J I J I Lj L" u. 7 uu . Tr rr tr tt i m ! ir 01 . V. m w u . & a m m " . . I mi ? . VOL. XXI; cairos aho rcoriucixm. I. . J. . "I- HV find it iWy Mcrwwry to vrwl (ht W fit" Mib)iihiB thm ffr, ttJvaiiw W tie of bcnpUoa. , Th price will, ilMTdwc b. (ram lit 7th iosUnt, TIIRKK DOLLARS wc Bit nootU For prtrm-nt, aubcciptioM r8 notjbe nceit w U lonjr time. Iwxwi-M emt tli Hilxlilj f yrth Cr4iii iMpljr iocfdiUr. - ApucU- t i n MRmiftit -ie, on tne n iir tial Stair, t fcuth HMWalljr ainj hi. -Ur iw txiUU. llrf MlalMMi r in ullifrt.' licr clowl ijaJ . to on tl.i omtiiMNft la MNtoWr aai amduia. lli pm;4 aiv niir raaml aacalrti ilian any la in ouaia. lvsoH M law .lirtdv 'f "Vf triy "JaalK4Jingj ; anJ lU iadaMra wftka SlaU k kurila r aaarriia. Ta pJa ara tbrrw prao- uvt. frair wnotavj; Tfcy Ifto rwajflt S!a aiaimi CIm ba eu9tnUt4 W la war vita fiwfaaiMi y mwtn, I!r riroaU iri aoeatti' arnKa aJt tkaa aaj in lWam lf rl battU of ll aar, al tMtt;TliMt frrihiMjia fia ailh (ba rwt ia tt.a a-af4itmtat mw gvia . wrtUr laBlaiM "Wa ialrly tllrd a- ill iaMrrlrn CNmo all tU ikaU; 0i rv-4tnrat na of bar ""l4a, taJua ara darJ of tbcaa JrjfTJlrJ rrlcU WV bawt' toriojiflr ifHiahvd buw anJ arbera Norlb Caroiiaa itaa abovo twraetf ! irliaqal M aCtioa, and ao oaa baa baaii abla to poia t oX (ba accaaioa aa iaa fiaaay Tta cbarja a again! bar iataaUwoa, tbo iiiiMtatioo ( ia opoo bar accrai iaaigaa. 1bia fad ia aoeaaraajag ; bar acta ara irra roacbabf. Tin arc viciaaa mea to v ruu: ooj )oabthM tbar ara to ba aa&4 io Xorlb Oaroltaaj Tkal Xla er ooa arould panmaJa iba Stato ialo a (vwra of apoUgT mm4 aaicMa ; ibal tl.jr oll eogaija tba Caaiuoawaitb itarlf ia maaaaw wbicb wral rodar tba oawa of Nt rolTollMi" oTAtoolJ, a atROoyinaof tofana ibroogboat tbaror1d, hjmiUtif poaalbbi. Uat tbat iWy Uta acvoniplib no overt mtadiWf, aa yet, ia rr earUio. Wa eaaavt balieea tLataliai North Caraliaeopbj wilt naat in Cob vefiUoo for tb porpoM of daaartiae; tba $ovlb ; and if UiVy nr wa catiDol W !ie tltat tbo fatbaraaoaM sad brotbora of ii brava Norlb Carolinian ttat bara bled m aery fivld n thai nnr, will bring thaw aire to tba dwlmnoor of prvpoaiog lerma of capitalatioQ to f ha eaetay, and of atig- dualizing iba gaJlaut dead uh the guilt of ' traitor. Th agitator and traitor ia the I lom of ilai Sure may eitite diacoaicoi i ai,. aenl. m-etii. ; bat whn ihey j l.atr dn ihi much, ihy il have done 'i ....... .t. . .it 9L-niiliahiiii. ! . ' r r rt I ' "7 "!. rr " ;,rlina lo the of fuaetical iiHity ; J ttter raniMK cuumiM.t llx-ir Oraigu. A ' ff w Cv.niAlrrate iuil theae bad viciorHM ia srin wiu iii-n forever; Ihey will j , a.fOaiM Ifiair Rtatcmf .; Hilar 40-moaia.11 of aaaiocxtatav a IUa coouuel -A mZ j, ...(.riii fci, coti. to l-a OrtO ..MfiwW.aJt, amaaojaran- . aM.jrjiy, t, ...-aniMil-nirAof.llhaaoralJ-.naa" IraJ to Jhso Ibeir natutrt m print; toey eoiever inrwe urootanu muea nence ; i! br..ny iIm-y ere lora The wy.lllWrPgfclyj?erw lijdettuh alioin iliey have Umpered will I military statoamake them a matter "of j" turn fiuiii them wuh the aithiag cwaf..diiy,,vPfgw for them tn j ciupt t virtue anu totally, a0 tny wiu Inwr all their tiv the brand of lorv It is riot drthrult To understand Ihe pop u'ar (eeltnj-a Nurtb (Carolina, which ban ;';irn ths iv,'iiattr eocouragemeut thus to Laititwr ilh trenxoa. The fevliug tbeie ; i no dvubt rto atne as prevails