll.eir rharaelir. IL.tli u-ere bruk- and ...Til : ...l: :. i : - -:-Wieni lst '.wr,:-T.v, --.row-to feuit ; .. toh were kmd, warm- ,Uo, md lacc yi,, hl ,he ta." (rtiiiV (UcClii: uat vi arcji..,,.. . hAaK. 1, aud r-tnaikaMy atteeOmiate to th-.r .;.!, ,1... ii.veritor .if - imliriona tar.rT" ..resume. rn r,,l; r.f n ,l,, ; This U only iiil. nd-.l to set nivsilf ri.d.t. 1 a!.id,g I- ih. j-..I..u.i... it.. . n:,ti.,i,,, s tlut jng a i. ... V i-ui dou. wore youagMnunSni ana j , wh( ft... iUVcIltl:a ek-e. , th'em by Jr. Bwn or of a wanton in- ebarges. i.i.t any vul:.u not iuu.,.1 ..f ti.Mt I -mature, conssUilol . whoili "unirrt-jial- W tnir rneri.W : and it r . .. .. ,, . u l " . ' " " " .......i.i t-.J u.-ki ..l. i . .i. .t s- J - "- - . r- . ... -...,.,. . . , - s- - - , , , - - ...... . -. . ti',it.tii mt tlient itlr - - - - - n - -. . . - . mr..imr. rrrr snr i. nrg e.iiTonai i.' is i .if , mini,.. . I - it.rTT rr.. .' .".r.t VSftr, Tarhii- .. flu. tin. .-..1 rtV.. m . ..... . , "'pw,",S' tm "ln" n,r- (.iiTt or uimrt. Il vu natnrnllv ol a. u:. .. . -- . .. . : . . . . . 1 ? L? ' 1 v-rt M !'ft...i!'.,1rrr, , -M-mnr j hl1r: j Timfr-fr ratv,- -' nr nf -tir rrstornrron appivwsi ltS eiittri' it 7 -tcetrtr evrlt Sfns -1" niHilg, - i4u -j. rtwMH man. toe Hitlers ih-ma- . . . . ffjflu S11J klti.t a Ipos troll, and trenf lenian- sha not hud a ti. i'.-arv to ,'ii is r .,i . ii y i - ,i i , . . .ertainlv a n w J. ctnne. atid mav be -ard youth, of the present gcra.ion in , '"t K7 b' i drtLu He has fallen in ; a, . a. w on,,, pte' 'i,h ,.,ua.i ' T'' -' i"" ; So r,T.:,t il-V sound and s.Jl.d,but It ciearh in 1.- ,. ' , . , : Ln. ,l. I ;l.e .,e;l ,h ,.ri.',. of. lift, and bus f,l intlio all future reference to u..e will lie treated as ,r. Imrl bum ,.,p.l.,.u from h thr. and i-tal ; . ,,:,,,.;, ..,;,.....! ' . . t . . ; .. . . , , it,, ,11 1,1 tip .'i r. v. t.o lan.j is am e an. I mere is a prospeci '"- " .M.......ULC, . t - , .,,,...1 11 .... 1' ; .. , 1 t . 1 1 ti ' ' . . .- lilies uie ai-ioit . -. ...c-.... ...- . . . .,,.1. ,1... I. ,,,,,. i,:,.,,,l 1 ,, : , . ... 1 . . . 1 i 1 1 1 1 . 01 o; ui iu- 1 initiiii's. 1 1 Government tocouciiiatc- asid gratnv inrM" '" ""v "- .us i.f..rz;.-".:i"r.-'J.-.c.' ::i.!....-.:l-."":.',"-. -i'. JAi LM. J. i.'nih; . " fi-j-f .. :- I'vVc.,rrrtoTiimsi.'rr Itw-as iricllrable, he never could have had on. Charlotte. Aug. 1 1, " ubliliment, or piTpeluaiion of human slavirr I in ai.v h-rrliory n., or berxaftir to le estitblieh-.-d. , j I he r.-solutMitis dn-larw utMAniDnMnitlafiai'. ; s.'.iuen.-1-s ii,iolv.-.J in the Nebraska UH,' as brhi!; I t-atculatcd to dishonor our counlrv in. the si, si inanklfi'L .lid to .lisi-iilirarw nrt.l,.nii.l h. the mouiuiu. Uhtikl or l-'xano. g.. tU Jigtn-; rhamrtims of lit.nv .ml Il.r... 1.1 tv ,r... ., . 'i ih.; .i;,',,..; '.., 'u-',-.;,-i. "o. ,li ' " r prove each tlie better mend to 1 Can roads, grave a rest, wh'ch, had his case proved . , .... u " ... 