ewtroa jio,riwrTQ. lulu.Mf J. 7?- . I .Ik. " r "M l M adraoos U nOM oTsutacriptfcG. I The . 1 .idi JflCriDQDL ? TlMi : k U, therefor ba, from U 7U U-Unl, niRUE DOUU.B3wc.3i i For S pfMoi, eubeeripuoee will oct be wetHr 4 for loo ' WHAT WE 1UV-EXPE0T.- v 11 .ii.tU iniLs fo llocioir to reflect upn what we may exfivct j riirirtataatetr fall InW the! handi of UciwT ItiTAer, Tiut & Una; .1 , . FroathiiJwariwl s.ut, O'Uitimaz'iir'' !W:'Beat'Ct1erVcigt in Eaatern North Caojio erjr Jr nj.j.roxiiuatea-iJvarer wliatU ibTiim, &. .1.,,, t.:k,.b.,-.A,r waa, 'lui. " . w owfjv. t" vr.1 .ntdY hlroi! ill mini - - ' , . , 110 doubt, by the aeveu beti4re4 dul Ura iKHinty oifenKt by Federal Caitcrn' Caroltnii aiid Virginia, la - fieari'fctid tn. Men ' or all a and claaaea mef be eeen goln fiom one to another ahedding teara like wblf jmM children, at Itte tftopiny proaeet aliea4 of thewui 'a' town et Pljinoeih . they bai fixed blace for tti people logo auvi uk the oath. J Tlie have at retched a Jioe eaaln acrW the road; wl.'ere all have Co p ani ea-earto anpHirt jLba- ItLhia uiiif roclamiaUiMr q ta waoov , Aftw.!tber ,tk oath they, are allowed to g Jn (own aud barter produce for 1 ankee notiotoa ;! th ounf tnott ana nejeroea beinrf offered every tndnceiueut to vvlanteef. I The regular treOpa' Ire reoliatiotf lol r lree jreara,! and go ing home or forty 4aya fuflopxb, n cotiaeaaenca of which Jhe wlaon both at- thia ptace ad AVaahiiium hat been i cdfifderably reduced. f Botlef a4ya that b (naateltend Ml jioa'fortT mltea, fa' ordef'toeed lita trWilta. on account of a acaicitr of provialont amoug ie( aueef aiud the continually ine'rwiiainjr irip bacon hnju.g rwenUyvgoiio up to lifty ceuU per juiid ia New York, within an incredibly almrt peri!. ne ctfoct of the Urge bouufy offer ed for re-eiiliatiiint will cauao every Ujing-.to.-.aia-lUl.lughjr.&jL-A Hutler elalma to uave reatorou j nat ice to t he eitixena of North Gar .Jitta ftid nrgiiiia,'wo have come m.Hr hU rtilu. Here ie an instance of their1 bodtted Justice : About ervj day ago 11m tLmmn liiunr, a young Udy of. Washington county, waa found dead netiMho picket ataJ.d,' A iMKt inurtein exaiiuhationahowed tlmt slio had beeu fcully nscd and ! then knocked iu 'the bend with, an axo. Suspicion piiftited to one Moore free negro, living near the place. tie waa arrested and tlie pre in i sea wcammedw and'& aid with the yekiri.rn . -suit as UieJ last, or that our i r I'r " -l..! -r with txoouy wm Tiuuiiu, .vuviju w ' J "''V ivy.yjr-""-- " ,- -i . .l - .... ueMly proven that theuegra.wae ubaetit the night irurre tnai no brouJit home bhidy: aXAjutd bid it under the fiNlder.-''The print . of au axe was found ia the read exactly corresponding to the -Woody axe. On being examined he prevaricated xce-jdinglyranoatold-seve'ral differ eht tale. ' The obe, bowever, that seemed moat probable, to Uutler'a Judgi ?) a-as, that be saw soveral Tcbcf ertldiera- ariwexiwith axea that one of them offered hisi $20 to tell .bun where Emma Elofet waa for be was going to kill befT- You mar aatnrallv ask.'what waa done with ooJd ii( rni volunteered. would, YolfOterLo bou tested tio runner.: -up and was in voted With ' tllft lilne j 11 d hie bait ,iwir - tl, - . v..t.ian. Haw Aantf i-trilli txtsav' ewe w - - n -t ' v 1 ,.11 . . "'-J T tttrvtvmfWtb iaibialir. either iiidlvidatde r , natioiw.' without t-i.j 1 lf lteSJ rMiWrdha 'kidrie.' 