1 '4 if 1 .X-d qilelloMS whlCll V.ii) J'ICMlUt CoU tfrcos tt.l lo di-cidn ha bei-n aettU-d, a. . . - . . I 1 IT ill bill has OceU l''IK-.l, H1KI u now a law. All gnl men end true will acqui esce ia the decision, ' as they ( have acqui esced in older decisions. ..Tbe army yiold d, ia 1802, w lb a good grace the can telling of Ibeir Contract with ibe Govern mcbU. Tim volunteer saw thai the salva tioa of the country depended on their ie maining under arm; they remained. Tbe promised furlough waa. wiih held in thousands vf instances Jliey submitted. Tbe promised Iiberty-e trailer'-was not ivi.tiA tev..lfc AS SruWMJlf fnfniir 1iiia.Ii. vi.ln! inillnivM anil mti tRftr- wm m I iv.).r:,. .w.fWv "!""( """"J . . i fWTiysv-i i l!,a of Bt Mil uillloal U lit.ilillolii otj I' the i, urtiB, of till iriH-nliii llio ex- em j. I on of tin who be placed suUti talcs ' iu tiie Service. Tlti bill, having b-tn ru.hed through the House, wbeii il originated, with iut, undignified it not indecent preCipilNDt-y, requivs now but the sifUSfureof (he President lo become au act. Of tlio nierua of llie bill we Jav already siaiken. It inay'now be regsrd'-d i at a law. We wU.li al this lime ouly to make tome iMseinir comment upon the tone manifested in Congress in the debates wpoo the mtfwor. A-St rijilor Mr. r lla s. ...ij is tlii! To aU!;.-u pajort system fcut h n act would give to the fiulJ tbi Urije horde of brawny militarv idlers fwuected with this super numerary burei, ThsilHeerof pnssporis Lm ibrre elta f employer. Tlire ar ariouacIerka,riU, nd nligerini inediaielv teouulcted wit lle office; then the iuard at lb ttHtion of IrnA, aquad o( whom la to H found t vrj ' railroad plaUorm In the foufutlet y bullying pn afiigcra: ami, kmyt Mie trim military ifcBlleuteD who Uel from atation to lip J TjlrwTTnjeVeTjmllroad Cttf fiFHie fnht.i4; uJ t! i'l '"" ii?cary. Hut tlie time h pavwd !' unJer ibis njHt-iou j.l. a, lbepioJuctliHli produce only for theiu-lv. wbiln tb hhter fij,'lit (r their tvuntr) the later growing poor all the while, while the fof ruer waddle with r-uddenle acqeired weallli. Let u have nne eQiialitf in rr'w and aarriHoea, althotigh we toil, ii different field. " - "; ? If Pongrew will devise mean to eomet extoniou among produt'er, and d'Kribute the burdena of the war 1 equally jh Si Kti onrall , we t)iiili ; ifwl lia'actom- Tliahd a if reat ttvod. wliith it houM nnt f ibip waa aa great, ibe senae of injuHinx a coitfnant at Iter cmo oe How. Let thu xainple be followed b? thoee who are in oooeol au&rere bjr what tome cboote to call lb cbauga of policy. Lot tboae who bae alniaed the nnmuoitjrwbicb tbej bad gained by their bcttrr fortuoe awake to a keaeeoi their tborioOiiiiiig, ait1 bvr, with wbl pbiloaopby tbey cati. tte diwipation of Ibeir golden dreamt of Mdebuite ex lor lion and unlimited enrichment. Any at tempt atvengeanoa will reooil on tbeir own head, and. uulest we are greatly raulalieii the natural evil ooosequeuoea of the mea aura will be grave euougti to glut tnetr ire. True witdora, at well at true patriot- urn, requiret ibeio to put on at gooa a face at pouibie while tbit tal game it o acted. Yet few will follow our well-meant advice. Uundredt have already left the country in anticipation f the action of Coagretar- Tboutandt will aoon withdraw in eirtuoutindignatioa at the Jesuitry of our iejntlalort. The children of Israel , will decamp in eomp.tni rf ..fiftiea." and nun drada, and batten back to the deuHu of Kxypt, weary, of the unAubetantial laanua of Confederate notet, aud frightened by the fiery terpen ta of conscript officert. noma may oul thia uew edition of the lie .tarn of the Ten Thoutaud with tttisfac tio) ; but they err if they expect a great moral rtigeaeraUon to succeed the depar t i 4'- law," mkI Mr. O., nbre will bo. grvat diflkulty ia executing itr by reason of the decieiooa of the courla in several of the Stale. We must aoquintce in the dM ioua of. the cuurtt or, rurt to meaurim which be wat not prf pared for." A Sen alor from