7 'T ' .v r ... .... YOL. XI.--NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. 04 DECEMBER 7, 1854. NUMBER XXIX ll u-.; j -.! fc EDITO AND fHOPBIETOE. ' TEIIMS: v-- v. ' ."Sfc. -- j-.,. - ' Tw IrsI l jrMr, s-asa vMhia th-ree ssos-tn. fVtsal On Motion of Mr. Dortch, the IIoum! adjourn ed till Monday morning, to 'clock. REX ATE. ' Uokmt, Nov. 7, 1854. A Nraa-tgrt m received from the Howe of kW bribes Um .a-anta-a of Ik. )w, wad tfam itWmoM, proposing to go into the electron of tan after the ha cis-ine. N a.pr diwmiin- W.4 until wnwagc. u p-ttS SMf-l al Ik. .puua tf th. Bditer. ' .. . ksitsrs u ta. aVfitor nil fri r-i mM. t miu r.itif.-.S ill I 5 .11 --SI 5 s- I'lm v, HoIIhIhI, IV) ton and Wrilit. k3itcw ttisast Hiilicttor, lor Um 4th judicial cirt-uit, chi Wln l:iy iwnt at IS o'clork. Oitxmrrt tl in. Mr. (iralwm introJucrd a involution inotriKt inoriheouitHiiiUcoti t'uUic huiltlniv io imiuirr tl, C,.i!.4 (r . .imm of tbirt aIM 1 1 ''l '"" "J U1" to pnwrr llwt luiii.lioj; fmni Jiviiv, aixl alio the (iroprU'ty of liaviiijj L'aioa Sijuare roiily gt tll. AJoi't"!. 1 lie hnkif aniKHHxvd llw following Cun. niiiU m tl)4 part of Uie Srnalv : Stlrt Committee oh the fierluil of Ihr SiHtr.-r-Slt-mr. Itigg, Graham, Kulon, KikIi vr, Ali, 1 Ismliion. On motion of Mr. Dower, a nviwnge wan arnt to ttm liHw of Cotmnona, propoaiB to. rnite a joint arlect eommittrc of two ou tiw part of each llo'tor, to make the beet-Mary arranHmenla fur counlinjf out Um rotra for I ntveraor. Mr. TIhmuu, of Jaa kaon, lulnxluct-d a liill to anHNul an art at Um artiia of 1852-3, .titilM an m-t to ineoriioralr the CharUnton, Itlue Kiilife anil Cliattaoonga K.iilmaiJ Comia ny, wlm'h aaa rt-ft-rreJ to the ConiiniUeo on In ternal Inirovnint. Mr. Taj Uie intrutliionl a resolution intruHinp llio ( oiniiiillii iiU llR1 Jud!i'VrT to motnre mlu Tlie aye and nava wart called for and the mo tion waa lout. ' Mr, Stoaie'a ntotioa toltcorutderwaatheataf. rWd. . Mr. Pinj;lfUrj bere, on leava granted, with drew liia resolution concerning Jt fii-rsou'a M an nul. , The (blowing eommitteet were appointed br Um Speaker : Oh Cumnlitutwmal Reform. Mw. Pvnum, Cnlilm ll, llotixton, Lanraater and Turner. Oh Vvrporn timt.- M ( wr. Steeli-, Ringli-tart, Unt Uiat domeatie arluira ahoul.l be attended to 1 Mr. Waugh reorted in Uhalf of the commit. MtutKXi. A good idea of the stale of no. wring mo in awcuaaion ot gnt , k,ii it. on J'ro, oaiUon. and Grievai.c, and that ! afiai id Jtlaxico mT be gathered from .m,,m , memonai on i lie uiiiwt the follow nT extract of a letter rexedpnUMsacnUment Ha a-knl in what po-1 of teniperanxeomingrVom the county ,of aIx- 1 t ,0" extrcl W lelter ailion do we, a a SUU, find ourwlvea. We are noder, ,ud aked to be duchann from turtlier i Jon"'1 of Commerce : ti? e! not with an income of anme aerentv or 'dutim." "Tlie preM i ao restrained, anil ''"J in iw jrm, dui w ; nr. t. n. i luie aroea inqnirinir what waa ar. indebted millioha will, an annual deficit in . intended by the report. Did it mean that no nmlor inquiSition pnina and penalties, the ' fte.r ' ..w ...ear o. paymeni. u auouHi ue orw main . luHhe a. Hon ... intended f I ,,..,1, , r..,,,! .n.f,,,,!, Vl.at ul.i.0, i. i , " I 1 . af " ' irlVll tl.A U-I. Jilt IffiT U; f Ti'lTf1 ,f iJ- M ,Ai "fT "'V ilinit-ifHvorabl0 to tlW centre blazoned in pob .North State. InternHl improvement, hinanee., ponentent, but the hour having .rriyed for tlfeTT,. that it i difficult to ffive the true atate echim our Mraeat attention. He aaJ.Nl if eLm .J fc.li-.i.. (t.. .1... a.Z . . ..al 11 -W u.'nlt-,"t w g,ve lne lne m 0.l.w,tklelU.lterW,enWhU have ! the Uouae procee d to vole ! ' h,nV fl?- .",e ?Wr1 n leiio. iKT lo oolii iimm Uie two iarlk. lie re- Sir. Horleli in.nnnnl. .1 Mr T .n.. . VI. I " . . . - - Winter Gardening. There are a few solden mlea to be observed dorintr trin- 1 t tr tf w 1 1 i i K ru M Annmamtnil iks llrj owing : . " Water all planU that require it In the morning ; leave no water in tUe aaucer ol tbe wnole baa become Mi never water by drips, but the and Oh ilililuru Afair: Miwr. Daryal.. lIuiii.'Lrr!t.-d llmt Htuli wirlv tl. m hml K,n itn ... 'ft.,.!.- Xlr ltllt.. . -...I l- r, i f J. .Volutin!) U ffttUUNff lieaU mHJI.lr ' . ' - .... . . . I ' t n.tu mi, Ur, OlA'aKJ- ' . I . " i " rH I'll tlui ii vni w MUVtAlUII. Aam ee V 1 A aaaara ta tb. apae. awpM fcf 1 te v Am ainttkMawrt awaaf Xa?!jL' Mr. Tlion.au. rrf jiu-karrti, offend a revilution ,'T"i.TriL la fc-MLaa .a inr. inrtructirii lb.