r '- , .. " v '. . ' . '....' ., - .... -- f-t . -i V r- , - .;" .-.;. - 4- v .-..--vt - : ; ; . ,-2.- . ; ; . : .-. i .. i fi i' !! a - rr. ;i i i Tr. -4 rf f. ',, :. . ,i C"t . Vy l,- . V. . .1 : Sfwtrii Vpnlitifs, Items, SrihiUnrr, Jntrrnal nprwrnfab, Cnamr tfti! k Jfam, jltoUty; ccl) tjr cmilg grit VOL: XLXEW SERIES. EDITH. far iitto lb rartb. So it fine ITyly ll ear ; bat yowr roagher taie wa newed ! weet iuflueao', and you t H that ibruul were if, ti4kl .'.nn .dllWl ...1 liM ClTtl fxtl '. IB lCf POlll. tlwre wcf !ine ou Jt-nn, ine iw ri (Hva.U (r Iwr lrilal : lU fiw iih a mini SALISHUUY, N. C, JANUARY 4, 1855 aclied to tlte miwlonirie week goJ NUMBER XXXII , ,.! no oe oa U auR car!, llu tnul Mill a m MHfil, fr b M Mot bin tli being vlia fc, M Iti Juolixy in Inf IiimkIs. The loom " ivtutnlml an an h x) rlamtM ooW ; astl EJiik -tt thw, wiSft ijt l.itniiaj bt dimly abuve brr, aad Janliio. it cams flirwa the jruw.-s)., (A luwn-lske UUt atwat tlw ruixa, wkiW it ihr.-w into bl) Um cajtntnrj aa mirror L U-yonJ. ller drkrj vtirvlwtit a tlw r.ir.i (N-iura bf, lat au.inciuM f their owa ZHa. Tl vuIuimI he lai bara i4ig had i:tJ!.'ii unikKimJ frvna W naen to Um flour; uJ Iwr arm, h.iiiscia at Iwr tk malKil in hiun. Uie twe that but rmttinn liiJ it from lr. TTf oi bT ana jett ibr koCi: ni hi-r brad .nm-d fjrwd, and rrajd M'fly on rod of bf tijwr finjpti Tlfre eix- on r-.nz ia thtM Hiait Mn ; ao braft-b-t n tbal u'rvfL wrUt; ao ring oa the kkadcr fwgi-r : . ...I mwK I Irufl lai Ivautr m adortwl. i .i,.. ...I J U An.l S. lvn ut lli. r.-. in tl i f .nv- f 1. ...... II ..'l.L .-,1 Mmd .n.1 lu-r t. I mauboiML ilb thw liaM-V ibn : bi 'k ld "... r, tJJ : A n niratkm kft i bwa trtiist-t.-l nmifb, and ' her miia a wju, aaa ui mwrrai ij - s - I , , , i , , . t If .1 L.r.J to britb.-. : baa rf a IB h-w. tU juU in.Uv tutUd. ;uVl ratle. wriuti tace UrB ia iviww. abicb tura- d. at itbrramclitrtttrd itb a MniW, (it .i-nwJ like BMpe.) iato aa miivbWf Vwg a chihwu aaeaatUta vb tt abooe tlw mw ln.f tbateutiU aot barm a worm, but o Id I- : Iter fcea to mala mom fur imro if it buit il ferliaj U Um awBn4. Ami J. i.i.. 1 1 .-- r.ur yoaaf Jaay, aub tn bit tro '! 'Utm-i; tHthl-lwB 'bair. and a w-k tlmt in'i-.'bt tk aml to bMtfioU v fi" I ti' drm of idrab) now tb tl!ifiii. ""1 '- bibl of Batai, wvit'binjr brr " rmxkK txit, h. B Uw gnjt-r . hi.. t. i.u I. ao :bv.i!f..jax .BWwilOJ'tiletM.-l'bt. afU-i Snt, aad, m tbe afW-llhHiiiltt li.!ir.J made tbt br Wul Hit-III laint. Ii.-t Mu-iji- ee tboto color aod rvlii-C b. f- !lovraUc sotUm tltouaud abo nnti ; a tL.u aatb, aad i-iiurw -vry Kuril ! amdm.. .p.Vtho. bk thM maakiaJ Ul 'ater Selwja lirVdtua rtilL motionUia tuna that Itaj.iHljtS.tPmJW.fWr!-- oa bi. brM if ' bi i". ebildVI 4Vw yo-a cwaj-ajoo. of tba tatal nd and bomUantbaaW, TWdoorop-wd ; bajKa to b iftaith of httte J ' I ... J. ..! U-) nmnd raiid marm arm-cruur. Itut aawt of iagbbprict-bJ T btrd. p-Wly on tba till ' tUom U ul U UKijJ.ifc.. .(A i JIhi! La. BMrr oa and known : wbere tb. boar and thm tboa- vsaii mn www wiu. Ittfyoaara that old naa apoa vboaa lata Oh i.uo '. oil. (.our And lif iImvI -bmbabftb over b bca aod .uniin;i 1-j-li.U, bitrv-d tbrta ia tbe bed, and loaind al.d : . ibe fltriHif man in hil f - Aii 1iur l,a ; ilw i'r-" i. still a tbr t Irin tiirl riU ba be tet, an.l hrr tln r.-. I.iit hditli utu-ml ao wota, II(.I1. llollV. IKI III!'' lltft ttll.ll I.. i, r n 1 I:m -I, aii' I -l tbr-Mwr-aBil-iea baa. made bair all abite witb llie mow 4 tba wtr of Ut boM Ta -Sa and tiairk. .tu- W k rvunt and aWirbrd, imbrtd ik m.wJ .boat liiro ? IK ton aot lae unAmmL rt nuia nMi o 'l. of wr- irow orr bat abr bw; a tadn of tia aual ttit rrwdM-d ULirt lrm n 1 fart of bi nilriicr, aad t- tbrre yte adt btm I ke aa iai.-( U-n-1 l yoa m H(.. .w. tl.. f..i.'. f .uiit j-abte tbe onlV I bim, torn at tb. inipormaity of Uiat wkbrsspr J ..li. ..t:. ii "t ir. . !. ii -kh nrrr brr aitB itb a taitk, fn-tratia$ glno. IwamWbcrj ly. arm. I..U.-I. nuAiou W aad kl at tb. i Mary, aad aIk away wrti. brf to Wr ojd. wrtj preaclied ! u a nd find won have done tliia. all will be well $ if yon 1i4t iolated thi eonnael, to tnij eipeet to be clmotiaed. Lt it U nud wl.en I return, All Is riglit ; all tuts been peace; ana good order nas pre-, railed in yonr abaenee." lie tboa allude to anotber of bia ad tlreie, to tlie expulsion from Missouri : I know bow it a in Jacknon cmnt y. TTier aca fitmiliea in tbis city tbat went to that omnfy twenty -one' or twenty-two Ttara ago Iml fall, "if 1 mistake iu.t. I Lnrtwr wliattLeir fi-elliniw w -re. All tlu ir desire waa to pet into tbe t(i n of ln.le- I...Vuin Miimtv. wliere tliev ex peclwltufiBdaUainanaujujuity -dtuxl u beaten bejon on earth, and an end to alt tbir mortal grief. lliaUwaa the tun I. ui. t ut .1--i...ir in tlie liu of bte taw. nn-k-s turnr, tnat ne tauiy atunow ir .wovmig ,e l.roniliteU mem lo ip witic. u.l4.nli a (iitfludidwrtbrteliHc;;fM aid a.flinKly f It M L-lp,, uJ bW btUO iW-bonl itWnW p.n..d b.r rye a moiucut, IwokedLnp; w tbr krrof a .jtiarirr of acary lijlvation d its iikkIc. I inight nave n ' . , - ' . ' ; ,!lIC lliVIV, I'"', UW. - , . 