4 - "''.nUriiy!' wr. j ' U .,'... ... : ' .! Vl I t','"' ' ? ." ' ' K '' i t ' "wwat rtaamgjBlaaWflay, MMSti i- MJlM-ggJl "fTl 1 1 - KXtToavD rtorvrroi. J, BRUNEI ti 04 cn iU AVtA Om cr ' ixUrtd impottilU. rV ; ' .Tl following ditoMfroa tUTroril : UM(R.l)P;iWt twyi4jiIy to wtut Mraits tk North ta UJiff broit bj llh ar. II b unliou txpoiUot of tb . Oar tnarkrt oooUtiont tlk. tnorolftf bo tb prio of cotton It ihk citj, ul Udiaa very pusarr to ut vt art eon far. W art to raalisa acisiiukaltr'all th borron of a eottoa turn, aot oair it tfck eutatrj, tt t&rotgbott Eoropa rrieaa art to fo ap, tot ova, tatil tktrt ettaoa a feoerai.fiaaacMl.aad eocoMroal aaaaah tp.r MeVoVva art to ft to mora tottoo io tbext trt Ttan. Our milk hartl sot to atop ; oar loaBoiactarera, if taoj art aot Uiad, nay already aot rtio atanag tbtm ia tbt fae. It tu Bootlw Bhode Itaar bu will bt aaafeL : At lt aoeotata tbaro arort ool SI if 270 bait of eottoa m lirtrpool, agaitat 1,1X1,000 balea at a oorroipoa4iog date aat jar. . Wert tbt nUla to ranoa fall, tint tvtrj poaa4 of ooUoa la Eoaaxl ---wotifbt w4 iarfbtrTrttfcilIiidiaiof vbicb t batt bar4 at taoch is abolitiot tpttebta, aapplMt to part of tbodtfloicocj , oocaaioo! by tbt Iom of tbt Antrkaa ar ticlt. Iaatra4 of aeodiQf asort tbaa aaaal to BBarket, tbert a afloat, at Utt acooaota. ' of ladit mUoo, only 43,000 baJViati S4Q.000 Imi year, ao4 X 50,000 fa 1800. an flM . 1. 1. IBOrt art anuwaa of pwauwa ww uuwm ' tMrttofort bttl troplored it eottoo fluaa faetorita of EagUad. Wfi.Ua of boa art to bt wholly oat of toaployaMBt ia a ' abort flaw f t Aad tbt aamt ttata of tbiogs to aa tkttat fearful to'eootatapUla, h to tx- . ktia NtwEtfUad. ,. i , "Dot wt art to bare eottoa," aay tbt abtliUoaUta. Tbia rtbellioa k to bt craabod, tbt Soatbtra portiVt to beopet. td. aa4 oottoa k to potr it tpoa aa moat pUotifuIly." Tbk k tbt talk of oraiy IV aatica aoilboU TU8oo(btra porta my bt opeaoi ; bat wt aball gpt ao oottoa. Tbt oil crop will bt. d4royt4 wbetbtr tbt owaenjikt it or oofl ' Tbey dart, aot reakt a neatart to taatatiil to tbetf iodt peodtaet. Tbt toreb wQIbt applkd'to otarly tTtry bait that rtmaiot aabaretd to-day aod not BMrt that tootb k bt iov raktd lei Sootbtra OMUinptioa. v Tbt tfiifbrni totthsoiy. k that tbtrt at bo oot tot tWda to bt mi M tbt ITiaijaflpaU rtaot cora aad oot eottoa. wat too or aar.aaa n not otoa mcuy ooey to. , t "Bttacztytar wt wifl gH eottoa to oagb. toot abolitioakta will aay. Wt know bettor. Wt aball bt laeky if wtgat a bait per weak tbroagb tbt year. No at , tempt will bt taadt to rakt it aotil tbk war k ortr : aad tbt war will aot tad, astbton oow look, BotH tret tbt foaadatioet of 8ootbtra iadtatty Sottbtra baaiaeat and - Soatbtra toctal lift art ertrtaratd. : Abo. litioakrobM takto tbt reiaa, aad U will aot permit at a nMaeati rtU aatll tbt bolt South it throwa into eooOmoa, ahd . alt boot of tbt raiting of eottoa ia douroy td. Tbt UgiaUtioa of tbk. faoatka Coo grtaa baa readered reatoratioa aloioU im ' ' potaiblt aatit aaarly tbt aatfrt white pop alatioa of tbt Sooth baa beta txtormiaa- ted aad thtNorth baa brotgbt tpoa itaeif - taakraptey aad rata. Tat Sbotb will tot yield to Um policy of the aboliUoaka whlk rtaktaatt k potaiblo; aad ia spite of all wteaa do U may prorepoMihlt, aatll Fed. oral Truiary aotte art told fcr tea oeota . oa tbt dollar. ' t -;;' r- ' . Do wt eptak deepoadi oaly tbt truth. Wt wan Wt aay ptopUia 186 of joat thk auu of thin Weprt the war broacht edthe 4tetod it agaia ia 1860. ' broke oat wt belitvtd it m (Vbto khtU , to aa tad, aod tbt Booth bt ughtback to tbt Uaioo ia a year or two. if wt fellow. td tbt oooeervaUrt "policy aod aaeerttd