mat be placej'-lbe GoWnor fofnoe; lf vatiag orator ou the! etump?,nd; Gov, Vine f , gt rnnn, ),n ear ' 1irt 'without apr6f, 'if any awiieU la tbe . ciiiKFJuaiTtr5AToylt7r Ilia VViliwtegtoa) Journal eey.:- ""It baa been mn arked. nd " no1 A liiiU remark worlh.y l but U MO WOffl cae brouirhl before Judifa hereon, ttf which "il.a liofdvraie Government ta beaa party, has be Ml J. decide Sgaliut it. k ui.ifijrin baa beeii hi course, so well known and decided are bit iiroi4ivUtalitat, no matter what tbt owe may be, the pub lic ara always prepared lor the same re ult a decision aifaiut the Confederate Government" Differing front tbe Chief Justice, a a have sometime dooe, and uoable to r eootile to our unpcufeioul mind I ha auosiateucy ef some of liia decisions, it ia t only fail to him at ilia highest Judi officer of the Suta to sav. tbat out of be lirsl thirty five case of UalM-M corpus tried beiore him, seven were decided in avor of lb CoflfedtfNla Government. Uvv many he baa iiic 'decided, either Kf r agaiul, have u4 heard. FtyettfrUt Obrr, IIOUUlKLKATKOCirY, eolv the ihihicular uf tha Wa lata raid near KicLuuuuiL Ainumr jlas mat ter connected therewith, it '"will' be seen. Uial papers were capiured on ibe boJjf of mi otliorf who waa killed. dicloiog the most liomblw perpo, eotbtag Waa Uian tha burning of the cily of Uicliniujd, tint tuurdrr f l'rnidi'ni Jni bim hia Cabi Ml, tha Jeirucliow U mill. iMraa, call l, uj tblug Atl uaa. U the people I Otil U ihiuk of an aruif tnlr)ti ml daj hraak a cUjr of 100.0UO ' tiihitlauU, p. ided with ooMibualibla luaUriaU ta hvl lira in a lliuutaud pacea ! llur inaiij p-upl wuuM ha priU-J i tii flaior, ih ck, I he wuan.l, old Mga anl iu- Uucf I Merciful Heaven I. wliico cat on J-4WHUr, tVerated fc,. . v . . i i I w.i. ... . .i. . eiMMHiM "'"' "w The Richmond Whig thiitka that all tha pr'oiiera Miurrd froie Ui gang that iu w tb ihia horribU purport liould km ukeu out attd hoL ay. OeWrayr. THE IUXENT FLAG OF TUL'CK. A ataioment in the New York Uerald tbat a corrvkpoodetioe had takeu plao t ten OoMimMaioner Oeld k1 liuUer, Utr than that dated aoina months ago. and already made public in fb itifod vracy, i ultarljr falae The preaenl teiidt-r A an luforiual r)ampUo. of 11m eichance t at tba inulioo uf the Yankee authorities llieir tart, forlbetuutal oblijait j yf wIikIi rhey are wbollj reponiMe. Tlie counw wlitcli -has o far bwen delermiued by ur fBcer vi etchanga ia tc reoatva the prw oners relumed to a. Tbaaa, it should be reinoiuwrau, are oiiij fur ut preaeni pa roled ; bat once in our poavenaioif, and etjeiraleMla returned, there will be no du-tU-.ulij in our own aulioriU declaring Uiein exchanged and rnurouig than to our rank. W know that we hold from eighteen to twenty thousand prisoner. The Yan kee claim thai tbey hold lbirtr-ti thous and. We'Iearo that the prisoners who came ap Saturday were selected to be retained So tbe Confederacy by lot. Another flag of iruoe, covering a lar.f number of ri- onrs, ia expected up at tbe cloae of the week. The prisoners returned Saturday, say thai theie were not more lhae eight thou aand prisoner at I uint Lookout, wherena t he Y a n keeaclaiitili Jia re lhera btWn j thousand. It ia quite certain that the en emy's estimate of the prisoners in bis bands partakes of tbe usual exarreralion of the