j r." vy, .. - . - - - - .- - sfiSKi' i' " V ft m ; W. ? r3 'a m yHifr - - - H1I liil i PfwtrUa tjirrt. flirt SrirnfM, aittaUttj, anU tjf fmWMt. . - i A OL. rXL-NEAY SERIES. J. J. BRUNEU, i EDITOR AND PUOl'RIKTOR. TERMS : Two Dullu. .year, paMwiitrre Hire. bmiU from 4at. f MilMcriptina ; iwotMUuw .ltd fifty n if nul pud helbra th exprntinn if tb ye.r, .wl three dul lu. .Iter lh year hu expired. No pprr d.euolii- ned Mtil Ml rw.K ld P ' . "P" f ih. Editor. letter, to the Editer niurt he put paid, to nufHire Mieatnu. 8 5 y o " 5 5l3SiS c I j jSIilV:MI"Jw" 5 1 5 iUJS'iSSt e 5 1 it a 0 a 3 n 3 5 3 "3 . iSSSSS! -5 E a rr. 5 WiS 8 S3.-, j i?sii it 5 T $ 3 c unw.al ( ; s i i i x ' o IrZZ; . inlkinr It nr 1 1 Muarea, rh.re. . .1 law IK flTMM 1IUML . , - -u.ti " in .ii ed ia pmprtriioii i i ph" -" -i ,JI ,r.,n.ii.i la . All fracu. -f . r. u. ! . . ehan,i in propor.. .o o.e . - . . - k . k. .incn it .. . iraciamu V" . , r a.Trr-TE e,aie u.iau - , ..... lurta. douara, for auaouncuui caudaUu. fc u4k Ceurt drdrr. chuft 23 per rent higher lhu the .. rnlefc Order, for divorce .rf husband d wife. (Ill eaeh. I rPerwHM ending in .drerti-me nl .re iqiiel. -d t.. rttr the number of uweruuu. required , nud if , i wndw-d they dmiM eea.y lh b-.rt lee, write u p. u. the back the word rhur. Other. ie tl,eT will W. pat yp ia the o-ul charged .-e.tfdintty. IjT JVo dwaxint on tn rnie IMERML IMPROVEMENT. A Ccirtraf Gonvntioii oT lfie friend of In ternal Improvement will be held AT SALISBURY On TiarWiy tkt md day Stfmhrr mit. Tlie obiect of the Convention will be U consider . aud-.rKmiiie:a.. Improvement, by Kail Kfads, for the State. ll niuntie are rwiu.-led to send I M. jeabit, ...i -II feL.e..ls of Internal lud-roveineut are ill- JtMra.M('..'l-4 Cha. F. Fisher, Nath'l lJoV'Jeii, John V. hllia, IS A. Ihivw, John I. Shaver, - hi. Murphy, - Michael Krown. ... ':..tiU'"' ). F. Cal lwell, John A. (iihiier. J;.b Slier. .-Hi lii- Woodan. Ir'dtU, rf: F. Cowan. " "Ti: VT. .SinJi ra. AHfolmlttm, MumtfinrTf, t I h-la-rrjv. S. It. tliri.tian. MvrtmaMptH, 1. A. Harne. Vir Honor r, V. K. I lickiiison, A. J. Ih liosaet, Tflos. II. Wright- Orntlnc, John A. Averttt Randolph, Jona Worth, II. H. Hlii.it, A. II. Marsh. fftm.d, t A. Iha.kery. , i, . Hohmm, 11. S. Fr-nch, It. K. Troy, Kdmund M.-tiucen, X. A. McU-an. Sim ji.m , I'atriek Murphy. K. 1. 'iohbng. Slanty, M. T. Wa-ldill. IVoyar, H. I- laive. OramviUr, A. W. V enable. II. Ilailev, li, W. iuhtuott. Wake, A. C Mcltttosn. 4awa, K.F. l,iy. ; Hertit. J. It Cherry. Burkr. E. J. Erwin, : It. 0. l'earnou. . Ii. Satterthwaite, 3m. E. Hoyt. , Hmnemmhf, .J.V.& Hardy. CmmktrUmA, (ieo. McNeill, It K. Krvan, K J. Ilal'e, C. T. IUi)b, Jo":ph A rev, Fl L. Winslow, John H. Cook, I). O. M. llae. (.. W. L MoOjrkle, A. Ii. Mounsly. ' A. J. Troy. 1 T. I'aine. CaldrtU, S. F. ratlersoll, V. A. Irnoir. Uuflm. y. Ueid. . Vntrrrt. M. F. AtWldell. 'TfTTf liriifiTTiT" W Hot Ian. " Jos. illiatin, J. Co lea. A LITTLE SINGULAR. The Editor of tlie .trim cprcs-cs satiefaction in regard to the tvntiwv. be fore the Coroner's J nry in the Newark ai l.iir when the facta are, as the New York -" uys, bat tho- Jury iixprejsst ..pinion as to the origin of the tlilliculty. 'Tlie verdict simply declares, 15t that tlie man McCarthy, who has died from tlie effect of gunshot wounds recie y- datthe tifiwi of the) riot, came to his death by wounds inflicted, by a persim S'tf- attenq.t, tn ti.e .Innir. uf.known, '- aVf.ari fitrv," haS tHJCM tfiadc Vi detcrniine wi.iiTi .....tv c.ii.iiiieliceil the assault , no I oat.if- !s attached to 1 VitestatltS or Cat i- ' lie., though one or the other was cieany oi the wn.np as the assaulting 'rty ; the .I.ry remains entirely non-com,,, itul; ani i VAZZt pro. ...o.j ........ 'i'-!:- will l,e instittltij.1 for tlie purpose oi tl.towing light upon the affair, 'lhi. m: .nee is the more remarkable when ' irciiiii.tiiiic. p, of tho case are considered, ! v l..i. it i known that intense excite - n . h! I,..s . vi.t.-d in Newark since tlie i . .I... .fellt Of. DAVIE COUNTY I AGRICULTURAL ' FAIR. LIST OF KEHIM Offered by the Davie County Agricultu ral Society, for the year 154. For the jrroatfwt yield of Cora ea an acre, 18 00 For 2d best yield', do do ft 00 For 3d W-st yield, do do 3 00 For tlie grcaut improvement o an acra of Corn, H 00 Fi-r 2d Iw iintrov-jiii.-iit do 8 W L 1 a.l l. .1 For adjust do - W- -4 W For ifreioBt yield of Vln-at on au aero, 8 00 For id do do do 0 0t H 3.1 do do do 4 00 For the' (rreatent yield of Oat on an acre, 4 00 For htrgest aimnfnt of TobiWco in itiv leaf, 5 00 .for ltd Uo uu ilo For the bent yield of Cotton on an acre. For the larsrntt vk Id of lruli I'otalovs on I of an luiK- 3 00 3 0D 4 00 4 00 3 00 1 rvr d" d" '"'t I otatoea on do For 2d do do For 3d do do For the heat Sov and Vig, not to lie oti r .11 I I l it.