- '.imiliittee on li.U rn.il Improve- Matte ialTenvtti ia fr.fnrkm i U wa.4, uf iiient lo inquire into the1 i.ropiiHy of n.g an I the introduction of Mliti-l qo.ttoivtr lie re-, man. On (mi ltd btatutri. .M.wJ Kheiilicrd, imaikitl that no nooncr than the two Senator thirruii. Jordan, VS'inntun. Aini and lorh'h. I had Inn ehvted ihere were twoaela of tlilieal Oh AIvuHHUHtt. iler. 11 iU, Johown and ri'sobrtimw intniihtcrd, IIe-thMiht ibirttf lln-f- U"'"!lll. On Deaf, Dmtan(t Ilfinit. Mi-w. Jordan, BHrrinijer, fj. A. William, I'liillip arnl Melmlw. Mr. Mann, of Paaquotank, iutroduced a bill to regulate the license law in Elizabeth city. Paw ed through three reading, under a suspension of the rule, and sent to the rVnste. . 1 i Mr. McMillan introduced a Hill to incorporate a Bank in Wilmington. U l, paae firi read ing, laid on the bible and ordered to be rinU-d. Mr, Koa introduced. bill to regulate, the pay of jartira of Kowan county. Mr. llnllaiid wished to amend tbe bill by in serting C'leawlai.d county. Huled that the aiiicnduirnt vm Bt4 is prder, after the bill had been read. i Tlie following vote waa announced ; For Mr. Ruffi. 38. For-ifr.- 8uadmim.-t9. - - not been devebied read jr to explmle on the iirt favoruUe opiM.rtuuilT, and like Jtr-i lung suiothervd, will burst forth u hJi reiloiihled fuiitla'ratiiiiia. The move- l i - i :n :.. - i ,' '. i . i ,i eoriKiiiile lb N. C, and A limit k- liailroail l.oin- iwitiuu of Mr. fit of h.-c:i'l iiter, IioUie ean-iitr and olli-1 ' ' , . ' , , , , , I . inn-! !.; inln.(Jmi-d (hat tin y be rrf.-rr. d to a oummitti-.' on Federal relation. Mr. Sittle rv niarked that it wa not his intention in the intro duction of the resolution to mnke political c)" itid Uierebv. lie thought it lmiioitant thnt Iteli n waura, uat it im (now )mm 'yw j.Ht that meim!. had alhr he. Iciamenfav. GeHrianta Aunaaner T, v I . . N '""""""icived and if he .a. n.u greatly mUtiken more 'lv entrap.K-d in hi. march on Gnerro and ofthNorth.ourlud,.,a.nd.:,.S,,dco..t.tul, U, H ih.,,,X .LT.? I ArninilrV it witrrn,.d tl.i. ex,,li.. u r wy oMiu u,. i0 nieei mem iu a reapeetlul, nt rapm rot real. jie arnveu opportune- , . . . - , j . .1. : . i . I anu oiiinwou manner. Ue lliout' it tu Ihetwo partH-s and referred to the jntroductRH, , cita.lnf.ntKin ,L nUi, . . .J er on tlie subject than any other. He h not in favor of what is known as'tbe M.iiti' liunor , IsW. bill he B in fiuur nf lrentiiiir tli m, m i rials in a r, s.llul miuuit-r. He eotisi.lerl the i ' .-...I.! ,.r . . . . Com- . wi nn "s"' fruaranimi j f - r... ...l -i, . , ' I in i. i niurajii, wiiii nau oeen previnti-cl Immi .... :.. ' .i .. .... i making some remark. the subject of T. ni-! T"" "ire-.u.iea, a.iu jrnirfe by tin, arrival of the hour U apart fori ttr& bW orgamaalinn, have been etWtiaa' J Soli.,;...; '.XT.XZ.a a ...i . well conceived, in tirawina tlie central IV 1.1 7rSClT i lM " U'M U- WUti It Z aub-1 y fr",u tl,e 8l,bd',e hellion, .o ..twM IkhM be adopted by the 7tnftni lhlfjti ,lrt) Su.e. lie 1 expose to a protit.n- i that if Uie South tirucuted divided i . . tJZ . lA... L Li ...,. fiur.lSant J,.cnur. a breach in their rank, to the f N'orth. our iudeindeitce.and con al HihU are hopa liwslv and forever loL ...... t.i ., t " onvieu me reoiuliHi whii ine noiie o. iinuinsr . ,.B . - ----- - - ii . . . . , . .i ' . .- I decided kAddiunWid manner. Hu thou.i it tlmt v. mid t. acrcmt of a triuini.linl rclitum A Alhn..hl .. ,1... . ..: 1 1 t . i , .1 I .J ' J l I . r f the land evolutions by Mr. Leach, and thought the charge of a desire on hie part to mnke pilit iil canitnl by his nmdution came with a bad grace trout the opjuniU! side of the Hoiim-. iU -ii-til hii ri tiiMrti by movjngtoiiiy the pro- from ifhiV'e who tnwlitslttd In downfall.' Kuch is Mexico.'? . tekM.k m w a rrMikul aart. tfceaaiuMt ''asawwato, artlUart etfil-l eh.'f-. gU k thoa wha aarwrtw. reaarly Ihronfh th yar. v- Thrte iulUr. fc aaawsnrial eawaM.te. (Vn Or, eaarjew S aer real '! ,h W n,lr. Or. is towreure. ot . aaa wtfe. tlt.ua, IT r.rws. as.! fat advertlsMWol. are rwt- la Mat. Us. awiaterrf lai rslana I H as waM ta-f ilw--l ""aay I- WmM.fr' him. writs ta. ak lfc wra tUm. -trifcrrw-thf W e W ia the aaeal aiyle ..rfcJ awwuiapy- j .wenaat ea llM rate tiauv. I abseil nrst readiiiir aim n-ierreo I I hi motion of Mr. Amis, the House joiirnril I till to-morrow morning. at to nvjuiw all mitroaila built m tbe State to tie constructed with a uniform gunge. A'lopli 1. fin motion of Mr. Martin, the Senate adjourned. Th. HOUSE OF COMMON'S. Mondat, Nov. 27, 18i4. IIiue came to oribY at 10 o'clock. ' Raleioh, Noiember 28, 185. SENATE. The' Seaker presented the report of the Com missioner, for the retinal of the ISututea which was ordered to be aent to Uie House of Commons .ill. a proposition to refer it to the joint select committee raised for that iiurpoee. A meesaire was received from Hie noose ot THE LF.GlSUi TVJli:. I laruan m-.v.