'raitli; mre it U uufrw.'aad AltvfluinaMoOk end ,eerairp(ati4J imepiiqoerae of NaWleAMitiU hiatoryof tlie tHrj . . 1 . -t -m, . i r.itii ilmt: IIMkUK.m. IUUU f ( t U wm fx i tli that 0Dree4 tlie'relixHMi of Mecca, and it Vaa taitu uai croBscu, i ,uj mKm j oandffwVrrea inomef rti V1. . . j- m:.i. I for toe wea oramam wiu 1..1. (., ftS2 :.k,vo the eirth.,: a n.: .. I,', vitli wliidi. doubtteaav onr, readera! grapfi tho writer'contraitaV' WltlO'Q Httle'jnetitt, the partial diitmit In it own reaforoea ?wuicn ih,o"m' baa lately, ex Wuited,' with the Tan- keea aublime coohdence in the gl- Uiuate triuuiph of .tha cauae. Subliwtt! Yevtbe lankeearae spite of hir tftnitamnRul-etpite f hia depotidenee apon mere brate force, tnechanical akiM, and thopow. er of BTarubeta-Mleaphe-ef 'bia tnca paelty ta appreciate the'atrength uf those moral eleuienta which fight uiwa our aider-ia without question sublime in the unalterable faith with' whl elsllokr .' sole aupretnaey of the Yankee na t lor i pon IRJa eontiheut Hence the fnexhaaatibhi energy whlcb he baa evioed ia Ue!Hteinpt..to carry, oat bta dreaA pfjcououeet and enbj uga. tion. 'fi'!!" On tlie other band, it cannot oe 4eaie4thathjivowatioiialyy heart, and that fo aotne time auer fjiMtt jif onr arm r. from Mia aionary JUdg there,was general depreaaion throughout,th IJoofeder acy, which, old not have Ukeo place jf -vv WtU.Jn .ouraelf ea had been all. UmU ooght to,be ,Thia depreaaion indeed, beginning to Paa awayabut,, our , nnfaithruns deeper Uiau that leiuporarj: gloom, It ia atill aTideut Jw the present atate of our cotreucy, . bjcb, with a bet ter basis than bat of the ! ankee, ia worth six, or, seven times leas than w j. ...nat I. all means. learn ...j i..1utu necesaitv of faith of .. !.. a. .mi rith in our re- aoeTa7and faith luFwd-rto be ad-- .bered to in the face i inouaa.m discouragements,, and not to be -i .1. . if.. i;mA Until we DoaseaS such a faith, bow can we be assured at very partiaUjlcreftLWUiniH f .-, , . J - eurreticy uq "'I: tiot in 1 IIJB 14" "V"" ft" . - . "ji . .7:, .V- I...Kn.H nf .oopie reuect puu u,;,'"rsr, : theni vote the QiWiiHtmalwdsiiirit of uinty oi isuceeaai wuicu, ... Uj. t.Ufnre and ohilosopby ol Uie . - - I !.l. !a innl i an contest, and ffrom these. elemental thet cannot draw a anmciensam-i . f V VS?M an IflflfV of hope on waicu w ,i .......M.L. r-;iK va miT as well roll -.l. rnrAHta fia''HDd lav it Bp ilia vv"i r . t tiamhera of the soldiers in General armv at Daltoo."are ! lnlitog iiauva or ivrrannY..ana.jrcfl&MMK "rawr nave iraxHiK(j'iieuii O4 THE Ektcfc F X ' G HESS. J ' uiiqii. i!Vrtv' ' kri a "Vti u n A i irhirfitV' VnH IhtX" hew ttoar meet oeior. ieceui ia nnmUr . th ineiVilMira tiata avav . hviu v-va va. " ' - . -1 .. tu t . 