' : Lf U:UL1 vV..LJ LL J'lj J- 'L-"L J d LlILuu u" cJ ' -T ' r -.v : VOL XXI. i i .1 : SALISBURY,-,K;-C-: JIAUCH, .28,;i8G4.;; .yMBEU 44, -i: 4 a-,!,,!! "tlWaaBMaaaaa IIMlL'-BIII HI! . """" T "".fniT ' " ' "'IilBljlgiMLWrt L.- ' iMlMl' J '"'""" ' "" ''.jygy? ljKUNEI Ihml)i3 in W et.itv. ?4 battle was? bnrg, where kiaTttt2piiitl4 f r TACKLES AT ,LAG. ." j -vtJiwrt I hat wci Vtta"u4. 'of hich 1 !bVoT was hi, end U waa m iimi prUoor." A Je fell he reaoKed 1 W (mi a Wstiemaa toemltd . . - ' - , ' - . I TCtMS r THIS rir-Tkr rfolUrt Wft dw,t pMMii' ; V';V- ! . Ttt OF IDVttTlSlSC $3 frqaar In tkt firai inViM 1 wr tqaarw for 'eb aabaat IMiWIioalfM. AJIell on Earlktk4 KrperitAc of a CoHfdsraU Officer, among 'th ConiicLVnvm of tJu Tbo ciprirvoea of this iart 'af- Juried raanT aiampU of Yaokaa 'illf bivhtttva prodaoMl o Impraat-oa moral or Wm di.Uocl apoa Iba abUbtaaed pot-1 Uoot ot the orll which we lrocrdlo gi taka prrWenc of all that baa'erer yet been narrated of tba aUotrw of Um eaemy ;(aad itkao remarkable, both oo account of ita matter and the oredit that mutt naturally attach to ttaagihorbip; that we doobt wbelber the o called aivilised world of thia geuvra lloa baa ruduwd anywhere any well aav Ineatioated atoryVaqaal horror. , rhe uieront we ctva to aor readral ia that we have jaat takea froto.tba lit of Captaio Cafviv C kf organ, a trolW of tbe Uuioua General Uorgnn, wbo arrived ijRicLiuood under tba raceol flag of trace, wfiich crere4 the return of aareral iua dmf of "oor priaonera. Captaia Morgaa and hi camaQtooa were trippad ia ajre vpiWa room and - their naked bodice ex amined there. They were agaia atrippad in 4ba interior of the priaon, aod ffaabed iu tuba by negro oonvicU ; their hair cAV elgae tu tba acaJp, lh brutal Warden, wbo waa auaiiog by, exhorting the negro bar br to ucut off ef ery d-pKl lock of their rebe) hair." After theae cereraHtniet,. tba officer weraloW apia o tba dHaea ions of which Hera thirty eight incbea b width, ait and a' b'al feet ia length, and Utoatjht jMipaj i iahttgUkJulheae narrow aboda our brava aoUieia-wera k'fi to piue, braoded aa fllona,' goaded by "coovkt drivera, and ioealted bjr' epeecbea which cooalaatiy reminded them of t ha weak and cruel neglect of that Uoferemeot, oa whoaa behalf, after iroperilliog their litea, tbey weiw - tutu anoering .a fata ' woraa than death, ltat terea theae' auBtring were nothing to what waa. reaerved for them io another tarnation of cruelty with out a parallel, anloa iu the eecreie of tba iuferoal. ; , ., '. .. ' It appeark that after GeeeiaT UorgaoY ceeape, auapicioa alighted on tba wardeo, a certain Captaia kferion, who it waa thought "might baea been corrupted. To aUeiaU iha aaapicioo (far wbick thera waa really no grouada whatever,) tbtbruta .eommeDced a lyatans .of dereliab. peratcw tioof th uofotuoale Confederate prifcon era wbo remained in bie baoda. One part of tht lyetera waa aoliUry coqitnemeat in dungeona, .Tbeaa dougeona r wera doee oella, a falao door being drawn oyer the gratings, ao a to exclude jight. and air. nia food allowed the ooeupanta of lu dark and noisoiSfl place, waa threa ouncaaj it l i i.