, . . -j. r SALISBURY, N VOL. XXI. " ' ".""."- ji " -' i . ' - A '.. . rir C .Jt ... it u.. ri.rrmintd to attack the eil lery ' from their poaitiin jotti at J. J. BRUNI'Ih . liable to censure as slanderer oT yoerMlial in engagement omj -- - -k,,a ndeavor " . . v r. m..a,.c',..r.,urdJ!aII huais H4 ii mere mr n bis right -flunk and endeavor Fredericksbnrjr nd at1 the liemaro reueriCasnnrg nu a-mo urrnsiu orise. This they'kept npantil iniit' piiie cWk,: when havlnf House. no harm by lb. rem.. ; and ,r rm, ; lude to t ,e .l tLlbWivi vriMner. iv T,..Yi. --- .rr "-";it. 7 r ,n . . , :, -t.a t.nruose uei hI rC JANUAUY 11, 1864. NUMJJEU 33. i i 1 We Bad it i'owte'y "wssary MUT ourwdves again loss in publishing the paper, o advaoe the rale of subscription. The price will, then-fore, be, from Ute 7th instant, THREE DOLL A US ibr 8ix months. For the ngwent Biib-iptk)n wiU not be receiv ad for n longer tune. For thrWaieheina.' ON SLANQKlt. Slander is hat i couduct, which injuri ously h-e r destroys another's repel lion. I" Mt..t cir. words are made tin? rhicW of ls)itd?r, fco, lu ariling om this subject, the reader may regsrd U plajfariwii, which lo a .wtain eiteul, I admit, tor I am oothing, nor ss oottijr. ilsl I cUim m my owi : slf is borrowed or giea without inrit. ' Bit Wt 1 have Wen, Jieard, and felt ; lJ9ibeity to tll io the spirit of for- Jars norv that with the ejing of God it tnayoogood. Cod and all good men, have alhored evil speskiB. Ood Mid lo Israel of old, Thou shall not go op and tlow a a tale bearer ; thou shalt potiai a false report. David said he would rut off tbe man wuo L.wl.rv.1 Li u-Iirhbor mi!- llut t m and souther will say, I say nothing but what is true? soother wi! say, if I am called on, the truth will have to come. How mani rumors are afloat aboat Uiis and that ooe. We may ull the troth and jet be guilty of evil apeaking for it b hard to tell a tale just as we" beard it, and coaally hard to make a ule, and always it nraceiwlv the WtD WSV. and C may lay at times and m placea wlwl we .u i.i Jl. maA' Lhtta or aokrhbor is injured loed in the eslTroatioa oTlBe bearer. I'uUmj rutuor ay so and so, and way it flie ! Koch a ope knows a good deal about it (no obaccre cbaractei ) but wf rMMAt.ns hurt that that one 'knows a heap about the rate but wbea called on. the information triven are very aOMiwfsctory. twme peroos perpetrate AU inLuitr with dif-cl malicious Uesiiri ; others fim a bw.y, tneddiuig disposition, nnuikfind unless intcrferiiiff in the con cerns ofotbere v'aod aoroe fiom a wish to WV HW.u J 1 hrittatM , hifctirv. k i.Akt j.iniiivtlv acuuaintea wun Tl.e Erst of these prbap enjoyed the on6dence of his neighbor when io iroeeas of time a trade was projjosed, which was v vti conditions accepted, when the time arrived to complete the matter the ... . . propounder mislnug the beat eua oi we batgain, would not accejrt n upon wjuai t.,,Hi wlirn nil effort! was wasted for,an aqual bf'Mberly trnde, lb dtMppoinled mui rnrtl u everr source, even lo force and sUmler. cklg as isons of reu- Ulion v ill either refKN.1 Hh U'se stories oi others invented for tlo purp of lowering or destroying neighbors t haact-r. or pub luthina imJurtuint news concerninir others. i Li iiemse, the good name, and comfort of maiiaiud will be invaded and destroyed, '. . . .t . L For it i evident bevond deoaie, inai oe Wliw lells a TniSCUievoMH liurj, mu u, by dwUring bis Uhefof miscliievious sio ri told by others k?nds, it- the-credit and sanction of . his on ubortty, and are ea seuiiiilly and alike guiliy of slander; and in tlu ir conduct both am witlioat eicuse. il alio liiUen to a malicious. story with out exyrrnuig lii dHpprjl'Hiion, declare by hU otidici (the Ktrout of all site. ttioii) that he consider it-ae 'meritibg In S 