rnxa Uw ttcfemoo 3 i Diner. Tbe Bffaare wt toe SOU. ov xmor - p.j pne at th fDt j cu.e iL4 lb' bar due ainoe the couimeBceraeat of lb war. Nv-r before wa lb character e . oar pevpk so wcil aederetood abroad M at tbk roouKnt. Nrrr'aa th veleeef lb Soath ta iW eorarneroe of tb world id ' hlgbl apiTeietd Neywr vera lb lib-' ratitof lUrwnaflWJ polifV which we tart alware advocated,' aad the cieelWaea, ability ead Jaitj v 5UA alajfatniiB.- r may i 1' reeii'l of tltaur jnr I jlaoJ i j reaped Ij a coo-id V. a wub U.-1 raven.. ne!, tb ,cra qearrel iUcif, oaaaot fail to ba Infiaite Injury to tbem at lb preerat monacal. It Invclrea tba aeeeaatty of (km eipeadilar oa tbir lata aad AtJaatie eoaeta, end a broad aye Um of military outlay ia additie to tboa lacarred foe lb aappiveaio of tba rebel! loo. It reotiirea bol a feather to Jfeak tba back of a camel aWry iu etrepgth ; and lb cipendtterea bow to be j - - - - " r 12 Vli 1 IT"K ! ba back of iWVUrfo pal Wira Earop aj euongfy ia r of I IL-.--. !T"i .). TheSbdth bad ad reao foVdlacWraff meaL'abd arar reaaob folr eonVralaTailoa at tba reet ooadMo of affair 'Tba arm w eorecwnM aiaa&cteU, u M t'we, py tba aainaroaa,. proaaotiaaa that bar bra madc.witboe regard ol as it or eevka, and or ieeebtai of Wral ?-iat thai eidea geoce U roj bar aie eaoa coauao- . - - - - oul e. oar caaeej ad ore jrrr T." 7T "..rViT. .IktwFtha. he X. lc!iSiV to ba Maa of the Sea; bat pablfc tba Soaib. TIm brartrja oarartnll aad ta aaUliaaa. dt of 9r caaa ara, aw -T- y 4af cQBttaatl xUb la aiiriurj cpj; anlioa aal ua pocta. taigaA viautcyva a . ',a" a4 taiaiaauc poiicj m oar aaamiea.-- Tbrta aara bora abuaiaat proofa that tba . hn ilknoJ (Minina of tba aarU.': Oaa of tba mato4adbbtca .. tba Soaib baa aJreauly roapi froaa IU eo4 r iiaioa Hb Iba ' North, aad vbieh it iU ' eoetiMy tbrwafb all tiaaa, aaara add ora - to axpanaaoa. k iu cuaaiag to bacoaAiaa-i dad with tba Kanh id tbat fiaoaVa aiUait Ma, maafeacaaaa aad petty aaiaafl, aa , iba . MbUo oaiaiua , of tba , aerM- J Jba Cbiaaaa audJapaaneaartba JLttayavaad ". .'..! : i- optaio U aaoa ap yl xba firoiar.oarrfo tia V,tbU aad aJI .otbrr abaaaa : aad tba pria2 .wl opea a aippa .obicbv fie ftlare,oiVft. jnora aV0"09 to potttberB TL8oec ! ' : ara l great ffea ftf . vac ba,n I . -UnJ aad wa uauea 8Mi r tbe t a efd tbef bad to p'J oa tbie aide of the, water. Tbe J lb Imim RiaarJ oil! rondaue bta imbeoiliir to tbe ead, and ?bt Jobs Duir Tbtj amdr of Ueaara, jlaaoa od EItJlI W aak NttY:-f 12 L1 if . I been made ! aad tb dmad, la raa A Mni aumnede T Anerieaaa win l . lft i- - raattoaded to by Laaa Diaca wunin a weca m v iMaca arriyearom boma. Wting Wa Um all parts the aarpoae. aad qait tbat bj will t rtrnwetf rf aoao. of ba Mat to raece. TkW w,2S a. ri'iKOT'Crrr, Dec-5, IS31.' Sir I Tbe demand for tba aDooaJ.tioaal a aa leiumeet bow that Mr. 8eward baa ' fa mbal TH2C0-, ITIOJ C? OUll AH2J1L3. Tbffr.i.tooBo'ltloa of our arm W