f-, TliC institutions, genius, and c arae- existence. Put tliis is rather a personal jtinin a political hostility, and alFords no ground for division into political parties. fcmn linn is ii.imu v auuorstood. itii of Wclrn P.,,., "rl .. J..Ul?.,'u,,tl'? r.8tocrarv U divided into two politi- . -of tLe Mvortd raw,, wl.icli eonstitut. i . ; jWacw and the other com- ..vast empire of t?TxoS S f th? o"!'" on both LMiHl.l.. i..: .TI g fJ "f ri'e H"1 pnrmce, the . fcrnoKrimr frr.m .l..it " ....! 1 . '' roc nrst is tne e. ........... uuiviTiMii Uttl OU' The do- I , now in session. , S'olVuttf. however. U km0 SALISBURY, X. V A1854. nam, our pwple have yet had the means oi Cd .... has incut tl.it! Ochtvic clement of Russian -....tslun nyl An ex- animation of tire t...i p.;,i in- ami. ice on Thurlt Decc.i.er. There of acquiring Cut a very imperfect knowl" " Z . J "ffV" lzoment Wl!'"". "d-: "'.T " ""U 'Eon Friday night at ear ANOTHER PIlE.Ulrt I. (SHIP .VKlll k AMI Tfca lug mifrenl tliip N-w Era, ttom Brrasra, .ilk, .....I JiWi Maal.m. AM fcattrd. IU MhuT a lh Si of ik L'mttd S&ia malM folHUj-i rf lh ia,h iurtint. on tha Wl, aad awt Vew York. Not. lfl.-Tlia. United State ar senal', limgazinoj Ac, at Rom1, in tha. btaUi, -"- old at auction yealerdsy lo l8,uu r- Tmuactiont i StoctK New Yo, Nor. 1C Rtockt are,rtlir bk Tlio mon.T market rtriniwiil : Sah t lew thu SttprmiMperabM ll m l ipfT,ii- UJf inc r.crcc oy iniicninte territorial con- "i ie a cor ., ..-. ..i;,ls. 0licstswiil...f tt i. ,1,;. ........ ...i.:i. : I.. ., . V" ' -'," 6""'" - uvtween ine roverc n that urciil eiii t j 7 7i , T ,jt i, i . , n .....t pire and the t wo t po crfnM a, Z 1 r 'i '? l" s,,b,?i"n ' rcTpe- ! ' t.f Western Ero,e has attracted the at- ' r,"rrst' Tl'm) f ,he 'W'?'" 1 tention oi our co un.rvmen n.ure -" ;"l'Io. .tl the occupation of th inan ever u'toru to t I., i... Kit i : . '".' men enec-' - the intellectual, Social and hohtieal o ,u' l-arHholis ot l'olan.l, and wl.ic' Ju.le Svsiek, j.ri.linj. The l..itie ot of the tHK.tde of tli.-t .... . r.ol''.'"".v I'lincu Monschil;.' ,... . -n . r..'r.-wiiia "muk.'LIv hh.I Mieolilr. I.. . .i .111. ' "lT ...... anions nilSMoli 10 the N' . J. a rtiu .1... ;.!i.-,;,l lUncL ill j nit j the mh-oi1 board of Virpnia 6', at. 90J. Cn t..h, 160. 2. New Yotk Cntml tailroad, Slf r. . i .1 1 n" 1 I..,li.. kS. aat" Cliv- umwrmnu. .if. . 4 , , : m .k.n.J .iih srimin l inlemwrw wild land, Coluuibuis auJ tinc)nuti, 1. tne, oj. ' - mlldin(MHjM rf tH,,iiin. in lh oban with Ihrn. IU wnkr4 vithui Soft yudaof US alMm, it w ! Uade4 wilk Hnk -plormhU iMurf Ifc. m tit A'm nt-Fm tba lOtrmeati of tk. puMm af th N.w Era, M t am tk yrakuhU lkt ttui km of lki M Ih awfauwkuly ( of kmaa lif W ke ulnbulrj ts tk Mftret of Ik uflkwn. ll to pnMiiirvijr rft4 tkal kntk Ik aplaia ud mi Mm Muw ia lhw krnlw at Ik liaw h nnk. and ihaltnfra wen mi nw nun oaocna. AS vol: AVEKE! " Hie Now Vork pnjiers contain the an nexed patriotic letter from an eminent Philadelphia and Xevt Tori: Tie Philkdulphians affirm that their city con tuina mnrn inhnhitanta than New York. ! and sterling Whig, which it has been at ! 8ltll0Uph tho Cl.nBns ,,iace9 ,10 latter place upon Ins lam. .us ami iiiuneiliaielv afterward difcta' iii.iiri.iii ..C tli.. I',;,...:. ..i:.: . wl i vii'.iiiin ie peoi waved iiy t!,e sole will of the Imperii! Aut.xrat, atut loti!ied toxeit. thr.niv'li an in definite period of time, so s;re.it an iutliience on the utf.iirs of Etrrope, if not of Anierier. e lhereforo ulmii to our readers tlw rcsmlt ot some rertection. Mine impiirv, and 6ome reading touching the atate !if the eni)ire of Nicholas, and csoicciaMv rlT.IJC OPINION in nrssiA. TliC direct, constant, and jKiwerful in fliiencc of pnli'ic opinion upon (lovern tucntis is- perhaps the uut remarkable and hopeful characteristic of the politics and civilization of the iiiuetoenth century. Where freedom exist pul 'ic opinion breathes into ( Kn ei nim tit its l.nuil. of life 5 and no on of the actual ruler of Europe, however" despotic in form the ten tire of his power ana apparently ample Jiis means of enforcing arbitrary will, feels strong enough in liis daily adminis tration to omit taking into account this capital element of modern society. The proudest fend most potent of them mav no longer adopt the hanghtv 4augnage of lJU!, ai,- wrw ft, m,o a Clar bnt b ,,e pacific execution, itli . . . . . i Ul L'Ul III.B. MtmiKIt; II1UL L.llUt.ia I . ... . ItlU IlllIC l"l a.. the letter, it is, in spirit and in truth, but ,.,, 11IlHl,p p. .,",, ,.; .;,!,! H'e Know .Nothings have swept the , imlilu, -;,,,,., Od Ml.Kil ll. j The Ch.-i, " -l.-ii StaiaWJ on. count, rf.,1 ... last SatwJay i.t to Mr. ShingL-rtoHMV -..."ui ih. Ua-r it jp-Maiae. It purportej to bei Ctoo Hundr. (! Uollar Hill ea the Dank of Camden, Bowk Caliua,aiiJUJe acHK'Jaalfowr"igi)vttc, lw hnt tha Ooddeaa ef Liuerjy oi tlw iglU ! fg lh left, with a ktoII 4.n-W from iu wouth, on wliiclr an tW bv - Slate Sovereignity National Union f tl Ugawe 100 are on the upper right corner, and the npcr and lower left corner.; dated 1st June, 185, igncd,. W. O. iraht. caahier and W, Mo Willie, preaiJMiL For 'tjj), iuforHuiilon of lhoMsrni suainUd tlU tlM,oa WHaUmayaw Hank of Juanideii, .fe ..!r...".l tho Hank haa nevertaaued Y hilU of tU do uouiinntiuu of oue huuJrvd dullara. It is said there are about threo thon- i '' ' ' 1 (iii t M uht utu, tt ,ti be rt'.td anh ini. rr.l. 3r. k.way i rlTiuntty a very rrinkrknliiv uiua in mtn tt eia. 1 tlx 1m.ui ia cmrira Ut aiai.y ii,i coyudirai rn)wriug m:f wiiuea enrrauadVura, aa f afiaf atrtiia4 foiaxaraa ia awaniarT !