Mo-. . . .' A 1 , . 1 V, Vr. Y 1 Mi -, r ' f I " r y -V','' . .' - I : f 1 i' f : 7 , ,"" -.., .' v - - ..'' - .fir Ws nf 4 -vv (i V Jum "Xi . -,,.-. ; , ,v , .'j,. f ,;..,,, . ..f jV4,.w( Jj, . ...... 1 . , rr i,imi wtr tm mj'um i it'll k. ifi - v V - . . - y s v . . ' IV,' '1 r-i V ; - , , , i f 1 '"V-"' ft tin-.s QoMonmu, &pt 1 a. li lUrfwr'i Fer ry wt jmtoM 1,CM prmtev "0 OOCciX ana m4 44 pora f euioa Cot Vt'tUu tf bt:efy lot k CCTO tortct Our loog Vti ""J 'LStuL ;J U VouaJcJ. ' TU Wuit con . a XIvtuLij V tfigrlU' , TWr 4m4 t fitniiMrkiUlrGdn.O, ILMU ' Fro bet Out it it kaowa m eScbl cbek " (ha IX It Oil wu 4i liouo4U re" BuitJaj, am tMtJed u au ;wha ooolMtM UmI tlM Uttto wm bm t or or a ftpur r tu umocuw Uoaauiat, mmI at tU twiot af aatamociM af amal aikaa aa4 coaoiy raftdU rMRCVl4Ma point of paat tratoo topartMMC, af iciall ta oa aacttaa ira iaa amairt af laeitiia apoa lata imi im duc twa jMaca txaeu waota Ota Lat aaw4, aa4 aa4 ir I A RiaaarrWnf lUaao vaUvt aeanL Mwiwf wa a toama.atiUtd "r acnot wwit, vbi Otn. Uav HrenJ dan prtrbtua talUUuiaU M twaJat, iaiwpta dimtoa (rata lfoOoaaa m 0a.f ILkc lb cnawaanlar at tUtjmiS terry, aa4 mmU bt 'anmawaeiiu aooorUiBr.' P. U. IIi9 art onirtW ta mpp UdM&m tmi funt ak drww. aatii Jadnoa a4 JL F. tlil aV)H nara upod at lurpet kvrj. wa ta uw aw aavwH avarr.t&iof aaa varum ta taa a&brt anitfartioa of oar coauaaadia Qanar , From tka aunc aooret va bear that : tba naaauiy oTaoiNoiiiaa mpOmi , br at - at iLkmrs FTf ia u&mcasa, aawoatior to Hafantt bua4rc4 wajgat load i5iTcacTijtt rtoM isovu. ,Mfita af Cwrwa Awa .Mtakiarf aava aaih4lHLf4 WManwitf iat0fiai-fMMr. mIt ui. f t h a! Um W 'aav lavba af tut aitliiiaraM' tar, aaarf taa taw at UH aro awr a bmm ta Um CmIM mm. TiafewMwaamiWatMawM Haafai a aa aatiNty traatawtajr.. , t IBitiftaa aaaiMaajaiai ' "V""" ' Maaiia.feat.lS. A aaaalal Diiyttfc iiaa A4rtiw S Mr Laita4 Kaonala, lltaiaalt - - A HaMxr' fWa) Xtacaaart km RuU k taa aattla af Cat taa Ii fl UtM l M aa4 taa Yaakaa,a aatair'aiaa) ama t4 OaN aalt ti - ' -: 5 :' ";' - Amumf mm kil4 wm LUaC CL Fits af t t Vinuaa aUfiaMaC Taa aaa wna Kaaiviuav aVpC la. , Tfca . aty ' y ataafai " CaaWfaW Caa MaaaaP Mf"l ataaiag ay taa awgaMa karai aa tklraaMnr. aai Maailar raaia fWJjek taa aU.' Tkr iatfat4 W ant Urfaa4 m4 ta' Katacky. Oar fcraaa iaa aaiaawf naat wf Caaaiaicaaa fata aaa wU4 oaa iadt Jihun't fMHlr. aaa arata at Crata 13a. Lat Taaraaw. wkaia aar laaal kauu, a rr af ti SaaraUH af VTar mar iaa aanaja a frporUtt Emm Ut rrac1ia4 iera of a kat sSl ia iirUni ajr wait it k ten- bralml 01 oar ooaitinad Ibrata Ka4 ranted I adaraU villi fneat tlaahur, viUi tba UiJt lii Um tirti back biaa tuilct, wJ r.'.