-. in ,., ti.r fMi For tl, Ui iCmt un.lertwo year. old. 3 00 For the best Stallion, 4 00 For the bo Jnek, 4 no .. .. . it .... : Kor the U-t elden Horse. d 00 i For lb.- Ix-st Hr.jod Mar.- Colt, the Colt to be under one year old, a . . i , , . t. 'W l '."? l"" ' " . .. "0 for the beat Mule between one di two vearn J iw - 10.1 j For the beat do under one year old, i 00 . I I . II t I i ... aui ror l ie u N o, . ror tlie bet all under one year ..id, - 1 4 uo . , . , . l 3 , 8 ., - For the pair of Chickens, For the UtI lu Iiuimi luriiiiiri'.w, For the best one-horse do For the l-.t Cultivator, I tiO 3 (Ml i (Ml Oil i OO 3 HO i no .' On , I mo . j For the lies! Htestrtl I'.w, For the bit Wheat Fan, j Kur the U-t Suaw -Cutter, For. the Usi pair t.a male in lh.'e..uiity t For the b-wt twf hw, ' ,hv - ih i htr Uft sMimsa SJ dt l'-ppT Leather, 2 Oil ! 00 ' Fo f Apples, LADJls.'.. DKILUmOX.. 1 For tlie nicest ( 'ouiiler.aiie. For the liio'st pair led lUalikets, For J.. CiMrhd, For do tinlt. For ' do 1 able Cloth, For do pair W.n .. ii St. kings. 30 SO I j r,r VHl j,,., ,,f Car tmi, , For lt sis inv n ..I N.-. .II. rs. I j K,r lfct made lloiupuu 2 0o: '.ml. i' ' nntK. AGKH lTV flAI. rUH. The seeond annual Fair of tie- Ibi, Atrrirultnrat fta-irt'v, will lie M m Thiirsibiv slid Friday the !th and 10th of Nov. Bet at Mm'kniile. Bt Wl.uh .la.-e ampi-provnm Ke- made for tie- aesuiuuiualaiion 11L su lUitl. as may be etrtcred for-itiil.ition. ' j. x. w 15 i:r.v. LW. HecttUuif. '-'i-kSinrmk:rsrr' . 1. From th l.ynThbarf Rt iuMican. Vailrstr, rannaiytiAn VtMn T. Tt r hhtirCT a1" vwuui,vv Ww.wwn, 9 and Horth Carolina. KJitor, f tht K-pMiru A wnwr in the " Wewtero I temocrat," printed at Charlotte, V C, in the No. of that paper of the 4th instant, .. ....... .f i.i .1 ...i .... over me ftiirnatur. o. .,..s ..e.....i.. ....e .-" with gr. al ability and lile-rality a connection by IL.ilroa.1 of I't.iH-r North Carolina wilh lied-! -moii', Vi., in preference U) making the roa.s of his State to tend towards the tea-coast in the ii neighliorhosl of li. :iufort, a country which hasj justly be. ncall.nl amkibion. I tie writer oi - -ws sienour, i. nm. i. ..i; - ville as the is.int of cf.nn.-ction with ir.nnia, throws his line too far Sonth. I m lie- 1'o.t 'at titiils r, contains le-s of the nu-; j,jm,.,v p, , , ,lrlh.li , bM.t (., I.s.k around A road ttartii..' from Charlotte or Salishurv, M"tve j.rineipU than eiil.er U tlie former, !, 1! v .'.. , ",,',; it: , !,.,. riv..r atornear''" "of biglily eVUiiil IV.r irr-IIurat l'r-l ,.!. and more droppm off my shirt and N . C, and crossing the Ihg Iran nv. r, at or mar jt , , ,u,hW1, of ,.,!lv, I ru(iij((. Jijwu lm. J.r 11,i,i. Sw,.lt the town of Madison, and thence on to Lynch j w fmU,.nty tl.,. it i very pnsluctive and ; B ().r. lM ,i1(, f,r ,K)k ,,ut a ,injit MV ,WM burg, would make nearly a straight lih", and j sU lor liumb-r of years. The prairie lands are j ijjv,.,,.,! Uj, j it fur a nap. Nu iis.-,'ihoiinl-fainnto and form a part of the irreat Piedmont ' g-ilerally easily broken from the urii.ni.al slab', jt,j ril?lll ,)fl , . lk,, ... ( ral!t ,,n a meal trunk of rail.av, now completed nearly two- """" ;-)"', ht a .ingle y-ke of cattle or t,lt,,,if , ,,,. in . kive,ll and crnwle.1 , , V, ., ' u,.nlri. I'",ri"f mul"" " lU"' H"'1 lUo- y,arVthni-h amleiveniedlsfiu Uyili'lohid... i.A tlnrds of the distance between Alexandria and. . ,r,U)r ,,, . fa,, average a,, ,, Mmi mJ, ,M . Musi, Lynchburg; The balaucu oCtJiis road ts:t-W':';n IIIHiro iv now is'iu piii out to cntract, and w;li Is: built with all possi ble Seel. ' ' ' I North Carolina, ill conncf ting wilh Virginia: on this line, will not lose the' Fasten. Markets of Virginia Norfolk, Petersburg, and Kichmoii.l, ' . . . i . l . ii- . i j .,t ; as il ts deterillllefs4 IO eXteno lie twn...e.w. - llamilic railroad up hi, and Is-yond this line iu , a W'esbirn direction ; to that uch portions "'I i the travel and lounge coming on irom in.- .s.nuii, abiw rt.m-b wilUlftid.l.Ufet4 .unrkH. ., tl..; Ilaiivlll.- railroad from the, point . I .1. f .nters.silion. or may coinmue on ... ......... biirV, and the .lame, nrrrr mt iwtrmwtni-rwnw and South Si.le railroad may !. used. The trong--,t reiwoll why Noftli Carolina ... . . .... i. i should encourage a ctmeelioii by ranroiei wuu 1 . ' I kynchburg, is n.rf that aba would have acta to. tl.c iiiaboard of Virginia' ty -'raeaTr i vm r ,,..,vt.,,,,.,.i. nam. si, but, that by U.e Lynch- ,iur anJ Alexandria, and the Fredericksburg jj ( il)riluUKvM,, railroa.ls, the new markep. of , , Ali.IaIii,rill ,, K.ltimore would : ( Tol .n.1 all I- grca, mineral pr,s.,-s.. , - , I,li,l,ed Lynchburg, by as ... .......... - ,lHrUt Ut u, the gee competing ..point f-r the ..ur, hnse of all th" vari.ll productions of the Soutli aud Houtli west of her, . V . IIKNIlV. North Carolina (rimdly bi JT" Ad papers ... . ! Skuctii, OM'UiLtft Co. Tx. n- n u . i ill' i. Editor Car. Watchman: IHlicutiff Uiat ii .. - hi : . . tlie encloM-d ( oiiiniHnkHlion would be mtcreat- : . , ... i mil to many of tlia renuVra of your paiier, I . wild rl to you lor publication, n you tiiuia it wonliy of a place m your columns, llaw puo- lih it. ' It i tlie beet d.