J : ...j , r-; ! ' j -. W A;' '.' . ' .'. .-. - i-.f , :, ,., ..("-.; ... .. i; . ' ., .... i ';. ,!' J &nm r'-rf-? - - ' l, . ' - " ' ' .a a t 1 ... . . . . c vol.:xix J -Mur W rtt' CrM itrorti.m AdrbM iot f!r wbwrh M U Voiit T6p by tt rraaM;rcooiwtWaog to Cocrct riioiMM la rrfir t9t to tW CWaiiUtedt Kof Aff.i Mr.Valki.n,WOJU, raJ fcdU jW ttirriat(tpMc(i;'r hteh 9 jpMMM?7 ;--; Mr. VHJipboii.l4: IWrwIiw, " of tLii Ui 9rti9t opprtvaitf offer! to vxr pm bj uttr wni uobj oooJenrutioa, M one of Um rrprwnutim U fopk iL tv of tk wliaimftradoa ft taiittiJwlur tsn Mfrfc Mm6 iri BWfl l the OritWi liorrnimaL' Folix to tir. h9T wtrt ImOJ ia cUmi CMtadf' tmmrt f Um VdUHt 8utc, kf ofilcr f tM JJerHry f 5ui, ad Willi tJw ftpprovit 1 kral(M9 of h pmw, uf ite pdbftq tDe,of lb Karj DrfiJV meat, of tblff Umk, rJ pf U MJrofi yniifJ Suteij with ful kpwwViljre of tb mMiwr ait4 all tochratintaMMof ibairet trt; o4 yvt, it It 4a Ar tlhrfmia$ Wit WlIW9jr T Tt9J9aP9 "9FWM "-WfBJWW " 'Ihff -Wf9 Atl MTWMfc-fW p09(M4MP nmwf V n of too fptum& f J4 iiV ( ut tbu for Umt f rat liio ta 9U(mftllii tarj i tut mrattri Ufmskatij Hi f tjarf i4 withot right, MJ Utrt Url crept oat or it mtWal boor; j4 tbs,' fV tb9 trsf tim; luU tM Anerictf tgl Me to cower Mm tbt ritUi Iwi''' -Sir, f tMMkt, r trttorrJ 4 Cmar tncka j prow, or aortii M4 ayoopUtia pgtiUcia , la Uua Houm or oM of. km. aipMiiK9 ci, aa4 bwa toJ BUer, a4 bcK UwlkW wtiieb has miUa dow oar idOijr into im iluau , Bt th po-Jpli, tow or iWJar; wi& fknawl a lmU reckawiif tar tki$ anwatvo aljr amodr. Hut I o9ttniat tiyadf to apMOt f, H am aa I propuao aoaat Jay I lvt aoijM toy fjtfrrihaBaer tbeo took op ibo petott wbkai iiArvtoat 4taoat k ao4 loi aXfa 4ana ouanrtkn that tM wt war which tba ptaor uy. paigul mvo oeeo aruwca ay eonv. tio4 wnvivtii uJ flraawM it tow iacTiUbVi. 8r, llo aurrraJer mat ) ao fcult of tw 8eerrurj of Bute, bat ha U aowa, 1 nar, tiw hasua'a n W thla, kia ratal tVpatcK, and anuotl war laiir fm fma k. . ! Im aHMT of God, air. what kM CafW wiat witi llaaoa aa4SkJUif i It ta) aaHrra94ar of tb daiti of tM. rif bt totajw. fban on buarCMT ahipa, anW W flag, tbat aha foaoJd, ao4 yet U.U ia Um Tory thlitf tbat ' llr. 8eward pmfaadicMHiy rtaaet, aa4 M on ly eoodooma Captain Wi&ea Moanat M H4 . Mt aaforev tbia auawtut rHrbt witb frauar oavarity agaiaat tW tBeerfms ooaoral abtpv " Wby, aic, wpua tbo mewpbia of cbil awicL if ineirbaat ffota( aa at firat iatcwdH bad twen rapky4 19 carry tbrat moo out from Fort tlrmr to KflJiM "SKJr hara Uo amea oo li tia aoat taa iwy draimd from W dodL nrotkld AoJt aba wara forlliwitt wroobt baA to (bt-port Doatoa foe tOoflacooVw: 4 ' Jlt om9 duo thia, Eaaoi'MoJtv I A ool lay waoU, 4 war, bl "alaf. 0M m4 3 bait w, and