i a m at i o.;;tnt' ''1 :'Wc rogrct to barn that the town of, '"r ut J- M"-1 ",M ""-"' 1",,'k."lv- A mi. Win:, i Mi t.v. - i.-a' il vvial t,.'i iu- ic"iri ivj it .n ii uui-v ion i , . . ; . t i .ia 11 " -" f" 1 . cm-- n ! in- last, by a very destructive firf."XM-- . ; , ,ur.vTiMiry OKK? bav-risrnH jrat-yUpy. .rr.-1'pt.ti't-lV.rm;f::::4:- ly k third part of the village was laid J . . . ; buinlmips m-U a the lbr itb tl JV.i 'jV'Jnpiy. all rdw!a.iH-ar i,,,;,,,.;,,!,. Lr'ortwJ 'THE OLD YEAR. . fca.il. K Muiistciv lh .O..W 1h, rkta j; ,M i.'m.i. -1- y!-yui..iuu.v; t.) . 1 y , .i ..Ui:L..Uti , hllto Vi!l not" bo. al.le to take Sevastopol. We have inttdligeiiee from t!i seeoe: .of,. Hf-iirt.-ri-ifT'-. sAU.snvjt-x. c. t MV'ttM-nhj -i4tJ puafrapt.it -mlil I miiiinm 1 1 i;k. riiKTuiinns up to i!io evening (4' the Hthi '-- - ------. -- -inst.; and, jmttiiitf together the. aceoiiftt;.,tHlJESDAYEVI!II5a,I)EC. 21,1854.. of both side ami dcduetit;; t'p'ill them, . -'- tate of allai!--. it .ne I really seem that, REMOVAL. thttt trniililu in brc ijiL? at JWk. . '. Urni ttrnntTlWhHttHburw of th Order. ." " " i j! i-S. fS1 i rr rr it' H if if- 'f .1 mIWlth?!aii.l:iig the l-...'..lv ba'th- thnt ..' hum JUitu-IuuiLL iJtliuJii.-XMi arfvr fmii iwTrrfjtfaftnrTrM-i.at.'tre rrrt tip 'j: i bi'fh -ul .. w illi ..st ''it. ;..'..;..) nlllcs hfi. l' ;ii.r! a- -ni.ehueive rli, I t r ( r ' -1 if and .- ; e, ,g : - I -. as at tlii- c 'tuihi i.: e -a; ,.t' the : Yet the allle- lev . i. : 1 1 1 - i tlj-0. Crimea .inev -he r,!:.t !', Septets have iken l.cl' ..- S( va-1 'p ! ,;;,-. ! :.. of the Mine month ; an l.bav e be. ! lly tiring upon it-with ajl tin and terri'lde ':.:;.,- . ( .' -tr... the l;th -f le.-h.r. W;:;, .,..! 'I !l0 K'l-tH-K l;Ii '..i i;-' f.-r anii- ::a' :i; : ..; - ' truth; thr :;!!!, . ' j : , : .! in it it t a i . ; :;i ii i. ' dne 1 u i i i i : ti, May . Klllill and. I' irin a. t-d i'M -ry ii i j !.t ! I;..-- . icrial ri'-oitw- . i...- t. a,,'.i !,a 'ia J ! ! ; tif tlic iiav i'd'TO. ti.. tiiiditif: tin- da:r.:iL' Bfruin ri-pairi-.i y the r .',F m! t... i . . :i ia .air' .' and ... .ri.":i' t .e . .n ii i i; i l l lil.llt V of it again d" .-1 Me r-ue- Ceeuing night. S n, ii'.. I tMn4.niiage done to the Vrt.- a:.d r:::-,; art- - Syva 1ur.oi. by the a'., ': . -f uh eh. in Medeor in ,.rt. ac-e-;.va- to he ;.r,-'at- cd for the aiMcd tr - ; - in oiM r to udiiot the poibii;tv M- curving the place by a .'jgraud uttacj' by st,.jui. " I The elfectiv e breach bv w li'c !i the aj- liel troop- arc to enter the pa.-o '"-j-t t, lx )na,'. K..r anght tint' apj-cir-, t.ic re sources of the deteiiee arc c j'.iai a,! at.iv rite tOtllOac'of t!ie attack. Nor iiiwii ii"!' trovisiotis. icr citi.n-.ns. ,, -r p.iw.K-r. n...r alls, nor tlig con rage, . lt and cnergJ. to nse etlii-ii ntly ail th".-e re-oiirce- -c ,ii more wanting tojhe hesicge-l tnan to the besieger-. At ica-i in -tgn ,1 :a..are l:a-Vi-t been ub-oi ved. Til- c;:v i- .-lilv half T . 1 ..';...!. - 1 11 . c.-iC'i. , . 11 1 1 1 . . 1 1 a . . . -1 . t 1 1 . n te. i4iuiuU:rru'L:U:d.Iur the.iidii.i-ion supptit- ; and the nee eckot land a! leta c-.p connecting the peninsular -ot the I raa.-a . 1 with the main land being -till in the e . . t 1 forts mav be forwarded f,..;n the wicic Itu-ian emi. ire to n.ake g ,.d Mot, ,:: 1 of the Crimea and the dclct.ee of Seva - jol. That the Czar i- iargeiy and n'ii cicnm imi.rovnigtheseiae.iitic-.notNvme standing the total inteidie' ion ,:' she I hack Sea to which he has he. n ,-oiui cih-d t. submit, the suctes-fiii detVt.ce i;,, t , t;,i- time and numerou-otii. r fact- a:.'. ihdatil- them, may he written down a- .:! ti-'1yj.rTiVur- CoUsTdcT.- f 'r-ff TTr-irurr-ihrTid Trpirr i ntrtTtTiw-tiib. yrtrt r' N-orii-victories of Halakiava and It. kern. at. n. ( ';,;-,.',iiia lia, n,,t eni,,ve lth,. I tit, ..f battl- of ti.e ;.th ..f N. ve i,ai- , vv la It is" now provcl nt-if gitlTahny f aighf aiid glori'nite for the aliicd. uuu-.. a-s-iv-crc- tj.M.. victories, they should a;u;..-t be counted disasters by the allies .ii-a-tcr'-, let .in ly by thel .Ss . Iine.pi.ilhd -iri- t'he t-i'tle of Waterio... r.f men and ttScers sti-rain-ed by the u.i c-. hut ntso by the rcsiiit of Uc-e ha'i'i-- a- bearing upon the sue-ces- of il..- . p. d-,t'..i. W'Lo would teov ieny that the-.- --. : Mir m and tin- I r.:u.-an ext.. I c -Uch v i :;o:i w.-u The l'iii..,'s mad hrongi.t i-av, tj., Wahiugt"ti S'ar. ;i h 't. r iM tn aii.-tji'i . jwisJual I iil.cuiuaa hi. a giijjtiiia.i ih Ihic City, J'r.lli- win ' i we nia.