-rj. cLL-ul tie ra-cf;tafa of vperiimraaacfrau vwtorv ta taa . -3iLc! vera taica Briaooani. .ho oaa tulitaosj UIev4 a var4 of it .. Qatha mirarr. Vol a mat Boatbeni victory Lai Oil It U lt fmjwaailjlf leop op U tn mo? wntnta jpf otr f rifo thali 104 rapid it Uiein-prTaa ki.41to aitoundintf tha VnU daily' ucquwi apoa iair ojriuy?n. Tie apada Afld, tLa djtcli -bto. at lsf lea)!icanJel. LerLav ban o battt oted fur einbakmanlfflind tha Itapvieal trSeclt v fra rttneMI InitJj niott tb ia)t)t 'and aulrifa of lba1QJira'iftjr apoa " tba) ltroaiwcff of tWeaaaa eutraafed ta thtlr Kap; Who will now dara. to fajr thit trW Tr criUciarot wbicb wm ftea bad to Viait lb ataiMiarv Mkkf of dfeav end tha atriterr .f Ilia bik fwcH wtra not jott f WTki vill miv rvfoaa to 4 tliank tt for tint iutatyta Uiaaaliafactioo villi the dttfaftaf v faaed Ink tareatbiir a4r "tha oberai oar f rajjr ila t dut, tbejr ara po tttora tuuiit iiiwa l oar. ? artuaa iu-utia. C tiualkrr (lituttttaiotua a rafvd in tpovruQt vaat , vf tha Waaiuda ami AUebaM-lta txcnrauHi f Cui-iiitl ; Uutcati into Kvutuckj. tiz vk auu. aa ly fnli iled aa a rtahuiaaanca of fttUr. v Ai aa tha! antcrpriain and warjr capuia bad .i4ord tba waj, and rataracd It aafatf ami tri atttpb, Gn. KJrbr - Suiithaviwla cuwiaand, of vbicb Aiatvin waa a exmatitueat part, advauevd atdna: tba track no bad frxplurad. f Uut Uoti. iniura tolaun fa. ttaelf; but a pan , a V m : ' - . . or a rreax moretanu ti w me ran- iuiM uiaaaiiaiaciion viui a!o wtlicy : vUeh 'ire In itba )K'polar mind I ' In ' a 'aa' ttie'operatiooi "of menfa. anljl t orattce of it., LvgtiU- tVrtlicr been recroltc, Uei, anatbvr t . 1m email vc!;: ' kaHpU)fr0m w! tba Ukerrtl.. 3 gkit?iiti..0;.r i: aouia didcaltj t notr oreadlzea t bWetabTjrad-rjc- !l:,poalltrTf tbu rtcmUr uianj dlScttr oniMed df Vlr 'cneral . Igrd.' nta (ann evra 'ife trttoba bad Mlerad" tba' or ."jrco a talk V delaj ; bat wa " aQ - aroijia ;i afr'aad m t itaaartatlt,, l.tbaI.Kc: i I wV Obin. tmder Ueooomuad Af Jfttra! Rojdv llM UKireirienfa viir djbtlew be mada in concert v ith tboaa..if tta caaaaamnda af Oettarala Brar and Buektier, bet veon the latter of vbtn aapeciAlIand General FliitiL tbe moat etaxlial ratal ioaaV ox iat4 ami eommott icwa of tba proper move tnentt ' for' Keutaekr.tcAinW la aooiiaaaa; tAvi&rai f ibiKal rf tS f 'it.' Dadin dava tl - Examiner. . ARMY CORRESPONDENCE ' 'f Of tk4 &tk RepvUicum. BaxrtJi Fuu) orrliKAMu,Ao. 31L - Aaotbar rat battia baa btaa auafbt oa the Woodt Haiaa af MakMM, aod vow etata baa Ilaafea erovael aar Uaatra vitb tba laaral of tldorr. Ttf -eioflict apaaad Frida aflarauoaaad bNt aiKU aoV a 'aoVral aoMtr fftBMiaad . aa tba aoatk afala oHmU RaOr aiorpt tba f iao aera v bad tka and tbewe vbwaWe tba alarp ikal tluU ko au wakiaf eatU tba fiaat oaj oi jaagaMBL-., I did not artir. a tiaaa to vharat tbe battia of Fridaj, tba ib. LtavioGor dMa:n,itf oclork thatdar.;! amMd jaat ja tiata to vil&aa,W tba araaad Uom, tbaaa eaatauartir 0a. Lae vMra id tha front anaa tf at a as 1 a erd ft txpbiaatfoa 1a rrrard tailt U ksJ ta beaUioa of tbd eoaiUiwiw. i ? -.. ..ami a . mm" " ' IM vmrrtatoa a&4 Aiaxatwita 'iara- lk raaa