1I I r t 1 - J w - Death of the Flower. The aKlaaetmly day.ar coma, Th ddet of th year, "T"t)I Bitoj wltsl, and: Mk) vrooe, - And meadow brow and Mar. Ueap'd ia lb hottowi of th grora. The wilher'd leave lie dead, Th roUe la the eddying fttat, And to lb rabbit' bead. Tha lobbia and th wia an flown. And from th abruba the jay, ' And from the wood. top cilia the crow Through all the fluumy day, Where are th. flower,, th. fair yoaag tWr. Thai Intel y eprang and mint, In brighter bght and eufttr eir,' A beauliooe aiirterhoud AUm! they are all in their gravee ; The gentle rttce of fluwere Are lying ia their lowly bede,. With the (air iwdguodof our. The rain is falling where they he, Bat the ould November ruin Calla uut from uut the gluuiny earth The lovely onee again. The wind-fluwer find the Udet, They penah'd long apt. And the briar rae aud the archie died, A mid lit auiuiiier j;Uw ; But ua the bdl the fukku rod. And the eater ia the wood. Aud the yellow eua-flum:r by the bruwk. In autumn beauty at.od, Till fell the fruet frutn the clear, cold heateo, Ae fall the plague on men. Apd the brichteat of their smile area gone. From upland, glade a ad glen. And now, when cornea the pal in, mild day. Ai till euch day will coaie, T call the eqiiirfel and the bee From out thtiir winter home ; When the aouiwJ of dropping du'i ie heard, Though all tii- treeeere oll. A ndj win kl e in llie mmk) hgh I The water of ihe rill, Theaouth wind eearche Ux the flu acre, WbtiK fra;rnce rate he bitre, . And eights to find thtio in the wood And by the etream no nmre. And then I think of one. why 114 Her youthful beauty died. The fair, mt-t-k bUaotii tlut grew up And failed by her aJe ; In ihe er)tl,mtri trrt4i wld ht-r. - Ana wept thai one mi lovely, blMiuld have a f.tv an brn-f ; Vet not Ulimeel il u dial one, Like dial viuunj iuiiil ,.f oura, ''Ko gentle mud n M-iiil! ,f'il, ' .. SL f-i.iai fey-Oiv l!. r!w .-r.. VOL. Vti. M1..V W ANTED. .. - w . it ' at .... V i't llHJi-iiHWH ir4mi .lie At'W .TK in.- ' i ' i j - , 4:m-omfni,,w. Hrnifira, r Ha. Kiacuwautsm, bune U worth na-lmj: 'iiihrii. and re- would also put the t xiTcmoiit uf tli famJ . and Pla-itcr ho nav it id a wintur ras ; Ultuit .NrUraiKi. fVao.ia. riuiit aud membvrin: 7Urv u tnh in if if plain- 4ilVf wit( an tl20 Wa.t,. ,,1 an,I w hat- w liiv.lt w ill graze ImrsOM, cattle, ho-,, r-ti!-' nV!!",'". 'i ''CiK Zlulir Ij.quaiv and iFW,ivt!y told ; r uUmlK-ut,, niav ho iimh! t.avo tht-' trv,Ac., fr-m. Nuvuuhcr to J une, and L.q, : a,,., 1.., n. n a.stw. A vimiitf man ot uidustrv, ,' , , . i ..' . . ., .. .11:. ...,,1, 1 " ' h" " " "" ability and intejjrftv," Are. "! a'"1 '' "l"U- 1 ,f,,t 1,,,w tlle , ,l,,m fi" 1 J'",t ,,,c"'- "'C stock ,M'"' " '"" 1 u'Z::" Tills meets our eve d.,i!v in the ejWn.n.iT CM add t the yu-rf-eeUdreh.k- of WintVan-l it true as the IVnta-1 comport. If ho- wih to add to and more than titiiotliy, clover, .or the , ;';;ti ri-J ''ZJ'i ZtlZu. teuch. Wanted Of conr-. th.-y are (liC ' u.uilitv ,lf ma,llire, he mav ! blue grass U Kenluekv, that it is r.utri always wanted. Tlie miifi.ct ranucVer, ,, ' , , . ' .. , , 1 ;i , . 1 t ., 1 j .! 'iaai 1 t A . .1 ... ..i.r,-'i, 1 .11 ' add anv auiouht of common Kilt and tn.us a Imrlev, ami tliat-ntock are as I011.1 .,, ,..,,,.,., u-i .... ( ., t aiaae.-- tie over!-tcK.a , tnvv w .u ai wa ie 4i-, . . - , . 1 . . . .. ,. . rxiim.u ai.r..iiiir. sat ..Htaw, ai, , etlforamt never eHMh!t 'jIuU .ir im aw.. Ine,. wltlt. utller -'pianUtuM. r; sale.' Wanted fr thii.ktrs wanted f.r;tl4. ,l;tVn:;it salts of potash, soda and fer,rl-ora it, tl,A mnrf i ill moiri ill tlui . . . ' J., i -i' 1 ' 1 Beld and m the forc-t. fools are 1 v i hit fill . r : liue lor want 01 it voim- man, a pen is awe enonirh and one or two to sjiare: , Uoii't study a . -profession, unless ,t no u.0. prot.-s-joi. OI a oneai-iaver or j..nner, or some oiner , .1 "i i- i, . r.r llie iniiiiiii. i,r,.(.... inns. 1 1, ,li t iiii'.t-.- ure tape if you can help it. Its honest j ona uonorable. ami nil tliat, inn ilont rop the women, it s. t.n ir prero-aiive to handle silks and laees. tarn; and thread. i 7i .. ,..,r. ),., il.i, !;!.,. .i,,,. ... I ut on your liat men, in.e a man, Hon an apron anJ go out .f doors. Get a pod, glow on your cheek, the jewelry of toil f upon yunr uro, anu a Sov set oi v. miveiUPVI. Ilillcu?. ..v. .'Mini ji, il """-"'"B""" 1.1 i - i .., i vuu.u, uua vtu vv. 'wuu, js" than we would like to think; but you j taow when one one's old he can't. ; IJesides, if you become a doctor, you II have to wait -l. aiiMM.oi.havn'texi.e- a muuw oe i.ioov.... a.v- trv "va.'e.iame .rr pnr.e-.onat man eve.., unu ai 1 !.,.. .JL"lllA...";;;-aw T '-"? ""- d....U ,f fi. ,H .uHieimt m.pomnee ah.lt he an- la phuu aiyle, black roller., i I aSclKX.l to be iM-trUct.-. ; , Jialt- ,lilt f .mailo or ai.V 'le-t, the ipiit-kest, aild most payitljr plan VV h'. ""ik SIhV. t-a.l Ward. M'..n .o!.,'l '"' ; -eS. SaH Tay . Mrtte, , W a-Wy Inf,.rm.IKM, ft, any .un-e, a-hieh may be of eer s f ITieV talk about stal.I.S nr.. 1 .T.lf sta , , f , ' ,, ., ,;,.,,,., I U ,! f.Al,,. 