iliieouri, (Mr. Clark,) represent ing a cotwtitttency wholly beyond the ae lion aud control ol our lawn, replied m urging ila pawuige that " in regard lo the action of the courla, ilej may aud thould tie taken lo remove I lie tubjevt beyoml their juried iclion." The Senator from Mi a lippi (Mr. Brown) iroet furtiier : We tiiuuld Dot defer our lefil4tiou lo coiisull the view t every Stale Judge lo .ascer tain whether he will overthrow it or not by hi judicial decision. We have high dutiea to perform. ." -Let u parforra them without reference U Suto Judges. There wat a remedy against the interference of the nourtt, in lUe tUKpension of the writ of kabeeu eorput." The oW of Coi.gresa upon this measure show to what exieiil the protrbiont of the Constitution af jjei- ting to be disregarded in the Log.Nl:ttive branch; and bow far revolutionary wntt uienl already prevails in that body. The ttreugth 4 ' tie popular respect for our government, and the good tepse uf the quiet masses,. may for the moment allow such declarations to pas without disturb ance. The little respect in which substi tute men are held may influence a lempo- laton. - A double poriioa f tbeir tpirirj W ucqescence tn 7On!i: Of CJ-anionsr other otaLijiuiijao thelC.'iilel..racy;4Vlirw tour passporlsr Alllplithed a great pjod, whichlt houM not parage o, ine om gr.ve.jr quesw.ieo ... ryj I V"'. - ' r.""V . ZnM&lmtl O V 1 "" . I . . . . . I . .1. . I . i. ........ I akftM Mfl HIMIHM l.tni.1 Maaa . lit M i . - ' . f ! ( . . ! (; j I ., . !' I. )' i.M.J i i:!ih-, i-m hIi.-h (,. ir is frtlNlsnil oiiilfiicy i even more to be dreadi'd tbsn (lcft a In such a tinir w can nrnlt r-f ami tin pMlouiul wi doiii of tin Uoiniin Sn.-ite it tji vin jf iKsnks 10 the eent-rsl who luxl tuitTcn'd the great' rt disaster thai ever nvrrlork the lioman arms. becaue hw had not deimire ,.f the I.i-iUl!it. ; , . r AVe do nrt' rwc thai we thunld tl.nt our eye lo ihe tlxiiijrers lhat thrt-alen na, and hua render lhni VinnMj dannma jr neglectini( lli. n j.f th proper. owaua. servile adulation of oor voirirnmealnl au. rtTiorurea, or tray iroreawnintr approVNi or. I lure of these ' fortunate unhappy" specu I lfyw ' A liluklA' .nAffti.uk.f m - mini will descend snd rest on the cripples and octogenarians of ibe Cootederaey, who are to be oar sole exempu ; and tkeleton bands will clutch, and toothless gums mumble . a sa i wiia tun more eageraett ana greater rei iak than even the fleeing hordes of Mam moBitea. . Bat, we are told, the army demanded the companionship of the privileged clast whose wealth bad procured them exempt ion from the perils and privations of, the field. Toe army has got what it demana L It baa received its New Year's Gift at one of the advocates of the measure called it. What else does it want! Will it be aatisded with that sop that tiny bomme boueht t Certainly not. If mem .bera of Congress persist in treating the ar my aa if it were a praetorian cohort, in fclead of an assemblage of citizens, organ ised for the purpose of self-defeuee, we may look forward to new claims for new doaa tites, and fresh threats to enforce fresh de mands. Now, we yield to no one in our admiration tor oar real army. It is a se lect society ; far more select than the bsty inspection of tbe muster-roll would lead teihgeot and ardent lover of hi country cannot witness such; proceedings, with in difference, nor will be widi submission. There is as much patriotism and iutel- telligence out of tbe lialls of Congress as. in it, aud live tendency of tbe (legislative and Executive declaration sor far this ses sion to a subversion of the liberties of the country and a military despotism, is -al ready sowing ; the seeds of a counter revo lution, Our people claim it at their right. as tbe duty of the general government to ensure lo them, as the basis of tbe com pact by which they have associated to gether, thai ihe Confederacy is but a com munity of sovereign States. -They look lo the Constitution as the Supreme Law of to