-.- th- i ... iag extra-t. i-a.::. -a.g it a ;., f, ...a ;,-.- Lave belli a. inust 1 former alight) d ;,t ti Their int. r iews hav sion to unbiri the II utigariati an.; ha.. tin .. :.a..: .iaj4ijd Ah-tr.a hv.-;:ale .eg. r: unefp.iv a v aga in-t '.i-- mi ability is that t.ei'h- r ti - -.- t. er w il! co:.-e;.t tod., ti,,- . m, w ;... Europe wiii e iii. ttrtij- !'..;'. .i e : .Vs rc.atvs to tne- Aa,, ?n.-aii i vou tiu.v Le i.js!Ui. .at 1 '.-. laud hav e ie ii.'- ntl leillpt.l.g to J'.'-g ..a!" iat-r ti.eie. !; v. sch ,f v -.ii vv j,,,., pi pav f r -.t a hi r All th- ,-v it, Im- Iicc-i' I '. h. . . : re.-t..ia:,..n . ; ; , fell. s;.i- .:: ;. t-idc !' ii.. . . . , .f atla.i-. :'. t .. .. to t,o.- - : tver v a, ;;, - ,,.".. .. gjca.-is Jt'.; .at. ev -ii.; Fr.r -V ! . -,. of ta at. : .. i . . for r-rv'-S in - i'i I ' " i did lia tcih i the .-a- 'Ii.. f .. , t.Uaiu.i.g ( 'on v , t. : . pan, . ai,; that'.', i . a Jiot ' ' t-' ha. Mig cuts !-.':. '.it-lit man a IV ,T7i avA"- -Vr- - .1 P. a-; - i. . -lir- o' . ii, on, ,v , , m e . , v . i 1 1 -1 in i L. Hislicai iiei.CMiuah, hi.a -;i:iijji;u:a.i ih Ihic. ... ...... . ... . . f ,; iv .- .. ... :aj:gra .u. . la.ivi- il i . -a. r:ie i.a.i rf - - '" ' " " -- i -it- . - t. .! ... . .' . . to h-ttrn bv e!- ': a. - M. g , a ; a t , .. - - , . a ' ; -,- -a ' -y i. . v e ;a e n, I : a. . : an -. . .".I I " a - i '1 I in :.e ,.' , :,. , la. a .- ,.: i,.".c. a' .1 , .ott.-r -Ii. e M he a-. . ,1 i r, ill im.m ' " I: knowing the M-rk'-',.:' .Sh- atiaifs h. ......... ...M ,). ,,:.,,.,. ,,.' i,.:,.':.-.-! and u"1,,'r ll.::.:::- " 'm ;t! mixv.-v t.iiv-ical -t..ci:t;-h -a gh- rr?- it r, Ir ' I'vr;-. N ..: i T . 1-:.!. . ,. . .n' .;!r-...,tw.t..: . - nhah-e. inn hut 'diij'.iH ii ii' t i j : 1 ; v -:v w. . r- . , , , 5 ..mi .. ' ' l (.".'. .1. ... . ...... .iMUUj.l Aii-tr.a U .-.::at.- . -eg. 1 ei.ir. in the t.-.M-ire- of the occasion. 1 :.,'-:.'- 1 r---'!hwtterr.v-r--.tv....ii.-j : : i.U,... a - i. , U .,-n ;.-k. d !' i . hrr f-T-ns-gr-iir- W-i.- Had we ! ' pi-opo-cd to it. j . ing. l..-gM!i..T,g a thiar backs on re set .11 bi..- I If .i , , ' ' ; : ,. i.'.-'l a ni'.iit.u.i'iiL winch pr'tdVad.U t (..' '" :::-:ii-M' ,,.--, eg a- , -pint of , I J in". bi-g: I! ii . v. " " : ,;,..; a,, a, -.j. ,-. -a. a b i . i a - ' .a - ' h : ma a la -art i, lie .ve I l, : J ., , .1. t- -Ug.- -.11 -.:'. org. - - t - - - - a Ml , el j-ll, .-. A'- 'Ha I-..H . " ' ' ' Vv v. a--i w : - ' "' . i ' v .. a. , ' : ag hi - h, ar! ma'd--i". V it 1 : v. ' j hin.g k - " lii-,v hae- a... . i.eg p: -V " ' ' r . , ' . .r . - ;i, !, ; if mo I. ... I. - , - M ... . ... - , . . f be " : - I, ii: .i.l' -. . ...!. -: a - .-. an ! . e v'e-l f. otu t ie III- .1 e 't ol.,.!-i '- .!.'. ... ' -i.-.'-Mi' of ' the tilni'S . . . . " . ... at...j .i,.i..M...NV..i,, ... -,.,i.,,.. , .,. . ,vi.M.i ......i .is. r Jajfc....- ..i...T. ijjgs-j. ..,,...,.i:ii.. -a .in. ....... .. , .nn..! (' i.;..?.f :a- '.' ar jay-Topil-iiio i--mrrtrBK,; M ' .a- T!io W.ifcUtiiati ott'ice will be removed M, M. A. Mui.hv St.uv. and al ..iv ..("the Mo-srs. Murphy, V invite our friend- A- ( ir new -tan here we at their service a- here - In Mi-.h-r to iive the . e the eiij". mem uf the i there ill !" no j.a- !,:- li'u-e llet W eek. AVi- t , if iie-. were t!iev iv. t"rt:i -tl-peti-i"!! ; one in the led m ! :n -- of the he-t hand in our t-r- ra. li'ev. and the other the !o of time ill e;;i..M,g t.. oar new nu-m- arr.-s the treit. If ,i;tv thia of line. minion pub .e ;nti-re-t 'ii'.d oee'.ir. however, i.ur pat,,,- -hall be furni-I.ed with at. ae- a.nt i, I it in the torn.1 ot an extra. ...,r. Mir tir-t -now fell oil Tileia ..j,,.. , , ,h .,,..., ,l0 ;,.,,. M,.r. ' , 1 . . ,. "xyy !' 'e'-!vday n.-nnng. and t!u- mv.tt.ing at 11. ' " .hy,'. '.y ;." A spicy lit o -heet, .nirna'iug fr. ;n Shelbv. N. C. Tin' Van Winkim, editor, and Tiatik Harby. a--"cia;c e.ntor. it tmis tair t. be a civ it-ef.il little paper. Sacce--t it .-.. The c ;tiph-ti"ii "I' the North Carolina, il'.i 'ad ti. this place, i- deemed an c-vi-ti '! -alii-;-:.: -rtatice to t .-!'-.;:;-; llit- siirro mil aie 1 ..p int-Mirrof.t..iii.g cantry, to l ceh i.ratc .villi appf.pr.aiii lionor. 1 .:at if 7s. nn event of "reat mtere-t, te. one can doubt .-v ent of great intere-t, te. on What cl-c could 0 alfec! ''-iv conditio,, -f the cut. try f.rg 1? The llailroa-. !, -he ir-tl hor-c w ho-c tiiuudcrin h. tr-r- v h.a-, - tread annihilate- di-tance, and alino-t cn - den-cs weeks int.. as many hour lia: iR.