I 1 i u Lj I J V Lj Lj . UUUU I l t k i i LJ ,' 7.-: ; r , . v J fa. s V eiT3, ? f na f VOL. V'l -ia,- .J i ."tjrHfiW avtry ppr in Nottli ' - ' -I'H.ii.t a. renewed ; Kretlel listened', tarreJuslnir their reqnest t.v ..WnW-W prf 0f (he Paner I '4 W .? MCMPWflec ur,(! j ne, scale ti wall. , por gtr trem-i . w w r4 tiiuu kr in pibliliio pper, to drwici U of Mbdcriptioiv . TIm prk- will, therefore, be, from th Ttk inaUot, TI1REK DOLLAKS for Bir month For iWfmct, BubHtkn will oot U recciv 2.tr loogvr titn. - iWir T. 1801 The German UerolBt ta Kxclt- It wu iir tlie'reur lownnU the el" ol Nviilr, ulihf imw. trtiugM witii trt( wlilrlcd wlMrtit by the whifj, and iicrcJ tltnxili cvrj crevice of a little rad rule inn nitu Jed Lvivvea Humbert mid Hot t well, n the frtBiii of the tltieltj of IUiini. ;; J- Twa !rarfllvr,drjtreil IJ tlc Utd wentlitH t tliv kticitcr of Jhii !iuteK r), were f.rjttinr ltrir lintir wettriiit-Mi m tlw c"tttrti tf a lieur It repact f ciiiukrd lieef. Tlietii- irufctcu areiviHj- in iu irKTeieia X4 with !? Imd niAaiiiiij: of t th iMXtlt imi witlwui, and lijncnl thetn irtilTniofe lt the ctijujuirul , of . . i . 1 1.. .1 .. . .i 1 he L"LU'J' Ttie ttt krri-er ati ln' trife had, f thfir ohIt dcnietiic, a ,voiiii iri ; lUlcn, wumii tlu-jr hnd Kmtijrlif ny from' cltiidluKid. KreticI, t-r nek liT name, ra a in livreif; housekeeper and fimid to. ini-ircf, cKik in the kitclteii, valet hs cluuibre to tlio atraj vwftant i the oiie btrt room, and grwin in the ub!i$ U hariiv, active, and. pxxl li u inured !ierman piri falfitleJ4 a!t lkdik- nualljf ftharvd lT a larre taUtihiiient of Msrvauta. Ten oYlovk truck, and the trarel er Iintri; tinuhed their uj.jer; urew nuart-r t the Kroul' H'icli had cIIecTed aronnd the to Fther lluffliirch, the iniuUter, their ht, and ute neijjhbtir whu entered Uj chauce. The cnfertttiwn tnrnetl ot i he fi'arfwt nd ma r1ernW e veilr of which the tieiglHiriiig forest had lieeii the cene, and each one had Ida own torj to tell, urpaMi the rcat in horror. FatlteioiTkirch waa hukok t he --foremost Jn-Terrjfjinjr hw'audi- nce by the recital of different ad vcFiurw. nil more or lea tragical. 'ihe worthy father had jut finiUcd j a horrible story of robber cdSu- vr in Hi a why. The scene of the lo-, L'cliu was it:'e mure from the inn tit lv ; but an ancient 1 lion, unlommately ... l.l...t !li tiil rt-inuif ii-tl on ed 011 the rfinficarstHrfrcavef atr ol "looniv vernv, which '' ... i , . . i an 4iu dard to qnention. This t'lace was, in trmn, iitauo formidable throughout the province as being, it a sa.d. the rJiidexvou. of a tria.p ..f banditti, who held there every niaht their invsteriona meetings. All the guests were still under 'the miitience of the terror-which -the B..ry of Father llutfkirch bud caus- - . v-l, when one of the travelers Ueloro tuenlioned, otleretl to bettwo JucatS tii at no one. daretl to sat off at that mouicnt to the fatal spot, ami trace with cliHrcottl 1 cross 011 the gibbet. ihe very idea of iuch a proasiiioii l nmt accepted thtasking bef ... .... . -n. -..-.v.a -..t'l. ....... lima lie and his gnd wile at tlrst refus ed, alleging the loiicliuefS 'of the J'iace, in case of danget ; but tho rless damsel persisted, aud was at suffered ,0 depart, 1 lvretiei only requested that, tue -inn dNr should be kept open until her return: aud taking-! piece of vbarwaitpwt)-o-the njorrow that she had really visited the spot. .li ruuidly walked towards the gib bet. When close beside it, the sur tkd, fancying ahe heard " a noise; however, alter a moment of besita- : .1... ,.f J . mm t,tr 1 Illtlia. HUflllCKl CWCM.i."K'"i TV ioiiij silence aiuuivir vuo - ' - ---"--ir- -r ' l 'r-r m - . .. I i. . . Kuddelirttoi vun- KretfeC: waailulivlnTenr rimoiimod . the stepfc j mile r two round ihe w q&S tirnj-i of the eartUas strewn w iltf.Wr near it Waati herr :4.nt the next rtiOM.Cht utie )H:rCcl ved that the object of Iter feaf waa faatefied to the gibbet . itilf.