their ancestry, iLitl-ibey transmuted to u a written Constitution. It received the plighted faith of our fathers. It is the rlr able bodied iway irtipoli. and if their courage is equal t the insolence of tiieir manner Soulo niske very positive nn.l courageous IJier. The present snplojment of these men is of no earthly lenetit 10 Die Confederacy, ludeeu, the eutw paport ayslem is an unmitigated nusancr;' it ia worse than useleKS ; .it is a surca f endlea annoyance to 4Miest iersiH, and instead 4 being a check on spies anJ traitors, il is a positive facility lo thrin, dr il ftjske the only test of the legitimacy of I hair travel the posses sion f a tcrsp of brown Wiper, which any vidian may easily' get as yny fool may easily forgf. The writer h recently trav elled overVveral thousand miles in the Confederacy,' through various gauntleU of the passport tysleiu1, and he bu never yet teen oif single instamw of aclu arrest by the agriita of that system. . Poa any one know of a single important arryi made, throuxh tbe agency of tbe passport office t Vet we all know thai spies are Constantly moving from point to point in the Confed eracy and making their exit at pleasure. The passport actually facilitates theio,; for it is easily got, is taken as prima facie evidence in their fsvor, quiets suspicion, and excludes enquiry. If the authorities deire to detect spies -and traitors it tnut be done through soine other agency than the passport otb.ii, which experience, in addition to r-ason. h- shown l lie inefficient, corrupt and in fact, auxiliary lo the escape of tbe friends and emissaries of the enemy, liut it is not only on these accounts that the omce should be abbolished. but especially Jbecause it employ a very considerable number of men who should be in acuta military service. Many of these 'men are skulking on detailed service; tbey belong properly to the army, and are eager enough wear tbe uniform aud present the Insignia of ioldiers on railroad cars ; aod jt is high time that they were put where tbey be loog. Richmond Em miner. una to sUDDose: and we ara not fullv sat isfied that tbe sentiment of our true de-1 oo tbe tide of time of tbe fhort- feoders was so very cUruorout for Uie mea'-T" wr'vp,,w,c "ucl bHd Precdcd lu"u From the Richmond SeQtjneL There is jio doubt that a great deal of that restlessness araot.ir the Deotde. and the Confederacy. Th.-y tegard it as aroojigJ.discontenl in tbe army, which call for those lb blessings for jvhich tbey areiodebted I stern measures that Congress ia enacting, is due to the abuses which have grown up among as, for which the war bas furnished the opportunity, and the infirmities of the Hope-ol our postenty. t o argue ques- law the privilege aud sauction. When tio.is outside or above it is but to assail tbe j evils become unendurable, the public are cause of law, of ri,'ht anc" order. The wise wont to avenge themselves by such violent men who so r;ceiiliy rerao-Jeled our pre- measures a deared Vicksbirj; of gam- ent government .may have doubted its per-I biers, or by such harsh lawi aa have re- peiuiiy wuen tney saw wrecK aner wrecK centiy done the same service In Kiclimond the straggler from the winy, who are now lost both lo the military service and lo pro dud ion, than to call from ihe shops ami the fiM lo fill their places, men valuable and producers but loo old for soldier. The attempt to make soldiering these will loose litem also both lo the mdiiary eervw and lo pnaliicthm.- From tb s -rouble injurr we should shield lite couutry, by requiring soldier lo be at their poal, and producer, lo feed and clothe them, and take care, of their families if need tie. Our grand strug gle for liberty has arrived at that point which requires the united and unelnh effort! of all, each in tlte sd.ere in Which be oan be most useful. A dnlv for every man, and every inu lo his duly !. The Exemption Question. The yxl Twelve Month. The Military Committee of the House reports a bill repealing all existing exemp tion except such as ar.e extended to the officer of the Slate aud Conli d.