'ulltuJ" S l till A Hi it PKK e.wct.d Kb s-b.bry ..y ra.1 .oad .aacbl tu be, tirf , K,.,g ,h, .hove wk. will toe Ihaifllully t- I Dies Honest it.al- -t H-.U- abTe Voumr ' the pllphate or artlflelal mixtures, to reclaim worn out fields, and loettlliic -V - - "'""Jr.,M31A. VafMUuirT. Vt Si t ' KM if 't . "-.'' ,b kei. a-lbe warid. T i,ed. . All iaamaau-.tiuiai b.u,M h, .drfreed t., . ,f. ' . . ' r - ' .r - i f-'T' tr Tr - I r T - ,rw, i.,".rv,,f aV ivtiTi-fi fhrrliiT.oiiiiTfV ",,f lino...... a., aMti.ii, IJI e acK.fs J. m isvi '' riser - - tlt y -ih fiMUf.lrlaTfra llif lai-u pfarraahall : t i p fiaflTBr ! I JUtilSjT.t "U -tl" wrW '! . "w .lTere.T f.r sale. I am alimst every ttio.e notyetS", w lifcli tno ingenuity ot . ; "'"NO. 7.... I. It-M- b. mad. .. d. rVmih Ti. ,,. er w- Kileiet. Aueu.i iwi . ' t I ' mIv-Tn1init7iir " A olf f from fhe 01b Nurlh SUfc, nil . TAHV WAHV i:'!'!. t I Younirman! vu are wanted, but not . ..'.'! n..r jHjR;rr-rr:;Z zlZ" ' UltaW iSWAItll, or,e,.,Ns .r.?.r., .,,3 i.-.vHl0I r.,l,,. -ih, , jnr tPytB jr" "fr:"!- A ,.-..... .. . v: ---, -ifi- ..4. nnfirn! lt-mngeis, now nrr- r "'i " "-. ,...j..,h i T m 11 m o , ; "7 '' sr -r- --yaiaiaigw-a.ssiaait- I ft a doctor. No, 11-if ft lawyer. I tlereT . , ,, ., ..... , . . ; . -.. ,- ' ' . . r I t.UH bwpr.rtVaw.wal arrtiee. I.,tbe eiture..f nwn.w.1, mmd ,Vh.-s.l ie.ia.r .iJTT "fthe Slab. 1" bfl eaae.. a marked coby of Hi. IT IJTlleTrrTor t-his "ePerittion.' vertifH ttmrme w-rtrrteHtittr.f-4ir "'-inns oiirJiiM..u . , ,ii, liewaaa ro.,i.in,.ualit.j- 1 1- rience" says an old practitioner ; '-becausV-, Mr. A.I . M-ore, well known as ,.ome.- j, tj,i. be true, or the half of it ' you are tf.. Vmi," says all tho.womcn.;Mnte!ligiit amLnlejpn5& Jer .ii. a.,,. w- have to Mr Iver- 1r .."i I I.I-..1,. ... e..;..,. ,i.a...o r,, ... they 11 pnta woight on vour head, a la Swiss, to keep yn. umler; or, if you make a gixid argiimeiit, s.iine opjM.ncnt, as gray as a cat, will kick it over, by some taunt as a cat, will kick it over, by some taunt fr i-Ltlia-.r 1 .i.f "i 1 1 ,.n vi'iu tint fiitrii in tln vr.nrr.no ' A tii'f J, It tciff-,., mifrl" - ..ym.at:rm.i ilMn.-.-M. '..I.J.1.1C! ..it;--ti. Vf , are tired ami Voiire.Jand.wisli you fTml!?.''.''-:,, 'VC'''I'M;" i'?W..4i?4 bex'n a 'thiVilvcr, perhaps '""aTi " iiiimort"aTI;fc'Labout a pint .of Mudifetranfan wheat-; ohc, or nnytl.mg i.ut xyi.at yon are. , liblri flfe rv what yu Uw iVtwu tUo ruiirt: !. lliy . eartljas th-v n- l ay to tlt -kv vou are iinli'iieiiM' nt all dav, and tireo;- J . i. mi " i not wearv, at niht. Ihe more neili- bors you" have, a:el the better fani.c.r they" are the better for you. iucre s one lamg m-ie, young man. loo are wanted. A voting wnman wants you. Don't wait to be ric.i. If y.m do, ten to one if you are lit to be ''married at all, you will not tin. I any body that's Ut If. lo, iiim i'imc, I Miirrv 'wliile tun un ! . . . - . .it vfiHlur -null k! y: " r .. .fi -et her. er in f he yeara'to come v'uiiehod'v- advertistt youn" men wanted and iirtirfn- bo had. men wanted ami mrtirt he had. MiMhterranean w heat, it is pretty we,!! DRUNK KN N N KS IN ( 1 iXil.HSSThellr'of 7mm' otiieV I .- . Hon. f.errttt Smith, iu art-rent letter Mr. M. thinks this bread is decidedly bet-j "to his constitucnt-i .iys : " As the fi i'ehd of t einperance, potii .gailr a,;J t:-:t; .,MS !hU k "f "' " I t,l,n and death to that is not called I .r by th i ch are-t. iie- '"iporfatice. Mo-t buyers will not pay as ( the drinker. Much of the common wliis cessity. What if the majority had aj i- ; much for it per bii-!i I as they do for j key now sold is a vile compound which pointed tlie tak ing of tlm vote on the.rw-J,ii,, wheat. Mr. M.- thinks that this would poison the stomach of a hog. The A(;hrast..t 7ilhr.f;T,ri'''tnTtfaTir'BhTi -- i . M , , . . , . ..i . .. , ., Stamtlott Spectitfor savs it is rtttrlii rmtr; Vir , i I i . .it. . IV It 111 Viiil h.'i.e me lire.elit.f I trllf not. iiul, are y.u yet to Irani that the scene of a l.t-dit s-- i-u "f ( 'ohlocss does ; not alwavs dillerin al! resmtets- Iroin tl.e;lllt ,)f iH.,iark.er color, a pait;r vtitti kfii ; and I was v ell .11 i ; n't-. i that ; C'iij;i'i should avoid nit unnecessary niirht seoiimsy until Coitrress loves teiupcranCo lnorc; and rnm lesui Nev er aid 1 witness more gross drunken ness than I witnessed ow that occasion, I had to retnaiu until 11 o'clock for I had to record my vote against the bill. Af ter that I hurried away, full of shame and sorrow. "' V '.. It so happened that Lord Elgin, the Governor of Canada, sat by in side, for im hour or. more, during that evening pi sad recollections. The drunkenness was perceived by him as woll as by myself. I might rather say, it glared upon his. ob servation, as weH as my own. It was certainly, very polite ana kiua In linn to tell mo, aa he did, in the course of our conversation respecting this disgrace f ii 1 scene, that he had witnessed sliame ful disorder in "the Itritish Parliament. I SeAtea. his poTjtetieaand TtilldncSS not relieve tne ot my deep mortifica tion. From the Northern Cultivated. SUBSTITUTE FOU til' A NO. Mi wits. EliiTuus. What shall we sub stitute for jiiano? In my answer to this Uostion, as founu iii the t. ouiitry trentle- nin of . Aug. 10, 1 proposed urine -not on ly us a substitute for guano but every 1. ,1.1 'l . J4 way equal to it, in an tne elements oi iur- lility, fur -though tU'ticiVntiti pli :... : k .i. ..1 11lllir. Il IB IllUUil IIL UVI 111 UV f ammonia. I iw.il. tho second ilaeeT. , .1 . . 