tbia adaaaiairalivo bi aotj frgaa tbo brffiwdf M if it wa tbnr, porpuao to oUijtv br io ll to Iba otmoat: Louk lata your ; :j4oroaUaT rMoknco.': XoK "fct - your ttoM tert Bat Kt tbat Mai. l- Wbo, t ' im AdaaloiMrattot baa it tbo tflUat of tbo , daoo cmim of atoiia aaoonty wwco aeefoaoaw to rial or v Mt .rtsactotK toe t Bomeat po tbo fifniicaocy of tbo, ovotU oflbo jobf boact v . tt , A liriUab rao-of-wr bcara V tbo aborea Of Ka1an4,"tbet tff.bo faodradli triumph aad with ahotat of tsnbatlot M martyraaixj boroaa, a4 wkh tbo natdb Of tM poftptool Wt, Um tvrr moo wka bat for tbo rab act of Cbptait Wilkoa aa4 tbo auU aaora faab ao dbralmoiit of tbo almiaittr?ioo imllb eoao try, wod4 tlx Mi a UJ brvb qutcUy UmW froai a pnTara aLip in gufot aecuirl ty at I rea, Alt Euraf Khoea oow 1 wnh tboar tana Al JUirot wjfl riaa op to " dotbefaby.MdyrtyvoBBAeOtiotWUioa did yoo, to eAp tho rooogoiuua by England xof .toe CoeWotito 8tift, jwiT.tWrt - ry of Suta, witb tbriatiao rmiiiapMi or atuie philaaophy, calwlr nSeO tUt rfJMdal caoek opoo, and watting prfoVtiooo the ii.-.ni H ull M arvD U iklMIMMtlltHb importance of tbo panooa oonoaroed, bapptly eoabiaa a4ajajauUao,aaeaa: arorkiof expehroent, to cheerfully bberatt lhettBd tbaa to remove tba tertertnuii caoai totU. ' . &r, tira ia bam to toy that tbo foment (Uaano aad AitorU) atepped poo tue : of a Dritish maoof-waf. Jor nmeri of 8uUl whom tba other dir Tog wouU Lre twaigvid to fcioo"! ceUa tecifat UJoeJ tM oneoya and I0.be.kl t a Mxnbed h4 pettdeot 8uto; oad I prwCet bar MVaf, at pit of thli deep uttoritt humilifV, or ra ther porbapo becaoat of k, and U ept, too, 4 tbo aarronder, wkbout protaoV tbo jSoo too docthoa, for forty yeart tba cberitbadaod peooJ pobcy f tbia rwrempeaV" ,5 JJ - i' - ili'j.'l-o'i, I ..11 rtro t5atS ypt wS t?: Critklt or oUo, io tbo r bw.' t-tftJttwl to C i Oaof!4rsa SUret ao4 tt L .It" blodcado; woi if at arvA? wrung ana naa WMrrco t j - i Ctwiloaonra! aooranl ajrtf t . i j . . aaa Bit M peoooHDAKera, ; 4 jcoow wcu. 04 coarse, air, tbat Ik $9, other aunilar preUiet tiona for ootM yeara pait, la rejard to or publio aCiin, jxm wtil treat tbis om ak wiJa acoUSnj aa4 iocredibUity but, oevtrtba kaa, 1 put it 00 teor4 bero V-iJ. "The pra4at m foroaeedt tbtr ovil and btdetb biamU; Ut tbo alapfo poaa 00 oo4 a fw if 1 XS XlS3iirS2U TSlL&iaiB9- V AMaoquocii ar wa WMpff f m ' '. aa o ' , 1. oL. Qeooto,; nooCbarVf 8oiper,of Maaaacho. aetta, rbo ocquirad ba dirtioctloo U tbo world tnm tbt) caoirif giroa but' by tbo latneotod BMobt of Sootb CVolfrn, had made' i kmg aodrlaborat bflT'oVoldodly plMlpocch.b Oaf iMBOfr Ba tWwf tbo otrlro bbfjM ot Oaptait Wako wbo bo nooaao oa tbo oeoro of potiiatmWooxtroct 0 faw. of tbo feaaV iof pobtt