1: , ... ... v . 01a iuco lor eaeu uy ins party aiiu irienus? -i . , 1- mMmp , j -iita Zil.. ,.: i,n allV-ianee which iV hf,tr,i. ' can ai act logetner now'; on a stiiiject f e'DIC I. Kflffr'TY OF V V w, ll-nrv V. iu .writ, r adds II" of opinion or I'nf. ri'ins-s. and actlm? rordiallv I log. tli. i . and c.mmeu.b, tlie spirit to the freeriua lr:-h.4. k.-lf Za .",bTTV TW-'T"'- llli 1 iwl SJihnl'Vil.hM, .- .' . . -: 1. i,...i .it ,ri.--- -I r r.oit-u on lois KVSSMSUOnv Jr. I r tllilii, V 4-ry etii.iierv, and not likely to last tin years longer in the Canalas, whetV".f tne treaties is old praetiee.of r,i-fW.nj i 6w tiVad -atty-imw tfan .b t 7 Vlt . , . w 1 . " f- the Czar ; and ,r Char !., Napier made 1,0' ''nll"r,(' of " ("" was also n-sortcd to m ,f ,,-- - n..j ,.. to tdlow thr 1 .1 : . . i..- I 1 I I . 1 .1'. '' I iin-ir-.i " fc. ...... .L T- -We-Brtr mdebted to thr Swretarv fort1"" nuHU.i.r4tu.t..uu1uaum. vupxu. -,iri T,,i rtPstroT-Ttis ftirararT'lter 1ir moled au amcndrnci.t their mnmpte4n mntaatiftd - i.a Aula- iktfkO -Tk wft.las tijiifusivri lisasL ,r c -i .ii . - t , ' . - wlrith has aiwavs been dear to diV-Btof- i.ii , as a i ari v ana 10 uccom inisii w men me v 1- ' c inurun.-.i n. -a nun 1 ; - ----- . .. ..,.-.,,..,1...,.,. last many curn-d in tht citv. tin. evening, about i ocloi-k. , 1 .-. ' ... 1 , ... -, . . ., . " . er trni. ..r nnt v o..nnt .ruialr iV..... .-.r. ihr.. we,, ii .,,,1 il,.t l..f... ,k.i.,, f nr order afnd shouu of applause, nii.e iiian. Bacniices auu suuereu a pamiiiuei copy 01 tne iransactio us 01 , ... , ... - . i, p.. M...I ... .;. .1 . 1 .-. .. 1.. ... ... .... ' ... '.- 0A,,l L-n,.....,.t,. ir .,.. r.i.. i-:..,i 11 iiiaiiy ucicais. j-v us an now tiui our 1.0 fifth nnnna iiieelinrr of t 10 M ca , "--si-. ... ...v- ......... At th- Fifth Ward Polls an Irishman slabbed an during an alien ation, American, llns was, 11 hoi iiui, ifi,,re ineiaTisr 01 , . . ' mo.ilh.S -It mil.t l. Hantl h-aW tin- j r; llwJ hmilM to Ml dtWH. J 'Um vti? m called on tb rf-ao.utiea.and t)i : .. i...... tri.-t :.n t Ki-' i tn-n kla .l.-.l an A inpri. an I liin was, -x..s.. -v,. -a---" pui w.. irionirii anilUHl IIli'l'Linff OI tll ill li'.l 1 1 " - V. -..L .1 i. .t. . ... .t. 1 . . : 1 1 ' IjOw trr W u u aiii.'Zi i,4ki'-'is v.k. w - 1 11 . .1 1 ,,1 1 . r . : -r ,i .... . , . , . , - - . ih ikh . hi r it wr-.isv, ; atiouw ati'l -till r I-oneeded to the people ; it will not be : signal for a gt-ncral atta. k, in which pistob - siiouiaer w me sum, anu move on V"' Society of the State of North Carolina, ' nrors OI 1,10 'un' ,w' ll,u """c0 .e uto.rd' Xaiarii, a. tl- liik.rf Wei-1 ,vrtw "J . to be taken, imally serrW before thev villi .magnifi p " . . , , . ., held at Raleigh, X. C, May, 1S54." tiir. oaths, however, as -touching this hngton term, d ,1, might arrive. Hut England. !' M' ? I,,e riswluttoa tote. o.. tllv had as well Wlrcise the power of l.v 'The mob destroyed a large numV-r of oth -Mr. Bragg is .elected and would ' " C Aiay . . it m o w(s k wi yt ,,e ,,,;,.,, ; probatdhty, w,l not gH,. -a-ov - f ( halau-of .lie rlrrtmw Mura thank, to 1 . . . ,, ij. u. ... 