-i -J -.1.. 1 The four walla were bare of everything bul a water bucket, for the Beoeaailiea of nature, which wrior left for day to oion v the air. tbe.yiMner weaihed. 1)a waa denied blanket; deprived c bia overcoat. If he bad one, and left standing or atretcb- ,4 with four 4ar k, ofl-walla around him, with not room enough to walk in to keep ' up the circulation' of bb blood, stagnated with tb cold, and the ailent and uo otter able borrore of hi a&nta . Confinement in .the j!ttngoni waa the wardeji'e aenteoca rr tbe moml trieal ot fence. On ou occaaion one of our priv onar wahusfjmmored bacaue ha re? fued to tell-Merton which one of bh eom pant1i.hdrtiiitnl contrary lo the priwti ryigu, )aJLthjE( JriyAUilaliiB ofnliu djuou a. diapleaaura ooourred not. iiipreihAn ai. -jseek ago. Some kbifpslmd bern dcovened la the a a 4 C . a a---. prwonera cell, ami 3efla acetfeU tl.e oocupanw oc meaiiaimr iw(.ttc(x.- f . -. . w i i .ii in a peven oi mem. an tmr, -anu nmoniri li...n nr.i Kf .... ' ar'a ltrn to tl.a I wett tnd of Oia baUdinff and put inVtha .Urk ll thora. Th ettnJ I a Uawket or oveHWnadllejtMrmouieterf tu Uilowro. 1W tu bo room 16 laca. Etch irWor bad to ttrag'! . tot life, at th eolj benainbed bim. tj lUinp iog bl fx-t, Ualinj th walli, aoweatcu ing jlfcwjmMlalioriiblajlb cold -Booraad thUrUo( p to cob liaaf, ifl tbadark, hk vmlU for lif I bad beta aaffniaff from btaii di mm. Uj Captala UargMUv tt vm tarriw aggniTatedbj r"lba cold aad hot nmu4 to - mr tUJ J tb otbt oVl frttrM kad I ItMMt fiwr fb(U mj nakea Mil.. Itoo4 thit wjr lt jught, prvoing (ba froiea lowa( Ja nv ! aad keiog irtjr fn:t f "S p- aodoini; 1 Mt tu Uralinff ofittj tifia.- Ctptaia Morjju .eo!afW tiAaooaaa mni Cf airticwi koafB, sa) Vat'uWa 1 oat bt1r lif. - TWolbar prtaoa tr it ur ittn oajs ae4 atbu. n tbw.iiiM ibar. vara vathad l paHoija If ib'a ph7d of tW -peatta li.ry Dr. Loripg Vbo fcH UmkV alM-; MMiiaaa ikww aqadiiioa;! aMHtatatiov ton( life' migtl baM olrt todcrbtf ea& ' ing torturr. u awfal, tbM ceremoaj of ,Wrtr tkia medical eUmiaalwaf of tW - 'im.. iMwp y. p,. P n "r Jf W ai' a w - a Sr going on. In! alack trcad-aMU ol tba unaat coobi bbaard all tbroagb iba cold aadtrraarj hourJ.of tba aiLt , Dr. Loriog, who a ronipanitiveljr b baraaaa Mrton, betougbt IferioO to rtWaaa tb aa- liappjr pea ; aaid ibej bad alraadv baca taxed to Iba point or death. Tba arrHch rfpfied, The did aol talk right ya" Ha wkbed Um lo bauiUa iBeawvelrea to blam. lie went into tba cell of oaa of ibem, lla jor - Webber, o taaat bim. "Sir told tbe offioer, " I defy joorYoa caa kill mc.' bat oa caa add aolbing ta ba oSeriaga too bate already iflflirtWL , Proceed la kidlia U make m-A-jk eHghtvt diffefi 1 alii aaaaaiiaa. Ceavi eac.r ZlL JaiaeaagiaaBta-aW Attba expiration .minii daja ..iba. mn werefatt-iued fioni . (Ta daageoaa. Xlerion mm "ba amuld take tbetri Uiis time aiira, bat aeit' tinia tbey offead, tbej aruttid be take oat feet foretaoat." Their appeacaoca area frightful ; iWy toueid ao lunger ba reaognixtd by tbeircatapaaioDa. With tbeir bodift twollva jmmI d'aooiored, vilb tbeir raiade bordering oa cLiWiU BetoUefli iahly, tbtae vreicbed mcp aeeNKM) agraa but Va oaa tbioi a rateaoua declra far food. - rlMdttOVBPt Captaia klorgau, aa well aa my brother.1 Wbea' ba came oat f I hie dungeoa. 