1 lirotKise ahc a.s another imixirtant sub- 1 1 yS ..CWkl "et?;, - 'jfirm m4 IKP 2mmfiG&m&4R -a-- anaaerr mi A1. L.Wal 1 1 Htm tf .titute for guano. Asl.es, though de-ti-1 " 1,0 ccrtu"" u " " tol.. tl .u....imkutk.tft.itt tlt-ur.bti ' ' "" " - ! richer iu all the suits that constitute a 'rich manure, than irnano. To prepare. :.i ' , t . ! i . .t ' no contemptible consideration at present i . , . i- .i prices of whuut and llour. To this mav lrt-st gdano anil snpernir to any ot the.! Kl now- I i . i t . " i bd added the fact that unbolted flour is 1 iilioi-phatcs, hiiperiiliospiiates or artilici.il 'L'Uaiin, prepared lv 1'rnf. Mnpcs or nv i i other American I'rof., I would Propose) i 1 . i iPjW (urmvr I" makw j'n,)t. f- 14--i 1 t.arn-vard manure and a.ilies. And when i I - y barn yard mu.-c, 1 iueludc th4 ' .yrni. Hth tln wniul In il.ia ffitw. ll ! niiiTu-ia Such a coniimt could be r l ..... I,. I..- ..n.l ...on- f-ir...e il l,.o. 1 "j - , variable answer is, make your wu jniin. , h.n (1;!V(,,.,, ( r. at least, , , , c i:int voiir turn ix,,fir-; before von 1 "a UL Vm ."ir"a iooik ,iii purchase foreign manures. J. L. Kimi i: . f;,,,;, I',, ,. , ' . ,, ffim thr Xvrikrra f vinraior. miihti'I'imvi'iv u. ! 1 hi'-vi-A- 1J1- j hunoifs. A moiij; the several I ...I .....I.: ...i ""'"" "i 'i,-.H i iiiimh.-'i, ii ii iiinnci ... ... ; of Ihe greatest imp..rfanro to know which U tile most profitable, kind to raise, taking the mo-t profitable kind to raise, taking thin' ronm-cte-l with it into ac-' - "."' j . I '.. . . . ... . . . . I iio-ileritlt, .Mich, has communieateU to' . . . . . . . , , ,H Bpriciiltura! brelhren, in the Aug. N". of the Midinjin Etnmr, some "f l,i exnerienor as a contribution toward. ,; r.vnn- as a contribution toward. ....... . . fotu j,WL.v. tuid has been so well J been ao well j to year ever "'''-'Vi t!at lky " '' " "Hkt kiu.I. An,... tho n-lvMrs of thU khM of . ... .. ,, wheat .Mr. m lore names the to ow ni'' ; n , It has always, without exception, proved .to bu m.-re productive than any other I ki;I; h w.lh.. fl.mr and a -ood ..... ' ' , , vic-M ; it is not nt all affecfcl by the tfy wliich is becoming so destructive to some tier kinds; it ripen early ; and last! v. li:is never lieeri iiffettted with rust nor I The bread inade from the flour of Meiliterraiiean w heat, it is orett v well '( r' i .iii..iii' the disadvantages atfaefnnir t" . no cciion win iioiii L"i'i oin v w nere i nere , -' . " " ' a unnci-i uu m.i like to mix it with white wheat on ao : Hi-adds that y.wfcfyM and t!.;tt tho i'lriiiHi .hero find lto tnu- ,1,1,, : ,.i!!,, u n'n,i r t.t tr M. says' ho would prefer to raise it, how ever, pven if lie wore obliged to sell it tit 10 .per eent, less than most other vario- ties. . -l ' Mr. Mooro has recent! 4ureJ a qoauti tjr of this wheat. 44 TJip yield was1 very good and flmir -txct'llcnt." He thiuks that 100 lbs. of tho oiTala ia worth a muicU'lbflby ilntraklii 100 IbC'of oata.v - Perhaps Sinte of ttw readers of this may . have some experience on this sub- ject which might be of ue to the farm ing publk, A. Frtm lW iVerfAtva CvlfiMler. WHEAT FLOUli, BOLTED AND UN BOLTED. It is said thatthire are of nutriment pe culiarly favorable for the growth of the iniiAPiilur Bv&tttin. in uverv 1.IHK) Ihfi. of I t - - wheat, about 2S lbs. In every l,0tH lbs. of flour only about 20 lbs., and in every I 1HM1 l.fia. fit hrilfl nielli Ml 11I4L 1 0 . t . ' ' v ' jiloase the eye and the palato wo sift out the most nutritive part olHhis grain, and iM-t'k a substitute for it in the consump tion of animal food, tSrC. TlierC IS J'Ct ,. , - .i another loss or disadvantage iroui tin ... 11 I 1 I rather foohbh fastidiousness, ine ooiteo flour will not sro nearly so far as the uu - lit'tu " v f,' J 1...U...I If ill n civpll limp t'i"ht 1KT- boltcu. 11, in a gnui tniit., ii0ui. II ... 11 a , I Atm sons will consume 40 lbs. ot fine Dour or the usual pnnluct of one bushel of wheat, tlien it would take of conieiderably 'lwngur time foir them to consume that flour with th& addition of several pounds of coarwr material. This saving from the use of uu- r I bolted flour would ho greater than jut . : ltl DrolMmoii 10 uie inerriuw 111 J 1 1 1- 1 i . .1 t . is. .1 -:l. f. .a. , I a tl,c unooiieu ; thi! former contain the most nutriment. lorl"cr . ,11 . ' I. l ! .1. - IT. - ' . - f . .. ..... , , , wheat would jro tartlicr in tne unboned w iii... e tate, than five bushels bolted. Thit i - most conducive to health. Frum th afrarii .eiaW. IlTl.T1T7;r:A'OF''3IIL IVEHSON, OF (JA. III theT ItbriiaTV UmbtJ: llf the Fartm-Ti ..; mat ii wi;i uo eu in any amu m.; soil in the Smith, and that it will reclaim ...it , . .1 wurn out lields ; yea, mure, ne savs mai d U It'll Pillowed llV OlirCOni Held I. It - - that it dues not pread or run so as to be . ' a ... .... . . . i'. .1 ... ;. o.uiciiii in j;ei riu 01 , iiwi n can oe ea-. . , . ,- -. i silv destroyed at anv stao bel'iru iU . r. 