ajrarlr waaard. "aed ' tba " road -oaf Badlf drd aia I!a9 Raa to" llaaaaaai iaadhMT ftartk aad 8oaib. Tbaat bifiV- vajn latatarit atbar ta tba'aHKfa of IbaeM taiili rjoaad.Y A4ajo -down tba lamptkaV aar fureaa 1Wei 14 tba taat in J ta tha dirtetiort bf Waahi(M' bila fba aacmy La4 ta tba vvtt, bataot at- aetlv tavarda Uidimoad." Tba Km af bat' Ikjtaboflf tbrraflfka axtfaded acruat tbatarapika alaMat at tuibt aegfca aad aarty parallel vitVaad fott vaaMof tha Bodlej tat "Tba battia of Kila aiiti vaa to bo foatfbt afar, aad u; Mat ta la decided , briber abeeJd adraaoa apoa . Utraabiaxtoa or tba eaeaaj apoa Kicbaioad. lata vaa tbe iaae,ad tbia taa batda fteaaeV J ' ' ' 'r'S- W laara from priaoaeta tiat TlalWk, IfcCleUan aad PP vera weaeaC- IU- CWUn bad brought ap bia aid U. 8. fop bill i?t C f Crr f bere Bra. aad. .Bartev Mk,bf C$m'1 X$lJ I1 FeoVal tfuae. aBn :i aaiawi, am aad few) roea f t',4 Tba.taaa '. called to aim t niao t, aa othera t be . woaia Mtittr k ki.VL M(i odIv rvbtr. auaiw t! aim tel m or a ; ia uio w lbtriaai af CoeWaraie ma aa aiain bodr f which fceept in Im- s t j J. V ' .. mediate c&taet wJthf tl reirttt-nK krLS i;.2 il la Euadaj'a lt vaa" 'ear "bire' j.I.tid b0a. We bare beard of tree bsu&cee ia tbia ieboatf raaaatlr, ia ' Lkb private datScgt Ui tbe eooary ' bat tea trvlca opea and plundered. Tve of brtn ww brolra bu aa tbe Sabbatb dajv . M tbe atatV ea TbajakJcirtor: vbea -tbe kotiliea vera "abeeot aiteodiC cbaivb,. X'ua rj, Juvelrjr, pun aad povder. tbaa fcr, . Id be orjecu aoejb t after by tbraa berjUra a f a a ' t - a ' . . ' t u Bauaraa aa ae taa vara a aeaartata ,AoflMXMa..Wa bare recei red a circular aifoed by C XL' TTHry, . Bup. Com. Solioolv'an J other oScer of UJa Aajooaaoo, aanontwaj C next acsttai meat bl to uka pUee at Ziaeotatoa, tbe" HA 0 tcberr Akr;a a&endaaU bw;ctit. ;ra. aa u isu. Xmm m kt: " ' v " : A tT.U.t:.3. " army of tba, North, ander tha lad eraiiipoc jjooii. p Atua tauer geoerai, tlioneti neslected.- ia trobaUlr tba ableeC tflcerwlwrti tbe Yankea bare now lo coaimand. Ilia qoalt tiea are aUd .atber. titan abtuin bat bia ahilitiea decided and touen or. Ila U worth Art orani boa-load of Pouea, and. la aa auperior to llc- Qellaft aa lite Utter ia to Hal lack. Bat for tha ability of Bocll, tbe ar m aodcr bia eutnmaad woald long ap liavvv bean aanlliilxd. Aa It ia BaaU tetaabnrj before Bragjc and the latter general cannot aflura to be t toomeut off bia gnaroV In tbe presence of eo atrong an adversary, Coaoncranx, ' another ' really da ver general of the 1 ankeea, eommanda the extreme rtgnt wtng ortne Ian kea force on IhU tide of the Jliatif aippl that is to tay, the portion of the armj uearvat tlie rirer. It ia aid that Vricecoiquiaodl the ad venufT oJamo on onr aide; bat,! w boater It way be, jxoaenerans ia ndt n fye to be tart.jwrad with ; and bettce K la. that the greatest circnm potion eharactcriiee ait oar not- menu la