rf bia tpeocb ? :; ri ; V; .:-.J : It aboaU tot bo fomtteat thai tbia qet (km waa tittpty oo of Uw ut aa waotbat of a matter tfpa; between iodrridaala, Ihe'obbNt briuftodaterittiM wbldt waarkbt and wbtcb waj wroojs, Cat U cannot bo fiir fitietbtiV ThBtrWiTwi tba identical poiot of law, Otaot Hnraio 'porwatmUy bold M opfuaito ftooo4 from tbat which aba OQW taV ' r; 'r'-'p-? '"TiFr' tb 'are yt other t4rtV bower, 0 wWch. bad tbo ablp Uat coltied iafo port for OiljailttaliOt; cobtivrerfr tnoat MTOoriatai Te thwo foOowiog imtaUobtopreBOt- ; U That tbo tmaro of tbo robot omiowrioo; arttboat takif tba ahia into port, wat wroojf. Woochaaa wuj&Oett 00 aotkted to aubauuito biibtelf aar o Miciaf tribunal - t, TbaMd UioahipWeocortied into port, It would tut hot beet fiabb qr) accoant of rwaaanrMaiBwhaaawabipa ro" Ira to CVTJ, tfL ,p WapprejUy ia t!t aubury and Mral aanricaof tbeeoe- S An di?atda waiUaWi of war, aoy U mW tl al.ip Uablo to aruurtj v o-w.o.,',' - --v.,,:. a ' 1, m toa bM oaado, tbtt tbt tfcaa pacbof bovttg on board too omiaaartaa waa 00 um account tiabb to eapttr; anJ rebutted it. U9 aaid chat tbo pobcy of oor (toernoeo V po ititcly declared ia M dipkimacTaodbio at teated in iu Bamoroua treotiet, (eoTet do room 10 doobt that a eutral ahtp witb loffigeretit pjecnrer-tKt ia tbo miblory or total aer ViooM tot Jiabl to. captor, and tberofore tb wbobj procoediog waa wrong, not onJ(y becauae the paaaeort werO taken (row tb thin, bwt ab. baoaoao tb abip, bowaoaeer gwlty morany, waa not legally ia reoeifiog audi paaaeogera 0 board. v Othor mtbotitiet wart dtod tko aa dearly proring tUt, aocordiog to AaJorioaa prjoct plea and pracVoo, tbo abip waa tot hblo to Mdr 6a" aoeSJUftt of deeflotcboi ot board. And ber mffaia w hart tbo tiMoarriag art; Uirioorof eotratoaw Koropo, anpeowijof w lvaokOovorataot, ia tMraoautleUoruf Al. TbonToaei - v; .J'U'U S'A Q(oomtiuwbpb5iUrojaKXiproe tb aaaumptioo t&aC tb rebeb or to b ro rarded a belllgerentt, wbkA.i9thcbaiwctar aeearoVd to tboaf bf Ortot ibitaia. U tber or aot lOfordod oa belkgeroata, lbw tM proceeaf of lapuuo m ukx m vojmvf edly Clegal and void. Toi pohtico! offender, tb atyiam of a fortlga joriadtetios hi taored. whofMr ot diott or ot aro, aadtbo Uoitod Etatea boa alarayt tiainlained tbo ngbtof ay fom aa firstly aa itbaa tejoctod tbt pretonawa of imprwMMat n r4ri a-war i- aasatad to aula, bt aoo of lb bida (or uraber foejlh A raw al an4 Armory at (Jbit plac. adtorthwdi. for by CaV.BooUCwtr .dmwbl, tl prleea bif Uroly too high. V farthor laaro lUt U C-pUla ja matiBg trraagmfttt to-gal tb Timber a fOtoroaieat tccottl I arid tbat 'fed bat am with t iaoUooa U d patriotit go Uaraaa feaidiaf it 8ootk CaroHaa,:wa aatdaoraairtpre taerUit to