'probation and belief. He i'nyeistr' of slsmler derives aft his - . J I.. .Ui "iMjttfhHis ctMiiu-ocw and alt encour- i?ein';ut ffMin the tveMriiaiiers lent to Mm by 4Mh.v . Hy iiaUuiHg to the siaudtsrer nrirrt Hfeninit-itiaititt-tu liia. miaubit-. ou li.ru's;ions and lend , to them moet of their power to dp evil, and by doing this th spirit ot ahander is keptralhrr iirtba breast of iho sUwlerir'and makes bim feel secure, of tba axiMrOUeilCea he hoDCS 10 - - - 1 . gam by Ibis coarse of conduct J 4i4-oon- .qtjeccs.whicb M bis priacipaJ motive to U lun nu ABU In o ounuiuvio v w existence of future slanderers, and aids the diffusion of caJumay tbroogh the world. Ak ! Toe think (if yoa have, sot said it,) 'thai suck an oae ia pot fit to be itvlbe hireb, dw. But if yoa havi aided o spread the report (une or tatle) jfo are jr- 1 .-' - .. ..t .....I ..ur eiMtf aursa as the slanderous report, I nun nneyM mwi ,rtu'ij -....-,, UutPoHen the report b ao plaoMtle that you think; It k JinpoMiUe. but what kl i rue (ia thia theol ject of loth parties,) in vu caes there ia no real troth In U j slid when pw.perly Bounded, (wiihoiit rav igius preWI'ic) not eveo tlie apearanoe of truth. Then, beware of the lderer i :. "I1..!! itkAnii' tilalaahr and ihea as !wrpokt of others he ttlt! tpenk of you. B. riev Aot all yotf iear ; nor tell all you know, Heware to wliom yoa speak, aha( yon ayV when and where. Brolher, Ulr h 1 tell it not io Gaih ! puWihh it not in AJcelon. A wife Uk ! ! why are ye s' rady U bfheve evil rMns rutlier Iban ewarwl aatlaW t t And mark it brHhreo, a t ruth ; that we hale those we injure, and kv those tni.fii and aeUom. if ever, do we hale on inlets wo have -first Wured him in thought, word or ,dee4. Hence, the Mkoer bates Uod. twoause ne wiMies w inre his cause. The standerer hates those . . . . - i . t. . t they defame. A lying tongue nairui uw that are afflicted by it and thr Bible ay ... . i i L ...L and it ia an awlui worn, wnooerr nnieu his brother ia a murderer I lite slanderer does not pray for his brother; end perhaps not (or himself 1 Sncb are sin eaM. They eal aaith the prophet, the sin- of my people, and set their heart upon iheir ini nily aod have left off to take hed to the Lord. I once read ins renteri oi a row. nuttt, alien writin(r on the auhhttof slaa der, "That the one that would raise or circulate a slanderous report to hwer,hi ... . . . , .. . i . . neighbor, should t nong oy me wngur, and he that would listen to sum reports, :.k .rv. jbj should ha hnnc br theearsJ' The evils of slandsr ore both personal and are a Wot Then, staoderer, U war of whom tow apeak evil. Nortb Carolina Trcsbyterian please eonr. ' trw tssOrtMSsastst 0s Kdmm s4 PtossteO. Kerlew af the fear's leveaeaas ta Seaeral Lee's Aray. , Abky Kobthebs VlBGISta, ) i may be permitted, I trust, to sjak h few wrd-it rt ference to thi doTiigi of tlns rrhy for "the past twelve months. My connection with it I't jj.m when Burnaide'a force ap- ja-aroil in tront ot r rcc-KericKsourn ti thM Stafford hi-Mtts. And well An nimiiinhpr bnW t3ld. Balltlf the 15th V;Cvj.ryj Jkej-tjle whole of mat .luiiiieuee - arm . w e, uu'tirot carairy, one OHiianon or in fantry, and one battery of artillery Then catne the fin battle of Fred erickeburr, with the sad scenes at tendant upii the ei Hcutioh of the town by oar people in mid winter, idJt sac t vitiated sidit'ry, under the eye of that iterate of a Gen. Burnside. ' Of the battle of Fredericksburg 1 will speak briefly. The enemy felt folly assured in their' rainlonous -u.fliciency ofthfctr ability to disperse I T . . - .1 m....!, iiiiiitiuuan tit weisrmj oiiu iimim v"'n Tliw rrniiil th I-Lat ltichmoudl TWy crossed the iiar paliannock alif . fatallcroSwng lo tt,em and essay to carry the heights. But Jackson was