1 i. I . . . . . 1 ... r . . ' . .. I . ' . T 11 ,.-r. c tiMi MiinHl . . ... . I . '. , l.u 1 ir ut hi unit v i-"S Ymm -J ,J" . . - jiatlu roar ont tltC K,l'e' to me naiioim. of a kn.ll IB w . . : m v Konea 1 ke fire lllt up. , . .1. HbbtfV-rbajpr.cl; b breath- ;oandlns fKa tb .juvU-r k. ith l.im !: i "jr" 1 -d more haniv- A jioi w nti tire aitiiiiui u. (.t-tih --u..i j.x-. . The tli..tibt Wvljhrd oh him tike' as incul-us, fotaw, tbe wrti, the atwagtb w V and pr f f. ll on Ii'h Uv and rau-bt U-r ban.1, - m tbat bie tinie lb. b.Of, fatb b- ba.1 faded ay ajpua ; the rjw ; brb, rxaUona, an WWII a. toe iiibj o.mg . i i . .i i . . i i . . r iK.-u : ne wiw nvnioiiiow mm mww, j aoutii us. Far from tlw r.-mru-ri.a abfre Ccdnoa So I turned my" back it jon Jackson coun ty t preacb the gospel of life to te Jeo- i.le. It rill be reWlletted that during tbe ad- 1.. r I. .1. .,111 i. ii ..... ..... uii loa.t to tiMHriT ana .1 :. I t ,1. !.. ! 11 llu. ituifc Im-Hi -lib. I.I.I.' tllf tM-ilFl ' " I I I .... : ""BP- . . . , , .. . , r " 1.1 . m. . 1 ;.i ,! , 1 ..l . u twutK. inj motion, an it it woani i'".,.!; ut ir man uk tnila either lead b.rn t.AA 4,r., or a ,..ra- j that d --b - rt , rf " (i . ,y 1. d. P ib lb. tar t,r. rb. lb. .W ' ar had lorwj, as it never a.iul.1 aaiu. i " I I i .. . ,.,,, -, . .i., ,..)J, !, tmr Uall Mt tbe Udiiad U, ami i 4 J v,-, W cal-nlj at l;tuv,,B.l la-r wbarb jb!v- -t, s .-b "J. . i ; . . ... - .i , niitM-iiiujui. ka. Mil MurmtL r.Mhiift? lo it.al nea.VB uk' mk -- . th 'rna.. siiiOi4li atitu- a.enix- "hit - , i mi lit La-. . I K.- -ilioa mitb ahK-b ber Bani wa utter- were on . i ! . i . il.r.ll.xr t.u. m il.i .t L, .u. i tlrader limb axn-iiHf iiUH-k and r. j il.ir i. -t.ut.-l. u. I Uiked Uf. an. m-1 hl earn.nt j Ht, tb. tr l-r UIU b.ang w niUMvailv in !-.. Mm .luwt nlii I., llu fl.. . tlw llllL Okj 17 1 tlloir bradu lH.t M i rvft't tloM. u.i the a arui Uoo.1 eaine to h-r face and neek.iThMr ear bud b-k : and on tin y amt. kjr ber (fee. brow, nUk, .! U uflmfc and dratb ba gay ; far aaajrJ flHi9trali.a of Prtmiden FilbiKi.IriK? i bam Youn, in an address delivered to the -faithful," at a place called tbe "IJowery, denounced tbo Judges of the United State, required bis followeis to refuse olicdienee to their mandates issued in the itli f1-,n-r-t-f&WTafew-ar-li'-ST'ourno''a V . , , i,l I'll. he t;rMitHa a:.iu, a. uw wiiiv is nw n ine ffrs '"'- i . ir.i. H.,.l..a t., tin atiil:.Wills f ! . .! t.., rfa-o,. d the, remains a few .tbc-m. anda ra w ''" ! Wwl tl.ro... h.., ,nd the. k-n Ui r.ii.M no,oet. aas tbe' 15 bJ. i-rry ttce. He tboa allades to this ca utalous , . , W.: d. ran ot fri ,l.way-de J; ; . . lilt,r u.turr. Av uohalutnl !,. U boo,, x. be ' tteene-, and tbe impnn.ty ,th wb.cb he. K,t1'" . ,, , '. jpg..wH 4a4Hr,.l frb. h Ml j ,H.r i,b .jdreautiC Ar.l ,n year ia th aulmnn-titne, jnifUitej t)ie n.ajeftv of the law : - ' Tea year, a bttb, lOa.1 cy.d b-m?. ton o ; Htrngg m .and out U-Jw-. i iurtiU!,,..t fcWaui. a wwk, .b .h., ,he dar rotuvl tbat Kdab Hrt b of 4 nxe than LoVasky. Tbaci. rtin, m u,. and tkin,, ; t ;bbttt ii'T,1''1 3'" 7 -! J:k fn- 11UJW,t'lTT th at Urrd wnk tfartird btm with s Wk U pai.. bUd aUr Ut.t ka, bU ,i,ir; "Xred tn in ltHs. TlrUvarcbne-iof f- J f Mi,... bel,, u. M..h ; buttl,,M.r i, here, MlltU , fr,,, . U they enter a m the-Migrejrat .. . who sne'" ebaarriair.wara ae-med to rob uk of H atraw- tbe frH ftdaas of die (ataiaff wine. WmA A 1 i , . ... . ,., Z.. .t. - .fc. .J.I . the aittlcll'atl.Hl of what limjtit be tttO.TO ,her. tiini-lthaael ' 13 mZJTJMt vt.H than tl Wlitjr of beynU yonr Te. wb a rmrirm -nand Art ttrjnp W ..j,, I f.,-1 it b,M. ,;a. Ke ba. M-jri. ja-lnt. ...k ; this 1-pK- bare sutured m U-.l.g actually tbat mad.- tbe b.4der MSMal k a bb4aroa' : t aee Ut khl uiidi-r brua.1 tiei.l ot wiow, , . . . ik .-i.i.. leiUt-i d33i-mmMttlwaiPM ' Ibrn S-Iatu LQ.lt bv tlie ti.-.Ink- an.l . - . . . . i . . j i . I ,, . . .. . ... .c ,u ; lier aliile liatnj in li, ana ite in urr n Mam; mi . ., u . aitbaCond l.ut d e! mebtnchidy miK and--Brw- to trll ,w uk- to tbe l-ni! beboldr. , name oi u.e uwliim.i. - v-. iid. in a .