uka wiib- oot ovmpeoaatio tbo falawW Tmiber 1 a tract of Uod owned by blp ia Ult Male. W bt tA Wrtil b-laaroe.'tC, woVld paVIUh Iu-t-Ay. OUtrtm r .a t A GTror To Mn Airortiae Oo7 inaflr: will nmtmUf tW dtrf or two aiao w goto an aoeooat of bIm Unwalartoi wbw laaded 0 Laat IaML- LaCbretoa Safiafoav berng made drunk by aa oyrttfajaa.'wbo then took tbo ariat of tf tlaerJBjf warrl-, or aad mad oflT to Mt'taaitutd to git ioforvaUoa to lb a'urj fttboriu, who iliapatcUd 'a porty .to captor tb tipfdora. ; Tbo pHy w4 aawcoia, tad ruraod wKb their priaooara, nko art W toidftblpmaa aamrd A. 0. Child and gbt aaarsca, all lalJlof to tbt Tatkft fri gaUEoaU. '' .' r . .-f vy rr liCSAOY'aVi f . 1 i .-' . VFAllA7r-!l Tba CiaHA 'eorrr , .adott of 4b it po, tb ' mbip Inbel yateanjaJ 'la trcoJ . ; i , .U t lintlht r ocean t aow caSad IbotU Ya hto" C-Utoa' t. .rligbt, tlsieJ aad CreJ.J by iktUacM eiiaioataWt, tt lot c frtrj-oti dcnoa.tbailtftjtJea f T of 9 t tef wortkJeatneft Mb cfl f?4 Uf- riad, - Aa I preJ'efei 1 1 a former letter, tbo ttoM !Ul" fcf.X- I teak'l, tbitb OwTiBieea'ttrak f -J 1 r, b t!rta dytoeptaway by lit f Joj. pwoT f tbo nwelL ai-d 1 be f C r wi of r to- t of lb pkiinst of lb wrtcJl )op itoUlU oooaoiiej P U aw tklpptrt to ktow ibatiUy Jittf Mpplwi eraal rtbtl raaaaVt wiOi eeUtl aaila,li btlp tbeit to rtt tb Uoclad tt torno itlgbooiing porta. ' Baila art arot ber. aad tbt bfrattne4 aeahng" of tbf Ol wK.rera tliit jsat t tit tick of time to npplrtbt domatd." . f ; -' TM Uroo writor tbofoikartag ao- oeooi (tb raoal urioifigiwt Wf mt b; oftbaitoaliMoftbootforn-r Ab twoat Cbarlcttoa ted fiataauh i- ;U It i atgaifautt (act 4batv it aii tb probatory tipeijtwt wbiet. OwpTiiiie batojatd tpot lHhbj ; tM beoit ally.apoa) ta tMia,rV H ttirtarod tyxadtb rang of Weir ffob hoot; rTW rtad4 ao- attrtspU to do-ao cw 5ew Y.Va day, aod yo baf 'tt beard kow-tbii-Mra-f ibroe a waa, oo tbal ocoaaloA dntigno-r niiul Mckio tbiivr bf ibt of angW Sottbern retfroett (itfc. fited bayotata. Tb eolity ait to ok, bt t rat witb all tbew m bt, kej iag a diatatta of M kaat 11 jaida inUef veoiag Utom tbmtltt t4oprraJ tanciag column, , ' Au'accoaata aeVm 1 to agr 1 1 to IB foot thai lb Tatko fbot tdmt raUy rMMgtA TW rtag a "will ap at4;dwt lbliulibyoo oC.mm atd iiwlf rif4 W, tt, tlvtft rv witb great preciaWii; , lW? hoMillofUlUIPtafltU tbt iatiirj poaaotai that bat itdto4.Gwr oral U to M bock troni th aboro (ia of lb Bait tad o tboot Ma poaitit for a 6al aund aboal tbr nilea frorn lb rn ' TbPoaiUot of tbo boatilo force at tbWtliD taa U briefly atated foiiowa : tu t?r y ,i-M K1 f boata, bold oaatd.f ttrtad ntr, pad St. Xlakna abatd, b in-en'DS lalaada. Uit troopa alao occupy tb maio land jaat oppotk lo PortEoyal