Yankee. We are ie formed tbat tba last artful in vention which the Yankee have used on our prisoner it tbe oath of neutrality. The oath of allegiance k no longer requir ed of thwIfi&ttF remain neutral in tbe war, and during iu onuouanoe to raide ia tba North. This obligation ia, of coarse, imposed upon the brieooere' with Urn diffloalty tbaa that f allegiance to Liaooln. aad answers the parposee of the enemy equally aa well. Among tbe prisoners returned, not no tiaad y4Urday in the enumeration of of 8 ears, wa CapUin B. F. Little, of U Fif-'J-aeeend wNerth CaroUDav regimeut, who was eaptured at Gtysk.M auisrr. ealfto anv position whieb he :-nS " avv-4. t w ;, KpXDIT If OIIS, I1ICI II, I W. Ground h stands an." Wa propee fo g(ro Jn our next paper an' able review, tha Raleigh OnMleraU, of .the frquoaAtr. 4 TIolden stand oa bebra hi fellow-citizAntf of llprtfc Carolina M , candidatrAarOotettt. or. It will ba seen that there.! a yawning abyss opening to receive all who hare the liardihood to temnt ka nrofound denial r , .r. - . r ' 0cl J. L troth, of Davidson county and M. Q. Waddcll, of Ciiitha'm, ara 'ai nounoed as candidates loruongreal to BU tna teat mada vadaoi bj tbo death of Sanjuet Chnstiao. . " - Th Bank, Railroad Oompanlaa and oth er! kt burfneaa, are girlog hot'ioe tiat from and after the 25tL ina. tbey wul not recaiTe Contederata bill abort tha denomination of $5, except at adiaoouat of 33 per cent. Tbia being tho case, our frienda will pleaaa make no remittauora to u afti-r that data m ideal tbe pmrkla for tba diseoant bjr taoding 33 per nl more ibao their indebted oeaa. -jf Geti. Morgan and Ladr, with tha General"! StaflT. paiaed hare Friday bat, en rouU to CicIiOtohOL Eyix hundred Yankee tuiaooert pafaad through (hie plaoe Saturday morainr. roinr 8ttlk Four of them escaped from tba cara sutnewhete iiK of Kaleigb. ! Ckarleatea. CaAKLKrroa. March T. The enemj keepa op a ittow ore upa lite city, Ho aumeof activMjr on Horn lilauu, or other poinu. fleet unchanged Freei tUheieBd. KicHMoMit, Marvb7. At auction to-dav Omfedetaie fire year bmula opened at J 13, an. cknt-d at 102 1 A $500 boutL of tU hundred million loan. du 81, brouditi 1201 All ecurilia almost of&rinf were withdrawn iUitk clieck l l a( aq average decline of tlSd G.Maoldal$23lbr$l iUf&e.Taary of the Treauryh! decided tht kpew k. .tj-ci to a tax hr; kind of 5 A decision 'in a kuAwa corp caaa waa j rendered in the .Suprema Court of Appeals ftp-day," fully affirming theconstitutiooahty of the Cv4i nptioii Act, and the act abolishing me eiempiHHi oi persona wno bau lurnwhed sub-titutea, ail tbe jndjfes ooicumnjf. New baa been, received to-day of the cap ture ui wo i aiiKevMPamers ty a small par ty of cavalry. Further partiuukira are deem ed inexpedient at nn-senL - Tbe Wlersburir Kxnress of to-day states tfajil BuffoJk has beeu occupied by Conlede- ru troops tor several aa ta, Frta flrglala. Oramok C H., March 7. Tlie statement in the Yankee journals A i 23d ulc, about trustors pertornianoes are greatly exagurated. Tle true version ia this f They btin.t three flmir njiiU in Htvena county, a bridge near Charhmtvitte,' blew up one caisson not six -didn't swrpriae any cavalry csmp. did not );ei 60 primwera, but were whipped by Brail wail's battery of Stnai l's horse artillery, un supported. Our loss in killed