-ak.rft ttKT. alUKt a lititr: hi tin n U l-ut tbe i-ntarm nuntr : it , tie,r tlinutU, or Have mem cut, n uivt J. im.,...,). all lay nl. antiAfji tiMtt.1 ' r..m. n.a him l.ke iar : he i j;j Bft ly m thiw tb-'t4HiSlllej0-i Qn ltcylutionnqr UloniUIlClttS fWiIll live to eight, mid liav'e lUBtrticieuniie coinumiee to enquire and report wlipt inonuinenu ouirht to be erected, whfre they should be erected, and tlie probable cost of the same. Tbe proposition of Ex-Govenior Keid to erect two urmalln monuments in tbe Capitol Square, at llaleigh, has deserved ly created no little ridicule.- Tbe propo sition of Mr. Winston bus for its. object the erection by the Legislature of one monument at fJhnrlotte, in memory of the i.wf IjIjj- ul hta. iou Beta Deflll . i i-U-nce, jk1 tbe many rotored Ul of tli.iu;lit. . !je, of arf-ti., acre tpi-iiiiiij t life; and tie- ird-.-ner, Iin.tin.iiiin, t.mk tlif plant. li-b t;.e (.roiiii't tn:U beautiful flowers, :in-J 1 r-n-I i tnti .l i( into tb mmst ballwed .xk ef ba Urcr i of garden iu my being ; and be leaded, tiered, and BalUied over it, taking ben: a leaf, i'h-k a branch, aattl be hwl maoV t a prrieet . .. . . I . . " i t .-' i . l , f.L. , I .1.. ..f . ...,tl ..TV"!-.. I..t I. u .a.. ItlWlII 11 1. .llOml.t.'a itJ. I-.. ;. ...i.l,, .Ui .A ll.a,- t -'" fjon-i reai.ii . . . "o.i .in ..a,.. , - ----- . -i - . , . . . , , . i ... i i lb . v. aotufbt l with look of boi. ' u. ..te. II. b ..i- ni M'wiitt. .tmpxOhy tor Uwitrtinir up. their ears cut on, uieir ur inniH. Iieart it lay lIKTe ui.ni. - t . .1.1,1, ..lia mL .!..,... .,..1 Lm .UmISiI luu hib- scomb. ! VMt an.1 this whole tieoide Cnt to H,"' . , . , . I,,,, iAI1..J re,-.! th.ie, a aawt, ca.1 IH.t, that ,). jtainj, a li-Jit t b ; ..Jefe. After thev had time to think, Tk trw bad Ted. ,4 ah.U' .now -U ban , , ; j . i " !....,... . . . .U..4 1.. ... ka .n .ul- !. , . ..Ill .lie 'and went arav'dlortbe." f , . , - . , .7.' " "-'" - " T -A.-iv.vn. tumtMiuji au io ub.c mi mm Thma attit vt toaiu. """ trnrt to tilCIT jrreat asTntrtsnme,nr.r iney lav of oar bridat, and and 1 ball bem., I'.,,!!-.. lauflfBtisJ a MWh as thotuiU tlief hftu Jieen tarea wilbia tbe boar, JMaja. ! An 1 tl. i. Un.b r anj-i! nvumry Hlr.ime, , , i 0( .!. bottomless Ilt- iatf aImmi! then. if llu-v liri.l.il witb the coming Mriiy. Ao.V tW bap- IV b. artu in our Bmii ii", ut loeiu . Wit, bumor, reiru-e IV a .nm Hp t lp, ..... it l,ir..l 1,1 ll. ....... . J Hi ,ti-..t I mlurt tVm-witk all tba- alxwlA iJ . ... . , . . , prrlnt.) a ne lifi'. and it I. mm. one .4 tlie t OBnine ; aiei wniie. bihi oro h. ano - ... A I'k"'''' l tx-tX . .iTbeT aatW all Um beCAtta. I t.4d that - Fawiiomablk Society, liko our ranks, h founded on ttpecU basis 9 other so enritier will pass current. Morality, tar lent, industry, are veil enough in their wiy, but smacking too much of tho old fogy times, when tbeae thing were bet tor than riches, the are of but Ik'ht re pute now, hen weighed in tlw balance witu uoiiara ana cenia. xuere ia mi in- the very title of this latter, which car-. ' ries conviction now-a-days to the fosbion-, able heart. Tliere ia a music about it which the best of attributes and natural gifts do not posses. Wby, look at it. We see a life struggle .going on venr day, wuerein energy, amowon, geuma. may be, are contestant witu iron-uaoueui adversity. How calmly, how indifferently look 011 tb-pectatoi I. It im to then of but little moment. What matters it if tlie Jieart fails, ther trenrth yielda, tha i,u. and t roiitiiTJe to their stoi-klioWcTSTfinind blooms in the nneouifr atruglel , we infer, oi.tiosed to their rctlmru, be- Who cares I No one. Let Liut paa,be ' la guilty ui tiie. T'" " - him wear out bis lifey-let him brood over the Uhhes of the post let bitn look to the end of his profit less life, as a relief from his disappointment and memories let him die. Who cares f Ou the other band, gentle Sir, yoa wh . -have iimt drawn tbe hidicst tfiie in Uie IlftVHiia lottery:, and. urs now engajjed ia a thriving business, do yon not perceiye . a change ! You may not have noticed it, Sir, but you are this moment a very dif ferent personage from what you were six montlts ago. A very different personage. , Why, Sir, yon arc taller by a head. Your heart is better, your nerves steadier, your faeediansoiner, your head longer, clearer, -stronger. Quite a nietaphosi. From -being only Squire Nabob's passing ac- , "iS5tr1ance7n1iaTc bewine Lis fast J- 1. II. ' II I .....1.1 ineliu. lie who wouiu imo a.oov THE HANKS. .3bc lUlyurk ewrwudeiit of tb Grpenbore Patriot wrili thai llieru i one consideration in favor of