leauat of ad -laful aaxiet. Tbt aoara?aofoor trocpe la not abated J tb ; eatratM (of tba trat U aot relaied ( d -! vet deendralisatioa W ereeplaf la, we fall beliera, from tbe iaaa aad mkleat aejp '; Wet of tbe coverameat to aaatala aad to calUrate tbe apirU of r aoldier., '; . . Tbere ie too maob draakraataa ambotf tbe offlcrra oo the rblomac, aad loo moah vaeaat UUotf amoajr tba. bhk We art. lkxmL m poaitite (act, that, la tba . . makilof iKearm oo the Potomac, tba lioa, I aliatl aloaje balW re, wa aOBmay I practice uf rriraatald'Ua baa Callea iato PtU. fWtUft lataa. I ttmiUa dkMMOTbie ' alwM woakl ba ! J- I. a W' I .Ljn.rti Mir UMIi ll tkilta Tba Yaakm are Uiacoaainz wbai i$- pwitioa JHa!J be BJaJa of tb aUvea tbe 1 Bf of Enlaad amlwtod ' witb aerbr I caaaatacra b aa ourm.-. tbe drill ia aot ' ' mm . S . aasStated.' ' A iriiter la tba New Tork 3 Sla2l T . - . .i, af tbe iiat Napowoa aaal-lettra W, anadia, to tbe dtfereat ptaaa pre. WfffWB ar .Uaaoaed la Mr. flewt arma ibaa. ajo'gbjL. ao,.tbat baT mi ;fia bevaj U regard to the altitude of the Franeb iinaa H mar., aa aaauaxi an ji iiia itanl tbe MtiHana bare a better moUtipe la I Iokiilii. Tlk VauhinrM um. CLmtrtiduoa fr boaor, bonat aod Jajf I rnpettarabla oeutraiiti 0a tba feevetfoa tbe baadicrafuinea uT 'Kw eWtiad, aad I itr. Tb oaWr autea. bowarer. tbal tba tba alpmea of tUpaHtMl ortb. ,pa J fc.gfi.b law offic ftace .kbelr demanj people of tba feutn were 'eotRAraded ia I Bpo iba Aiuericaa 'GuveronMaj apod tba fcretga awad wua tUT raoi of 1 aokee I gustnd abich will admit of a attbnneal A, awiodlera ia a(Al; 4d tbe. were erroa beld ia peater aVborrreoe ibaa tba Xaa .Vfffai. bejwg hobtja jwUcipete aa ail U diarepetabM iraiu f the oooUtao d race, aad Wjad adJitwaalJ ub tba aajTamMoTaTavor. Joreijefa draw tbwr Uapratluaiof Soathera tbaracfarr from la - aboTitioa preaa aad btetarvr of tba Kortfi, aad tbej aataaIJy eoocloded tbat a peopfa woeaa laaaaca cm acrm.uifc m ;Tbe ooatraat wbh baa Jbeeil n tkaedl'aaf a : It aecma to ma tbat we oaffbt aot to I . T L .. . legwiawi w.nen a ei, wi uai w pwwn to eircatd oar dreea. It woftld be but a eVaim'afaire to declare tbe lreedm of the abvra ' plaoea ' bejood aar tailita rt'teawW Bat vearaia miTitarf waV f ba etbibkod to aa Lordabip eaplea of bia anaraa offKroaire alarebaldiaff terntarrJ ieawaetiooa la Mr. AJaiaa wbicb maat TTbtre k lb eaae pmeated apow wbicb Webave power to act aad where wa amui decide tba atataa, at tba aegra. . 't v j i 'iila taJbMtifcrt dlatrkt tbara wet, b tba mt eAlbirttwb.lboaaad aaaow AoaraiadajlheoihabttadNp pjMfbraMi'. tbe aaeal of tbW argroea, j . :;-JLtt a tlienniee what we wiU do witb them tbara ( aad, aa we. Wywfate .fef.tJba, iivaoiorltcaagroea. hrgwiaie mr uie Bcgroaa a '.a 4 a .a "": r 1 - dftfaw alia) bVfct louliojj tba awlJir It Mtla other allf lhjtaal ad Ibi) perpoaea. ' It deTrtopre aad edacatea1 beplyff',"Nfc3 tbe aoldier egaieet'' diaraae; aad, abat; ia