-rii.li.in of thi Coun try 1 havo K-en ; aud t have no doubt bnt every one readiuir it would he iutereated. l oun nieeUuilyf A..t. Hva, S .t. 4 lb, 1834. We subjoin tlie article referred to in tlie'sbovo letter. We should be sorry, however, if it nhonltl be tlie means of cunning any of onr North Carolina read ers to gather tip their effecta and leave our old. mother, whose prosjiecta are now bright and brij;htenitig. Ytom th FwmV Frirnd, I'nion, Vtrjinim. I.ETTKU FU0M TEXAS. Situs, GiilULi re. Co, Ticua, ) Juue a8lh, li4. ) Klitor F.rmeni' Friend Ihytr Sir : An an increased deire mnnifenU it If jor iufonnnt'lon cuireniiliff thiti country, I, " a loriner emzi'ii oi your coumrv, mm ktwh- ! ) a.v....".ted with many who dire it, al iiitM-lf of the medium of your pa-r, to jfiiej them tueh aa I have derived - from .ib?rvati..ii , , . t , ol ha ('liera t-llarai wr iiunnu in nuon lu-ouaiu- 1 , ...... 1 V lame I hate had with it. I arrlted in Texan to uil tin in. 1 hey are generally "f a stout, hear .... il. mi. ..f I,.i Mr. I. .Iir. i I.. ...i tbe " Kn- tv clas. of men i irank. ot n. imd L'eiierous, wilh . , .,. n .... . . .: 1 ... 1.1.. " . . ' . . . ! ., i . . and nlea-ant trs.i ion from the cold riifidilv of ' ... . .. . . ., ,, i a" U'l-r Jiiwoun climate io n u uaiinj II . ' - ... - y j () , ,,, ,. .; , . .T. " 1 ' , r, .u - ... i.rairU-. ..f 1. uiin .w eoukl a- .II III - - j .. ... V.... :.n.l lluriilri.in.l III their .i.le etU'lltled . . ... i. pasiiire a the l.mi mat new over mem. n s.,.ni - e.1 t,, in..- verv much hke -fallini to sleep ou a cold siormv nwht in ...id i..te, and akii.2 up amidst all theUutie. of Spr...... The .idler- e...v . that in my ea. it -a. literally true. .b.Lst in vniin, it would have I -sen. at tMllal. i; .1 i i:... .i. .. . ... . .....1.;.... but.d"eam." -xi a . " ..( i;. T ....,.. t '.. . ... . ..... -i : ia, oral. )., out in.: larni.-r i iMiieiraon in io trie iu. n-i.iiniiiw,w w.n u,- .,. .... 'country the n..- it ex..a..de.l in Uulv, untlLOT'at naUiraJ resources rih oTXcas Uo-lrand panorama of all that beautiful and miieh a- liailroad-; fae.l.ta s for Jie em - oura - . - l.,v.! seem.,1 h, ... ...read out Ufore me: an.llii.eut U eimi;iaii.Hi and trau.purtaikH-ah.l i in the midst of this aro: ..nsiii.-u..uslv al.ve ilve "" the rent, oue dark gnn eniineii. whit h, on i.mhij and the pubhc interest are alrea.lv a.ak '' . - .. .l. i i... ..-I i.olu, ;,,,...,i'.n. .1... .i.U. i hv- nearer approacli, proved to ooutain tin. pielur- es.jue hllle U.u of Seguih, (pronouiu-.sl Se- in "een.l It is lie.nutifi.llv silt...!.-.! on the Kas!' T riiit-'TRihia OO ...l .i . - .X -. I..,j..l.. ... inhal.iLinLs. . and ronlains three ehlln h.. U-n , ,i. I...,-, j ... n... I ..rl. - sv.ii.si, VI. in. .9. no..-, i.i iew wv. . ... a .... i ... . . ..... ,- .., ......-0 .v .. ..... v... 1 . i : l ." w c r . , t u j It isVxu-n.ivelv laid ..ut with w Mr. i reel, are! public fc."i'are; and contain, inanv handsome bou,-. and e..i,.,tfe-luWeilter on."-.' the i.ret- ' V.i-t l-ev.r saw ; and th.nv are wuhin . 1 1 1 ....... ... .... L... il.u.. .-n.. I.. ... 1 .... 1 I. -in col-ration. ... e. Htan one nun.ir.ni ie B5rft nrtrfM'n'''n' - Tat - llwfcM - - So, I colHUI.lv b. sojourn here lor ..lllle. .tloli. ,1 ) Ml. aw., anv 1.1101 .11 u.e niiuri f tbe fntanWnvwMtf and el.iBsU. hoantuf. luU.. lir1.'.- Cl) o( ft, liease js 'e UiWMiJt (fratmnal. f tJ ll,UltvibaL TTm. fit WdillUmU t4 sv-ntie. arrd ts far 111.. re Vautifut than 'i de scnption I ha.1 ev.-r had of it Just pirtaro in! V ou. wn au;i 'i an. ai. , Uut mutt tatilllll. li-H.MBatj j II il'ifT, r in tl v i iiii 'iv lZ0t w'miTruxWiaiAorj. ... . ,.. . '1 .. .. ... .1 a .feauiliui .treaiii it w.nu'r nieun.ienn viooiij;ii .1 .h1 inters.n-,1 wilh nutm rou. .t.aJe tree.. th. . , let it e.pand into a va.teSU . of country ; , ., ; -I' . - .1- ,,r ....o, . - - .. .e. eni-r , that lU. beantT r ncrawonatty marred by , a (1,Uon 'plantation. 'Hi is soil is more varied iu ila character than the surface, and comprise, three distiist kinds : i iiiuiaiio loam, rich Mark alluvium, and sandv , - - . - . I soil, i lie nrsi s generally pre.er.i, as .ki.s.-v nig all the .pialilie. re.juisiu for easy and profit- able cultivation. Il c twists principally of . lay, sand, shell, and gravel, in sued pmsrtion as ' renders it exrcediugly fertile, free from w.'