and wounded not ovr twelve. Tbey stole probably 300 hones from non combauata, but took none from soldiers in arms."'5 All quiet in front. Frea garth Ceencta. Atlanta, March 7. On !5atjrday morn ing, Iliace' brigade of cavalry attacked the Yankees 12 miies beyond fimggok, and dmve them from their position. Vft lost one man killed and captured seven prieonersi " It is well aacertained that tbe recent Yan kee advanoe waa in tended as a Brand attack. The enemy waa much surprised to find Gen. jonnson wun so ienre a hmw. 2io present eigne of a inorement on the part of the Yankees. h.m-A nnnt datMf- ITum U ih v. the Yankees are all across the Big Black . They burned nothing 'at Canton. They cap tured and carried off three officers of the Misasippi Central Railroad, and many ne groes. , They deatroy-d provisions wherever found, and burned many houses ia the country. Railroad are running from above to with in a lew miles pi Uantoa Frea sllssisdstU DKMoroua, Ala March 6. One bundrod and twenty one prisoners captured by Geo. Forreai'a oammaad, abort Okolooa, wore brought here to-day. ' Mbrimajs, March (L Sherman wa report ed at Canton, Mi-, on Wedoesday, and our cavalry fighting him on all aidee. - Oeavy firing beard m the directiao of Canton all day Wednesday. Qhermao, ia going through the toentry, iasoed order that tbe people most be robbed of thelriubslrtnn.-TrtlcSt n nraat & aJJ dona, 4 Ybp Yankee took a lara ttgm. oer Dcxroea. irom una arction oooniry. The people are perfectly jropqwUhed wher ever tha enemv hu htinL ' 'H i . Telegraph k work hi tf M'far -wait a If eK too, tQd ii being repaired" fo rbrtnefWeetero terminQS, "' ' .: Frsar Oarleitesv " H , u CBAtLEsroir. March ' 9. Five Monitor were nside the bar tbia' morning: 1s other respect the position 'of .tie fleet remains ebanged, .T.ea.abell .were) Jkedat Sumter last xugbt, eib( of which trtck. ' - : .Battery . Gregg opened, this morning on battery Simkina, and w"aa 'replied to by Sim kio aad tbe SulUvao'cJaW balterie. . A hvelY artillery duel Waa keoi no be xome Borne offlcer of diatioetion arrived, ao-dar In the enemy' fleet A- mall ajuaoMf -oame alongside the btntidti, add irnmedktelr an on her departar,'a1 salute of It guns waa urea rrom toe tnmtidm. - - - Ualveml activitv waa renorted amona the enemy' fleet in Fob River, Tuesday night " i rraw kmum, v BjensNMiD, March 9. Fuodinir W broeresa- mr freely. Be vera! beaks of this Qtv have been authorised to act a depositories. v - Tbe New Curreney will be ready -during (be first; eek in April. - - Rrea Bsftsrfral.. --- Atvauta, March 8-A apeciai dispatch ta Uie Afpuaiy rOfll Mississippi, Mareb , says noes ana luabaraeoa attacked the enemy at Yasoo City, aad dreve that snap a redoubt and oa tbeir-gunbomts at the) land in r.' We held tbe city Kveral bourv destroy iug Valea- ble eupphea, prottaiona Ac, and esptaring a cumber or horse. - Our lee waa 60 luuad and wounded, includlng Msj. Thunnond, of tbe 14tb Tenn. vegtmeat oemy s loss not known. - ' -- i Frt m IbkaMsi. uli , , , . RfonKoso, March ltt Tha only item" of war new to-day is tbe appearance of a goo- boat apd two transports in York river, near West fomt Tbe object of tbeir vasx not yet ascertained. " -r-y-f Tbe Legislature of Virginia to-day, adopted resolutions claiming knd requiring exemp tions from mihlary service numerous officers and employees in tbe fixeoative and Judicial Departments of tbe Slate Government and Public Institutions Justices of tbe Peace included.