oa ry tbt opremacy of thtCooaUutioa. It atead of tbk, oar whole eoont hat beet calcalated to txaaptratt tht 8otthora peo ple, diahearteB (Jaibakta tftrywbert,. aad divide Um NortB loto factlooa... We .ore farther from a final rictory that wt were oot year ago; All that oar armita baft doat baa beta and one t? a racUeaa Coa greea aa j a yielding PreaidtaL t Wtlart aptot aix boadrtd miQioea of dollars aod eacriflced Ay thooaaad Irret, aad got for ' it all bat! We hart tared UaryUad aad Keatackjr and Uieaottri. if a ahow of btTOoeU, aad loot them by a show of radr .iealkta. The Uaioa caate trill harttar brt Cod kittle btariy tnopatby aoatb of Ifaj eon's end Diioa'elioe.. . , ! ( 'And bow. wt ut asralit. the North k It bear btr full than of ealTeriog. Oer eot wi untie uivat - u wwi"j iuvu are to txcomt penpert. The goveromeat it goiof to take cart of the tjer; f bite people, without bread or empioyroeat, osaat take cart of themaelrtw r Z" " - . Cartftaa Viwt thrtash Itrthtra airtw. vTbt New York pa pert hare adrtok fom Europe to thelOth loaUot 'The JftnU tnelea tht toflowiog editorial eamoevy of " AlUiOujb tht Btwa baa beta aaUcipated, tht lUrs aad pepera rereal the bet that tht rcb( eympathiaera ia Eaglaad aad Fraaoa, backed if a large portloa of tht eottoa maBBfocteriag in tercet of both eooo triea, wort toakiag the moat ttreaoooa af forta to imprtaa tht caliaeta aad people with the belief that the Uaioa eaaae wat lost by tbt three days OirhtiBg before Bwb mood, of which they had heard by the Etaa. Tbtrt k IitUt doobt but tbey bad aooottdtd to some extant, ia cooeeoueooee of Utt jealooty of Utt war power of the U. Statta which aow txkta ia moat of the coot triea of tbt Old World. ' Gtoeral UeCWU laa k aaaailed la Loedoa with respect to bk strategy, hie ditpalcbee aad the taking ap or b first posaioB tear Bicbmoad. Tbt aew tariff of tbt Uaittd 8uUe is at tacked at trtrr point both ia lateot aod laactmeat-'by toe LoodooTioteeaod somt of tbtI BtwspapersTbt LNbim Freemaa's Jooraal of Utt 10th iasUat the iaat paper eama ap Utt eirreeaioe of of tsenag towards tot ateasurf uta The oow Uaittd Sutea tariff k universal ly eoadamoed tbroughoot EegUad aad Fraact. f JouraalaUa wbose speciality baa beta matters of toooomic aad commercial dam broooaaot it to bt aimpty a perfect probibilioa oo tbt importatioo into atleart tbe aorta America btatea of ail btropo aa goods; but aa agaiast Eaglaad it ap pliet with speda) aeVtritr aad banhaeaa. Tht aadoahted effect of tbk new arrangt- mtat wia be that, almoat immediately oa ita oomiag into optratioa oa the first of wext astota, tbt pnoea c otarly all trng- Ino aad rrtaca aoaaumetertd goods will bt doobied ia some iottaaeet t re tied. ; Tbt rotioo maaufactareraof Boota atot B depttatioa to tbt Emperor Napokoa to rtprtaeat tooim that, nrpa tM.txosisivey bttb pnoea of the raw material, ai falliag off to the demaad for ooiui tbey moat before toag clctt tots that tome amongst them will hate to oead per meat. - Similar repreatt tat tow bare bieu mdt from ZiUt, where autay ef toe maauiaotartrt art rtpreaaattd to be ia a criUcol ttate, aad the, Emperor helped tbtox wita Ioaa ? : " v ' The Lirorpool Courier of the 8lh of Ja hr.BDaakinr oa the oottoa erisk aara: "ITtert ia ia atoo 100,000 baJei. from aUaooroat axctpt America, which k owa ooosamer, aot a prodaeer, we may expect 60M00 bales. At the rate 0,000 bake per week, tbk quaatity would last at about twenty-eix weeks, or aotil the tad of December, v;"w ti-r . Ur. tladsaf, member of PariUmeat, bad adjourned bk rarliamtatary motiot lor the rtcognitiou of Uto South by Eoglaad fat eood time. It wat io. come up agaia oa the 18th of