i!. I ll.cni, at ( t i as ta UiO pi-oi iu . f t: i , mnUina. is I II.. i .!. , ' I .v . .,.! liJAfc llJ 1" I . -O buu uiuv fool. to be Unable to ll rjin tf private lVrt u t: !, l.ivu in vain, have been wasted and ! and all through the contrivance of a; ro,M ' .nl f bnaviuli tw)ittriuna Lincoln ! c" H end hi men will tostpone their day "J?'?,, .f"u,u T.0 M c,,"duU,1a of reckoning .a late a. possible, and I V l fancy that :, . i Tit . anything ia the speech worthy to admire to turn enu win V?? , " wbea read, or to make ih.m dirous to long as any pretext mat hrtrU from ,u own fl ... . . . . . . ' .. . . Ml theevorkl wrong and onJy Mr. llolden right I This. U not the doctrine taught by Mr. Holdce eicept when U suits bun their peopU can be found.' If by forte of number! the jean gain any thinir . amonntiuir to an advantage tbla year, or by . toe art of lying can t 'Wa bat do intention to review this r make it appear they have, they wlir probabijr be able to carry tueir r -o miea over into atill another cam paign- It become -Uiereforc onr ; chief duty well s a our -high! i t tKhcy-to tram' every nerveo do teat them in all their attempts, and to see that at the end bf the cdnv """paign now opening they are less favorably circomstanced than they novrarer" Let thiar result appear, and we may confidently connt on the practical ending of the war with the expiration of the fighting months oi tins year, wur nooto armies, we are sure, will do their duty; the people mast do theirs, by taking care that their armies ,lack nothing that can contribute to their efficien cy. 4 IDE raLeigii STANDARD. The unceremonious suspension of the Standard took aot people by surprise. It has never been accounted for. It sub scribers' at least, those who had paid their , money for Jt,' and expected through aod by virtue of that payment t he regularly uppJisJ- with o muvh the exciting news of the day as it chose to furnish, were certainly entitled to a reasoaabkrex cute for a violation of -the contract which Mine thousands of them bad made, their part of which contract Uiey. bad paid io advance-The suspension,- withont so much as saying by your leave, is one of the cool eat operations of the day. Some have at- tribnted it to the suspension of lbs habeas corpus, aod an 'apprehension of arrest of -iha Editor if .be should continue to issue the Standard. Others that it wasbecause ibe EJitof was a candidate and considered , itirxielieale to print a paper whilst occu prjng that position. Others that he was unwilling tobe called upon1 to- answe troublesome questions whilst a candidate. , Ilat all these aod all other supposed can sea for suspension appear to be disproved by thr actual "issue of a full sized whole sheet Standard dated the 6th iosl. If the Editor can issue one Standard, why not all liial be is bound by bis contract to is : sue t ,. Not that jwe care whether he issues one or none, but. we wish to eall the pub- . lie atUntioa to the fact that the suspen ston is Mr. Uoldeh's own free will set. We allude to it because it has been asserted by Mr. Uolden's friends that the eovero meot had compelled the stiapensioa ; and in Ibis place it has been reported that Gov Vance bad caused it. We doubt not that toe UDacrioers to tue ataoaaru naveeoio- pisinod, for - mi see that in this numbei (still without a. word of explanation.) after MX weeks susoension. subscribers are in- Conned that tbeir mooey wilj' be rfut.ded itlbepaper be not served to them. But in all the 24 Columns of this Stan- "A darQ of the bh inst to what are its sub scribers treated F Auy new! riot a iable. sine it was suspended, the lion 'AtumL trail liavA fuain aii.Aufiil in A variety of eaeoanters, which Lave cheated the bearta 5f the people not li than of Uia gallant armie wbicb achieved the vic toriea. ' But the Standard's reader, manv of whom of court can ahorcf t take no- ouier paper, are ten m protoiuid ignoiaoce of these aod other eveota and cireumstan ces wbicb have iospired the bopea and in creased lie confidence of all patriots ' in ta tnfederacy. lut of notJwposed to tell its readers of ihis jqore cheerful state o( things, perhaps there1 were some adver ' tisements' which it fell obliged to publish I 2fot a