'l arv rin-, by bein' plowed under ; mid lastly, that it requires to lit) sowed' but once, ever after roproducin.' itself . .' 1 . iliroii'' i it seeds : that it isan annual, anil r ' the routs, du the s-sinc- way as wlieat.-- A ,aill u. ,, all, My .. iavt. .,rf ,,, ) i show that if the field will produce at all. . . .., ..... ,,n,,, ,.. .... ,, . J s ' v, . lM ( followed with the Pt.i it will ... ,tn it ,ir,M..n .n v.. 1..' SlM1 mke it produce as well, vea. beHrr! .t :. 1:1 i .V... ' ... . i than il ever Ui.I, and that lor ages to; llU. .......i.,,,:., U1,r.u ; 11 -V" , . th;niJ o ,, ; ;,t th, ij'nt h,! ,tl ." And if tl i...ic .. ;. ;.. ...... I irorld il iu r- 'Jul iiiif xittil. And if this be true, or liu)f of jt ; ,rll j r(.,p,.(.Ullllv e,,!- 1 " Uut jf. .t. .Ua Kjoty . tluU it is "the gras.. ,jmt (,.1(.M nieiubcr i.r this Societv- shout,! : ;ry n ,m ,,HH) (r ti a,.0 ,,,, ,.," fr.,id ,,t i M MMJ. ,-r i.;,,.,,- .A,,.; AjMfUj,i awavt tr. vx-rii.-nls on uMu.il! - am lhl.n tIir ,lV lUi.In:(. K,."-: -. - .. ,,.:ii,. . ,, ;ii ,.,,,. ,,.,;,,,., , i ., ,: a n die, ami wo win nave gained at lm-1 smc ,l,inonal experience. Let us prove lhh uml UlM fil,t , t,at UH,., j,, g.Mld, 1 tespect fn I ly s ii b m i t Ted, .K HI N II. DAVIS. ml I.,. 'jinn: We have recently met with many coinplaitits a I. joiit ilnl- s - "1 poisoneu .v.niskey. In !-i.uiet bushel of I't-iin now u-itli a -lid .if i.i- . h " ' '"" I"1 s - '"' A"1.', poisoned .v.hiskey. In ' soiled inirreilielits. ib.tillei-i. nfli-n immum faeture four galluiis to the biiahcL, which ,. ;n . ...... i i .... ,i. , . .,- mon to find any tpiaiitity of lih berries, ; .. - . . f . . .t..t I.. Itr.il .. .. ,. t .. ,X It 1. I ull(1 (l w,e H(.(,moIlt resembling liliie. ! in tho hut trim of wlii,L-cv biu-n-b " Tlimi. I Oil - ' -iS'indt ..of slaves to say iipthmg of the, a a . . .u. f ? i i W w a w . Holloway's Ointment Tea tmve eaae mm Iht iMiHiav aa wttfc eie Tete, IVai eM ea4 ef Ow I'nfo le Ihm aths-r, te tHp h fhmtvi f mf (MaO ml viih wMf aanrwbaihm.. it te Hretr ! rn siaee 1 auultj It known aaitfAf ynu, ami atrswly, li Mae utatalaeti awe eeieariw iuaa ewr umt MiiBe mum-i a mrwm. T1IUMAI HOI.UIWAT, H.yVw 4 Ann mmd jfamm rU, Htm jW AffTOL'XDISO CCEC OF SOU LMlfi, A ITER KIM TlAftt HTANDIXU. " Copy of a Letter mm Afr. P,Ji Lttngley, of Juut$ttUel adiin to., A. C, V. tf, rfatoa Aovtmber Ut, 1853. Tl.otva own words To Paortttena Hiiuaiwat, Mr, tl is not tnj wih to aeeoao potorliia, aHtttr It tMe ktur errftoa aw lW ar wkt uf wrlttan, btH la mf, thai nr Utiunabt Aired mm t uttc lk musA UrsuulfuJ etilauraaa 4iawaa- I lhat flrah U twir Ut. aU wtncfe wm rna)(lrwt by all vbe to her ythe rh w wilci. fr aia. yrrrr i rae amtrt! wrta nifv r t mMi pniurai ni irMi?t tumr m rrra ifcai er Ira u le let of etaa ; ktM afwr lrylt ery snrttttiBff 1 ha4 avctr bard of, I rswmued la tie pair aU bufNt irf bcinir rarvtl ; bal frlrml beoofhl hmi a u k wf Urge ils caf jrrtir IMutMrt,(, which i'aw1 itw nttm n mf Iwg l H t , sin. . NU'nT l.lIBi III. IKBIII. HI Ul J a b'l, and I enumjr reahid m bcalili te itij aartsilHe aur uriw, aod iMIffal. and to tiM -tootiinAul rf Biv frirnfla. liull W J 1.ASI1LKY w exteaohimmakt ci kk or a bad bkkact, whes KCARLT AT Til K IIIVT or UfATII Cojtjf of a Utler frum Mr. 11. Uttraitt, AVif Or- lean; Xoivmbtr UlA, 18. '.'(. ! T.,rVwiilli-.tnr',,Crnru AuaaaaNaawiMa.X.T lwr lr. II ! altli hrarlfH cJMtltnd I hre lu lnrm rna ;oi,ii.yu.rrr''i- .1.1 tin., fciit. .jr a.aHM "" yrf a-l ImmI teant, aith Un r muMi., a.n,.t, .it . wer nrr( nrMtim j. - j p.ik iaia uHfu.;U".U"a I p.rf., Furr u, lhr MtMikatinH-lil of fell mtit Inrv a We ufc- : la'aH r' a!hlaa W nM a t ; , o rfcanra- Mrrt yrm ,,, 1 ,B) ,u. ikhi, 11 r,ia..-' r rl,lia.Hi.li, I kwl arlll!, il fel Vi OrU-MH Ivfiriw aaatljr , khi M ,., ,ru,MrM ., w v j u wW tiy artA Ar I, ptntmmt m tke fulfaviny -er. ; ri t'tiira)(-al attd Stiff frr-tt.rt.t, Ihsr-tt, 'fei4ou - IHIar4aiiaref, Usutdaoa, KWitisittUe , Btry, KUd Jud fUM, o!, T-1BS.H-., "tlu, , niUhUllVK- btiT. itUii-rwur pxrvninf. 1 n-r. L'imttga, WirtiaVta, , mi'mmi, Htx-utiiftliatD, HsatKla. i... ( 1 L,': . imM,fei Kr.u-c.iu "!. ii.r...ri..iiiriiu-.ii. . ln .; r. wk Tw fe..l ) ..I .1.- u.u.M.1 ,. U..u.. tli. I a.k.n 1 Mdttr. h4 I irlVr. .. . .bl. ar7 by uk,.f ,b. r- - 1 v n n,..,.,. f. ii.. . ,,A.n. ,.i n.u ,.i. ... ; , - , -- r e..ry .li.ftvr Hf anitrd 11 erh f.rf. ; iai.b r r. rm-vo.u,w,tKi.v. to vki;i;tabi;k timtlre. Till: i;ltKT KOSTOKATIVK AM INVKi OIMTUU OF TUK SVMKM rIU. .rtbt, fiht' h h maple iy (it-tful rurM, vM 1 .li')Hntl.tJraM Hamp"fl, " U-til lie. Ky , IH-W la! j Knar Wjaltb in as'ih jrt bu ". '4 t -k rse-atr'ei bjr il, Ahw.Wftytt.at tft i tlx- l I illl a-1t im in r , 1 ' ai. I 1 wrrfiil4 f.rfr"m atfTftm&Tit IlllTlirri l)r ir f ' attPi m tl.- ! h I.rr ip! ktMitfit, il will unr IUc tfu- uf DfKaUiA, riUt SlH rttl.tn, i,-liaUiaU, Ie Ti. i-....-t: a-'r...... lt,..,,.-!.t jw.t I a.a - -' . r.. . th- Ma.:a. and Breeet, ilotfir Testimony. l.itv,rt,t, N 0 , At;a( 1V4 i,r s,r , i ,... u-d -,.i v r.- ru t. iei i, .iu. nu, u , mun i.l-t-l , .