-d Uiat Mr. A. II. Caldwell, ('..,,. ,,ni ninn to niae a Wiint sehrct Com tof liowau, be mIIow.hI to qualify, without pre- ! mittee of five on tlie wrt of the llouse and three euliinr his certilivate, which had ln niiiilac-d. ih ,.rl n( the Senate on the Cherokee Lands Jhi..iuuUWa.a, i:uin:urrtd in mi Sit, ikld ind WeaternTitHipike KoaiL- Concurred iwl Ml lo-.K ins sem. Mr. Itovd intro.ti)ced a bill to pve coinnensa ..r.itxATK,------ - Rsn ansr, Kovembr 1, 1854. After the'reading rf the Joomal, Mr. ,Wig mm, from Uie tVmimittee appointed to aoperin te the election of Solicitor for the Second Jo dioial tSrcait, reported the whole ouoibct of yoU Uft ' Tir. Stew-naon racaiyed 99. and Mr. Green ft. Mr. Green was techsrd July eleclL Mr. Ftskar ialroilueed a bill to provide for the trrnseiiHraewt a tjoaaril f ivktUuen iu each - totinty UtlU 'i t-'! 4JJarribt arrnr tttyaad aJo fur other pnrpoae, which, after some dicn aioe, was ordered to be printed, and referred to Ik Committee oo the Judiciary. Mr. Walker aaevad that tbe act eral satijcct mlwaed ia Uie mensage of Ue governor lw re ferred ee"ft!low5 " -y--"- v ... ....., -j Lrteran liMuLlo ihf amnrnitle om adacatioo and ihe Literaiy Fund. Osi the eiectroe of jndg' and jutioe of Uie " reaceij the peopt", to the eomutittee oa tbe Jajiciary 7' " " Isrteraal Improvements, to the committee wiwtCTwd irnprovcniia.t. - Oa common Public Hit.'hj , to the Com mittee o IVositioui and (!rievanci Oa revenue, to tbe Joint Committee on rt aaaca. ' Judiciary, J adffe and Attoroey (.eneral. to tbe Committee on Judiciary. Oa ntotioa of MtJIoke, a menage was si-nt to the Honae of CummoiM, prop.ing to L. a ntetomm!lte of if the part ,4 the loose and""! oatbe part of U. Senate on M.lita- tt Affair. . . Tbebohr having armed to wieewte the joint ordea of the two bouses, the Seriate prraweded ' W trotg tif nrted --Btaaea-Baaatisr- fcr the long term, with the following result : For Hon. Aa Dign, IT, For Hon, Geo. E. Badger, 11. '. Mr. Bower, from, the committee L.appnintel to aoperintead the election, reiorted Uie whole wnmberof vote, 1 $0 ; necessary to a choic.-. 8 1 Mr. Bigga rweived 1, Mr. Badger 69. Mr. Iiiggs waa therefore eh-ctcd. ' The Speaker announced the following Com mittee ; i Joint Committee on Finaife. Messrs, Bow er, Graham, Bigg, Wilder, Walker, Aslie, Gil mer, Clarke. Stleel Committee om Stamp iaaff.--Mirs. CtWry, yigg. Oaiia ,Jeitf. Jnmm mtiJ Mliai.ltvmn. ,,gawtafa .Tjy loaJpeight .-XlaeuauaU.- Messrs. Uolouian. Ah, Oh PrintiHf.Mtn. Clarke, Uaughton, Cui.uuigliaiiu . (m motion, Uie fVnate a,Ijouraed till Monday 10 o'clock, A. M. itch to raise a Federal mitt.-e on the table, with the following r,.iii!t Ayes 44. nays 60. The Uou rufusinz to lay on the tubU., M i Shepherd asked Mr. Leach to withdraw bis mo tion for the present as he wiahed soin-j time for reflect ion, which w as agreed to am! withdrawli with tlie understanding thnt tbe subject should be brought up again. Mr. Barnee, of Edgecbnilw, introduced a re solution instructing the committee Jin the Judi ciary lo inquire into the subject of counterfeiting silver coin. Mr. Black introduced a bill in relation to the l . ... .1 ... VJ ..1.1 I sale ih real estate in tne county oi inecwicnuurw, , .- . r . . - i i ii c.i. i . c .Maine-Law and was opposed lo it out and out, a so a bi nrovidinir for the uuv of tain iurom ... . , . ' . M W .... . . . a free ..pl. by their C institution, and the only j An i'n 'f 'political intelligencewsj way tu quiet the excitement of Uiose Laiinu tj. ! pnbliali the vote ill the cauctl of Demo cause at l.eatt for wlii. h they had memorialized rratic tnenibere of the Legislature for the was to consider the subject fiiirly. llu thought iJSeiiatorshipa, bekl just prior to the elec Ut that al) memorials on the subject should be j tion of the same : referred to the committee on Prof.osiiioos.and , l9t Ballot. 2d do. 3d"do. 4th do. oiki.wts, arm mat a rejion Ml detail Should Bi'o;8 42 Tie given embracing reasoua for whatever course ' )v, LA 35 mav be taken. L'. ' ' ., Mr. Mann concurred in Uie view, of Mr. Pat j " lerson. He remarked that the mbj- ct of Prohi-! jl:.Hrto" bition entered into the canvass in the eooi.tv ..fl omai Uufflu, Pasouotasi, and t1(,t"be was elected as an tcmticrance man. lie took ormm.,1 . l ! - : Mr .. Philips pr.-s. nted a memorial, on Uie part lion to jUslu, f the Peace for taking the ht . ,r .i1' -T-VrtVrVns'iiTCIir lffMypma ',-! llerred to the tbe .r, ln-n.ion of one V ilt Hester. Mr. Jone introduced a resolution instructing "Mr. Hiillip mbced that the reading lie dis- ' ,ie fufnOiiUee on Educatiou and Uie Literary pernwd with and tbe memorial Tie referred to Lunj , ;n uw j)to tne jWO,riety of providing f '..itin,il.M. ,.n ( iMimft. Aitontcd. -l 11: ..l....l.. ' 1. .. ,t ,V... - . -- - 1 1 lor lloionijr an election in mu tiiuuy ot .... Mr. Boifle, of Ab nander, prrwented a memo- j SMe to ascertain the will of the peode upon in rial on tlie subject of temperance, and moved its t,e f,ltl(i fof Common Sclwoht by addi- r. T. renew w ine t ninmno-e on j r.jwi..,.!,. a.... ; ,luU lmtHimuwl providing for such toxalion in rotenr. nmqeu. . , , , ... , u,, euunui, tisast vote for it, ahich wi adopt Mr. Steele rinMfeil a tecnTisideriirion of the- vntc br whH-h Mr. manual was made a ; Mr. t Wimun mtroduced a rail to incflrtwrate te fijr-ncmg. ttt the Hosw. and reee..