1 rjrinki' basM. and btvk- the furniture l. at.m. have lieeti, without the aid ot a very "dia- ' ft ' erJ n"1 J t? nI book, ol t 1 pages, 1 ' . ' ' " the yer. UrMi f the conventom, d to tbs .tnakui-as ot vetoing t.. em. which MoUei t,. M tn).rou. wld, al. ; tinguished statesman" who aspires to be printed by Fulton & Price, Wilmington. to nscerta", wI,eU,cr or "ot 1,10 ,sw a' i , , gr. at majority of ihe repr.-ssnuiiv of the KtaU iMiiioUing more and not.iing tc man ,.vt.ty ,lhlha ,'i;it ,vou,,, viM to b,w, s;(..ator, and would give a diamond as h contains the names of officers and mem- K'"' tnng at elections were violated. s iatoky .1. Congress for ll.eir ability and li.hdity.and cor- IiMieM-n'lci;ce ; and to c , ;. runire,, ,nilt nve Ji, Wn kill-' large as the State House" to become so. , ci4.t : Hfi(I;.;nn tn .1.,. uni. We do know, that we had more drunk-1 " "'" w"k h"'"u' n"" "' l"-a rf 1';'"' approve the orgaaiiatkm of Kansas and ding in the' Cai.adas arid in Australia.--- a U umtJWOunded. The mob'T,,!? U.j,isative ...ajoritv, ranging from IS of t!.e Sox.etj.n addition to the .M- , , the election 1 "" MP"' 'J'"" A ..,. all other lerritori., freemen. .eare of opinion Unit there 1, scarcely Oir-ab-neil to aiuik the cll-ge. The office of . ... ?..ii,.v,.s o,.r f, U f'r.o,, the neeos- edings had at IUleigh, in May. Also e"""; " ttuunh "ire on me 11 ttiot, ( m M hB , di)y lo,rt-1li ( - anvt.'iing more aosura .man u.e ... pen t!l, t.z,.,,..T deuce ot one nation on another when it tbr.-at-n-d again. is able to protect itseif, and Vj manage its , ,lOW mar-bing toward, the point 'threatened, and iteWtt.atLs.r.. ii i sor a couniiy iu, i1u,ii-.-r Imyst Jurat, jiioiiwealtlis. as llobbes calls it and to' AU.ut sijtjy house. ..r..iwt tbe.ri when vminL' and weak ; hut iow-st ord-r. have been detroy t. a-ert tl-e right 4 "governing them when s-.r-. t there U not an Irish grocery left. f Hi-grown and ftrirj.', and ttmmgh all time, is about as gfo. a in pdi tics as it would be in social life, for a fa ther to attempt to exercise paternal au thority over ins w.'.s at';, r they had come t. man's es'ate, and im and during their natural lives. Had the British Government I'os-ess-ed, at the epoch of our Jievolution. any thing like the lib-yality now practiced to-, ward- it- (-..'..:; i.:- uie I d-j.. -ndelicies. t;,s - .tdrrrrPrn("-rTni-Tir rf r'-.e rmpirrj- trr iiyr( i-aif I by I. .ni I natjiaiii. ami so di-jilore IU,"i, bv bio,, w-mld hot have 1 been atta. ke.1, and is now .ql-;,, .1.- ,,l,,si. u ,ii-l, il.r n.,.!t!,e Constitution and I'y-Laws, and an Kigat military companies are - . to j provided the mountain dis- appendix, which comprises an annual ad- r n ' i . t - Zi. V iiZ to ZlZS"'1 to carry the State for' drea by.J, D. e8,M,XL,,naan ',are ..x&ti&yZV'&iiXt waiiTto.t neeI- fon Malaria, bv Charles E. Johnson, M.