line; exeept indeed the Editor's ad vertisement oikimulf. The paper abounds with tbeae,' aod that is evideptly the ex planation of the presenlr issue of the Stan' dard. First -we have V: W.'Uoldeu'a advertisement of himself as a candidate - lOtntiurerBor ; next a kn Extract from an Orauoo delivered in Haleigb. July 4tb 186. by William W. Iloiden then an exlradJVom the Standard of December 22d, 1883," oetlh duty to M provide for the Soldiers Families", which is doubtlesa ply of Mr. llolden to the Oovernor's speech --we" will )eav that, for the Governor himself to do if ever Mr. IJaldeo shall give ! h frtj, a. ..clianee byajat I ig ; hls objvc( ions iaca.wa"" iva .ue. .stump, wuere xm paUea would be upon an aoualay, .Upon one or two points onl Will w. ofler a word. - . : ' . ' " - - We have heretofore had occasion to re mark upon Mr. Uolden's propensity to laud and abuse aver prominent' rrmn in- nortn Carolina, in Uov. Vaneea case, he baa made Ikret changva. first, he. a Democrat, opposed and -abused Governor Vance, a Whif . Next, he having turned Uonservaliva, lauded (ov. Vanoe. whore mained a Whig, we auppose. for Mr. Uol den mm says : u If he has ever said he was a Conservative, or that he belonged to the Conservative party I have yet io near or.H'JK And now; Mr llolden. bar ing for tha third time wheeled about, agam abosea the Governor, even asaertini; that be is a Destructive, " a sort of hideous animal info which .everybody that Mr. llolden don I fancy for the moment is tpe tamorpboaed. A Dtatruciive"! IloW can that bet Did not Mr. llolden sav. no longer -ago than the 25ih of November ast, .W area friend ofov. and. and expect to 'remain tn tehilt he adhtrtt to Vterti9t pritiplet " Now, forsooth, Mr. llolden affirm that Gov. Vance never has said' he was a OunaervatiVe ! Io No vember, only four month ago, Mr. llol den professed to be so devoted to Gov. Virnce; ao"entirtty"endorsedarl that the Governor had -said and done, that he af fected to be indignant when we charged that be meant to oppose the Governor's re election. We have-not a shadow of doubt that Ire was then as inncQ'Uent on opposing bim as he is now. In fact, from the day that GoV. Vance accepted the nomination for Governor m June 1 862. Mr. llolden has been his enerlry secretly of course, for the Go vernor was too strong to be openly opposed. We have reason for what we say. But Mr. llolden openly endorsed Gov. Vance -never openly com plained of oru single othcial or individual act down to the 25tti November lasL y Xo, lie cannot find that the Governor ever did anything thai was right. The truth is," says Mr. llolden new, "I have never known any public functionary who i.-. : i i. j j t?..i n jirviuiseu iuucii ana uone so uiue as Gov. Vance hat, on the subjct of ciril liberty" And suddenly, wue November last, the Governor ha- become, according w air. uumcn. m pei -or lue Aurmnis ! If ', i ,i !u ! t .' ( c r r: i a imii,. i u J. t ( -or, Gov..L;iis. And Mr. 1, . : I, ii tv-n atiirms that the Govvrnur is aJJi-siii2 the army M unds-r the sane tion, if rot at the request of the Adminia traiion -a statement as absurd as ill evidently fnle, . The Governor is address ing the army at tha request of the soldiers themselves. If be bad refused to do so lis would have gone counter to all Mr. Hoi den's teaching. But why doni Mr. Uol den himself go to the army and apeak t lie not Governor, and has an undoubted right to leava ih. State whenever he may please. Fay. Qbterttr. . ; ; CAROLINA IVATCIIMAN. - SALISBURY. ViCj ' M0.101T CVKNI.U. irtlL IS, 1H1.. t"See important Order from Conscript Bureau, relative to those between 17 aid .IS, and between 45 and 60 Teara to be found in tbis or paper. . fgPOnr goerrillas aloug tho Mis sissippi still continue to annoy to eels piling on'.the Kier.' Boatsgaie fired into and men killed and wouud- ed every day. V . i lThe New Tork ZevaW says there arc twelve steamers Tanning a SV ! STT a between iNaSdan ana Wilmington. tTMr. McCrea, a Yarikee Mis sionary nt Beaufort, S. Orfor con- verling the negroes, lias been put io fttIJTr selling them whiskey.. COOKE'S. DRICJADE. Ror. Thal. L. Trov will make hi next trip for Cooke's Brigade&ear- : .in-";. rrr-nm.