(."' irra. If, ia aar kwiaaM wmawn auk kiair' f kaa juat idra of kia cliaraeirr aa a koaiaeaa ainj era aVxial : vtriVrr fca Bf e1Ud aiifcrf ia aitiaa ar Aoarrica. Wa haae baaa aaranaad ajLMM ikiagiaai " that la, kai ia tha uaaaanina af aack a larfa kaaiaaaij he (aria lima, ia kf earraaaoaaWMtv M iityUtf . arf mack anTarnaa la an kaailaiana a aiaaart. Nor k i mtm JFrruck vuik, wa ltuk, kaajrauiae eknranwai. Moraaaar, ka aaaajia la kaow fatal aaal akoM al. tuat every Iking, aad yoa ant aarVeeaaairj lad kiai 'VuofMni a rf&ark akiai raallata aaar yua, and a kirk uald aataua the altraiiaa af ktraigtH-r. ll aar)Hipcr M aatun, howntr, f nylakii llial, ikJ ll !i to thai . Meant ie eal allaiitiuai Mr. Htlleaai't Krwuaaprr Boatim. ' '"-.., (finaai lie Ifcrla. :elm1inj-'r-' Al Mr. IIiiUuway'ateaklihnrataaarTrUBla Bari a tal shall have beftii paid. an cmptv boast. In the present uiipor- taut crisis of urojeari utfairs, which ex hibits the va-t physical resources of the liussiati Empire -directed by one will against the two leading Powers of West ern Europe, public opinion in liisin, its vitality, the extent to which 1t is capable of influencing the resolves ot the Czar, and the character of that influence, be come matter of interesting inquiry. Does there reallv exist in Itussia ji public opinion in the sense of that phrase ted has becti addressed ny tne uisiingu.su- me )n,dre(i ti101usall( ,0re rotes than graceful eil author ot it t.i varions national nigs y york Jt Rj(j4 . I .i . . . r..l ,1 . . ..I Hin rum I .u Hin if ll uir it ill, a. . rt , r .1 -.. 11. -h .ti.oiiiv i'' iiiv . ....v. ' 1 , pout piTi irrs wprfl 01 course ninue 111 Ml ltn I ..... , iii 1 ... l. , , 1 . induced the actual war Thi-i win. - - j puuoe .vwich nu l..... j..-., -ew i ork, wnne mc umisum unionij; not be satish'e.T till (will it b-''11'" '"ls XT I 'all nt Mcronev A IturkliL-aJ'j and ex-'j subject, and was to be issued immediate- tl(c census, to run the number of iuhabi uiiited beneath the sceptr ,,t' Czar amim- lb. ir piu.k '1 i.. v ar,. on a new princi- K- after the election, whatever might he tanta up to the highest possible figure, in all the people of Sc avic origin yet with- ,-c Ul.- of . .urLi; , , ai,tructit,u as fMl ' rcsult . - ortler toclaini precedence ofl liiladelph.a. out the pale ol the I.Wan empire Poles, 1 . . , ' " A ith this object Hi view, the entire nnin- Htimrarians ervi .is. P.uluarians, Croats " " ",a" ia" u""k" ! Albany, Oct. 2S, i,er of seamen on boanl all the vessels in andlllvrians. who no form portions of " " ( )lXH Sib : I'pon consultation with aport, during the several month the cen- Austrian or Prnssun or Turkish subjects TDK Li:ULTHi:-Et niATI0 ul BOTU i Illlmucr of National Whigs from different bus was in tho hands of the marshal, j 01TRA(iE. The Mnscovit or Old Uussia party be . . uoils. of T s,aI it hn8 been deemed ad-; whether connected with foieign com- uuiniimnected with a rexitec- l-ZT .IJK- We are indebted to a gentleman) now lisab.e to call a vent ion, to iissen.hle r'------ JjSlSZ ;t" .'I :Ti, u, : .l-ro. for the following extract of a letter ' V : V, r ,W,U, their various places re,ted in I'hiladelpha, charged with can . .. . . iv.,.... - - 1 . . .. .. . , , .i- ,1 III" Hill 1 1 I'll mum piinLvui.ii.i i . ... and the x,sSesMon of -toustantmopie is reeeiei o " " ""i'b"! all their " nianihst destinyi." This party morning's mail : emprises the immense majority of the; uh n,,,, ra,,i.,l t.v,li.v 1 aristociacv, pi:d inejitnes many of tlie-v," ...,t 'ut-akvr or ttie - at-, Jo! n.itunl I. ..!....:? linAli...i.m. c-.lt . .. - ... ... ... . , .......... ...p.. v. .vo. v.. i,n nfsiok, s rriu. ial, (the c thcCear, the (irand Duke 0nstantinc, '.j,,,, 11,1, Assistant Ck-rk. is its, acknowledged chief, the princes, -Thc fluuse of Comin.ii ekwted S. P.Hill, .Vleiiselnkolf, liortschakoff, olkonskl, f pisw.ll, Sjieaker ; Jumn i A.- , nr.. li'inlitirr iiwiii.pi-4. 1 here is. ,.;,rl. lvir.Mn.tl 1 1. it- II.. however, a very small portion of the Pan- i .Want I h rk." ' . ' j y National Convention at Paltimore ehivie r.-irte M hich u.iulil f iin 'ittain its ' . 1 1 . i "1 1S02, l edging ourselves to oplMwe stiat parn unit 11 woiuu i.un uuain ns Anj w ,j t j , y ofMlu1 ? f A ' u- end the effect veun on of the1 Sc av one : . . . . . . , .h '. i propositions tor the fusion of the W 'un.r. una is.vu .L.c-u yntK u. luc iuur-ieiTN'n. . .....i. ...... i... .......... ' r j iiuiiy won win ui-ii. ior ine onri.!H3 .'i 1 11 . .1 . ,,1 -,J 1 1 . -. . ever 1 us pmiuueii iiihl iii i 111 11.1. iiii and the Iv inilicale . . t 1 : . . . 1 a .... i : I linu'nvi.p' leuuire, - v aiuornia seuoiuu 11011.- 10 v.111- will determine wheth- ,,,;,. .;,, :,. ,,, i, , ,i.n ,,r:,., ,.r ,i, I na." for instead of ul udd leavinu the" sand neirroes entitled to vote in New Vdfk """ " ''" -,"". e.n4fi, ,Zi : I mual aiiriMMiaary OriireiM af aawpaaaara ta ika City under the provision of the ttate COIl- wofM Mr il.jh.way. a Wmuld In ka.wa, adaarua titLiio,. ronoirM a. colored man to " WHaaad O.aiais.,1 ia ak al SU 1W. .... , - iiihii, and ta iwa.ly rim Eaglwfc ai-r rniktU Ui.mlli ifu,. ktHkaafca .ly discarded at Auburn. I It is pmjiosed to issue an address to the J1 ' rleetins V.i..4 throiivhout the State, in which the lrtP. ' . . .... . ... . 