ferry, and can tow poatcat tMit-aaltti, wbefterer thej tdoaai, oftla feat tb maia tbort to rrtJiUod, SMki8i i tract fit! tbotttlt?aJt Jeofw BMkt"wid;iatnodiatel bordtrfng 00 lb' Coo m;mw iu d altocotitf r' tbt OaaWerai brwa, wbicb baf roctdotl wboat Itirot W ward Ut rattfoad, Uttlaj t ttfp tf tw Uadt atortii two elkw ii ttWik. P rttlag lian toa4 Wtloa tUed to lb toaoy Tls rfc CW bat ben oil'- flow4.? latwdatod by malwrj; tboAt tj, tbti tbart rt tow only a faw Mnowroada by wUck tbt ?antftt poab forward toward tU ittorior. 8bobl tbey dtaacortftby titat aUadow ibaa-tortbf tl clltboata, ltd trttt to bir Jwittrw t?cw tU labi. , Tbia. M tor tt , 4 W11 TB-f"' . u aitaatioa tpc. tbo teabtjard, tt t no rur taattor. l K Ctaeatoa, to 4te dear odar1y tccoacti of tU tiottmoat goifig a wow. uw lati aWlUr!rOc f lottwlintpar tort ioUoaai tad tag tbt gss?l W ib BTOep -ia-e!-;febi4di?tadef fl aer roaaUiov tboeaioa'catt of any ffir"ror?aUo My! tWf.pblb pfttk-Tbt T-f .!Uf.aMd iaa verf bad It. Ml bid it difioth to got tb tU bm -oullio ,of fmM uaorpirjng alinoat or u3it tj ring taw nwAWtak tb Wkwig ttaaa bae Uaa Hrta by .wt titute.it t4.f war t4 cf( tb u2rar by lb Br t Cbarleatott Tickttt to tb Gift fitttety.W' tU.OOO ionaiioa 10 uvj '- I .S1.0O0 TV'- . ft.i?JI Tb tartou COOUiWJUOO W u ire Vet, to tb bwfiub it Ktatocky. and to tU aworal tolnntoar troop, wUI raw tb awn to at UU 1100,000. wkicb ja aboot lb kraal rMj iobteripto It Jtw Or lot toTlriot0 cbariuU crycUv-j. 'r 1 i'Jfjdn.Jibir&tf,0( aU ib dast ibttoMrarbaof ottr Cotfdoraey"to0 .t4 torn a raor tbroatoahit aspect tbaa tb laaaoa oopokiupo.i'i iu peopjf 40 auu of totiaodrf4. tbowMtad U mut jtmmj eooUtot doaoao mack Jejory a tbo obhkey llatinert tf not tiOjii. t4 tbat apeedlly. Atd it te thai tWfwpoit b- Wb Tncoiir t thlok witb nrjeo feeprindetit tbaf tlw rnatter of titJng Op; ttte .tuodit fa yeopU UeX ataarolnj' tKruatentnir jea, f pay UirttteDina: tatitct W wtirtr tl4 hopthf tht tricttneftt to W deri4 I fri-rti the' u4 io wlricli tbo cornlt tp lieif, or tjie deleterioot cilectitl tb wTwt7 ' wUt tWpIt it ittotdt W douhl m 'w Jitf tJwtX wbtedt therpi!iey7f tmptirr T"iiltt VXMltl l Into '. ttinralit ur iobrtetf. inplf rrJrd of laHore Dut tht 6otlii It ot-ithm!l wt tUowrpetw aww-Bw- v 1 J,e , tinnk whltkey f btt, tbatl the-jwp tt-f wbitkejr find wtot brttd, or ftn tfiej wtot wWiiej and ..l.at bfsd I f f om whAt. w bvtr, thtw art likely to be the alter natiret, It tbere ajojf dbtbk iliboot which wt would ehootet rKo oh der wt cannot gt t to raetl Id to wn wbito wbUkey ttilU .tbroajhoc he conotry tat bjj Ui wii..,1"4-. j Ilometnber, 'wV tire brtegiog 00 ehtf;i8ttr.iltffleji.t ;Wt5 not tripifog tbt moral, quetuon , i thi-Th8otbt nr ironed jori