-rste Gov eminent. Tbe whole question of details and ex emption is, by this bill, virtually turned ovr to the Presitient. We do not know whether this bill great Jy affucls tbe question. Sooie exemption there must and will be, and some details also. At first blush il would look as though the House shrunk" from the" responsibility involved in f thc M'le"enl of Ihia queatLw anu was atspoaeu to cast it an upon tue Executive, but, uon reflection, we do not think that snch is the motive at Ihe bottom of the proposed legislation. Tbe great difficulty with all laws 4nd systems has aver been their abuse or de fective execution. All buman laws and institutions administered by human agency must be liable to abuse, tud or. abused lo a greater or Urn extent, t here are evils f where any measure admit more readily of a favorably than of aa wtifavorarite eon struction justice and gnod faith lo public servants strangling ander innumeralde didicuh! demainl lhat it shoabl receive the former caslruction. We eontrr.d a) so ibat the trailers of a petple-tlirxe ixmlf- aii.g infl.ienre in moulding or guiding pule. lie opinion iu an honr like ibis, are a grrstly to I blamed for pultshingd pairing views arvl depressing public firm, ne-s, as inili'ary officers would be who told their fori-vs in ibe presence of an eiunv lhat they wervairvadr hiped, and theV had better run away or stirfeuder. But sui-ii, we regret lo v, is 'the two 4 loo many pajo rs, esj-inlly in North Oirilina. Such time is suicidal, aod wet-obi we think it ia rext to moral treason, if not worse. Wilmington Jour not. If niiiimi WATCOMM AALISBUUV. N. C: 0D1T FVEXISC JlXriBTtlaJ Mr. Otlio Lyerly will leav Salirbnrj on the 21st of Janrmry to visit the 49tlr KegimcnnHe wilf c rr r txe- to- memWrs -tf Gham- It'i Company, if llioao who wish to send them will bring. I hem to Thinl . Creek Station,' or to SitlTsburj. Cl. floRACK L. Rbak(, forhier Iv wet! known as the proprietor uf the Rowarr!lehnrthT place, died at biite residence, th Wrhij Sal- and abuses likely to be developed in' the J pliiir Sirilig, in Catawlia c.iUlitJ, pperaon of any law, which no human j on Sunday the Mint. (lit todj PT lBCt "n(.0licIip",e r ftVidd ! Varied in the Cnjial. cemetery and which practice alone can make rnsni-1 ' feat, sod practiced remedies alone can j of-lhi town on ThurmJay. remedy or prevent. By leaving tbe regu- J s . .T " " lation of tbi question of detail and ex , Oen. Forrest hat heeu noininateti , emptions wilhin the power of the Execu-; by fie President arid C.ndriim.l by sure which has jurt been passed. Every real soldier knew six months ago a year ago that be was in for the -war. No one dreamed that Xbe army would be disband ed at the close of three years' service. The idea of affixing any condition to continu ed service was utterly foreign to the oobie men who have been battling for the coun try ; aud it was cnmiual to create uimxjii li lit . - nemoueieu, tqtc, alter bitter experience from violation of the ol I chart, 'and at a time when clouds and darkness were hov eriiig over us, they gave it to us and we tsxik it at the anchor of hope to cling to ia the coming storm. We took it as our reliance, as our supreme la; and the vo.igresa or t xecuii ye w ho would now throw it aside would perjure tLeir oath to tent by tuggetting it. We shall next be ! ao",,, by 11 'H'"gly m letter aud spirit; informed that the army will not be satis-11? H obedience and to support and fied unless all exemptions we done away with, and tbe whole male populations be enrolled. Absentees and deserters may desire it in the hope of escaping the pun ishment due tbeir dereliction of duty. It is so much easier to catch a middle-aged civilian, encumbered with the ewe of a Iwge family, than aa old Soldier, who has had three years practice in flanking pick elt and lying out in tbe woods, that our conscript offioer will hardly trouble them selves about pursuing tbs warier and