pvtbapa tbe mort , Importaat anoral coa!drratioa of alt, Jttof biia orepatioa"(br a portioa .of bla tlmV eacb'dar.aad ttrolecU bim. at leaat loea- soraU, ajpilaat that eaBkrr-worra h tba irmeaaat. Wba. caa be redcted but . attar oVmoralinlioa . Ibf aa anav wooaa coadiUoa ia tbat of tea of tbooaaada tl aoapead precipitate aad decUre aclioo ow nWa, Ctiiag ia aUer idlaes grovelbag tba part of hie Lordabk, " Ueeca, for tba their teftU, witb ao otW weliua I baa , aeuthirtdara tba aulttioa of tbeem abat ia afliW b the' rvaa pack of broglieie to' be iraaftrad to Uadoa. card tbat k tbe UkaUeir mate of eterj , FalltBi tbrte, aa attempt will be made to teat. Of the t 0ow cownf iiovel. baw remoee Jt iVkf a aotbioa: btiaf J wretched aatl perbepe Wtb eeWrtamt of aalvoa, aad aadtf aa rartber reparatiof Tbaaliaoo aC ad aid ia tbtaa cooforaacea J aad IVRMratoa k bk eoadiator. Mr. A Jama hat forward ad to Waabiogtoa cvrtoia wotea from tba Brttieb iVariMer, wbicb vera wen caHeJa- ted to make Lord Lroaa twamIkaidca, it k worthy orofryirtarf tbat Mr. Bewaro eoomplklml at tba Talk, it will ba remitted Ucb to-WaaWasioar where- tba apectre of Napokoa JU'at tbe back of 6w- aw a.. .a a.. k M J a.. - ... . . W . I baa QWo tbaa aaca gone the rooad bf too compear. If Ue dt-portmwt of tbe two Meuooa da riair tba prcaeat war baadrawaawidelioe oc'deoaarkatioa bctweaa 'tba two-' peepfee. Tbe foraira world dee with aamwa.tbat 8oatberaer aad Xortbcraers ara d iTjriaf j oWarta that tba act -waa a j(ropa aad aa paopka, tbat tbee am tbe moral and pout-J fajlwl lor outrage, rataoVd awitbet l fa 'ical a&tipodea of each tbJ' aod they bo-1 teraaUooal law aor b potic, aad tbat tba veiua ouuea mou be tbat k la aav tbe coai)4aint ;k laid Mora ia tba form of tba ad, thaw ia tbe kw. K acconliaf to ,(ba ffficULjoantaCtbe Eng Iwb Ooveraqneat amiu tbat tba Trent aboald bare brew ieamed into aa Amcrr caa port, aad jadjad be a maritima cuart aa to wbbefTbwwaa-w ooatrabaadalraf or aot, tbb tb4 qiicav Uoa of cbiefl aoacrptiUe of adjadicatMa witboot a kaurt to anna. " ' t r "; Tbefriie: CorotDeat paper. ' vpoa wboaa ednonar cwoeaaa ara aov mroyew I nniui J.. VI two dkUogolabea1 ImwrfaKatrUem .tli fnS,rai Lr tbiU m Viaoount 0e U UocrroMerre aad li. CV I Aul t L ..I, cbceal ptmripay; laiea , violent rrwaad agaiaat tba Cfatlcd 8tatca ia tbk a&ain .It abaodoaed be' tbejr alters or' eaoiped WIM,U- Tn,m,i?r from tbem-eW.bera.1.::; ' " C,t: . . )t caaiKit aapport aoch aegroea ia Wle AVacaaaot abat ooV eva to the (act tbat tbe army k breomipf a aame of ter ror acd dread to tba miada of oar citiara. bovertment ol tba Uaitod otatea moat imbecik or -bare foot iu reaaoa to aotbor- tae aacb acta. r Bat what k mora crave. tie farW aa tbat ia tbk conflict tbe E'a to appreciate the kwtbiog wbhjbror ave aad booorabk people moat feel at .t LiTiT " rir.i. v a.L' vn laongni oi iBijugaiioa vj uie aaaaoa raca.A l acy Bad. to Uieir amaxemeattnai the tlarca eLlbe Sowtbcra teopTe, fart TT0!LQoeew ' llaJiir jba 1'makka 1 !