(..nt. an i,lis,,en-able agcth ..f com tncrcu and trava ver our co.intrv a'"' "'at Mat.- winch neglects to pr-.vi. and that - - , - . .. 't T n .7 ,T ,. .. . . . . loos ii.i. r ii' t. 'a o.ie-r. ' 'ti . . I m- v , inir.kine of the blast of the fanners dinner I.orn. or ring of hi- rifle. I'ntil now their stilltie-s, tra. ne'., r broken by the start ling and life-ar i;,-ing wlii-thc of the loco motive. Lntil i.ow we have been plod ding dragging 'h rough the mud, .wear ing' oat the life of patient and imc .tnphiiii-bea-t- t.j convey to market coinniodi te Lifb-tt -crU CLii!,inn-j,Jii t tier if IraJi-.v portat;.Tn. . . Ir.deed. the. iwmi 'c.rtie:u.-c-, lo-.- time add labor, hal'dshiit-. A'c, ..f a eonntrv r.!;.'-our, w ithout a railr.,,.1. are in a M-n-i ... it !- ..ir-. rv-,i ti.a ,...rt,: th - I har;-,!'.- lllalk-' t- t'a i, -a h a w . . k i ,;. r t! it: vv- hav . to giv- .'-.-irj '--'r--. N.-rar- u 'i,r r:it!i.-r ..rr-a-jii e.,.'- aiel u:,..'.. h- N. ' . W lag t'--r th,- ui.j r r li. n, th. v h iv - -i ii a- a - if!; r- ij ' 1' ir'f, a,, ,-in t- . r -,.,ire- v t1,. n. l-r ! -! i. : i : . r I-a- '- 1 ."- ' - :r.. a ;' ! : , l h.efi..t;e aa I --m..-i..ii, r-i-.r' .Tt-riT- M..'. i. :.-- a ... . . . I ... I . .. . We.are indebted to a Keiftlcniau of the i , ., r U ... .. vdla-e for the following account, receiv d-4t-JiittMlrty CKftuimTAJliaiL,. , . t- Srwr-viiLr, N "C, IH:r. t'Stli. ' oc To iiilit o were i.itej hv rnr m.f-t t. rnl l.' lii.-. The tin- minm-neeil almut l'-k. mtl i.l MeKui-bt IMel. the .rofl- ..I ,,.tr.. .1- llr I Vllw.,h II... l.,.;.k. up ...,!.eeot,,,r,.l,:',,r,.,,r,vof.l Kit. II. . ,, r.. a lm .it .!..... M,g IS. I - 1 olt. tiiriiit'ite an. a . an.I tatiu v Mon-xatia t'lotliini:: ., , . . ' i i . .i .. lb. in. tla ia.-eoieiiiuiia-at. .Kn-ili I., the (. onrt ,, i m ii J'i ,i i i Il.a-.- ana tla- ll i-i:.ii- ...rii.-r. l-.th t.tirn.-J ' ' , . . .. . .. I the -lore of m.k k- I he I.l lain. .v M.an-.ti. II,.- hiuk ft-re h.,n-e l.-it.-U ! U T. I'all- and ihe i,-.!.-ee adjoining: !i .ir.-In.it-.-. w.r.. a!.-.. I.uiii.-d. It i- :;t it: to kii.m th.-J ti. art v all of the' alua- 1 .. I'll.,-,- am! re.all-U 111 all the ulll.-e-, were -a.. . I. A'!i-.i.' I. "'O0: I'.. H'- 4.imm); In-ur.-.l t.,j.;.oo; :.H-kt.m ,t M-.n .total; A. K. aiii.nioi, Ii,-i, ,ij.oio ; JU ,,,;,. Ml. i,,,,,,, l!,. II ir- el' A. llii'n,-' about inn la, Insurance. Mr. A itt l.niit. r I,,- ;(oil; -el ral --ih. r il. Jo i.itlaij 1...-I larl u- -Hills ot' -.1 ..'I ai.l. iit.t . la-rv .v-,t,U. w.-i- made ... ererr . Ulv to1 Wl"'IV '.'''l'11;"1" klX "'i-Ualoe.l upon (ii!r ki. ,,,,, ,,. ,, .....j. f ,,. -t.., lie- lir. an.l I. . save p,',,j rtv. ' Mr. H. II their love,; and I.-' I S it ii.e..r-.mlnig tb- U liniut V i l..i:..p. i- lb- ,'r, .l.-t pr.-. iit l,M,-er. " . i 'r has counted through iN ii..i-.'!es. i; ;,... Mr. i,,r;, I, ,,,v,.. t n t! 1 1 i- ii. --.Il,-- i -p, ak of the .listr.-sing scem-s hours the feeble pul-e.s of the dying states- ,, ,'.,,. t ,J.-. but th- 1 1, .u-.- r-fu I. It -way Le af in,), ;i fir.' in a -mall viHuge. So many are ) man, whose loss has cad a deep oliadow , i1 i.. r-nmik ijmt ib.-i.- .i- hat, U a .(n..iuit. thr, ,nii. out ..('Jo'lging p!,i,'- I hat it is scarcely I over the length anil bread' h of the land. ,, lb- j..u-,- ai til- inn. -. a l-irj - icme - i Icon.. i-r..hal - that thv -ran pr. ure phicc t.i live. It has beheld princes and 'iiccli- iil 'iirn g..ii- a ' -lit. in b. ii: ..i t . I .-..ngratulale n,v.-!f in having loot uulv a bug ' f,,r their gloriou-4 (lead. Yet ha- it note. I a.'it.-l. Mi. -a I- -ai i I... ; ; - gv an.l ban,. . 1 '.'.". A ours re-ja-etfuliv. '' " ' ' This sad calamity falls heavily upon Sta.tca.viUc, which was just beginning to nuprove very rapnily. an.l must awaken a heart-felt -vmpathy throughout the snr - i roninbng country. Jt is liopcik however, hat it will re-nlt-in Hoiieruiauumiuiurv..!1 ''as taken note of many a "good Most of the sufferer are men of coti5i,le- ruble .means, business tact and energy. tnci,.;. speedily a, p-.ss.oltf )!.!f) Nt IM.( ITKCTION AfiAINST FIRE, Are our citizens generally ' aware that w e have ii organized tire company 1 ami ..111- )i,-.. ...iirii,..; .1.. t. ...it'll- It... .1. .