- '" wcre ---HW-bj the rd" mostly Irish groceri.Vof ,h- ' 5 bar&m is ended, and the " dis-; which ktt'r wc dollbt not is a yalla. brutality and degradation which were eendetroved. i 'a Morgan tinguislieU statesman is not to be Sena- , . ,,,. . r., , c ., T,, : thenexhibited, and we have reason to hope d tor The treason was not useful, and now Ui' Pr"(l"ctt1 t" the Profession. The 1.1. . . 1 ia man ive ever i.eiore wiinessca on a ,.rtllut th t r.t pimnple. uf li.avsrr.ry frum u. similar occasion. WhUlrij ruied and ru-' ruihitM , f i,!ukI rwmir.. "In um. se ined the honor ol the dav. Sober and . 'r""; but . pr.Hii,.i , fflif tfl jf&kl cans, lor wti.i'r; i)i, npn hss baticusu lon-j, n.l m.ufully. sliU ishI be ftsm ng- uit ,a lair li.ii.ds lh.1 we shiitl it.s vvery h..,isst .n- ( pC ilvsvor lii j.r.'iii.rfs Itiq irreal lrull,a.f ihs Demoer.tic ,b,. 1..,. l.,o.l, , .., ,1 ,. i nnnnndir fllan coM,nao the fViile i,f M,- : ,uf -"' ta-n-un.inrsii-wa in-r-n - -- " ! s.1.1 ,J an , C.... r... r,.,.,. hut the itsiiV to ih,.ir li,'urt r,,.i.'- dli'nl F,..;,. .do.Ll .v X i,n difference to the feviln of. the trallic, wcre "Z"" h? r"u" "JUM ,-ri'"'i ..... i.rrAin ..i c 1 11 1.-. ' .n.iiv 3 ....... ....... ........... . , - ...... moriiin' of the 2d inst. a shockiiiL' affair tent. - . ; u.lir-nl A ism-iuti'im mid which i 1 brought oeciired at the liverv stable of .N'owleviV ,;th. It happens that several democrats '. 1 .. ... 1- .., v.. ,.r v. -1. straining it. We also learn that gome of" V"'" tbiief.v.. ! by the p., nest and partiality of a very intelU- May. in Memphis, fenn., between. Cap., ure .elected, w ho, ?on in their party ' J fthc candidates iu Davie emmty treated ;. XlZZTlZ, Trr m'm to ..-... A. Uiiiiklev, master of the steamer umph, are .lisj.osi'd to reward talents and , v"irf",,ia- Lnj ,,0 MMC in ;lirh), If it ,(. ,' le ....M-s r i. n..i t i.i.i.... ,., u.. I N,,urtfl f SUte,-a bolj consisting of fifty James l.aii"hliii" and Mr. Charles May, patriotism wherever found. The State i In glancing over the list of members. . " ' ' ieri..,-fu,r..w.-. wv .1-.11 ..,t r humW. . j "" ". nd oms:d usually of iu very best nt- orn; of tlie Proprietors of the stable, in owes inucli to .Senator IJa.Iger. m-Imi-I, riii-' f. .rnierri.'ri veil several wound., has done Hum art tin M ;,! if f'alltn. We notice thai William A. (.ralism, hile Whig candidal for A'toa. l-U-4mif -ttwitsst-'itiiW, Ira. wr- -Ci-pted seat it. the Legislature of Sortli Caro lina. This reminds us of an unsuccessful avjstiliA cant for the II nana Consulship, who, as a la . . -1 .. u .... ' . ... 1 . - ... J HpiH:4.i. e-m-su3i.i -fsijf W WnS lltlll ft rTe- hl suil oldulhis. .Vui. JJrm. o. - .1..11.J 1. ... . . l i I lie HlKive strik.