-.J X. a 1 .l.i :J ' aeaa: we cafiaut aoaadoa taetn to a nee- dora aibkslt'Ity kaoar aot Uw io aaa or inWt S air ta aaV poaiibtt eefot ea tbe be remaaded To UrerfrTTberwa lor- krpkU aad depeadeat for tba futara of N'ahiag, ampathiaa mUniy witb tbeir - caaetera ia tbe darperato atnrggte they- ire engaged ja; aad the diacoeer m tbat aiagk aad aooot aaezpectad aad aatooiab- iag Cact, tba eompkta lefotatiowt af tba ; 4ik alaaderera apoa oar alarboluera wbMb . Yankee abolkioaioa bare raag , tbroaub tba world for ao aaaxr reara. .Tbe t aiiJI OooftsM tbeir aotipatb for alaverbat - tbe ooofeea. aUo, , tbat aa tbe eatem ax kta la tba Coetcderato Sutaa. ttaauea4 d b all tbe mkjgaijob and, (Mnea'uirt - tlial donnaaat )w race of bcodftnea. Tbe bYeorWaDwlda tioa k aot likely, hereafter, to be tbe alava ' iaathatioa ia ' oar JfoatbeYw Statea it k aoora apt' to; Sad Lw fiulac'aolject ii tad atteaaauaaaa of tba Yaokaa ciVaiwctefc ' ' Jt canaot UaWied ,tbk b4ega o( . &roMaa id aaa a nd tamper aritfe reforeaca to tWSoatb, eaaat ba prodaotiee of aaat Eogkad, firat ia aekaowkdgiag tbalade- pewdeooa of tba Soutbera 6iatee aad tbea ie wbippiag tba Kortb, ao aa to roeaUb- bab trade agaia.'.v.; 'y-:'"---iJ. iveea tba tbe feedtog Kepablicaa Let liraafort dartrict be divided iato tewaabipa aix mika aqaare ; a gaardiaa for tbe argroea appointad ia each towa- aiiip, wuoaeaaiy u auoaia oe loavppen iia aegroea oat of toe proewsu i uteir labor, the 'aurploa to be appropriated aa a fund lor tbe rut are" uportatwa of the av pot to Africa or elaewbere. A aratem ?f T? 'W,, tbe aaaaagemeat of the ae Tbe Phmt, waotber ! liberal iournal, ' . , .iJji, f st..! ruJ, paper, aaya tbat tbe uotrerDtDeat of tbe United Statea baa oommtUed a grave error that Franca aril! fiod' it difficult to bold froui aoch a ouarM, and Chat ber anna aat. o lacb bfoitaioa fortbam at tbrfrovwrir anca t ia ha amdom may ad viae '. Wa are aot prrpartj to aead tbam;te: Uboria, te) Uam eat ajaawhaay-t.. -.--.rii ;Dt;aoidbiB(t;aiat tedoaa for tbeni , caoapt tbe goverar neirroea aa lew Jf race did for ber alarm aabacquet to tbe ceaau of IStOI . e louad b tbat eeaaaa tbat we atill lad auroe alavea among aa. plava rV waa atoliabed : bet all exkiiDtf 1am made o yarw apprebtioea for lifetbeir prevWHW ow am UaJa tbeir gaardtaaa. Now, why caaoot the govern meat, f "act of Coogrtaa. make tba wegrbeo or Ueaolbrt appreatwea, doriBir tbe- pkaaare of tba govaramcnt, to gaardiaaa to id appoialad V 1 The Bcwafttfiere are atill f tlrd with adver- Meantime, Mr. 8eward repoaaa apoa tba tkemeata of boawatra for 4 aaUtkates" aJ- poiaac? of tba ee-neerj of bk'bitberto ia ihbab the War Ileparlwieat haa adopted fallibk ajatm of mgeaioaa mkrvprraeata- a rata realrictinf the a amber of aoUtita toa .aad be Uboora bard to prodaoa-a i' to ooe la eajurpar. Tbe ?! belief la dif4iMHw orUe tbat tba