--fa -y- tW)ill Road rAimpiny, thick o cite 11, n-a..,.. .1 ior li f, i led lo t ie t'oiiuiiittee on Automat-tm. questim. a role of tlie House, a thing unprece- :.,,r.ui,.nUs nm or,rr.d to be printed. dc.it.sl' 111 ortli t sroliua. in motion of Mr. Grave, a rmwsage wassent Mr. Nng ctary llioujut mat lt.e ot-j-vtion. tnai : , ,!. liuw (S Common. propoain)r lo go into 11 maue uie prevmus q.i.ioi, ruic u. o.e i,..,. r,tt,n of Comptrollci forthwith, Mr. Graves . s la II . ... awls....- 1 . . . . . .. . a jmu .nna u.ior. it wovuu isis v..m., n, ,IIHt,l Mr. Gin. W. Urooka; Mr. Lane noin proliiilv in ilebali-. , , . 1 inaieiT Mr. A. J; TyrtvlT. Mr:-T4UoutMe, JM.a.iual w.jeciioo- Mf ymmm f Jiavidwn. intrc-liiced a bill to nbie fejUie eeaaun (fi'B oy the geutkmaa lpnmrtwat ttielarlkin Plank R.m.1 Comn. iH-unninu. l.'.r. -w,,-,, ,e., ,,,,u. ...1- ..... a J paed lU first reading. : -l i.l ...... I.. .1. ,,.. i.l sialic,, Sio,,i vntfp ..n,r, iiio 'oV' lie allowed rt to paw al nrM witi.oiu. n-inara or A mH!e v rect,rn (nim tw Hu, nf pnbul und-rsUnding now it w:i the 1 ,in n ion concurring linhe l.roposilwn. of tU if the pntleman fr.n IHt, l-no-p iiitrilit trlvtfWTITiw)W in the name county. Tlie two bill paired their tint reading and were referred to tbe ooiuuiiUee oil ihe Judiciary. Mr. McKcason mtnxlnced a nil.Lw uuairporiitr but was in favor of treating the. mCiiioriala on the subject with rewpect. Ho thonL'ht the last UililLurftJeonwRitil on error in the manner jOUey -received the memorials and that the action Mr Hot-,1 ihirmlimil a bill to incortlorate the Iantille and Greewrtioro Ilailroa,! Coiupanv, ! back.to the Committee 011 Propositions and ljrid rjrr-tb4a.lfllii. h was r-f mil to the committee 011 internal , ' f e ancea. - ... I VI- f . . , . .1 iiniiroveineiit. ' - 1 nianin mm en 10 lay the motion on I lie The Senate' proceeJ-d' ttTTroTe fof Jn,Tgv of lite Mb Judfcral Cirmir. when Mr. Person re- gleury,) to make the previous ,,iM it. a rme 01 Mm,u u ,L r,ate nroceeded to rote as the. Hon4, be oW lWt. 1 lint role had 4ie ver be. n aiiopted iu N orth t arolmx Ji th 1 soli's M.iniuil might I referred to, but to do so it was not n'-e.HMiry to adopt it for the Government of Ihe House. Mr. Shepherd asked Mr. Barrinr. if J-tTer soli's Manuel was adopted by the House of U-p-rccntatiy$ in Washington. Mr. Uarriuger replied, that it was employed only as a tniok of reference. The previous ques tion is a ml. of Uiat llouse, but not as laid dow n in JttfvrHiu's MjuiimJ. ... Mr. Settle, approved of adopting Jefferson's Manual. It Would prevent gentlemen from lik ing against time, as waa Uie case tbe other day in the House. GenUeman came w lib their votes follows For Mr. Brooks, 89. For Mr. Tyrr.il, 4. Mr. lirav.Ti from the Committee apppointed lo iiTilit, ml tbe Comptroller's i hction reKirtel that Mr. Brook rerived-143 votes, Mr. Tyrrell 4. and others .1. 1 u motion of Mr. Wilder, the Senate adjou. 11-t-J. HOUSE OF COMMON'S. 1Ui.iuii, November 28, 1634, Mr. Siltle introduced a series of resolutions on the subj.ft of slavery, which were ordered to 1 laid on tbe table and" printed.- 1 nqiared, and tlrere waa much dUaliug abicb r- n: moved that a j.mif was unnecessary. select colli 11 iilieef seven on the part, of th, ,, , ,.-. .,, , tt House and tiic on the part of the Somite, to be Mr. S. A. Williams said he was in fatorof free . , : ' , , , ,.' , . . catli-d the committee on rederal It. -tat ions, fo and on debate takiinlo consideration all s.ily.s-ts ciimimj ! Mr. rminps wisliea to discuss 1 11 e men is 01 ( fore tlie I louse of a federal character. Mr. Leach i the cas.'. It was ii.cessnrv to do so in ,.r,i.-r to . ,lljl( ,, South .should pn-seiit an undivid, -,i nonsider it. He consider.,! the rub in question ' ,, , ,,,1, conllicting with tlieir con a gag on the niiuoiity. Ihe previous qu.