July.::" A : H , Ttom Ike FrvriOtaea Pesi. . THE RADICAL yOUCT. ! It k paiafttlly apparent to every obeery or of possiag areata, that Utt more Radical of tbt RepuUicaaa ia aad out of Congress hare abaodooed all ezpactatioa of restor wg Utt gOTtfemtnC Tbey bare aot for mootba aimed to aocomplish thk. Tbey careaotbing tU Cooaiitatoa--aolhing for anything, tart to grab that they caa get, and destroy tvaryUting eke.. Tbey art trying to make Utt war a war of extar mtaatioa, as against tht white met of tht 8ouUt ; aod by every method ia their pow er art encouraging a spirit of bitteruem and hate which k more afgoifieaat of out right barbarism than the oiriRaatioa aad refiatmeat of which wt hart to loudly boasted. They encouraged Utt met of Utt border alare Silato to make immtoet aao riScta for the defence of the Uaioa, aod are aow threatening them with Utt ioataat enuaeipatieoof their elavee if Uej will oot tbamtalvtaitOfftrata some more grad ed tjUecnv " Cocfiwatioa k mtaat ooly for these Sutea, for bore only eta the law which hat paeeed Congress erer bttaforo ed. They know Uut these Sutea art tied, hand aad foot, aad cannot resist their op pression, Theatart to be kept; though oaly ia pert protected agaiast tht ravages of tht Coofedersies, whiie Utt oottoa Satse art to be left oat of the. Uaioa ui pua khed. Thrr are to bo aetd, perhapt, as atgioeokmiel at leaat, aodtcg abort of . thVaotaat ezUrrsialloa of the white race ' k tow promlacd. ' t v. .- 1 V ' ' " ' ', ' ' " " I .;'CemiaoBaaee of te SaltUaore Trf!?t. Yaat the ttitrtl taiarel vkSst fcO t la aarl tu tit Ixaata rim.1 cooiq ooroy coismoa or uta tract : - . . . . with i detcriptioa cf eeteea oa the rood. Ilea cripoled-i:h tUmuatkm, palt aad foebU with recent wc"?J, sick and ghast ly, jbebbling a!or acme, tkh cants, aod aomtleaoiog oa i-dr eomradea for lap port. Rvt Uloe t?.-1 r --one, making traiae milts ia extent, cjv ! acres of the fields at t . - orwa..:jfc,t;t,I . . . rmly aoatt car ry tag baggage, some catena, tome aooro aitioa. sad tome akk ,aad Wotioded mta; ambolaacta, troopa, cavalry, arUllerr.atraaw glera. covered with perspiration and half amotnertd to dtat; met wita blood oa their facet aod tbelr beads boand up, blood oa their coats aad their arma bound ap, blood oa their pants, and a painful limp showing a wound h) the leg ; mta Ivieg dowa by Um road tide utterly worn 'oot, mta fiat oa their back m a dead faint, or so fast asleep tbt tramp of d xx would hardly roast them taea aeriotalr wound td borne along ou atrttcbert or it ambu laaeM, and looking at yot aadly, M wist fully, Utat it made your very heart ache to eat them ; mta who had lost their regi ments daring a too aealota charge, or run away from them ia BaccetMrabJa terror, all huddled together, withaot food, without offloers, aod lying down k Ute opea field to altep.; 8ocb ware aoqtt of tht scenes on Utt road, and oever shall I forget them. Taaktt letJehtlet ' lye va. Vklte Kaa. . The faaatical aod detestable Yankee Congress, which baa jwt adjouraed,'our miaated Ita lotff aoriea of eatrastoua k- gklatioa by smoggfing iott a bill a provi. aioa pUdeg Ute eegre tpoa aa equafity with a waita maa Fa the courts of jaatko. The Washington crrespoodeat of the New York Bmid writea -i-.