Uiiuiiit ls.il. The U.ian Comity Ajfrirlilliiral Koricly met auJ Ik.! J iti second Minimi iiiwliiiir KocurJiiijt lo adjournment. Tlio President being aUieut, r i, J. lUmsay, one of tli Vice President, took tb Cnair. ul cat ll tb Society to onltr, - Oil aflotien, Jolia Dav'klsOB, &tj., wa appoin ts! Secretary pro ten. Tb WorkingCon.mit- ... teat, aawea lad rijflit, war called upoa fa ibeir aaual reporta. ' Tlx Cbairmea of aaid Coov aittteet not Wag prose t,1 the did not report. - O Motion, thi Sueiutr twoceeJed to theeletv esMi itoa im vuicei iut ma crowing year, ir. 4. J. Sammen-ll, J oh a L Graham and Otlio GiUca pie, wars appointed a Cotniuittim to nominate officer; wbervapoa tbe (ol)owing gentlemen were eh una and duly elected : For rrwhfeat, Win, p, Graham ; Vic Pre aiJeata, P, R Chambers, David Waddle, J. II. Jultnaoa and Lake Dlacktaef ; t Treasurer, O. O. Foard ; Recording BectvUry, J no. F. Foard ; Correal. odent Secretary, Janice II. Ennia; Comapoadiag Committee, Jainua O. iUnwiy. CF. Fbltcr and John F. McCurkks After ' wUick Um Society took ruceat of one hour, "" AUrnom Sction.Titm Judge reported tit following article at worthy taf premiums, ami awarded thera a fallow : St I. J. D. Jobaaoa tot tho beat turning Ploajjh, a premium of - 1. 00. F. Foard fcir iha Ut Suh-,il Plough, honorary premium. . Franklia Had for tU tut cultiva ted Farm, M 4. Jno, T. Foard (or the bvst Filly un der t year old, . Do. da do. year old, " . Tho. Hyde (ur tho bwt Muleuuder lycar old, - 7. F. Hall lor Um beat Mulu nudor 3 yean old, 8. Bufua J oil ok for the beat Mill year old, t. Darid Fleming for tfaa bnt Calf I year old. 2 i 3 u 2 tl 10. J. D. Jobaeoa for tbe beat CalT 2 yean old, W. P. Oraliam for the bUt Calf 3 yean old, ' Do. for bnt Bull. 11 It. la. R. JohiMoa for the bnt Milch Cow, 14. i. D. Jobnaoa for tbe bnt Ule fed IWf, 1 S."O.T. Foard, bnt pair Sfiwp. 18. J. F. Foard for the W Sl.lli.m. IT. T. Hyde for the hot Brood Man-, 18.0.0. Foard for the bt Jat k, It. Do. for the bmt Jiun.-tl.-, " 20. J. D. Johiuon for the bt lot I'igt, " tl. Do. bnt Unwliui! fvyw. til. Q, Foard for thft bwsLiloar, 2 Ladle Djkirin-nt. - SS. Mn, J. D, Jobwonl bmt lot llutl.ir, tl " ti. Mm Sarah E. Graliam, txl bed quilt, 1 )Tu Mariwtto Grahaiu, bwt pitta En broidery, .... 1 " 2. Do. Work Box and IWd-quilt, Honorary prtiniuin. " 27. M'im a K. (ir.liara, pair Worked , , Collar, Honorary premium. - t8. Mr. W. P. Oraliam, Bol-quilt, ' Honorary pjcuiiuiil. J. ' , IWAuai1 AiUte.Udiia sWW,,. Pi iraota. tut t"" f--' a Um 8)aakr of Um oecawoa, ted d.'tirend el'-ar, prattiriil aad foneibU addreat, in which a contnut draws bctaeea the ruinou yitem of Farming ia Korth Carolina and lite high atale of Agri eultura la Um Northern and Knglaml. TIm burtbea of hi diasourae wa Education and laduatry jurt Uie kind of a upwch that tuitcd the ocraMue, and would that errry Krm, r in tUe oounlj could li? ha.rJ jt, The llinlj j( , . tEt SocywerjoUl t. Lilack luur.. aoJ oupT of bit Spenrh atke-ii tr itu1jtlfai. ftuT f aa it Ui pwblitbed. Oa aaotioa, Dr. J. ti. lUmnay, John lai ij aoa aad . D. Auatin, wrre appointed a Com- . .1 W.bt... IVm-M.-. ...I I lira tbeai tbeir dutie (or tbe neit rear. It wa ordered that tlie Treasurer a J. J: llru ner'a swooant of $8, tut printing Consliluliou aod liy-Lawa. Oa swotioa, Um fiociety adjourned to meet at tbe MHaeral HiriDj( oa Ute aeoood TLursdy of Jantsarr, 1855. JNO. F. F0Altl, It. Sec, - For tb. Wateaasaa. A I public meeting of tlie ciuicns of Cald well oewatv, Md in Use Court House in'LcrioTrV on Tweaday Uie i4th (ctoW, lo4, tlw f4low inf prooeeding were bad, to wit : Col. Wm. Ai Leooir wan-called to tlie Cliair, and Owa. C. W. Clarke was apoiuUid Soc'ry. Tb (ollowing reaolutionn, introduced by V. W. Lenoir, Esq, were unanimously adoptol : 1. ZrsorW, Tbat Uie right of Uie nple to - I 1 poeaa aod enjoy rtil-roaoa w wnt r ourcrr road, at a noonawrT right ; that It la tlio Out V vttbtr Leffislafotw-io- reiratato and 'nciurjje. I.Mt Wwt 4w 4JnblUt IhrMtJalBSlnrllUUJMWLJBaljJ. without gross iinintici' ritlihuid a chart a rail-road, whore tlie ico- lc demand the same, and there is a reasonable rrroasrct that i4 will tw hnilt and sustained. S. ReiJtfrd, Tliat North Carolina otijjlit to : ponua literal jjoray'iirmMinjl.'ty StaUi 'af.T, (foneral system of Intemal linproveinehls. - . Rtmivtd, That Ui extension f tlic Cen tral bail (load, Kast aad West, and tli cou tractioa of a rail-roail from WilminUin ilini t to tha Wwitcrn limif of the State, are work, of primary lmiortaoctu tlio jirosjicrity of North Carolina. 