.l. or i J. w ai,( . nlkalatin' on a gi.sl .ms.se. grass, and very easily cultivated. Tb Idaek '.Val, jut a. the .hiver. U-sran lijeaw off, I kin iiiu.juit land, as it is generally Called, is ru her j ,1T 6,jt .i,i' ir j' t,, pull-oil toy shirt, and dig-1 but a .titter eoiisislenev. and has a tendency , U( ur rm, tir. tijer, like tbe clayey land ol , Virginia : whilst the sandy land, al.avs found j yoltr 1jbM Mouroe- Uudi; The Sucwad teat wtU'ejn tmi tlw-w-Bfc..-tHnMrlrt it rt and made - .Touxii.. uie tiisi, aiid. .. jne jno,, iM-uejtpOT .7iu..(..rjri,,.v si-re,Tyrni""'nrN.,--T.ny down on ..norni. , oru an.. ..on.... m,.. r - - d.teli.rt.s. I W....1.I put twn s '" ""'Jam how. b fl the liht l.urnm' and ;-re, as a fair averag.. yield, one and ahH;. br.is, or seven hundred and titty II- of otto... asV'iveii l.v reliable fanner,. I have seen some fields of very gissl Spring Wheat, but pre.i j olhf kiuda would .ucnwsl l.itb r if pfrlveiiH ' tivabil. Yet, cotton and st.x k-raisiiijj, Is ings.., . i . - tni. .i.i.. iiuim aipii mrt n w i;irni p.int 'ti pr,.f,.riiir to buy flour from the Stat. and a. another reason, mere are as et rm WBniIW--lMmvi4wft:-u,,4fc,,u- .....nel.s.1 .pii.iil.ty of the ti..l water power . ' have ever seun il. any coiifllry. I think that ul i , ...,-.,. :, I b, M, flheli.-t laniifiicluriiiL' as wcjl as agricultural Slabs in the I'nion ; but at pr.-s.Mit la :ks the enterprise and tainital uf Vililk. cdoilL to develop it. Thi, K,,...wr In some exb llt is.lpeing fill'l ,li, .1 l.v southern men of capilal and iullueiii-e, who are . . i ' : 1 m in larM niinilvni mittl wJK-iIr.nj.. : .y?r Oilcan Is-Ik., iblr--.-r T, .IHtt... .1.1.' , .f.tton to the North and r.im u. nave u spun and woven up. T..ua vol. are intIi'II aware i noted for it. sb. k raising facil.ti.-s than any tiling else, wl.i. h it the chiel seuiMrti.f-of the inhabitants It i. ..ol mn'oiiimuii b.r one is rs..n to own as tnany as tlir.m tliouitand lead f .utile, or lan l 200 head of horst ; the raising of which cssts nothing but little, atleinion, and no la tter right hi the weans of grass, i..n--,ry, than the .Ksvusssion of a few aertsi of lan.I, which can Is had for as many dollars. . Tim lawt hind, in tins neraiiy la.en up, w SALISBURY, N. C, SEPTEIBEll 28, 1854. Uliil Cn be botiirbt very low. The prices ranf- iK to 5 perm-re, for unimproved land. J. , . . I , . eft i Improved and clion-e Kttioiui of luiid nround . 1 . ... - , , . i town and vi aire, from nvu to ten do lam tier ' lVrnoiw coiiiiiii; from Virginia, and other well " timbered," rouiitruw would make that tlie first objection to Texan, becuiwe in sottio'parU it in rather acarce, but 25 or 30 mil ram tlie bay it acta in, and tli'm high up, whkb w 125 miles, I think tliere i quite nurHciem y for ail necea anry pur).n. and to give the country a rural and pk-tunwipu nppeantnoe. The c'liuiaUi thui far ha been delightful, and I am bJd, ia m hot at thi. liiae an it will (et, wliH'h 1 Miioe nniht be iriven at from HO to L?? ' L-te'J 85 die, a indicated by the i1ii'niioiiK'U.'r,T0on(ry and that only fr.nn 1 1 a. in, to 4 p. m. Tlie I !,.,., eveuinyi, ntlita, and hioruivgv, are too delight ful to be dencrilH-d. They iiiiit be enjoyed ill order to jrive the remotenl Min of their ihdklil- falneK.. Aii'Italiaii proljably miylit have expe- i . .1.: t .1. . i ... 1: . rieiii'eu imeuuiiij oi ine mvn. oui a inriiiiiiii , - . . . t - Iiouks m-ver. And what re. it.till.oo lny of our citizens hrown at the llor : .i.... :. ... i 1 1. 1. 1. nets Ncrt whieu should catiBe our wliole iiL.iiU.1.. x it..'. . i....hi. ! ,.f thi. country I hare not adoibu Tliere i no 1 local cause, and really Inn been lean nicknew here hut means ntiiler " kimlHl una chart thau in any aecti.jn of Virffiuia U the .ante time, tiible ferllny" (as charjftif) have btn that 1 wa aciuaiuUid with, 'hat there in, i i colicm'ted to level the " cloud eatit tow- of a mild character aiid yields, readily k nieili-' cine. The ettuu nt, and eaiwiallv the old ' lens are unuiually kind hi. I Umpitalile, aihl . "pare no aii5 or trouble ill aitiiij - new-1 ..iner, r. eu Iroiii Hie Slate, b hunt out land If ., i.'.i..li;,r,.i,.. . ,,. ,,n ..ml, I natarallr be suP.s.d, and all ther a very .1 ...II.. I I I .1.... . I.f. ...i... i..,.. iu. ........ I.il l ('.-. . ,,,., ..... ....v- . ' rf ( ,(,( s Rm , mi , , , ii tml ,. Kly , ,,n, ar,M ,,.s pU-e 1. a. pU-e a., ! ,-w M, ,. .,i , i, , Viw ina or auv wIkw iCu.. Tf.ere.re 1, i..,.. and ,rWm: ! , ---- r , . ' mo l.ljl cireUlllMilliel .IU. .IUL.MUX. uimvwieeieiriirinnT mioii"s nnu i-e .rw .. , i .,... ...,i lUalitv, and nocial lutereoun..' aiiionc tlie citi-1 1 i.. j The promotion erf education and religion ot- ; !' a prominent ffnt.ire in th.ir character-; j .ml ... .Ur. .Uv ... u a. and 1,1. r,l ,,M.1, to ,wl ar old name , State, as w. II as olliers. 