-ie , fMk cxtrage, darted forward, and traced the cmaa. At the tame inafant th; rriiorf W 'a AfUA showed her thathe had been noticevC' Cjr ai'itioveuieiit 'awiCt' a j thiMtultt, ahe njiJooted 111 btirve. :i - At . .. ui. a- k. ft j tvnyi vn inu Huouie -ana ner .-liaej lititnin. She waa pursued j but, j ienuiuug ner sjKfea, aue rcaciieu , the barn-yard, called out to theni to i'lne.lhe i;ate, and fainted away.- When llnbrave girl retorered, $hc tuhl her alo'rr. antl wua warintv con- j tratalatel on her ctumxu and pre- aeice of iuind., AH admired the horais which waf striking beauty. A aitiall leathern vaU waa attach ed tit thu aaddle ; butxFatlier Huff kirch w7uld iiot'eutfer itto beopcii cd,-ckcej i"ii the "precMcVof tiie burvniaatcr. . Ootho niormw, which ekt Snti day, the inn kee.i, hia'wife and hi KM :! jdl jMiLull Julln-jieiUoririg towu,wJierethey inteiidtl. alter aer vrte, tof acquaint the burgomaster with their liwt .evcninuV id eiitur'. Krettel, left imIo fuaidiwti the hojhje:iiftjidiM 4m no 1 1 1 4er on ter ret nrn. M any a jrirl would htie trembled ut bein left rtti audi a 'situation ; but this ybuiig scrvant inaid, having watch ed'tbe part disappear, l'erleily act a(Mut her household dutiea, aingitig wuit ...a liiflit ...h.ar.t and n.clvar voice, Hnie pious Iryjoii which iicr kind toitrcc had taught her. An btMir had tcarcely passed by, when thefoeamty a knock at the out er door ; it. waa a traveller on horsv back, Who Hiked leave to rect for a little while. Krettel at first refus ed ; but, on the promise, of the cay atier that he would only breakfast and depart, bhe agreed .to admit him. The stranger wished himself to take his horse to the stable, and remained a lung time examining and admiring the ttoblu steed - which had arrived the previous evening in a manner so unexpected. While breakfasting, he asked inauy questions about the innj audltowner; inquired whofe lion.o had a tt r acted his a 1 1 eu tioTi so m u ch ; and, Iff Nfihort, acted' so successfully that the porgirJ, uuioceiit ol all do ' f late adventure, tnnf tharshe ,WH ttWU- ,,e . ieam: j fhuuagun but! 'l" a VMeue euso having commit ; it wa a tradi ' 0,u' linprudencei-forTestran-- K"" i,,-,'ed 10 ner won aiiiuiuar av teiiiioii, anu seemed to taKc a great .! Wiii aavliii' r ' me n(CMktat was prolonged to us i utmost ; leiijjth ; .at lust, atter a few J uuimportaut questions, the travel desireti the seiYaut e.ri t bring hit j bottle of wine. Krettel rose the traveler lim to j '- '"'S w-"-f f"Wd that the stranger had followed her.drntug round, a! saw tg''' ' pJbtol handle thr,,ugh his I . a II ............ art .m .P aa.tif ttStlawl Vest. Her presence or inina laueu her not at this critical moment.- When they reached the font of the steps, s4e aufltoeniy eximguisueu me light, and stood up close against the wall; the man, nitenug imprec- I iw.iit tl.M tho utM tlMHretona- r . . .if tr-" Ji-r. ntid tlien barriended her- 1 - - i i . I I !. i self secure iu an upT chamber, there to await her matter's arrival. Krettel had not beep many min ntfs ensconced in her retreat when a treah knocking resounded at the inn dotr, and sue pcrcci veil tnere - . " " " 4 1 I I two ill-looking men, woo asked Jier what had become l Jk traveler who had been there a hort time beforo. TrTreirfertlSfo'n)fbU lieaf: ancet the.young 'girl Immediate y ducovered that the person songht for was the stranger whom slwiiad locked In Ue cellar; nevertheless, nigh .deaertiag-bar, f..rafie knewi they could easily Htc.inpliHlt th-Jr'J project byt nieurti -6T m iron bar fixed to the1 wlridoVii f the" lower atiiUjr v In "thla ' perpleilty ' Krettel looked at-onhd her and her eye fell