- '.I uig iMewton on ino 2iui uieu, mu Salisbury- on the 2Sth. -He will promptly deliver all packages left between thoae places arid Raleigh. . .. JL ' : I le i l .; l :c:;: a:.dmsn:.. . j ., - c,-...:. .::.!. Ut ni0 It ill Lj rcci-iloctcJ by inan;- t f i l.irA f r t rice, ttanJ on ita.own our pcoplcthftt wo used to have a dietinguipliin platform. Ititstill machine.in this section for ginning, go on calling for a State Co'nyention carding and spinning cottontail, for the, purpose of wngingnjpoa,tr0rf done by one hand Turning a crank, to the Confederate Government lit performing as ranch work In a da'y It still talk of withdrawing the keyf as could be. done by, fifteen bands stone of the arch, of malting agree, with the common. kandcards and men) with the Yankees on the best spiunhrg wheel. 'After '.theestab- tenuf it could gel.'and al that ;; and lishmerit of J cottoti jTactones ' the let ldo tliis" .Indejiendejitly; and pHce of spun yarn becan.eio cheaj, withcut attempt Ing to flodsl6lr6f in these machines went out of jise. Al- ,reaf f Meaars. , Brown aij'Ste-' thoogh they did pretty good-work, phens, who with their friends, utter- juiev were ruueiy conairucicu, mo io iv i vi v sonrces of the ceuiUry atthat tluiej daf&l' admitting of nothing mucl- better. . I ! i . -.1. . " - .J It la believed with our present "ad vantages oT workshop, amoclr im proved artfcle conld now be got up ; and the object of this potiee is to The iloa. I). W. Voorbeea, of Indiana, in hie speech in the United Slates Con. greaa tveentty, aaid r ; "But, air, the sad est question embraced within lh scope of my remarks remains IEDJIONT Raw. Road.-J1i e said to be running on The re are saiu to be running on me- rit-u- nrcult Ivan lvoaa io tue uisiance oi ntntj fittd a ?htf:)(ifltertww0f8'na' jboro'. The trains run as far as ltei Je- Wtlie, 25 miles from Danville, -and the track is laid some mile add a 11 f beyond Reideville. Thus, there remains only about 14 miles df the track yet uncompleted, which, it is thought, will be ready for the cars in the coarse of two months. There trationjit Richmond!! bas ceased loTpemains-to le graded x r seven Conservative," indeed never was a "Con servative," has. deceived tfce Conserva tives," has losirie confidence'' of Mr. llolden J Insbort, Gov. Vance stauds ia the way of Mr. Uolden's reatbW the Gu bematoriaf ChairrTbereforrio rVantre is not atiue man in Mr. Qotden'a'eves. One other point. Mr. llolden has sud denly -discovered, since November since lis eyes have been enlightened by the ri val position occupied by bnnself that the State is sin king deeper i debt, adding to our already enormous taxes," that "tliere is great extravagance in the management of the State -steamers, and in some of the departments of the governmefu," thai fa vorites have the privilege of sending cot ton to Nassau and bringing back luxuries of the Eugtisli aod y aokee markets forilieir own use, or for speculation " Well, have these things occurred since November f Wt heard the Mint renrtrli a vpar tirn ua doubtles Mr. llolden did. We inauircd about them and ascertained that they were false, as doubtless Mr. HolJen did, or sure ly nu Virtuous indignation would oot have slumbered till now lie would not have praised the Giernor so entirely down to the ?5tb of November laat. In regard to thie whole business of the State steamer we will make a prediction, which has something more than fancy to rest upon, that whenever tbeoccasion shall present itself for. Gov.-Vance to make an expose of ibe whole matter and that will j call pnblje attention to this machine, I lo & ,BtWered a I draw them io a close. and induce some one to reproduce, it. Has tha policy purd for the ll three Doubtless there 'are ame of these J "'H J' !",6 "W machines yet to be found in the au.'ka;sr'ai country, in a w.elf enough preserved VM 9tiet form ao xpreuv an condition to show all the parts and I answer to sajh a question as a silent sur- heir - combination,- which - woaltT 4 ,7 Zkk Jir ,Un IVIW 111 n ( mi V wvwi mKi trmww nuu wi of hu-naa agooy which the afflicted race - of man eae 4 now thie aid of the dread abodja of the damned, divides the suffer ing and miserable aeerlona of a once fra ternal and contented eople. Statesmen of Christian faith, imbued with the lofty spirit of llim "who gave His blessing to the mcrcifut, could again span tbia horrid phitBHi ariiT bind Uxretbet tha torn and Tke Aareeta Careaict. mmd Se.litl has j,,- ngamenta of the ITaioft. But ial its mine option U forty Guitars a year 1 " ., . ? . , The AtUa. j-ereeleare forty to fifty.