- - A greet deal of aslonttkmeat aod indlir- aatfoa k expreesed here eaWdkcovtry that t aecUoo waa atjnrskd ioto the act upplemeutary . to tbt aot for tbt release of rtaia persona held to semea or labor ia the District of Columbia, which placet the mm it dob aa eoaalitv wka a wklta man iBTtha Wb$4 U prondea, that ia all judicial prooeedjngs ia the Partrict of Columbia there aball bt oo tzcloaioa of ant witness oh account of color. Even in Ohio, where there art few Btvroea. la aetatria anaai Utem the ffeht to teatifir ia the courts, it a decreed that their tettimear ahould go to the Jury for oaly what it waa worth. The aaddjia eleratioa of the oegro, just amandpaled, to1 an equality with white joea ia the capital of Ute nation k rejrajrd- ed as something worse Utat aa iodilcre- uoo or aa error of judgment. J- ' , ItfPORTASITc f Woaad tae talfeviB bi tka 8aa"a ta lltli --'V: Advieee freea kefart Tkkebarg te ibe 10th last, jasfeeaat that tht e weaM be teakae rarly aaeJONtd, aad that aaate ef la veeseb weald Mara eWh, aetWbrr la Jtew OrlMae Ouaeeoaattf tat tow velar k tbt river, Ute npasif aew chaaael wffl prove a ftulare. : It Is rtaorted that fht 'sawa ef Cvathlaae. Keamcajr. etmaaan4 It Cot ! Hereae a Taraday, after aatfaa Boar's Ijfct. Cyatai. tan m ea u wvasfiou aat ieuagu aaa wed, aixtMaJea Soailt ef ike ant aaased pUce Cftat eadueaeat prevailed tt Newport aad Cevtoftoa yeeterday, the eiUseaserpitiaiaf tot JWtoaetot end JSaeator sir Wtrd Ym- leev Tae Kkbasstd If nao diseersesd it t reeerd of travel kept kr ee Tkoesaa Aakerev, aad aaMlakad ta taaJoa. la 1711. Ike Mtowtof a reiereeee m ue evnvauoa aat aaeeataf ta word Yeakee. Usviaf relariedtotke N Eaitaadere aa Taakeee, ke aayst' Maia ? 'ew A-prtf It bmx aot se aaatoa iaat kere to eOasrve to yet Ike etrawfafj ef thia Una. It is derived freea a Cbetokee ward, easlte, wkiek airaif ea aeward aad slave. Tkia eeilket ef Yaake was keelowsd apea tae iakakitaaUef New Eaxlaad ay tae Tlffhuaaa; lot aot asaaa lag tkeai ia a war witk tae Cksnkeee, ,aad (key kava alsraysk kM la dariitoa ky h." The hokter pistok of the lametttd Gea. Barnard E. Bet, oot of tht heroes of hit aat, hart beea presented by wdo to the Couiederate 8tateaj and Captaia ChOds, of Utt Ordnance Department, pre sented Utem to Colonel John H. Uorgaa, a chieftaia worthy to wear Uttox. ... A maa who owned a lot la Ute city of California, during the Ute Eood, want to see if bk toooe wat washed away. Oe fouad that he had lost hk fence, but had caught a fine two atory booaa, which mode h'ua a good deal mora that square la tht ; Cii Friday last tome half doxea mea U lached td Ute Prince George Cavalry, ooo oeived the idea of destroying out or more of tht Federal Vessels, ' which for atvera daya past have literally eovered Uttaortaot ef Ute river fa front of Gen. UcCWUa'i campl Having procured a "boat, (thi largest aeoeefiUe.) Corporal Cooka, Thoa. liartin, WilHso Daniel, Alexander DimU try had William Wtlliama, embarked from Coggms' Point aboat oee o'clock 6atarday moniinz. tad pulled off ooietFr for a very Ene looking tAoooer of 1 G3 tbartheev Jnag tail stream soma half a totit from tht 8oolbera shore. Aa tbey Beared Um vessel, a small dog oa board discovered their movements and commenced barking furiously. Two gunboat wrt lying but a tow hundred yards distant, and maay steamers and sail veeeek fa dost proximt fy, but Utt enterprise bad beta ttderta ken, aad Utt brtvt boys ootid not think of returning without aocompnbiag their ob ject. Making tost to tht vassal, they en deavored to tsixe the dog,aad Hop bk moo lb by sending bim to (be bottom, but Ute animal would aot allow a atrancort band to be placed tpoa bim. jUm berk iag bad aow aroosed the Captaia of the vessel, woo came tpoa deck, aad desired to know Ute cause of Ute untimely visit O 11 - m - I- ... - Ut wat answered oy Mtrtia, wbo outckly ipraafr to Ute deck of Ute acboooer.and informed Utt Captaia that he bad oome at Utt bidding of Geo. McCkllaa, to e-ect bk arrest Tbt Captaia expresaed rrtat sorpriae, declared bk ' innocence of crime, and wished to