that qaartar. . ? (jeneral StniUi beln in the heart of Keatackjv'wWjd ""lor tnoye mctiU which Hie leleauh bar eo fulljr detailed thatl lie T cannot . be reported here ; we come farther east tnd Cad n lare Uua fed prate . force watching aitnllar force of t eaer al. fortiSed in tlie tnonntainlcorret of the. Cumberland Uau. it , ia the popakr baltcfthat this Federal force ta wrroanded, and cann4 extricate lttlt Ba firmly" ia thia condition fixed, thatwc bave Uad .n doxan r pons that tbia aruty of the Yank era baa been captared. Tha fact, bow evcria tHt eo 1W ntay be starv cd into capitulation, bat it is not probable tbat tbey wiUDe taicen in any -otber tatSttcfk ' . Farther Exit we hate still another aray of twelve thousand ander the conjtaand of General ' ' D amphrey Uirshall. It baa been encamped for a Ion? time' In the coanty of Taxewell, in extreme Sooth vee tern Virginia. It Is noWelaawhejv J and It is at list positively aSMrt&i that it U ready to tnotiv This annonece ccrt bos been so often ' made do Ir? lie Lut Un months, however, that the pallia ?are Indlspoaed to erifltafect spoa 'which w noth ljdricJtaJjCcsccrcfrjwhiih C- Uti tc? to tiiy Oj-pcizb aaiober It i not of atea tanged oa ehber aide. - a a rvwawM powarer, taat t tbe - eacroy mere Uaa 7J.000 trttopa. aa tbe fel Oar evafcroia' vera emidtrably leC awja pan w ue army at aatmX armed ia lima to partiaipata ta tba fight. -Loaa atraall orp.fmm bald the right. A. K HWr mA AAm'. l... ri TLiyj:-. ioos tbe ecatre, aai ackaoa'a vtteraoa tbe left Jackaoa vaa the trat ta reach tbe pUiaa balov t Blue Ridge; Dill came aaxv aad tbea vLoaiiat. vbo eataradaTtHlMrt(areOap. TbeeoetBy eecepied the Gaptmh a futl dirkloa. and aeetaed dwpoaed ta djapeta the pajaagfof or uavp, oat laoaoa' aad Aadaiaaala Georgia brindW vbtcb led tba eorpa, madeaboUdab aad aooa draee tbem away vitb bet Ctde loaa. ! That vaa oa Thurada.thaT jt. kd broacbt tbe eaeajy to bay batvaaa GMaaaviila aad Grovaatoo, taa mOas from tbe old battle W, oa tbe Warnatoa bmnikt Kaav lag tbia, Loeroreet preaaad vard, aad aocaadad iacttUBjiatopoaiiioa aatbe rickt af tbe tarapl- w dm to bold that pah of oar ftaaa vUe Jackaoa endured tbe aaaory oa im len. ? v T . u- It abaald bave bera vtated that Leac etraet played the epeny a eW trick U-1 airord to aliaHdoU. tore aa kn Ibeeoatb baak of tba haanock. daokaoa aad UtU aaebg ae. ed aroaad by frerryviUe abova. U made Mate' at atearsl tjada ae tU Rappahaa aock at if be would eroat over, aad thus drav the atteotien'of Ue aoeaj to tboas poiaia, aLUrt be pet bia. brae m paotioa aad ttartbad rapkllytolbeaonhvard pd aroood to Gaintartev k Sa saoqaarfal vaa tba aaa&ouvre $at a laU. aortbera paper aov U&x me ccrrralalaira iaa readara oa the brilUaat victory achieved by tbe Fed era! hi driviaes away frem tUV ! Tbe e ray ad ra need to tbe attatk aa Friday. Ua WerabaUt aaaea of Jack- Sou a eooipaiiuivvrvaakaeaa. ,Ueaoaadia- eovarad, bowtw