1 ami . i.i-iti..o.1..a nt' tJn. Mt01n11 tMok., I riiiriu.il, (the olj tk-rk,l and ! 1. :. .i..i 1 ..:,.., .1.. :,!., ,1 '.. ' IIIHI III ,11:. 1111 V.I. ..Ill IIWI 1 1 Wt UWI.'v.. ' 1' .. ... .... - . position to the! Nebraska bill ns a viola-. "S" flFIr.mat.on .1 :."... ..!...! ... ...... , tio of tho Missouri Compromise, and ad- " l"u I" ""T" , 'P'" ' 1 . .1 1IM - . 1 .....1 I!. iuh.Priueii.alrl.rk. Howard from TarlW. "cr' 1' 11 u . 1 n pmcipies es; nave been three years n ciiizeu, imu po-' lh. yrir , lh, unat c,hlb(,hul ,D. u I .. r... j...l.l .... ...... ,.f .1,.. vulni. of' ignifrdialaeli,aBaa "lTOU"' " - 7 , ei-t.elM, ,k. paarra arat km t kM, kt taataaiOHyi fi2o0 over and above all debts and IIICUIII- a u aa orrvd .ll by km aara anval ial.aia7ij brancea charged tlivxeon, and u.h which , -- ul may atMniaaniaua im aarwa(M;rf araarrf Hag: ' , tard a.ify ta lS wutW anrrtt iad ) MMttataVallf t arranard ia cavrawai purtkila; aad ika atraaawf 1 IkmIuu, akrikrr fn.ai ika I'm ltd Mum, Mr 'Lm iland, lh i'mf. Australia. I (una, ll.adiiataa, PrtNa, ' w Ukcjf, may, kj rnilaif Mr. H.4Way' tntr. j am, at tr b e-a arqaaiaiad wilk ika hum Miitlfc. ' ganee fruta ki .tarn caatry. Tkara ia rvary laatttty .' aad acciaimudaiMrfi U rrading aad aatracl. Vaaaral 1 I .r k m m p. k .nl . ,.l I V u.ttiuvvd ia - - . -. .1elite".-Tlie transient population , ""'rt ;rage ujHm . girl nameu . tomkZ in the nnmeroilS h.Kels anil private Utard- """"I'- '-". .v-,io. j i-n-ni c...J. id .. a ai.aacr aikirk M atdcr. muses were taken into the account, r'-r " ' ; ::3 " : J rJ'"Z 7:'..TT d Whijjs will be;ud e.cl' hewi of family was mr.de to -:laul to be sure . , at aawaaaarra aaat , wit, uy .w. niMiuwwj p. tmmmmmj )m J In " - aal tW aVdElakaaUat Hi t " tttaf it ' tdM awata X ScotcU Know Noriiin i callod at ihn miar mri, n. HtM t.t.4 sta. dished tho utitiul modcol' making the calculation. Ij'h it n A"!. . I it trtiwli tin UMirilai urn Tlie floating population of New Vork can-: to ju Doujl,, A'i fu- not amount to less than one hundred thon ; ' race rtiot bv military conquest nnd an nexation to the actual dominions of tlie-j, ELECTION NEWS. Whiu 8iu"' "''y- Tl'C permanent iMpulatiou is; j(l tie t not now, and -o doubt much whether it i i. of , ' , .,1... ... .. ''"nit- :. -. .1 , 1 -. - ,1 eier nas e.iiiuueu iiini .u j miu.ic.piiin. it "ion of X dav iThe K "torVote in the latter city, r aia '. 0 ,'e. . . larger number of houses, plainly ii The time for decision has arrived, and th(J .,,, ()f t)lii aASCrfimv aillJ K In ('hoctaw, Vhieh a liviftim. original Arabic, 1'he-plio phi- to China:- This is -n cheering T atiraiHiu. aud maa; dM.nrarkr4 Bara ara arare iaa asra tktr, ll.rink.-r .4 rarkaoiaal. arvapaaar adrt. ara. airrignira ..f aitunriic, 4tr , Ate. ll ia a aH.ki.iig iiiManav ui akcl indivrdual caery aad tuirrpriaa c4 rffvCJ. IIlSTOltV OF THE WOULD. This new Work of the well-known wri ter, Samuel Maunder, ie considered by a sort of acknowledged supremacy, con- statb 01 Massachusetts " high and dry. 1 er a National Whig party shall ceue In v,,,. vP'., ,i,., ,.,,,.,., ..;.i . 1, .,..! countrv to nav for tea. suuiir and spices, 1 our ablest critic, ad one of the inoat mai- currtnl in by all of them, of the Czar of Here is the result : exist. Should your views coincide with' v;nci,, tt.gliuu,y of , these two clear 'B'lk. shalsand other necessaries and nificent issued Ut a long time, giviuif a Kussia. The party of Old Itum, in the, Gardiner. Know Nothing TS.S43 : 1 those herein expressed, be pleased to for- r,.,B." 1 ' luxuries, we send the Products of our soil :. .1 ... ..!" 1 , .1 : . . 1 , . . . . . . . .1 . it tioi'a. a cmnnn t'l hi n view 01 ilia r m. . W hig, 2t!,l.'55 ; Bishop Deui. ward your name, with the names ot snch ; ' and the labor of our hands. 1 his is what: . , , . . . 1 i .'. . ..... n.t.i ..i'...,ruuj -.rvt..t..d ....I rnnii.iiiii,. . eastern continent, bears, we see, a strik- Washburn. - - 1 1 . .1 . . i . . . . ... and progress of States, and furnishing a inu resmblancc to the party of 1 vuihj 1M.19." : Wilson. Kree-Soil. fi.Sls. The ! other reliable iutn in vour noiirhborhood ; r.. r r i i . ' lntilil- mi tuv Strtt. Knur flituiuul unur- ,4 '(,., in tin? western. The (krmun Know Nothings have swept every Con-!" yu may select, U James Kidd, Esq.of ,,C 4(J J' um.." of California flour from' the Ku- "' valuable digest of the most Ima.r- or St. Petersburg! party in Russia is .'ressional District. i "f this city, n ithout delav, that thev inaF, ;i ...i. ';..!. j i. ,. L.-..i.ui reka Mills were sold veMcrdav bv the tant incidents and eveiita embraced in thu woallur ahieli we bave enjov.il for aom.t time Messrs. t riedlander iV t,., at satitact'- annals of mdividjuaiatpmsiuicaeilt and past. Notwitliun,ili? tln very unr. as.mal.le' ry priceXitbijnC-piir -bl.Lt--t-trbtrrptt jyfn more conservative and less belligerent lhe Legislature stands house. 