r.Tliiteriii the Cap Fear Hauk'aud the l'mtik of the State, aliicb at once strikes tlut mind wild 'great furce. to it: tbat thewiUi ilrawal of tiir.ni y ' itmiiod ilioti. from among tlie penile, l-ciwi)! t'lt llK)n wiwling Up tb old bank, ami tlk- collection. ,f individual capTtald fur the ,urtiM! if veotinn their fundi in Dew l.tik, will greatly aggravate tb eviU of tbe ei itinjr prerxure, particularly with that claaa leart prepared to endure tlie operation. True a Hofpel '. Yet, although the Patriot adtnits that the old niiiitS lune be-i 11 a.linirubly iiianageilTTbat tbey liave beB i-afe for the State; accommodating to the iici'l it u yet. Kevin-; that the w.ibt of the popular judgment W in favor of r.-iiiritir the old institution lo wind up at the vxpiiatioii of their tharterfi, and then .tart Je hoi o, or that uew one .tart in their t.a.1. It strik'.w li that llic old rule, to " let well enough alone " i applicable bre ; and tbat the, Legislature ba.1 U t give a mw k-ae of life to tllra faitliftd public itt-tttifflS. by gtBfiHIW thttiT re-ibart. ; rather than laumli out on tku 1111-c.frtaiir- of experiment, attended with" danger and general dinU-esn. fSTTlie two lionises of the Legislature upon the motion, in the House of Com mons, of Mr' Winston, of Jiertie, have increased the number of the Committee .1 . . I.. . . I , .1 . L ' . I ... 1 l.t.i.. ..I .. . .Lt - as.i a: msa ear xn ear. wnn an lire mi ir , . . . ..... . . i . . . . . . , , . i . l . , 1 l"r I V .x . .. . .A.. ,1 . r , l..'- fin a sumiUIm aaUtaea tn owtwarw yjujaai Mr4 1 lirt UHKitf'Ta. Al.B"LIS'r:i .-r:-r.n blnbml juiriif' 'iTform' of .U- a-rr. t.-d tb wme lf,,a ,WlB tbaf-V ba- vnt Liai thH rh. "rn.M wa o-J " .. . Z , VIZ. tbe Territory for bia insolence and bare- -.tm,-.i 11.. a ni.i an 1 11 iw .'.nil.' one .h me ; wwumr . km', w "... , ... v,. ... - ...... , . i i l I . , . i . i . :n . ... .... ... ... .1 ... 1 1 lian.1 I.. Iim litia. rose in tin Hi. ami vvrm ar,I ln.ar ia r.t. wr u lie iu '" X. ' r, . 1 . rL '7,' 1 ' ,"l?uif,.utl.efUrv it the wreWvto appr.- li. lh. be d.-w t tm-, ,1, arotrw waard tbe mBait.. Tbe Prophets uiicolirsc l not always v:xr ;t it 'irj!rr ; . J r rPrz1 of t,,e n of theiM n.vi r.Hin-1'M muj iMiiainiin , wu. n , . j j uU j Una,!!' ' uiiiud .tb .1 k.re tbat lint.- ate nun- nni; " ., , .l.,,k- bad Ut iu waerrv ecbo. but wa J-arituair tw kMM.atKi letameil wt tln-m. ,J' ., ' , ' , , ...tl 1 -tt" J - I . -1 . 1 1 ti l. ' Testament. He sometime condescends rrr..'" srV.LjrrJzr. J.,.? stK.-e aKt aK.1 raeTrnrH-J bb4 bt -.ilv tw Uw Ud. V pa-ol fra all tt fir-t nugl.t hrhi .4 .HU. " ' 1; - . ' ne.-l.eart. Tou cam-an, Fel.th. a-Sl 1 fou.i.1 W ""d" f ' -Im,,. ,,,u,ll,r .Ukr.,,... We!,,, be U .r the ...ml-.U.-.e-r to'evet. to ,,,,. lor instance: n.yfatK-vh.lD.tov.rpamud.mv H.it.at.on ed . talko! Irgl ' " ,i;X;, ! U , h. r k, li-ad uA Ju br, br. -a-t. ..ui ! . .ind 1 !p. and ra-ar.-an.! fciln-sl luarertoj w I aid time since Oil this sUnd, bad avS.J.-,n Wp-r r ar- M- bu , .,,1 her re turn-1 u..ol I... ..lb a ,at b-,.-.. .ber. well b. ka,... that, if b.-! ;f , w ,(ru,,lt.,, I certail.1v had riaiBit tiv ft ilalfn airf w .1 .. . Ljciiilm nt t'au I lliijBjjflitai'at i 'I wbii li i i r liLrntr-rTTlt -.-- ' V Jl ' " I"""" t..an nr. . . - have, li.v the blessing 'i tint wwu, iman Bomtow u.pui oit twiaw ;l . - , i . ,i '..j.. ..r here in the u?ht ,4 ' aud U tire this crfnp. u..i. Ut jinniHm: r,J W. v.l M , i -. .1' 1. " fOOTerin a .arm eariii iinioi Mi'i'i-u . . y - . , , 1 . na ooiie ifc iiironu-u mw. (fruit; like, tlw mint en Horn toe ni"utnn. , pib-... - , ! biding U a moment tbe prnnmnd d-J tli .4 b.- M mainmort . j;. 2 , a. y " u. - ,h..,.i I..... . .f the ' ..'! n-iuir.- and charge you ..th. (m v Bill . - goal f U them, cot-red ...b tl,on-a..d--f ' y "f J-lnk ' " uT-eleome tWr Com.ng. and tbe . . ' rf h -Ml U-d-b-rd. tbal I Mite. j U flllivr ti -a ir"B bi v ustj -; So.b. an.1 aurtlin a. tbe try ilire1 it. the '. n. n.- u...Unyy.n.-o fyw. . ; liU nvbt. a. tbe tbundennu cktp from a ....my Jv it akv, came the thrilling .tlk a locomotive, Tk-n the m.ni.ter ctmuol. and al . ei.Ui.tf . Uw, hVbl, with .11 u.arthtv"ecb..;! 'My- .lt thou Uve tb...omntoU-thy anl .ud.knly a fca the .piriird "IJ", "J6" ? ,U l,M, tW , .'T1 and which, we intimated otir llief, wa ' j , e ... : 1 ... .......i....! llu Honor .nil V r 111 eK kikw - ftvftft.se . ,. l,,, iitnr.i . - Ik'litliini; on the !.') t .lliat we analyzed; and tlw quick (Jay of weired an I airy fanei'--. toN a if you aonhl to biile ailh fio.ern tbe fruit y our oul-tr bow. Years have pilled by ince then, Witb. and 1 have alway. met tb aine kind, frank, and genial wcl. oinii.sr ; no more : no word, im act tbat bate iu-Jf conld lukouuttrue : Imt. Klitb. 