(.h -n.i ;N,. l',;h , - , ... . .,. ... . .i,,.r, ..i,-i if..r. ..., ,t I fe.,1 t.Ull tl II..B. J Vlr rin4l" ii..i, i-sii.i.. Ifl, 11 oii.iii mi IT tot:i t-"'r-TrTT ,, an. .-. ,r. ,,.. lt ,..,,,,. j .w . lir,.i.i. ulavl i UnHHUAV l a i ;rut.N ur Tin: oi.n i,iii,p thi s ei'Ktks i , -r. vurn.r a .i.,,, it. le-viMMl - f lia fare-O af f r- "" ''" ''- ith lij-tieaii, Klfismntisiti arid Ml tttaf haAj- III ,e,r , f tft.' hi-jtl, I- ( .lijeell 'P, l.il 1S:L) JUlMkL, I-S....IV1- rrnaii. i,. M, jfta- rtevrrrfy ifi I a.-.in-... I trtt-al 1 tTi V6t r rV,i.-rHa, lnh ii.it n- g-joil. thul fa I Inr grrW Wirw t I. Ml Uil I Ssiail.lo.1 toll) lljioi.-u VafrlnlriH f Hi." tatre-. ,. I .In li.il. IM f J il lit, iiir,.l in.- l am II". ore ir.lH .11 i.. in il. ..j., , -t -rf.-.i I, I'll. r,.l l-.ar .real! .-.uf lii i.cirt.mi.io.li:m il,- Tim-lure ii. all .ffli.-ol a 1 lae . " '. Vs. M hiHuV j . v trrifrrs n si.'on ti k . 1 "lit ul (.lis. t nl.Ps, liituM III lis, l KVKKj AN" K'A V- ' H,IIS- ! " "" "' : ' We" T"AS "' i - ill .': i v r.i.v o.v IINK lllll UAKI'll llaaiptea teeetable 1 factor ilrtarlaua. IH-l . il ljl BRMiaa IT. M b- THta li.HH T" lit l M- !. U.'l.t 111 . Ul!l i'atii.l. rtJm mi of Ih. mijfet reierta I'm .ai.iEMr", .1 I , f- pi. HI, M. M-r M -irtaiia 4 l .r.ti Tltr a la- of .ur Manipl' - . t Jiti T.i.i lur- i- li. i ry .., ami rvnjr l uir . r. r. inn., ii. U Una t ait... - I Ii uc- 1" llie altll- t-. If.' v. ral .. lit pi (Mil ia lltie tl -.l II II. .;,rf-M III fw With ttoil(,,M(( iilid ! gi Ill'ipJ il h.i.i ..jtfl, Il l. lv n f.iM.il t.r In- tl,e (ii.-..it...i It,.-.,. - ff f..r Kli-,iPitii Affi . ti.n(., ami a w .it- liT'ul . ni i li.n ,-t, p. i f.. i , - 1 a ii.gr., I. .y -itJ-timf hy llta w i fa I ni-l. ,-(. U-..U Jt H4,lnWl-.4.l ii-ti4iao it. ,HS M UeJ .4jKTeaclii-.rm I i.ui K'-ii lie i ; 3f.au, h , (l. IKKTf. ntT VEIiNo K-hllilH.i, I H N I'.-ai-Sal. t 1)1, V.. , A liar M, a.M . S II M 1 ' 1 M-'.l- I Ull.t. lit I il In my f.nittv, jihI if-t.-i .M.iliijr. .'.It. till ultll -ni, . wir .O.I ' ; ., 1 Jl" '"i"' hkmi i .kiimcr i i...i. i , furr f thramail-m by llamplan'i .rfriablr Tlnrlair t linr.rea InnrteerS C . Jan M I'M ' VI...... M ioimi:. k M .JUll 1 tjulU IM'I, Ti -II- in. ii f i.r the lalrfl? ,. '.. n niii-pr ft iiu Uli'-tim ttlnin, lit! at-trma f " I) i .;' ',' .'.y. L.lii.- I ii tr," Mini (I., l.rsl .1.. ti.i mi mil. Ii r.-ll. Vl ut ut just,,,- f. siwcjH lli- uUuriiiN awrtti Ui iitimi KIiuk liin in thr bat k -m hail lltat 1 wra ' ii. .i i ! ,,.,iit,.r ih,- Miii. ... 1 , In,- ,1 I., i l.i-t -l im.tiil.s Tl.. hr-l l.i.ui.. aKit I un! ! ! -i yiing 4s wtteti I wsaia .111 v.ir i.f i.tf- n ,' -I .,er, r I In' ami r u.-tit t( i mi a inointiii'-iil in lr. i ;n,,',.,v;. j '-r'" .XT m:V,X''" oi . . n.r,,t, i , .hm, .11 ;,,, im.,,,,, ,,..' ,.i,,,r , -'- . -..r . .i.i. ..i,. --r . ,.i,r. i .1 ) .,,u ti. a ....,.. , ., , t l hu tty I I.- nt. i,l tl V - I, -il,, VI. III hi Mllll, . I', II tl,..w I, , i n.tf ilir Tini.tiirr fur .ml g.- iM.uij.lilrl fr.iti- , ti. I. tfnl . .in . V" aale. hv SI I I. A 'l IT,, S . 11 Imr ) . Il J.-l,, 1 ( l.iiii.l.l..i, , i; 1 ink. I -.ii. ..r.l , i. I- et.nili, H.p.h.,r,i' I - A I 'ulilwll. I'li..l.,llr- I I.I J WIIJIKH'S; Patent Salamander Safes. tiik i,ve.sf,. .re the ni..i ,.,M-oved now "k'-'l i.iiilyoi. h.n.1 ... a..riiei ., I"'''1' "'""! ''' and ran furm.li . , . ' . llll'lll 111 IB all lllaVrHI .il-VV 1 lirk nrlt-.-h : .. ii-.t hvm.i.aI'KIS, A.ia . FyMiviil.;A!.-h '-l' IfkS IU.iiilv AVarr-Jiifs fur.nal Ih-ro i. I'll . rlitll! v WANTED! THE aiiWrlber htwnrw Mirfcrt Kwth (mrehaa of 0K 111 MKK1I 1MI I I1TY Mf.KOI H, tf aVacripiiuB, ur wlntb b will pay lb aery iigaeal fruit m Feraoa wMiinf to dipo of ibi kind of praaerty, will find it tu their bilereat ta Siake eartr applieaiiM. tu him. MYEB MKK8 UT CommaakalMi trsea dwtaasa frompily at leaded. NOTICE THIS!. ..." . ; ; . -r Qaltk salt, sad ,krt araSu Is ) MU. GivttMacallhffvreyouVuy. I AM ai ill msnufacturinf cd, tnai and aenicea Me BUUGIEp), alllm well knova Hand f Kradr tick Mowry' rlhop. when 1 iliall euatiaae to du all kiaii of repairiiis and country work iu the etrungeal, aaateat and beat manner, and on f erv moderate lerma. All urdera thankfully rcrvired and ujiinelually altended to. Cjantry pruduce or nnwriy taken in fur work. I fetnr my aiocore thank for the pairuaafe I bare recerrid harclofofe I warrant mvwork 13 immlha. )OUS L. WKICHT. S.liibory, Jan. ll, IH54. 1"U J . Stop the Runaway. " RKWARD will b firen (.r I be delivery of el inr two bore, JKHSKKaad ntl or their coutiuenieut in any jail ao that I etthnn airaia. Maid boy. lafl uli lha uicbl of the firat of July, li-il nFClill'TlOX. Jeeae ia aWoat IS yaara old, well act and blark, hu one die uiifa-r fi'e-leeth broken, and ie 5 fret 9 or IU inchea bi(b ; had kng whiaker when be left J ba can read ; be alao baa a arar oa one of biaarma above the ell.iw rainwd by an m on llie ba.-k aide of hi S..d ne.ro ha. w..,ked .1 Illackamith trade . , . . . . i i ,u ia. aua mrin. i o iimiw w.ia. sun " ,,w ii i. i l. - a ....ifinariiiL- would wear, ai he Nk bt wearing and nne cbithee h .hi'iii A Moa-ra. 19 yer old. .mail nrro. e,nile Telbrw. 