341 ! he printed with the address. and " progjessive." It would "maintain Know Nothings, (J W digs, and 1 Locojt Uy order, of lhe comtuittee. the ttatuquo in Government ; toreign con- senate 30 Kuow Nothings and 1 doubt-! quest and territorial extension are not itsfub j E IAJS asJIUAN(iilK.-- Fire Jfi'nr in (thlo. The recent I 1 . .. esel:llal IrHlClllil.l.rt-rrrTT r.ri.ieril as used in v estern t.irroi .At)LlU.-tlUhw 1 ":"i- . f ltKaraW-TGirumv well be qiies- 1"la5la ,u u rope a. me great una potent .... , ...... i-..i .i-...ri rihru i.n.l ni.li,il.l.ii-..r. ...I... ....... inn.., I Politic:! oaitiPs 1 o not ilinde the r . v, . yo ,.... j :,,... ,... :..... ,1 ,..1 ...... .rr n.:., . .. . , -- - - - , , ,,.,,,, -,.f l llr,. I, " o.". oe ...ia. iSi'i "', runi- 1 with the errant Pedro and Carlo and cd cl'ilrtt'r ,;rt !s. Henri V.'s t.f Euro -r tkivwia:itt-frs;-.-m.., I.iiT.VTTTrin.r.. t .nrtt,aT ( Mioin ' t trhe &liTfin.,ntA or' tiL-n rtiMrirr. " . . . ... ... . J .. . . - Ti... , r . .1 : . tr. ter will shortlv l.-llow : and thus, at 1 "n"" ",( "u"7j .'....,, m Unsvian noi.nlation. Tliee are the marks .,ii. .......... .. ,Ar.-. ...i.-.j.,,....! aiu.i int. ... .....to v. n ,..,'.. ...vi .ai...v.'.. It .... , .... ., 1 ,.. r t ti .. 'leiin . s ! r.uropi and, it tlie oppor habitude ..I j-ast ages still eXitJ tlr.-n? bff !r0UtU Wn dlheUrTelagraakl. S... fra, r.., T.i 1 t...i i... 'aid to restore the era of restoration. Oi jiiai.i.o. elite. 0 01 me p.rin.,ai n.oiv. i, , . . . Nesselrode, (he actual Cliaucellor of tlie empire, is known to be the chief. It is ikt Dally feata faraUsUa. MU. SOULE. We find the following in the last letter , of the Paris correspondent of the New Vork Tribune, not so muc'i to confirm the uuiritradufliouxX lhe idUf iniora eniigom.. ; ing Mr. Soule s movements, as to recat of crop made. The ph kinu e- on lin. l while wr enjov nucii aralher ay ae now have. ll i t lo oiglit by jiiilgiK that there will Iw niut-li rorn math in tlie .-ountv as w r..pur.-.l to nupply the d, maiij." length, Ciilil'ornia has become au export-, stopping in town f.r a few day, for lhe er ot hread!uti. iniu iint) Iliruld. purpiwe of pp nring ..rdera rVn-HiiaKptetr' did Work, and we trust he will meet with Emam -cation. As our readers are success Commensurate with the rare uier- II. f " "" wlilcli tiTdtyl'daal. when society is emerg ing into a higher civilization, extend their thonghta from merely personal concerns and the cares of animal existence to the consideration of the common interests &Dd national affairs, is to commence in lbissia ; and rhaps a century will yet , elapse before the first stirring of the wa ters will announce that the vast masses of Russia population are waking ii,i to the poji'ieal life which now mows to tlieir lowest- depths other populations of : "x.tiro"! e. believed also to possess the sympathy of tlie (irand Duke Alexander, the heir to the throne. This party is understood to be opposed to the actual war ; btit, now that it is commenced, is unwilling to see .eaee concluded upon the humiliating, terms which the Allies say it is their iu-. tcutioi: to enforce.- Hie tower Cincinnati, Nov. 18, 1854 f tlie Congregational church Tlie LouUnille Courier of SaturJav , "". ' j. several notices publiahed, there i.ta of Hie Work. .will he a large number applications to the ' ""TT 7.7. . . . . . i. .. n I. 1 , 1.1'tniiiiiiii' hi ro-. .iaie 10 I'liiiuiniiui.' lilt wt-aiii,-. ii. ...ui,. or nuii; iur i-noiinT, nun ' r . i , , t , 1 . 1. , . : il,. ilm. i ,.,. 1 . u. 1 , , .colore. 1 persons. ii.".aoi a uozeii ironi j.V.'?6o,n1.ume.,tJ,.,g,.,m. u-rttor , r ' . at I THE ROAD TO SALISBURY AND THE-rcm-iro at r The staunneiu of the London Time and 'packers anticipate 1 full aeaauma work. 'Vrice. ! manumit any one, and it 'will be for ; Tlie "Salisbury Banner" in noticing Tlx reeria are light at present, ihoiigli our' sessions of the General Assembly reljiise.l and I'.ldlv Wuuiiiling ten nlliers. til kllKEIU. New IlkVEN, Nov. 18, 1854. New York. Nov. 20, 1954- Jud'".n' Hotel on IVo.ilarv was Lnrned to- llius we see that if pulilicopinioii effi Att!kt,,t.)l iiLjluaaia,it jtwiiha, , the Czar." It was with him for the decla- ration ol war. and supoi'ta linn in its vi- ,r,, Folic tirru.i.riir!iili anil it iniiv Ii.. Cull- tidentlv anticipated that the Allies " will . Jd.v. '.mxj., r aliout six iirtmire.J 111011- have t. abate their preteiisiotb, or the war.. ... ' . ami. this includes tlieir wia-cs arm winch has already lasted nearly a year. hit itn iinn. children, numbering more than two thirds wjU U; prolonged tor many before the full Nkw Yokk. November 2f, 18.14. rl the whole. Tlie old herclitary arUfoft- triuiupli yf the Allies will eon'iuer their Cmum k dull i.,l'Lii,!;iiioliiinf,l m. Of the sixtv jnillioTi souls compo-ing. in round numbers, the total population Of the Russian Empire, the order of the tlergy tnav lie held to form the one hun dredth part, . 1.1 New London, liio, fill vmterdav, killinc three! other journal, that Mr. Sink had l.een fri.'ht.n- are unsettled, wild, however, mu. h 6 mn.w 011 I 'hut ImmIv to decide w hether or Hot it ill . thu lamentable accidefit. llich resulted in ti.e (leatn ! 