through-1 ul the (Vfif"Wcv. It i a miuUil feel-1 in? mi citHHiitm--i, UnoM.ieUl ana i atarni. in regard to Hi nil adinibtralKHi awtaiiaV litv of tl-r and eoergetic remoO'traneir a the only mean of' dieckinlhe cafeev r vf mat .adimui.Ttivwwb the caua to perditiM ; and tba duty of avuiding an action which may itself im peril th vauwa, la Virginia the opntar judgment ia in favour ofaiient tolerance of t aoe ; in .North Carolina seema taclnv r. to the alleraaliva of remonstrance , If it wer. out prerogative to advi. tWa good eople of tliat State, we would: warn them agaiust Um agitator to wbom they have givea, probabbr, too nsaeh ear, as well a against aay actios wbicb ooa Id, is tba lean degree, toad to alarsa osrova people ft to aooouraga tba pnblie eactpy. lla swostrasoa ia s duty, bst agitation, to iba point of diaUtfbiaf tbp pbh Bind sad j i. 75. i. ,f:' i . . IpVirriala wo bar bee Verv bariest iiWr atu, Mil lJol( bouiinjr Id rnium. V I III .1111 .d IIW lircv rVPHK VI n-B4JrH)l"WHM(. QUIi J0 MUM 1 tofii ta oar r'.tT1 l mI and riJehriMl'tet ; mA Unl lU 4r'u of jir1 I ' '' f J v"1? ' .'" 1 111 Hfcil liaikriil ft t i-i. tin - w. w Mt Munrra mocn mw iron fe aJmu,(r.tKm haa ba . aic!ualjr oaJ.r tW coatrttl , iIaryUa.Lt. ; n Uk, NV al HU baa been mru4 . avr to tba 1. ...,L tf.. 1 ...i. ... vm .w. M.aaait.naiMiam.1 oTa ainjrfa: U jraar rh V iba UfiStjdijI Ifgioto baaaab. raiiii m ytmaiMi iyury m i aan. Uol waoiK4 Javll oimo lb' baiMilia- J I" to.Kb 0 OHlrT; U joati.laloollbm j b fcu- J.liwu, r and aot itlaia i Uwa I ico- tP f o komuniblt mun ;bi "voice ar- fi1'My"oM tolxt. tt Nurtl"iH)e .booMfwbara raatwelM.' CawKaar twfhi lo'ttuliitiri I'mjfff ' et to Malto ancb'pn m tmnsTKHlu1r aMial liT lata iUr iia. ik"''TB arhtBar fur uuouualilulhNtal a ar - --- - - JLiehmtul Aiwatiarr, tllfi C0NF&DEBATE LOAN. la cloae association witli tlm good nans' of tba domioo of lU LnKliab Conrt in fa-1 roroflba AUx.odria ntid tba rvleiwo of i tba Rappnbannook, by order of tba Enipe- ror, ia tbo ma of ina Confoderata loan in aiouk market of London. Tba .lock had been bejivily depreaaed by tlio fall of V'ickt-1 bnrg-Um foilom at GettyUirg, and tba "miV.l V W. I MUIT WW. IRfV V I Cbrlels too, waa cloaejy lwaiege.1, and goeeruirtent plaataliona in Lonsiana, U a ocareo deemed KaibU that aha OB oW of which, in 3J mou 214 ne eankl bold mt, after the enemy got foot- J gr0e died out of 413, on another 221 bold on Harm' I.Ub, and brought to j aiJ out of 400, on a third 258 bad died bear bia immeaae force of iryil dado. But out of 300. and o on. .Thia U wuraa Ueaaregard baa eondocted tba defonoa ; vnariaaiois m hw tree irom pottwuon. iai- tared and beaten, the iron moiutera have hatdedoC aad Englaad baa beard their eonfoMion of diaaater nod defoaL There ia a firm conviction in tbo Eoro- peas mind, that ovr independence will be ecuieTeu That mou eenaiMe and aenti- live oiember of oomicercial aociety CAr ital h eonSdeal of our ucceet, trustful of our boaesty. Tbo Confederate ! loan at fifty dollar in gold, in the London market, ia equal -to a tbooaand' dolUrt ' hare : and ttin k !!) ih eabital moil ; L. 1 r r 1 . 6. 