1 "". " -' " " " -rwken.4.h,.tlhhehel.u1rh.; kj, ; ba rral..e by a limited in,e..H of daptlal, what 1 r ... ..... nil.l m..i lu- it..... hu . liln.r.1 .nil full h.nil.il .ni n. - teeth la Very while au aUniM a little Wi3e. Iliacluthee ih aKAMl'KL C. HARRIS: Ciibarrue cu., N C , July ti. if 7 yVipy Mat Jbrmwrit aa CAe yTl ", ftf daii. 1 t.ift'--frf- lltaiiU. hfc- niaa-al. la.rat arratf, C SRR1 ACES, PRt'IT TREES, a. t TH- ui r.i aieifj city orini TOBK, at ?H ir VST COMIrlirH. ' RxtVr. r Mnti W A Cr-lfe. i,. Q f. Pla- mUsi.orJ. ft obra. H 1 Hu-riftj., N ltd CARJMVGES AMI BB ;9a Bea aTTTV i HK t-verreedi ufuriiii thrir fnriidt a HH'jfif uf lh ftv Ii?' Mr IA .If . I .! . .I i ., . laneir h ilrliMinirnle would iiiviia hia olrt rualssrOrra to uf lli. me UltlOIF l I , 1 ; I .IOO fe'lf. 1.11 111 JJ II "'"S where he e,m 1 fouiiit unl , lo.-f p-Hrt-fialh p hfajr-d- Mar.ll 3. I.-J3. IT43 in i I n n I.I 1 ! If lUli Z'M STATES V I LLE. N. C. I IAiIMi pureh.w-d I In. eonvenient and well B i . . 1 t , i . 1 1 ""w" ' "" " Hiae of pnWie enlertainnienl, .mulled orlli W'eat of Ihe t'ourl llotmr : The nmler. aijilrit, in fiir. niif hia aervieeii lo llie Iravellme imli. -.i . ..... m. ... an.ui e wauling to renuer conil.irlable, thie wliolnai r.v. lnm wuh acaii. iJ,l?"'?" ho. w,-u ,.,e,,,i,d ... by f.,,.,f.,i ,mu., ,.i v.-ra will tie w.-ll itrri.utiii. k) itiJ w uli alalia or opeu lol. for llii-ir htirae. r alo k. J F. BEI,I.. trt.3!t, 1-3J: -' . Iip3i 2al .r.-. JT VEUETA 11 LE UTIIOXTL'll'TlC KKICMMiF THE HTM AN FAMILY. ... . ,, ... , ,,. , VOO' Hi till Jiitiifi llH'1 htillliy, II,, "' tl,-, il V Tina uiv.liliil.le un .in n,,- i. l..r. it. ill ll:ii. II,,. ! i-l. Ill M -r-ket ;.- ; al llr K. t u tnl.lt. II ., 1,1 r, ,l. M ' ni 'he Tloi;; M,.e in 'n eh-ti r ; .e, .1 ul the t Hr.4uu ' ni. Inn ,n I Utir ... in s il.-l.iir. 'I'll,- .ul..rrilt.-r i. l..!p.-rnl nl f-.r llie a;il.- ,,f the attove t, ilu ut,'. lu lit.. .-si,li-, ..I wli.iiii un, nttKHfitv - may I I-l .en' 'I l i.,l'fi.-..nij- I h! S.ll.hu,, , , - , or cbIIin-' .it In. It.iit.-. 1 11 in I. a .-,1 .,( thi- 1,1 ice ! E, P. VTIS. . 1 J Oly lltf IIIK nnd riM' l Wi'tiM rnl! lo p-ihlic nnlire (hnl ' '"" r'"v,';' 'J " th ""'k H1KBI.I j . and liiimh ; and he m itetermined la atb-rd every i .dime required, .i ran-. i.i,li r,.M fail u. ,,n,e . in o-hi. i t-oi' r iuiiiijr oj me r.xiiiirv. anil WAn arr iinw.-dy'".hr,ird lo V" liedUra. aw r.,ii-ai.d to ViaH hia aH.p, eaamme b.a , ' alot k ami hear pin- titioitPF. VUl.I.ER. Iv.iS t Si.li.hury, tab. n. IS.H J Ja BRUflER' ' 'riu a H... 1 Plain, Orriniiii-nli.1 and Kwnry JOB PRINTER, -kvrtrtwraa.'fcal . ,. ..,..! i . ,j . . Jeel, aiili a v.vw of urfiilj upi.n ihe puMie.iKl the 1- VILLAGE HOTEL uile at Uiia vlUcrC d ' v 4 I and Wit draught , ! IT A Ai'm"" t t"'""r - J .'. m ' Lfieid harm, been thor- onulilyovrtiul.U, mil w "'"J ;' " ... l herleeloa )f wic iuin..i ni- . - nw and interaiediat landiufa. bh. r""' ...J j.ionera mar real aaurod ihat ao b.ertioiwla(adtodelirer'.leir g-l wiihoot Bhlpment to the ajent 1 Charieatoo, will be re eei"l aad totwarded free of Comiamieaioria ; ax. a, , At ia Charraet. . - lMN'li A. HO-Jiti, . i-t..y!,?;-5 Chfraw, July 30, 1854. 81 " LIVERY AND Carriage Shop. THE tindemifrfed harin; ealabTuhed C'arria Makinf Knop ia aonneetioa with hi Urerjr Hi. bla, ia prepared lo acoHn nodule fentlemea ia alrnoal erry way tbry way dewre, ia hia line of buaniea. He ie prepared not only lo hire out Horaee and Carriaifea aa heretofore but will hold himarlf in reedineee to aup ply, at aale, all wrefli nrteaaily nriuteml aiay require U, pwrcbaaa ruber horaea or rarriae or both. Hora ee ahull be eeletied with rpectal referenc lo their qiialuira, aud none but good and ao ammaU will be aold aa aurh. rieveraj for aula will alwaya lee found in hia alalia. Peraona hariuf ,d horaei tu rxebann for buiri. a of narriafea, will nud the aehar.rihar ready to aeoomnKidiite them. - All kinda uf repairinif lo Carriagea, Woj.,n. or Bag fiee, doue at nhort Uotii-e. THOMAS E. BROWN. (SaKaWy, Mart t, IHit. - Ifil , Uo fur Soufb Troy and Eagle Mills. A MINE OF WEALTH 4 Utile more hrlji ami it riches nhull It devt 1'ijjtil to the a$tunishmeut Hi the world and to r the enrichment uf the South. T "I'llr: ifi.pricl..r. of Earle Mill, and Hooth Troy, A. (lha moe! important real eetaie in the Hoalh, aud rMtuiuriMnr water powera uf ii.eaunii,bla value.) ao- ,D" ' rK'" " pumtwig forward. I heir HMrtlo . u, II.N WAUU . .... , . - .. it l. l MJ-NWAl U! aid u fat, i.ivir Ub.,r bav been a iuu-i ; L i i I .:. a L a ..J .l: ; " ' . ' , . AHd will tA aioory tnea yee their atlenlMst. to I line lo!rIiiy and it ercal induceiticnu f.r Ihe ineat- ' , . . ' Z, .. , J r . , , . ..." imentofc.jK.ulr Ii. imrmaic and pnaelive ! ''"' '" ; !;.. keat.al h.a been eionatrd .1 .7(W.0H) ! I ! Very ewaafarl. i '. flM,lpt,.. and f.H r aak. by .11 llie reapem i -., ...... O..I : ...u ni ... -.h-nlie Hook.. ! Auotheeene. in the Hailed Statea, ai,d in Malab.. te, ali an7ir,lli tllaa.afetvaiillieaaiie ; ihmr tune n wu wtUttii the re-.rb if men f-f ewatl I nM-nna thut- whu bsat uf iheu 20. 