-slioii titiolm rights. had been a rule of tlie House of li-pnes-utalive. Mr Willi,,!,,, f V. w Hanover tl.oiml.i il... siooe Uie year KHti.but n.wthe rule in Jeth rson's jnlro,lllotion 0f Ucli resolutions were nr.Hli.ctii, Maouel. - Jndge traston made one-of Ins best n0 ue K.ft.rrij to the disc usskma and spei-clies on this very ouwtiori. For his part lie Sniggle brought up by similar nwi lotions in conaidviwd tW rule iu JeKtaiMia Manual a aeau.: fiawr - Iz-mslamn s. and itioii.rht that: JfirtK on 10 iuo nanus t nisjwitjt Bira -ir "-nw cur,,!,,,,.!,.,! nln.jt.ty dealt too much in hatiomi jorny is 11, is- js'iiiiiiieu iu . ItatT R'Sd Company-, whudi waro. the Committee on Iriterhal linprove- monta. Mr. Carmicbael introduced a Bill to jiatribute the Common School Fund among the aeveral Counties according to the White population. which was referred to the Committee on tduca lion. - -A nwasage. waa teecUed fnim His EycellencyT tbo Governor, transmitting the Report of the President and Pi rectors of Uia Cnpe Frr and Ismti River Navigation Conumiiy; also a list of Jtiaioi!a(rfls.Wiwre. PgBdt.aiiejlij last aeasion. It waoralerud that a inewmge If, iV-nf tb the Senatf pfoi'kiaiiigto prllit the lt--or4 Hie House Uien adjourned. SENATE. Novkmoek 29th, 1854. " The journal liming been read. .iigiaj.ajytliiiigrW. Ill- ilmiiglit laat tlitJji4-t4W-e4Hsft4Mle mew 1 Whewewch- SSs'K?: llierelie A tccoumiu.ofW 50 36 66 37 84 25 2 85 46 21 18 66 Out of eighty-eight votes cast, there were but (wo fur the Hon. Tito. Klkkin, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ot tins Mute, and one of the very nrsr, in , . 1 n;e point, 01 aoiittj, cnaracuT ana qtiuinueu- M tlie S,M,at4 and five on nart of the House to which all memorials should lie referred. Mr. Shepherd concurred in the views express ed by Mr. Patterson. 1 Mr. Patterson moved that the memorial be laid on tbe table for the present with a view of ttkl ng fr op again aW ferred. ' Mr, Jordan spokojjf the right of petition, that it was a aacred right aud should lie so regarded. lie Uitmglit it ihe dutv f Uie Home toeeeerv-e - ti a respertable maimer alt siich memorials, lit ' rcinarked llwl Tlie (Siiiiiiiiintv was excitmi deeply excited on this great question and that the excitement could not be , put down by any legislative action. That the time had coiiie to act in this matter and every tuau was expected to fiice the quesiiiiu, .Mr. Uarriuger moved to recommit the memo- are elevated over the heads of a Badger, a Uuttin, or a Dobbin, the pride of the State is wounded, her escutcheon is dim med, her glory departed for a season. Hri7ffitnyfo7 Herald. The Portuguese Cuimd at Nae York, The New York Times, referring to the fact that a motion has been made for a iiejtiriiiUiL liiBai6QfIapialulSinilJi give the whole a good soaking, or the consequence ouen is Uiat the top of tlie mould is wetted, while the lower, contain ing the roots, is dust; sponge over tit biilage as often as it becomes dusty1; take a pointed stick and once in awhile stir the .urface of the soil, but not deep enongh to disturb the root, this acts the same part ax hoeing in summer, and tend vastly to prumote the growth of the plant. Give eacit plant sjiace enough for air to circulate around it if possible ; let it have the hem-tit of a little pure air t times." Arrival of tlte Rail Road Iron. We are gratified to state that the portion of Iron fur the Atlantic and North Carolina lUil llouJ, shipped per Schr. J. M. Tay lor, arrived lii is morning and is now be ing deli vcrcd. it urrah for the lUil Rood! and its worthy and efficient President, who i ntng every esertrrm to-pnk for The Ntw York " tUnoT 0iroge.--A man named Theodore II. Gray bad been arrested in New York on the charge, of having been engaged in throwing vi triol on the dresses of ladies on leaving tho theatres and places of amusement at night The Express says : -By-tne operations of -rrayy-rieh-opee ra cloaks, shawls, Arc, to the value of ma ny thousand dollars, have been mined, and in one instance the ankle of a young lady was severely burned by this danger' ous fluid, thrown by Gray. " Some of lii friends, wen of retpecta- bihty, claim that he is a religious entliu- and partially deranged.- tinty isa briu"iiiily"a7idaTneiiiij tist church, and it is said in irood and re gular standing. lie has been engaged ia' the printing business for five or six years, doing a large quantity of printing for va rious religious associations. lie is only twenty-eight years of age, and noted for his amiable and inoffensive character." ' A large number of those who hare au& .. fered at the hands of Gray have preferred ownplaints against Uitn. The 4Jominei.. ft'.l COP. I , . - . -U-. 4i i,sllf. W. A. Wright 1. The Committee to siiiM-riut nd iheelcrtion of Judge, reported that S. j. Perron received lo voU-s and was thcretore i-lected. On motion of Mr? Biggs, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMON'S. convicted of .being engaged in the slave trade, the penalty of which is death, gays : "It was sworn, on his trial, that the Sccrersry of the rortngnrse tJimsnl at t this tMirt" accompanied Cnptiiin Smith to Boston, and paitl for the vessct which was to be engaged in this nefarious traffic. fctl.a)ihujiilie Ave and N.ivs were call,-,! 1 The motion now pentlinsr tor a now trial will lis frillrtv-tnrr VLTf '-V:.iitv&-----ii- I .L.u.U..x.tl v rn tTlfl fl. -ei- . . . s ... LT..u.ui:if.r;9,7.