-s us as a very hint arwimn it to, reali.o the necessity lor re- ,ni.,,w, P unHsn..ksn,iherei,ydinii.iii.i. u. of I)em ra. v. Mr. (irahsin has been clreu-d which have prohahly- j.roven fatal. It ed her better or accomplished more. one u-e were snrnrised to find the names of so few r, onrWesfrrti physicians. One ought to bo proven hctore the next Le gislature, and everv such otlender expell ed. .o man who violates the law on tins nai e promt-i in... 1-11 1 a 1.11. 11 ' - - " -" ..-- ........ ,ni c. , . . . . ... 1 c r I 1 ' ..- . ........... ..... . .. .... that there had Wn someditlicultv -Sntio Democrats feel this ; arid mai.v , f X'M 1 "U onc at a f "r-' n" "M '," subject can take a w-at in the Emdslature 1 -l-i .1 . . .-.ii.. I... l....ll'....r... ,1 n ialusti- pikw- U-t a- g --i many - year . lltsKitfUrdt---wa-sM''-4W -i.atBi'-.d'- things. ftiul it shiiuld tike p. ace some day or iithcr - to'.n ..r late -and as things turn ed out it was I .'est that it was noon. Since tin- foregoing was w rilt'jn, the ; treaty ha been approved by the Senate State1, and has to ti" ap C 'atiadian Parliament bo rat ti.-d ; and it is thought wh.-t! "r that b gi-la!iw t. It .: . Th.- sti!c.rt ,.-r -iv ' -T' -t i .i-. i - . her treaty to I . Iho iii-aii tun-- I'i- pi--ti-!i- ' : " , .. 1 , . . , . - . t 1..: i -ii--,.... ,.r ..1 jet '.-eii them previ ously, ami thati5riiik . ''a4o 8au. mat lie ougiUl to 10 marries! r.eriiiriii" Itiiiiself fTnrl no ...-r- 1 .j .. .. ... 1 .-i.i .l . ; .11. .,,1.1. - - 11- II er.. .1 .t . ...1 ... ..r 1 1 1 II... . l... ..., . n -- I ' , " 1 .- .1 . J,..." ti... 1 .,. 1... ,;,.i., , ii- ,i ... 1. .. , , . .,, , , jureil man ought to sit 111 our I'gislative imnie.i. lor me luirixise 01 oriiii'iii'- ".'"..'. wv. . . ,, .... noi ass tin'i'iif,,. r.i rin- ,,i.,,.tv win ne luoii 11, litis .. .. - in., ro enjeiiuu uo Im .sir. 10 ve -s- T Halh.. Mav hrc 1 live siK'-' isivc shoJj aLiiia re- ikt ' , . "." . . ," . . I eople of Row an, Mecklenburg, Davie V..:T..g'pistoi;at lirii.kley, nearly ail of doubt led. Iiut lias he not honored the "'" ,,"r'1, '"Wlay in -May, 1 we ,.rke. k wwt.r or llut vvliich ,o.,k eHVt in different part's of hi- State f. lias he l,t wielded a powerVid not physician, in .part of the f la(J(,s trea.(1 to Ulflm th, J l e Wounoe'l man was oonveveu mo nenaio , lor ins iiaie, .s,.aie n, .1,1,1 Lnuiiinc-isn! i me oppor pshtltlies ,,. pruin.'t. the ml. t.-i of Salisbury and our I iwns. If it te' a "mighty fall from Is'llllf a ..wn , we,,n. candidate for Vice I'ri'sident to au election of ,J WHlH-sls.psr(..r tht4K.r will nnmna. un. stat S..r,tl,r it j, 01M) wU.h )M .lUxi Nr. 1 lunj-.l, and s luiinisn d b.