1.01. tiictiiinl jyrwry of Rowan, suggest tho alteration of tlie Stage load between thii place and Hulis burv. We think the suggctioii is wor thy tli Kpeetly utteiitloii of the County , '. ::rs of U.tlj c. unties. The cxeiie at taching to the ehangu eatinot wtsigh an i.i4'a aoaltisf the los of tha lif. of iv'ii oho '"hlliiiilir being -and espwiallf of no esti mable and vatnable a citizen as was Col. e.l away troiu Madrid, ami that h would not part of h.il.lera, who in.inili-sl no ili-pi- oe si.ninil H.ncy al tins time to give sucli attain return, is scarcely watth. the contmjiotion.'; tiun. tti. Iuii. thair lljfttram. -.: ' applications 8 fayoniblc enrjfiderKtion K.iiv one who knows Mr. Siule iii(it know dial: I 1 l!y emaucipatiug some will ii not have a he i not the man, tote frighten, d from hi s Ah France, Knlan.1, and Ti.irkev, are si a Urw tendency to make more dissatisfied with bv KIIV tllllliT. Tliat Iih nvmtiathizd with lli what In tin with flip I'm.... aft.. d...v Ml.ull l,. !...;.- !.l,i,.. It'..,., tt .. :n f ;'.... The Isanti of inrbester in tins State was r.',iiiLlirjii nsiitv. an. iirr u'n to .iff..,in f.m. .ti.-.-.I.1 In iaLi.,.T..l..i.....l il... I .-..t..., 1 J J ine v atebman ( ,te abute protvetonr bad diej at the barrkjul.' er rucmumenOa litem .k aett it (e the l ulled j i i true; but thai he l..rdbinuwlf pnlti4if wilk SlaUk. j Tlui t'Li.ru!.u A.Wol. John R.w any party, ilistrrl)Ut.-.l ri)..nev at the bairieaihi.' i 1 resident ot tiie t herokee N ati.m, sent t4TIIlTIVE fllE.. ,I,'i charged, or coinnoiod any other or.rt ait, in ithin lw-ny year about one hundred t he N atitl council, on the Sid of ( Mobcr, . robls-1 last night of '.'0,oiJ0. I was knocked down and gagged. TrIe." Tuy;ilipSt!ii2fit wrththc; fcjrtjbftritfla befWclu-s, jiUHlferifig jbjjuUwel..- tliotisau.l cm- Id's annual mcs Url not roinuiil a it an oir.-iiir He 1 faty (rjnyjTdsi'i'iiiipi iscsat8t TterorfaFr prace. Iindi-4.4i part if the wimie is.pui.iilioll. r. nr. s,. ins no. ...... . jaiir-t Ufe ver, have Wn , laut.,1 .U.W Wrtr liovernineiit as Jfl Lord IIwd. n. ih, liritili-ri a. Manr acOionl.Tnfve al-beer. estabW.. .1. ! M.ltl. T be pii'.hc .ch.n.ls are in a r.wK-r le.l..ral.le acriUent will be but mii-t. r, in concealing . H Wl wh. n there w'wUirh are n ,w in .ucWul oratio.r. and I.un-; ..liti,, ai,4 tUvir. value i ever ? ''"""'K ''f ?! chfil'tCT 0-f udu a i rtteofS-rr,! .r ln head. In a hfttif lnreK-dferls of natirn n'.Kwlvsl an.! are 't''lt'llJ 1 1 1 1 . 1 he rail road er.,wses the old Mage road . . ..I 'ii I- i . e 1 ear l coming more and more duly ai- . 1 . a r .1 r . 7. 1 . .I v.-it.-rd iv from Mr. .Niule bv lua relatives 111 a ( l.ri.liau tduealion. . , ,f , . .. 1 entirely too often for lhe safety oftrin el - . - . l.ri.i-iiit,.! Aliirli ot 1 to IOI.W.IOM. o .1... . . . ' tin rity. he say that, th-re (s ing no pr olwbili- - ' . r . . t.fa ; and whether this might not have tVofrarr.it.iHMi n.gitialion. with ilia Snaniabi rnTu.. ."."""joJ. o,o. , t ...,..,,,.. , , V():,M. u tuCM.Lu,t. in.sierti iK oaitv created hv 1 eter tlie Great ami las fcuccessor". as a counterba lance to flee pHrerftrl, vrralrhy, and dan gerous aristocracy of the bovards. and oonsiistitig of civil und mjjitary officers of aiPgrades. is of equal extent, and consists of about six hum: .d thousand ivml. There is no middle-or burgher class ; for of 350 tales. We lidvc Ihf imafed above f hat though ;K""n Trnrerttf tfit fvrtimarrt Wirrrf'"i,- latioii possess no common political opin ions of national setiliments which mav he f-kirtrfa- airtft;; ""-;" CHAtttesTre, Novwnber 20. of the Om ranses the corn few individual who Wol(i the polic paralivet gradnallv form thi elves to the lower fore, eji 1 encounter elan potiula'tori, almost as rude as were theii father vears ago. Some lift v five them art- ser!', attached t -kilfully appcalcl to and pn Mince a common, powerful, and heroic action, there is a motive, and a mot jajwerful one tjie ntiijuiH iii'ttin of which they are peculiarly susceptible, and which, if ably worked, may make them capable of al most irresistible common "action. More"' thantif'y millions of the subjects of R11- tin etl (or a little ris-ration, inlen.Ung lo r.'t.ur.U... "''rj,,'1 cia"iiy, atw w ohhw-w, at. me -...--.-i4,etof -r K.lwril,.' Ari.-.'e. dei.arliH. iit iu the South of France. Sah-s of cotton t..-.ay 1.100 hah-s, at 7 a 9 MinhuDe Soale own some i.roi. rtv. Mr. Silit "n f Tif" f Tre'se 1 ii f if tit i ti r.'-t s ..1.., . :t I...-. ... .1...... " h;a profess the orth.x ox (ireek. or. in nth be absorbed m the ranks t.f vf t)ie GreoI'iUSsian religi.m. nob.llLy Immediately, then,- ..Xk.v an; extremely ignorant, kiiperati caving the cla-sot nojih s we fllIliltica. an,J ,iiven to mysticism.' the vast dense IliasaCa of l.u- T,', ,,;: ,,. ,. 1. ,:i,.r,. Ign, rant and tliotisaml millions f the soil with the most absolute," utiqiiestioiiing charac ter. The clergy, on tlieir part, are repre sented to be tlie docile, submissive instru ment of the Czar, who, to his iwilitieal o uts. Market .lull and .. 1 lit I F rotn IA WatktafLat Daily (mUJ. LATEST NEWS BY TELECRAPD. Soulr .! ff'iir St tiltii. ll EW VoHK, No . ids-r 1 7. SeV. . .Hipers !hi niorning annoiiiiee that the Sotilf- nfTair. v ttl.-il; that th" Kn.eror I, a r-s inded his or d.T : aiel ihitt Mii.iter ijoiilA would leave I,n- loii on the fourth of tin month, .or Madrid. f 1 h-patche. up iiiel, r.'aij.l, Lave Isi'ii r.