1 . " 1 and onr will to redeem our national obli-! gall.m. hiie n arrow -mi ad cl money noiuer here are afraid to touch Confederate Bonds iim a a our enrrerwr for a Hood of one buudredi specie ine vaiite of one inouaann uonar ot dollar. v It is bich time ' for our people to learn wiaduin : the day ia not far distant when ha will be a forlunala man -wlm-can-fold up hie Confederate Bond when the hoarder of flour, aad corn, and pork, and ur-CVn, Rill .. r. Mn-.v ... . ii . inn. v. ... i nucell them for' Confodwato- nmU txixn, win Morn ani laiiieni iiiai uiu Iff ,n rr .1.1.1. mi nmht.lr ilia moat r AJ J i wU l-ii ia eairh -.i- - Tr-r -"T . : TTir...f P so lM pojMimr Minanu, ami ucni(j ucvy iiiues on. r'a. CoMfrJtrvft. Help the Soldiers. TIIE two Rtrwa'a CoaiDaaJe ia th 4th R (iateol. viti Tae Rowan Kid Gaard aad Cap, i r. 8taair Cotupaay. wilt at likely eed Sawaa ia ike Bpriaf wai called apoa to aevtoria svareli. - Taa aaderaigaed will b piasMd la eoavey la llieai aay aaai-4anc which lb liberally difioed suay eeatnaal for their raaarmtbi irArd. haaevd U him wilhie the nest twa week- After that lioaa, sbues ar may U bay tbejsy hft W. R. WUma'a Jew. a try 8iaee, will be slaty Ibrwaidtd. . 7 A. N. WISEMAN. sUftabary, rb tf. 184 t L-nt. arf-a-ju niif1-: .-iT'.y-t,r-:. u --: .-'-'..' i.ri'iv 'lp',",, --m1 "-: 'Mt'T '-'l.',' V.' 'SALISBURY,; N .-Ci' FEBRUARY; 22;: 1 b'6-iU'.. - -aBBBwaB-aanaBBaaaaaswi f ram th Cinfedrt. V ; NK. RKAP& AOAIN. 'n , w J n p T ioorai for ariZ, but A f 1 OwMWMH "V t waa ai J wyiif f ' iho Olh.of, Joly.il aaUi, to. rafriWo ; Um lirooka and Bamuef .waUonvt rjto if t mhp itwr-i iv uu o m tier vvi-imvkm w .. ;.f.... "Sanocr u4 ialbrnifd 4iim af tiiv fart I .'JWIBJ14 oaara iwivf mm iiia v w a" a-t Li ,ipplhit bf hi. tola; a..J f u ,.IVJwtkU abow tbat Jiia Ut i.M "la lha rteDt biaee. a . a . I . iiial nt MivnlufnrJ mII tAJoalkl inl r- J?.I. V. T-I. a I OA. 1 QUA . "M"v' " V ! t.bMU Uaa4 la a an tHlf tlema ""i'""-1 mm tupped to tlte form and to ' laf r- iv-a. irt reeojrnue . blin aa a biffb-tona-l irvnttemaii. m ' cbii ; lianrand an apriybt iiittiqber of ucet !a mnigttijed, prtjudioed and dangi-rou i politidan. Ilia w.rt jtil Imiu tf too i elua -aaaocialion (iiolitieatv) with tba Standard. t4 iiut wbicJi m to be UJiared iba Slaa- abuw WM OH,y ltt- f ;aiba 1-raW Caato- a filo bite yoo." . . . ... r EMANCIPATION AND EXTEKMINA- ' (1 U The ork1V'ld W 7" official frtiotU of the boirihJa mortalife on thftl th mortality in the late abipa of whlcU tba wortd uaad to baa aucb hor- rju, accouoU. Ilia Vrlr aaya, thai though in faror of tbo extinction of larery, jt 5, M fa noon-Jay mo, that the freedom of tho Southern black matt .oeedil, d in tbf annihilation of the r." The World add- that tba women debauched and diseased by the yaakee eoldiera, and than ieft to die. That their matera always had pbnician and ovrsea for twr ,ic. (laves, but there is no one lloW to care for lliein, and ihey are dying i;u ..U li';iil. ..... tivvmra. . turaira, vAi'.mviv, 1 1 . reguiaruie nu vice uTe m ie uim ie 1 jear mdeUriorated tbeir dmatitotiona that ) their bodies are ibe natural food yf f- ( Ivuce, aud when ouooan epidemic diaeaae breaks out it in next to impostbl to at ay ,u ravages. Gen. Bank ha felt con- to enforce aa or Jer. for reasons h.7J(V of public health, prohiWling the negroea from going from one plauUliou to anolher. The debuaed mortis, debilitated cuntUulioo, atKt - Ingottut fnortahty of ! these poor black wretches are a sickening ; comrsntry on abolition philanlhropv.' a A if . "CtJNFEDER ATff 1)05, DS.; It is a cheering indication to see tbe farmers of the country investing; their . . , 9 lknU. A Bond K weeks atro. aud atoce llien we Uave lad nnrtiervfpjjivn....