-l in mll.i.il.uuu.iL.ulAr House rvlusmg to lay on the table, the sunt lit tun that the I'ortiignose UousuJ, trnrwfriiiiiiM.imiw Tin report was referred buck to the Coinmith-e. A message yaaiecjavial trum .the Senate pro posing to go iiito the clcctioti ol Solicitor forth with. The committee on the election of Solicitor re Mrt: Whole nimilier of votes cast 158. For Mr: Ituttlu, "tiO ; Mr. Steadiuaii, 65; and Lancaster, 33, 'Ihe House then adjourned unii Mr. ay. Aft-r" reading the Journal of yest-nlav, Mr. 1 Williams ol Greene, iires.-nte,l a iiieiuoiinl ou the subj.ft of Teliipcruuce atid indveij that it be referral lo the Committee on (Jrievahcca. Mr. Singletary arose and inquired if tbe me- Gixm. The Hon. Thomas L. Clingman, mrtriul was tirt nruviiiiT f,u a iiroblbltorir law. lit,. f4iulo,....'I....J .l:.l ... Ou being answered, in theaffirmaiivw, bo,noejl,.: ully..get some one to uiuninttte him b,r the i otEcial presence in this country is an ollt- to lay the same 011 the table. 1 Senate of the United States, but when the rare wliirl, no Government, in the least a. I ......asbA. I .al Ua tznii ,1 Af..t..r . ... "F " " .ia. v. tauu 11 inniacyj ist " w " 1 v Voff WH mitlts.fi i.lit rt nno ,...M fl,. the memorials Wing referred to the same com-! , - .01(irof ,.ir ',im vr.to 11,. . .. ; . . . . c; ---e , torcigner, was part owner 01 tlto ship. Aji4 Idling lirmself calkl t the stand, tho 1'iirtiigiiese Consul refused to answer, Jn hcn H'ked whether ho was interested in ; that vi-gsal, or wltetlier he had been in Uthy ..way coiiceriieil in fitting out ships lor the African slave trade. The Times calls the serious attention of our Government to this case, and adds that if the Portuguese. Consul is in any way connected with tlie slave trade, 11 ta " Tlie prisoner admit that he is frailty of all the charges time far bronght against him, and says that he was led to commit these assaults by a religions influence.' living bitterly opposed to evil doers, he first commenced throwing vitriol npon the common street walkers, such as fe males of bad character. He soon after-, wards was convinced that persons who. went to theatre were almost as vile, ana 1 Id ii. tto ty might as well go home, smce there would liej weru mt.re expressions of opinions and an empty HO oporiiinij ior litem to cxprciv, ,,e,, , lews. 1 lorm. Mr. Shepherd regretted that he must differ j Mr. Settle thought it w as not an mptv form with his friend from Pitt, (Mr. S.) but wouldop-4or mere unmeaning ceremony, and that the time hsic the iiitriMliutioti of auy suci rule as the one had come lo act, proKicd. Iu no preceding Legisfature in this! Mr. Jordan thonglit that when the time does State was such a rule lo be found ; it was never i ,.onll ,,, , t, Sutlh Carolina would be found heard of, and he saw no reason why it shouKI ready to present an undivided front in concert ne a.topni. rie wmn,i rtttner trrrsr to ine n-i-j With the. South ; but bethought the appointment or, virtue and integrity of the representatives, Hf th e proiKwcd committee was an unmeaning than coni,el litem by a rule like this. He agreed ; cereinony. with the gentleman from Orange. of- Mr. 'nl HOUKE OF COMMON'S. . ... ... ... ,..Sn:oT,,'o. isth, The House came to order a few miuub-s after 10 o'clock. Mr. Patterwon offered another resolution, to the effect that a committee be appointed to dis tribute the burden of keeping the road, in re pair mora equally among Uie people. Adopted. - Mr. Lancaster, of Alamance, introduced a Bill lo pay juror in that county. Mr. Houston, of lmplin, introduced a Bill to rnakp nine judicial CrcuiUin tbeState, Passed 'ijlfcfaTlai'ifsmfoigtSS atrrCamfchatltntfcMa-W struct Ihe committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the exedicticy of abolishing trial by jury in. county eouna, A meaaage was 1 eeived from the Senate, ac companied by a resolution, appointing Hamden 8. Snrilb, of Raleigh, as Engrossing clerk ; his outy being to act as clerk of the joint committee oa the Revised Statute and tlie engrossment and and enrolment of said Statutes. 1. Mft-tMlto.mevad that a solicitor ft the 4th judicial circuit be Toted for on Wednesday next at It o'clock. A measaga was reeeiveit from the Senate, pro TmuS to I"" joint select 'committee on mili- ..u.-.-Jtaryaoatm; nuttee. that he find in hand some of th character and at some future time would present them. Mr. S. A. William, desired that the memorial read. , Mr. William, of New Hanover, sni-l he w is not n son of teinperance nomas he an advocate lor any stringent, law on the siiljict of ii,toic.