-eeiv ed by the Presiilrnl annoiinring the aliovp." Xetr Yittk j-.'lertton. Nr.w Vokk, N.o.mls-r 1". M's-tofth. S..ii!e and hi on sjK-ud their tunc; hunting the mountain." ' Mil. SI n.K, ! , The ll.iily Carolinian of the 21st int., ay : .V i'.ri v ate l.-ttur from one of our correj.ion.e!ii now in Kuroji. giv.s. us th" fohVwirTg inforina tioti : Paius, Nov. 2, 1854. niv arrival her I litel considerable excite- llleiil alsmt the Sail- affair. It flil. that a ft'.' it ajni, al he warn about In niter Kraiiee fr.Hit Ku Uiiil, tie wm refuiwd miiintOtnes, lh.mh hia paMpurt wa C'.rr'-fl. lie haa lierii auaK-rted fur unfile tmip by tlie -l-'mieb. oen.iiieiii .of tauitK-riux with their pome, when here h'- a i under ll.e Mirveitlanee Tl .U I - -T"-lt tlie fulure. i,- , - 1.. Is- -i-rnn-d i... ..r ,1 ,;,. l...it: ;...i. """ . i ......, .m KnJay the lday. Lv.vli.ls-r 75rirrU (ii . " ,' . . P V : r,ait ts cr. sed at feast li-ri Iiiiies between ' ' trv anil a.i.ni.1 .iii.p.l unit. n. .1 u m tl... . . . .... " . - , ' . I . ... the two towns, and torn considerable or gn at elements ol prosiK nty and stability , ,i(l tlj(J ,wo rottdll ,rc lK.nr v 111 nations aud individuals; and it la by 1 ,.,;. ) i.,., (1 . arrying..ut with igor, our educafional.Hrfr fraThri)m ,,f thT.Lh, : onr .o,,.,,,,. uml culii valine tl.vM' fstiinalilc j :, ti. ..i.i i. . i. i u- 1. .. .1 . II PIIOUIM I'V I 1111 UIVI. II V IH'PV till' -j-'-.tin- -1 ta JJi-.. re.d, transTerr.-., inHn.- ((.tt (f.i,o. "'V'l'v .r . u.k. ike . ,h, K!.eei.djijt IliSSti r to tliat r. to"Cthcr 1' h all other n i v 11 i lb raid make, huu (,:,.. ali. ad and, cnv.l. rs that diann-er. it p"d grinJ (. tin ir ureamt aeiinn. Huh imple:, . lit f ,!,. ..null V The,- are 'fT Tu 7T''. I Y h" '"""'"' "v th- ' el. t. l'-r ,n- Mr. M... I Mr. I.,k,..i, k.,e demand .4 die ilistin-roi-hed - --iv -i ino-'en wriler "l.v T i.f'.arrL ,u ""''' f" all church j.,u,a ;,f ,,..,,... ,n.f (ourier and ?. bM UlsliUgUI .,C I, K it ., no .cm Wl.t. r. I.y J, rtllIJt e!abllhes the rules of dlaCl- Knn,r..r show a sn,-.ll ..,-,i.-i'v f.,r -,., '"' l"" " l"fe " a.i , x.!.,.. .ay a l.atient, l ardy, ob'ttnate. enduring , r , ,i n t c i KnV"r' r '"'J"r' "r N-jnmur. , (;T,.rllI1i f .y e,o,iu..u, Bui rll,t,.r: bv vrv li,..it..l extent of '!" " V,e ''b.nod t- - . i r ....... I h,v,- lhe Is-at anlhonly for a;iiiij !h:it a rey will .. . .... - ,; - - - ... i . , ., ,.i i, i . i. I. I ,i-.ti. tl.,. .1 ihii Hiiitrni 'it itttiirn ..ruii'ii, ' i.rtitiimn . .. . . j . .. .r ,, . .. i ..i , koi 'rtn-i i,u i, in o'liivi nun i, -i .- is'triveniiiiue .' ii iw.. aa v a, a na ui ois eiieri I i-u tun it.! teristi w! and "j iii'.-t- c.iara' :i,an above the I. ru!.'. .!J.&yJJl5 .'J,!' PU.b!jf:.j!liioii can emanate j.ula'loti ..! t,,,-.lT' ( tl',1! iinwt- sanction of the Czar. This double char acter of Ab.l'.i'e E'TnlHror and .'supreme from the ii tlrtm. rircn: VI- "" kt .fthe a ir idea ..-! !,v . rnim iit tv.f.-.t' lire 'in,,; Jhat rule i-safilv I,.- - of the c-t.-lP it;-) Nr.w- York, Novi-inlsr 17. lohn Saiill.- LuMlleV. hit" of the Ihlti-ll he.fation St St. I'e- Pol.Uli' UiXtiUA.ilAAi Seeretary of the Ii l..alwii. l- f-si.l, at 11 alungtun. Tncl subjects a venerated being, far superior to any other earl hly potentate. Tin-cl. r gy ioir..serV'''l ! v obey him f .r the accoiii- l'Hli M...1 1 in i M tttlitlltl uhtti. November 17. MH. MILLKfi'S IIY. The " Kowan Whig "of the 17th instant, ron . tains an arti. I headed, Tun Ja-EiTioN, ah,, I, ! ia terminated by the following ajKilogy and an ' nnunceiih'fit : ' " AVe conitnenced this arti. 1. it la a il.Uriiiiiialioii to give the Adiminialratioii , " particular Ji-ss.., but our e.egitahoii have 1 n -. arrested by the extraordinary arrival of a most extraordinary stranger. ' Wu lio brother ltruner will duly chroni. I. this tneiuorable event in that mat iiiti nmin c ihiinn, a pnrliun of "which headed M irrmg.-s. Hirth, IVatb, whilom grae'd the Watchman ' Wu can inform our readers that it is neither ll.. tirst nor he lnt of these p hIia, hut that so lie in the grand drama of hi, whu h eaue ll.e I'lirMian lo rejoice, aw! the S. yllnii to weej l. a.ing il for lime lod. terniiuc wlikh of the ta., emotion is founded on the wiv-st philoso la. de.iH.d Iroin the liitory, oliservatmn and up rience of the human ra.ie. We take pleiunire in granting the favor a.k, d of ii by brother Miller. We and lhe p a l. r- of I lie Watchman," have cultivated, to a r.-a TutiahU?-degT ' in nature an vsictiis, ami euuivaiiiig liie: qualities iu our youth that I hey may lc tilfed to stand on equal footing with the members of other enlightened communi ties, uml that our e.plo can be prepared to shale ill.the advantage of the grciit , improvements of lhe age." Hogs are selling throughout East Ten nessee, us far as we can learn nt 4 cts gross. Wo have heard of' sales "'made at this price, though some wo belie, e are asking higher rattv, but we hove not heard of any sales made above four ccuta.e Dan- tllfllJC lit lltlj. Ti, them i , ;!: ; giUaiiinii nt-of by lhe ;iat ! lo mere at. , :; U the z.-ai ! .fll.'ieti' pll'ii, luav h- .;;:!. can if .'sii.lv T, . p.hmnt wi !ii4-r ol' religious or ml,, r I i. Jliere ttunoima bur'ttir in ttTtf'TTr la-T ni: JtrT were lb .1 n.lliii.S w aa itit'-.i.l.