on the right, Long-an-eet. protected' the left, and Lee was in the centre.' The result was as might have been readily foreseen by every man of. ctiintnni mfose. The Federal army 'buffered a signal r-ulse. Thr corpses of their dead an'diiie bodies atifttlnnangled and grttuhinlytng onvs ctTeTtd-ili are in trmt ol our lutes at tne owuor baule-neld wear Haijuliuira Croin5 whilst the good ld town ot rreaer-, kksburg became fr the noucb a dead bpital and a chiirnel house. The Federal cana, for the first time in the war, suffered a most humilia ting defeat. The hopes of conquest were crushed, and their vaunted bottbttugs were turned Jnto wailing over their great calamityrAIany have criticised Geo. le very freely for not pushing tho enemy bo Sat? ordayjDight. I was present at that battle, and I myself know foU well talneJ. It hits never, lllnrk, been mentioned in print, lnnt, .is nerer ttilM wet, riiMi a Ciwicu wr wot held on Saturday i.fcM. on urged a tnidiiijjiit.o'tocK, n wot .oyerrwled in cdancl bj i'iffr taeet and Oeii.Xe,ndI hinBt ay 1 tliinlr it rfll for Ant vjiluAe'aiid for a "wv . Jackun faaie lial jy:sk ovorrnled; for unleai we"6oia luvc ud some onerriti? badg pr mktk upon our ., all tl.a linHrora of oniplii at- tack ta'Ut he . resulted ; without any corresponding benefit ;nd as for adayatliitk upon the eaeby'a lines, it wq'e an impofsibiMty, or rather it.wytild hare been ctrtaln oatenft'iAiiio onr troons to have ad- ranced ojr .the platati in : frott of i a s a J I . J the rier WWCU was reaanyana thorotigls'y swept by the enemy's l.nttorips' All the Stafford heiehts. My coachision' is, that the. best in- iprmtrot t ie country were oerveu by not pressing the enemy io the first t rederwMWirg ngn. .. PsssiiiK -xnef Bumsidea sticking in tke tnd at Bank's ford, and the i.ntr - iinarv winter wlien 6ur uien stood picket on the Rappahannock, we will take a glance cnjpasaaitt at the battle of ChanceHofsnlle. HooK- .r aniiereeded Bnniside on the 27th and after three months of laborious aitigence toana mmseu ready to advance on lien, use s tines about the last of April. A short reference to the series, of battles which then occurred tnaytw e out of place here. On the 28th Apnl, Hooker wire w one corpaoi umi.ruij across the. Rappahannock, at Ber- natvt'a. mat .below r reoencKtwurK, whilst with the rest, having broken .,n..i Iia' niarrrwd ranidlr to Kelly's. Ford, a point twenty-two miles above Fredericksburg, on the Rappahannock. At this point' he crossed tue ltappanannocK, nuu thoncA marched his forces to Ger- mnna an Elly's tords on the Rapi dan river, across which he succeed ed in crossing Almost unobstructed. If (for he hid mdy cavalry, vidette- . .i e.A, k. Tlwipatatr ttiA last at tneao j .ii,!..!. ...' day of April. UotOcer tlven turned tne head of his column down the rrla Tredt-rickuburir. In front of the ChanceHorsvilie Ilonse, Andersons division, tlien of inff sfreet's corpi, which had been guard ing the United States Ford, first took np a line of battle on Thursday neenint? but fintling tliemsel ves con fronting a very Jargel r supernir force were corrtpelled to rati rrncs some miles, to a point where the old Mine .....a :..AnwiaNtliA tnmnike. 6 milea ra i h 1 1 1 ov;w Tr r r.:.TT t,nva Frpderirkabiift'. The char- acter of Ilooker'a .moves oecame folly unveiled to theNomiiianding General during the day olhiirsday. Accordingly, a force of observation under command of GeneraHSarly, was. left guarding the line from Fre : . . " . r dericksburg to Hamilton s crossing, Hooker liird thrown across below Fredericksburg on.he preceding Tuesday, The rest of frar army with the commanding General moved up .naAt UnnVpr -at ilie head of the irreat hulk of the Tankee Army of the Potomac. uen.jacKtMi miu .t A,Wanni line of battle, at the intersection of the Mine and I lank -tt. tfteHitrlviiFHttf FMwrnmt ins. lie at once araed command i " - v-- . .