10 iiw.tin nrMeni aeasion 01 inn Confederate Congi-eas eiwref on the (Arlt Jo"ootneei 0ntil'tliJ flrtt Monday in;, eext ' Pooeiober, in liMinthe ,beec Tle Senate, taeeinj t - f I mf il.. '....AAftKlllif Knnmr rociilvoMi ttiAtf jiinvreaiahonia C j jf j-i, 1 u-7irvl- iTl,jf liieeT Tueiini ainuy in jaj. ! fo toe taurpnae na pieaauro wv.U. jwkjj.i kan tliji Ron At n had patotd the Ilonao hj a conaiaeraole majority, "bit n 'the f .notlbtfbf Mrl Hrkdale.iwh6 relatioM ' to tlie Aduiaiatratioa are wU known, II . . , T..;.i.r.(Vmin1ttM. Itaeeinathia r i1 r -1 " "! " ET.Km rt!. -Hj', '"T" jp riinxi uiuiiuiia a uav. uur miihoi . . . A..,:...1oA 'au-Ar. and ha atone ' WhO had the pbww IV call OongeW to . a..- ja - .a& irether waa Iear to puone eoireuy aud tnude ne eiiru. - J ' ':. ! .w This disposition to put off the meet inu oruou-ro-a iY unaccountable, llllt v ; wj,. -w- "..r. T - , v ' 'i' rrteiiaa oi we auiuiBiow.. ion that it U tlie iateotioa of doiigresa to interfere ;with the ISxecu t:A Luitra haa no sucll iuteu- tion. - A- greadeal of important busineaa i uiifinfabed, and but little time remajui to joUJi, -i -inv; The curreucr question has not been aet- tled.' These'are inatters ut vital im- p6rt4nce, and if hurried'' over at tire beet of the eeeeiori will doubtless need early revision. It Is Important ta aee what the effect of Uie currency measureV will . be. t A JW-fJ', X fi i. . ' .h i, thn'rmrtnffl ' whI not be satlstied unTess their Kepresentau vet are in their places." it it neceary k. tha saw! members sboaiujj DO ttiere aiid they ere -those who their wishes... - . . . : & I ? r i ... vjv , t uuuvo wms - - ri f. lu?-ti. -r.i.rrudi i tha-'wilr-of the MAm A. rill. IMr.LIIIIIK UUUir this factioua oi IIUUU wiJti- - ,. people r - Tirai;e it f ; Who" are the laatigatorelof the moveaient, od ;wbat-a tnej ena tl.ey, seek .to accompiisu. ? sy w.i fesa we, arttaa loss for answer tp these questlona. Is it not designed to suoveritnegovernmeii i ii... mJni attemDt tb place the whole ) poiier of exemptions 5tn la tka Saicretarv oi .SYar, to cooscribe everybody Jromjo. o " I 1 t .alv... '-wjaLawaal ami 60, to auspena r.T; to poipo, "" , r. PTtrthe-tiieetiOgJl tativos-of therWKX Vala4taia!l4i4r to, besa jQterrogawie;, ATJu1 Gfttpe"and' tte 7 Dri . i sis -it nklsaft Mil -11 - thil Mease, in a cuiuuimuivmw . Di.:i.u.it.u Avricnhural Society. 4 lllinuoijui- I - A in 1815, atated, as a remarkable and rV. fart, that a irraDe vine Fe1offrr&2rto Mr. Redinen, of Kew "Windsor, Curks County, la., had for many years, Deen aesiroyeu u7 insects, until,4 for - the purpose of shade, be pUoted a hop near. Uie vine. The c61sciiencewas,-he vine recovered and bore fruit for yeare It was supposed the effla Viam from the bop kept off the -la-ectsv,' - .'ir'r--"i w w,- ' " a kMa iif e!,rhteeA4&rt J'flTN l'bJ? military utj,ttnf e.eipvs' ewur ion)tf,a. ;jw,f :krfc(recAi tnore, exetPP reeeei tUaitlt ftecesUry. t. Kq ioweer.f cane be! n)a4e jjhw:wpt Witb llteijUimta,lJircaent .ji ir .M.rard , to xeurt&iQne ia. M UirfftnLfiait n,bi;-made,iOAvrork- LU we bete tela ueiere, jbj.umwi I. a.. iVflrtti