know wbat were tbt cbargta against bim. . lie waa told, by Martin that be wat not there to decide upoa bk gt2t or innoceace, nor to prefer cbarget of any sort,, bat to effect bk arrest m GtaV llo Clellaa bad ordertiL Tbt Captaia then coaaented to submit, and manifesting bo dupoaitiou to resist, was aHowtd to gat in to tbt boat aotied. In the meantime Ute other fire soldiers bad reached Ute deck of tht vessel and goot into tht eabia. , Cert Utey fouad a straw bed, whfch waa ripped opea, set "oa fire, tod Utt cabin door doted. Tbt portyptedily dlaembarked, leaving Ute crew behind, who, it k aoppoaed, tt- eaped ea the small boat belonging to the scboooer. 1 ney were aot latea Mcaote the boat used by Ute boarding party, bad a bolt aear iu top, and would carry but seven men. At tht surprist party polled off for Ute Sooth era short, the CapUii of Utt schooner bad bk ropiciooe aroosed as in tha Affast harina? been made be1 order ef ilcClelian, nd remarked to hk captors Utat Ute GeaermTa lieadoaartere were aot oo Utat aide of Ute river; lie wat told to - bold bk 'peace i" that his captors knew what they were about tbat tbef bad changed their mind ; and intended taking bim to a latoderaxa, inaiaaa oc a reoerai nrL ' The Captaia now became treat lv alarmed, and besought Utt demeoey of kit captors, suung wiia wars to ais eyea, Uiat bt had a wife and chjldrea hi New York, who would be aot oaly deeply dk treaaed At his lota, but greatly ffflMveriso- td. Uk fosrs were quieted by the anuraB eee Utat aa bt waa a salject of tbtliacolt Government, he most eoosider bk capturt aa catirely legitimate,' aad himself a prk- ouer:o:war. . rnon reaching Utt short Utt Captaia declared that bad he seet hk captors ap- oroaeb from tbt Goutbera bank, ute r adopted . would oot have availed, for be bad arma aboard, (Eodkld Ei3os.) oad wAnld have only tBrreadertd with hk Ufa. It Uie passage from Ue vessel to Ute shote, aot a ray of light, aave the lamp ia the tigging, was to be seen, aad our boy had made to their Blade tbat Utt tenet! would aot burn, and that the arrest of Ute Captaia was the only result ot taatr aaterprtaa. Bat they were soot most agree ably disappointed, for aa Utey aaceaded Ute bank, the fire suddenly bunt out. aod la a few minutes the fiamea were licking Utt sides of Ute vowel from bow to etara. She banted slowly, but brighuy, aad the fiamea illuminated .the river aad the eouotry Wind for miles. Our informant states that it was auite imusing to witneat the oommoUoa among tae new . ut vn ab eoaaktikg of some two hundred steam aad aaillaf craft. Steam crowded oa gua- . M - M I 1 boota aad paasporaf asa u wuho wat were quickly towed out of the teach of iv- knr.;.r scboooer. 8he iOOOtiBaed to bora from half peat oee until the dawo of day, whet, poly auca poruoua m wej low Ute water's edge remained. ' . The achoooer waa nearly aew, called Ute Lomim Jiint, aod commanded by Capt John A. Jones, of Ntw Yorkv She wat If) toot burthta, loaded with Oora aad prtvkiooa, and valaed tt 13,030, exehairt of oorgo. Capt Joaoi , wat broeiht to rttanhorg 6atarday and lodd ta J, ohert be tow ytahniea on the darirg of the tt!a aod lamenU over t!e.fortanct of war ..i iv '., ,.',- i i Jaat .abort the 'ldm Km, tevenj cbooners were moored, but a gunboat tji log a!org sl ?i WM Cotuidered somewtat mprtdenf tt attempt to bora them. Aa other, batch ef veeeek lay aotfiar below Ute Lomim Jutm, -but a guaboot wat ' near tbesebo. ' Betweca the destroyed vessel and Ut4 tlotkeley abort, tht . water waa 1 stodJed with veeaels, but Um Confederate force waa too email U waters it their mtdst 1. -'-i t'1' i ! l V :vy - t ' ' Jit 1'Axfrl t"e r"r-r v- f s. ametaad for talk end xoilee the tante -of the Federal armj were distinctly vai- THE WAR IN TENNESSEE AJfD KENTUCKY. 