1 bve bwn a.aken.d from Uii dream, . frvinl-Jup. aiet U io! the all I CJ.I upoo tlie hazard f thi die. 'tilth' 1 lore you" Kdith ' cyiw were will cast ik.wn. WIm-b b fir.t ,L.b- her Unoiu heaved itb a iiuickened itiMu.n. and. a lie went on, b. pre-d ber I .u..k-n.bief and band, there, to hide tbe aiU- - h tliat aa maatetiu ber , ao.1 a tlie lt word 1 ft hi lif, tkxpti nt witb tbe ikp tone that i.-. .ti l. elo. ii tlM-m, tb.: tear welled from I . v miirbt Ijo Kan of pity only miykt be t it- .f U. -. :wi l-nt on bi. km beftreber, and, tak- le r hand in hia, kihI : Kdiili, a word bef.Hre my file ia a-aled. I t r r ... no irltl kive to otf-r at ihia shrine. If : iij dH-i r-c.-ie of Tour ..auau'a heart aa- I rwn lb R-kn.ll P.ooy T hik mi:mns. fA man has to travel a rougher road to get a wife in lh-eret, than we were in- !dutt-d to think, from the great superabun ! dance of the article in jMsein of l'rig ' ham. He thus explaiu the quo nuxlo : runner bun;? on tbe eiltfe of tl - p other, and tlwv were all .la-hed fo.m tli .hik- a shriek r-n- the air tVH i..l l,,ii 'l.l the otle-r .tru -jlin ' om I'eJer mau ' riMind tbrwi-h tb. air, but b. Id ter oil t. the nina ...a it. it were a .l.-.tl. unpe ; and; darting up from the pU-w ab-re be a thrown, lie sprang lo their heads lfre th. v . .jiiH rW ami make 4f. Jenny aathr.,i. : n thi-'en-tire bank, but he wrapping of fur .n.-l he uo rtved b-r unhurt, ami .he ftptatii; Op t...ar.kv Edith. Sidliie bead Uink lir.t, and fc.r a ino be wb Bticonciou,' but the cold ii.w on i. ' face revived h-r. S l.yu eatiu'l.t at tn- ele of inlu. it'll. luTn D bini- If fioin 1 '. hi.' "I"'" L . U" 1I.I. I il.. .jl,..r .l.r l.i tlu loi- , . " , i i 44 If a trentleinan wialie to associate tion which tW people have already a f him rc,,Ilt BIlJ be bumeiltowarUtltegivverniiientitiplilly,!, . . j. retniswin of hi sins. Ijl t them! "entb meii go forth and preach 1 .. ... I .1.. ...I...I II... .1 - ....1 . ... .,aii,,vtu lit. 111.1 .lor- !. ....; L..;,.,,!.!;.!... ..TtraeKrriioii Klders. without 'iurseor scrip- 1 ciii..-.....i- , . . . , . -, .. 1 .1 . uj ij,:. ... , w .1... ij-t uieru oe Uiuuueu. wrreei boo ic.hki- "to -e i"-. . . iromiile oi Jionil'tn new-iii.itenf, inc uw . . . . , , . . .. . , r 1 " .... k...i ......... 1 n ...u- iniiihi i.ir i.iiiibl n hj! after tear r...l-.l .loan tbec,... ... ,e . n- r uf :'ir"-:: : " 1: 1 r- - ' - sake, not ir tneir own loiiivn, 101 iv...... and, pak-trtg ail irfb-r leVp ibee ly 1 her no MWir an Te l.tli liall Ine 1 ' ' i,. w. "' " an 1 Slava ''roancl, ralle-r than aid mr Team came to bin eve sUi. th firt tear. ( a n-CC'Ilt addre- !atitit-iiti.s that can be formed of them. iftfter' , few "yearV labor, clear in con ;..vt-n..r Youu2 as- science. Mire in heart and tinsiiotteu from ... , .r . 1 r bis manhood' ; not tears of relief, ,0. 1, a well iU!m,,, ,lVrerss wt-xt are nt less than im- the world. If tltey can do these things p from . .rVbw.: no; th. y b,rn.J , uhvld.-tiitcs a sect of the , wd cndtirv.., they may Wtfin to. associate their av w biscye lids audl.lla ft.-cludan.l iy,a - 1 1 1 i- ' with onr female, and seek among them acrid path. 1 M-rmons :tre tb-u :hreat--ned by his hx- ; ,( tATtucT f,ir the Tife that r rei"'r ui r-ine. tt ven 1 ... ...I 1 . ....I ll. reay.. tlfti'l - A-, . .';;.'...... .. 4-'- f?V?ffS'1T.?'mi.4ito'ith'hrt '"a'nH .c -i-..w'il4 earii', oe-p. ao-ort.ini: iiiaij.""-) , . The minister Haul uraili : Kdith. wilt thou hav tins man to lie thy wcd'bd hiiJin il Wilt thou ..l-y him ami l.ve. hi,nor, and l" j. Iiim in i.ku. c;i hi a T'.n I tleir oiil forever, ami reveal..! the ItAe.be 1. i l rh. ri.li-d in ber ncart f.rv.-ari.. He fcapttl I it farr b-al, 44i!fr to. lu bret ; l arm iijgLXXiaetak -around Iwr form-t bia-wTtil I r in ifc-nc-; a iiji'to li.v-n from li. le art, aiel lir warm npa pr--d tli ir fir-t Lm iin h.r miiooUi .bile hr.j. ' S,,. -. t.r, we are readv.' II, . pr . i !' tliume lieautiiul bay arched their "1. .In! ie . L pri. keJ uji iheir'eara, anl paw ..i , ri.', .li, a, th. y .hook into a merrj! u."tf'-n; i.u.'iu-'if tiUH-VJWiHl.liicirjted!!.': I .-, and d--ndinr from tli-tr h-inU in a ree lul wn p l-iewlli tli- martinaka. impatiently .iiitiii t the ire.tH.H of tlie rein, or tlie crack t '4 the .hip. a if IV-u-r' er a g.al, ami tltey .t.l to do h llilllr. ' "V; '.fifll r-adv..Iitci"..i - a j-r!t. bnt rnmcin and pa.. tie (heir wav..a if one, but it lirongbl" bitn to tie kt. And Edith, poor Edith : 4e a-rock-thar th- irnrw-lrait-rirr ce.ictiey : " Il tliev wib t lalir, and td.tain a! ! living, thev are welcome to d So; but; r- . .1 Uid.,,,iUUwiU.6ai iu con vert 1 : ii'ii., niifi -., 1. .11 '-.oi iiii .... ; - --- --. - . . . . , " ttT ;T ...TT '''Tv'.'