rebeO rand for .uUlhatve are raurmoo. Wa km ia aear ita ead. lie pbrdgra himaelf (are Iftformrd that lbr awraira from two Uoam wjtb abditaad a-gjr. foraakee m aioUd ogaaUed a aacb, aad to fMV tba.;awt. a aywdaaa for ffifrVorWaa tae uoreratoaat wz iita mmiea.ataiea tae r : aemaa dkaatote af ii; Uoea atetraea iu ooarae,aad repair 4bagtoaa outrage it aa cwwviwpq ajpajpa toe bmt oi aaviooa. Tbe able writer babitaalfy ajapioed oa ue eoiutnpa oc taw Krarnu to wrwa. ua beJto.a aa to give ia m reaiuuoa, rnwen to tae regret of t&a AtuertctM at J Via, Wcaaea 1a bk anick ow tba eatjeci ba attempted to eitenaaie the act of Captaia Wilkea, b pottiag it ia otuparkoa wkb aeveral pre- tiooa aimuaT acU oaiba part of b p)g ladi tbrtoWvea, Uip.irUi;l eat ttawxl, aad otbera from tbe' pea of lLabtcbe, Ijito ll Eog!ib' aew-of tb f TJbo Dttmt, wbicb at irat eoateaded Ibattbaact fooad pkai,e,paralkJa ia Eegtiab hjator,baa anintaatlf aglPaiiild of cbrkteadom ta a mora powerud all to a etreggh'ag pwpk tbaa evca ikcta.and, ar miea. . ,ii gim, oarcauaaa ouat. of um piooa li ajf laikja abdclioMe; aad jit ' breede armed - alHaace 'from. wary" bat word aad act. aad verv coStaLa of Tatrr ' eata, tbat aoa ooiat betweew oar aJvtary and other aaijoaalI a ' reepeA to1 jg obr foreiga iatereetav oor Cotfoderacy occapka 1 Lbber aad atroxi.aoaitiwaaawtbaa area mora bvorabk ta taw reap aot tbaa 7,fs A'boma;arjMtwtw bf ftot-ifit-. aoorgiagv Wa Wa aot kiaab4uk,aad have reptatodfjr Jdcatt tbf eaemi with tarre oaaa aaioat aa,rvo aava om ao f iiataW JWCWe tear BwaatbaWib miagtoa ion real, that aa Taeeday tba 12th iaataai. d boatload af Taakaea. aboot tO ia aamber, from tbe foderaf ateamef Gem bvk, leaded oa tbe baaka to tba aortb af tbamoatb of 5ew Civar, Otwiow eobatr : uaptv itowkirrk aa tba eaatb aaia of tba tba fad tba tbeee mea tferwof apoowble vataa io. Jmiv aad tbat it. waa a mocb bilber. boaor to pat do a tba aaverr ra- oniKB, vaaq io .reea, ugutoa ; aaa bijow territory : bet. oa tie ooaif ary. bare falaVj tba Coaledracv' to fedfor' ao ood wiU ad a tdodo ia Keatacky Itad Mkaoari. I admit for a 'oioJeot that tba two ' warn which we bad aot abb! fweeatlrv1 Tbdaa- Icaa ba'carrkd oa eoaoMafiiflr at aedt. ' M - - - . - - 'aV-N. a ' ar Tbe CW67ieaf aopporta tba Eag emy, who, ia ' Iba Irat Baeatbe of tie' ev, had overraa Weetera Virgia'ia aad Vera tbreatealag war great uaaa of cwaaaM tioa witb tba .Watt, ba bawa akiifelly bepiat baj yUb toforior aatabam, aad rbt a leaaeaaifiaalawd tbe Alrarba- ' ay camp which will pat him.oa bw goud beba vtewr for . tbf reet of tbf . war At tVaaforJ tWXare made do profreaayaod . tbeir la active baa broogbt denro tbe cee waraa of tbeir awp frtea aad Codgreaamea. At Pcaaaoola tbe have met with a totting aaUWkliog a eamp from wbkb fb will oe rwaUe to adraaee Bra asilaa mto tbe iatetior, aad wbkb wilt baeema a bdepiteJ for fellow fcrer m eooa aa aomoaeraeta ia. W Lile acooerpfiafaiag bo aaiiitar