more dangerous game. Jiul the men who an swer to Ibeir names when drawn up in line of bttlle have too much sense tq burn tbeir commissary wagous and trust to ibe CtfGleflU of their euemies haversacks, too entargJ views of ffjmmifisUiiM. fiixiL life, to demand a disorganization of the, maiutaiu it, and neither in conscience or conduct to ever trausceud it. Should the poison of the doctrine to which we have referred taint the reverence of our people for this fundamental chart should the insidious councils of our repre sentatives corrupt the very stmiolof our ociety to which they themsel ve u!u Bate iy belong. itichmnmd Examiner.- " COUNTER REVOLUTION. Tli4 Coostitetiort of the, Confjderata Slates or J sins three departments of gov ernment Executive, Lfgittative aod Judi ciary. Th-y are eo ordiaat in digoity and aaikoritv, au each in its sphere su prtajH as against the others. Tbe tuouessful altempl of one iof these deartmen! to sa'diuate the other would be revolu Imk,. The combination 'of two of them t l-stroj tAe other wolild be conspiracy. Te 0nvtitaOon w ul J be overthrow o an I the libertiee of tbe people tebverted if lo health and honor I Should our nniinb be brought to despise the Weakness of their government, or susHJct its - intentions of Hostility to the general welfwe, the slight eat irregularity, the exercise of any unau thorized power, whether by principal or subordinate officer, will be sufficient to arouse their angry clamors, or ftlmost to make them rise in artna against it. There H a'apiriiistaniienr'tbhsMMta countrymMi. Tbey value! life not by iu .gLasJlttJUlbe uladetieaslaiiew Taod diguity of its condition. " At this ino- 1 roent we appeal only lo th discretion of Oongress before tbey- arouse the jealous maouesa oi our people. ttci. Whig, J The .people and their legislatore arejnow ou a raid against extortioner, and all such as are intent only" on making fortunes, while the couiilrj is bleed iug at every pore. It is tbe universal opinion tint the princi pals of subslituies have not only been spar ed far more military service than was in tbe calculation when they put in tbeir sub stitutes ; bat that, as a class, tbey have abused their exemption, to suck the Wood of ihe people. Ihey are reaping tbeir reward ! v But they will not stand alone bng! The work has but begun. There are thou sands who now stand exempt because tbey are engaged 'in callings necessary to the country. They are shoemakers and tan ners, and bla.-ksm.iihs and manufacturers of various articles. The whole country is justly exclaiming agsinst tlm enormous government what antidote can res ;torejLlrapc:ty of most of these. Iu is indeed THE PASSPORT SYSTEM A NUIS ANCE. 1 We have a suggestion to make to the portion of Congress which .really desire to replenish the army,' and is not merely intent upon a detnagogukm which sing of arms in public, and peculatesin apple brandy, privately. It is easy to make a number of practical tests uf (be real d m po sit of Congress to increase and strength- necessary that Ihe country should be cloth ed aud fed ; but, it is not neceasary that those who are eogaged iu this work,- and who ar accustomed to claim that ibeir calling is as indispensable as that of ihe soldier in the field, should prey upon the people as they are now doing. JJence it is that propositions are pending fur a larire curtail ol the exemptten (ist. ..These stins, Ma lb pfiftctpals suUtitdte, about to reap their reward. They have 1 Vliiml til III Ml f lUlli-" lK... a t. - mere was no nigni lo tueir day ; but it is about to come, and they bare themselves to blame. , " " j " ' " r -: Tbelbdispensable branches of industry. so far as tbey cannot be carried on by non conscripts, will hereafter have to depend upon details. This will: incidentally alford tbe opportunity to control prioes, so far aa to reduce tlnr11ivig'etafidard, to ibe great relief of the eoootry. That repres sion of extortion which il was the province vf a msiimuio law to afLrd, will HiusTie