-.l iJi.r,-.M-rl lul in lhe Aniereaii li.iv. rmnsnt. hut i.nly a'ai..l Mr. S.Hi!e perannally. I revri-t verv UMirJ. in my iraveU l,l.al ...ir guveriinirlit haa Mt iniieti of her .liinnlv fnn th kind uf men thrit'ttl'e iiri'ae'n-r arn.:nja(ralWt--rf-s prat ahwrarf irr m inv uiararieea : dim! eren hers m Parts, .mr minister. ..ir. t a i ii ii in i ti ui r ll ais.wH w.ir.n a.iu ji .i-- , -. . l,l..,a is l ir. a., d hv 0,e nA wltlii iha .. rnrWUlttln.Un.v, the thrill whirl, doubt- ..il ti,, ii nilili.il i Th . ii airiil. itilv Magistrates of llle two counties will con sider the importance of this matter and, us far as they can, take measures to se cure the sttfetyof that largo portion of I heir fellow -citizens v ho will be compelled to travel on this roud. C'cntttrJ 6'ucrfc. RAILROAD OIkSTUl tTH)N. We learn that a rail was laid nero tlm track a few miles above this place, a few days ago, by some cowardly villain, but his fell purpose .was thwarted by the rail being rotten, and the car wheels crush ing it, did not jump off the track as In tended. Perhaps the scoundrel does l)t know that offence is pmnshablo with death, if he should be found out. AVe learn, since the alx.ve was in type,. Ciinti tnpt iif C miri. Hie Whig States man, published at I'.uth r, ( "lioctu-.v Comi ty, Alabama, says that Governor Winston of A lul. until, was fined ten dollar, a few lavs ago, bv a circuit pulgo in one of the that another obstruction was placed otieii . r f- - e. . ... '.I... 1, Tl ..I I.... 1... I..I uniies in .tiisNiHsippi, i.r wearing iris . a.....-.aij .....a .., uu. " ti.o ara paaaeu uvcr 111 ard of one hundred dol- 1 for the aprctiefigioti and y H '""t of tint "ii'ntii -i n-t I tin ii'i ' itcliniau," have rultivaul, to iM',r"lllllm Missiwippl, for wearing his .'-' Hack, linn r-, teste , -tfire" mwforrt fs;th ""J,fa ml pflV cifi" th Court rooroj dumgu,: .1 art ; a..d wh.Ut we may fail . n. ',' "" '' , V; 'V . ..- . , , . , i Served hlirtperfefetly right. liars is offi-rcii 1 tins instati. e. the thn w hirl, douhi-. - i ; .. r .1 'Cs themselves o!."V -eOtl-rrd ie p., 'A Ttfe T represented to !, 1 .i r : . 1 1 : 1 -. r n .-rf:rT-rrT"T,' iid-. as tl..- 111a f-.o.. j'. 1 Ii.'.- 1 Tittt trv insturmria anef .eftte-r wriP-r, Lmp.-r "r is said to. filial in the H. rgv fa.ihful, ub:niive, and eth'-i.-tit .tiU4imtt--m-thtrTTTTt'jmdrTn'a TiTur I .p: 11' ther have hold tWO Hill : V 1,J ;.;ns III ,'l ll jM.pulat i' ih, i- th'- I ,"!,,. . Is almost e.rl usi '. ei v 1 race ; tor to ari v tive-six lions of the aikty tun; ft! only it .... t" ti,,' e::; rins ,,', lit e S.'luv .'.i r fifv n; tT.c'u;,,,: tl"!i;i..-..s 0! t ptcsti'.ucd M : :u ti.. rciigi') ,!' wh'ich J,.- ! liMa.ning ami ini f op,!H g .li'ec'i v ! he I' 1 ell'.' I.V. It mav Well he the Czar it! not find s. -eldiiuetit of his people, 1- -uli complete control:.'! hi.ig p.i'.ver eapahle. Iv the vaunt.'.! siiperi- I i-.lii e fir-.! refol.ers at a hrtilar on front street I.-t n,e.t. who Hred ha-L and ee:ia.,. A .piarr.-l t-s,k !a-, )at iii,(it at the Naval A-sTHTtr. otrHt rw-er peii-iotmr.- learned L'rns-.-.k ai.,1 W. ;.gg. lb- latt-r wa- kn.s-k.d' jeJiaUlLtilll-.l UiL'L' erew at '1 rijs.li. "TT. tteafui a ... ..... .u .... a . ,i ..:. '. r II. .'.'t ru ' T' T 1 : X;;.,Tn Rua in III" pr'avnl war. -Maliv of the "' " l"bi..o,, of ' ..M,,.- , -.tOr 111; S . , fl.mt out 10 tiaCrcaUlS. r,per-. Ihr Klej'iah .r.rt.rularl , wh.1- pnifeaa...! I.. rather .liilo.,,l,l.- pleasure. We bg to assure I'OIII I eXlrS sliOWS a S'TCW 1ih.SC III the rilJ tl'ilCtttt. ho. ib grraleal and. u ar-serve u. acc aah III.- i ,., .1 ,L. -..'- I -.1 ... ...o.lo.w.rv ,.f t,..ra ft I U',.IL..r .i.,l l i.ll. il Slalea, alsaiiid will, ft arii'iiic tn ua li hewars ' . ' .,.,u.,.,.s..-, .-ifnirr rrmrfneli or fhey M utal iu ajt, Ih.ey are f.ja ntT "loiornoiiiry 'LLujHUtellJLUtl'liy lli.i -A-e1 toil ler -mTrp-HTTnigni nceni ranrouu eil .!.A;xiit.JiiJ -f'lMI- A.'.. and anbtnftivc patrioti.-m ii and' English soldier. lnd'r d-t4rti -.elCtssd" t he eeo-prfe-, ftfe1 - Vi.w Yoioi. Vo. n.'! r 17. Floiir : State and Mhlo braJeh llle hi,.' J-. 1 . l!us,n.s.s !Iio,lerate. s.il,- of j.ooo hair- I- Southern heavy; nub's of 'j.0',10 harreb. at . -l. r.lav ".rat'. Wheat firm ; .al, s of lo'irte -, at J 12. IVirn a trifle high er': .Jil.-a of 8.j.f0ti hti.hel of wrtrrn mixi-d. at hoj U, . I oik an, I iar, firm. lS.-.-f mi Ii o,g. d. U hiskev a thade higher. OItoti ..r ... Vai.k. . I, ,i and lenity a irr,..,i , inj- ua aa ihey (J,, th rior nit. , . '.g. nc'- u'.'i nt..., nce ai.d c !.. derat . . .t, : ila IiUhu 1 Ifii. v.. luc v'.,..l of fieri nan "t x.u.' .....' Iwell:'i century pn the ll.i'.' LiVoh.... l.slho !'. ( the hole Genu. in j, -M in ire coii.pr.-.s. ..n:y a -"ii! .'."' t is in t!.t !'lf reiie f rac lite I ,- "-I 'lo!.i lit v ,. I i ol I aa llaa- 'f Uu.' ufa!40iit'?t inl.f p..;..:i nn.ojtg foe r.w"r. TTT :Tc"Trii'rngi'Ti'r' olll i-.ai 1! - J. t.an-l'-VtO-J.li ai i-ir'.e - "I '-" Il.r old he existing liobilitv ithe l-ovard.i and. that "1 new li,f ' .r..ufh.i, .r-. i'i! mi. I oiil'iitri- fii neti, ., r ies , ar.i" iai rei.r.'vrrttig ii::iia.'lt a ,- Nor'ii Aif.'ei ' a'l i'l-Mirahe. .1 the r:tv ..t . 1 .rk, has tie :'. i- -tati-d. ratiier c'.!-tiivclv ,';- ,.(' tj,,. rollVtrv, bv w .'!lt J",oi j , t, - ; f;t ti... !:. ill i to off.