ODori A iuiiskef.w!ncli lion? from the waf I,' k Vej'ic of kef aiaster'i younger J anyfcvJ-'' JkeiwUHiMKi pointing the tnnxzleoat fjthenoWf cried iot that aha ytild tire mir the first man who atteniptedjtVascend.",. Tlie. two" robbers (or snch tlieywere could no longer be doubtctl struck dumb at the sight of fire-arms where, expecting n resistance, tlrey had brought no weajntit and confound ed by luch intrepidity, went away bttcring the mom fearful menaces, and vowing to return in greater force. In spito of her terror, our heroine remained firm at her pat. An lKnr pawed away in. this critical Invitivii ltOt IIIO KIM irci Wl V W ,er master anl Itis friends coming in At last the girj perceived siifiii.-accomunoieu ot me oiiro taWsudiL offiJra. - " - llie brave Krettel rnsh To the door, and her fear a.mmnting alnmst j xj tlTo li veliest I jo To the wonder and admiration I tfVlK: -she related whariTHtrpe thebgon,asWpeciAl.y-U oii her the wanne-t praise for lior heroic cooduet. The otneers went in search of the robber whom Kret jell liud imprisoned witii ro much addreoa aitd presence of mind. Af ter a sharp lesi.stattee, he. was bound and secured, nd iHm-fter recg nixed a the cliiof of kband of rob bers who had for some time ''spread terror over the country. Jlis men, wandering aWnt 'witltont a cajHain li.. ... YL a-., were quicaiy eunor laacu r uib- ? . . 1 -t perscu. The bur,nmaster decided :i . .i 1 1 if... .1.-S..1. ilia, uiu iioibc, mm ihiim, iiiy", ..t.-.;..,i - .Lt .....!.., rtr ..J.i v'i was is v sci' w " " pieces, should be given to young Krettel, whose courage had so pow erfullr contributed to rid the coun try of bandits who had infested for so long a'tiuie. , KNOXVILLE. Hie Abingdon Virgin11 Nf Fri Te-were entertained a few even inirs asro witn an interesrtm; narra- tiVeoftha statu of affairs in Knox- -:ii- 1.- . w latVsj J J aa v va j iuivii isivus kvohv who had f.Pon thr frn the time of its occupation by the Feder - . . 1 1. . -. 1 .. 1. . j atarmy unui aooui inree weeas io, when he watched his opputuiiity and si 1 nued out between- iie iiek ets. lie says the character of T I I ...4 a.lta.n st.M. Lo . w2 era 1 ruiw auu punt; mvio v'J well cured the linion ineii t then Unionism, and has nioru firmly , 0j,prwu,ii the ciiif -os of ilat Mtk.ii ar and resolutely deternuned Southern I ubj ctfd to. And aftrr reading, if time men to liirht tlitin to- the" bit- be anv otif who wUhesiu'U rrtore.l to ter fend to throw all the weight of their services and influence in the, 4 giveu.Jiire pa4a- ahMigtuu scale of Southern independence: i out delay. Here ia the de4miil? When, he left aboat the-10tlifT " soiiciu. - January there was a vast deal of;..' I'mvoat Marshal's Office, ickness in ' the citv, besides some 350 Cases of small pox. We have heard from another source, that . they t oury uie uw iu m jo" ",,v Our inrorniant says there were not less thail-lOii ihind -horaea llolo face I. .Unh. . - ' f - uostnif eareasse . l. I. .... I . auti at ltl...TVll i.uuau wuuii v uvmi will reinemler, that tficre were many beautiful ornamental tree and in the grounds of private residences- All these have 'been cut tdowu, eitlier iu Wiiutouness or for - iueu auu-ik. w v-o." t-W . a I. . . aaa ak . a a.al. . . I Even those in the Asylnm grounds. and in that vieinity, have all beeu felled and consttmoL--- ' -ThTopoltrtd citi zens, is the most despotic ever heard of in a civilixed and CUristiau couu try.Xbey HMt - not allowed to fol low their occupallonaj or to sell or h'J"1 ,'lc,Vw,"ru a,,;w,n. Mo;'aeiaUW oaiu--yence .avo been atarvud Into oMiipHsnce. Tho rations U-ued,' are one hufd cracker per day, and a litlM leaim,. y9 Weu against if What do blue. s1riMr" beef. This beef ia driv eii from kentiicky. ud n no forage can be' bad ft;om Cuuiber!andj Gap to Kjioxrillea distance of C2 mik-, tl.u oAttti.