-t. ., I , ,.r...e . n, ir. .Mav -.vc mal-ie ti e-li gar.i. u-in ..in , , . - . and C'ti-ienjiiyiiliy uiititt"r service ill caijelarts at th v coining; -owing the good ot an emergency '. Such is the (act. ami: nhl a. ti,-., biv:a- ..ut we Jn.uhl wit - -n " nc- lure the mo-fbeautTniT ,n-..n'er amlt '-""1S""'. - "- " wor''"--H rT': totally unable to protect their property. I The flame- Would devour the tinder box- e ah.ng our streets in two hours, and in i very contempt, niock the puny etlorts ot the few w ho might' haw a little presence of mind for such an hour. ' ., . , , ... , , 1 ne ....ler clliZOlis "I I lie place, wno .' . Hiis-..l B..-. U.a u,. ..... 1... -j.LI ...i.e ..iwi. . "of tiic scclics uf ila-jii-Jcr nkely lii liiSexliiEi - ;.'.:.) ",,",'.'.,. ,l... ,.f l,-..gn .t.....1. ''i.,i"" W-': .i.,,itc . .. . i .... i t, ..:..': I , . 1 puii,v... lia: yoiingxa- had belter nut WaiL. 1 1,. d :w coiitiagrattoii t 'Ihe prjVate 'watciituaii at tin- ,rt,-d, jive a portion ..t af.b-Ht!iy ilicvv:rcd a fire in the neig less. Who know.- what hour t-ithero!' the dnv ..r igiitjvyc inav he suuim-me.! to combat the devouring ele.ueiTf"? The ti; ,.ng ii--s leak like' -civc-, unless thev l...vc Vi ,-y ivecutiy been repaired. IJut ) th.-V did l ot. it bus'.- an. .. tii .ait aiK. ' 'tk t cm. .f thing- .night not to be 'I'i permitted to exist for a day longer, and "fr i- h 'p.'d -Mini- ,-tcj. v.jll he tiik. ti at once t . r.-org-aui.e tin; lire company, and ..th- I .-r.vi-o pivpare for a )hmg r w liich cannot : t Weil gil.'inlcd ag.litnt. ;."" Tin ' Wi.-ti rn Mi--ouri Argus," -a'. stiiat l.i i h i n. the iovernor of Kan--a-. i- an abolition. -t, and h- in the cn !,.!. ..ci- and corre-p. .nd.-nr-e. of the New Ih.ghM.d Abolition Emigrant Aid S.,cie 'v. ' 'i ha! he is doing hi- l.ie-t to make Kansas, a free Mate. The ..same paper . ' - . . . V . f ; - I - I a ... - o ..mm ;i-a;-- o.Mig ii g'l .-a, laiiu .... -p. a.a'or. ami charge, - mm oi taking n;tr.T.Trrg? of. 1::-' o:f ton a? r-yprr;or 'fZT '- ''-..: i.i 'nt.-r.-t in th.--- r 1 Mr i.l I i.kii r.-cei v in Mr l'liiah. hi Mr. "i Mitlll. tit I." I'll t:i I . 't!.i d.'cian d riiar not another sha-vr -ta' etoth- I'nion. am! - I i" 'I'h. cy in mind i.-e h r :i..owitiin-tit. hoa-t ..,ii prid; ol WHAT NOT." . . , ... . , , . , .... -t.. , .) , ,.i i ... i t n -..I -(fi.tv. wr- rawrri' n fsMimHey--it-4 At t ..ti' fr tn lapp im. .t A bniuilia'- -ph-n " ng h-'ii-a g' North faiiirth ., , - a .vi o r. na- in tl,:- w,.rk vr i . S " .. u . , -m t-rn-ni)vFm:v Mt-i.wn-j(. jtrrf- - srrsszgggrrr.';.1." .l.u'r?7rTgr,pr w ii ol' 'itn1. nei-H' ! the ','t "l" hearts fiiy the WW f(.w , d;ra w tl) Ju. Ul Mtly pawing f niomonta, hourday, wceka,;, j,,, (oet g, dim nddo .. ,, ,fmtK or tU 8l.adovv9 that tli dial I B,,llig. , .jditioa ioWh.... v,r- j 0f -th liasjlirown over our liouseludir j(iv ;n l ttin off gt about new l oiuitv !J,nes ' ' ... i What is t!. year ju-t JleetinX1'0'!1 olir siuhtf A ship freighted tor a diotant shore! An atiirel crosin from star to ' Ai.lr t sand faiiiii" frmii the liour-'diXiss universe"! A .th.rtlsrllt droinied . .. .' I I .'" 1 troni Ilie treasurv 01 neaveni. . !iiii:ie 1MC8tru H ...iph.v liaip of nature : vver ending. I .... ; , . i it hat lia the old voar seon f A iiu. . , i . i turn oil V to he ii v anwerei Ii V linn . . , , . . .- . w ho kee.etli the record.-of eternity. A tlinuing;"esn..n -a leanm aii-wer. u has seen hearts l.rokeii, youth wuii.-ve,, holies crushed, w mug tri nmphant. It hil- I. Hiked, ill clear. starrv nights, through . tro-t I ion ll.l Window.-, IIIX'II pale W'oll.i n struggling wTth cold and we.iriin- innocent childrcti might have a in- f,p J, ..,,..1 through jail ! the in.H.i, light, and beheld t'he p "g ' 1T ?T, Ii ha- stood by the gallows bent .m r the mg babe, sighed w ith tin;, parting -pint ! the bride, moaned over sinkinir wr.-ch-. w ateli- i.n.ie.moane.iover-inKingwi.'ci.-.waieii- ; i t I l . I . I the humble grief that followed the titiv Cotliil from a lowlv cottage, with-l. row s.i- i rene, as that w hicli under co.-tly tr;ipi with its gilding shrouded in crape. i,...V- .vil in Lmir 1 , p, w. .w 1 . . 1 1 t. . t,. 1 .. .-l t 1 1 1 , .it it j aU Bt.(.n th(? ,.,,,. f p,., ; vrithcrcd on tJ;e brow ,.( beauty, and" th - ligbt grown purer 111 liolv eves "t loue.- v.l '!' ,l,i.'i "''.''"y " " I'' r I til,. ,.,;,' 'hi J .... : . - ' ... 7; n. c;.. - .. I . water to the fevered lip of the p, r limn. It has known hearts under silken ve-t- It ha- known hearts under silken vc-t ' -;;! that have throbbed and warmed t- ti .ii n.t ' v till vuuni mm oiii : 1 11 1 i' ..,(,. - ot the haplc-- tin, -.. ' . i Aml ;,w it ;8 .Ming with it, weil-ti:- W '' !".v Ul'"10 ,h- lUr',w "'' U' l. ernai. . . . . . . ar -and welcome : , - . , - sect that dr.