?iw.'rT. ICIII, UUV- IUII ; lllil illC .... . ll". "ft. .' " now is, and fr that which is to come Tlie Inquirer gays, the Mormon theory tcaclies that the departed Saints employ and one in Itafeigh, in memory of tlie signers of the National Declaration. We are glad to see the subject thus placed on an elevated footing. Our State has been greatly remiss in this matter, and we hope soon tli see bur character retrieved. Jttr. Winston accompanied bis proposition w i t h some excel lent and patriotic rem arks w Inch commanded the marked attention vf tbe l.ill'" V.tlrujh Unj'tx),- vou last year, ha a particular partiality for you this, Tlie old gentleman may have a danirliter. Y'on have tbe entree of the house. It is surprising how pop- . ular of a sudden you have grown. Those , observations which fell front your Hps like lead a short while siuce, are golden words now. Yon are a man of narts. Your iudr- mcnt is first rate vour general -v4ew-of sijrncrs of the yw-klenburJJc t.iTK SCENES IS THE SEICATE. Tlie scenes in the Senate pending the loi.lilv iil.le ihdinto mum the nuestious of CnsittiitHnal Uefona, which' .liave..- cently been before that Dodyhave1 all of thetn'lieen interesting, some, ails! not a few discreditable. Ttider the latter tle- -griuia& ef fort of the lion. Asa JJiiM to give the irra've sntiiects under tonisiiicTation H-par- tv asiK-ft, and to seize the occasimi of 1 their pendency for indulging in tbat par tizan malignity, which forms so promi nent an attribute of his political nature. It will surprise the people of the State; tonoarn lliat llic uomiuaut J'arty, 111 ine Senate, in tho progress of its delibera tions on the Free Suffrage actually rejert'A an amendment, offered by Mr. Haughton, providing' that no person should be permitted to vote until lie shall have been naturalized, thereby dcclar- ihir'ltibt ittt fiyreiiiers, who iiiav Colne to this State, hall have the privilege of vo ting for ittctnin-M of tlte Settativafter they have resided here twelve mouths and paid pHbiic tae, .i.''e."A Mcy -v in( leu H'ttnnth'i 1 t.:-r,;lh$-to th Uiwg of ? Vnit.il S(it. m .' T'lt i-. iivoiitroiis perver aim. i t the reiiin- of our free institutions Could oiilv have emanated from the rep- party, that is radical and iis tendencies. For this rity, so iutelit upon the t its pnr'pi ises aito over .:if .-t and most sacred t '. institution,, we preiliet voii. and court vou the "TerfereaTilres" that, in your hours f darkness, would have lapped your bcait's blood rthey aro your property, Sir, yon have bought thent with the almighty Dollar. The in- . ensc of gratified pride ia yourg oflico .1 and trust are thrust upon you. Society opens her adiioBablegatii." Walk- np nA 1 1 . . n .... ... .... C- an.l lalia - " ailH.IIJ Ul. uyirvt i3i., .311, ftft.i wiv jw. apppriate-place The ilancing.raom-n.'. the saloon the gardens are open to your approach. , And, if you wish a wife, there she is, Sir, K-splendclit " with"'tewelV". young, and "altogether lovely. ' Snr ronirtled with admirers her cheek flash es with new conquests, her eyes ligh- ' ten with aanwfs'l!aTneriieTO sho-" is, Sir, all youth and loveliness. Do yoo want a partner ! Adv ancc, my Dear Sirritd vimeeTTOtr 1i avffnKtron-g-nt!iTin tHtanit honrtaawnot tuitot V oar rivaU will recede iw-yxiu, Approach, au . Miss Dorothea Dimity's sweetest, brigh- f' test sinile is yours". II . Jltraid, I t a mull tnaj. hi one oi the i ... i rciiciitatin destructive action "f a aco'iiid'Hshin p-.Um o..lliank-iiin4f Bentpuul lay iliem i,.i.ii.m.' i roca wineii aau .eriiit. i; Mow. S.-lwru iwan-i to h. r fn-n rVlavn.l.let till lui'ple IIsturU 11 aiiueil 0V itzifttt.. X i . . .1 i . : ..l.,., ;..!-. ...-cmer a.. . .y. J - !nt,.rest . mini.ter, and chwl her lUiu everv itrivilege claimed bv atiij 1-liad.a.bard-iiuie.utit. - pr!T:.tlKreeJ im bWgrirg'fotiiii-iAiS cUtcett. - LH "'V'in. v ne f the Saints, will be ren Uh.t ut :i-nie. r. Th- fin ieal leaned bath joined Io.Ih, k-t no man . tl.U i tl.eir own bn-ine. . Ijct tliem do .is Mime did in a cainp meetinir in ork 1 Mate.: 4 How do vou do f lloware. " As for mv iroinji into the imiiK-diat i.,.. i,,..i nii.ith.-r and .aid iiresence of tt.al when I die, I I'..i..t'. .' i.- :i witli'lrawn - . ! - i.. 1 it-'h.- re. I. in- im r.r Sf prnml. t , i , i i ,. I ' I. th- 'in in-'.-r ...im-l th. ir hanl lp tb-r , Il T . I- J , j , i . i i,.. i i 1 . -. I In. ...ii upon th in, and ai.l. in .