11. r .v.t. Ill off..' i - I....1. I. I..il. l,l. r,.l ....I mi uwidu .oli.li.,-f,.r the is.1oiii and patriotism of r !... ,i.r..i..r , ' in.' : . i t. i 1... il..' , this .he iil have in a f. , this he iil have in a few yean. 1 he public ns to tin- )ini.rtiince the Mill an. the means she n uot Ilk. ly lo thhold tll. lll . ... dFor"'.n.rinnf preits-rcar: ' - ...i..l... .I....1 - .,,1, Y......1 "'i..T i".l m.4 the " oielalie lis-.l,'' will .,11 1 .......... ... il... I. I'.... i...m td , - .v.... ... ..... uuh..,.".. . .- u-,j... r t f,... ...... ... .1 r..,, ( . : - -. , i.s.s-snem than the' ii.tt.ve iid iiiustai,,- at U. preaenT ; day. Mr. Alitor, the grvjA in., n-.-l J f 1 in I. jw 1 and my d.ire thai liter.. f,..-u .h..iild ! getter - ill I v L fu i to Inv Tr It-ti. I. in V i.'.ima. rtl IIS! Is' a.. ........ w , ,, -u. ... .,,,,,,,.,,0,,, ,. tmy ' .v u,r me JiJ.u. ui . m i o.ioe,u. - lmi w- rt may rwjrfWTnr'f ' fHtHrfiL tf in y ..or ii.teTT-stit,... I:t:ie pa M.ail r.-ilfuITv. lour frieiid, J. II. T. i ..... ........ ........... j.- wmt'v-m bf'avd should be suuarwl:wji f. ) ..t ii I.. :.. s;. ...4... 1 1.. 1.... 'and truth, or Ton may subject Tonrselt , 11 i... ni . -nm. .e, .0 . -.iu. . : traveled S().,.0 :.. ,,u .:. ,lU, Wl. ;. , , . , . u u FI N, FACT AN l FANCY. A linl llHij Story. The Fiht.of the (jrand Uiier Hoijlr, givtm the following as the e'ri- j . . . sbpplli'4 at lite i - i .-n, ... .......... j II. nw : . y u Mv I ent to ls t.rHty all fired used nft. r a hull day on the old road l fore the i: .. f. ,,. , p, ,,f ,.. u , ,.t ; j . j 1 1. iloitl.l.sl an. , ..u.-k.-r.I nil t io u.e k-i .t a ' .in' it like all sin hat time ...i....i r j t.1(, ,Mide, and t. It cniiori;ii.e tr . v , a camp apiad. s . , ,L t,..r and have , fi -, iu ,.n ,.,,, ff ; j . , ,, . .., k,. .. .. ,. ,.. r;,,,t M iri c,.ilill)- tiU ,u.y K..t b. - , , , ,,-,,, TM .I right plump into f y.u , y ,mit, , Waal, I swept 'em up agio and made a circle of lar u the ceiling loo. 'J'hoiighl I had 'em foul, ihul time ; lilt I .wan to man, if ih-v did'l pull straws out of tin-otd'Ts'-ir.' and build ' "rewrrar' t.ridge-i-er frr - S, ing an iu. -redible expression on our virage. I he elllieheil the story .. ..... . ..t inns iispsp, .......... km. Ipelieve il ..r Hid, aiel psph.w of 'em jp.J rr.. on b. Ilfl bugs are rnrus critters and no mistake; 'specially the Kalam'atoo kind." "The gentlest taskmaster we ever knew of it a blacksmtlh ho tav wry ev.emng. to his ap- ;n :;.v s'j--Tiisr in-kl.-msfV I J, .l,V...O u. .. h - . . . ' . . ,. and gel Ins loreu men on. sun i. ... -.'h cellar by mooli li'dil We .ince knew a schooinaster who always gave the Is.ys li..li.l.iy every Friday evening to work i in ns gar.leti. p. lout.. ,-.- (Irnil i:i'.lnfl Sji.fi. A few "lays ago the liull'alo Kxiness train on 1 lie New York aml Krie Railroad ran from Susque liaiim.li to Horncllsyille, HJ miles, in lt! minutes, r neluding sbq.s. Frrm tkt Jtvwn H'.t'f mmi Wttttrm AJvmt: THE CIIAKLOTTE DEMOCRAT A THE TOWN OF 8ALIS1JURY. re regret exceedingly that our amia ble coteinporary, tho Lditor of the Clutr lotte Democrat, is vsctrina (Waring) so fiercely against the inoffending town of Salisbury. Ho ojwned his batteries ui otf us on hist Friday moniiu)-, in an arti cle headed 41 Wilmington and Jonesboro' Rail Road," and in one hour by our clock, our ancient borough like Kanjuan was a hean of ruins: the North Carolina Rail Jk'ttd wtw utterly destroyed and the whole conn try on the direct route from Balfsbury to Jonesboro, made "an astonishment and a liittHiicr. without an inhabitant." What mm has the town of tfalhibnrY cotntiiitted that it should be visited with such terrible vcniroancei What stone twrmlatfon. the innocent as veil as tlie L'tnlty, to be sttinir w eagerly to death t era, the grirgoous jifthicea" of our sister Charlotte with the LTound. aud W sweeii lvr ag if wj,l, the besom ot destruction j ( ntu.r wini,iutioii t Was not the charter granted bv the legislature in 1340-7. to which Charlotte.owes so much of her present happiness and pnperity iiistiiiteit especmlly to the keeping ot a .lir-tin.niislii d cilizoii nf our town. Judire . ..,.,,: ,..l .., Kllix, ulul to another (a native, and now j Kllin. mid to another (a niitive. and now i - - --. - - . J , euize.Mnoe name . w.mi.u ue ' ''' t ate ..r former favors mav. to some, x-xteut, be , . , ,v ' ' i....4 .....v.. .li ilndlnw Mi. tlc I ViilktuI to utajeilv the " bitter an- . .' 1 . . '' . I . '1 I ..... 1 .. I ragiuim cvineeu tow ania v uuiiouc u) Salisbury which would justify the follow- iw l,,,, ami make it in the h en-4 tent with truth, justice or gratitude - " are w.rry ,o see sue,, e.i., m. e.o,, i inaiiif.!. tor.h us. . She is determined, i" she an help il, to have l.o rivals in her if Tf.aia lo ljiab tlie Slate oiirse. We had hod that the eiibri'rise iiiaiufesbsl bv our citnel.s lo . . , n-ntHetoii..u..raoi.t e.i.uia.ion an., noi io. r. au-, , " "P W progrei- "t, ftauXi Ier nrjin. ' Bst fnrf wither, at .noiher'. .r, Aad hate ih. leellenee it cannot rewh. Salisbury envious of Charlotte ! Env :T.t:c; 1 . . J . ..... .. ... .superiority and 'f tell the Uciiu'cral inai Sulial inliurv IS not the inferior of Charlotte . m virtue, in wealth, in health or in l.