-p, troni l.. lvve.-u thy leave-. I that at the elo-c ot thy pi , gi t I II age t i l 1 .11 U, . .U..a V4l. -l4 . .l.HXil. deeds, and garner them, unhindered bv ,t- iri'thc granary of the clei.i.il world, t;Ves, lrt the THE SNoW SToUM I iiimi' iIi.WII. "II , l.ealltlllll show , soil a-the tlccce of the lamb, wtute a- purity. , deiicale a- a maiden's -mile ; come dow ti from thy aerial liahi'fatioii. The young i i . : . . . ...... h.. .. ....I - ., heart l.oa.. i-;-. gleet thee ; the agcl sav , . .i . ... ... . ; ., thev boettu-e; gen th- c ve- ai c w ,t, e n . n g , iee fT.Wll irrarr n TTiT-tr -THtlfl .-"Ft" V. HI- : iier tiurt if.d'n'aTii rfiiid "; trnw- fitV" ilaxcti 'a-tn-ls ii-.-to- the rrv-tnl hen veti - 'ibe ;ire Ii r raiie eve-, -lulling w itn tin -lulling w i tir-t r.-coguiti..n ot tl i v ill--;. n itual l.e.iu tv. "Are tin V 'ari-; -h.- crn- ; are .- r ,tf4f -tr-ttiiit-rif- HtT-.-!-. ? 1-it t-rr-ntiii ., mother '." and the gieef like htill-ic tl'oiu tin- bird throated and he w;icn hand-, ail starred w ,th dttnpics t iore g' em -like than th H.g I'tUsr-aiti tut ttUjiti, ol ,l l,c.it:y., arc pre j like twy hiitijin sti-.w tKk-o.-. .igairr-'t ti-i.d..n pa:,,. .,s v, I i,j ovv u T a rku!-"' Fcofit riil.. sH; T.T FT, out, I know, they arc crumb- fn the hi.,-.!-; crumb- for the pretty bird.-, and I lo-l iiia.fi' f Tii- ii TTrrTtt-bsi-VasiuL So do th,- innocent- regard thee in I pare fancies, , h.' b.-autiliil Mow, wioh tl,.-, r -on!-are .ike tiiee, altno-t without .1 or hleju.-.h.v er any .AIAi.n K'l S Nrvv Yoitk. Ice. I'i li I ' cct. Mid ;:; Cotton has !.-. .Iih aii, i cert--!..re-' rpnet. I'i., ur ca-l.T ClIAKI.hsToN; I)ef. 15. 'J'la' Cotton market i, in a ianic. "w it to the I'anure .-t a largo hoii- 1 ."oo hale-, a' ' i a c. nl I i:.-i lii n k i n:i:. I'iin. vol i. nn . I ' .V de-tnieti V e, tit',' broke out. in ii- - tmt -rtn --laiii-iogh'ivertr v:i.'ijiiT,imtet: . .- , - .i t. l.iciv.-i iiig - pi;ui" air.-ii.-v. llett-.-i s in- jnjMjrre -T.., e. May man', ? tun ie - fox .1' Ttttf -" snddiery. a;if a ti a oiiii-r bu.id.ng-. Toe t"'ai ,' mated at CI'VO". vvh.ei veled bv ili-iirehe,-. A l.aVtvot' ,v , nt,-, -n rui.awav -hi ;,. M.--,.,,;. n. ,.-a! 'i,-.,g 1 rid and al ., a t ,:-t v of mm fioni .-;. I.- wi... 'v.-nt ti... i- to ai wi,. w.-nt Ii.i' i- to ai r.-t. !.i..T,i. In.- I m ted State- thai -hat c'.'i'tcav-ir"d t -irmirtim a I,..-.- but vv a.s uii-tiei'i- I'.il. lb- lia li cH-h-d on tho miiitarv companm-. am! but on.- re-ponded to the eaii. 'Ihei.- 'i-. at . m 1 1 iiii-nt. Thee, '11)4111--' -iier was cvmhc l d to d, ing-. s- . . ..s I. A Ml IS K.'W - W- '.an, that la-r'ntgf.t. Mr. "I; ,-'-, a ie pb'w- -....-I- , II ..... .-iv -I . ! -I '-"I"'. ,.,,r;..r . , l,ti.,.,g , ;. . W..-, e f. on -of Iff ! ; rt'.e!P-v-.r !.. . u, .li,,.. .. t., :!. r in i"'iMu!.t-.'i.ai's. ol" i.iii I u It . u.- :ii th-- t.-rr.toi , .f K ,i . - ! ' tr -li tioiii 1 1 - li i! ! .ii ij o r I' i'-nr Ir lw J,' tii' ;J.i C.' ..-i -t-i ' WeM, Tl h.! i lb ,1' I, .1 - ,H I ',,- ;..-1 .--,'.,.'.. :e.. .o , - AVe I ' v . r,lh;rt r. ' a. ,i-v i-ave i-ler: gl , m ll.wih I 1 ,. -I o! ta, a, l,v ib- b, i ,,,-..! ut- U a I,-'. ,S-. .!,,a.y '- .... .. i , , i ., . . . i -. . i. is -lao'i t u a-:, i . i , 1 1 1 . , ...i. .. -, ' ',. i. . . . .. iffnmn?TTmr(m'ywm'.tttwt- I'Jii a:.i.'h 1nniig a ii'i'prrriTrf.p.rp'r ftolw wUu4. JHiM'lMVMMJlja. "ty -t ii( ili fwime uiht. Cm' Luc ' " '. It nas o..oi-d oh the' (frouiMl tbut tin-re woul.l not- hi- a mit'iii-ii-nt l..ernl M.iilatiuii in the ninnon-il Cotinlv !.iie -liuiali.',! -aii.l ii nii etli oITI.p ....ii!a'.i,.i be Stat. to.-anu.- it to n r.l,r.-lil:.t..n ! .111.1 I'illtll.-. tll.ll H h!i Ml M.illll i '. ' ' . 1'"' ''''-'""- o' n. ..m,,!,. - .'..the ,';'u1 "'I' T' '' f-'" were l..irtiae. . ninl the iim-t -..ii.!i.I a I i..i..'.i" . 1 . . . , . txn en that t Im- ni.mntai n--.-i . v. .-i . . '. I !;a. ,. ,, , m a t.n .-;.i i.- M.-t!.l I.- aar an: - e (. -.. tai .'.ut.i.'i I l:, h.ti.l ihe 1 1 1 . -. 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1. I'.nker J.. i.l hi. .-el ti, , ,n;1.,. a -i,.-,,, ai r. ,.ii - . ul, all u'i -ir th in ir. I t tarn hi- eak- into ,. M;ti. II- ill -in:.. ; a ir at h-.'lii l' i "tin ; and X ., , i ..ui.ii mi ii,.' u .-i. 1 1-.! i. .. ; !l. .1 j l ei- i .1. M.H.l- .'.. a Ja ;. la. . - :!.. i.i .1 . !.- j .) ).-." .I'll,-.. .-:.r:.IV. . r. at -, It . - an - la lite tit- I ..!! r. d. . ';, . !i u I I . h.vv ii. a l-1. Iiiia'h . lie i - ,-ti.l i.a.h ir. . a- a la ij.ai ,,.,, ,. ,.r,h, ,1.