1 ewwar t ?atf I'did aol kaow bfm. "Ilia face bad awolleo to Vo or three timea its ordinary aiae, aod he tottered aa that I bad to catch 'bim from- falling. Captaia FUf toa waa in' an awful atate. Qia face was wojlea aad tba blwod H baraling Croat hi akin.. All of tbeaa bad .to U watcbed. ao aa to check thm in ealiog, as they bad beea atarvedeo long. Capuin Morgan war to fortunate a xo obtain ' a Iraaafer to Johnaon lalaad, whence, after being earned to Point Look oat, be wat exchanged. Ila aaya that when jTbw'fQir in!oJJaialJlnUaVbaijda be felt aa if be bad bean trawlated ta Paradiaa abowing what comparative 4hing roieery and bappiaee are M una world. Uut he tell in lboe Mack vaaiu of captiiUy be bad been rvieaaed from, ixtT-nvn"bvameawBO are weariag tbeir live away without even a atnaH whia per of relief from that Govaramant for which they am aaartyra." la there any aathority io Ilichiaood that will crook a thumb to aavetbea meat whV are not only fleab of our fleab, but the defenders of thoaa in thij capiial. who, not exactly diaowaing them, undertake tba lae and cowardly pretence of igncaing their fate, r.. . -' What ia the CooWeraU defia'rtiOB of "retaliation f - Captain kf organ aaya thai onbia way down the Day to "KortrmlaToat roe he met Coloael Sueigk jlhat Ihi faruou "hoeuge1 was fat and rubicund ; that ba aoke freely of hi prooa x periac -in llichaiond, and -oomplained oi.l that be had to eat rera arvwaV Tbie appeared to be lh exUhtnf.kia aufferiaga. and tbe limit ot vueoeraie reuuiauou. Is It neceJtry to present tba contrast for ther than we have already d.wov by a ra- 1atii of facia at once mora truthful aad rt&r'&Mbiff"tfca lion reldjiwaaibiyaaf ; JtkbmAJA- V m inn . Aettkr. . lyrnESSiVE. gCENE HIS1IOP - - kjr it?r . rp wtA 6 ' It bwutiful aeoiftg ta tba aum- raer 18M. The kr waa ctoudleaa. 1 He - BMriJ lis bngat, eian ing ray paing inrouga a mtiaiaea wiw dow, lightened p a room. In wbcb tba iw cVTetd 00 w about to U tela tad waa oocar- rinz la pUia, but epadoaa maaaioaj bad long Kred. and fit diag, Ufl great and gopL nttbop,Meada, Diahef of the ProteaUat Epiacopat Church, of UA Do oraa of Virginia. : Full of yaara aaA with tba rood work of mora than half a etatary that good aaaa waa abant chaeg- t'aWbiiy froea Wb jttla Clt mI tal W Watif4l ,. A ca!i bal lolj tiaatj, rrgMa ad aa km waHai wl FfiiaaV lba aad atraagt-. tor tovettaa U aeatk aftka road aad L.'t bim. aad aa adataat breeUrm th4 gacrd apaaj iba ao leeaa acta, tWt'W that the ckaaaler abera tba goad aaaa -aaetta lJa fte, m Ueaaai btywaj Ua eoaaoa eilh if eaka aaj tba atria aBeaweaJV Urn Uar had aaeaa. , Xik lafy aarwa ity, aaai