that a aaavy CavfeV ato cotpoia (LoantreatV) had rot iato foaiUoa oa tbe riffbt, aad HaaWiaiflt aorameaoad reteojrade aaowmeaV Tbe UlUe, which vas body eooVMad for a p'ma, ia vbicb the aniUciT took a proou- aaat pari, aoetiaaad thraagb tba aftoraooa, aad reaaUed fa tbe repelee af tba eaetny aloe? tha entire Caa. Jackoaa force chiefly esated. aad behaved vitb their aaaa! e?lbairvi -:L . . -. Tbe eeeee of tie eoaiiet aae jaat Satroat af GaiaearwU aad oa tbe bfkof the War reatoa toripik ay yoa'Wok jevarda AVaaV jBjrtoa.v,, , ',.-'; , 'IvJlV'--1 ' Tbe eaemf vera driveat back i to the td U tbeold battle field of Uani Tbe Coardarataa alept apoa tba laid, aod there availed a raaaara af tbe attack ae vaaterday. " Tbey vera not daappoiatad, for the aaaea y eraJa adraaoad arvsat oar kA at 1 o'clock XVlLaad aersrad Jk- son fcsfc Vr three tha eer'-eat lev alanL etffbUae WinMala, aodeT Fiti Job lVtrtr. Uviatxlamaa'a divkiaa, aad vtber corpe of bat Jaiaea riref1 anot. , II vaa ev Meat that tbe tfny v-roanaVat jl victory. -Tbey vera aware of Jackaoa'a weakacaa, and of the tact thrt aot roore tbea half of oar arajy bad wat ap; aad by preriphating the battle, tbey hoped te awagv tbeir abasBefiil dVfat'oa the eawe svoewi a little taore tbea ode jeer ego. ladewd. we bar that If eDwvVll. tbe most eiwliafd'offiorv id the Federal service and the commander at IfaaaaMa Urt yrar, aaadeaa erawat appeal to bia , troope to vice oat tbe diajEraee vbkb tbea betel their arna, and aevr to leave tbe field bet aa ooeeecrore. ' V" Aa I kua .liHif aiatv1 th In Mil opened the bttUe by aa attack apoa ear teft A heavy eolaoa, with a fell eooiple oaeatOf artillery, "was Uooeled agamat Jackaoa a vvteraa. bat titer, at elaewaere, tby eocoaatertd a StoaewalT aa iajotove- ablaaethe Blue Rio. The oaalaagkt voald bave bees fearfat to aay other' Mt Cbofaderate troops otfaggfiag far tbe dear eat rights that keowo to aaaa. TW attack vaa nrpaJed, bovever,, aad tbe eaemy forced to rettrer la tbe maotiine a heavy fore vaa moved ap againtt A. P. Bill aad AaaVf eoa ia tha evatre,aad Iegitreet a aiJea did con oa tbe Hcht. : Tbe attack apoa tte etntra vaa not cbaracteriaed by .aeh vigor, bet oa the right it ' van made by bfoClelUaV RegaUra, aid vaa fafiovav After tbe firat tndvaaient antaat the left vas reputed, Jackaoa foead bat GtUe diT- aeany, ta advaaesag bat iuaaa. Tbemtaa try vara very relactaat to' eagage 'the aurj cbienaia agate, and tbeir artillery alone retiated aim with epirit. Bat oa tbe rigbt tbe eoafikt raged vhk rreat vi olence for atore tbaa aa boar before e bad aiade aay toprcaaloe apoa uWearrWd raaka oftbe BrgaJara. Wbea tbey did Iield, it wee alowly aad ia ' perfaet order, t coeld hardly U called srtreat;wepuab rd thflt,aa h vera, front owe alevatiof te awulber, aradaally followiag thee ap aad firmly Iwldiag tba greeed tbry bad beea la tbia way thecobket eeotiawed aatil aear aeiNt, tbe