( leading anCruoving along with the atiimialipra. The enemv wnn ns'iittn' ityv..v---.h. -Bki mislier, ' . itLj.. nittheV a so crossed onp.v c osed Upon Bsaunng ma o.s.. limrsuayrue a va t.. fore the determined advance of our men. At night of Friday Maf 1st, McLaws and Andersons divisions or Longstreet' corps were confronting the enemy in front of Cbancello vlllet (Pickett' ani . Uood'a div u ions of Longstreet corps, had not then returned frcn' Suffolk.) " On Friday night, aiter a consuluuon ; naiiT nnnnc iner . . " . i" i ..rf division and- a br r it yi:.;a;i Trniiible's old U- yisuw, now commanded by General Elward Johnsot?, nxr L. u old division, now as then, comiiiana ed by Rhodes, he (R.) having re ceived his promotion -from Jackaon on the Ueia ir iiiaigii" r..i K.,ari,.rvnn HatiiraaT eveniiiic, May 2d, . dust aner oaj ox III , . s day mortiiug Jackson stanea ob.i. flank movement, having first aeeor .i .. trttfit iruidc. He moved all dav long with as much rapidity as the nature ot tne umiu; "s" which be paused would allow, An a n UH UpTjiwa in lront mean time carrying on heavy skirtqifching ..... KiiallB with the enemy, v fortify ing expecting oo. to; assault them in ffont. About five o clock in the evening the for of Jackson gdns announced tnaw tne nana u.o ment was accomplished, and that Stone waitiwas Jig?n. thunderingjn the enemy's rear. lacKson leu.op oo the enemy's rear, going m upou them with their backs turned to his 'fiankinir column. The story of the k Flyvng Uutcnman anu uio.ucic of Hooker is soon told. In an hour we had driven the enemy at an .inu and forced them back fully two and a halfjnijes, carrying. two of their eartliworKS ot a Hiot iwui- idable character. Wigtit ciosea wtto our men masters of the field, and prepared onihe coining morning to turn the flight of Jthe precedipg eve ning iuto- a root After nightfall Jackson rode out in front of bis(oor) line in order to maKe a recoinio.n ance, with the view of discovering, f possible, a road leaoing arouuu o tne Unitea oiaiea jcvi, that he might cut Hie enemy off from retreat by the ford. The sad catastrophe that ensued is known to the country. Jackson fell whilst re turning to onr lines, the enemy hav ing attempted in their desperation, to surprise us with a dniglit at ...i,' TW nt uinrniuirGeUi J. K. n c ...hmarl COinlll&MU OI Jackson's corps, and fought the baf tie to a sticcessfnl termination, dnv- !MM ilia AiianiV back at all points, i"45 " j hit failing to . secure the fords, as d.d. for the iea- wacKwii r- utAra hs twk commsnO mm- iui. I'v-. - . the enemv bad a sufficiency , of time , - . ..... r ! anrt lmDOS- I to rentier a uioe vi t sible. . - , - - Let o retnrn for foment to the vicinity of Fredericksborg and note the -operation there transpiring.--On Saturday evening the force of ich crossed to the south bank of the, river, recrowed to the i north bank and took np the line of march, apparently to reinforce llooK " "t nhnnrcellors-viUe. At the same linrcwiJU"- time a balloon ascenoeu. near Inrey house, on the btattorq siae, to observe our movements. Gen. Early seeing the 1 ankee aoanao" their lines on his ironi, sum w- le to aid Hooker, at once ordered hisen to move, and .statea to join Gen. Lee. The Yankees were men enabledVby toeafis or tneir nanoon, to discflveKthe force witb which we were defending the line at Freder icksbnrg. As shon as they observed onr move, from the heigha of Staf ford with their hairwon, iney oeau ee?at.the.lr.tardhoa, rh.w Fredericksburg. Lnrmsi oat- m.w-j ' " ' , frt. first 1 tim during1 this move, occupied it. - . " . . ,. .. rir liffht" ot Sun dav. May 3d, found Hooker half whipped and bis army considerably demoralized, at Chancellorsville.