- The Legislature wilt adjourn to-nirht. Dispatches received from Gen. Ransom to- nijtbt, from SuOoIk, state tbat tbe enemy oc cupied Sufiulk b force-on Sunday, We at tacked them on the9ib and drove them, in a rout, out of town, kdiicga Dumber, captoring one pix of artillery; a hvre qnantity of commissary and quartermaster's stores. Tbe enemy reteated to Portsmouth, burning bridges, and leaving everything behind them that would impede their Sight. We pursued them beyond Beaten' mil Tits oovtnnou's cxmjkch mmi ia aus iiy ynniy. firmil la laviuUoa T Ui Bteatir. Tb M . A. T.Pavl i ia m slas mrftttOw a- eU. t !S the wesncy aeemlmtt y tteewas ef trnma Wslm thrt Hit da rt aaslhw eaflkag U Uw buar, lagvUicr is extra wlia, as tb IwkW mij a-M boi iwbiwis teaaeauy amai mjmm u. MARRIED: . . In this town, Feb. 24th, by Rey. Wm, H. Bobbiu, Rer. A. W. MANGUM. of U.e N a Conference, to Miss. LAURA J. daaehter of William Overman, Esq. Mr enps ! away; aa tssets ef a mv Sever: tin rsvs of ia rialateaa, at this seeetprmrernd hear, BtotrtofUr eatef Ue ImM, e MMlnf , vHh aMtK rower Trmx Sirawl TWyh(a4 with akriM NsK wheaetat,aMrry KJrsIM Un Mr s a sa4 he sartafS aUkW fm, " . . nr--t rhlAh , si Maeiat thine. why Um aMkaBg ttsate as4 shssea Naht'Ssta UMesht eer tsaetat feaw. aa Sfl w4s"lF 0ve)faM) They.BMr each ether th , tfchlaf awke tew M I I',.- - "'-- TMegh beaaSMs jpt, tjHL sparhUa(. S tta Iwpia " aatate pfMM, t. It baaf mwiI eabUvrittlSiewMearw4.... Lost I asy, aeverv aevee aeatoa H r hel; It rsa late a rirw hrmi, Svwisf river ' Aae wtth It aew asUtag whsre a o lvesia. fa Ihia Town, ew ike 8th iaetaat, y Mr. DAVID Mr. CUkNKLIA BROWN. - ' ta Bewaa eoaaty.oa the 3rd instant, by tba Bev. W. kX Watia. Mr. JOHM N. MORGAN, of Arkaaear, aed Mm, DALLIE GRAHAM, daughter of W. FGrahan, Eq ' In ibkae-mmy. oa tne it marea, ay w. i. Marlin, Esq.. JES8E TlfOMAiNIJf. Kap.. Mrs. J0LIA A. BRIGG8. DIED: ; At Oraage Coart Hoaee, Yirgiam, GEO. WALLER. semW of CapL N. N. Fl.m- iag's Compsay, 44th iUgiaawit H. CTraops, agee-yarar'." - :-,-.trff ;GUARD DUTY, : f rillE aadaraigaed ia raiaiag a Ceaapaay to - JL - Gaord lae Priaseam at Jpaiiabary t aad m aatbeeised ba receive sal the Csaapaay per- aaaaeaSsr UssSsnrW. .Taeaa wkva aVasra a rasaaia Bear hocse and da Igbt aerrea, bare aow a ebsaes aa sseace a favorable ateee in thieCoeapaay. , WR, W. BEARD. tfshahary, Maraa 14, looe. trtx Charlotte BaleSia aad Badaigh fJaadaderata wul ptsaae pabHSb aaa week aad asad ail a fiewtleaaaw desirous af pkyiag saii; 'pistoJa ar-d, rtffef Jfcr, 4 wo," would do wel lo bent np Yaoke j;arcrs.. ,(j!f,( ' I , T0 SOLDIERS F1UIUES. ,;t JVw Arrangement. ;w ST I AM plaaaad to he able to stale, thai have, . obiaiaed a fair supply of Grata, sad la order that all ssay be supplied aa hear Voinaas fpsys. sible I will hereafter issue .a'lullow.s I . At 8alisbary, Mooday aad Taesdsy la each week as heretoair.. , ;t 7 "At CMsa-Gre tba lst WWerselk'eesdsX' ' sauPth, comma aeiag with April! At Thirds Creek, 1st Thorrday ls' each snoaih, eoansaeaeiag with. April ... , , At Uoid MiU. let Friday ia eeh moath; eonianeaeiag wufe May. ' A the helaaca of iy time, that I am aotpblited