3U, and 50 thuu- aand dollara. They utiiat be ttolnkficd, ittiW, with m- ! u'y aeinz the Imid uf pruimai.. Thev ere invited to I i roiiie atxi1 ukr a ; uud ifrhau th-v mi, be vrat- I ilird Willi bi ttf talk ubulut traihuf f'f liiterrata- l,ul hbeul Mien, with hbiiida. ine ini-atie, ere lli-e whu will i r-e-ive frrairvt atiruiaiii: ".m.e firwerd renilemeii, ; heriaa llie plare for yuur nniy, and the place that ' will r pay io d.rtiW for etery dtrltar expruded. n rTTTwr-w .r aim ai,. i-ipi ijit-y a hi inisfce miH-y. ! t rtv frrl by three, well engred( aae aawrtee r ti it-Ti-tv iivumWi1 harlf, autj ihil vvty rapidly1 (B tbe beat tj aTha-u itsprrty oard. W ill you eoiiifr ? Cmne if vto j It te admitted o alt atdee, that aajeh a Work i t twtH. If Trt.t. why. well imon u wehirr done: WevJf--i drudrtatuiu in our Siai, aud k ie id nim- d.ibt bertae can: W'l contmoe In impnTe thie altDst.lc 4rrfiv, ulttwly d urri. Wr'H iutrcdue '(iii' ll.iiij afSt-r iMtlhr-r Ltit 1 it the rUttd In ueciipird. i WV will n"t il lup by i(. but nuke inonV- l'.nr nit-it l) witnt work etialt Hiid rrere c niant rmpl'V- i iU -suul g-tl wrtfea.- - Xr drrtirotty ghpirtTT. Kafti Mi!l and ?iHUh Troy are lnrliid to go tthead, juat aa ! ure a (he iiti islitiira and that the rain fulU t water i thr earth. 'I he h'tuiherii ruuntr. nhull frl ita brnipn i mtlnrnee. and rrjoic mile pr-periiv, and whea we , have da-ne wnh it, all ina hitt eatl u Mf-sws-d. A.M'ltEVV BAGGAULY. Ja.uiJ.an VJ, Zt-i. JV - V. S. Tft tratM.t) anil lhr yfvnntafee of South Tn.) aiif KagX- Mi I, prisprrly uu.frrittid and apj.re r.aied. a.ii!. h4rdl fail of reitnff the arihrua atlen- ti-n trf tu.- tn. ,iji.iH the ra(TM HjiI Klmtl extenaian. 1 1 i nur nil tiii-.n lit rnllrrt informal."!, tm ihi auh- Iet, with a tu'f tf ureina uum the public aito the I ' " . " ffiafjltirt-. itif fliiima ni Una a-rti:i . and ....,1.1 .11 h. b..eS.. AM? . J , ! Leather Belting Or Bands, ' Y dill, rem aidih.niade fr.n Ihe beat X.a-tliernj j s , ii.ii1er..irei. ii, u piere by piece by nowerlul I Maebine. evroe,ilel .im! rivelled kfrf for aale, at llie , r'ai-iory in lhi.pt.re, al New York priee. . J. I AIKN.S. I Kali.hurv. Jan 'Jli, IH54. Il.Tl, IlttrST ARKIVAI. (F FA I.I TYI.E HATS. W a have juat reraivpd Hrrb Fall at vie Hale, and wilt linvi- tlkford'a m a few day a. Call asMin, or they may be gutte. J. 1 UKOw-VN A LEMI.Y. Haliehury. Anffnat 10, IHM. I'2 AOW IS THE TIIIE ! The Largest and best Assortment Yet! Bl tl Tlll l. AD Dl R tRI.F. A. VP CHEAPER TP AX EVER! II. II. HEARD, Fasliionahlf Tailor and (lolliirr, 'Tl'-iit'."-fcw-P t t I sT. ,K DK KKAPV M A1IK CLOTUlXli. rl.t 'l'IH, to w liu li he invite, llie alteulion ,,f nil hi. euai, r. and Iriemla. Al can be .tilled and' hand.nniely tilled. ' .; ii-7 Ji' rv I e.ilii.ti-... a f;i.i-r:,l nKfenrltll.-nt of Preaa anil KfiK-k j 'oal . I'.U'la Mull Vt-tU.. Alao a beauUtlll arnanrl nielli aiul L"l,.Un-.ii'a t 'lolbiua-. . :tieut'a . int-ajvllif I o.wne. 1 A N t ' V lant ami Teeta ; line Miina, t'ol- tr.ivula; Sua.- litl.re, PraHer., 1.1.1. and ; ( u-a-i I'-e ke I UiLuUke-rcUicla of a aune.ruir uual. , il v. a ii. I ulin.i.1 everv oiler nrtu le In-loncing to a t 'loth - "'IT s'l,re ; tni-ellier W illi a aiipellor lot of -Wv. Ia' .6... - whieh he mil aell aa cheap ai cau be Duiiehi in auv . SmrtheTaiwi.. to.l .W K- tA i .a-,l..r-. PM-n.fr at I,', nn, wuh the Iw-al tritnmhif;a the N.r tlurn inarkrta rotild a If.. rd. He haa alao reeeived hia Fall aad W inter l asblaaH far InH aee lU, and ia ready ttt ilt up work in, the luteal faalunna Tnihira' aSheura, I'uiiila, Thiinblea and Needle e, kep for aii n. h ar J The uiidrawnMl ri'KtHTlfully inviteahia fririida ud ' 1 1 nil II J I L, , "7 v"" v"V"W; v . ; ,zLi It. UAU4. J. II. Howard, AVlNC opened a New Boot nfshoe tShon.oi.. 1 , Murnhv'a t.ramte How. ra m.ar rr,rl.l prtPnretl t lii-iiiiifiM'tnre IHMITS .AND SHOES, I-S'li'-a and Mee Sli.aa. dilo rent niiHlilie., llemi n' and lloj. ll.,la and Slima. Ilii-itaiia, r. Si.lUIiiiry. " April' 3tr."lRri.;'" liinlS DR. J. JSUMMERELL, (IHi K oiM'OSVPK MANSION lfOTKI. fab. .3 lypd I 1 r ,.f vviwvi uwvii w utuiukiali rTIHS lie and mliiiilile work i now ranyfrM(, I and may be h'.d lr r,nj,t,t to tier J. WS fran,' X MoreJiiioS f W.' M." HewOTt-and Jamei Hat. ra Leuoir t Hueneef Eea ainj Uy, A, 11,, KaiherfordiiHi ) (d. Harper, Paiiertoa, Lunr aad ou (urd. Utile Kivert r'lower rtmith, Uorky Hj,rln GaiOier Cuv, Kagla MiHaj n. Joiiee, W0ii,1 j bare ; Graham, Woarer ti.. Snow 'rek ; JSOw a Veatal, and Watu,Taalia db Co., and lb AaUa ut Near Inawata. .;, ': -.:;" -v Price. SO eeata, aent fred'of poetaf a to any f, Of. Ilea, by addraajiog th Aatbor, at New Jaatiiu Jam H. Easiaa, biaiiatwry, N. U. Liberal. Aafe eta. " -fevSoLfeaala aiuchaarr. Tha auiM,ri.ir ...... .-I.- r v-. - , .f- f"' ;ieife Imvee of line work autwat in it bema baaed Wia ik. . Pbikaaiphteal and tJooatructira priuripiaa ef iba 1 liah Lang uaj ; alao ia prevni;ug Bn illuuraiiog am of Ih aauet dilBoull priuriptu of Ihe atienetuf Langaage.