--Whilst at Fredericksburg, Early was lying in the trenche confront- and awaiting hi? onward move. Sooo afterday the enemy opened with their artil Mil f. in nit irftinBt the itorTe' vlair-fl.e first lime unsuccessfnlly ; for Bark-' " his band of heroes, met the shock , of battle and nobly hurled it back. . The enemy pAOse and resort to ar-,. tince. A nagoi truce ia exninneo, A and in an evil moment the gallant -a a t a 1 . t Vol. ottae loin jaissisaipjM,; receives it. The enemy thos discover that instead of bidding the Stone- fc walf with a line of battle. Barke dale's men are so stretched out that ' titer are barely guarding it with a line of skirmishers. A few moment' IIV " " - " - - ( more and another desperate'onset of , the enemy, force is made.'1 The -stonewall is carried and the'star- . spangled banner" waves in triumph. 4 over, the enemy' much-coverted . achievement, and our forces retire. Meantime a bloody drama has been enacted at Chancellorsville. - The ' result of which . is that Hooker bas "forced the rebel1(o fight, and he has retired." Jnst as Gen. Lee was about to follow up his victory, and ; to press the enemy at Chancelors villA. ha ia informed that the enemT nave carriea tne ueignii. . oenunig his 'courier to Gen. Early, be tell . him in (in tlifl beat h can nntil three o'clock, and then 44 1 will be with totj. The enemj meantime begin; to . pre forwurd on the plank road, ex --r peeling to fo,rm a: junction . with Uo6ker, lelnsiv hop I At tnree ' o'clock Wilcox's division, having fallen back from Bank' Ford, and ' being sustained by the rest of An dereoa'sand McLaw's division, en gage the enemy at SalemiChnrch -and drive them back Colly a mile. " Snndav riitrht eloaea no the field of carnage;: with Sedgwick confront- ing Anderson, McLaws, and Larly, at Fredericksborg, whilst -Hooker, stood opposed by the three division ,, of Jackson's corps at Unanceuora ville. Early on Monday morning Gordan's brigade, ofEarly' eoq, by a bold charge repossessed them- selves of the heights at Fredericks burg. On Monday evening at two o'clocklGen. Xee had , intended to -have attacked Sedgwick but by some fatality the attack wm not made until five Vclock, and then, by the failure of Gen, McLaws (it, is oidV tn -sw!nr- hla- mlriinn around w P" in time and seize Banks's Ford, the enemy though most gallantly charg ed and well whipped by Hays's and Hoke's brigade of Early and- a divisions, succeeded in escaping un der cover of night by way m 'Bank' Ford back to the Stafford height. On Tuesday General Lee returned with the three divisions which had livsn nraired at Fredericksborg to Chancellorsville. A rain storm, how- . a , . j ever, set ,n on inesoa venm t Hooker succeeded in recrossing to Stafford by way of U; S. Ford. Tims ended the Chan cellorsville fights, in which the tiiiest army on the planet" wasdryf eu back with a loss of nearly ten thouHHod prisoners and fifteen thous and more in killed and wounded to the enemy. The great faux pa of ttjese battles was the failure to cap ture Sedgwick's corps, resulting from Rank's Ford. The capture of his whole corps would then have been inevitable, for we held t he access Jo Fredericksburg I -tOtir. greatest , loss.was v-.v AT NEWBERS. Thsrs U every rraso. to beltfvs that ths.eosioy is eoiitrsiBK hesvy rsinlorcesseirts at Nswbers. w.ith wast .w has nut yet appearsd, thoefh eircBinaiaa ees wbW iadicats aa sxt.asioa of hi Kaes aaJ iLt- . m Klaalua.tlwestMBf tar m WTwmw iiiRv - Wamisttea sad WsWoa Road, aadeoo-aqvat-ty aar has of eoavasaaua-- H- baes m? ts-d fTrsatoaj Ue We-trWhrt. Osk River tba &kUJfr y- -: tsmpUUs stteadiaf tkesa to Mbasd ... M.w ,ve- bjgff; 1 . 4 i --

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