anderJite ahelteaiBtsMi eabr be fwnedjed.Li.rij Vf?i W ' I a jVIIV prVJTU WJ w-- ivm " 1 tneiivboea elaticiam boniera qn baiMf uka, qneMioaabla, tkat a bit of jaaknity, ; eiUif PdiiPr' yaUftffweMpapw eomebodyV aa inore wjkrioaljiAkaieHotv.agrlab: iogmv'n9 W kta oberr. Ural intereaa.Ua-aJutJjei JMJfideliiyJ.. !Lao49U mre UwnaandaWf plwtJttidnaiitockpdi IhagryU andertakbg we bar. 00 hand. A ; will egroe,alfroU)d. wajjlrjj worth fight- Viii1cawlieretwneffl W.K.W?tr ? jniiJMij.v" - -triiMwdl U rear a to 'U looked apon wftk ach fachwaniiTi that irwai4.I.iUWj isaf i. oufct k' but ao of; tlie W' ,fict obuade Ta compJsoa to the prrjuaeaj aiid the iierroea, WaJJ- eiatt vf W iutwoal freedom, work oat their own J'j.0 M16 vWe do iot beliera aa armed guard tapon maetef'aiiWieilhirjmeaai-r xU'lnif 1 ewtafei are aeoesiary ob Plantatlona every wlteteiftbeSooMt ui eaU wbere ta paawogen are pn- ceive anotuec crop. ii i wi j ianportaat itt the higbeat degree that thUgreatbaainvaaaboaldbeprotuptt Ir mid wotl attended to, to gaard, M iVpihaii canTairalifot afailore-ltti tui :i.,Ar.-At for tho ureaeot jrarHi J ,. . , WaUrnat that C5oagreaa. wiU HA3 . .u- ja.n..iirwa .law-a laW.d Let them correct if they $n-iVto, .jrila caused by ic .TUat Isall.lhat. : .i...aA.!a4 af. titAtn. .To' reDeai rope.ai.suwf-r - - . the lawaad place therjnatter.W de- Uils under control o( tniniary ufw of departtrieiita Wobld leaye lhJ lain: auAU til the, same objection as thwexistina! oae.: .Tba saoie lneansv . , . nhtm a ne. bo used with snccess Jto obtain a ae tail a an exemptiou. ;ioUung can be gained by an exchanges On tlx cootraryT corruption, I bribery and fraud, would ( liave one nor. ias field to evel in. There U too much iniquity going on in bight placee nowf without any uiore iudncementa being offered.-"-4if'. Ar9ii--) diets' CtMingK' soldier- writing to tlie Btatesvllle Ek press, mlladee U tbe'bid manW in Vbich adiera maAa and AAVB 1 , t MOnf nanta, laeaeuaaa ,wuucc ajVuii.tv pa t " i..a' lrtat all atsuso ot. Aieceucy, and coip our ?itb flyinm the rearsi I if aome if-the woraeiL wh wW" ingrfoiLMMfe ar .. . j l.a A.i il.i.u viaitf-H liaJUA a ,y.jt wouldWurn, wtS?0 iutiona, aa well asJwiUi, a prety good koowledgaoLaatQmy,a vicUoa thaous clothing if 'wonder- fallj! if PC 'fearfuuy iaae. , . . ia : . rr Crom Uie, artist vwhobaa boeii, euij ployed to execute the Utue ot Stone. VaU Jackson, ha ifecejyed, 11..:--. .ta ICnramhnry. iSovem- bet 8dThe eMtmwille: dptie a w fc banearly couk fe!ifTaraCre TriSe another iife ajxelnrt ofGaB . . . .. . Tiji mnd tors I iacon-ia. er j aaA vrrzi el for-tlHlarge-fl4 first exhibit it, and itile;,thjulg; meutof the severest critics Mto.Ug merits Tlie clothes of QerUs JacJ son, which ho toot out with bun ar rived safely .5" Private Abrahatn llarris, of the 22d luisiana Heavy AxtUlery, has been promoted for meritorious con duct to the- position Inspector General, with the rank of. Captain, on the staff of Geo. LenidAS- roAlE. Oapt, Harria ia a luUve Charleatoo- dm eyw w- o -w Eef om ceoat e4,et .Huli bw6t, IjKjft. lLkaaf.Daaei.t ai alL to tba