fceUawcv W lav.V.a laat adWa laaS.Uta fciad aa4 VrUc, W km iwaanleacrpt aata, 'aatdgaea-fca each bv dyng abaese. " TV eawptioaf refcrfJ tO) waa that great aad gawd aaaa W aitke bead aioaaf Jbawaa -in Twgiala, Ceajeral BoaertLaa. O aiwaati tba kedaida d ibe djiag Pwaofv aaJ aaak apoa kia kaeea. " Ha araa arraaaa& Bitkop Meade tfaMaJJrcaara luaij: Ow. Lmw I Mi ay laa aad froaa tiia ataad pw'at al tiaaa, ta sight wf eUvaify, pctaul aa la gtvc yaw ay laatiajactioa, ' . - - For enaaiiffiiie peNMl taaMfM tkk war waa aa wcjaai eae. aad waa for maia4aiaktf.ta4i Caaaav "Bat wbea I saw Iiaofaa twaclaaaalioa. Bar fyea were- opened,'' aatd laaw aotiiag reavaiwed to tba Soatb, bat deepest dejrVlatoa arwar ia iba bhatf awd. Staea; laad tat bava down aa ia any pavei fee tba CbafodcraU Vmll caa do aa sw I - 4 ealla Gea.-Lta,ya a of bbtrtv-rlbav caaac a. aalora aaillfoaa. -I sea fa mom aa I haa acewr aeaa it befovev Yoa ara at tba bead of a aughtr amy. ta which anl&owa look wck aatall aaxity aad hope. Tow ara a Cbrirfiaa soldW. God ibaa owaaaajbbmeeyaa ia year cflartelofcU earn af tbe Soatk Treat ia Gd, Geav Lar, kb all jewr heart," aad plaoag Lis fwbied kaada a the Geaerar; tad. Waddedla ic a(itf to be fovjottea by tba aTstaadrfS, "yoa wiU never ba iiewtoana yoa caa aever be '"Tbe :'3imgmm ceased 'to apeak; aid alowly naaaee i kit. kaada &oaa Geac Lea'a bead. lleaolwawailnaaEBgportore, bia rj awawaaiag fcrtSit,TaeeaJ wera ao dry eyea ia tbat raaaa.''- It waa Jacob Ideating hk ass aad aa la ceased to apeak be ceased loBtbepifeaJe.Uy tbera acorpaa. Biabcp Sonde of 'Jkm Vtlbediet Episco pal cbarcbIwtavw Jfet Jeaaar Saab' me,Teaa batiat feUa keaTth. lie is aiected by ralya,banaot ao greatly aa taccaiaa bim to bia taaaa. Tfce. Vaa keea bae tncd.of coar;ta wia bim over to tbeir caase, by ewposla -ba aatb," Ut be ba Msforaatj aaawered tkt be woald aa&r. any etil tbeyeoafll iaflTct,tathef Ibaa avbmst tolmcfc adanfad. So tbey bavaletbim OCEEETUEXED fcSaOSIBa b retaraed riaoaer, aa wbosa stata- iaapticit reCaacn may be plaeaJ, says tbat tbwcaokiagittalrltbmmt from, aducb t ratioaacavnae, prfeeal'tbe aaeab for tWrteea baadiaJ anwuw fa tWaa, tba Uiry aUowaaca e aaeat,waa eT& baadrad poaad of peak or bak bskf. Thia am KdJBCd,btf. fat aa the am weta CMMeraed, by Aa astira aawameca aad extra aneada a3oc4 a tba ofScna of b- aad iampaaw into abiea tba Lai tww aaeam escb. ay eapper. ror arasss ..J.iiaewpefto&-wai. For diaaer a PorGoa of tba aaeat abova ataled aad a rap a aaapt aaaaetTWjea ef t f&M'M Iaa5iseal W ist a.ugt tba ea of anany. f t.V.aw.-i. aJialU'k- C iUaa aava tba ewaa of tbe jvefa Wrapvwrad aft BVa Iq thr camp, and tbat ba LiaS saw aeveral haaaao aaasufetatiosa oa k partT We ara ghad ia baow tbat tkre u yet aaebMteflMwaaaky ia Batbira com- 'position). .