- ,.7-, r . Banner aad Whig will oefy avtid uiam uniill . dercd lo be diaenuiiuiMd- . Oreensborough MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, "lHE eoal of Inauraaea aa ihe muiial pl.n i tm , 1 amaH mm. eo in pared wilh a joint euvk com pa., Thi eotupauy bea.ig bieated ia th Weaiera pari uf u, Stale. onae,ueatiy anuch lb larger po, u.,n of iIk tu. re in lb Weet, eery many of which are ia the ruentrr. The Cumpasy hteaUrgly free from debt ; have mad. no a einaoia, aud ia therefore eunlidenily refmnn,.., ded la the public. Al Ihe laet Annul Meeting ihe following Uftetn were elected for the ensuing year: JA M KH StiOAN. Freeident. Ii. 4i. Clirt'lN, Vice Preardent. C P. MKNDE.VHALL, Auomer, - PETBB ADAMS, Bec'y and Tieiaorart niUECTOKS. Jainea Sloan, f)r. J. A. Mebea. C. P. Mi-nrlrhl. Win. S. Rankin, Rev C . Derma, Jainea M tiarreit, Jed. If. leindeay, W. J. M cConnnell, (irernihorim ; JJ'. Lilly, Wadeaburoagh W. P. Moure, NewWB if. H. Borwrtt, Henderaua ; -h tj. BrtSgee, Tarbom; trr. b. ijulonin, anieaiowa , wittiawi a. vvrirM, wrf. minrtiin ; lr. C. Walkine, t'anjina Kl CiJli jr ; J.a . Shaver, Sfeliebilry ; John If. ',aek, f'ayelteriUr ; J. i. Bigga, Rfeleirh Robert H .Scalra Rtdieri K. Troy. Lambrriuu : Dr. Leaoi Caatle. PETER A HAMS, Ket'rv. W. II. ( I'M MING, Gen l Agent. May 1U, 1H.13J If30v9 aanoXrVTVm ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. THId Rsear tea prparatiin nf nnnmateirelleDet In ordinlry diarrhn-a, ittripieat 7-fiiIrF, in h'lrt, iu all casei. f pruatrathHi f the digeavtive fun, tlajfta, M if tnee4imabh value, Iforing the fKeraleirt tif eptdtuie cholera andaunisier soti.ilii)ta r rhitdrea, ii ia peculiarly efiicaciiue ; no family, totlivitluitl ur tntTrlleT elioald he withoal it- Ci"Tte- Be aur to fet lh g?onine ewaprtre, wbrek j,, i.., f liUlUVV. i h.. W W JUSl i I'jOL?.'!: k NEW MAP OK ; VIUrTII i'1 41?1Y IV 4 " " 1. 1 VJiJ J. - . TH F, und.Tned are preparinf and will uW.h h 4wxn aa the nc ratify eurree. Ae., rmn bebiiii-., r I... . aam.t. M AP .NOKTll CAKO- ueocr f the fr-juenl inquinee on tbie aobject tint j ihf tmd ruL'iifd havr rmUrktd la tha ewlerpnae. Tlie diiIv utlellipled Work of lti kind ii that nf Mc- line. publictid in IH.'M ; and atnee then the t't.uniir, i Ttiwue Kada and i.tfirea Jiaee iuereu.di irmt7iT-iir, and all unr work a uf ruternal luiprwwuieiiii, with tmall exeeptionii, been aet kn foot. Ii ie inteuded that the flew map, now pmputwd to he piibhaJiril, eliall roiilain. arrwralrly t d -wyi, all the i.TjI r'rHlun-e f the State the Inlet, llar birrt. St'iinda, Laikt-R, Rimv. Creek, MtOiiim. c. Alao, the public improvement and artilii i( dm- j Mme. - The Uwlrumde, WanknadaT, C'nnti-e. Niimy- isaaraest Tsai-t(KAra. 1'akea, illaea. rwat-ruad aed tat, Ci4iei, Acdmii-iita'i-drc'. --..-. Wir.l-tAM l. IWKE, - SAMUEL FIERCE. .K.-rT JTeTiry Toil; ltSTf-tgli; J-rt?. Dissolution of Co-Partarrsblp ! fWMlE Co-partneraliip heretofore SiiaUnf belweea , tr,,Kn & H.e.. ia ibi. dav diMolreil by ani. rlre uf timiutlon. AS thraatndeted to the firm, are reefarrl fully r-n.or.trd to call and arllle, either by raek oj note, by llie fir.t of November. ISM. a. tongar 10 dulffence leilt not kr rtrrn. Benr ibi in mind. IIKOVV.N aa IIA.NES. Aug lat I, I Si I.' 11 NEW ARRANQEIEriT. TMK uniirratr'TI iwipiAiBy inturm the public, thai huvins fnivrt-d tutu Co-partm rahip, will carry o the buwut-? )X ..TANNING, HOOT AND SHOE, AND iu nil U.t ir branches, at the Old Strnni, lately oeca' pied by Un-wn Hant. Harmif eiiplird them" laetTea wnh p-wvd workmen in the reral deparimeiii ol their buMiteaa, they are fully prepared lo meet lb ! j'"teiiyriiiliiinnif ilia pitsm in lie11""! timett.. ltl,t avail"' .(. IX Thankful Kar Ihe favor beatowed un tlie ekt lirm, lliey aak a eonfiimiiniw nflh eanir inr-lbe ne- T. v. I1AM.M, Situ- Paliabiirr, An. I. ISM. : rS E eubechher will aell, on ihe lfllh Suveniber. " k V uartln-n, al lu Slore, 15 utilea We.sl of i!'Ihi- ry, ou Uie SiUCeevill rolui. THREE LIKELY NEGROES, hmruBU. lb. Tb (Vw.ii. couwiinl iif rnif wuttian about J,",tne b.iv lit. and imp tt'fr . . ... . . . J . . t.r ,r?, nrRnes wiH be auW unacremi .u mtHiine will! intrreat Intiu dale. THO tVtiRAHAM..ujrdMr.. AI. at iheaame time and place. I will crll my rt inttinine S TtH'K OF tiOOIS on band l atKMi. rttaiBiatmg uf a irreal variety uf iade lai iuiim'T"" lu enumerate- All ltnv indi-hted tu me hy mte r f" rouui, twnhitut anv renH!i iu pi-rami' iuy f autiMi tl piyinciil w ivt mnue mi r b f.tre re Ilu- tl-.v ef tu an ,.lik' ( Bate, my MIMlie aale,, ny butttueee w Ii be iraitded over iwo: - & V If '- ikHtJ .-: ,.' C. i)S-r TVIf If V iw.,iti,,i.i,,,U,I,,s,i,Vs;;-;,il -- - t'owan.ville.Oel. 11, Ifil Jii-3 Xoticc Slave Traders! t .V.'ir ORLEANS SLAVE PEl'OT,.Xo. 157 Coiiim.m, uml ti-S Dunmn. SI., .V. THOMAS FOSTER, Proprietor, " Formerly- uf lai-iir imtty, --Naat th t utuluu) ( 1AK0LIXA TRADCUS conilni; S-uih i . .i,i'...i .. . . .a...:, i.. ...... ,.. ai.ni '" i tT"e "HI nil" i to ii,i-i, tii.r.i., .-- "i il. a. he aell. on r,imiiiiln, ml verv .i-l-i'ii"""'!1' htm, a. he aell. on rotniiiiitt. litiK teruia, ,nd llrtttira liiuiet-lf lhal be lina iliof-" ' - lialMlavTitaiiiiat-tl. d die priiiciiul fii.ii!l aud butmesa Uott. 1'iiJoubie,. -Hi fa e il aWat -1 ej taTaBUb, ". atireas iwu ran ia a-auantaau inaii -artmaiBe ..a '1. - ' '"- ' -i ?i5"Jf-v'S'? Hi 'i n;t '.'ifV5.i"iZ .tCi- fe...'LT'. . - - " ' II - ' .Mllll ' : ' ' ' ' :-