le ase ia getiiag ap seppfee, wilt he spent at my office ia Salle- bery, and will he pleaaed to Wail aa yea., Ita -Indispensably accessary . that every uaa sIkmiuJ" use tha atone eeonoaay, to make the sappllee' lasfauilll harvest eoHs h saa to depend tkwry apoa ma for all year bread get where-' everroe eaa no danger ef getting too meeh. i win isaue grata or moaey ha yM amy piafel. bare asad aa amaceawat ta ksea Copperas. . aa bead, eomawaeic-g about Isief April, a S per Bnand, which a ill ba said t the auaat ry. I have a few pair ef Callow sad sever. al peir o Wool Cards oa lisad fur aistribellua." 4ad hope ta get mora aooe. I and eoaiinae, at paaaihlev to hasp a sswwtbly supply of Sell. . , Persona Grioe at a dietaaee, wirbinr to feed their awaay, aaa have, it dona by sesdiagit la ase before let of April. , , J. 8. McCUBBINS, . ' Commissioner." Sakebary, Marsh 14, 1844. 3w3 , ' TAX IN JUND. Tp lhf Faruter of 'Movan County I AM inatroeted lo antify yoa thai after the 1st day of Aprif, 1864, that aB srtiewaeav eapt Cora aad Baeea will a4 be rtet'ieed by say agent ia iha eminlry. All those w bo have not delivered ibeir tiihe ia Wheat, Oats. Hyo, Beek-wbeet, Poaa, Beans, Irish aad we Potatoea, !Iy. Fodder, Wool, Ae , will be sub ject to a tax of 5 limes tbe a see sard mnrtey vatae- or the onpaitf port km. Thai above peaatiy will ba incurred by all who Jail to. deliver aH arlkwa taxebtereseept eora- aad beow if not delivar- ed prior to ihe 1st1, day of April, 1864. -1 W..J. MILLS. Ageat Depot No. 7. - Safisbary, March 14, 1864. V f43 BLOCKADE BUSTED IN SALISBURY. 10Q0 YDS,.Fac. 8iack, aad Saaoas Moarag Prints. , Fsncy Soap, Combs, Ac. ' , Two Fiae Gld Walebea.' T AM uof Salt aad Tabaoeo at Aoctioa o Taeaday, ISib Merely by- - r WM. E. EDWARDS CO. March 14.1864. ltt SITUATION AS TEACHER WANTED. A rrntleman. whose business has been that' af teaching, desires a eitaaiioa in the eoantry, where he eaa obtain a fond sebool at fair prv. ees. He can bnnr rood rererenees. bta aa a aabieatioaa and morale. . Apply at tbe WATCHMAN OFFICE. Mareb 14, 1864. 2w43 Gall and Settle. a LL parties having elaims agaiast Ibis De partment, mast eall fnrsettlemeat between thie and tha 25th inelant, or submit I the tax ot 33 J per cent thereafter. ' : ! ' . : J. P. BRIDGER, Csp(. Ss A. Q. M. March Uj 1864. U4S My Fiv Stalllan, , MEDLEY, 1 WILL stand the ensuing season at Lev in r ton, Liawood and 8alisbnry. Tma 30 the. Season, 40 Ioeuranee. Chtnmesciog the lQth of March ending the lOrh of Jnry. . W. R. HOLT. Lexington, N. C, ) ' . March, 1864. . : Bwpd49 C. S. DEPOSITORT, Salisbury, march . isse. PERSONS bring! ag money to this office fa . fandiag, are requested u aaauri 4 aceorw ing to denomiaatiou. ' , A . .. This rule will accommodate tne poblfc, aad facilitate ihe bowBeas of lbs office. O Office hoers, from 70 A: MTto4.oTejoeh, r. M. M. W. JARV1S. lf45 C. S. Depository. CALL AT HOLTS TANNERY AND (and your Confederate aaoasy in Salt be fore tba 1st of April. ' March 14.1864. 3:pd43 COTTON ISDJOBKta " FORftALB iV C4uinMlrsts mmty & iif deaomiaaUou.. Apply at thia Office. Mareb 14 !864. tftt - CoUon Ytb. X HAVE oa baad a saal eapplyof Farmraa; Itoa, Cottoa Ckxh, aad Cottoa Yars, wbiew I will exebaeg for Baeaa. Cora, Oats, washed Wool. Batter, Eggs aad Cluckse. ' ' ' W. MURPHY. MaKhld, 1864. 4wa