- utriflarllv become about! . - : im., ' wh.. trli.i1! and many oftbem die by tho way from rat.gne ana survat.on : Our informant also aays that there aara mat mere iti ; searely - pnnuel t4 fetico- r a frame onl-hoiiid left lu the city, all having been used" fr fuelT while all the churchea and hotels aa well as stores, and residence, liave, .been cimverted into hospitals. Many of the citixens have been eomjwIJeJ to crowd," tbetTiselves arid their effects Tufiliie'Owo"rVHiiis, while the balance of their large and, com- . . ' a i 'hwisioii ia appropriated to " .1 . " 1 n 1 - Toe whole c un try . Tound a well J " d ;MO" to Iudon-a distance of ZO miles freely ad or farinmg 'u-w"r 7- tields. The beautiiul aud fertile es tate of the Messrs. tnort"ywf.'t the finest in East Teniieswe, is as bare of provenderj lis the Great Sahara, and th.e geutleineii them s1isvev forcedlo the ratleffifie"fcf drawiiig Yankee ration or starving. 'flri Ui a dishearteuing i picture trnlv. aad we irive it for the benefit of llrnse who may think, that Yan- i ke exact toils are not raucli more , . Ini.i.riu.ifu than t winretii opprwsixe tnan mum. ijri nj wiuo , , . e .. :il .,A that what is trud of Kiioxville and the adjacent country now, will be true of every inch of our country upon which the vandal is permitted ' . , -iiui. t to plant iHS'Ioot. Aro we wming t'to'eiolure"-1 Ids, or even to rehiir"at ! h'otue in comparative comfort HiiIe to manv of our friends aud fellow ronntrvmen are eiidnrinjr itf We are called npon 10 iaae up wiun u . k ft . . ... t . . V . 1 dt'fend our tamilies ana liomesra I well as our couuty aud our rights; amHfhe man .who filttrks tmV duty I i w," m.,u-v P'-m -t ueacr. .a s . . . . . . Ia '. d.H..ttM.n just such treatment as ne wtu oe i . a 1 t t v - - ----- - at ' rect ve ?h .h Vvr ! i,,to l,ie c veils of Lincoln's anaconda TT Enter Kprth Curotina.iA gentle- . j 11 I : . ..M I .. . . iiinu lOMH Oeluw naa iuriiuncM u- - !!!: .U'ihe Ibtlrigtr -i)ot.fr.leraie trth a handbilt L-r Of fre.1-. Yaakw -1'ruvort- MarsliaPa i.aa pretty Xotiw.'' at Wahinglo, which we eopy : - Xoliew. at WaslmiifUMi ' k-i.. it i.iit lm Kt.vn ahat umniiv and ! Lincoln (irnmfnt, w hop he will U with- ,1 XWhingina, S. CnJlaa. 18, 184 ; xhe attention of the I'rvvoni Manial ;; XM beu called to the fact, that uiauv per sous are imK il'nitwi Sniri-. forces, who"bve wot taken t V .rgn.u anu . The term, of tli o.der ruireah MI pwtaiMri ur privilege, have any Miyney paid tlieu. alio l aae bbo Miibe to the Oath and Tarole. Notice therefore ijiven to ALL TEUTONS of the veara of dUcrrtiou, MALE AND FE MALE, that one week'a lima from this date will bealtow-d for the purpose of Uking the t)ath and Tarol. X J. UOSKISHOS, Csplaia and lroyot Matsbal. A touer.--Th largest locoinoUve ta the United States, if oot in tie world, bis just been built tor the Philadelphia and heading Bailroad Company. It has 12 driving wheels aad weighs mors.tbaa 100,000 ponads. ', . v "... . ' : ' . - JV UwuvtaiKMi ealled. Ilia Milion CLroni- Ui4 follewing "articlj oti tlj qU-, -f v Coavtmoa-The prepwriiion of V gUw Conv.atioa, as iprn.g ty the Sua-' k pro po,,, .b9i,nIf. 0f base in-la.if Mlnr.' Ukn . w vast . wilb a Oonf ntion f Tlis SUn-1 dsrd says toauks mfHi lions of ptMce ! bat we war th pvopla id tho, (bat lbs; object 41-sotnethfrtj' awe it to' steed from- thv Sevfbera Coofedwacy sod co lack ta'thm'tiUl mtkrV' V T.inU.i-. - tJ' :eiW dUgu. r ru'Cy.: " . ' J i"VPttu luey arv nrpparfd ' . - .t 1 .. r . - w eoTrrjutaniMives wun tuam and tara roj. Tlia blood of Carolina on a thousand' battl tfelds criss bat against iL And if ws sra'Mxa instead of roilk livtrvd. trai tors, ws il oppose it to the death. It Js.th lagubrioos criss or oeaoe wba tiieni'is uo peaccibes calk for a