-1 ,.,..., ., to r. tb- I'all ..i ti. pat.- am tan. ,n, : t ... a iv .i.tag . f th- .'.'- - .1 ,:'. r. i.. I , Ihrt re-isoii lie noiiel lie oe II at 1.,, I.. a .0 . n 1Ui" u ",r "" l'r"- '"'. ' :" ' 1" I'"' VI mi- a ; il- vv ,ir- j 1 II'.. I . I I. aut .rt ., tun- -t i, ! h,.-; . an : at-d f...m .';.. !- - III I. !. !..!, it,: ' r -: ti T f o--a' r -r..i r 'm- :. ...:r . . . .a. Ii.r.aig!, Mr. I .a, ib. a it Ja J-i a. 1 rv 1 l- i.t w , u g b 1!.. r.-al aa 1 p r-... ai - Wf ,--"' " rt.,,1, , a-- -t Ml.' . a:.b- li, ti -" . r i i.ant-". r eHaitt" - . Dv .ib. .1. 1 .. I'-.i b ,k.g I - I lion g lb II i i , , , ,, , i ..- t... -i- . a t hr r )- - Ol-l v r lx v- '- ' t,e4,..n ,f( .'I . ibra. - 'h-- rai4.-e-J ' ..'.u.hv j irio'i - .ri.-.'i a Co 111,, -eted with th-,' -llbj.-.-t oft' Ml-titM tiotial I; -harm was 'iinefi-d. m tin- .aralc "ti Tuesday !a-t. by tin- lion. William A. n-aiiain.. in ;tn argirii.-nt. in -upp-.it of the rcrouliv mlr. T'.'d bv hn II. I... I. v...- !--! : M h- Ml- ' -a-' . 1 ' . ' in,-. .. V v, II ,,, .-. a I "' ' ' '' ...'--.. a I 1-..u:tt,.- ,i.ii:'.i .. I -g- - : ; ' - i,rr , vv ! . , , 1, w . t 1 , ;.-1 I 1 1 t ' . t h ' ' - ' 1 1 1 . i .!....' -'a-. 'iv - , : , ' . . ,-.-,:.i, V - Xuc .pa.;;.V..l.M..,Jgi....l....i.. i--'..J.J li..isdi...tlJ.. m,, a ti. t..'h i (,- e--c ,:.,..:. to ua ; aa-d tb. . ' : I" : 1 : . v , ' ! v .... ' , , ,-, ,f.i t'f i'id-,'1 a. v. I Is.- . ' ; .. .,, :-.,!- . . ; .'. y - -i-r,. 1: vv ,- r. ! ir. I !- li- v ...,., ': . -. . ... . , : ..- , t! ( !'"---- 'r-. v . ' i , f ,.. . .... I'.. .: 1 1 v a a i u .-,!-,. i n ' i " i i - - . t ii 1 . , n. r -,i . . . t . . . j - j. ,. ( ' -. I" " '-. , , ,., , . ., ill.' II-MH ii, ..'a. i, .,; Mr. 1'i.r .h. ti- ! ' ! pi - . . ' ' . ;, . i . v , . i I I ' . ' ' I ; , M I i . lia v. ..; n. e,- a J li ... ..... ... Mr. I ...!. M-i"! ....I :: r . " a, -a U.,. ...,,'. ,' - ... ; .. ..'. ., , ,,. ., .1,.,,. I., a ol .f ,!,.!: '.. -.: . -I' A ' ' r.-l-r.- - - -Vi - -,. ... . . ,. -', . nv. imv . , :, . i . . . . o . . - f " ' '.,..!, an - i . , i .'-.-. , ., Ml ... in , --------:';-.:!.-1 1 . - i vv , m- r jh - i. ,iv rb" gr- ,' 'j ' -a ' i ' - - i - . . . , . ft!' '-j ' ' in-n: ' . i ,i- a i v, ea - ' - - - , -f i . ' . 1' . , :iin- .-,,i,-e:a. .... ;. M. - . : . ' i i-U ; ' ' a' "' '"-' '-a-.t. ... "" g a-i... .;; .. .'. " ' , ' ..' ttT- M.:Ti.A-.C-rJ.; k-i- ;r - IXyn.. -.-r... ..I ;!..-.;... n..:..:... .-.J . : .:..(.:. .- . . I m. v i. , v-. t . ..i .... . ... I ; . , I . It vv .- - i I : - ti, 1 -aa :. ' ' eh I a A ; . ,.' ,,,, . - i,t i - e v -i .'-.-,'.,-.. 'o-t'"l'"j i. i.i .,'.'. v, . v. a , a . l ' . 1 1 t -. . i . i v , ' v i . . ' i . . , i 'i"'r-: v.- ';., !w r. :,": : ' '...: . f M .. a ' I- '. t t i !., . - ...i, :, . " ' l'":'a' i,.,i, 1...; IU...4 U.l iagu. Uiat I ... ,;g' ; a- . ' :" tb ..-I- ri,,r -I, ..... - ..: a Id,' ..,',. ...... i . Alii I.l - ahi.ed aal U k hi, U - I. ........ . . I .. .. v . . . I'i. II .1.1'. ' . I I I . 1 1 , - -l 1 ' I -,,.'. I Mr. b. ' - - .li-UUi-,1 H l.irg- I TI . ! "'I IT'" , f, . . ,, , , ... - rtrrv- re, vir l.m;: ra la- r-. -a- -t -,.s..e I i v . It ;i r. p v t. . VI r. ' -1 an mi. -1 1 .! v - - "g -i o. .. it.. . i r. . 1 1 -' a i. . . ve m ; i; . . a", a. '.,,-. .. r ti - ir - i tii i,t- ha- in i . .-, -i -n il ' i : ; .' .... . -,-l i I t '. ..' a', '.i " . :-i.'T-,,:t ',! a--. H- Ta-i-Mj I Tii-u, . -. I I ,--, -i.'-T r to i - - - - j , " , . , . . , ' V v. - I ,ni o , . . . - ., : ' V , Tn . I a, im.,!.. I . i lav .,.,-t. it H.l- IM . . , , . . .. .';.:;-.vt I )-. r.i'-ir -.-. A i:it' I ' , - ut- , . .. ,. , ' i .. i'i "I . . .. ii. i- : . - j .!i M . w i ' II :! t i' , IV i 1 i.e. I - i ai .va!, .,!! hi t. - ., i .; "V. ! " .' '" ' ':" '"' ,' 'h,'"" ' ' " !'- it ..- .i-i.t- .gg:-i.. ' ' '' ""' "! ' '',"!' I .1 . II .11 .. .II-.... ' 1 ..- . - 1 ...i M. I.,. I , ,,, -t ,,,u - .''. ..."i, ,.'. - . I b. 1,1,,!, j,,,'. -p. . , ... i.nl I ' I "!('',., I'i, I - g'1' igb. 'i,, v v., r ... rvvli' . ' ' 1 - "- . , - . ' 1 -oi;. 1.. .'no-,:,...!,", U.a! .the i n I i.i t- n a; - kj , , .. .,, - -g ...'... I sw-ffii-Tvwwfr 4- w- f, - fffjr, ir-.- -.- rrV'TTy-'' , , , , . ,- i a r .. - -i : v t ti ,'.... ; i .. .. n , . : i-.--.---.- -. . - xTT''"-'''' IU .SWnllF' : . I - i . v ;-ir - i a t, .. ' M !".,v -,r- r.,i, . -1, '' A. eor.l.ag v. lb- ... j-::v i - 1 ;. -,. ,,t. ll,..,.U:i I, p,.7".M '-.- L.IH-. .,,,-,l U..I..1.T. ' 1 ' '" 1 1 '' 1 Cl-p'l , T 1 1 l .' I . I- . -I"'4, :-T-i- - TTI---- 1-Thl- MTlH pTT-frm s h '' i- -..I . '!