rvtryjada , aaoyeoaeat of I tbe eaetny gww2KBMara, tpwi aaa oroVly the; battle proceeded. '' Jack arVeard forward vtgoroualy oa tbe Wft; Bill and AiMWraoa did the same, la the centre ; aad aa the fya retired btr ia that t-arf of the fWld tbaa oa itUjriirK ear iia noaiiy aaaumtu ,aowjyp ve Hat of a iroc dl .j . .x-ti "Jacltoa allenirtb beet bia Koe arvuad to the Sudlef road, aear tbe cbarcb. of that aaaoe, aad aboat the aane tinae the eaatre aai rfeht react ed the. old battle rroat'Tbea fullowad aa apWadid fibt tag aa the part of the CooWeraUe aa the vorld'ever aaw. v Aa thy fct' broke apoa ibrm ' Uat tbrV aaaia atood epoa ' that rlonoea fild, and that the eavay,ooght reaywai at ociMon reaoarra , lurrw vae year ago, tbey ewpt. oe aa if ihy wra buna oaward by the fiat e faJU Tbe eve" ctyv briyhwr. the arm waiSd alrongtr, aad eatcbiDg the laapiratioa of theplaoar aad of tbe ehUdreaof gwry who aleep epoa ha. bills tbeyxeeat ap about aM aboat,. that rote b'k khoye lb mighty dia aad aproar, sad, aaaa Jed ia tbe ear. of , tbe alraady , retreaUog foe like a aeateace of'jaJzmanL " .'.'. Aboet tbe'eaoe bme Gea. Toomba, wbe bad been abeeataedet prderv reach ed the field at Ike lop of hit'bone'a apead. Ilia apfWaace ; vaa greeted , kb the cheers of Ua thoaiasd Georjianila LoSff gyaet'a corja. ., Tbe ahoaU 4 vera caa jEt ap aJoag the valley aad ever tia 'IwH aa kapeWid form avert across tU ia Ibe (baoa ef U krde. Us kai . t irampet .toaea, .vaa:? PmidyoU Bavia ca 4 create reaerale j - God efjj mkea 051: ' iFmallf, oar eeOrehoe croatad .the pad-" by enad, aid Srpt peat tha atone" kooe v at the btteraeaiitfa el tbe roeda, the jUeary .' aad teyia bootee ea the rbt, oe Uvarda jt ' Itnll ttam ' Itnt ha mrumm 'fri niMt hia artillery lib gfeal y..3 and j.-'imrL.VS Uia firia. erae aaDerb. and 1 meat T admh. aaperipr o oaf, eva. Bje twttertoe ware poated at eomoMBding peinta, and natlcd " bim to cover the retrcjtiw b lofantrj by , ' delaying oar advaaov. b bt,! too, . caste , to b raacoe. aad to Jftored act bis i ' ewa anna, waa be tadUrdiorJa etcape from Utr dcatractioa. .Tbe'paraait: : vat kept vd aatil darkness prevented f further effort aad the proVr to bait vaagivee, j, 3Tbe enemy caeapedacroM l Ball . Ren daring the eight, aad morning fwond bimr ia a bsrried retreat, for th aecoed u time, , over the aame road, aad from A-he aame t UulefUU, back to . Weablagtoe. ; Tba , the nave baa beea derided for tbe aecond , time Ja ear favor, and the jsdgmeot o( ' July 1801, euade' afilrmed Ulore the 4 workk vTe balUe efUaaaaaat aa beea.n Mgll aver, and Orecieaa God and oor ,' ova right arma hav given aatbe victonr. ' ' 'It i too early to eater iota detail, eith er an to the part peHofeoed by iedividaala, ' a tbe estent of the victory.. Every officer , and mn, from Geo. Let dowa' to'. the ' " bamblvKt privaU", eiceptiooa,' too' aa- 4 imnorlant to inatifv Daxticalar aotio. Per-' - formed