4. Rtnited, That both Siilishury and Cliar lotte should he allowed to connect with tha Wes tern extension of 1 lie Central Rail Komi. . Renlttd, Thai th chairman of Uiis meet - in annoint tweiilv deleirattw t n tifesrat l.'abl- iWa'Wawtt.SjiO hdd in 8afishurTu the 21 NovomW. . RttJtrd, lliat the Hegatin from Ihi County are rer(ueti-d to make the tin'tfoiiig res olutions known to the Convention in Slilmry, an.1 that the Secretary Sirward the mceeilin(rs of tliia meeting fir puMic.atioii in the Salisbury Watchman and North Carolina Whig. Tha Chairman then npKintcd the following delegates: Walter L l nyne, Ilola-rt H. Hoglo, WaighuUll Palmer, Jtilin 8. It. MiJIor, Wiley iaither, I'inkney Jonca, licorge II. Hartley, NeFaon A. Powell, (worge W. Harper, Carroll Moore, Jamea T. Horton, William F. Ileal, T. J. Hula IL.Uavvo Ila tMmunJ W. Jom. I . . .. ... ' .I - . .' -. . St ai l . as. , . . I, ''.I, T ' X ZL. .mW. ' t -VTh.r- Bre ' Hoaea Bradford, V. W: Lenoir. ( I ii, an and S. . m v v.. re a i.i J lo l',. : u l'' ST"1'- And ho furiln-r lupine be uV"-'l on Motion, the 'iilwliiig adjourned, ' W. Ai iENOlU, tVn. C. W. CtK, Sec. , . : ' nKLKCran roa tui watciimii. THE OBJECT OF A COLLEGIATE EDU : CATIOX. :i. Tlte oljviA.ot.lua ytem of 'laatructkm to Ui aDdergraduaUw (a College, b not to gire a fmrtiml edwnrtiw, omliiting of few prtnebe only ; nor oa the other hand, to give a $uperfi- del educaUou, containing a littla of allnont every thing ; nor to jfA the detail of either a pro- feaaMHial or a practical education; but to torn- mice a Ihormyk courap, and to carrv it a far the time of tlio student rexid. nee fiere will allow. 11 m wu'tnieo 10 maintain ueh a pro portion between Uiu diftteot branche of litera ture and auieiu-e, a lo form A proper tummrtru Mid haluHtx of character. In laying the found ation of a thorough education, it in tieyaary Uiat ult tlic important lucullio be brouglit into exerclite. hen cerUlu nientaKeuUo menu rc cvive a much higlKf mujtuiw than other, there i a distortion in the intuUectual character. The I powen of the miud um not dureloped in tlieir rtairctt pmortiOo by Mtidying language alone, or matiiematK aluIKt, tr m urai or iKiliUtai aei- eace alone. Tlia oleel of tlie proiH-r coll-giate ui paniiieiu, i 10 ftKyu wnicu i lacunar 10 any out; of t irofitttvif,;, ,M to Jay tlie found atloa which, i common tvihetn. 1'liere an ep arate kIivoW. of . I heoJof V, Law and Medicine, in rioupartof Ua coaary, which are open to all who are v ri-lMUrJ to enU-r on lirofeMiioual tuilir. illi theaa tlia dndergraduate coiinw i not iutouded to hitcrann... If cnutniii tlioe aubjecU only whieU ou;lit to be Hlenlood by every one who aiuu attUatougheduratioii. Tlie 1 prim-iple of at'ieiiee and literature are the com j noli foundation of all high and intell.-otual at tainment'. 1 l:e , in e that wirmtor , and dicii- line, and clctaliou to tlie miud. whkh are the bmt iirciiaruUos for Uie atudv of a rofiwion, f of the or(iou ahkuare peculiar to the li'lu r mercantile mauuuwiuring, or agricultural e tnlnhmeut. A univenity, a I, understand it, firnt, and chietty a place 1ir iijeulal dW-ipliiie aiiilculf ure ; and avmtullv, it .- l"o place for the ncquini- tion otralualile knolelje It i not a "theo logical nchoyj," uor a " iiledicjil achool," nor a " legal ncbool," iHr "aacWiolof dign :" but, "a'tril-tlv nnd, legitimately, in it mind are braced ; iliaeHilimiil anil tlllil fur enti-nmr anv if lln-iu. The lru? graduate is the one who is prepared by proper trainiiig and culture for entering on a profcoioa. Therefore to convert our highest in stitutions of learning, as Dr. Wayland and oth er wem to suggest, into lyceums f..r pirpuhir h-tun 011 -ii-ntitic and uth-r sul.j. cis, ap-ars to me to be tlie surest hietliod of destroying their true. I' Ikt, WIJi)-1 y iJ4 to iu OMwr iug for the ln.n the largtrst jiosilile education al facilities, I mut reit every attempt which svitulil itrsir iliian our nilli'in s ironi tliir lirfsent poaitiiMiaViiady.tou W'TMpply h' dirm of learning and science which the multitude could comprehend. I ould not have, uur institutions regarded ',JJ tuat with anv high degr of vouiitlaeem-v.- I hwi' l-lhe day when a higher ataiulard for ad-, mission shall t set up and adhere J to; alien J every student ihatt tie indlle d or comiM-lted lo , work hard or go borne, wli-e lie can Ik- idle at h-ss e&peuse tu hiuiM-lf anil otla-r'C The public mint oipe to understand that, brick and mor tar, books and apparatus, 1nd and bank stock, cannot make a god eollegfrt that living men, capable of inspiring a love uf ktoalilge ill the mind, of the oung. and of rHning them to ei ertion, aadlirngiaTreTOTinTf aright; ar tait(KWberrYt'ia)fr.ttlTW- of tlie.rxcrileaxs 01 acoil1fn WH(f-ty the tt umber of DaHnHT'oD ill CataliiirtieVbul t-y tht- character of the men on whom it eyiifer its di -greys. WIit in a toliiiccoclicwor like a ir'xwe in ' a duU-Ii oven? . , . lU-ealme lie is aU nvs on tlie spit. j The yomijj man who iiTt.'tra1eiI tlii lias lieert wraetl in rhiunel fnnii lieml I' tu-fuul jiiul Ltiii.Ufiuu a. nlmlf iu, tlm.fcuitU ro".!U.is,.ftvvr -Myr hih,-IiikiJ: . . ' JHil tayi Uiere" Ii 110 jluce Ilto Iimiic i unt, Hrti-r.i i Al Dsvidaiin Cklleff, (n the iCth ult-. bv Ri t. E F. Hoc well. jOM.Ml l. WALI and rs J AX I. V. Ut'.S.V, all of Mecklenbarg. DIED. In Iredell rfwnty.tm the 117th of OcnsVr. M ATIL DA A DA 1,1 N K JOIINStJN, daaiehur uf K.dwrt W , and Mtrah A. J-hara, m the 6ih year, 10th mouth and 3oth dav of her mgi. j This was a sweet and amiable lit fie .jrrlr of nwre lhaa ordiuary prHiiis. JShe waa strtektn dwn with all ! Lthe brauly and freshness of health a pun her, hke the j yownf vernal Bosrer, Wbir.n fd4 era n has unf4iled fttBy itahirHiwrss tha lovelineas of. which its opening twluuoi was an earnest. Con. In this enantrV on the 93d October, Mr. JOHN MM ITII m the ?U h year f his a, Tha derrased : was a rreular member of the Ktanffflirnl Lutheran Churrh, and amformly eiemplary iu his christian de pttrtinent. At;.4d Iff in. on th Wdolt, PLEASANT RED WIN K. mfsnt whi of John snd Knrih L IMider- In this town, on the TMh ult , KOHKIU 1-1 BAR NET, sgeJ -l-nl Ifi years. At hw rrtdriie in (his count v, on tuber, Mr. SAMl'KL ti. LINN, m his a re The deerased stood In fegolar communiou with the Kvsnrebral liiheran t hsreh. and was um- fi.rn.ly esemplary in hie christian dep.rini.-nt Iu his .1 . -. I. .1 L-a esfhnahle citixen ; the - -,,,1,, in ,-K.ch h aeigfibortiooaj in wmcn n liven, f ina ana iii"ti neighbor; and Organ ( hurrh conrecaiion a very llnth she no: then, for pnora sd fears, The dsy of woe, the wnleliful mthl, Kor all her airrow. .N beMear, Au on-rp.yiueitt of delight ? E. F. TO 'COmiCtORS. rpilK undeni(ned hs'ing been sppisnted a Com t m.llee to contract for r renins; s New t'(,urt llonse for Rowsn t'ourilr, woohf mil ("onlrselors to offer bnls for fniilinj maleriiiln ami buiidlnir t'ourl lloiu. I the town in rilibnrv: of the followinr ih- mensmea. Hi witi.WI feet wide and Hi feet bmf in-i thf "J llt HI. lllllll.. , l"I 1,-MIMH.I r " . " ; rsltsif Brtea.-wnii Ti lt.wrttTdais-d ' . Ju i'...r.:.. - is.- i-.i.s.-iwf Hfi-fov -at 'tlewnrte - : - eilieafiolia will be prepsred by lh ArehKee1, snd may be seen hy caltlilc on Ihe ."iimmiltee by Ihe Sblih N.o veiiib.-r, snd it u dewrshle In eke Ihe contract by the 1st uf December. L. PARTFE. ! ISO. I. SIIAVFN. J J SI MMKRF.I.L, JNlt. F Met'llRKLK, 11. A. DA VIM. Salisbury, Oct. 21. 1851. 5w3 ' EBEKDEEN fOIBMNv ' OCTOBER 9fi. 1P54 rpiiE ,A dee a.ioial F.I.etion of Tril'iees fin- the Aber r , i yM- tleen ltiiipa-liV. mr ine rnmi.ii im., ,hVU al their Office. No. 5H. Heaveretrwt.' in the .city,- . . 1 . - .vr ..ll-fkA o( 1 New York, on the I -4ih day of November wr (from I toUo'eioch. T. frtrltt l-l ."'.- -"rAt-TRK TXtm hp Aberdeen Coniany, N. Y. j .w, snd .wo rr.nd eh,ld.v.y ..hrether ... m.k, adJ,, Illi I l.IH IIIX I ... , '.. . j ,i r,i.roT-rmiiittT-.,,t-iWr --i1:1" ' 0 Al hii U, I All 1 VII I UlAllkJ T Will SELL al tmblie sale, on Toe-lsr. the 7ln - iiisiisi.IiI.. .M-!i'ns. M ' jsttttj rTTT'TTTTl U .ml .pp.., si Ih. n.iri l ,.n . u h.bl Um tb., ,ifa i;,,T;on . si.iv rrVioTT of wtiii h iTgiodK;Vr j$i3'!Wulti 6 C,n- tionnet ' 1 N-mM-a 1 wk In Salary, l. 1' A"7 Osviin. i:, on tb. 36tk MARY ,ZIU A ( U) I?0 '"!!! 'V? m i IVn" v '"i , rldVulL """ 1"". PI B'irk!,weH ullK.d lwellmriiiiu. - " "I LEE. d.othisrof llr. J. II. sndM J Tl,.i..toii. .jeT f) ) J J ) VjiJ, ""'i'' M-r. sd iu g.nS Kpi, " ' t''-A antTTALJfAX IAT. say fee. front and 70 feet b.ek, adjrineiat ' lh, , . J raVaBW., " leiBnT1llainl.r pet.t..n, IA our j, ' A verv larve snd Pne sssnnim-nt of Wni. Viophv sir.ml. r..w, on Main Street. Hah wh.n. mother meeUumV-h .: - tAhmt "- I rraW, of eTaiid ,.el,,r- ,,Hour. fiW. or ju.l,. pro confer will be t.k- Oa Thursday 16tb. I will real on , he premises, in X ! Va ' , , Preh. mmrJ U. be paid in ndi, when po-e. j ' - ii-w?r.VrH,',!r"Trrf ,Ul,i,.llr.l,ofruh,-.l Ih-r. ,..t.m.l tl,.,,.. .. 1 ,h. m.w. ..f Tvt;..lb.. ... .he b..b... biw. .h. Il o.l. M, r. t .t . ...r " w.ll be rvn, on the 1st J.uurv. tha 1 " Mined. an. I, lOall I ' lo.lure, 11 a M.Jasses, Cuba, 333j NiOrieaiia,4HaU Nails, i 7 du. Wrought, 12J IS do. Horse atMaoa Oats, . 411 Oils, ' - Linseed1, )raL75aR5 Taaaer' U eaL SS 7S rVutors, Insh, 7S ItilfiOU, ; JU(j ISJ lleesw, !a s W B. ef, ' 4 J (t S Buller, - I'jj 00 Caadlea, Tattiiw, JSai4 a. Adauaut, S3a3 do. h porta, 45 a 50 CorTc-e, Kio, 12, 14 do. Java, li a I6J CtMiar V . 3J4 do. Malabk 13, a IS Cvtlon, 8 no. Kwaei, ; as M "WW?. Cutlon Bairffiiif J- tisii : fifSaCK,! fUVU BJIKI " Gvaoy, 14a IS Uaade., liiatM do. Vtmshel, fl.00 fthestina, Bmwa, 4-4 7 sIhx, f a.g, ji.aa Heed. Clover, T bush. s 9. flsiseed-, 75 8uf r, Brown, 7 s " Burtapa, 11 a 111! lultoa Ya, fo Corn, 6.'.s7(l do. Meal. 70a73 Chk-kea V-.U(l U ' . buar, IXal ".Twahed, Ita.lir " Clarified, 9 a 10 rVslhera, - 34 s 374 Hour, rl ML, is 15.50 Inm, Hwrde, d.1. Bar, 4 Tslkiw, IS21 4 a 4 j I urproUne,. fal fl.UW " Cue- Refin'd 5 Wheat, 7J.IIKJ Wi.il, 25 a 30 Window Glass, if bi, HXIO a2.Mla95 10X tai 25 s fJ.iU " M4es, S j ' Oval. 6 (3 7 Lard, lOslt'j ld, kar, 74 art j Uad.Urv Wliite. 10 a 181 Fayttivilh, N. C, Oct. 23. S4(.25 ban. ll)((t 11 tesihsr, sole, 1 7if, Midssses, $1 Ofl0 IHI , Nails, cut. II '4 12 9(1 23 S.W 26 J.'ki 00 filu H II fit 18 Hiiciin, C'irn, 124 1.1J ll.i.. Kkmi. fi 50 (tt. 7 95 I Kurar, brow Feathers. 