- go ah r. ..f , ' " Ae, r? si,. ! - -a. ..' th- I a.r. M-I tl- llllii oVVI.MIiiN oCKSTfoN' : p v . a --' I',... i :, , ,!. i.'t . , v . - v ,.: .! . Vv - .,. .!,. r! , o- i'-. ,,i'.. ut. ai the v.irio'i- .ri.-.'i .i, - 11 pie, . I w-iittiv l lie evait.-l rcpiit.t'ion of that -.li-I ,n gin -le d g'.-'it h-maii.and vvoithv tin- l.. -t f;-.rr-"f 4r,4'rt : '- ,v. ( rr.li -iva- a -iiiaaiic! and lucid hi'-t.-.j-v avf ".TTrr'ToTr-TinrrTnTr: TigT'lahE-r-vrnfi ii,,. adopt on ., .hue ... ( ou-lilll, . .,' i . . .a,', , , . ., , . -I I aealiv I ,at h the ad e, tioti ..I hie I roe S itfriige Ji.il. the e..n proini-e "of tin- c .list it ution would h broken nil, 'and tiuit. the coial ,h a- u d. t al llili-le-ls Ml. -n lili'ii o! id be d -rrrivra). f ther la. I mriiinT".) it. tie d.-cl'irid luin :C-e III. la.or ol llia.hlllg -U'll all .'litela- rton as wo'il-l .allow all who m.- It. I lie II I In IS of I he 1 1 allse of ( on 1 1 1 1 oil s to -t,. for Seta tot's, provided there wi;r i:i . -I'lted in tin: ci.:iiili.t.iiii a 'Trara'iiv t- ! . ...... , , . , me i.iu'i -iioen-r.ua.n he .iioiihi imi hi- u c'-tril-imTTt! -f -f i-'P'-'--':'-i'v'- M - ..rja iam.. li,wa what ".'t have U;en uv iHted.: a IwWet-ii-.rtinopjMwitiiinfcia-,; jn-at Uep.ihlieai. principb-. , I : "" ( in'ihur-uay, the debate u tit eoittintied Mr. OHijier, itilj...r'l, tin inwiroi "f';;,',;: 1 y,,,, ) j ,, 'ii.-e r irjr !"'4i''al. . ,, nr "imieiit f'r , . , , W , , .. , ' ' ' ,l ' . . r.l a in .re eli'.-etiie or a We-'-' h ive tin- .ri M .(.,!,! .- remark-., al- .. . ;.' i ,- ' !,,, t-i.it !;..'ie. we "I 'I.T trofo'er II'. . , ,7 .'.. e , r - - " i-,,.,. ,... ,, . t i-t. - . -i, t i....iai i. nb.ii'.i ;i i i I l l i-M- .. !:::'. . in i'i .' ., -iv t!- ' a M v..,' ',!!): k;. n I ' -. ! i Ac -ut,:-. ' ' . 0 :, in hail ' I.e. I iell - ! pa:!.,,. -lit ,, .. ! ' 1 ..f .',v,rlil!'i-'- I T , . 1 V l-lr i I of "-:-.T-t -Hl-d: - In . : v , 1 . .-1 , o ' ' V"" '' "' ' ' '"'".' "'', -'.' "'' ':U "",""- 1 '"'"'" gov -noil. ait i-inp..y- '' i'i'.L,1 "" 'I, ,-i l -'l ihe g A a r. --'.-..! ree Cliipf-! I -I- h II iial-. Mi-iaih-d 1 I l' 1 ! 1 I I T . -a -h I aiui I l:,e h. . . v -V 1 4--.- - fH.t- I ! atil.i ,d ; . ...Ve ld--li.l . I. I ,'h'l " lln. ln.l II .. ,, l,,.l . "..' n,i a'.-.,. . - J I ''IM .1,1 I ! IM V ll... I' - j i, . ,, i , I . ... ;,. . . , .'....a!,.l -a. (U. ,11 1 , lb .1 . I, J.I lit. I. t-,-11 I I m . j vv . . , 1 . 1 1 1 , . r I I, iv . a i.t, led hi, v I ua, I Jt-a -. f-f.' ... .I,!m .H.Wn-!, t'o'i " ehie - th- nape-! of ari ,'t--oi-ia "! I !' I.' hue, in I a'td ru..'hi-' ' lo-ssWL i-Hi, JmimtiWi i . i b. 1 h , . m , to H l lira" ''.'I , : u'iT:'"" ...f Washing-. J-- u - ii - iy, - i ,ii.:". a :.. ii, t a.. a-- ag , W..-.1 i i i.i v tii ,'Mgh: th it -i - !-!.' I a -' i a i, ,,, . th;.I ..aii- i.m ' i i , . ,i i, t , - i i i - - i. ., i i 1 1 - . i .ai ,im,i..;. ;. -1; a 'I - l- pn .!:,!.: d in (' g' '. I a,, , t f I'. - I.,....':. ..-' '., . H'tt tU iv tw tlii ineinUtii to rutin for pitrticvlif !. ninl h'iiliirinr tin' nweiilwrn toiuiL. nli.l' r ...itli tin IIh-J VoteO. i (W following A,.mni8tw'ri-.UiliiitanIi;omIi-iiiiitli f.-f m .iiiinn. J vti"0 -f Ui (miiil CooaeiL u ' at.ii at. i ..-nil, ai.t iM'.i.injiiraii, miti iu iihjmi h. arr:mt (Me, liiiiiiiiljv mid dalirow WMiip. " ,:' l. -.tic M.'f-verit-ra,U-JiiilbU Ke- I"'1'1"". -Hifml, IViimiw .ad t), . - ..iiiinni.H nti.iii, "til) I'litBileJ l.y tl.. Holy IB. .,u,m i .ii of Si iiin, mi.) i.tilv ortby of iniilatiua .1 , .' . ., ,,; ,, ,' I I !i ( .ran. I ..inn il .1 1 nr.lmu! at Kunx', ' ,' . -fbal auv Am. rii an nwc-wiu w . . .1 ,.; ,.!. -.!.. he- n. the i. g, ad'ui an.I EluitMt i. ... .al ir ii -iti. jis, it.li. iit not the j;irH of tb i. i,: ai,. . mv -tie, and i- niiwoflbv ill iiHineof a -.ai , I 'TO. ?in I .J.e. nd- t.i ibe level of nn yy l,.. .at '.ipi-t. ; .,.. . Ib it we reeoiintHnil our lr.-l lira-tl t.i nil . ,ilid ea' III 1 1 I l!. . 1, la lore ihry .'.I. I ill o Ii i .ih. a.-; -.. d .I..'- i"ii- a p.ov.-f in lb. ban. uf I...M- , ..!.., b v.r pal- tliev may now lo- .imv, :.l -tan- la! UK- tit.i.-. U- .-olllli-.i ot Ullfii. i u-4 , . . ..I... .. .e.r.ll. ..I lb. I.t.tlli Ittlr..' ..A i M it U,i ihtiroxii p -r-..n d lyamii.lin'iiK.ia.tGi - - - - - - ...f.iss.s .::., ' In rending the detail of tlie operations f.' .' ie 'm !,i.-'....ol. ..in- cannot but adtnirn i'.c heioi- n ami the imshriiiking f irtitude .!i-pi ne l by the allied forec, and tom- ci-'U-Uf liugli-h win.