1 ' We caaaot thisk otherwiee Uuw that Um rtOeat uaovemeatt of oer light forces k the vicinity of NashviHt and Loukvilk are bat, preTioitnarv to tht more important ewte speaatry . so aoiMW. orgto would hardly have throwa Urns! with'toty tOOO or SOOO met almoat tpoa Ute baob of the Ohio, right ia the midst of the Ken tucky toriet, ajalem it had bete Mtooo oartad betweao timetlf and Gta. Brag, with tht Buderstsnding that bt Was to bt duly reported. So,? too, of tht dash of Gen. Forrest tpoa liuHreeshorough and Lebaooo, ia the directioo of Naah wlJe, It k aot to bt aoppoaed that at a time end anderdrceiMaocee Eke the present, the operations of ibeat two oUngukhedlead. eit are of a merely accidental or ephemer al character. They oaa woly, it reasona ble estimatioe, be the faUIatory atepa to a general ooveojeet of bar- Wcattra army, baring for ita object' the expakioa of Ute Ytakam from Teoaeatee, ted Utedenvur aaot ef Keatocky from her two vi'ptroo brood of Unionist who have at long held btr ia bondage tht moat igneUe. A Ct Ue aaore Um Utret moctha oaly remaiato aweep from those States tbt tafiuaoca tan. midona of Iiooola, oad restore Cteta to tht Confedoracj it their full freedom aod aovtitaguty. If it that time the work k aot done, a net of the watera trifl reader U a buadred times more diTScuIt, if aot actually impracticable 7 We trust that we aball soot bt cheered with iaformatioa of Um eaptdre of Nashvillo, aad of tht trai tor eeoaadrel . Andrew Johnson. H Thk would be fateSigeeco worth rejoicing over, aesociaud at it would be ia our loiada with Um coming defeat aad eaptartf of Um whole - Yankee forte 5 io Teaaesate aod NorthAlabama, together with a3 their ' atoret of averr deecriptkto. ; ' t( , forreatood llorraa hare optaed tht bull tpleadidly. ' let what they We done be' followed qtickfy ap by tht maia army and the campaign will It a glorious one. All eye art aow turned wuh iataoaa in terest to Um neat of war lav Tmawais aad Ken tacky --.Prt EDjajwaB;';.; ;V..:.'. . . .. ' . .' .'" , Ecfiuti JW-7i mentioned the dr. oamateoceeof Um death of oee of Um wooaded Yaakeea, hi Saturday! Xxvrm. while ea roeto to City Point to be tent North.' Another one died boob afterwards and the dead. Mka were taken dowa to . Utt Point to, be handed over to their late kith aod kio, to be aent home to tbeir familiea,butwO are informed the turrtooe or whoever received the prisoners, poak lively refined toreosive Um corpses. Jhe reawoo whereof wt eould aot aecerteia--Tbt bodiet wtrt oonacueatlr tarieJ la Um aefghborhood of Um Point TTe caa-. aot but foal tome sympathy ct the Lu cf beat oahappy omo, who have Csa Cai wkSe almost, at tt were. It s'lt ef tier mo.. It to aot Um port cf the liileea. however,' to pay any respect to Cdr dead privates, though they ave tltsito tit ut' moat wbtfe EriBg. At iTrrra. - Stvixf tie Locomot.'VxtT2t of aad cart were abaadooed oatheYoriiEi ver railroad by the enemy ia their retire ment to the James river. TU wreck are aow behg brotghtup to Um city, and it k : prooable tbat all oaa be repaired aad made to reader their aarvice to the Cox&lertcy. fiarwmoaef jraatoiaajr. " Tit Tnitt VimmAboul eighi hundred of Um Yankee wounded wtrt neat down to City Point oa Friday, four htt drtd mort yesterday, aod between two . band red aad three huodred wort brought bp. iadadlnz tht sick aad the auraea from Ssvaget Suxioa, leaving about firt hun dred ia tht Libby frimMmiMr. . . -. " Geoorti DktaJk!act)oa bow oocaauaada UMNorthera foroaa. v ..

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