-' ' ' " Aa wakaowa bw eoaaea aaaa this tauch v&pnmmtn Tbe raWaaya- Va kara bsaral lb among tba Cor, derate prata-ea iU reached bsra by. ibe bate trace l'tbeea waa a color str ccatofa Sotiwbaaje-uaeal. who Joatrvaa ta bavw bia am Pinte4 m all tba paparaaf tba CoairJerawy, tad toi ! eda-pati- emwpbaaaual tba 1W oVai aad af war whole pcopka. J lift, waa SattaWs aa ll bbw-ly fcUaf atiyw reMnag ti,..tba Yaakaaa, aboald - aot Jb- Um eaorabicb ba bad ttoraa la proad! aad 'a loaf ; aad Mripprag Cbaoi ffcfta tsa auaia bid Umii b boaooa.--VlJi- in op port i Bit j bctabaeaaevltf sewed tbcn'. DrBta ; iba fining f kla aad lavfora tbeos atr aacaaad irora ibai LoV I ' WU1 aoma opa aba kaova, givaaa-lba aaaaa aad ragiaaeato ikW aalla aaldirf RhkmmJ Stttimtls iv Ji 9 Amy ;BaJt$ 0wa-OM 'af tba greatmt eUaooanona of tba aoLiars iar tba anal af watt bakad brand. A iwamdy for tkVis probably aow in tbapowWof tba govataaneat. A- wvwn". Waa eomTume ago captured fam tba jankea army pa tba Potoaue which baked bread for 6000 wjea. It aa happened that Mr. Ipaky, the New York iaveator, Waa ia' Bjcbmoad wbea tba captarvd ovea waa brought tbeve. lie baa fiaca improved anoa b, aad operated it oa Friday and Satarday bast at tba Spvttswoad Hotel, ia preaeacaof tba 8a L cretavy of war aad oiber epectatova. It baked bard bread ia 14 mlaatea, biaeait ia 10 minutes, and loaf bruad ia aaia atea. . It has 3' pans, baking 32 loaves -aaeb, or kbawt 100 per boar. Tba bread w of a snost. exttRaeV quality. TW ana cbiaa m fa the ahapa ob a wagoai and h earned abawt wttli tba army o wbeek aa oaa af the wagoae. - r .- What vast adduioue-to the coaa forts of aae Liters oaa btaade byrtbea bakajra, and ehoa sbora, wad. soap tuaaatactoriea, aad aacb like coovaaieuoea, aUacbtd to every brigade. ' . ; y the way, s'peakiag of soap, a (Rend informs. as bat he obtained froaa tba Ob sewer a recipe for j, making tba artida wbkb k worth a dokea tear' aubacrtptiua. fit ia iroi.W stroog ler , and 'xoaiaw boiled together till of taw proper coousteotf, ?lot a particle of greaxnl aeenasary. II fam ily waa thus supplied witb aa excalieAt aoapiaUJastyeaxcellenU-aa bkbwa daltlMa aktft-boaom abowedV. 7 If aaft wera aot so dear, a ajdittou of a prop(o- portioa of tbat would make bar tarpea- tine soapw Fay.' Obttrrer. DahLneeala bodr waa boxed an at Walkertoa oa Sunday and broaghf to Bibmoad, with tba object, wa understand, of its positive idenlibeatieo, and tba estab nbnint of tba mcI of the finding of tbe infamous documents upon it, all of which bar beea attested bywitnisea; Ileaca fijvlh the aame of Dablgreea i baked with eUrnid iufamy, and ia lie years to come, defencelem woman and mnoctat -liilJhood-will Per ua with a aeese of abriaking horror, the story of EWhrnoad'a reacae (rota -the midnight sack and ravage. M by Dahlgraen. -U would aeem-aoma-tbing of tbe curse ba came to-bestow apoa otbers lighted apoa bh own carcass," wbea it foil liddled by avenging Southern bal Uta. Stripped, robbed of every aiaable, tbe fingers cut off for the sake of tba dia mond ringa that encircled tbem, wbea tba body was foand by those sent to take charge of if, U wa lj;ing ia the field aark nakd, wiib tba exfe-puoa of tba stockings. Sooia bamane person had lifted the corpse from the pike