- . evarai ..TKiirif r7 Fa- 4 a l , IT . .I :?. i I them. them. -r 1.cUe I U Iklcnmonu ibj wjea, o er wnij i i ....!... U . .ii Bonds so IJ at nwet ton t f 23 AO premium; i . i 4 !er cetus .1 pre.... ft.W.,rc.,.g veuueu-, ll ia stated that in England the Con federal 4on baa advanced to 50 thai ia, $50 is paid in gold or iu equivalent for $100 worth of our bonds equal to seven or eight .hundred dollars of our currency. Foreigners have faith ID our final sac cee. '. .' There are four tbooaand cases of small pot is Nashville, mostly among segroes - Ualos" re rugae. 'l slakmmmmM i j 4if ra jae . ao. reotviiieIatlyn ;in arirard to I be eiiatMiir arareifr of food iu lliwMuytlairatillia .nuorn aimrnWy' Uia tlo following. - Yet it ia aaaeeptiblo of 6n "bJitional recoMmettJatluni sfti? tnai llinaa'n bo eari 8ord Ut "aept) 1 nre tlia" I lirlr o w n aooii inay iteed'aiioHlff put in tba tame hoi aoinellixir thai (Uoaeapni way gjre to oI4iei woo .flare, Hp parent to care for tbain, on boaa fairea'a may bo onwbW to para them bnetbiog. Tbiak of tbo ftratefai foe linjr thai niay bo I boa m rannnuiitko nobbr drfcndr bf oar connrrr!" i-- . , , n-rgeo. Ar,l of to' U will be een,tbaH Ura dalieered to bun at tta ut an aureriiaeiDewi. a yr. hikiti. MkU before (ba a( day of art-ry TOonlb, dl tm that dy. be fcrwar.. to the army frve cf ehargr. Lei n 1.ojn that so many wilt adept tba anneted aojsrentit ff tlie f rwldier" aa to require Dr. Wilrrra to di patch hia nieaaenWr every wee! instead ofJ viry tpotitbtM bo doubt would, ra; lows to 00 : : - -.- -i ' Camp Ncas Orsmb C January 31, 1864. To the Alitor of Um EWaminer: Believing yott til be a tiietd of the soldier, I iruai yoo will insert the aalowing good nggetHh. irt your valuabk) paper, via: that every family artwl to rheir sun' husband or tatber; as the case may be, a box of provisions. . The ra tions in the army art short, and witltoat aid from stin-oarteftrcoui waatoMood. Allow ne ta rupgvuf, also, what is protter to send ; that is, what a aol- dier moat neeK . A box should Contain ba- eoii, ham or side,) pe bntter.-dned frwit sou syrup, to quantities 10 sure n conven- ..Cl.. ul.t..n. f.a. .ifliiiM 'l.l.llllil . ..,.. ..... CHIT? VI IHVT VI1'JI. .....i. IU.UI unJer whiclr the hOiiie tftbles gtoan, miffht be packed ui, but the article's enumerated wiD be mosfnsefuf to Ifw htriirrr ioMTer." Sufelf every fourity can do this. 8uch tokens of lore and affection tend to encouraee and sat isfy the " brave mMvlt hoy, and lure , him M on to deeds of noble daring." Let all con aider this suggestinu and, act as their cou scienoes may dictaie, Every paper m the South will pWe ocpy and confer a favor on every ' &LfKk. ffom. John e21ud Am! jf John$on. These two have been atnonit the most pro oiooeot inen in Teoneaaeo for a quarter of a century pant. . Bell was a statesman -a whig p ho labored for the perpetuation of a Constitutional Uuion."" lie was 3e ooonoed -for bir t-tii nionf "ndlcionbT Johnson and liia folioaera, m .luot rue to tbe South and. uiiswnud-oo iba alavery questiop.". Tbo war raine ' on, and. Ten nessee oast her tot' with the Son lb, Mr. liell approving of tbo act. lie has in ooa seqaenca of bia 'devotion to the South loat bis Urge