- il ad aitii.tf i.: Uhil tlutoprUcvt hkh ' has improved your t'olidition we l...K' ere ! long, will stiniiiliite us to c.Xfr-el you ill . liouurahlu cmp4i!itm and stirpa.. yon , ill all that adds respectability and Honor t. . a .t,.- u ' . . a - liut'Salusbiiry it ivvn "i siVvMf(:euue. Willi ties estvnaionof tbosed-e- "V'"" T "" r!ZU'",' ,".'llt 14346 lHSeu "'eJkuden weight upon her ioiif: sfie know. i rt ,.r 1 Wni-U to arttfi IM .S.lr? vurm-. ti viinleop id" ermtHtitm-nf I.m nflrnrtpfrl i n.Ai i.. 1. x .1' : .n i i ' r VI hrii has ttlinbur.y...erut. athaii4tiiaJ.tipniainnally, A Tew -y-er "ago there- grab tlie Stabs purse! fiive its . AlrYHtt-..i.waa iiiocrat the Chapter and Sect mm. and i.tLlM4stms. Th-r.-T.-S rrrr.f ff "eli'i.rV.n; ; - r - 1 .' ; tl,u tt",e cjmreu. VuU wl!1' lu lat ' D.se envy wi.her. at another'. j.yJ And hatet tba excetle.ee it c.nuot rrw:h- lint Bays the Democrat " If we arc toj has a vote, every citixon Who has inflii be refused a charter and to bo rebuffed , ence, shotihl exert it to reduce the number I in onr first application for assistance, bvjof the nuisances if not entirely extirpate 'the more immediately interested friend's, them. While they continuoto lie in wait 1 o. nun i;i,ni ...uu, . u s... ei'i'is, ... i oiil v the I'Xlensii.n west, from some point near Salisbury, but will do all in our iow-, er lies to defeat any appropriation that! may be asked for the road now charter ed' It is said that Glcndower could call spir its from the vasty deep, but the spirit would come, or not, just as they pleased. The Editor of the Democrat may oppose " not only the extension west, but do all tliatlita-itutuilifiMyiipproprittnnn may lie asked lor the .Vuh Carolina R.ad, and still the extension wilibe iiiade at Salisbury and tlie appropriation (if re quired) will be made to the N. Carolina Road. We take it for granted these illib eral sentiments are alone the Editors and n.4 tlie.-MjiaiiueiiU.of tlie good iienple of ujd Me-c.U !' among, the big"tel nil selfish of the : eitizt.ua of Charlotte tlie Jfshuraiis who . . j tiecuusc they have 'waxed fat ami kick, j would deny toothers the poor privilege - .1 moving even meir i.tiii, --. ! T!. wnnj wlitor tff theUemoorat not satisfied wifl. driving the plowshare thro the streets of Salisbury, is determined At tilla like to blast witli his jeihderoiirf tread all the verdure between this d.N.med town and Jonesboro'. . He thinks the two oi thru' thousand citizens from Iredell, Da vie. Yadkin and Wilkes, Htissemlilod at .:.:... l.i:.. I ,.".1111111 1 my exilllllie.l iiiorn Hiiii'iiira mi'i ignorance in jiassing tlio , following reso lution i '! Ji,sotifl, That il it the sent of thit meet ing, that -a road connecting th W'esturn coun ties wilh tlie central road at Charlotte, would be irmirioo. b the ls4 of Xorth t'arolioa, inat- fmnrh m rt--wreahl iliTeTt Iwriffr p trade lo m-ck an outlet from U.e ports of South Carolina. hilo a road from lleaufort to leii neswe, would give the 'whole transportation of North Carolina product to N. Carolina roads." ' Now f..r the life of us, we cannot see any ignorance or bitterness in this reso lution, but on the other hand, a good deal of benevolence and wisdom. We can. ton, tell the Editor of the jKvmocrat that the large and respectable assemblage at South Troy dil not concoct, what he is l.Iciwed to cull the " titter annihilation of his project," ' under th? kindly and char- italile fedingt infused into it" by Salis bury. We personally know a large por tion of those who composed the Conven tion at South Troy, and we know that j ouiisoury mucn to onr moniucauou waa hot even represented. It was the spon taneous action of intelligent Farmers from the neighboring counties, men quite as capable o understanding their interests as the citizens of Salisbury (ft Charlotte. We can assure tlie Editor of the Dem ocrat that Salisbury entertains no 'envy' towards Charlotte. We rejoice in ner prosperity and would regret to see her take one step backwardsJrtnppreiaU IierTjapIiality amrenterpriseT auoTiope the commercial laurels she has won by her own unaided efforts may be worn Imig and gracefully ; and whilst we es chew her follies and extravagances we should endeavor to imitiate the many ex cellent qualities which characterize her :t. i. . mm : r. tl. iniiuoimiiia. ?? noil in b i- iiioiivii, irn: i iron horse shall have reduced the dis- . i i i tauce ueiwccu us to a coupio oi nours, -i . .... t . .i ! f liflnr- r tueu we noiie me aitritioii oi social niier- course