40(45 do. Iaf, FlaiSred, ! OOaouO f Rail, saek, rua, Mwirdes, 5 ' i Tallow, $I752IMI 1 1 M 12 HI W (it Knjrhsh. 4 1 Wheat. Cteraw, S. C, Oct. 25, 1H54. dseon, V tt (812, 20(1 25 l(0, 20 12ns IS i at on 13 id 15 7 t'i 401 45 I,nt, 13 13 1 Lratlier, sole, 82 2M j Molasses, 20 (ir 2M i "do. Cuba, 33 (t 37 Hultrr, Beeswai, CoffV-e, I'oIUHt, rum, Ergs. Fhnr, Kesihtrs, Irofl. - Kads.cnU-. 61 M Kicr, Kursr, --! W 5 I(I0 II 0 12 ( 2 00 do. Loaf, Kali, Liwrpeid, 5.4tfl. Charlotte, X.C, Oti. 24, Bscoa, Band f. Beef, llutlrr, Beeswss, Beans, Apple Brandy, 9(3 19 i Million, 5 IS 6 150 l Mackerel, bU. 110(8(16 iwt ' Miitssaes, St (!r 40 12 (rt 15 Meal, 75 a 77 20 f, 22 Nsils. ' 61 0 (i(,lisi Oats, 00(t35 55 ' 00 P.irk, 5 hi 54 Peach Brandy, 24u. 75 Feaa, 674111. Fotslors, Irish, fc2 t 0 Riee, "f. bu.h, 4 00 'eMn, i '"". 12) r 14 Oirn, (tt 70 Sutrar, 6 a 1 1 fhickens, rToar, Festhers, Urd, 10wl2 Salt, aark, j 2J Ulrrl2 Tra. y t, 75al. 1m3 Wh'sl, 1.10(I25 3( iV rWaker, - - 40y5ft S lr Cotton Yarn. 1 f5 FOR SALE AT THE FACTORY" in this plsee, 60(1 HEAVY (.L'NNY CO rrON KitfcS, m (ood ordr. uitaWe j for bailing cotton in agaiu at 40 cents per sack- Sal" - . jsK U. LAA It. ? Malisbnry, fept. 27, !H54r 1 y if j aaa.a M d tj a. IlJnlSa yHA III ' , j. I ) KfH Icaro rrattkri-l fiilU- f Mniunrirs lot lie Ladies of Chartoli and it vinnty, that she basupened a large aKrtmenl of n. w rBKkoll 1WT 1 1 1 - etry, ' t rotiMstmir of thelate.ttyleof -v , , . -rr j in ' Drew Making, Bonneta. Cap HeaJ Dreje, 1 ud s well -selected siock of Ilti: THintllNfN AD P tTTt lin and frets a ii red she eitn give sstiufnction in biih braiirtsaC No pains wiltbe 'Spitreit Co plcaae. IT IK DEBS promptly atteuded to. Ort.sbrr 17, l5t. I . , 3in22 RAIL For Sale. I.I. -tl in the lowlSTT.ioliuYyro. Tnl3ly 1 the Uln .Norembir orit, it brinir week of Snperi ef t'ourl. $.IHW of Rail Kosd Si.r'k. Ali, one Ne gru tviri, aged sbout.10 or 1 1 vears. 1 M. FI.VKSrUN, Attorney. Oeloher 19, e.'4. AT AUCTION. (t TI'KHlMVwTtWntytrourl7Vt"iri t J- tfwrt- llouae, will be sold A TihT fiSit" ITSr" Wirie ; 7 A Fine Ttin ftHqmi ; .-1 Si t of Single Ju. if c, , For sale prlrslely, a pair of df. Uj-iUi i0xu w I t"JPJ: MV.tttjB, one an Escellent Saddle Horse Kmtiiie st the Man sion ll'.ii-l, or "f HL'Fl'S BAKUINUEIL S.lirfMiry. (lei. 33, 154 !i'.3 HABBIS0NS HOTEL BY n. TiioyipwoK KiTia, ritorRinTOR, H. K. II IUDi, SITKRISIKSPKST. Thia Hotel i. eligibly located on the corner of yiic b atbson anil Xmt 1 5 trtf is, l Ol.lMBIA, SOI TH CAROUX.i. P.trons of. this. Establishment wilt be Con.eed to and fnm the Rail Road Depots ZXXXIX OF OUAIIGB. Oct. fi, I HJ I. Ka- MARSH & ELLIOTT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND fohi(. V WILMI50TON, H. C. J il RK T B ARG AJLJJEJlEU ED . Valuable: Land For Sale,- hri-meii , near Ml For farther particulars call on the subscriber Vernon, or lr. I. H. Hiasl. W. V. HI Kkh, Ap-nt f. W. V. BYKII. ! Oelohrr 21, ls5t. fSS,: Apples, (tilled) I'll "li do. (iwb, U(ia75 tkrrrn nUAU OlUblV hkssextJ'TOWN LOT Hit. H. 1. KeiruUr eraditttt of tlie Brtlttnmre I nllepe ol lentMl Srieure, wtmld infonn ttieriliieni.if Kw- I an snd the public gem-rail, liial he ha reninvedm! iht? town of Salmbury, and rrt'iy be fuiind al UUrbaLrda! lltttfl, evcet wlien pnifrasHiually alwrnt. j Cmnmuim-alM-ns by mail or otherwise promptly atteaded to. r - " " Tr Cr& B. GrWORTHr - tMMlSSHf ANU I'liKW AKlllNti M-EHCHAN.TS, BKOUK'8 Bl ILIUM., WlTKI ST R ITT, Vf ll.MINliTON, C rsri. nvM'rs Htnit Jrtilunry 5, IH.r4. rOii(.UKTS. l).1.ti. DR. J. J. SUMMERELL, - Oft It K - - - H,MSITIT MAS'SION Htni.i.. Feb. 3 151. " lvl"' . . . . - a . 1 mT 1 I ! . ,,,mM - -; ' kuii liiLiu. OS VWdiiestlay S'Jd Nnvember next, 1 wall sell m the hiuhest twliler, at Uiillv's Store, nine milrs te-l.iw i sykirsvilM, oa th Hialesville rotW, the lands betunging In the ralale of Ur. Auribsa AortoB, decsa ed, . vis ii In Trset eoataiaiiif lyisf in Irsdell euaatjr, known as lbs Beatt'a Cna Kosds alace, a very desaraU loealioa fur a Hum, or Mvchaaie. Alsu, an Iraet eooUolinf 130 ACRES, - on Ik wslrrs at 8nalb Vtdkin, ia Alexander eonaty, ss( wlWwa fcSiwes la scwiv anpwiTe?weev-,'Wrii iriake a re . ry food small farn. Abm Ur. Nortua's interest (oa hah) ia 173 Acre, lyiof on Third t'rerk, in Atrsaadrreotinty, on which ther tt an excellent Mill Wile, a dwelling hooae and olher iinprtivenN-nts -sums ry etjod land oa tl -a wtr ry (oud local if u tor both a Haw nd tjrisl M ill, of easy aeeeta, aad in a (nod osighhorliood. Onoi tuoa will be f iven lo Ui purchsserr Termaal lheday. . .... ' - As C. SlclNTOKIi. Ea'r. October 13, 1854. 5-22 Wwawih aso. t. FALL, & WIXTEU Ilnrains! Bargains!! in all kind of R.& A. MURPHY, VRR 1W ri-civ.rte their 8l-rk of FA 1. 1, AND WINTER ;0!)S, which it lare and hand nmif. We du tvt thutk it meeemmtv, itd will imM t tempt Ur eimmrMc eTrynriiet which I kept in tiaiiabliathiiivtitlike uur. hill feet justified iu in'inf ihnt m viiut frtin all thute (Wihmu uf (MirchnHii any and hII hiodi uf Goii4, would b amply' repaid by esam kniiiour 8 tuck befura purohaaitif elerwher. i R. fc A. ML KPHY. N. B. All kind of prodif! taken In exchanr ft CjtMd, for which we pay the hiheft nmrket price. "j l 'ill. tS A- M. Silifbary, Oct. 12, IHSt. ! 