aobieea aaeaia x adraace, tbvtr vaat arm ad4 area are craaliag l be goaaramoaft aad anbae lt MiJe:.arbibj tbeir rraatanov of aix avaadrrd thoaaaad effw.la fu'Vtg Ab jlk- 41a aad ieiadUeg ava b-laatuoav- liab view of Ibacaae, aaa auttor af eoarae, aad Mr. GaUardot weetopaa a. leaftb tba tbeorr that Mr. Seward, recozaiiuaf the impoaaiUSt of owariag tbw Soatb, la- taodev.to prerbke a war wttb igtaod,ao a to rabaatab tba preaaat waraadaeue Laaau aaoompeaaatloa. lie, loo, layore France joiaiog Eoglaad agaiaat tbe Uai tod ficatea, j , .. : , . "Throaeb all tba dkeoatlooi ow tbw'aab- ject ta tba f rieacb preaa aad fa aovkly, there k oaa aaaaimoaa err affaioat tba oe- iraaaamof tbw act, ia vkw of tba fact thai tbeea bmw wwaid have bee barm km ia Earepa, wberaaa at botae, ar aow tbat they bare aeq tared aotoriety, tbe an ay aerre aome perpoaa. . Meaare, Kiog fieat, Yaa oey aad Uaaa bad rxbaaated, all iba ar gameau ia tba.caaa a,tiwreaoLaiua Zf tbe. 8ootbera Coabsderacj .aoeU aot bar Lara adraoced . viseder: if 'tbe Me-" aeaca of Meaara. Maaoa aad felUlL ' i ' of brrparatioi a here. ,,,"" ; What to do witb tba aesrd maat. to tba eiteat ladicakd atove, bt crapdkd with boU7y Ua f rtnfy by Cocrou, and'. dV pdaed ofld'aotaa ptadcai, eoiaiaoo acoaa 1 Iftie rtUflba k pot doia, I aatWpaU that the 'whole 8oatb ' w31 aMaieaei 4a aome meaaare for tba' graddaj atoll tioa of auvaryv ,".' 4 -t . j ' $ l. .-r I i t Jatot, who fmaktaiy reported tbe foci to beadaaartar; tbaitbafV yaakaaa Hw ad tbeie) aboottog aatUa till Friday mora iog three daa i .tbat aw Tborada aigbt aa ta vuwt, igratunwa uafaiiaw kirk'a eotapaoy. aadar Liect Jf aoa, atarV ed. pad " am red od tba baaka abadt day febt oa Friday mormag,bat with ail i bear eflorU to get tbere if lime, bey arrived, h little 'too lata.. Tba blda bad Coaa. al- lboeb tbeir aeata were atlS warm, tbeir baviag appareotl kft aot mora tbaa'. two boara before,' probatl baiag waroed by aoma ' traitoroai party' or partiaa ia tbe aaibaotboooV : "i 'rvn ;.- It k eertajahr to w resTettoa thai aacb remarkabla etforta ta get tbere ia taaa" were wot crawaed witb tbat tbaw wUl aooa ba eieaaW aecka of aVrtHKauratioM that the Soail caa waver awftrra. Simoltaneooalr with tbe adtanca of tbe Urawd Armri-ae aooo aa Wlvl laa ia wfl eua;rlliilJfeees, flortbam ambrrTaad aad Laacatrr aoonttt will ba artard b a darspednka,' Norfolk iter a a ' .a " '.a n " wn4e4 rrefn twa rear, tbw efpeutf lua oie amliarkiag wear Cap Uear ; Wibwiag toa aad Newbara, N. C Ubarkatow; & U, gevaaaah, Ga Mebtk, Ak, aad New Or lewaa, Lai are to be Ukca. Ia iba Weat, Colambwa k to be attacked worn Cairo : Bow las to be aacked, aad a aob ama of fQO.000 'mov marcbed tbroogb Teaneaaee to form a jaactara witb tba ar miea oa tba aewboard. Bat Sewarde moat wiaaiag card k lb prrfwteat repreaeatitloabf a larva wUaioa t eeatimeaT ia tbe Hootb I jhkI that tbe North k bow obtaiaing ampk eepplka of eottea, wble tbe