will wear away the tooth of com- morcial envy" and Salisbury and Char- lotto, Itowan and Mecklenburg, will stand .;,! l.v nide tbov di.l in tl, darkest i r.i i i u .",.!, : the breast and throat, with beautiful, and hours of the Itevolution, " rivals ouly in , , ., , , . . . , . i ii v .iL'rand muscles on the tinck to keep back such sentiments aud acts, as add comfort h , , , - - , , , t r . ,,, , ... , , . , , , :l.;i;,; i the shoulders the whole woman ' UUt WllSlfl IJOUlllWItb S.V IUISS(S1 V mv'-"', HOW WE MAKE CRIMINALS. It is a fact conceded, that notwithtand- . . . - g me vast material progress we are ma n n - ". " " " " " " , crime, instead of diminishing, gruis more i f We wtirndeav to plfti I thefttma-1 rent ntrailox. n.e solution is at once U'lPiiitii. un.1 m.I.iiI.i I Hie great highway trtcrimo ia acknowl edged- to Im-ilrteniiwrmicc. I ll U"S tudnt ' ; mem of all parties all sect., andall L. ! ' , ',,,. . rm Cin, .' ..' ....... ,cv e-nus, niu ..w eotoriesa ui.m.i vesseia so fo, .it, our judge. procmun 0, jailorsttest it hlU ariti,,, wi(lw 0r peltneted eor ' f; .!.'"!-. nrge a prohibitory law, an.wltrf 4jlwe.tfK vv itt rmnrkW - - -- - ' . .V , I I tl 10-f who reiraru lias uncoiisuiuuoiiiii. 1 have, l.o iliUerciMse of oidiiion na to Una .. , . i allt.c u chargeable Willi tlirtu-rolirUiS ol a crilllw eummiuea. W here it d.n-s not load immediately to violations of the law, it docs) remotely, by super inducing poverty, or by brutalizing its victim. If it fails to make the drunkard himself an ...:l:ll..' - .,... .. 1. .ins euuureu n.r 1110 jail or me gauo ws. ' lint others, beside the itieliriutc share the ir ni It ofiutcmperatlce. The errand iu- Uy i.as ,dUriaVumt.4tstHi-re- ltv grogshops iu ..Philadelphia, on a,ti average of one to every hundred . inem,. - wiUSien Slid cJiil.trVri iii tin's great inetroiv ...lm. 1 Ins legion of taverns, beer-shops, . nrnT liriTiil a u er. if n niiiii.T ...... iif .... Jnnit.. lis tlian'half the quantity of drink .1 1. ..if- .1... 4- .1..:. , jg. Igtftt,iI,liwt thttra r-Mf-aii4-4iiero- ue., . ..........i ......... . . , r..., ... iv,, i.i.ii.ji v. . o.cs j1 TtLlVu'ex'ist , eltlier bv direct Sanction of thei law or in t c-Hi (tat-nee of a neglect to administer the law. In either case society is prima rily te blame. We are all alike equally iruiltv 1r( this matter. Everv man who m w.sjit coroe., ...ve...inriti.eu will 111- crease. tKivertv irain new victims, and the jail and gallows fatten on their heca- tomlis of human sacrifices. That there should be a wide difference of opinion as to the best way of eradica ting intemperance it is natural to expect While' we ourselves hold that there can be no permanent reform which does not begin with the individual, and that laws to le lasting must be founded on the fix- UMfTy.nv1cTions - orTne great TxhI of tlie community, we are not prepared to con demn those, who, in view of this tremen dous evil, believe that jH-nal statutes, in this one instance, may safely lead the pub lic opinion. Tliere may be gome social sores t.f such magnitude that nothing but the cautery of tha knife will effect a cure. ; MeilU:iiiji-; ttr. the blood may nnawyr--ty- lessen severe uiseases.or may preserve riie W(t(tll .j,. lmtierit' Brlof excisiOri ; . , uuv iiiviii'.iiiiivv mill trv iru v vioho ... iu ni4Tllref tlar, without it is first utterly .j,,-,,. ,., nrt j,,, ()ne tlrrng-" ls ,.ertain, pallmatives have not sulUced hither..., but havo only seemed to aggra- vate the crime, VVith all ouf enlighten- uient we are, to spa-ak out plainly, a very tlrimken jpeople. Free trade in taverns has crowded our alms houses, filled our .fmwii-fMl.'sf)mntl--0psMte the gallows. Go around the question as wc will, it comes back to what it was. Any law which will stay or cure the evil will be hailed by tho public as a wise en actment. If the prohibitory law will do it, lot us have the prohibitory law, and without any proviso requiring the vote of the psWle, If the exjierituent after fiHr-rop-h--n.HWesV'W Uiui.ivo Wohks or Tnoi tiiiT. It is whole some and bracing for the mind to have its faeul ti.K kept on the stretch. Heading an essay of lliun.n's, for instance, or a chapter of Aristotle or of Ituller, if it IpO well aad thoughtfully read, is much like climbing up a hill, and may do one the sjniie sort "of good. 