- f u"r.T.' V uer its malign power me legiamiiov w serve as a model to guide Jthe skill of any on who would undertake this work. Information on this sub ject sent to os, shall be published in order to encourage the enterprise. TRICE .OF NEWSPAPERS. k .. . .1 . I Aim yet uiey an not reiau veij as, land appear as the freaxied, murderous, high naaQsTer tlntigs, by a gfeatdeaX' diointed dreams ora mad nan In hH cell. Take l5 Price of our woekly papers" " tY'-?:: ' or tuts sesxion nr instance, wmcn n . children of Hie Sontb to their alle- ten binffiol er dollars a year. In old 'neJTba parattetioh-annals of times yearVsobscription " would the 'human race. A tbotnand" mile 'of payfoiJwobnsliclacor,atlhe4ea8t. -ibbew with the '-f'i-gha s tte t J t ' ready executioner; universal oonfiscatioo Nowftakes two years subscription property to the aemoteat. period of n to-pif for one-busbelrTheo-ono- i&noeent posterity ; flle Absolute r iter ioiu-i ycarasiibscription wopld pay for ijbn ca whole peoplei and the appropria 100 l nor; now it requires four, I L r t a - conquest ; ibe utter extinrtroo of 'y; vestige of bur present fonn of governrnerH by States, all ibis and infinitely more U conuined jn ihe enactments which already stain the records of Airtencau legislation. Tb con miles. ., By the first of June it is ex poctod that tire-trains will be run ning from Danville to Greensboro'. m - JjeT" It is said that - recently-tbe j Yankee force at Xewbern bad been larger than any time since tho war commenced, but that still more re cently, in 'tact within the last few days, a large proportion of tbis force has gone" some where, bnt the where has not yet been definitely ascertain ed, although there appears to be ev ery reason to believe that it has gone to join Burnside'e expedition design ed to co-operate with Grant in the proposed attempt upon Richmond, whether by the Chowan, the James River, or the Peninsnla. -". " r ' . tnriio Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church inl ine Confeder ote States will hold their annual meeting in ritontgoiaery Alabama, on the 4th of Maynexi:: Bishops Andrew, Pierce, Paine and Early, are expected to be present, Bish- it Would pay for 20 I ha ofba- The&P. would buy from 16 to 20 lbs. butter J now bare!? two lbs. Then, it would pay for a pair of shoes ; nojw 0i why need I dwell Upon theee evideoe t requires from four to five years' (of disunion! Tbagreatalerora4: aiibscription to do if! Then, it would l.bo0, gf" , ' . " , . from renBsylvania, (Mr. Stevens) baa de- pay for 20 yards shirting; now, one nbenil,,- her .onoed. after alt our yard; and so oi, throughout the en-1 sacrifices, sorrows and loss, that ihe Unioo tire catalogue of provisions, dry of oar faibers is dfad, and h who l- diers' wages are the only low priced I MiniU.a) tbese seceded Stale haveve things to be met with. u We happealo kow thai Mr. HoldMttaad od the same platform lht Brvwe e4 viee Prewdeol 8tephenjloee, aud if he be a trailer to are Ibey." Are Got. Brown and Vice Presi dent Stephkjjs on the platform of se ceding from the Confederacy t Have they tailed for n State Con yen tion I claimed their nationality. ThVy have ' sought io vain in all f.the four quarters I ci the earth for recognition. TktJ find it I at last at the bands of tboe. who apeak for llie adminislration on tbis floor." Perhaps you had belter again read., the above. Stndy if, line? by . line, and reiicraber it is the language of one of the Congressmen of Liqcoln'a eovemment. .'He h describinip the so that Georgia may take her own f legation Rnd the .oollcy of what affair into ir own hands," aud j (Joyernroent as it' relates' to the Con- makethe best terms she 'can with feJer4te gutes, and their Influence the Yankees! Have-they kept an , .,..flf.t .......kii,.. regsruea a cneap ana eaectuai uioue oi securiDg the sotdierV voles it.WiJ initii- mies and desire