bia whole dety. Bat our triumph ' however, baa beea Parehaaad at tbe cost , of mock preeioos blood. , Oar bjea haa beea heavy : aot leaa fear, thai alx of , eve tbouaand. - The Cataalde of tie en my, ioclndiog killed, vdaoded, and fruh , ably SAeea bandied or I no tbooaaad pria-, ooara. will not fall mocb abort bf tea or twthe tbooaaad , men,'. The atraUty of the enemy waa .clever. aad deaervea at tea do. Be bad attacked Jackaoa oa Friday, aad repotted. U renewed lb attack yeaterday, aad tbaa aougbt to ereau.w, balief that hi chief object vaa to tare our left, ' Baviog. at be . aappoeed, produced tbia impreaaioa apoa Gea. Lee, be addoIy precipitated apoa . our right a very bvy force, iadadiog tbe old United; Sutra , RegaUra aad other ' picked troops, nader kits Jobn tor tec and BeiDtxfctiuB... Baobjoct doobUeu . one to lorn oor . rigbt, , throw a back aira!iMa th TUm Bid ' kacn oDenbia emmaieation by the Alexandria and Or- aage rail way, aad , vUb Frederickaburg, aad hie rua boata to tbe Souih, and tba eat at off from the bate of our tappfiea. The tooeeptioa vac exceflentbot the exe- , cation vas faalty.' .JA r't V -:,' X Be, Bartev, and others ba fell oa this fit-Id bwt year. have, beea amply avenged. The abaft erected over. the . apet vbere Harlow perkbtd baa.beea removed by tbe vandak. bat tbe poind aroaad tbe - place , ia marked by tbe Federal dead. The Bea- v y'Uonae. which vat riddled by the anil- Imr ahot of tba enemv bul rear, and vber i. j fi a.Mv l... wa mgna fjwmw, a.raj.Mvnij, wp.w, eJeo been reaioved piecemeal by the enemy and probably aold aa rebct ; bat before iu very doort, aad wtlhia iu demorubed nail . ale-p lo-fiay the miaersUe. myrtnidons of tboaerdw n",;..-' i Batteriea wari pleated and, oPtordN yesterday vbere they, ver planted, aad cepiaredLwt year. Tie pan tLid vber tha foartb Alabama aad U bbt& Geor gia ea&red o terribly in the gret UtU, . m aow atreara tritb'tba elala cf the Inva der, yim charged throvi the aame vooda . -yaHday; tkoagb from a dilTereot point, ahere Kirby fimith, tha Blocker of -' the d-y, entered the fiht before.;: Tbeae are reajwkfUt eoincWencea I aad tbey extend , vea ta my ewa esperieace. Ia the road way vUn I raiiered a wounded Iriahmaa from Wiacoaaia lata at eight Uat year, I to-day found ajmtbet Jjtelman ctying for aacoor. As I twadered H to tbe firat, so I ' gave'it to the aecond. V - . . . - Mm a a . a la aot Ue band of trod ia ail ur Who but He broafkt at agaia face to face with oar enemies apoa thee crimaoaed tUina,aad gave at the -victory I MTbea beibre did tbe aanta. people ever fizht two erpersta battle ipoa the aame" ground. wtuiia eo aeon a penou i twwvivwi . time the Ged of baUlee baa tpokea by the month of ov cannon, sad Void the orth .i lo let a re anto ooraalve. Will that ill " lUrred people recair Blm to repeat the . coamaid after the aaaaaer of Fbaraob . Ud the farkliad lypuaaaf . W .shafl ,1