1 tf2. j LAND LAND FOR SALE. pHE SUBSCRIBER offer thr' Sale that very JL valuable iraeLuf Jand kouwn u the Hdinan place. Ivinf it the County uf I red r II, 12 mitea eaat of Htatemile. on the floath' River, adittinmr Dr. Adams I and othera. t tiere w in the Tract 400 ACRES. ahtttat one hundred of which i Eicetlfiii Bottom irHtst ly in cultivatiun- The uplands prmluce well- At mo gtiod meadows. There is on the pirmise a lafpe dwel ling lluuse, kitchen, barns, ud erery other iieceeBary buiidin; all iu .food reair. Brine desiroa Ut dnpre of sstd land, I will srll at a reduced price, sod make terms aciMnnKtdi:tiiif. For further particulars cull on ihe Subscriber, Iredell county, N- C. Bt.NJA.MIN TURNER. October 13, f54. Ilwl JERSEY LASIX FOR REM. . r"MIE undersigned will receive proposals until Ihe I A ' I ,"' stt-ad PlsutatNin of the late Dr. B. L. ileal, fur the year !r..5 The unprovemviiU consist of a hue ColiB(e Dwelling House, Kilrhen, Dairy, Smoke House, Car- fnaye. tlwii t sluifg txiut um, jsuUi. haai J Juejtftu.g and Cotton jrinmtijf Michitiery, and ample Cow lluiise 100 C Stilt MiedS. ' Al), SO CXCrllrnt Mlop, With tWO KiaiMns and Chimnev. euititble for Physician or a (Lawyer, a pn-d GtroVii. a Well, two Orchards of vi..a.. L'....i ,.r arrvants H.-ust-s. with a iiinnr nnar at hand, a Black Smith Shop, aird liX Illuse. There is about 150 Acrt-s of open land, inctuflmf a (true Meadow. Tbe lunds sr-in a tine state fur cultivation, with a large nuanidv of manure on hand, suitable for anplrcalHu- The ftIlc,, ,,, rKMl ord. "V ELIZABETH J. Davidson co ,Oc. 114, 1p5-4. BEAI.L. 4w2 Administrator s Notice. NOTICE is hershy rivea that th. aile of the pm- t vlli Sepieniber UsL All ummc indrbled, will ereatly ; oolije me and favor tkrhklvki by -enminf firw nj anam.kur tiowHsif asynow, s. wssb t settle tbe bunneM at tbe eartir.f pomkle Jalt. Alt persons hsrinff cl.itll. sc.ln.l (lie Estate, are for th. Ia.ninie, called upon to present them legally suinenocstea tor psyiueuu D B. WOOD, Adm'r. OctuberI9. 185. 4wi2 State of North Carolina, IREDELL COUNTY. August ' Tttux: fifjtft fi j MirfircTtlrakim; wr im mTn r U W oT Jamea Graham dre'd n j.,. jr r. Jtitnm frOUri' I i appfanitc 10 me uimrfiiiHi or me r mm, inn 1 AtexanoVr P. t.rrihrtin, H tt mm l-MiHr)-.ii and wife Jane, ThHiias W. II Ufimrti and wife Mary Ann, snd Margaret K. Kurr, reside I bevond ihr liniitsof this Y ' Stale: il ia. therefore. nrnViled irni ft.ertrl hv lh I 'mtrt that piib!iralnn be made for si I wei-kn in (he ' Caro lina Wstchnian-r' newspspeftpnbtinhi'd iu the Town of Sajiabury, mtifyn(r the said noii-r.-wdr-ntntd be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sen. bmmis, to be held for the County uf In-dill, at the" C-ourt lloaae in 8latsviHe, oa the 31 Monday of No vember nest, thru and there to pi tad. aunwer or de mur to plaintiff's petition in our said Court filed, or judgment pro confrsso wit) be taken aganist I Item. Witness, M. F- Kreeland, Clerk f our said Court at office iu Htauv'illee, the 3d Monday iu August, A. I). le54. M. F-FREELANDp CTk. Price adv. 5 A0 hwl j State of North Carolina, IREDELL COUNTY. Omrt Vlra enrf Quarter Sntion, A a en ft Term 154. John Graham, Executor of Jamr (irnhttm, der'd, tf. A. P. TIraTiiirh and oilier. Petition for Sale if Land. Y T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that 1- Alexander P. Itmhatit. William DoiiHld .n ai.J -wife Jane, ThiHiia W. Iludaoa and wile Mary AnJi, ' and Murgiirel E. Furr, Ileira at l-aw of the said J allies . i tiraham, oWd, are non-resident,! of tins Sut.-. Il n,- therewr nrtfeiNMlan'deereeJ-by '-ilie Court that pub- f lir.itHn be miult' for the space of six wet-ka m the olfiee in Ststeeville, the 3d Monday in August, A. 1. nj4. Price sdvT f.l.in M. K. KrU.lXAND, Cfk. C31 aw ai mm . -nrntw m FOR SALE. I WILL SKI.l., on the 31st of Novernber net. the C-ourt Housf iu, Salinhurv, it beine Tursdav ' f Suuerior Court, the' Ltt bcloiminc to .the Ute Sophia i r ! Hildebrand, contaminaf about two acre, adjoining VI'. j m H, , Kr amrr -Mrft Mfe Br ii - An M. UwrabrJ Twelve months credit wtlh interest tnftcr Six tiHtntha, , ! the purchaser ffivine btnid wi'h appn.ved sccuniv Ail pern mn ntvini; ciaiiua atritinM aruu eriate win present ihant ais.nlimi I.. Iiiw C.r niM llieiil i 111 ts 'I' VI 1 V VI' I' I I I.'-'- ' 1 ii"".' .m.i.ihi.1,11, &i r- October 19, ISM. 4w2lT m:i:mrs hats. FALL STYLE. sSAt.lSBl'RY, Al Ml ST. IH.M. . rllK aolkacnber bas received two cases BKKBK' 1 HATS Yir FtULStitU K. MY PUS. (14). No. 4, tiranite BMii'hng. joix riuxrisa - Je.itly exeeutol at t:t OJpvt; V K . 