-f..rr, ws will fiul In. f..snd . , ' , """"" t '" . in .lis re.r .rf ll.s ll.m.rf'rsiie mnk. (In aeeounl of j ,ri'll,l" " position iif most honorable Ueful Ihei .i '.lk ut Uie . Uuiuu i l.u.u weus, lb. Henaln. . dlcss to liw SLUi;. . -VVli. ih Ui'o. Were UlOte . .bs-t fr.n ih ifeiM.1, ihers will t a,i..,lier e-no.t in ; su. h - falls" iu all jlic Stales, uuviacedas we "T- "f I""- " r'""i",i- tl'-- lh-r. bv th.Te Isj n uiuraliuaja citd.d,.a hnrr s-.l ten ,i.,rH, bat whrri lh sie.1 .1 . ,-- ,- V . . . "-"" . lI.JII.4. -4! J m ,tjj4u.ju.i ii.ffilfs 'r1''-1-''1'''11'1''1' Ih.i riiiinlnr and in lbs asiaractet Imii I. f..r I, . ... . a,,.! nevrr flier ikii .1 our flsj ui , ."' l-gi-lalioii. In our judgment, however, th tr.iiiiiii ilirmili ih nmit-ii aceeptann- of such an olllou by Mr. ha 'I u -.r,. t .dm.ta. -rr few of s-luim ws afs , b,i, u ,L.ij.rH.i from iliirnilv Tlu. ulihir sad nti.4 w III. ra nl.ud 4hs lis, id of ., - . . i , .1 1 - r C ill of tho I;d j.r'ivcd l y the tore it can be to be d 'i'llic (.Iv w ill api'i then nil the lyas P. be re lias Pj tatif pirp.a ttiaoc, ihhI immediately to Dr. Creighton's olli, will) scarce a hope of liis recovery. May was taken before an examining court ami iii,-e!iarg."l. th- testimony going to prove that hi- I:-'- had bi'i-n repeatedly threat-n. il I.y Ih.'iii.i-y. E'-iutnij Jlht!n. .r .v.- . lule r i.- !!. an 1 invoU.'d v. i!) !e ge'ti alpd. ulid iUilit'44tL. to be ni'Ut.' fjiu- .1 1ikT-- in. n i l .fut-L, iay .th" San Jori .,:.ti l;-j'U!i' 11. 1 i ''. on M .relay aH-r- ( Hi M.s U.-illlUlie ll.;l, IsHW'-ell .Sir. I.fllore, , , jintv Cierk of .'ah. ra-, and a Mr. Imdley. J !.- . iii-- 1 1 i'i llliioe maim, r of s. jnvrt ; nf i.r in ii..ea..)i .uUu-r. to uuof tluiir wounded lloiior winch no other member has : 'Does iiot every' man, Whig or democrat, who tra vels over the cmiiitry, feel his bosom swell 'with pride, when the nauKJ of Senator l.a dg. r is spoken f Has not his eye glis tened at the glowing terms in which his name is always mentioned f We have felt it ; ami we know that democrats have unity then afforded them, and become - members. (.result of the election. Permit us to call your attention to tho following extracts 'itl.niitsil will, w rilt.ifl llts li.itd l.f.,1,. . 1 1 1 .1. -r. J.;. ..ill In. -1.1 .. 1 1 .r 1 ' 1"'.". 1 ...l.oiis isiiii lllli'lioi .'i. lr,r,i.l.liii. IoOhmt witli .h.,111 we dilter 111 p... ' J . 7 1. 1 . .. .... t. , . ..iiml ,,,, we ,..,.v.,r t.. u.. .11 Mr,,p,;. "Iter holding the first 111 the I. limn, (the lat- coiirieay, beli-vinf that" reason ars ni.aH ! '"T eriing for tifteen years in ill. House of Ih1 sir.', niai in,ii.i in. r.sai end. f. i wh.rh a. arr ,r. seniatives.) ami such servu-e is still more from tlie Revised Statutes of the State of An' . , , .','" , . . . , o.mtmm at tU South than the North. The ...... .. . i . : : : :..n .t.. l tt i t.w that u is senice which cie lignily to place rather than men to position. n..... k.. 1., ,r, i...i..,.iil,.,l I., i.intmu.ia (Ii. AmiltW into the causes which w ere at the bottom 1 your members elected by those laws and "' H'"-1 . "' 'im your acquaint ancr ; yf the I'nited Smt.ii after he nlirrd from the Tiik St. liiot. The Kt Louis In-- North Carolina, passed by the ( Jeneral 1 p"sn, ju.i-iwnt op..u us, u,.nl we h.v. bee. ti lligenci r, after a patient investigation Assembly at the Session js:;.;. .7. Trr ' ",wi!!",,U'"7'" , , , n J "3 v. ,,l. few words, lonil rssder. nt d.. ..