prw)erty, uiany of bis slaves have been stolen by the yankeea, and ba ia an exilo from bia home. Tlie miserable deiu agogua Johoaon, on ilia contrary, ha gone over to Linnoln, ia rewarded wKh office for bia treachery, and is now preaching etnan- cipaOoa. r ' Thtoe ara glannjr inMances, but by no means singular. We have iuch in our own State, and they doubtless exial every- wbere. Threare some honest men and maay dotuagogue in all communitiea. v falnottc IU V irjmna. aeverai ot Hie mml -n,iMt Maleaiin. aTonf them l. vernor Smith and . tto..H,y, ba. de- j voted theinselves tp aJdrea-Miig the jteople in variai coontw and towns, on the con dition of the cocutry and the duty uf pal ' riots to exert tbenmlve. to broimite th sucvesaof tba great eauae in which th. J Ooofederiwv is engaged. Ia (Borgia, How-, .11 tW,h and liiahoi, Pi-fee. Ivu of the finest oratora'that Georgia ever prod-iced, , merf tetxl ,nd sU0Ce t are doing the same ihiog. These nre ex- j hupress those around him with the couvio ceplional cams. A to the great body of j tion that such are his merits he must be aii- 4 the stump yptiakarylhe Atlanta Gutfoifor-i acv atdta ; . - - ! -Where are.. tl men of oratorical ability at ihi erkr Where are the men nho. ' found in ey focalilOo wtertheik-ldTor 1 .l..... il..u -j uUfu.n nwlMli nn li.nrl l . ;fcrWMeuds, - a i .j.--.mi;ili ....v,-.. I . . i L . . " I lUeir VOICVs swell 1HU iouu KXie w wuuh- t Taut? AltiT sump tneatre w pmiuaa eaapiencev , U'U ... ikdi mnb W hmuliri ffiuliH ..? jj - V.Tim AwftlrV ye nko of'might, J pw "7" V. 'a"H in the fields of oratorical tamcl Here are r ww ,.- i. thmd w6rtb7 ll tlM highest flujlitaof genius and the subttmest eabrts." 1 ., Caution to CutU Owners. A" gentle man of thU county inform us thai he has lost ten bead of cattle from eating rotten sweet potatoes. This is a aerioua loss is this time of scarcity of meat. Let others ba on their gwFjL0k.mj ' Four female convict made their ttcapo front tbo Georjrin Paniteotiary on Um wghl of lh 23d of Jaouary. - : ; - ' V-' '-'--r1 "r-- ttv ! .Vi IS U M BK I . 39. i In mmmm-m CbrIoitiA. participant ba un.iijed 0 ;i tViHijlnftoo, Journal with the following pat Ucalnrl cf tbf Captora f , Newport liarraa . bJe'wwfVrfp ntont, b0on..Wbitiag: . We coniroeoeed fortningetir tine A bet tta about three anik to tlie rear.ot .Newpot t Barrat'kt, on tit road parallel with Uie KaiU road between Newbern and Beaufort, h bow about 3 o'clock in the eTetilrii? of the 2d February: Prerioou to thin time, ?- verai winuwnee imu oeourreo. . One .at the enemy poet, tlm other at hi' BlotLhouc, foorailes from SliepliardiTille., Both of these pUcei were qnkkly.cnpU.rKJ, the former by a briiriant daah of our carafry, tie lattrr by cat tntantry, aided by- the unerring nlrill ot .J t - , - ! ,!. r. n nen our line or bttk 17th N. C: Rerinwint mm. maoded by Lt Col Laiutr, ocenpied a po,- uon j me ngni oi loe romt, me 42-1, rxm inanded by Od, Brown, to the leAVBetwern die two stood a battery of Artillcrv, com manded by Capt Blia. Further to'tho Mi still, 'were several drtacbibents of nfantry un der tbe eye of CoL Jackson, a blood relation ofjf-SlonewalL'' Id the rear of this line were our cavalry and CapC Paris'Jittery of sploi:- ata Howitzers and Napoleon guns. The eiw tirs force numbering .about 2,000 men, was under the immediate command of a Mexican