4 . L WATCHES & JEWELRY JAMES II0RAII. TT AS just received ffout New York and Pbilsdef 1 J. phis. hs tsnresl and beat selected asaurtaieal I WATHE3 ABD JEWELBY. ver olTervd Car sals la lb town of 8alibarjr-CMa. ' priwuf renersr asanrimeni of Gold and Sihfr Walcbrv Gold Fob and Guard CkaiM, Seals, Bracelet. Ka Bubs, t'arT Pins, Uentlemra and Ladies' Breast Fins Fiueer Kiuss, Fine (i,4d Pencils end t'aars, Uold. Sil ver and Hleel KPEmt'tEK,' and a tanety a Fanev Articles and Perfumery. All of whieh, .Jrs will wll cheaper, than they ei be butirhl at aiinilar eatabliih mepia in the mat. Call oneduiirly-kra' K, A, .Mr phy'a 8lore, and aian.iue (tie yuuraelvea. IT Cluck,. Watchea, aod Jewelry of all kinds, re- paired iu the beat mauarri and on the hioal reanHiable term. JAMES IJUICAU. Sli-bury, April 6, 1B54. 34 DISSOLUTION. IMIE Copartnerftip-tf M. BROWN V I X this dy diMulved by liwitatttn. Th bnninea will be earrit-d on nndr the name if Michael Brown. All peratn iitdt'blrd by secnunt will plea cati and eh the aaiue either by note or cah- M. BROWN, RalUbary, HtplJ, H. C. S. BROWN. NEW ARRANGEMENT. THE SUBSCRIBER would inform hi enstumrrs and the public that h bas isken the stork of (Juiids Of M." Brown II Hon, and wilteontinn. ai ihe old stand. He will sett Ihe present slock sl very reduced prices to five plsee lo new stuck this Fall. He solicits a con tinuance uf the old euaiutuers, and hopes from a deter I minatkm u sell ss low sa sny house in ihe plsee, to re turn Ihe old customers and to make nw ones. MICHAEL I1UOW.V. Rrptinl-rr 1. II. '4. I7tf Mhert Iron, Copptr and Tin Ware ESTABUSHMENT. WILLIAMS BROWN, CIONTINUEK to carry on th abve biteineu in all itsvariet.ee. He keeps Constsntly on hand, sn as. ortment of Tin Ware. Niillf, Stove, Stovepiuesand row. UHrgaius tor rasli. Ulu cipitr, itewter. be U'SK, tallow', tic, Slc, tuken in trxrlmnge, at caah prices. Saliabury, Jan. J9, 1H54. 35 Stoves! Stoves!! TH E wbsenher hs. pm reeetwd . f-ie aMnetment which he will sell low, for csah. WILLIAMS BRTTO-y. Uppiwiu- t.runite Row. Salisbury, July 20. 154. tf9 GREAT ATTRTctIoN!' NEW AXD LARGE SUPPLY OF WATCHES 4 JEWELRY. it reduced iieii&T W. I.. WILSON us AS just receied from fhilaoVlphia and N. York, by Adams' Express, a new supply of (jitld and iTcr WatchfB of every price and quality. JEWELRY Of the latest and tnost fashion able tyles, constating in ...... ..r i ' " - "-' t . nceUUm Lava Breitat Pins arid Ear-rin1i. fiile tuXd Hrragf -Ptmrr E a i i i 1 1 vm arrd Braccttt; .arrr-s-C-hat- ;4M ?vfrfi r wtnf rstdhts ' varimis styles and prices. iold -Crtasaes for hair, nourniii; .Breast Puis, Ear-riupi and Cuff pins, IScals,' Real au? pri'araiieyi,C4iUpenciTip pens, ''' p ' ""'t "" oruuenl of (jt.ld. tsilver, Mrrl and coinuwa Silver, Tea and Table Spoons, Butter Knives, Salt Spoons, fine Cutlery, Pmu4s, Portrnnnacs, lluir, Cimb, Teeth and nuil Brnahes, Perfumery and Fancy Arti cles nsually kept in Jewelry Stores. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Call and ei amine for yourselves. IT Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Music Boxes, re piiired in the bea manner and warranted. W. it- WILSON. July 13, 1854. tf NOTICE. II AVINC obtained Letters of Administration on persons indebted to the estate will make'pHyment ve ry stHtn ; and those having claims a trail im the fstaie, will present them in proper time or be birred by this notice. I On Wednesday, November 1 5th, I will sell, at the i'l intution of the lute Jisiah II. Stewart, dceasedj Six miles above Ta iom-iile, the crop CORN, alMiut j 1000 BUSHELS: 1 5 OR (i HEAD OF HOUSES : Oittm ir7'f. Cuttle, M ii'jnn ami tiar Farming TThXx," aiidlher ailicles nol mentioned Tavern Hoiisc it Lot, ' with all the OtTiccsand out buililin- attached frone ear; and hir ttor- ur tivjB -iiJitJv Neiries. Atler which 1 will st-H in the Imrlcul hnltl. r, nil the loutt. hold and Knrhefi Furnitun' Hrttd np and Tavern Furniture, and tit her valuable prt.pert y, aii)iii-M which ' there is a lart'e new Cukmg Si.tve, one Bii;jry and ; Hsiriieas, and a great variety of thing not im-miont-d. I A reasonable credit will be given. Terms at the day. . A C. Mct.N TOSII. Adm'r. i OctisVT 10, 1H54. 4WJ4 r. -vi - 1 I LI, veil , in Uie nn,'ncu hiiluer, I !! .... ... tl.. ..u... .-t W.l.ur...r. . at the Ciiiri n the tlih of . . i ' wa . I - : ! . - .1 I orenioer n, wiog fliHiuav ui uptTUd uuri, me lr.nM of land, known . (he Wdlium i ' vf plac. King on econd t refk. seven rnile iroin s.i!t.(vrfry. atljoin ' ing the land of IVter Joat-y, Joarph thrcn and lavid Cauupp, ctjiiMitiiii; about 37J ACBKS, about one half of which is wnod Untl of superior quati- : ty. There is on the premise a eni dwelljne house -r-aud-oWr rrvtues, - Any pmoWHtbof tveH 4lt- laiul, j can k so by rnllmg. on Mr. lieofjje Knuy hvinj imi the ; plnce, who will show it to them. Twelve inontha-cred-it. with Mite rest after sit mow ha. Tlic purchaser fiv j mg bond and approved secuntv.. :....e.V:u.-iioAAi. 1 1 n 1 1, a ... ..... l -.- I u. II -....a ..i ik. HL.i.i ... i. I I lllllll lllllll II1IJII1I1 f ; 7 v- -,-f.--HtasM!lt..,av- EnEAC.