(' the late disgraceful and fatal riot iu settle the ipiestion with yourselves, whe- for ll, In, uie. H'liutilttat H'lHHfr. t V I not Itls often atiid tliat there oudit to be --tri.u,ii1m"satMt.ap.iid hiiitaaf siih Uhieaa:btt:,o we ,J; . , ... ' -tw' CicorrWatixl -mirwir. the o'ln'r with that mitrht to have If) b-ilowship with -the '"(' ,,f 'I'' t:.. i o. .if . a whiidi l.a- :j-cii k ig .roii.i ';;" jlth iiijds P. !r:ti "i'i-c !'. n.-.ikj as V Iius-ltj. I 1 . i w i. al r.f.-d pi r. -I lie- l.iiO-s. npanv. ..I irk,', r,i t tw-iitv f. lii.-v . mi ll h oth-r. 'I lie eombat-r-.l a:. ph. .-it'.'i.i inn.i!it!, f-r r.'in.rki us ,'. 'let ls.-!l. r ol' Mr. I ... ti-ni,. 'jt i:a. .si 1,1. Si vera! ate now en in t:......i..;i Priming di-partifient ot l;,.' l..g.iter ---f.'iMi-lnr.i T!.-y Ji.-tvc h .iriicd 11; a h v. tv w weeks a- '1 as l.-.y- t'isi.a'ly do ii, naHiaiiv- iiii.nh.s. f -r lb. rva-mi tbnt tbi-y nre be'!, r j r. par. i ,v 1 al. : '..' In ta iiioi.;:.-. .:;..i. . carn.ji..jj t;..n Htiy .CIM of 'Is- 'f' a' teachers in o'jr ..... J.iW4dtie .'Tl'Sltl . W-; :, Vw-' '" fT.nVi.r am! b.'.di '' - Th. at U h'r. ..1 dkstui itivj: i-'un:. 1 ioiir. Coltem !.nd 00!,.,, Mills. a f'i 1 -i 1 r 1 of (.arfies-rn this State, as a litter ai and goncroiis, but jut course, in the don, maul parly, towards on,.- who is tin pride of ti..- Whig, -honored for his man rif pin it v 111 the hearts of all 'f'mmjjhyr 2K-'0 Ktriirii SlatuUn. 2. If any person shall al any time Is fore or any . I.-. -iron, eith.-r ihre. iv or in.lin i-tly. Kniin lbs Vurkvll! A CAKI). TO TIIOSK W IIO.U JT. MAY COKCKKH. ia'.oii, lijlill., !!..- oirrti ililt. n-ri-Th n (- tc.i lit jll'i.o,, Si; insurance i'C ore,. I by s- i- " -!ima- ;:i.'"i. " i j y !,s ("blUt'rateJti, "'i'i'' lif'ly Itai.', Is , wi-tu. liiiuwr; ouLof.tiikspto,v. :Ttoe, 1 . Ttfre'trr,-,is s.;iMi.e-si Xf ira-v-est-..i. fi. -r at; j Presidency, and all feel now, felt Ucn, llist be felt so P so. i.ut cm tiiey rise high enough ."'at city, guys ut was a jmrely accidental t her or not they aro qualified to'serve e accept the proffered hand of our "'""'" "l" l:"lr' ' '" willingnesa to euur above party to be patriotic in spite of pur- outbreak; and that no native or Catholic : you in tlie State legislature. And settle -neighbor and brother in the chair eiiitiv I "'"' 'ate in life. li ihmg and party behests i c think fi r-ling, as has been alledgeil, lay at the the qlicsfion, also, of your own responsi. rial, most cordially. A short, nemmin-' time, enlirelv confident as wu are that' the bottoiu-of it at aUt'. It was commcnciil billty for this corriii.lioii of llut ballot lu.v ! taiiee. and (hp tirst 1111, nl. or of bis. ,Lrinr 1 will be ,.b nilv rH-ncfitted therebr. A"ia .... ..... ... -. ... .1- I ' .-..--..:.:-.!