-i to ;tislire . si, h :i- iiiiiis. fji'I. ,r.. -. f, .'ia at i iM.ijmirfy low ra'.--. ta 1. -aliY' ..'!- for thu MyniiiNi, Ii. 'UM-a.iitlJ on t,.' l--t t.-rin-f.'t a' .'I t'-r'' tfikc.a sud'h-a part- pair i.r.ki. '.i n. 1I- pa-e- utfder. n'arjtr. and was lntctv ma'le t iu.,t'".T..rf I. ,- ad. i-.. I ; -i.l. s of r-.l at 1.7tal. whife at t:::, a lf.H';. r.h ;.,! ( .: ylloft n't . and linn. '. x at l .'I. and Marl land 1 . 1 it " -,' 71 I'.ljli. l! .v aliTe, w ..V TT7. .Ur ,., Ht'h I..'., VoV.-Mll- ne-'i, to vi- I .'iian-lier. it -I I It has '.-.-ii otfi. ialiv - and Ua-liinuri'l rail o ie-.. .mi the 2 7 th m-t.-ir f- h Ve"Tsv.'7rajii i -iron l.nd 'e .,v.-r Jle- ill V,t 'odav li"Vf. . iK it, t..:n j ... o,,f ' e ,'iirt..iia i.lt,. nil,. .. of nit ut, u.iT in thn hnl.. -l.iauu. .A i . .. 1 ... , . ... , . - ,i ,-o - . .? . .V hn. ih.ne nnieh In inereaas 'thia feehnt l"Wrila ua ' "!"- V - - - r ritrrrthtWtH WtartttV -eHlaHJIMa, Mr, Jotlll I hey .aik , psa. .ie.i .t.mi ih- aelf-rei....t eharw ''Jaiiii.itug our most mlensiiing column.. , We learn from an exlra isKiicd on tlm 1 Piirtln.vdiwl snddentr. mi thoear. itt the Hut it might be coinid.-r. d an invidious and :oth ultimo, from the oflice of the Auslin King's Mountain Railroad, on Thursday unjust partiality towards brother Miller were we i Times, that the atnok oU'ered as a depoa-! laxt. He ran altout aft yards as fast a lo ejrant hi requ.-st and withhold a Mn.iiaffn.hr by Walker, King V ('., has leen Ie-j he could lo be in time for t lie cars, and iu to our riiurli esb-etneil friend and n. ighl,r, Mr. ' f'"-ed by the (iovtrnor. Here then is 1 a few moments after taking his seat lean Win, it. Wiisou, than whom there U no' hi.,,- !!,rl",,l"'r Kl',,'';,li'1 bug and failure.--' ed bact and expired without a trngglc ,-., ,i : I ,i , i ., ,i . 1 he i.yes ..f the. p.eophi will s.Kin he open-' Mr. P. death was evidently caused by .u r man tbu id the Miwn, brother M. n e-, . , ,. - ,' 1 ,, , . 1 . , , . ( . , j ' ' t" tne lad, that all schetini by c.rjM-j syncope produced by rapid exertion i t''" ' "" ' rators and speculators to build roads are his last I ace on earth. Tlio health of thti (S...; brtrrm Mamagr and Heaths.) ; ,t the meruit bubbles, as it wore, wh'ich i deceawKl had bt-wWI ntr' to hi, dealhe And TijW HB WC'll.'ltM ff -OI'I1.m OUT Pol I mi.! W I 1 I till. I' t I f tl . I tltrt U-lndlOt'lir ljalla.il ll.x I '. 1.1.1 1 AAVJJ.. llLalAf tlA. 1'u.llU.i.l' lasTlaV. . a, a. , llrKth hul m Dmth that niuttf hn irtid. If mull wituld rvrr lmh in faiodj. to Mr. SdMil--. .Jit.hI,!. It I ii full vnUuh .iti.-t of W.ht M.. wo trunt he will fdM-l liiins!l W(' -IW-MI. will our lit-liftoi-H ' i ... - j: I i ... 'k M frh. rujf It I IIH " 'I l-4'riint tiiniselvrs to be oranizm .is-;.. partv to iiiaintui ii the fjtiMiotif tiiut 'tliM ttK'ti tlnm ro(ut in a ctrnpiiaiirt! will. I'ufttrhtnate Affray. Wo rorct t" uie coijiriici i-tr Hcor4ifm f.jiMy.Ml f Warn that an utlrav t-H.k placo at l"V I flunk th-y iww ih-'ir ,fntiiii af ffnir- whf-n lh'j talk H nrrr- Ktiifi in. ' MK. sori;. Ttf Nt:w'Vork H- ra!l puoli-h'1-.-a f.H-ci;I h -iHh 1j fnm LoiMti.n, Hnnouficiri4 that tht? Krm h -ro. rnm. fit haI vKx.it h.lrwn all nby-rtttm to tyr. SjuI-'h pnjii' tli roil Vrnu- ami iriritwl htm tn rirKr-l tltrni''h tli; t-inpiTf on hi wav to 'Ti. w'aT.nimT'ui'Ss nst : th'.- jf-i.-l 1 f. 1, .f t!.- 1 .( e tah.lar that the allig;.i i,,ns against him were untrue, and hi. citltjMou from Kr.-neh territory urij.iliii'd by ativthni iu hi, eorid'iet as a representative. Mr. .aillard-T. the frelteh rorrespindelitof the t'ott r'trile Eti.it t'nin, w ril.-s In that pajs-r that Mr. s-,',ile had a!!r-sr. him a letter from Liinfou, oil th..- "J'ith of t., in wliieh he av. : under obligation r.-giilarly lo aid in supplying it with iell.. , j Nothing, ays an exi hange, iisin fiisP green , ii-Iiioii. , fnitslisjl was intended to mourn. If die world were intended for a house of mourn TSVx, iii Vork district, on Tuesday last, m Pits upon thb result of the Governor's 'rU 'W' . '"' Kir.kltrlCK leclmn of .New i ork arc still irnmg brisk- stabbed Mr. H. A. McCluney. The we .V..-.'Lti.C-j v "'! .-'.-vs j.t-! vo'i'lhdss o' .' tiieir' d'" a'. A I ttJadial ,h&iral.riftatjAtetti4i- :rgt:i:j f- ' . . - ". f i.i.g ai - hoblj. a .' . - . . . . f . ... t. ly ,...n in that city, - TWar wikH.-'W '"-ViVC black bird ; tl,eo.e,n arguments nor good principles.. They are - " "JlZrk-l .niti.. nor .v anv am, ... ... .,,,,,.. I .... ..... ,.:..... I I. ' Wllllllll Will Iirovuiul.il. given;! will not .av , . J....'- ' 1 , ', .. Tin. exam. .In i. ti-rnieimw n.-.n I...H. . .I.l'" !' aw;eUui an.d Uxlgod in the fr Kirknatncl. ., . ..... , l OI K , ing, omrv fVwu waailii be ailit, d hlak ; every I have w ritt. n (lo ahiiigl.n. prolav.ly.) that . i,jr, w,,u, . a crH ,,r tll.er hv anv net of mi r ,, , Hik.ii. oriw riun, nave t givmi, . wi.i iiov .v , j , , ... .. - 1 ie exntiililD is liertiicinus iiimiii lu.tl. uiia '. Hfr an """ , - , A V S "';.... il, ' ,. .l.-i.,a...f . f..V .' over .heaven, and an ev.rlast.ng airing ..cx" "M" .' If"'. mils ll.n Ih tli w in-, . .- ... ..... ft g v V,rj, -,' l-.ly.,.trurij ami on Iioik m n a. I . liavfrTrfafe-. - Ti.e wrileJ has morf imagery than w iad.jth. , i,'raCli - ' ' ' " ' ' ' - - I elect loll. -C. afcr ShtntWW.