-i-ing liquors, but thought some action s' nie! b. iiad in ihe revU,d of the existing"!), ojt tW slll.j. ct degree mindful of its own honor, would left lUleigl, with the rewards of his trea-! MMMe ,or ,","ent' n to the patty that limh-lu-rislioil him in his better days, ami may all such trai'urs nieet with a similar diMint. II v the way. how will tlie " nnterrified" satisiy nit- claims ot the great W est tr a NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS. ptimshinutit tiiKin litem, lie expressea uiufULisirJvw. lir lua coiiUucL4 THE SNONV OF AGE. We have jnst- stumbled upon ihe fol--lowing pretty piece of "mosaic, lying amid a multitude of those less attractive: "No snow fulls lighter than the guow of age ; but none is heavier, for it never melts." Tlie. figure is by no means novel, but tl.e closing part of the sentence i new as" well as, emphatic. The Scripture repre-' sents age by the almond tree, which bcara blossoms of the purest white. " The alia ondtreo shall flonrisli "the head halK i be hoary. Dickens says ot one of his reference to our Legislative sum- characters, whose hairwas turning. greyt it w ill be neen that Messrs. Keid I f,.,t it looked as if Time had lisrlitl v ulasb On iiiaiv. Senat-'ir ( ill we now hear anything of ""u ligg have been electetl to tlie Co. i 1.:. ,,., ,, tt :n n.-iKsin..'. exciting circulars, endeavoring 'to excite Senate. W ell, the election is over, and it ... , the WtVt against the Kast? Lit not as is m-t worth while U. make a fuss about. ner"-'r:.J. ttninst towaTds the West in tho er.... of i- We can only say, as did the man who ! inexorable ; ts wheels must roll onw ard o:..t. ... 1 . . 1 r. . 1 ' e .. ' .. a ...:.. ... 1... i.:, 1 . ! inev kuow not any reiri'irraue iiioveiucui. iir, csingiemrv unuersiooo 11 10 ne lor a j.roj, uie " Ulstillglilsliea rtatcsinail now, as It ,"",.- iiiinioituuc 10 ,ct i,, ui5v 1 0.1 j . . j , 1 hibifory law. He was orpted to such. Had j was totir veam ago ? If what he wished away and up-set his wagon, by which his "IJ ",an m"-v . K:??r h kmwn tl. memorial n tire .ult. rrcreto. ; f,vre f rvsrfe,. w Kastern influence how ran "d l- Pte tefriblv bruised, 'Thank .' He may read d the elixir have oi.pos.-d them at the time. 1 1... ...... , ;.,.. 1.;.., God it isno wors!' TriiJuTlie withdrawal , " J'-iJi, nm ne ca.ui, 11 1. it , lie . w 11 tor uie secret 01 wie aiciieniv wmcu TXSaTrfraTjraclEtyttig-f morial, which was refused by the chair unless it was ordered by tin- House, when the House or dered the reading of the memorial. -tbv tTioleiuiicrutic c!tqut7Tiero ai the hast f ... M..alde.'tu iuakeniTiuTry ouiig.""!'"!" lie may gaze buca ... , 1 t- ... , . , , It ... ...1. ... : 1... ,1... ........ 1 siiMiuiij 01 iii it not. iiu ins ,y estern trienus stand up to imn s ttu.ft. to ,.c i- wo, - - , - f ..:-,,-. ,,ftm. . .1... 1 . ' . . 1 ,iui..,t..e .,,.1 .i......ti.wC . ...trior .s .., war.1 with an eje ot longing upon tnero- The foUowiug iMbe vote on the motion tola. "l"u,:'rr "Vr " VhVn .C- T sebenies of early years, but as one who the table : ! 'rV 'V "f 10111 ph-dgcil fo voTe be trmn.l m that hot r. Unt tbett the . homTmt the deck of a de- v. in nn n, for linn hi caucus ond ont of caucus ? And l'rty might have rnt as Mr. h sn friT' i "HT;?T;,nWut -'i'1 "l P ? or ilK-h "K'u 8 "?"" ""l Kd,,t-V- "f ' nrtl.war lWo d n ant ' 1. 1 lort.-h. H nt. Turr. ii ham. M tir.-,.,, It, , .- .. . ' , . ..' n . ..... i .1... 1:i i... turtlier and tnrtlierawat . l.ooroiu man t IT... .. VI.. I... .... :. I.. .. ti. ..... . ., . lot-, ,oc pi.,,,., ,.t,.,v- .lis. , i ,eal, Norineiit, Oglesby, Kegan, Itose Selbt .. "Icou-titnetttsaml itedareto them that the-v' Vw'rejJSceTiT'af iri mr -wiswei.-. -7' . have lit'en faithful to their promises f ' tr'v, W.-yA JUrtlt. We Tin' 'a .".. tit'- Mi dw'. It U Hmtor- Mttle ?s,ii(rl..rjirv' tt nmrli it a,,. J It tt I.,,.. i y-i.:,ri..i.i i. :,..i.. i.:.i ,i. . tt-M i ere thev Hot l lit in subiectiou t.v in Mr. I-ach tllouirht that if the aorvoiiitntenl. of 1 .. ' ,.-',. ,'. ....... ' ...'.'. 1 fit. ..,,.., ...l.o.l. l.,,.v ,1,,.. n. .ai.,u ., .. . . :. e ' . . .----it lams. u. n . illiatus. 1. W illiam. no 1,1 " " " -.' r" air. .-singicuiry -aw a very gn-av i..,,. . the iiroposcd eoniiinttee wa an unmeaiiini; cere-1 ' nr,,!'..! t .lhcr.r:,r,l f I ,.f t !,.- -v. . ' "r ' 'j such a rule. Had it been in force two year ago, , monVi ,,e "nsMliiiioim should al once be rcjivled ; I ' . ! plain all these things and let "the dis- cd that tlie message of the President il won in nave iirerenn-o s-e ne w nicn ioo piace hut m the mam he was in favor of the res., n ..r. . ,.,.., . i . i i i . . 1 i ... .. . it .hi. H...,ti.,t.. bonlerin, on revolutiou: r"15u'af. L.l , 2 I gle. Bryant. B.,ll.-k, J. B. Brnum. IK F. (aid-: oirl.e.l tMatesnmn, as a salvo to his which tor some years past has been aent ... .... - .... 9 J IIUIIO ..... r ... , . , ,t, , ..'.I.,-, uu, . IIWU.IIl ., , 1, . ,1 1, , . . k. knnivt if 1 1,- motion to r.- oii.l..r houl.l : i ... .1... .1. .. i... ...i. i ... i . well. A. 11. t aid well, Cansler. t aruih liael. t ia. - I tirevaiL the matter mieht be referred to a com- tt. slt.L. ,sa,l.l .... ..1.;...,;... ii,.i ..,..,1.1 wick. ToTttil,f(tH6Wcmrffl a. 4 wwww! - -ii I ll...i.,..n ,l..,.f .I.OO.a.. A II .1,.,.. 