ar- UTftU feTM'nf rWbo.ioanjuratod. utHEa tfc ConlederaU Capital clamor-, o firBj WrMof tbt army, ara o ' BUknV ablebodll iiotdien) temoved from Im field of'aeUoo' to b employed In thitt (jiroal efefalSoe ia tba quiet Ulterior In ' iaa toenvy ilW-wWl, aeeret oiet).tlft artCaew(i.iiii citiaeu a pf or a trai-" i r . ... . j w .a ..a . Ue ;iafeial' 1 we-pinoiiin 01 u M( n OlgPIII ' . U yWJHW VI Hf baruig irearas auuoaaa epon ue aireec ooroen of atry city and village ia the rea ofb- Soatbera armtea. JSo far from a- aectiiy, woU a proceeding k noredam- aging naau Wnaf yatema tne mar tM. .W"?1?; .Tbi miliiarv nr .tW,n,rar'J ?3 betweea tiweefliue i0 au ,iaw aoq oroer is a- thai ftboakler or ta otDr. House are ed aliDeitW.the open street, persons are r a. ar V ' jf a t a -.... a ' ' robbea ra toe open pare or aajngoT, ana oobody U blame. - ' So -&r as tbe pro-' toetioof of lua imd property, persons-and pobJice, of tb cooiiiryLto : protact r either, the martial laat k aa anmitigated bum- ian t a a a eAg t; XAeee evus eaa oniyi a , remeatea bj if tigaroaa proaaeatioa of. tbe civU and municipal kws, and by holding the pffi dak to trictett faceounbibiJty;.witb the non jaterfereiioe of the- military,-; Let the soldiers all go to . the froaW Xbsra they ara needed badly.'. : Abolish be pass port system, aiid redoos it within reasona ble bouahv; The country loodly calls for a teforoi of: many f evils' ioddeutaT to this abaiird system, and the "army , fondly calls for 'reinforcements. It is the doty of the pabliaserrasts; in Congress assejablexl to bead tba appeal aud furnish tba remedy. An act that; will give to the field that large hoaeoflya with,Uik. seperaamerary Jmreau, U the pVpwOB.oow ',ti lia ' - ninhdllcal AUemrii Ik Burn th the boors of ten and eleven o'clock on Tuesday flight, a most diabolical attempt waa, made by an incendiary to destroy the bouse of President Davi.; Jhe fin jifas eoonextin--guishediwheQ it appeared that an entrance into the boose bad been effect through jjthewooiUi)ou9e wiudpwr and that the miscreants, before apply1 ug the torch, had bro-' ken into, the store-room, also in the luiaemunL and stolen a larire ananti- ty .of butter, lard and other, groce- rices.. No clue has been obtained as to , who were the perpetrators of thia mbbirrv and oatrare:- but the " general impression among citizens ia, that, it was trie worx ot some ot the five or six hundred Yankee Dris- oners who have been turned loose in thia cijty Uxchmond Mjoamtner. L...'Tka talDAUf ImaMurUr to aba era na sfeBjsaayfy pjang3p ISCla' vvuvci uiUgT lira uvcupkivu vi our oSceft imprisoned on Johnson's tsIanljC ;ba officers of the beat eds' cation ane employ ipg themselves in instructing) those of fewer acqnire meiftstfso that' these last have the opportunify of pursuing the study of mathematics, the clasics, t&c, be--sides tbe lower branches. . ..Gen. Jeff. Thompson, who is' one of the prisoriers, has adopted as his speciality, the encloeing and orna menting of the gra ves of the deceased priaxmera, " aba negro! lie was told that If be for.tbawat. ...... V-