and thrower k ewer iato the Beld, to save it from tba bgs. Tba artificial h-g wori Dablgreea waa removed, aad k now at General S3aey beadquarfa-i . It k of snost bcaulifal aV iga and finish. ' . - Yesterday afternoon the body waa ra ovdifom the car that brought k to tbe York Diet railroad depct and grrea to the svot of earth sekoted to reoe v it. f Where tbar aot kno one bat those coa- cerad ia its bunal know- or cava to telL It was a oogV barial, wilboBt coffia, wind tag sheet or -service. . Friends and rela tive at tba North need kwjqira ao further; th k all ther will know be Jrie4 kat k-ftiled the miesiaaaxwa which beaifflra.- Ua-baa 5 aapWtbrngb-tU city of Ilichra-HKl oa a ptae' bbrr, aad wrHtrn Via flame on.., tba aeroll tf mlfc mi, iasUrad vf "on the heart of bk eoua trymta," never to be erased. lie aked the Waing of Almighty God oa bk mk kn of rapine, murder and bioad. aad the Almighty cursed hi a i aetead. Ajrauarr. TWO nUKDRKD THOUSAND MEN; Father AhriAaeeejsg it ratter a&oeg again. Tie h about to draft two hundred thousand inore jmcuC for the asflitary eer viee, ary, wf, and tuariae corps." This fata ujL a grand total about tww ani&ioan fire hundred thousand men, oalWJ ant to crush a Btthr ninety days" rebeBkm. Tbe XewTork IfariiT, bereUTore Teryeompbue kad dimmed to aaataia liocola n al bia-exac6ooS, breaks down at thk btat cad; and weamiama m meas, auoauru ailb tbe CocMrlpt (reaa ta thk city, that .y.y aama 1 Ynakam sarapedT from a aambar 7 -3 ; af ptkoatra asier gwarsl at Kittreira DaC-r ; pcV4 awka Kaitb fCakigb, aa .6o , day awgbL- Wa aarrpoaa tbaaf ipea . en-., f j capad jraaa a aaad beiaaj teat to A atari. -a-4-caatGk-Tkay ariaaoaWbt attempt to O . make tbaaf amp ttuawga'tae man try to Waabiagtoav Iraaoatb or. Newbera, aad . aS psraora, iliiaiaa aa wwS aa aoldiersv . aboald bank awt for tbeai aad avvtaf ibem Wkb ardiaait rvikac bat! tow af tbe number win be able toeacapew Tba llama Gaardf aCaera a&oall aiaka it--tbear eapeckl dwty to bank after tUaW -j.J. . . n i ' " 'Frem debTaawniaaB. . AtEEST OF A FEDERAL SFT. David jUXboa, forcrrj a kw partnet af Deary HL Hart, , af St Ixaaia, Miasoo-., rt, waa'aewafbt-to Detaopofie oa Thursday last, and pkerd kyireaa. "coodewined to ba bong as a apy. ; , , - Thk aaaa M cGXboa k a Canadiaa by Jaxtb . eaHy Be went to New Turk City, and entered tae oCbe af one of the leading aliaraeya of laat eitf aa a kw abulia. Af ter gating laa ficeaaa to 'practice bk profea stoo, ke went' to ISaoklbr sevaral yeara, bol becoQuing very ewek iavorved, a kA there and. went to SL Iacsprery-n and ia' Ctenamtancea bnecmrbim to the notice of Henry K Uaie,-tlan'wactLnn aawjer, nr. tX- waa won ay tua rvntkiuacfv address, amted bim " to tiait bk afice, and treated him wkb aS. tbe eoortesy doe a fcanffainft. , Mr. Bart ' bttcniBgo 'aaach prepokaared in bis fa-' -ror. telegiapbed to W. IL Seward Lewia Cass, aad others of baa aotr, U whom Mc Gibbow referred at to fak gearraf cbaraeter aaJ Wending, anal Tecemaer. farorabfe' an- . twr;vanxBMd;;3bt