bero.CBrig. Geo. Martio. Jhe scene non wss graod. beyo' ttmceptioo, and begytfi description. Every, gun was loaded, everv bayonet fixed; and every heart fired wiu, patnoc'ie devotion to bis Sunnay South. Our artillery had abeady opened a brisk fire, caus ing the very' ground to quake with the deaf ening ihObderJBow filling" the air with the wbixang noise' and loud screams of its shot and shell, The esemy's response was by no means lisy or chilklike, bat their aeath-ueal-ing muailes were poorly directed Wben the cwnniand u forward'' waagk en along the tine, each battalion moved ot4" like so much niavhiuery. every part of which was perfect. Our.galL,ot troops now -vanced fbrvver a space of three miles, never thinking of making a halt until stopped in front of the burning barracks and deserted fort of our. neioy. CoL Ripley, with his Green Mountain and New Turk hirelings had offered us but feeble resistance, flying before ns like iiaff bafore tbe, windTheywer, . now scattered to every point of the compass, and darkness alone prevented the capture ot' sJinwrt Uie entire force. If they had ftJIeu bck to their .stronghold, and made a firm stand, the frobebiJity is w would havp been , very inatemlly injured; but such a cooiW their unparaUeled cowardice would not allow ' them even to tbinkof, Over their desert! "7 stronghold waed that emblem of oppression ' l " Surj jind-5tripeaT hauled dowa Beader, yon know the fain of a ifljcs f bloody meat when thrown to a pack of starving wolves. A similar one thii ' detested flag met with. It was. trampled in the dut and torn into a thousand fragment!'. Tbe frjiitt of our victory weret as follows : Quanties of commissary, quartermaster and orduapce stores, all sot ts of camp and garri son equipage, a larce number of. small arms, eighty pieces of artillery, and ninety prisoner!-. Our loss, six killed, two of whom were offi cers, and about fifteen wounded, while tha' of the enemy was at least treble this, On account of a great lack of Uatwportation, we were compelled to inter our dead upon tbo same field where ,they fought and displayed so much gallantry and heroism. GEN. JACKSON ON SHUFFLERS. The extract below is from the correspon- deuce-of this great warrior, and hai been j iilacx-d at our disposal : WiscutsricR, Va.,Nov. 22, 61. T,' Mr m bviialf of Mr. A . reacb- ed me to-day ; aud I.hasteu to reply tliat 1 have no place lo whiob, at present, 1 can properly assign him. I know Mr. A. nerson- ally, and Was favorably impresseil by him. But if a persoii desires office in these times. the w for hut to do ,sto"; ? Ph. vanced. er else the-mteTesia of thepuBthtleKr Vice iubm simer. it Mr. A. should nieimou the subject tc .you i again, I think you migh: wuuu. gwi 7 y "J ' vt uij mm w nun Kr" make nent jhe jart :( re- -Xvar iniiiih auachud tnend. T. J. J.eKS.XV. Xllt i. mn- ..-.x, it.r : - r hinry aervtoa bf recent .act f ..Omgwss. to aroia trouble u to report tliein-.elve promptly bAlbe '.enrolling oliicer. The law wilt W enforced, arid as the only d cison puda in refereuce to ibe liaUtity o uch peraon ia against the principals .f subfttitulea, thp moat sensible thing otber CAD do is lo report to Col. Maltelt or some of bk subordinates at ooce. ai7v Vc yrvatvl... . -r ".- f 1 . " a- - a ana r-a a-j - .-,' . Friday last for earaataea b aad red dollart. Una dead sozsoia is ltioun; ou