-.::::ARyi:,:::Er.:E!,TS! - 1"t O as as la. ZDuyox-a 1 1 rpiIE St'BSCKIBERS 1IAVINO PETER JL nnaed in etose ineir.nercanule basinesa ia Uii plaei mrw osTer their tar ad desiraUr atnek uf fnod al COMT tat cash. Oar stock af tsood am wstl auiwd, aad oii(aas arswt vsrity of - DRYawCOODSr. Carpeting, Hardware, Cutlery, fktdJks, Crockery, Hoot and Shoe, Jatt cfe Cap, BLANKETS, Keney, I'aints, tfce., tfc?., X"ft Tbeae Good were aarehssed lor cash rieluaivelv. aad w iavita Coaalry msrelisats and Pedlars, aod all peraoa tradtaf ia Ihu market to yiv as a eslt be- itf savin, mm mtti-m mm unit v Air hnvin muiAm ' from su drssrable stisrk at Cost, bsppras tiiu satdum. CAAMBEBH 4 CHAMBERS. Any person who would purrhsse the entire Stock of Goods a above tintioDed can rent the Sttire building to b ed fur mny omibss except that 4 retailiug spirds. The Hlors rtMMH'ivnear one hundred feel long, with grand cellars about the same length, and a portion of the building can be used f a dwelling for a small family, there being 9 roonis below and 9 or 3 abure, as the peraon occupying the house might prefer. It isconaid ered the moat deairsbla htftttion for trade in the place, being aiioated oa th oxjkv of tha PoUte aiotiare. and much the largeat part W the produce that will be brought her, will pas by th door ia order to reach the Kail Koad Depot. J. F. CHAMBERS. Ci:.l aVd.J Ctati Oil. . D.ily8.t. -.,r.dini., eony tw. weeks, . lurwaril aeetmnt 10 riti tHBea. ' " 1 WEW SUPPLY. OF FALL AND WIJJTER GOODS. 3Tl.loli-jt7'in.o cfto Harrlason. ARE vow receitittj at their Mora f pfxawie Murphy (ranite Knilding, au aortmciit of Sly UOOds, large tot uf READY MADE CLOTHING, .ftK"EKlES,. Theyhsve on hUd i k of Crockery, Hardware and Cutlerv, which they will ell ottt at very reduced price. In fact all th above oemed bood hall be sold very lw for eah, or to punctual dealer. All they ask is a call to give salisfatc- tiuaw- Thejt aifhjuufuJrt . f.vjx and h by strict stlentton to business to merit an increase. Salisbury, October 3, IH54. tPJO WILKEXB0R0 N. C. ffiAff rPE UNDERSIGN li!!.!" kf n chant of thi e ili'5 U rw.dlf..llV .t.f.rm. .h , NED Having ta- etablisliineut Te- pectfully inform the truvellin public nd" the" erajnmsuit v at lurpe. th4 no-naHfta' will be spared to render comfortable arcoinodnihm to all who may favor hire with their patronage. His house will be MipplUd Hh trust-Worthy and attentive ser vants, aud hi with Ih. best the country affords. TUB BTABTiBB will ai aH lut be abunitsntty supplied with good pro Tender and attentive ostlers. THE STAGE OFFICE for the Salem aud Jt-rTi-rson Hlg. lines is kept at ibis Hotel. , The tuge upon this Cue arrives snd departs tri-wf y.!r. ...... By strict attention to the wants of th public he nope to merit and receive a liberal p iironse. MATTHEW LOCKE. Vilkrsbon.', Sept 27, 1H54. atltf SALESMAN WAITED. ONE or TWO (iOOD Apply to SALESMEN Wanted. K. A; A. MUUrilY. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. " '$Qi A -filSKE BU1LDLNU. Glass Ware ! Glass Ware ! 1 MYERS is now In receipt of the moat mngnif d icent k-t of t;LASS WARE both ( IT and PRESSED ever before offered in this section, consist ing in part of Uoch Stdver) Plteh&ry Deeantery SSuyar and 'reserve Dinhen. Celery Stands Wtnes ZTT'TZ T Mtyirnti-(JfaiMtai o&f4sr TutHhiiry tie, tfe -Chiu.-FniU JJishes, Vaaea, aund Saucers, aud. (-III.NA FANCY article ia gnat variety. Th Public are invited to call. Sanatory, Oct. S, 1H54. SO Great , IndacenTcutsr . .SalUbury, Oct, 5, 1.85-4. READY-MADE COTHim THE SUBSCRIBER has opened one of the nraat vsried Stuck, of Ready - Made Clothing, ever brofrht to this market. His ajanrtinent ia er CO M I'LET E. compriaing aloioat every style and qual ity. Also, a fine lot of . THAK.8, BOOTS, SHOES 1D H.4TS. He solicits all peraons in want, to call and examine hia Siock, as greater inducemmta wiH be offered than ever. E. 1HYERS. JO No- l, Gf suite Jiuddig NEW FALL STOCK 0 3B Km. 3, CHAMITE HI ILDI.Xti. T ri H B-W BSC I B E 8 !- A R K Nt W R RTE1 V: in from the Nivthern Cities, i very LARGE and VARIED STOCK of Ru and folton Oamuk for t'urtjin., C.rnelinr. It beiu their deaian (o devote their sllen'ii to Ihe ' sale of the sbuve srurle, eeluavelv, thev feel s per fect confidence in sayinf that they e.n b-W -ui ib- stanlisl inducements to wholesale suit retail bevera. J IV'BKOW.N o: 1.KMI.Y. SsliJwry, Sept. 2T, 64. 19 xothim; stoke, I "I T AS juet bqenTipctted by the anbscnberii, ns dfior Hiruwrlvjoccapied by.Slerouj- & UurXUesU, abejif CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AND Ready Made Clothing. .Im, "nirts, A oliars. 1 rsvsts, itosiery. ami irasii.ro s Extra srticle of II TS : in lorl, even artiele offur- 11-slii.iK- lo.ids, neeesiiary for a gentleman'. Wardrobe, all of which, will he sold st sstoiii.liinr low prices. Our numerous friends, pntrons.-aiHi the publu- gen erally, are respectfully invited to call snd examine for themselves, as ws duu I want any tu tube our word for CTotTlirif made to. orden on ihe most resauiiaUe term,, and iu a stleuot lo be surpassed hy anv. ; lvi 1 u-riinHv. 