partoar ia bk -office, to stare cuaSy all thy profits ac craing tketeirbna." Tkk Was ia September, 186a Alter tb maiiacreaj Camp Jackwav Mr. nartbmrcaoVto bk arondW -and aston- -isfameat, tba kk partner, (McGXbco waa and badbrea'Ior aoma tune, driL'ng com . paar af Back IpakEcaa 4 Wuh Jalav aa toe 8t lesrraraenal J Iediierj oa bwraing tkk, fir, H. baa bk (UcGIbhoo s) " accoonts made out, acd daaolred partnership.;. Soon after tbk McHart Was arrested and thrown into the St Look Arsenal prison, as a rebel! SfcG24wa aaeJetery meana m bis power to bare MbBLamaeataiaa aaenemy -to the Federal Government, aad as an aider . aad afaeacr to the mea0eaf Cbn&derata Sutcs. akbo!i he bad no postlive proof of- tbe fact. Mr. H. waa after arreral montbs coofineineat, raleaaad oa eratltrioa that be y'" wotiM esakjcate to a ckmato mora congenial , to bk auttaae nta, whkk be readily coo3ented. to do, aa other arorda, be waa bacu&hed on tlsHrtioathawaaBwcailtta M Hi llaawaHMeviraewV wbkb auffnsirioa was catJect, ia that jastaace, at fcaeti - - - .aai . . McGibboa waaarrcated bat aamaner at Grenada, Mka, aad oa-bein qaeatieaed as to bk iatenaoas aad olects, ataJedbe1onner 1j liirif,rd To tbr rhriffrdnata Ftrifra infnnt ry bat bad been enscharged n account of ioabfliTT far-rkat Eae of the aerrtce, and was aaakinw bk aray to the am coast to join the (nlederato Navy Not baaksg tk reqm- sj;e papers abant torn to aalaanwtaito theat tacts, be waa ainmad as a spy, and-tskea la Pootitec fbrsale laeping. lie aeon after - beaded wad take to Co&wabaa, andtried, " eoamcted, aad" eoadeamed tobweaot'asa . spy. - lie scade appfscatioa far a new trial, aad pending the motioa, agaia caa bk way ' oat ef JaaV ... He waa, a lew day skce, agaia arreated, keoavpaay feb aotne e4hers, and bronsbt to IaaoeGs and, heavfij froatd, ckere to awak the acnoa af IkejStary board. 4-. .. ' Ii has beea re&abry aacxrtkonrd rhm aewa derived from Veaartav that tku maa Me- Gibbon, wkb two ethers, left Mempak bet MTaaaaeawtacetterwT.fQetieFed- - erml GorermiaiaT0CK) was tone their - fcwasd kvawcai aafcrwarfaTW m tney mifnt v earn of aksreat to abesa. aad ai iwsiittti.-r earoM ewr eanrlke rf.jtiwakt and bwag kasi swaraaer; the other was ap . . pfekeaded Juat-toCgwdrnjast, aMBooMfrrr; m escape, and ma uura case, jaua. - to, B ue ua wa wmicv Mrl llart, from jrkosn.wa have derived iliii HifinasTnintW a ri-J Tr .k-w.. aad of well kaawa veracity. He states that McGibboa k a shrewd, desr beaded nan. and a dmninai toe laavne aw stene an - ' tamed to accoaatfeb any be avihc enAr- - Wakara Sek to be hua? soma 1 day tfciaweeb.- MeGdealraska as Majr ia tba FeJenlferrka, - ' ... r . and sorb, are !pe and irrat, wH be tbe fata of s3 aatk wba coma awong as titbed wHb fiietxEy prrfensitrli and aa oOy kaa, bat, -Who, hie aa adder m tba avaCinat . ira veaKwooos ianemtd'yeor lA'i aitt yoa are kast expecticj !; - . "ctace wrkaif the aUtve, wwlrara frcrav. . - 1 ktAan.a Tf f- - .--;; 'I t trr 4 7'

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