Soaib recaivea from tba Uaitod Statea milboaa of imported aad donKetie gooda ia ret ara. lie aaearaa Lord Lyeaa that the Sootbera Ckegraaa wilt aot dare to ettaUub free trade forth bewcot of tlia Earopvaa puWera; aad be ba auceeaded ta makiag .bk Lordabip bwadrad toiwoiadmd Mml IftlJifilil aad we hive beea told ofa rvcest iaataaat where ttrtn boadr-d dutlaia aaa paid lbr tba pracaremeat of a aabatitate to take tba place uf a prirale aadaly coaratard ba" trae the armrEridrac jOar aa ia tb; face of tbe eawilliart of aura to adopt u the life of famior,' dirti a4-aeaat blla ia tba armr. Kkbmoad k flilrd with aoldkra, who have . come oat of the boapb lata, or who have feol here oo aome pre- ... Icoce or other, applrtafffdwcbargf, aad atrirlag aad wriggliag ia all aorta of way to get oat of tbe arwiyv. It wee but a foa : . daya ago tbat a aoldier, d'avebargrd from aa or iba aopita bere, ewramitted ibt cide rather tbaa be oowatraiae'l to retara to the army'. ; f : : r;' ' Tbrre k ao aawWagom among ear toon meo to aerva lbr coaatry, Tbera " araJbooaaatk who woakl willingly go with their live oa tbek akevea to bartk witb the enemy, aad aUrtTa devotnt and coar agrou patriolkm, bat who dread to be take thmarvee to th wrrlcbeii, half fed Hfo of dirt, vaeaaey aad bllrarea in lb rampa. Tbk k tba reatraiat apoo volaB triaf. Tba poveraaarat will ia tola ea mmgm oean.ir over aa aarvni-emewi m a . My to rvmore it b b boaaty law tr re Kjcbrooad paper, wrhereia war tkaretar J aalktmeatalbe arovkmo of w bkL b .fdtbfreaaurj. aredii by pay,; per e-wt wa CoakoW- f J,tJl4tf , mt amkralabd. prdved a ftaltfal 'AVwieraj lf fo Tea.rWraoea aa rived at Cicbmoad aw Thareda from be Kortb, report VMt tba aapedilioa agaioal Feraaodiaa baa beea abaodoaed, aad that BoroaUea' eipedilioa. at Aaaaaolia. will divide iU-operaiioaa tetweea NortVk aad Nevbera. Licb 'IlUr ptaoa tb yaaleea mraa aid boada, ia tpectf.tbe apead to ba boogbt tbe covarameat wub VmfklmU mU$ at fin per ceab dawoaVJ Uw Lardabii aaid it amacked of obiriataar. . i - i Twday Mr. CritXeadeo cam witb Lord Lyoaa. aad aaataiaed Mr. Seward ia bk repreaeotatioaa of a prpapect afapaadadka tan arera eibibitad, 1. learav woa, tucb' moad, aommaakatiag iateUtgeaoa of ' pvrtaac, aad aeeniiog to fadicata Ibat aoma of oar leadere ar paving tbe wa tor m-cooatroctHjat aad tbal tbey aaee power wewgb to prevent tboadoptka of reabator m aaanrea, whatever may .La lb provocaUooa , of tba Goeeraajy at af tbe Ueited Statea that aa pofttkal ofiadera bar tia paakbad. wbiby tlooaaada are racaroerated id tba Nbrta-rbarabttica of tba army, f ail. tbe dafcaeea, aad watk af aaaditatod operaUoaa by lb gaeen Rhtat baeei btoajnad kaowa,aad wilf ba mad kaawa to tba Uoited State by lb rebel faactioaarka tbemealvaat aad tbat baa- dreda of Uaioa ama am permitted to paaa ad Mam tbroagb ; tba rb4 baea. - Mr. Crhteadea aabataatiated . arerytbiag tbat bad oar aaid, aad aVciarad, ia aa