-mn h. nn with the casern. of t ir..i. i . 1 aeiw of a child. In a mom. lit Ie I. el r-a.h.d the hank, and envclod tlie pah. l-r-'alhl. form in a fur rob. Then b e-ill. ! tht vrr of an'-'empty ideigli Ujat was 'VnMi.i ... I- 1I 1 .1.1 LI-fA,' rU'iHh ' ' mtwSlL,JL tjrTS..T i"" l . ... . . i .wt4wf wa - ...... 1...- II.ftft- t.. .tri-.tr "' i.. , ! 1 I. -. I ...w. I HI .I'll. ni'l.TD ll. I II T Ofl llie ftti ftaaii, ntr-i . at b ib.. .'Ilia aoul emed to kave bim in j -J-J, g ma.ld.-nnl fr-t.y lo e hn E-hlb; it nl AllTmert(t.. tbe Gladdenitie, if guilty In hare fc-lt bn llr Mill wun roaoiiin.-. ; o- - ... ... "i,- ' ).-.. . . .... . v. .j j ..jj ..j. 4eFeTrf MHrt'care. woutor Winw,,,,,,! whetlter all those w P . M IITWWT ftTTT-l M"' - , - . T . . , - I Vt: l;s !' NEWsrArEU LIFE. do not i idmSmmMm!MMXMmKmjmuMJmmuiummmi i ciaajMawajCTTO;,Ti4 tipaTrawwrSn!n ""'1 77 "... 'l " I . j :.. ..it.Tlmii TjnfTTiainTT. o in r. --.ttj . in - -, r- .-. . ... .-. " Jl'ld l.' re ll,e ll t atiuTul liv :1I'.V bein. b.hiu.1 our to .horn tite.iirvwut .a like mn- -lull-, tlef fulun- without a cloud ! tlie -prewol .r.-iTirid" pnars; l!. rutore 'iili..iit a il. ! th.- pr. m nt a (fardcii of tl.,. i, tb- f'.lure an inim i!ity of fnsuli gnseiin--. and fruit! I ao w rv-alfiancel heart. aud.itfi iiK.! Iiandu, and lu.ui i t. dava weri! I" mrmd-tiear-lrn-m aUke a4tr, . Irr-r) the vow. which bsd 1"-B' tf krfttm. .u.Li ii in rhrir hiartTif In art? K (iire v. In a moment they ' were pt-ab-d, n.l away aairf. Sdwya clpt-d tlie boly of Uie poor Kditb to hi breast, lnt a In nmr shook the .trong man, a if lie were a child. H kvl shut-bHh-ev bcrJ' " fur ber 'firir t, Kb wmtkt mhimh triooffb- b W tmt A r.. ..an ibn tar even tn btmarlf. Ih-i .KM"! V V! .,.., ,,t, l!,.i im r maile not-. tlie. . it. uiii-t.iii.(.. a few day. since, that ,. i ',,n--r, -x. I'n.iii the Marietta, Ohio, I im-' , ,ili.. at the oiliie to pay the ur.f.Wiipii..ii of an old and con- ii. -nl,.-. -n'-. r I., tli" paja r.wi.liiijr in that . .,i ii, ai! th- wb..of thkkmgpe-i- - .-.p-TT-r, .imi-hm keen- wtth-a , vT aud viit thff wv f thi aud theiitAkJ.lhrQUgkAbl'- vaiLjlUtotlie ,,mn.nTtn---p'.i-lH-r mnLterhtom M. , " cvlestiul world. I never shall come into, ;.J(W & s .h,,,,. rhed.iiipliiiietit.crvdit-illeon hi part, . .-fl. .r.li mr tlie hijjlieit proof of hi. own iud-'ineiit and atea.lv apprcmtkin, ther. will any othpj p.T?n i-P"!. 11 wajiuo-l hoprolesS to IrO as its nan von 'getting iH-ct it, but I exject to get into the world .1... th mom .Tound r liv.thcv jff..iri s..ani assKiaie wuu my uremic. h'avily airaiuM , .... j",-;.... sirf TTt'STIrnvVrv .1 'was'and Tireiuli the eost-el i the npiiitual tare in vsvti -in en-n : receive my body na dii i Hi-tan liea.1 leane.1 mora. n.-avii ..atranw .ar,, (jmeTmjverr d' ,' was 'ami premli tli and S. !wyn l,r.a and he t. nt down and l.-d t x" tlie (iUl'deliitM mav ! world, and pre; ; the pale, white brow of the soulb form l- k- j UC .. if ihey wiU keeplceary XilX 1JL .X-'-lllH - ' f' ' .-.I ' 1 .1 . ... wm vT auJ oiU.J mo aayui una ami taouaurr. ' " ! celestial world. - - .i . i r .1 i-..r ithe presence of my Father and God un qmtc in tlie styW f. the Cxar. 1 1;. ,1 nwit9d mJ niMirrec,ed Wly, 1 'he No., i. in.i' k.it.l-. tl... . ml. i lUl'.MI- . '. 5The refusal of the majority in the House tf Commons, on Tliursduy last, to : concur iu the proposition of the Senate to print, for the information of the Pub-- -lie, the Communication from the Public Treasurer, (in reply to the resolution ofs inquiry introduced on Monday last, by Gen. llynmn,y cxplaming- the reason for" the demand of an appropriation of $l"Xl,- -6)0, to meet the immediate wanU of the Treasury, will strike the peopld of the 7" State, we doubt not as unworthy a set ot men, professing to be independent legisla- , tors. The " Standard " has on more than, one occasion attributed the credit, which the State enjoys, its assumed " financial prosperity," Arc., to the benign effects of ' Democratic" rule. It seems, however, v that the majority in the House are afraid to let an exhibit be made. It is doe to ' the people of the State that t hey should l.c fully informed in a matter which SO WOMAN. ; ncii As the dove will clap its w ings to Its side, and cover niid conceal like the arrow that is preying on its vituls, so it is tbe na ture of wOman to hido from the world the uaiiirs of wounded affection, ,With her kb desire of-1 lie-heart- b-failedi -Tli greaM.'lovrio of e-xhsteHeo is- at an end. ! Shu neglecta all the cheerful exercises that cladden the siiirits, quibken Uie , " .1.1 i r l:e. l.