------:- liy sevreral of those blu.stenng.arid light-: ana of onr I'giiJati ve Councils. tvhieh are lo be found in ieviirv : V log- on tin; other side of thu Potomac, city.;, and the circle of the disorderly wi - . . . 1.1 11 ...... 1 1 . . ... 1 - 1 , ' ' -1 , . , . . .s. .n.:iig vio.ii'i so 1 1 1 .... 1 a a 1 1 accoiii piisii ijeiicn, ana "'rew liei'cer. Oceanic .ft... a gn at ri'.f. I hat the tirot grog sh,.,s give any money,, gratuiiy or reward lo any destroyed, were attacked and gutted I. ! '" '' "r "r '.'" ''"" "r "' :,n.v "1"1')' or di-in. t, and a successful adventurer Ho is cnmjc- 'TUK l"MKl;si;xEI, sortie wk ajn. cause "some offending parties hail taken ' !" "1 r'Ti''' "' 1 ,',l'"r in politics, it -is true - but as his is' a t"1 fu,,r U f -W,NV , .,' f, ., I'-rson lo Is. elected na a memU r of lliel.en- , , 1 H I whi. I. were wei'dnsl here Crirrectlv. he knows, rcliige ,n them; and that after the work, eral .Wmbly, every p-rs. oir-ndi,,g B,aH """"" l---nd. in .N. ( 'aroliita Just at I by hmwelf and another. Oa the return of jal- of destruction had commem-ed against I f"ff-'t "'' pay four hundred dollars, to la- ncv-; this time, we'll not nllow that In .lisfiirh I il snem, that mu.Ii kai. i. n..sWnu.l a. having ,,,.) towards, .'inihiing .onr good ,U(. S'h,.s ,,f u certain class, the rioters ,,v a"";" i,f''lebt','in any eourt of record ,1. rrii.mi; i',.,,ti .,;,., nv,.s ! Wh i, off near .rrrnW. ta.nnds. and thi i -id them all.-J lie Intelligcuciir K-iys i-ontinnaiit of that I .ejit-ral .WiiWv, which , sides, who knows, he being y.Mti2 tti, , unl to other, a. w.-tl ss mtatdf un.l in tlii h tl.ere was tio attack made upm, pri vale 'W ' I'-i-nl,all Is- made as aforesaid. forth.' benefit of the ladies we w,,I,I.,m' '.lance, to Icarn.-if isrf-ihle. Uw fcult-k vnman'uil and ill, hj -but tl,,'. i,(.Ht twiV n "' U ri",f" 'w-" inai grow out ttf ttkiiJ.OJLjVa onrj , ' H p. jioVP. -Imw -bi-fore. lis ..nil rrisMii tiu -I',. it..i.i.),t,r I ryfrw. .. ... , M , , v f siticercly w ish brother Can vov may re- j llli: his highest hopee-iii cunncct'i, .n with t the'.ii ss, and may prove, as we believe! he w ill, a valuable accession to the corp., I and a successful adventurer. Ho is cwoji-1 tnl. patri but.-, old head 'tl late i-rnoi rats, and' who has contri ur iimiIik r . to -jo'ipi pi, iK-r I. out blushing, among her proud C;tn w- Ik- thu, uiirti-d - fused r e. think not. .. J-hitri.u4M.ia'ni"sl v fiirr-mtpmriprnnci' p. loial a,,.' liiiciici".' , , there was tio attack made upm, private " '-i..-ii..nuaii is- made as aloresaid. : 'riid.T,ces. or.the rhifrchr orthp Calho-, ,P' lf''yJr -"ta .shall l-tont. with -. .,-...... ?.r - ---,,- ;eiin..-r iiicalr.iriiik, 'in anijil.ay of (Jaion.,rl !rr.,;atld there was at no tune any ;,, lU,, th(.r(.t( W, atl inUnV4a a. 1 1.1 u ..I.. .... " ' . - I. fhr-aninr -irrrnT "rrTjor.jK, fin nc iliw cti jrfrson so tttVadBAhi-r- f -

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