'Set the tortoise to run against the hare and, even if ho does notover- lake it.'lio will do more than he did previously more than he would ever have thought himself, cpable of doing. Set the hare touu witb the oTtoise-hfl falls asleep, :. I NUMBER XIX . FASHION AND DISEASE. : The editor of the Scalpel, in a very in- teresting article, in the August number of that valuable work, on the crippled , condition of tlie lungs, in woman, makes the following sensible remarks, which we -commend to the serious attention of every female: " Only look at tho position of a fashionably-dressed woman sitting in her rocking. ' ' chair, embroidering ; the approxima tion of her arms, and tlie bent neck and body. The chest containing the lungs has- to- lutrtahr thtryiiola" wetgtipuf tu head and arms ; they hang upon it almost like pieces of dead flesh ; tlie inlestiues ' ure forced down upon the womb, and tlie great blood-vessels that supply the limbs, are compressed,. There ia the bcautiful. spine superbly arched by the Great Art ist, with exquisitely arranged and graee- .. , .- , - . - r,?r"T. Mieiwceu toe icei. uic verv unci - 111"1;!! nic ic-vi, tu ci iiiivksi uvuuvj . , , - ,i l . its unmatched aud unequalled elastic sub- , , . . . . M . f V,"'6' Vi i every step, the colUtr-bones t feeP 1,d toBllow tlie '!" fl111 plar, and to show the beanty of dream of Eden when the world was young;' and look, only look at the best results of fashionable society, (treat Heaven t Spirits of Ouido and Raphael, do von behold her ! Shades of Hunter and Hell, do not your bones rattle in your loravesat the Slctacle, Such respira- ''OD ''iT "" l-" ra,,knf OiUmg suieil of a "inagnifi- -i1" . TC vcl carlKV m ea wu oust lor I the simple reason Unit it cannot be swept awaV the lil'lit of heaven shut out bv , ,; f. ' j -..,..!, ...: ,i rDa:nnir ,, "f ,, ' n,,, l ,1 f i ; SAinnd "d food, It lll Co IgCst. U e hands and eVe-HUS. n.ti tlie COIorieaS VCSSelS 1. ,.., .j f,u .1." linger nails blue, take aw a v the capacity rnrtf mnmttaFxwer and keep the shoulders back, constipate, the bowels, by robbing them of their se cretions and tlie constant motion impart ed by a full supply of air to their muscu lar coat, and make the whole woman a ujejre. halfjrjtalizeiL .jmM.a-JUk. give ' flic sTckTyTejilies of mental Insanity to the insulting twaddle slie" exjiects to receive frvm the male f.n.1 that sits tie fare her. This is tlie Actual cortd it ion of tmrwr vrmiiMfflTmmitrmr"" aity, itis.broulit aWmt mainly lV-wfwt -of exercis ; alw is mmble to take It Imut " the construction of lier dress, and the slavish adherence to fasliion j indeed she does" not" dream of its necessity : she feels the wrctchl lethargy1 that, presses with . foyo ar.it ' hnnpltiesf Iier-smt smtrthered in. - . . sti nets tol I Jher she ought, to - share-themj out a monotonous corrveutionahsin thre.it ons hr - witli 4raisT if shf allow- ray s -of joatdreTd warm the generous impulse into life. Great God! when I look ujxm the beautiful and fair faces of my country-women, as they move before mo like so many automata, under the iron des potism of that bloodless and sickly thing called fashion, my soul is sick at the spec tacle, and I am glad to escape into tho forest where I can see the wild bird hymn ing the praises of its creator, and listen to the unchecked innrmur of the winds, and the leaping of tho dancing rivnlet : and when I return to the duties of life, I look from my window upon the little spot of verdure a city prison allows me, Audi .. hear tho murmur of the bee, ami see the ' little humming-bird sipping the nectar from the honeysuckle', my heart yet leaps with childish delight as tho lovely little creature Swings iqon tho branches ; I re turn to my task, and I feel that it I had the eloquence ami benevolence of Christ, I could spend my life in no better cause than attempting her instruction ih the laws of her being and showing her how beauty and truth, love and simplicity are inseparably connected with the sublime of life. We do not recollect whether or no pre miiims for model babies will bo bestowed at our coming State Fair, but we see that tlio custom prevails-in Ohio and Georgia. In Ohio, they give for the prettiest baby f 5 and diploma to mother ; for 2d pret tiest baby, $3 and diploma to mother; for 3d prettiest baby, $? nnd diploma to mo ther ; for largest and heaviest child, un derf wel1 ve 'hibiifTis oIiT,"ngo eretl, $5 and diploma to mother ;' for 2d largest and heaviest child,1 under twelves months old, age to. bo considered, f3 and diploma to mother; for 3d largest and heaviest cfiild, under twelve tnoiiths old, age to be considered, $2 and- diploma to mother. , - ' in Gwrps : trfeyiiare ;tilt'finjrtW3. unis.'ns follows : '-' ' . - . " 1st Premium.. Silver pitcher, $50, for the handsomest and finest babe one year old. " ' 2d Premium. Silver pitcher, 25, for the handsomest and finest babe olio year old. 3d Premium. Silver goblet, $10, fopk .the hnndsomest and finest babe C mouths old. The children to be clothed in domestic: ft.1..:..,, . ,i.n ,.,.;, tolw awnr.lo.1 i.n- Jer t,w .lirection. of -tlio' evecutivtf com- mitte'e.-117. Ani.i '' -f jportioii of tiic StMc are gel ' !! ( . "Ill (- ,i Ii UU IUV.Wi"-",J ' " - , .... I L Vs.lf,.1iltwlUMi ijvja-uetis.ip.

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