-.l.l. , jKiise, anu genu ine nue oi uie in neauu ;. ' . . . -. ........ .1-.. . s . - f e.t .j ii .i i:. Jli Ymhihp. LSInm Ml.UUJIIlB.ia uio ap .. " o. , i -'; . '. - . lua seemc , to Uc (ratnermg aooui nmu-j.L ie 'mi io .wu . . .... i 1 .l.oi. n .11 thmn rnmtiiMr-litGten-MmaZi-- .J- -" jfeBgpAlpB I . . ... V .. - ! J. . . - .. . . r ... .11.... .1 .. Ii nn hin-n. Iils! mailt U throw Hon; aim tliia mirum;"- . the .,!Iowui extract irom an nu'iira ue ence to b-arning that hn h n. reaMKi in deivir. lel! 1KI' Tli.' Mackno of darkm-w. wined to be closint; on bim like the doir of a dungiHiu, a he shrank back, nppalb d from the frightful word. - ! Kwiter ! man, Cavfr :. For IJod ake, fasti T Tbe borxn 'prang intu toti they fcH tlie itasnon tluir uaxk. llorv B.-ia, no. -ir", ;llew bast Thfm. Tut tho mwrnk aecmcl agvw a i.. i re Iu be shapi-d into wordJi bclore man. tliey went nn. Aot a word w as uiterva , i""" l ir-t. ih. re'aa Kbtb, d tlw iieenlv U.. Idarsil ev-n to look at lit other, Wl the. ancr- rark i-Mriiua ove, .lib . the rin-'ini; buiirh, mi nl.vnce should lie ibsspajf 4r'h. . -Imt "tfTr-v will Ire left where ..liiriiiiire nppitiU,, . . , i ..... i . tneir iMaiies. .'. .- . n- .. . ' . . . rthiiv. beijuaab.... iu&.iujH .stTcij rrentytlmHtj;i theeins. iierrest imp. ee. lias ever lieen o.n: "i iue is broken 1 the sweet refreshmeiitof ! sleep is jif iiwiicdTiy hie dry ," sorrow tli ink her 1IihU until her feeble ,fll.e...il pa.I away, and lie opened In. i.:,.r.-1 i,r I.;,,, .... . Iat0 occasion, whin' .'. I.... .1... ....1.1 n..rl.L lit f..llll I. - . . apiui. i.e.- .................. - i ,.i.-, .1., 4-Vavf. -1b fitv of the i . 1 1 r.' r . ..r ....wT-.e.. r.; l.. ban i .... - - - - inarkuoie iieiunu w iw"i .... tltertlamto; a5 ir'i''"H"'f as-,.-,. ft the iMuirtuwBtrto iLmi. iiaTfimmmmmwi-mmmYi taldislied um er t he ait-pi.r oi. v anion" a...., - . ."..,,. -7 -JtTar an.- the i,n. in tlaWo Oamgre. of i untimely grave, and wondering that one - Hie Inquirer thinks this the niost're- wIih ti bad bel t a, holy of hoik, that Goo I closed on him firevermore. Great Salt Lake, tciiii-orarily: I cause, although fall of error and abstir- 1 continue to flock to it in Loivn yearn have gon sinoi then to tlie Ttemityr- KrlHe oneii;-wljo-were (ibihihtj nitnkv rbvme. how ffnvem th tiB. whni:irrr fi.ria ba.ed ili hrfst-w I hope I shall '. . .. . :. ... - CI.1. "L.. I - - . .,..7!' . .-. - ..II Mini 01.1 Miip. -on iftp-wr-n. '.".Tr, "-iH,j knar of 'drunCeiimeWN .Coiiiubuto anu oi -error anu auwinui;.. a I""."" ,,v .mn.ition suriuiriiiir l.outii.-rti, now casi oi "jo . K l...n I A-lnr: I am never . 1 ml ire of tire linman Bean 11a wu nun fi.,i,.ii1s of tha new Hcrnwrarr then niaa- dia.low rrr . tlie r held. Many wmiar- eM"r I MYrai, wf jt' w hen I m here, for I can " When men are determined to beliere, pirated,-tlm veteraa eilitors luwe won a reputa-. ei,lua:a ttotu aliOri. W !or. .fliivj m ; n 1SI0: faithful i.ihe same SvsU'iii ol pumic 1111- ' " '"'.' n1"" pfovenietit atnl .l-iii '- ratic imliistrv iniuer every, i.i nciiun anu uumj, nooM.ft... .... imlptwiuent i-hangeWif Administration nii.l per- urouglit uown 10 arKness anu um ftwi.n.-itinn ion iel.linir to the, storm of Jack- worm." You will be told of some win- soninnism which disphiced one of the truest and try chill, some slight indisposition that 'I w i to sav to all ine oretnren, young ! t.x.M .men ami iw.in ,'V''' -Ucrowd.-X.w. ior our i her low-, but no one knows the men- ..TTim.rsT for a Season, lei your crmoiictauu ... ... a. rdx of John Ouinrr Adatiremr aBemid m of tmH , . ,'i.n,-r,r5.v-.l ann.vmf l.r irr r(i;P.,n,l- .uc i as bceoiiietli your 'ai "oiiowen. .n.. -y i- "i ,.ft.., ..r..vin.ir n-ariV. thirtr '""r'-' '. " i . .1 -t.. .r i i Fi. ; ,,-v' j -' a.----'-- --- . -m - i k.rriii'rrii niiti 111:1111 hit mi r lsv uv ut jvsk to the false, thoonen na rwneai i . - ' larl. artiftMt , .iiir.lli..' ruining laugu. g giane simhim las aar-Hie.. - - .i ., alrai.l oi il wneii i .m ucio, v- i .. - - i t.io.i. ... u. -i-- CtJUu$ - II naJ ' nenm men - wvn -nn .t 1 Ui. m.4.U k- U-lmmX .tu-iy -br4 1 -W l i W 'rrf r1. Tm-n ryhirirnm cord CtkT;od 4 1 b.r I. Jf.an) l"itx Lnro.or bft khfal .llthmg k- 'YlThiitA K w'.t think it Worth while to begin.-, the... i their fi.-O.." Ih.S has been found , ,olllltry 1Ust reap, and wl.u 1. lliotu.aml, of '''' ' ' "W 3iS ' b"n'n a i a a y .,r i. ,! WaJLail.ijnn.liiM.i.i.r LmltZZZ-' & Trtucl. r.f vhn ttrr-mr-rH W-WUWvmv. iaVftles-lMutiliuii .iri'l'L-Ji-' U.,J,MJJ'Jr.' V H-1 " L ' - I ..... '..y--' --r --i; """" 't

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