t'aaavtntiva, logei txraoa" tbtse demon - trations of division, dissection and diant- Mactioa with tlie bovernment, tbat pro long tl arar., Tlwy oervs lb anosoflha . enemy ipspira bioi wiih bops of success. a 'a . a 1 . . . anu leviiv nira 10 noil po and Bgbt tbs wariier.iiiia aiiinai wscouw accorn pliab by -sanding Commissionera- to pros traU themselves at lbs noballowed bet of uaeola and with pallid hps and blanched. cheeks beg bun for peace I And this too ' in thelateof the faet that he" has lime and again proclaimed to us bis oclr ierma- of ? peace terms as deirradini? as th art tyrannical and destractivs of tbs pro perty of tb South aud oppressive to free- men. - IX a man comes to your honte to whip you and male yon do bis bidding, . and while fighting you tells yon tbat do thing but submitting to bis behests acd giving npa certain piece ofproperty trans-; miUed . to you, by, your fathf re, wouldn't ju know on what tents yon could get peace, witnoat asking Lim to let you send a friend to biia to plead for peace f Be-T sides, would he not think that vou were I whipped aud ready to give op f Would Kl . ..!.. L-.J I t a u uvt ugu. tun uaruer ana longer I' " Wouldybe not insist on. bis terms of peace' ths stronger I Common sense says be would.. - THE ARIIY OFTENNESSEE. . "4corren4enif ue (Qa.) 7m, dating at Dalton, Jan. 20th, writes an encouraging letter concerning tho Array of Tennessee. lie says: The eoftditkm and numbers of the Army of Tcnnewee, since I last Wrote you, have improyed daily aud rapidly ; and if the re cent enactments. 0f Congress are rigidly en forced, and the people aroused iotlredsn gers threatening the succesaess of this mighty contest for civil and religious liberty, the budding spring, will witness an army mar shalled and ready to meet the invader, suffi cient in number and spirit to drive back the tide of invasion which promised, a few weeks since, to desolate our beloved State, What ever niay be the public opinions as to the justice of the aitti-substituU: bill, no one c uuiuuted with its beneficial effect upon the soldiers iu actual svrviee, can trains v the tro- prt;ty, it riot the absolute need, oisuch a law. The hnt and most uoportaut result Or its re peal was tiie vhatige visible in the tone and temper ot those who, for three years, have tiiaufuiiy breasted the storm of war in this de partment, and from inability or an honorable determination not to avail themselves of its advantage, have suffered hunger, pain and perfl. wlalsi their mure fortunate 01 -less pa triooe neighbors, have enjoyed OTcercomfort" and safety. ' Men bad become morose, and uielantihoh forebodings of disaster and de feat filled the minds of all. A pall of deypair settled upon us, enveloping officers and men in the cheerless folds ; but, as a rsy of light, athwart the midnight darkness, came the re peal tSubatilubon died and hope revived ; and now, to-day, no army on this continent stands itkot .cheerful, bopeiLA-defiaot be- fore, the f Jw?S ' A JiuttU-tcurfd Zlrro. General Jame lL Laae aged twenty-eight yearx. volnn- teairaiz?Sa, .iaa.4isu4; ... a, ... -.. I . I aitKI ' waa .conimissioaeu v.oioiio.v September 21st, : I88t. ' He w.t cundel at the battles of Fraxief a Farm and Cold liaibor , was ia the battles of Big bethel, llaaover Courthouse, Mecbanicsville, CoM Uarbor, Fraiier'a Farm, Melvem Hill. V." dsr Raa, Warreatoa Spring Mnns4s J unction, .Manasaaa, Jttains Ox llill. ll.ir per's Ferry, Shaipaburg and Sliepard town. He took toinamuj of tbi lUigad-i after tho fall of Geo. Branch, and for hi good discipHae, gallantry aud , soldier-like coadact through all ths campaigns, be wss promoted to the command of the Br gads, November 1st, lfSlpwitb the rsttk of Brigadier Qeaeral. 'tin .1 'S- a m-Jr

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