1 J.M'. A. VI r.llt.UAA iV V, Men-hunt l.uhtr. 'i-'Aii!rMt'Jl, 1 r- ,tiii.ibai my, . ;.:...-!. i-si ; . I13 - I 1'oJi .sail: ritll E nWHlK'r beinjf dfs.rtmB to rhnnifi hi fpm - .L uoa, ofivr for U hi raluabl iiOl hK AM) IA)T Mttwied ta main vtrettt, oppuwt th Ruwa Hon, in Haliebnry. Any pewoa wishing lo bwy tbat pntperty, would do well tu call and rauiiM tu pf- " miae. -Term will b mad easy, tm4 istsaij giv es iouivdiatel1. - - i ' WaU. ROWZEE. SaliaUry, J!y 90, tf The Tin, Slicet Iroii, AND COPPER liVSlSLSSy 18 carried on in at! its Tsrioas braarbas, at Ihe nld stand, jaslisMuaite lb Wairbnraa Frinlinr Office. and M.-.rly nppusile t'd. Robsrda' Hfdat, tef KAKER it OW EN, where all work ia their line is done ia live liest style and on short notice. Tbe) bars oeustaolry oti hs'nd a supply of Tin-Ware, Store, and Pipes, SlilN, Le. Ato( an aortment of Cooking Stoves I always on hand, which tbey will let oat on trial, if J necesMry, lo persons wishing to buy CsU aad .nd arte oar Oooam. fi-g 4 Guttering done O. K. j ALStfci j Wsnted on or two einerieneed wurkmen, (Tinners) , who ea eel liberal wage and constant rmntoytneat, I by apotyiug anua by letter, post nsid, or callinr nn UAKUt it OWEX. Saliabury, Feb. S3, 1854. 40 NOTICE I IS hereby jieen, that Books sr now opened fur re ceiving subscription lo the Capital Stock of Te SalUbiry, laeksTlllr aid WIILriariKk r Pljik Bd Ceapanv, and the same may be ftand at the stores 4 Messrs. Murphy, Meltons 4- C'-n. and Chamber at (ambfm. WILLIAM MCRPUY, JOS. F. CHAMBERS, CHARLES F. FISHER, May II, BT The Comrm'ssiitners will also, by renent, rereiva at the same places, subscriptions fur a outre Northerly route, crossiiia; the South Yadkin below the mouth of Second creek, thence to Mocksvitle, for the parpe of ascertaiatnf which is)te is preferred. NO, 4, ranite Building. SALISBURY, SEPT. 2, Uii. FALL AM) Wm CSS rpilR Subscriber is now daily neeivinf his Sloek of I FALL AND WINTER UOOD.S snd r.C HTIt'LK, wtricn-whew wrnipt-'., -aajH. aampriaa tbo freatest variety he hss ever before offered, eouaistiuf ia part of LADIES1 DBESS GOODS, . c mluMMt evry dcacriptloa; Xeedle-irorted Collar!, Sleevei, Tlandktrtktefc Infant.' Rube; Waitlt and Laditi Skirt, at all yrieet. Silt, Ctotk and Vtltet CttMiks, from ti to 1 100. Ribbon, . Glwe, tb Ifotrritt, a fiat annulment. Muhair Skirtt tt Cortrtt, Men and lioit Clothing, alto Cloths, Cat timertt, I'mtinit, Kentucky Jrant,- Satineti Kcrteyt, . B00TS:ANI5HQEsi DfTS, TRU.XRS, CiRPCTLNGSe, te. HeiiUaSt earnestly solicits a exami nation of hi Stock, as he feels assured from the fact of hie purchas es having ben made, since the great decline im pri ces of goods, that he ia ottering greater induce aMUUt than ever- Dout urge! the store of S- MYERS, 18 No 4 Uramite Building. VALUABLE PLANTATiON - -..r-zzssrs w w m r si w w r Hv LlnLLl liliUUI FOR SALE. ON Tuesday the Uih day of November next, 1 will proceed to sell, at pubin sale, my Plauia lion lying one piile North of Raliabnry, on tha maia road leading to Mocksvtlle, eoutaiaing 2G0 ACRES, - One Hundred of which are cleared and In a good etate of cultivation, the balance ia very heavily timbered. The nearness of this place to market the produc tiveness of the soil, and the iuBsenew amount of lim ber u it, render it one of the noat desirable tracta of land in tha vicinity of Salisbury. There s a the place a dwelling and all necessary n hoe see. AhV a Brick-Yard, which might be made eery profitaUe. I will also sell at the same lime, 15 OR 20 LIKELY NEGROES, consist in g of Men Women and Childrea. AaaMf these are two coirksand two good nnrse senranta. Also, my Waprn HORSES and MCLESFartu ing Utensils of erery description. Terms made known on the day of sale. Sale to commence at 10 n'rtork- JOHN II. COFFMAXT September 91', 1854. 8wl 'VXdiXTA.JBXaXl L ?EAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN SALISBUEY. ndulen "l-proved note sun miere. AT TIIF. SAME TIME AND Pl.At'E I will sell a In of IA ACRES aud a few rods of land oae mile from Sarwbnrr immwbstely on the main Charlotte road, th. t'entral Rail Road miniinf Ihroufh said kit of land. Any pervon wishing lo essinin. this I. it will plaas esll upMi Joseph Fisher, lemi il joins, 01 Jaiiies Dotnrb. erty in Town. A credit of 6 months with int.reflt from d.te wdl be -riven. Possession given immediately after the sale. M. UIXJER. Ssltiury, Sept 2S. 1954. 4wl9 jj. Uam-doBm. , , MRS.l,0riA RR0WN 1 1 AYlNtt returiied from Jackson, L L sMitiavisoippi.and reconciled bar Kstaltlishment iu Salmbury, solicits the pa iron a gs of heir tld frtenda and acuuaintances, and infomis them thst she hss received froui New York aud Pliiladvlpnia. asupply of fashloasble BttlMttS, fa)S, DCsld-DrfSSrS, it t& OL . , Sh. is prepared to do wiwk at lh shortest notice, ia iKe u.atest and latest style. Orders from sbroad witt" receive priaupt atieuliou, and goods packed sad tor. .. ' pil -J,' t!3t. trie ee will be firea, by i -1 1 rr-.:",