1 HT. I Ull I I, , l II 1.' .1 t .. I ..I. less a committee was appotnu'd mere m Willi: . .. . . . . . : -t i immwi'i jiiwht ti'Miiuvryn; 1 eieiK- .. . . I I nl.n..,ii, I SI I A...,. I.,,.. I ...... tf...l. tl, . . . .. .... . . . ill the liiiltim, ro Post ( Mtico, one who lia.l j he has little tuore tu do than diet . ? ' It never melts." Tlie snow of winter conn and sheds its white lilosstmis nKh the valley and mountain, but sakhi the sweet spring follows and smiles it all awav. Not so with that upon the brow of I he tottering veteran ; there is no spring 1fSfraw-rist Mr. nnllii snT tfieemer or tliii T111l wiw witnessed on tlie passage of (lie Nebraska Bill. ' In that occasion, the minority was starved out. The rule is a starving measure. Mr. Mebane, of Alamance, wished to reconsid er the matter, in order to see if the rul,-s adopt ed on Saturday did embrace the rule on the pre vious qiiwtion. lie did not understand it so then. He thought the House was rather taken by surprise, and that very few understand the exact meaning of the rule, v Mr. Vanw thought thr mailer bml belt, r be cut short or else this debate might afford a rea son for enforcing some such rule. Mr. Singletarw moved that' the motion to re- ponsideri T IJ Hwsii,iy a illusion ot sentiment heralded ahroaded, w hen a platform should be erected on w hich all could stand. ' Mr. Settle did not wish the appointment of the committee; he preferred the House should wail until the resolutions were printed, which had been ordered, and tbeu the House could exam ine, and, if thought necessary, they could be amended. Mr. Barringer remarked that in hi. experi ence he had nevor seen the introduction of oli tical rivolution. productive of much good to North i. arolu.a. that the great object ofJ as sembling together in a legislative capacity was wounded spirit, now see that a traitor-arid to the t-t.stiiiasters in advance, to Ik- l wboe wantitb can peuetrate its eternal Cofield, Cook, Craven, Iargim, I'anieLj " 'reason have their reward, even iu the , . , newspai.cr offices a a,m. T.. . . . - 7 ' ' ". S j .i . Kure, Garland. G. cn.np of the eneinv. At. Adr. n- .... .. nt i :.l I.l I i"' Br.?,"?uJ - nuw " tlw7r ..eJ,s,MiM-n mcryAie wntu c iilU-3 trffWrt-t WW sw-r.trit tl-rl tfeab-' orbed bv the eternal darkness, tur there. Lancjister. J. M. !ach. Ing,.Uvo, March, M M i Hon, Mclluflie, Meares, ' Mehane, Mord. cai, Myers, S. J. XcaL Outlaw. Patterson. Parks, Patterson, Perkins. Phillips, Band. Rolen, Rus sell, Shepherd, Shipp, Shaw, Sh;ir-, Sli.-rriil, Simmons Smith. Stiibbs, Steele, Sutton. Thorn burg, Vance, Walscr, ;. M. White. N. B. Whit field. Wilkins. Winston, B. F. Williams, T. II. W illiams, and Vanoy, 72.. Mr. Singletary inquired if laying the memo- been in the otlice for many years, was de tected, a ilav or two since, in robbing let ters of their contents. For a long time monev has frorpictitly lieen lost either at the Baltimore otlice or near there, iiinl Col. Mctim'rc, special mail-agent under-; took to ferret out the guilty. He sue-, eeedod in tracing it t, Win. II. Martin, ' us rivi.t r i !isi,iti.-.roit. vvi i,e w itin en: -! ' l'.l e, t LIII9 ,C,t. U,,t, 11 til I" V Xli.il foreign relations, it is said, make this course necessary, as it is advisable the President shall' receive the latest Kur-o- peati intelligence before his message is submitted. Dull. Sun. to.rltt good to jhatej aihat it waa-fiwrfwtMvaotTaai- ril on the tnhl,, did not exclude it from turtlier the clerk' above nllllllcti t,r. cohsidcration. Ti was str decided. j His house was .furnished in On motion of Mr. Yaner the t,.bi,-t was re- magtlilicetlt style, alld lie lltl fern-d -.Jp the committee on Propositiom Miiitivy. The New Post savs that;, there is York Evening niuch trouble is no age in iieateii. . Yet why spcuk,of age 'in a niournful strain ? It is beautiful, honorable, and eUxpient. Should we sigh uttlie proxiua U v of death, when life and the world are sii full of emptiness I Let the old exult because they are old ; if any mnst weep, let it be the yonng, at the-hmg succession I, .,-f .... A 4,1 W I .i . . i , - i . i t-'i rnivs unii nrv nvunr -mrin. if fitouig tim.itc tliH cttu-Lr ntiorntnis. I;rtr mii-uli ... !. ...n.s tliaa t-nnu- iiit it to tliA otnhlAir.' . rtf ittiflf-A ml :i.-t mn ,lo-iW,,ators havi" I" meet t1,eir and of 'rest. It is but a temporal erowr, . . . . . .. . ... S. ...... 1... I ...... .....m.. ,', 1,1,1 ..t . 1 1 .ir njiptatited in thcaviugs,li'-.nk ot iiaitiuiatcil:''4ll-u :' m stit in-, w men snail tan ai.tue gates ot l aruuise. iHeiow-wjjlwartingtj-jL consefjuewce .tor IK..fj i; is ,4 i A 1 n-.-..: as-l-".Mt-J-3:-.-w.'y ;.ifM'-y,a-'ik'ii.ijiww j.aaal(jjB6 r? "'V-

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