iU tides, with the mtrkett of the whole world closed frtw ler,' hat jolt fo tnocb VradtofTt tod notonu 6be it like a bottrgw! .citj, io that rw ytl. 6ho mty batro an tbttdaaet ai. J a eorploa, or tht my not Can !. nffVrd to Ton the Htk of tcarcitT ai k-raM ,rwiwuww dt allowink in Bi.nmitVd athoant of food to be: diverted to. ttotber tod wholly digerttt pdrtiote t Wt tbink tZ tAsDoo U Taxed. ot iht' grk wAl11 Sukili. wt viced. fimrlHSiM Iflrt tt it but Mttion. to Ity tttebvt tax 0D00 dovt attouU Ytrtatly-dt- miniiii their Tiumbor, bat that tB&irat liody wat too bnaily eoiraied in mt klu? Senators- td lffHndihg axeV to kttoad -td'koitrilliBg a tijaJtarjM fti 1 tiiVrfdor'an btitcle $0 a tupyl of wooL Aak jwyjafmiwhyibe duet f tJibecR i4 tj fctk art ten w ont that bia replj will be, tbtdes wont rtt.tnt. V. 4 LtgUlattirti neglected to lay a tax on dotra. we call the Uctloo of the fVifiroBtioB to the tnbfctl ia.Uie ho d tbat tlitr will -find twmtdy fotippmwlIf-wJ dojts'kftd' kttbjecr tht .property bf their Detbbort to tk ruayoi oeio rlWvfediljZlLetn.i!et tlttifl) ronndftaked for the luxtryflK tfiit 'idt'f Wcorast ,tn.rtjiio troaat o tuiplj 'V Vuw H1. at aty atv pm aaonoy lujlm Tf&- t oannilrt oontBaada. good, i'rl 'Wbat' a fit cbaoot for tbt anoert, whotbrow away baadredtf poaada of groot anooa3rto maknj&oy Bd aapply a preaaiag d naad, if tby woald but cooomt and Uy. W. moat !M0ufclar'erTtliBg tbtt akni ajd"in2wUT cat acoocoplkb. tt , 7WA'iryiialrb E. Good- mat, aged 19, daojtter of Mr.Ooodmat of tbia town, . waa., abocklojly "borit Ot tikt. $ht bad ticeoaod to go CbartK aad waa aundlnj' beor lb ra, trbta ber clolbot caojUL y. vwamr. m.v t aja? w . . - a aAi wi. w . a ai arw ' -w.ai w - at -u- M f K"" ) v J o "t w ai t vvvawmw wo ms win aWViwi of oar bttio'Jt t' datn&o d?trotinj tl fay Hrtfed '43 tome eight tf tolor' paoplaa food tlfc k att , llai U.oq't VefO tntn tcronglrja; tallf. IleOr Dtlgbborbood .t?ior tr, tut .wUltey Bhepfcrd.;.vAfler tliej rereJ labdcJ' ' tUila a work) tad IVora ot point in TUt aifefj tHfrjlitocf. abore, tlC i ttttytbt;ttokf of r;Ukty: Vwkett tJ Uaem. tbef 'tre op bdre4 tt';An;U- lorktfijll to Uu: oaJtr:,Tl Uki ao try decOiJ rrt tii tbr " 4 ' - !".!! -I'M !.! , Nt?ro S ulcrdin ation-Ti a rl e ar tbt: vitit Ut Ytnkett paid to lb tcfbo'. borltood ' f Elbepberdatowii goxsot tmla'ki'irbtB they 4umtesi - themttilrct by t!ie!r coodact $x tbt lbtrealoaf ttcb acluiko. tlicr.