Javpraa- atva maaaer, taal aaa of tba moat toaattag abj abaouowa Uafoa maa. ia tba Soatb would V ia Wa.bi.rtea . New Year a day aeat bttber b aoaia af lb rebel fa tloaaeka tbemaJrea tbeagb 4by micbt have haag him very a!, bat dunt aot do h.,. -Wba tbk bUaatriowa iadiridaat .k, labjall baeww New.Yaar'a day. f Lord Xoaa Uoka grave Her tbaaeip eoe, aad I foar be baa beea trepaaaed akward, arbd Uboara by iadirwctka to predaca tba Imprwwioa tbat .f raaca aad tfaaria will ktarpoa ia a eertaia aoatiw geacy. - "Mea wbo oald ba boa, them- arNet atari $triki U Uom t Let tb Sooth rely bpoa ber.o reaoarot, add raiti roa railijoa tbe tb aooaer aba kye (fowa ber aak b better. 1 If od led waged a brroe war from tba brg?aang, ibe war wuld have baa over Iv tbk lime, anj Mra. Preaidval Dark 'wonid bavd bei bar rebtioa at lb WfcHe IJowae Ta Uk oa Ue brat da of Jad tfar,' I UtT 1 aoarte of intngae and demoraHialioa la oar army witboat other meaaarca thai wBl reacb tb root bf tb ttil, -Tba " aatborlika ai Kkbmoad may aatar theftv aeltVe tbat, aa loog m tbe' braltk otlbal! arm k argtectad, aad k k maintaiaed ia Ha dkti alaggard ; eoaditioa, the drilk arglected, tb half ration of comm baarka - winked at, lb rowdy km of offiotn paaaed over, aad tb vacancy and bleHa of m itfntiH ftttief held oaf' aa rewarde to volonteertBg, the" army will aot be filled J aadrepkdkbrd bat from ' few el aaaea of H oar people.' Wh wat it that wha dar aoldteri wer daily dying by haadrvda tbw" gotetament did dot abow Ueeommua ba maait of be ama! atraaare'of iatitating a' medical rommktioa' toeiamlne tbw camp f, li poaeibk, ebeek tbe prrwm afid ravagat of dkeaaa AYhy wa It tbai,i. hew tbt gorernroMit had control of tb f wbok line of tranDor tatio from tba Caa. . oUam and Lbaklaaa ta tba depot at Ua- a. " 1 a . - -At aaaaaa aad e,,w"' i foald baaa u boozbt ao-rar ia New'Orkana at S catta.' ' it permtued oar army to ao&r for moatba for rice, aagar, aad moWea, aad 'wiakad at tba practica of beyiafr aor from tbw aaUlera at fort teat a pobad f Why la it tba to da tbd goveremeat mk Boa f what H read, anj toleratoa babiu of bw- trmpetaace among ofiorra aad lb dlaaaa of- regimeatal 'drtlk la bar arm 'aw'tba Potomac AO of tbea acta of omkaiow and aej-figraco, wbkb bate oootriUtad la : th dm..rIiiiloa of war' arm, mlgbl bar Va avoided. It k ao( too bate to repair them. "13 Wa are aVmlr aoarneed tbat th reform af th eoaditfoa of oar army with a wma aad firm bead and tb botdiag oaf of ra warda aot to arartc or to idleaeea, bat to b tnie patriotid batbatkata of oar cot&v Iry la (be pro pert of aa aciivt military polic and fit a abar of mUIury glor wi3 jrvilkj tla beet aecarit for re aatiDeat aad tbe moat aocceWul atlmaUal to fob aateeriae. We, ara aa finnv cootlfload tbal ao other meatort will rrvtore tbw aplrtt of tbe voliaUwr a3 iba eoibaaldab of lbariiUiaarr- .-' .a. t " a it i- f

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