aooomplished indirectly and imperfectly, but sull with bar.pr effect. And besides this caution will have been read to all live, perhaps it is, thought thai ihe appro priate remedies can be promptly applied t any abuses or evasions as soon as they de velope themselves and we brought to the 4Uentfon of the LepiUutit, wbicb ji'robs bty could not be the case were tbe whoU matter fixed by positive enactment, a it has been heretofore. It is plain that a good deal might be said for and agint Ibis bill, as we tbibfc we have shown above, but since quite lis much, if not mote ear. be said for tbsn atinst it we naturally iissliae lo the fa vmirakld wl I.. Aim llial lha kill f,.rT"Ht " " -w v -- - VIM nw I biien gotten up in gool faith, with a view to meet the present emergency of the cun try and not to evade responsibility by cast ing it upon. a co ordinate branch of the government. t ' -The truth is that the action of all. our authorities deiimn ls from every patriot not only a fair but a liberal construction. It 'i ii. ii . . i .i. . .i ii woiiui on ioiiv looeiiy tnai I u is year, while it holds out to the eye of boe the cbancv 6f a favourable and honorable conclusion of the war also c jullins the eUmeuta of a most severe and trying crisis, to meet which wilt require that at the availaU energies of the Confederacy rha!l be. nut forth, not reluctantly, ihl evasively, itot j standing upon the mere letter, not stick ling and hagglini( tind quibbling, and ' in voking the sanctity of the law anil the spirit of tbe couslituiioii to defend uut liberty -but personal heaped up gain or cherished speculations. We reverence the constitution oppose invasions on ihe nght of the people as much a any ; inatietitlj in Fcrnuiidina. one.- W bav aa tiMtinctive reffard (or tlie Senate a Major General A heavy snow storm ragd all day 4th Persons writjng to soldiers rr sending them papers', hn!d pVepay postage, otherwise they 'will not Uw deliTereit:lffhanTi:':::':""T'''"r " .. Tlie ti rei North Carolina Hospital Charleston,". C-, wa deafroyed jy fire on the mVirning uf tlie 4tli. All the sick ami- wounded, and ail the medical stores, kc, were safely removed. . Sotne f thetnost valnablc private renidencea in Fernaiidina, Florida, now in thq hauda of ihn Yankees, have; been soM at puhlic bale, and booght by yankee otlictrs, sym pathisitrjr residt-nts, tfcc, at price front Jj t.i 40(lf rarrgtng to $40(11 Tfiia shows how little confidence llie pur cliHsers of tb;ii)ro;erfy"1iad irTthe vatiie of their iiivfstmentH. Tbi9 whole town, at the rate of the sales reported, would bar ly britix the val ue of a single lot. Of coune the Yankees do iut expect to abide per; law and order. liul neither job nay Coiie ti n'-i'i -r. hsv -tempted xction of ifc pound of !'' "tvndent t the ttovernirtent til I flhoineop j ourUjuf lanir--i .ler ; nor, wn confess, do stwue in tbe pre' ent dy who seek toeinWras tfiegovern Hieot and certaioly do jeopardize the cause by legal quibbles, show u us iu a much better light. The utmost nerve tbe firmest front, the most undaunted courage, will be re- fpiired during the coming twelve months rom all wlto are charged with ibe man agements of aSUirt iu tmt country, or wboae position givea them an; iafluence ia form ing or guiding public tentimeat Mora) courage the power to resist Ibe approaoa es of .lespoodeocy, and the faculty of oon- muuicating mi power to others, will Deed of wbatever age or wbatever business, not j greatly to be called into exercise ; for we dia l illory 4hie phew, fenii'it;"Wo teaWT ae vera! J'f mi jUja in, dux m tide of last . week touching that establish inent. Onr stateioehts were iisade on what we believed to be gxnd au thority, and the public would cer tainly experience satisfaction aod please re to know that all tlfe roata rial ones were un tree. ; The Govern meol belong to ihe people why then anould their official withhold from them facta on- aoyiobject about which they raaoifditdistati faction! It should beaapleajing aUsk for theta f.