inforniatipri-r a jtateroent . will i festW written ia 4oH temptation bf W. W llglden's being a candidate those., vote. --PSt moft Uiai alt-these a space at least is att advertisement of upwards of four columns ia length, signed Conaerv-ativt"-r-to 'which W. W. llolden might as well baye'signed bis own proper name, since there can be no "doubt of iu being hie evs productioo on "Gov. Vance's Wilkesboro 8peecb." Throughout thia tenlbty if eot "trwgthyprwtectsH Jir. llolden Sads not a single merit ia Goy.JTan'8speech. Strange, that eve- rjbody else in the Confederacy thought it a great speech, a patriotic speech, a speech that cheered both people and soldiers, and brought the speaker number leas iavitatioos preseuled to conf junJ Uie Governor s ene- ms M tin the most far-seeing aoc sucjessful Exeou- ti ve officers that evef presided, oyer any Stat. - Instead of the Stat being sauk deeper in debt, it will be found, if we rnw take not, that not only have our soldiers been .provided with far better and more abundant clothing than tlloss of any other State, but that in addition to this, the Stats has made a vast deal of mouey by tbe operation. - Wa shall not be surprised fit-, tltd uum thoroogntyt loyal to tha Squtb, will U unable to attend. . They are engag ed irL caring for the church (what re- nratns of it,) In tbe border Slates. a systemtfjc abuse of the Confetier ate authorities until they have pro- dnced the impre.ssiqn jttliome and abroad, mirong tho fiietidsr and tbe enemies alike of the Confederacy, that (hey arc-ready and willing to desert the cause of the South! Alt these things have been said and done By the editor of the Standard, to the serious prejndice of our cause, and to lire 'death of softie- of - our sohdter w ho were led by h Is teaching to the of the Union, He tells ns that Mr. Stevens, the leader. of Lincoln Vad- ministration, has declared hi Con gresa, that the Union is dead, and lie who attempts its resurrection u a isnminal rifuteari of a patriot f They arenot fighting for Us restora tion. tJieu : biit for tho pleasure of banging all our public officers from tho grade oC a colonel np I for tho eonfiscatioat of our property jiothe -r c-. y..-a,umK.wH.w reraQtt pcriHl of an innocent po crime of deaurtiou. Tho Progress, leritf ;" for "the abeolnte extertiiina- oodouU be wlu never the JU bs doiio iniicli evil in the tUui of wRolo peMnlo, and the? ap 41rgwgl4i!!iaifl ClieriliC3 a ' fellow feelimr" fur tha I "r eauucii'H oi every veeny -tddf"A Board pf Officers is soon to assemble at Richmond to examine and report npon the justice atid amount of claims of part ioe who an indiznant people at tbeiiourse if tb6et beto redeoe aiatienriited Me,lost negroes , impreiscdfola. thejUiaye, pursued. It is s shallow increasing it, . . bor on the'puMic. defences -to in- attempt to evade the responsibility eroor's visit and speeches in the army. intimates that ihe Governor has no -right to be absent from the State, though be wefl knows that our Governors have often iupMUy riled altttUoyJ -lod those. whaJiarAeaeaned t t4 II--1 ----- . r-. ..... I on Am was n!t . t fc i-ie a . t.l.n t.-. Standard. But tbe anxious efEirt ta sec a re for the Standard man a placoln the category of Gov. Brown and Mr. Stephens, only shows how keeojy tho Progress and its friend the Stan dard have felt the writhing rebuke of enemy as well ms those who hare died from injuries or diseases con tracted while in the service. of tbetr course, by taking shelter un der the names of tbo distinguish Georgians, whose patriotism, no one doubts, bu( w.hose jjrndenee and oTour present form of Govern men t by States. This, then, is the meas trre bf tbe" itri flo" "5P"Mg?Ot'L waging against us. Let every man and woman reflect in it, and resolys) in the strength of a merciful God to reyist to the last, the dire purposes of our deluded enemy. We have nQ other alternative but ruin and death. FIRE. We recret to leera thai MrTWilty Morva, Sr.. ts the Eastern part T this eoaa ty. VM his wheat boeee kv Ire am. Thersdsr last, believed to be the work of aa iaeeaaiary. It ta almost a reioeee foes, it eoataiaed all his griar loots, wafoa sad gear, salt, flaxaeetf, eta, Ac, estimslre to be wwrtk at least &JM.