-: I JiM ttd titt thtirv wirea and cLilJ.c 3 " " , wetw all tbre. ;' bet- fbt -Vaaktc' ptoriiJted to triog tbcm tter tixo f till tht negroes nrgea taetr 'prcicr' dice to retnro to the borne' and str? ' tlceoHbelr matters:; Tbe Yantcci- . imw 10 inetr cromrac st , lucro 1111: an the Jflrrinia. snort train, and tst t . .i. : ... .1 IV, n!fTOea aro now at boma eontonted. and bappT.eario nothing hot ai.AL Aoothe inttaneo ml-bt bt al-t- t&. ia the cate of foot alarct of Jlf - acqalit Brnithi of Clarke, who '- mmtm tiltin mi Titrrart trnmi tf ' owner whilaPatttrtonV-rmy ta near the Potomac last spring. Ttt .JtKtm' at 9wwa an a Wowf ww A Tbabi ; a. - or. aa. -. a .m w . x " dord for threeitdca la PennsylTtiy ta, oecam pwgnnea ana roinnian- rettirned home.- The other two. jntpv jor.taree wockb, , were bojii py tlt'Tato.Ktjtilbrr in Htcrl town, for ,t2Q each. , Like aa honest, . man, At informed their master of tbt . faeVandrettrned thetn: to 'kim W aft also rotormed t? a reliable ' genllemaa, from Kin George, that two waltaUo negreo meti ttolea frosr that eoBnty by thw jfankecs; ' fcai rbde; their escspw nd ' re tamed bboe, tbeir backt manned Mr ahor rTLlomSnner bymTankeetfc-' dotn4arikeitUey-isfAteditbat:. tney naq peen reqairea to periora twice tbt amoant of labor eyer re quired of them, beforeh and in'case it was not peityrmed tbey were cruel . , ly poaisbed, Their baek bora aa ult testimony of the, troth, of tbcif statementa.- Winchester jiqniZiicaA i: IS " , COTIOK8EED60AP.1 " It JPot cot?onreed into a lTgi and ":. strong Iron pot, in small 'quantities ' at Mime, faiaah tbero , well with a wooden pestle, and, thenpocj' ia a certain .quantify pf oommoa lay; and -boil iboToogltly .j strsin in tn ordiaa ry teit i 'irt'pio&&fol!te-WMBd-way, in -drying and cutting Jatt cakes. v Binct therr lt wrery prol bility that grease may be; tcarce" in tdroe ptrtt of the Country ttlie'cr?) Iny eW ! ' worthyif; triitfu Ut sbint bP'ouir dotnetu'e' -ioa'rtoiUra. 1 make Vthe 'xperlinent, "and "rtpcrt pioress, ;Cknia brcjfeafter'iire s-sll-; bare W.watb'fut ibjtnda clean cf tht whola . Yaalt ;KcarT. patioa, ltz$ fKitCottpt, Scspf .U Hit rr?fcr article : fur, Uut, pzr?or-zU:; : wA letttr (UttdLoodoo, Pcccat, 4gteceivwd it Kdork,;fpcltscf mbg n,newly;italaMei ,ca 0i- fktrett,1wttbhtEriUii abtftU'. rebel Egicrosexn t' ju tiJ wa ova 1 J r Ui the start tnd stripes whveh baa Ot- e4tWr vwcre.,wrapied around the staff, and the stars and hart display. 'A: pamphlet wat laid poUe dils6f several Yankee "Senators and ,tnco 1 bers Jot Ooogres 'atJ Ti'asbington -fw day sioce, wo'tt.by Cbrlee EIletCCiTjl Enjmeer, in' which the author diacuttea at tome itngih tb management bf the pretent war, and; aaimadirerta pYeUr. teerly ;tpon General IfcClsUan policy cf cot . doctibw tXairs to far. Iu appear. anc canted 1 much comtn4nt ia po .: . litical circles. k : iiiiio aecesuoii ior. u) wi u. Itfeet:' At "tot" Add r ti'citrt, ; , oontrolled "bV-TlWoo" JV-t!sc&!t, jBTliwral int) " tUltaiTTi 1 ii awl r.A-A ..pv