-f, daring the pro- 'traet.-l -o-gc. No H'liiy vr Mtavfd ,.,,,.,. ''here is not th flritt nvmptoiu of , ailing. Though the brnnt of the Ut- 1! in- I" tali upon thciity H11.I theluugb-:,-r in th- r ranks ha already carried gh. .in an t .h 'la'ioii l.i muiiY a hoiise- iiold in laighiud's ninny tields, mid tln iigh the w.,r-t I vet to cdliic. their in .Mitaiii their poMtioii with udmirablu no... a'n.l ... fur fioni deoiiiiiL' Li n ith- draw tioiii the r.mtet are eager for the :' v ! I n.- l reiu h. too, arc not behind !;--!.- ..' I time f.ve in sharing the datigern :' th.- ti. Id. Ihca-t to bren-t - rank to iev march f.rwaritlio the attack and in. fn..dv liophicg drilieTr proc -tievv ii..' j htili. f )i i f he "oi ri-r"'tr!in.trlt''''i fi'lont that -'!..- Ku-.i.ia. have been under-rated. Thev have cvlubited a bravery a dog gel obstinacy --a military oagacitv ilf w hich their oponciit apjiearmit to dam ,i, cam, tl. Thev Ituvelbu " whip hand " I tiic ,ilii,-, at iht- iiioiiKiit. Nebastopol is far f, .ii a.turc now as it was nt the t -.imuieiirciuViil of the kiegtf. The mju- ' n- of t boirbardinciit aro repaintil l Aa..lJi...uiaJie....fraili men, VT' "I s'l.i't. n l raitha ei.husiaiii iT J tii. h.-ir.gcd tw-e.i 'h .rw: xmmwtrm-'l f i-eetiicri's are N.i)rttr"-g' ' Iftt.T ttlB t hfK. ' i do- l:-i.-lan.j are swarnViitg, like. liec-f. t ., ai d- s. :..i-io,. Tliitlallin will, iii ml i.r. h.-.hintv. tiiul HKmli.' rcerel. hil ;i .,ui being the assailants Vtid them-, ivi d. . N neviT was there H7BaVi-h I Iva . n r ; ; rl aiiiiy lor t lie ,tr lo inflict . ,.ii hl' iv tbati .h now ft(T'.r.lel -VV h ,:" hav hoiiM not an iuiiiieii-e lone -neb -in i.'Ao -"ft-r he e".iTd eftttr rnie) rorn rH'ttw rtmmt iltw' alUto; iifc4 the garrison "at !-('t.n'plI'ir; CCtlllplth f 1 ia be-ieg.-r would be between I wo fire and li,.- inevitable rcaiilt would be. cither t ti abaodoiunt-nl ul' tliis -siege, or lit to Xalj .at fitid -huioivcr id the heviegcr. la th.- S. iiate, on Weliiesday, 1.1th. s wrsi.-r bi4 Irrfrl4iit' H lll.HtsUU, KeTTre-'l.leli! ! Iln llltr.l Mate. iime iirinig a repj-al f tii Het f llm ! representative:, of Samuel I'rioleail, d. Mr Ihidgerintroiluced a hill to merea .iiipen-atioii of the jinlge of the Sn- r - ' '-', n'fl- ii! the tttf tttber,f h"'h a . - ..!' Congress, and spoke at some gbt In exjaatiatioti and adviarv of tlie aiee piivate bills were paed, anil, if'- r a -hoi t cvectilive se-ssioti, the Senate i'd ' 1 " ii. the ll..u-e of Ib i.trseiitatives, Mr. M'irt.ie. tVotu the cominirtco on pnbbe "titii.g". -iihinntcd a resolntiuti nntliort- 4g ti... pr.t.ting l.i,IJHU caipre if tlie uu-,-ti let i i j ' a t ,,f the seventh census, wbirli, after s .'ne debate, wais a'lopteil. 11"" II "ii." th. ii, in ( otiiinittee of the Whole ii the -tali' of the I'nion, irK;cedc.l t" ! . nsidi'Tation of the luduiii Hppro'ri- iiid a ilebale arose bctnec" I.--ts. Mace, Oi.ier, of Missouri, a"'1 a-hbiirne i f Maine, on a bill not vet ihii- 'lui'i d. to'proljihit slavery in the I .iiTyiirrithrTiwriiw., -vi the Si iiati'. "on TliiirsiIaV, the chair -4te r tnt.r- 't wfcjjw 8C; g i r. t. n v of War in relation to the claml ailiii. t.-d ii) California, under f.iellt.(v ii.n. i i a eia.ont. in 1.1 lii ailid .151 1 Mr. l ish prcsciilcd n ineuiorial fri" the ( liamhcr of Coiiinierce of New " rk r. -ointii, tiding that an expedition hre t.. lie Ai,!i.--.a for the relief of Dr. El"''' ::: - ..lib er . and i ll vv. Several bills were cori-irlcrcd ami I'1"' ,; hIIi.i- which lh SUatl adiiiiriii'l until Monday. In tin.- lluu-e of lelitai;-',,f; Wheeler pie-cnliil the mcinoriai "I " Vevv ..rl. ( h.imber ..f Coinmerc.'. 'r!,.v" ii. g ( "oiigre-s to send out a-serew r stcainer Mi -eiich of )r. Kane and his e-vpid'"1""- -The I t-winc the!, wiit iiil'-iiiMlll1" ,.1'rl... U')...t (1... !,, 1 .... . ..i.TirolU ia'1"" Anill7aiTy'ntlTr a ilinciiisii'm t two beiim -,11f,""n I.ill,, pen a, , ill. :rfldlM!m reci'iviii'i their be C. tallic " Nc t Lib' lioals. I-."' is to hav ive, hi an ill. .11 t" Hi' "' boat ., ,,f an average capacity-of " lK -on-. Thellr-t uf the 1est"d.aHi'r,,',i( .Iv ben pnth.ll the lt.lt if- ,vl' ,- f reporfs t .1,,, ,'i,trafy, iht .loan'1 ( 'ouihiei ce is aullioi ie.l to -ay that . ;- Captain lame has te. itvntio "f . , I,.,,-., unit is a imn' "."-' ,..n;n, ie.Dir.i,fi"i- t'l ,mv ' , h t, . (..,. ,lt,. vi v i it -r ..fiict-rs of "ihiabArcTK, ... ' ', -fJ'...ai' ;'!-.'si-'.li,itf.i!( "eK

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